- ; . r4 v,' rAl- r;V:-" - THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1917. 13 FURTHER EXTREME ADVANCES ARE FORCED FOR POTATOES :'Etedby Hyman H. Cobra STANDS . EGG TRADE : STILL; DEMORALIZED PRICES ARE RULING Receivers Are Unable to Clean Up Receipts Are Gaining and De- mand Decreases With Expecta tions of Lowered Quotations. Trade la the eg market la at a complete tajuUUll along" the wholesale way. Be retpU are Inpreaalna: from da to day and tbe outlet la decreasing. Ihirlng the day tbre was only a nominal amount of bualneaa reorted along Front itroet am! moat of the arrtrala will therefor he evtrUA oyer' Into the coming week. Thia in flwlf la a bearlah price factor tnd la more eH-lally ao In lew of the expeitatlona of continlaeil liberal arrirala on Monday. 8al jf -ae rount egge were tUovrn aiong tbe atraet In a Try llmiteJ way at 32fr32V4: during tbe last 24 hour, bnt none of the big reeetvera were able "to clean np. The market t-ontlnuea dominated entirely ty weathr romllMou and untcaa there la a change in temperature expectatkma of. the tnda are for eharply reduced aluea af tha atart of the coming vee. Practically all the . b. buyer bars withdrawn their cmh quotation from tho country. Portland Too For Butter and May Lose Cream Supply Recent .Agitation Against Ad vanced Prices, Pats Trade Here in Bad Condition, While the batter market la higher at all other leading centers, tbe price remalna nn ctanged at Portland. In a nteaaora this 1 due to tbe recent agitation against the creameries here making tbe former aharp ad vance In tbe price. Dairymen are nj in arma oyer the lack of adequate quotations at Portland, while other centers are paying more money for butterfat. If Hits condition la continued while longer It will reauit in thia city lotting lta principal aupplle of butterfat, and tbu curtail tbe outpnt of butter. Creamery men are Inclined to ft rather alow about forcing up prlcea ou butter here, because of the prerious agitation, but they say that If ttejr cannot aWhire the higher price for butter. they will not be able to secure tbe cream to make supplies. The situation la most aeri ous one to the local trade. Sharp Fluctuations Shown in Chicago; Prices Are Errataic CHICKEN MARKET 'FIRMER Market for chicken la showing a firmer tcne along the wholesale way. s,es of hesry .hens are sho.vn aa fclifh as lftc a pound, au edawctf 1 1! oer prevloua high quotations. Outaldu call excellent. DRESSED HOGS ARE FIRMER - Country killed hogs are In even better de mand along the stp;t, with limited alea ar high aa 15c a poun'1. although 24c seems to be the general u:. Very small recelpU jihown with demand hearici. SMALL ORANGES ARE DOWN Because of the greater offerilntfs of small sized oranges In tho south, tbe local market U down to $1.90 1.75 for this claw of stork. " Larger siaes are holding firm at 2.232.5 tor beat quality. ' ONIONS ARE SOLD HIGHER ileport of the sal of a carload of onions i t the country at .25 ir cental, the hlgu point of the seaaou to date, hart its effect .upon the local market, SHes along the atrect at ie.50&7.00 per cental. -SMALL ORANGES AUK WHfl Becadse of the greater offerings of small sited oranges in tli toulb, the 1. cal market 1, down to 1.601.7S for tbUr-la of atotk. Larger alaea arc holllug firm at $2.25W-S lor beat quality. ' SOME CONTRACTS FOR HOPS - Limited contracting In the bop market la I generally shown at Willamette vsiley polnM t 10c for one year ami 11c for a term of three yeara. Small sales of spot hops con tinue around 63c a pound. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Country killed calvca are ateadj to firm at former prlcea. "" Cabbage market continues firm at Be a pcund , rApplee are Tery slow aale with a further reduction of 10c a bo. ... . iTanberrr trade la Hagnant with offers to ell at declines. Mo session of tlie dairy exchange was held during the day. ' SHIPPERS' 'WEATHER NOTICE ' 1 Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments dnring tbe next 48 hours sa.far ncrth as He ettle against minimum temperatures of about ; 40 decrees ; northeast to Spokane, 28 degreea; ' eontbeaet to Boise. 11 degrees; south to Ash land S3 degrees. Mlnlmrm temperature at Portland tonight about 42 degreea. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND These prtcea are those at wWh wholesalers sell to tetallera. except as otherwUe atated: . Dairy Preduee. : BUTTKB Cseamerr prli-ta. in parafflne wrappers, extraa, 42c; prime firsts. 49c; flrsU. St'Vfcc cubes. 1c less, cartons. Ic Ldrance. BUTTKR" AT Portland dellrery No. 1 sour cream 41c; No. 2, 80c. EUtiS Selling pries: Case count, 32(332c; buying price, UOVa'; selling price, candled, 83c; selected la cartons, 3334c; April stor . see 10300. UVE POL'LTBT Hens, beary Plymoutli Itocka, 1818c; ordinary chickens. 1717'4c; tar 14c; broilers, nuder 2 lbs.. ?0c; turkeys, 2V. dressed, fancy. 