The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1917, Page 44, Image 44

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Sport Suits y v
:' ; for Milady .
r :: Attractive
f ' By Margaret Mason. ,
L Written for the United Press.
B" EIIOLD the Lilys of the Field, the
Roses of the beach, the Daisies of
the golf links, the Violets of the
tennis court, the Irises of , the motor
course they toil not (only exercise a
. little), neither do they spin (except In
a Rolls-Royce or a Ford), yet Solomon
In aU his glory was not arrayed a one
of these. y .
- Never nave sport suit,- frocks and
' accessories been more bewllderingly
TaeaotlfuL The windows are full of
,.thm already for southern exposure in
California, and, like havens, where the
.. fortunate flit.
There Is a ducky hat with turquoise
parasol to match, whose inner side is a
mass of tiny puffings and shirrings of
V 1th yellow figured border. All. up-to-date
1917 model parasols are wearing
yihelr. ornate trimmings inside, and a
closed parasol Is a closed book. Only
-when opened does it disclose Its glories
to an admlrinjg multitude,
v.' -Unusual and oriental are the color
eomblnations used to band and trim
the sport suits and one piece frocks but
" always are they hectic to the highest
VA1 stunning new sport silk like a
heavy pongee called Khaki Kool is the
? favored material and it comes in dar-
Jng and unusual designs .and all the
vivid colorings.
iv;. Sport skirts of this material are
sslriped In vivid colors as they were
,,,Jast year but this season too they will
v ie easily spotted with polka dots as
"4 large as life and twice as colorful.
Huts, parasols, stockings, shees,
bandkercniefs and bags are all gotten
.fUp to match and carry out a complete
.fostume effect. Among the lovely new
rfllk sweaters a lettuce green one band
ied, sashed, and sailor-collared in white
. in perhaps the loveliest, but a two
,'fconed sweater coat in checker-board
pattern that comes In two shades of
" '"blue, yellow, rose or green and black
" , and white is. also a stunning novelty.
'Cerise, green and gold-seem to be the
-"most taking trio of tints for the' one
piece, straight-line sport silk dresses,
but they all have some other vivid dash
of contrasting color to startle and at
tract. ...
Jersey cloth still continues to hold
'tts popularity. over from last year into
s hls for sport suits, and a new material
r called suedene is also very good. For
motor coat of spring suede cloth is
' the material de luxe jyith linings of
softest, brightest, silk or chiffon cloth.
; ''They are much shorter than the winter
- eoats. and so full and loose as almost
-U be mistaken for capes at the fi -t
'fleeting glance as they dashby on ut-"to-datje
maids in up-to-date motors.
' But don't for a minute think it Is
'ftOcesary to go In for sports in order
"'to sport these sporty sport togs, In
- "'-fleed ,nay, no and likewise never. This
, "turn me r you will find that these deli
T tiously delectable duds will be worn
""anywhere and everywhere, from a pink
tea to the village green.
z fJf fillet I
Harbingers ;
in Bloom
Bobby's Valentirie
"Please, Mr. Policeman, I am in trouble and need your help
By Georgene Faulkner.
Ueeful coarse aprons can be made
"from an old bed tick. Cut away the
"worn parts-.Jf joined they can be used
'''perhaps for a pocket or bib. Hem or
" bind the edges of the remainder all
Ground with braid, red or white, add
strings and you have an ctpron that
will last a long time. These are pre
TTerable to the ordinary coarse apron.
;25c bottle of "Danderine" keeps
j hair thick, strong,
I; .beautiful.
"Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty
2,4 of your hair in few
; !h. .... '
- V r i 1
liv - '
.... ft I
I'f -J i 4
- l , A ,
- EL
.... -mitt I.- ' i .,.. i ..iji
i. -
" Within ten minutes after an appll-
.: ' cation of Danderine you can not find
'a single trace of dandruff or falling
liatr and your scalp will not itch, but
v-'"what will please you most will be
"after a few weeks' use, when you see
new hair, fine and downy at first
ryes but really new hair growing all
"ever the scalp.
". ' C A llttl Danderine Immediately dou
- bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
fftnraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking, one small
.. --strand at a time. The effect la amai--tng
your hair will be light, fluffy and
avr, and have an appearance of
; ebundance; an Incomparable lustre,
softness and luxuriance..
Get 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
, i- Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter,' and prove that your
f hair is as pretty and soft as any
hat It has been neglected or injured
by careless treatment that's all you
- surely can have beautiful hair and lota
of it ir you wui juat try a little Dan
DON'T understand it at all," said
ama.ll Bobby. "Tbis is St. Val
entine's day and I haven't had a
single valentine. 1 never wanted to
come here to visit Aunt Ellen, but no
one teems to want me at home or any
where." And Bobby blinked hard to
keep back the tears, for it was truly
more than he could understand.
