THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,- SUNDAY .MORNING, JANUARY 21. 1917. 7 - Mr"-' . ) Japanese Finds He ; Is Regarded Highly BanU Rosa, CaJan. JO. P. N. 8.) -The unique distinction of reading hi Wn obituary baa just been enjoyed by Prince Kanai . Nagaaawa, of Foun tain Grove, and ha knows now Juat what hi countrymen la Japan think of hlni. . The prince waa recently attacked by appendicitis and an operation waa per formed. A report reached Japan that he had died .and Toklo newspaper printed half page eulogies of him, ac companied by bis picture. He was highly praised In these accounts of bis "death." Tba prince, who la recover NEW TOPAT NEW TODAY nnrrrxs jn noumi th ivx ftffaii was u. mask. RRSW AUtrnoN sale ttl ttirt st. razor buses nuimra EAT til rasars itirnml ell kind. 83 ESTAZ XS .S 1893 SQc per m, I4SH V, at., near Mortisoa. "VnS KATB BECOTIO TKB TZXT RAHTIiY WntTl KETt! VlVT.1t IKTi 1 KAHOOAHT TJ-9TTTraE, BTJOS, I Monday, 2 p. in. 191 SECOND StREET - rubber gTAn An seals ALSO Bteoetla, Trad Checks, Brass algae. pacific coaar aiiar woku 181 Washington at. Main TIP, A-tTtO. RADKR The roaeral set i lees of Mn. Jeoe- Dhtne Rader to be bald at the eoneervatory chapel of tba East Bid Funeral Directors, 414 Bast Aides- street, aaoar thai atupices oC the bkah relief ooasmlttM. bare beea iioelpouod natll 1:90 p. m. Monday, Jaaaary -i. Slator Beeeka-s, Odd Fallows and friend era invited ta attend. cemetery. BHZZT BtETaX VOEEI aval roota. Jacob Loa- PAIRINU tla and crave H. 810 let at. Pboo Main 1424 ETC. JraOM A FBITATB EOUB , -w bav received several consign-1 theatrical arp kasotera xe poops r w aVT iVAriunTTrra menta of very nice furnltura to ba sold cTCAits rest ot sale, -BXAM AfAJTllEnvtB WiiH . vi ..l. . . ., I tome Houae. 2oa Smdvir. Marahall 147. bTTBTJCXOBTB nOH TZB OWBTXK at thl , Ul you can get almost I . TO 8Z XEX payB ATJC- everything neceasary for modem house- f towel STJPPLt TZOT keeping, including such Items aa Up-1 PORTLAND Laaadry Ca. (or mail, etfiet-t v, .-eei Ing, has received copies of the papers. rit-klatakMal PTa.ri ft ftliltev bbtsmI Vm artf " ON TlIRSnAY NF.YT Chairs and Rocket-, good Dlitfng Chairs I " r- i a am $ e a rrMaa T2 CM. -.Vn.-. aa I Comprising costly mahogany parlor and Brass Beds, good Dressers, Car-1 suite in best quality tapestry, large pets, Rvgs, etc I leatner rocaers, pedistal silver candle- We will also sell S3 Steel Shall, Xot I ShS! ff ttttr.VZZ wt' Ibator, and Broodaw, and aerrtea. Phone Broadway 4J TBAJTSrEB AJfD 8T0KA0B PREPARE FOR WINTER Oregon Transfer, Co. BaUbllabed 1870. Traaafer and torwardlcg A Cants. Bloraga aree Trackaaa. suitable for the Uvlne room. Biaelow .Person inieresrei in cmckens ,8th ,B(J oiiaan. Mam A-44w a J . a.'" . " . 1 akAMl4 VTVl at aV thla ZtnAAttTMl W I . ' J" tom asL H Order fXNtf(s LIBEHTY COAL. ' CAST 029' ! Axminster rues, hall and stair car pets, large French plate mirror, oak reception cnairs, oaK nail stand. SUK anu isca curtains, i ladles' desk and chair, quartersawed oak viz.. Pedistal table, lama china, cab inet, beautiful buffet and set of leather seat chairs, also another suite in plank top table, set of chairs and china cab inet, a large quantity of table linen; the furnishings of four bedrooms aa xouows: iruil size brass bed. two. size brass beds, one white enamel atee bed: the beds are eomDlct with best springs, hair, silk floss and felt mattresses, feather pillows, sheets, slips, spreads, comforts and a lot of towels: the Blrdsey maple plces ara first class as follows: Two Princess dressers with large French elate mir rors, two chiffoniers to match and dressing table and chair, bedroom rock ers and chairs; quarter sawed oak Princess dresser ana chiffonier with French plate .mirrors, center tables, blue Wilton fug, sofa cushions, odd pieces of silverware, teak cabinet, steel range, A. B. C. gas range, cost $6S and was never used kitchen utensils and many other useful lots. should not miss this opportunity. Ik hall stand, allk snipping ana i swring. uorae mm k.VTSffi Wednesday and Friday HS&S dining room suite, ao y- 1 adajid Pine. Broad ay tm. A-l c a p. m. nAcn uay ALWAYS "PICK" TUB BKKT HOUSEHOLD GOUOB BPKCIAUSIS Storasa. Packing. Shipping and Moving. Boraa or Ante Van. E CO. TTPEWRrnK B.&FAXE1XO w w11 ..11 Tr I repair anu u. iji - w. a"vU -Titer Asener. a stars at. alaia sees niture, Carpets, etc. I HaVNUFACTUQELUS S atffiD AUCTION CO. II PA S7.50 per ton in 8-ton lots. 18.00 per ton under 3 toes. Have 25 on your fuel bill. Clean, odorless, easy to handle. Most heat Icr least money. Auctioneers' Note We have tried to do the goods Jus tice in this advertisement but we would advise you to call tomorrow and give them your most careful attention: you will find them worthy and fit for i no Deal nomes. ATJOnOW OW TTTEfSUAY WE XT AT 10 A. M. AT IHB MASOVXO TXBX FIiB BTTTTiTilirO. FOR RENT xhjb xarratB tbYihb ajtj tov noos, Opposite New 8. P. Ticket Office and Over tba circle Theatre. COVTAXaS SOOO SQTAXE TXTBT. Skylights and Zight on Two Sides.' Also other locations In the cen ter retail district suitable for halls, meeting rooms, light roanufatcrulng and display rooms. SWEENY INVESTMENT CO. 8 IS Seknm Bldg 3d aad Wash. Sts. BAB IT ast wrraro BASS 312 KBONT ST. L. SHANK CO, PHONE MAIN ISM) wood rrPE I'OUTLAND WOOD V1PE CO, f actory and office near 24th and York ats. Main 4w B1KKT1NO NOTICES 41 ALSO WT 8HAX.X. 8EU OTTB WBHT1 POX EBTIH WHICH WAS TTJTL. CHASED ZAST CKSISTKAS. taln 229. 24W Washington St. A-2295 BV1BQQ TOE FWuiEHS "UTAH'S BEST COAX." bales Agents Kast 114: B-2343. 