The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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It Will Be Conducted at Salem
and Have Forty Minute
r Classes,
Revival Meetings-
Three Weeks, Series
ZruftUtt John Bostnun win Deliver
SiMtOT TUfrsdSy ZTBlBf 8d J-
Hilda IVlmborf- Will Sing.
A series of revival meetings extend
ing over a period of three weeks was
inaugurated by the Swedish M. E.
church, corner Beech and Borthwick
of Inli ospitality of Big Ckurclies Proves
' st st h n wt n n k c st '
Cordial Welcome Is Given to Stranger From Lata
st k n .
By Ella McMann.
To preach the gospel doesn't seem
to be the only work of the Portland
churches nor does the preacher do all
Thursday night, District Superintend-1 the work from ringing the bell to
ent Rev. John O. Wahlborg of Pasa- pocketing the fe for a wedding. Pri-
Hn Cat iriv tVi nTwninr iddrcM ' maviio .v.. - i a ,-
and preached Friday evening. He will
speak three times on Sunday, at 11 a.
m., 3:45, and 7:45 p. m.
Rev. John Bostrum, evangelist, of
Seattle, will give a lecture on "My
Journey to Sweden Through Germany,"
next Tuesday, at 8 p. m. A solo will
he rendered by Mrs. Hilda Limborg
and Miss Ruth BJork will give instru
mental selections at the piano. An en
joyable entertainment is intended for
that evening, refreshments being
served by the ladies. A nominal ad
mission charge will be made for that
Rev. Bostrum will preach every night
following excepting Saturdays until
February 5. On the two Sundays he
will preach at 10:45 in the morning
and 7:45 in the evening. Rev. John A.
Will man is pastor of the Swedish M.
Daniel A. Poling.
One of th big features of Oregon's
Twin Endeavorer convention is the
school of methods, which will be con
ducted at Salem the morning and aft
moon of February 24. Several classes
tot 40 minutes' duration will be con
ducted. The school of methods is to
be conducted just as a college school
- day. You arrange your own schedule.
You can attend one class in which a
certain phase of Christian Endeavor
work will be taken up.
" - This class lasts for 40 minutes, with
a short intermission giving you
chance to go to another class which
: takes up a different phase and so on
through the day. This is something
new in Endeavor convention work, and
Oregon's convention is being watched
to see how it will come out. The en
tire school will be conducted by. the
officers of the Oregon Endeavor
Daniel A Poling, associate president
of the United Society of Christian En-
, deavor of the-World, and an ex-Port -
land boy, is to come across the contl
r bent, expressly for the big conven
tlon. Mr. Poling turned down u en
i gagement at a big New York state
' Endeavor convention, so he could come
,to Oregon. Panlel A. Poling is the
on of Dr. C. C. Poling, pastor of the
Evangelical church of Corvallls, Or,
The first and only president of the
'United Society of the. World, Rev,
Francis E. Clark, is a resident of Port
land, Maine.
Mr. Poling is to be the feature of
the convention. He will speak Febru
ary IS, 17 and 18 at La Grande, the
eastern half of the big Twin conven--.
tion. The following Monday he is to
-. be in Portland for a big rally at the
. Westminster Presbyterian church. He
,wlll go from Portland to Corvallls to
visit with his relatives. The next
Friday he will take a special car from
Corvallls to Salem to wind up the big
r convention there. '
"Mr. Poling has a striking personal-
ity and fs an eloquent speaker.
. v
Special Sunday
Evening Services!
tween tiroes he belongs to himself al
most as much as to anyone else. But
that doesn't mean that a little Bible
history twice on Sunday and an hour's
knee-tiring prayer during the mid-week
is all you get by membership in a met
ropolitan church. I had, read ever so
much about strangers wandering into
city churches where no one spoke to
them and after quite a while they be
came discouraged and got to going to
moving pictures on Sunday evening and
finally came to some sad end because
religious people weren't friendly, un
til they had looked up your pedigree,
and then sometimes they were not.
But I don't believe a word of it, for a
"Prodigal Son" couldn't have received
warmer welcome than I got at the
First Presbyterian church Sunday eve
ning when I strayed in there to hear
Preachers, Actors
Join in Election
The eighteenth annual meeting and
election of officers of the Actors
Church Alliance were held Tuesday
evening at Ascension Memorial church.
New York. The Right Rev. Charles
Sumner Burch, D. D., Bishop Suffra
gan of New York, presided and deliv
ered an address. Addresses also were
made by Frederick Warde, William H.
Crane, Rev. Dr. Silverman. Rev. Dr.
Scudder, Rev. Walter E. Bentley and
others. Reports of the secretary and
treasurer were received.
jr ' v v
W- " 1
I fas f
Khz? -'. " -S w3 tr f
fx y''Wit&f
Dr. John II. Boyd tell "How to Make
the Most of One's Mind." and the same
would probably have been true of all
of Portland's churches.
I was ushered to a seat in the exact,
geographical center of the auditorium,
where by only slightly twisting my
neck I could see everybody come in,
and I was given a blank to fill out
with my name and place of residence
so that the pastor or his wife or some
one else connected with the church
could call, and all of the people in that
pew spoke to me and a small boy
showed me the two-legged cow he was
drawing. That was not what you would
call a "cool reception," was it? But
I felt that the real welcome began at
the door, where a sign said: "Enter
and rest, meditate or pray," or some
thing which meant the same thing, and
gave you permission to come Inside
any time away from the glare and the
roar of the city streets, into its cool
shadows to sort of take stock of
A program for the services was given
me so that I knew what the choir was
singing In case 1 couldn't understand
after they begun, and just bow long
the preaching would last, and where to
find the residence of thepastor, nis
secretary, his organist, his pew com
mittee, his custodian (or perhaps cus
todian of the building was meant), ana
a long list of church missionaries, and
the time of the nine services held for
the day under the auspices of the
church. Then came the week's events
in their regular order. Monday eve
ning is given up to the activities of the
Monday Evening club, when Shakes
peare, present day literature, historical
roots of the great war and current
events are studied under leaders with
discussion afterward, some 225 persons
having registered for this course. In
addition to the lectures, moving pic
tures of Portland's industries were to
be shown by Reed college, and later
Travel Talks' are announced for this
evening by Dr. Boyd. Tuesday at 1:30
p. m. a lecture was promised on mis
sionary work by Miss Abble Upham of
the Home Mission board of New i one
and in the evening a "Scout" meeting.
