THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY-MORNING. FEBRUARY 1917. , TOtl RENT HOUSES i r ' ' tniniaisxxo v - ; - - Oonttoned - r .13 Powers Rental Bureau ' .A department operating for the con venience of eur patrons ami friends. A service absolutely without charge to you. Our lutings of houses, bunga lows and apartment Is most complete. s . "YOURS FOR SERVICE. .. Powers Furniture Co. '::V6..';TPd,(iid.;inhm sts. FOR RENT FLATS . 13 HOLLADAY add., modem ( room flat Eiose in. zz Multnomah. with or without garage, close in. 262 norm. East 2nd East 2948 cor. 5 ROOM clean, unfurnished flat, AOS1 Broadway south, walking distance. Open Sunday or phone Marshal 80S. IRVINGTON- Choice rooms, all con veniences, ike new. 871 & 16th. 920. Tabor 994. ' wielfar.M60 A-610L , , MEIER. & FRANK'S FENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable llf Of housea flats, apartments, etc. In all part of the c!ty. Avail yourself f this FREE service. Information -cttsarfuUy furnished. T ROOMS, 864 Dunckley ave.. $22.o0. .$. room? 900 E. 29th st N., $26. 6 room. 904 E. 29th st N, 15. room. 733 E. 48d St. N $22.58. 8 room. 687 K. 48d st N.. $22 60. room, 1Q11 Gladstone ave., $15. 6 .room, 929 Weldler at., $1$. And many Other. . q. C. CORBIN CO.. Lewis bldg. LAUKELHURST bungalow. good loca- tlon, near oar and school. - Tabor o55. ' ' . HOUSE for rent unfurnished; - good - olean B room house, close to North western Steel .plant. 664 Water et, ill. FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 HOUSES FOR RENT ARTISTIC? furniture 6 room burnt low, for sale, modern house for rent. reasonaoia xaoor uz. vu ciuo ave. and Sandy, near 70th. MODERN 6 room nouse for rent. Ken- ton dlstrlcL FumltuTe for sale. 1654 .Maryland ave. Phone C-1292. FURNISHED ROUSES 80 NICK homelike furnished cottage or 6 rooms, cheap rent, good neighbor- hooa, near Richmond car. o. ureen wood ave. Sellwood 2978. THREE large clean well furnished 11. K. rooms, ' free water and phone. Fine location. IS minutes from Wash ington st.. 910 per mo. wain. eso. WELL furnished house. 3 rooms, all modern conveniences. Free phone and water. Fine location, $12.59 per monrn. pnone wain. 630. HIGH class, modern flats, newly dec orated; 4 rooms and sleeping; porch. 3th, Hawthorne; open. Brdway 1719. FURNISH EM FLATS SO -ROSE CITY PARK." partly furnished flat, sleeping: porch, bath room, auto shed, garden, hot and cold water, lig-hts, furnace, heat, phone. $14 per mo. C-2896: Tabor 6940, 4 to 6 p. m. AVT V I ft 1 ONLY $164 room, clean, well fur- msnea nat, ground noor, nice yara. gas, bath, gas stove and range; best jitney and car service in city. 772 E. Taylor. East 6260. MODERN well furnished 6 room lower 6 rooms, unfurnished upper -flats; walking distance; close to school. 16th and E, Alder. Main 1728. , FURNISHED 6 room, modern lower flat, all conveniences: references re quired. 294 Graham ave., near Wil liams. $20 4 room furnished fiat. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 v (Ooatlnti4) - -l Horses and Mares . Bay team Good, sound bay team, weighing- about 2200 lb., sound and true to pull or work any place, with good set of hand sewed harness, $160. Team, wagon and harness. Heavy farm team, weighing- about 2400 lba.. with good farm wagon and set of heavy work harness, $276 complete. Another carload of good blocky young farm mares will arrive today. Just the thing for farm work. Low. blocky bunt good bona ana xrus 10 work and null. Sound and gentle. Bo if you are In the market don't fall to come In and sea what we have. Our prices are right and our stock is rood. r razier and McLean Cor. 6th ml Tavlor sts. v Portland's Oldest and Most Reliable Horse Dealers. 189 Mi Main 9016 modern. 16th St., near Montgomery? Call after I p. m. sunaay. $18 4 ROOM upper flat, modern con veniences; nicely furnished. 1139 wcnigan ave SUNNY 6 room flat, "walking distance. 816, including water ana garoage. 44g Rodney, wooaiawn mi ATTRACTIVE modern, completely fur nished 6 room lower flat, all out side, walking distance. 424 Tillamook. mhukaN 6 room flat, newly furnished, for rent cheap. 117 Oreeley street. Woodlawn 2064. . . 3 AND 4 room furnished flat, very rea sonable. Inquire 688 Upshur at. 314 5 rooms, lights, phone, water, close In. East 3810. TWO 3 room modern flats, adults. 604 E, 22d st. AUCTION AUCTION f MOKffriAYS THURSDAYS HORSES HARNESS WAGONS We will sell a consignment or au classes of work horses and mares, guaranteed and trial liven.. several sets or aouoie ana singta harness, bug-glee, hacks, farm wagons and delivery wagon or . all classes. mursaay. eo. . we wui sen to me highest bidder four high claaa cabs and rubber tired hacks with fine run ning rears that can be converted in to fine delivery wagons at a small cost. . our sales are always neia; pienxy of stock and buyers. Our location and management always tne same. we nave a market ror ail classes tn stock and sell for anyone on& com mission. PORTLAND HORSE BALE CO., 308 FRONT ST. THREE room furnished flat all mod ern, conveniences. 662 Mill. HOTELS Palace Hotel M uH.piisHh.u modern 1 room house, ' roses, fruits, .car barn 1 blk. Cheap rent for quick disposal. 1171 Albina ave. 111 WALKING distance. Albina ahlp- fard, clean, rurnisned 4 room nai. Mlsadssippl ave. 4 . ROOHED cottage, partly furnished; yard, gas and electricity. 674 North rup. Malru 3767. $207 witn to 5. 6 ROOM modem cottajce. nlano. Call h'undav from 12 1305 E. 14th. FOR RENT, furnished room in private family, walklncr distance. Nob Hill fliatrict. Phone Marshall 4761. , WEST" aide 6 room completely fur nished cottage. 