THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, : 1917. 1? SUPPLY. AND DEMAND ARE REGULATING THE PRICE OF EGGS Ediud by Hymn H. Cokn POTATO MARKET IS MASS OF EXCITEMENT IN LOCAL TERRITORY BIGGEST STORAGE TO HANDLE FRESH FRUITS By Hyman H. Cohen. Th Pacific northwest fruit industry la rrowinr mo much In lm Dorian c that leading men connected with the buainees are hurrying to eatabliah connec tion here The latest is the Earl Fruit company or the nortnweat, which la connectea with the Earl Fruit company of California. Joseph DeGiorglo, president of the Karl Fruit company of California, is president of tb northwest corporation." He is also one of the biggest, if not the biggest, individual In the general fruit Market T- KrAra1rivA Affair With 1 trade of the United States. He operates several fruit auction companies In tne mv&c 11 opecuauTe AHir, IVtui l . . n1. h,vv tVl. Kann trade. In fact, ha ! tha on Many Dealers Incline!! ,t Boost individual that the United Fruit company is said to fear In the banana game. As soon as the war is over and ships again become more plentiful, it Is likely. to Aid Themselves Government Contract Bald to Be Awarded. that Mr. DeGiorglo will ship bananas to this coast from his plantations and use Pacific northwest fruit as a return cargo, possiDiy to nairope. One or tne DlX thlnsrs that the Karl fruit company or inc novmwesx nas promised It will burM the largest individual cold storage plant for fruits In this section of the country. Two storage houses of 600 cars will be con' ,. . . ,h. I striicted ; one at Yakima and the other at Wenatchee. inters. F. V. Martin, th district field manaff above wnat tbey caa actuallT Mcare lor tbalr interests buying prunes and other fruits In the northwest for many years. For nr.rtf Ishai wo. a. a- .--- I Ul 1U&IIU. xu ai inox ia apc - .. T . T,Tharn , tha Rnolcan. eountrv will ba reneral minanr wim itv uiumui.B - 1 of the company. and ck sod twine furnUhed. paid for e-1 Wllmer Siee. for some time sales manager of the Hood River Apple Growers' ut m,ii. t h nrni there r I association, will be sales manager of the company. Mr. Sieg. with a salary of k. r..w m th buTtn war and 110.000 a vear. will be one of the hlsrnest priced fruit salesmen in tne country. thU is eauala- muca coocera to th gancrai 1 ine company win maxe its neaoqnaners at epoaane. trade ! District offices will be established with men in charge at Medford, North The bit-beat price bring paid for potato Taxi ma, Wenatchee, Milton-Walla Walla, Twin Fall ana two outer points la at other points la t.J per cental ror -i iwdu lctd quality. Quit fair stocks were pur- tbaaad at ula price auric a isat JJ noura, altfeoodi faw of the bajrtr are willing to -confirm socb Information. The fact of tb a:tter is that bartra are paying the conn try abont averr rent tha market will atand for potato at this rim and seme are actually paring more. It to atatad that a California dealer who secured a big government contract for potatoe. la- sow la ta city ana t&is may eus SPECULATION IS SAID TO BE CAUSE OF THE TIMBER TRADE LOSS Instability of .the Market, Reports to Government Forest Service Is Responsible . for Much of the Troubles of the Industry. i Eggs Demoralized; Eedeipts Heavy m Front St. Markets farther nnheaval of values. Oanaraur aneaklnc. the market is a specu lative affair. Moat ef the dealer pnrchaaed supplies aome time ago when values were rack lower, ror that reaaoa tney are in clined to "booat" ralua. Sales of Candled Made Down to 34c Dozen Case Count at 82c to 33c as Top. TEAL MARKET IS WEAKER Market for cc is again weaker and lower Market for country killed calve ia weaker Atroil or c"tle atock are anown at and aome coneefona are shown in the price. I Me a down, which mean not al'ore 823 Crlea of beat calvea were ahown along the for CU(I or cul.rcnt recelDta. COUNTRY HOGS ARE FIRMER may be aald to be thoroughly demoralized. Coon try killed hogj are ahowing a flrmei " w " --" "l inr, tha vhoiul war with the lui-1 ecgs down at thla time. Hoppiy ana oemana proved price and demand for lWeatock. While ea the factor and generally rales the trad the bulk of aale are auown at lavfcc im i wurr r tooa. tha trend of the trade la better I aeceipie or egga aiong tne aireei are uaiiy UniUIa DlkliUi.u Dwiix nore than Uken care of Salea of onion n the local market are I Some interior demand Is shown, bat buyer verr alow. In fact, the trade here aaa been I there are not paying more than compelled to, filled with eupplle of No. i atoca ana wnow i storage trading axi practicauy ceaea nere Limited Trading in Wheat in Northwest With Price Erratic Situation in Chicago Mixed, With Good Foreign Tone Want State Grain Inspection. