THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1917. PORTLAND. OREGON. FORM GOSPEL TEAMS TO HOLD MEETINGS IN EVERY CITY CHURCH Series of German ; GREAT MISSIONARY - State Biologist Lectures to Close With New Subject Scout Executive ' To Talk to Boys DRIVE IS PLANNED BY ; LOCAL C. L UNION State Biologist - William L. Flnley ana his motion pictures of wild animal and outdoor life and J&mei S. Brockway. scout executive of the Boy Scouts for the Portland district, speaking on "Scouting," have been se cured by the Men's club of Cen tral Presbyterian church for their "boys' and men's night" next Tuesday evening at 7:30. The c?ub abandoned Its month ly dinner An order to devote its energies to making the" eve ning's entertainment a most pleasing one for the boys. .Re freshments will be served fol lowing the program. All east side boys are extended an In vitation to see Mr. Finley'a pic tures and hear Mr. Brockway' Interesting talk on the Boy Scout movement. Rev. Cteorge Sdw. Lewis, pastor of t Highland Congrega- tlonal church, will close his series of sermon -lectures from the interesting subject "Is the World Getting Better?" on Sunday evening. Starts Last of Month and Is Be Strictly Evangelistic After the lecture baa been given, five judges chosen out- side of the church membership will meet and weigh the subject in Line With Young Peo ple's Church Work. in Character and Conduct- ed by the Young People. matter as presented by the minister and then decide wheth- er' the old world Is going for- ward or backward religiously. Much interest has been- raanl- -s fested in the entire community reeardine these. Sunday, night addresses, as they have been rilled with historical and sta- d tlstk-ai data and presented in a clear and forceful manner. f SUNDAY SCHOOLS HOLDING GREAT "S. P. & S.' MEMBERSHIP CONTEST - ' - ' li fc: " 1 II f "r- ) fry?..-:.-- " III jL II -111 j3p-ivd I O. JD. Chllso-a. The Portland District Epworth league will open its third series of evangelistic meetings In the Clinton Kelly Methodist church Monday eve ning. January 15. The district orn ' cers.have formed gospel teams and are planning to hold meetings in every church In the city to which they are Invited. So far they have Invitations from Clinton Kelly. Woodstock, Wood- lawn and Lincoln Methodist churches. Meetings already have been held in the . Centenary and Sunnyslde churches. These meetings are strictly evangel lstic In character and are conducted by the leaders of the young people, the main purpose being to bring the young people of the Methodist churches of Portland into a closer relation with the - Christian life. These .spiritual drives are under the - personal direction of the president and first vice president of the district. with the assistance of the remainder of the cabinet, and many chaptt-.r - members. Each church will receive help for , one week from the district cabinet, after whicnit is at liberty to continue the meetings under Its own super vision. The cabinet plana to start a new series every other week. In this way it hopes to cultivate the territory surrounding each church in the city. The meetings already held have net ted such good results for the district - that the leaders are optimistic as to -the outcome of the remainder of the ; series. The Clinton Kelly Methodist church. East Fortieth and Powell streets, of which Rev. A. B. Calder is pastor, has ent an urgent request to the district : officers, so the first of the fortnightly series will be held there, The following are announced as speakers : .January 15, J. R. Benton, . F. J. Schnell, first vice president of .the district; January 17. O. V. Badley . of Sunnyslde church; January 18, Rev. T. W. Lane, pastor of Centenary . church; January 19, Dr. George B. Pratt of Centenary church, and Jan- nary 11, F. Hlld of Montavllle church. -: C, D. Chllson, corresponding secretary of the district, will act as chorister .. for the entire aeries. "It's All in the Day's For his evening discussion In the First Congregational church. Dr. Luth er R. Dyott will take President Henry Churchill King's book, "it's All in the Day's Work." All who know Presi dent King and the character of his writings, as also the many people who are Interested In such a practical theme as this writer has discussed. will find the services in this church mors helpful than ever next Sunday evening. The morning theme will be equauy practical rne secret of a1 Successful Life." The main fact of the sermon .will be to show that the popular conception of success is Incor rect and altogether too limited and we may so adjust our lives that our ; success will be one of the most certain things in the world. City Missionary on "The Resurrection" Kev. , l nomas stepnenson. who re - . . 5?"? amJ? Prt,and ? Mt - w 3 v. v. i ui vn ouii marnlnr hi. tnl win i tv 4? " lat ,Ui .T"1 ,Rel,ur: Sfe- In tnt Hn "TfiPlZL't "l .J? lZ1.???..??1 Pr! Barret and P., Tlf... secret ana rower or Lire. fcr the Temple auartet. will h- r a Ainha an nmr. h o(.. . "-" Prepare T the ;Way," by Garrett in tne evening the aninem "Now the Day Is Over." by Shelly, and "Day Is Dying," by Salter, Church House Open . For Young People Room K of the First Presbyterian - Church house, 454 Alder street.