The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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.Joseph Reed, Unionist,. Ex
pects to Carry Fight on
"Willamette to Success, :
Employers Expect Soon to Bs on Hor.
uul rooting Labor Official Bays
" ! Tbs? Cannot Hold Out.
"V ' Metal Trade council officials ex
' pect to carry the fight agalnxt the
Willamette Iron & Steel works to the
- end, according to a statement Issued
by Joseph Heed, high official of the
; union. .
According to ReeI. the Columbia
"Engineering works and Portland Boil
' er works are successfully tied up.
i '"They have only a handful of men in
ach yard," he declared, "and cannot
1 xpect to atay out against us with
h ndds aealrist them. We are
, making; every effort to force the Wil
lamette plant into nne aiso, aim t-A-pect
to win."
Satisfaction with conditions wan e
preaaed at both of the recently in
volved plant, however. "We put a
number of our old men bark to work
today and neve a force which augment
ed, as it will be from time to time,
will soon have us back on a normal
footing," declared an official of the
Columbia Engineering Works.
The police were oti guard at all. of
the affected plants against any violence,
tiut none was reported.
Humors that other ship yards might
)e drawn into the affair proved untrue,
rs there were no otlieryards affected.
The management of the Columbia Riv
er Shipbuilding corporation and the
Peninsula Shipbuilding company both
tated that there was no dissatisfac
tion, among their men and that they
had had no Intimation of trouble.
Kscapes Submarine.
Charleston, S. C. Kel. 19. (I. N. S.)
The American schooner James Al. W.
Hail. Captain H. W. Haskell, in port
from Velada Corona, Venezuela, was
fired upon and halted by a submarine
in November after leaving Las Pato-
mass. Captain Haskell taw. a Portu- i
guese vessel disappear and later saw
her cargo strewn on the ocean. Later
h saw a Gr;k vessel disappear. Leav
ing Las Palomas, the captain heard a
hot across his bow, and was .halted
by a submarine, the captain of which
old Captain Haskell to heave to and
await morning. Darkness coming on
and the submarine having disappeared.
Captain Haskell made the run for Las
Palomas, in the face of heavy seas.
Ship Thought Sunk Is Found.
New York. Feb. 19. (I. N. S?) The
."'American freight ship Horinqvlan.
which had been given up for lost, is
' , till afloat, according to Information
received today by the Garland Steam
( i Chip company, agents for the vessel.
This company received word that the
Borinquan had been sighted off the
Bermudas In tow, of a Dutch steam
i hip. Nothing had been heard from
her since January 22. when she left
. the Azores on her way from Boston to
.- "England, and until today it was sup
. . posed that she had been sunk by a
:. nubmarine.
Two Craft Damaged.
' 6n Francisco. Feb. 19. Driven by
the stiff gale which sprang up last
' night -the coal bare nmh nt
AVestern Fuel company dragged her
lienor last nigra, and bumped into
the Dutch steamer Mad eon, which had
mci o jrarimy en route iron
j.ew xork to liatavia for bunker coal
' in oarge was arlven against the
Dutchmen, crushing in the bulwarks
nu aeniing some or the plates. The
te'm of the Ruth was twisted and
ume or me piates dented.
Canal Movements Censored.
Panama. Feb. 19. (I. N. 8 i-Pnh
Jlcatlon of vessels moving in the Pan
ama canal was banned today when the
sum, vmciais set up a censor-
Arrirala Fefcruanr la.
,T; ,V KUbuI'n' Aoterlcan ateamer. Captain
viSLlHl?' .?5"en"r't. "J? rebjnt from San
l-Tnrto and a. N
U.Jk.n. . '
t . . C o.
. niurntiu neamer, uantali
olU.aiHl, oil twm 8i.n FranciK. Unloi Ol
Herrln. American atfamr r?nti.
nngalis. oil from rfan anclsca. lasori.i.,1
OU Co.
Marine Almanac.
, Waathar at HiTer'a Month.
mHKtlX- !b- 1B- Oonditioa at the
EtShi.. , rl7?lr ut m,"n' moderate; wind
oatheat, 10 rati.; weather raining; imall
eraft storm waruina on dtoplay.
Sun and Tidca Fttnur an
Baa riiea 7K a. m. Rnn acta 0:44 p m
. t . Tidaa at Aatoria.
nigh water t
11 iM a. m.. .S f,,t. n: a. m frit.
, .. 6:31 n. in. - 1 foot
- The time balj on th f. s. hyUrographtc of!
flea waa dropped at noon. H
Uaily Rlverlteadlngs.
e s
X a
- Kuirena
. AUacy
Pabim ...... .
iei City
Portkatid ....
l 24
O 4
.8 0.4
8.9 0.1
3.7 10.3
t Itllslng. t ) Falling.
rv - - ' River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will re
Sl5"i2r atattonary Taesday and rise slowly
At 5feighbor!iig Ports.
. Aatoria, Feb. 19. Arrived at T:1S and left
pp at 0 a. m., Santa Barbara, from San
' Franetseo.
Aatoria. Feb. 18. Sailed at S a. m.. Cclllo.
I Rhumatifnf 7 E
- Lam BaoV Y& I E
jMagsBBag8MnBsSWsTJBa nil wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmKHKmmmmBKKaB&mm
H & 4 V: -t &':p'lS' '- ; i X 3 : :- ' t's
yl tfi f' f4 ''I ; h! i
i. V h j m
4. '5-''
Nan Burckhardt and the Oregon leaving the ways.
Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 19. Many Port-. launching of the full powered, ocean- I Burckhardt. 8-year-old daughter of C.
land and other Oregon people wer
among those present Saturday at the'ka
Four New Vessels
To Be Launched or .
Tried Out Shortly
Two launchings and two trial;: i
ifr trips are scheduled for the next t
two weeks In Portland wood -0.
$ shipbuilding plants.
The motorshlp City of As-
toria, first of the McEacliern
4- ships, will have her trial trip X
jjc leaving the Port of Portland -Jr
drydock tomorrow afteriioon. Nf
The motorshlp Alpha, first of
the Peninsula ships, will also
if have a trial trip shortlj.
)jt iaunching of the motorship
Beta is planned at the Peninsula
jt plant early next week while -jj;
the motorship Margaret will jfj
likely be launched at the Mc- if
if: Kachern plant within two $t
Allard Arrives.
San Francisco, Feb. 19. The newly
launrihArl w nnil a n in r w sriln : f
Allard. for the Charles R. McCormick
Steamship company, which was- bull",
at St. Helens, Or., arrived here today
from the Columbia river in low of th'
lug Oneonta to have its engines and
machinery installed The S I. Allard
is the sister ship of the City of Port
land, the two largest wootien motor
ships ever built.
for San Franciaoo and San Pedro; Stanwood.
fur Nan Pedro. Arrlred at 3 and left up at 4
a ra.. Shasta, from San Pedro. Arrived at 8
aiul left up at 3 a. m.. . A. Kllburn. from
San KranclKOo, vta Fureka and i'ooa Bar.
