8 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER- 16, 1916. , , GOVERNOR OF KANSAS SAYS AMERICA SHOULD LEAD IN WORLD PEACE :Aside From Humanity. Bonds t -i j r!: t , ot uommerce ana rmanue - Make Intercession Desirable ACTION NOT SENTIMENTAL Closo Of Bnropsaa Conflict Will ; Strlk Kou for Organisation of '' Universal Brotherhood, -Washington, Ic. 16. (I. N. 8.) .America must taks ths lead in the movement for permanent peace," Gov ernor Capper of Kansas declared yes- , tsrday in aiv address before the gov rnors' conference here. , "W are not meddling In the affaire of other when we say the war must cease," he eald. "The inter-dependence of natlona, the bond of commerce and finance, entirely aside from the dictates of common humanity, mak it Impossible for this plague of war to exist anywhere upon the globe with out seriously affecting cur Interna tlonal relation and our domestic af fairs. Protest Ze Wot Sentimental. ' "Our protest is not sentimental, al though we thank God we are moved ty human suffering and the waste of human Ufa by this destroying world . sickness. "The close of the world war strike the hour for the organization among TOQTW1LAR MAKLRS PROVE, HOME-MADE, ' jA yy FACT I liK IW' DIRECTORY - (Name la blackface type annonnce- Stents, containing their adtlreue. on In man- Stacturer' pag . AdUrMM., of other may Iw obtained from to taatpbone directories. Man; t.. manufacture for tb Jobbing trade on I, but In ail caae barer should demand th product St our sen iuatliutlon.) Alters lira, aiailug Co.. brkfat food " Sbd balt b cereai. t. , Ante Xep Co., makers ot auto top; re r pair anil rvuiiue uum. . Arm I'litur Co., nuw case, etc. Automatic Uff. tV, aobo button fattening (; at'blnea. Atkln 4 Co.. uvri etc, American Br and Bions Work. ny- ttilug In bra, copper and aluminum. i Armstrong Machinery Co., 54S Tuurnian St., , - . Ice BiacbUie. lefrigcratlng plant. t Acme sign Co., taiid Unit, chipped gla, '' ' acid eivbt-u sign. . Arrow Cement laundry Tray Co., new idea y la lanudr tru. Ame, liarrw, MeTllls Co., grata bags and t Seek. . ; -. American Brueb a Broom Co., tpllnt brooms i Sad triune. ( . Adrian Meokweer Co., men's neckwear. ' American fkxla Work, toft drink. Blumeuu-frank Drug Co., 1'urula toilet $ Sieparatkiu. i - lkeo. Bergman Shoe Co., men' and boys' footwear. Branson Motor Equipment Co., distillate J generator for motor vehicles. - iteaner Clove jam. Co.. uloee. ,, , Balfour, Uuthri At Co., htalth cereals and 'j. poultry tuud. X Ball Manufacturing Co., 3)3 Stark St.. - wouieu WMisia, ouraet covers, neckwear eproua. t , CiMset a Co., coffee, tea, spices, extracts j ecu ire i lAiur a cumber Co., will, uuora, ur t Biuieutal glass. - CloMetl Uever, teaa, coffee, spice, ei l tract. j ' Carman Mfg. Co., furniture. ' : sUealter Co., violins, mandolin, guitar. 4 " ' Columbia V Ire A Irou worka, fire escapes, I sank tutures, uuef railing, fence, v Columbia buglueerlug Vvorki, inachlnery, i- Boiler, e(c. ,t Columbia Carriage and Auto Works, aato i boU lea, trui'ka, loua, painting, rebuilding. cr- - , ril work. , Columbia lirlck Works, brick, tiling. Clark-Woodward In-ug Ce,, mejlclues, trusses. . - j Ueuae a lna, lapidarlan. Campbell, U. C, Cleansing and polishing fluid. Const Chemioal Co., Insecticide, cleansing ;' and polluting fluid. ' . ' : Coha, A., tadle' cloak and salts. . Column tlieel Co., .teel caatlng. ;! -Clark beddierr Co.. harness autl (addle. Ceaet Culvert at Hume Co., currugaitd teel P'caV arter, L. L., 118 Md St. If., maker of hand soucret mixer. CalUniia rlating Work, lit td St.. gold, i Silver, cupper plating, galvanising. Crjstal Suriug xuiiamag Work, wool batti. Wool cardlug. Ceia Maouia Mfg. Co., money changing ' Btucbin, turnstile, electric water heaters aud melting puts, light muuufacturlng. Columbia Carbon taper Co., higu grade car bou paper. ' OrMoeat Chamioal Co., liquid polishes and S0p, iWM'plug compuund. Insecticide. 