The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 31, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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' NE l tn largs-and lntereti
f : :1 in elub iventi ot the wee.
- wu the monthly luncheon
en .-Tuesday, at Hotel Portland
by th Women's Political Study leau.
when a: number of the measures under
: consideration by the lesislature were
discussed by able speakers. Mr.:y r'
' fll Clara triads an excellent presldinr
officer. Mrs. Dudley Clark added to
the pleasure 'of the meetin with vo-
' cal solos and Miss Isabel Steele played
beautiful violin numbers. Both mu
sicians generously responded .to en-
, cores. H, W, Montague spoke cn the
proposed chan la of Uie city govern
tnent from i the present yeonvroission
torn back to the eouncilmanic forn
"and showed the advantages of the pres
ent form over the one-in use fonnem.
Mrs. Thomas Greene save a poem re
plete with- inspiring thoughts. Jscoj
Kanxlar apoke cn "Oregon's Resources
quoting freely from James J. HIM
The Development ot Resources " Miss
"Helen Gray poke of t:e scenic at
tractions of the Oregon coast.
" The bUls ! before the legislature
-which the dairyman s:e trying to put
through to protect tneir Industry and
to standarflUe the butter, output or
" "Oregon were ; discussed by Mr. Carey
and Mr. Slaughter. There were o-bout
10 present.
" ; To JCsplala Amerlcaalsatios Sobool.
i-On Mcudavi evening, Ffhcuary 6 at
o'clock, Mr' Moaessohn principal 01
the night school for the education of
- aliens at the new Bhattuck school, at
'Park and Hall. ill explain' io a Joint
:. meeting of the Multnomah and Wll-
; lamette- chapters of the r. A. R. the
work that U being done by this night
school. The two chapters have recem-
"''lyv formed chapter committees on
American citizenship education, and
Mr; Moscssohn has kindly consented to
give an educational talk toltte two
chapterc and their friends &s to the
work that Is being done byVhim, and
: will outline some ways In which this
sort of work may be rendered asslst
aace by the D. A. R. This school .
held three evenings a week. Mondays.
Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 7:15
" to 9:15.- The pupils are taught, besides
:v reading, writing, etc., American his
tory, civics and citUenohlp. The
course is to cover two years.. Mr.
- Mosescohn plans to take the P. A. R.
v and their friends through some of the
rooms while the school Is in session.
' and upon returning to the assembly
t room will tell about the school and
Ha needs. A full attendance of the
: two chapteis, together with their
i friends, is much desired hy the D. A.
R, state committee, as it feels Mr.
' Mosesschn has a message for all. Mr.
. Mosescohn will meet his guests In the
assembly hall at 8 o clock and will
' conduct them through the different
- - rooms before addressing the chapters.
TU Dalles Jtuslcal Club. The regu
jilar meeting of The Dalles Musical
club was held Monday at the home of
: Mrs--' O. E. McClure. Mr3. Bertram A.
-; Warren had charge of the program.
The program Included a quartet valse
a played by Mrs. Victor Mardcn, Mrs.
Harlan Ross FiJicher Mrs. Bertram
- . A. Warren and Miss Lucile Cummins;
- a beaot.ful concerto, played by Mrs.
V Warren; solo and encore, sung by Mrs.
j Carlton P. "Williams, and a quartet ce
y lection by tho Aliases Alpha Schram,
: Faya Crawford, Myrtle Carlaton and
uraee Reed.
' Book Clab SCeeto Mrs. Hamilton S.
"Weir was hostess at the meeting of
; th Eugene Monday Book club at the
Gamma Phi Beta chapter house. Mrs.
. A. O. Barker read an Interesting paper
Y on the evolution of the. film. At tte
next meeting of this group, Mrs W
. W. CaJklnj will be hostess at her
1 home, 68S Eleventh avsnue east.
Seat Side BTelghbornood Club. The
.East Side Neighborhood club of Js-u-geno
met with Miss Carrie Williams
: s Monday afternoon. An interesting
' program on child study was conducted
?:tby Mrs. Rlsley, with articles on "In
7 ffantlle Paralycifc'1 by Mrs. Julia Day
, and on the "Care of the Teeth" by
iMrs. I F. Straight.
f Soaps Were Discussed, Tuesday
,. -afternoon at library hall, under the
auspices of the Woman's club, home
economics talks were given by Mrs. A-
Klng Wilson and Mrs. J. D. Spencer.
