f VV ... s THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' PORTLAND." OREGON. 14 ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER f 16, 1916. CONCERT CHORUSES REHEARSALS SHOW - BIG ENCOURAGEMENT Sunday School Undertaking ; Is Proceeding With a Vim v'. and Earnestness Now, GIRLS SHOW ENTHUSIASM 'Adult .tarsrs Stars Al WpJT Commeadable rnterssti Bsoord May Tat Bs Broken. The rehearsal of the Sunday school I concert choruses have been creatly ncourelne both In attendance and i In the amount" of work accomplished. Tha choruses, two In number, one con- alitinr of lrU from ths f 10 to :0. the other an adult chorus, have been; rehearsing every Tuesday ?OB at 4;H and Wednesday nlicht at 8 re spectively, In room oya uu,.u in. The girls chorus baa entered upon Its work with great enthusiasm, At the last practice there was a turn out of nearly BO. The adult chorus las taken up Us work with an equal Amount of vim. The number has been .somewhat larger than that of the - Klrl and both are growing- with each i practice. , While the work undertaken Is not everly difficult, yet It Is very pleasing of the best grade obtainable. The girls' chorus will sing three songs. .'Down In the Dewy Dell" by Smart. Blue Are the Heavens," a beautiful piece by Frank, "A Twilight Revel" by ',. fjertarls. The girls will also accom pany the adult chorus In three other selections, "A Triumphant" by Clif ford Demarest, "Barcarolle" from "The Tales' of Hoffman" by Offenbach, and "The Heavens Are Telling" from "Cre - aUon by Hydn. The adult chorus, tvMtldea the three selections Just named, are rehearsing "The Miller : Song" by a special land attractive sr ranaement of "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" by Bland. "Wake Miss ! lindy" by Warner, and "How Lovely Ara Thy Messengers" from St. Paul toy. Mendelssohn. Professor Flnley, . who has charge of the work, says1 the work is progressing much better than he anticipated and is looking forward to) the month of April as a month which will see the largest chorus that Portland has ever known. Plans Are Made for : Installing Pastor .-t 'The Rev. P. A. Thompson who was recently called from Olympia, Wash., i to the pastorate of the Mlzpah Pres- i byterlan church was received by the Presbytery of Portland at the Decem ber meeting Tuesday, and arrange- :J ments were made for his Installation (' . Tuesday evening. ' The Rev. Solomon W. Seaman, D. 1 v., moderator of Presbytery, will pre rid and nronound the constitutional Questions. The Rev. W. S. McCuI - lagh WlH preach the sermon; Rev. Arthur I, Hutchinson, D. D.. will r i kirur ut nuik'iiuiauii, lj. a., wi , 1 chart the astor; Rev. j. R. Lands : borough of Oregon City will charge the people, and the Rev. ' John A. Townsend, Ph. D.. will offer the ln- 'atallation prayer. There will be spe cial muslo by the choir. Mr. Thomp son was pastor of the Spokane Avenue 5 . Presbyterian church at Sellwood for over tight years and his recall to the ! Portland work Is a matter of much f atiafactlon. The installation service j will be at 8 o'clock. Bethel Church Is S Appealing for Aid ' ' "The Significance of a Name" will f t the subject of tomorrow morning' sermon at the Bethel A. M. E church, Jtev. W. II. Prince, pastor. The Christian Endeavor will meet at 7 O'clock with the newly-elected offi cers, which are as follows: Mabel Byrd. president; V. E. Keene, vice rresldent; Miss Gladys Anderson, sec retary, and Miss Norma Keene, or ganist. Everybody is Invited to visit the , Bethel church, which Is appealing to the christian publio for aid in their .Christmas gift rally, one means by which they are striving to raise $1250 to pay on an Indebtedness on the church, if there is a desire in the heart of anyone to do any kind deed -In commemoration of the birth of th Saviour of the world, that desire may ' be fulfilled in helping our needy and struggling cause. Donations can b sent to Rev. W. H. Prince, pastor, 20S : jHcjnuivn street. Vancouver Society v Dedicates Building Thr First United Brethren church of Vancouver. Wash.. Rev. John D. Nlsewonder, pastor, will be formally dedicated tomorrow with Bishop wil llam M. Bell of Los Angeles, off! elating. Three services will be held with, the bishop preaching the morn ing and evening services. One of the special features of the morning hour will be the1 singing of Mlsa Norma eparga. How to Enlist Men i For Christ, Theme "How to Enlist Men for Christ and the Church" will be the subject of a discussion at a men's mass meeting to b held by he men Of th Mt. Scott district , at Arleta church tomorrow afternon at 3 o'clock. There will be several speaker and an open forum. TARBELIS , a cauicis . uuiuo for 1917 - U - Just Received Price $1.15 . . Plaee Your Order Now GILL'S IBS si Former Nun to " Make an Address Tomorrow Night Rev. Harold H. Grlf fls. pas- tor of the First Christian jt church will speak tomorrow )r morning on tha timely topic, "Christmas and Its Message of World Peace." Sunday evening m the sermon will be delivered by Mrs. P. A. Seguln, an ex-nun I of t New York city convent. The quartet choir will furnish the