Sewing school, quilting parties and
Will Turn Over His
Church to Wobdmeii
Hx. Blanop, raator of Ceatxal Vrartr
tsrlaa. Oaarch. Will gmefc to
Onsets on "Doiag Ooed."
Sunday evenlnc Central Presbyterian
church will be turned over to the
of Kaifeng, China, who wrote: "I 'do
not know what we shall do for bedding
this winter. I have only a few straw
mattresses, and do not know how to
get more. If any friends would patch
pieces together into covers w wouia
be most gT.teful, as we could flH them
with straw or wadding and use them
for comforters for the poor, aick
women. We have been using all tha
rags we have aa towels." A box con
taining these things is to be sent ber
February 1.
So it may be seen that a city church
is not a one-man affair, nor a one day
institution, but an organisation of
earnest workers who serve without sal
ary for the moat rart for the mental
and physical uplift of its great body
of members, leaving its pastor the sin
gle task of looking after their spir
itual welfare. But the thing that
counts most with strangers is not
down on the weekly bulletin. It'a the
welcome you get at the door.
scout meetings finished the program
for the week, which ended with an ap-
, , i . Ulaa
Mabel Soltau of the Women's hospuai ; -:"r ', 1 J T- :,T,.
the church and its pastor. Dr. Arthur j
F. Bishop, who is a member of the
camp, at that aervtce. The main audi
torium of the church has been set
aside for the exclusive use of the
Woodmen, their families and friends,
who are to meet at Woodmen hall and
march In a body to the church. Dr.
Bishop will use for his text the sub
ject. "Doing Good."
The ladles' social committee is ar
ranging plans for a congregational so
cial get-together meeting on Friday
evening. January 2C. A program is
being arranged but this will be short
as the evening is to be devoted to a
"get acquainted" . and "everybody have
a good time purpose. Light refresh'
ments will be served.
Dr. Boyd to Start New
Series of Sermons
Dr. Humphrey to Fill
Unoccupied rulpit
It will be the effort of the pulpit
committee of the First Baptist church
to secure very acceptable supplies be
tween now and March 1, when the new
pastor. Dr. Calvin B. Waller shall ar
rive. The committee has been most
fortunate in securing for next Sunday
Dr. Humphrey from Porto Rico, who
Is one of the great ministers who have
served in the readjustment of Porto
Rico since its acquisition by this coun
try. Dr. Humphrey will give an im
portant and illuminating message on
the religious transition through which
that interesting people has passed
since Old Glory began to wave over
it. Let everybody come both to the
morning and evening services.
Music by the Temple quartet; morn
ing anthem, "Thy Light Is Come" by
Dudley Buck. In the evening the an
them "The Choir Angelic" by Hani-
corn and for the offertory "The Lord
Is My Light." by Salter.
Interest in Meeting Grows.
Interest in the revival meeting at
the Third tilted Brethren church,
corner of Sixty-seventh street and
Thirty-second avenue, southeast, con
tlnues to grow. Almost the entire
church membership has taken on new
life. Some outsiders have been reached.
Evangelist F. H. Neff will occupy the
pulpit both Sunday morning and eve
Adopt "Training for
Service" for Study
The Young People's class of the
Sunny side Congregational church has
adopted a book called "Training for
Service" by Moninger, for their course
of study during the coming year.
This class .was Just recently organ
ised and is under the supervision of
Dr. J. J. Staub, pastor of the church.
The officers elected at the organiza
tion are: President, Warde Robinson;
vice president, Albert Combs; secre
tary, Veda Miller; treasurer, Harold
Pairan; sergeant-at-arms, George Cot
tingham. This class is to give a big
"At home" party next Wednesday eve
ning in the parlors of the church and
all the young people in the community
are cordially invited to attend.
St. James Lutheran
Church Reception
The annual meeting and reception of
members of the St. James Lutheran
church will be held at the Sunday
morning 11 o'clock service. The elec
tion of officers and other important
church matters will be discussed. Re
ports of the different societies and
various departments of the church will
be made at the meeting. A full at
tendance of all members is requested.
"Workers' Institute"
Millard Ave. Church
With a speical program already pre
pared, district No. 9, Multnomah Coun
ty Sunday School association, will hold
a "Workers' Institute" at the Millard
Avenue Presbyterian church, Millard
avenue near Seventy-second street.
Following Is the program:
3 p. m., opening; 3:10, 'The Home De
partment, Miss J. H. Geijsbeek;' 3:30.
the Cradle Roll. Miss Olive Clark;
3:50, open discussion, led by Presi
dent Bradford; 4:20. announcements,
offering, invitations for next institute;
4:30, recess; 4:40. singing and special
music; 4:50. address. Rev. Charles A.
Phlpps, general secretary State S. S.
association, subject, "Decision Day
Plans"; 5:30, adjournment.
7, young people's devotional service;
7:30, The Relation of the Young Peo
ple to the Sunday School, Professor J.
F. EVlng, superintendent First Presby
terian Sunday school; 8. music; 8:05,
Teacher Training, New and Old, Rev.
J. D. Springston.
Will Reoocupy Pulpit.