S . ,The subject was "Soups." The meet
Ing was well attended and much inter
. .est was shown.
J Woman's Club Departments. Frl
i day win be department day for the
Woman's club, and th metine win
-be held In tha Multnomah hotel. At
.the psychology department at 1:15
'Mrs. O. J. Frankel will review the
book, 'Tha Pawn of a Tomorrow." and
'Mrs.' Florence Crawford will give the
Interpretation. At 3 o'clock Dr. Rebeo
,4 -will speak to the art department, his
subject being, "Is the Standard of
Beauty One and Unchangeable?" At 3.
'clock Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons
will talk to the literature department
on "Granville Barker. Artist or Dis
ciple? with reference to "The .Voysey
Inheritance" and "The Madras House."
' Collegiate Alnmau to w, r.
Association ot Col' estate Alumna vr.ll
hold tta monthly luncheon and program
r Baturday at the University club.
f Lanchaon will be served at l o'clock
and will be followed by an interesting
Program. Telephons at once for reser
, vaUotts. Main 895.
; Women Primary Law Favored.
: Austin, Texas, Jan. Jl. (I. n. 8)
, Senator O. S. Lattimom nf vnrt
-Worth has introduced a bill giving
women the right to vote in primary
elections. Within an hour the com-
tnlttee to which it was referred re.
Vported in favorably.
C i jl tl
l ' 4 '"' Jr w- ,&?? WW
"sMMBttST!-c iZ if -v ' i ? k - WW
ill t -'y Ui
VSrfcv I r - 'v 'fJ
At the Theatre
BAKERSlztb, Broadway and Morrison.
S3tle stock. Ak-sur nlarera In Prnmao
At 1
TbrapNl's 'TUB OIA
-am n m n at. 1
BBOaDVA-.Broadway at Btaxk. rotnpU.
terBatlonl-rathet. CbrtaH eonwdy. flc- i
tered nes weakly. H a.- 0. t It p. nu
COLCMB1A Sixth, between WftahlaetQii and
Klerk, raviopiay. thk iveu biu.ii
(Isee-Kay Bee), featariog V'UlUs !
tnond. Corulr, "Umrtaick at 8a" UbI
Taraal). gcolc and 1'atha baud colored ed-n-atMnal.
It . Is 11 ! B.
ULOBii . wasaington i r-i""- will lr.n th, tm. miirh lanser.
"IHK ESCAPE" (Urirntil. raiarinc ae
Uarab, Blambu Sweet sod Itobert Harreo.
13 ni.ito 11 p. tS.
wj.asrrtSssWK wr cn tham-
Hard -cB exiwrta. Motion plctnr. P
1:13 p. 03 in It p. ni.
LYKIC renrtb at jitarfc. MIcl comrdr.
"ABIK TUB pEDtl-BK." 3
MAJESTIC Washlpetoo at Pari. Photoplay.
THE DABUNQ Of PARIS (fax), featur.
leg Theda Bare. Comedy. Oregon Jourunl-Hearat-Patbe
pictured weekly. 11 a. ai.
to ii v. ra.
OB PHIUM Broadway
v Ult:i OCJ 1
i . n r.ti vivm in th tirtiv tMt Mt. nf Aria eirv. i WKin i iswiui iw iuiiui-
ui iiinu iuiviii ui t-iuiiu
fresu if it is cuouutd and a
granulated sugar sprinkled over it.
A small piece or camphor placed In
the water in which flowers are kept
Sheets should be turned around a;
regular interval without regard to
top and bottom, aa this lessens the
thickened. Remove, strain, add two
tablespoons butter and one-quarter
teaspoon celery seed. Cool, then fold
in tb stiffly beaten whit of he egv.
one-half cup cream, beaten stiff,
and one and one -hair cups) fruit, cun
In piece a mixture of California,
white or red grapes, bananas, cherrle.
pineapples and strawberries. Put in
small baking powder boxes, cover with
buttered paper, then with tin cover,
and pack In two parts crashed, tea to
one part rock salt for two hours. Un-
mold, slice and serve on lettuce.
n?teA"rVfT?.n nvsTTTPRCook on?
at Taylor. Yande-
vll'.a. HMdllMn: GEORGE NAM1. in
playlet. UADAMC
prima donna soprano.