ArriTed at 6:30 and left up at 8 a. nr.. Wasb
ttnaw, from Port Han Luis. Arrived at 9 and
left up at 10 a. m.. W. '. Hsrrln, from Port
San Lula. Arrived down at 1 :30 p. m. schoon
er II. K. Hall. Arrived at 7 and left up at 9
p. m., w eaiemer, irora Ban rTanciaco.
Eureka, Feb. 17. Arrived at 7 a. m.. Break
water, from Portland and Cooa Bit for San
Sao Franciaoo. Feb. 19. Arrived San Ga
briel, Columbia river. 5 a. m.; Curacao. Uu
reka. 5 a. m. ; Navigator, towing Monterey,
Monteroy, 7 a. in. : Captain A. F. Lucaa. tow
ing bare No. 99. Point Wella, 9 a. m.; Katb
erlne, Kureka. 8:30 a. m.; Enterprise, 8:30
a. m.; motor ahlp S. 1. Allard (In tow of
tug Oneonta). Astoria, 10:3o a. in.; F. 8.
Loop, Portland. 12:30 p. in.
Seattle, Waah., F?b. 19. Sailed: Jeffer
son, aoutheaateru Alaskan porta, U:13 a. m.
Seattle. Wash., Feb. 18. Arrived: " Admiral
Schley, San Francisco. 5:40 p. m. ; Oleum. 8au
Francisco, via Taeoma, 8 p. in. ; Admiral
Evans. Tacoma, IX a. m. ; Umatilla, Kverett,
7 a. m.
Juneau, Feb. IS.
hound. 2 . ni.
-Sailed: - MatrpoM, aouth-
Ketchikan, Feb. 18. Sailed: Alaska, north
bound. 8:80 p. m. Admiral Farragut. north
bound, 11 a. m. J '
Hlto, Feb. 17. Sailed Barkentlne Ama
zon, for British Columbia.
Honolulu. Feb. 17. .Sailed: Alice Cooke, for
Port Lodlow.
Port Anseles. Feb. 18. Sailed: Crescent,
for Sydney, towing.
Diamond Point, Feb. 19. Arrived Eina-
kura Maru. from Yokohama via Victoria and
proceeded for Seattle.
Port Townseud. Feb. 18. Pasted oat: Bagl
naw, at 4:30 p. m. ; Comanche, at 2 p. m.;'
Trailee, at 12:30 p. m.
Port Gamble. Feb. 18. Arrived Toaemlte,
from San Frsnclsco. -
Everett, Feb. 18. Arrived: Wapama, San
Franrlsco; W. S. Porter, Port San Lola.
Mukilteo, Feb. 18. Arrived: Nome City,
Port Blakely. Feb. 18. Sailed: Victoria,
for southwestern Alaska, at 1 p. m.
Tacoma, Feb. 18. Arrived: Cordova, from
southwestern Alaskan ports; Oleum, from San
San Franrlsen. Feb. 19. (P. N. S.) Arrived
February 18 James S. Ulrgma, Albion, 1:30
a. m.i Rose City. Los Angelea, 3:20 a. nf.; Wil
mington. Port Angela, o a. m.; U. S. Albany,
Port TownaemL 7:10 a. nu: La Prlmera. Ana-
cortes. 3:!H) a. m.; Klyo Mam. -Orient, 7:40
a. in.; Toba Maru, New York, via canal, 8:20
a. m.; 1 larva ru. Los Angeles, 11:30 a. ra.;
Caspar. Caspar. 12:10 p. m.: Governor, Vic
toria, 4:o p. m.; Adeline Smith. Cooa Bay,
u.iv p. m. ; flwnr, rornana. o:bo p. m.;
Jottan Poulsen, Everett, 10:15 p. m.
mum r en. la. rasaoena. Albion, 12:15 a.
m.: Santa Crua. Taeoma. S a. m. : V. S.
8tewrt, Cruise, 8:20 a. m.: G. C. Llndaaer.
Coos Bay. 9:50 a. m. ; Mlnneaotan. Honolulu,
iv.ou a. ra.: u. o. iTuxron, cruise. 1 :Z0 p.
m.: nn nu9 oi i.;iyue. Hoooiuin, 1 :40 p.
Arctic, i-or i Brags. 1 3MJ p. m. ; Del Norte,
enwoent City. 2:10 n. m.: Norwegian Kel.
ridae. Vancouver, 2:18 p. m. ; Rx City, Port-
ItLIKl, O p. Hi.
Balboa, Feb. 17. Sailed Kanagawa Maru
for San Francisco.
Army-Navy Orders
Washington, Feb. 19. (1. N. S.) Army or
ders: Lieutenant Colonel SpeDcer Corby, eorfw
ot engineers. New . York city, will go to Wash
ington. D. C, for temporary dnty at tbe army
war college.
Pollowlng officers awarded to West Point.
N. V.. for dut.v at the mllliarv
Captain GUhert Van B. Wilkes, corps of engi
neers snd First Lieutenant Curtta H. Kaace.
seventh field artillery.
Major Edward T. Winston, retired, will pro
ceed to Marietta. Oa., to Inspect att for
training camp.
First Lieutenant Harold C. Van Dervcr Is
assis-nea io tne th Held artillery.
' First Lieutenant Mnrrav R Hmh lamii K
Plc-rsoo and William D. Geary, cavalry, have
been removed from the detached list.
Transfers, coast artlUerv: Retu-n r
GUI. captain 13th cavalry, to eoaaf defenses
wi wumi wxinu : iienxy u. tiell, cap
tain Bth field artlllerv. to coast derma r
Oahn: Walton W. Merrill, contain 7th field
ariuiery. to coast defense or gan Francises:
Frank Moorman, captain infantrv, detached
list to coast defense of Puret sound.
granted: " Major General israsnraa M.
Wolver, rhlef of coast artillery. 21 rtaya ef
fective about February 28: Captain Taylor T.
Bay ley, medical corn, an extension r five
days; First Lieutenant Wilbur Roger, field
artillery. 15 days; Field Clerk Jacob L. WWt
mere. quartermaster corps. 13 dais, upon re-
irvriQ uuit ut uugmnot, . M.; First Lien
tenant James C. Tucker, medical reserve corpS.
S4 days.
Lane's Son to Be Filer.
Washington. Feb. 19. (I. n. hi
Franklin K. Lane Jr.. l-year-old aon
of Secretary of the Interior .Lane, has
joined the army aviation reservs Mrni
He is now -in training t the army
m. laijon ! scnooi at JNewport -News. ,vav
l' .'.jV ' t
going motorshtp Oregon, for the Alas-j
Pacific Navigation company. Nan I
Two Shots Cause U-Boat to
Sink; No One Appears on
peck of Sinking Diver,
New York. Feb. 19 (I. N. S.) De
struction of a German submarine in an
engagement lasting 40 minutes was re
ported by the French steamer Guyane
on her arrival here today.