Two days agb his auntie had come
to hts house and taJked with his moth
er and he heard her say: "The nurse
can have Bobby's room, for it is right
next to yours, and I will take Bobby
home with me." And the next thing
Bobby knew his mother was hugging
and ki&sing him good-by and his aun
tie packed his small suitcase and
whked him away in her car.
Aunt Ellen had a beautiful home, but
some way Bobby did not feel happy
there; the furniture all seomed so mas
sive and the house was so very still.
After the storm of tears had passed.
Bobby felt better. "I know what 1
shall do puss. I am going right home
now to eee my mother. I know there
is some mistake, for she would- never
have forgotten me on St. Valentine's
day and I am going to find her and
tell her how much I love her."
And Bobby gave kitty a good -by pat
and, putting- on his hat and coat, he
tarted out for home.
Bobby felt very Independent as he
walked along down the street, and he
puckered up his lips and tried to
I wish that I had just one valen
tine," said Bobby, 'but then when I
got home to mother ehe will have one
for me. I am sure."
So Bobby started along on his way.
but suddenly he stopped, for he did not
know where he was going. No street
looked famaliar to him and he did not
know where he should turn next.
Just then a big officer came down
the street swinging his club, and Bobby
went up to him and said shyly: "Please,
Mr. Policeman, I am in trouble and
need your help."
well. Bub, what Is your trouble?"
asked the officer cheerfully.
"I have lost my way," said Bobby.
'All the "streets, seem so different and
I want to go hcmie."
"Sure you do. WelL son. where do
you live?"
In the Atlas apartments on Fif
tieth street," said Bobby, "and my
name is Robert Randolph Jr, be
cause I am named for my father, and
our telephone number is 6006 Main."
Whew-ee, kid, you are a long way
from Fiftieth street. How did you
get. way down here? You surely
ma not walk all this way?"
Oh, no," answered Bobby. "My
Aunt Ellen took me to her home in
l)er automobile for a visit. I don't
know why, but they all wanted me
to go."
In a few minutes Bobby was In
the warm station-house and he heard
the policeman call up his home. "Mr.
Randolph, your boy Is here at sta
tion M. No, he Is not hurt J all safe
ana souna; got lost ana asKed me
to help him; gave me this address.
Smart kid, all right. Is In a,' hurry
to get home to his mother. Sure
we will keep him here until you
And in a short time Bobby's father
was holding him In his strong arms
"So you started for home, Bobby?
Were you lonely, old man? Well, we
were loneiy ror you, too, although It
coma not De helped. I was going
over for you myself tomorrow morn
ing. My, but we have a surprise for
you at home!" and Bobby's father
laughed like a boy. "I won't tell,
though, for mother must show you
this surprise."
"Oh, I know! I know!" said Bobby.
"It is a valentine. I was sure that
motner would not forget.
"The best valentine In the world."
said the father as he gave Bobby
another hug.
On the way home Bobby's father
said : "You know, old chap, I am
sorry that, you were not told any
thing. It was too bad to take you
away like that, ut mother is not
very well and she will have to be in
bed for awhile and the nurse has
your little room."
When. they reached home the father
and Bobby went down the long hall
on tiptoe.
"She is not asleep," said a white
capped murse. "She Is looking for
, Bobby was very glad that his fath
er had "explained to him, for he would
have been frightened had he gone
into that darkened room and fnunri
his dear mother in bed and looking
so pale, but when she aaw him halt
In the doorway she called out cheer
fully: "Come here, my big boy; come
face looked almost as red as the red
hearts Bobby had seen In the shop
windows. &
"Oh, mother," gasped Bobby, "is It
really our baby? I always wanted a
baby sister like Billy Burton has. It
this one really truly ours for keeps?
Did the postman bring her for a val
entine?" 'Yes, "dear, this Is your own little
baby sister. No, the postman did
not bring- her, but God sent her to
us as a gut or love, ana we win love
her always. She came to us on love
day, too. for St. Valentine's day is
love day, and she Is our valentine."
Then the tiny baby opened her eyes
and gave a little yawn and stretched
out her little hands.
"May I kiss her little, hand,
"Yes. Bobby."
And Bobby bent over and gently
kissed the tiny hand with Its little
fingers closed over like the petals
of a rose. And then he kissed his
mother again and whispered softly:
"Oh, thank you, mother. This little
sister is the best valentine I ever
had. Can't we name her Valentine?"
The mother smiled up at the proud
father bending over them and she
said: "What do you say, Robert?"
"I am sure I agree to anything
that you wish, dear," he answered.
"Very well, then, Bobby, you have
chosen the best name for our little
love gift. We will call her Valentine."
By Ella McMunn.
