The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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W; 3; Furnish of Portland
" Sells 3600 Acre Farm to
i Syndicate; Road in View,
Pendleton, Or., Jan. 11. -One of the
largest- realty deal turned in Uma
tilla county during; recent years was
' brought to consummation Wednesday
with the filing: of a deed conveying the
3800 -acre farm of W. J. Furnish of
. Portland to a syndicate of well known
Pendleton capitalists, headed by
Colonel 'J. IT. Raley, pioneer attorney.
The Consideration Involved Is given
$200,000. The land Is located about
'14 mile north of Pendleton, and the
syndicate proposes to cooperate with
other farmers of that locality In e
curlng a railroad from German Hill
to-Cold Springs landing on the Co-
lumbla. In order to reduce the heavy
expense of marketing crops, caused by
the present long ha,ul.
The land Is at present under lease
to a number of farmers, but It is the
Intention of the syndicate to cut up
the land into smaller tracts and sell
Furnish has owned the land, which
Is SO and 40 bushel wheat land, for
many years, and stilt retains a farm
of r equal size farther north in this
;New Officials Are
Jn at Goldendale
Ooldendale. Wash.. Jan. 11. City
i) officials for 1917 were sworn in and
took their offices at Goldendale
' Tuesday? New officials arc: Mayor.
, Cary W. Ramsey; councilmen, George
f M. Baker and Robert D. Sunderland;
"city treasurer, T. Rert Wilson, W. C.
, Burgen was reappointed chief of po
lice, Delbert Gunning was reappointed
city clerk and John R. McEwen was
reappointed city attorney. Many plans
were made during 1910 for reducing
the running expenses of the town and
Mayor Ramsey has announced that he
1 'will work in harmony with the coun
cil along this line as the majority
are holdover members.
C. C. Ramsay Dead.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Jan. 11. (I. N. B.
C..C. Ramsey, president of the Crucible
Steel company of America, died In the
Allegheny -general hospital at 4:30
-O'clock this morning. He had been ill
for. the past six weeks, a victim of
. lobar pneumonia. He was an expert
la steel.
$25, $30, $35 and up
Extra Pair Trousers
We will include an
extra pair of trousers
with your suit order
T-this week for the
price of the suit alone.
The extra trousers
from same material as
suit or other fabric of
equal value as von
may select.
v Very Special Offer
Full Black, Blue or Grey Che
viot, Worsted or Serge Suit
with extra trousers of $Of
same or striped, material " U
Better place your order Today!
Oscar M. Smith, Manager
108 Third Street
Near Washington
l7tJadtDetreet2 Cepybig.
Jvr every purpose
; TMtVttWT
(7 "'" J V
"rWW ,""-4sr 'rw ,Ys'S" -
t "4 ' 'S : -' v 1
!l . s ' IS
, - P 'AS, w i
George Larkia.
Newberg. Or., Jan. 11. George Lar-
kin. who was elected nuvor rf New.
Berg at the election Monday, has been
a resident of Newberg since 18S8,
coming here 'with his father's family
from Mankato, Mich. He Is a member
of the I-arkin-Prlnce Hardware com
pany and a brother of John Lark In,
postmaster of this city.
The opponent of the mayor-elect
was Jesse Edwards, who is Just clos
ing: his second term an m vnr Tli
latter is held as a representative of
the Friends church, and the contest
was, in some measure, between ths
Gentiles'' and the membership of that
There was no exhibition of hitter.
ness in the short campaign waged
since the nominating rancin hnv
but a determination was manifest to
una up tne voters generally, with
the result that by far the largest vote
Was Dolled than at nnir nt-airlsv... i..
election ever held In Newberg.
Note Left by Greeley, Colo.,
Mother Says Her Husband
Drove Her Mad,
Greeley, Colo., Jan. ii.(u. P.)
Insanity, brought on by Jealousy of
her husband, is bellered by the au
thorities her today to havs driven
Mrs. Everett Crosier, 4$, wlf of a
wealthy farmer near here, to kill her
nve aaugmers yesterday and then
commit suicide.