The Guyane left Bordeaux on Janu
ary 21, and the 'next day a German
submarine was sighted off the port
side about 3:30 o'clock in the after
noon. The submarine endeavored to
cross the Guyane's bow, but Captain
Roussellot began a turning movement
to the starboard and brought his stern
gun to bear On the submarine. The
submarine in the meantime had fired
three shots at the Guyane, all of which
fell "short.
Two shots from the 65-millimeter
gun on the Guyane's stern struck the
submarine squarely and she was seen
to settle slowly. She had entirely dis
appeared within 30 minutes.
Captain Roussellot said not a man
appeared on tbe submarine s deck.
The Guyano is a vessel of 2880 tons.
Members of the crew declared that
Just before the submarine sank they
heard a faint explosion from her in
A resolution was introduced in the
French chamber of deputies last week,
providing that 500,000 francs (about
$100,000) shall be paid the captain of
any allied or neutral merchant vessel
who succeeds in sinking a German sub
New York, Feb. 19. (TJ. P. ) Cap
tain Rousselot ef the Guyane, told his
story of the sinking of at
the French consul's office where h
went immediately after landing.
"We left Bordeaux January 21 la
ballast," he said. "It was about noon
of- the next day when we observed off
our port side a freight steamship wuh
two masts and one funnel. She waa
about three miles away. As we
watched, a submarine darted from bo-
nind Jier and started toward us.
"I immediately swung the boat
about to train our gun on the subma
rine, but before my gunners could fire,
a shot from the submarine fell 300
feet short of us. My gunners fired
hurriedly Just as the second shejl
from the submarine came at us.
Neither shot was accurate.
I hurried down to the stern and
told the gunners to take their time
and aim carefully. The next shot
struck the submarine end she ap
parently collapsed, soon sinking.
"The boat waa in distress and I or
dered rny gunner to fire no more. We
had seen no one on deck.
"As soon as we were certain the
submarine was sunk the crew lifted
the. gunners to their shoulders and
paraded the deck celebrating. A feast
was arranged in honor of the oc
casion." The- experience, of the Guyane was
similar to that of her sister ship, the
Honduras, which, while on a trip from
Brest to New Orleans, some time ago,
...... n i
Liner Philadelphia Reports.
New York. Feb. 19. (I. N. S.) The
American - liner - Philadelphia, which
sailed from Liverpool 'last Wednesday
with a heavy passenger' list, is now
entirely out of the submarine danger
zone. This was shown by a wireless
received from the captain today stat
ing that the ship was 1235 miles east
of Ambrose channel at 10 a. m., and
that he' expected to dock here on
- Dochria Sends Message.
New York.. Feb. 19. (U. P.) The
Barber Steamship line; today an
nounced it had received word from the
freighter Dochria, the first American
ship to leave an American port after
the German submarine warning had
been issued, stating that the ship was
In the Mediterranean. This informa
tion came last Wednesday by wireless.
Cost of Legislation
Is Also Higher Now
Salem, Or Feb. 19. Among the
articles affected by the upward ten
dency of prices may be listed the high
cost of legislation. Up to date the
assembly,; has cost the people about
$58,000, an increase of $8000 over the
1915 session, v
. This is accounted for bys the larger
number of clerks, and the extra, day
of tbe session is likewise a factor.
The secretary of stats ' Is compiling
the final figures today snowing how
the money was speat.: --,
A. Burckhardt of Portland, owner of
the craft, christened the vessel.
Sleepy Family Ask
. Hunt for Burglars
Be Put Off Till Day
Returning homt at 11:30 Sun
jt day nicht after an evening
spent down town. Mr. ana Mrs.
R. C. Baker of C31 Dickson
in street, found their house rankle-
sacked and jewelry amounting to
$100 missing. The robbery was
reported at the time but as the
)w Bakers were "sleepy" they re-
quested that police inv stlga-
ijr tion should be deferred until
i)t- morning, when it was .ascer-
j. i
Hf- talned that a basement window
had been forced giving entrance
)w to the upper f'oors of the house.
jfc Among the things taken was a.
Mfc man s watch and 12 pieces of
sfc jewelry such as pins, cuff but
3w tons and rings.
American Freighter City of
Puebla Is Well Upon Way
Laden With Contraband,
iew iorn, reo. i. .i i-.; r-igiii.
' . 1 T . .A T - T -1 . . I
more ships will be added today to
hose whose prows are turned toward
Europe and the
.,,Kmorin o I
Atlantic Transport steam-
lia. the American freighter
7i, x,, ,, ,..,
zone. The
ship Mongolia.
Algonquin, the Russian
Czarita, ' the Japanese freighter
Tsuyama Maru, the French freighter
anSVherr Heliolavafe0' SLEEPS
Ln,1 AC LTit ""if
. . !. ,." , rr
tainea a crew ana ner sailing may oe
delayed. She has cleared for London,
xne American i ireijnier uy oi
Puebla today is well on her way across
the Atlantic, laden with contraband,
ne is oouna ior uenoa. sixteen
snips departed ror tne war zone over
Sunday and 12 arrived. Among the
latter- was the Moreni, the first
American freight ship to come safely
through the zone. She came from
Aboard the French liner Chicasro x-
pected to sail today or tomorrow for
Bordeaux, will be Lieutenant H K
been in this country making tentative
arrangements for an attemrjt to
the Atlantic by aircraft. .They said
they probably would return in April
and lay plans for attempting tbe flight
in tnat montn.
The Holland-American liner Ryn-
aam is ready to sail without passen
gers. The Hellgolav of the Scandi
navian-American line is ready to leave
Port to Be Closed at Xlght
New York. Fh. 19 f TT T 1 ntn
ning tonight' the Port of New Totk
will be closed at quarantine at night-
rail, xso vessels will be allowed to ar
rive or depart during the night until
the government situation changes.
British Fliers Drop
Bombs on Divers
New York. Feb. 19. (I. N. S.)
Fleets of aeroplanes are being used by
the British admiralty ln the search
for German submarines in the barred
zone waters around the British tsies.
it was declared here today by persons
who have just arrived from Europe,
air machines are equipped
reless so that they can keep In
wlt, tv, .',,.. ,
icatlon with the. flotillas of de-
with wlrel
cuiiiuiuii'vavavu vv ivu tuiv iivtiuan ui. tifc
rtroyers that are constantly combine
th- .... Al. th. avi.tnr. M -
the seas.
: "7 ' w "'
:i..r," -..CJLTM: .v M
11VBU1V UL.UIdl 111V3 ilia, in 1 u i HQ
Zeppelins Raid French Coasts
Paris, Feb. 19. (U. P.) An unsuc
cessf ul Zeppelin raid of the French I
coast in the neighborhood of Boulogne
was reported in today's official state-1
CT . ; . ,1
cessful Zeppelin raid of the .French
ment. Several bombs were dropped
without result.