In striking contrast to the scurries
of snow and .freezing weather that
visited Portland recently are the
florists' shops abloom with daffodils.
tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, cycla
men and, rarest of all. orcnias. do mm
of ths florists say that the flowers
have a sense of the coming of spring
and can -be coaxed into bloom now
more readily than Jb. month earlier,
although they were at that time given
artificial beat and light in as large
uuantltles as the plant could bear.
Others maintain that the lengthening
of the days and nearer approach of
the sun exercise a mighty influence
upon the unfoldment of the flower,!
even though the sun be oDscured ny
Shapes Ars &ik Bowers.
But whatever the cause, the fact is
evident that the flower shops are
bowers of beauty with flowers be
longing to the season, as tulips and
daffodils; those in advance, such as
roses and hang overs, like chrysan
themums, a few rare specimens of
these Just coming" into bloom when
they are distinctly a Thanksgiving
One or two sweet peas have put In
an appearance, but not many, nor is
this fact deplored by the florists, -who
say that people do not buy flowers
out of season any more than they ap
pear in straw hats in winter, and in
a heart-to-heart talk with several of
them the writer learned that people
were not just falling over themselves
to buy even tseasonable flowers.
Where you will see a single bunch of
violets pinned to a woman's coat on
a walk down Washington street, there
were, during the holidays, a continu
ous procession of them, and poin
settlas and primroses were " also in
evidence at that time, It being un
fortunate, from the florist's point of
view, that the buying season and the
blooming season are not synonymous
60 Varieties of Orchids Hers.
But the high tide of summer can
bring forth no morr beautiful flower
than has unfolded its waxen beauty
upon a frozen world, the orchid in
Its 50 varieties, fi seems difficult
not to speak of them as fragrant, for
so like a Illy are they in form, text
ure and coloring, you unconsciously
expect the remaining quality, fra
A tropical flower, transplanted
from its home in the Philippines,
Mexico and Central and South Amer
ica, where it grows upon fallen logs
and in trees if sufficient moss has
How, to HCeep -
.-t-e" asBsS""""
By Dr. Lena K. Sadler.
r BE well, happy, and strong baby
must enter into actlvs exercise
One! of the most enjoyable gifts
that -month-old baby can receive
is a baby pen. If it is lifted from
ths floor, well protected at the sides
and covered with mosquito bar (in
summer) it affords not only an op
portunity for exercise, but here the
little fellow mar lay on a well padded
mattress and kick, move his arms and
roll about Ho his own satisfaction
for hours. Baby should cry hard
each day for a w minutes, for at
no other occasion does he get such
all-round exercise. The arms wave,
the legs kick and the entire skin sur
face of the body gets pink.
"Creeping" is urged, but never
forced. Likewise, we never encour
age baby to staid.
Much colic and fretfulness may be
avoided If baby is kept warm. The
February - 28; Union with - Covs), i
March 1; Baker;-March 2;' Hood River,
March 8;' Mosler. ::: March " tr L- Dufur,
March 10. ; r
Utopia Bsbskaks'- mesWsd--Thurs-day
night Utopia lodge of Rebekahs,
L O. O. F received Mrs. Nellie Wat
tenberg, stats president, accompanied
by a large number of prominent offi
cers of both ths State Rebekah assem
bly and the I. O. O. V. grand lodge.
Among the class initiated was Mss
Gladys Westbrook, daughter of Grand
Master Westbrook. Mrs. Christine An
derson, noble grand, presided. Speeches
and a musical and social program fol
lowed. The serving of a banquet closed
the proceedings.
Junior Moose entertainment Port
land lodge No. 19, Junior Order of
Moose, is to have an entertainment
and stepplne party next Wednesday,
February 14. in Moose hall. Royal
building. After the entertainment an
informal stepping party will be given
in the hall and a card party in tne
club rooms. The music for the dance
will be furnished by the Junior Order
of Moose orchestra. The Juniors ex
tend a cordial invitation to all young
people to be ' present. Admission is
K. W. A. Activities. A union meet-
intr nf t.Vi ramn, nf Portland will be
yielA t W A hall Fleventh near I miser P swu inennumeiei
Stark trt Wednesday nieht. Feb-1 ror if mey are warm tRe feet usually
ruary 14. Officers of Alberta ampi'". " nwrnei wrapper u
and the team of . Oregon Fir camp will a pair of heavy wool booties in tne
nnf.f h. wr,rir AitMrtn. uiM will I winter are good warmth producers.
hoM n.rfv at Russell and Wil- uo not anow Daoy to sweat; Keep nim
liams avenue on Monday night, eD- I iuuhiwik. ul j
ruary 12. Members, families and turning, tor me euuuen cwnn
friends are cordially Invited. LaGrande of a child is a forerunner of pneu
catop. Union county, has won the ban- monia, cold catching, diarrhoea and
nr tnr- 1916 for bavins' initiated tne 1 -""r iivuuiw
lfl,fft t m Vi a r9 mAmKra in thft
' Tli . vnim.