following music in the m morning: a duet. "Calm aa the Night" (Goetxe) by Mrs. O. F. Alexander and John Deegan; In the evening, an anthem, "I'm a 41 Pilgrim" (Marston), and "Fair- est Lord Jesus" (Batiste). The chief Christmas celebra- tton at the First Christian church will be an entertainment given by the members of the Eilb-le school on Friday evening, December 22. The celebration will be known as a "Giving Christmas" and every person it ijt attending will be asked to bring $ some gift for the needy of the city. NEW MINISTER TO OCCUPY HIS PULPIT Rev. Hugh P. Given. Rev. Hugh Fraser Given, who has been called to the First United Pres byterian church, East Thlrty-sevenTn and East Clay streets, arrived with his family In the city last evening, and will occupy hts new pulpit to morrow morning and evening. At 11 o'clock a. m. his subject will be "Five Views of Christ." and in the evening, at 7:30 o'clock, he has chosen for his subject "Heaven!" Rev. Mr. Given comes from the First United Presbyterian church of Spok ane, where he has, for the past three ytiars, a most successful pastorate. A public reception will be given in the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Given in l" cnurcn pauors mesaay evening, December 19, at 8:16 o'clock, to which memoers or tne cnurcn ana tnoir iriciiun are curuiauy in v lieu. IAS EXERCISE BEING PLANNED BY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL East Side Baptists Heartily in Work of Making Others More Happy Just Now, A great deal of Interest is being i taken by the scholars preparing for the Christmas exercises. It is to be a giving Christmas, to help the more unfortunate to be happy. The teacher training class is very interesting, under tha leadership of Mrs. Bagley. The' class is well at tended. The Daughters of the Kingdom had pot-luck supper, with Misses May and Maud Griffin, in the Broadway apartments. A splendid supper w.is served and work outlined to provide for a poor family for Christmas. A large box of groceries was sent to a needy family by this class for Thanksgiving. Mrs. F. E. A. Smith helps the girls out in many plans and they are a fine class to give. The Alpha Girls will soon reorran- lze, with Miss Mame Gullck for teach. er. Much is expected from this class Mrs. Leslie Werschkul Is in charge of the Christmas program. Miss Ger true Manary and Florence, Cox are the assistants. Each One Expected To Bring Something Dr. A. Tj. Hutchison, pastor of Pied mont Presbyterian church, will speak tomorrow morning on "Getting Ready for the King." -at 11 o'clock. At 7:80 his topic will be "The Jewish Expecta tion at the Advent of Christ" Thl toplo is by request. Friday evening. December 22, the Sunday school of this church will en Joy a pleasing miscellaneous Christ mas program. There will be a treat for the children; everybody coming is expected to bring something in the line or rood or clothing, In any amount from one potato to a full sack and all kinds of canned goods, all of which will be distributed among the needy Individuals desiring to assist In this benevolent work may send articles to the church during- the day if they cannot be present In the evening. Preparedness Topics Will Be Discussed Rer. "William O. Bitot Jr., will speak tomorrow morning on "What Did Jeaus Bay About Heaven and Hell?" the sixth In a aeries on "The Sayings of Jesus." LJttle children are cared for during the morning service by competent care takers. At the open forum in the eve ning at 7:45 Judge C V. Gantenbein and Professor H. B. Hastings will open the free discussion on "Preparedness: Military, Industrial SooUl; , A IS EPWORTH LEAGUE , x ..... .. '' . f ''VK. t'f I , ' - , ' ' I y J t c-:i-m i'S ' ' I Joel R. Benton. The district officers of the Kpworth league hava formed a flying squadron that will vlalt a chapter in the Port land district every Sunday evening until the entire territory Is covered. Dr. George B. Pratt Is spokesman of Sunday School to Render a Program The Sunday school of Central Pres byterian church will give Its Christ mas entertainment Thursday evening, December 21. "A Topsy-Turvy Christ mas''' cantata will be rendered by the children, who as Grandma'a Guests, featuring choruses by "fairies," "kitch en helpers" and "charming cooks." Kris Kringle will introduce his new toys, the "educated cats" and "talk ing dolls." Miss Mildred Bishop will preside at the piano. Mrs. E. D. Rude, Mrs. S. P. Garrlgues, Mrs. R. F. Barnes. Mrs. I. M. Iceland and Mrs. Charles Brenln have the entertainment in charge. The Sunday school classes will bring contributions for the Visit ing Nurse association, according to usual custom. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT Lenon Topic THTC HOLY CITY. BT. 21. 1-4, 0-14 22-27; 22 1-3 (Rev. 21: 1-; 22-27 Is printed.) Memorire 21, 8, 4. . . Golden Text. Behold, the tabernacle of God la with mon. and tie ataall dwell with them, and they aliall be fata people. Rev. 21. 8. Home Beading. M. The Holy City. Rev. 21. 1-14. T. l'renence of God. Bev. 21. 22-27. W. BlTer of life. Rev. 22. 1-6. Tfc. Glory of Zlon Im. 60. 10-22. F. Zion redeemed. Iaa. 82, 1-12. 