Fire Drives Ten
-ii - . , tr
rrom oeattie Home
x Vl-U. WUUiliU'.U XAViXlt
Seattle. Wash,. Feb. 19. (P. N.-S-)
.Awakened by the crackling ot
flames which spread with great rapid
ity. 10 persons, Including some -children,
groped their way through smoke
filled rooms at the horn of F. Con
stantino this morning and escaped
tuv wwt . mcir iiisfii aruien.oi,
"Within a . few minutes after the
occupants reached the . outside, the
bouse, a two-story h t rams r structure,
was a mass of flames. . --
Firemen - vrero unable " to assign ' a
cause for th bsei .
Chamberlain Receives Letter
" Declaring That Garrison Is
to Be Maintained by U. S.
Pierc County Donation of Xaad. for
JffUitary rorposas Will Hot Materi
ally Caaar Apct of Situation.
I$y Fred Iockley.
Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 1. Vancou
ver is to retain the military post hero
at full efficiency. What this mean3
to Vancouver only those know who
have lived here for some tin e. 1 have
received the following letter from Sen
ator Chamberlain, chairman of the
committee on military affairs of tha
"Referring again t your letter of
recent date, permit me to enclose here
with a copy of a letter Jus., received
by me from the adjutant general of
the army, relative to the .effect on
Vancouver Barracks of the accepaan.i
by the government of certain lands in
rhe state of Washington for military
The letter from Adjutant General. II.
P. McCain reads as follows:
"Referring further to you.- letter en
closing a letter from Fred Loekley
anted Vancouver, Wash., in which he
asks for information relative to th
effect on Vancouver Barracks. Wash
ington, of the proposed, acquisition by
the government of land in the vicinity
of Tacoma for military purposes, I
beg leave to advise you that the mai
ler of the selection of sites for per
manent garrisons of the army provided
for in the national defense act is now
under consideration by the war depart-
ment. but In any plan which is adopted
uie military reservations new owne.i
by the government will, as a matter
of economy, be used to their fullest
Will XTeed 'Vancouver.
While It may be advisable, for
economy of supply and for the betti r
training of troops, to ultimately
abandon some of the sma.ier posts.
such action cannot be taken in th
near future, and the department be
lieves that it' can assure you that,
whether the land near Tacoma is do
i. a ted for military purposes or not
Vancouver Barracks and Fort Lawtor.
will continue to be needed for gar
This letter means that in place of
Vancouver being reduced to a two or
inree company post as was rearea
when Tacoma got back of the move to
have Pierce county vote a $2,000,000
bond issue to purchase 70,000 acres at
American Lake that Vancouver w'.-l
continue to be used as In the past as J
a regimental post. ,jw me next tnin-T
to do is to see if the decision of th
war department to purchase the rifle
range near LJnnton is irrevccable,
The engineers who examined ' the
sites at Linnton and at Proebstel ate
for the range at Proebstel. The sol
diers who have shot over the ran;j
at roeDBtel and who have examine!
th innara nt IJnntmi ksv th o n -
W "
comparison and that the range at Linn
ton is greatly Inferior in.slae, accessi-
bllity and in other features that make
a gooa nne or artillery range. More
!hr'? l!me as, "ueh!and can bo
"f.V1 roenb' e' for u
will take to purchase the Linnton
Xtix Old Times.
Washington volunUers ' jusY'back fro
Mexican border, at the Barracks
The presence of the Oregon an1
iooks llKe oia times to the early resi
dents of Vancouver. The first time
the troons of Oreeon anil wshinrtnn
were stationed her was whM th-
First Washington Territorial infantry
was quartered here from May 4, 1862.
i to June 1. 1863. and the First Oresron
cavalry, wt?o were here from June 10
1662, for a short period and later from
August 10, 1863, to May 1, 1865. The
First Oregon infantry and the Second
I California Infantry were also stationed
here for a while during the Civil war.
During the Spanish American war ihe
First Washington Volunteers, Corn-
fa-ny a iignt cattery uregon Vol
I unteers, the Second Battalion Wash-
l,nton Volunteers and the Eighth Cali-
w'uu' "iry -c.e i.ere
Sato Says Relations
Are "More Friendly
Washington, Feb. 19. (U. P.) Re
lations between the United States and
Japan are "more friendly," but this is
principally due to war-created condi
tions, and not to any recent develop-
ments ln the ,mml8ratlon situation.
japttiicsv Auiuuoauur issiu uccioreu lo-
There have been no recent exchanges
In diplomatic channels, Sato said, to
affect the immigration question. The
recent firm stand of the United States
against Germany's submarine wkrfare
has cemented the frlenshlp between
the United States .and Japan, accord
ing to Sato.
Veteran Is Leader
Of Safe Robbers
Chicago. Feb. 19. (I. N. S.) Three
men. directed by a patriarchal leader
7lth I8,' I??
Jacob Drummond. Janitor at the State
thMfr. nni hrnk. orM,n th.
i ... - . ..
tnea?re' loaay an?. rOKe lnl "are'
ODisining .more tnan iuo. ronce.
after examining the safe, expressed a
belief that a noted veteran cracksman
. . . V. I .1.1.1. i
v am mi lll UWU 0 1 111C 6U nillCIl IlttU
robbed a score of safes in the city
ithin the last few weeks. Three
other safes were robbed last night.
T'i TUT 1 JJ T'i a.
1:01)6 YYOUlU. XreVent
TTT X 1 a s
war declaration
London, Feb.9. (I. N. S.) A press
dispatch from Rome today contained
I tne unconnrmea report inai rope utn-
ed,ct ha skd crd,ni Gibbons to
notifv President Wilson that he is
ready to use his influence to prevent
1 ' between the united States and
: For Infaxits and Oiildrea
In Use For Over 30 Years
AWay bean
, tbs V
Iftiisniiisi x
House. Bills Passed and Signed by
the Governor.
Tl. B: 6.- hy Bowaaaa To provide tat re
cording certificates ot sale awt assignment
n. B. , by Bowaan Providing new reg
ulation fur diapuaitkm ot ratray animals.
II. B. 8. by Laarard Making reports to
public service conjintsaiua couXeriu to federal
H. B. lo. by DescBnles county delegation
Fixing time for holding court in the eighteenth
Judicial district.
11. B. 11. by Clark Specifying additional
duties for school upvrlntcndeut ef fcfcerataa
eocnty. s
II. B. 14. by Deschutes delegation Fixing
terms of court In Deschutes county and pro
scribing saiarlea f loumy officer.
1L B. 2u, by Jones of Lane Ue iuirtng school
census to be taken first week In November.
II. B. 21, by Bean Lmpuwerlng sute board
of control to issue hoims needed to meet ra
(julremeots of federal oouperatlve road fund.
II. B. 22, by Mueller Uegulatlng livestock
reciting at laree in Columbia county.
II. U. U. bv nrownell LexalU'tia tbe sal
aries of Justices of 'he supreu cwun at $4000
a year.
IL B. 23. by Descuutss county delegstlon
Fixing salary of dlstiirt attorney if Jefferson
county st $)0 i-r anuum.
11. B. M, by Jeiterson county delegation
t lxiug saisries ol couuiy uriicers ol Jei
ferson county.