23fi2tlc; culls. ISfiJ SOc; aquaba, 2 down: geese, lire. i:(J13c; lc kin ducks, young. 20c U.; Ind'.an Kunneis. yorng, lc; old ducks 18c lb.; pigeons, I1..10 doaen. . ' CHEESE Selling price: Fresh Oregon fancr fell cream triplets. 22c: Young America, 23CJ ' rrKa to Libbers: Klats. 20c: Youna Am- : lea 21e f. o. b. ; cream brick 27frt2Sc; lam- burger, 2ft(g2e: block Swiss. 34u,3oc. Fresh FruiU and Vegetables. ' FRESH fUUlTS Orangea. natel, $1 9S ner box: bananas fc per !.: lemoLs SJ.OO3.75; California grapefruit, i2.234i2.50, Fkrlda, M-25(tf4.B0; tears, $1.6o3 1.75. wkhuikH liuckleberrlej ): cranberries. local, 93.00 P box; eastern, Ja .00 10.00 j uer barrel. . ' APPLES Local, 4Cegil.75, according to ' analltT ONIONS No. 1, $6.7.00; No. 2, 14.000 v .&0 per cental; association selling price at . country points, ga per cental. POTATOES Selling price: New local, 2.83 13.00. Buying price: Ordinary shipping, $2.50 - 22.76; fancy, J3.70WZ.W: aweets. No. 1, J4. VEGETABLES jurmpe, ai.o per aack; nmti. tl.OO; parsnips. S1J&; Oregon cab bage, 5.00 cwt.; green onions, 25c docen bunches; peppers. 30e lb.; head lettuce, 12.00i J. B0 crate; celery. $5.00(85.60 ate; artl Chokea, l.O04t 1.15; cucumbers, $1.50 doaen; tomatoes, Florida. $5.50W &t crate; egg plant; 20c lb.; string beana, 22Hc lb.; rhubarb. I5j lb.; peas. lSwc; cauunower. California, $2.33tti:.uO per craie, lfeeta, Fish and ProTisiooa. . PRESSED MEATS eetllng price: -Country killed - beat hogs, 14iic; ordinary, 14c, f. West Teaia ilVH-. vrumar, HYitilAc; heay, ai0c; poor, 7c; goat, 4c; lamb, lttex V. MJW. ' 1 - Sl " au. ,5 SMOKEl MEATS Ujoil, 20 (g 24c pet lb.; hiaakfsat bacon. -Ji32c: picnics. 15Uc: rat. ; tage roll, 18c; abort clears, 18(a20c; Oregon eiuorta, smoked, lU'.c lk LARD Kettle rendered, tierces. 18c lb.: " gtrndard. 18Vic; lard corn pound, 16c. , ' . AVUTVUKll fmnti ..mm ! xn. , eastern, 66c. $tt.60 doaen; eastern la belL 1.80 per 100: tut !sdi ( ); eastern - oysters, per gallon, solid pack. $2.75. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c; ailrerslre sal- Scon ( ); ateel head. 14415c; perch, 8e; r5 lobsters, ( ); silver smelt, c; salmon trout, 20c per lb.; halibut. ItiHtlSc; aturgeon. ljc. i-Columbia ainelt. 12Wc. CKABS--Large. $2.o0; medium, $1.60 doe.; "- herring.- ec; black cod, 0c lb. . , Groceries. -. BUG A R Cnbe. $8.10; powdered. $7.65; fruit , CT berry. $7.36; Honolulu, $7.S0; beet. $7:16; t dry granulated, $7.55; D yellow, $0.76. Above uootatlona are 30 dsys net cash. HONEY New, $3.00ji3.2& per case. - BICE Japan atyle. No. 2, 44c; New Or leans bead, 54c; blue rose, b He. SALT Coame, half grovnds. 10O, $ii per ton; 60. $1105; taWe dairy 60s. $idoo; lOue t 16.50; bales. $2.25f fancy. Uble and dairy. 22.00; lump rock, $20.00 ton. BEANS Small whiie. llfec; large white. 'lOJie; pink. BScT Umaa, Uc; bayou. uu.c HepewWeel and Hiidea. HOPS- Komluijr buylug price, 1918 crop, eFdinary, 6tt8e; selected, WtftlOc J. OOL ll clip; Willamette alley coarse. Cotawold.v 37c; medium Shropshire. 0c; fine, ao&aac; eastern Oregon staple, 30wa2e per . lb.: coars and medium, 335ci IJlUEti Salted hldts. 25 lbs. and up 18c; . salted stage. 50 lbs. and up. 14c: green and Chicago, Feb. 3 A buying rally followed the decline in wheat prices resulting from the break in diplomatic relations sdth Germany to day, and the wheat market closed at noon with May futures 7 to So above last night's close. Many big houses were buying grain aa the closing gong sounded. Chicago, Feb. 3. (I. N. S.) The grain pit was extremely nervous over American-German relatione today and prlcea fluctuated rapidly within a narrow range at the opening. News that diplomatic relations wlth batrmany -shad been broken off was discounted in advance, however, and served 'to cause a drop of lees than 3 cents In wheat. Wheat opened 4QlVc lower. Corn was unchanged to He lower. Oata were unchanged to lower. Provisions were slightly lower. Range of Chicago prices furnished by United Press; WHEAT. Open. High, May 11Vi iao$i Julr 148,i POTATO PRICES ARE MTY WITH MORE ADVANCES' FORCED Purchases at Country Points Con firmed at $2.85 to $2.90 Cental, With as High as $3 for Portland Delivery Trade Is Excited. The upward flight of potato prtcea eontlnuea locally, and buyers are stampeded. They scarcely know what to do. Each advance In tbe price from one dealer la Instantly meb by a further advance by another. The result la that the market changes sometimes several .times an hour. Actual purchases of potatoes are shown in tbe country at $2.83Q2.90 per rental, f. o. b. cera, while some purchases have been made In a limited way aa high aa $3 per .cental de livered at Portland. The east and southwest continue liberal bid ders for supplies. Quite fair sales have been shown to the southwest during tbe last 24 hours at $3 per cental, bnt the trade la not now willing to ah In below $3.25. Along Front street tbe trade la asking re tell era $33.25 per cent!, although trade la not heavy, because most of the retailers were quite well stocked when values were materially lower. One of tbe queer twists ef the trade, and In dicating the extreme strength of tbe situation in general la that potatoea rejected on account of the lack of quality one day, are sold the nest at 10 to 15c a cental more than tbe orig inal price. 