31 QRANTJ AVHL East BIOS. B-1592 C. IL Burbott. Mgr. Harrington Transfer &. Fuel Company Coal from $6 to $10.50 per ton del. First-class cord wood. oak. ash and fir. Office and yard 113 9th. cor. K. Taylor. PR WILLIAMS AVE. FUEL CO. f P, Neilson and C. fcJonde, ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall sell furniture, etc.. from eight-room private home. These goods can De seen weanesaay afternoon. AUCTION OK THTJBSTJAT BTBXT AT 10 A. M. Note We pay cash for furnltura or will sell for you on commission. If you contemplate selling or making, change, consult us. 'ROFESSIONAL AND! IU5INE5S DIRECTORY! ACCOBDIOM rLEATIMO UKJdrfU iClll.NU, btittuiLbulea. buttoua covered. accordion, aunburat, aide and box pleating; all work promptly and aatlstactorlly attended o. I. Keubia, tU Alder at., opp. Olda, Wort man A alng. Al'llRDION k'Kll'K AVn HTlX PI.RATlSd HKMSTITCH1NO, BUA1UINQ: BOTTON I niuslc H0LH8, BUTTONS COVKUEU. EASTEKN NOVELTY Ht'J. CO.. KSH 6TU. B'WAV 2waj. K1RKPATRICK COUNCIU 2227, Kniahts and Indies of Security. biu fiike open meeting - next Friday. January 2, 8:30 p. m- abarp. Moose ball. Morrison and Broad war. Cajda. 500, entertainment, danc ing, hoco i uuion musia. Good prises. Come, you will have a rood time. Wanted. 104 new members for grand 26th anniversary meeting February zz, when more than 26.000 new members will be Initiated that night In United States. "You neea us ana vi want you." Phone Mrs. Bchata. Main 4137 Mrs. King. Main 6360. or Dr. Mallory Main 6709 for the best Insurance. Join now. DEATHS AND fcXNERALJ TS lataraaeat ka atooat 8oatt Park ton KALK IIOISES tjfemtlnaedj 01 SCLUVAK la thla city Jan. 18, Aarnata Sal. u Tan. agea as yeara. exeed wire ot uaa 433 Larrabee at., aad Mil to Wiaa of Tacsoa. axi a. Kemaina are at uotnaaa a raaerai par tore aad will ba taken to Kalanu. Wvi. for interrtent. where the funeral aarvlcoa will he bald Monday, Jan. 20. AL'STlTC-Jaiinary SO. Bdamnd A. Anatln, aged aw yeara. ataiovea nuaoena ot Mrs. ir riola Aaatla aad father of Mrs, Grace King, Beavlaw, Wash. ; Char Ira Austin at Pairlawa. Idaho; Bath Anatin. Vslo, Or.: Melyla Anatla, Carltoa, Or.: Xdmand. Frask, Zella, Alvla and Helen Aaatla. Uamalna at DoniOag A Mo en tee' a parlors. CLARK--At the residence. led Belmont St., Jaa. IS. Marr Clark, aaed 44 rears 10 raoa. 23 daya. Beloeed wit of Charlea A. Clark. mends rarited to attend ruorral aeryicea. which wluT be bald at Holiaaa faajifrsl par lors. Third and Balnwa ata.. at Z-.aop. m. to morrow (Monday). Jaa. 22. Interment Blver- Tiew eemeterr. W'AEKH 1 he funeral eerrica of the lata Her I aoaa fredertok Warba. who died at Qaaton. Or., Janaary T, will ba held at tba conservatory chapel of V. S. banning. Inc., Kast Bide Pv aeral Directors, 414 Eaat Alder street. M,onday. aaaaary zz, at s:so p. ra. rneoaa invitao. la- tennent Lone rlr cemetery. 8CHWABAlik At the fr-mllr reetdenee, 44 LJberty St.. Jan. 20. Cecil Alex genwabaoer. aged years S moa. IS days. Belored ana of ana Aire. A lax genwanaoer. uamaiaa wiu Laurelhurst'Home Located In the center of Laureihurat at 1677 Eaat Davis, about half way be tween carl la a and. para. House has 7 - rooms and leaping porch, hot water . baaUng system and many other fin - features. Lot 10x109. , , Will aau 4 raa bar gain and easy term. Ap ply at Ladd Estate Company Concord Building. Second and Stark. FOB 8AX HOUSES CI T ROOM bouaa, lot 9xla good fralt trees, hard surface treat. 91 .DI VISION ST. Lot 40x160, 6 room bras. fan t se men t, fmtt and berrlea. 1141 S. till ST. NORTH. t Both Snaps. Look at Today. A. W. Lambert & Son, 404 Eaat Alder BU Cor. Orand Avenue. ROOM cottars. Larg cement basement. Waah trays. Cab inet kitchen. Large cloaets In bedrooms. Up-to-date bath. Large linen closet. On large lot. Thla place can be had on email and easy payments. See agent one block north of Wood lawn school on Union are. The Brong Co. 267 Oak st. 6 ROOMS AND 104x96 Feet 280O. ROSE CITY OR BEAUMONT C!AR This Is a good Investment, and will h fmiiiiui . th. iini.,. rmwi,kiii r I make a rooa noma In tno meantlma. 1 aionoay morning on tfae a r, a. tk iram iv i umiwui kuu uoibi uu iul iior; up- Salem, Or., fur interment. BOOKD 1 stairs. 2 rooms that have never bean thla city Jaa. l. at his late , "niy a Dipcka to car. Jn bouse residence. M7 10th at.. Paul Campbell moaam, naving Mam ceuinga ana Boord. aged 28 years. The funeral aerrirea Paneled dining room, fireplace Dutch will be held Monday, Jan. 22, at 2:30 'clock I kitchen, light fixtures and ahade. also p. m. at tea realdaoca estaoushmeat ot j. i crmm casement ana isunary trays. P. riniey A Son. Mootromery at 6th. rtleads I Ilickman-Wllaon, 46th and Sandy road. inTireo. semcea at UL ecotl rars crema- i i aror agog, luriuin pnTate. TURNER In thla city Jaa. 17, at hla lata Forced Sale West. Side I room bungalow, built foxhoma. construction and material Is very best. weu located. lot exie, nice lawn, flowera. roses, abrubberv. barrlea. 7 assorted fruit trees, 1 block to car. 2 to new scnooi. away neiow value at $1000. Very good terms. The Oregon Home Builders 1930 Northwestern Bank bldg. afed 67 years. Tbl funeral aervlcea will be I $3100 borne for $1950; cost 13300: to held Tneeday. Jan. 23. at 2:30 o'clock p. n, stva foreclosure, will taka 319S0: 1450 at the residence establishment of J. P. Flo-1 cash will handle: balance long aa ley Bon. Montgomtiy at rth. Frtenda in- wanted, a genuine sacrifice; modern, ylred. Interment at Rose CUy cemetery. t rooms, sleeping porch and conserva BOUON January 10. Mrs. Loo Bohon, aged I tory. full cement basement, furnace. 