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Care- kler cannot secure extreme price tor the I at thla time, practically the only buyers be- lt quality. Market firm In the country. lng the cheaper-priced reataurants. WOOL SELLS AT BIG PRICE COTTON DECLINES FOR What la eW to be the extreme price re ceived for Wlllnmett valley wool la Indicated br tha reported aale of coarae atock of tha Id Id clip at 41c a pound. It Is ctated that the Columbia Basin Yiuol Warehouse company boa made some high priced sales recently." LACK OF BUYING POWER HALIBUT GOES TO RECORD Price of halibut has advanced to the record tn' thla market at ISr a oound for the limited offerlr.ea of fresh atok. There Is also a rreat 16 to 18 points higher. New York, Jan. 24. (I. N. 8.) There was a lack of buying power In cotton at the opening today. Declines of 9 to 16 points wtre recorded at the outaet, with the ex ception of January, which opened 4 point higher. Price at Liverpool were 8 to 9 polnta higher. An advance In the afternoon carried prices Realizing near the scarcity of salmon. On account of the closing cloee caused a alight setback, final prices of the sen sou for shrlmpa December 31, the showing a net advance of 3 to 10 points. ci rket since that Hme has been supplied with cokl storage meat in can. Range of New York prices furnished by BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Chicken market erratic but abont nncha In otire. ' Canby rhubarb eelllng fair at lSe a pound j ror hothouse. Trend of the butter trade contlnuea firm at foil price. French artichokes are higher at fl.001.15 dfcen for fancy. Trade In beans ia very slow because of the extreme prices. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau adviaes: Protect ehlpmenU dcrtng the next 48 hours as far north aa Se at 11 agalnat minimum temperata-ea of about So degrees; northeast to Spokane, 20 degrees; aontbeaat to Boise, 30 degree; aouth to Ash land, 88 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight about 40 degreea. JOBBING PRICES IV PORTLAND Oierbeek X Cooke Co., 210-217 Board of Trade building: Open. High. low. Close. January 1679 1601 1660 10S5 March NWO 1705 1670 1606 May 1698 1724 lti88 1715 July 1691 1722 1687 1712 September 1615 October 1599 182T 1693 1617 December 1604 1634 1604 1624 BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Wheat. Barley, fir. Oats. Hay. Portland. Wed.. 6 2 8 4 Year ago 8 .... 6 .... 1 Season to date.. 3602 138 1001 1605 1600 Year ago S104 1328 1048 813 1478 Tacoma, Tuea... 6 1 13 Year ago 12 2 15 Season to date.. 4782 110 .... 234 1883 Year ago 6676 470 .... 244 1W Seattle, Tuea... 2 .... 9 8 4 Year ago 13 3 18 Seaaon to date.. 3780 365 1020 1006 2645 Year ago 7062 1214 1488 734 3064 Wheat market was rather erratic at Chi eago during' the early trading with aome weak net indicated at the start. Situation la the Pacific northwest trade la rather -quiet, although aome trading la shown in small volume at interior points. The local trade ia making a determined ef fort to secure the passage of the a tat In stectlon grain bill, because It realise that the law will remove aome of the c&nee of the difference of opinion aa to the grading of grain. ! Flour market Is ahowing a ateady tea, bat despite thla some of the mills are aald to be shudlng value. Bruomhall cabled from Liverpool: Liverpool wheat firm with demand good. Ex port offer light. Oat firm, spot demand good: offers light. Provisions strong. Flour strong but dull with sillers' supplies moderate. Argentine weather la generally clear and hot. Freight are strong. Australia Many estimates Indicate yield of wheat of 130,000,000 