The mother left a not in wViit. -v.
explained that she had shot the chil-
aren ior iear mat they would "grow
up io a me oi sname. She declare!
that her husband had been hi,.,!..
to other women, that she had been
ariven maa ny jealousy and had de
cided to kill herself and take the chil
dren with her.
When Crozier returned to his home
last night he found in the girls' bci
room the bodies of his five daught-
all shot through the right temple'"'
In an Irrigation ditch, half a mile
away the body of Mrs. Crosier was
louna. snoi mrougn the temple and a
.88 calibre revolver stin piacn -
right hand. " "
People living near tho Crosiers de
clare Mrs. Crozier had been despond
ent for months.
An inquest, will be held Friday.
Pastor Postpones
His Response to Call
Rev. Calvin B. Waller, pastor of th
First Baptist church of AshevilU. rc
C, to whom an Invitation waa extend
ed to, take over the pastorate of th
Whlto Temple cf Portland, sent a let
ter which was received by F. E. Hll-
iou loaay, ana wnicn deferred his re
sponse to the lnvltatlnn until i..
- - - i-uv IKl-
ter part of the week. In case Rev. Dr.
vauer responds ravorably to the in
vitation, which the board of the White
Temple believes ha will An v m
preach his first sermon on the first
ounaay in Aiarcn in Portland.
The nulnlt of the vr t.-,i.
church of Portland has been without
m permanent occupant since the, resig
nation of Dr. W. B. Hlnson, which was
effective since February 1 of last yaer.
iuwus u emumc interim various
prominent minister a nv
- , V1I.J
and out of town, have preached the
ouauajr sermons.
Boys Admit Robbery
Of Hemstock Store
.Stephen. Helm, aged li, and Cranston-Weldon.
aged 16, arrested ly
Patrolman Hatt In St Johns, con
fessed that In addition to robbing the
h N-.811" bJTd hop. 1S83 Ieter
street. Saturday night, they also
k? tot to - tt Hemstock atore;
690 Lombard street, about two week
ago, . and made .away with tobacco.
?3eralh,eap watch- scissors and
other articles worth nearly $50
Detectives Tackabery. Hellyer. La
fialle and Leonard this mornlnr located
much of the stuff stolen from the
Hemstock store In Hejm's room In
fel!S0uth- rom th Sh" "tors
ar5ln Ptrolmn Hatt, two b:
w .ff,dn Wf-ny of aceessortei
ZZ fto1 which has been found.
Helm is charged with larceny, while his
companion 1. held la.ttTSSJS
for the action of the Juyenlle oourV
Killed Himself as
His Family Ate
brkiilt k vlfA Pwnta' were at
nl1 her tMs niornlar. Ed T1U-
Hope Generally Given Up by
Searchers That Powells
Are Still Alive.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 11. (U. P.)
Search for Otto Powell.! his wife,
who disappeared In thuTorest near
Alder December 18, was abandoned
Wednesday. Hope that the couple, who
entered the Wtds on a supposed hunt
ing trip, may be alive, has generally
been given up by woodsmen who have
tramped over miles of snow-covered
hills and valleys eeeklnr some due
t the fate that overtook the Pow.
Jules Hagoa. one of the search
ere. however, is more optimistic than
his companions. He declares . It the
couple crossed the Little Nlsqually
and went up on the Sawtooth range,
there Is a possibility they are yet
alive. Game and fish are plentiful
In that region and they could keep
alive until spring.
Man Is Killed While
, Preventing Wreck
lola. Kan.. Jan. 11. (X S.)
Richard Moore. EO years old. was
killed while preventing the wreck of
a Missouri. . Kansas tc. Texas passen
ger train near Savon burg late yester
day. Moore was working with an
extra gang. As a whistle warned of
the approach of the train .Moore re
membered that he had left some
large timbers across the rails. He ran
back to them In time to clear the
track, but was struck by the engine,
receiving injuries from which he died
an hour later.