RONS t-ittle girla1 hair riooona are
uan Uem In the family
budget these days, but they can be
made to last much longer If cars
taken of them. Taffeta washes very
nicely. Use warm water and white
soap. Do rot wring them out or
sacecza between the hands, as that
CHiLSOX-OHaMAN. will leave creases that it is Impos-
Orcbeitra. a p. ai., Bible to Iron out. Souse mem aoou .
n. ra. CMrtaiu. 2:30 P. n., :w p.-wi. tin iMn rlnu in lor water, men in
rAVTAGKS Broadway at Aider. Vaudeville. . . two twl.
THE Ll'MBEEUXta (Mutual), featuring iron while damp -between clotns "rst.
Helen Hoimrs. a:30. eontlnuoua. i lnen with the warm Iron without th
p?ftFTJJrt MAI itiswaLssky?' clth. They will look like new.
MARIE DOttO in Loat and wea . . aiii.. tuh aha jt
Paramonnt ptctograpbe. 11 a. m. to 11 p. ro. Cut a Plce of mailing luoe
jTAawaihinrto!; at Park, fhotopiaja. i eight inches long, cover with a Uyer
llatuaU, fiatnrln
"nirxHYiAXD ANDHISUIRW. rhotol : gin will lov to roll her ribbons on it
play. "THE DEVIL S PAY-DAY" (Bluebird) j every night.
..rrin. t . h Kainl nd Vranklla Far-1
-.SSSi-1 Rv.- A1 P:..m., pk.. i FROZEN FRUIT SALAD
n at Park. Photopiaja. j eight inches lor.ig. cover wun a yci
R TWO AGO (Americas-1 0f cotton on which soma sachet has
?.y,,7MfTi"n,olm been sprinkled, then with a bit of sl'k
fu" Jl-ft-Jfl-'l-ft-S- or nrettv Dresden ribbon. - Tour little
Mi. J. D. Spencer, chairman of th e home economics extension depart
ment of the Portland Woman's club, which met yesterday. .
trlnt". i Trln nrUl Comadv. "Maid Mad"
tKeyitone). Burton Uuiu Traetogoe. 11
a. w. to 11 p. m.
ART Mt'SEL'lI fifth and Taylor. . Hours 3
to 3 week days; 2 to Q Sundays. Free aft
ernoon of Tueaday. Thursday, Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Beauty Chat
The TWef.
PROCRASTINATION has been called
the thief of time. It is with
out doubt such a 'thief, and In
stealing time picks up all that is most
valuable to a human being. It steals
your health and beauity, your teeth
and hair and everything you value
There Is no reason why persons
should not carry sound teeth to their
graves. Neglect in youth is respon-
40 years of age he found good health
departing and the services of physl
cans necessary to repair the damage.
He took his car to the garage every
day for repairs, but he had been go
ing for 40 years without stopping for
repairs that should have been made
much earlier. Procrastination was
costly In his case and it would have
been more costly had he postponed re
pairs any longer.
Conservation and procrastination
cannot be linked. It you practice con-
servatlon you anticipate what may
bible for a big percentage- of trouye happen, if you Intend to conserve
with the teeth. Indeed. the teeth ar ; fu" health, today is the time to be
seldom valued until' they begin to de-;fin-So "Vnot wait until tomorrow,
u v mi fr it may than be too late to begin,
cay. Many tear, have been spilled ; WUh heaK wm fJnd
over parting teeth and bridges and , claims to ba.utv vanishing
Excellent Dancing Features Bill.
OVELTT dancing, singing and In
strumental music is the offering
of Dick Hyland and two winsome
girls with him at the Strand theatre.