bus be la, but oar agent as ye 100,000,000 buahela will sot be exceeded. France Wet weather and the situation la bad. Froat and snow is of ntmct Import ance. Demand for foreign wheat la large. United Kingdom Crop la backward with the a c ether unfavorable. FLOUR Selling price: Patent SS.40: W0 1617 lamette valley, $7.90; local straight, $7,604) 8.00; bakers' local. SH.204gg.40; Montana spring, (9.40; export, $7.33; whole wheat, 88.60; graham, 88.40; rye floor, 88.75 pet barrel. HAY Buying price, new crop; Willamette That unstable and partly speculative forest ewnerablp In the weet and sooth is the cease j of frequent over-cutting of the market and waste ef forest resource la announced by the forest service In a report jnat off the government press. Too large stork of timber acquired from the public domain and too much umber specaiatlun mixed with the man factor of lumber, saya the service, underlie the present Instability of the Industry. ill thla. tn service polnta out. coocera the lumber user. Many atatee are paying dearly for lumber because their ewa timber ia need largely up, and outside supplies caa be obtained only at high cost for transporta tion. With little being dose te grow new forests on caterer landi, a more widespread shortage ef forest product to threatened in the future. Th forest aervlc advocates varum forma of open-price cooperation among lumber man ufacturera to aoake th Industry mora era. dent and check wasteful over-production. Bat It la strongly against changes in the present competitive character of the business through combination to control output or regulate prices, even though advocated la tha name of conservation. The report contain the boiled-down conclu sions of a study of timber ownership and th lumber business, undertaken by the forest service to find out how thla bartnesa aa con ducted today affects forest conservation and the Interests of the million of users of wood In tb United States, and to see whether the public policies for conserving the nation's forest wealth go far enough. It la also sought to help the industry solve the serious prob lems which confront It. Added weight is given to the report by th concurrence In Its pub lication of th federal trade commission, which cooperated with the forest service In the Investigation. The commission, however, reserve its specific conclusions or remedies for a report of lta own to be published later. Th for eat service Hods that the mala prob lem of the lumber Industry haa grown out of the hundred of billion of feet of timber acquired cheaply a lew yeera ago from the public domain. Lumbermen In the west are cirrylng vast quantltiea of timberland beyond all possible needs of their present sawmills and logging camps, widespread speculation during a few years of sudden development cxrrled timber value very high, and many western atumpage holdings have been over aanlmliaari The bualneaa of making lumber, any tne re- ! port, haa thua been loaded down with Inveat- ments in timberland. The productive brancn AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago, Jan. 24. 'I. N. & O a 13-ccnt advance shipping bog- sold st $11.50. and Cher were few below $11.00 Supply waa light ever j where. Cattle trad waa strong and) tb steep market had an upward tendency. Omaha Hogs $11.81. Omaha, Jan. 24. (1. N. a.) Csrttl 7406, strong. Beeves, 8T.75OH-10: cow sad belt ers. gS.OOQ8.50: stockera and feeders aa .SO; calve. $8.004212.. nor Receipts 18.VXJ. lOc higher. Mixed ana Dutcner. aiu.iilJJCU; good and rnolct havy, $1140411.25; rough heavy. giOMXa ll.lOr light. $10.5O4J11.10; pig, 58.25ai0.26; bulk. I10.8O4J 11.10. Sheep Receipt 11.800, steady. Yearlings. $10.7O 12.50; wethers, $9.60ei0.50; tombs. $lf .83 tf 14.85. St. Louis Hon flLM. St. Loula, Mo.. Jaa. 24. (I. N. 8.) Cattle Receipt 4300, Including 8O0 oatherns atrong. Native beef ateera, $7JK311.S0; yearl ling steam and belter. $8.00011.60; em, $S.C0eS.50; stockara and ftdr. $6.8038.50. l-aaaa I -Baaaaaaaaaaaaai ear, $6.00014.50; Texaa steer. 