8. New heaven and new earth, Iaa. 5 17-25. B. the final Judgment, Rev. 20. Christian Endeavor Big Job Awaiting Us. Exod. 8: 1-14. Junior Christian Endeavor Peepa at Korea, Jinan. Hawaii. Pa. 14S: 11-13. B. T. P. I-' Big Jobs Awaiting Us, ZxoO. ''Bpworth leagne. .The Condition te An swered Prajera. Baptiat, Flrat White Temple 12th end T7 sta, 11. Preaching bj Rev. C. B. Waller, D. D. Bwedlsh-Flnnlah Mlaaloo Whit Temple, 6. Kt 8tde B. 20th and Anseny tta. Bev. 0. Shank, pattor. 11 "The Tragie Hour In the Life of Chrlat." farewell sermon by Dr, Shank. 7:30. Preaching by Rev. O. O. Wright, theme, "Equipment and Obligation." Highland K. 6th and Alberta Rev. Chaa. Meier, paator. 11. Arleta Rev. W. T. Spiff. 11. T:30. University Park 11. 7:30. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bev. T. Gideon SJolander. pastor. 11:15. 7:80. nn Mont.Tllla Rev. B. T. Cash. 'll Preaching by Bev. W. B. Hinson. 7:30, Preaching by Bev. F. B. A. Smith. Sellwood Bev. T. H naye. 11, i.w. St. John Bev. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rer. J. E. TUmii nastnr. 11. "The Power House." 7:30, "An ImDOMlbl Undertaking" (No. VI in ae- 1 rlat 11. 7:30. Mt. calvary nasi rmm tua wtw w. Ret. A. M. Machack. 11. 8. Tnlra Ivnott ana sik:oux t . J. Beaven. 11. T:30. Chinese J. C. Malone, 7. Ints Bev. J. M. Nelson. It, 7:80. Second German Morris and Rodney ave. 11 7 '30 Glencoe E. 45th and Main Bev. A. B. Waltz. 11, "Baptism Communion." 7:30, "Thrift A Besolutkm and Economy." Monnt OUTt Rev. W. A. Magrett. 11, 8. Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Saonella. 11. 8. First Grmsn 4th and Mill Bev. J. Kratt. North ' Portland Mission 880 Kloolsi at. Friday. 8. RussellTlU Mission Bev. Albert Laagbr brldge. 8:45. . Tmtxrnicle B. 42d and Bolgate Bev. Wai ts; Duff, acting pastor. 11, 7:30. Christian. First Park and Columbia Bev. Harold H. Grlf fls, pastor. 11. "Chrlsbmas and Its Mee sas of World Peace." 7:45, Mra. P. A. Rffnln. ex-nun of New York. Kern Park Bev. G. K, Berry. 11, "Willing ness to Hear." 7:30, "The History ana Teaching- of the Mormon Church." East Side Christian K. 12th and E. Taylor. It. H K. Sawyer, pastor. Sermons 11. "The Witness or the spirit.- i:av, -Men Good, Bad. Indifferent." Sellwood lath and Tenino uev. J. B. Johnson. 11 snd 8. St. Johns Rer. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8. Vernon Church ot Christ E. 15th and Wy rant. 11. 7:30. Bethel E. S2d and Thompson Bev. Aubrey W. Wilson. Montavilla E . 78th and Hoyt Bev. Eugene Burr. 11, 7:40. Gladstone Rev. Boy I Dunn. 11. 8. Cathelio. St. Peter's Lenta Bav. P. Beutgea. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Pro-Cahedral 15th and Davis Rev. B. V O'Hara. o, 7:15, 8:U0, 8:45. 11. 7:45. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bev. J. C Hushes. S, 8:30, 10:30. 7:3U. St. Patrick's lth and Savler Rer. B. P. Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7 JO. St. Franclfc' K. 11th and Oak Bev. J. H Black, tt. 8.-0. 10:30. 7:30. lmmaculat Heart of. Mary William are. and Stanton Bar. W. A. Daly, e, 8, tt. 11, 7:90. Holy Bosaxr E. 8d and Clackamas Rer. B 8. Olson. C. 7. 8. , 11. 7:80. St. Boae E. 53d and Alameda Bev. J. O'Karrell. 8. 10. 7:30. St. Andrew's E. th and Alberta Bev. J. Klernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Ber. Georsje V. Thompson. 7:30. 9. 10:30. Ascension E. Yamhia and B. 7tith Francis can Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Blessed Saeranient Maryland ave. and Blaar dena bev. F. W. Black, 8, 10:80, 7:80. Holy Cross 774 Bow do In Bav. C. Raymond. 8. Io:30, 7:30. St. Ignatius 8220 43d st. 8. B. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:30. 4. St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylor Bav. War ren A. WaUC 6, 8:S0, 10:90, 7:30. St. Phillip Nert K. lth and Hickory Bev. W. J. Cartwrlcht. 8. 10:30. 730. Bt. Clements Smith and Newton Rr. Jo seph l ha not oo, Bev. Thomas Keaton, assistant. e, iu:au, cju. Sacred Heart K. 11th and Center Rer. G BobL B, 10:30, 70. - Holy BedeesDer Port lend bird, and Taaeoo. ver ave-Ree. F. H. Milker, a, g. 10:30, 70. ot. Agauia K. ism and MlUer Bev. 4 Cammltway. 8. lO:S0. TO. St. Stanislaus-(Polish Maryland ave. sad raiunf Mer. r. Matthew. 8, lo.o. 7: SO. St. Joseph -Germaa 15th and Couch Bev. B. Durrer. 10:30, 7:30. v.. t. OFFICERS FORM FLYING SQUADRON George B. Pratt. the team and he is taking for his gen eral theme at each of the churches the necessity of concerted action and the value of the man to the world who is busy. The other members of the team are Rev. Henri Anet Will Be Speaker At M. E. South Rev. Henri Anet, B. D.. LL. D., who Is a distinguished $ scholar, as well as a fluent $ English speaker, will deliver an address at the First M. E. Church South. Sunday morn- lng at 11 o'clock. it Dr. Anet was for several years in Belgium as a mission 4tt ary and was for months under the German rule, was present $ at the surrender of Brussels. Last autumn he visited the 4t Belgian battle front in Flan- 4 ders and had an Interview with $ King Albert, who gave him a 4 message that will be heard with interest. 8t. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Bav. II. Baleatra. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Fether. 7 30 9 15. St. Charlea 33rd and Alberta Bev. O. Snider born. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Christian Science. Sermon topic "Is the Universe, Msn, Evolved by Atomic Force?" First church Everett, between Including 18th and 19th sts. 11, 8. SecoDd E. Mb and Holladay. 11, 8. Third E. 12tb end Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. Fifth Myrtle Park ball. 11. 11, . Christian Science society Holbrook block St. Jobna. 11. Congregational. First Park and Madison Rev. Lather R. Dyott. minister. 11 a. m.. "Getting Ready for Chriat." 7:45, "The Light in the Morning 8ky." First German E. 7th and Stanton Bev. E. O. Wlllman. Atkinson Community church E. SOtsf and Everett Tbomaa S. Anderson, minister. 11 University Park Ilaven it, near Lombard Bev. F. J. Meyer, paator. 11, 7:30. Highland E. 6tb and Prescott Bev. Geo. Edw Lewis, pastor. 11, 7:30. Pilgrim Mlimourl ave. and Shaver st. Rev W. C. Kantner. 11, "The Unheard Volte of God." 7:30, "The Man Who Never Found His Soul." Waverly Heights E. 33d and Woodward Rev. A. C. Moses. 9:45, 11, "Separated to Minister." 7:30, "Our Forefather." Sunnyslde K. 32d and Ty. Rev. J. J Stnub. 11, "The .Princ of Peace." 7:43, "The Triumphant Life." Zlon (German) E. 9th and Tremont Ber. J. II. Hopp. 10:30. Norwegian Danish Congregational Church R. 23d and Sumner Rev. Morton Olson. 11, 7:30. St. Johns Rev. J. H. Bsrnett, pastor. 11. 8. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore st. Rev. Samuel Nevala. 8 p. m. and 7:30. Laurel wood Corner 45th ave. and 65th it. B. E. 10, 11, 8:45 p. m. ; 5 p, m. Laurelwood Congregational Church 4otB ave. and 5th. S. E. 10. 11, Sermon by J. J. Hand aaker. 845, 6, Vesper service, "What Is Beal Significance of the Social Movement in the Modern Church? ' EpiacepaL Trinity lth and Everett Bav. A. A. Mor rison. 8, 11, 8. Pro-Csthdral of St Stephens the Martyr 13th and Clay The Very Rev. K. H. McCol lister, dean. Rt, Rev. w. T. Sumner, bishop. Services: -7:45 a. m., 10 a. m., 11 a. m., 7:43 P. m. St. David's is. lta ana Beimnnt Rev. Tbomaa Jenkins, rector. 11, "Tb Ftrar Last Things: Hell." 7:80, "The Bong of Sstlsf ac tion." St. Mark' 21st airt Marshall Rev. J. B. H SlmDson. rector. Her J. G. Hatton. ss- slstant rector. 7:30. 9:45. 10:15. 11, Holy Eu charist and sermon. 8. St. John'f Sellwoo,! Rev. John D. Rice, li st. Andrew's Hereford St.. Portsmouth- Archdeacon Cbsmbers In ebaree. 11 St. Matthews, coroett and Bancroft Its Bev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 11 a. m. Grace Memorial. Weldler and E. 17th N. Rer. Oswald W. Tailor. 8. 11 Good Shepherd Vauconver and Graham Bev. John Dawaon. 11, 7:30. St. Mlcbael'a and All A u eels' E. 43d and Eioadway Bev. X. r. Bowen. 11. 7:30 p Church of Our Savior OUth ave. and 41t at. S. E. Archdeacon Cbamtera In charge. 11 Bt. John's penwooo ev. Jonn i. Kice. ll St. Paul's Woodmen Bev. Oswald W Tsvlor. 4. Bishop Morns memorial cnapei. uooa ea- Baritan hospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard 7:1S. All Saints' Church 25th and Sevier Bev. Frederick K. Howard, ll, e:so. Evangalloal Aasot iatioa. Carson Heights Bev. N. Shupp, paator. 11:80. 7:30. First fcugnsn k. otn ana aianei ksv. s. Tt Hnrnschurh. 11. 8. First German Evtnjrellcai 10th and Clay Rev o. F. Lienmg. o:4 8. Portland Mission cnurta carana Heights- Be v. N. Shupp paator. z::w. 0:30. 1:30. x.Tsariioai eynoa. German Evangelical Friends' Church Ta coma ave. and K. loth uev. sua N. Her eoTt. 10-45. 7:80. bt. fsui E.vaDgeiicai enures si r miimf Rpt J Hereert. 11. 7:30. Blthanla. Iranian, evangelical ia r. rkjouer. Free JtetBoOlst, Central 65th and k. Flanders Btv. W. tt. Coffee. 11. 7:45. First B. 9th and miu sev. a. Beers, pas tor, j i, a. St. Johns 91st and 5?tb ave. 11. . Third Bev. B. H. Clark. 11. 7:80. ' Friends' Church. Sunnyslde E. 85to and Mala Bev. Homer Coy. 11. 7:30. Lents South Mala st Bev, 1 T Joha Blley West ' Piedmont Friends' church Corner Borthwlck and Jesnip at. Chester A. Hadiay, pastor, li, i:o. Jewish. Congregation Btb Israel 12th and Mala Btbbl Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 D. m. Latliaraa. St. Jamea. Fnglian West Park and Jeffe. son Rev. William Even Brink man. pastor. 11. "Tested and Tried." 8 p. m., "In His Image." Immsnuel Bth ani Irving It. 8 West Side Norwegian Lathersn 43 N. 14th Rev. Wllhelm Pettersno. 11. 8. Bethania Danish Evangelical iAtheraa Chnreh Union ave. and Morris st.. Rev. L. P. KJouer. I m ma sue I German Sellwood Uv. U. C. Ibeliog. 10:30. Trinity Uemisa Missouri Synod) WH lltan sve. and Graham Bev. J. A. Blaibasn. 10:15. 7:80. . s - . . St. Paul's Oertnan B. IStb and Cllntoa Bev. A. Kraose. ,9:30. 