- is ; open svery Sunday afternoon from I to T o'clock for the convenience and speak, "with earnestneMand convlc .nJoyTnent of young people who desire tion which has a telling effect unon ?121?t;.warm room 1.1ch to hisauenceTSeveraY havVbn co Sf" i y. r"wn- 1TW- 1 . per class, and a program of interest and merit is prepared each week, Ugjt refreshments are served at 6 o'clock, so that all young people who deslr mar remain for Christian Endeavor ' and evening service without the necev sity, of going out somewhere for lunch. r . Salvation Song Service. A service of song will be given to night try the children of the Salvation Army, corps No. t, entitled "Little Al Ice, or From. Match Girl to Captain.' It will begin at 8 o'clock in the hall a.fliS asm VhVa y. .?, First Congregational Is Growing Steadily New accession in the First Congre gational church and bible school Indi cate the growth and interest in this church's work. All the church organ izations are actively at work, assist ing local charities where possible and holding regular monthly meetings in the church parlors or in the homes of members. During the week the Broth erhood, the Silver circle and the Busi ness Girls' club were among those who held regular meetings. Tuesday afternoon the deaconesses were entertained by their retiring pres ident. Mrs. W. F. Norman. Mrs. J. D. Ripley was elected president for 191 7. In observance of the week of prayer, meetings were held in the church parlors Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Dr. Dyott conduct ed the services. EASTERN EVANGELIST CONDUCTS CAMPAIGN Rer. P. W. Cox. Rev. F. W. Cox of Ashtabula, O., an evangelist of wide reputation. Is to conduct an evangelistic campaign In the First Pentecostal church of the Nazarene, East Couch and Seventh streets, C. Howard Davis pastor, be ginning Sunday. Services will be held every night and every afternoon ex cept Monday and Saturday. Rev. Mr. Cox is a splendid preacher and suc cessful evangelist, having held many revivals in the east. Good singing, led by the pastor and chorus. Rev. Mr. Cox's last meeting was a union meet ing at Kenton, which was an old fash ioned revival. Mrs. Cox was his help er In that campaign. neece Accepts Call Rer. William R. Reece, who for sev eral weeks has been acting pastor of I the New Church socletv f Swedenbor- hfl. armntM t h m l nf h In- cal church and on Wednesday was elected to that office. Rev. Mr. Reece came to Portland from Los Angeles upon an Invitation extended to him by the directorate of the New Church so ciety. Following Is an outline of hla sermon tomorrow, which will be the first as pastor of the church: "The Lord is a matter of conscious ness. He becomes present only as we become intellectually and spiritually aware of him. He cannot be found I among the multitude the ordinary thoughts of everyday sense life. thoughts making that plane of can sclousness with which our dally news papers deal. To find him we have to draw apart, to follow him, to go to tne mountain top. These are but terms to describe the kind or state of con sciousness In which he makes himself seen and lelt. i . . . v .v u u w wufc u i. vux in lima It. Mi.r.i tj , . - UVghU. sound, "an smell, comW rloN i sens "Wo Pe this crowd only by eort nd practice. To hold the mind ln contemplation of the savior, of his love, his providence, his presence, hi, a" ey ining at rirai. Yet h iiuh mntmni.ti.. - " .UL.W.. w.w J , """"r "lu5nira"on or M"' leeungs ror a shorter or longer time on i I w rind t.h irA 1 -a -i . . tMs pathway w return W Vh. live tXon from Ytm i with faces radiant, new truth ln our minds, our very breath quickened and our ieeungs exalted and purified. Revival Meeting Continues. The revival meeting at the Third umtea Brethren church, eamei rit ty-eventh street and Thlrtv-second avenue soumeasi, continues with in creasing interest. Evangelist Neff verted. Rev. H. B. Dorks of Eugene will rrive in the cltv Monilav mA help ln the meeting over the following Duuua.jr. Biaes regular pastoral work. Rev, Mr. Dorks has traveled several years as a singing evangel 19U Consolidaiion Is Subject. "Should Multnomah Couniv n rnn, kolidated With the City of Portland r will be the Question for discussion at the open "forum in tha chanl nf t h Church of Our Father tomorrow eve ning ai v:t o clock. E. B. MacN'auch ton will be the principal speaker, open A "B UiaUUBSlun. Iter. R. Elmer Smith. One of the biggest Sunday school contests ever held in the northwest is now in progress between three of the leading Methodist churches In Spokane. Portland and Seattle. It Is three cornered contest and Involves St. Paul's church of Spokane, the Sun nyslde church of Portland and the Uni versity Park church of Seattle. Each of the Sunday schools Is try ing