83.5068 00: nrtae aoatbar nx steer, S9.00r.uu; beer ecw antf-aelfer. $4-S04J7J0; art yearling and hatfera, $7.6OJ9.00. Hog Receipt 10,000. S4J10 higher. Mixed $11311j$6: good. $11.50011 S; rough, $10.T5 eil-OO; Ught. $10.851 U JO; pig. $a.OOj M JO; balk. $11.004Jil SO. Shop Beeernt 50J, steady. Ewes M-B04J 10 20; yearling, $11.00212.25; lambs. $11.753 MAO. Denver Hoc $11.16. Denver. Jan, 24. (U. V.) Cattle Receipts 8000. Steady. Steer. $7.OCJ10Jk; eowa a ad heifer, $COO2T.7S-. tockers. end feeders. $6.74 29 ?S; calve. $&.00f 10.50. Bogs Receipt sou, atrong to 10 higher. Top. $11.1; balk. 10.9Oeil.0O. Kbeep Receipts zooo, steady. Ewe, $9.00J t.60; tombs, $la-0Ovjl.50. Xsassa Caty Hogs, $11.41. Kansas City. Jaa. 24. I. N. 8.) Cattle Receipt 4000. steady to 10c higher. Steers, $9.00g9.5X; cow and heifer. $0.0010.50: atockers and feeders, $6 00410.23; calvea. $6 e ls-oo. Hogs Receipts 11.000, 15e higher. Top, $11.46; bulk. $10.95811.40; beavlee, $11.0OQ 11.45; medium, $10.95011.40; light, $10.75J 11.2b t fair. Lambe $18.00014.60, w, 94tO 10.25i yeartiags, $100012.80. CUoag Bags HXM Chicago, Jan. 24. (1. N. S.) Hog Re ceipt 43,00, lOOlSe higher. Mixed end batch. $10.00011.48; gmd heavy, $ll.Ht 11.60; rough heavy. 10.S6ttll.13; tight. $16.80 vllJO'.'pIn, $9eiO.30, balk. S11.190U.40. Cattle Receipt 17.U0O. 10 hlgtter. Boevos, $7 K011.90; eow and heifers. 83.00010 63. stock era and feeder. (6.23(1 8. (O; Texana, $7.T 9.90; galve. $11.00jl4.7&. Bheep Receipt 19.000. steady. Natlv and me term. $6.23013.00; lamba, $11.75. 14.40. Seattle Hogs $1L1. Reattto, Jsa. 24-P. N. S.) Be Be eelpta 271. higher. Prim light. $100011.13; mediuni to cbotc. $10.5iOM.79: assoath be vie. $10 0ftjl0J5O; roagh heavy. $9,830 9.90: pigs. $8.6509.90. Cattle Receipt 250 strong. Bt steers. aa ia. i . waIma ik uvaaa va.. - ntou te medium. M.7507.7S; best cows. $7.83 V8.00: common to medium row. eo.Z3Qi.av; hull. 82.754Xl.0lr: ealvoa. S7.25r9S. Sheep Receipts boo, strong. I is be, 89.T8 O104W; wethers, $8JK19.00; ' ewe. $6JOCJ 8.00. ' Money Whd ExchRnge. New York. Ja 2a. U. P.) Money I call SU nor cent: six xooaths. 8 per cost: sseo uuwmy uvuiya qvw, icmtij . quality plain CF Q ilia pmpax, on par wa. mi un, 87 S-ldi bar aiivac. Xow York. Mlmtt aessasd Sterling $t.7S $-16. - - ; . - 1 -ssxw J POTATOES ALONG THE COAST WmXOm KarWt, - . SemttSe, Wash.. Jan. 24. ftT. P.) 0i a Orsgoaa, c: Yakima. . 44t; AsatraUaw brawn. SMttci Spanish, caa. $1.76; beiW lag. do, i-otaneWhrt - Rivet, $43046; j Taxima Oema. $56: locaJa, $44. Las Angels lUrasi. Ltt Aar, Jaa. tt. (P. K. .) Pota. to), northern. $X96S16: Loaopee, $X23 local. 82.eoejg.86: oreao rVarkaoka. $2,664 B.7S: Idaho P.eaaet. $3.0008.10; seed pota to. Early Bos. $3 00; Whit Bom. $2.85; Aaxrleaa Woadrr. $3J; aweeta. $3.8604.00 ewu, $1.35 bag. aa rrsnelse Market. - ' Ras Praacfses, Jaa. 24. D. P. V River. $2.4002.60 pea? eewtal for choar ea wnartj Stol brands $2.T: SaJUa IIIOW. wet potaaaee, cellar srk. $X2ft a th treet aad $3 ex car: Orogoa Rwrbaaks, $XB0J 2.63; Wataonvttl. 82.40O2.6; Tskla 0ms, ga. 4002.50. Oiihms rsllf "- $ trass tie Icaj kooe aad $4.00(2. BO oa th tret. Clearings: Monday . . . Tuesday . . Wednesday Clearinga . Balance Clearing Balances . . Portland Bank. This week. Tesr ago. $ 2,676.294.82 $ 1.9'28.280.T3 3. 127.854 48 .61,920.08 2,090.711.40 1,711,598.51 Taooraa Banks. i $ 838.647.00 70,322.00 Seattle Bank. valley timothy, fancy. $17.00: eastern Ore suaira, i7.uo; 1 1dabo fancy timothy. $22.50 alley vetcn, tis.uu; 12.00. valley vetch, $18 These prices are theae at which wholesaler .sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated. Dairy Produce. BUTTER Creamery prtnta. In parafln wrappers, extras, 89c; prime firsts. 37c; firsts, 86Hc; cubes, lc less; cartons, lc advance. BUTTKRFAT Portland delivery No. 1 socr cienm, 88c; No. 2, J9c. EGG -Selling price: Caae count, 82633c. buying price, ii'2r; selling price, csndled, Mc; selected. In cartons. 85c: 'April storage. 30c. 1.IVB POULTRY Hens heavy Plymouth . P.ocks. 17lSr: ordinary chickens, 16iilOU,e, strgs 14c; broilers, uuder V Ins., 2i c; turkeys, 20c; dressed, fancy, 242&c; culls, 18&20c; iitabs, $2 dosea; treeee, live, 12jl3c lb.; Pekln duck, yonng, 18c lb.; Indian Kunner. young. 19c; old duck, lSo lb.; pigeons, $1.00 d en. CHEE8E Selling price: fresh Oregon fsncv full cresm triplets . 