612 3d st. Main 6762. Reasonable. FURNISHED house, fine view, croft. 7 ROOM bungalow, furnished; also 2 - nice apartments with large garden spot. Tabor 4468. 6 ROOM furnished bungalow, modern. Garden spuce, chicken, near car. Capital HU1. Marshall 1874. FURNISHED 6 room cottage In ex- changa. -for carpenter work. 462 Mll- r v.; sell ..m. Into 1029 Kelly st., near Baa- u w m j w vs. Ju4 tE 54 lit 120 ROOMS FIREPROOF MODERN Clean eat Rooms In City. Reduced Rates nOo and Tin aaL446 Hotel Australia Twn mnil S mom hnusekeeoinr a Dart ments. Single rooms. $1.75 per week and up. Transients. 60c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water In every room. onlT white neip erapiojtu. main 203 Vi 1st. cor. Taylor. 203. STORES ANDOFFICES .11 WAREHOUSE or factory building in South Portland for rent Modern. 2 story brick structure, trackage; well lighted. Apply R. W. uagooa. ail Journal bldg. wdod. OR RENT 3 room cottage, furnished with piano;: garden ana chicken house; ail kinds of fruit. Wdln 966. i 5 FURN I S HED completely, modern 7 room housfii Hawthorne ave.; 8 bed foomg, furnace. Tabor 4679. CotfV 3 room cottage, furnished, $6.60 peyrno. 865 B. Bnrnwlde. $18 NICELY f urnished 6 room house. 634 Ellis ave. Woodlawn 1032. MODERN .XurniWhed house on 23d and .Tlbhetts Main UK. Ibbetts Main 948R 0 UKXMisiiivu nouse, clone in, phone, gas. 312.60. FOR Phone B. bath. 17466. RENT-i 6 room rottajrei fur. nished. Phone Tabor 138. i HEST location la Portland tor first class tailoring establishment; wui arive Ion or lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W.'Hagood. 311 Journal bldg, FOR RENT Large .suburban store. Good location. $7.50 per montn. tiar grove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Phone Hroadwav 4381. BUILDING and fixtures complete for grocery store; living rooms connect lne. Mt. Soott district. Rent $7 mo, bon Tabor s&. SEVERAL desirable offices and suites in Journal building. Apply it. vv. Hagood, 311, Journal bldg, STORE room sDacn for rent for hem atitchingt good location on Morrison st. .f none jaarsnau a. FOR RRNT Stor room. Cor. 3d and Taylor. 315 per month. Apply Rose City Printer y. . FOR RENT HALLS 59 APARTMENTS 43 FURyiSHEU .AMUNFURXISHEU - Lucretia Court Lueretia at,, bet. Wnsh. and Ever ' ett ata. Most beautifully located high class apts.. 2-3-4-6 rooms. All modern i bohvenlences, first class service. Prices ! reasonable. References required. Man i agr Mar. U13. ; BRICK building in South Portland for rent. location Hood street, between Baker and Arthur: two floors, each S tby 100 feet ideally situated for light manufacturing; rent reasonaoie. avvlj R, W. Hapood. 811 Journal bldg. - VILLA ST. CLARA. ' 12lh and Taylor. 'Modern, completely lurniHhed apts. - Walking distance. References. t-l.EGANT 6 room apartment with - sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4376, or after 6 p. m. 160t. W NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 8 ' room suites, best location and out look. All mod. conv's. Reasonable rate. Marshall 267. Qllsan. near 23d st BLENN APTS.. 984 Hawthorne ave., will have a furnished and unfur. apt. faoant soon. Tabor 6100, East 2332. TEAM heated, LODGE hall for rent: M. W. A. hall k. oar. 11th and BUrnside sts, third floor. Everything new. First rlua dancine floor Large ante-rooms, etc. Lodge hall 60x60. Monday .or Saturday evening. F. . Duriingtn, clerk, office in hall. Marsnau mix FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent oy March 1. 5 or a room modern cottage or bungalow, furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floor, west oif 60th st, Rose City or Bunnysiaa prererrea, not over zz.ou, References furnished. ' Tabor 5566. 4 OR 6 room furnished house or flat Sunnvside line preierabiy; aauits must be-modern and reasonable. H. G. Walsh. Ml. 2003. V-286, Journal. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION SALES. 30 head of work -mares and geldings. 1000-1500 lbs. each. All kinds of harness, wagons and buggies. Don't fail to attend this sale. Everything sold with a guarantee as represented by auctioneer or money refunded. The sale will take place TUESDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK SHARP. 240 E. 8TH ST- NEAR HAWTHORNE, All kinds of stock sold on commission. PHONE EAST 8118. POULTRY. PIGEONS AND 37 . PET SXOCK . f Continued l i ROBINSOjJs-White Leghorns are4 real money-makers. My foundation stock is from the finest tran-necrted flock in existence Baby chicks. $12 per hun- area; eggs, 15 ror i-Zf, loo ror is.uo. Order for early chicks should be placed now as tney are- going raat. a. Robinson. 851 Jarrett st- Wood in. 546. A few LAST CHANCE. O. A. C. cockerels If today, ft each: come and get tna room, so pair or rea car- taken them. need the room. neaux 81 rair: 1& oair of - racing Hbmars, 60c each. Phona D-1412. 2041 ni. oairoon. FOR SALE or trade for anvthina; of value, one Partridge wyanaotte ana one juarred Rock cockerel, extra lancy. Also Barred Rock and Rhode isiana setUne eggs. 81 for 15.. 1236 Omaha ave. Phone Woodlawn 8459. C. BLACK Minorcas. the -kind you are looking for; the best of strain; few mora cockerels for sale. Book ing orders now for eggs; four pens to select from. D. R. Wood. 1808 Hamlin sr. uoiumpia 79a. . - - THOMPSON Ringlets. B. P. Rocks and o. a.. (J.