Action Follows Crown Coun
cil's Decision Yesterday to
Acquiesce in Matter.
London. Jan. 11. (TJ. P.) Greece
has accepted the demands of the allies'
ultimatum, according to dispatches re
ceived today from Athens.
The acceptance of the entente's de
mands follows a crown council de
cision yesterday that Greece should
acquiesce, and closes. It Is believed, t
r r: w
I kSrV t
"Please Bring the Snow Flakes!"
Dine where you may in private
homes, clubs, first class hotels and
cafes yoii will hear this request with
amazing frequency. These crisp and
flaky crackers are just salted enough
to be particularly appetizing. They
are just the thing for soups and bou
illons, while crackers and cheese are
never what crackers and cheese may
be unless Snow Flakes are used.
Like all Swastika Biscuits, you will find Snow
Flakes uniformly-high in Qualitv. TheySare
sure to lend a zest to appetite; '
Don't ask for Crackers say
"Snow Flakes"
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
lon period of negotiation between
the allien and ' Kins ' Constantino." An
soon an, the Greek government Indi
cates lta actual acquiescence by be
ginning withdrawal of troop from
northern Greece, it Is assumed the
allied blockade win be withdrawn.
Stoppage of all supplies en route to
Greece during the past few weeks has
resulted In depletion of food In the
kingdom and Issuance of bread cards.
me euiea demands were all framed
with the aim f protecting the allied
armies ' and their operations out - of
Salonlkt , and ' safeguarding- "them
against any possible menace. To this
end the allies Insisted upon the with
drawal ef all Grecian troops from the
northern part of the monerchty, to
gether with the disarmament demand
ed in the several earlier notes. Apol
ogy for the Insults to the French and
British flags by Greek reservists in
the rioting Incident upon Admiral du
FdurnetY landing of forces In Decein
her was also required. . ; . t-;
The Live -Wire basketball team de
feated the St. Helens quintet Satur
day night at the C. B. B. C hall by a
uf7v 11 The playing of
Puffy. Doollng and McEntee featured
the game.
tle.e steptton Tte Jnurnil. A-
Not a Cheap Piano, Though Low Priced
q Why buy a cheap Player Piano, whose only recommendation is price, when for
the same amount of money you can get a really fine instrument the Aeolian Player
Piano? It is superior to many players of other makes, regardless of once, be
cause of many patented improvements. "
q However, the wonderful musical results obtainable with the Aeolian Player
Piano are not dependent upon some single or senational feature but rather to
well balanced perfection , throughout the instrument. It has a pneumatic system
which is truly remarkable for its simplicity and efficiency. It is unexcelled in ease
of pumping. The complete and efficient devices for expression control ake caro
of the entire range of pianistac effects.
q Aeolian Player Pianos $440 and $495-your present piano accepted as part
payment, with easiest terms on the balance.
We also carry Steinway and other Pianos, Pianola Pianos. Vidro las
and Records, Player Rolls, Cabinets, Etc.
Sherman, Way & Go.
Sixth and Morrison, Opp. Poitoffice.
, -lived the active open-air life of
the savafe, and ate tho savage's
food, you would have the savage's
freedom from health worries.
Gvilization, particularly for city
people, means office work, not
enough exercise, too concentrated
food and consequently more or
less frequent trouble with consti
pation. Nuiol relieves constipation effect-
ively and without disturbing the
intestinal nerve centers. Laxative
and aperient remedies tend to
destroy the delicate nerve-muscle
co-ordination of the lower bowel
hence are dangerously habit
forming. Nujol is not a laxative. It acts in
effect as an internal lubricant,
preventing the contents of the
intestines from becoming hard
arfd in this way encouraging and
facilitating normal movement,
M, la WtOae at the refiawy, aas is mU
M tke Imvriat et tke Steadar4 Oil Cwm
'rT)- Mm seesMtetes smre
mM. tW geaeiae. WriU Utor it tulUL .
'Tke BaUesal TxeatsMat er CeSttW
Bayoaae , New Jersey
:- f
9 It a he ur en a. alek bed,