THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1917. . -S-V PHILADELPHIA MAYOR REOPENS INQUIRY INTO MODEL MURDER CASE Brother of Dead Girl Charges Police Trying to Shield Prominent Men; NEW WITNESS FOUND Bloodstain oa Clothing of Bernard W Xwls May Be Tested to Ascertain XT It Corresponds to That of Victim. Philadelphia. Pa.. Jan. 8. Mayor Thomas R. Smith today reopened the sensational "model mystery" case In which Grace , Colbert Roberts. the "divinely formed" charmer of many men, was beaten unconscious and thea strangled to death with a ,silk stock iig. Open-and bitter charges that the police department has fastened tho crime on Bernard W. Lewis, wealthy IMttsburger, who killed himself as he v as about to he arrested, In order to shield men prominent in public life 1 ere, brought the mayor a investiga tion. T he accusations against the police were made by Jolfti Colbert, brother of the murdered girl, and other members of the family. They are convinced that Lewis did not kill their "Maizle, as she was known to them. "I will see that justice Is done. said Mayor Smith today. "If there is anyone now 'at liberty who should be ut rested in connection with this crime this must be done at once." Police Blttexiy Arraigned. ' Colbert was bitter today in his ar lalgnment of the police for the man ner in which they have handled the jnstery, and for their assertions that Lewis killed the girl before he killed himself. "There are too many persons In . Philadelphia who are anxious to have the case closed," he said, "all afraid that their names may be brought into the affair. There are men who thought my sister good enough to associate with when she was alive, but now that she is dead they are running to cover." Strong support Is being given Col bert by the two Germantown school teachers. Kthel and Mabel Kyle, with whom Lewis danced and dined at sev eral downtown hotels betwen the time of the murder and his suicide In At lantic City. They steadfastly main tained that he could not have killed the model. Hew evidence Brought Oat. Tests probably will be ordered to day of the blood stains on Lewis' clothing. Two other developments came today to aid those who are seeking to es tablish Lewis' Innocence. One was the assertion made to the police by Bessie Colbert, sister of the murdered girl, that she was told by a mutual friend that one of Grace's rich admirers had threatened" to "knock her block off" If she did not return a dia mond ring he had given her. The other was a statement at- tributed to Ethel Wood, a domestic, that she saw Grace Roberts standing In the window of her apartments Fri day evening long after the police say Lewis left the apartment. Detectives today were seeking find the Wood woman, "v I ARTIST'S MODEL MURDERED IN PHILADELPHIA I If Wt. .tl HI J. .' -vV-"'',! 1 ill I a$&$$.:i II n II fJWA'- '.- ill Mrs. Grace Roberts, from her latest photograph. RUSSIANS PROMOTERS' WIRELESS USED OLDEST RESIDENT OF OSEPHINE COUNTY IS DEAD AT GRANTS PASS . Funeral of John Franklin Becktol, Who Died Satur day, Was Held Yesterday, j Bound Orer to Grand fUrj. i Goldendale. Wash.. Jan. 8.-AMIlton I Zekoas, tho section hand who was ar- rested by United States postal in- spectora charged with the theft of a I newspaper out of a bundle carried on I the train as outside mail, was ar raigned yesterday before Delbert Gun ning. United States commissioner at Goldendale, and bound over to appear before the federal grand jury at North Yakima with bonds fixed at $500. R0FESSIONAL AND1 iUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED AD RATES CASK AOTXXTXSnCZXTt Daily er suday. U casts per word for ail oaaslricstloM ta cp tins "or Heat is frivsts Uj." "Bmsi Ml boajd Is PrtfSM amUy." "SitBatias Wasted' aad "Wasted to aUal" ada. eic ax 1 swim par wjrd. Thra lnawlfess (or tka prle ef Iwa, Cs iaertfcDs for tsa prtea of tta. No ad takes for taaa thaa 13 etata. CaSU ktliST accompany copy ta ebttls abort rates. CHABOED ABTIXTISEsTUrri. i cata per word par laaarttns. Tbla charge la for all claaalflcaUoss, ateapt lac Sot la frlvatr k'aaiily,' "Koosi asd board la ITlto family." -BltuatioB Wasted" aad "Wasted to Maot" ada. whicS aro 1)4 centa per word par laacrtios. We ad chaired for rta thaa 15 eoata. aUcuauiuM -UuATiSO Grants Pass. Or.. Jan. 8. Believed to have beeen the oldest resident of san a Kins John UkllteTirclllNU. baUuoUoMs, bultuua ourwi. accordion, auubural, aide and box pteatlag; all work promptly aud aatlafactorily attaadid to. 1. Ecu bin. 3s aider at4 opp. ulda. Werv Josephine c o u nt y. Franklin accokmuft. a,Mifj ahi bux fiaTiNu. it Snndav afternoon His BOLtS. BUTTON toVKRKU. EA8TE us rass &unaay arternoon. ins kovklty mko.. Co.. k bth. b'Way ccurred Saturday. Becktol was I 1 cuius. acourOioo, alUa and unbnxat pleaUas, button covered: guude apourfcd. Bcaltopipf. I'll tuck blk. B'w.y iOao. Becktol. 