1 1. J I ... -I . 4,1... TV'.. 1 1 U
r ..:".." cidediy by
L.W. C" . X v. bouncingf to say nothing of the
Which, in the eight years of its op- "zoning" efftcts of this practice.
?TZh0SZZttL " Tha tossing .of baby in the air comes
than 2000 admitted. ,n for theame condemnation. Baby
Eloaaent Orator Will Speak. The is not "our plaything" and must not
Knights of Columbus will celebrate J be bounced and tossed about like a
the birthday of George Washington by rubber ba.
a free meeting at the Lincoln high I I also protest against the haphazard.
school auditorium on the night of Feb-I promiscuous kissing of babies. Many
ruary 22. Judge Frank J. Murasky forms of disease, such as tuberculosis,
of San Francisco, one of the most elo- syphilis, diphtheria, influenza, common
quent orators of the Golden State, has colds, etc., may be carried to the child
been secured for orator of the evening, l m this way.
Judge Guy C. Corlis, formerly of Kissing the hand is not much better
North Dakota, will preside. Everyone than the mouth, for the hand quickly
is invited. There will be a good musi- finds its way to the mouth. Let the
cal program. kissing be done on the back of the
, neck or on top of his head, but never
Bnnnyslde Masons Increasing. Sun- on th. f hanH
nyside lodge. A. F. and A. M.. has Open windows must be - protected
m in i carefully by well fastened screens
witl essays, poem and original writ
ings and there will be a group of songs
by Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor. Members
come prepared with Valentine gems,
Luncheon 1 p. m. Take - Portland
Heights car.
The Alberta Woman's Improvement
club will meet Tuesday night In the
Vernon school bouse at S o'clock. The
"Two Platoon System" for the fire
men will be the topic Judge W, N.
Gatens and James Irvin will be the
rpeakers. This question will be on the
ballot at the coming city election and
all voters are invited to attend.
An instrument that measures the
radiation of heat from the earth : at
night is the invention of a DanUb
Substitute Word for
Charity Is Sought
Chicago. Feb. is. (I. N. B.) What
nam is greater than that of charity?
The National Conference of Charities
and Correction has created a commit
tee to recommend a new name for the
Welfare is found to be the most
popular term with the rank and file
of th conference. Next in order come
the terms social work, social service,
crvtc agencies and social beltermet.t.
The report gives a lint of 139 varieties
of substitutes for the words charities
and correction.
and growing nervous
system of the child is injured de-
constant jolting and
by slats of wood. Beds afford a good
place for a romp or play, but high-
backed chairs should be placed at the
The baby carriage should be roomy
and comfortable. The bed should be
33 Inches long and 14 inches wide, and
How to Prepare Them.
Winter salads are especially acceoi:-
able when served mixed with meat or
fish, forming quite a (Substantial little
dish, and so combining variety and
economy by utilizing those remnants
left from previous meals which are too
small to serve alone.
Cream Salad. ,
The remains of any cold boiled fish.
a small head of celery, one beetroot.
four pennyworth of cream, two table
spoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of
saiaa oil. seasonings.
Remove all skin and bone from the
fish and flake It with a fork. Well
wasn tne celery and cut up all the
white part very small; cut the beet
root into small dice: Put the oil and
vinegar into a cup and stir it well to
gether; add a saltspoon of made' mas
tard, white pepper, salt and a teaspoon
of castor sugar, pour in the cream and
mix all well together. Mix the flaked
fish and salad and pour over the dress
ing; toss it gently about so that the
dressing is well mixed with the salad
and serve either in separate small
dishes or one large one.
Gams Salad.
Remains of any cold game, four or
five boiled artichokes, two large pota
toes, two bananas, salad dressing or
secretary and committees. A number
of young men .residing in that section
of the city are interested in the lodge
and in bringing in their friends. The slde t0 ppcvent failB
umcers ana memuers muc grem in
terest in the degree and Instruction
work and many prominent visitors
from other and "Older lodsres assist I ... i . n '
pnllootol t criv. ! a fnnthnH or I , . IO - O lu U IUUICI 1 rUIU in
. o -' l.x. wneaever caiiea on. I nw. Tk. i, v. -
vhAr. tt rnntm banc- frnm- lh, I u " uuU1u ruuuei
branches and secure nourishment from U Consider FlansPians lor tne enouia a gooo.
thm air it i. r o. r.nx.rv.hi. construction of the new Loyal Order 1 8led hood containing a dark lining.
that such marvelous success has at- of Moose building atPourth and Tay- Provldtl-WlthAZ'lnd h,leld- The
tended its culture in nots in the cold buccuj win u wusiuwm .. i- - - -
and comparatively sunless riimat of regular meeting of Portland lodge on oasKei are to be used only in emer-
the northwest.
