The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1917, Page 25, Image 25

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Paring, sewer, sidewalks, everything
, paid; hx ths. heart of Rose City; 3 bed
room, big living and dining room
with French door to sewing room or
den; huge fireplace, built-in bookcases
anrf rltlnc ,4aalr hilar r livlnB
. dandy furnace, big screened-ln back
porch; lavatory downstairs and - up.
- Harry and see this. Will sell on
uu(m comraei; very easy iwnw,
Hickman-Wilson, 45th and Sandy. Ta
bor 6868, C-2121.
Live in ; an Pregon Home
Builder's House
Trvlna-ton fi rontn bus ealow. large
attic, can finish for more room- old
h Ivory woodwork, oak floors, pretty but
vfet, fine fireplace, good furnace, ele-
trio lights, shades, flower boxes, many
conveniences; lawn seeded; ready to
more in. Price mod emit e; very easy
The Oregon Home Builders
1S30 Northwestern Bank Butldlngr
EVEkYRftDY lilOt
Here is an opportunity for a respon
sible party to secure a nice 6 room
Laurelhurst bungalow close to car and
park, on very unusual terms. It has
hardwood floors, tile fireplace in living
room, fireplace In den. well ventilated
bedrooms, good furnace, lawn. I had
to take this property over and you can
have It" for Just what it cost me. Loca
tion 1255 B. Davis st. Open for Inspec
tion Sunday afternoon. W. T. Downing,
in jtvv auring ween.
, 1100 DOWN, $20 PER MONTH
fi rooms, big porch on front and side,
bath room, basement, fireplace, some
nice trees, chicken house, sidewalks, on
macadam road, close to car, water, gas,
electric lights. Price $2600; a dandy buy
take a look at this. Hickman-Wilson,
46th and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121.
Good Home, $1500
Pouble constructed 4 rooms and
bath on 1st floor; 2 or 3 rooms can be
. made upstairs. Lot 50x110, In re
stricted district, 1 blk to Mt, Tabi
car. $500 cash will handle this. J. R.
Wolff, 818 Cham, of Commerce bldg.
5 Rooms, $1500
Leaving city and will sell 5 room
cottage, lot 50x106. one block to Union
ave., south of Skldmore. Investigate
this bargain. 325 Corbett bldg. Mar
shall (689.
$650 $550
East facing, some nice trees, paved
ts., good' location. Come out and
ee this before you buy. -Hickman-Wilson,
.45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868,
C-2121. '
$2100 $2100 $2100
Piedmont quarter block. Improve
ments all paid. Worth $3000. Very best
?art of Piedmont. $1000 cash, bal.
ermi. B. Main 1189.
$950 Equity for $200
Near depot at Lake. Grove, lays
beautifully; some improvements. Spe
cial price for few days. Phone E. 1616.
60x100, 28th and Stanton. . assessed
lvalue' $400. Fred W. German Co., 732
Cham, of Corn.
r BIG lot, 50x147, on 62nd at., near Haw
thorne car line, $500: easy payments.
104 discount for cash. Inquire 2932
STANLEY ad lQxlOO, $700; small pay
ment, balance time; end of Mount
Tabor car. Sellwood 2963; owner.
' ' TWO beautiful riverview lots, Wit
.4" lamette blvd. To see is to buy. Ta
bor 7502. - -
I'OK SALE- By owner, cor. lot I2:h
,t and Wygant, 50 by 100. Inquire !164
E. 48 th st. S. I
u $150 Kt: ACRE,. 5c carfare. Bull Run
waterf sold last year for $300. Geo.
- T. Moore Co. 518 Abington bldg.
$100 ONLY for my. interest in strip of
land in Paradise Spring tract. Main
1778. ,
$1200 Lot 62Vixf0 on E. Stark st,
, . west slope of Mt. Tabor. Fine view.
A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange.
$700 FOR my equity in 2 lots on E.
37th st., Rossmere add. Write to E.
W. Mueller, Newberg, Or.
BY owner, 100x100 cor.. Shaver and
Mallory ave.. some cash, rest terms.
I'none Kant 339 weeK days
LOT 60x110, :3ath and
clear, $250 cash.
Fhone Mrshl. 30S
100x100, cor. 3d and Everett.
T-206.' Joornal.
An enuity of $480 In an $875
Fine district. T-256. Journal.
Al.AMBDA PARK. 50x100. well
cated; $400. Owner, East 7855.
20 Acres With fine Stream
Si 200
Four acres along creek cleared, all
good soil, no rock, 100 fruit trees,
. small house, rood road, station 1 mild
.Price $12-10; terms $200 cashy balance
iu auit wi o per cent.
Lueddemann Company
V 13 Chamber of Commerce.
11560 ACRE IIOMF tissa ""
Will acre, fruit anil berries, i'mnm
bungalow, electric lights, phone, water
pipea, near electric car, close in; leav
lng city. Ifa a snap at $1550. Terms.
The Oregon Home Builders
' ' 1$30 Northwestern Bank bid.
140 ACRES near Mosier, Or.; fine
anple ranch, timber and cement
. walled spring. 80 acres in Klickitat
v io.,i raising giajn now. 160 acren ex-
tflTAnt rnnH Ys rBtti farm Jml
" ready to move on now; in Oregon. All
iur aaie err traoe, easy terms, oy owner.
Aaarew w-iu, journal.
tihk acres. 2000 cords wood, rich soil.
level, good spring. ' On level rocked
road. i mile to electric car station.
12 miles from center Portland. Worth
$4600. Price for quick sale reduced to
A. k. hilu 419 Henry bldg.
" - 130 ACRES, near Forest Grove; very
fin deeD soil, seven SDrinea. am a 11
house and barn; about half clear- some
-limber; Ideal home place; price $50 an
acre; would take house in city first
payment, Dai. long time, ovper cent.
Attractive new buneaiow. K rmnu 1
.block to car. built-in features, good
i neighborhood: $50 cash, balance $16
- ver montn. mciuaing interest.
; amukia f astest growing city in
. . Oregon. Property priced low now.
. , but big Increase coming. ' Just three
; . we trcts leit; level, near paved
. -,roaa, , ngnt in nne or growth; $30 an
; acre. i erms. ti Wynn Wilson. T820
.ynamper or commerce.
.;vc ,L The Best I n vestment
i " Buy a 2-acre tract eranberrv
, .WilJ fdve eey terms or consider t
QUIOLEY, 202 Wilcox Bldg.
CHOICE 10 acres.. mil., from n.r--
' V,J?n- S bl?f k . level. JSnap,
$700 .cash takes it.
J. R. WOLFF. 618 Cham, of Com. bid.
' h A., ALL cult., ll mi. . to courthouse
' bard surface road to place.- price
1 875; easy terms. J.A. Turneiv202
, .11 . 1 . m . ja V P . , .
" FOR SALE -or trade, modern B-room
1' - house. Kenton district: snan: owner
, going east. 164 Maryland aye. Phone
y:-lt9J. -V ' ; . - ;- ..
; ONE ACRE.--So fare, runnins- stream
on car line, adjoins park, verr-rich
. soil) this la tihw best acre you can find
an ywnerw.' twntf, A3tf, journa
ONE acre, small creek, fenced, near
Rvan station Mr. Jouno, 201 Board
ot iraoe wag. , - , - - v
- 57
New unit Just beinar slatted: Good
roads and better facilities than ever.
