mm. 14 PACIRC COAST YARD CAPACITY IS 700,000 j TONS PER ANNUM Government Board Completes . 'Survey -of. Infant Industry .! ' v6f Coast. ; FOUR CAN BUILD BATTLER Porttand Plants Capabia of Turulmf Ovf SO Per Cent of Totslj TJaloa v ron Work 33 Per Cost. 'Ban Franclso, Feb. 8.t-(U- " Shipbuilding plant on the Pacific ;coat are capable of turning: out ap 'proglmately 700.000 tona of merchant 'ships annually, according to an unof , rra luriiH rnmnleted today by gov ernment official Twelve shipyards ninii in ihn rfrvey. 1 - Of the 12' yards, four are capable of ; building; battleafclpe. These are the two plants of tn Union Iron Work at Oakland and San Francisco, the Se attle Contraction & Drydock company, "and the Washington Shipbuilding com- Tiitiv at Tacoma. Shipbuilding plants on the Pacific coast, and their annual capacity in tons are as follows: Union Iron Works (two yards). 17S, - DUO: Seattle Construction A Drydock company. 76.000: Washington Shtp- : bulldlnsr company. Tacoma, 75.000; Korthwest Steel company. Portland. 76, OOOi'Moore & Scott, Oakland, 60.000; J. F. DUthie & Co., Seattle, 60,000. "Ames Shipbuilding, company, Seattle. ' 60.000: Skinner & Eddy. Seattle. 60, 00: Columbia River company, Port V land. 60,000; Anderaon Shipbuilding : company. Seattle. 20.000: Alblna En gine ft Machine Works. Portland. 20 - 009; California Shipbuilding company. Ijorig Beach, 10,000. MARINER- IS BACK Samoan islands, yesterday afternoon and Is s total loss, although -all mem bers of the crew were saved.? aecorc- : IBS7 IWeiTSU WLJ. 5 -.' The vessel was at- anchor wnen tropical storm cams - up, - driving It ashore,: Captain Olson got bis crew of text men off safely. Tbe Jackson sailed - to Melbourne. Australia, In ballast and was at Apia to load copra. Hind. RolDfc Co. bought tne ves sel six months ago for 0.000. It was built In Aberdeen, Wash., in 1301. This Is the second, sailing vessel Hind, Rolph ft Co. have lost in a week, the first one being the schooner Kona. wrecked, on Kangaroo island., near Australia, February a. - -' Boat Service) to Pasco. ' Ssrvios to Pasco by the Dalles- Columbla line is to start February 20, water permitting. The steamer J. NV' Teal is being made ready for Mrviee and will, it Is expected, be able to make her first' trip about that time. Ice and low water forced the withdrawal of the steamer late last year. . : BDNG REPAIRED WITH CONTRACTS IN SIGHT 1 " ' Organization of Business Men Responsibleifor Having the Plant Put in Good Shape. Changes and Charters. San Francisco, Feb. S. O. Johnson has replaced T. A, Jamleaon as master of the steamer ' Speedwell, reported from New Orleans. The bark Narwhal haa been char tered to carry redwood from Eureka to Melbourne at 136 shillings by J. J. Moore ft Co. Inc. (May-June). Tug Goes for Junk. For Just $109, Charles Steelsmlth and Captain John Zumwalt have pur chased the sunken tug Resolute which. for the past few months, has reposed In 20 feet of water near Vancouver. The tug wis raised Wednesday and brought to Portland, where she will be scrapped and her machinery sold as Junk. Bandon. Or.. Febi . The Ban don shipyard, through the efforts of the New Era club, an organisation of local business men, is being repaired with a view to securing contracts for the construction of two vessels. An experienced shipbuilder is on the ground and several contracts are In sight. The plant Is one of the largest for wooden construction on tbs coast, and years ago launched several vessels. It will accommodate two boats at a time and is located alongside the Moore mill where high-grade ship lumber can be , procured at a . lower cost than at any point on the Pa cific coast. TEACHERS STORM BUT FAIL TO AGRE UPON OFFICE'TENURE BILLS Special Train Tonight to Continue .Struggle, legislature adjourn -without striking at th rU which, ail knew exists. II said he would vot for the Stott bill though It did not meet with hts entire approval, as it was better than the sxlstlng law. : ' -Elmore said 'as ' chairman of the committee on health and public mor als hs had asked the attorney gen eral's office for an pinion regarding tbe constitutionality and that the bill was unconstitutional. - Tbs speaker could not- enforce the house rule against smoking during .1 A mm TTIma. a a ( f4 mTA ft WAnM H frf Go t0SaIem in off leers of the law would net enforce