8ucb a runaway market has never before been seen by the trade. September May July . r. . May July Mar July May July .... Msy .... July ...i 134 138 CORN. 86 8H 85 Vt 97 Vi OATS. , 52 53H 51 52 PORK. 2820 2S35 2&OS. 2810 LARD. 1612 1C22 1504 1530 RIB3. 1512 151T 1504 1530 Low. 154S 140 131 Vi Close. 100 A 148 137 03 93 49 2770 2750 1585 1504 1477 1504 91 H 63 62 2832 2800 1615 1525 1510 1525 Nervous Tone Felt In Stock Market, At Opening Today New Tork, Feb. 3. (I. N. S.) Trading was lid and excited on the stock exchange shortly before the close at noon. Cancellattans of sell ing orders came at tbe same time that large buying orders were telephoned and telegraphed In most cases these buying orders were with out price limits, and brokers executing them took stocks as offered passing over small frac tional advances without any notice. It waa evident that the market movement had been abruptly changed by tbe act tori of the admlnla tretlon. Steel common waa bid so In large blocks, and rose from 09 points to above 104, while Industrial Alcohol, after selling at lllH points, rose to 118. Bethlehem Steel, which sold down to 863 points, rose to 400. Galna of 2 to 10 points in other Issues were so numerous that It would bf Impossible to men tion them in detail. It waa 10 minutes after the close before the sales could be pnt in type. Tbe final tone was strong. Government bonds unchanged, railroad and other bonds firm. EARLY liOSSES FADE QUICKLY IX NEW YORK COTTON MART New Tork, Feb. S. (I. N. S.) After drop ping 20 to 30 points on the nnnouncementhat the United States bad broken diplomatic rela tions with Germany, s heavy demand from Liverpool and trade Interests caused a sensa tional gain in cotton. There seemed to be a scarcity of shorta, and May sold above 15a or nearly a hundred points over Friday's close. j-ne rmai tone waa excited, with prices BO to 108 points net higher. r Range df New York cotton prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 210-217 Board of Trade building Onen. FeDmary . March May June July .. August September October 1300 December 1405 ..1394 . 1425 1420 High. isis 1520 1520 1479 1400 Low. Close. 147 1372 1502 1393 1510 1508 1390 1512 .... 1001 1486 1365 1470 1377 W82 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Ban Francisco Market. Ban Francisco. Feb. 3. (U. P.). Potatoea rer cental: ieita, yi.ivitf Oregon Bnr bnuks. $3,2613.35; Watsonville, $2.9033.00; saunas, si.ou. Onions Brown. $8 per sack; ex-Icehouse, Oregon, $8 per cental. . DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST .: Sen Francisco Market. San Francisco, Feb. 3.1 Butter Extras, oc; prime urets, -wc; iirsts, S7ftC. Eggs Extras, S6e; firsts. 33c. Cheese California fancy, 19c; firsts, ISc; irregroi ir ly v u, lajjcy, 2lc. BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Clearings Monday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday . Portland Banks. Tbli week. Tear in 2.009. H.TC.83 $ 1.793.002.71 ... 2,212, 740.09 1.732,430.59 ... -,:u.!.it)i:.ou ... 1.S52,Q35.24 . . . 2,302,999.30 ... 2.27$J,873.10 1.809.9S8.30 ).132,544.6 1.039.808.79 758,048.42 By Charles V. Storm. New Tork. Feb. 8. (I. N. 8.) Although there waa a good deal of nervousness shown In the trading In stocks during the first 15 minutes today, the majority of tbe Issues were generally established at higher range. Steel common rose IVi to 10. American Beet Sugar rose a point to 91 and advances or a point or more were made In other irsuea. Anaconda rose to 72 and American Smelting 1 to 96c. Wabash preferred rose 1V4 to 48 and other rails showed fractional gains. At tbe end of the first half hour nearly everything on the list snowed an advance Anaconda rose to 72 and American Smelting 1 to 96. Marine preferred started 1 higher at 68 And a fractional gain waa made In the common stock. Gulf States Steel fell 5A to 99t4. The minor steel industrials were generally strong. KepubllC iron & Steel advanced 2U to 68 Vi and Crucible Steel 1 to 63. Union Faclfle rose a point to 134Vt Range of Chicago prlcea furnished by Over- beck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: Week End Is Slow In Livestock With A Nominal Supply Receipts Are Extremely Limited at North Portland Good Trade Is Indicated. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hoga. Cattle. Calves. Bbeep. Saturday Friday .... Thursday , Wednesday Tuesday . . Monday . . . eea; ago Year aao. Two yeara Three rears aso our years ago. ago. 234 1176 100 6on 2S4 2ao7 . 