92 year, of .age. was buried HEriivmNU uiu5 In Gran Meath occ born in Lancaster. Pa., and came to San Andreas, Cal., in 1851, residing there for more than 60 years. He came to Grants Pass in 1901. Mrs. Mattre K. Smith of San Francisco and Mrs. Minnie E. Lacey of Grants Pass, daughters, are his only surviving rel atives. BUTTON EABTEB3 MO. AGATE CTTTTEBt at. 1T, lit, jewelvrs. expert wntboaur. Mtllrr's. S4-iVi Who., bet. B'way aad Park. BLAXXBOOK StAKEBB DAVIS ar UuLiiaA, inc., 1UW Xii ml. Uiaaa book luauutacturers. aceoi tor Jooea la- ptOTed Loue 1-1 Larera. lice the saw hif reka lar. Al.. Main 183. BRASS AKD MACHINE WOBKB Folice Chiers Wife Dies. Grants Pass, Or.. Jan, 8. Mrs. Charles E. McLane, aged 48, wife of j Chief of Police McLane, prominent in UAHr-tu 6 ut wu. Democratic party circles in Josephine county for several years, died here Sunday afternoon after a lingering illness. trae taaiiuifa aud tuacbluc work. )0J N. &th at. H wsw OF MAY COME TO THIS STATE TO GROW FLAX to Corvallis Will Have Larger Water Supply Big Dam to Be Built Across Bavins la Mountains, Impounding Z.arge Quan tity to Be Used as Bsssrre. Corvallis, Or., Jan. 8. Corvallis will soon start the building of a big dam across a ravine near the foot of Mary's peak which will hold back large volume of water and create a large lake In the mountains as a re serve supply for the city's water works, system. The system now has three mountain streams contributing to its water supply and the damming of this stream will insure abund ance of water for the present and future. l ne stream to be controlled has a deep bed and the banks are almost solid rock, making an Ideal foundation .for the dam. It will be of cement, about 150 feet across. The city owns the property and as soon as the snow disappears the work of cutting off and burning' the tlmbr will com mence, as well as the work on the dam. , The proposed lake in the noun tains Is about 11 miles west of Cor vallis and lshut in on all sides by flense forest. The city owns hundreds ot acres of land in this locality. North Yakima Man Must Go to Prison North Yakima, Jan. 8. After being out for the past two years on ball following conviction on the charge of grand larceny, G. C. Klein, formerly a butcher at Granger, must go to Walla Walla to serve his sentence of two to 15 years.. He was convicted here November 15. 1914, on the charge of aiding and abetting George Teager and Charles Mathey In their theft of two steers belonging to the Pa cific Gold Storage company. He ap pealed to the supreme court and a decision has just been handed down affirming the superior court. Climate in Canada, Where They Are Now Located, Is Unsuited for That Purpose. STATION TO BE FOR TELEPHONE LINE Investors at The Dalles See Last Evidences of Their Dreams of Wealth Fade. Minnesota Publisher Dies at Los Angeles Los Angeles, Jan. 8. (P. N. B.) George Thompson, owner and pub lisher of the St. Paul Dispatch and the St. Paul Pioneer Press, noted Journalist and prominent factor in Minnesota and national politics, died Sunday afternoon at 619 South Ken moVe avenue. Mr. Thompson was 76 years of ajjc Mr. Thompson was a delegate to every Republican convention except the last since the first nomination of Harrison. The body will start on its Journey rb St. Paul Tuesday morning. , Real Estate Transfers. C. A. Buirp and f. to Holland 11. I-rwia et al. L. 9. B. 28. Holbrooka Add to St. Job ns $ Mary J. Lemmon et al to Pearl S. Lem mon, L. 21, 22, B. 74. Unireralty Park Martin Krauae and f. to E. B. J. lemnjer. L. 4, B. 5, Moaley Add 0. J. Hull ntl wf. to W. U. Speuca. L. 12. B. 5, Oakliumt Add M. W. Pratt and wf. to O. Ralph Dala et al. 18.2 acres, beginning H. 8 de grees. 27 minutes W. 1323.4 ft anj S. 2 decrees 24 minutes E. 379.12 ft. from N. E. corner of S. W. U of See. 35. T. 1 N., It. 4 B Minnie Ollre McOord to Elisabeth A. Thompson, L. 1, 2, B. 1, L. 4, Har mons Add. to Greens m Anna K- Pstorson to B. Mc X. Moore. E. Va L. . 6. B. 59. Holladay Add... P. A. Marqtiam Jr. to Ubarley Rbocp- pr, u. 4, a. 00, Portland City Home stead Hesel Inv. Co. to Title a Treat Co.. I 1. 2. 3, 4, n. B. 14. Alameda Park. L. 4. 6, B. 11, Weatorer Terraces L.. B. Mrenefee et al to Merle Brocklea by. parts U. 5 to lO, B. 37, Falnnount Add C. W. Lennebacker to Golden West Cttw, I.. 3. B. S, Terrace Park Add John Schniltt et al to John Sobmltt Jr., L. 2, . 812. Couch Add Wilbur H. Hyland and wf. to E. CARPENTERS AKD BUILDERS PIPPk' W 1-1) Huiullug mutrciir. 1-enter sho?, 306 Pine si. Phone B'way 325. CASPET CXEANIilO Mli litWS s et hug Co.. lbs K. atu. tiuu old carpata, rag rug, carpet eanliig. NorUi- E. 3.WO. B 11'. JOlLt llK).-.. ttevLTlC CltMUlb WU pets cleaned sod laid; reflttiug our speclaitj East 440. B-19BU. 204 E. rath at. N. CHTJtOFKACTOas KaUiuVAt. NUtlCal. W. O. Powell, chiropractor, remerad ta Sit Panama bid.. Ud aud Alder. Special offer to first 1U euiering las office clinic. Bring Ihu BQtice. 10 to 1- in., to o p. m. lAH.NU IVtAl wltu luedlciijea aad operation. Patienu dellzbted with health returning without drugs or scars. Dr. McUnhou uiaklug good. 81 treatmeuta, 815. fclaclcajr blag, and aenixarlum. CO H TRACTORS AID BtTILDERS OSKAH HUBEB. oauer.l Uoutractor. 22j lock bUig. Saer- COAX AKD WOOD Fulton Wood Co, 10 1260 MACADAM ST. Dealers in green and dry alabwood. 2i40. Main 7890. Pbooea A INAilO.NAL. ittL Co., fcast 2041. Dry alab- i wood. 4 it.. 4.i5 euro; saweu. 4.U load jblockwood. 4 ft.. 84.73 cord; aawad. S3 load A-l fir. 4 ft.. S.V75 eord. 10 MEETING NOTICES 41 HARMONY L-OLM3E No. 1!. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Mon day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. A lecture by Worshipful Brother George Kates, entitled. "The Btory of Masonry. Members are re quested to attend. Visitors welcome. w. m. UK LIN. Bee. MOUNT HOOD Lodge. No, 157, A. F. and A. M. Stat ed communication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7 'SO, Visitors welcome. Order V M. ED C. PICK. Hec'y. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty buttons. pins, charms, jaeger pros., ui- am statistics mxri9stBlrtbs. Dzalbs. MAKKIAGE LICENSES and MTird A-'Reerea, 1W04 &8tU aya. S. E laabellm Murton. oUo 1 TOQ at. Carl Rlcklirs. Uaatoa, ur., ana Aagusime Each, aama addreaa. Leo Matthias 'mielea. loau r.. vk aaoingxoa sr.. mii KmilT V McKlror. aame aaoieaa. Alexander KUla. Oils bi. M si. o. a... ana V )ren o MeCleud. ouo Columbia at. Clarence C. king, Oregon hotel, ana Kdna al Gentry, 1184 XJebe L ClkTtou Stewart, lsu Bumaiaa si., ana Wellena Perrlnger, 1610 Knowies are. MONUMJEKTS PORTLAND M AH BLK WhlS, X84-S48 4th iU opp. v;y. imui. sm . Philip Neu A Sons, for memorials DLAE5TNG QRANTTF 1 11 267-3RD. ST. tfT MADISON BUSINESS PROPERTY tM 100x1 00 cor. Sd and Everett. M-I50, Journal. Owner, FOR SALE HOUSES et FIVE ROOMS MODERN COTTAQH AT A SACRIFICE Located in Waverly Uelfhts. S blocks from 2th St.. I blocRs from Clinton, built for my owa home. The cottage contains all the latest improvements. Oak paneled walls and beam ceilings, china buffet, every room tinted, surrounded with fruit trees, ber ry bushes and shrubbery, con plating a home not to be dupli cated for the money. 110 Alisay bldg. or M-242.' Journal. A GIFT. Leylng town; will sell my house, lot and improvements for price of lot, &0d: no Junk. 1 blocks from car. S2S0 cash, balance easy. Ill Oswego SU, Bt. Johns. PAYS OVER 10i PER CENT. New. modern 4 flat building, double constructed; one of the best locstlons snd car service in the city: price 88000. Want at least 81090 cash. Phone owner. Woodlawn 1149. 6 ROOM bungalow, right on carllne. ..... ..--.11 K..I1. . V. ...... .H.r.., rlva ffo school and Keed college. Sacrifice 82000. cash. 4812 Woodstock ave. kl n Cmi4U Jt. i'n autiig aud III VJi OIIHUI Ub VUl mm Third Floor. Morrsn bldg. alius cardA LKfc3i au.Ui xor ianu tu uunta. Tallorins Co.. X09 Stark at. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 t'lVE Toom bungalow 1 block from car, completely furnished, ready to move into; improvements in and paid a targa i n. Owner, Tabor B3S2. 3 ROOM house. 100x125, fruit trees University Park, 8 blocks to car. terms. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 6372 EXCllANOE- REAL ESTATE 24 Ooatiaue - (8 ACRES In Clarke county. Waah. iS' miles from Vancouver, Wastu, 4.t miles from town; running water. K . acres cleared, rest easy cleared; stnalr ', S room bouse, good well, good fence. -.. good family orchard. 28 acres in Jogan- . befVies, 1 acre in almond trees 3 years old. best sot). Will take city resU dene or small acreage as part trade; . easy terms. Call or write A. Gross. Grsnt hotel. 4514 Washington st. Portland. IF your exchange la a square dasj, see Northwest Realty Company. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - . . 44 Rooms, Rent$60 New brick building, hot. cold water. call bells, closets in every room, steam - neat. Kvery room run; weii turnianao. Well worth 81800: first one comes ' gets it for 8t0, pay 8250 down, bal- ance as you make It. Peters of course, , B N. Bth St. - ROOMING house. 10 rooms, nice, mod ern place, well lurnianeu. line iocs tion. Must sell. Price 8200. 810; casn. t-all 191 4tn St. WANT rooming houae, 12 to 80 rooms, in exchange for Portland city prop ettv. M-28i. Journal. - See the Rent 22 rooms in heart of city, all on one floor; dandy transient bouse; first one comes gets it for 829S, easy terms,' bee Peters at 15 N. th et- HI SIXKSH OPPORTUNITIES 2Q I HAVE all round general store ; to sell: will Invoice from ll,000to 812,000; a dandy location. 80 miles from R. R, station and a thriving lit tle dairy and stock vslley: myself and wife left alone and in good cir cumstances wsnt to quit business snd enoy ourselves by a change for awhile: want from $2000 to 14008 down. baL as a loan if well secured. Anyone interested pless write EX 22 1. Journal. location GOOD for on ma.n TWO lots furnished bouse, steady work; $100 down. M-248. Journal. ACREAGE 07 Ap Fuel Co. Small ordera oar speclsl- Ci Ui ty. Urren couutiy slitb, 84 to et.OO. per cord. 4iw I nion are. . r.ast 40tl. YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich landa and business ouoortunitles of fer you independence; farm lands. 811 to 830 acre; irrigated lands. 835 to $50; 20 years to pay; 82000 loan in improve ments, or ready made farms. Loan of livestock; taxes average under 20 cents an acre; no taxes on improvements, personal property, or livestock; good markets, churches, schools, roads, tale- r hones; excellent climate crops and lvestock prove it. Special homeseekers' fare certificates. Write for free book lets Allan Cameron, general superin tendent land branch. Canadian Pacific Railway, 112 Ninth ave., Calgary. Alberta, 1 to STA.NDAKD Wuuil CO., ll rtM liwt 1'ruuil delivery. East alio. M-lta&. fiEEK tt FABR All kinds of greeu and dry 4 ft. fir for sale. SOS Water st. M 4.M A -44 7. EDTJCATIOWAI DANCING Eugene, Or.. Jan. 8. That a num ber of families of Russians now In Saskatchewan, Canada, intend to come to Lane county this year to raise flax, is the information recetvea Dy Mrs. W. F. Osburn, of this city, wno was responsible ion, the arrival nera of a number of families whjB? first set tled the Russian colony in Linn coun ty a number of years ago. Alexis Blutorr, a member or tnat colony, who now lives north of the city on the river road, has left for Saskatchewan torrange for the re moval here of families which may desire to make the change. These families, It is said, raised flax in Rus sia, but are unable to ralse it in Can ada on account of the severity of the climate. Of the 23 families who settled -in the colony in Linn county, six have gone to California and others are moving away. Their suit against the original owners of the land, In which they seek a large amount as damages because of alleged misrepresentation as to the quality of the land, will come up for hearing in the supreme court within a few days. They won In the circuit court. u INI 'M hlXTftc M llMtli'luv Acaiiemv. W bth l bet. Stsrk aad Oak. Special rates. 