to Increase its membership to cor respond to that of the church rec ords. All three schools are about the some size, each having an attendance Motion Pictures Of Lumber Mills Monday e-venlnr the Monday IJve- nlng club, which was organised at the First Presbyterian church this week, will have a motion picture exhibition showing the lumber mills and a num ber of Portland Industries, including the cracker factory and the gas com pany plant. The entire idea or uie Monaay Eve ning club is purely educational, and the fact that already 227 persons hvo registered for the various courses proves that there Is a large place In the community for such an institution. There Is no fee of any kind connected with the courses. Registration is sfi'.l open and full particulars can be se cured by calling the church office. Main 2336. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 2nd Sunday After Epiphany Lea ton Topis. Christian Endeavor. Junior Chrlstlsn Endesver. B. Y. P. U. "Ought." Epworth league. Baptist. First White Temple 12th and Taytor sts. 11 R. Thomas SteDbesaoa will preach; a. m.. "The Beaurrectloo or the Final Ooo fli nation of Ufa." V. at.. "Gratitude er the Secret and Prayer of Ufa." Swedlah-Flnnlsb Mlaaion White Taajple, 5. East side K. 30th and Ankany ats Bev. Dr. Stewart will preach morning and evening atrrlce. Highland B. th and Alberta Bev. fAea. Meier, pa tor. 11. Arleta Rev. W. T. Sprig. 11, T:M. CnlTCrslty Park 11. preaching by Bav. O. C. Wright. 7:80. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bev. T. Gldeoa SJlander. paator. 11:16, T:80. Grace Moatarllla Bev H. T. ass. 11.7:80. Sellwood Bev. T. H. Hayee. 11. ":. St. Johns Eev. E. P. Borden, pal tor. 7:80 Calvary B. 8th and Grant Bev. J. B. Thomas, paator. 11, Evangelist Tapacott will preach, theme. "Heavea'a Standard of Oraatr ness." 7:30, "Tne First Ship." Mt. Calvary Eaat Pine and Grand ave. Bev. A. M, Uachack. 11. 8. Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Bev. W. J. Beaven. 11, "The Gem and Ita Setting." 7:30. "Our Unseen Helpers." Chinese J. C. Makrae 7. Lenta Bev. J. M. Kelson. 11. 7 JO. Second German Morris and Bodoey ave. 11 7:30. Glencoo B. 48th and Mala Bev. A. B. Valta. 11. address by Miss Carrie O. Mllla paugh. 7:80, "How We Got Our Blbla." Monnt Olivet Bar. W. A. Magrett. 11. 8. Italian Mlsslos Bev. rraaoesce Saaaalla. ii a First German it and Mm Bev. J. Kratt. 11. 7:30. , , Korth Portland Missies aev nmwa . Rnasellruie Micsioa orw. imum- trti1 a-4K Tabernacle n. Zd ana notgaw an. wai ter DUK , acting pastor. 11. i Carlstlas, rtrst Park and Columbia Bv, Harold H Griff U, paator. 11, "The Good of Godliness." a. 'iw i Pitr' East Side Christian E. 12th and . Taylor Bev. E H. Sawyer, paator. Sermons 11. Thai Man Who Knows.'1 7:80. "Is Christian ity Competent for Ita World-wide Taakr' seiiwooa lain ana iouw Tohnson. 11 and 8. or. jonns nev. nnwri . v. Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Bev. Aubrey W Wllann Montavtua E. Totn ana tieyt nv. sugene Burr. 11. 7:45. GlsdstoBt Bev. Boy L.. Duns, ii, s. Catholio. 8t Peter's lnta Bev. P. Beutgen, 8, 10:30. 7:30.- ? Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Bev. B. V G'Hm. a. 7:15. 8:30. 9:45. 11. 7:46. 81. Lawrence Sd ena nnermaa mv. . u. BnefaH 8. 8:90. 10:30. 7:30. St. Patrick a itn ana oavier ami. n.. r. Murahv. 8. lOJJO. 7:30. St. Francis s. iiin ana wi ht, n. Blsrk. . 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30. Iatmsculate Heart ol Mary winiams ave. and Stanton Bar. W. A. Daly. , 8, 9, 11. 7:30 Holy Bosary E. Sd and ClaeKassas Bar. K. 8. Olaon. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rose B. G34 ana Aiameaa sev. J Oirarrell. 8. 10. 7:30. St. Andrew's E. th and Alberta Bev. J. KUman. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeline E. 24th and Slsklyos Bev Geore-e V. TfaomDSon. 7:90. 9. 10:80. Ascension m. xanuuu ana e. atn rra Bas ra n Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Bias- dena Bev. F.'W. Black. 8, 10:30. T:SO. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln Bev. C Raymond. 8. 10:S0. 7:30. si. ignatras' ssn ua st. s. s. jesmi Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:30, 4. St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylor Bev. War ren A. wattt. e. s:ao. iw:aw. St. PbUUn Jierl E. letn and Hickory Bev, W. J. Cartwright. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Clemen u smitn ana rtewxoa nev. Jo seph Chapoton, Bev. Tbomaa NeaVon. assistant. a. 10:30. 7:su. Barred Heart E. llth and center Bev. a Bonl. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Bedeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou ver avev Bev. F. H. MUler. 8. 8. 10:90. 7:3V St. Agatha E. 1 5th and MUler Bav. Commlnsky. 8. 10:30. 7:30. 1 St. StaaUlaaa (fousn ataryiaoa ave. aad Falling Bev. F. Matthew.- s, 10:30. 7:30. St. josepb luermaai isu ana umcsi av. B. Durrer. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Michael (ltaUaa) 4tb sad Mill Bev. If. Baieitra. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Fitters. 