1 .tCamtaol Co., pruprieiorjr meUiuiue. xwiue, David j. c., paint., varulabe. etc. lMrnbeohr Furniture Co., furniture factor. iMtodero. a Nelaou cemeut laundry tras. Durable Moofmg Co., dursbl paper rouriug, 1 Davta-Soott Benin Co.. oak tanned leather Kiting. v aawarda, C. D., basket work. kdward. Owlgbt, oottee roasters. tea tleLder. . Klectrlc Steel Foundry, it eel castings. . aUaael Bake 0vn Co., enamel baking. ."' r reels ud rurultiir Co., table onJj. r 7laaer-Thora Co., paint and varnish. ' ' sel fKale works, pickle and table condi ment. Fleiaehaer-Mayer Co., overalls and work Shirt. Kreeburger, 0. 8., Air-Tnle. robber mender. Fleming. W. S.. portable abower bath. Flak Bros., cooperage work. : Can., lapidary. ' Qraadma Cookie Co.. cookie faetory. " , Gregory A Co., lapidary. - OIU Dahlia Farm, dahlia propagatioav Oeidaaiod Milling Go. (Balfour, Ontario A Co. I, fiour aud poultry food. Ura ale Paper box Co., ppec carton. ' Harvey. Taoma ft Co., Mtg. of "Uavabean" table food. klUl Novelty Jurnlng Works, sovolty mean facturera. Uodaen-reenaughtr Co., corrugated eteel Oriin and culvert piee. Ualvareon Co., pbjsldan' sterilising appll Si res, Hlneh-Weis Co., tents, awning, water proof clothing. Heeee-Martia Iron Works, mill and other ma chinery, foundry. Master Inouhetor 0. (D. U. Bolbreokl poultry Incubator. Holier Uadia Xaoaiae works, auachinery aiid casting. Harper' Br work, bra work. " Harris Ice alachto work, refrtgeretlng plant. - -Hasaea Mfg. Co., liquid blnlng, ammoal. ileald eorportttou, oregos mane, ladepeadtat Oraeaer Co., crackers, eakea, eooklee. etc. ladapeadeat Foundry Co., fcondry eaattnga. Jewee Bros. Co., sugunberry Juloe, eider, vla ' egar. , Kalgkt JNoking Co., pickles, sanerkraat, ta ble condiments, vinegar, etc. . , Korinek Hemedy Co., veterinary remedies. aUent Soaa Co., cleansing and BuUsaiac pri-uaratlona. band aad toilet Soaps. Keener, T. ., Improved tump puller. kaola Co., eocoaaut batter and preparitlon. ' Klng-Fleher Co.. mattreeee. bedaprlngs. ' Kadaerlyp, J. J.. Kadderly'a Improved for . Kolie, Sr. O. W., Improved optical nose plrve. Keil Mfg. Co., gs water heetere. Leupeid-Velpeul Co., aurveylng and ecleoUfle tnstrumeats. Luiterol Mfg. Co., 4010 Woodstock are. iMch Brae7 aah weights. . . Lawrence Co, iieo., aarneoe aad saddloa. Loewengsrt A Co.. millinery. ' I.uckel, King aV Cake boap Co., soaps. Leber Auto Spring Co.. ante springs. Leytoa Ceepetmg O., cooperage- Lakia A Co., lapidary. l.utke Mff. Co show case, atore flnUhlaga - cenmaa s v., egg awum, u.nuwu. MONTANA ASSAX WrrtCK. 143), 24 St., ' chemist, Ters, metallurgist. Multaoaaah IB ITU A Bag Co., trank, bag, mnil case Mt. Hood Soaa Co., all kind of aoap. McMoniaa A Co., horse collar, raaor strops. at. to tire. . v- MMeea Coefectlonery. eandy. eoateetlonery. Myert A Cow lapidary, gold and silver (Coatlnaed on Vest rage) civilised nations of an actual federal I tlon with the purpose or maintaining I a world peace. And America Is the one nation which can propose such a federation and effect its organization. "The United States is the logical nation to begin this movement for which destiny has now prepared man kind. Never before since the dawn of history has such an opportunity been presented to any nation as comes -J to ours. Governors 'Want Mors Power. Greater power for state executives was urged st the session. While no resolution was formally adopted, no objection was raised to the organ isation going on record in favor of greater power of appointment anJ greater easo in removing state offi cers: Governors should have the same power in choosing theystate treasurer, auditor, secretary of state and at torney general as has the president In choosing bis cabinet. It was unani mously declared. The governors In esecutlve session this afternoon selected belt Lake City as its next place of meeting. Oov or nor Richard I. Manning of South Carolina was elected to ihe executive committee of the conference, succeed ing Governor if. C. Stuart of Vir ginia. Oregon Town Out After a Railroad Walla Walla, Wash.. Pec. It. De termined effort la to be made by resi dents of Umaplne. Or., and the sur rounding neighborhood for a railroad extension to that point. It is the desire to have a six-mile branch con structed from the O-W. R. & N.'s main line at Bur-ett's siding west of Milton. A railroad committee of I'm aplne states that statistics show the section now produces In excess of 4334 carloads of hay, wheat and barley, which has to be hauled six or more miles to rail. OLD FASHION CORN MEAL Contain th Heart of the Oraia aad Has the Old-Tim Sweet. Rich Flavor. OLD FASHION MILLIXQ CO., Ml Heliaday Ave., sear Elver. rhen last 755. Enamel Bake Ovens Makes clhabby Autos Xiook Xdk XTew. We treat the hoods and fenders like they do at the factory DON'T paint and varnish 'em. Ask for particulars. J. C. WAKMIOCX, Prop.. 504 BurasldS at 14th. Alain 3435. A-4349. r FINKE BROS. Makers of BAKJIEX.S, TABTXS. FX A5B 8FBVCE STATU SEAOS, TO, Oak and Hasel Hoops In any quan tities. 