"Athletes of Athens" are Scott and An
netta, offering an exceedingly skillful
hand-to-hand and head-to-bead bal
ancing act. De Loy and La Mar have
omething In the novelty class in com
edy singing1 and talking, and Mrs. "Bu
lla" Little offers an exceedingly
clever bit of entertainment a la cab
aret. "Thav Devil's Pay Day" Is the
photodratna that features In the new
bill, and it features Leah Baird and
Franklyn Farnum. The general theme
of "The Devil's Pay Day" is the story
of a man who recklessly threw aside
Mix. well one and one-half table
Kuoons flour, three-auarters tatl-;-
snoon mustard and one-half table
spoon salt. Add one-quarter can
(about one-quarter cup) condensej
milk. ouj-half cup vinegar, one-
half cud water, and yolk of one egg,
slightly beaten. Cook over hot water
15 minutes, stirring constawtly.twitlJ
oysters in their own broth until they
begin to shrivel, seasoning with salt
and pepper. Skim well, and drain off
broth. Thoroughly mix , one . large
tablespoon butter awl tha same
amount of flour in a saucepan, add
oyster liquor and sufficient milk or
cream (heated) to make a smoom
sauce. Stir in oysters and a dash of
paprika. Srre on buttered toast, if
desired. This dish is also very tasty
served with scant cupful of chopped
celery added to the sauce. This is
enough for two or three persons.
10 a. m. Annual maoHn and flection of of
MISSION at Day Nursery. 434 uaia street.
ruu acimaance or members oeaireq.
Mrs. C. E. Dant. CSS East Sixteenth street.
HmmAln I'VLIa.!..!! K Srm TV a f W
den and Mrs. A. B. Maaley. Take Irringtoa
1 D. m. CHAPTER r Or P. E. O. SISTER
HOOD, with Mr. C. P. Clark, S5 Et
Ash atreet. Annual laapeetloa. rail attend
ance urged.
2:110 p. m. HOUR STTDT CT.CB. wllh Mrs
J. r. Kettvr. P.ast Sixth street.
S SO p. ra. LAVENDER CLCB at Peninsula
Hark Field Hounr. Stedy of Oregon.
3 p. m. CIVIC- WKLFABE CLUB. Ponm A.
Central Library. Subject. "Municipal Light
ing." apeakera Isaac Swett and Will II.
Dily. -
Superfine Deantiflera.
There's ne ocametio eqaal te a Berry beart,
a lucid sind and a leviag seal. Balasby.
ear belonging e the 5 Market - wood
yard. SIS Front street. -
George E. Waltle. a locksmith -at III
Third street, was also arrested on
charge of purchasing - second hand
goods without a license. According to
the complslot, Waltle purchased tha
lamp and tank from the boys. , -x
Joe Alurle. the younger of the two.
wa turned ver to the Juvenile court.
New Period Begins With At
tendance of 29,297; Jef
ferson Enrollment Greatest
Gain in attendance on the first day
of the florins- term in the Portland
public schools, in comparison to the
attendance of one year ago, totals It
The fall term opened with an attend
ance of 2S.8tO.
The apring term opened Monday with
a totil enrollment of :.!7. One year
ago the attendance waa tS.407.
Folio winar is the attendance as re
ported Monday from tha various
UOIrvhittefl 6M
50 Jaaea John Hlah 106
744 Jefferson Hlb... 1.65A
Albtna Hameat'd
A Hen
Benaon Teeh.boys
Benaos Tecbf Iris
Capitol Hill....
Canton Kelly....
Commercial Hlfb
riorem-e Crlt....
Franklla High...
Fraser Home
Fnlton Park
Gregory tits ... .
T For Ixafants and children . I
In Use For Over 30 Years i i
sMwavs beart
the -
egnaxore) of
the grand president Saturday night at
the I. O. O. F. temple. First and Alder
streets, and will put on tha initiatory
degree. The usual monthly social an
nounced for this date Is postponed. In
nrens.ra.tion for the reception the de-
greo staff has been asked to meet at
2 p. m. Thursday afternoon.
Grows Soma Just the Bams. The
Modern Woodmen of America took in
125.000 new members in 1916. It is
the largest order of its class in the
country and probably In the world,
having over 1.000,000 members. J. W.
Simmons, state deputy, and C. D. Jes
ter district deputy, have found the
Interest In the order undiminished, and
the devotion of a loving and faith- have kept its growth in Oregon stead-
plates that might have been avoided
if the care of the ivories had not been
postponed too long.
People who have good hair In youth
Invariably put off the day for caring
Avoid getting fat don't wait until
you are fa-t- before you attemst to
regulate your weight. Do not wait
for a dentist to tell you to cleanse
your teeth. Tou will be unwise to
for It until too late. When tha hair wait for a falling hair signal to take
I eglns to fall there is a mad rush for
tonics and treatments to restor what
Is lost and protect that which remains.