Rev. H. T. Cash, pastor of the Grace
Montavilla Baptist church, will re
sume his ministry Sunday, occupying
his pulpit again at the morning serv
ice. In the evening. Will Hale, of the
State Training school for boys, will
give an address.
Subject Is Divorce
And Remarriage
The rector of St. David's parish.
East Twelfth and Belmont, will con
tinue the subject of "Divorce and Re
marriage," upon which he preached
last Sunday, in his sermon on Sunday
night. This he does at the suggestion
of people whose advice he cinnot
ignore. The problem Is admittedly
difficult and bad: and if a cure seems
remote, still mitigation is entirely
possible and feasible. Whethei Oregon
shall continue In the class with or
iental heathenism in respect to family
life is for us who live here to an
swer. And in the main the answer
must come from those who profess
and call themselves Christians.
On Sunday morning the rector will
preach the fourth in the series of ser
mons on "Jesus Christ," the topic be
ing "Jesus Christ the Life." These
sermons are preached at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
On Sunday Holy Baptism will be
administered at 9:30 a. m.
At the First Presbyterian church.
comer Twelfth and Alder streets. Rev.
John H. Boyd, D. D.. pastor, will start
new series or sermons at the 7:30
p. m. service Sunday. Dr. Boyd has
announced four sermons to be preached
at the evening services during the next
xonr weeks on the general theme of
"Happiness." a series which promises
to be of wide interest. The following
13 the first subject to be treated: "The
Happiness of the Unthinking."
The sermon of the morning at 10:30
o'clock will be preached by Dr. Boyd,
his subject being "World Reconstruc-
tios." and will bear upon the tremend
ous opportunities which are being pre
pared by the great war for the Chris
tian people of America.
To Debate Commission Form.
W. L. Brewster and Sanderson Reed
will make the principal addresses at
the Sunday evening open forum at the
Unitarian chapel at 7:45 o'clock. The
subject for discussion Is. "Ought Port
land to Abandon the Commission Form
of Government?" The forum is open
to all and all are free to speak under
a five minute rule.
Charles A. Rice.
Charles A. Rice, assistant superin
tendent of schools and superintendent
of the Sunday school of the First
Methodist church, was elected presi
dent of the Oregon Sunday School as
sociation Thursday. His election was
by the board of directors of the asso
ciation. He will complete the unex
pired term of U. K. Hall, former pres
ident, who has moved to Omaha, Neb.
The Oregon Sunday School associa
tion has just arranged for two state
j conventions Jn May, one at Newberg
and the other at Pendleton. At both
conventions Marion Lawrence, secre
tary of the International
3d Sunday After Epiphany
Lesson Topic,
Christian Endearor.
Junior Christian Endeavor.
B. Y. P. U. Seeing the Good In Others."
Epworth. league.
First White Temple 12th and Taylor U.
11. KeT. B. L. Humphrey. D. D. I
Swedish-Finnish Mission White Temple, 5.
East Sid E. 20tb and Anken lU. Rer. A.
M. Petty will preach.
Highland E. 6th and Alberts Ber. Chat.
Meier, pat tor. 11.
Arleta Rer. W. T. Sprlfrs. 11, 7:30.
L'niTersity Park Rev. Thomas Stephenson,
acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
SwediBh 15th and Hoyt T. Gideon
Sy lander, pastor. 11:1E, 7:80.
Grace MontaTilU Rev H. T. "ash
11. preaching by pastor. 7:30, address b? Vill
Sellwood KeT. F. n. Hayes. 11. 7:u'.
St. Johns Rer. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:3
CalTsry E. 8th and Grant Rer. J. E.
Thomas, pastor, 11, 7:30. .
Mt. Calrary Esst H'.ne and Grand tve.
Rev. A. M. Machack.. 11. 8.
Third Knott and VancouTer sre. Rer. W.
J. Bearen. 11, "Power for Christian Living. '"
7:30. "Stereonticon. on the Life of Christ: liis
Baptism and Temptation.
Congre rational.
First Park and Madison Rev. Lather R.
Dyott. minister. 11, Baccalaureate sermon,
The Price of Opportunity." 7:43, "The Temp
trtions of Young People."
First German E, TU and Stmton Rev. E.
O. Willman.
Atkinson Memorial cimrcb E. 29th and
Evtrett, Rev. Warren Morse, acting pas
tor. 11a. m.. "The Uuforced Companionship.''
7:45 p. m., "The Choked Wells."
University Park Haven rt near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 11, 7:30.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Geo.
EUW. Lwls
Geo. nenrlkson, English. 10:18; Norwegian,
11 : 15.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev
W. G. Uenkaemper. 11.
Latter Say Saints.
Church of Jesus Chrlitt or Latter Day Salats
(Mormon) E. 20th and Madison. 11:43. Rev
M. J. Ballard.
District Suoeiintendent Rev. Will tans Wal
lace Youngson. 1). D., ttSl E. 62d St. N. Tabor
First 12th and Tavlor Dr Joshua Stans-
fleld, minister. Rev. Walter L. Airheart. as
sistant minister. 10:30 "The Church His
Dr. Pence Called to the West
minster Presbyterian
Church Will Be Installed,
W. Las.
. raster. 11. 7:30.
Pilgrim Missouri are. and Shaver st. Rev
W. C. Kantner. 11. "For Eves That Ars Dim I Body." 7:30. "Excesies
snd Hearts That Fall." 7:30. men's night ad- Centenary E. 7th and E. Pin T,
dress, bv E. R. UarNinrhtnn. 111. 7:dO.
Waverly Heights E. 33d snd Woodward I Taylor Street church Han at 130 Fenrth St.