Low prices, easv terms, choicest lands
on the Columbia river. Fine view of
the mountains and river close to St. bedrooms, up-to-date Dutch kitchen,
Helens, the county seat, best of trans- bathroom, 1 acre land, all cleared ex
portation facilities: rail, water and cent soma nlc ahad trees: sraraira
auto over the new Colombia highway
10 rortiana; Dig payrolls at 6t- ei- i
ens. bigger prospects. If you do not
know what Is taking place here It will j
cau or write .
V Suite 225 Henry bldg.
Fertile Land, $30 an Acre,
If you move on to the land.
No payment for 6 months.
Then only the Interest.
40 miles from Portland.
B miles from K. it. station and
Landing: on lower Columbia.
Near school of 2 teachers.
On a good road.
iierwy of worn near by.
r-red h. Huntress
414 Dekum bldg. . '
3 acres, all in hlrh state of culti
vation; lots of good fruit; 6 room
nouse, nam, chicken bouse, etc. Klgot
in the edge of town. Sidewalk to the
door. Price $1300. Some terms.
Oil Columbia river and highway,
Practically all level; good soil; hi, male
boat landing- 1 mile from town. Price
$750. Easy terms. P. E. Alvord, 218
Rnawi nt TraAe. )
t3 Acres Improved, $1000
2 miles southeast of Hlllahnrn ruar
Tualatin river, very rich black soil, ;
3 acres c leered, balance slashed; good
small house, chicken house, etc., well.
Price $1000. Terms $500- cash, bal
6 per cent.
Lueddemann Company
913 Chamber of Commerce.
40 ACRES In Clarke co.. Wash., $500,
cash or terms.
80 Acres in Clarke county. Wash,
$6.00 per acre, terms.
120 acres in Washington county.
ur., s.uv per acre, nan cash.
440 Acres In Washiugton
C f S ftA na, hal r,a.h
Acres in Washiugton county,
vw - - " u. ...... .........
80 Acres in Washington county, Or,,
$8.00 per acre, half cash.
618 Cham, of Com, bldg.
20 ACRES 3600
Good soil and roads, running water,
mail and cream route. 35 miles from
Portland, mile to good town and sta
tion. If half cash paid, bal. long time,
no interest. See
603 Stock Exchange bldg.
5 acres, all in good cultivation. New
5 room house. All inclosed. Close to
school and church, close to corline,
close to Columbia highway. Vi miles
from city limSts. Terms. Price $2000
O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark at. Phone
Tabor 200.
$1500 BUI'S 'fWU ACRES, BEAU X'.' -FUL
KIE, R. P.. K. 2.
10, 20 or 40 acres of fertile valley
land, light brush, water, wood. 30
miles south of Portland; only $65 per
acre. Terms.
216 7 th St.. Oregon City.
Near 8P. Depot.
unur iniie o acre tract, au in cut-
tivatlnn: E rnnm hnuxo: rnit t9O0- amall
. , , . . , .. - . ... , . ,
. . . t --- r
barn and woodshed; good well and
Eump on porch; 8 miles to new logan
erry lulce plant; price $1600, 1200
down," $10 monthly. Fred W. German
Co., 732 Chamber Of Commerce.
M ACRES, cleared, fine garden land.
Kock road. Most ideal borne site on
Oregon City line. Original price $1800.
will sell ror siioo. Can negotiate rir.t
mortgage i"oan for $750 for 3 years at
7 II desired. Sarlea. 404 Northwest
ern bank.
40 Acres, $500
Near Sa edi sh colony In Clark Co .
Wash., 7 miles from town and raJVroad,
casn or terms. interstate oriaKtj
brings this close to Portland. J. K.
Wolff, 618 Cham, of Commerce Bid?..
Only $5 Per Month .
right at electric station. 30 minutea
out; city conveniences; auto road. Ca-1
at 5Q0 Concord bldg., 2d and S-tark Si.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close in car-
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser, r-none Marshall 1585 or Bell
woori John H Gibson, owner.
15 ACRES, all . cleared and in cult.,
adjoining Hillsboro on south; 4 room j
ruuse, uarii, cnicnen nouie, eic; small
orchard ; 5 acres good beaverdam land.
Price $3500; ft cash. Geo. P. Henry, 328
Henry bldg.
ONE and two acre tracts for sale on
easy terms. Plenty of work and close
to Portland. Will accept clear property
as rirst payment, zoa wncox bldg.
East of Parkrose
2 . acre, good water, native trees.
$1000. terms. S. P. Osbura, 610 Mc
Kay bldg.
2$ acrea. 26 cultivated, for or
lease from 3 to 5 years. 9M miles of
Portland, Inquire owner, 1071 Har
riedn st.
1 mile Borlne. Or., carllne: soil as
good as any; hi mile Mt. Hood county
road; particulars. Price $1300. R. E.
McNeaf. Woodland. Wash.
1? acres for sale, half mile from
Donald station, Oregon Electric; half
Clear; running -water. J. J. Ryan,
Aurora, ur, noma no. 3.
0 ACHE orchard. 10 a. prunes and ap
pies, 10 a. walnuts pears, and cher
ries. New house, full basement, well,
near Salem. Price $5000, hi cash.
owner, journal
3 ACRES, 8 room house, water sys
tem.' 16X60 cnncaen house, barn.
terms, at Dundee, Or. Particulars
from F. 8. HiHinger, 690 Lovejoy cL,
PortlaiM, Or. ,
Vi ACRES all fenoed. 2 a. plowed, 2
room house, furnished: trood boat:
3 minutes' walk to postofflce. boat
landing. On Yaquina bay; $800 cash.
M-287, Journal.
14 ACRES, ten miles from courthouse,
Lityleman Junction, well improved.
Price $4500; might consider good lot.
first payment. Ferguson, Gerilnger
$760 FOR 6 acres, $200 cash, balance
terms, running creek all year, fine
for fruit or chickens. Sellwood 2214.
cau arter aunoay.
THREE acres highly cultivated, level.
good buildings, tnuit, berries: 6c fare.
$2660. Herman Paper, 643 Williams
ave. East E683. -
FOR SALE Beautiful 6K. acre tract
of land under cultivation, all fenced!
l a mues rrom .joudci uresc ay
terms. Owner, V-299, Journal.
near Portland. 2. 6. 10 acre tracts.
$65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. 11c
Fsrland. 605 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
FIVE acres fine land all culUvated. 13
miles out; sell equity cheap for nash.
Price $1250, terms. Address owner, C
W: Myers. 232 Mill st.
$0 ACRE. 6 miles from Camas, well
open land, for stock 10 miles toPort
Isnd. terms. 0-236. Journal.'
20 ACRES, 35 minutes out at an ab-
solute bargain; will take some trade.
TJ-239. Journal. ' - - ' .
AUKfJAUli ail In cultivation, near
electric line. $120 rper acre. U-249,
journal. - - -.-;-.-.-
8 ACRES garden land.. Lake road, c
Mllwankia: : barfa.ln. nwnr
er, 0-242,
$45006 acres, 72d st, house, barn.
iana cuuivatea; oc cans re.
jCIIAS, RINGLER & CO., 223 Henry bid.
Choice Suburban Acre Tract
. Fine 6 -room modern bun galo,w, large
living room with fireplace, dining
.room, with built-in buffet, two nic
and chicken house; located near
tiuckiey ve. and lJoweil valley roaa,
1 hi mile from Gilbert station. Price
11650; terms $76 cash, bal, easy.