74 yaara. Funeral will take place from I waah trays, etc, 10x100. nice homes Dunning McEntee'e chapel Mohday. Jaa. adjoining. (B. N.) Main 1189, 232 Tf.v . - ' ,,' " ' Luamoer or commerce. 15th and Davie sueeta, where maas will ba I ' offered at 8:16 a. m. Frlenda lavltad. Ia tetment Mt.lCa'lvary cemetery. Ula. $3300 MODERN 9 room hooaa. Bean mont; Improved streets; property cost $5500. $300 cash, balaao ta suit you, 7. ezcoQ, z lots, room bouse. Bear Ladd s add.;, sold 2 years ago for 64Z60- (loo cash. $3600. 8 room modern buna-alow. en El 10th st.. N.; sold short time ago for $5000, $500 cash, balance) to suit you. Some very good acreage and farms near city st bargain, on terms. Owner Kast 1305 Ar Main 1940. BUNGALOW Built by architect aad cost owner $3600; located at No. 667 E. 64th st, N lust north of Sandy blvd.; contains 7 rooms, furnace, hard wood floors, fireplace, etc.; owner anx ious to aeu ana will take izsbo. W. A. BARNES. 607-6 Henry bldg. Main 212$ BECKER Tba funeral services of Mrs, nle Backer will be held from Park Baptlat church Monday p. m. 1'rl nils ara tnrlted. lumbla cemetery. Remains Zeller Co. 'a parlors. Special - room house, good condition, lot cnicxen nouse ana ill be aold at ould be cheap at If i5! UMTL"tlti 0xl36, fruit trees, chicl ir" '"ernnt'W! A S?r '"""ALuTa1 is are at A. B- Terma. Would $2500. BEE A. R. JOHNSON dance Monday eve Jan. 22. M. W. A. hall, S. E. cor. 11th and Burnside, Eureka Coun WASMBUHJi in una city Jan. is. aieivin i. xi r I I r j .Washburn, aged 51 years, raneral eervlra no UreSOn MOmS DU mefS arrtaking par-1 , ' ALBE RTA DISTRICT. Owing to death in family, yon can tuy a $1700 home for 61460 on 11th st , rear Alberta: thla is a modern 6 room bungalow and corner lot, street work all paid for. Fred W. German Co 733 t nam ber of Commerce. SO U T 11 PORTLAND. $1900. For 6 room modern bungalow, eom rletely furnished, on raved street tearing fruit trees, close to carllne and Jitneys; former price $3000. $100 cash. balance monthly. Fred W. German Co. .12 Cham, of Com. AC11EACB t Com tinned) ST . - For Sale ; j Crroice 10 Acre Tract 4 1 I acre under cult. -2 acres la 4 . bearing orchard. Housa. barn, . -t chicaen houses. This place la about 2 H miles from Gladstone ' on Oregon City carl in a On mall aad cream route, and can be bought for $2000 on very liberal raymenta. It is about 14 miles . rom Portland. 10 acres, all under eult,fened ' and cross fenced. 4 aero of or- chard Just commencing to bear. 7 room house, barn and other bnildtaga Buildings all in good repair. It la a complete home. . - Personal property: 3 cows, 60 chickens. pigs, all aecoaaary -ioola. all household furniture. All can be bought tor $6900. : . $1000 cash, balance at 6. Thla flace adjoining good llttlo towm n the Willamette valley, a boat :' 19 miles from Portland, : Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 41$ Cham, at Com. bldg. CHEAP ACRKAOH. t acrea. 350: $10 down. $$ per month buys i acres of land betweart Portland ano ueniraiia on ma miki line of rauroaae, ih mues irom a town ot $00 population, sawmills and shmglo milla. Some of thla land is partly cleared; running streama. aafa bottom and some bench. Some ot this land la good onion land, can-girt you any kind of a piece you want. , an1 10 ara tracts at Cla taka nle. Ciatskanla lies half way between Pori- land and Astoria, ciataxanie nas a population of 1000. cheese factory, cannery and creamery. Lies 1 mile from town; from $3$ to $60 per acrr; $2 per acre down. $1 per acre par moma, BELL REAL E8TATS CO.. - ' $16 Railway Exchange Bldg. - will be held at P. U Lrch undertaking par lors, Eaat 11th and Clay ata., bundy. p. in. rrlends tnritta. t 1 K. STEPUAN Hemstitching, acourolon, able and sunburst pleating, buttons covered; goods apongea. scalloping, nttock uik. u way iwu. AOATB OXTTTZBS M, 1874. Mfa. lewelers. Kxpert watchmakera. MlUer'a, 43V Wash., bet. B way and Park. AMBBOSB Anthony Ambrose, Willamette ri Cll No. 204, Knights and KE.NNraiV Napoleon fa. Kennedy, 464 . Ladles Of Security, of Couch at.. Jan. IT, 83 yeara. willily. which Captain Dean C OADEH Joevphlne Radcr, 2170 Clackamas at. Stanley and degree ataff Jan. 18, as years, sortlic inaofticiency. have chaj-are Oood union BONETTI Charles Booettl. Uood Bamarltaa. Admission 25c. I Jan. 17, 07 yeara. nopbrltla chronic. . . . t . , , . I MI.AOGHLIX Clara M MiLaucbUn. 1091 B HOMESTEAD NO. 4i. I 8TijjvAx August Sulliaa, 8t. Vincent's . A. X., meets every I hosnltal. Jan. la. 62 rears, diabetic coma. nrUTZ John N. Bchuta. 1111 Patton aTa., Jan. 19. 74 yers, dlabrtea mellltua. 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. $2550 6 IIM. BUNGALOW GARAOE Kose City car. Hee it today. Liv ing and dining; room, hardwood floors and papered. Elegant kitchen with bulltln effects. Full cement base ment and furnace. All rooms on. one floor. N ill make good terms. Brand new and big value. Hickman A Wil- son, 46th and Sandy. Tabor 6M6. C-2121 1 v. Thursday evenlna: In the I scirUTZ John N. aioose nau, S4v aior- BLAJTKBOOX MAKES 8 IlAVIS A liOLMAN. lnc rlson street Visitors wei coma. FRANCIS FTtT. Box 11, Waluga, Or., Correspondent. Home Phone. Oswego 421 FLORISTS PORTLAND TENT NO. book maoufacturera. 109 2d at. Blank- agenta fur Jonea la CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison at Main or A-1605. Fine flowers and l. aialaja- i noral designs. No branch atores. FOR HALE New, modern. 7 room house witn araraee. an complete' hardwood floora, linoleum In kitchen and Dam, screens on an winoows ana doors. First class furnace. Will sell at bargain. See owner at 966 E. Irving at. Take Monta villa or Rose City Pari, car. FOR BALE 4 room modern furnished cottage. 