Countless Tsrieties Known.
NATURE lavishly rewards those who labor
rationally to preserve and beautify their hair.
Those who know depend upon Newbro's Herpicidc
for the eradication of that greatest enemy of good hair,
dandruff, and to prevent the hair from coming out.
Light, lustrous and luxuriant hair is almost always associated
with Herpicidc The dainty, exquisite odor of Herpiolde appeals to
every refined taste and makes it a most delightful and popular hair
Send 1 Oc in postage or silver for trial size bottle and booklet.
Applications at the better barber sbops. Sold Everywhere.
Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co., Dept. 152B, Detroit, Mich.
I gencies.
already has been over S20.000 sub-1 Unless absolutely necessary, babies
a . 77 . scribed toward the building fund by snouia not be taxen on trains and
Some 20.000 varieties have been members and friends. It Is Intended streetcars, nor should they take long
una, aiuiuuga lewer wan iuu are I , .,,., . ,.,,,..,. I lournevs
store space on the ground floor.
found, although
of commercial value. Single rare
specimens have brought fortunes to
the finders, and even the common
every day flowers cut from the plants
Good Citizenship. Judge T. J. Clee-
ton will address Portland council.
are quoted this week by Portland I Knights of Columbus, at Its semi-
florists at $1 pet bloom, while the I monthly luncheon at the Hotel Port
land next Tuesday noon. His subject
will bo "Good Citizenship."
W. O. W. St. Valentine Dance. The
officers of the Women of Woodcraft
roots are "priced at 32 up to $50
The life of the plant is very long,
year after year producing a glorious
cluster of flowers, white, lavendar.
v, association is preparing to give its
onotuo. ' , '., annual St. Valentines dance on the
something of a vicious, animal-like I . ...., , , , ...
, '. . , night of Wednesday, February 14. All
look, in spite of the protests of the K ., w r w
florist, who insists that you shall
see in the green one the same
etherial - beauty that characterizes
those of other shades.
And by no means are you to sug
gest to an orchid grower that tne
members and friends of the W. O. W.
are invited to attend. The large hall I or torn.
Journeys Into the country to attend
In selecting toys for the infant, it
must be borne In mind that they will
be put into the mouth, so avoid all
such toys as:
1. Toys with sharp points.
2. Small enough to swallow, or to
push into the nose.
t. Covered with hair or wool.
4. Glass that Is easily broken.
6. Painted toys.
8. Toys that may be taken apart and
tne small parts swallowed.
7. Paper books that may be chewed
at Tenth and Taylor streets is being
specially decorated for the occasion.
Win Xntertain Circles. Astra cir
cle, Women of Woodcraft, will enter-
flowers resemble th iris or tam I tain tne otner circles or -oniana
flae. excent that the orchid larka thA Thursday night, February 15. at Worn
fragrance of the iris, which, by the ei or wooacrait nau. lenin ana j.ay
way, is the orris of commerce, and lor streets.
the bulbs from your own garden can X. C. Dance ZText Friday. The next
be ground through the sausage monthly dance of Portland council, K.
grinder after they have been dried, of C, will be held on the night of
the powder increasing in sweetness Friday, February 16, at the Multnomah
up to its fifth year, while apparently hotel. The committee in charge will
without fragrance when first taken be Adrian F. Ward, John Domniseee,
front the soil. Walter F. Roberts, Earl J. Lowe and
Amateur Grows Flowers. Hugh O'Donnell
t Commercially there are but two I Maccabees to Oregon City. The de
firms growing orchids in
one of which has $16,000 Invested in Maccabees, will leave for Oregon City
stock and equipment. Dr. C. W. Fer- I Monday evening to confer degree work
rill of 614 Myrtle street, Portland and participate in a supper which will
Heights, has the largest private col- I follow. A large class of candidates
lection in the state, or in several I has been secured by Tualatin tent of
states. Beginning four years ago Oregon City. All Maccabees of Port
with 20 plants, he now has 1000, the land are Invited.
stocK navmg increased by division Hew Council at ICilwaukie. Capt
ana importation lo sucn an extent T. T. Cook of KirkDatriek council
that, should the doctor continue t6 Knights and Ladies of Security, has
find pleasure in his research work nrraniu a council of th order in
among his blossoms, he says that in Mllwaukie, and It will give its first
nme ne win prooaoiy consider the public social next Wednesday night.
commercial pnase or ic since his
Lear in mind that babies are easily
amused by such simple toys as:
1. A half dozen clothespins.
2. An alumlr-uin pan and a spoon.
3. Rubber toys (easily washed).
4. Celluloid dolls, ducks and other
floating toys.
