PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING.' FEBRUARY 4. 1917. Year's Greatest Sale of Home furnishings A Sale That Does Not Recognize Cost or Retail Values ' '" . A T 1 ' r ' r -v-rr- 1 ' ... - -I . ;- -....r-.- . -- . : . ... . j . - . - - ... - ... : . - ' - .-.: A.,k., m&m:.. , 1 NSfi , , ; ; .v.. V - r A dale 1 nat w noiiy ignores i vim mi nirn ann if oraii oiiinfr v aino i An event unparalleled in Portland's merchandising history- a sale for valne-giving that stands alone. The prices quoted ignore the cost of production they reflect our basiness policy, which demands the sale of EVERYTHING after it has been In stock a certain length of time and regardless of the reduction that may be necessary to effect a disposal. Doors Will Not Be Open Until 9 o'clock Monday ' New for pubHcttina la the 8undr odet pare mutt b In TU Journal 'ttlce by rrlday afUroain. ' By Nona lawler. nWO.engagemeats and the hint of I a third g:av a spicy .flavor to so ' I clal haippenlngs lat week. Miss X ' Mariraret Mears, who entertained : at tea Saturday for her sister-in- law, Mra. S. Maxwell Mears Jr. (Alice RobblnJ), and Miss Elizabeth Jones, tha latter having Just returned home from a visit in California, surprised the 100 or more guests who called with the announcement of har engagement to Norman N. Rupp. Miss Mears Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Max well Mears, 'and a grand-daughter of Mra. Henry E. Jones. She is a beauti ful girl, very fair In coloring, and one of the moat popular girls of the young er Mt She attended St. Helen's Hall - and the 'Portland Academy In Portland, , and finished at Dana Hall. Plans have not yet been made for the wedding, but there will doubtless be much entertain ing for Miss Meara during hr pre nuptial day a '.Mr. Rupp came a few years ago to - Portland to make his home here. He Is the von-of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rupp, - of Saginaw, Mich., a prominent family of that place, and his slater. Miss Meta Rupp, who has visited in Portland, has many friend in the city. She is ex pected again within a month or so to make an extended visit with her broth , er, and wUl share in the parties that . will be given for the bride and bride- groom-elect. Mr. Rupp is a Tale man of '04, and is a member of the Univer sity dub. Tha tea waa a 'charming affair, the - room a of the Mears residence being .... redolent with lovely ' spring . flowers. Daffodils and tulips, with here and thr clusters of roses, were the dec orative scheme. On the tea table th . daffodils were used effectively. Mrs. M ear received with her daughter and ' the two honor guests. She was attired x In a , gown of black velvet. Miss ; atears was Decomingiy attired In a peetty frock-of pink taffeta and tulle, with touches of Wedgewood blue and Hver.. She wore a corsage of orchids.; Miss Jones wore a chic frock in apple green, with flounclngs of lace, caught here and there with rose buds, and a corsage of pink roses completed her costume. Mrs. Maxwell Mears Jr. wore black satin, with gold embroidery and. trimmings of gold lace. She wore yel- Jow rose buds. Presiding in the dining room were Mrs. Georpe Kirkham Smith, Mrs. El liott R. Corbett, Miss Glalre Wilcox and Miss Rhoda Rumelin. Assisting about the rooms were Misses Helen Ladd, Sara McCully, Ailsa MacMaater and Ruth Teal. Thursday evening Miss Mears and her fiance, Mr. Rupp, were entertained at dinner bysher brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mears, at their home in Elizabeth street. The affair. was ostensibly given as a birth day compliment to Miss. Mears, as the engagement was- not then admitted erven to the circle of intimate friends who were present. The table was cen tered with daffodils and primroses. and covers were laid for: Miss Mary Stuart Smith, Miss Esther Tucker, Miss Mary Brownlie. Miss Mears, J. E. W. 8tephenson, Merle Campbell. . Maurice Dooly, Norman N. Rupp and Mr. and Mra Mears. . Plans for the Visiting Nurses' an nual valentine tea at the residence of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett are progress ing. This event will be, as it has been for many years in the past, the most important event of St. Valentine's day. Hundreds of friends of the association will make their annual pilgrimage with a silver offering for the good cause. Society in all its cliques and circles looks forward to enjoying the charming hospitality of tha Corbett home on this occasion, as with but few exceptions the teas have always beem given at Mrs. Corbett's residence. The candy table will be one of the unusual features and. In the way of entertain ment. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grady will give several solo dances. ' v Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Allen Iewis entertained - Monday night at the Or i pheum theatre with a box party of six. i . A Move for You- Serves You Right Portland's leading grocers are now in the new store. ' ""Here in' the finest store in Northwest are the best fancy and staple foods in. unlimited varieties and 'at no higher y prices in an you pay for ordinary brands. The best is. none too good add to the-health, 'happi ness and prosperity of your family - VHave the new store -backed by 30 years' of knowing 1iow- SERVE YOU RIGHT w , 4 t 166 Fifth Street, Corbett Building ' Oppoaito ' PoatofBca1 "on ; tha i Squara". Sara Phona Numbw-Mala 9432, A-4432 the affair being planned as a compli ment to Miss Alice Tucker and her fiance. Spencer Biddl. Miss . Sally nf Mfka Tucker. Who is visiting with her until 4fter th wedding. February 10. and William Howe, were additional gueats. Mrs. Liewis and her little daughter. Clementine, returned early last week from San Francisco, where Mrs. Lewis has enjoyed a month's visit with her sisters. The tourist season Is now at its height in California, and friends. not only from home but from all parts of the country, are met on every occa sion. Mrs. W. B. Aver returned last night from a few days' visit at her farm near Carlton, Or. m Mrs. Mah-tha S. Gleiow of Alabama and Washington, D. C, is the hause. guest of Mrs. Preston Carter Smith of 828 Montgomery drive. Mrs. Gle iow is the author of "The Light on the Hill" and other delightful books. This distinguished lady has read be-1 fore the royalty of England and Is well known on tha lecture platform in this country, and is well remembered by those who heard her at the Port land Chautauqua some years ago. lt is hoped that Mrs. Glelow will give one of her draifatic evenings of plan tation songs and stories while in Portland. MXas Evelyn Carey and Miss Bar bara MacKenxie have lft for San Francisco in .company with Misal Beatrice Nickel, who was visiting for zew aays in forxiana. xney win be the guests of Mlse Nickel until after the wedding of Miss Ruth Zeile and Corbett Moody, an event of next Tuesday. Miss Carey and Mlsa Nickel Willi ba bridesmaids at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Simon, who will leave soon for California, accom panied by their attractive daughter. Miaa Helen Simon, to spend. the spring and summer in the south, are being much entertained before . their d parture. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Seller gave a dinner Friday evening ill wwr uvnvr. uc njuesis were: jar. and Mrs. U N. Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. Ecrward Ebrman. Mr. and Mra. Ludwig Hlrach, Mrs. Jacoby of San Francisco. Cecil Bauer, and Mr. and Mrs. Simon. m m m Mr. and Mra. I. N. Fleisobner were dinner hosts Wednesday evening com pumeaunr Mra uustave Simon. m Miss Kenna Mary Klosterman's en gagement to Thomas Standlfer waa an nounced xnursaay arternoon at a tea given by Mrs. Clifton Nesmith Mc Arthur at the Mallory hotel. Miss Kloetertnan la a popular girl in' Port land society, me daughter or Mra John Klosferman. She la a graduate of the old Portland academy and later at tended Miaa Bennett's school fn New Tork. Mr. Standlfer Is a former Texan. the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Standlfer. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and Is connected in business here with tbs L. B. Menefee Lumber company. He U a nephew of L. B. and Oscar R. Menefee. No def I- nlte plans have been made for the wed-1 ding but it is planned for the early Th tea was a charming affair. Re viving with Mrs.' McArthur and Miss Kloaterman were Mrs. John Ernest Klosterman. and Mrs. I. M. Standlfer. About, 8d gueota . called-dluring the hours, for the most .'part Intimate Mends of the KWsterman and Standi fer families.-. f:J-:v,; ' ; ' k ,Th .tea. table ; was decked n early spring flowers and ? presiding J were Mrs. Coe A. McKenna, Mr. James Paul Cooke,, Mrs. .Lewis A McArthur and Used Heaters Wood and Gas Ranges At Rummage Prices-, A-B Low Oven Gas Range, new p rj o e $22.50, usedprice-.i Garland Side Oven Gas Range, new price CO QC S 6 5, used price pirJ Vulcan Side Oven Gas Range, new p r i c e "t A AC S30r used price New Method Side Oven Gas .Range, new price CIO 9C S40, used prioe y Jewel Side Oven Gas Range, new price (Q Cf J32.60. used price Pa7,JV Reliable Side Oven Gas Ra$ge, new PriceflJQ'Te $28, jused price PO- Jewel Low Oven Gas Range, new price 820, aQ CZfi use price p0.ijvr Combination Wood or Coal Range, new price Ml QC tiOuaed price PS 100 Grand Wood or Coal Range, new price $50, COO QC used price p&0..i7J Dinner Bell Steel Cook Stove, new price $26, 10 QC used price apiai.UiJ Kitchen Gem Cook Stove, new price $15. used prige No! 20 Carbon Heater, new price $17.50, used price Colonial Wood Heater. Srica.?..''7:"'..!!? $13.65 $7.45 $8.75 , High Quality Dining-Room Suites' At Rummage Prices $177.50 Three- place' Fumed Dining Rootn Sulte consiting of Buf fet, China Closet and Table. Rummage price O, ?294 Nine-piece Ja cobean Dining Room Suite in mahogany, excellent quality. Rummage price.. $149.75 Rummage $455 $369 Nine-piece Ja cobean Dining Room , Suite, all large pieces, cane inserts. C1C1 Cft ice f Jacobean Din ing Room Suite. 