-S. c w . leanorn cocaereia. ready for mating; they're the egg laying type; setting eggs. Kocka or ijeghorns. POULTRY, PIGEON AND 37 - PET STOCK. v - tOoatlmned) r- . PROFITABLE chicka are counted by qual ity.. That's why you need a-"Master. . It a tha leader and the only one of full con trol of moisture and ventilation. It'a called "Master" because it is -Master- of all incubators, not a , toy. Reliable, built substantial and sanitary, wonderful in operation. Post card brings free cata log. Master Incubator Co.. Inc. Facr tory 41S-T. Jessup st. Portland, Or. Woodlawn car. Phone Woodlawn 4344. evenings. - . c . a. 1 wMlfE LKGHV.AN Order now: eggs ror natchlnr and baby chicks from our pedigreed pans oi imponea juegnomv; not show birds but eg producers. - Also a few pens of selected exhibi tion stock. McKenna park Poultry Farm. Lombard at and Mc Kenna ave.. St Johns earl In e. Rhode Island Reds and Black Min orca cockerels and- cock birds, tor ale: from nrise winning siraui. I ' "a. IN"' h AUTO310R1LES. ACCESSORIES 44 fCoatiaaed) " - Boone's Bargains Look Them Over DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 AiittuAiXi tiua an iaw " .... r i ellnn ett nteMt fi-Dokana ShOW. Swl Iba. and all dog: fee $16.00. McKenna Park Kennels. Columbia 814. McKenna ave. and Lombard at hl-WlO" FISH MEAL Will assist your birds through the molt and increase your egg . produc tion. A pur high protein poultry food; locally manufactured. J. J. Bat ter. 188 Front st. ECONOMICAL and very efficient . brooder and 40 White, leghorn bar,y i CANV4 Riica end'other cage birds. Kit ciucks; chicks rrom best laying strain i iinaT nuna. nets cages, foods reme on coaatr this is a bargain; can not atf-Z-SSofita!' lilSatrated brd l and be beat, fc-1768 or Woodlawn 3839. - Set"c"alor Uee! RouUel 146 2d at. biiiv&h w XAJMuui icq. Jsggs irum i rear Aiaer, my prize winners, unequalea tor beauty, utility and profit 32.60 per aettlng of 15. L. J)ivesteln. 184 Al berta st.. West, Portland. Or. FOR SALE. i One "Mandy -Lee" incubator, 200 egg frizo, used but once, or will exchange for good White Leghorn pullets. Ad dress box log, Fortiana. r. AT STUD Lord Tweedie. biue-eyea White Persian: also Red wyer wira orange Persian. Main 6450. Hillsdale. Or.. BOX 22. " FOR BALE. Fine pedigreed Scotch collie pups. S. Gruler, Mllwaukle. Phone Oak Grove 22-X. FORD car with one-ton at- tachment. almost new. Price $596. 1916 FORD touring car, excel lent condition, shock absorb ers, speedometer, auto lock, tool box. Klaxon horn. Price $300. STUDEB AKER six. 7 passen ger, 1914 model; best condition, all new tires. Price $576. BUICK five passenger. 1914 model, self starter and electric lights; perfect condition. Price $396. . OAKLAND light . 1916 model; newly painted. Price $675. DODGE, five passenger, 1916 model. A snap at $685. BABT GRAND CHEVROLET, used very little; a good car at $685. FOUR -NINETY CHEVRO LET, excellent shape; demount able rims and tire holder. Price $485. 1914 FORD TOURING CAR; baa had GOOD care. Price $226. EAST TERMS. Benj, E. Boone & Co., AirKMOBILES-ACCESSORJES 44 AUTOMORniEgr ACCESSORIES 4U Ootlaad Big Auto Show On Used Cars AH This Week " - AT UTH AND OAK. AT BURNSIDE. All cars are ready to demonstrate. Prices ranging from $200 to -$700. Free service eh all used cars sold dur- . , ins this month. Ten different makes to select' from. Our place of business is one block south of the Armory. OPEN SUNDAYS. LOOK THESE OVER. Manley Auto Co, 11TH AND OAK AT BURNSIDE. Broadway $17. r V THOROUGHBRED single comb White Leghorn cockerels: hatching eggs and baby chicks: single comb White Leg- hlm ia to want hm. Call Marshall 1188. r.urns ana wane nocu. aiier ouuaa FOR SALE--Handsome pedigreed Eng lish nit bulldog: ears cliDPed. bouse and street broke; 4 months old; to see 514 Alder street Main 3966. call Sellwood 1866. FOR SALE 10 2-year-old Rhode Is land Red hens, bred by EUiott; also fine cockerels, excellent breeders; age for setting. Phone Columbia 346. 690 Princeton ave. FOR SALE Golden yellow Imported . German canaries. nLght singers. Rea sonable for quick sale. 711 Water at.. near Hooker. TANGO shaded silver Persian cat. Jack Frost white Persian, both pedi greed, at service. Rabbits for sale. Tabor 4936. 851 Bast 48th st. THOROUGHBRED English setter pups, 10 weeks old. 438 East 9th st north. C-1264.- East 8093. . Andreaaberg BARRED Plymouth : Rocks, prixe win ning, winter layers. Eggs $2 for 15. Welrhof, 6516 65th avenue, phone Ta- bor 3190. , : Wnnt. on WVl't Virhnm I IMPORTED VOllOW St. chickens; 81 each: going out of busi-1 RoIlei-, flne.singer. 633 Rodney ave. ness, si Knott, isast 4640 Phone East- 6070 Notice, Horse Buyers Have some mares well matched, 3200 lbs., and some single mares. 1600 lbs., some geldings, 1600 lbs., wen matched. Some 1200 and 1300 lb. horses, some cheap horses at the Port land van & storage stables. Take ltttn st or S car to 16th and Raleigh. TRADE 60 egg Buckeye incubator and AT STUD Orange and black A. C. A. ter. 1079 E. 43d st N. Woodlawn 2275. CANARY birds, fine singers and fe males from, imported, acock. B-172e. 18 E 16th st - f Mandv Lee brooder, in first class or der, for one do a. hens; or sell either; at 789 East 7th street north. FOR SALE or trade, 200 egg incu bator for organ, furniture or what have you 7 Tabor 3460 or 3823 73d at 191' OVERLAND. 6 pas.; looks , and runa like new. t extra good tires $550 FORD with 1917 body, radiator. and hood 375 1913 FORD. 6 pass. 240 1913 BUICK. 5 pass 276 1913 STUDEB AKER, 6 pass. elf starter, extra good tires :..r. 300 Presto tanks, used tubes, stretchless reliners, windshields, tops, etc, at bar gain prices. East Side Auto Repair Co,, East 1800. 