Rev A. r Unwi. A:4.t II 7 in 110:30 a
SunnTsld' E. 32d anA Tailor Rev. J. J. I Trinity B. 10th and hermsii Rev. F. N
Staub. 11 "TTi. KinoHnm t-i.n . rf ,k m. I oandlfur. nastor. 11. 7:30,
ion of the Church." 7:43. "Ambassadors of I Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. John
."hlnese J. C. Malone 7.
Lenta Rev. J. M. Kelton. 11. 7:90.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
11. 7:30.
Glcncoe E. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Sunday "How We Got Our Bible."
School association, will be the chief .Vv&n--rrBillL
speaker. The Oregon Sunday School 11 8.
association. In addition to its activi- First German 4th and Mill Rev. J. Kratt.
I Express Officials
Here on Long Trip
-Rev. Wal-
Dr. Kantner of Pilgrim Congrega
" tlonal church has arranged a Series of
V H Al , O..Mn.. - .. I I
VKviai puiiuujf evening serviucn. ouu- .. - j, t.-ji
day evening will be men's evening. E. , "u"unlrvlB .f... Z ' North Portland Mission 80 Nicdal st
. B. MacNaughton of the firm of Mac- ! each county of state during th Fridays 8.
..' Naughton & Raymond will be the year' I,el'T)L, Mission Rev. Albert Laugh-
p'Alier ? l.h.e Occasion. A men's choir ' . . ' Trne-E. 42d and Holr.t
; win xumisn me music. All tne men or U'-v"n-jr!ci lltTimalct ' ter Duff, acting pastor. 11.7:30.
ine neirnnnrnnnn trit invirpd tt Tna win tri iilili iiiiriiin i
cervices which will be In charge of the
men's club of the church. The follow
' lng Sunday evening will be women's
. , evening. The women of the church will
be In charge of the meeting and Miss
- JJeQraff will speak.
Zlon (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30.
Norwegian Dsnl-b CosgreCtionaI Church E.
23! and Sumner Rev. Morton Olson. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. J. H Barnett, pastor. 11. 8.
Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore st. Rev.
Samuel Nevala. 6 p. m. axd 7:30.
Lanrelwood Congregational Church 45th avs
and 65th S. E. 11, sermon by Mrs. J. J.
Ardenwald Ardenwald station. 10:34 a. sa
7:30 p. m.
Trinity 16th and Everett Rev. A. A Mot-
riron. tt and 11a. in.. 8 p. m.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Strubeni the Msrtrr
lou. ana Clay me very Kev. E. H. McTol-
llster. dean. Rt. Kev. W. T. Sumner, bishop
Services, 7:45 . m.. 11 a. m.. 7:43 v. ra.
St. David's E. 12th sod Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 8, 9:30. 11. "Jesus
Christ the Life." 7:30.
St. Mark's 21st and Mr.rahall Rev. J. E.
Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Ilatton,
sirtant rector. 7:30, :M5. 11. 1:15.
8t. Andrew's Hereford st.. Portsmouth -
Special Mission of
j Methodism Theme
"The Mission of Methodism" will be
Ki- I V 1 Curc! So""1' day was spent In visiting with Joseph
Sunday morning at U o'clock. The A. Sanborn, Portland agent of the
pastor, W. J. Fenton, will endeavor to rnmsnr ar,A i ot-
First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H
Griff is, pastor. 11, "A, Typical New Testa
ment Conversion." 7:45, "How We Got Our
Kern Park Rev. O. K. Berry. 11. 7:30.
East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Rev. E. 11. Sawyer, pastor. Sermons 11.
"Religions, Fake and True." 7:30. Evening
Bong service, "The One and Oniy true Religion.
Sell wood 13 th and Tenino Rev. J. R.
11 and 8.
St. Johns Hev. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8.
In the course of a round-the-country w. Wilson.
trip. They left at 8 o'clock this Monuvtils E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. Eugene
morning for San Francisco. Tester
Traveling la Bpecial Car, Officers of
American. Express Co. Visit Port
land and Baaew Old Acquaintances,
Traveling in a special car, a party
of officials of the American Express Johnson.
company reached Portland yesterday
Burr. 11. 7:45.
! Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn.
I Catholic.
Rev. P.
11. S.
Beutgen, 8,
E. V
E. P
at i i rv . - m . rwi
Jew York, president Of the "S,pb..,..;.e' iVS -n o.kR... , u
rnmnanv onrl in j-va llinir nrAm itn s-tti Sr Plor I n r
chow that Methodism has a distinct 1 hv, ',, r.iiw..' m.n e v 10:30.7::).
freUmlnTry to tS lt? i dayS aK and Cam WMt by thft DOrth- L.wre'uceindheriJn-kev
m? i7 Imu"an4eou mov,- ern and will return home by the Gulf Hughes, ts, 8.30, io:3o, i:30.
ment of Methodism In Portland, look- .,., , V. St. Patrick'a-mth and Savier Rev.
,inv TAnrav a l a i
::c..,r, ,r i?::.itt: rmc" ,B i Taylor of n
- i&abuuac:ii lu nr. j ii i' tnr ii;ii v i, i na ut.
.link fTl rr n a.1 . V. - .1 r " , ...... a. w. o., . Itim I A . . . O . jv.. .av.
v.lS..u,LOU 111 ll.O nClODdin mJt flnA.M.l , X I.. VI.,. Willi ...