Lueddemann Company
913"Chamber of Commerce.
GOBLK 10 to 40 acre tracts, all tilla
ble, near rail and river. $36 an acre.
Any reasonable terms. Send for folder.
G. Wynn Wilson, 820 Chamber of Com
Close to car; water, gas and elec
tric lights; would make a dandy
chicken ranch: nice slope, best of
soil. Price $1100. Hickman-Wilson,
4itn ana anay. Tapor 6868. c-zizi
,.1 am removing to California an 1
must sell one of the most modern and
desirable five acre country homes in
Oregon, i mues out, near uresnam.
New buildings, every city convenience,
water, etc; an exceptionally tin
Pace. pncea to insure a quic saie.
Investigate this at once. No exchanges,
uui moocjr uu&a . w. xtusseu.
owner, uresnam. or.
YOU want a high class home. I have
it. Fully modern S room home on 4
lots. This beautiful close-in suburban
proerty can be purchased below value.
Good car service. 25 -minutes to city,
00 fare. A city hora and conveniences
In suburbs, where you can produce all
fruit and vegetables you need and
have them fresh from your own gar
den. It will be a great pleasure to
snow this place. Saries, 404 xvorin
western bank.
$3500 worth of nearly new buildings,
Ul klltt. Ui CX I 1 UJ. V V- T '.VA. .... u1'
eon Electric 17 miles out. Will cut
price to $3000 might take cneap lot
but must have $750 cash, balance
803 Stock Exchange bldg.
ONE acre, all cleared. 5 room house.
at Rockwood. near Mt. Hood elec
tric station; must sell below cost.
Umbdenstock. 306 Oak st. Phone Bwdy
80 ACRES $3750.
15 acres cultivation, more easily,
cleared: good 7 room house, barn and
outbuildings, spring Water piped to
buildings. i mile school. 5 miles rail
road town, 35 miles Portland; good
team, 2 cows, chickens, machinery, feed
and seed Included. $1000 cash, balance
6. Neilan & ParkhllL 303 Stock Ex
cnange mag.
GREAT BARGAIN t A. clear land
In Vancouver on paved at. House,
barn, fruit, well, city water, si.ou.
80 A. or 69 A, 10 rat-"from Vancou
ver, partly improved, good soil, "or
chard, house, barn. Worth $100 per
A. Price 350. with some terms.
80 acres. 20 clear. 1,000,000 ft. good
timber, house, barn, orchard. $4000.
N. W. Merrifield. 810 Wrg st., Vancouver
26 acres lust outside city of Forest
j Grovo, with first class race track,
housa, otalls for about 100 horses or
( cows. 1 5 acres in cultivation. Splen-
am gilo iur muuei uaii
aia ciio jor moaei usury vur ismcy
fi. k -' Alnrtrtn line in,
SIOCK. Un eieciriO line. Any iraae
mjmf nA Tr.o rvr inrnm
rrvist be free of incumbrances. Ad-
dresg L. F. Henderson, Hood River, Qr.
11 acres, all in cultivation,, spring
fair buildings, 110 walnut trees be
ginning to bear, about 20 Lambert
cherry trees, bearing, plenty other
fruit; Zhi miles St. Vincent's hospital;
jitney service $3760, terms. Neilan A
Parkhill. 303 Stock Exchange bide;.
FOR SALE Small farm with bnild
lngs, orchard, 6 milk cows, chickens,
pig. household goods or will trade for
Canada or Montana land or bouse
in Portland. From owners only. Ad
dress Owner, Box 25, Battle Ground,
70 ACRE diversified Oregon farm, well
located up Columbia, partly im
proved; 2 horse implements, tools;
near school, including star route with
$700 annual incomes $750 cash required.
Price $2250. No exchange: genuine
bargain. Owner, 612 Royal bldg.
Ranch $1000 Cash
20 acres new buildings, no inter
est for two years, balance of $1600
payable third, fourth, and fifth years;
am going east and: must sacrifice.
Phone Marshall 4554. '
200 ACREB wheat land near Madras.
160 cultivated, fair buildings, good
water, blacksmith shop, grranary. Price
$10 an acre. ast years wneat crop
sold for more than full price asked.
Jacob Haas, Dekum bldg. -
160 a. farm, all fenced, house and
barn: 80 a. plowed, 12 ml. from Red
mond; $2000; will take valley property
to amount of $1000, bal. $500 . down,
$500 on time. Box B. Metolius, Or.
FOR SALE 4 acre chicken farm, f
room house, barn," 34 big orchard
trees; 5c carfare. Capitol Hill sta.
6 blocks walk from station. Price
$5000. Owner, Felix. Hough, 233H
Burnside St., Portland.
CHEAP land, $6.50 per acre; part oaab,
E. H. FRY. Land Dept.
The Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern Bank Building.
FOR SALE By owner, 20 acres. Un
derwood, ' Wash. 10 acres cleared, 7
acres in orchard, bearing. 1 acre alfal
fa, balance timber. Good buildings.
ia.-zis, journal.
800 ACRE etock farm In Linn Co., 3.
000,000 ft. timber, 85 tillable, 60
in eult $25 per acre; buildings, creek
ana springs, scnooi. 4 mites rrom town.
F. H. Reynolds. Rainier. Or.
FOR SALE 80 acre farm. 15 miles
north or Vancouver, Clarke county;
50 acres rich bottom land. 6 room
house, barn, orchard; $60 per acre; easy
terms Aaoress box zjz, miiwajune.
FOR SALE by owner, 360 acrea. One
of the best stock farms in the fa
mous Trout Lake valley. Wash. Price
right. Terms easy. J. VY. xn. Oak at.
aocic uei. Main iub.
22 Hu acres land, partly improved:
H miles from Hood River.,. W-202,
journal. .
LOGGED-OFF lands in tracts from
600 to 3000 acres. Get Information
on theae lands. Priced right. J. Haas,
ueaum oiag.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, down
the Columbia, handy to railway and
river: outranse; Drica $175. 'Owner.
G-266: Journal.- ,
80 ACRES on graded road. 4 miles
rrom Ontario, ur.. room house.
family orchard. $1500. If sold soon.
Owner. T-51&. journal.
40 ACRES, irrigated, seeded to alfalfa
and clover pasture, good location.
lies nice; $1600, terms. Address Ralph
cross, rrinevme. ur.
FINE stock ranch. 200 acres. 130 in
cult.. Rood water right lots of out
side range. Mrs. Hindman. Phone
Main 8086.
CALIFORNIA- little farms near Los
Angeies; zor saie easy payments.
write -. iw vvaite, tmawnee. -uxla
SPLENDID -47 acres, buUdinga, 20
miles Portland, on river. Marshall
840.-Sellwood 2963. 4S Trinity Place,
city. . - '. . ' ....
FOR SALE 47 acres, mile from Rose
burg, 2-3 open, balance timber, black
loam. 6Z700. Ai". KnonK, 20 11th
FOR SALE for rent. 40 acres, partly
improvexx. cneap, znr quick aaie 431
3o. mm war.-1 ts. .
120 ACRES near; Camas, - Wahx. for
a mi mi... : v , puv . iuny, .-
I'lltOCK DIOCK. i. -
10 ACRES In Tillamook county, clear.
. with abstract,, to .trade. -What have
youvvitnrow, 4ii Jtienry bldg. -
Continued) -
v A, near JNewberg .......