7:80, 9:15. Bt. Charles 83d and Alberta Bev. a. Sulderbora. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Ckixstiaa Bcieaoa. - Babject of Lesson Sermon. "Sacrament," ttrat church Everett, between 18th and 19th sts. 11, 8. Second K. th aad HolUday. 11. g. Third E. 12th aad Salmon. S 11. s. Fourth Vaaeoover ave. and Emerson. 11, g. Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11. ' Cbristlsa science society Holbrook buck. St. Johns. 11. - Iter. J. W. McIXhigall. of a little over 400. The Seattle church has about 625 members, ttu Spokane church about 750 and the jmyslde church about 1000. As the results are figured on a percentage of the church membership, this makes it necessary for the local church to add the largest number to its attendance records In order to win. The Portland church already has n large number of the children In Its district on the roll books, so the com mittee. has started at work to interest the adults In the work and value of DR. WILSON TO ADDRESS METHODISTS Dr. Clarence True Wilson, general secretary of the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals, will be one of the speakers at the Methodist convention to be held at First church in Portland January 16 to 18. Rev. Mr. Wilson has been very busy deliv ering addresses In the northwest. On Sunday morning, December SI, he preached at Puyallup and In the eve ning at the First church of Tacoma. Monday morning he addressed the Ta coma Ministerial meeting and at night he delivered his popular lecture. "Ad ventures of a Street Campaigner." This same lecture was delivered at the Centenary church in this city Friday night under the auspices of the Broth erhood. January 7, Dr. Wilson preached at two of the Tacoma churches, St. Cong rsgatlopal. 1 First Park and Madison Bsv. Lather B. Dyott. minister. 11. "The Secret of a Suc cessful Life." 7:45. diacuasloa of President King s book. "It's All ln the Day's Work " First German E. 7th and Stanton Bav. E. 0. Wlllmaa, Atkinson Community church E. 29th aad Everett Bev. Warren Morse acting paa tor. 11 a, m., "Enlargement Through Chris tian Service." 7:45 p. m., "Tha Hands of a Carpenter." University Park Havon rt near Lombard Bev. r. J. Meyer, pastor. 11. 7:80. H Iceland E. eth and Prescott Bev. ooa. Bdw. Lewis, pastor. 11. "Tha Golden Age." :bo, "is tne woria uetung Deticrr- Plicnm Missouri ave. ana suaver at. Kev. W fT KiiltM. 11 "rtillsw III." T:Sn. "THa Life That Counts." Waverlr Heights B. 8Sd and Woodward Bev. A. O. Moses. 9:45. 11, T:S. Sunnyslde K &2A and Taylor Bev. J. J. Btanb. 11. "Thinklrw Abova That Which Is Written." 7:43. "Baeocnlsln aad Beaming God's Purpose." Zlon (German) B. 91k aad TresnsBt Bev. J. H. Hop p. 10:30. riorweciun usnrtn coeirecstionai usurea m. 231 and Sumner Bev. Morton Olaon. 11, 7:80. St. Johns Bev. J. H Barnett, paator. II. S. Finnish Mission 107 Skldmoro at. Bev. Samuel Nevala. 6 p. m. ud 7:80. Laurel wood Congregational Church 45th ave. and 65th 8, E. 11. Bev. Wells officiating. Ardenwald Ardenwald station. 10:30 a. as 7:90 p. m. Zpiseapal, Trinity 19th and Everett Bar. A. A. Mar- rlron. 8 and 11 a. m., 8 p. m. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephens the Martyr 13tt aad CUy The Very Bev'. B. H. McOoV lister, dean. Bt. Bev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Services, 7:40 a. m., 11 a. m., 7:45 p. m. St. David's E. 12th and Belmont Bev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 8. 9:30, 11, "Christ the Truth." 7:30, "Jesus c&nst and Mar riage." at. Mark's zist and Marshall sov. s. a. Simpson, rector. Bev. J. ii. Hattsc, as- aictant rector. t:so, w:4r, 11. i:is. St. John's Sellwood Kev. John D. Bice. 11 St. Andrew's Hereford at.. Portsmouth Archdescon Chambers ln charge. 11. c . . t i a n oi, iiimew witwm ana ouvwi Bev. W. A. M. Brack, vicar. 11 a. m. Grace Memorial Weldler and B. 17th B. Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver aad Oraaa: Bev. John Dawson. 11, 7:80. St. Michael s and All Angela B. 48d aad Broadway Bev, T. F. Bowen. 11, 7:SO p. m. Church of Our Savior OOth avs. and 41st St. 8. B. Archdeacon Chambers la charge. 11. Bt. fauia wooamere aev. uswaia w. Tsylor. 4. Blshoo Morris Memorial chase. Good Sa maritan hospital Bar. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 7:15. All Saints' church 26th and lavler Bav Frederick K. Howard. 11. :30. Evangelleal Aasoctatlaa. ' Carson Heights Bev. N. Shapp, pasts, 1:30, 7:30. First Engllah K. ftth and Market Bev. B D. Hornsobuch. 11. 8. First German Bvaazellcal 10th aad Clay Rev. G. F. Llenlng. 10:45, 8. Portland Mhsion church Carson Heights Bev. M. Shapp. pastor. 2:50. 8:30. 7:30. Evangelical Synod. German Evangelical Friends cTaarea Ta coma ave. ana s.. iota itev. svusa if. ur- gert. 10:45. 7:90. Free XetfcedJLrt. Central 65th and E. Flanders Bev. W. IT Coffee. 11. 7:40. First E. U and Mill Bev. A. Beers, oas- lar .ii,. a. St. Johns Olst and B7rh are. 11, Third Bav. B. H. Clark. 11, 7:30, Trisnds' Chureh. Sunnrslds E. S5th and Mala Bev. Homer Coy. 11. 