81 184 300 201 197 8 217 18 16 34 407 37 463 17 661 8124 44 297 MOST ERRATIC TONE KN0 WHEATTN THE CHICAGO MART Values Lose and Regain About 10c Within a Short Time Local Trade Is Marking Time 'Trade Unwilling to Operate. The week's end In tbe livestock trade at North Portland Was a very quiet affair. There was only a nominal showing of supplies and no change In the general nu-rket situation waa Indicated. Hogs ruled steady to flim with the trade Quoting $11.25(211.3.5 for tope, although some expect that tbe recent high mark at $11.40 will again be reached on Monday. If further advance above that is not forced. General bog range: Heavy packing $11.258115 Good butchers 11.15(311.25 Rough heavy lti.etK0ii.oo Figs 9.754J10.5Q Stockera 9.00 9-50 Cattle Continue Steady. There waa nothing to test quotations in the cattle trade at North Portland at the week's end. Only a handful of stuff came forwarej overnight. One local killer Is reported aa navmg pur chased a liberal aupply of top ateers for Monday delivery at $8.75. which Indicated a coiftlnuation of , the present feeling at least. Ueneral cattle market range Beat heavy beef steers Pest light beef steers Bet beef cows Best heifers Ordinary to good cows Heavy bulls Light bulls Calves Stocker-feeder steers Slocker-feeder cows . . . Mutton Situation Nominal. Sltlnstlon in the mutton and lamb trade continues nominal at North Portland. Not enough atock baa been received lr the open market during the laat few daya, to teat senti ment among buyers. However, no special change In either prices or demand la Indi cated. (nffnl mnttftn and lamb market Rut t f m.intaln lamba (12.00912.25 M.t lamhi Il.754il2.00 Yearlings .' 10.25ttl0.60 Wethers jo.ooyio.s v 9.00a 9.25 Goats 4.254J4.50 Saturday Livitock Shippers. Hogs Armadale Bros., Monitor, 1 load; Mr. Harris, The Dalles, 52 head by boat. Mixed stuff J. W. Smith, Shedd, 1 load cattle, bogs and sheep. Friday Aftrenoon Sales. BlEEtta. No. 4 steers 4 steera - 11 ' ateers 3 steers BULLS. bulls COWS. 1 cow 1 cow . .$8.50J9.00 .. .2S(8.5 T.75 ,. - 7.75 .. e.403.?5 .. 6.00(5.69 .. 4.2X34.00 .. 7.00U8.00 .. 6.756.50 6.0O(U.OJ Wheat bids en tha Tertland Marehanta ex. change were unchanged to lo higher for Feb ruary delivery. Oats bids were otf $1, .while barley was S&c a ten lower. NORTHWEST UltAIN RECEIPTS ' -Cars- Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. 6 18 23 1029 1099 8 6 2 9 2 60 4 27 1684 1675 b22 1639 .... "236 147 255 1067 1 6 1069 1021 2727 1513 747 3147 Portland, Sat... 31 ear ago Total , thia week. lo3 4 xear ago 2d Season to date. 3750 14U -Year ago. &idtf 1330 ircoma, rri.... 15 .... i ear azo Reason to date . . 4853 110 Year aim &7n 484 Seattle. Friday. 8 Year ago 11 .... Season to date. . 3867 377 iter sgo 7144 1221 Wheat prices lost 10c or so and then went back real hard during the most erratic day's trading Known for many yeara In the Chi cago pit. Private advices Indicate panic among tne longs and aborts of the trade. Locally there la practically nothing doing In me iraue. uootattocs are on a nominal basis None of the operators are willing to do any Dustness at tne moment and values have re ceded so far that country holders are stUl not inclined to let go. Flour market ohowed no change here dur ing tbe morning. For a time It looked like au immediate drop of either 20c or. 40c barrel, but the later strength .in the Chi cago trade changed the situation. Prices on flour were therefore not changed. FtOUK Sellling price: Patent. $8.20; WiV lamette valley, $7.70: local straight. $7,400 7.80; bakers' local. $8.0028.20n Montana airing, $9.20; export, $7.15; whole wheat. $8.60; graham, $a.4o; rye flour. $8.75 pr oarrei. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette vauey timotny. taucy. S17.O0: eastern Oreeron. Idaho fancy timothy, $22.50; alfalfa, $17.00; vaner veicn, u.uu; cheat, S13.UO; clover, $12.00. GRAIN SACKS 1916. nominal: No. 1 Cal eutta, HH&lllkC In car lota; leas amounta are nigner. MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Bran. $26.50; UUI IB, 90V.tfU. ttWLLKi) OATS $7J5OQ8.0O per barrel. ROLLF-D BARLEY $41,00442.00 per ton. Merchants Exchange February b da: WHEAT Frl. Tnurs. Wed. Tues. Mon. 1917- Av. Iba. 1272 1120 1189 ....1073 ...1350 Price. $9.25 8.35 fi.33 7.50 $5.00 1 cow ... 1 cow ... 1 cow . . . 1 cow ... 1 cow ... . .. 940 . . 940 . . 800 ..120 ..1000 ..1190 .. 930 1 hog 1 hog 4 hogs 12 nogs HOGS. v..'.... 110 , 440 , 105 188 Baturday Morning Bales. COWS - DESCRIPTION. Open High) Low Cloe i Stocks,' Boafig, Cotton, Qrata, Sto. '.-. B.iS-21? Board of Xrsde Building. Overbeck & Cooke Co. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO AlX EXCHANGES . Members CWcarolBond of Tae I Comspoadtsts of XtOfftn Bryan, ' ":',;;IlCttcaToV sw..TH, Beans Sell High. Albany, Or., Feb. 8. J. C. Warner, whose pli.ee la 10 miles east of Harrisbura-. this week Bhlpped 13,000 pounds of beans to the juurpny eeea company or Albany. The ores ent market price for beans la about 8 cents per pound. Tbe crop, which waa the first raised on this place, yielded SO bushels or 1900 pounds to the acre. A production of an average or $144 worth of beana to the acre is considered excellent. . The Murphy Seed company has shipped more than two carloads of beau Irom Albany thia season. San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, Feb. 3. (IT. P.) Wheat Per cental California club, $2.052.75: So nora, $2.752.85: northern club, $2.86Q2.90; ditto bluestem, $Z953.00; ditto Turkey red $3.O03.05; ditto red Russian, $2.80(32.85. Barley per cental i Feed. $2.22Vfc$t2.27tt for fair to choice; abipplng and brewing. Oats Per cental: Red feed too scarce to quote; ditto seed, f2.733 00; No. 1 northern 2.06&2.12H for fair to choice. American Cash Wheat. ' May. July Duluth 171 V4 16914 Winnipeg 1899 168 Minneapolis 170 - 1691 Kansas City , 187 144 , St. Louis . 168 145 New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, Feb. 3. C. P.) Coffee Spot No. 7 Rio. 9c; No. 4 Santos, 10 c. Sugar CentrifugeJ. $4.83, . salted kip, 15 to 23 lbs., 18c; green end salted calf skins, op to IS lbs.. 2ac; green bides, 25 lbs. and up, 16c; green stage. 60 lbs. and up, 12fte; cry hides 32c; dry salt hiiies, 25c; dry horse hides, $1.0032.60: aalt borae sides, $3.00625.00; horsehair. KOc; dry long wool pelts. 24c; dry abort wool pelts, 17e; dry sheep shearlings, each, 104f3Oc; salted sheep sbearllugs. each, lOQOOc; salted long wool pelts, each. S1.50J2.b0; Ml ted short wool pelts, each, 6Oc1.00. TALLOW No. 1. lc; No, 2. 8c; grease. 6e per lb. ClllTTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, per car lots, 6c per lb. MOHAIR 1916, 35245r. , SISAL Dark. 14V4;; white. 15c Jb. Fainta and Oils. COAL OIL Water whlt in drums and Iron barrels, 10c per gaL UNSEED OIL Raw, bbla., $1.08 galloe; kettle belled, barrels, $1.10; raw, rases. $1.15;- boiled, cases. $1.17 gallon; lots of 250 gallons, lc less, - HP,SSTls.?rTBk' 74e g'al. f WHITE LEAD Ton lots, lie $t,.t 600 Ik. fc-ts. llKc; less lots, 11 He lb. " ;t GASOLISE-Rijaia price. 21 Vie galloi; 41s tiUatsy HIVse; gallon. . ur. !r..-.-,..,-. ,',r When- writing to . calling on advertisers, please mention I1m JoBrnai. - (AdvJ Alssta Uold AlUs-Cbaluiers, c do pfd American Beet Sugar. . . American Can., c do pfd American Car Fdy., c. American Cotton OH, c. American Linseed, . c. do pW American Loco., c. American Smelter, C. do pfd American Sugar, c-. . American Tel. 4 Tel. American Woolen, e.... Anaconda Muting Co.. Atchison, c do pfd Baldwin Loco., c do pfd Baltimore & Ohio, c. . Bethlehem Steel, c.... do pfd Brooklyn R. Transit.. Kntte Si Superior Calif. PeUoleura. c. . . do pfd Canadian Pacific. .... Central Leather, c... do pfd Chesapeake ic Ohio. . . Chicago I, Qt. W. C. do pfd Chicago. M. !t. 1-... Chicago & N. W., c... Chino Copper Colorado F. & I., e. . . Consolidated Oss Corn Producte, c do pfd Crucible Steel, c..:... do pfd D. & R. O., pfd Distillers Erie, c do 1st pfd General Flectrlc Goodrich Rubber Ut. North., Ore Land 'St. North., pfd X eene-Can Hide Leather, c... do pfd Ice Securities Illinois Central , Industrisl Alcohol Inspira t ion Interboro. c. , Kennecott Kan. City Southern, c. Kelly SprlngtMd i.ecka wain, .tecl Lehigh Valley.. 1-oulg. Sl Nashville.. Maxwell Motors, e. ... Mexican Petroleum.... Miami Copper al.. iv. T.. c, do pfd... Missouri Pacific Nitloual Lead. Nevada Consolidate!.. New Haven New York Air Brake. New York Central ! N. T., O. 4 W Norfolk ft Western, c Northern Pacific Pacific Mail , Penn. Railway Peoples Uas PitUbarr Coal, c do pfd Pressed Steel Car, e... do pfd.. Ray Cons. Copper... Railway steel Springs. Reading, c do 1st pfd- Republic I. 8., e. do pfd Rock Island Sears, Roebuck k, Co.. Sbattnek Studebaker, c. Sloss Sheffield I. Southern Pacific Southern Railway, c. . do pfd Texas Oil.. Texas Pacific......... Third Avenae......... Union Pacific, e...... do pfd r.... U. S. Jtab&er, e...-,,. , do pfd... .,........! IX. S. SteeL - e. . . : do jf4., .......... t'tsb Copper:. VlrglnU Chesalcsr,; e.i W. IJ, Telegraph. Westihghoose Uectric. Willys-Ov land nooiwortsV 8H 21 Vi 81 91 38 59'" 44 V4 16 wvi 94!h 114V 12314 38 Vs 72 V 100 4o 74 43 70 41V4 20 4T Va 1544 71 H. 68 H4 8V 22, 81 92: 43 61 " 4ti 104 ci"' 97 114 124 38 73 102 . . . 47 io" 400 '2 42 23 M 60 157 n ...I. 69 34 s;tHt 85 120 V4 ro 39 124H 18 esv, 52 Vv '22" 2.1 M. 38 V4 163 Kt 29 112 41 10 5SV4 24 hi 100 120 62 V4 43 125H 19 Mi 10O 58 23 25 26 39 103 54 80 115 41 10 1 25 101 113ll23 iyt 00 13 4Z 21 51 7 11'4 60 87 3C 40 21 50 73 73 U .122 48 85 33 10 55 21 41 132 91 22 128 102 64 V. 101 107 23 4 8 20 79 88 36 07" 43 15 "62 62 114 104 122 31 71 100 43" 74 69 8 20 4T 1M 70 66 10 32 hi 120 48 89 121 18 08 60 22 22 25 37 161 62 27 HI'S 41 10 58 24 10O 111 5 13 40 21 49 70 72 120 S 82 34 11 10 65 I 62 22 I 20T4 4l! 40 41 8 22'.i 81 92 42 104 60 43 15 48 67 Vj 67 114 105V 123 38 73 102 90 45 100 75 400 120 71t; 40 23 49 155 74 111 ll 33 84 120 00 43 124 19 99 5V, 109 23'4 24 39 164 63 30 114 41 10 61 25 100, 54 13 42 21 51 74 73 122 50 86 84 14 9 54 No. Ave. Iba. 2 cows 805 1 cow 000 1 cow 8O0 2 cows 745 BULLS 1 bull 1260 HOGS .4 hogs 222 8 hogs h9 LAMBS 1 limb 0 GOATS goats 107 $4-85 4.65 6.50 7.00 6.00 4.60 4JM $9.75 8.75 11.35 11.35 Price. $ 8.00 6.00 3.00 2.50 $ 4.60 $11.16 10.00 $12.23 $ 0 .00 Saturday. . 