14 A. near Lebanon.. . $. ....
.. 6890
.. 8000)
117 A. near Salem... .,
160 A, near Carlton. ..........
tfZO A. near Redmond
158)i A. near Lebanon.
8000 -1
6000 i "
22 A.' near White Salmon.
20 A. near Roseburg...... .. ...
80 A. near Moeier
160 A. near Molalla. ...... .......
152 A. near Woodland
4500 i
60 A. near Oregon City.
Ralph Ackley Land Co,
287 Washington at.
Farm, Stock and Implements-
-in nil., r-n
banking town on main lme of S. 1
Ry DoiAas county. Or.. 30 acres verv
nfh m. ,0 tV.- '.
ance bench and irll land, with some
timber: house, barn, ben and hoe
houses, ailo. etc.; 6 cows, 2 heifers and I
- - - vcaiiiji,
WagSOn. harness. PloW. harrOW. CUltl-
vator and all farm Implements to run
place. Bottom land will grow, broccoli. ' or the attorney for estate, i. Hennes
corn, cVover. eifaifa, sugar beets, pota- , ey Murphy, Main S201, Gerilnger bldg.
lues, tvun-.w-s, ci.. ju tuua.jr ana '
your income toegims tomorrow. Price
only $5000. O. W. Felker, 703 Ore-
gonian bldg. -
240 Acres Polk County
$25 Per Acre
One of the best farm buys In
PoUt Co. 3 miles from Airlle.
240 acres. 35 acres cultivated.
150 acres tillable. . Fine soil, no
rock, well watered.' orchard '
buildings rather old. Price only
$25 per acre, hi cash.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. Sth st. Phone Bdwy. 4JS1.
s-.rr . . . '
szo acres near The Dalles, mile to
school and church, on main county
road; 2 sets bldgs., plenty water, good
springs and creek; fenced and cross
fenced, wire fence; good soil; 100 acres
of bottom land that can be irrigated;
finest kind onion land I can borrow
zu.uuo on tms loo acres. Tnere is ZOO ;
acres inc. Dottom tana in cult., l zo .
acres good pasture land, enough tim-1
ber ror luel, all necessary bldgs.. Inc. i
iauemng pen, evo. i win sell and will '
consider some good Income Portland 1
yroyenjr ilb ir pnyment; give gooa
terms. Price $32,000. See my agent.
jec- f. nenry., ,323 Henry bldg.
163 ACRES. 70 under cultivation, bal
ance good pasture, fine black and
chocolate loam soil, good family or
chard, fenced and cross-fenced, good
weu ana running water in each field
good 9 room house, barn 60x100, 2 si
los, machine sheds, hog houses etc. ! electric cars, $2800; terms. D. Mc
Locatcd on main gravel road, close to : Chesney, 333 Chamber of Commerce.
country town, church and school, in
famous Manor district. Price $13,000;
$5000 cash, balance can run 10 years,
if desired, at 6 per cent Interest, pay
able annually.
"I ,7i " Y c a .7-1' 1 A., NICE house, fine soil, near Hub
&Th ?fZL.?n.lj22AK T. :..,Acrefi ' b&rd. Price $10; easy iermsJ. A.
t.. .11 ''i s
wi nil a ca.a mas Miva iuMrU4UCl J
feed and seed, good buildings, - good :
water, in thirkftr aettlad nart f f!larka
Mim), i mill, n r Dt.tinTi -u. mil.
graded school, good auto road, R. F. .
'., telephone, plenty of fine water
This is a bargain; was cut from $12,-
OOflNtp $8000 if sold before the J5th
or u eDruary. rio traae. AWinson a
mcnois, in west etn St., Vancouver,
MR CITY MAN If vou want a coun
try home, close to Portland, sightly
SvYA-.r 40Parcfs? hcledew
house and barn, -rood land, orchard,
outrange, coed team. 7 cows, some
young stock, full stock of farm tools
and implements. A money maker for
small place. Just the -place for that
boy you want to co on the farm. A
birr bargain for $5100; $2100 cash.
itaiance up to id years if desired. D.
W. Whitlow, Woodland. Wash.
9$hi ACRES in Polk county, Ihk- miles
from R. R. station, 84 acres culti
vated, 6 room house, model dairy barn,
62x80 ft.-, concrete foundation, other
buildings, woven Wire fences, plenty
water, small orchard, close to school.
Farm in trood condition: fine view.
Price $100 per acre; terms $2000 cash.
Daiance long time. -
i.. H- FRY, Land Dept.
The Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern Bank Building.
42 acres, Lewis Co.. Washington.
on 8 R. R.S, 1 mile from town; 13
acres in cultivation, balance easy
cleared, all level, no rocks or gravel,
on main county road, all fenced, nice
o room nouse, large aarn i cnlcaeb
houses, wood house, well and creek,
nice orchard bearing fruit, all kinds
of small fruits. This place is in a
good shape, and can't be duplicated
for the price; asking $2600. Tabor
3039, or write BOX Si. R. 2, Mil-
waukie, Or.
STOCK ranch, easy terms. 200 acres,
50 cleared, 20 acres 3-year-old
prunes. 40 acrea dllne timber, lots of
oak and maple, running water, family
ore nar o. &11 nnos 01 truit, two Darns,
5 room house, telephone, other build
ings, some stock and implements, hi
mile to county road and railroad. Price
$800. w. 11. Kruger. Airlle, or.
10 acres. 5 miles northeast Of Van
couver. Wash. 9 acres under plow, all
ienceo. 4 room nouse. line well or
water. Some strawberries and rasp
berries and a family orchard. Barn
and chicken houses. Or will trada for
house and lot. Owner, 2020 E. Stark 1
. r . 1 1 a,,
at. rniHie laoor 011.
AN opportunity, 160 acres near Con
don. Gilliam Co.. on sMendld road.
close school, rural mail delivery, small
Jiouse, bam, spring water, 80 acros un
der plow, .splendid, soil; sold $1700
crop off place past year. Adjoins
government, land; Ideal ' fbr stock, and
general rarming. .trice jioo 3500
cash. Claud Cole. 800 Henry bldg.
- 10 acres In cultivation, balance in
open pasture, all good, level land. 7
room nouse. Darn, good well. good.
large team, cows, xarm implements,
5Vi miles from Oregon City on srood
road; price $3200; hi cash.
jjilia:s a,
Eighth and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or.
7 acres in cultivation, balance Pas
ture; email - house, barn, good team, 3
cows, 40 chickens, wagon, buggy, farm
implements. 2Vi miles from Oregon
City courthouse: price - $2500: $1400
cash, -balance on time. ; .
Eighth and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or.
104 hi ACRES Improved dairy and fruit
farm; 18 ares in prunes; prune dry
er; t- .TOomedl1 house, silo, barn .and
chicken houses; equipments complete;
terms; no trade. Owser land broker;
Eropose a payment. Value $15,000.
tock. extra. Owner, Portland. Or., feta
tim C Box 26. v
40 A. tn Wathington Co.. about 3 ml
from .North Plains; all good land.
Some good timber. Piles-$750. A
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
2Z1hj Washington St, - .
351 ACRE Lane county ranch- . 130
. acres in cult., no waste land, 100
acres timber.- all fenced and good Bet
of bulging. Price $18,500, $5000
cash. 6 on baL'for 10 years. . F H.