II. B. 39, ty Junes of Lane ReguUting dla
tributlon of school funds.
II. B. 40. by Muellt-r Requiring public
Uliliues to pay internal oa deposits maoe by
II. B. 40, by Bavrber Transferring Juris
diction over county roads lu village of Amity
to municipality.
U. li 47. or Bean Provtdinc for approval
of loans from school fund ou lamia uuder
lertitlcate of sale frum the state.
II. B. 90, by Joint and mean commit
tees Appropristing l.ouu to spply on ex
penses of legislature uuu . declaring an etuor
gency. -
11. B. CO. bv Stott Becuirlne nherlffs board
Inc United States prlsoutrs to turu proilts lno
county treasury.
11. B. ot. by Siolt Itequtrlug sheriff of
Multnomah county to board prlaoucra at actua.
coat to county.
11. B. IM. by Cltrk Ameudlng eight-hour
law to allow municipalities of less than 1OU0
population to work employes oo hour a week. :
11. B. 07, by Gordon Regulating sale ot real
property under execution.
H. B. 0a. by Gordon Regulating sale of real
property under executiou.
11. B. dU. by Stoit Koablliif school dis
tricts to secure property by coudemnstlou pro
neulnga. H. 11. 70, by Oordoa Regulating sale of
property hy administrator of exei utor.
li. d. Ts, by Cornelius I'ermittUiK propeny
owners to put out ihiUoq at ulght time.
II. B. feo, by l'ortwood Oraatlug county
e. rts power to repay road bouda l:. yearly li
ttailtnentk and abollkhlng sinking fund.
H, B. 90. by Sheldon Hemoving property
qualification fur voters In election of achoul
II. B. 100. by Anderson Bone dry prohibi
tion. 11. B. 101. by Sclilropff Flxlrg standard
BiecsureuMut for cranberry boxea.
II. B. log. by Thomas Inspee
tion of orchards and orchard products and de
claring Infected trees s public ouiaaow-e.
11. B. HO, by Brautl Lxcmptiug pioneers
r.n! veteran of Indian wara from paying
f i-hing and bunting licenses.
11. B. 111. by Martin Extending lien lawa
t'i borttesboving debt.
II. B. 11-. ty Martin Extending Hen laws
to harvesting debts.
li. B. lKi. U7 Martin Kx tending lien laws
to labor perfotmed lu harvest fields.
H. It. 115, by Stoti Uequiilug husband to
support wile and children.
11. B. 117. by Clark increasing bounties on
H. B. 118. by Deschutes county delegstioj
Fixing salary of district attorney of les
cbutea county at flOUO pe.- annum.
II. B. No. 123. by Bowe Kinpowerlnr
county cvurts to estabaab sinking tund foi
payment of muulcipai bonU when municipal
ities fall to do so.
II. B. 124 by Row PievMlng for exten
sion ot. port boundaries.
II. B. 127, by Ticbeaor Penalising ex
posure of paroled prisoners.
II. B. 133. by Meek baUbUafaing standard
formula for condented milk.
11. B. 135. by Furuea Validating creation
o( Deschutes county.
li. B. 137, by W. Al Jones Permit tin
stock to run at largu in eastern part of Mar
lon county.
II B. 130. by Rowe Prohibiting flahlng un
perilous of Neualem liver and tributaries ex
cepting with book and line.
II. a. 147. by llran-l alldatlcg title oi
lands purchased from the state.
II. B. Hy. by Mrs. 'Ihompsou Making rural
school term cUl't months snd increasing niata
tt'Dsnre fund trum f.KA) lo f4uo.
H. B. 1X4, by Luuger Providing bounty on
gophers and mules in Yamhill county.
H. B. 159, by Corbeti To permit district
In provemeut association to ral'e funds with
out bonding.
II. B. lt-t, by Lane and Dentins delegationa
To traotfer recorda covering property In
volved In boundary changes from one county
lo the other,
li. B loo. br Kubll Incresslnz allowance
for war veterans' fu tiers Is to too.
H. B. 17u, by Kowe Permntiug annexa
tion to port districts ot territory uuuide ot
natural watershed.
U. B. 17. by Mackiy Correcting technical
error la code.
H. B. 1UO. by Burdlck Providing for pay
ment of traveling expenses of water masters.
H. B. l'J7. by Aahelr Fixing terms of cir
cuit court in tenth Judicial district.
II. B. 20O. by Peck Giving vlihige of Myr
lU Point lurisdictlon over county loads within
i it limits.
II. B. 202. by Mann Authorizing sal or
Meenans Uland in Columbia river.
11. B. 211. by Brand I" reinstate mining
corporation which bare not paid annual li
ccsm uuder existing laws.
li. B. 214. by 1' Fixing terms of
court lu Eleventh Judicial district.
U B. 218. by Luuger lo provide for rots
tton' ot name and numbers of candidates on
primary election ballou-.
H. B. 21U, by Sheldon Requiring eighth
grade diploma or its equivalent fot admiasloa
lo high school.
II. B. 224, by Rowe Regulating use of set
nets In District No. 2.
U. B. 237, by Tbotnaa Reorganising state
tax 'commission.
H. B. 247, by Grig Prohibiting bulls from
running at large In ixmglaa county.
U. li. iita. Of iisneries commmee l ronimt-
lnc commercial fiahtus lu Uogu river.
11. B. 24S, by Andeiou Mcking fourth Fri
day in October Frances E. Wl lard day la
public tcbools.
II B. 252. br committee on forestry and
couaervstion Providing further regulation for
protecting forests from fire and authorising
the atatc to do tbe work.
H. B. 2UO, by Sheldon Reducing number
of parole board from five to three, and pro
viding for parole officer to 11 v at peniten
tiary. 11. B. 270, by horticulture committee Pro
hibiting importatlou or aiJe of diseasa-d fruit.
H. B. 23, by Multnomah delegation
Raising salaries of JalK-ra 1 Mu.tuomah
11. B. 27. by ways and means committee
Appropristing money for current expen- of
government, secretary of state and treasury
11. B 277. by war and meana committee
Appropriating $4"JU for use by governor for
apprehemvion of criminals.
11. B. 278, by wsys aud meana committee
Appropriating money ior mcinteuance and op
eration of Oregon atato tra.nlng scoonl.
H. B. 27'J, by wsy and, meana committee
Apinpriallug money ior maintenance ot state
school for tbe deaf.
ii B. 2SO, by ways and mean committee
Appropriating money for maintenance of office
ot attorney general.
Appropriating money f.-r maintenance
"b Tr Tr.,, J.1 -mfn, sa
a- "r, rlx' "
Harney county official.
11. B. zsl. by Wkys una means cnmmuiee-
ot ra pi
lar les of
HirnfT ruu ii i unit sa
i H. 21, by ee.y-Fix4ag s.lar, of
! uessurer of Jophtne cmnry st .o.w.
li. B. 2. by umatuia connty ueieration
i I -
dlcilou ot county roods within limits of Bea
vertou to municipality.