21c; Young Amerlcs, 23c. price to jobbers: Flats. 20c; Young America, 21i. f . o, b.; cream brick. 27g28c; Umburger, 226c; block Kwlso. 3433c. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, FRESH FRUIT'S Oranges, navel, $2,000 2.76 per box: bsnauas. 6c per ib.; lemons. 3.00.75; California grapefruit, 2. 25 a 2. 50; Florida, $4.20(5.00; pears. $1.5U1.75. BEURIE8 Huckleberries ( ); crsnberrles, local. $3.00 per box; eastern, $9.00&K per barret' APPLES Local. 40c S $1.75. according to .$ 2,670.900.00 456,958.00 San Francisco Banks, Clearings $12,814,717.00 Los Angeles Bank. Clearings .$5,768,765.00 American Cash Wheat. May. July. Duluth 186 I!; Winnipeg 184V, . 1S1H Minneapolis lStlV, 180 Kansas City lS0)s 149V4 yew York Sugar and Coffee. New "York, Jan. 24. (U. P.) Coffee Spot No. 7 Ilin. 10c; No. 4 Santo. 10?,c. Sugar Centrifugal. $3.27. GRAIN SACKS 1916. nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta, lmollfte la car lota; less amounts aro higher. MILLS TUFFS SelHnt nrlce: Bran. S2&A0: tort, $30.50. K(ILLKI) OATS $7.5O8.00 per barrcL KOLLKD BARLEY $41.00042.00 per ton. With the exception of th September option. which was aharply higher, the Chicago market for wheat showed little change at th close. Portland Merchant Exchange bids for Jan uary wheat were 1 to 2c advanced. January oata were nncbanged. A sale ef 200 tons January waa made at $36.00. January barley bids lost 60c a ton during the ealon. Merchant Exchange January bids: WHRAT. Wad Tue. Moa. 1917 1916 1917 duality. ONIONS No. 1. $5.50; No. 2. $3.50-34 00 EARL FRUIT COMPANY TO BE 616 FACTOR New Organization Secures Prominent Men to Tako Charge in the Northwest. A big new fruit concern has been organised here and will be known aa tne Earl - Fruit Company of Ihe xsorthwest. The organization includes mree ui uie Deai Known and most euc- OtBSfUl fruit riealtra in tlm nrlh..f Its operation! will extend over all of wregon, wasnington. ldano and Mon tana. Joseph De Giorgio, president of the karl 1-ruit company of California, has been elected president of the new con cern. He haa associated with him F. V. Martin as district field manager . P. A. Pernhain as general manager and w mum- sieg as general Sales maiia Ker. Mr. Martin, who is probably one of the best known fruit men in the north west, is now making the rounds of the territory to be embraced by the new concern, and acquainting . himself with all details of the industry. P. A Pernham. am a-anernl inunar of the company, will make his head quarters in Spokane. He Is now on His way to attend the Western Fruit Jobbers convention which will take plac in New Orleans January 29. 39 and 31. At the close of th session there he is expected to come to the northwest to mak arrangements vi iu iniuui vi uuiuiea lor wi4 new company. Wilmer gleg -will assume his duties as general sales manager for the new company as soon as he can arrange to De reliever! frflm tlto nrcDAn nnelttAn It is generally concedea by the big men in the fruit business that Mr. Giorgio, president of the Earl Fruit j-ompany pi ui xvortnwest, by bring ing this trio into his company, ' hart assured himself of the same complete success that has attended all his pre vious operations. Wherever Mr. Qlor. flo and his associates have operaieu heir success has reflected upon t"i growers for the general prosperity of th . country. Business of th is Fruit company has i always meant better ' returns , for the growers, and what these men have done for fruit growing- communities elsewhere . they v propose to do for producers of - the northwest. y ,y , tr er cental; aiaociitlon aelKng price at coun r point, per cental. POTATOES Selling price: New $2.oot2.lo; aweeu. No. r price: New local. $2.25 2.50. Buying price: Ordinary ahlpplng, $1.73 1.90: fancy VKtjh,! ABUKS Turnips, Sl.O0fifl.75 aack carrot. $1.00; parsnips, $1.25; Oregon cab base $4.50 cwt. ; creen onion. 2&c doaen bori'bea; DeoDera. 20 lb.: bead lettuce. S2.50 crate; celery, $5.U0i5.o0 crate; articnokes. $1 11.10; cucumDera, doaen; tomatoe, allfornla. ( ) erate; est plant. 