7:30. Lents South Mala st. Bev. John Biley, 11 V.Otfl West Piedmont Friends' chore Corner Eorthwlck and Jessup st. Cheater A. Hadle, pastor, ii. i:o. - Jewish. Coogregatioa Beth Urael 12th aad Mala Babbl Jonas B. wise, rccsy, s p. m. Latharsn. St. James, English West Park and Jeffer son Bar, wmiam Evea xtnnjtmaa, pastor, ii a. m., s p. m. Immanuel 19th snd Imng 11. B, West Side Norwegian Lutheran 45 H. llth Bev. WUhelm Pet tenon. 11 8. Bethaaia Danish Evsngolical Lutberaa ehurci L nvm ave. ana Mvrrla at. Ut. u. P, Bjcller, 10 a. m. and 8 pm. Immanuel German Sell wood Bav. H. C Cbellng. lOtSO. Trinity German (Missouri Bysod) WD llrma ave. and Graham Bev. J. a. Blmbaah. 10:15. 7:30. . St. Panl'a German R. 12th aad "Clinton Kev. A. Krauae. :ao, 10. 10:30, 7:30. Grace BngUsta (Missouri Synod) Albtaa ava. and Maaoa au Bev. E, Probst. 9:30. 10:80. 70. German Evangelleal Lutberaa Eloa (Mis souri Synod) Salmon and Cna oman Rev H. H. Koppalmana. 10:15, tna tails tioa of elders snd deacons. 7:45. Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free eanrrs Wygant aad Bodoey uvea, Bev. J. A. 8tav 11. 8. 8c Joha'a Peninsular and Klrkpatriek Bev. sv. u, Hwaiu. io:, irmi. Swedish Aaguataaa Be., H. B. taastedt. 10:45. T:4S. - TJnlted Norwglaa--Port mouth Bev." Bgw av Binmi. ii ana a. b. b.. mv. German Evangelical Beforsied Lemts Bev o. Lsenaaemper. 11. Our Savk Bast lOUi and Grant Bev. I V. Badley. the Sunday school. Whether or' not Sunnyslde can win In the final count depends almost entirely upon the way In which the adults back up the con test. C. W. MUler of the local church vis ited Seattle and Spokane and arranged with the superintendents there for the contest, which continues through the first IS Sundays of this year, or until April 1. Th results are reported each Sunday. The collections are also re ported, but do not count In the race. Paul In the morning and Trinity In the evening. Tomorrow and Monday will be spent In Seattle, preaching at the First church and lecturing In the district convention on "Sights and Sounds From Street Stump Speeches." Evangelistic Services Close. The two weeks' series of exangellstlc services being held at the Sunnyslde Methodist church will come to a close Sunday evening, when Evangelist W. Arnold Llndsey 'will preach. These services for the most part have been under the direction of the young peo ple of the church and have proven themselves very beneficial to the com munity. The attendance during the second week was larger than that of the first week. OF CHURCH Geo. HeBiikson. English. 10:13; Korweglss. 11:10. Lattas Day Saints, Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Batata (Mormon) E, 25th and Madison. 11:45, Bev. al. J. BaUari Xatkadist District Bupertnteadeat Bav. Win tarn Wal lace Young son. D. D., el B. 2d St. N. Tabor 279a First 12th aad Taylor Dr JoaSas Bt field, minister. Bev. Walter 1. Alrhaart. Blatant minister. 10:30. 7.30. , Centenary E. 7th and B. Pine T. W. Lane, 11, "A Via Ion for Christian Sarvtee." by Miss Ids Mas De Witt. 7:80, "What's tnl a Namer' Taylor Street church HsU at 120 Fourth st. 10:30 a. m. Trinity B. 10th aad Sherman Bev. F. If. Bandlfur, pastor. 11. "Tha Present Day Call to Repentance." .7:80. F. G. 8c has 11 will speak. Bwedian BornwlcS ana gsocs Bev. jobs , Wellman. 11. 7:4S. Eoworth 26th and Savler Bav. CL O. Me- Culloch. 11 7:45. First Norwealsa Danish 18th aad Hart Bev. Ellas Gierdlng. paator. 11. 8. Woodlswn B. 10th aad Highland Bev. W. K. Ktoster. Sellwood Bev. Alexsader T. Maclean. 11. :80. Sunnvslde E. 85th aad Yamhill ev. B. Elmer Smith, pastor. C T. MePbersoa. as- slatsnt pastor. 11. Mt. Tabor E. Stark and BlsT. b. oua sio- lidge, minister. 11, 7:80. tntrai Vancouver sts. ass rarge oav. u. Barlck. 11, 7:80. Bt. Johns Haves snd Laavlta Bav. J. H. Irvine. 11. 7:30. MoatsvllU Bev. 0. L. Hamntes. U, 7:80. Laurelwood 03d st. B. B. snd F eater road -Bev. O. A. Carlos. 11. ' Things to Think About ln 1917." 7:30. 'The Fine Tooth Comb," by Geo. V. McClure. Clinton Eelly Memorial B. dOth and Fowea Bev. A.-B. Calder -9:40. 11, 7:80. Japanese Mission - Bav. Buses sUsara. SO 8 '30 Bose'city Park Snadr bred, and B. 58th H. A. A. Heist. 11. Vesper a, 4:80. Garmg a Rodney ave, and 8 tan too Bev. F. Schumann. 10. 8. African Zlon 288 Williams ave Bev. W. W. Howard. 11, 8. Vancouver Avenue Bearsresiaa Danish Oar- er Skldmore Bev. H. P. Nelson, paator. 11.8. University . Park Lombard and Flske Bev. T. Abbett. 11, 7:45. Lenta Bev. F. M. Jasper. 11. S. Bethel Larraboa and MrMIUen Bev. W. H. Prince. 11 US. S. Westmoreland Mllwarkle ave- sear Ba- Bav. F. N. Bandlfur. sanely. 7:80. Lincoln E. B2d and Lincoln. Rev. B. sH. Morse. 11 a. m.. 7:80. Patton Michigan and Alberta Bev. George u. reeee. 11, T:a. Woodstock E. 44th snd SOta ave. B. sv Bev. 1. C. Poor, 11. 7:30. First Germsn uev. a. f. Cramer. 11, s. Brentwood Bav. Paul Green. 11. Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30. Carson Heights Bev. L. C. Douglas. Ken dall station. Clark schoolhouas Bev. A. B. Wilson. 