the existing- law and he doubted if they would enforce any - law. Hs doubted if any of those who had ap pealed for the passage of the Sweeney bm would aid in its enforcement. CfcarW A--Ree, lafantry, sre ordered e the auUSkry eae-ay, lerSaty. - r Bi 1 Liavtaaaat 'grail Korjaa, FatllpphM Saosta, ass sees retire io active service. Captala. Chars .' Blakeley. field artillery, best fialahed wiU Ue mtr wlntd hl U risaen daty lDspactor-ioetntctar of ar- pacsad atUUIa, with sutlea at Kew Orleass, fcss'. ObbsbsI ibtsi Hamnttm ami arttUary earpe, rctivd - as ixmbec r aeajes nerd asd soars for taodug t ifiad eaa- on, wui jwoort m eoaat oareaaaa r Sasdy Mook aatll tisie far Mm tc sail for CMatobal caaai bobs, aooox April so. QntrMmuur hiiiS tm FsUaseV pbU, Pa., for.daty: Taonas J, Baney, Oo rumboa, K. it.'. Jobs J. Dijuytns. Browns. Tliie. m Chartoa W. Diets, JeffaiSos bar racks. Ma.; FV4 FUbr. Fort Host, Ta.; Panl P. Raynaud. Fort Aadrrwa, Ifaaa : Lrwia R. WllUi. Lawton. Wash.: Emu A: BrWwana. Washiestoa bemcka. D. O. : Johs O. D-nath. Tort B. H. O. Wrtfbt, N. . N. X., and Fort Osletborp. Tie. Fort Terry, NEWS OF THE PORT w. y. Arrtrals Tslroaxy a. Herri tx. Amerlcaa ataamar. Cantata Engalla, oil, from Baa Franclaco. Associated OU company. L Primers. Americas steamer. CantaJn in. deraoo, aapbalt, from Baa Francinoo, Standard Oil company. Dapartaraa yabraary I. Northern Pacific. Americas ateamer. Captain Huncer, paaaencers ana rretztit, for Han Fran- Sight of Ere lxst. Bandon, Or.. Feb. 8. I J. Jack son, proprietor of a local machine shop, through an accident which oc curred yesterday lost the sight of his left eye. While drilling in metal a piece of the drill broke off and struck his eyeball, . penetrating to the socket. Jackson was formerly a marine engineer in the United States navy. ANTI-CIGARETTE BILLS PASS IN OREGON HOUSE (Omirtnned From Page One.) tobacco was filthy, and Forbes retort ed when you wanted to find a Simon pure "pin head" and "boob" you want- riaeo. hrmt Northern P.rlfTr- Rt-.m,it ed to SO butkt UP a "man SChOOl VETERAN Gorernment Asks Civil War Pilot ' to Report to Vavy Yard. ' : Aberdeen. Wash.. Feb. 8. Ous ' Ilaren. who retu-hed his seventy seventh birthday last month, ahd who is his younger days was a well known .Atlantic coast iavigator, has been called upon by the navy department for active service as a mariner. A though his age would exempt him from ordinary service, he will leave for ' Mare Island within the next few days . and take up whatever kind of work the men want him to do. r - Hagen was in the reguldr United - States service from 1863 to 1867 ply--between Atlantic coast ports. He has '-been on the Pacific coast for the past SO years snd for the last nine years or so has been a resident of this city. Hag;en, although 77, does not look to ' be past the 60 mark. . He is a small man, well built and with a short iron gray beard. He has a vast fund of. maritime Information and in his younger days and middle life he was -Vwell known in both Atlantic and Pa cific coast ports. He is believed to be one of a very few uf the pilots who served In Civil war days, who are Still-alive. pany. Marino Almanac. Weather at Elver's' Month. North Bead, Feb. & Oaodltlon of the month of tberirer at noon, amooth; wind east, 14 mllea; weattier, light fog, cnaimel obscured. Son and Tides February 9. Bun rises, 7:23 a. m. Son seta, 5:23 p. m. Tides at Astoria. z:23 a. m, 7.9 feat 8:37 a. m.. 2.1 feet Plain dog. 2:10 p. m., 7.9 feat B:5 p. m.. 0.8 feet I He also The time ball on toe U. 8. hydrographlc of fice wae dropped at noon. , marm. i . Afterwards, when the debate had been close. Burton got back at Forbes with the statement mads to a point of personal privilege, that "he had seen animals who smoked like men and drank whiskey like men. but that if you took an augur and bored a quar ter of an inch under the side you hit BIG SHIPPING CONCERN MAY MOUNT GUNS ON A stormy session, continued from 4:S0 to 7:10 p, m Wednesday, marked a renewed discussion of. proposed amendments to the teachers' tenure law by the Grade Teachers' associa tion. The meeting was held at the Central library and was-said to be the most largely attended held by the organisation. Adjournment was fa .H wlthmit & vnt. thither to rescind or ratify he- action at a spe-J ciai meeting a week ago when the Orton