10, 10 30. T:30. . F. J. Schnell. the district president, Joel R. Benton, and the district first vice president, F. J. Schnell. The squadron is also working In the Interest of the union league revival service to be held in the Sunnyslde church beginning with New Tear's eve. Dr. Hinson Is to Speak at Montavilla Owing to the illness of Pastor Cash of tha Grace Montavilla Baptlsi church, who is at the Good Samaritan hospital, the pulpit will be supplied Sunday by Rev. W. B. Hinson. D. D, In the morning service and by F. K. A Smith in the evening service. Friends of Mr. Cash will be greatly pleased to know that he has rallied splendidly from the somewhat serious operation, and is on the way to permanent re covery. Third Congress Meeting. The third congress meeting of the Multnomah Christian Endeavor union will be held January 2, 1917, at 6:15 p. m., at the First Christian church. Further announcements will be given later. OF CHURCH Grace English iMlssonrt Byuod) Alblsa are and Mason St. Rev. t. Probst. 9-80, 10:8a V :30. Cermin Evsngellcal Lnlberan Zlon fMls soi.i Synod) Salmon and Chapman Bev, H. H. koppelinann. 10:15, 7:45. Bethel Norwegian iAitbtraa Free Cntreb Wjgant and Rodney area. Bev. j. A. 8tav ney 1 1. 8. St. John's Pentnailar and Kirk pa trick :e K. o. Salzmann 10:46, 7:80. Swedish Augustaoa Rev. H. E. Ranrtedt 10:45 7:45. Cnitel Norw(;!so Portsmontb Rev. Blgw A tenseth. 11 and 6. S. S., lo. Prayer rreeilng. Thursday. Oermsn Evangelical Reformed Lents Bev. W. t. Llenkaempei. 11. Our Savior Kast 10th and Grant Rev. George Ueurlksen. English 10:15, Norwegian 11:15. Latter Day Saints. Church of Jesns rhrlt nf letter Tta Mslats (Mormon) K. 2th snd Medieoa. 11:49, 7. MontavlUa (not Morn-col 11. 7:80. Methodist, District Bunertntenocut Uev William WaL )so Youngton. O. D. b91 E. B2d St. N. Tshor 2J0. Kl irst 12th and Tsvlor Dr Joahaa Staaa. f'.tld. minister. Bev. Walter L. Alrheart. as- lstant minister. 10:30, 7:30. Centenary E. Ith nd E. Pine T. W. Lane 11. 7:30. Tkjkir Street Church IJell at 120 Fourth a-.. 10:30 a. m. Trinity K. 10th sad Sherman Re. F N. Sandlfur. 11, 7:30. SMfllith Bunhwick and Beech Rev John A. Wellman. 11. 7:49. Epwortb 28th and Savter Rav. f! O. Me- Cnlloch. 11. 7:45. First Norweclaa Danish 19th sad Hnvt Rev. Ellas GJerdlng, paitur. 11. 8. woodiswn K. loth ani Ulshlsnd Re. W, K. Kloater. Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11 7:30. Sunnyslde E. 35th and Yamhill Rev R. Elmer Smith, pastor. C. T. Mcpherson, as sistant pastor. 11. Mt. Tun- e. stark and 61st. E. Olln Fld- rldge, minister. 11, "The Heroic hi Ufa." 7:ao. "ramiij Lire la America." LVntrii Vancouver ire. and Farv Rev. O. 0. Rarick. 11, "Kept In Peace." 7:80, "Will Your Life Work Stand V St. Julius Hay en and Leavitt Rev. J. H. Irvine II. 7:30. MontavlUa Rev. a L. Hamilton. 11. 7:30. l.Mirel wood twd t. S. E. and Koeter road Rev. C. A. Carlos. 11. 'The Other Wfc Men." 7:30, "The Start of It AU." Cllntou Keuv Mfuiurlal kl. 4uib snd Powell Bev. A. B. Oalder. 9:45. 11. "Word That Counts." 7:30, "The Hesvena Relation to the Message. jauauese Miasioa itev. Kiisea aihars. 9:34i. Rose City Park SasCy blvd. and E . 68th N. A. A. Heist. 11. Vespers. 4:30. German KiAlney ave. and 6usu Rev. F. A. Schumann. 10, S. African Zion 13 Williams ave Bev. W. W. Howard. 11, 8. Vancouver Avenue Norwerlan-Bulsh Cor ner Skidmore Rev. Abraham Vereld. 11, 8. univtrsity rsra t.uiiaru sua suae Rev. 'X. Abhett. 11, Lents Kev. K. M. Issper. 11, 8. ltetliel Lsrraliee aud McMIllen Rev W. H Piince. 11:13, b. W st more land Ml winkle sve.. near Ram ns Rev. it. W. Maoldea. 11. 7:30. Lincoln K. .',2d and Lincoln Bev. B. H Morse. 10:30. 7:90. Putton Michigan -nd Alberta Ber. Geerca B. reese. 11, 7:45. Woodstock E. 44th and 60th are. 8. E- Bev. L C. Poor. 11. 7:30. rirft tier msn Kev. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8. Brentwood Kev. Paul Urven. 11. Chinese Mission 11 snd 7:30. Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Donrlaa Ken- dsll ststlna. Clark schoolhonse Rt-v. A. B. Wilson. 7:30 Irvlngton East 10th and Weldler Bev. tt. A. Dauford. 11. Mnnton Rev. S. H. Dew art. Btbel A. M. E. church Bev. W. H. Prince 11:15. 8. Oak Grove, M. E. Community church, 11:15. M. E. Chnreh Booth. First M. E. church Soutn. corner Calon ave. and Multnomah st. Rev. W. J. Fenton, ps tor. Bermona, 11 and 7:30. Misaioas, Swedish Mission Bev. B J. Thorea. U.S. Elitn chapel Rev. tf. J. Tboren. 100. Bethel Free Church ivy st. and VYLlua Bev. J. A. tttaavney. 11. & Nanrtaa. First Pentecostal It'i and E. Coach sts. Rev C. Howard Dels. 11. 7:80. . Sellwood E. 9th at Scokane Bev. H. C. Baker. II. 7:30. Brentwood E. 69th at. aad B. 65th ave 8. E. Rev. J. M. Butcbard. 11, 8. Scandinavian 148 t?rfleld. 11. 7:80. HigbUad aPrk ll E. 14th N. Rev. 8. L. MebOeL. 10, 11, ":30. rreabrtstiaa. First 12th and Alder sts. Rev. Jobs H Bord. Service at 10:30 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Central E. 13th snd Pin- aw. Uev. Arthur F. Birhoo. D. D. 10:30. "The Orgjniaed Bible Class." 7:3a "The Bible Guide Book ot Life." Westminster E. ITtb and Schuyler sts Ber O g. Blum. 10:30. 7:30. Arbor lAlte .e. uww ii. Cromley. 11 T-45 CaJvary 11th and Clay sta. 10: 7:30 n m . Rev. K. Benson will preach. 7:30 m.. services by Women's Missionary society rf.nrtb tiriH sun ..ir itb. G. Hanson. 10:30, "Tie Supremacy of Love. Kenilworth B. 34th and Glads tons. 11, 7:45, Bev, Paul MeCUatoek will speak. Forne (rahata nd bac'AiMil ave. Rev. Wttlisn. Msrleod. it, 7:3 Mitnsh B. lVth snd IJjvHIosj sr. Be'. D. A, Thompsoo. 