4 priests Jrarey lecsons, 32; niornlng, aiternooo evening; all lo UtMt dances guaranteed; class Thursday, Sat nrflay evenings 7-8::iO. Broadway 2lfl0. HEEBY la thia city, January 7. Michael Ueery, aga M ears, beloved father of Mrs. iJzxle UeUel and Mrs. Frank Sell of Banks. Or. lie waa a gold miner In SmartaviUa, Yuba county. California, for 28 years. Funeral serv ices will be held from Ixnmaculate Heart ot Mercy church, corner ot Stanton street aad Williams avenue, Wednesday, January 10, at 0 a. in. Friends are invited. Interment Mount (alviry cemetery. Hemalna are at A. It. Keller Cix'a parlors. Saa Franclaco paper p!ise copy. JONES In thia city. January 7. Eiihu K. Jones of 130o Macadam at., aged 8 yeara. Father of Arthur W. Jouea ot Eugene, Hor ace P. and Miaa Grace Jonea. Mrs. W. A. Vlggera. Mrs. 11. C. Zimmerman, Harvey W. Jouea, of Portland. Friend Invited to atteud funeral iervicea which will be held at Hoi nun's funeral parlors at 1 p. m. tomorrow tlueaday), January J. Intermenut Greenwood cemetery KROLL At the reaideace. 475 Twenty-third street north, January 7. Albert Kroll, aga 00 years, belovad husband of Bertha Kroll, father of KIchird, Emil and George Kroll, all of thia city; Mrs. Harler Uuatta of Hood River. Or., Huiro Kroll of Ilnaiiiatn. Wash., snd Albert Kioll of New York city. Notice of funeral 1 Owner. M. P., 271 McMUlen St. later. Arrangements ara in care of Miller Karaite traveled road to ML Hood: lot 0x208. store building 40x0: needs remodeling. Price 8000; half cash, balance terras. Might consider auto as part of first " payment. By owner, G. K Butll. , Oresham. Or. ." $800 WILL take bargain. Here is your, chance. A-l paying wood and "coal; business, 2 fine large horses, harness. ft. and short wood wagons, office fixtures. Owner must go east at once. M-297. journal. ' " "' Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close In ear line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1(86 or Sell wood 478. John H. Oibson, owner. CHICKEN. KKU1T, UAHDK.N ranches near Portland. 2, 5. 10 acre tracta. 868 to 8200 per acre, easy terms. Mo- Farland. 508 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 2 ACRES, 6 room house. In good valley town, at a sacrifice ir taken at once. FOR SALE FARMS BEtlRh-ear bycawore atatloo. January fl. We have tha following for sale: lx-ona Florence Berke. age 23years. Funeral T.jand in Columbia river between Ooble LAW SCHOOLS lEtJON LAW SCHOOL A tnoruugn. practical course in law. itecitauons avenioga. aiaia Wjm. Allsky bldg. REDUCING ALBUMEN IN KIDNEY DISEASE Te demons trste to Life Ins. Cos. aad Phyal class that albumen waste and symptoms ess be reduced and Urea prolonged in many cases ef Brlght's Disease and Neuhrltis. we will mat the treatment for a limited number having five H per cent or mora albumen, anticipating It will In moat cases show 60 per cent reduction ta ov uaya, uriosijsia to o made by a competent analytical chemist and mailed na evarr IS days. All names withheld. Fulton a Banal . Ompound (rultou's Compound Ne. 1) is the ageac It la saving life insurance cemoaniea than . sands by srolonslac rite Uvea of ou miiiev ' holdera wbe have devalOTed albumen and tha . accompanying symptoms. . For reports on 60 - eases Jn which tha albnmea loaa and armp- itna were cheeked and lives prolonged 5 ta : j yeara,! and suit living, write John J. Fulton . Co.. - gas rranctaee. lirusslata sunoUed hv rearest WUoleaaler. No further notice for 60 Former Goldfield Celebrity Visitor. Eugene, Or., Jan. 8. Claude C. In man, chief of police and fire chief of Goldfield, Nevada, during the mining boom times, when that city was the wildest and wooliest in the United States, was a Eugene visitor Satur day. Mr. Inman, whose headquarters are now in San Francisco, 1s engaged in the mining business In Curry county, where his company has ex pended 8200,000 in development work. Captv Robert Dollar Gives to Seminary Advances 150,000 as Ynclsnft of fSOO, 000 Endowment road for Hew Tes tament Chair at Msco Institution. San Francisco, Jan. 8. CP, N. S.) Announcement of the gift of $50,000 bv Captain Robert Dollar, head of the Dollar Steamship company, as the nu cleus of a $200,000 endowment fund for a New Testament chair at the San Francisco Theological seminary has Just been made. , a check tor tne jauooo was given oy Captain Dollar to Rev. Dr. Warren H. Landon, president or tne seminary, in a visit to the institution at San An. selmo Saturday. Dr. Landon will or ganise campaign for the raising of the remainder of tne rund. Searchlight Causes Bad Auto Accident Driver T-oses moad and Sis Machine Topples Over 40-Toot Timpaakment; &uklly, JTobody Earionsly Injured, Blinded by a searchlight at a bad point . in the road about one mile south of Rivervlew cemetery Saturday afternoon, O. A. Hatton, driver of a car, lost the road, and his machine, with Mrs. Hattbn and Attorney O. A. Stevens, toppled over a 40-foot em bankment, rolling over three times, and pinning the occupants under the car when it came to a stop at the bot tom. : The party were on their way to Tualatin to attend an installation of officers ef the Artisans.' Mrs. Hatton received ' minor Inju ries about the face and hips and . badly bruised right am Mr. Hatton was injured about the shoulders, back and hips. ; Mr.