S. Elliott. New York, yice president nc fetauton Kev. w. a. v. . 9. ll,
onA ft - . t . in-, 7:30.
ov.7 a ' 1 vicrB. BoXj Rojary-E. M ,ntl Clackamas Rev. E.
unAgv, inn iriesiucui ana general g. ijon. 6. 7, 8, 9. 11, 7:30.
manager; Harry Gee, isew York, man- St. Rose E. 63d and Alameda Bev. J.
ager foreign department; Douglas Mai- FLrreii. 8, 10. r.M.
colm, New York, advertising manager .."; .'A?-,9 Irt-R
nu an. mtue oi oau iaKe. man-j Tbe Madeline E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev
ager oi me i-aciiic aepanment. George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9. 10:30.
vve are Just gallivanting around the Aecension E. Ysmblll and E. 76tb Franc Is-
mitntrv iilnn in ,..v. i.i, can Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
n,,, n on VI'0""" '"uv" V " Blessed Sacrament-Maryland ave. and Blan-
- ' - ceoa Bev. . w. Biscs, a, io:ao. 1:30.
ance with the railroad people and busl- ' Holy cross 774 Bowiloln Rev. C Raymond
ness men of the country with whom 8, 10:30. 7:30.
our comnany does business You nn st- Ignatius' 3220 43d st. S. E. Jesuit
. derstand people better when you know stfs.enn'en.'-d and E. Taylor-Rev. War
preachers meet, and was unanimously
aappiea last Monday morning.
New Quartet Begins
: VAt Forbes Tomorrow
C VThe new quartet will begin its du
ties at the morning and evening serv
ices tomorrow at the Forbes Presby-
Jterian church. Miss Hallene Pierce Is
soprano and- director; Miss Marjorle
tKood, alto; F. E. Lewis, tenor, and J.
a.JCilpack, baritone. Miss Irene Rey-1 them personally, and, so far as our ren A Waitt. e78:30 10:30. 7 :3o
1 . nlnntav rI a ... TllUl ' - . . . . . . .... ,, . ........ . ... .
a- . aU fiuio cius I people are concemeo, 11 maKes better ol- rnuup nn r.. 10m anu liicaory
forvwomen was started last Sundav.
Mrs. W. 1. Wheaton is the teacher.
This class meets at the regular Sun
day school hour and all women inter-
ested are Invited to coma
4 ' Missionary at Hillsboro.
; Rev. John D. Rice, general mission
ary ot the diocese of the Episcopal
church, will conduct services at St.
Andrews. Portsmouth, Sunday morn
' tor, and at All Saints, Hillsboro, in
'tha evening. The service at St. An
drews. - will be a celebration of the
holy communion at 11 a. m.
" , "Work at Men's Resort.
At the T. W. c. A. , vesper service
Sunday at 4:30 p. m., Levi Johnson will
tell of the work at the Men's Resort.
Mrs. Mltylene Fraker Stltes will sing
A. Wellman. 11. 7:43.
Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. C. O. Mc-
Culloch. 11. "Mutualism and Evancelism."
7:45, stereopticon pictures Illustrating Chrla-
t!en work In China.
Hrst Norweatan Danish 18th and Hovt
Rev. Kllaa ,GJerdlng. uastor. 11, 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Bev.
W. K. Kloater.
SeUwood Rev. Alexander P Maclean. 11.
SunoTstd E. 35th and Ysmhlll Rsv. R.
Elmer Smith, pastor. C. T. McPherson. as
sUtant pastor. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. Stark and 61st. E. Olln Eld.
ridge, minister. 11, "The Incomparable
Christ." 7 :SO, musical entertainment by the
Central Vancouver ave. and Fsro Rev. C
C. Karick. 11. 7.-30.
St. Johns Haves and Leavltt Rev J. H.
Irvine. It. 7:30.
MontavllU Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 11, 7:80.
Lanrelwood 63d st. S. E. snd Foster road
Kev. C. A. Carlos. 11, "Tbe Guests of
Our Lord." 7:30, sermon by Rev. W. W.
Youngson, D. P.. district superintendent.
Clinton aeuy Memorial K. 40th and Powell
Vernon l&tn and Wygant eta, 11 a
Prof. Crswford will speak, aablect, "1
Smalt Be a Blessing la the Midst of the
Millard Avenue 7211 50tk ave. S. E. Rev
W. H. Amos. 10:30
Mt Tlhor V Mlh .nil BaIrum, am
Inlty Rev. W. L-e Gray. 71st and Sandy
Diva. 11, 7.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev.
A. Ia Hutchinson. 11. 7:50.
Rose Ctty Park E. 43th and Hancock Sts.
Rev. J. M. Skinner.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and SookaBe Rav
w . o. sicvuiiagn. 11, t .30. 1
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall atm
Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:30.
Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska arm.
Dr. A. J. Montromery. 11. 7:30.
Chinese 148V4 First it. 7:43.
Anabel K6tb it. and 37th are. S. E. Rev
E. Nelson, pastor. 11 3 p. m.
Reformed Frsstytertaa.
First Church Minnesota and Aluwortfc
Rev. F. D. Fraser. 11. 7:30.
First German 12th and Clay Rev O. Haf-
ner. 10:45. 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and 83d st. Rev
A. Wyss. 11.
Third Fifth ave.. bents Rev. W. TJ
temper. 11.
alvstiea Army.
Corps No. 1243 Ash st. Adjutsnt snd Mrs.
rank Oenge. 11 3.13, .
Corps No. 412914 First St. Enslra Pome
and Captain Brown.
bweaisn corn 130 Barnslde.
Beveath Day Adventiata.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
ventral t. inn ana Everett Elder P C.
Hay ward, pastor. 11:13.
labernacle West Side, a. of P. hsll. 11th
snd Alder. 11.
Mootsvllls E. 80th and IB r,, -a..
S F. Bestty. 11.
Ienta 4ta and 08th are. Elder D J
rnwooa. 11.
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 1L serTlees : Of. ?f zZZ,
h. Jh. ri nt of the Church." 7: JO. "The Epworth Lesgus
team work," Mr. Elliott said.