Do not procrastinate if you desire to
have lovely tresses.
The girl witll the pink and white
complexion cannot postpone the day
for giving her skin special attention.
car of your crown of beautv. Tha
wise person begins to diet before the
physician orders it so. and common
sens will guide you through a course
of exercises that will prevent you
from becoming fat and phlegmatic.
Procrastination is indeed the thief
of time, but it is a thief that comes by
Her aim should be to protect and con- i day, rather than by night, and can
do easny caugnt ana tnrottiea. uon t
let It steal your health and beauty.
Tomorrow Muslo Combined With
serve what she already possesses.
This is easier than to rejuvenate a
fading complexion. Unfortunately, the
proud possessor of an enviable skin is
mora likely to abuse It than to begin
to cultivate it before discoloration and
wrinkles appear.
Women sit still and grow fat and
then begin to diet and exercise to re
gain a neat and trim figure. They
may look upon such a course as an
evil that must be encountered some
day. but until their weight causes
comment they postpone what should
be undertaken at the earliest age and
continued until death closes the eyes.
There Is a still more serious view
to take of this idea. It is the bigger
and broader view that procrastina
tion affects the general health. When
the health deteriorates, beauty flits
the same way.
A physician remarked the other day
fui wife and who in tha end paid the
price that natural justice demands.
Hart in Virile Role.
William S. Hart in "The Patriot."
one of this great actor's bat por
trayals of western Ufa, opened today
at tha Sunset to run the rest of the
week. "The Patriot" resembles Hart's
rlay. "Tbe Aryan" in the respect that
It hinges on tbe Inbred characteristic
of the Aryan races protection of their
women. "The Patriot" deals with an
American, soured when the govern
ment falls to prevent the slaying of
his boy and looting of bis mine, turn
against his country and joins a Mexi
can bandit gang. His spark of man
hood blazes Into flame when the Mexi
cans propose to attack an American
border town with its defenseless wo
men. Tbe program includes also a
Keystone comedy and a Burton Holmes
Man Being Taken to
Penitentiary Escapes
San Francisco, Jan. 81. (P. N. S.)
D. M. Delmas, alias Allan Dale,
rested here last October in company
with 18-year-old Sigma Gerstedt of
Bellingham, Wash., escaped at a point
between San Antonio and Clina. Texas,
while en route to tha HnntsvlUe peni
tentiary In charge of Deputy Sheriff
George W. GlmbalL He leaped from
Marriage Topic of Play. j
A visualization of Paul Armstrong's '
drama, "The Escape," a strong appeal
for more care before marriage and
leas repentance afterward, opened at
the Globe theatre today. The film is
iJL Ullilliu D1VUU1.11VI1, .1&U Si i
of noted screen actors are conspicu- !
ous in the cast. Among them are
Blanche Sweet. Ralph Lewis, Mae
Marsh, Robert Harron and Fay
Tlncher. The film is not a morality
play, and it deal a with no white slave
topics. It opens with a depiction of
the care used in breeding of domestic
animals, and then It shows the care
lessness that exists in the mating of
human beings and the disastrous re
sults that frequently occur. The film
will run for an entire week.
ilv acace with that in other states
In spite of predictions made by insur
ance experts to the contrary, it con
tinues to grow and pay Its claims.
I staff W. of W. Ball. Women of
Woodcraft members of the head office
force will eive a ball on February 14
at the headquarters building on Tenth
and Taylor streets. Committees are
at work to make tbe necessary ar
Will Celebrate Tom Moore. The
Hibernians will celebrate Tom Moore
at the Hibernian hall next Monday
night. Russell street, near Rodney ave
nue. A special program is being ar
ranged for the presentation of some
of the choice songs and poems of the
bard of the green isle.
Scottish Kite Social. Scottish Rite
Masons held a social session at the
cathedral. Lownsdale and Morrison
streets, last night, for members only
I Good music and a special program
; characterized the gathering.
Samaritans to Gather. Samaritan
lodge, I. O. O. F.. expects a large
gathering tonight to witness the third
degree aund partake of a banquet.