6. A large rubber ball.
IBf" ..w,.
(Oooelnded Prom Preceding Pace)
rWM.L. ..II
I j
Mrs. Belle C. writes: "I am in
formed that I have kidney trouble
and that It is fast approaching a se
rious stage. What would you pre
Answer: If your symptoms are the
usual ones, such as pulls under tne
eyes, swelling ankles; scant, copious
rtitnrium of th vhAni M.inn.i or f ou l-smellin a urine, accompaniea
eonzs by the unner erad. ndr th by headaches, pains, depression, fever.
fZXZZL 1ea,?eh,p Josephine Roach 5?.l? nso bmwoVablet a v
EVhniarv 14. which will be attended tative from th Glllpsnie JWinnl of I tablets as superior to calomel and of
Boil the artichokes and cook the po- lar8"e greenhouse Is now bulging with by a number of visiting members from Expression. Important business will lasting benefits Tour drU?5u8tJPan
toes in their skins; allow them to getHhe ra plants a dozen now being in Portland. v be transacted and a full-attendance is Thi? Package with direc-
cold. Cut Into dice the remains of any
cold game, also the artichokes and the
peeled 'potatoes and bananas. Mix all
well together and pour over a cream
salad dressing or a mayonnaise nicely
seasoned. Sprinkle with chopped pars
ley and serve' with small rolls of crisp
For taking out the obstinate knot
or kink that gets into your thread
when sewing or embroidering take a
firm grasp with the left hand on
your thread between the knot and
the work and with the right catch
the knot on the needle and jerk from
you. It will come out.
to mother.'
And in a moment Bobby was hug
ging and kissing her. He had for
gotten all about bis loneliness and
that he had no valentines; it was
so good to be near her and to look
into ner loving' eyes
.i. - .
. y big. brave boy. I know von
missed your mother and I have
wanted you all day. I have such a
wonderful valentine for you,, dear."
And then mother drew down a small
blanket and : there, nestling in her
arm, was the tiniest haby Bobby had
ever ; seen. : ; The wee, wrinkled little
bloom and buds forming upon many
Has Kany Hare Tsrieties.
His collection embraces many rare
varieties, irom m pure white so
prized by connoiseurs to the dark
shades and including the Rainbow of
great beauty and frost like delicacy.
Everything in the greenhouse is sec
ondary to the orchid; the palms, the
rubber tree and the bread fruit tree.
magnificent specimens in themselves.
are there merely to shade the orchid
and everything must adapt itself to
the temperature required by these
exotics, which must not vary much
either way from 60 degrees. About
the stalks of them are bits of cotton.
to prevent slugs rrom feeding upon
the flowers, while over the pots, on
bt OFinmra credit accouuts
S-X vn FHltY'8 BXOP,
Of course, many of the women who
have admired CHERRY'S rntvnnr.
showing of smart Spring wearables
already had accounts at this popular
store. But dozens of others unable
to resist the double inducement of
these charming new garments and
CHERRY'S generous terms of payment
have recently enrolled themselves as
customers of Cherry's credit depart
ment. Not initial payment is required, vevi
know, of patrons whose references are
satisfactory. It's a nfew departure--
prooi or chtutni o errort to make it
easy for reliable people of Portland to
dress stylishly the year .'round. '
Tou see. you won't be hampered- by
the lack of a f&w dollars to serve as a
deposit. - Tour first installment later
on will be the first money yon pay on
your Spring outfit, if you use this
nrlvtleare at chMTrt
The latest effects In Spring Sports
Attire are beautiful and strtung.
Sports Suits, Sports Coats and Dresses
predominate tne coming summer., in
cidentally. CHERRY'S have some "Win
ter Suits and & very few Winter Coats
it lo ClnniK Prices now. -
- Their store is at S89-S1 Washington
street. Pittock block.
win be given and there will be a f jne remedy for such difficulties, sold
talk to housewives by Miss Pauline I in sealed tube's with full directions
Pease. A large attendance Is de-1 for self-administration
sired. I Mia Daisv B. writes: "I have what
The Woodstock Parent-Teacher as-1 people call liver spots on my skin, I
ocis-tton will hnM tViir nmii., tm nallow. almost like a nerson with
monthly meeting Fridav. the six- b&undi;. d I know my liver is not
teenth, at 2:30 p. m. L. L Summers
win spea on art ana will show some lng Am constipated and seldom feel
ui ma pictures ne Drougnt rrom good.
Europe There will be special music Answer: Such symptoms indicate
furnished by the Monday Musical the need of a cood tonic for stomach.
club. There will also be a represen-1 liver and bowls, and I advise cardiol
gf&r lews BaAer
The questions answered below are
general In character, the sympioms or
diseases are given and the answers
will apply in any case of similar
Those wishing further advice, free,
may address Dr. Lewis Baker. Collese
Bldg., College-El wood streets. Dayton.
Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped
envelope for rculy. Full name and
address must be given, but only In
itials or fictitious names will be used
In my answers. The prescriptions
can be filled at any well-stocked drug
store. Any druggist can order 01
Answer: Obtain plain yellow minyol
from your druKKlst in 4 -ox. lars and
apply as per directions. v This cleans.
purines, cools and Invigorates the
hair and scalp, thus stopping the
death of the hair. Dandruff and itch
ing are at once relieved. Men and
women all over the country now use
It regularly.
Laura" says: "Some time ago I con
tracted a very severe cold and cough.
I have tried many remedies, but they
do not seem to help me at all. I wish
you would advise me what to do."
Answer: . What you need Is a laxa
tive cough syrup, one that will drive
the cold from your system. The fol
lowing prescription will check your
cold and cough: (Jet a 2H-oz. pneksge
of concentrated essence mentho-laxene
and make according to directions on the
bottle. Take a teaspoonful every hour
or two or until your rold is better.
This will relieve you In a very few
day a
Building Good Teeth.
Good milk will make good teeth, for
it makes teeth for calves. Good meat
will, for it makes them for young lions j
and wolves. Good vegetables, nuts and
fruits will, for it makes them for mon
keys. Good corn, oats, barley, wheat.
rye and. Indeed, everything that grows,
will make good teeth, if taken in their
natural state, no elements being taken
out, for every one of them makes good
teeth for horses and cows.
But starches and sugars and lard
and adulterated foods will not make
good teeth; therefore a wise mother
will keep rrom very young children
tlon thereon.
Miss Rertie I., aaks: "What remedy
Club Notes. I can you recommend to reduce obesity
T, rwov,t. rr r-r.A I safely? I want to reduce about SO
. , - - -. j
wlll meet at the home of
Mrs A.
i v. i v. tq Tr..i . w i Answer: l
9 A -ell 4 I LFUtw.'1' '""'."' '. . "
the members is earnest! requested, reduce abnormal fat. Druggist sup-
Take Broadway, car to Nineteenth I plv this In sealed tubes with complete
street directions. After the first few days
A Valentine party will be given IX'und a day is not too mucn Tea ne
at the Y. W. C. A. on next Tuesday 11 ,n- . .
evening. The social committee has Mr. G. R. writes: "Please tell me
the affair in hand. Any girl will be what to take tp get rid of pimples
wTmo bolls and bad blood. I know I need a
The Montessorri association wlll c . ,1 V w v, ,
meet with the president. Mrs. C. H. ",ru.r . Vh7 d'. VZSr hto
Farrington, 483 East Twenty-fifth b.d feerin a thorough treatment of
pastry, wnue Dreaa. canes ana tea, 8treet north. Monday afternoon. A three grain sulpherb tablets (not sul
and will give them instead good milk, review of one of Montessorri's Iec-lnhnr tablets). Continue for several
niii.Mo I whole wheat bread, cereals, meat. eggs. (, win ho pivn anil mil roll win months ,
upon the air, with only sufficient of nPT rrun' vegetables ana nuts and be answered with quotations from m, j. b. asks: "My hair is too oily
the stem tucked .mdor th- will do well to see that these helps
anchor the plant and keep it upright, " b'yc" ""S"-
btirr leaves. several inches In
length, and pseudo-bulbs conserving
moisture ror tne plant's dry season in
Its native haunts, make an attractive
background for the flowers. The
orchid is propagated by seed, division
or roots and cuttings, three r four
and mv scaln Itches with dandruff, and
Chapter A of the P. E. . Sisterhood ot late it is combing out too much,
will meet Monday with Mrs. Archibald What la a good treatment T
McGill, 800 Stanton street, at 2 o'clock.
Miss C W. R. asks: "I have tried for
two years to diet so as to Increase my
weight and improve the quality of my
blood, but in vain. Please prescribe for
met- ,
Answer: Thin, scrawny, bloodies;
people need assistance in absorbing nu- ,
tritlon from the food eaten, and', for
this particular purpose I always, pre
scribe three-grain hypo-nuclane tab--lets,.
a most effective preparation If
regularly and persistently used, as it
seems to increase the red and white
corpuscles of the blood, thus afford
ing health, strength and increased
Geo. V. G. writes: "Perhaps you can
prescribe for me. as I am at a loss to
understand my condition. For the past
year have suffered extreme nervous
ness, trembling and extremities are
cold. Have poor appetite, am weak,
listless and no ambition to work or
seek recreation. Am tired all the time
and in no sense the strong capable man
was a few years ago."