1 TT . V ' A lltllUV. o, 1V.0V, .tfu.
Mr Whlttl. wVir, ... v , ' rt. uiemenis snutn ana rvowioo KV. Jo-
. V . t, .. a , seph Chspoton, Bev. 1 homas Mealon. aaststant.
first agent in Portland, declared that . 10:80. 7:30.
he felt "like a colt" all day yesterday. Sacred Heart E. 11th and CenterRev. O
so glad was he to get around and visit Ro,tJ1-, 81?'-30- 7 : ";.. . t, M
r 1 a a", a. v, it. Tt Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancoa-
-t-T. ii. t nn..7. . a . . " ver ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. . 8. 10:30. Tail,
sl sts that Portland is still first In his 1 st. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J
by Rev. John D Rlr
st. Matthews corbe't and Bancroft sts.
Bev. V . A. M. Breck. vlrar. 11 a.
Grace Memorial Weidler and E. 17th K.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Sbenherd Vancouver and Graham-
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 7:30.
St. Michael's and All A nee is' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 11. 7:30 p. m.
Church or Our Savior outh ave. and 41st
St. S. K. Archdeacon Chambers la charge. 11
Bt. faui a noojmcrc Kev. oawaid w.
Taylor. 4.
llsboo Morris Memorial chape. Good Sa
maritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:15.
All Saints1 church 25th ahd Savier Rev.
Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:30.
Evangelic! Assoc la. ties.
Csrson Heights Rev. N. Shu do. castor.
ll:ao. 7:30.
First Kncllsh E. 6th snd Msrket Rev.
D. Hornscnuch. 11. 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. G. F. I.lening. iO:45. 8.
Portland Mltalon chnrch Caraon Heights
Kev. A. soupp, pastor. .:dO. 0:JO. 7:30.
Evangslical Bynod.
' German Evangelical Friends' chnrch Ta-
coma are. ami K. 13th Kev. Ellas N. Her-
geru 10:43. 7:30.
Free Methodist.
Central 65th and E. Flanders Rev. W. N
corree. 11, ?:o.
First E. 0th and Mill Rev. A. Beers, pas
tor 11. a.
St. Johns 81t snd 57tb ave. 11.
Third Rev. R. II. Clark. 11, 7:30.
Friends' Church.
Sunnyside E. 33th snd Main Rev. Home
Coy. 11. 7:30.
Lents South Mala St. Rev. John Riley.
11. 7:30.
West Piedmont Friends' church . Corner
Borthwick snd Jessup tt. Chester A. Hadle,
pernor. 11. 7:40.
Jewish. 1
Congregation Beth Urae 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. wise, tr'cay, p
St. James. English West Park snd Jeffer.
sou Rev. William Even Brinkmao. pastor.
11 a. m.. Mrs sons rT s Greater Church
8 p. m.. "Hear Ye Him."
Immannel 19tU and Irving II, 8.
West Side Norwegian Lutheran 15 N 11th
Kev. wimeim petterson. 11
Work of Neighborhood House.
Mrs. Isaac Swett will be the speaker
at the S o'clock vesper service, Lan
relwood Congregational church, Forty-fifth
avenue and Sixty-fifth street,
southeast. Mrs. Swett win tab
her subject: "The Work of the Neigh- (SnWerbora. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Vx r Vi -wl IT..... t r . , n . . ... m, t aj .
wv. xavubq in ouuii x'orxiana.
Cummlnsky. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. 8tanislsus (Polish Maryland sve. aad
Falling Kev. F. Matthew. 8, 10:S0. 7:80.
St. Joseph (German )15th and Cooca Bev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30, T:80.
St. Michael I Italian) 4ta and Mill Rev. M.
Bales tra. 8, 10:80. 7:30.
St. Clsrs's Capitol Hill Frasclscaa rathers.
7::0. :15.
St. Charles 33d ana Alberta Bev. G.
Bold Thief Makes Big Hani.
Los Angeled. Jan. 20. p. jf S)
Piekina- ur a tra v of Hnn
A aocial hour will be held at 6:30 a man this afternoon calmly walk
o'clock. A welcoma Is sxtended to all out of the B. Bailey Jewelry store .
girls. land escaped. ' ntri
f . '";?V " '4 -. - : . . ' 0r;-:
" ' ' - . a s- ' sl t
Cairstiaa gcianea.
Subject of Lesson Sermon. "Life."
First chnrch - Everett, between 18th sad
ivth sts. 1 1, 8.
Second E. 6th and Hellsdsy. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emersoa. 11. 8.
Flfth Myrtle Park ball. 11. - -
Christlaa science society Hoi brook block. St.
tfOOBS.' lb . .-..:..- i
Japanese Mission Rev. EUsea Klbara.
B:30. 8:30.
Rose City Psrk Saody blvd. and 1. 5Sth
N. A. A. Heist. 11. Vespers. 4:80.
German Rodney avs. and Stanton Bev. F.
A Schumann. 10. 8.
African Zion 288 Williams sve. Rev. W
W. Howard. 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian - Danish Cor
ner Skldmore Kev. 11. P. Nelson, pastor. 11.8.
University Park bombard and Fnka Rev.
J. T. Abbett. 11, 7:43.
1-ente Kev. F. M. Jssper. 11. 8.
Bethel Irrabee and MrMHlen Rev. W. H.
Prince. 11:13. 8.
Westmoreland Mllwarkle ave., near R
mona Kev. F. N. Handlfor. supply. 7:30.
Lincoln E. S2d and L!acoln. Rev. B. H-
Monie. 11 s. m.. 7:30.
Patton Mlrhtaan and Alberta Rev. Georaa
H. Feese. 11. 7.43.
Woodstock E. 44th and 00th avs. S. B.
Bev. I. C. Poor. 11. 7:30.
First German Rev. A. r. Cramer. 11, 8
Brentwood Bev. Paul Green. 11.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douglas. Kea-
aaii ststion.
Clark achoolhouse Rev. A. R. Wilson. 7:80
Irvlngton East 10th and Weidler Rev. S.