7:80 Irrlnrtoo East 10th and Weldler Bev. B. A. Danford. 11. Linn ton Bev. 8. H. Dewart. Bethel A. M. E. chore L Rev. W. H. Prtsce. 11:16. 8. Oak Grove, M. B. Commnalty church. 11:18. M. E. Cbwrch Beath. First M. E. Church South, comer TJnloa ave. tor. Sermons, 11, Dr. C. B. Cilae will apeak on Tha Or M teat Need ef Methodism." 7:80. Hon. B. F. Mulkey. "The Blbla la Law aad Lit erature." Klaaleaa. Swedish Mission Bev. B J. Thorwa. 11. S. Kllm chapel Rev. B. I. Taorea, 10 Bethel tree church Ivy st. aad Williams Bev. J. A. SUvney. 11. 8. ystaraae, First Pentecostal E. 7th aad E, Couch sts. Bev C. Howard Davis. II. 7:80. . Sellwood E. 9ta and Spa- ne Bsv. H. o. Baker. 11. 7:80. Brentwood E. SSth and E. sets are. W. 1 Rev. J. M. Butcbsrd. 11. B. Scandinavian 048 Garfield. 11. 7:B0. HlghUnd Park 1130 B. 14th M. Bav. 8. L. Mendel. 10. 11, 7:30. Presryterlaa. First 12th and Alder sta. Bev. John B. Boyd. Servlcea at 10:30 a. at. Dr. Boyd will preach. 7 JO p. m, "Making the Moat of One's Mino.-' Central V. 13tu and Plae sta. Eev. Artsur F. Bishop, D. D. 10:30. "Lights: Regular Mnstard Seed Falta." 70. "Jest as I ass." Westminster B. 17th and schayiar sta. Dr. Edward Pence. 10:90. "As Uncomplete Program." 7:30. The Value Whkrh Vail datea AU Ems." Arbor lioaga bov. uae. uromiey. ii. t :o. Calvary l im ana viay sia iv:ou, uev. a A. Hard wlU preacn. TO. "Cnrtst's Sac Coming." by a layman. Fourth rint sad aim sta. bsv. Henry G. Han eon. - lOUJO. -a Lost soul." 1 m.. "Gethsemane." KenUworth B. 84th and Gladstone. 10:15, 7:45. A. Baiph w peal low. Forbes Graha at and Gantanbeia sva, Bev Wlllisa Mseleod. 11. T:30. Mlapsk B. lth. aad Division sta. Bev. D. A. Tboasnaon. 11. 7:30. Vernoa 19th aad Wygant sts. tO:4S, 7:80. Hope Moatavuia, vsts ana s. Everett Bev. S. s. seaman, u, rae uost Power ad Church." 8. " Realistic Religion." Millard A venae 741 Mta ava. 8. aL Bev. W. O. Amos. 10:80. - Mt. Tabor B. aath sad BHssoas ata.. Boo Ward MacHenry of Baker City will preaes. Johnson. A beautiful banner Is offered to the winning school. W. M. Tomlinson Is superintendent and Rev. C. A. Bowen pastor of the Seattle church. Mr. Crissey is super intendent and the former district su perlntendent of the Portland Metho dist churches. Rev. J. W. McDougaJl. Is pastor of the Srokane church. The local church has George 8. Johnson as superintendent. O. V. Badley as as sistant superintendent; C. W. Miller as director of the contest, and Rer. R. Elmer Smith as pastor. Talks on the Public School Situation The Piedmont Men's Community club had a delightful meeting and din ner Tuesday night, dinner cooked and served by men of the club. The public school situation was Interestingly pre sented by Proressor Whitney, of city schools and Professor Griffith of Reed college. Several musical selec tions were rendered. Tomorrow at 11 o'clock Dr. Hutchinson will Introduce a juvenile service preceding the regu lar sermon. The topic of the regular sermon will be "Feeling After God At 7:30 the topic will be 'The Man Who Made a Mistake." The Boys' club has In preparation a unique entertain ment for January 19. SERVICES morning theme. "The Idealism of tho artt Evening theme. "Tha Challenge of the Cnfln mmi ilH. tnlty Bev. W, blvd. 11. 7. Lee Gray, 71st snd Sandy rwamooT cieveUnd and Jsrrett sts Bev. A. u. Hutehlnaon. 11, "Feeling After God." 7:30. "The Msn Who Msde a Mtstsks." Boss City Park E. 45th and Hancock eta. J. aa. BKinner. 8pokane Avenue B. 18th and W. B. McCullsgh. 11, 1:30. Marshall Rtrpei lTth ..4 ixv.n Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:SO. Trlnltv Contr Vlrvini -w- ..w. - Ir. A. J. Montgomery. 11. 7:30 Chinese 146 first rt. 7:40. Ana bar 58th at. and 37 th ava. 8 B. Bev B. tislaoa, pastor. 11 6 p. m. Bafarmad PresbyTertaa, w u.i umrTB-uiniiMitf. . n uev. a. u. araser. ii. T:80. Baf armed. First Germs a 12th snd Clav 1 O. Hat- mwr. 1V.1S, o . Second Colombia blvd. aad 83d tt. Bev B. A. Wyss. 1L Third Fifth ava Lmi ev. W. . Uea- i , .TUUll . 1 1. Balvatlaa Any. Coras No. 1 243 Ash mt. Ar11nt. a Frank Genga. 11. Uollaeaa meeting, mi a' Reconciliation. Corps No. 4 12SU First mt r.. i and Caatala Brow a. .-a Swedish Corps ido Bunstde. Saves th Day Adveatlata. VoiktvvRtila i ii I tki. . . , i . . - w& una waD&uumi are held on Saturday. wamt-s. iiia and B7vrett Odor P C. Hsywsxd, pastor. 11:15. " labarnsela West Side. K at r fc.n n.w and Alder. 11. Moouvliu BSOth and B. Bverett-rider Lenta 94th and osrh tu. n t CM t wood. 11. St. Johns Oaatral Mrn . Blder B. D. Huriburt. 11. w Mt. Tabor B. 60th and Amim w v m Wllloughby. 11. Alhlna (German) gkldmora aad MaHory Minister. U. . , Wrkvea; A. C. bchwaTtier lo- cm i Kiamx. 1 1 :dU. Odgea Hall. Mlaslaalnpt and Baa . Sandnes. 11. Brr- Barvioea fee tha Daaf. United PreabytcrlaB wn . -a - Bev. B. Bar! Du Bala. 10:80. 7:80 Sweden serglaa. Hew Church Soclatv nw vim., m Boece, Btnday. 11 a. m.. -now to tit nrmm. . God." K41sra halL Broadway and Aldar. nn. day school at la Unitarian. Chureh of Our Father Rml .