11, "The Preparatloa ef the 'GETTING READY FOR CHRIST,' SUBJECT OF DR. DYOTTS SERMON Minister to Show How World Was Preparing for Event; Future Order Is Included, At the mernina- service In the First Congregational church. Dr. Luther R. Dyott will preach on "uetung twauy for Christ." Dr. Dyott wm snow now the world was being prepared for the advent of Christ and how the condi tions in our world today are the fore runners for the new order to be ush ered in through that for which Jesus stands.' This service is preceded by tne oioie school, which begins promptly at 9:50. .1. I Bowlby is superintendent. The r. P. S. C. E. hold their weekly meet ing tn the church parlors at 6:80 p. m. Mr. Bowlby will lead this meeting. "The Light in the Morning 8ky" will be Dr. Dyott's theme In the evening. In this sermon Dr. Dyott will give Christ's interpretation of himself in his relation to that period In the world when he was most conspicuous in his earthly ministry. The First Congregational church is planning for a great annual dinner which will be complimentary to the membership. This dinner will be given In connection with the annual meeting of the church and society and will be held on Friday evening, January 4. The Congregational club will meet on Wednesday. December 20, at 6:30 p, m. in the Waverley Heights Congrega tional church. Woodward avenue and East Thirty-third street. Dinner will be served by the ladies of the church. following which the speaker of the evening, G. H. Alder, dean of the Col lege of Liberal Arts of Willamette unl versity, will be introduced. Dr. Alden is a direct descendant of John Alden, and the dinner will be in observance of Forefather's Day. Tomorrow Will Be Home Workers' Day At the First Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, East Seventh and Couch streets, Sunday will be Home Work ers' Revival day. In all the services from the 9 a. m. prayer meeting to the clos of the day, C. Howard Davis, pastor, will deliver two sermons of a revival nature. SERVICES World for the Coming Christ 7:80. "En vernon 18th snd Wygsnt sts. 10:43, "Yet Many Thrngs to Say." 7:30, "Personal Cross nraruar. uoia services by Kev. B. W Far qubar. . H"" Montsvllls. 7th and B. Fverett Rev o. rt . oesman. 11. "im Word Made Flesh 8, "Christmas Affirmations." aiuisrii Avruue 7i4i fioto ave. 8 E. Bev. W. H. Amns. 10 30. Mt. Tsbor B. f5th and Belmont sts. Rev, n. b, xempieton ooth a. m and p. m services s. m., theme, "God's Column in Who's Who. p. m.. "The Tragedy of a Single Word." I lllir -n r I,... l iar . I.i ..w.,1 blvd. 11. D. Walter Morton, dean of School of wiuuicvc ui u. oi v., wui speaa. i. I'leuin'-ui lewjati.i mi w.rint eats. Rev L. Hntcblnsnn. 1. . Bose City Park E. 45th r.l Rav. I. M. Kklnner. sts. Spokane Avenue X. lath mA k. Marshall Street 17th and M.r.fc.ii ... Bev. A. J. Hanna. II 7:30. Trinity Corner Virginia mnA Mk..b. Dr. A. J. Montgomery. 11. 7:80. Chinese 145V. First st. 7:40. Anaoel Mth t. end 87th ave. 8. B. Rev E. Nelson, pastor. II. 8 p. m. Reformed Presbyterian. First Churcb Minnesota anil l..-.-.v Rev. F. U. Frsser. 11. 7:30. Bafarmeo. First German 12th and Clar Bev. 0. Haf- oer. 10:45, 8. Second Columbia Mvd. and S34 st. Bev A. Wyes. 11. Third Klftb sve.. Lents Bev. W a un- kemper. 11. Salvation Army. Corps No. 1243 Ash St. Ad Infant snd Un Frank Oenge. 11. 3:10. 8. Corps No. 4 Klrst St. Enstra Poena aud Csptiin Brown. Swedish Corps 4 Bnrnslde. Seventh Day Adventiata. Note Regular services of th's denomlnsMna are held on aStarUsj. leuirsi b. 1 1 in sua Kverett Elder P. 0. ttkjwsra, pssior. .1: bernacle West di K. of P. ball, lltb end Alder. 11. sluuta villa B. 80tb and F. Everett Elder K. Bestty. 11. Lenta 04lh tnd 68th are. Elder D. J. Chit- woud. 11. bt. Johns Central avenne and Charlestom Eider K. I. Hurlbart. 11. Muunt Tabor E. 00th ard Belmont Bev. J. M. WUIuugbby. 11. Alblna lUermanl Skidmore and sfallorr Minister, H. J. Dirksen; A. O. 8chweitssr. local elder. 11:30. Oicden Hail. Ulssisslnpi and Shaver Bev. O. E. Bandnes. 11. Scrrioss far tfes Deaf. nnlted I'realirierisn W sim! Grand sve. Bev. S. Earl Du Bole. 10:30. 7:30. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Broadsrar snd Tim- hill Uev. T. I.. Kllot, 1). .. mlulster emeri tus; Kev. W. u. tUot Jr., pastor. 11, sermon Whst Did Jesus Ssv Atxiut Heaven snd Helir 7:45. -Preparedness, Military, Indus trial and Moral." United Brethren, Alberta 27th aud Alberta. First E. 15th and Mo.rion Rev. P. O. Bonebrske. 11 a. m. Fourth (HUD and iZ3 ave. H. e. Tblrd 67th at. and i 2d ave. S. F. Herbert F. White, pastor. 11, "The Pure lu Heart," 7:30. First 17th and uarney, aocuurer. Wash. Bev. John I). Nlaevt'onder. pastor. Preaching, 10:30, Bishop William M. Bell of San Fran cisco will preach. 2:30. fraternal eervlce; 7:30, sermon and formal dedication of the church Fourth Re. J. K. Conner. 11. 7:80. Brdical Jesaup st. Her. A. 8. Henderson. 11, 7:30. . , Manor, uircnit cervices Lterry urove, 5 n m Hrnsn trsirie. i.vu. Ockley Ureeo wtuanjette j:to. SLd Gay Bev. H. H. Fsrnham. 