bill, pending before the legis lature, was indorsed. - After the ad journment, Miss Viola Ortschild, pres ident of the association, announced that she would consider the action of a week ago as approved. Miss Eleanor McCarthy read let- I - i i ieis irgm icgiaiaivra Biiui.g uuii viae j On LanSing Lettert will oppose any change in ths tenure Ics. vv t ci i it 5 a a jr va-iv owiwi arvasva va wa Orton bill amendments. She declined to give the names of these leglsla- j tors. El H. Whitney, principal of! T.; Stephen t. n rcalsnatloii of Captain Horace IL Bob- cVtaoa. modtcat earpa, accepted by the Breat deae. ffectlTe March 35. LMvee: Captain- Warren TV. Waiwalde. 10th eavalry, a ' eataaalas t '14 day: OapUla Horace M. Kotwrawm. BMdlcat corps, f from VHvsary 10 t and lwladinc March 25. ; : -Us aavy erdara were iaeues."- i . Diking Project Supported." i Washington. Feb r Congressman Hawley fcas ssourea s fsvorabls raport from t9a hoosia commlttso oa commerce on' him biU to dselAPs Olalls. slough, ta Lincoln oomty Or, non-navlgabla, The porpns of tMs measure) Is to permit diking operations by reerfdent of ths district, who doalre to reclaim lands now overfloowed by waters from tbs slough. On Account of the War. From the Ooffayrul JsarnaL Tour lard and butter's mighty hlrh." The housewlf s said. "Why this in creases Tbs grocer straightway made reply, The allies have blockaded Greece." Be Careful in Uting)' 7?T Soap on - Your Hair SEAGOING STEAMSHIPS International Merchant Ma rine Company Considering Move, New York. Feb 8. While maintain- ,ng that they have reached no decision - received assurances from, other leg islators that they will support the -'gnneT. of the United States Orto bill. declined to reeardinr their liners for defense, off! cials of the American Line announced that they are anxious to get into touch with ex navy. The stand of ths stats department in not permitting Aj-nerlcan liners to leave port was announced last night In a statement by David Lindsay of the In ternational Mercantile Marine. He said: -The American line announces that the sailing dates of their steamships referred A motion by Miss Alice Randall that the grade teachers oppose any change In ths - tenure law was de ; clared out of order by the president on ths ground that ths original In dorsement must first be rescinded. No one was recognised to make a f S? U 7J T : Most soaps sad prepared shampoos -" eoatala too raucb alkali, which la vary Injurious, as it dries tbs scalp and : makes tbs hair brtttls. . ,V V: " Tbs best thing to use is ui plaia mulslfled ooeoaaul on, for it is purs sad entirely greaseless. If very cheap and beats tie most expensive soaps ' or anything else all to pieces. You 7 can get this at any drug stars, and a -few ounces will last the whole fam- ' H y for months. Simply moisten ths hair with water : and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is 11 that Is required. It makes an abun- . dancs of rich, creamy lather, cleanses -' thoroughly, and rinses, out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, snd Is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy,' wavy, and sasy to handle. Bealdaa, it , loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. AM4US8?tU ClttliiCo!.? Got a Bottla of r.lontho-Laxono Ta' as atlsastil rlgbl awar. pstki ta at XatMaf a m Wars. soMs aa a UI of Oas gyrss. gists. St. Louis and St. Paul, now in the r" " " AV'ULIi KNOWN CRAFT GONE 32. 'B. Jackson, Which Loaded Here, "Wrecked in Apia Harbor. - Tteturuing from Bombay, where she .delivered a cargo of lumber, from the Clark & Wilson mill at Linnton, the chooner E. B. -Jackson. Captain Olson, tvaa wrecked, yesterday. ' The E. B. Jackson, owned by Hind, Rolph & Co. was wrecked at Apia, Steamers Ime to Arrive. PA8SENGEBS AND1 FBEIQHT Kama. From. Data. Northers Pacific... B. F ..Feb. 7 Boae Clty.......... 8. F. A L. A... .Feb. 8 BaaTer , .8. V. t u. A Feb. li Btoamers Due to Depart. ltema. For. Pata Northern Pacific. ... 