-.a hill Bev. T. L. Kilot. D. O.. minister rm.rl. tus; Bev. W. O. Eliot Jr, pastor. 11. Hr. Andrew rish -will preach. 7:4S, open forum -neould ui and County Consolidate T" United Brethrea. Alberts 27th and Alberta. First K. 16th sod Morrison Bav S A Bouebrake. 11 a. m. Fourth OOth aod S2d ava. 8. B. Third 7tb st. snd S2d sve. 8. B. Herbert White, pastor. 11. 7:80. First 1 1 th snd Harner. Vancouver Waah Bev. John D. Nlaewender, pastor. PreechLo 10:30, 2:30. 7:30. " United ZvaagaUeal. Fourth Bev. J. . Conner. 11, 7:30 Radical Jsssuo SU Bev. A. S. HDdm 11, Manor, Circuit Services Cherry Grova. 1 n m. Brush Prslrle. 7:30. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gav Bev. H. H. Fsrnham. 11. 8. First B. lttth and Poolar Bav. J a Goods. 11. 7:80. St. Johns Bev. A. P. Lay ton. 11, 8. United Presbyterian. First B. 87th and Hawthorne Bev Hne-h au Things Work Together marr uiven. ii, ror Good." 7:S, "Wise Animals ad s'oolim. Men Charch of the Stranger Waaco street snd Grand ave. Bav. S. Barl Da Bole, 10:30, "Tha Comfort of the Christian's God.' 7:3o, "What' About Jonah 7" Kenton United Presbyterian church r sin- bard and Chatham a La. Bev. J. G. Cola, pas tor. 11:13, 7m Valvarsalist. Church of tha Good Tidings Broadwsv aod E. 24 th Bev. Frank T. Scott. 11 a, Christ Bora, or Plctarea of the Bool. New Charch Society Ellers hall. Bev. Wm B. Beece. 11. . T. M. C. A T. W. C. A. T. M. C. A. th sad Taylor H. W. I tone general secretary. 4:30 p. m. 1 . w. v. a. sroaaway and Taylor :30. kliscellaaeoaa. Associated Bible Stndenta (I. B. S. A) Cbristeosea'a hall, llth aad Yamhill sts., a p. m., disoonrac by A. A. zerex. Pohnc lee- tare by w. A. Baser. Begalsr BahaT aneetlngs Sands y srternoon. a o'clock. Friday, S p. m.. ia rouca, U9 of tha EDera bolldiag. The Church of God 31 Falling St. H. G. Kesl. pastor. Services 11. 7:30. Cliorcfe or tne sretoren 1 1X4 Bortnwlck and Bralnard sta. 11, 7:30 s Portlaad Hotel Assemli no'y Hall Sermoa and tec rare every Sanday night at 8 o'clock bw Bav. Arsamoti Ira Locaa. siew Charch Society Kllera hall Bev. Wm. B. Beece. 11 a. as. Tho Bshama islands government Is trying to revive the production of sea island cotton, ones a flourishing in- dustry. George Dr. Boyd to Preach Sequel to Sermon Owing to the unusual Interest man lfested In the sermon of last Sunday evening at the First Presbyterian church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, cn the subject "The Moral Duty to Be Intelligent." Dr. Boyd has decided to preach a sequel to this at 7:30 p. m. Sunday on "Making the Most of One's Mind.-- At 9 o'clock an after meeting will be held In the chapel, at which Dr. Boyd will be the host and a box or Spltzenberg' apples wlu be there to add to the sociability and good fellowship. An opportunity will be given here to discuss the thoughts o the sermon and to ask'the pastor such questions as may arise during the eve ning s address. More than 150 re mained for the after meeting last Sun day and an interesting seminar was held. Dr. Boy also will be in his pulpit Sunday morning, preaching the regular sermon at 10:20 o clock. THE BIBLE IN LAW AND LITERATURE Hon. B. P. Mulkey. "The Bible in Law and Literature" will be Honorable B. F. Mulkeys sub ject ln an address at 7:80 o'clock San day evening at the First Methodist Episcopal church, south. At 11 o'clock Dr. C. Et CSlne will speak on "The Greatest Need of Meth odism." and the Veteran male quartet will sing. Both these men are prom inent ln Portland and their subjects will be Interesting to everyone. Religion as an Aid 1 .s mt l il 'TTi - T-n t rr-irnr rBjL r i - To Earthly Success luSr. Z ' cal help in the work. That religion Is an aid to earthly Vi rv-Ji . success the Rev. Mr. Oriffis, pastor Communicants' Ossfc of the First Christian church, will en- ,3r the regular montB- deavor to show in hi. sermon Sunday YX, "'Y?9 . v. w- im v. ki. 5 Millard Avenue Presbyterian morning, when he will take for Bis churcn echool wu M4 at the horns of topic. "The Good of Godliness." In , Mr. snd Mrs. B. A. O'Mealy SI10 See the evening Rev. Mr. Orlffls will speak enty-sixth street southeast.' An out on the inroads which commercialism Una of work leadinw ir. M t.t- has made into the various realms of moaern society. aicu.ini iu qun- j ance or mat day aad plana for a com tlon, "Does It Pay?" At the Thursday municants class were sdopted. A pett evenlng meeting for prayer and blblo rlotlo service was arranged fos. to ha study, the pastor will continue ties of studies on the pexabl Jesus, with special treatment of the parable of the growing avsed, or the vitality of character. Yonng People Inrlted. The service Sunday evening at the First Friends church. East Thirty-1 fifth and Main streets, will be under the auspices of the Young Friends' , day School association, which will be Bible class and the message by th ( held ln the Millard Avenue Presby pastor wiU deal particularly with tho , terlan church Sunday afternoon and young people and some of their