183 Madison, nr. Hawthorns Bridge. "Always on the Square." LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. Makers and Dealers in NEW AND SEC- n & ond-hand oarreis 327 Water Street. Main 3147 aLAVSS SIGNS METAL Acme Sign Co. Band Blast, Chipped Glass, Acid Etoiilng. Special Prices on Ciuaotlty Work. 414 Davis St., Portland, Or. We reproduce your DESIGN or PICTURE on PENNANTS, Show Cards, Advertising Hangers, rto. NO CTTTS NKCESSARY. MILES SIGN CO., STARK 8THEET. The Bergmann Custom BCads Wshfoot Ores Bhos for the BTJSX1TBSS, ITMITCAa, StAXX aVOAS OB POUOIjUX. Awarded Gold Medal F. P. Z. B. Il5 Removal Notice THS VACznO ZtASSlTB WOBXB has removed from 85 East Sth St. to BOO AiMas Are. Pbon Sast 899. Bee us for ladders, breakfast tables adjustable scaffolds, stepladders ' stools, etc. ' DAVID M. DUNNE CO. PAXaTT MCAjrtJTACm: Fatronlse Home Indnstry Bay Tons RAI1NTS SXJtXCT ntOlt TCB FACTOBT 19th St. and Sherlock Ave. Phones Main 137, A-18M. David M. DunVe. Presldeat. Montana Assay Office GOLD. PLATIJTtJM AND SILVER RXriHXaa Assayers, Stuelter. Ueftner and Buier 0f cold Platutum. Stiver, men Qr.de OreV, jev?. eleni' SweepiDg. Pboto gnrer. Nltrete. Etc lueer of Iental and Jeweler' Oold sod Slleer TUt dock. Wire Solders, Chlorides, ?.r? "iVm' 8tr""c,h AUojr- -'-aaaa CLObbEl & CO. Roasters and Jobbers of COFFZES, TSAS, SPICES, Z3X TBACTS, ETC. 188 18th Btn Portland. Oregon. Fhone Marshall 44. f. O. Weatwerta C O. Irwia Columbia Carriage & Auto Works ATTTOMOBILX "BODIES, EPXIBOS. rORO. M68. PAJJTTUIO, OEVXAAX. REPAntrso. tOS-tll front Street. Portland. Oregon. BROOMS I Manufactured by ZanBroSgkc. SUNSET BROOM WORKS Office 50-52 Front Stv; LOS ANGELES PEOPLE HAVE NEW SCHEME TO THROTTLE DEMON RUM Proposal Is to Bar Liquors Having More Than 21 Per Cent of Alcohol.'" OREGON MAN IN CHARGE j - If Schema Xs Bnocessfnl is Los Angeles Xt Will Bo Bartended to Other Cities of California. Los Angeles. Deo. 1. (P. N. S.) Following the plan ot the French gov ernment In prohibiting the sale of li quors containing a high degree of al cohol, a commute of 100 men end women has launched s.campalgn In Los Angeles to revolutionize the manner In which Saloons, cafes and wholesale liquor houses are conducted here. Fifty women with Initiative petitions will be on the streets tomorrow to se cure signatures to the proposed legis lation. If the suggested ordinance is enacted, no liquor containing more than 21 per cent of alcohol (this includes whiskey, gin, brandy and all so-called liquors) can be sold or given away in any pub lio drinking place. Former Fortlander la Fight. Orton Goodwin, secretary-treasurer of the Committee of One Hundred, and former manager of the successful "dry" fight in Oregon, stated tonight that the movement started here may SXZXX R-PORTER The . Leading Beverage of the Northwest Puritan Mfg. Co. Fortland. Or. Fhoaesi East 730. A3434. Wool Ba!sJ Mat Iresses AWT SIM AJTS WXZGXT. Buy Direct From Manufacturer. Blankets, Mattresses and Feathers Beaovateo. We do Cos torn Carding. Crjsta) Springs Finishing Works 135 loth. Bear Alder. Fhone Mala 8674 PETTIT FEATHER & BEDDING CO. 813 V. 12TH ST, FOBTXAVS, OB, maanf ncturers of high-grade Comfort ers. FUlows and the famous V over spread Mattress. Ask your dealer to see them. for real Musical Instruments. Kad to be th rather thaa to sell. Visit the Ceultet Ce.' Fiddle Shop. Violin. Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Ukelele. Sll to 115 X.ABBE BLDO., 17 Vi WASHINGTON ST.. Portland, Oregon. Steel Stamping to Your Order PURDIN BROS. Manufacturers of Corrugated Ash Caas, Air Tight Masters aad Camp Stoves. - - - " M- M mvi.o Ufl.