11. $. First E. loth ana lopur Rev. J. A. Uoode. 11. 7:ao. BL JonM nev. a. tr. i.ijion. 11, a. United Presbyterian, First B. 37tn and Hawthorne Bev. M. . Dunn. 11. 7:43. thurch of the htraneer Wasco street sn.i Grsnd ave. Bev. S. Earl Iu Boia. 10:30, 7 :30. . . Kenton Lnilea rresoytenas enorch Lois bard and Chatham ata. Her. J. O. cole, pas tor. 11:15. 1:3. Universalis t. Church of the Good 1 lnus Broadway and E. 24th. Kev. nana j.. bcoti. u a. m. New Church wcieij "iwi nsji, uev. Wm. E. Keece,TnM c A.T. w. 0 A. Y M. C. A. tttb and Taylor U. W. Stone. eereral secretsry 8:3- p. an. Y W. C. A. Broadway snd Taylor 4:30, Mrs! H. C. Ewlng will spesk. Miscellaneous. Assoclstfd Bible Ktudenla (1. K. S. A.) ChrUtensen's bslL 11th and Ysmblll t., 3 n m., discourse by F. McKenher. subject 'Called to Be Saints." 8 p. m.. 'public dis course by N. M. Lewton. subject "Satan the Great Anarchist." Hegular Babal meeting Sunday, 8 p. m. Thursday, 2 p. B). vD.1 8 p m. in room Sl Kllirs building. The Chorea of Cod5I Fslllng St. 0. O. Nesl pastor. Bervifea 11. "Heaven." 2:30. 7-45" -The Greatest reteeii've." Cuurca or inej owijwo sou Brslnard ts 11. 7: JO p. ta. Purtlasd Hotel Aaaemlriy Hall Sermon and lecture every Hands y sight at S o'clock by Uev. AJaaosua Ira Loess. , Kew Church Society Filers hall Bev. Wm, B.. Eeece. ii a. m. ( , m . Forefathers Day To Be Observed At Public Dinner The Congregational club of Portland will observe Fore fathers' day at a publto dinner in the Waverlelgh Heights church, corner East Thirty third and Woodward avenue. Wednesday, December 20, at 6:30 p. m. After the dinner a program consisting of muslo and ad dresses will be given; the prin cipal address will be given by Dean George H. Alden of Wil lamette university, who Is a direct descendant of John Alden. The public is cordially Invited to be present. Those intending to be preent at the dinner will kindly advise. Phone Tabor 6179 not later than Tuesday noon. WOMAN MISSIONARY DEPARTS FOR CHINA Alias Grace Breck. Miss Grace Breck left on Tuesday December 6 for China, where she will engage in missionary work. Miss Breck was one of the most faithful and active workers of the Sunnyslde Con gregational church. In her departure the church as well as her many friends lose an enthusiastic endeavore and church member. She is the first missionary that the Sunnyslde Congre gational church has sent out in its 23 years of existence. Dr. Boyd Will Give Christmas Sermon "The Power of Man's Spirit to Ke celve and Reincarnate the Eternal Christ" is the subject of the Christ mas sermon which will be preached by Dr. John H. Boyd at 10:S0 a. m. on Sunday at the First Presbyterian church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets. This is a most Important message for the Christmas season, touching upon some of the most mar velous thoughts which the Chrirt projected Into the life of men, while he lived as a man In the world. At the evening service at 7:80 o'clock. In order to give a hearing to the Rev. Henri Anet of Clabecq, Bel glum, Dr. Boyd will omit the second sermon of his evening series. The Christmas offering of ths First Presbyterian Sunday school. In all of its departments, will be for the relief of the war orphans of Belgium. It is to be a Giving Christmas, and small red stockings are to be given out to each child In the school thl Sunday morning to be taken home and kept during the week. Anyone wishing t have a part In the War Orphans' Christmas should call Mr. Ewlng or Miss Klmmel at Main 2336. ' A special Christmas prayer service will be held on Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock In the chapel of the Flrt Presbyterian church. Dr. Boyd will lead the meeting and the subject for his talk will be "Foreshadowlngs of Christmas In the Old Testament." Evangelistic Service Gaming in Interest Ths special evangellstio services be ing conducted In the First Free Meth- odist Episcopal church, corner of East 1 Ninth and Mill streets, by Rev. Frank ! W. Cathey. are Increasing In Interest. ; Having been the pastor of the church when It was built some 25 years ago. he Is meeting a number of former friends and acquaintances. Rev. Mr. Cathey will preach Burnlay morning and night each night next week until and including Thursday night, when the meetings will close. Mrs. Adelaide L. Beers will conduct a special young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. and Donald U. MacPhee will sing. Multnomah Society Installs Officers The officers of the Multnomah Christian Endeavor union performed the Installation service at the Mult nomah Christian Endeavor society, at Multnomah Wtion, last Sunday. G. Evert Baker was In charge of tha service. The union officers conducted the evening worship. The officers of the Multnomah society are Miss Essie1 u..,v. nreotdent: Miss Denlev. vice- 1 president; Miss Longnecker, recordirj- secretary; miss wum weoajr, ireas-i urer, and Miss Mildred McBride. cor responding secretary. Sacred Concert Is Promising Feature The service at Sunnyslde Methodist church, corner East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets, Sunday