A. Danford. 11.
1.1 nn ton Rev. S. II. Ilewert.
Bethel A. M. E. church Rov. W. H. Prince.
11:15. 8.
Oak Grove. M. E. Community church. 11:18
U. E. Chnrch South,
First M. E. Church South, corner Union avs
and Multnomah st. Rev. W. J, Fenton, pas
tor. Sermons. ii, 7 :ao.
Swedish Mission Kev. B. J. Thores. 11. 8
Ellm chspel Kev. B. 1. inorto. 10
Bethel Free church Ivy st. and Willla
Rev. J. A. Stavney. 11. 8.
First Pentecostsl B. 7th and E. Coach sts
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11, 7:30.
SeUwood E. 8th and Spo -e--Kv. H. C
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood K. oath ana c. eota avs. B. K.
Rev. J. M. Butcbard. 11. 8.
Scandinavian 848 Garfield. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park 113 E. 14th N. Rev. g. L,
Mendel. 10, 11. 7:30.
First 12th snd. Alder eta
a. "Corld's Bel
"The Happiness
Fetbsnla Danlab Evauaelieal Iatberaa churei I Bord. Services at 10:.;0 a
In Win ave. and Morris St. Rev. L. P. I rt ustructlon." 7:30 p. m.
ILU ller. 10 a. m and it d m. I at the Lnthlnklnc.
immanoei uerman eeuwooa Kev H. c. I Central t.. id ana nne sts. see. Arthur
Idling. lo:ao. IF. Bishop. D. u. "Giant Killing." 7:30,
iTiuuy wernaa lawmn van wti-1 "iioine uooa.
llrms ave. and Graham Rsv. J. A. Rlmbaah. Westminster E. 17th snd Scburler sts
10:16. 7.30. I Dr. Rdwsrd Penes. 10:3O. "The Orestest
St. Psul s German E. 12th and Clinton I Fact of the Inlverse." 7:80. 'Ths Edge of
Rev. A. arause. uerman 10:30. Eoalish. I the Axe."
7:30. I Arbor Lodge-Bev. Geo. B. Cromley. 11, 7:43.
urae ngusn inawon oynoa amine ave. 1 cslvsry 1111 sua -tay sis. io:ao. Rev
an. Mason St. ttev. a. i ruust. a:ao, 10:30, 1 Wsllsce H. lee. o. v., nresldeot of Albs
7:30. lollrrr win prearn at nota services A
German Evangelical Lutheran Zloa (Mis- I theme. "The Pre-esoinnoe of Jesus Christ."
sour I syaoa) naimoa and cnapman Bev. H. I 7:.To p. m.. tnem. mrutian Preparedn
H. Koppeimana. iu:io.
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wygant and Rodney aves. Rev. I. A. Stsv
tev. 11. 8.
St. John's Peninsular aad Kirkpatrlck-r
Bev. H.. M. jsaissaana. J:9, i:su.
JypW3Wifv!.1i Ta
f A- 1
I 1 O '
m1 ::
( J
I ZStK . 1
Dr. Edward II. Pence.
Dr. Edward If. Pence, the newly
elected pastor of Westminster Pres
byterian church, was admitted to the ;
Presbytery of Portland by Us action
on Monday last, when also the details
were arranged for the Installation
services. These services will be held
at Westminster Presbyterian church.
East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets,
on Tuesday evening at 7:30. The meet
ing will be In charge of Rer. S. W.
Seemann, moderator of the Presbytery
of Portland, and the order of service
will be as follows:
The installation sermon will be
given by the Hev. Hobert II. Mllll
f an, pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian
church of Tacoma, Wash. The consti
tutional questions will be propounded
by Rev. A. L. Hutchison. Piedmont
church; Instillation prayer by Rev. A.
J. Montgomery; the charge to the
pastor by Kev. J. M. Skinner of Rose
City Park church, and the charge to
the people by Dr. John II. Royd of
the First church. Appropriate mure
will be interspersed. A very cordial
invitation Is extended to the public
to attend.
Dr. Luther R. Dyott.
It has been the custom of Dr. Luth
er It, Dyott, pastor of the First Con
gregational church, to set aside cer
tain Sunday evenings when the serv
ices are devoted to young people. Run
day night his theme for a practical
message of this nature will be,
"Temptations of Young People." The
morning service will be of equal in
terest because of the fact that the
graduating class of Washington high
school will be present in a body and
frlenda generally are Invited. Dr.
Dyott will deliver the baccalaureate
sermon, taking as his theme "The
Price of Opportunity."
Game Licenses Bring
Big Sum to Klamath
Klamath Falls. Or.. Jan. 10- Hunt-
ln. sir. rtstHlnas' 1 inil foP that TAA.r.
Qoer Eh iTHbort."' n " CUsrleston 1 , 916 brousht t.990 revenue to Klam-
am county, accorums; iu nium kmwt
Dublin today by Coutity Clerk DsLap.
All except 1154 of this amount Is
turned over to the state treasury. The
licenses were divided as follows: Runt
Ine 1382. fishing 1P42, combination
281, non-resident 14.
Mt.. Tabor K. ttoth and Belmoat Rot 1. u
Wllloughby. 11.
Alblna (German) Skldmore aad Mauory
Minister. H. J. Ulrkven; A. C. Bchweitser, io
cs I elder. 11:30.
Odgen Hall. Mississippi snd Shaver Rev
K. Sandoes. 11.
Bsrvloss for th Deaf.
United Pretbyterlsn Wasra and (lnail
Rev. 8. Earl Du Bols. 10:30. 7:30
New Church Socletv ILat Willi. ft
Rcece. Sunday. 11 . m. What th Pr.
ence of God Brings to Human Life." Ellera
nan. eroaaway and Alder. Sunday school 10.