- Stevens , received a wrenched back. No one was seriously injured. The Dalles, Or., Jan. 8. Leon W. fSirtlss and F. J. Smith, wealthy res idents of Granddalles, Wash., were granted the privilege of using the United Wireless company's station pole on the Oregon side of the river for a private telephone line which will be connected with the local telephone of fice. The wireless company's lease on the property on which the pole Is lo cated expired recently. This ended the dreams of riches on the part of a large number of local residents who bought heavily of the United Wireless company's stock five years ago. Promoters of the company sold more than $30,000 worth of stock here. An operator was stationed here and wireless apparatus Installed. A few months later the operator and his paraphernalia were removed and since then the .property has been idle. Bulgars and Russ Kneel Side by Side Join la Prayer at Xnsslaa Orthodox Cathedral in Can Francisco That Peace May Coma to Europe. San Francisco, Jan. 8. (P. N. S.) Separated by land and sea, thousands of . miles from battlefields where every ingenuity of man is being used to destroy each other, Bulgarians knelt in pews beside Russians In the Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity cath edral here today while Rev. Vladi mir V. Alexandrof prayed for peace duringhigh mass, held to celebrate unrisimas as ooservea Dy rtussians. Greeks' and other nationalities who are guided by the Julian Instead of the Gregorian calendar. The holiday was observed also at the Greek Orthodox Holy Trinity church. 1 10 10 22S KVBIO SCHOOLS AUD TEACHES B. TH1KLHOKN violin teacher. pupU Bevcla. 207 Fliedner blrtr. Marehsll !--. Hendricks et si. laad berlnnlnr HO ft. S. of point which ia 30 ft. W. of 8. W. cor. ot B. 44, 8te?hepj) Add Clarah G. Clark and bus. to George B. Brown. L. 18, B. 4. Columbia Hta Charles Puree 11 to John R. Purccll, . i U. 13, B. 1U, rara view Extd. Add S. P. Osburn. and wf. to Rachel U. Thomaa. L. Iff. Osburn Park Trsct. . . William M. Kllllngsworth and wf. ta Mawnica Ktljlngewortn, U. 1. Z, H. 12. Walnut Park Charlotte A. Morrill to Ixmeea M. Har ris, L. 23, DeLashmutt & Oatruao'a L. n. Sub. No. 4 10 Charlotte A. MorrUl to Bdward War ren Morrell, L. 22, DeLashnratt & tlatman's U H. Sub. No. 4 1 John Ray and wf. to B. K. Oppen- helmer. L. i7. B. 6, Reaervotr Park.. 10 E. K. Oppenhelroer to John Ray. V. 27, B. 6. Reservoir Park 10 Bankers Iov. Co. la Lillian E. Hobkirk, L. 6. 6. B. 5. Hyde Park 10 Treaanrer of City of Portland to Nadir Iand Co.. L. 8. B. 60, Portland City Homestead S WilUant A. Caldwell and wf. to Daniel 8. Baaey, W. a L. 4, B. 3, Cadwell a Add 10 The Suburban Co. to William .Zswsdrkl, U. IT, 18, B. o. uoeriin SOO PBOK. T. K. UWbUM Piano leasuoa at your Dome. 60c. Phong Tabor RAIiXlMU piano playing lu 10 to 20 lasauoa. "Chrlstensen system." 412-1M Colnmbla bide. PIANO and Vocal LesKous, with nsa of prsc- tlce plsno. 1 hr. per i-' it. $5 mo. Msln 6210. service will be coudocted lliesday, Jaauary 0, st 1 p. ia.. In the Pleaaant Valley church. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Multno mah cemetery. Flowers may be aent to the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 6;it-4 Nluety-ecund atreet aoutbeaat, In Lenta. B1KREL At his Ute residence, Hllladale, Ur.. January 7, Ueorge O. Blrrel, aged 70 yeara. The funeral services will be held Toeaday, Jtuasry 9. at 1 o'clock p. m.t at the resi dence estsbllshment of J. P. rlnley A Hon. Montgomery at 6th. Friends Invited. Inter ment at KivervKw cemetery. and Kalama. containing 36 acres. 80 acres stumn land near Goble. 280 scrts near SThalar In Wuco Co. 160 acres bottom fand near Dayton, Or, 140 acre farm on Taqulna bay. St. Helens. Portland property, acreace. ri. a. NltHOLAH & NEWTON M COY. 715 Oregonian bldg. Main S6V MUST BE bOL.D AT ONCK. 14 room aDartment. always full: a sacrifice on account of poor health, all furniture new. bedding all first class; In walking distance; rent ISO per ma. For partlculsrs call Kast 7Zv. LADY tartner wanted in candy stor; must be unincumbered and competent : to tak" full carge. 1 am an American,, have the location, and mane the beat line of candles in the city. R-237, Jour nal. - A HACRIFlCt: BilliacaW hall ana luncfv counter la good town 39 miles from Portland; excellent location, cheap rent; place well worth $1600; I4&0 . takes it: John Goetsen, Gervala, Or. V. O Rox . - UAiiUU, n-.odern squall plant, best In state; 30 minutes center Portland; $1000; terms; trade for clear lot or acreage. Tabor 4S83. Box 571,, Portland. - ' OLD established and only fish and poultry market in good town 2004,'.' near Portland. Oood fresh stock, fix- tures complete, building, good business -for two, 400 cash. GX-2 84, Journal. - MCST have fl540 this we A; an op portunity that does not often come; will give you royal bargain, and serv ice in manufacturing line if desired. A-333. Journal. - ' ' FOR billiard and pool tables, show cases and store fixtures, see W. J. Qulgley. 