8. F Feb. a Boaa City S. F. sj U. A.... Feb. 10 Beaver U A. A S. F Feb. 18 steamers leaving rortiand lor Ban Francises only connect with tba ateamer Yale and Har vard, tearing Baa Franclaco Monday. Wednes day, Friday and Saturday tor Loa Asgelea and san Diego. Is In Fort. Berth. Goble .m. Municipal said that he was able to take care of himself. "mentally or any other way, at all times and-against all comers. Forbes started the fireworks by stat ing that the house had two bills before it. one radical the other conservative. He move-fi that the house first con sider the Stott- bill, the conservative measure, and on a close vote Spake r Stanfleld declared the vote carried. Stott Opens Tire. Stott opened the discussion for his bill which also bore, the 'names of Stanfleld and Kubli. He said he had received many "complaints regarding the use of cigarettes by minors. He had therefore drafted ths bill and it had been given the unanimous support of the committee on health and public morals. The bill provided that no port of New York, have been lndefi nltely postponed. "The following message was re ceived at 5 p. m. today from Secre tary Lansing " The government cannot give ad I f . . wWa1a4 or not their merchant vessels should If?. .TJ? Jll PPr b asking for the floor when the motion to adjourn was mads and put, In united opposition to tbs "school board amendments" but in - division over tbs Orton bill, the teachers will travel by special train to Salem this sail on voyages to European ports 4r for l11" committees. vhlti tt aioiiM b comnplled to Data through waters delimited in thette A smV?-AI Dtrt? OfiTofC claration issued by ths German; gov- . riXIIl V mL O. V V VrTUClO ernment on January 31, 1917. . .. - c I Washlngtoo. Fab. S. Army ordare: Major vx Auicut-iu " I.nclan B. Moody, ordnaac dapartmant, la re parts of the high seas are the same iieTed from tba arsenal at Bocc I (land. 111. now as they were prior to the issuance and will ro to Washington. D. C for doty .... .i .v. . l in the of nee of the chief of ordnance. Ul ll".u" "ctia-'""" "'"t rirat Uentenaot Henry L. Krafft. medical neutral vessel may, ll lis owners oe- rewrre corpa, la ordered from the army mad4- lleve that It is liable to be unlawfully cal school to the soldiers' home, taaalnf ton. attacked take any necessary measure ror duty. t Dr. Ferdinand King, a Now York City physician and author ssyat There can bo no strong, vigorous, iron man nor beautiful, healthy, rosy'-chseked women without Iron Nuxated Iron taken thrso times per day after mssls will in crease ths strength and ondursnce of weak, nervous, run-down folks 200 par cent In two weeks' time in many instances. Avoid ths old forma of metallic iron which may injurs the teeth and corrode the stomach, snd thereby do more harm than good. Take only organic iron Nuxated Iron." It ia din. pensed jn this city by The Owl' Drug Co. and. ail good drug gists. TAKE A Name. Akotan, Am. aa. Astoria. Am. ma. Benin, am. an. Qooia I cigarettes couia lawruiiy ds soia to lXjOSel t. B. MlCble. Am. ddn...... .Unnton I anv nrann nn.v 91 mrtA fr- K. Han, Am. sch.... Weatport nf frn .Ka A 'tKn Tt ..Ooblal 11 fl UnmH Am k La Primer a. Am. as. Alblna I &lso makes it a misdemeanor for any Manila, am. acb . Multnomah Box minor to smoke cigarettes. It was a ftfT' Anu ?n-"- l--p- Lumber oo. fair. Just, though severs measure. Stott continued, snd woum meet an the ob- Bt. Nt'ejiiaa. Am."ah"!II"!"mim!Aatoris Jectiona of the friends of Dr. Sweeney's W. F. H err in. Am. as Linn ton I Daily River Readings. . I A A. "1 I r as- 8 Lfwlstos 24 2.4 0.1 1 0.00 Dmatllls . 25 1.0 0 0.00 Eugene 10 6.7 0.1 0.00 Albany 20 8.8 0.1 0.00 Saarm ..... 20 6.9 0.2 0.00 Oreaxm Oty 12 6.1 0.2 O.Oo Portland 16 4.1 Q 0.00 Suffer From Piles ( Rlalng. ( ) Falling-. River "Forecast. Tho WfSjametta rlrer at Portland will re main nearly stationary during the next two or three days. v- At Neighboring Ports. bill. Forbes said so far as hs could re member ihe had. never bought a pack age of cigarettes, but he did like a cigar once in a while, snd personally, he did not like to have anyone tell him he could not smoke when he wanted to. Sweeney Bill Considered. The Sweeney bill. Foroes -contended, was absolutely unconstitutional, by virtue of United States supreme court decisions. It was not until the pass age of the Webb-Kenyon act that the Importation of liquor -could be pre vented from one state to another. This act did not touch tobacco and th Sweeney bill would be void. Forbes argued, and he quoted various de cisions of the high court, holding that legislation or a similar Import was void. Jones of Lane said he had lived in to prevent or resist such attacks.' "The American line officials