1 block from carllne. bath. beaement, gaa. cement sidewalks. I.AKC.K HOUSEL $L$00. I lots, flowers, fruit, one block to car. 20 minutes out; worth double the money and on easy terras. Best buy in Portland. BADLKY. 621 Toon bldg. Main 431. - WOODLAWN HOUSE. $1,160. 4 rooms. Lawn, flowers, one block good school and two car lines; fine location and nice home for half price ana easy terms, BADLKY. 621 Teon bldg. $3800 Going east; must sell furnished nome. zan and Alder. 1'aved sts.. 2 fireplaces, white ensmel finish, maho gany furniture. $500 piano. Rich 5 Acres . ;': 5 Miles Out Price $1$$0; spring will aoon . be calling you and you will want . some nice, rteh, mellow loam soil to work In. Here It Is aad only A miles from city limits of. Portland, on eaat side,' a t aoro tract, all las cultivation, and lie ' perfectly; 3 room house, fonoed v with woven wire. Price only : $1350. $500 will handle. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th st. rhoneBdwy. 42IL atT. HELENS FAR Mat. New unit Just being platted. Oood .1. I rrm t . .n K.1 f .r rauttlsa Ihaa aiar. place, move right in. Chas. RlngUr A I Low prices, easy terms, choicest lands Co.. 228 Henry bldg. I on the Columbia river. Fine view of tno mountains ana river ieei i 6 ROOM concrete block house, full basement, concrete porches, modern. permanent: sacrifice. $2600. Take Helens, the county seat, bast ot trans portation facilities; rail, water and WE SELL AT RETAIL' In our annmr n A tnlnl n w mti inrtlnn rooms we Bell new and second hand PlOT,ei Ldfr,-,.e w S"-!" thelr haU. 409 Alder st. There will for au occasions artistically arranged, trade his snd lot In Westmoreland, goods at all times for cash. . rek. Leaf. -aiH3. Main 183. t, two IS hand games. 6 .carda In AsCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO 1U value $1000. for . 6 room . bungalow. . "ff vTlVwe--i-5 "i.K'.e MARTIN A FOKBE3 CO., florlsts78M street improvements paid, corner lot dance Thursday evening. January 25, Wash. Main 29, A-1269. Flowers 60x100; price $1376; terms; or will W. O. BABTEB It W. K. XrBAST, Tnrnltora Dealers and Auctioneers, Masonic Temple Building, Tamnill and Woart Park Streets, Pbone Main 3330. BR ABB AND MACHIKI WORKS BARPKU S Brass Work. mscnme woras. itm n. otb st. D vit t,lck un. Maccaheea and thalr rn-nda UV.AK wutirtour, riAiniu iu, I ir,it.i r. inn in Qllsan st. wr. tns A-nit, ! caifj IUTUCU, VIUB O . O V , UUVAII1 SB, I. AW. . .in "X" ' Braea castings aad Good prizes. Admission 20c Commit- MAIN 4116; wreaths, pillows 83 up. th at. B'way 2842. I tee. Bprays $1 op. Chappell s. 7 Mor'n. MAX M. SMITH, floriat. 141 Vj 6th St. COAL AND BRIQUETTES. 1 Dry Sawed Wood a Specialty. , E. 3576. 0-1763. KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL THE CLEANEST AMD BEST BURN ING COAT.8. PR1TKS REASONABLE CTOTAL ICE & STOBACIE EAS'I :4) -h I.M4. TliAT GOOD COAL" Call Broadway TO. ALL KINDS WOOD. 301 Oak Street. MEND0TA FUEL CO. $6,50- FURNACE Best coal for the money. No soot. Lots of best. Our customers like it. Ask Bob Adams. Mine Agent. past 845 Phonea - B-1232. AuctionSales at WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171-173 aSecond St. (Near Yamhill) Regular Sales Days MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY Each Day at 10 a. m. TOH KOITDATS 8AXS round and square dining; tables, dining chairs, sideboards, rockers, buffets, armchairs, library and oarlor tables,. Cadillac writing table, combination bookcase and desk, brass and iron beds, spring's ana mattresses, pillows, etc., oak OABPEVTEKS A WD BUTLDER8 . 11, v" - ii i uioshcis vi Aiucnn. are rcuniru PIPPl A WLO BuilJina CDtrirtnra r.r- I . t f ant th. fnn.r.1 nt Rpnl. n C penter snop. jw t-ine st. pnone B wsy B3S. I Tlmm trom Erlcson's Residence Un- I dertaklna; parlors, 445 Morrison at,, CASPET CXEABTKO Tuesday. January 23. at 2 o'clock o. m. e-ron oM r.rr. .JOHN DITCHBURi. C. R. rag rng. Carpet 1 oro cieaninc. North west Kug Co.. 1R8 E. 8th. K. 3oS0. B-1280. SWISS FLORAL CO.. 28d and GUaan. JOVCK BUGS., Electric Cleaning Works Car- I pcta rieanea ana iia: renttlng our specialty. rfit n. twin at. in. w First elaas dry fir, delivered to any part of pity. Track serrice. $5.50 up. Phone Tabor 768 Why Not Save Money? Wren buying wood J Wa apeclallie ln-B, R Blea. sawed In blocks or eight feet solid meas ure. Mors wood for your money. We handle sax, tit ana coal. Keller Fuel Co, THE! OLD REUABLH 9th and Gllf an Bdwy. 8303. A-22K8. IV ANHOH, No. 1. K. Oil P.. meets every Tui day night, 8 p. m.. Castle I CHIROPBACTOH8 I W ' ' rCP.NBtW H?iirti2i "t1"!.;?.! Pationa. COME to the big 500 and dancing party w.Torhi s. A-h..r uJ!frje- food, si ueat meats. w. SUcleay bldg and 1 1 5. j. ..i. . .. iV I DCAl VT lUUtBUBJ CVIL1IJ. tlAUUKIJ . V. W. O. Panama bide. 3d and Alder flrat 10 daya of each month. Bring thla notice, iv iv is ui., it to o p. m ..nllaritim pna-fi t ...I ... at iz 4tn st. uaras at s:au; dancing POW ELL, chiropractor. remored to 813 .t 10 n m. Prlxea to be slver Admla. Special offer c COAX AND WOOD Fulton Wood Co. 1260 MACADAM ST. Dealers In green and dry slabwood. Phone A 2809, Main 7890. m. CARD PARTY AND DANCE. Given by Mount Hood Tent No. 17. Maccabees, Wednesday evening, Janu ary 24, in iv. f. nan. mn ana Aiaer; cards ail evening; dance from 10 to 12. Admission 15 cents. Good prises. ROSE CITY CAMP No. Ft NKKAli DIRECTORS Bdward HofaBss, Praa. 7. . Werleia. Treaj. W. J. uotmaa. Beeretary. EDWARD H0LMAN CO. ESTABLISHED ,1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 60S. A-1611 Owner. Phone Sell wood 118$. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 48th st. near Division, ail Improve ments In, new 6 rooms with 1 wafur nlahed rooms' upstairs, fireplace, hard wood floora. all built In conveniences, light flxturea and shades, a real bar gain at $2750. Terma. 8. P. Osburn, CIO McKay bldg. I1B7K TFHUS I1S7K I room brand new bungalow. $3000 property for $1976. Modern. 100x100 lot, shad trees. Financially Involved. Terma. OWNER. 6080 46th sV Woodstock car to 46th. .hen block South. uekum ave. car to k. 16th st, walk 7 p.;,!..;. ,r. .Ti. .7 a, li.i- 4 blocks south ( Sea house. &91 Itish- 10 Portland; big payrolls at St, iiai. lanrif 0UU- B W- " - en, bigger prospects. If yon do not iana st. know what Is taking place hero It Will ROSSMERE-42D ST. r. v nu I. IuvmiI.iI. TKIa ma bai Splendid room houae. modern, I your big opportunity. For Informs. Uoa hardwood floors. French piste .doors, I call or write open fireplace, fine view. 431 Chamber Commerce. MllUrahlp. t ids A SNAP for cash or will trade- for acreage -6 room house, lot 49x110; IH blocks to car; m blocks to aehool. Phone D-1556 Sunday or A-366 Main 2979 week daya. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY Con Suite 226 Henry bldg. - Columbia Highway Snap $1126 buys 19 acrea of rich level lend, absolutely no waa to, near cnaa- tlcleer. 760 feet of Highway. View ef near all the mountains, the Washington side IP. L LIE NATIONAL FUEL CO., Eaat .041. Dry alabl . r.M tviu , iiwm, e4.2o load Mockwood. 4 ft- 94.50 cord; sawed. $5 load! ft. fir for Bale. 805 Water at. M-43B6. A-4547. CONTRACTORS AKD liTJIXDEBg dressers in various styles, wardrobes, OSKAK HL'BKK, Uaoerai Coutractor, 223 8ber- l.l . I , . . ... 1 - V.I .1 , niiciieii cauinci-B, carpets. ruKB. men . sus and other effects. 6466. M. W. A., meets in &cr". "r., t.1 i i ..i-.l-T Modern Wnodm.n h.ll Mr. I x - ""f " 10, 11th st., every Wednes day evenlnr. Marshall 4821. F. 3 rURI INflTOV rih- IfiW K?7? KS0J 92d at.. I.enta Tabor AD p Fuel Co. Small orders oar apeclal- KOUITY LODGE NO iTs F" a fr" 6896; 6th st, and Foster road. Arleta. , Pi U.ty. 400 Union aTe. N.'wti. 11?. tI.A-...' r O r, ..... . . "-rr r. i i nnintr. inn. I I UI II I II1VI Qlrla Fiinoral TDimctora 41 A K. KEEK A MBR All klndt of green aad dry 4- I Union music. Admission 15c. I Alder St. Phone East 62, B-2526. $650 Small house, beautiful 60x100 ft- lot: dlaaoDearUis bed;. 860 cash payment down, balance like rent. Take Rose City Park car to 72nd st. Bee Woodman. GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY. NON-RESIDENT and must sell $26 down and $10 month, price 81150; very modern 4-roomod house, built 2 years ago at a cost of $1600; large lot and very fine yard fenced. 8 7th snd Thompson sts. J. A. Cobb, 40$ Swet- land bldg. $1JBA BUNGALOW. FIRLANT) $1750; It. modem, large lot car; all Improvements Dald. Easy I and all the country to Portland includ- terms. T-ot or auto part payment. I ing Portland. You can't buy aim liar Chas. Rincler A Co.. 128 Henrv bldr. I land In thla locality at three times the T nnnu ' v.. TTTZTZTl TT price, an investigation will prove 1U trict I i.r ro. i ajfPrini fhTa There will boa good movement of prop--&h&Xi?-xS22J rty on the highway this spring. Buy nuna viiij I an a ITtUf a W aaa. hardwood floors. 2 toilet Dssement, rurnace. rnona i a . w .... bath, full East 7430. now and make a now and mane a guica prom: is aero more with this If desired. $400 caah. easy terms. J. G. Halney. 60 Yeoa bid g. Phone Main 8672. . Fertile Land, $30 an Acre FURNACE, FIREPLACE. $2200. Nice 5 room bungalow, laundry, elect. fixtures, shades, gas. Lot boxlie Vi VALU $1600 Woodlawn 7 P modern housa. jizbo mtg 32ao casn CHAS, RINGIER ACO., 226 Henry bid. Lf TOM mor .on the land. FOR 8ALfc2 w,i7,ocA't.d Partlyur- Sg.SrtVlnt.1 nisnea nouses and s large lota in 4. milaa from Portland. MedfonL Address Bam Bauer. Nea- 1,mT,le. 'tUSFB. .tatlon and kowln. Or., Tillamook Co. landing on Jower Columbia. LOOK at this modern 6 room houae Near school of 2 teachers. and make mean offer cash or trade. On a good road. No reagonabU offer refused. 12 E. I Plenty of work near by. 76th St.. N. Tabor 8985. HOtfSE. 2 LOTS. $966. le garden, fruit, berries. 4 room at Arbo ADL' corner homo at Unlvetr- Park; fruit, berries, 2 room BEAUTl siry F a re, near car; terma jKT, 6Z1 Teon MdS. 1 nKaA' waD-aaA ae.4 asa an Block to Rose City Park car. $250 cash, lash 206 Couch bid tin mn In n.rann mMnlnr hutlnM. C""n- V.OUCn Piqg. See Mr. Logan. 400 Oregonian bldg! FfyEroorahouBe. Grays Main 8621. ul ot- uw n terms Plenty of work near by. - . ricu r. nmmcaa 414 Peknrnbidg, Dairying, Hogs, Chickens r Truck Farming, Stock.RaisIng ';..: 'iVaa Columbia river logged -orr lanoa. $147$; $200 tft 4 mU.. trom Portland. Best of aol.I Light clesrtng. cneap noat. raw aso, . m. auto truck transportation, cooperative 4004. STEREOPTICONS for rent. r O Ar"A 1'nrivrtiktra slides msde to order. Why not make UUnmng Oi iVICtLIlltJe Modern in those photographs Into special t make slides snd I every detail Broadway and Pine sta NEW modern bungalow. 7 room., hall ! and batn, nicely rurnisned, corner lot. good location, close in. east side. Terms, half cash, balance to suit. might accept light auto, 916 model, I hM (Rulrk rvref.rrerll aa narl riral . I - Menry oiog iu rwa s j m s vae i aa a( i av a I laa, s a, a anisi rvi vs s w r - - - plumbing, sheds in rear, creamery, cannery -and Pofftland nar , $676. W. J. Schmld. Main keta. Plenty of outrangeJ$10 to $40 EIGHT room house, lota, Lents. Price $1700. 