Chnrch of Our Fstber Broad n. ! v.
hill Rev. T. L. Eliot, n o.. mlnUter emerl-
IDS: HeV. TT . U. r-IIOt JI. nailnr 11
Quarter Hour . for God." 7:4S, W. L. Brew
ster. Should Portland Abandon Commlaalun
Uvvernment T' ' 1
Vaits4 Brsthrea.
Alberts 27th sad Alberta. I
First E. 16th and Kurrlson Rt s n '
Bobebrake. 11 a. m.
Fourth 00th and X2d ave. g. E. I
Third 7th st. and .'.2d ave. 8. B. Herbert
ttuiiv, pasiur. 11, t
Believes Money for
Tourist Bureau Due
Mark Woodruff Assured 7elAiAtua
Will Appropriate 135.000 a Tear to
Kelp Along Publicity Work,
Prospects are excellent for the pas
sage ly the Oregon legislature of the
bill appropriating $25,000 a year for
two years to help along the publicity
work of the Northwest Tourist associ
ation, according to Mark Woodruff of
the Chamber of Commerce, who spent
Thursday In Salem.
Mr. Woodruff said he encountered
no opposition to the bill, while, on the
contrary, a lively interest In Its ob
jects was evinced by the legislators.
The association la composed of rep
resentatives of Oregon. Washington
and British Columbia, with the object
of carrying on a Joint campaign for
the encouragement of tourists to the
entire Pacific northwest. Cooperation
by tha railroads is pledged, and the
entire sums raised by the states and
the province will go to actual exploita
tion, with none dlsslpa'.ed in over
bead expense.
The administration expense will be
carried by the interests that handled
such work before the concerted Idea
was developed, so the appropriation.
It Is explained, will mean Just so much
money for actual dissemination of the
advantages of this region for the touristy
Ite. ds
t 17th snd Harney. Timnr w.ak
Jobn 1. Nkewooder, pastor. Preaehlnst.
10.30, 2:U0, 7 .30.
United EvaagslicaL
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11, 7:S0
Radical Jessuo at. Rev. A. 8 1
Manor. Circuit Services Cherrr Grn a
m. Brush Prairie. 7:3o. "
Ockler Green Willametfa bird ! n.
3 f r 1 1 a rf 1
a- . si. iiruDllu, 11, o.
First K. lta snd Poolsr Rav. 1.
Uoode. 11. 7 .30.
8. Johns Rev. A. P. Lsytaa 11, S,
TJaltad rraabytsTlaa.
First E. 37th snd Hswthorne Rsv Hugh
traser Given. 11. "The Klxht Ana or th
Chcrch." 7:48. "The Uvldlna Power of Gods
Chnrch ' of the Stranrer Wasco street asd
GratMl ave. Rev. 8. Var: r vtnia ia-sa
"The Bverlastlng Ye." 7:S0. "A Richer sad
suiter we."
Kenton United Presbyterian chores Los
bard snd Chatham sta. Rev. J. u. Cole. ds
tor. 11:15, 7:30.
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and
ia mt. itibi j . oeort.
the boul. or afaa.
the Insa-
Swedish Augusuna Rev. H. B. Ranstedc
10:46. 7:45.
Catted Norwegian Port mouth Bev. flgw
A. stenseth. 11 snd S. S, 10.
Oat Savior Esst 10th and Grant Bar.
Fourth Flrrt aad Glbtis ats. Rei
G. Hsnson. 10:30. 4:90 p. m.
Kenllworth B. 34th and Gladstone.
Forbes Grshsai sad Gantebbeln ave. Rev.
William llacleod. 11. 7:30.
Mlapah E. llh sad Dtvtaloa sts. Bev. D.
A. TWnpson. II. "gctenee Regeneration."
7:30. Besponstblllty.
Uope Montavilla, 78th aad E. Everett Bev.
8. 8. Seassaa. 11, 8.
The Call of
New Church Society EUers hsll. Rev. Wsi
B. Rcece. 11.
T. X . C. A.T. W. a A,
T. U. C. A eth and Taylor H. W. Stone,
general secretary. 3:30 p. ta.
Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Tay lor-- :30.
. sflsoellseesos.
Asaodsted Bible Students (I. B. 8 A )
Curlstensea's hall. 11th aad Yamhill sta, S
p. m., discourse by F. M c Kerch r subject.
Brotherly Love." 8 p. m.. nubile let-tar
by A. A. Yerex. subject "Wsy Does God
Permit Evfly
BegnUr Babal saeetlngs Sander afternoon. X
e'etork. Friday. p. m.. In roofn els of the
Bilers bnlldng.
The Chnrch of God Ml FslHsg st. H. G
Neal. pastor. Services 11. 7:30.
Chnrch of the Brethren 1124 Borrhwlek sad
Brslnard s II. 7 30 gb.
1'ortUod Hotel AosemVr UaP, Sernton aad
Wtare every Sunday night at 8 'dork bv
Bev Alsamon Ira Locaa
yivw Chorch Society EUers sail Ber W
B, Bceea, 11 a. ss. v'
t , tVs jir'T 1 - j xr 1 i
lW7 ;K 7 tt I
I V iff V
Hm Find Kondon,w on the Job.
Don't try to work wttJi yovr head all stuffed tra. A tnba of
feauioa Koodoo's Catarrhal JeDy will make yoa dear as a belL
50 millkm intelligent Arneiicans have used Koodoo's for
cold-tnhead or nasal catarrh. Some dnigglsts oCfer yoa com
rjlirnentary trial caos. AO drussists offer 25 cent tabes with the
tnwlcntandlac that if the first tube does not do yoa s dollar's
worth of rood, ron can get your quarter back from Koodoo's
Catarrhal Jelly, Mharpoiia, Minn.