havs now taken under consideration whether to sail their steamers without protec tion or whether it is their duty to pro vide guns and gunners on their own account." , Remains Coming to Portland. The body of George S. Miller, the Portland man who was killed in West Gallatin pass, E0 miles from Bozeman. Montana. January 29, left Bozeman for Portland Wednesday. The widow, Mrs. Delia Bradley Miller, is to accompany the body to Portland and will likely make her home hereafter with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradley, 166 East Twelfth street. The funeral will be held from the First Congregational church on either Friday or Saturday, according to present plans. Georgia's Genuine Optimist. From the Atlanta Constitution. We take things as they come. By Christmas we'll have .to walk three miles to find a moonshine still, but nobody- !hears us growlln' about it. that Captala Robert Frits, 27th Infantry, Is NT -ed from act Ire aeTTice. . Lieut Lien tenant Colonel Oeo. Montgomery, ordered to Waahlns a. D- C. on official hua lneaa portal nine to the operatloBs of tba ora Bance department. Captain Geo. , Norton, ordnance depart ment, is relieved from the southern depart ment, will go to Springfield armory, Mass. First Lieutenant Charles B Coatee, signal corps, is ordered to the toothern department for duty. Major Adam F. Oaaad, ordnance department. Is ordered from the tt flee of that chief of ord nance to the Bock Ialajul arsenal. 111., for duty. Captain Daniel P. Pulien, corps of ensi neera, ordered from Detroit, 111c h.. to the military academy for dntv. First Lieutenants George L. Hardin and CASCARET" TONIGHT AND SEE! Spend a Dime ! Liven Your Liver and Rowels and Feel Fine. Enjoy life! xour system is filled with an accumulation oC bile and bowel poison which keeps you bilious. heaJ- achy, dizzy, tongae coated, breath bad and stomach sour Why oon't you get a 10-cent box of Cascarets at ths drug store and feel bully. Take Cascarets tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit. Mothers can give a whole Cascaret i a sick, cross, bilious, feverish child any time they are harmless never grips or sicken. HEADACHES Thousands ot men and women saner from beadacase every day, other thou sands have headaches every week or every month, and a till others have bead aches oooaeionally, but not at regular .' Intervals. Ths best Doctor it often un able to find the cause of many of theae aeadaohes, and In moat other eases, knowing ths causa, be does not know what will remove it, so as to give a permanent cure. All heean do la to pre scribe the nana! pain relievers, which give temporary relief, but ths bsadaobs returns as usual, and treatment la again neceaaary. it you suffer from headaches and have been unable to removs ths cases, take anU-kamnla tablets, and ob tain ths greatest possible relief. Too oaa obtain them at all druggists in any quantity. lOo worth. Bo worth or mors. Ask tor A- Tablets. , SICK-HEADACHES Bisk headache, tbs most miserable of all sicknesses, loses lta terrors wbea A-K Tablets are taken. Whsn you feel aa attack coming en take two tablets, and In many oases, ths attack will be warded off. During aa attack take one A-K Tablet every two hours. Ths rest and comfort which follow, oaa be obtained in no other way. ACHES AND FAINS Don't neglect a pain anywhere, but find out wnat causes it and conquer ' ths causa A pain In the kidney region " may put you on your back tomorrow. Don't blame ths weather for swollen feet. It may be an advanced warning of.' Bright's disease. A pain in the at out sell may be ths first symptom of sppendicitls.. A creak In a Joint may be the forerunner of rheumatism. ' Chronle headaches mors than likely warn you of serious stomach trouble. Ths best way is to keep in good condi. tlon dsy In and day out by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL Car aulas. Sold by reliable druggista Money refunded if they do not help you. Bewsrs of substltutea. Ths enly purs imported Haarlem OU Capsules are the GOLD MEDAL. For sale and guaranteed by The Ow Drug Co. CAd. Astoria, Feb. 8. Sailed dnring the nifht. tokuoiiuk wwii, iw rrora. imno nr..i.i..t " .v.. ... at 7:30 and left up at a. m.. W. F. Ilerrin. """'"a"" " "" ""i-ci.areue tog Wll- rrom uariota. sailed at B: a. m son. towing barse. for Grays Harbor. Astoria, Feb. 7. Arrived at 4 and left up at 8 p. ro.. La Primera, from San Francisco. Sailed. Westerner, for San Francisco. Eureka. Feb. 7. Arrirpl at 2 n m T. v wafer, from Portland and Cooo Bay, for San r ranciaco. no -matter how long or how bad go to -your druggist today and get a CO cent box" of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free in ' plain wrapper if you . send us coupon below. law was in effect there, and they got all tho cigarettes they wanted. He thought it was unjust, however, to take their pipes and cigars awav. Lewis said he was in favor of the Stott bill. The use of cigarettes by vntinv bnvfl waji mnr, H,fHmfit.i A ,ur??i.