717 Hawthorne ave, . FORDS FORDS FORDS 1918 Ford touring ....... .$29$ 1918 Ford roadster ........ 295 1914 Ford roadster 225 1914 Ford touring 360 1916 Ford touring 896 1914 Ford delivery 266 1916 Ford touring 360 1916 Ford touring 286 Automobile ii AUCTION AUCTION 1 Every Tuesday and Friday, 2 o'clock. retrr iucsuot ana inuuy, 4 ociikk. 1 : - All kinds of harness, wagons, horses I ry ya and mules. All sold as represented or I BOOKING no sale Everything sola on commis sion. 5. Phone us if you have any- tning to list. Main zzos. B48 Front st. M'Clelland & Neal. Horse & Mule Co. BARRED 1'jUCK eggs. that lay. Woodlawn 1656 FOR SALE Byston brindle bull ter- incubator iot BeajUtlf ully marked. Main 3783. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AND AUTO WORKS. S09-11 Front St Main 2891. a specialty; also six pullets; the kind FOR SALE English setter dor 8 mos. old, cneaf u. 1. urennan, u xi. tin 1447 Mai-I orders for baby chicks. spring delivery. S. C. R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks. S. C. W. L. Prize win- n lag strains. ixck pox 6, aariow, ur. BUFF ORPINGTON cockerel, a fe v pullets, prize winning stock, at rea sonable nrices. Sellwood 2051. 913 Division st Richmond car. SACRIFICE team young ponies, $20. Also team, weighing- 2400 lba.. 3 so; also snan for 860: also span young mares, farm wagon. 2 sets double har- RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for set- ness, one set single uarneaa. uus-1 ung. irom naraesijr einun, ueu gles, spring wagon, plow and inouba- I headed by prlzo winning- rooster, l.ou tor. Must sell DyMonaay. sius wu tuv t-rinceion. oiumun mo at S. E. Mt, Scott car. wnn SALE 3 Rhode Island White and 2 Rhoae isiana rtea cocKereis. All fine birds, 32.60 each. Mrs. F. N. Phone Woodlawn 4547. WANTED, a -young dog. Boston bull or rat terrier preferred. Call Mar- snan . 1 THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie rnale dogs for sale, weeks old. 641 Front Mar. 8089 FOR SALE Pit bull pup; fancy stock. FXllwood 2267. for ST. ANDREASBCRG birds cheap. Call East 6769. (reasonable sale, WANTED, pup 803 Hancock st. East 2288. price, AT STUD, O. C. A. brown Persian, cat. 205 East '27th st Phone East 8947. CANARY singers birds for sale; Call Tabor 7 269. excellent ONE team gray horses. 8 and 10 yrs. old: welrht 1200 lba.: tnam. harness and wagon for 8226: also bav buggv Woodward, Clackamas, Or bnrM IXO via fliuilpra 1 n sr nut nf I pivw luh hnt uytc. iroihotrtr business, must sell. 640$ 64th st S. E. I profitable machine for profitable BLACK AND TAN at stud. 4 lbs. Box 'lake vvooaatocK car. pouitrymcn. .io jessup, iiiy. rnon 279, Portlaiw. Taoor 48i FOR SALE Black Shetland pony, wt ""qlw" 250 lbs.; well oroke, drive or ride; I CHOICE Carneaux pigeons, 31.60 per new buggy and harness. Call Frailer I pair, or trade for chickens, rabbits & McLean. 5th and Taylor sts. Phone or what? Phone Woodlawn 2870 ASSORTMENT of choice females and exceptionally Tine singers, wai. z7i. Main 4566, 1031 Ruby et HARTZ mountain canary females. SSo each. 414 Klickitat st. PORTLAND Auction Sales Stable, every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought and sold on commission. 240 E. 8th. East ! 8118. ' DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. 86 bald for cows, orinnled and played outs. Call Woodlawn 20. Port land Rendering Co. IF you want a setting of eggs from the very finest Brown Leghorns at $1. ptoone Woodlawn 177, C-1776 (not Sunday.) IX) R SALE, a pen of Rhode Island ANGORA cat for sale. Wdln. 922. CANARIES for mating, cheap. 28$ 4th. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 41 Reds. Six hens and rooster, N. Hayes. Col. 218. 921 FINE speedy family driving horse. bu-ggry and harness, very cheap. 1029 B. Yamhill et LIVESTOCK 85 ATTENTION SHEEP OWNERRS I have a sheep ranch in northern Cali fornia which will range over 60,000 head of sheep the year round, winter and summer: climate conditions ' are modified and ideal for the sheep busi ness. I wish to deal with sheen men who will furnish the sheep, take care winner- eggs of themselves and give me a small w'"" " per cent of the profits. If interested ONE thoroui FOUR Buff Orpington cockerels from prize winning stock; price acn. F. E. Cockerline, Estacada, Or. FOR SALE White Wyandotte pullets and hens. nn laying strain; must ta.crlflce. East 576, 1 60 EGO Buckeye Incubator, hot water. in Derrect conaiiion: nearly new, o. Phone Mllwaukle 84X. S. C. W. LEGHORN baby chicks: bred to lav. Order now. 1128 E. 29th st N. Phone Woodlawn 1198. FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn cock erels direct rrom Maoison (square for sale. 763 Williams. BUICK. Late model big six. guaran teed first class condition; newly painted. This is a high grade car at low price. The Buick is too well known to need any comment and this is one of the best models they have made. Ask for demonstration. Fries $1000. FRANK C. Broadway at RIGGS CO. Burnslde Sts. address owner, brook, Cal. E. D. Roberts. Horn- WANTED Fob. 20, nicely furnished modern house; 3 adults; good ref erences; must be reasonable; long term. U-266, journal. .. Cob $16 rt furnished apartments. per month and up, Harrison 6th and Harrison. USE FRIEND. 2S& Bawy. S.; choice 3 ' . -room unrurnisned apt.