evening will be of especial Interest. P. Waldo Da vis, manipulator of Deagans triple toned golden chimes, will give one of his famous concerts. Mr. Davis has played these chimes at tne following great expositions: , Bt. Louis, Port land, Seattle and Panama-Pacific. This sacred concert on these golden chlmea is expected to attract a large audience. It'll Soon Be Over Gift purchasing tins will sen be over for another year U yea need a soggsarUasi tura t U "Xmaa Clfu Tips" faatore ta teday's Journal. - 1. Y . , .4 fill K i r 1P ,-ttt i " - i -""41"; ';'Vf NEEDY WILL RECEIVE GIFTS PRESENTED BY ' " ! S. SCHOOL Special Decorations and In-' teresting Program Is Ar ranged at First Baptist, DR. WALLER WILL SPEAK Minister Is ropular Jtelifloas Onide of the AsheviUe, V. C Chnreh: Becord Is Praised, While Gifts for the King" seVv- ce vvli: be observed Sunday at the rlrst Baptist church. The Sunday school will combine with the ehurcn service, exercises beginning at 10:30 instead of 11 a. m. The members of he Sunday school will bring their gifts, which will be distributed during the week to the poor ana neeay in tne city. Special decorations snd a very interesting program have been planned, at the conclusion of which Iter. Calvin 13. Waller, D. E will de liver the morning sermon. lie will also preach in the evening and will spend the coming week In Portland, occupying the pulpit, of the White temple next Sunday ailno. Dr. Waller Is the popular pastor of the Klrst Baptist church of AshevUle, N. V. Before going to AsheviUe he was pastor of the Baptist tabernacle of Chattanooga, Tenn , and of the First Haptlst church of Knoxville, Tenn., and has been engaged In evan gelistic meetings In a number of cities of the south. Thit Waynesvllle (N. C) Courier says in resrard to the campaign there: 'It is probuble that Waynesvllle hi never had an cvHngellHt here Wit.i such drawing power, and one vvlio could so toiii h the heart of the peo ple. Dr. Waller preaches the simple gospel In a manner no forceful and so clearly that It Is little wonder that the renultn ho obtains are scarcely short of marvellous." New Catholic Church Will Be Dedicated Pendleton Or. Dec. 18. With night Reverend Charles J. O'Reilly of linker officiating at the appropriate orr monles. the new Catholic thnn-li, situated at the Intersection of Court and Alta streets, will be dedicated to morrow. A number of the clergy who in the past years were connected with the parish of Bt. Mary's Will be pres ent to assist at the ceremony. The dedication mans will be salt at 10 o'clock with the dedication and bless ing of the church preceding. Under the direction of S. J. Lynch, Loesche's mass In B will be sung at the dedication. Winter Conference To End Tomorrow The closing meeting of the T. W. C. A. winter conference will be the veH per services held tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock In the Y. W. C. A. audi torium. Miss Jane Nelll Srott, execu tive for the northwest field and also executive for this conference, will (.peak. Miss Anna V. Rice of New York City and Miss Helen Donovan of Uel Hngham. Wash., will be present at the meeting at which all gliln and women are cordially Jnvlted to he present and meet these conference speakers. Mrs. F. E. Deem will ren der a musical selection. Koclal hour will be held at b:30 o clock. Christmas Service Announced by Dean Christmas day services at the St. Stephens Pro-Cathedrsl, as announced by Dean McColligter. will be as follows: At 6:30 a. m.. Bishop Walter T. Sumner will officiate. Dean Mc Col lister will have charge of the ser vices Ht 7:30 a. m. and at 10 a. m. Morning prayer. 10:30 a. m., celebrant, the Dean, Bishop Sumner preaching. The full choir will render special mu sic at the last service. The offering will ie for the current expense. The children's party will be held on December 28, at 2:30 p. m. Dr. Hart to Give Series of Lectures Dr. Joseph K. Hart will deliver the last of the three lectures on "The Modern Social Movement in the Church," at S o'clock, In Laurelwood Congregational Church, Forty-fifth avenue and Sixty-fifth street, south east. Ths specific subject for this sfternoon will tj "What Is the Real Significance of the Social Movement In the Modern Church?" Benefit Concert Planned. The social service committee of the Multnomah Christian Endeavor union will help Mrs. Alvor.l's Dramatic club next week In the selling of tickets for ths concert to be given by the club at filers' recital hall, December 21, for the benefit of the Old People's horns gt Woodmere. These tickets enn be secured from any of the officers Tn, nl,. ...v . " n tP wcclt- ' J""""""-" T TTTT-TT" VESS Drink it Gargle with it. A4ea will prors Its remarkable Talus. Jtlmmyt fmllm atlrsctissis Sed Internally as directed In book let packed tn all original red cartons, srlves permanent and positive relief from indigestion, gas on ths stom ach, lower bowel troubles, gastritis, catarrh of ths stomach, ulcerated stomach, sore throat, biliousness, ctoroalns poisoning sa4 similar iXm For sale t all iruezistt ' Insist en Genuine In Heel Carton, , i 1 .jzima MEMBERS