The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1917, Page 31, Image 31

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This Store Does Not Use Com They Are Misleading and Often Untrue
B r h i
I 1,
a w.onaenu
f i sail ' ' i 1 - ' A ' - i . A A .
Multicolored Nomads Haled
Into Court for Fortune Tell
ing for Pay and Duly Fined
Ori.vad ,t Arr.rt aad Saookad at tlx
ImdirAlty, Culprit iwrt to Many
IetuIom to Avoid Pnlty.
By Ella McMmuu
Name. Hk a mouthful of spaghetti,
ready mlles, ropes of bead a larsre
tti hen'i enrs, ruffte of purple and
green and crimaon. and at leaat 10
glorious petticoats, of various hues and
lengths. "
Thai waa the female of the
down at the municipal court Wednes
day afternoon when the gypsies heard
an hour and 45 minute's worth! of the
white man's opinion of their fortune
telling. There were nine women and
a baby about a foot and a half long,
which lay wrapped in its swaddling
clothes as passively as a stage ehiltf.
except foe an occasional wiggle of Its
a mall feet around Which a faded blan
ket was tied.
Xasembled a' Mummy, j
One "Mother of Israel," who seemed
to have Hved since the world bf an, sat
as Unmoved as the clnnamon-icolored
mummy that aha resemoieo; out ior
the moat part there waa animation in
' every face, eyea a sparkle with the
Cftement of being haled into court,
tosslnv of heads encased in purple and
green and red 'kerchiefs, in their ears
the tinkling of rings that have
: teen Uken from the window curtain
from the looks of them, end ariind
their nocks chain from which-were
vuspended gobs of gold pieces as lav
ishly as if they had been tobacco tags.
. Many of them were radiantly beautiful,
lion Xeat Support.
The men who were there only to lend
their moral support to the women, had
mustaches like black shoestrings and
looked like the men who sailed the
Spanish Main, hut by no means had
ajy of them ever fallen in.
Thev were charged with telling for
tunes and receiving xnoMy therefor in J
violation of the statutes, although they
singly ami inoimuiui tiu umi
told fortunes; declared that thy r
ertvcd no-maney for telling fortunes.
and wound up by syirg thatlheyj
gave the roonoy back when they had j
told fortunes... which should have been i
. quite clear, to anybody. At least the j
gypsies i felt that they had made out!
. vtlkl .nMmU&.fn4falr,H.I
Identity1 case, and were manifestly
grieved that the complaining witnesses,
Pol'ee Sergeant B. F. Sherwood, and
Patrolmen- Spaugh and J. H. Schum
should have suffered them the Indig
nity of arrest.
Bead Their Sumps.
, The midnight beauties stated that !
they had read the minds of the of- j
fleers, "read their bumps" in fact, but
a, puzzled, unhappy look crept into
their faces when the judge asked them
If they understood phrenology. They
did not. It was the "bumps" they un-
derstood. When asked for the location
"of those indicating love of children, 1
'fighting tendency, probability of living i
to be 92 years old, they answered It by ,
giving their own skulls an all inclusive '
sweep from the back of their necks to ,
.their dusky brows. !
-"'.' . Innocent Anyway. j
" It was shown positively that 10 cents i
fcad actually been paid over by one wit- .
aess and there was much talk of 50 1
s cents on another occasion, but opinion
" waa divided, as to what became of it.
The witness thought it had been taken
into another room. The gypsy says
.-' that she gave it to her child, that she
gave it back to the witness, that she
threw it on the floor, that she received
jno money. Take your choice. The
. ypy i Innocent any way you look at
: It. 'And when a woman' '.'Blesses a man
ait over" aa Sergeant Sherwood admits,
.tie a. knot in his handkerchief, makes
passes In the air. promises him ft
years of life, and feels his bumps, all
i for a disaappearing SO cent piece. It
hocks the woman to have the object
of her attention throw back his coat.
i erhibit his star and say, "You are
'under arrest," aa the Merino woman
ay a did.
Bump Vartnara Ylaed.
The case ware tried before Acting
. Judge Stevenson who takes the nlace
of Judge Langguth March L Deputy!
Ctty Attorney Stadter acted for the
ctty and Attorneys H I Lyons and
Samuel Olson for the gypsies. Mary
find Julia Adams, working at Fourth
and, Stark streets, were discharged' as
wra Catherine Derlxaa and Anna
George, working together at 1044
North Sixth street; Am. Marie whose
" partner in the bump . business waa
Dinah Stovwna at S3 North Third
, artreet, waa fined $5; Elisabeth Mdxeno
whoso head feeling parlors at Second
V and. Bnrnald were occupied jointly
. with Mary Oeorge waa given a $5 fine,
" w vs tsu uvn ivu, VI jb Uoi mm
Main, who said ahe was IT and who
looked 12, waa turned over to the
. u venal court for a hearing.