Answer: A powerful rejuvenating
nerve medicine should revive the dor-:
mant sluggish condition and put new
ambition and energy into your blood
and nerves. Obtain three grain cado
mene tablets in sealed tubes, take as
per directions.
NOTE: For many yearn Dr.. 'Baker
has been giving free advice and pre
scriptions to millions of people through
the press columns, and doubtless has
helped in relieving illness and distress
more than any single individual in the
world's history. Thousands have writ
ten htm expressions of gratitude and
They do. not because it is a fad.
years being required to bring a new Dut because they wish to obtain the
nuwcr uiwiu tutu us me oeing
as perpetual as any plant, owing to
lis naon or renewing its parts.
The P. E. O. magazine will be the sub
ject for the afternoon.
The Oregon Woman Suffrage Alli
ance will meet Tuesday 'venlng at 8
o'clock in the story hour' room of Cen
tral - library.
Willamette chapter. Daughters of
greatest possible hair beauty and I American Revolution, will meet Wed-
be sure they are not using anything I nesday with Mrs. W. A. Evans. 744
v,, fi Th h ho Montgomery Drive. laae councni
Pnat ra r tn Vnllerv Vlw atatlon
washing the hair it is never wise to The dramatic department of
O. O. F. Receptions in Eastern
Oregon to Grand Blaster.
use a makeshift but is always advis-1 Portland Shakespeare Study club will
oMo. t o nrenaraiion maA. fn, I meet witn Mrs. x. r rancie israae. si
I T"- . IkT I V. n.h , a'Ia,
shampooing only. Many of our friends Wednesday. All members are urged to
say they get the best results rfom a
Eastern Oregon Tisitations Henry J simple home-made canthrox mixture. I
Taylor, past grand master of "the Ore-1 v , . . . 4
gon grand lodge, will visit the fol- Tou us thU U 0081 of bout
Salts harmless to flush Kidneys
and neutralize uric acid, thus
ending Bladder trouble.
be present. Take Tin Ion avenue car.
The Woman's Civic Welfare club
will meet Thursday afternoon in room
A Central library, at 3 o'clock. Dr. I when your kidneys hurt and your
C. H. Chapman will speak on rn i pack feels sore, don't get scares, ana
proceed tq load your stomach with a
lowing lodges of the Independent Or- I three cents a shampoo by getting some
der of Odd Fellows in Umatilla coun I canthrox from your druggist, and sis-1 Problem of Unemployed Women Ef-
ty: Echo, February 17: Hermiston. tasDoonful in a cud of hot! flcienfor Inefficient." Discussion will hot of drugs that excite the kidneys
Adams. March 3. Other places in water. This makes enough shampoo I tended to those who are willing to Keep your kidneys clean like you
Umatilla county will be visited by I liauid to apply to all the hair instead I assist in developing a nlan of relief. l iceeD your bowels clean, by flashing
Grand Master Henry S. Westbrook. as I e I The current literature department I them with a mild, harmless salts
of the Portland Woman's club will be J which removes the . body's urinous
entertained Thursday at the home of I waste and stimulates them to their
Mrs. M. C. BanQeld, 193 vista avenue, I normal activity. The function or. the
with Mrs. Albert M. Brown. Mrs. Cora I kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24
Rock, February 22: Freewater (Milton most Preparations. Dandruff, excess
and Umaplne), February 23 ; Pendle-j Oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely
ton (including district 'convention and I dlaannaar in the rinsing water. Tour
special session of grand lodge), Feb- 1 ln K. rinffv thai it win i,s, I Bonney and Mrs. Jennie Greenough, hours they strain .from It 60 grains
n,o lh.n. rchnmry Wmu 1 nar -W".S , oo I w tnmtmmmm TVio rlnV. mnt hnn. I nt rA mnA ut ma wa ran rooMv
ton. February 27; Pendleton (Joint ses-1 muctt lvlr : than u - Jts stre r member MrB- Helen Ekin Star-1 understand " the vital Importance of
slons of Integrity and Eureka lodges), I and softness will also delight you. I rett, will give a delightful . afternoon 1 keeping the kidneys activa
Drink lots of water yotf can't drink '
too much; also get from any pharma-.
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; .
take a tablespoonfol in a glass of
water before breakfast each morning
for a few days and your kidneys will
act fine. This famous salts Is made .
from the acid of grapes sad lemon
Juice, combined with lithla, and has '
been used for generations to elean and
stimulate clogged kidneys; also to v
neutralize the adds in urine so it la
no longer a source of irritation thus
ending bladder weakness. rr c
Jad Salts is Inexpensive: cannot In
jure; makes a delightful effervescent'
Hthia-water, drink which- everyone
should take now and then to keep
their kidneys clean and active.' , Try
this, also keep up the water drinldng.
and no doubt you will : wonder what
became of your kidney trouble aa
backacha -