-. large rooms, pt service, walking dist. Mar. 1410. ' Hi SLOP HALL. E. ttth and Hawtnorne. Modern 1, 2 and 8 room apts., 312.60 A P: wlKirig'ditanoe. East 882 liUAUK Af lS., AH 131H bl and 4 - room. riJv furnished 9 Eomeilke apartments. IAONUL1A APTs.. K. ttd and Belmont. Modern 1 and 3 room apts., 31.60 per 'week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. ' JKFFERSONIAN Af AKTMhiN'l'S. - 614 Jefferson, 3 room basement apt, . 110, with light Janitor services. hBWLY furniahed 3-4 rooms, hard-.-wood floors, walking distance. Port- oman, -juv k. jstn. OKOM1S. 65 Marshall - Modern 2 oora furnished, private bath, dress- tlg room'and nhone. 215 to 222.60. 44V4 KlLLlNUSWOKTh AVE corner , , Vancouver. 1. 2, 3 and 4 room unfur- r-.A wntw. l ,ow rent. Wdln. 1765. NDUH new. management, clean two Me, Phone East 998. 108H ilnionava. - ing porch! warm, homelike; dandy lace;7 Woodlawn 16. . f ROOM apartment newly furnished; must- be seen to be appreciated. PKMNiaULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete - blda.: a and s loomn : hot and cold er. h. hone. steam heat: 312 up. OSENFELD. 14TH AND E. STARK. a ana rooms, private; phono quiet HIE WESTFAL--3 room modern - apartments, unfurnished. Mam 2079. THE DEZENDORF. Marsh. 2818. 108 eh st. wear Taylor. nVUUON.HAIA 411 UTH T 2. S AND 4 ROOM APTS. MAR, 1163. SAifeMiCAN and Marlborougn. mod. 4. 6 6 rm apts. Mar. 3360. M. 2516, A-2676, r ROOM. 'location. u n r u rn I shed, moaern,- fine The Giles. 807 11th st WANTED Two or three extra rood young grade Holstein cows, fresh or soon rresn; also iu neaa yearling graae rlolsteln hellers rrom extra good cows. Write, giving full particulars and price, to J. C. Lemon. Route L New- berg, Oregon. , ' . A LARGE house, furnished or unfur nished, in good condition, state low est rent on year lease ana location. Address V-293, Journal, LADY wants light H. K. rooms with someone to care for boy aay times. close in. Call Woodlawn 4121. WANTED A modern 8 or 9 room house near Laureinurst ciub to rent for at least 1 year. 0-223, Journal. WANT 8 or 4 partly furnished h. k. rooms, heated, clone in. west side; not over $15. K-874. Journal. 4 OR 5 room modern bungalow in good condition; cheap, call E. vvi. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SALJE One of the best bred young herds of registered Jersey cattle on the coast. This is a rare op portunity to get the best at reason able prices. J..W. Exon. Oak st dock. Tel. Main 1048. . SIX fresh cows. Holstein, Jersey, Dur ham-Jersey ana jerseys. 4 to o gais. per day, rich milk. Will trade for thin or rat cows or Duy inem. iiau Maca dam st. So, Portland car end of line, tI block south, 1 east. DEAD animals handled. Call us for your dead cows and horses. I can pay you more; 36 and - up for old nornes. Milwaukle 69J. V ANTED Sound, young team blocky mares, weight 1200; must be good and price right J. C. Lemon. Route 1, ryewucrg, ur. " DEAD etocK. taken quick; we pay the most Tor ueaa cows, norses ana crip pled stock. Oregon Bone Meal Works. Tabor 4203. -- SPAN of blocky mares, about 2200 lbs.. 6 years old, sound, free of blemishes. i rue to wore; narnees ana I arm wagon. Phone Tabor 740. TEAM, 1076 lbs. each, with collars. ' 34a. Take South Portland car to Mead St., walk two blocks west to numoer zoi. TEAM FOR SALE 10 and 13 years, weight 1300; price $90. F. W. Miner, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 268-Y. 870 BUYS 400 lb. bav horse, wound and true. 881 Water st. corner Mont gomery 1050 LB. What have you? ana tnmpson sts. bay mare, spring wain. was on. 4629. 46th 1400 LB. mo re. .6 years old. works single and double, good traveler. Phone East 6234. ilODERN 4 room front apartment, prl vate" porch. 658 Flanders. Main 8251. FOR RENT FLATS 18 rent. ' East 1625 IHRKE and 6 room, free water, phone. v' very reasonable. Main 6110. L- ROOM modern flat for rent 679 E, st i.. on Brooklyn caruna -IlODERN - 6 room flat, aU outside rooma. 16 Everett st. ' r kOOD 4 room' steam heated flat Rent Tabor 181. reaonSble. NEW, strictly , modern flat? walking ' distance; yard;r reasonable. Mil, 4138. IdpDKRN - room flat all v outaidd rooms. 16th and Evrtt t flVE distance- !514Haler. - - TEAM mares. 1104 lbs. each, with har ness and ranch wagon. $85. Phone Marshall 4065. ; VVANTKD 1300 or 1860 lbs. farm horse; must be sound; price reason- aoie. rnone Marshall 140. FOR SALE Very fine bred mare. 8 rears oia; very aiiracuve pacer, 0 Macadam et Marshall 8148. MUST sell farm team, farm wagon and harness. 1967 E. Stark sL; win give trial. - m a uti.jxinjtti a rooms ror team, har- ness and farm wagon. X-203, Journal HORSE and wagon. 31.25 day; 2 horses anq wagon. 3 pay. &4 f-ront. .M -z z 0 S FOR SALE Light- mare, wagon and namess. rnone TaoorlSls. S PASSENGER auto to trade for-team and wagon. Tabor 4026. HORSE, harness and covered express wanon f neap. Mam 6491. " FOR SALE Tem of lisrht marea with - names, wooaiawn s73. oroughbred iBlak Langshan rooster or sale? 814 Oswego st.. St. jonns. ! S. C R. I. RED cocks and cockerels: egg3. per setting 22.60. 6430 90th st Lents. Or.. Willbanks. FOR SALE, two brooders, cheap If taken at once. Party Phone Marshall 239. going 15 HEAD of Jersey and Guernsey cows, some fresh and coming fresh. Giving 3 to 5 gals, of milk per day. Extra rich milkers. All good young. gentle cows. Will take dry cows or tttrlppers in trade. 350 to $75. 274 E. 7th st. near Damascus ury. TWO fine dairy cows, one 8 yrs.. one 6 vrs. fresh, rich, heavy milkers. S. C. Bowles, Greensburg. Oregon Electric line. Mall Beaverton - YEAR old Guernsey cow. giving 3 gallons rich milk a day: must be sold cheap. 63 E. 83d st. Montavilla car. FOR family and dairy cows, fresh and CHOICE O. A. C. S. C. W. Leghorn cockerels 83: eggs direct from the college. 