1917 1910 Bluestem 150 104 146 150 Forty fold 148 97 144 147 Club 146 95 141 143 Red Rualan 143 93 140 156 152 160 3450 2650 8850 2900 143 149 FEED OATS 8450 3550 3650 FEED PARLEY 3800 3876 8900 155 153 163 151 152 160 160 149 January. Futures were quoted: March bluestem March fortyfold March club March Russlao WHEAT March March FEED OATS FEED BARLEY 3550 3550 8900 3900 Bid, . 152 . 160 . 147 . 144 .5550 .3900 CHURCH IN VANCOUVER WILL HAVE -MUSICAL TALENT SUNDAY NIGHT Under Auspices of "Christian Church Orchestra, Service of Melody Will Be Given. Vancouver, Wuh. Feb. I. The pro gram for tbe "First NtcM in Music." under the auspices of; the Christian church orchestra, has teen announced. It will be siren In the church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. 'aa follows: -Dream of Autumn." and "Angels Serenade," by the orchestra; song by the congregation; reading of scripture by Jay Mulkey; "Memories of Frits Kreisler." by William O'Neill; prayer; violin duet. "Minuet"; violin trio, "Sex tette from Lucia Dl &ammerinoor"; "Night in June,", by the orchestra: Memories of Jennie Llnd," by Ethel Smith; girls' ahorus, "How Sweet and Silent the Place," and "Just for To day"; announcements; girls' trio, "Ab sent"; "Dream of-TTou." by the orches tra; ,'The Place' of Music In the Church." . by Rev. R. I. Dunn. The orchestra is under direction of Arthur O. Smith and it is planned to have these Bpecial evenings of music at least once a month. Fire Truck Purohase StiU Up in the Air Oregon City, Feb. 1. The city coun cil held a special meeting Friday night for the purpose of calling an election for the-purchase of a f truck or call. Ing for the appropriation of $3000 for the purpose. A resolution to that ef fect was submitted by Attorney Chris SchuebeL who after reading tt left to attend another meeting: After his de parture the council revised the resolu tion and changed the main clause. The procedure for the special election was carried out but when the new clause was read to Mr. Schuebel after the meeting he claimed it to be Invalid. The new1 clause called for the Issuing of not over $1000 in bonds and Mr. Schuebel claims the charter Is the only law that provides for the41-issuance of bonds. There have been a number of dona tions Including $500 from the Oregon City Manufacturing company, $500 from James Tracy and $1000 from the Hawley Pulp & Paper company. Mr. Hawley has also offered to buy the old .Cataract firehouse site for $1000. The election waa set for Monday, Mrefc S, la the resolution drafted by Mr. Schuebel but 11 will probably be ; changed now. , Clark j ResvUr Transfers. . . Vancouver, "Waah Feb. JL -Following transfers of real estate have been filed for" record: WUhelm Tett . to William Teta Jr.. south half of the south half of the northeast quarter of section 31, township 4 north, range east, $10; WUhelm Tets to Alfred Tets, north half of the south half of the northeast quarter of section S, town ship 4 north, range I east, $10; Rich ard Schein to Thomas Rasmassen, lot 21, block S. Abrams addition to town of Rldgefield. $I2S; J. J? Beauregard;: to Galen Litchfield, lots 3 and 4, block S. Swan addition to city of Vancouver, $10; Oalen Litchfield to J. J. Beaure gard. 10 aeres in sections 10 and 15. township 3 north, range 2 east, $10. Wanted It to Work." ." Front tbe Louisville Courier-Journal. ' "It isn't the gift that counts, IV the spirit" ' . "I hope my gift will count." - "That's the wrong spirit." "Not at all. I am going to give my brother an adding machine. Vancouver In Brief. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 3. Miss Daisy Butts, 810 West Twenty-fourth street, has received word from Juneau. Alaska, announcing the marriage of her friend. Miss Susie Warwick, to George Jergenson, the ceremony hav ing been performed in December of last year. Mrs. Jorgerison is a daughter or Mr. and Mrs. William Warwick, former residents of this city, who went to Alaska to reside a few years ago. She has many friends in thia city. The ladies of the First Baptist church will serve a chicken pie supper in the basement of the church on Washington's birthday. It will be served from 5:30 until 8 o'clock. Tffe concert given by the Vancou ver Elks band in the Elks" temple was well attended and much enjoyed. It was under directoin of Jack W. Smith, conductor, and for more than an hour lovers of music listened to pleasing selections. A meeting of the Parent-Teacher association of Harney school will be held In the school building next Wed nesday evening, at $ o'clock. The fol lowing program has been announced: Piano 0010 by Mls Mabel Moylan. violin BOio by Mis Helen MOrey. dis cussion on "Free Text Books in Pub lic Schools," remarks by Measrs. Dud ley, Burham, Hall and Shumway; sub ject from taxpayers' standpoint by Mr. Dale, subject from parents' Aland point by Mr. Farrell, general discussion. A candy sale will be held in connection with the meeting, and the funds re ceived will be used toward securing school ground equipment. no 93 Zl tj W 19 64 101 ' 34 100 70 24 4tt SO '.4, 2 Vi -64f75" lOOJillOO t 2; 21Ttt!2174 34 51 S 1 2: 2ft t ti Vi 134" K1 25 52 02 T4 215 128 ll 61 . 