2oc lb.: tring oeans, iajC 10.; rnuoarD lac lb.; pea IStf'itOe; cauliflower, California $2.50 crate. ateata, r is ana irroriauma. DRESSED MEATS Selllna- nric. Oonntrv killed b6t hog. I31bic; poor i0$jl2c; beat veala, 14fijl4c; ordinary, 13(itl3(C; heavy, 3 0i9c; poor, it; goat, 4c lamb, 104J17C; mutton lift 13c: beef. 4Zc ib. SMOKED MEATb Hama. 2124c per in. ; ueuiui oacuu. mikuoic: picnics. MViC: cot tage roll. 17c; abort clear, l?ftc19c; Ore kon export, rmoaea, zuc 10. LAUD Kettle rendered ttercta. lBUc: ctandard, 19c; lard compound. 16 c. OY3TEBS Olympla, gallon, $3.50; canned eastern, 00c; o.jhi aoeo; eastern la abell $1.80 per 100; raaor clam I): eastern oya ters, per gallun, aolld pack. $2.73. KISH Dressed flounder. 7c: ailveralde, sal' mm i 1 ateel had. littliv. iw.r,.h lobetera, ( ); allver amelt, 9c; aalmon trout! per iu. , aauuuL, jioiuoc; sturgeon, 13c Oluuioia feneii. unc CRABS Large, $2.00; medium, $1.50 doaen nerring, oc; uiaca coo, vc id. Groceries. 6CGAR Cube. $8.10; nowdeiud. $7.95; fruit or berry, $7.35; Honolulu. $7.30; beet, $7.15; dry granulated, $7.55; U yellow, ttt.75. Abov-3 uuoiauone are w uays net caan. I,i,VBlV V 1 t. fU - SICE Janan style. No. 2. 4Kc: Km n lean head. k4i6V,c: bine roae. I.XLe eva.i.x umric, uu grounds, iwt si J ner iuu , vw. fii.ivi v 'i, j vMa a i n.iAi : luua $15 50; bales. $2.25; fancy table and dairy $22.00: lump rock. $20.00 too. b Bmau. wuite. uc; larre white. cheat, $13.00; clover. of tha Indnatrv haa haen Interlocked too laree- I ly with apeculatlona m lta raw material; and instead of Undine on its own feet aa a man ufacturing business, has tended to be the tail of tb dog, made frequently to serv the exi gencies of timber speculation. According to the report, pressure from an overload of Um ber 1 the first caus of th general Insta bility of the industry. For one U.lng, It ba led to building mills beyocd tb demand for their product. At least a third of the saw are now Idle. On the other band, tb forest servle re ports that aoclal and economic change in the United State ar reducing its proportionate use of lumber. Uae taken over by other structural materials within tha last 10 year ar estimated at one fifth of tb prevent yearly cat of lumber, and tn tb asm pe riod the per capita conaunrpttao of lnmbet seems to have pasaed Its peak and dropped nearly on fourth. Caua-bt with It burden of timberland en the one hand and thee change tn the country's j cs of wood on th other, th bomber industry, ' tbo report polnta out, ba been between an 1 upper and nether mlUaton. 'in cejmblned , result is an Ill-adjustment of lumber prods-1 tlon to market requirements, with frequent. ahpoat chronic overproduction. Up and down i have been th role with moat manufacturer tn the west and aouth. Occasional years of bin earnings have been followed by uanally longer periods of email profit or me. Tne latter reached their climax In 1914 and 1915, al though 191$ brought somewhat better condi tions. In the regions studied by tbe forest service. it found that lumber production, with local ex ceptions u competitive, a rule keenly so. Competition becomes still more vigorous in Its straggle between different regions in selling lumber in the main consuming marcst oi th country. Blueatem l&n 1134 Fortyfold 163 108 Club ltt ln Bed Bnaaian 158 108 OATS. Feed 8850 2750 BARLEY. Feed 3900 2923 Futures were quoted: WHEAT. February blueatem March blueatem February fortyfold , March fortyfold February club March club February Ruaaiaa March Russian FEED OATS. February March FEED BARLEY. February 1S 182 100 157 IRS 165 13 100 8C50 $50 8950 4000 Bid .. lftd .. 167 .. 163 .. 164 .. 162 .. 163 .. 158 .. 158 ..BfH) . .3700 ..3000 March 8900 DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Xarkat. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 24. (U. P.) Batter .auve waanington creamery- cube, 39c; do. ones, uc; storage cubes, 36c; do. brick. 38c. Egg Select ranch, 38c. Cheese Oregon triplet, 12c; Wisconsin trip- nria, uu. twins, zocs louag America, Joe San rraneUoo Market. San Francisco, Jan. 24, (U. P.) Butter Extras, 87c; prime flrats, S6e; firsts, 85Hc Egg Extras. 3244c; pullets. 