Residence Broken
' Into by Burglars
.While Mrs. W," Woleben was at
ch-uroh Friday evening, burglars broke
Into her home at (80 East Twenty
. aixth street, north, and stole a suit
of clothes, two overcoat, a revolver
and a raincoat belonging to her hua
fcand. A, 15 btH also waa taken from
a dresser drawer. Returning home
Mrs, Woleben found that a front win
dyw had been-broken with a rode and
plenty, of ' Indications of the search
, made by the Intruders were found by
Detectivefl Gotta and Howell.
The Frank Giltner . residence. 27
,- Tenth street, which ha been closed
daring the winter,; was broken into
either Thursday . or Friday, - and the
house ransacked. - Nothing is - believed
t fcave been, stolen. Mr. and Mrs.
tWltner - are. apending the winter . la
It Is With Much Gratification That Today
We Announce the Feature Event
A - ' -
yV Jt - lt h With Much Gratification That Today K '
zp) ife?ISv We Announce the Feature Event yf
r ATOMftASr y present m inC p,
Valen-I fH.J
' ft
! , 6ihck-: Black Tietiit' six Wcetlent 5-inchlackJPeau de Soie at these sale 47
The day of'
nil days for
ten ding a
message of
love and
s e ntiment.
N o matter
what you
might fancy
it is here,
and other
n o v e Hies,
too, that
you never
dr earned of.
Prices from
lc SJ.
First Floor.
It is truly an event that requires more than only passing notice.
It is an occasion, disclosing black silk qualities that are equal to any we have ever
presented in the past.
More conspicuous than ever will be the SALE PRICES upon these silks showing
the difference between the present prices, and the rising market prices now prevailing.
Fashion elects to favor black silks for the many practical purposes and for the unique and fasci
nating styles mat are now being shown for Spring wear. " ' v
There is nothing HARDER to find now, for instance, than dOOD black silks, and all the. silks,
in this sale come from a silk mill that PRIDES itself, above everything else, ON QUAUIY.
In this sale we take pleasure in presenting to the women of Portland the first showing of Pongee
The sale is noteworthy; we urge your attendance. T
100 Pieces of Pure-Dye Black Silks
Such Hats! Such Coats! Such Suits!
fust Out of Their Express Boxes
Cold printers' ink falls short of -adequately
telling you how beautiful, how novel, how un
usual these exquisite Spring creations are. Ac-.
Qept this, please, as a personal invitation to
view the first arrivals in Spring fashions. You
will be charmed with this early exposition. The
coats marvels of the creator's skill, wonderful
in their color schemes, daring in their exquisite
linings. The hats supreme in their individ
uality, a touch here, another there, a combina
tion of art and ingenuity, a wonderful showing
at this time. Lipman-Wolfe Hats have always
occupied a pre-eminent position. Original, be
coming and not too many of a kind. Come
we particularly desire your verdict.
Third Tloor
GoldandSilver! GoldundSilverl (j
36-inch Black Taffeta, $1.19.
2-inch BlackTaffcta, $1.09.
u!-36-inch Black Taffeta, in six excellent
, qualities and at six sal prices ' $1.29,
$i:39; $1.49, $1.55, $1.69.
35-inch Black Duchess SatinK$ 1.49.
40-inch extra quality Black Chiffon and
Taffeta, $1.79. -
35-inchBlackPeau de Soie at these sale
price-$l29, $i:59, $1J9.
35-inch Black Messaline at two sale
prices $1.19, $1.39. . "
That is What Your Favorite Fashion Maeazine Tells You.
That is What Your Fashionable Dressmaker Advocates, j
U Gold and Silver Laces-For Spring :
and Wonders
Tomorrow we exhibit a beautiful collection of these exquisite,
fold and silver flouncing laces, St Gall Flouncings and bands,
eautiful filmy laces shot with weblike gold and silver thread. '
Oriental effects that vie with the Oriental silks in their daring .
color combinations. .
- x t . . : '
And Best of All We Shall Present Tomorrow.
those lovely laces Jit two extraordinary prices two vonderful prices,' when
you think of buyftii 12, 18, 27-lnch and full yard wide Bouncings at
Pongee Sport Silks Uniquely PrinteH
In adaptations of Oriental colorings and designs that lend themselves admirably to the prevailing
sports tendencies. These newest of new silks are offered here Monday at the very a f
special price, per yard JJ) J .Q
f - v. If..
Merit Only
$1.49 0
rirat rioor
Every DayS
Lamp Shade
Bixth Floor
tyr. Picture Frames
Made up in rerular stock sizes
from the odds and ends of our fin
est mouldings, fitted complete; now Trori
nan what they would cost you if rrC II p
made to order.
Sixth Floor.