2t Market sL Lowest prices and eaav terma. WILL, sell half interest In barber fix- - tures; want good man as partner ana DOLOKbe) L. CL'LLKN. Violin Teacher. Sevcik method. Marshall P-'TS. 470 Vain. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. a. a. UCi HMA.N, V fclfcHl.NARlAN. hoaplUl. 416 K. 7th t. gsst 1847. B-ld3. I. ilJ Q A T XT CCA 1 . 1 , .. eastern Washington. 1 miles to f" " " station and elevator: level or rentlv 1 P''" 10 you. tv-aao. journal. rolling; house, well, windmill, cistern: SMALL dairy for sale, reasonable; COX The funeral servlca for tha lata Clif-1 every acre producing; 240 acres In I cows, milk roule, horse, wagon, har- iora l. ioi win oe ncid -xneaaAy, January , i Bart wheat, 1-3 net rent declined; rent nesg ami supplies. .terms, r or par paid better than 1 past 2 years: 16000 cash; terms on balance to 3 years I . HY burn arasollne? Wd eoum vour ; si ovc Aaarens iewiaourg urcuaxus, I Ford to burn aisllllate ror e.; rorvsllls. Or.. H. 1. (guaranteed. Phone Sell wood 11 $2. ?11 Clinton st. EYE. EAR. V08E. THROAT. LUNGS Alh.Ul Ua removed wilOout kuils. Uiakaa. Dr. Caaaeday. liekuni bids.. 3d and VVaiu. Smyrna. prompt. a lo o clock a. m.. at the resldeoce establish ment of J. P. Plnler A Son, Montgomery at jio. rrienoa inviiea. interment ac itose utr cemetery. S1NSHEIMER Tbe funeral services of tha lata Alex 11. Slnahelmer will be held Tieadav, January 0, at o'clock p. m., at tha reat- j -i-e establMhment of J. I'. Klnley A Sun. Montgomery at oth. Friends Invited. Strv loee at the Portland crematorinm, private. WUEELUltla thia city. January 8. at bis late reaidence. oOO Kaat laiU at. N Isaac B. Wheeler, aged 81 yeara. Tbe remalna are at the reaidence establlahment of 1. P. Kln- ley ac tkm. Montgomery at bth. Notice ot fu- nersi nerearier. LARSON In this city. January 8. at her lata I residence. 6 IK N. 4tU at.. Amanda l.arsoo. aged 47 years, wire of lxmla Laraon. The re mains are at the residence establishment ot J. P. Klnley A Bn. Montgomery at Sth. No- tice or funeral nerea.ter. UOVIn this city. January 7. Bow Wing Moy. agei i yeara. oeiuvea nuaoana or May Mov Also rsg rugs, all alsea. Mail orders son of Moy Back Hio, brother of Chock Wing. FIRE 1KSTJHAHCE PACllTlu SUTta HKt lNaLKA.SCK only Oregon fire Inwurancw company. Sail AORKH nrar nft land 0 In -nk. CI iivation. o rniies . j. uregon uitv. i JJAN with small rmeans to handle city suitable dairy, stock, sheep or hogs; e'nd of a produce line direct from - jueai piace lor ur or eia para; una producer to consumer. ilClereOCeV lt money and dl- nneoea)- rnal. TLtrFF RUGS AMD RAO RtTGB M I fit in I ri I 1 1 1 1 u ii iiihif : ruuu hciii: ail i ii I ill i.n.n.1 beaverdam; near school and R. ''R.;stt mtv t.-ie ... ,,..t ' ' Z'J' j V...IUI .k i i I S&ou Huin iiair interest, money se inn. t Ir... ' Ownar ir a I cured. BIry lt0 monthly u.... ftn ti' r-tiJ ' ' -vision of profits. Experience u "' 'iMrv Particulars. U-l, Jou KOKJtiajT FA1UU 14 Send Us Your Old Carpets film ma Uade from old Ingrain. Brosels. Axmlnater. Carpet cleaning. und for booklet. lYfcHll Building Permits. I. R. Pay, renalr one atory frame dwelling, 8108 E. Mth at., between 60th and 634 ave.; builder, aame; 13V. Alder Realty Co.. repair two atory brick (stores and offices). 241 2d, between Alder and Morrison: builder. Oiaf Kyllo; S123. The Italian government will estab lish an experiment station In Tripoli with a view to increasing its agricul tural production. Congressional Medal Given Teuton Soldier Decoration to Be Seat to Trenches to XCaa Who Was Saro Aboard Burn ing Steamer Yolturao la 1913. Washington, Jan. S. (L N. 8.) A congressional medal of honor will dec orate the grey tunie of one of the kaiser's soldiers on the western front, and Secretary of Commerce Redfield will order that, the decoration be sent to the 6oldler in the German trenches. Frans von Hlmmen, one of the heroes of the American liner Kroon land, was voted a medal for assisting in saying 89 passengers of the burn ing steamer yolturno In October, 1113. In a communication forwarded through the American consul general at Antwerp, he has requested that his medal be sent him In care of his reg iment, ; Preachers Protest Showing of "Purity" Klamath Falls, Or Jan. I. The Ministerial association of Klamath Kails made formal protest to Man ager J. V. Houston of. the Star thea tre against the exhibition of the film "Purity," on the ground that the nude posing In the picture was -injurious to the morals of the community. Houston declared that he was under contract " with the film company to show - the - picture : and would lose heavily If it were withheld. Tht picture 'will bs shown, v FUNERALS Beaut If al adult plash ot Broadcloth casket, em balming, aatalde box. hearse, two autos and services for., Funerals If desired for 120. $40. S0. Higher priced tuner ala la proportion. We manufacture caaketa. Lady assistant. Beantlfal funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Washington at KUa St. (bet. 20th and 21et) West Side, Main 2887. A -7885. NEW TODAY t i ir an .la Koaaa of S10.000 d np on Im proved B a sines s Property (or for Improvement luXposes. 