Reynolds, Rainier. Or.. w v
40 ACRES near. Mourrtaindale. Wash
Ington Co. Soma bottom land, little
cleared. Bargain for $700.' J. Haas,
Dekum bldg.
1 A. near Sherwood .......$1800
1 A. near Beaverton 1600
1 A. near Kalama. . ........... 1700
H a. near Cornelius 1100
A. near Carlton....".... -1260
20 A. near Oregon CitTi ....... 1600
2 - A. near Forest Grove. ....... 2100
1-3 A. near Hubbard.... ...... 00
13 A. near. Clatskanie. . ........ 2000
30 A. near Eagle Creek......... 34.0
A. near Tualatin . ... . 2100
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
287 H Washington St.
1 - - "' '' - ,
Cormick farm of 169 acres, one of
the best farms In Clackamas county.
vvviiiwB, wi u uiu i mu i
Katu?dv B-hnrv the ioth-"at 10 I
f, Jf?ay. FcVlI-thA A' 2'
isa of said farm, to pay the claims
r,d lion -nimuM .rVr.
nT . iim
be carried upon, payment by purchaser
01 interest on same to proper parties.
tr-nv fnrtW mrfirnl.M t.f.nhnn.
undersi - med at Sandv bank. Sandy. Or
jforuana KJT.
A. M. BEATON. Administrator.
400-ACRE stock sDd wheat ranch one
mile from town and R. R. depot,
telephone, daily mail and school; 225
acres in cultivation; 100 acres more
can be cultivated; buildings consist
of modern 7 room bungalow with running-
hot and cold water; modern barn
with eight-steel stanchions and si
horse stalls; water piped to barn.
Garage, large chicken house, all build
ings nicely painted; half mile of run
ning weter through, oasture; gasoline
pumping plant and 2600 gallon tank
furnishes water for house, barn and
garden; fences In best of condition;
mostly woven wire. Will sell for
$28.50 per acre, half cash. No trades
considered. This is a very cheap buy.
Address H. W. Andrew, Gateway, Or.
63 acres, splendid farm in 7 land, with
j Ry. station Joining, 60 under plow, 3
acres Krove on banka of nrartv ttivam:
first class 7 room house and large barn
for 25 head of stock: main auto road
passes place, daily mail and milk
routes, phone, close to school. 9 cows,
team, 80 chickens, farming machinery,
hay and 300 bushels grain all for $6500.
terms if wanted. D. McCbesney, 33 2
Chamber of Commerce bdg. Main 7102.
0 ACRES. . all cultivated. 6 room
house, barn. On river. 27 miles
Portland. $2650 Half cash. Snap,
20 acres, all cultivated. 16 miles
Portland. $3600. terms. Choice loca-
2 acres) cultivated, nice cottage, $800,
good terms.
15 acres, all cultivated, rood build
ings, near car, close in. $3500, terms.
14 acre, farm on a main road; fair
house and barn, family fruit. 11 acres
in cultivation, runnins- water, close to
Main 7102,
320 acres choice wheat' land at $18
per acre, easy terms. Worth $50 right
C. D. BTROW A CO., 603 Stock Ex. bdg.
Turner. 293 railing bldg , d and wash.
i - , . " V " - -- --- -
MONTANA grows 30 to 60 bushels of
Wheat; 640 acres; price- $20-. imtll
nayt. bal. from crops. 606 Henry bMg,
150 ACRErf, Clacke county 10 miles
from Vancouver, 3 miles beyond
hard "surface pavement. All fenced.
good house and other Improvements.
sa per acre ynotia uwner. i-aat sboi.
100 ACRES onion land. Mason county.
Washington; abundant ' supply of
water. Owner cannot handle. 'Will
i take psrtlal trade. J
257. Journal.
miles from Tro-
chu. Alberta, fenced. C V. Daneer-
fleld. Portland. Or.
WANTED Man with family to rent
ranch of 35 acres apples and 9 acres
strawberries. Nice house on place,
barn and apple house. All ' tools and
feed on hand- for 3 months. Must be
first oIcum man who will keep up prop
erty. Will rent for stated " sum for
season. H-274, - Journal.
60 ACRES, 35 acres in cultivation.
near Barton. Land all tiled, stock
and Implements, $1200. Rent $350 per
year. Mr. Jouno, 207 Board of Trade
FARM for rent or sale. 6 year lease.
or will sell Jialf cash, balance on
10 years' time, t Int. Address Mrs.
E. A. Spencer, Jewell, Clatsop county,
Oregon.- " ,
8a) ACRES. 50 acres' In cultivation. 20
acres' in alfalfa 17 acrea in apple or
chard, near Parkdale. Farm implements
ruroisoea. Kent.. ov. r. jouno, zuv
Board of Trade bldg.
40 ACRES. 88 acres in cultivation;
near Ascot station. Stock and Imple
ment. $1100. Will contract for miik
on rancn at.z.4tf. r. jouno, ami noasa
of Trade bldg. '
fair buildings, 36 cultivated, Jalance
pasture; gwa (cuam ium ur oairjr;
also 100 acres near noseDurg, yg cult!
vated. 203 Wllcof bldg. Main 3517.
FOR" RENT Bargain, 25 acres, 26
miles from Portland Willamette Rd.
Good tkuiVdinsra, well, fruit, near small
town. Rural conveniences. K-369,
journal. -.
HAVE about- 35 -acres 9 miles from
central Portland. Want partner to
work it. with some cash, German or
Scandinavian preferred. A-384. Journal
COR RENT 5 acres, buildincra. ber-
-a ..vm4,i, r, VmI.' l... a . a n -
$60 per yeaf. Box 63, R, 6, Vancouver!
12 acres In cultivation; good farm
buildings, . mile from Orenco. 218
FOR LEASE 4 years, dairy barn and
3 acres; water, eiec iignis, ins pec tea:
in city, - good M room house; all 4 $15
mo. rnong v wumwn .in, 1 1 .
FIVE acres.-chicken and garden land.
4 room house. lots fruit. Only $6
month. La moerson. i r. un it.
WF. I.I, imoroved little truck farm.
. acres good onion ground. $160 n
nnaily. C. EL Apple, utaastona. ur,
40 ACRES, 10 cleared: buildings,
fruit, near Xlso, Wash-, -$60 year.
1 aoor - 4P. - -.
I Want a Small Farm
Have cash and 160 acres of
wheat land. Morrow county, val
. ned at $1600. -Want 20 to 40
acres; must be. good soil. See
Hargrove Realty Co.
123 N, 6th st. ;
Phone Broadway 438L
WE have cash customers for WHlam-f
i etta vaiiev rarms any sue. - n-ereri
equipped, and stocked. Let .us know
what you have. Cos A. - McKenna
CX 727 Chamber -of Commerce.
WHAT have you ln ths way of a good
- dairy ranch for rent or lease.; want
something good; prefer' ranch stocked;
wiUconsider buyinc stock, Z-202, Jour
nal. - - - -; '
Have client : Wo wants to lease
farms for general farming. - Mr. Jouno,
387 Board or Trade bMg.
WANTED : to rent. . small farm,
. squippad with stock and lnrplernentx
PriWlegs of buying. snd of year. J10
ti. urjant st.
I Want a Prune Ranch
I want a bearing prune or
chard, 10 to 60 acres. Will put
in 9 room, modern bungalow,
clear, in Sunnyside, on E. 32d
st, vain $5000; will assume.