-L 1DV 180-183 Union Ave.. Portland, Or. Xt Us Have Tour Orders for CHRISTMAS CANDY BOXES early as possible, thus helping us to fill them promptly. We do a biar business all the tine In paper boxes and novelties, and your early orders will be appreciated. omzoozr fafxx box factoxt, F. Dielschnelder. Prop., aa floor, 941-945 Stark St. KUKlntK REMEDY CO. Manufacturers of Veterinary Medicines Adapted for diseases of horses, cat tle, sheep, poultry and pet animal. Compounded by graduates of the foremost Veterinary Schools. Derty aad ColnmMa Boulsvard, aorta Portland Station, Portland, i Oregon. VTX SATB MOTED. Western Tool and Die Works ANDY FRITZ. PROP. Manufacturers of Sheet Metal Stampings and Bias. VOW AT THTJtO ABD OUSAK 8TS. Tela. Broadway 2759. A-3837. 500 Enlarged Photos FREE ! We will give with every Mattreaa renovated by our new procea ABSOLUTELY FREE en larged photo of yonraelf, els 10x20, neatly framed, valued at 1 7. 50. Our work If guar anteed; price reaooabla We call and deliver. -Union Usde" shop. . UBlTgJB MATTmSSS ft FAS CO.. rV boleui MaDufaeturere, 427 Hancock at. ... Phones B. gio, C-134& Pendleton Woolen filiils ' Psadtotoa. Or, . : ' MAKDFACTTJRERS OF V PORE FLEECE WOOL BLANKETS Indian . Stohas, Steamer Sags, Bath Sokes and Aato obs. be extended to all principal cities" in California, Arrangements are already under way in San Francisco, he claims, to bring about a similar campaign. Mr. Good win says that the plan haa tha in dorsement of business men, dry work ers, some men who voted wet, and many local real estate operators. "We are going to take the sting out of the saloon," said Goodwin tonight after he had opened campaign head quarters in the Union OH building. Shorter Belling Honrs Proposed, The proposed Initiative ordinance provides that saloon hours shall be from 7 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. Instead of from 5 a. m. to 1 a. m. Saloons may sell not In excess of two gallons for cansumptlon off their premises and wholesale establishments may sell in quantities of not less than one-fifth of a gallon. The most Important provision pro vides that "No saloon, cafe, or other public drinking place may sell or give away any intoxicating liquor contain ing more than 21 per cent alcohol." None of the prominent "wef lead ers were Inclined tonight to make any statement on the proposed Initiative measure. Unorganized Espee Employes Get Bonus AU Those Secetviag Xess Than taBOO Tsar Are to Xs paid 10 Par Cent of Their Annual Salaries. San Francisco. Dec. 16. (I. N. S.) Tens of thousands of employes of the Southern Pacific, who are not in labor organizations and whoser salaries are below 12500 a year, are to receive a bonus of 10 per cent of their anfeual salaries. Half of the bonus will be paid Jan uary 1. The other half will be paid July 1, 1917. Organized employes will have no part In the bonus. Announcement was made of this bonus this afternoon by President William Bproule. just before his de parture for New York. SHOE FACTORY HAS GROWN SO FAST THAT ADDITIONAL SPACE WILL SOON BE NEEDED TO ACCOMMODATE MACHINES NOW USED Wide-Awake Salesmen Are Now on Road Disposing of Wares and Object of Business Is to Please the Custo mers With Best Goods That Can Be Turned Out. A young man In 1867, Henry NIehoff, migrated from Germany and arriving In America became a resident of Mil waukee, Wis. There he engaged in the manufacturing business until four years ago, when he sold out and came to Portland to become identified with a shoe factory. Purchasing an Interest In the establishment at that time, he later became a controlling stockholder, and Is now president and treasurer of the corporation, capital ised at $100,000, $80,000 of Which Is paid in, and this, with the earnings of the concern in the last four years, has enabled the management to equip a modern plant having an output of S100.000 to 1125,000 yearly. F. J. Cavanaugh, Mr. Niehoffs son-in-law, is vice-president and manager of the company, and Mrs. A. J. Cavanaugh, his wife, its secretary. Ala to Produce the Best. L.lke many other factory people of this city, the Nlehoff management has set a high mark for Its products, firm ly declining to enter into the