9. V. IXPSCOBCB, 2 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment at Mortgage Co. Offiees SOa- 170 Sd St. Feary Brothers, Inc. WE BUY NOTES 90 PeirvtTri Bide. Portland. Or. BRN FLUFF RUO CO. 64 Union ave. N. I'bones East SSIS. B-147S. rUHMACEl Boynton Furnaces Baer Co., Economical, effectual. Frcnt and Market. C. UNION AVE. bbeet Sietal Works, furnacea la sts lied, repairing. 411 Union sve. . K. 411. FUENITURE REPAIR AKD TJPHOLSTERINQ aitLTiNUMAU s'urnttura Hospital H64 M U Expert msttress naskink iln 45. HAIR 000D8 ASD HAIR DRES3IHO FKHVarr a UANKBLX. leading wig and too- nee makers, finest stock bumsn Lair aooda: kalrdreastng. manicuring, faca sod scalp treat ing Kemoved to s-tv Aider, near tfroaawar. MAUICURISO AKD HAIR DRlkSMO 407 Kroadway bldg. Keaidvotlal work iif air point ment. fbona Mam va.i. MATTRESSES OLD mattreaaes aad ieatbet beda mad lata aanltarv folding forms festbera renovatad. Folding M. Co.. MX! Wlllirms see. K. 6871. Mathew k., Jaoiea K., Udward Pearl and Helen Mov. Keinalns at Uolmaji a parlors. Fu- perai announcement later. IVEV At Milwaukla. Or.. Jsnosrv g. Walter C. lvey. aged 31 ' rears, brother of Mrs. J Weston lis 11 of tbla city. The remalna are at tba reaidence establishment of J. IV Fl- lev at r-on. Montgomery at 51 b. UK1EK January 8. at oaS Liuiun avenue north. Hoy a A- Meier, age rears, betuved aon of Mr. and Mrs- J. a. Meier, aad brother of Harry Meter. Funeral announcement later. Remalna are at A, K- Zeller a Co.'a parlors. IJONK-S In thia city. January 7. Ellhu K. Jones of 1300 Macadam street, aged oB yeara. Remalna are at lloiman a lunerai parlors. An' Douacement of funeral later. CLARKE BROS., florists, 27 Morrises st. Main or A-J805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch storea MAHTIN at KOKUKa CO., tlwriata. Sa4 Wash. Main 29. A-126S. Plowera for all occasions artintlcallv srrana-ed. OSCAK J0HN6ON FLOHAL CO, ial Ollaan st. Mar. 4372. A-1414 VOn 8AL.K by owner, moving picture: show. In good live town; no compe tition; good reason for selling. MX 223, Journal. - - BILLIARD )all for sale In one of the bent simatl towns In Oregon. KX139. Journal. - - - FamTCy mediclna aud stoca reined v route showlnar profit ssoae year.-fiels or trade whole or part. F-217, Journal. GOOD Portland property; sell ori:A t-rms or exchange for furnitore,- grocery or acreage. Woodlawn 1833. ; j COMPLETK bowling alley for sale cheat. J. C Kurath. Hlllsboro. r. Ml'ST be sold at once, pool room and oft drink place, inquire 10 1st t.! BAKERV fully equipped for rent, Hi Front; old eatabiisnea pise. SHOE shop for sale. 773 In Ion ave.. N. Price i00 cash. MOM-1KTOXICATUIO BEVERAGES WE1NHAKDS Uoldeu and Amber Nectar. Haurv vYelabard ulsnt. lata and Barnalde. Ualn 72. phones A-tlot MAIN 6116; Sprays II wreatns. piiiows, fi up. up. cnsppeii s 47 Morn, MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H ath at. BWKSb FLOKAL CO . ZSd snl llllssti. PHYSICTARS 1 1 u u A VUILLIri Aliakw KUI A at h ma Nerronsneaa. Prostatic Trouble. Uhenmatlsm. PRINTERS AND EXORA VERS tub ivy piaEas juua m. mann. S5f2 Stark St. Broadway 4. A-4QW. SAZOR BLADES SHARPENED bAFhTl'k raaora anarpoed, all kiuas. ka aad SOe per doaen. laavfr M ml., near Morriaon. bKM tha np-to-data safety raaur machine, ui the window at l3 4th at. RUBBER STAMPS AMD SEALS A1.&U btenylia, Tra-la Cbtrks. Brass bigs. PAClr lC COAST STAMP nOKaa 2ti Wsshlngton st. Msln 71u. A-2710 SHEET METAL WOUaVS RKPA1R1NU tin and fcravei roots. Jacob LaU. 8io 1st st. fnona aiatn EDWARD HOLMAN CO ESTABLISHED 1171. RELIABLE FUNERAL ' DIRECTORS LADT ASSISTANT. THIRD AND SALMON HTRKETS. MAIN 607. A-1511. V1VB acres good land and 4 room house. 1H miles from station. Os wego, i miles from Yamhill market; vent lb montnly. 1 acre close to school and car at cents, new modern 4 room bouse. small barn and chicken house; finu place for lttle dairy snd chickens; rent 310 monthly, or will sell easy payments. II. Atwater. Phone Matu 5S19. FOR RENT 40 acre farm. 4 miles rt. E I-ents. "liaDDy Valley." 20 acres I mo roved, all fenced, good nouse and barn, small bearing ore n ara. follow ing stock ror sale: e miicn cows, t belfers. 13 i; norsea. wagon. Har ness, nuiir. mower, raae. aisc. nar row, plow. 2 cultivators, cider mill and spray pump. i3Uu: separator ana cnurn S30: bay and spuds cheap. i A. W. Uni' bert A Son. 404 K. Alder pi ;. FOR SAKE or rent Dairy ranch 3 miles from bta-nnem. Oregon; izo acres; by John Schmlts. Kcho. Oregon. FARS1S WANTED 38 KENT OR BUY WANTED To rent farm, with priv ilege or buying, wun some good cui tlvated land, balance to be cleared -but good pasture and reasonably level; must have O. K. well and ' running stream; not necessarily near any town. but reasonable distance snipping point. and on good passable road. V-Z&O, jour nal. WANTED To rent by German farmer 100-Z0Q acres grain farm, equipped with farm tools and stock, on half crop share. Peter Enns, 100k E. lath st N rortiana. or. CLIENT has all cash for section good wnear tariff: nrerara Kntrtnin 'r I Or., west of Wasco, and north of Go r-1 EQUITABLE AV QM ak LOAJf ASSX, litblMsK OFrlKrilXTIS ' - WANTED j em WANT to boy 3000 shares Alaska. Pe-, troleum aV Coal. Geo. Btevenaon, J2 216 Ablngton bldg. -f. WANTED Motel furniture and rent must be cheap. F-Z43, Journal. - PAT cash for a good barber shop ia city. V-251. Journal. - ftiONUY TO IX) AS HKAb KMTATK S7 OUR InaUllmect pun is tha best and surest meuuxi or paying a loaa. -33 le ner month for si csoataa, t $21.24 ror months, or 111. 