prob-.evening, January 11. berlnnins- at lems. The class extends an Invlta- o'clock. tion to the general public, and especial ly to the young people or the com munity. Special muslo will be a fea ture. Cooperative Development, "A suggested cooperation with the University of Portland ln the devel opment of personality" will be the topic of an address by Professor Edgar I. Crawford, president of the Univer sity of Greater Portland. Sunday aft ernoon at C o'clock in Iaurelwood Con- ' grfcational church. Forty-fifth avenue and SUty-flftb street southeast. A musleal program will be rendered by the university. AVH1 Repeat CantatB. The choir of Central PresbyterUm church, under the leadership of K. Maldw-n Evans, director, will repeat the cantata "The Morn' of Glory." Kir en in the church at Christmas tlrae,jn Sunday afternoon at the Mann home, following a few introductory remarks by Dr. Arthur F. Bishop, pastor. Praise Service of . E. Society. The San Grael Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church will hold Its regular monthly praise service at the Frazer home Sun day. All young people of the city are very cordially Invited to go out with these) young people ana meet ins cnu dren there. Tho meeting begins at S p. m. "Xamclcni Child Subject. The nameless child will be es poused and his rights expounded 'at a mass meeting; at Centre! library i next Monday night when Jndge I Gatens and Dr. C II. Chapman will j discuss needed legislation la ttehalf "of the Illegitimate child. . II if - - ,.Vk.- David M. Jack. In line with trie forward movement of young people's church work Irs. Portland the Multnomah County Chrle tlan Endeavor union la planning a big missionary drive, which is to start the latter part of the month and continue for st least three months, alias Elea nor Kwing. superintendent of this de partment, has taken up the work with vim, and It Is her desire to organise a mission study class ln every society in the union, either a separate . class or In conjunction with the regular sun- day evening prayer meeting. The union officers have received much material from Chicago, where a most succesaful camaplgn along these lines was recently conducted. The Chicago officers very willingly 'old ot their drive in detail and the Multno mah county cabinet hopes to profit by Chicago's experience. The central officers of the Christian Kndeavor work are gratified over the announce- . ment of tha contemplated drive and have offered to asalst ln every way possible. A normal study class, for the train ing of leaders and teachers, will begin January SO. There will be only .one normal study class in the county and anyone desiring to prepare for. teach ing a local study claaa is Invited to at tend the central normal study class. The meeting place for this class will be announced .later. The normal' class study will end February 18, at which time It Is planned to start the regular mission atudy classes in the various societies throughout, the county. If the local society has no leader for the class, one will be furnished from the normal training class. There is no time limit on these c Isaac a They will continue as long as the Individual society de sires. A list of good missionary text books has been compiled by the mis sionary department, which the classes will be privileged to choose from. The mission subject has proven It self an Interesting topic in the church and endeavor world and the cabinet members are quite sure the young peo ple not familiar with the study will find it equally as enjoyable. Some of the local churches have already con ducted these classes and have found them both Interesting and education al. David M. Jack, Multnomah county t day in the Sunday school, the Observ- "ci a r cDruary za, the Sunday follow hies of jing Washington's birthday. Refreshments at Social Ilonr. Plan were completed for providing refreshments for all who wish to re main and enjoy the social hour be tween the afternoon and evening ses sions of the district Sunday school ln- 1 stltute of the Multnomah rw.i. Story Sermon tor Children. Dr. John H. Boyd of the First Pres byterian chureh Sunday morning wilt tell one of his -popular story sermons for the children, which contain s mor sel of truth which can be profitably taken by the adult mind as wall. Last Sunday 48 new members wore received Into tho membership of tho First Pres byterian church and three children wers presented by their parents at the altar Jto receive the ordinance of bap tism. ' a. Dr. Bishop on "Lights." The increased interest shown by tho younger element of Central Presbyte rian church in Dr. A. F. Bishop's Sun day morning object sermons to" tha children has caused the pastor to eon. . tinue these sermons and next Sunday " km nnuvn win do wo ufaii,' wmcn - Is being repeated by request. - TheM sermons are greatly enjoyed Thy tho older members of tho congregation. TARBELL'S Teachel,s, Guide for 1917 - . Jaat Rscsivod J Price $1.15 . . - Place Your Order Now ' GILL'Siitl and Sts. A