manufac ture of low grade or "cheap" makes of footwear. Mr. Nlehoff buys the best leather obtainable, which the 30 work ers of the busy little factory fashions Into the highest class of footwear which can be made. "We are exceedingly serious In this determination' Mr. Nlehoff declares. "In quantity our output may be cur tailed by this policy, but we will have the satisfaction, at least, of holding that trade which we secure, constantly adding to our clientele and In time building up a business as permanent as the hills." "We believe our policy the only one. too, which will spell lasting success," the secretary added, "and come what may we will rigidly adhere to it!" Battery of Modern Machinery. The Nlehoff factory occupies three stories and basement, 25x1 00 feet, st 61 Sixteenth street north, but its quarters are not nearly large enough for its present business. . "We are greatly In need of more room," Mr. Cavanaugh says, "and It is only a question of a short time when we will be forced to have It. You can see how congested we are Here are these numerous machines nearly touching each other," a fact In evidence on every hand. With scarcely room enough to pass between them, the workers toil at a disadvan tage, though supplied with a battery of the most modern machines and Im plements and tools of the latest manu facture; for though the Nlehoff fac tory is not the largest In the country, It Is strictly up-to-date in Its every appointment. Any new shoo making device of proven value finds a ready buyer In Mr. Cavanaugh, the s-entle-man believing that his workers can best execute their tasks when supplied With the best In appliances with which to do their work. y Man's aad Woman's Footwear. "Our main product Is shoes for men and boys," the secretary says, "but we do make shoes for women, to measure, when ordered. We do not. however, keep such in stock. And while we man ufacture dress shoes for men and boys, we specialise on hand-pegged cruisers, loggers, mountain climbers and pack ers footwear the kind that must un- Hesse-Martin Iron Works Corner East 7th ami Belmont Sts. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS Elevating, Conveying, Screening and Transmission Machinery Contractors' Equipment and Saw Mill Machinery PACIFIC COAST PRODUCTS FOR PACIFIC COAST INDUSTRIES ICE MACHINES v From th only eoasploto factory tm th eatlra Vortbwsct. A R M SR O IM G ' S Mcintosh Sc Felzliall, SaiR I OF BY FRANK TRUMBULL Head of Chesapeake & Ohio Says Nation's Carriers Can' Not Serve 48 State Masters 'Kvansville. Ind.. Dec. 16. (I. N. S.) Declaring that no corporation can serve 48 different masters and pros per, Frank Trumbull, chairman of the board of the Chesapeake A Ohio rail way, made a plea for federal Incorpora tion and regulation of railway secur ities -to delegates to the Central States Rail and Water Transportation confer ence here last night. "The contradictory legislation passed by different states is not only absurd, but la vicious," he said. "The railroads have to make 2.000.000 reports a year to various tribunals. There is no end to conflicts about securities and rates." Divided Commission Suggested. of the Interstate Commerce commis sion, saying the same men should not act as prosecutor and judge. Delegates received messages from J Vice President Marshall and from Gov- ernor Johnson of California and other officials by long distance telephone. The conference ended with the shippers and railway men in attendanceIn dis agreement upon the question, "What Is the matter with American railways T" Thorn Talks Bub-Commissions. Clifford Thorne, chairman of the railroad commission of lows, this aft ernoon advocated a system of regional sub-corn missions to assist the Inter Iron bound slogan of 'Satisfaction In i'.very fair or Money tieiuoara. "W process, too, the uppers of oar shoes with our own specially prepared waterproofing between the Innerand outer soles with a filler of our own make, thus assuring warm, dry feet to the wearer. Make Shoes to Order. "We likewise make shoes to order, and do a lively retail business here at the factory. Particular men, desiring footwear which fits with glove-like accuracy, come here and have