3003 K. bBth St. WANT China pheasants. Cochin ban- tams. half Cochin and silkia hen Mr. Rapp, 1284 Hancock. Tabor 7229. AIREDALE pup, Belgian hare rabbits ror saie cneap. 705 1100a st uar- shall 4883. FINE Dark Cornish cocks and cock- erels. 6 good hens. Tel. C-1174. lis E. 7th st N. tH6ROCGHBRD Barrel Rock cock- erel. 13; laying hens $1. Phone Sell -I woo a lioi. THOROUGHBRED New Zealand buck 10 exenange ror wnite ninir ,v rir already bred. Columbia 490. ROSE COMB REDS. Almy Sensation strain cockerels, 81.60 and up. Kelly. 6615 97th St., 8. E. Lents. TWO Bandon lots for White Wlyan- aoite or i-iymoutn nock chickens. IRTlor 7Z03. 5. (J. w. lkohokn cockerels; pure bred Tom Barron s. 32 delivered. W neea tne room, h-zss, journal. BUFF Wyandotte cockerel. 33.56; 24 prise jnuiinoman yo. xair. ii. t . CLOSING OUT BALE OF USED CARS Regardless of prices absolute ly we are disposing of all our used cars to make room for our new models. These cars must go. All madels; all prices. Make us an offer if you want a car. PACIFIC KISSEL KAR" BROADWAY AT. DAVIS STS. OPEN SUNDAYS COME AND SEE The Vig bargain we have In a late model 7-pasSenrer Frank lin. The price will surprise you. Enough said. FRANK C. RIGGS CO. Broadway at Burnslde Sta FOR Used Car Bargains SEE The Winton Co, 83d and Wash. 8t Main 4244. FORDS S FORDS NEW AND USED FORDS. Gray & Davis, electrio starter and lights. Call Fast 25 for demonstration. REGNER & FIELDS, I.N(J.. Authorised Ford Sales Agents. East 26. Grand ave. and Burnslde. . Garages $30 Up. j nee samples. 3644 Hood 8t 1167. Millmade Construction Cot Terms $160 down, balance , $26 per month, and a year's free 1 service on all minor adjust ments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 119). Real Bargains r 1916 Overland touring, electrio lights and starter, practically new, 3496. 1915 Maxwell touring, cannot be told from brand new. 8396. 1916 Chevrolet touring, electrio lights and starter, run only 4000 miles. 3396. 1913 Overland roadster, electric lights. $226. Terms If desired and a year's free service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E, 1119. E. l$th and Hawthorne ave. AutoTops Recovered. $8.50 Ud ' r- -Arj vDO.UU U 'TT "ord Tops . x x' Specialty. CADILLAC EIGHT Rlda In ah sight; better still, drive One. and realise what a wonderful car this la. We want, also, the opportunity to show you big values ia other models. .. .i. u. ; DODGE We believe the Dodge; ;- ia the most economical light car yoa can buy; See ws for , , . used Dodea cars, $495 and up. :- CASE. 11S, burn dlsUUate.$J50 ; PEERLESS 7 passn : eleotrlo starter. The finest Peerless la- t town. . - .-v: ;;v CHALMERS 30. A Ught 4- -pass, car, a bargain at, . . .$269 MARMON, 1914. Run only ; 9000. perfect condition. : . - - MAXWELL. 2 cyL. light and7 ecoBonycal roadster ....$110 STUDEBAKER $6, UgW4-" pans, at ,$225 '- BUICK We have several good i . models $295 and up 1.915 FORD in first class con- 1 dltlon. electric lights and stor age battery, lots of valuable - , extra equipment; car run only - ., 7000 miles; $800. .w ; , STODDARD - DAYTON, t ' f frst class shape; fine buy; ; 2 '"-- 1 only ,.;.,$26A n HUDSON 1915 light Six,,'?- . ' 'a pass., repainted ..........$700 HAYNES 1914, elee. sUrtaf. ' : 1 Will sell at bargain. All In Splendid Condition. ' MANY OTHERS. . Out-of-town buyers write for complete used car information. - . Covey Motor Car Cor cadillac. dodge brothers m6tor cars, ; , 21st and Washington. ' -Main 6244. , Save From $100 to $300 U BY BUTINO USED CARS NOW. ; All of our used cars guaranteed. W will consider your offer. .- - j ' -mm Ready Cut Garages 9x14 Ford SDeclal 837.60 10x16 Ready cut 87.00 10x18 Ready cut 40.00 10x20 Ready cut 48.00 Lumber, shingles and hardware com plete, delivered to any part or city. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO.. Broadway 149. 6th and Flanders SPECIAL ONE-MAN TOP MADE TO ORDER. Columbia Auto Top Co. 412 STARK ST. MAIN 1775. 1915. MAXWELL. 1916 OVERLAND. 191 S OLDSMOBILE. 1914 OVERLAND. 191$ CADILLAC. ,i ,-' . 1912 LOCOMOBILE ROADSTER. FACTORT OALAND 61916 I passenger, good shape. res. JUST OVERHAULED BY . BRANCH. road Oakland Auto Sales Co. The Oldsmobile Co. of Oregon 16th and Alder Sts. Main 414. 37 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 1640. - ' - ids pi BUICK. 6 passenger, 1914, B-25, In good shape, all good tires and one extra, $450. Oakland Auto Sales Co. 16th and Alder Sta Main 414. Starting & Lighting SYSTEMS. Installed and Repaired. C. B. MINERS tc CO, Fifth and GUsan Sts. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles, springs, radiators, magnetos, windshields, tires, tubes. Everything for your suto at H price. ' AUTO WRECKING CO., 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. EXTRA lire rim for Ford. Fits both slses, changed in 4 minutes. $6.60. Oregon Vulcanising Co- 393-335 Burnslde st. at Broadway. Broadway 879, Automobile ONE FORD ton truck complete with body. 3525. One Studebeker delivery car with $76 body and new Uses, 6225. bring us our Ford car with $226 and take it away a guaranteed 1 ton truck. 868 E. Wa-snlngton st. - and Jersevs. call at 292 Union ave.. Walters. 133 1st at near Hawthorne. - Kast 8316. BARRED Rock and kknri.. l.l.nH i KxloH jersey, a years oia, ueco-i .oaoy cnicas ror eaie. 15c each. W. ration Maid, registered Jersey neirer. . wiuiams, beiv 73d st. a. E. jt." . 1 . i -V, 7 ... r.r.iiAL. strain wnue wyanaotte eggs I ed. R. F. Walters. 