H. B. 317. by r'ulir Providing for boun
ties on gopher and mole )-. folk county.
H. B. ait, by Fuller Uranling village ef
Newport Jurisdiction ever county road with
in lu limit.'
H. B 32ft. by Staftln To reimburse man
ufacturers of 'medical atork food.
H. B. 32. by Lewia Keducing bonds
pik.t trom urns te-sjuw.
11. B. . by LurgaiJ Regulating pro-
-.dliur brtore in ataie water uoara.
li. B. 4". ny arrymour juur rroviaing
for bounty on gopber ami motf-a fn MarWu
county. -
H. B, 341, by Stott Requiring foreign cor
poratloa to flic appllcatiHs to do buslmst
with i oroorstWs eoiuiittaaluner.
11. B. Bos, oy lKntuof Auinonung con
struction of bridge over 4'heie and Wind
chuck rivers in Curry connty.
H. B. 358. by Gore Abolishing office of
recorder of conveyance In Jaeksou county.
II. B. 361. by way and mean committee
Appropriating moari fur maintenance of state
tnbereuioaia uoepitai.
11. B. ats2. by ways mat, meana committee
Arpropriattng monev for Oregon natal uiittla.
B. 263, by way and mean committee
Approprlatlug Booney for. Oregon .National
U. B. 3S4. by way and means committee
Appropriating money lor Oregon state hospital.
li. B. 777. by committee ow fUherkea itesa
bring protect to wf raxor clams la Clatsop
eeosty. -
11. U. 889. by Corbeti Inereatlns aalasy of
bank aaperlntendeat from J0uw UJKU) pec
year. - , . , ; . ' .
v. - , -"'-V .
II. B. 3U2. bv.Starrla Xattuirti'.a sheriffs
to take criminal finger prtuia. .
II. Jt. 287. by committee oo revkkm ef laws
Amending laws extending- lietra oa chat tela.
.mi, or anoersou Anttwiruing eoun
ties bordering on Columbia river to operate
ferries la cooperation with counties la another
II. B. 4ftS br committer
quiring applicants for teachers' certificates
to comply with additional eondltlons.
II. H 414 bv Murllw liil.n aalare af
treaHM-er of Columbia count r
11. B. 410. by bank-tug committee Amend
ing law n-gulating corporation of slate bank.
II. B. 417. by banaiug committee Author
ising Mate nar.ka to Jeal In bills of exchange
11 1 .14. .... L . . ' . . . .
ting state banks to operate brancu banks.
II. B. 42. by FuLur--Provldlii for ilosad
sea on on net tlshlng on Vaqulna bay.
ii. u. 4iK. oy Sheldon I'ro-iding for serrb
and seixnre of vehicle sad boats carrying In
toxicalng llouora.
U. B. 441. by Bordt'k and Forbes Anthoria
Ing dr.-ltwige districts to enter into contracts
with tbe I uited 8tates.
11. B. 44.'. by W. A I. Jones Granting addi
tional powers to city councils to abate mils
II. R. 447. lit Omii Providing for approval
o. ivans iroui cuoi.l luia on Imuui under cc.
tlfn-ate ul wit rrvw Uii state.
11. B. 474. by M"wman Authorising oav-
n.ent of geueral and peclal laxea lo treas
urer of tin Moil, or.
11. B. 475. by Bowman Authorising pay
meut of general and special taxes to trcss
urer of Beaverton, Or.
H. B. 481. by Swocney Requiring sll per
'ous prsctlclng tbe art or science of heating
to teport couiagtous uisesses to County health
II. B. 4S2. by Cmatllla county delegation
Piovldlng for cremation of unclaimed bodies
ot patients dying at eust-ra Ungou Slate
IL'B. 4SC, by Joint Insurance committee Re
quiring fraternal Insurance companies to pro
vide lor niortuasy obligation.
H, B. 47, by Joint nutursnce committee Re
quiring Internal insurance companies to writs
Juveulle Insurance.
. H. B. 4JS, by Joint Insurance committee
Further fixing qualifications for membership
in lusurauc societle.
II. li. 4U3, by jolut wsjs snd means com
mittee Appropriating money for public serv
ice commission.
11. B. 4t4, by Jolut ways and means com
mittee Appropriating money for school for
the blind. ,
ii. B. 49.'. by Joint ways and mean com
mittee Approprtauns money for Oregon hta
torlcai society.
11. B. 417. by Insurance rommlttee Filing
requirements for foreign lnsursnc compsule
doing butinrsg lu wtate.
II. B. by inuituifte ou rosds snd blgh-
vi) Increasing iitoiivoblle licenae.
Senate Kills i'assed and Signed by
the jovernor.
S. B. 2, by Olson Providing for Installation
of kindergartens in Portland achoola.
K. B. 4. by llimli-k I'rohiblttng driving of
automobiles by lntoxlcatel persoua.
H. B. ti, by Kmltb vt (.'. ill log terms of
court lu necond Judicial district.
S. B. 7, by ixluv tuslilnig Judgment debt
ors to redeem property sold un t-iecutiou within
limited time.
, B. II, by Dlmick Amending lsws for
urn ror clearing land.
. B. 12, by Wlljur Authorizing county
courts to reduce aniount of uiidirtakiug in
estate after appraisement Is filed.
S. B. 10, by Olson -'lo provide for support
and mslntenituce of lllegitlmstc children.
3. B. 25, by Htrayer Ainem-ing mining coile
to supply word unintentlousllv omitted.
S. B. iil. by Olon- Makii4; logging streams
common carriers unl pUciug ini-ui iin.lri
Jurisdiction of public- service coninilxiion.
H. B. IW. by Mlraver I'r.ivldh.K for laklnc
depositions by writt.-n iuteiroKstoriea.
S. B. 40. by Kdcij Uv.auiig lo docketiiii
of judgments and irmi iptj.
B. 41. by Huston lnivi1lng mcihot of
filing verified claim for It.-n for farm
h. B. 4. by Huston Providing of
filing verified claim fur lien for farm laoor.
f. B. 48, by Huston Kj. tending right and
privilege of soldiers' houis to wives snd
widows of old soldier.
b. B. 4U, by Siiiilh of Onoe Making debt of
prospective Juror cause for challenge.
8. B. SO, by Vlutou Allowing cattle, horses
and aheep to ruu at large lu certain pans of
Yamhill county.
8. B. 51, by Judiciary committee Author
ising supreme court to make for cumluct
of original Jurisdiction in court.
U U ft I... llu.ll.,,. ul I. u u ....inlnlltM
! To require recording in office of wcrelary
ot state cbsttel liiKrigsgev on automobiles.
S. B. 57, by tdily To provide fi- Joinder
of plaintiffs and defendants In suits aud ac
tion relating to title ot real property.
ub. S. B. 59, liy Lewis Amending me
chanics' lien law.
ii. B. 62 by Wilbur Extending tlm of
statute ot llmltallona on mortgagea to 10
year f rt m last voluntary pay men I thereon.