Prominent grand officers have' been
Invited to attend.
that he takes his auto to a garage the train while handcuffed.
every evening to ba gone over by an
expert mechanic. It Is his purpose to
keep the machine in good condition,
but the doctor paid no attention to
his own physical condition until at
Delmas was being returned to the
Texas penitentiary to finish out a sen
tence of five years for looting the In
ternational Banking company of Ball-
inger, Texas.
Bed Time
ia loved by women be
cause It cling? keeps the
skin fresh and attractive
for hours.
Permers Hew York
ii BBiiiiihiiiiinii ivn row
: IO1 yet bea. The Owl Drur Stores an4 etber mrlK, '
i - 4Powatetreatoany part ot the U. S A.)
.. :- at
Hair On Face
Besnwve It. : Works eqaally wail fee?
tenswviag hair treat steak, araae, aadee
arms r Uaabs,
Agnoe's Gift.
P in the cold north country, many
strange things happen. In fact,
things that we would think very
wonderful happen so often that the
Eskimo people don't think them won
derful at alL
For instance, the shipwrecks. Tbe
farther north th boats go the more
ice there is, and the greater danger
there is from shipwreck. The big boats
crash against tha huge icebergs in the
night or In a fog. And then the
wrecks are washed away on up north
to the Eskimo country.
The Eskimo people always watch
for the wrecks and from them get
many useful things, sometimes only
pieces of wood, sometimes - nails or
bolts. And then once in a great while,
the whole ship will be washed up on
the ice, and the Eskimo men can go
in it and find things they never had
seen or heard of before.
One time, when Agnoo was a little
girl, the hull of a sailing vessel waa
washed up on the ice about a mile
from where she lived.
Her father found It one day when
he was out hunting. He told two
friends of his about it, and together
they went to find if there was any
thing they could use on It.
t They found boards and tools, and
so many things that it took them some
days to unload them and carry them
on sleJs back to their houses.
On the third day Agnoo' s father
found a chest, and In tbe chest what
do you suppose he found? A rag
It had been tn the water so Ions
that the paint on its fae waa all gone
and its clothes which had once been
so pretty were all wet and spoiled.
But he knew It was a doll, and he
took it home to his little giri.
Agnoo had never seen such a doll
before, but she loved It the minute
...she saw it..
V Of course, aha wanted to dress It p;
First, she got out some beads ' her
father- had found years before. She
picked out two long beads and two
round ones. The round ones made the
eyes, ana the long cnes the nose and
the mouth, and aha sewed them all
on ver tlrht . - . - -
; Thenwuh her mother" Jielp' ehe
Tales iu
Practical Lecture Course Given
Before Engineers by Professors.
H. L. Cowley Dies
After Brief Illness
San Diego. Cal.. Jan. 51. (U. P.)
IL L. Cowley, pioneer of Spokane, died
here yesterday, after a ahort Illness.
He went to Spokane when only Blx
families resided where the city now
stands. He was a Congregational min
ister, and worked for years among the
Indians, writing several books on their
activities. He leaves a daughter in
Spokane and another in Portland. The
remains will be sent to Spokane for
burial. Ho was 80 years of age.
Grants Pass Beet
Growers Organize
Hew Company Zs Tonaad With Cap.
Hal of 1AOOO and Director Elected;
Kama to be Bee axed for Cultivation.
Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 31. The
Grants Pass Beet-Growing company
was organised here last night after a
call by Its Incorporators, and George
C. Sabln. E. N. Bywater, Wllford Allen
Sr.. Paul Klrker and A. N. Parsons
were elected to the board of direc
tors. Tho board later will select ex
ecutlve officers. Ths beet growing
company was incorporated with 50
shares of stock with a par value of
S10 a share. The Incorporators were
R. B. Miller. George C Sa,bln and Sam
H. Baker. The company was organ
ised for the purpose of leaslrag; lands
in Josehtpne county that are auited
to sugar beet growing, but that are
owned by non-residents, and other
tracts owned by residents who arc
unable or disinclined to give their
time to beet culture.