their shoes made to order. You would be surprised to know how many of that kind we have as regular customers, and we have yet to hear a complaint from any of them. We do not sell to jobbers, confining? our business to the retail merchants and our factory ex clusively, and give our factory patrons the benefit of jobbing prices. Persons ordering by mail are provided with a scale and blank for self measurement, a feature that we have found affords perfect satisfaction. "Our prices are of necessity variable at this time, with the almost daily changes in the cost of leather. Just now, however, we are selling men's plain toe, black or chocolate blucher work shoes at $4. (4.60 and $5. accord ing to length of top 6. 7 and 8 inches. Men's Solid Comfort's are the same; heavy chocolate veal bluchers from $S to $S. 60; men's gun metal calf bluchers $5 to $6; men's chocolate, black or tan French veal waterproofs at $5.76 to $6; black waterproof bluchers, $-inoh top. $3.90; gun metal calf, box calf or mahogany calf, high cut, 7, 8 and 9 Inches, at $5.60, $6 and $6.60. An extra special heavy logger's shoe, 'almost Indestructible.' is mads at a little higher price, which. If properly oiled with our preparation, will stand a tremendous lot of hard usage." " Men workers at this factory receive $2.60 to $3.50 per day, and women $1.50 to $3. That there may be no incentive to slight their work, in order to In crease their pay by enlarging the vol ume of their output, all employes re ume a daily wage, nothing being doue by piece work. Few factories are con ducted along these lines. Fourteen traveling salesmen are employed, and they cover all the territory between the Sacramento, California, Valley and the eastern line of Montana. Much of the leather used is tanned in the Weber and Pfeiffer tanneries, Portland, the balance coming from California. FACTORY OUTLOOK GOOD W. J. Ball, of the Ball Manufactur ing company, Fifth and Stark streets, has had the factory, of which he is the head, only three weeks in opera tion making women's waists, corset covers, neckwear, aprons, etc., and 1 already literally "up to his eyes" in business. His concern is turning out a superior class of garments made of silks, satins, Geortrette crepes, crepe de chine, voiles, lawns, organ dies, etc. He Is giving employment to a "large number of worffen seam stresses, and these, of course, will spend their earnings in Portland. And the greater the sale of the Ball com pany apparel, the more help will be employed and the larger will be the payroll. Fhoae Or. RAILROADS URGED state Commerce commission In solv ing th problems at the close of the war which will arise from the present industrial expansion. He urged strin gent regulations, asserting that under public regulation railroad mileage had been doubled and capital stock had grown. Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City Joined W. O. Lee In condemning the proposed federal anti-strike legislation, partic ularly criticizing the Canadian no strike law. Walsh took his stand with the railroad employes in the recent controversy. BAllroad Gorenunent Function. "A railroad is an absolute function of government submitted to private op eration and exploitation," he said, "and if the railroads do not accede to the demands of the government, that gov ernment will take back its own and op erate It until such time as these recal citrant managers see fit to obey the decrees." Aberdeen Man Falls On Saw and Is Killed Body of Oeorr P. Templeton, x,nmbr Kill Employe, Cut in Two Whan X Gets into Drags aw. Aberdeen. Wash., Dee. 16. George P. Templeton, 21 years old. resident of Aberdeen for one month, was cut In two and Instantly killed at tue Wilcox shingle mill when he lost his balance and fell on the dragsaw to day. . . Templeton, so far as known, hsd no relatives on Grays Harbor. Letters in his room gave the addresses of Seattle and Portland friends, but of no relatives. Ho is thought to have been betrothed to a young woman in Tumwater. Templeton work was shoveling of blocks from the dragsaw to th power bolter. In doing this he used a pick aroon. It Is thought that this pulled out of ooe of the blocks, making him lose his balance and fall back on the dragsaw. PRINCIPLE, IS PROFITABLE, XiZAsnro omocxss sbx UAVABEAN (MEXZCAH BXAVS) Dellclonsly cooked and canned In Portland. 