8. B. 04. by Blf bop Ktxlug terms of cir
court c-iuil In third udlcla! diatrlct.
8. B. Oo, by rarrell lTuhlbulog circula
tion of obscene literature.
8. B. OH, by Baldwin Abolishing offlc of
circuit court clerk" in Klamath county.
8. B. 7J. by VVUlnir Providing new regu
lations for Oregou Naval Militia.
8. B. 71. by Smith ot too Kxtendlng crime
of larceny to theft of horse, mule, heifers,
8. B. 78. by Barrett Granting reciprocity
right to practitioner of optometry registered
in other states.
8. Ii. 61, by Vinton Fixing Arbor day on
second Friday In February la counties west of
Cs son ile mounts In.
! B. U. by Olson Al'ow,'Q tlm to county
prisoners for good behavior.
S. B. 87, by GUM Regulating fishing la Oa
weso 1-kc and tributaries.
8. B. 90, by Cualck Extending tlm for
closing polls al school elections to I p. m.
f. u. 81. by IJau county ddeiratiou Hilua
aalarles of certain officer of I. Inn county.
8. B. 12, by Olson Autborlsiua coroner of
Multnomah to sppolnt deputy st J15 s month.
K. B. Ul. by judiciary -cvuiuill tee lleiiuirlng
cotinty cW-ks to make quarterly report of all
Judicial business psaalng tnrough tbelr office.
8. B. U5, hy Kddy Providing lor recall ef
school dlrectota.
8. B. ttt. by Huston ICelstlng to recording
of real property convtyances.
Sub. 8. B. 100. by revision of law commit
tee Fixing salary of Baker couuty sheriff.
8. B. loo. by Huston Providing for medi
cal aud nirglcal treatment for alck and de
formed Indigent children under supervision of
medical department of University of Oregoa.
8. B. lOtt, by Handler Creating office of
county dairy herd Inspector In Tillamook
H. B. 112, by Baldwin Providing for exam
ination and audit of -vonty record.
8. It. 113. by banking committee Defining
truxt busluesa, and provtolng for organlaatloa,
supervision and regulation (hereof.
8. .- 11. by Orton Prohibiting fak ad
vertising. 8. B. 122. by nswley Reoclrlng butter and
cheese makers lo obtsln license.
8. II 121. by liawfey Maklog Babcock
cream tester llceme good for life.
8. B. 125, by Moser Providing for estab
lishment aud maintenance of county or dis
trict hospital for person afflicted with tu-
I ..... n 1 I -
! 8. II 127. br Gill Prohlbitlns sal of ssl-
mon caught by book and Bu during closed
8. B. 12a. by Dlmick Providing for connty
budget committee..
8. li. iJO. by inmici txnaiom lurisdic
tlon of Justice court..
8. is. 11. by ns'viey Authorlxlna- dairy
and (oed -ommlwbiner to sppolnt special dep-
utiea without salary.
8 B. U2. by Hurley Irereaalag aalary of
county school superlotendeat of Malheur county
to KViO a year.
S. B. 141, by orton pronlblUng misuse
of trsde niatk.
8. B. 144. by Hawler Giving city of Moo-
mouth Jurisdiction over county Highway with
lit lis limit.
S. B. 14. of Hand ley Empowering strte
land board to fix Interest rave on common
school fund at not lea than 5 or dot than
li per cent.
ft. B. 152. by Huston Defining and enlarg
ing th powers of trustee In trast case snd
aotnonsins; couru or iuny to coorroi same.
8, B. lo4, by Olson Providing th Density I
for lsruing. cheeks or draft without funds :
to meet the same.
8. U. 15S. by judidary commit :r Prwrld- I
Ing for procedure wner suit 1 broogbt oa 1
wrong side ot court.
8. B. loO. by LewU EaUMUhlng Island
separate road district to enable properly mi
en on Ssuvle lalaud to 'us own road fanu.
8. B. 1S4. by I -a Follrtt Exempting women
employed In fruit canneries and pais lug house
from lo-nour law.
a B. Ittu. by mnnldnLl affair committee
Requiring iaanam-e of cerffleat of convent,
enre andaju-eeesity befure competing public util
ities may enter Held.
8. B. 170. by Hum) Giving Port of port
land authority to Improve Columbia and Ore
gon sKHitbs.
8. B 173. by flswley Empowering rover.
nor to appoint 10 ponce men upon re.fuest of
anv railroad company.
8. B. 174, by HawleyBeaulrlig rsllrosdsj
to pol notb.-e of rhanged -bedaie or rate!
- 8. B. li. by Ielneuwelier Requiring net
qrentity of Coutents to be marked oa com
modities sold in packages.
8. B. 177. by Pierc Requiring veterinary
surgeon to certify copy of brand with county
8. H. 17S, by Pierce JVovldlng method fw
submitting to people ram, ones! loo ef Increas
ing tax levies above a per cent limitation
S. B. 18. by Uriaenweber To standardise
berry boxes. . -
8. B. 186. by Ortou T provide official re
porter fur ctaaotx eoorts t coasltes of 100,000
8. B. 1M. by e V rolsrtt PreeidTng foe
transfer of Inssns and feebss-aulBd t Ore go
stste nosrltsL -i. .
f. B. 12. by Hajton Relating to appeal of
Judgment 'vtWa" hr- cMfaaalsa: -i "J i'--
. i, ny urtwt Amendl4J ISaSSTT - :
tenure ef office law. - ' . '
."Ji 8T. by Uartey rrohlbltlng oa M .
a d recorded brands. - .
,-,B-."O- by SnHfh of JMpblae-Bgiilat :
big ri.hltir-In Rogue river. - -
-.?' ?..rff' Prwvldlng foe
I of tide and overflow lauds.
,3 B'.2U- ,by Judiciary Cora nUt tee Provld- ".
!" 1el" net smetxUng or .
repealing criminal statatoa.
t-i; ,T'?; bsr Boa-T IItng clerk of election
Aboard l" MI-,,I l tilling vacancies :
?'.iB' 2.'- .bT F-aur Providing method ef
printing election ballots.
8. . 21S. by Eddy Providing for transfer
llXrVtt0,t bct bound. -:
8. B. 2ltt, by Moser Autborlxlng levy of
a apetlal lax not to exceed .15 mill foe suo
port or Rw Festival. "!- .
8. B. 231. by Shanks Providing penalty '
for lsreeny of grata. ,
H. B. 2J3 by Orton To prevent cattle d
other domestic animals from runninc at laiwe
on Columbia river highway. rgw -
8. B. 2i, by Vinton Amending law relst- '
Ing to vacations of any town plat
8. B. 2Jt, by Obun Requiring ci'mnty tress
urer tf Mulluomsh to y to county rlatt
,15.522.43 to aiake good deficit of former
county clerk.
8. B. 252, by Joint Insurance commute
New Insurance code for regulating Insurance
In Oregon.
8. B. 271, by Huston Prohibiting person
not notaries from representing iheuelves as
S. B. 27S. by roads aud b ghnnya eommlt
tee Amending law relating to boundary monu
ment aud pe iialtalBg de.tructln nf .aine.