10 pieces, extra large Xet'...H.".m.m-as- $220.00 Fine Matched Chamber Suites. Prices Out of All Proportion of Value. Quick Disposal of . Enameled Chamber Furniture $57.00 Ivory Enameled ffOC QC Table for Ja&U,I7iJ $26.00 Three Quarter C1 Q C Wood Bed for pJ.O a&O $28.60 Ivory Storage Q Qfl Chiffonier for f lAiOU $47.60 Extra Urge Adam Design Chif- QQ S2S.75 Ivory Enameled yT Triplicate Mirror D.ess- 41 A lQf) lng Table for: tpl.57U $25.75 Enameled Bed, A Af spool turnings, for.... P"X-tV $35.00 White Enamel (1 Af Carte Panel .Bed for... plO.'rU $25.76 Three Quarter White Enamel Wood Bed for $98.00 Ivory Enamel Dresser, triplicate mir ror, for $46.60 Ivory Chiffonier C1 QC with blrdseye top fa00 $14.85 $49.75 $27.50 Dressing Table CI I QC in Adam design for..-. P iOJ $26.95 $14.45 $13.45 $57.00 Ivory DreseeT, birdseye top, for $27.50 Enameled Colo nial Chiffonier for $22.50 Ivory Emamel Writing Table for Sample Davenport Values on High Quality Pieces $68 Fumed Davenport, large also, leather up- C0 1 CC bolstered, for PO A.OiJ $75heraton Settee In QC solid mahc ;any, for . .. Hat ,t3 $146 Karpen Leatner all Upholstered Daven- JO, QQ $86.00 Ieaher Uphol stered Settee, mahog- COQ 7C any frame pO7. J $139.50 Karpen Loose Cushion D a v e n P ore, upholstered in mul berry velour, for $89.75 ' Umbrella Stands Real Rummage Prices .s.n.d.8; $2,10 $5.75 . Umbrella Rummage price $6.25 I'umfd Oak Um brella Stands. Rum mage price , . $2 95 $167.50 New 1917 A-B Sanitary Gas Ranges New A-B Models with side oven, four burn ers, white porcelain door, extra large cook ing surface. EXTRA SPECIAL 29JS $293.50 Maho gany Chamber Suite in Jacobean deaign wlthvtwln beds. Rummage price.. -, ' - " 7- ' . - ' f $169.25 Three-piece , Mahogany Suite, Queen mVp...?.: $89.75 $231.00 Adam design Ivory Enamel Suite, SI 1C Qfl four pieces , llO.OU $187.60 Decorated Ivory Enamel Cham- ber Suite, 6 pieces. CI 1Q Jtl with twin beds pXai7,J : 3. ; . 12 Patterns Mahogany Dining -Room Tables 12 $3.76 Golden Oak Um brella Standi. Rum- Cf TQ mage price P 7 $5.00 Wood Waste Bas ket la fumed oak at ... . $5.75 Golden Oak Um brella S t a n d a. : Bun mage price .v. ...... $2.10 $2.80 DRAPERY GOODS 25c TO 40o TAKS UVX AXTM M Remnants of Scrim. Mar- qulsette and Cretonne from .0 2 to 10 yards of a pattern. 1 fl Special, yard , ... V BsanrAarTs or ooosa omxaz. If AXO.T 73UCXX XJT TO 1.00 3X TABS . :; Remnants of Sundour Mad- .. - ras. Reps. Cretonnes, etc.. all ' i; colors, 1 to 6 yards of a pat- QC j' tern. vara wv l.OO QTTAXiXTT OOTOK UVMTAWT, BO XVCKSS, XX OIBBI. BZUB. HUIi. BEBBT ABB IIOTI, TABO 49c BOO, 8Be ABB 75e OBBTOBBZS Three to 10 yards of a pat- tern, light or dark colorings. !)(' Special, yard "... fwG TTCXD CBBTOBBB CVBTAXBI, all sixes, priced from, per palr' S1.35 down to 654 ' : . H coxjcnc COTOBS 60x60 Inches, suitable for ' '? table or trunk covers. (1 QC Each pi.30 WOTTXBOBAK X.AOB OVBTAXBS in' ecru only, at leas than half price, small or large designs, plai.l or figured centers. Most of then ran be had in pairs at, each, fiSfi 654, 504 and 354. abb - zoan XJkCB CrOBTAXBS, vain, up to $4.76 Pair, cur tains with colored lace overdrapes attached in pink, blue, brown and green. Hpecial, pair.... $1.95 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Mail orders will have our immediate attention. No charge for packing or drayage to freight depot. All Kinds in This Great Rummage $7.00 Fumed Oak Chaf- M A( ing Dih Stand BO.tV $37.60 Flush Rim Dia- C1Q J2C lng Table, fumed..... V117'00 841.76 Jacobean Ex- -tension. Table, .plat- $21.65 form base r- $11.00 Mahogany FinUh eA QC. Tabie. special r.ia Tab'" !!i.c".y."!Tf $13.80 $21.60 Quartered Oak ' Library Table, Plank$U95 $34.50 Eight-foot Ex- tflQ QC tension Table. 