-s of intoxicants, be WI1 icuu cu, FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 30 Pyramid bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample uf Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrapper. Name Street City State TIFGUDDENS SpOREDFEET No puffed - up, burning, tender. - aching feet no corns " V" . ; or callouses, j Tli" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight, i Away go - the aches and -pains, the corns, cal- louses, blisters, bunions and chilblain. . Tli" draws out the acids and poi sons that puff up your feet. . No mat ter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet. '"Tlx" brings restful foot comfort. 'Tla" is magical grand, wonderful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet. An: how com zoYtabls, how happy you feel. Your feet just tingle for. Joy; shoes never burt or seem tight. ,;yuet a 25 cent box of "Tlx" now from sny druggist or department store. End fcot torture' forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet! fresh, sweet and nappy; ?u Just think! a whole year root comiort for only 55 cents. rUZCK REUEr for VOICE STRAdJ t UK MW le BOX PROVES THEIR WOBTH 7?SS ! At Drmorieta. cnaivn's Tnocnzs I0N I. BROWN SON Boston. Maaa. wiled, Celilo. frota Oulambla riTer. for Ban Diego. - San Francisco, Feb. 8. ArriTod Homer Santa Barbara, 3 a. m.: Noyo, Fort Brace. 7 a. m.; yala. Lorn Angeles, a. m.: Umatilla, Seattle. 9 a. m. : Santa Monica. Loa Anln ::M) a. m.; El Her undo. Astoria. 8 a. m. saiiea anrena. iieueneme, via porta, 1 a. m.; Willamette, Los Angeles. 1.30 a. m.: Ar gyll. Portland, 8:30 a. u. San Francisco, Feb. 8. ArriTed Feb. T Ortat Northern, HodoIuIu. 3:30 p. m.; gantl am, Los An-eles, 2:50 n. m.; J. B. Stetson. neuingnam, 4:ao p. m.; U. S. McCuUoch. cruise, 8:30 p. m.: ' barse Bis Bonanza. In tow tug Sea Rorer, Port Angeles, 8:20 p. m.: Willamette. Grays Harbor, 11:30 p. m. aaiif-u MiucBomaa, ucm Angeles, 12-20 a m.: PAraiso, Eureka. 12:20 a. m.; Curacao, Eureka, noon; Wllhelmlna, Honolulu. 12:20 p. m. ; Aralon, Los Angeles. 1:10 d. m. : Iaqua, Qooolulu. 2:20 D. m.: Alcatraa. Hnn. mood, 3 p. m.; Tirerton, Columbia rirer, 3:30 p. m.; uoqulam, Wlllapa Harbor, 3:30 p. nu; Qulnault, Wlllapa Harbor, 4 p. m.r, Harrard Loa Angeles, 4:15 p. m,; J. B. Stetson. Loa Angeies; t :iu p. m. ; Darge Simla, la tow tot Sea Bagle, Port San Lola, 2:30 p. m. -Balboa. Feb. 6. Arrived Steamer glnaloa. rrom Tacoma. Sailed ateamer Twickenham. for Tibnroo. OlatobaL Feb. T. RalTinl Stniur, ri..rin from San Franclaco. for Newport Newa. ' SeaXU. Wash.. Feb. 8. ArriTed llvl southeaatem Alaskan porta. 7:45 a. m.; Ad miral Bcnier. Vancouver. 7 a. m Riill f.r poaa, for aouthweatern via aoutheaatern Aia aa. a. m.; Senator, for Saa raaclsco. 8 a. m. . ' " "X ...... uiruui inns oj Franclaco, 6: SO p. . : I resident. Tacoma. S p. m. . J mean. ren. s. Salleol Northwestern, weat bouod. 1 au nv; Spokane, aouthboand, 2;30 p. m., yesterday. Callao. Feb. . ArriTed Schooner Ethel SI. Sterling, from New Castle, thence Octnt 9a Victoria. Feb. 8. Passed Ship Star of Lap- ibiiu, iivui nnimuuv, iqc eia rTancisco, towing 2 a. m. Diamond Point. Feb. S. ArriTed Hawaii Mkrn, from Yokohama. 1a Victoria.- and nro ccede for Seattle at 10:13 a. m. -lacema, rtt. 7.