The Utah-Idaho Sugar' Company
will supply without cost to tha beet
growing company foremen and over
seers to direct the work and will also
arrange for sufficient tabor intensive
ly to cultivate every acre planted to
Snowbound Mails
Received in Baker
Baker. Or., Jan. 31. The first mall
from the eaat since Friday, arrived
here Tuesday, several delayed through
trains passing through westbound. Six
cars of coal, on delayed trains,
reached here, assuring adequate sup
ply, with plenty on the road from the
RAIV'mmmI. OlM
8l'Kentoa UI
47 Kerns 6TS
329jLadd 763
Js Laurelborat
sMILeets C9n
70!Uneoia High 1.1AT
89'Unnton 172
435 Llewellya JOT
SKi'MontaTllle. Ml
072Mt Tkbor UOV
KT Multnomah "2
71l,Nortn 11
87iOcale- Green H9
260!Peninscla SH6
'.'llPortsmoutb 44fl
15 Richmond f
43 Rose City Park.. 42
4o;8eUww4 rf'O
050 8battuck 734
SSflHaaeer 3S4
ll'tephena 443
3r.;RunnTide M
ITerwllllser 800
eaiThompaoa o73
Ml 'Vernon f 8S5
lSolWaahlnrtoa High. l.tTI
33 Wlllbrlde-e ...... - It
ftfteWoodlawa 4S
Broadway eat
"Always a 7aew ef Qaallty."
resign AU This Week Mat. Sat.
Hkfnland 6ftlWoodmetw
Hoffman 820, Woodstock ....
Holladay 500
Bolmaa SOrt Total 59,297
Hudson 1Q4
Democrats to Have
Bureau for Women
SCrs. George Bass of Chicago, Who
Kanaged Woxasa's Cainpalgn is Xast
JClecUoa, Zs Slated for X.ead3.
TCaahinrton. Jan. 81. (I. N. S.)
Mra. George Bass of Chicago- is slated
for election as chairman of the new
women's bureau planned as a porman
ent adjunct to ths Democratic national
committee. It will be ths first time In
the history of the great political par
ties that such a stable form of
feminine cooperation with partisan ac
tivities has been contemplated.
Chairman Vance McCormlek haa
called the national committee together
for a meeting Immediately after the
inauguration. Mra Bass has been
formally presented to the president by
the secretary of the national commit
tee. Representative Glass of Virginia.
Mrs. Baas is ths wife of a retired
lawyer of Chicago. In the recent presi
dential campaign she managed the
Democratic women's campaign, with
headquarters in Chicago.
Boys Are Arrested
For Auto Thievery
Earl De Toe, aged 18. and Joe Allarle,
17. were arrested yesteriay afternoon
by Detectives Oolts and Howell on
warranta charging the theft ef an
auto lamp and preatollte tank from a
At last la stnek. One ef the rreatest
plays la hiMory. Strong east. IniBwnse
aeeale product lo. uet year seats esrlv.
Krai., fee. Boo TSe. Sat. Mat.. 25c. SOc.
Harry Lester afaaeat
Aaloial Spectacle,
roans BALL
SCUareai Travel Weekly,
Trained Elephants, Horses. Ponies
and Dogs.
"World s Greatest Animal Act.
Famous Funmakera.
Boxes aad XogM reeerred by psoas.
Ourtala 800, T aad S.
Mna teal Slock
4th and Stark
Ma time Pstly at 1M. le Ouiy.
KishU at 7 CVntinnona at 7 IV. 2.
All Tale Week
Wllb bla pack tall ef lanjrha. latest soar hits.
. pretty girls. Noi bins bat vp.
sinter aad fan
rridsr Chorus SirU Coatee.
Austrian's Fnnsral.
'Joseph Stampfer died in this city
on January 29 at the age of 60. fol
lowing a short Illness. He was a na
tive ef Austria, and for the past 23
years had been engaged in the meat
market business near East Morrison
and Grand avenue. Mr. Stampfer had
no Immediate relatives In this country.
The funeral will be held from St.
Joseph's church On Thursday morning
at 8:30 and Interment will be In Mount
Calvary cemetery. Tho east aide fu
neral directors have charge of tbe
Are You Interested
In Oil
Agnoo had never seen such a doll
before . .
made moccasins and a hood, a dress
and some mittens all out of the
scraps of fur. -
When ths doll was all dressed up.
it looked as if it had always lived in
Eskimo land. Tou may be sure Agnoo
was very proud of it and played with
it Jevery day.