5 room house on Den ver ave.. price $1650. Geo. P. Henry, MAI N 7U3. Building, painting or trade EDUCATIONAL DAWCINt, WTDNXSBAY we aell again at 10 a. m. general house furnishings consigned IfO SALB at orir ATTCTTtm BOOBs MANCHESTER Da ncli Academy. 65 H 6th .tj 'ClL"nlPn "UstC;. Admission 20O, show them to your frtenda Reliable Broadway 430. A-4658. Lady assistant, ment. Qwrtr, P-186. Journal. Film Pervlca U North 9th st. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R, J. Q1H DflWn Si4 ?PT Mnnth PROSPECT Co. No. 140. W. O. W., in- Groskopf, funeral director NS'dln, J UUWII, I CI IV1UIIU1 vites you to a 600 party and dance 4940. C-1155. Lady attendant. Kill- bnva a nice 4-room plastered hous at izs inn sr.. niursday eve, Jan. 25. 1 Ingsworth ave. and narpy st. Prizesr union music. Admission 20o. 3 p. a KON. bet. Stark and oak. Special rates, 4 prtrat GROTTO BAND will meet at Masonic I Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTUUM Knl Af rirtH. on FSXDAT thla week ah account nt , "K- Z. V pnrar unynu oanu win mwi at Masonic ABfHonSala adverTiaeS h.low at ?K0?f ". 2: morning, afternoon erenlng; all Temple. To attend meeting of Aldel at Advertised below at 350 lateat dancea guaranteed: dsss Thnrsd.y. Sat- Grotto. Bring instruments, no uniform. A1AtT ut mcsy erenlnps. 7-8:30. Broadway 2ieo. p. T. Roy es. chairman bano com bnyg a nice 4-room plastered hous. Dutch kitchen, sink and toilet in; price $850. Williams Realty Co.. Grays Croealn. phone Tabor 4934. n aero. Term a. a Der cent 1 . - . ... r n . Cham, of rom. bdlg, Portlswrl. Or. Big West Side Snap . Private Sale Dept. LAW SCHOOLS EM UNCALLED FOR REPLIES The following answers to blind "want ada" Bay be obtained by presenting duplicate ticket gt Joarnsl business office. Uncalled for let ters will be destroyed 10 days from dste of thla notice. A 183, 200, 22, ?30. , tSft. B 280, 2D6. 801, 80, 317. 821, 888, 825 629, 830, 8113, 857, 850, 978 C 143, 153. 158, 164, 165, 107, 171. 190. 196. 109, 200. F 18f. 204, 203. 207, 212. 114, 215. 334, 25. 229, 22, 236. O 201, 235. 243. 277. 2. B 115, 208, 212, 213, 210. 218, 241. 243. J 192, 2, 215. 21)0. K 102. 297, 805, dOQ, 819 L 27. 181, 217, 232, 261, 269. 271. 278, 279. ISO. 296. M--10, 196. N 128. 182. ISO, 204. O 183. P 143, 200. 22. 954. R204. 208. 211. , 8188. 204. T 200. U 177. 19. 7S8. V 180. 211 217, t27, 280. W 182. 904. X 158, 11. Y 106. 179. ISO. Z lOfl, 152, 169. 20S. OHEGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough, practical Mot.ot.-ot . mmm motmotot, 1 WITH in BW. BCCIUlNfll CTeilinn Slain 1 you have not got the time to attend ' A " t Auction Sales we respectfully invite ktjsio 6CKOOL8 AVD TEACHZBS you to call at your convenience and let OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MCaic. 34iti us show you through our Immense I Washington at., allows 1.00 for this ad to oiock or new atnaents. T171LH IT U JUS Of all descriptions. E. THIELHOBN Violin tesrber. pupil Bercik. CARPETS. WrraM T.TWOT.T!Trr 1 . mi rieioner oiog. Mmo.ll iBa). STEEL ABTO OAS BVABTOEB. Water FROF. X E. LAWSON riano lessous at your $1200 MODERN 4 room house with disappearing bed: payment down, and $15 monthly, including intereat. HBLEU Jewelry a apeciaity. buttons. I Ladv attendant. Day and night service. 1845 Siskiyou. R. C. car to 72nd. 2 pins, chsrms. Jaeger Bros.. 181-t 6th. mit.ler a tRACEtI Independent Fu-" flocks .south. H block easL Pbone A. R. Zellar Co. East 1083, C-108S. neral Directora. Price low as izo. 840 1(0. Wash, at Ella, M 2691. A-7885. - ' - r-. mm UnrM:i4nn East 80th snd Gllsan. ru- UailUllUII nersl services. Taoor tin. NEW TODAY To Trade 100x100 N. E. corner Third and Mill for vacant lot., south or west of above. X-185, Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oretron Xavestment fc SCortgage Co. Offlcaa 803-4 170 3d St. x mo Zroans of 810,000 aad np on Im proved 29 n stnaas Property (or for Improvement Jrmosea, 9. 2. xaPSCOMB, .. " 8a Stark Stxset. heaters, gas plates. etc.. etc. heating stoves. home, eoe. Pbone Tsbor 2639. Visit Our GROCERY AND MER CHANDISE DEPT. rx wrxxi bb xoirarr nr totts POCKXT. AX-SO STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS Don't buy until you sea what we have and get our prices. J. T. WILSON. Proprietor. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE AT AUCTION . : ; : . . . I yeara. ana atartna aiunranur, 093 Baat RAGTIME piano playing in 10 to 20 leecona. I awenty-elghth street, re 17 years "Chrlstensen-s syatem." 412-13 ColnmMa bid I John A Peterson, WrangeU, Alafka, and DOLOUKS L. CCLLEN, Violin Teacher. 8ev-1 Minnie B. Kautaon, Iirperlal hotel. cik metnoa. marsn&ii tun. 470 Main I u miiaoaaga, nineiy-aixta ana Kaat Wtel Statistics marriages, Brtbs. Dzaibs. MAKKIAfJK l,H KNKKS Jacob Btlfaa. 84S East Twenty-fourth atraet. R-. J. Byrnea. new realdence estaoi u g? V A T UUatllB a,j. t . ... - a PATS 6VER 11 PER CENT. New, modern four flat building, double constructed. On of the beet ; 772 p im)-. locations ana car service in the city. RrpP7p & Snook l?2,4the Sr,c i80l): not tM than 100 e- DICCC VV. Ol IUUN at 34th Phone owner. WooJlawn 1149. CICVACC Undertaking Co. Main 416Z. OlM- L.O A-2321. Cor. ja inauiy MAUSOLEUMS 8 Room House 4 blocks 'to car and grocery school 2 blocks, smallest room 9x10, 3700. 7919 64th ave. and 80th at, Mt, Scott car. y rre, ear, mose. throat. ruireB LS.!?!!- 6uen- "'w I . . . River View Abbey. . . . Mausoleum I $140fla Four rooms, modern, gas, elc- a farf acres, beautiful grove and trlclty. cement basement, restricted I creelt, view of all the mountains and district, cost $2100. Real bargain. riVr7 n-.r Taylor's Ferry road. H.mtle Terms. 