133 H 1st. I tor .-ttlnr. from fin ivr SJSi-l TW O young iresn graae jersey cows. rnnoia . little tmn in Iieen dui gooa miiaers. Price reasonable. 95 E. SOfh, cor. Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP One cow. good milker, gentle and easy to keep; an excellent bargain. 655 E 68th st. N. 6 CADILLAC. 1914. looks and runs like new, at your own price and terms. Make me an offer. 329 Davis st Open Sundays. PHESH and heavy SDrlnaers. 4 to gaL dairy cows, 3 fine family Jer- seys; cheap. 7ti r.ast Asn FOR SALE. 9 good pigs, 3 good light I lawn 1217 BLUE ANDALUSIAN cockerels from heavy laying strain. 31.60 setting egga Tabor 3205. 5519 60th et. 8. E. fe'. C. WHITE LEGHORN cockerel- thoroughbreds, hatching eggs. orlcK reasonable. 6320 K. 44th, .Woodstock. FOR SALE, 1 pen thoroughbred Sliver namDurgs. uau azter noon, wood- STUDEBAKER USED CARS At lowest prices in the city. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. STUDEBAKER DEALERS. Psrk and Davis sts. Open Sunday. PUNCTURE VULCANIZED 10a Tire repairing very reasonable; all work guaranteed. We have a number of slightly used tires st your price. WESTERN TIRES SALES CO.. 707 Hawthorne eve. MOTORS MOTORS MOTORS. Many different sizes and horsepower Si very reasonable prices. AUTO WRECKING CO., 89 North Broadway, Near Everett $525 1916 Overland, $525 LIKE NEW $276 Down. $25 Mo. Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Bdwy. LAHER' Mfg. & Repairs, 2000 guarant'd springs Hi stock, prices reduced. 34 ft. 16th st $210 Ford Roadster $210 FINE SHAPE. See at Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broadway BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AND AUTO WORKS. 209-11 Front Bt Main 3892. "-E. GEO. WILSON Specialises On Ford Repairing Only Reduced prices. Work unexcelled. Transmission rellned complete, 33. 20th and Belmont E. 2642. STUDEBAKER USED CARS. BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM BEST VALUES IN PORTLAND OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PANT, STUDEBAKER DEALERS. Park and Davis streets. Open Sundays. Used Automobile Parts at Half Price We wrefck all makes of cars for their good parts, Listed below are a few of the many cars we can supply parts fori : JH, JV1. C. V. rv. . NIVUIMMf;1 Hudson. Cadillac, Studebaker-GarforJ, . Stoddard-Dayton, Some Ford,' parts. Maxwells an moaeis, jbuices. rooaei No. 10. Chalmers "K. 4 F., Over lan j model 38 and 42 Flanders 2 and 3 speed, and many others too numerous to mention. We also carry tires, tubes, lamps, magnetos, carburetors, wind- - shields, and in fact most everytning ror : the automobile. riv ' FOR VALUE SEE UB. iAUTQ WRECKIH."GO;? 89 North Broadway Near Everett SC WK BUT AND EXCHANGE. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: r4 Packard, 6-Passenger Packard, 6-passenger .I.VU, ...... Fierce-Arrow, 7-paasenger. sr .....$ r engef.'.'i 400 700 660 " 1M 16 LIBERAL TERMS. MAXWELL, 6-pass... 1469 lew. . . .8960 new tires $650 W 111 CI) IU ! U I KZ. WAKKN MU1UH CAR CO.. 68 N. 23d st Main 789. horses. Journal, 1 hack, reasonable. L-302, FORD ROADSTER? The beat buy in town, with pratci- OUR. Barred Rocks win Portlands Se-1 stream line hood, .with 1917 Krvw' atUe. Btate fair. 15 eggs 32. Ore-1 which is new. today or Monday ss gon Carneau Co., Box 27 Portland. 2 FRESH family Jerseys. 2 to 4 years oia, sou 10 ou- v luenwr, um pa0 c.r i- ,i,,-i.k 1 ai ... u.v.v. - - -" 1 r.rrnn rwntr I'm rn hskv . . . . . ..1 w- f - . w . wvuv li'T.U.QT m m m. rf.v Milt- Trr mm 1 wlthlVTV . 1 ... - 1 1 tT.r". . j . . ryC-Z 1 your oraers now lor Indian " v-'-j -'..'" nunner ouck eggs, i .oor S305. W W . bUA,ICU Hill. Journal. - B. A. MITCHELL. Orenoo, Or. breeder of high clasti pigeons; breeds 14 kinds. 34 B. R. HENS and two roosters, for sale; Tine stock, sellwood (374. NEW Electrio-incubator for sale, trade or cxcnajigs ror wars. laoor b3. aVALE. lull blooa Buff Orpington cockerel, Fhone Sellwood 2471. FOR S cash. Auto N. 8d st. Reconstruction Co.. 121 22 FULL-BLOOD Holstein heifers, I some aoming rresh. 1 to 3 year. Call 301 Dekum Mdg. Mar. M8. OVERLAND CHASSIS. $200. 1914 model. aJmost new KrM 6aa Com today if you want a bargain! UlHd st North. FRESH Holstelns, Durhams, Jerseya lerms. ttruce. oiocayarua. nooa lawn 2400. i IF YOU have any fat cattle, hogs, veal or sheen to sell, rail East 290. . FRESH Jersey cow and calf. Box 396, c i, Miiwaukie. ur. FOR SALE lreeh cow or will trade $3.60. incubator. 100 Phone Col. 609. 1916 STUDEBAKER BODY. $7. New top and windshield , included. Come today if you want, to do busi ne. 121 N. 3d st. STUTZ. 1914 model, run 14.000 miles. . Electric starter and lte-hta. ?urn. teed in first class condition. For sals cheap. Terms. F-269. Journal. FOR SALE, Saxon roadster. 1916 I . - wwt-irw uou, veis sxaner. I Marfan a3it FOR SALE Jersey . Holstein heifer J ens can, i wwm pm. ja.iwr gp. FOUR cows, all fresh and easy to mtlk. 7719 50th ave.. Mount Scott car. FTiE&H cow for sale. 360. Main 84: - 49 o. v v. x nunc vui, vv a. .-'."'f,-.- - ---- - . - ' 11 rntt aiV v nAJili itlA WrA ,1914 OVERLAND, lights and starter, FOR SALE- Rhode Island, Red broody . f or 8ale or trade for roadster. Wood- hens. - Main 6504. i lawn 4476. SICILIAN .Buttercup- cockerels. Sell 114 FORD roadster, body 'and wind- or trade. 606 E. Ash St. East 1303. .hf.M fin, onmimon 'tie f-n WANT at once hens and ducks. Tabor 1 Woodlawn 2869 or Woodlawn' 4966. FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car Co.. Main 4244. 