3le. Cheese California fancy, 18c; flrats, ITc Oregon triplets, fancy, 19 He In Angelas Xarkat. Los Angeles. Jan. 24. (P. N. 8.) Eggs Caae count, 82 He. Better Freeh extra, 7c. When writing to or calling on advertiser pletse mention Tb Journal. (Adv.) 9c; bayou, oc; BEAN 104 Pink. 84c; limaa, red. tKc jieps, wo 51 ana Hides, HOPS Nominal, buylrar price. 11 nn oidlnary, 5&6c; (elected. 7ft8c lb. WOOL 1910 cup: Willamette valley coarse CtUwold, 33c; mediuni SJiropshu-k., 4c; fine, 22c, eastern Oregon ttuple, 2025 per lb. wsrse and medium, -k(Q'S2c lb. ' HIDBtJ Salted itldba, 25 lbs. and up 18c aahed stafi. 50 lbs. and up, 14c; green ani aalted kip, 15 to 25 lb., 18e; green and aalted calf skins op to 15 lbs., 28c; green hides, 23 lb, and op. 17c; green staga. 60 lbs. and up, 12c; dry hides, Sir: dry salt hifea, 25c; dry horse bide $1.0002.50: Bait huw bid, $3.00S5.U; horsehair; 30c: dry long wool pelts, 24c: dry abort wool naita 17c; dry afaeep ahearlinga, each 10Q25c; aalted irep umriup. cam jvwaoc; aaltrd long wool' pelts, each, $t.502.6O; salted short wool pelts, eaca, otigi.uo. TALLOW No. 1, 8Vc; No. 2, Se; grease, c PCH1TTIM OB OASCARA BARK Buying price, per car lots, 64c per lb. MOHAIR 1916. 85&45C. SISAL Dark, lie; white. 15c lb. Paints and Oils. COAL OIL Wktar white la drums and iron barrel, 10c LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla.. $1.08 gaUon ketUe boiled, barrels, $1.10; raw, cases $1.13; boiled, caae. fl.lZ gallon; ku of 250 gallons le less. ' TERPENTINE Tanks. 7ci case 72c raL WHITE LEAD Tin kto. hiTlV: 600 IU tot, 1134c; leas lot, HViC lb. . : GA60UNE Baal price, 21 He gallon;. Ala ttllate, lOHe ganon.' . '"rT ""' - Seed, Baying IMos, '. CLOVEB Bed. 14o; eistle, 15 -Ja: -S TIMOTHY 4He; domestic rye grass, Vi4ci vetcb Vi33e; octon, 54. f JT San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, Jan. 24. Barley calki: Jan, 24 Jan. 23 Open- Clone. Cloee. VJ 223 22S Barley salea. 900 tons May. Spot qnotatlons: Wheat Walla WaTla. key red. $3. 0038.10: blueatem, $ ,0d-B''ley. $2J2H2J23; white oats. $2.ooBM.50: middlings. $37.0038.00: ahorta, $30,004)31.00 Foreign Government Short Term Secured Loans 4) offer remarkable invest- ment ojortunities. We are devoting a large amountt of. capital to this branch of our business. a We Invite Inquiry Lambennens Trust Company Capital and Surplus $600,000 Lumbermen Building Portland, Or. First National Bank Building San Francisco Short Term Investments We recommend the Foreign Government' Se cured Loan Gold Notes now on the market as a safe, profitable and convertible investment. Detailed information furnished upon request. MORRIS BROS., Inc. Railway Exchange Building $250,000,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR SVz SECURED LOAN CONVERTIBLE GOLD NOTES Dated February 1, 1917 ' Interest Payable February 1 and Angvut 2 $100,000,000 One-Year Nofet, Due February 1, 1918 $150,000,000 Two-Year Notes, Due February 1, 1919 Principal and Interest Payable at the Office of J. P. Morgan & Co. Coavertible upon notice, at the option of the holder, at any time before maturity, or (rf called for earlier redemption) at my tim until and including tbe djite of such redemption Into twenty-year S4 bonds of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, payable February 1, 1937, and not subject to prior redemption. Principal and Interest of the notes, and of the bonds into which tier may be converted. Is to be payable, without redaction for British taxes, present or future, in New York in United States gold coin, or at the option of the bolder, in London in Sterling at the fixed rate of 4.864 to the pound. Coupon notes in denominations of $1000, $6000 and $10,000 , Redeemable at the option of the Government, in whole or in part, on thirty (30) days' notice as follows: One-Year Notes Two-Year Notes From February 1, 1917, to January 31, 1918 101 and interest 102 and interest From February 1, 1918, to January 31, 1919 101 and interest The notes are to be secured by pledge with Bankers Trust Company, New York, undera pledge agreement exe cuted by the Government, of securities approved by J. P. Morgan & Co., of an aggregate value of not less than $300,000,000, calculated on the basis of the then prevailing markets. Sterling securities