On large proposition will put 1a
14,000.000 timber claim. See
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6th St.
- Phone Broadway 43 $1. .
WE have clients who want farms for
cash rent.
E. HV FRY, Land Dept. .
The Oregon Home Builders
fej.330 Northwestern Bank -bldg.
WANT to rent from 3 to 10 acres
close in. 328 E. 40th. Sell. 1163.
PRUNE orchard paid owner $2000 last
year. Will do better this. 20 acres.
10 acres full bearing, $ acres 4-year-old,
good buildings Including drier,
rientv or IUi water rrom aeeo well.
ol'.00 ""lH mle graded school 4
!! Vancouver in Clarke ,Co
Wash.: Can be bought now for $10.-
.000. $$000 cash, balance terms. Atkin
son Micnois, 11. w . th st vancou.
ver, -waan.
640 Acre Homestead
Am llvinz on one in Lalca count v
Been there eight years. Can get you
the best Creameries, schools, saw
mills. : etc.. near proposed Strahorn
railway. No location tee unless you
file. Can take three with me. 4e
me at 454 Columbia st. I leave
Weaneaaay, Feb. 7. Farmer.
HAVE a better proposition for you
than any homestead or relinauvs h-
mcnt you ever heard or. costs nothing
to investigate. Coma In and talk it
over. u wynn Wilson, szo Chamber
or commerce.
160 ACRES land in Lako county, JOr.,
Price $400. 'Will take $50 cash and
give long time on balance. 6 Interest
K eneinnraus, uertha, Minnesota.
WANTED First class homestead
llnquishment in western Oregon.
Give ; full particulars In first letter.
U-za. journal.
WANTED Good homestead relinquish
ment in western Oregon. Give run
particulars in first letter. V-274, Jour
WANTED Bids 3.000.000 ft. of loeiUrtv th,t nnmt wnor 117 non
miio iiu, iuuu ruin, near van-
uver. Tabor 4765. S-242. Journal.
WANT mill to cut 20,000.000 shingles,
4,000,000 ft. lumber. Oswego, R. F.
D. 1. box 177. Phone M. 7797
80 ACItES of timber In Linn county.
Oregon, cruises 3,000.000 feet; price
$2000. Address KX-253. Journal.
160 ACRE3 good tiber land on Wll
lamette river, Ihk miles from boat
and R. R. 290 16th st. South.
3.000,000 ft. of fir and cedar close :
Portland, by owner. P-271, Journal.
80 ACRES, unincumbered, best so:l,
lasting running water, buildings not
very goo only small amount in culti
vation: more can be easily Cleared.
About Vt heavily timbered; majority !
of balance subject to cultivation. Lo-
cated in Washington county, near good
town and two good stations. Prl;e
$4500, and for exchange for Portland
property or clase-ln acreage. Might
assume. v
1202 Northwestern Bank bldg.
Bring in Your Trades
I have houses, lots, acreage, apt.
houses, farms, lands, etc. clear and
part clear, to trade. If vou want to
better your condition see me. tell me
vruii vnii wn n i ill nr i n. r.or
imih. wuliaku, tuz cuuui BLU,
WANT good tract of timber. Must
ne cwar or incimAranct unless there
s good mill with Drooerty. Have
$500,000 of southern California income
property to trade for same. C 1).
Strow A Co.. 603 Stock Exch. bldg-.
7 ACRES, clore to electric car, 11 miles
postofftce. Mortgage $1400. Will ex-
change for clear Oregon or Washing-
on. Wfmt nave you? Address owner,
Address owner,
P, O. Box 377.
FINE 8 r. house, modem, 60x100 lot.
H. S. St. Convenient to car. Will
TOIltagWdgrTnlni anV
WmH j
t mWt- n ; s 7i
I HAVE eoulty in 3 acres on Oregon
LlL. .A - -. I ' .
uirvn " . f vino. 1 viii ffiauun, on KUIKl
All 1Aan A. .r n r' n t. . In. 'rn
.r. r.i72. -Journal
JMLT..rtltT1 lr?m vral weeks in
Calirornl-. and have wme fine prop-
erties there to exchange for Portland
and Oregoiw- C. D. Strow & Co.. 603
Stock Eschange bldg.
160 ACRES Alberta and good paying
grocery in city, all clear, for coun
try store, Value $4000. 541 Wash. st
Fortianq. or Phone Main 3366
MODERN 5 room house. ET
and 40 acres. 20 miles out. exchange
for 10 or more acres on electrio line
near city. L. Scott. 1204 E. Madison.
EXCHANGE Equity 6 room modern
bungalow, for grocery, confection
ery or clear krts T ' balance monthly.
HeHWOPff 1178.
WANTED -Good lot as part payment
on my new, strictly modem 7 room
bunslow. Belle Crest district; value
81000. owner, k-z5. journal.
Dandy S-room house, modern dumb
ing, full basement, 2 lots; price $1800.
322 Henry bldg. - ,
FOR TRADE 0 acres unimproved
and a lot for Portland or Vancouver
country home: clear for- clear. J.
Bertman, gai noon st.
I HAVE both clear and mortgairod city
and suburban property to exohanae
ror ramvs. es me ror quicic trades.
Rthorn.. 202 wticox twig.
at grn mil'
t, fc car-
BIX room house. V acre
berries, orchard andk barn
fare! will exchange far smaller place
closer in. r tseoono si
IMPROVED. 67 acres, unimproved 60
acres, close in. Sell, divide, trade.
Bargains. Writs 4225 .4 let ave., Bell
w cod 1163.
EIGHT room modern house, lot 60x100.
near 16th and Hawthorne; trade for
small house- or vacant lots.
A. J FARMER, 407 Stock Exchange.
CLEAR lot o trade for auto. 6314 E.
80th Sunday: week days, room, 436
Cham her or commerce tMg.
WANTED City, lots or good acreage
ror eml y modern- nome, Laurel
hurst. Rented 930. W-221. Journal.
PORTLAND property for hotel or
kpartmrnt boose up to $60,000. C-
' or ui rj. aim Bi... n.
WHAT have you to trade for my $600
. equity ln $1800 bouse and lot. near
E. 7th -and ooing. y-379. Joornal.
WOULD like to exchange 8 room house
In. Rose City Park for small modern
bungalow Tabor 2766,
NEARLY new 3 room bouse 100x100
corner, garage, fruit and flowers;
want acreage close In. Tabor 1714.
$14,000 stock ranch; trade for apart
ment house, up-to-date. 210 Alisky
FREE and. clear lots, pavpa St.. near
hlah school. 313.000.- for farm to $17-
vvq. zs etecK rixenanire mar.
lioOD first mortgage $450. well se-
- cureo, exchange ror Portland lot.
Owner. C-242. Journal. ,
120 ACRES unimproved land in Pols'
Co. tor home tn or near city. C. B.
Miners. Bth' and Gil n.
HAVE good clear acreage or farm
f res nd clear for residence. Will
assume. - Layman, 431 Cham, of Com
INCOME property-to trado for small
acreage, wiif assume, zip Aiisxy Mt
LARGE horns -on west -slds for farm
cle to Portland. D-75I. Journal.
TO exchange -Tailoring for rroceries.
Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark,-.
Rne Lane County Farm for;.rder?ratd,lr
385 Acres for $24,000
This is a splendid toek and
dairy ranch, located mile from
station, in Lane Co. There are
385 acres, lots good bottom
land, fiom pasture land and
choice timber. Well watered.