48 in... $36.50 Oax Extension CI fJ flR Tablet used P'' $24.76 . Fumed Library. C 1 Q-QC Table for tyl,VO Mahogany 8tand $33.90 $11.50 Table $68.60 Jacobean Exten sion Table, 64 inch.... Chairs and Rockers Arm Rockers for 2 10 $10.55 Remarkable Values in Brass and Iron Beds $9.60 Chill ess Iron "Bed.. CC I tZ Rummage price pJ.A $12.96 ench Metal Bed.g gg $22.60 French . Metal C- Q QC Bed. three quarter ix rXJ.- $29.75 ConUnuoua Post CI C QC Brass Bed for P10.70 $19.76 French 'MeUlCIO VIfl Bed. heavy, for. .... . , XO.V $32.60 Colonial Brass J9.45 $29.76 Fourteen Filler C"! C -4C Brass Bed for p $12.60 Three' Quarter CT "TC Iron Bed for............ $3.75 Brass Bed. ' colonial one inch fill- 21 15 $26.75 Brass Bed with. CI T Qf heavy post -mounts. . . yl Ow $3.45 only $22.00 Leather Uphol- C" Q QC stered Chair for piS.OJ $69.75 Stickley Leath er Upholstered Arm CQQ AtZ Chair for apaGi7.iJ $27.50 Lootfe Cushion Fumed . Rocker for $22.50 Three-piece Par- CQ QC lor Suite, mahogany finish P7.i7J $65 William and Mary CQQ "7C High Back Rocker for faSia7. - $86.00 Karpen Leather COQ 7C Chair for pO7J $7.00 Child's Settee, mar CQ QQ hogany finish, at pS.i7i7 $13 Fumed Leather Seat CT 1 C Arm Chair : r' $18.60 Tapestry Uphol- CQ QC stered Rocker at P7.a7a $11.76 Oak Leather Seat CC QC. Arm Rocker at p.i7iJlv $29.60 Leather Seat C.1C Qfl Settee at B10.a&U DINING CHAIRS Odd Lots in Both Wood and Leather S e a t At Real Rummage Prices. This Rummage Sale This sale Is not merely a disposal of medium and low priced items, but affords for your choosing hun dreds of high quality pieces suit able for every room in the home. sucn matters as Karpen, Luce Fur niture Company, Imperial Furniture company. L. & J. O. Stickley. and Grand Rapids Chair Company are Jompany. L. & J represented in this gi Prices are out of all proportion to value a quick let-go of all odd pieces is the end in view. NO GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS Deliveries will be made at our earliest convenience-exchanges. No MANY GOOD THINGS IN THIS SPACE $31.95 $65.00 Double Door Jacobean Book Case.. $34.60 Jacobean Ladies Desk, fumed oak, with C1Q QC side lights S1S7.0 $14.50 Oak Writing CC 1 C Table, used, for pU-.l 428.60 Fumed Oik tflO Oft Ladies Desk, used ? $11.76 Mahogany Finish C QC Ladles Desk for SO.OU $13.60 Mahogany Shaped CO Qfl Front Commode for pJ.W $22.76 Craft - Design C1Q Qft Fumed Book Case r10.a4U $49.75 Large Mahogany '. i Colonial Writing Table Cg J $12 75 M ah o t a n y Tea CC CC Table, good quality pU.U9 $14.50 Orasa Fern Stand, CC Qfl extra sir.e ipJ SJ $69.50 Large Blrdseye CQyf QC Maple Dreoer p04.00 $39.75 Colonial Chif fonier in Blrdseye CQQ fiA maple for ea&-OU Mahogany Chamber Pieces Great Values $62.50 Mahogany Chif fonier fn Adam design. CQ QC Rummage price pttfj $34.00 Princess Dresser In mahogany. Rum- CI C'QC mage price PlO.OiJ $78.50 -Extra Si xe ZMtessing Table, tripli cate mirror, colonial style $55.00 Post Colonial Manogany Chiffonier, CQ7 QC nign quality P- Oa $90.00 Colonial Chif- ' fouler, extra large COQ QC sire. Rummage price. P0i.0J' 49 E0 Victoria Dresser '. in mahogany. Rum- Ml .n ....... "t" w $42.85 j mag price Great Values in Odds and Ends Linoleums Rugs Carpets Two 6-yard pieces 60c pro-linoleum at, yard . 39c 6 2-3 yards 80c linoleum at, yard .' 