Tomorrow A Surprising Breakfast
WU1 lecture on Electricity. Pro- i
fessor R. H, Dearborn will lecture on I
Saturday night Derore the Engineers, '
local 87, at Selllng-Hirsch hall. Tenth
and Washington streets, on the sub-'
Ject "Electricity." This is part of tho j
extension course of the Oregon Agri
cultural college, and admission )s free.
The course Is along practical lines
connected with engineer problems.
One lecture a month is delivered before
tho engineers and other constructive
and mechanical crafts can obtain simi
lar lectures along practical lines with
out any cost by corresponding with
ths O. A. C.
Times Beported Setter. The build
ing trades have found that with the
demand in shipbuilding lines, the
drawing of many mechanics to eastern
factories and of foreigners to Eu
rope Industrial conditions are much
better now than a year ago. Reports
of delegates at the Central Labor
council Indicate that there will be a
number of building contracts let In the
near future In Portland that will make
a demand for the Idle men now on the
lolls of a number of unions.
aconiclpal Matters Shelved. The
legislative commutes of tha Central
Liabor council has a number of pro
posed municipal matters before U for
consideration but is not disposed to
act pending state matters, considered
of mora immediate Importance.
Card and &bl Social. The Card
and Label league will give a social
and supper next Thursday night at the
hairOver the Citlsens bank o Fast
Alder street. Interesting talks will
be made and a program given.
You'll be surprised to find
habit is. Makes teeth white.
Recommended by Dentists. . -
It'sYfldte Because Ift Pure
ISflsst Award aaas-acifk bsseitis.
What the Maccabees Are Doing
in Several Sections of Oregon.
They Kssp Things Moving Ladv
Maccabees will entertain the Sir
Knights at Corvaills tonight. Last
week ths Maccabea danes at that city
waa well attended. The Lady Mac
cabeea of Oregon City will entertain
the Knights in the same way on Feb
ruary 1. State Commander jr. W.
Sherwood will visit the Lewis and
Clark tent at .Buxton oa tbe night of
Saturday. February 3. The degree
team of Portland tent baa been invited
to confer the work upon a class for
Tualatin tent of Oregon City on Feb
ruary 12. Maccabees of Meadows tent
of Echo, Umatilla county, have agreed
to unite with the ladies and give a
ball February 14.: T :;;.-.... y
Will Ssoaivs Grand President The
Columbia Rebekah lodge win receive
Tinkle Tunes, Dancing, Comedy
"Athletes of Athens"
Comedy Songs and Patter
Entertainer With Songs
"The Devil's Pay Day
. The Romantic Drama of a Man Who Sinned and Paid
coming i "THE EAGLE'S WINGS"
Next Wednesday W Thundering Drama With a Thundering Message A Drama
Four Days Only! of National Defense That Will Make History
Oregon Journal
Pathe News Weekly
Newt picture of northwest '
and national svents will appear
sack week si lesdiag theatre
throughout the ortkweet.
Do You Complain
of High Price.?
It Is a constant reminder to
the discerning housewife of a
staple food sold at a minimum
price.. Crescent fives full ef
ficacy at half tbe cost of oth
ers. Countless families recog
nize this.
At All Grocers
25c Per Pound
Seattle), Washington, : ,
Guficura Heals
ass Off Tcrriblo
Itching Blisters
On Hands. Scratched and Suffered
Agony. Swollen and Inflamed. :
Could Not Work or Sleep. ,
"A spot came on the back cf my right
hand and itched terribl v. 'I tried c-nt-
merits of different kinds with no relief 1
whatever, and my hand girt
worse, and the breaking
out spread n my- other
hand. - The skin was one
mats of Misters and 1 could
not keep from scratching.
1 suffered untold agony.
My hands were .terribly
swollen and in Earned, and
X bad to keep them out-of water as it
caused them to pain so. I could not do
my work, and 1 could not sleep. -,
Vl suffered several vears before 1
tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I got
relief, and for the first time for years I
couia go to oea wiinoui rune ring, rsow
I am healed.' (Signed) Mrs. -D. F.
Leopold. 4206 2nd Ave.. N.W.. Seattle.
Wash., fane 1. 1916.
- How often such 'distressing, disfirar-'
ing skin troubles might be prevented by
every-day e of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment lor all toilet purposes.
Vat Free Sarapls Each by Return
Hail address post-card: -"Cutienxa,
Dept. H, Boston." , Sold everywhere. '