607 Plttock block. I of Ryan Place; $2600. $280 caah, bal 7 ItOOM bouse, lot 6Sxl397Tear East anca to auiL Tou can't buy withlB Vi coucn and zzd paid: must sacri 5 ROOM house. -Ink and. toilet., lot X ACRES, best r-.. . ao. auxiiu, ciear 01 aeot; i ou, iieo t -"'" w . ,1 hi. kt,,; it t T.k.. 1111 Inn. rilrlra . and only 8360 Mr Sera, WHICH $1000 EQUITY In '5 rm. modern bun- T - Prtc -aarb prop- , jTumaT' WT MW8' - ..MK5J?OA.- 'a M mv M I'VI tliw WSJ ii aeaa. " lot 68x139. near East anca to auiL Tou can t Dtty witnin s 1 sts.; street paving mile of this Place under $1000 frer iflce thi-for $$$00; fere. O. Rainer. $0$ Teoa bldg. ?ouch bldg. Main tVti. ' ,. FOR SALE 7 room bouse. Elberta. Phone Marshall 2207, East $$99. $5 a Month 6. OH H1,K LOTS PIEDMONT LOT BARGAIN. $700 and the balance on street Im provements buys one. of the best cor 10 I Far nothing down, chicken rane, $. minutes out. ; m twn I cost of living; also t and lOacre pUce Easy terms. Ask owner about It this week. $19 Allsky bldg. AliKNOIDS remored witboct knire. Olaaaea Jeaee Prince. Salem, Or., and Idi Scbillera. Dr. Csaseday. Deknm bldg.. it snd Wseh. I aixnuisn notei. ' I RnhrV I. IImlAm RiA T..1.. .otu. . STRE TKSTTRAJfCE Merle Bchll'lera. 74 North Twentieth street PACIFIC STATES FIRE INgCRANCB CO.. Edward ParrUb. Imnaha, Or, and Nancy ftniv nrmn nr. tmnriitr. mnmair 1 naii. mo cast iiflTu sireer. v.iw AiiuBiw, ova ivwi 1 smntu street, and I S Act. 1mmms ..m. - - ' I Karl William lah, MO Reynolds BTenne, and A'-uk Ai.ei ftnctiy modern a room bungalow.' Full .concrete baaement. ri,ni,u T.. . ..r.1.. 1 1 " 1 ... ... u v . IT-- . v Alt VII, VIQ Knlu " . .h.., -- . ...w. w . , ot. W . that will near inspection. Small pay-. will accept oiibv casn; IQla la a real n in fma riian ciaaa mil n-r tw' is positively a' chance to make one OOB LE 60 1 milea f SrB..e' -7 dollar do the work of two. Nellan , rttw. "T-V?fa? P.rkhlll.803 tockExchanf e bldg. ?,t.l? 5n &StlbJL9l7iJXL ....JL.. Uh? ! . . . . . I LIIUDM. Ollir IIIotCot K . . ALIOICJII . C. lull nuriB OK rTO. Phone Terminus Riverview carllne. Taylor's Ferry road. FLDTF RUGS AND RAO RUGS Send US YOUr Old CarpetS WbVl ClairDaBlela, feeveaPMoUi InTalJUaM George Miller. )t09 lYemont street, 'aaa IT ' yeara, and Elisabeth Cook. 780 North Twelfth airtei, age 10 years. Louis Hnghson. 9eT Corbet t street, and Made from old Inanln. Brussels. AimlnUter. I Serhronia Dayto. 447 East rihermaa rn.t Pa.yrna. Also rig rngs. all aises Mall orders I Ed Haisetb, 671 fcttigrew street, and Em- prvmpi, csrnet rieantrg. semi -or Dooaie'. 1 ma norgren. same snare aa. WESTERN A.LFF RUG CO. 04 TTpjon ae. N. Pbooea Esst 5ia. B-1476. fluff um For Particulars Inquire Portland Mausoleum Co, 636 Plttock Block. Brdwy 331. ee a. .eeea CKMjriTui ' ment down. Balance like rent. Tsbor 3013; BARGAIN to cloae estate: room house: 80S E. 11th st. 3 blocks from Stevens school, 4 blocks from Haw thorne ave.. $1809; 8650 will handle. E. . Barger, 201 orand ave. SNAP FOR 31260. Good 5 room house, lot 75x100. 4 blocks from car; will take lot worth 3400 as part payment. w. Collins, 6621 91st St.. S. E. Phone Tsbor 4473. FtTRjtACEa Wa are Instructed 1st , W BTXB mortgagee, to sell at publio auc tion the entire contents of The Palmer House 350 H Aider Street (Corner Park St.) on FRIDAY NEXT J any. 86, aft 10 a. m. Comprising SQUASH OSUUTD T1AJXO, al6 SIXTY ROOMS 1 1 f EDDI NG sVISITIot G CARDS IrV 9A49Aw' AM f 4k se t af awaaej r . " r.G.SM 1TH & CO. Mornh Bldl LiKtsS suns for rent, all aixea. Linujue nunnnr v o.. j ptars at. WILLIAMS Ta Mr. sad Mrs. Thomas J. WIU FTR-TTTRE RETAOt A WD TEHOL gTERIK 0) I HILDEBRAM To Mr. and "Mrs. Arthur W. niKieDrana. was roiBt, waaa.. jaa. I, a dsr rtter. 8C-MI IP To Mr. aed Mrs. Albert EehHn. 1107 HAIR GOODS AVD HAIR DRESSING I Front St., Jan, 2. a daagbter. XlBBUl-i vo Mr. and Mrs. Frearirk W. Mt. Scott Park Cemetery and Crematorium fffSfr $hr&2! Kerm-' FOR SALE 6 room modern house. full cement bssement lot 10x100. 80 nice roses. Near Franklin high school. $2000, $100 cash, balance terms. K . ..i.i,knr. 41 a an aira. aji mt ui An .it . .... I ... --.,7,',' saavae e aw v aasi mm a asaMawa- - ass as a aw i s aaa a ..aaAtl aa sv I aa an m SI IS WV W nn SFW I Bw-TBl v . 'einii iT .v, wnct9t0 Crtamher of commerce. will a snap. Gibson Half Acres gaa. etc. Snap for $700. $100 cash. $10 FOR SALE Nice yr month. J. O. Rainey. 606 Toon cltJ" h1,, 'EStA,- bid Msln 8672. brush. Lies well for subdmsloi Tabor 14 t-61. Boynton Furnaces Economical, effectual. J. . C. Bayer Ce ont ana Marset. tMON AVE. Sheet Metal Works, turnacea In- aianeo. repairing. 411 inwn aTe N. K. sail MONUMENTS TIOARD BARGAIN. i acres, all cultivated, fenced, cloae to station: finest soil, good view; will sell at a big sacrifice. Call at 600 Con fer a n itivrq 607-$ Henry bldg. Main JI24. 1 Oood soil, city water, eloao l oar- bOUTH .PORTLAND-Pretty level LKlOT tWlU i oioca scnooi. a tiikb iurnuure rac wmv4 7. 1fthf, H n)r-ne,. owner. tory and shipyard. Sldewslks. aewer.l .trl . ed, balance kdlwialaa in A '.l,l,rOT,krOTl VnP BriC Slid -OR BALE ;By owner. 1 or 2 best frmm call on or address Wa B. .la5 ,n 1.i7evr .d,L Ch ,r tJrn5 Young. Portlsnd. R. R. No. t. at 6. Will furnish money to build ,,.t; - . ...t,,.. , i . home's 6. This is a good bay? IaU PVVallliZ cJttU. c ? r" -fuOT.WwoyHnu A FINE horneaite. 76x100 l'oot. wltL p-rt C"r K KN Za" CO- allay: 2 blocks from St. Johns car- tu oerilnger Bldg. line. Price 6850. Call Tabor 789. VI" n-rIj PORTLAND MARBLE WKS . 264-28 cord bldg 3d and 8tark, tin St.. odd. city nail. main xaaa Phlllo Nea Sons, for memorials. MULTNOMAH Furniture Hospital. 