4l, 22H 2.H1 127 1HS IOI 1U4 IS 1914 M S4?i to, 0914 85 as 107tt;10714 I3H T3 104 I'M (107 34 HI ST SW 84 17 Hf 49 143 fcllH 21H 42 1011 '25 5t 214 - m 414 50 no 27 1, Hi 200 IS 131, 51V MM. 102 V4 41 SO 24 73 1C0 2H 2HV4 m 51 H e2. 215 13 40 ' 14 6.14 ), 14 ISO l(Mt Of MM 49 in AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES ChioSf s Hogs $13.00. Chiemro. Feb. a. (1. N . 8.) Hoes Be- CeiDts 9000. OiaiOe higher. Mixed and batch- era 1 1.45(2 12.00: eoixl heaTT, ill. 7512.00; rough heary. $11.4511.70; light, $11.35, 11.80; piss, .ut(jio. io; mus n asio, an.iv 11.90. CatUe Receipts 100, steady. Beeree. 87.65 aiZ.10; costs and heifers, 4.75Q10iO; stock era and ftedera. 86.W39.10; Texans, n&bQ IOOO: calves. S11.00&13.C0. Rhero Receipts 1000, strong. Native and western, 9.6Q.U.li: lamba. llagli.65. Program Ready for Cornerstone Laying Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. S. The Droeram of exercises to be held in connection with the laying of the cornerstone ' of the new postoffice building, .which will take place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, his been announced. The Elks will meet in the clubrooms at 2:30 o'clock and, headed by the Elks band, will march to Thirteenth and Daniels streets, the site of the building. They will be Joined by the O. A. R. and IJnitea Spanish War Veterans at Tenth and Main. At the postoffice site the following program will be carried out: Opening exercises by the officers of Elks, lodge. No. 823. B. P. O. E. ; selection, "Celestial Choir," by the band; ritual istic ceremonies and laying of corner stone by lodge officers; "Star Span gled Banner," by audience, led JSy a cuartet composed of J. C. Wyatt, Harry Porter. D. E. Crandall and Dr. N. J. Taylor; selection, "Maryland," by the band; oration by D. Soils -Cohn of Portland lodge No. 142; song, "Amer ica," led by quartet, by audience; clos ing ceremonies by lodge officers; se lections, "Red. White and Blue," and "Stars and Stripes Forever," by band. Man' Wins Divorce; Wife'Gfets Children . Oregon, City, Or., Feb. 2, John E. Simons today was granted ' a divorce from Eva Simons, in the circuit court, but the wife was given the custody and control of the three minor chil dren, Clayton, Nellie and Mamie, with permission granted the plaintiff to see them at all reasonable times. Marriage Licenses Issued. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 2. Mar riage licences were issued today to the following: W. A. Crowder, 23. and Annie Blanche Engtert, 25, of Scappoose, Or.; Joseph McMillen. 44. of Portland, and Anna lievlne, 29, 'of Astoria, Or.; Don A. Sloan, 21, of Portland,' and Alma L, , Kent, of Marshland. Or. Oregon City Wins . And Loses Also Oregon City, Fb.-i; SV Oregon City high school won thjindebate against tho Tillamook t6n Friday night irf the high school auditorium but their traveling team which debated in Sil verton was defeated, and with their defeat went their hopes of winning the north state championship. The negative team. Miss Audrey Tuor nd F.arl Paddock, who debated in the local school, was heard before a crowd of nearly 800 people, and their victory was decisive. The'afflriffetUe of the debate, defended by Fred Tooze Jr. and John Ranklrts, was lost at Sllverton to the Silverton high school team. The Bjate championship now stands with Silverton ahead with seven points, Oregon City with four points and Tillamook with one point. Fredrich Needham Stricken Suddenly Oregon City. Feb. 8. Frederick Needham, for 10 yettrs a resident of the outskirts of Canby, died at his home Friday morning after a sudden attack of heart trouble. He was born In Massachusetts 85 years ago and came to this section 10 years ago, where he has been living since During his younger days he won a number of medals in tbe east for his noted tennis playing and all during his life it is marked with re markable athletic feats. A widow and two children survive Mm. The funeral services will be held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Methodist minister of Can by officiating. Interment in the Canby cemetery. . a Fellowship Banqnet Topic. Lents, Or., Feb. 3. Henry S. West brook, grand master of the Odd Fel lows of Oregon, addressed the Eu reka chapter of the Rebekah lodge here Friday 'evening. A banquet was given in honor of the homecoming members, and Mr. Westbrook's topic was eiiowsnip. mere were over 150. people present.' When wrltlna- to or rslllDZ on sdrertlser. please mention Thsjfonrnal. (adv.) Commissioners to Meet. Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. 2. The county commissioners will, meet Mon day, the first meeting of the board for the month. On Tuesday the pe tition of E. Durkee and others for a closed district against stock run ning at large will be heard and on Wednesday bids for the new, steel span across the Lewis river at Ia Center will be opened. It is expected that there will be a number of bids on this work, 10 contractors having consulted the plans and specifications on file in the office of the county engineer. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD' -Thursday ' :26 P. m. 97 Washington street. burning flue, no damage. . . . . . ' rrlday. ; ' . . ' 8:48 a. m. 2(2 Sixth, street.: gas stove fire, slight damage. Jl: a. m. 465 . East Twentieth street north, chimney fire, no damage. " Saturday. - . h, - v, 1 No fire-' . , - - Christmas Greetings Late. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 2. Christ mas greetings from folks at home, greatly delayed by the war, were re ceived today xby Joseph Lambrecht, an inmate of the county Jail. A let ter from his sister in Germany, mailed at Munich on November 26, 1916, was received today. It had been opened by the censors and al lowed to pass. In addition to a let ter there was a card conveying greet ings of tbe holiday season, now more than a month past. V.'cod Theft Alleged. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 2. Frank Welsh has been v arrested on the charge of larceny of about five cords of wood from C. J. Leuschner. It is alleged that he purchased 10 cords of wood from the complaining wit ness and took 15 cords instead. He Is being held In the county jail in default of balL Nate Whalen Fined. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 2. Nate Whalen, arrested yesterday by the county authorities for drunkenness, was fined 810 -and costs, amounting in all to 813.50, upon his plea of guilty when arraigned before Justice Derr. He was later arrested on a charge of bringing Intoxicating liquor into the county without a proper permit. ' Jenkins Estate Before Court. Oregon City. Or., Feb. 2. Mrs. Sarah Jenkins, widow, today petitioned County Judge Anderson for tho ap pointment of Attorney C. H. Dye as administrator of the estate of her bus band, the late David E. .Jenkins, the value of the personal property In this county being 82400. The heirs are Sarah Jenkins. Oregon City, widow; Evan D. Jenkins. Osage City. Kan., son; Mra. Mary E. Davis, San Fran cisco, daughter. National Thrift Day OCCURS THIS WEEK SATURDAY, February 3d Make it a Thrift week. Better still, a Thrift year. National. Thrift in all matters is one of the greatest needs of our country. ; Capital and Surplus , $3,000,000. lrn.tr and Oak SKft rortlajsa. Oregon. TLOJ NATIONAL BANK Savings Adcounts Large and Small A ture indication of (Ac practice of THRIFT is a growing Bank Account. Our Savings Department offers a most desirable , depository. $1.00 or more places your name on our books and large or small deposits are wel comed. To our depositors THRIFT DAY offers an ex cellent opportunity to establish the custom of regularly adding to their accounts, or to n crease the size of deposits when regular saving is already a custom. To those who are not utilizing our facilities, a cordial invitation is extended to call today and register a start. Commercial and Savings Accounts Interest Paid On Savings and Time Deposits OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS FROM 6 TO 8 P. M. HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK, A CONSERVATIVE CUSTODIAN Established 1892 Fourth and Washington A Savings AccountTHRIFT One Dollar Opens a Savings Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORE. FIFTH AND STARK STREETS Savings Department, First Floor To the Left as You Enter. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Capital Paid in Gold Coin .$8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .$8,388,676.59 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Commercial Letters of Credit covering importation of merchandise, as well as Letters of Credit for use bl travelers throughout the United States and foreign coun tries. ' t Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits j Head Of fice, San Francisco PORTLAND BRANCH, THIRD and STARK STaS: WM. A. McRAE, J. T. BURTCHAELL, Manager. Asst. Manager. Splendidly Ready- Every facility for tivinf you an efficient,, courteous, bank. v : inf service i exemplified in our new bulldinf. " 3 Interest on Savings Accounts Modern Safety Deposit Vaults Insure ample protection to your valuables. In' fact, we are splendidly ready to assist you in every banking detail. ' GITIZENS BANK GRAND AVENUE AND EAST AIDER