47c 7 and 9-yard pieces 80c printed linoleum at, yard 47c 5 1-3 yards of 90c printed linoleum at, yard , 53c 12- yard piece 80c printed linoleums at, yard 49c 4 1-3 yard piece 75c printed linoleum at, yard .43c 3 2-3 and 4-yard pieces of inlaid linoleum, 1.25 value, yard . . . 69c 4j4-yard piece $1.50 inlaid linoleum, yad-vrvT77T777T 79c 3H and 8 2-3 yard pieces of inlaid linoleum, 11.75 quality, at. -89c 8-yard and 5 4-yard pieces of 1.85 inlaid linoleum, yard 95c 5 -yard piece $1.25 inlaid linoleum, yard 73c 13- yard piece $2 inlaid linoleum at, yard .$1.39 7 2-3-yard piece of $1.25 inlaid linoleum. at, yard 79c 13-yard piece $1.85 inlaid linoleum art, yard .$1.08 6lA, lYi, 5H, yy yrd pieces of $1.50 granite linoleum, yard 79c Twenty Remnant of Carpet From 3 to 10 Yard of a Pattern toClote at Very Low Price 5- 3x6-0 Axminster rugs, bordered on two sides at, each $6.75 6- 5x6x9 Brussels rugs bordered on two sides at ........... .$7.75 6- 0x6-0 Carpet rugs, big value, at , .$6.35 8-3x10 Velvet rugs, bordered on two sides. Rummage price $14.35 7- 6x9-0 Tapestry Brussels rugs, bordered on two sides Sale $11.95 6-9x9-0 Carpet, rugs. Rummage price $10.75 8x10 Used fiber rugs, big value, at y ......... t . . ,$7.35 9x12 Used fiber rugs, big value, at $8.40 j4-yd. samples of Body Brussels carpet. Rummage price, piece 20c i , ... . One Lot Remnant Rugs, Special Lot Remnant Rugs Size About 24x36 Size20x30 Appropriate for doorways, CQ bedrooms and halls, each Oa7v Inexpensive remnant 'ani- ylQ pies for various uses m. 4vC Tapestry Upholstered Pieces in Mahogany and Reed $13.90 $26.76 Tapestry Up holstered Chair. Rum mage price $48.50 -Maboa-anv Tap estry, Upholstered CQt QC Rocker. Rummage price V a UJ Mahogany , Chair, $21 denim covered. Rum- CIO ft A mage prife piaW.a7U $44.85 Velour. Uphol stered Reed C h a I r. CQfi .ff Rummage price ja&0''U $29.60 Cretonne Upho:- stered Reed Chair. CI Q C Rummage price V0XO $46.00 Karpen Ivory Decorated Cretonne CQQ Oft Covered Chair for 7U $28.60 Karpen Tap estry Upholstered ClQ'yfC Chair. Rummage price rl7tO $25.60 Tapestry Uphol stered Rocker. Rum- (14 QC mage price ,. lO&D 861.60 Karpen Velour Scr?.;..R.u.ra.m..lf.? $3140 $18.50 Oane Baca Ma hogany Chair. Rum- CI ft Qft mage price ? 1 U.7l $36.76 Loose Cushion Tapestry Arm Chair. CQf AC Rummage price . . Pw.,IiD $17.86 Tap. Reed Rock, er. . Kummage price . 829.85 Tapestry Up holstered Reed Rock- CQT Af er. Rummage price... Va.'til $49.60 Karpen Loose Cushion Arm t: hair. CQf 1g Rummage prices..:.... $11.20 Drop Leaf Breakfast Tables With Large Lower Shelf $1.99 USED CHAMBER PIECES $25.50 Adam - Dreslng Table, ; mahogany finish, used . ,w3fOl. ' -." .' eassaa'see $31.60 Adam Dreaser, mahogany finish, used. .S14.40 . $29.50 Adam; Bed,' manogany finish, used. S13.80 $29.50 Oak Colonial Dresser, used ..... .. . . . . . . S14.85 ; $1740 Quartered Oak Dressin Tableau sed. . . . . . .(9.40 t $37.50 Princess Desser, mahogany flnfsh. used.'.f19i85 . $17.50 White Enamel .Dressing Table, used,.'. . . S8.9S $21.50 Oval iQlaaW SweUrront Dresser, ' used.. ;.S13.85 ' nasi, BUFFETS and CHINA CL055ET5? $42.00 Double Door' Fumed China Closet, r rrammare . price S19.75 $21.76 Oak Sidebsard, used, rummage pries. S1300 $55.00 William and Mary China Closet, large. . .,82115 ! 7? Sft VnmA TRnffAt. Tn-tti A Inrhu' mmmtr S Car ' ; $37.60 Double "Door Fumed China Closet, price 817.60 $95.75 White Bnamel China Closet and Buffet two rteces. rommage-price . ... . .... . .841.80 $5.00 Qusj-tarad Oak China Closet. prlc:...., . 829.85 ;.-Ooatlaaey ea Fteltowloj .Ptg)