8. B. 277, by roada sud hlgbwa.ia commit Is
Providing puulUitueut for dolrnylug any
bridge or culvert.
8. B. 27!, by Jolat lnsursnce committee
Providing regulations for Uwpllal auociatlona
S. B. 2H7. by Hauler Orautlug governor
full coutrol of state ieultentlary.
Hills in Hands of the Governor
Awaiting Action.
S B. ly Barrett Requiring state high
nay cominlsaloB to sdopt stsudard speclflca
tlon for paving.
8. B. IW. by Pierce Relating to filing of
surveyors' reports.
8. B. St!, by lilll Extending dead Un for
commercial fishing three miles below Oregon
8. B. 118. by Hurley Increaatng bounty on
S. B. 119. by Wilbur Providing for mar
efficient militia In slste.
K. B. 147. br Struvci Providing t.
fti!butlon of forest reserve funds.
8. B. 1S3. by Farrell -Amending law re
Uting to state board of examination of grad
uate nurses.
8. B. .. hy Pleece Providing for not!-
8. B. 223. by Pierce Amending law relat
ing to delinquent taxes.
S. B. 2&1. by Huston Providing for ellm
li.rllou of griule crossings.
8. B. 234. by Huston Authorising condem
ns tion of land by smelters.
8. B. 257, by Eddy Providing foe manner
of sppiicstton for funis ou unpaid school war
rants. 8. B. 2iS. y llawley Regulat:t.g the Ml
or agricultursl lime.
8. B. 2U7. by Hurley Relating to petition
to couuty tjoartl of -guslirallon ft.r reductiou
ol sksnsmeuta.
8. B. 27i, by Oukk Relative to revoking
I i cher's certificate.
S. II. al, by Pit rce-Providing that ou
bull ! provided for ccry ' cows when run
ning st large on rsnge.
8. B. -Ski, by (illl -Providing fur deputies
for elerk lu office of clerk of Multnomah
II. B. IS, by Jones of Iine Regulstlng
power of district meetings to levy s tsi.
11. B. 23. by t'lslsop delegation To prohibit
cstculug sslmoti with pur- seine.
H. U. 28 by . Brownell Fixing sslsry of
school suierl n Undent of t'hicksuias county.
11. B. lOti. by Lampnsrd Reducing term of
k lioil director ui portlsnd from flv U
three years.
II. B. 152. by Pick Providing for sterlllxa
tior of crluilnsls.
II. B. 177. tiy Iiouglsa county d' legs tion
Regulating fishing In I lupous river.
II. B. 34. by Ilrowuell Flxlug talarles of
jmlge snd assessor of Clackamas ci unty.
lici.tloii of lax levy in school district.
11. It. -ijfi. by K mi ill of JotH-pblue To pro
tcrt mluorn lu regard to wages.
H. B. 2:i2. by Thomai- Keijulrlng husband
lo maintain und Kiipiaart wife uurlng pendency
of divorce proceedings.
11. II. 2114. by Maim Filing aalnry of com
missioner of Multnomah county at S3UU0 per
1 1 . R. 2TiO. by committee oa corporations -Permitting
communities lo Incorporate for pur
pore of owning wster works.
11. II. W. by 8ueeuey Prohibiting us of
cigarette by minors
H. B. 3e-. by Small Prohibiting deposits of
Injurious objects ou 'soblic higbwse.
H. B. 344. by Muelier-Prolilbltlnr halt
from running st large lu certain counties.
11. B. 3o2. by Mackay specifying conditions
under which actions may he brought ou bouda
of cont ractiT working for the state.
H. B. 41V. by i-oruinittee no buukiug Itegu '
latiiig escheats of savings deposits
H. B. 4X. by Fuller Pruvldlug fur closed
season on crabs in Vaquius bay.
II B. 434. by totl Reducing return of
wrlta from six months to Wi days.
H. II. 49. by Insurance romtuittees Reiulr '
ing fraternal lnsursnce societies to mulutaiu
preent assets for five y-srs.
II. B. 5t3, by committee ou eiliicatlon An
tborlsing sdilltlonsl help for s. liool a il per In
ttndent of Benton county.
it, B. 510, by fistMrlcs eommlltee Fixing
fishing regulations on Columbia river.
II. B. 527, by tbe a)s snd means commit
tee Appropriating money (or suorrme court
Vetoel by "the Governor.
II. Fl. 415. by Mueller Putting county roads
In limit of St. Helena under u. ledlcttoa of
When writing to o calling oa advertiser.
pVrse roenrlon The Journal. I Adv. I
To Avoid Dandruff
xou do not want a slow treatment
for itchirnf scalp when hair is fallirujr
and the dandruff germ is killing the
hair roots. Delay means no hair. '
Get, at any drujr store, a bottle of
zemo for 25c or $1.00 for extra large
site. Use as directed, for it does the
work quicklY. It kills the dandruff
germ, nourishes the hair roots and im
mediately stops itching scalp. It is a
pure, reliable, antiseptic liquid, is not
greasy, is easy to use and win not
stain. Soaps and shampoos are harm
ful, as they contain alkali. The best
thing to use for scalp irritation is
icmo, for it is safe and inexpensive.
Tbs B. W. Rose Cfe, Cleveland, O.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all draggists.
Ak-h-a.-ttlssooa!! CitcblisCiM?
Get a Bottle of
Take ss dirwcxwl rig-st nvray.
Cbecko sad) borts colds
eosjgtis la 14 bear. GamraatesMl.
Vethlag tl. rrevwa MaJxes
a plat ef Ceagh Syrap. All . strag
Tou bav swollen feet sad baxid:
Sufi, aeby Joints! tiharu sibctotinir
rbcuuiativ pains twrturs yuu. kwu uav
aching back, pain iu lbs Juwer abdu- V
sticn, tllfticulty wbca urinating! Ltm
cut! Theae are danger aigDa.a.. Trou-
Die is wun your moneys. cirie hcti
polaonlng. in one form r snotbt. ha v
set in. It may lead to dropsy or falsi
bright' s dlaMHsss it not tbetaed.
Gat soma UOLU MELai. ilaisrlsm
Oil Capsules Imtcedlateiy. They are .
sn old preparation, used ail over tas
world lor tntiJria. toaiolmng natural .
besling oil and herbs, well-known ta
pbystciaaa and used by ihouaands -'-tbelr
uliy practice. Tiie Capsu;s are
not an e&ocrimenlaL make-aliift "tat.
at ruediciBs," or 'aalu' wboss .sffsct.
la only tertiporsry. The arc a stand
ard remedy, and act naturally, gentlf
snd quickly. But when you go to ttis
druggist. Insist on getting the pure,
Original Haarlem Oil In Capsules. Be '
sura the nam OOJUD MKUAL. Is a
tbs box. and thus protect yourself
against counterfeits. For sals aad
guaranteed by Tbs Owl Drag- C. (Ad.JL