being valued in dollars at the prevailing rate of exchange, via : Group I. Stocks, bonds and or other securities of American municipalities and corpora tions and of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and bonds and or other ob ligations (either as maker or guarantor) of the government of the Dominion of Can- ada, the Colony of Newfoundland and or Provinces of the Dominion of Canada and or approved Canadian municipalities: Aggregate value not less than $150,000,000 (Of the foregoing there will be somewhat over $100,000,000 in value in the securities of t municipalities and corporations of the United States and of Canadian Pacific Railway " Company). Group II. Bonds and or other obligations (either as maker or guarantor) of any or all of the several following Governments, to wit: Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Common wealth of Australia, Egypt, Japan, New Zealand and Union of South Africa, and or bonds and or other obligations of approved railways in Argentina and J or of , the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, and or approximately $25,000,000 Value in bonds and or other obligations of dividend-paying British railway compa nies: Aggregate value not less than $150,000,000 j T Total $300,000,000 Pending the antral and deposit of definitive securities is above, the Government Is to denosit (emnnrarilv with the trt company either approved New York Stock Exchange collateral or cash. If the pledged securities depreciate in value, the Government Is to deposit additional securities to maintain the 20 margin. The Government is to reserve the right from time to time to sell for cash any of the pledged securities, the proceeds of sale to be applied to the retirement of notes by puchase redemption by lot Upon the retirement of the one-year notes or upon' reduction of the amount of notes outstanding, through conversion, t f.vKW'v"1"" aiuvuiaa ji tunaierw may oc wimorawn approximately raiaDiy irom eacn class. j The Government also from time to time may make substitution of securities, but such substitutions are not to vary the then relative amounts in value of the groups. All substitutions, withdrawals and valuations of securities are to be approved by j ' J. P. Morgan & Co. " . " , This offering is made subject to the approval by our Counsel of necessary formalities. - . . WE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AS FOLLOWS: Trie One-year notes at 99.52 and interest, yielding 6 per cent The Two-Year notes at 99.07 and interest, yielding 6 per cent Subscription books will be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co. at 10 o'clock A. M, January 24, 1917, and will be closed at 10 o'clock A. M., January 31, 1917, or earlier, in their discretion.; THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY AND ALL APPLICATIONS, AND ALSO, IN ANY, EVENT, TO AWARD A SMALLER AMOUNT THAN APPLIED FOR. AMOUNTS DUE ON ALLOTMENTS WILL BE PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF T. P. MORGAN & CO. li an c vv xuiJ. r u-wua, iu lri.lK UKDliK, AiSU ltifc. DATE Oh rAYMtwI WILL . BE GIVEN IN THE NOTICES OF ALLOTMENT. t .A. --. m Temporary certificates will be delivered pending the preparation of the definitive notes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK New York City J. P. MORGAN & CO. HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK NATIONAL CITY COMPANY New York CKy Chicago. 1 J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO. LAZARD FRERES WIVt A. READ & C0.: 4 LEE, HIGGINSON & CO. WHITE, WELD & CO. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KISSEL, KINNICUTT & CO. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK BANKERS TRUST COMPANY FARMERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY New York City New York City CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS HALSEY, STUART & CO. Chicago Chicago CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK . ; - MARINE NATIONAL BANK Chicago UNION TRUST rOMPANY A PitUburg. MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY . v:--i ; . -;St. Louis . Buffalo FIRST AND OLD DETROIT NATIONAL BANK . Detroit ...... J9-!-.,-'-- ,';': -