Good water power. Splendid
buildings. 10 room hou, 8
good barn, lots of outbuildings.
Personal; Team; 40 cattle, hoa,
poultry, all . farm Implements,
cream separator. 175 tons hay.
etc. Price $24,000. Clear. Good
income property almost to full
value.- Just a little cash. This
is a fine farm and located on
Padfio highway.
Hargrove Realty Co;
123 N. 6th at. Phone Bdwy. 4331.
For Exchange
Client with clear city or
country properties to amount
of $t').00 wants apartment
house or other Income property
Will assume.
(2) Modern flat buildlnws all
rented. " Price $27,000. Want ,
clear residence property to
amount of $15,000.
West Sdde business property,
valued at $250,000: small in--cumbrnnce.
Want city or coun
try oroperty to amount of
We specialize m down town prop-
eTTies xor sale or exchange.
Inside Prooertv DeaJera
Ground Floor, Henry Bldg.
LAND little farm or iO acres, ll
minutes walk to town of Philomath
20 acres In cultivation, fino hbuse of
7 rooms, barn. etc. Get particulars.
Formerly held at $7000. Can now be ,
ua ior tiBuu. a reo.i I
Well Improved farm. Corvaliis dls-
Irict, 75 acres, 56 in cuitlratlon, no
wuufl laxiu. 1 1 twin iiqubc, na,m anu
other Duiidings. Price $12,000. incum
union iana, that wm raise 300 sacks
property or. smaller farm. i'0kR11XC?A,NOi La?v U XuX
nn. ri..r t is .or building. 3 stories. 26x08 ft. in IWOi
r.- nA a.i. t;iMn tt. -lf River. Corner lot. Street improvemen'.
g-are only izboo. uwner old snu sick.
Will consider city property and some
' cash, or mortgage back on land.
M" ,n ,?p?1rtuu?,lW to Prd"ca
wua uiah iwmo 1 1 n iiivi I-J a
607-8 Henry Bldg.. Main 23.
Will Trade for Stock and Im
plements. Have 4 room bungalow in
-Portland, clear,, value $1000. and
6 room house In Woodburn. val
ue $1400, mortgage $469. to
trade for dairy stock and Im
plements and lease ranch. See
Hargrove Realty .Co,
122 N. 4th St. '
Phone Broadway 4831.
aiS?-0 by Wner' f th
I IJ8- ties r.
Main Rt na.r 4th. lgsOO Frir..
2 corner lots, 60x100, on E. 24th st.
Cartdne runs between Lhem.
t room nouse in rTtirview, witn s
re Kiertric
1 , v. . j . l. . i . ,
nioe little barn for horse and cow. IS
fruit tree
iterutea. ,
w ill exchange for 40 acres or more.
west of Cascade mountain. Must have
some stock and equipment. Call or
! write 1326 E. Main Portland, Or.
, 2080 ACRES, Adams county. Wash.,
I mile from town; all under pSow;
1 good buildings; lots water; 640 acres
simmer raiiow reacry ror sprina wheat:
summer fallow ready for spring wh
$15 per acre. Will take $16,350 In
$15 per acre. Will take $16,250 la ex-
I tDr?r S9A -A . PtJ2n'. .
I .,AlJ? ..i to. toWB'
Tf, , PrlC 125
Will take $4800 In exchange, balance
1 crop payments. Claude Cole, 300 Henry
; building. 7
i rt- . .
1 w.l . .
I 4 heifers. 4 horses, 3 brood sows. 19
1 ehoats. 1 reg. Guernsey bull; some
, timber; 11 mi. S. E. Oregon City. Price
114.000 Mte 83100 at fi- wnt. ..11
farm SS ti m .,-r.. I
o. P. Henry, 329 lenry bldg.
FRUIT, dairy valley farm; 24 ml to
Fori and: mucM rins r Hr
EouiDment complete. Even Hehm.n
ror improved stock or wheat ranch.
; Owner and broker propose with full de-
script ion and pries. Owner. Portland.
Or., station C, box 26.
I HAVE good bar trains in
lands, alfalfa lands and
ranches ln Klamath county. Oreaon.
Divest your money where you can see
good returns. L. Jacobs, Klamath
ran, kjt.
6 Improved Ranches
Some with stock and equipment, to
rjcmtiiKo ior .ciear city property.
J. R. WOLFF, 618 Cham, gf Com, sldg,
WILL assume $800 and put in 2 lots
valued arouna iisod ror nouse east
of Union ave., north of Russell st.
What have you?
J. HAAS. Dekum Mdr.
tsno In Harniiv V.. X rnnm V,in
20 acres in cultivation; will trade for,
I good team or lot. Fred W, German '
t Company. 732 Chamber of Commerce.,
FOR BALE or trade, 6 a., all under !
ooo team or tot. red w, uerman
cultivation; joining R. R., near de-
pot, good bouse, other outbldgfc.. also )
good, owner, j. 11. fhtutps.
bcio. or.. K. IT. 1. ISO. z. dox is
iAvVE 40 acres slightly Improved;
taks good suto as first payment or
trade even for largs truck. N-225,
journal. -
WANT small place, 5 to 10 acres, for
6 room, nearly new bungalow in 8a-
V-m. What have you? A. E. Uedine,
.it c icu . J . T w-, n.
6 ROOM modern house, full lot, 2 blks.
cnin ave.: smau new barn, can
keep cow and chickens. Want some-
tning rartner out, ozzi, J ournai
WILL trade 3146 eoulty ln acre am
$100 cash for equity in 6 room mod
ern house. Will assume up to $1260.
Wood-lawn 82.
HALF acre, small house. blks. car
line, streets graded, cement walks.
Reed College district. Want something
cloaer. D-254. Journal.
7 ACRES, good Improvements, on car
line, 10c fare; pries $5000, half cash;
consider exchange to $3000. Owner, D
299. Journal.
PORTLAND lot, cloae to car; acreage
-close io stauon; umncumoered; want
Michigan property.,. 2127 Ashby ave.,
Berkeley. Cal.
If It's Real Estate, Loans or Insurance
822 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
UNINCUMBERED tpt. Rose City Park,
as payment on house bungalow or
acreage. Letter, 464-E. Couch. K. 1990
CRANBERRY tract of choics location
In Cranmoor. Deal with owner. Bale
or trade. V-60, Journal.
LOT" In flinton. Iowa. $300,- to ex
change for anything of asms valu.
Jeffs Rasmussen. Oregon City; -
TIMBER -land In .sastsrn Oreaon in
exohange-or riverfront property. St.
Helens or Rainier, ' Tabor 7&01.-
,v in tuiL, uw. pasture; i, " -- -j - VT. .t.Avt Im.
well fenced, good water, fairhouse " ear J Ittx .on hi gh .chooV I ro
od barn, good tile silo, all necessary Krov-5menL"ciL ln and p-d faf' BOn4
achinery; 12 head cows. 4 ynnm.. ; Woodlawn 5379. '
! S20 ACRES, H culUvated. 200 tlTlaM.
an ienced, tine spring water; i.mer-
an acre, ana wui con-
valley. -
10 acres, T cultivated, all fenced. et
of Vancouver, house, barn, orchard.
i ei una, ior small rises near vine
Dalles. Goldendale or Shanlko.-
10 acre, east at braron City, r-i
main. road, small -spring, part esel'v
cleared, balance stump land, ffltf. $4v;.