54 2d at -inert mattress maamg Main a34. $1600 New 6 room bnngalow. bearing orchard. $1000, 4 room cottage, paved street, near Belmont, Other big bar- y: Vi-" v-i i raina. Main tii. a . aicirariana. J', rtu3vrM yon bldg. K BLAE5I NG GRANITE (o JJ 267-3 RQ. ST. AT MADISOm IrXJK 1SALK HOl81,S ffl FIB VET A HANKBUT. leading wig and tou-1 ROSE CITT LINE New 6 room bun galow, fireplace, h. w. floora. built In conveniences. $2309, terma Uke rent. IflVK room nal.rn hmiaa ar. ! conreniencsa. ae re .,. r.,. I liDoorxe, laa . aatn sr., jsn. s. a son. I . , . .v, izcz . r " I Nelson. oi journal niar. Main 1007 b-w-n.iaarte -eojCpd. 01 ROOM. bungalow, lot tdxr60; $10 ment. Remored to 34 Alder, ne.r Bro.-1w,. 1 nfg-, -j'. 0 . w.m fn.. K,inTnu k..i tcana 1 . down. $26 per month. Including 7r. m AMictranro and hair sresstwo 4o Broadway bldg. potntmenr, rTlone Belmont tt Jaa. 3. a iviley A. Ham. 1089 IRV1NOTON bargain. $6000 realdence ,.,7iV . for $4000. rooms, modern, garage. Lrt- XATTE SSSE8 OLD mattreeaes aad feather beds made late Of OOOD TVT IB ITU B, CAJBUPSTS, HIT OS. X-ACS CTTRTAIITB. 0APEX. XX B, BED UJIKNU, COatOJLTKBJi. ' sanitary folding forms; feathers renovated BX-lJrXXSTS. IXX--OWB and all other ' folding M. Co.. 500 Williams are E. RS74. effects contained in said noteL Don't 1 fall to attend thla sale as everything . Residential wrk ., .J S&&S g-lf sh. Phone Ealt 1610 asm izzx i BOYLEvT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil a Boris. 10 1 THE best room modern bv bur on Haw w. Jessnn at.. Jan. 4. a son. I thorne KELLY To Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Kelly. I war 345. 4M5 Tillamook iL Jaa. 6. a daaahter. I : . i PAtTLRKN Tk Mr. and Mr, r U P.l I SV" bauu tow, r rooaern oun Ml aim aw. u. o, a BOO. Inmifr 604 Marsuerita aa garage. I afternoons. Richmond car. OOINO eaat, must sacrifice my Pied- i.otot .ivi.. ti.t.OT. r ii t j i " - ' . 4 i k ' - 1 rage back, long tuna, 1Z06 commercial. C-120S. . must positively be sold. 'Salo UAT next at 10 a m. , J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. ' Cash paid for Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, Bedding. Dishes, etc, also stocks of Merchandise. Sales at residence a specialty. Main 162C. .. . .-v.-.- galow. near Franklin high acbooL MIJrEOORAPHIMO-MTTLTI0EAPHTWw---- BBi-:I J' ," J? . i. jTr-T-r rrr- . -votx v.. otot , m nuiwr, i MAnoii'.i, L)ai ti..v. will lajco aia. FOR SALE 7 room housa In Rosa City Park. 696 E. 4itn st, n. Tabor 615. 1 . M'MEOGRAPHINQ, Clr. letters. W. E. 6'lnaer SMITH Ti Mr and TMrs. pVctaC Smith, ii? T'y! XJET a Co.. iw- i3 Burt. Mam 1S4.. A-iyK 118 . Mth Bf. Jan. . . danrhter. ' J73 W w Hman PHTSICTABTS AXDERSKOW To Mr. sod Mrs. Martin H, Anaerrasw. $73. W. H. Herd man. ONLY $17(0 Modern 7 room bouse, garage ' fruit, lot 121 feet, Apply as k. BUin at., r - otM. . l . . , I EVT1 C . T T - All . ,1 J I . I J 1 . .OT ot y OTOT ot. i . AmnfKw, vi aia iM jis. o. a BOB. i x wii daaot '0wiifotavw, an hwuiiu aiu- a rthiM nirwl ,rn nil n r a In w wrlth altl. PU'LU.l': Ailtif.bidAl,,.,B- I KEEP-To Mr. gnd Mral WUlUa A Keen. proVements. 219 E? 47th St. I 6 JVnil an at5 rlrt Trada iinl " i... T if1" mTT-. a son, I NIC!E ft room haysa. 46 few 100 - Easy I tract, lot or HrrMK tjim CX29 N'ervonsnew. P roe U tie Tretible. Rheomatlam. PLtrsiBriro SUPPLIES RETAIL PLUMBING- SUPPUES : (- - flaming, 113 dtk st. rnfTltA n - a a a a a a . ww.n T.hnr 71 7 Owner I r .1. . V 1" . .-1 "' ooi arraiee ai.. jaiv. v, s oaarater. . i . .. r i 1 w oa-l.c s room nouse, ioi aviut, GRAY To m. and Mrs. rranh S. Gray. 643 1 GOOD drophead ewlng machine, $1Z.SJI lights and water, oa i-itacada 11-a. ; otv X9i s n eao. v, a aaogBtar. Ill la lb - 'ritai C.UII. TWO lots. 60x200, close to Franklin ONLY $700. high school,. $600. terma. Tabor 843, 1 Mostly la culUvatlon. 8 room , 160x100 cor. 3d and Everett aU Own- I close to electric station, only 80 min- -er. H-?s. Jonryal. j utea out; easy terma. Call at $00 Coa- TWO lots for sale cheap on te Near union ave. vz-ii, jcurna r cord biag. CORNER lot in Westmoreland at sao- Hfice R-2B0, JOUmSL A OENUINE SNAP. t acres In high state of cult! vat! on best of soil and bulldinga, beautiful . T'tl r-T IT T'U CT I.. m .L. (' ' BARQAaN. IT acres for sals, half mile f rem IIaURELHURST lot, near the park: nacn rice, tjooper. c i st bio 80 ACRES ot river bottom land, cultivation. 4 room ho use. barn, other good bulldinga - $19 Fail ing bldg. " Donald station, Oregon Electrtsibalf , otot-ot-ot-ot.1 clear; running water. J. J, Ryan, , id. 71 In '. Aurora, Or. Route No. g. ' -i. otnall 6NLT $6ER sf6S,fM i CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranch ea near Portland, t. a. 10 acre tracts, $66 to 9200 per aero, easy terms. Me Farl and. 6 Teon bids- Portlsnd. TEN acres la city limits Vancouver, Wasl, highly improved, muet be sold at once, regardless of price. Ad dress CI C. Fleet. Vancouyer, Wash. GARDEN HOME district ameriflce, one acre, fine building spot. P-281, Jour- ral FOB SALE 160 acrea irritated land - near Turlock. Cat, owner, 632$ 44tb b. A, peruana. - 7 RIIYot I.1ROE HOMEH1TB 1 A a. .!. . a . A 1 .a m mm - A mm mt Am t Biirinr tsLuinu v axi iuswi w a a water and lights; auto road. Call at . tAa a'W-vwa.A-OTMH- IAA mT mTA BafStV www yyiavw ot aaf m i -- -- --T ' OOLDENDALE district, two milaa ' from railroad. 40. CO and 100 acres food land. -level, almost all tillable; 1 6 an acre. Terma. O. Wyna Wilson. $10 Chsmber of Commerce. . ' FOR SALE At Beaverton, $ to 16 acres, honss, barn, chicken hoooe, well. Owner c. Reynoias, 879 A ita N Portland. Or. LOOANBERRT or i.poullry. property foe sale. Call Msln 8793. iCoaUa-ed oa Xszt rag)