21st snd Washington. AM forced to sell at sacrifice Tor cash! 40 horsepower. 7 passenger Chalrners car. first class running order Broad- way CO. Marshall 3683. TRUCK for clear property. Stevens- Duryea, electric lights, self-starter. Property must be worth - 81600. Y- 610. Journal. FORD Late model, good condition, Shock absorbers, speedometer. Klax on Krn, tool box. $275; a bargain. journal. . JIFFY STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved model) 3ft days trial to re sponsible parties. A. L. Breckenridge, 636 Halsey st East 5095. C-3260. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton, $360 J BUILDERS OF IK Ton, $410 EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton, $466 J ATTACHMENTS. Capacity f Mfg. in Portland 198 E. Water st. Phone East 743T. MY 'brand new OVER LAND, never driven a mile: cost 8965. Positively new. At a big sacrifice for cash, or terms to the right party. L-231. Jour nal; 1916 Ford touring. Electric starter cost 8100. Shock absorbers and other ex tra equipment 8375. Terms. A-l Auto Works A Painting Co., 525 Alder st. AiarsnaJi bd. FORD. ,1914. 6 pass., in perfect shape. Storage battery. Klaxon born, mas ter vibrator. - Private. A real bar gain. 3200 cash, speedwell garacs. Marshall 1368. TRADE WITH (M It rAVn! USED PART8 AND ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR CAR. CHEAP. PORT- 1.ANU anuiuii nnuuiUAU CO., Hi Aider. - - CHOICE female canaries for mating. reasonable. win iraae lor trading stamps or breeding cage. Marshall 189. 468 10th st. ROADSTER Good running order: tires A-l, Presto tank. speedometeE,. wortn Z7: wui sen ror 1175 casii. E. 411 or Wdln. 1491. CLASSY little roadster: will sell for $260 caf h. Fine mechanical condl tion. R1920. v 1916 CHANDLER, f-cyL: will trade 1 or 1 arm or iimoer- xor sale, by owner, 1160 B. Carruthers. Tabor 382-V. These cars are all exceptional -" bargains, and will not last Ions ' at these prices. FRANK C. RIGGS CO. li ' Broadway at Burnslde 8ts. BRAND new OVERLAND; mt- . er driven a mile; cost $lCS; m -a a 1 m t -m .1...- tcrtna to the riffht p$i-rty W, H. Wallingford, , AUTHORIZED FORD AGENT Alder st. Phona Main 13. $26 BUTCK1915 model -lon track, in first class condition, at a - '' bargain, at $500. Oakland Auto Sales Co u 16th aad Alder 8ts. , -Main 414. $200. STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. 1 A chance yon seldom get a light economical roadster la first ; class condition at $200. Main 63 44 -Monday. Tom Heym, list and Washington sts. 1 WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of ears, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ex.. 129-31 Lownadale. Main 1161. FOR SALE, used 3 ton PACKARD. with SVs yard dump body. Address 741 East 65th st.. North. FORD for sale. 1917. run 800 miles. equipped; sell cneap tor casn. tiu in FOR SALE Freight body for truck; also -truck trailer, ; spring- mounted. Fhone Mim-iHT, - Willi s ave. East 283. 3303 - - POULTRY, PIGEONS AXD 37 , FOR SALE Buff Orpington cockerel. . . T. V W . . SETTING hens for sale. East 1805. r FOR SALE Chicken house, and wlr. J With practically- new tires. $125.. fos 374 E. 37th st. Phone Tabor 6605: $5. louick sate. 121 3d s North. J6 BARRED rock and White Leghorn 1 ENGINES, , ENGINES, ENGINES. - hens; some laying; ill. . K-60. 1 All sizes, ? styles and makes, each FULL grown Barred Rock eockerels. I d veryone a baryal" 121 N. 4 st $1.60. Woodlawn 2397. , I BOSCH magneto. $27.f f 121 N. 34 st X CAN ase your Ford if you can use a Maxwell auto. Call Adams, Tabor 630. " ' - -. - - FORD touring, 1916, new ures, sxtr equipment, nickel plated parts; car fine condition. Sellwood 309. FORD chassis, almost new. in perfect condition. $200. Only a few left 121 N. 3d st Open evenings. . 1917 MAXWELL lor sals cheap. B 23d. JoumaL - J916 BODY, top and windshield. A-l condition. Marshall. 6035. WINTON six, 7 pa.. trade for clear real estate. W-208. Journal. ; . - BUG chassis, reasonable, 121 N. 3d C FOR SALE Federal truck, 114 Front st Phone Mala $969. Ask for Michael , . FRANKLIN cyL, 7 pasa. in good running order, J260. Montavilla Garage, 2043 E. Stark st FOR SALETldoV Ib 'rebullt Federal truck; with l year s guarantee. Ap-1 piy i w neeter-st. arxer p. m. AUCTION sale of all kinds automo biles every , Tuesday. Bought sold. on commission. i r. sin St.- bast Bll. pOPE-lARf FORD delivery or sale OAKLAND roadster, 1914, model good shape, good tires. Oakland Auto Sales Co. 16th and Alder Sts. Main 414. . STUDEBAKER USED CARS Represent real value. See our ( stock, . ' . today. r . OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY; 1 STUDEBAKER DEALERS. Park and Davis sts. Open Sunday. SEVERAL largs cars in exceU i lent shape for stage or mak- . .lng trucks of tractors. $125 up; . easy terms. 32$ Davis st or trade. 25 horseoower. Will k1 late model Ford. East' 440. T B-l 968. FOR SALE 1916 btudebaker lia, 7 pass. WIU rrad for smaller car snd cashv K-28 5. 'Journal. - - GARAGE, 349 Salmon - 4786. ' -. soft AaL IT 4 -CYLINDER CHASSIS. - -We have a 4-yl. late, model ohassls that we are compelled to sell at $180. This car in eouipped with nobby tread tires on the rear; would make a gool delivery' or truck or duulr bus., 121 Marskall 1 North 3d M. ' ,r Ltmouplne : tlon SALhl. 1-lon truk, good ondi-j condition, only. $46. Woodlawn $238. Sellwood 2306. top. perfect 450 E. $0th. N-202, Journal.- - - , I ' Practically new. Just the WlLLaell rrrv half InUreai M aarase. I rwt 200. 131 N. 3 i St. ti. 1 car , f; cheap. Good location. Wdln. IZ (CeaUaaed oa !. ix