Illustrating Pictorial Review Pattern for Spring 1917
Is Now Ready in the Pattern Department
Are Now on Sale -Pattern Department, Second Floor
Madame Richet s School of Dressmaking
Start February 12 $1.00 for Entire Course
A FREE EXPLANATORY LECTURE will be given by Madame Richet next Saturday at 3
o'clock'. In this lecture he will explain the various branches of. dressmaking which will
be given in the entire course. Don't fail to hear this lecture. The public is invited.
Auditorium, Eighth- Floor
A Journey From Belfast. Ire., to Portland, Or.
Would they come? Would they arrive safely? Would they
be here in time? To the first two questions YES. To thei
last NO. 9 We were filled with anxiety, knowing the scarcity
and the extraordinary high prices of linens, and were particularly
anxious to receive this shipment for our January linen-sale. It
was an allotment promised us month's ago. The disappointment
in not having received them in time vanished when we viewed
these linens in our receiving room yesterday. Tomorrow wc
offer these Irish linens.
Over 1000 Fine Table Cloths
In all sizes to fit the small breakfast table to the large dining table. Gen
uine double damask pure linen and union and cotton cloths. Every cloth
in this sale is t
Less Than Regular Wholesale Cost
The reason. of this remarkable sale is owing to slight flaws, such as a
small stain or a heavy thread, otherwise they are perfect, and these slight
imperfections in no way impair their worth. . . .
,The Drapery Section Announces a
Most Exceptional Sale of
Newest Spring Design
Cretonnes and Art Chintz
For Monday Only These Draperies Are Offered
.. At a Strikingly Low Price
27c a Yard
These materials come in light and dark grounds, for draperies for bed
rooms, dining and living-rooms, dens and libraries. Also for making the
new bags, and for fancy work of all kinds. Fifth Floor.
Direct Importation
Just Received
, Japanese Cloths
Jn Charact erisitc .
Blue and White Patterns
The most popular- and serv
iceable cloths for luncheon and
breakfast use. '
36x36 inches, 39c
48x48 inches, 75c
60x60 inches, $1.00
72x72 inches, $1.49
Napkins, 12xl2-inch,
59c Dozen '
For Monday
We Offer 500 Pieces
China 95c
Not a piece but is worth dou
ble or three times more.
Vases, celery trays, fruit
bowls, salad bowls, comports,
bureau sets, trays, ' marmalade
Jajs, syrup Jugs, bon-bon dishes,
cracker and cheese dishes, toilet
trays, placques, sot bowls, choc
olate pots, tea pots, fern dishes,
tobacco Jars, sugar and creamers,
condensed milk Jars, Covered
boxes, etc. -
-No phone orders, no C.
O. D.'s. . Sixth Floor
The Half Yearly Shoe Sale
Wholesale Prices on Leather Are Soaring
Yet in Spite of This Great Rise We Continue to Hold
This Semi-Annual Sale, Offering
Women's Most Wanted Shoes
At Most Remarkable Sale Prices
This year's sale offers a rare opportunity to save money in providing
for present and future requirements. It is impossible to give a detailed
description of the hundreds of shoes concerned in this sale, suffice to say
that they are the season's best styles, of finest, and most-wanted leathers.
$3.95 $4.95 $5.95
In these three special lots we -offer many different lines of women's
patent and dull boots.
$2.05i $3.95
M these two prices are wfemen's pumps and oxfords, representing
broken-lines and sizes. ;;;
Bronze kid, patent and : dull Nineteen different lines of
leather and colored kid tops, with women's colored kid combination
black kid vamps., , jj and dull or patent boots.
No returns, no approvals, no exchanges granted in
this sale. .
70 by 70-inch Cloths
Very Special $1.45, $2.19 Sp'l
2 by 2?yard Cloths
Special $3.45, $4.49, $4.75
70 by 88-inch Cloths
Very Special $1.79, $2JS0
2 by 24 -yard Cloth
Special $3.95, $5.69, $6.75
Y by 3-yard Cloths
Very Special $105
Hemstitched Table Cloths,
Sizes 64 by 73 inches, 64 by 8 1 laches
2 by 3-yard Cloths
$3J29. $5.75, $6.79, $8J25
2 'A by 2 -yard Cloths
Special $5.95, $705
2 By 3-yrd Cloths .
Very Special $9.75
2 by 3 V -yard Cloths
Very Special $735
2'A by 2 -yard Cloths
Very Special $9.00
$135, $2.10, $275
and 64 by 105 inches.
, . Second Floor ;
."Wfearo yon pond Uo loast aad gat th most tot it."-
Folding Breakfast Tables
A Limited Number
For Monday Only
: Special. . . $1.49
Round or square, with 36-inch top,
30 inches in height Natural finish,
extra well made.-
Same Tables Stained, $1.59
No phones, C. O. D. or approvals.
I 1 IhI " 1 1 w '
.' ! -V