--Arrto,l aurter, Tram imcoafHi rsaueo Twr harkentine Marie for Nanalmo. , t The Sweeney bill provided the pros ecuting attorney could file complaints and go tq trial on them, in violation of the constitution. Lewis contended such bills were simply .curative, and should be reasonable or they would not oe enrorcea. Callan oses Again. Callan, for the second time, tried to shut off debate, and for the second time was drowned out by a torrent of ".Noes. " Baton said they should not let the 1 Stops Any Cold In a Few Hours "Pape's Cold Compound" opens clogged nose and head and ends grippe. Pioneer of St. Johns Passes. Mrs. D. J. Horsmain, 202 North "Wil lamette ouievaroy a pioneer and rei. dent of the district, of St. Johns for the last 18 years, died Wednesday morning at 8:35. She was born near Silver Creek, Iowa, February 27. "1849. Mrs., tiorsman is survived by her husband. L. j. HOrsman; an only son, D. F. Horsman, of, Portland, and two 1 Tumors rranacai aren. a. f. Hnnmin nr 1 wwur land and, Venus Hart of Cincinnati. ' . The funeral service will be held Saturday at 1 m., at Chambers' un dertaking parlors, 1 Kjferby and Emerson streets. 4 Rev O. W. Nelson will offi ciate and , Interment will be . made at Riverriei cemetery.":. - : . : Relief comes instantly. A doss taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in ths head,, chest, body or limbs. X . . , , , At promptly opens cioggeo up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning, relieves sick headache, dullness. feverishness, sore throat, sneeslng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, csuses no In convenience. Be sure you get the genuine. (Adv.) A Qefflii Riaptoir Cm BBBBBBSBSaaBBBBl Bpis'fc Wear a Truss. Any Longer After Thirty Years9 Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women and Children That Actually Cures Rupture TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES If you hare Catarrhal Deafness or bead noises go to your druggist and get one ounce of Parralnt (double strength) and add to It pint of hot water and 4 .ounces of graanlatad sug ar. Take 1 tablespooatal four Umes a day. This will often bring alck relief from ths diatressing head seises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become eaay and the mucus stop drop ping into the throat. It Is eaay to pre pare, coats little and is pleasant t take. Any one a woo haa Catarrhal Deafness ea bead noises should give thla preacriptloa a trial IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Dcpi't look old! Try Grand mother's recipe to darken and beautify faded, streaked hair. If you have tried most everything else, come to me, wnere oxners i where 1 nave my Send attacheo coupon iooy . . send you free my Illustrated book on Rupture ana it cure, j " pliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have triea ltand were cured. It Is iiurtant relief when all others fall. Remember, I use no salves, no narness. no I send on trial to prove wnat 1 say Is true. Too are ttve juage, ana wncj having aeen my illustrated book and read It you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can aiao reau. " v.. , 1 Don below and mall today. Its well wortn your woom Appliance ot not. Peiinsylvania Man Thankful Thousands; Cured Without Operation Appendicitis Rheumatism - Cancer- Bowel Treobla Bkis Diseases Chronie IMasasas::,.?' By the use of Radium, X-Ray, Electric Cur rents, Lights, Bake Ovens, Adjust ments, Manipulations,:. Masage and Baths. - , - ; - Consultation' Frea Dr. V. E; rMory av.pna DmmXvu -r"w. That beautiful, even shade of dark. glossy hair can only bs had by brew Ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Tour hair is your charrrt. v It makes or mars ths race. When it fades, turns gray or streaked. Just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix. ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients for SO cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back ths natural color 1 and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur . Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has. been applied. Tou simply dampen a. sponge or soft brush -with It and draw this through the natr, . taxing one small strand a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, nd after another appli cation It becomes beautifully dark and appears - glossy and lustrous. ( This ready-to-use preparation is a - delight ful - toilet; requisite for those who de sire dark hair and a youthful appear anee. It is not intended for the cure. mitigation t'r : prevention ; of dis ease, -.r-i;::; T;-:i-, (Adv.! X v-v - M t : Vi .7: . . ..ritsiZ'- 4 j 1 : i ft Mr. C. E Brooks. Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir: Perhaps it will Interest you to auow that I have been ruptured six years, and have always had trouble with It till I got your Appliance. It is very easy to wear, fits neat and snug, and is not in the way at any time, day or night. In fact, at times I did not know I had it on; it Just adapted itself to the shape of the body and seemed to bVa part of the body, as it clung to ths spot, no matter what position I mrL In It would be a vetabGosendto , ... tureUff IliUmldW procure the Brook's Tbe above is , C. E. Brooks, inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself They Rupture Appliance and wear it. WOUJa oensauiy btw a My rupture t now all healed up and nothingever did It but yfurAppUance. Whenever the opporounlty presents tt- lf I will say a gooa wm r Appliance "and I also the honorable way In which you deal with ruptured peo ple. It is a pleasure 10 rewini -good thing among rour friends or strangers. I am. Tours verv sincerely, JAMES A. BRITTOK. 80 Spring SC. Bethlehem. Pa. snd who is now giving others tbe . benefit of his experience. If ruptured,' writ nun today, st Mars hail, Mich. Confederate . Veteran Cured Commerce, Ga-, R. T. D. Ko. il. M CL EL Brooks. ' - Dear Sir: I am glad to, tell you that I am now aound and well and can nlnus-h or do any hearr work- I can v vmir Atmiiance has effected a per- rur. , Re f Ore setting TOUT Ap rl lance I -sras in a terrible condition ni ,tajl rlvmn im all hope of ever be- in any better. If U hadn't been for vour ADtiiance I would never - have ..k. .o4 T am BTtveterit tmm oifi and served three years in Eckle's Ar tillery,-Oglethorpe uo. 1 nope oa wm reward you for the good you are doing for suffering humanity. - - Tours sincerely, IL D. BAKKS. dthers FailedBut the Appliance Cured Mr. .C. E. Brooks. - , . - Marshall. Mica. ' Dear Sir: - ' , Tour Appliance -did all you claim for Mis' little boy and more, for it cured him sound and well. -- We let him wear it for about a year In all. altnouarh U cured him S months after no had begun to wear It. - We had tried sever al other remedies and cot no relief, and I shall certainly recommend IU to friends, for we sureiy ows 11 10 you. . - S S . -7-r)''- 'Tours respectfutly. r f ;-' WM. PATTERSONS '2' Ko -717 R. Mi'lit fft ' AVrrn' OM- Remember I send my Appliance on trial to prove what I say Is true. Too are to be ths Judge. Fill 'out free coupon below and mall today. , ; r " Ten Reasons Why You Should Send For Brooks' Rupture Appliance 1. It is absolutely the only Appli ance of the kind on the market today, and In lt are embodied the principles that Inventors have sought after for years. 2. The Appliance for retaining the rupture cannot be thrown out of posi tion. 8. Being an air cushion of soft rub ber, it clings closely to the body, yet never blisters or cauaes Irritation. 4. Unlike the ordinary so-called pads, used In other trusses, It Is not cumbersome or ungainly. u. ltfs small, noft and pliable, arid positively cannot be detected through tho clothing. 6. The soft, pliable bands- holding the Appliance do not give one the un- . pleasant sensation of wearing a bar nees. 7. There Is nothing about it to get foul, and when it becomes soiled It can -be washed without Injuring it in ths least. 5. There are no metal springs In the Appliance to torture one by cuCtlng and bruising the flesh. . , All of ths material of which the Appliances are msde is of the very h-st that money can buy, making it a dur able and safe Aopl lance to wear. 10. My reputation for honesty and fair dealing is so thoroughly estab lished by an experience of over thirty years of dealing with the public, and my prices ars so reasonable, my terms so fair, that there certainly should be no hesitancy In sending free coupon tooay. Child Cured in Four Months 21 Jan sen St. Dubuque. Iowa. Mr. C E. Brooks, Mars hair, Mien. Dear Sir: The baby's rupture la al together cured, thanks to your Appli ance, and we ars so thankful to you. If ws could only have known of it sooner, our little boy would not have -had to suffer near as much as he did. He wore your brace a. little over four months. Tours very truly, - ANDREW EGOENBEROER. FREE - Information C ou pon MR. C E. BROOKS; : ' A 971 A StaU St, Marshall, Mich. ' ; , ; Pleaic send me by mail in plain wrapper your Illustrated book add full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. t ; -i Name . . Address 1 R-, u ' . City 1 ... 4 n -. . state : y .vr;;r i