Will take vacant lot for equity "
60 ' acres doldendala - Wash. 25-3 3
cultivated, all in alfalfa except I acrr
full bearing orchard, 7 room hou ,
earn, outbuildings, fin crecK, lrnt -tion
ditch and free water right, plen y
wood for farm usa half mile achc:.
neighbors close; for small acreage c?
good city income. ' . - . 'r
$8000 worth clear eastern forOrcgc-.i
or Washington.
Good i room and sleeping porch mod
ern home for acreage or timber.
See us for exchanges. ., .. '"- '
Chittenden .NeillS ?r
Choice 50 Acres for Trado
Located l mile good town In
Unn county. 60 acres all culti
vated; 30 acre In fall grain, 14
acres clover; 6 room - housa,i
bam, outbuildings, bearing or
chard snd berries, ail kind.
PERSONAL: Team. 3 cows,
calf, hay, harness, wagon, bug
gy, hack, mower, rake. , Impie- . -mints,
steam wood - saw. 60
chickens, 6 stands bees, small
tools, furniture. Prica $700.
Clear. Take $3500 noma in
Portland, Vancouver, or Oregon
City. '
Hargrove Realty Co. :
1'22 N. 6th St.' - :kv'
Phone Broadway 4381."' -
TWO lot and small house. Alberta
"district, clear, and soma cash, for
lot and any kind bouse, on west aide.
49 acre farm. 13 acres eleafedV good
buildings, 23 miles from Portland,
good auto road. Trade isuoo equity tur
other property, clear or nearly o-
.4 room house, lot 60x100, tU blocks
from Union ave., $1$00. Tart trade, llt-
nwr nu -'ITr .vr, " "
1 upper iigor, rn nvv.
6 acres or more. Must ba well im-
proven, can or wnie ct v
Portland. Or. - ;
TWO houses on adloining lots, 100 by
100, renting for $10 each; mortgage,
$1600; some street assessments. .WjU-
located in good district, met
and for trade for acreaga or lots. .
1202 Northwestern Bank bids.;
120 ACRES of land near Waltaburg,
Wash., small clearing, plenty of tim
ber, living water, close to school; want
home in Portland.- V
Apartment and store building t ex
change for ranch. 436 Chamber of Coin-
merce Mdg.
FOR TRADE for Portland house of
will sell or rent, 9h acres, smau
house, 8 large chicken houses, equipped
for 300 hens, brooder house, hot water
heater, and ham. grtuated in Vancou
ver city limits. - Route 2, box 33, Van-
couver. Wash. -
ONE of the choicest 20 acres. -Good
Viiil!, fill I v atAckad. OlOBS in.
fnTllrTooo. 1 Will' trift, Z .0 to '
'160 acres within 49 miles. 411 Piatt
; building.
160 ACREB'. Sherman Co Uninoum-
I beredi No build.ngg. Price $3200, an 4
ror exchange ior r-oriiana ptvpon
1 acreage clw in and might assume,
' MAM Ur.l. IWAft- i
120.North western Bank MSK. .
TAKE it from me, "$1$00 equity In my .
nifty 6 room bungal'." in ths Rich
mond district, with itmnedlata posses
sion; will sell or tradVlor first mort
gage, secured Bote or acreage. Beach,
12:1 N. 2 1st st. .. -
4 GOOD valley dairy ranches, well
stocked, for sale or exchange. .
1-1. II. FRY. Laod Dept. -V
The Oregon Home Builders;;
1280 Northwestern Bank bldg. '
isiCK. 4 room oungatow, 4 blocas ..
Johns car, 2 full lots, fruit trees, etc
Nice home for people who keep co'
and chickens. Will trade my interest
of $750 for land, city or country; mon
gage $800. 636 Cham, of Commerce. ;
EXCHANGE for acreage or vacant lot
my equity in 7 room nouse, toxins.
840 AC. stock, alfalfa, wheat. 160 al
I falfa, gravity water paid, building,,
! near school and sta. Pries $50.accept
n.ird nrnn'tv. Aal. vour tlms from
nmna V M Anrila. 406 Henry bldg. '
'2500 AC. no stumDS. heavy yieM
I wheat, barley, oats, flax.
Ready for
. r.inw race tt. ACifvi
Aceept half clear
urooertr. Bal. crop pav mt plan, - ft
, M Apple, bus wenry tm.
480 ACRES highly improved near May-'
111- s 1 1 1 1 v. nlu 4 fa (ssa
Will taks 20 or 40 acrea in valley, bal-
ance eay terms, ciauae coie, ww
Henry blag.
tinna mhii in & room house. 66x100
lot. $600 balance to run t yearn To
trade for good clear lot or will sell
for $50 down and $12 per month. Mar-
shall 692. - -
Big Bend, Washington. Rich, level,
an cultivated,- fenced, - new buildings,
windmill, for apartment house, Her
man Peper. 642 Williams avs. K. .
. RrirtiifMNCi-; property, aorease, ju
mitMa ritv limits, vacant lots.
Walla Walla. Wash., for sale or trsds
for Portland incoms property. vv-
216, Journal. . : '
- ' 1 vt IV'P- 9 hlerhlr ii
Improved Mlnne-
aota and 3 - highly improved Call -
' fornta ranches xor unprovsa . wregou
fornta 1
HOLBROOK. 214-215 Psnama bldg.
FOR TRADE 80 acre farm, 2 wlies.
from R. R. town, 18 mues xroro
. M . .ii u.l i (fi r,
roniwi u, iwu aun, v ' - -
N. D., city or farm. Box , Brush
Pralris, Wash.
12 ROOM furnished modern houto, 1
kitchens, Hawthorne avenus addition.
Taks smaller house and mortgage.
Marshall 8204. No agnts,
MODERN Columbia river highway
tourist hotel and grounds, worth
$20,000; exchange for farm or stock
ranch. M-119. Journal.
room modern bungalow, value $230,
$1000 mortgage, 2 .years to run. ; 3
blocks from oar. 7411 68th avs.
EQUITY in modern 9 room -house for
3 or 4 lots in good locality, . Tabor
6852. ;
FOR exchanges of all kinds call nj
v4 Kiiiinaiand. 1616 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or, -
LOTS on E. 42d N. for sals, easy pay-
ments. win cvuuuir
O-2J0. Journal.
EXCHANGE 6 room bungaUw for
country horns. Zeila Gossett, 7,
GOOD 3 flat building on EL 11th St. to
. . . a . .. 4fA
afT vnf KMar
SALE or trade large house. Nob Iliil
district, suitable for boarders, room.
era or small sanitarium. Mam iou.
20 ACRE home, Kalama, .W ash., Zor
Portland suburban hotnsy $4000.- A-
134. Journals ,
INCOME property. 100x100 corner lot,
paved street, for sals or trad. 0n-
ert X-216. Jourwsl.
40 ACKt8 . clear , incumbrance, teeai
tls house clear for city property.
Evenings, i an. s. m r.. ir mz r.
$7i0 EQUITxT 4 room plastered houa-,
64x114, for '- lot, auto or diamond.
Marshall 6607 eveninss. .v - .
SQUAB plant, Wgest in stats. $1ih.j,
-part cawln- pal, traie, Z-218. Jiyi
JTRV 501 Panama hldtV '
(Coatiaasd on fisxt Past)