15c can enough for three. A one-meal trial and you'll eat 'em always. They're not the ordinary. Thot. Harrey & Co., Factory 483 Belmont. Fhone Xast 0446. Ask Your Dealer for FAMOUS Doembecher Furniture Made in Portland X. 7. Helser. Km. Fhoae Zaet Heiser & Unden Machine Works, Inc. Designers sad Builders ef Special Machinery 98--7-S H. ltd St., Bet. Tork aad oL Phone Haia 7tS, A-7S1. PacificIronWorks Structural Steel and Iron f 01 Buildings and Bridge We carry In stock a complete line of Beams, Angles, Channels, Tees and Mill Platea, PORTLAND, OREGON A W&ITTZV OVA1A1TTZZ gees witk every BRONSON OXY-GEN-ERATOR It cots the motor car fnel bill In two. dis solve carbon and add nearly half to mileage. Bend fnr rirciilsr. BBOsTSOH K0T01 EQUIPHENT CO., 14th and Bumsid. CARMAN'S GUARANTEED FURNITURE J Of ail Dealer. Bade la FertUad FORTLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO. Makers of COUCHES, LOUNGES, UPHOLHOLSTERED FURNITURE, MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS 1 249-1 259 Macadam Road Main 80 A-3513 MAjroFAortrssaa of cxadu ajtd BOCB3B8S. Fortland, Ore'goa. "BMT IS TH -vTZSTt V FJCOn XAaTT 875 for hlahest grade - typewriter and pencil. . CARBON PAPERS 5 Made -lav Portland and gnarjfateed. ENTRIES CENTRAL WILLAMETTE POULTRY . SHOW GIVEN AWARDS White Leghorns From Inwood Farm Win Grand Prize at Albany; Other Winners, Albany. Or., Dec, 16. Judging Of en tries in the Central Willamette Poul try show was completed hers Friday by N. H. Collier, well known Taeoma poultry fancier and judge. c. k. Armstrong of the Inwood Poul try farni, Corvallis. won the grand prize with the best pen at the ahow. His While l,eKborn made the highest I score, F.d Ki-hocl. Tangent. Or., and A. J. Steele, Albany, Rave close compe tition for high honors. Other prise winners wer: "v Barred hoi k cockered. R. N. Torbat; hens, R. I,. Burkhart; Partridge Rocks. O. F. Gnettel, Silverton: Silver Wyan dottes. mere, Albany, first, Mrs. J. N. Wagoner. Thomas, Or., second; Rhode Island Reds, I,. R. Harris first, II. Q. Rumbaugh second; Light Brahmas, L. F. Hadley; 8almon Faverolles. Eu rene Prescott. Salom; Cornish Indian Game. C. P. PeeLIer; 81clllan Butter pups, J. I). Drake, Sllverton; Black Mi norca. B. O. Lonjrsdorf, Lebanon first. W. K. Baker. Albany, second; Black Leghorns. Ed School. Tangent; BuTf Orpins-ton, W. K. Baker; White Mlnor cas, B. O. Lonajsdorf. Lebanon: An conas. A. O. Propst; White Leghorns, C. E. Armstrong. Corvallis, T. J. Dan nen. Albany; Black Spanish, D. B. Me Knight; Buff Rocks. R. M. McCain: White Rocks. K. P. Schanen. Lents: of making over all kinds of mattresses at small cost into Sanitary Folding Mattresses Is the way shown here. Feather beds made Into folding mattresses mn summer and winter aides. Wool Batts Carded, Too Phone for literature which we wl Sladly mall. Folding Mattress Co. 508 Williams Ats. Fhone Sast B374. Thayer, Shaver Gulley Machine Co. General Machinists arid Builders of "EVER-READY" TRUCK ATTACHMENTS for all makes of car a 1-ton attachment 1360 lH-ton attachment 410 g-toa attachment 400 Fhone East 7437. 193 8. Water It. PENINSULA IRON WORKS Founders. Machinists, Pattern makera "Peninsula'' Orar Iron and Semi-Steel Castings for all purposes. Transmission and Special Machinery. Mill. Marine and Gen eral Repair Work. Fhone. Colum bia 14. at. Johns. Portland, Or. Independent Foundry Company Portlsmd. Oregon. objet rnoar fiiTD ssmx-btuxx. CASTINGS J. D. Boost J. H. XeOaaley RELIANCE ' Wire & Iron Works Manufacturer ot all kind of WIXI AND lHOlf WORK BAUXIMGB AND yXTCB Ornamental Iron Work. Spars Ouard. Ftj. E. 10th aad glanders. Phone East 1891. Mala 217 Telephones A-2317. Smith & Watson Jron Worb Foundry and Machine Shop, 412 FRONT STREET Manufacture and repair aU Umsg of BtaohlnarTf and cast aaytniag. Xsasoms Vajr yon skonid buy the Arrow "Indestructible" Laundry Trays Tripled reinforced. Can't crack. Smooth, snow-white finish. Water proof. Largest and roomiest, tray almMd 1S30. 6M B. 10th St. G. P. kummelin & Son 124 Bd. near Wash, St Mfg. Furriers CG. APPLEGATH UCCBSBOK Sstab. 