17 for moo tba oars a tlBOS loan and interest. -t ; mher amounts in proportion. We loan on improved, city property Or for building purposes. ' , r40 commission cnargeo. don Ridge. K. A. Eaaley. 213 Selling bldg. 343 HO.MEHfEADS 47 CAN LOCATE FEW CHOICE) 040- I ACRE HOMESTEADS BOON OPEN cv-io prt tiiifi. ppvto it. -Dirarkxr STOCK BELT. SO SITUATED AS TO BE VALUABLE. RESIDENCE NOT NECESSARY. FOR INFORMATION, ADDRESS BOX 613. PR1NEVILLE. UKKUUN. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 SKATES SHARPENED BaATEd afaarp'd. U P.Haach. 7J Marshall. nest f Hippoqroa XOWEL STTPPLT 1-lK'1LAM Laandrr Co.. for prompt, effi cient lervlce. Phone Broadway 410. A-44UI TRANSFER AKD STORAGE IP. L U ker. East lltr E "1. B-leKk A. D. Kenworthv Co, r !.; bauj a.u i-MUiM. t Stark at.. Portland. Or. 40 OV a conservative vaJuaUoa loaned on improved xarma tl 7 la- teres t. Money paid soon as exarn I na tion is made and abstract Drought to date. Lambert-Huntraas Realty Co.. 414 Dekum bldg, bVlLAJibii ioans ea city ar suburoaa property; money aovancea as wot at PTOsrasses. w. u. ieca. lis jrauina bldg. Main 1407. - - : CAbil paid lor mortgageav towtaa, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonaoia rates. V. H. Lewis, Lobby 4, Lewis edc.' $1000, 1100, 32600 to loaa on real aence; no commission; principal FOR SALE or trade, bi acres. Clarke county. Wash.; 15 miles from Van- lY.'V - ",-ri?"e I nnlv Vf-12 JournaL . i riu. i - ry tiiuvuu ii oca . Atsviii aa v ur I - i ' - pnSfii e V.i a , iasV .n5J "awthorwa, chard; best soIUiXunning waUr; small 1300 to 110.000 sssisisnt. house, can or write A. uross. Grant notei, fortiana. On hand for lmmediata loan. J. C CORB1N CO., Lewis bldg. raoor baj a.u -ni. Tabor ib. no in pi. una roster road. Ari.i $1000 EQUITY In room house on east I MOfa,x" to loan in aiuvuiia ti( side, ail conveniences, $000 balance I to 1(000 on city property. - - , I to run three yeara. Exchange for al A. H. BELL. $01 Oerlmger btdg. INFORMATION COTJTON If yon waat tbe aame ef a Tellable easi ness bonae dealing iar any line of nerefaandlae, or Inform atloa regarding resorts, betels, rail roads, steamship lines, etc.. addreaa Oregon Journal lafonnattoa Boreas. Information desired: v N'asie Add Oregon Transfer Co. v F. S. Dunning, Inc. w.,S,r,.r mn btahllslasd 1870 ftt 8-ld -P'f-v & EST '-A ? fTd C. iflng, $14 Spaldtngldg, EaUbllabad 1S70 - Tranafer and forwarding Agents. Storage free Trackage. ISth and Gllaaa. Ualn 00. A -440 ALWAYS "PICK" ItiK tti aoUbbiiUL. GOODS SPECIALISTS Storage. Paeklsg, Shipping and Moving, ilorse or Aau SurUl rreirht rates to all ooCnts. C. O. PICK TRANsrKk tc 8TORAU Id and Plna. Broadway WW. A -100ft. Dunning fit Mctntee Mod.''ia tm ucLii. orwusi ana fine sta B Jk AA A aCu v m t.rwuwi; v, ii-iiih wflv saaistant valuation $$000. to trade for i in Portland same valcatlon. ek. Or., a bouse FilVll on ral ll ,1 a m. rA Alh.r A . Chas.1 proved security, low rates. Morrill, I 1 AS Uh.rliu-W hlrls? . S1 an.l fmlt . 1 . T . vn oawv or traos, a , gooo oairy nar I $400 AND $1000 private money to loan Folts. Mvrtle Creek, Or. V near I tini IVIl lluOa nrivatji rnnn. (a litsi Myrtle Point. Or for stock ranch. I on i ri sstau at ?& f i skid v ri pi a w ur rMjm. A u w i mini , . VM A. R. Zellar Co. r?J- , . . U:to, 4$oo,..$Uqo, CO. lAdv .tttndsst l.v .nl KmYii '..e.. vrvywr wrioariiig lot I - moaern n T-rTTWalTTTR REPAIRIBO. K repair attd rebuild all auhea. Koal lk- writer Agency. seas. MILLrfR TRACE V. lnoepenaent r' ncrsi uirectora ranees 4. wasn. at Ella noepenaent land and farmT- iT O. ilolnUn." aZZ OHEt ifrTW. ii. aeua tm low as 320. kanle. Or. I aV Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. y-"V'A-Tl. WART.k-U .for. Irvlngton homav he,p 1 1srgU-f 5,. agiwa1? fZTO, 4100. ,11100, $1500. $1.00. M. r-onwao. izm nenry Buiiaiwy. MAMUFACTURatRS I JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! J. P. .lie.I Ac tiON. Progresseive Funeral Directors. vrtLSinr land. cm.1 EL 2144 o? A-i?-T e ou rriss.1. TBAUK city or - country crounv l e v a aaa . t i T ' ) aiv.vvu. ivr umri, snail- Fred W. German Cox. TJi Cham Com. $40,.0a OH UUM. yAKRINOlON. s th L - Bosrd of Trade bldar. SAHTZABIT WITOie .A3S L. SHANK CO. phonk mI! $lyos to $a0 to loan, no coiumissioa. rrtneipai. B-l IT. Journal. WOOD Plrm i Qlf:tAFQ Vnir.l"HaT v-o. Main 4lail $2000 uii-ii.u A-n;i ' or t -nrt Cl.v. I merit, anywher-. Owner. Main 79&4 "-J.- f?y.!'n,!"' MW ff,.oe,lt; utaoi'L (EQUITY in a modern house and 2 lot 11000 en improved property at iCi. Jl 001 -vVilliam, ,ve. yvdiit. g?o. c-i.a 1 fr cord wood timber. r Phone Main . Journal. - Hflmiltfin '".na JjUiaa, u- i aiomwon at. - I MOHTQAtic. 1AJAN6, tod If. Uu. luiiiiikuii nerat services, labor 411a I Honn CAtriVv . "1 "-.II li'nmnn AV r . toe Oss at., naar th. - -- vvw Bi-isf i rgs m a. a ia sii a uum uiai cm - - - - A tk Af "1 . . . . . . I ef-Saaaasse sasaaag-- i aa. i i aawa 9 B.imont-1 west miam te anrcnange for acreage 1 1260, t0, laoo, $70O, aavn. : . - -or clear iota, sss zitn st fOBTLANO WOOD 11 1PB CO. raetory and I Rrp(7fs Al .Rntnl( 1?2t..lmont I W , . for acreage I flTo" wmcv mav aaw a via- via. aaaia "s wi s m elan R. aenwab, 32$ ilenry Building. $). $10y- -V-.'