1870. Mala 4L DAHLIAS yell Catalogs ef Datch Bolb. rereaalala Marsery stocks aew leady seat free tm request. GILL BROS. SEED CO. Tabor 2683. Portland. Or. (O Q Oh. re, quite aom- C34)pM Q7a4d ber of (leople have . J J . J bees to him to know who the grafters were that be referred te and also irnat tbeir different (raft was, ad he says, anyone that wlabe fall per. Ucnlars e that Portland' condition ran be ebaaced. by railing on Chum. Cooper, Sot Boyal BaiMlng, rail get fall particulars ad see docnsiesUry erldesve. L(5aA (uop4 & Son ' Praetieal Tailors 04 keral Bide. Partridge Wyandottes. o. F. Goettel, Sllverton; .White -Wyandotte. W. J. nieeie; uuir leKoorn, i. c Armstrong first. Herman Bathnor, second; Black Cochin Bantams. O T. Goettel- WhIU . Cochin Bantams, Gerald Steel; ver Leghorn, J. E. Davis. Waldport. The ahow has been largely attended. It will close' Saturday ntght. Boy Bound for Bend Bears Christmas Tag Six-Tear-Old XdUL Wearing Label Showing Destination, Arrives in The Dallas Prom Tennessee, to rather. The Dallea. Or.. Dec. 16. Labeled with a Christmas tag bearing the In scription, "Willis Ilearn, to Bend, Ore gon," a -y ear-old lad arrived here Friday from Memphis. Tenn. He is being cared for here by relatives until his father. Frank Hearn of Bend, comes for him. Following the death of his wife, Frank Hearn came west and fount a position at Bend. He left a email son with Memphis relatives. Later the father remarried, established a home In Bend, and sent for the lad to come west to make his future home. Farmers to Destroy Pestiferous Rabbit Klamath Falls, Or.. Deo. 16. Farmers of southern Klamath county are beginning a strenuous campaign toward the extermination of Jack rabbits, which are becoming a serious pest in that section. County Agri culturist H. H. Glalyser haa received a large consignment ot strychnine, with which to poison the animals. It is planned to poison oats and hay In corrals throughout the county, which will be closed to all stock. This idea Is reported as being very succes ful In other localities. Portland Stove Works MANUFACTURER OF H2GS OlaSX Stoves and Ranges ASK TOTIS OSAUB. THE KADDERLY FURNACE Is an Oregon production, made entirety of steel, boiler riveted, and a Last Forever It Is the beal and most eco nomical Furnace In the world. J. J. KADDERLY 130 FXBBT BTBXZT. MAXH 138X OREGON BRASS WORKS, iDC. BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Bronze. Brass. Conper. Aluminum end Composition Castings, Finishing. Pol ishing and Plating Rash Bars and Brass Railings. Second and Krerett Its., Portland, Or. Phones 1 Mala 5373. A-2373. AMERICAN BRONZE AND BRASS WORKS 689 UFBKTTB BTmZSET. AU XTlnds of Brass Aluminum Cast, lass. Phosphor Brona Castings a Specialty. Bob it Oray, Mgr. Phone Main 4 lis. The Harris Ice Machine Works 174.176 Zast Water Street, Makers of Harris Ice Machines All kinds of ice and refrigerating work; pipe bend In a; and coils mad. POBTTaAXB. OUOOI. MACHINE SHOP, Kavrthora Are. ed East Third St. Fhon.., East B-1144. rOTODar aad PATTEBM SHOP, Unioa Are. aad a.t Btereaa It. ?, Zut 1. JM1L Phoenix Iron Works ZVOraTZZAV-rOBTI.AjTD. OBEOOH. Founder, MaohiaMt aad BoU.r Kakar. Build, lag aad Structural Work. Bpalr Work Oir.a Prompt Attestlea. "MAM XV OKZOOB." PORTLAND BOLT & MFG. CO. Bods, Bolts, tTpsst Bods. Dies and Forging Ball ding Iroa of all kinds. X M. LLEWELLYN. Mar. BO 13th Bt. ST.. Portland. LEAD PIPE to t inches; calkins lead, sheet lead, lead wool, glazing lead, etc. NORTHWEST LEAD & MACH. CO. SOS.ll FOBTT ITRXZT. P. SHARKEY & SON tOga (TBAW TBUtOAT HORSE COLLARS Largest factory of Its kind on the Pacific Coast. All Goods War ranted. Xast Oak and Union Arcane. Crescent Chemical Co., Inc. M WAlKIBOTOir IT. 7ABIT0B PPTLIES, floor fcrusb. flaef sad UaoWaai Qs aad dreuingi odr ells, dastlsse nop, fnrsltur aad metal seliak, llgsid toilet soss. dlatafeotmau. bo aad J, rosea destroyer. Pkeae. Bala 1SS4. A-14M. W. H. M'Monies & to. Makers of Horse Collars. Razor B trope. Auto Tires rebuilt and doubts treaded. Vulcanising; and repairing. We buy old auto tires. fi I "-I- rWJiBI , JBABJX 4V Factory 440-443 Kancock- Ktm , Cor. U. 7ta 1