THE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL. .. PORTLAND, SATURDAY,. DECEMBER 16, 1916. 11 BRADSTREETS REPORTS BUSINESS MEN ARE MORE CAUTIOUS v.' Edited by Flyman H. Cohe- EGG MARKET IS QUITE ACM HERE AT 35 CENTS FOR RECEIPTS Case Count Stock Move Well at the Current Price; Receipts Are liberal but ThU la Believed to lie Held Stutt From Country. Coutldersbl activity U showing In the local ff market. Sale of case count are gencrall reported st 8fc a doam and at thla price wbolesslsrs arc sbls to clean op quite promptly. Receipts of eggs bar been quit fair re cently. Indicating that much itoff baa been held back by tb country on account of tb boycott bare. Outalda markets hare hren rather liberal buyer of eggs la the Portland trade during the laat few days and their wanta bare been sufficient to clean up practically crerytblng that baa come. Kn the local demand from retallera baa been someshat Improved durlna; the lst 24 houra. showing that tha boycott baa lot moat of Ita force and that the public la again a buyer of egga. Wholesaler aea In tha preaent movement of egga nothing aslrin from the tart that the country haa withheld roca from markrt fur some time. Tbcy figure that with culd weather tbit atorka will become can, 'ibis wilt force the issue lu regard to prlcea. DUTTEll MAKE IS GHKATKR The ususl December Increaa In tbe ontput of butter la ahowlng In the creamery trade and a alight weakuexa la therefore Indicated. No burdensome anrpiu la ahown and prlcea . . i i Wool Market Moves. To Extreme Prices With Heavy Trade Enormous Business Shown In East; Contracting at Extreme Prices Is Reported In the West. Tb strength ef tbe wool market la wonder ful at thla time. In the eastern ceotera tbe trend, of tbe trade 1 tbe beet of thla spec tacular season to date. Not only are ei trt me price being offered and paid by manu facturers for supplies, but the volume of the business la breaking a few records of Ita own Iut the y.-ar. Tbe efforts of tbe trad to contract the coming clip, while meeting with no snccesa In tbe l'aclflc northwest stales, are bearing fruit lu tbe Kooky mountain country., it la ftated on good authority that 60 per cent of the wool clip of Nevada for the coming sessua haa already "Ven contracted at 2&30e a pouni. or practically 9tie clean bails. In Utah tbaie bss already been aold approximately 2.U00.OOU pounds at 294f33c pound. One of the strong features of the trade Is tbe effort being made by South American conntri)' to Impose an export tax on wool, this will create a strengthening altuutlon la tb domestic trade. liETTUCE MARKET IS BUSTED Heeatise of the heavy supplies of bead let tuce beld in atorage, which la ahowlng poor quality, the market la badly demoralized along tb alreet, with aalea at bOcH2 per crate. TURKEY DEMAND VERY GOOD Hither good demand I showing for turkeys on tbe local market. Sales along the street are ahown generally around 28c a pound for best dreaded blrda with current receipts limited. VEAL IS HELLING AT A RISE Small salea of selected country killed calvt-s are ahown along the street aa high as 13Vc a pound. Market for bogs Is firm w'lth tops going readily at 12Vc IScet continues alow sale. POTATOES MOVING TO EAST Movement of potatoes to eastern market Is Increasing but no buying Is tbown at count. points. Report frjiu tbe east Indicate a continuation of eiti't-me valuea despite tla belief of tha trade that the market waa go ing to drop. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Car celery lu and selllug at 4.o0 crate for best. Cnr aweet potatoes In; another, believed to be the lust of tbe season. Is rolling. Chicken market la noldlng ratber steady. Apple trade remalna neglected; general aalea at low prices. Fresh flab supplies of all klnda still very scarce. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau acHfoes: Protect shipments during tbe next 48 hours as far north aa He alth) agalnat minimum temperatures of about ti degrees; northeast to Spokane, 18 degrees; sot'tbesxt to Boise, 4 degrees; south to Asli li till, B9 degrees. Minimum tmperstur at 1'urtland tonight about 38 degree. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers aell to retallera, except as otherwise stated: Dairy Produce. BUTTKtt treamery prints, eitras, Mc; firlm flrats, Hoc;, tlrsts, ISDftc; cubes, lc eas; cartons lc advance BUTTKHFAT l'ortland delivery No. 1 sour cretiui, Dae; No. 2. 30c. KUUH Selling price: Nominal, rase count, 85c; buying price, 33 34c; April atorage. t32c. LlVhl POLLTRT Den, heavy Plymouth Kovks, l.V; ordinary cbickeus 12M6fl8Hc; lags, 11c; broilers, 15c; turkeys. lWitXc; dressed, fancy. 2uc: culls. 2ttx21c: imuhi. 12.00 dosen; geese, live, He per lb.; i'ekln uuk, young, lie in.; Indian itunners, young, ); old ducks, KKtfHc; pigeons, $1.00 dosen. ttJfct.SK tlelllng prior1: rreab Oregon fane full iream triplets, 23423 fee; Xouug Ameri ca, 24iiri4'6c. Price to Jobber. Fists, 22c; Young Atui-rlca, 23c f. o. .; cream brick, 27 fcj SSic: Llmburger, 2S'jt2Jc; block Swiss, S4Q&C Fruits and Vegetables. KKKSIl r tiol l Oraujies, navel, $2.00a S.2.". per box: us nanus, Kitf5c lb.; lemons, S4.U0U.60; California grapefruit, $2.50(rfJ.oo: Florida, I4.2uU4.itu; pears. 1.11.7U. liUltUlK: Ilucklebvrrlcs, b'dloc; eranber T'ea, local, $3.50 box; astern, $12.60. APl'LUtl Local, 7&t'il Av, according to quality. U.N1UN8 Oregon, 50ii3.00 per cental; as t soclatiou selling price at country points, $2.00 per cental. rutiiuts-eeiiing price. Slew locsl. $1.50 oujing pricu. urainary snipping fi.lS; fancy, l.2utl-40; sweets. So. 1. $S.J3 VklUU'lAULKS lurntps. $1.25 sack; carrots! II. 00; parsuips, $1.2.); OrrKCHi cabban t-f m) cwt.; green onions, ajc doaeu bunches: oeuoeia m lb.; bead lettuce, ir.i. iL.' $4.00 per crate; artichokes, tRK-tt$.o0- tu COiubsrs. ( ); tomatoes, California, $1 60 lug rgg plant, aou lb.; string beaoa, jJc lb.; rhu barb, t lb.; peas, KxuiiOc; cauliflower. Cali fornia, fl.T5jl2.0(l per erst . Meats. Flab and Provision. PltMSKU MEA't!-.Selllug priceT Conntrs killed beat bogs. KW12Sc; poor, beat reala, lbU13VtiC; ordinary. llSiil5v,c' heavy. poor, ic; goat. 4c; lamb. 11 2o- mutton, euiuc; nt, 4440c lb. " ' WKA1B lisiiis. iia24e oer lb breakfaat bacon, Mvsjdlc; picnics, 14UC. ,; tag roll, lie; short clears, lium. owgVn," LAltf) Kettle rendered tierce. lOVtc; .t.r. rcl, loej lard compound, layfec. ' OXSl'KHS Olympls gallon. $3.23: canned astern. 6Sc can. $0.50 duacn, eaatern in $1.83 per 100; tasor cuma, (); lutr -lera, per gallon, aolld pack. $3 vo. ' Viall Ureaaed flonnders. ic: ii...m. Boon, 12a per lb.; eteelbead, lac; perch Jt kbtra, BOc; silver smelt, be; ainon trout lc per lb.; ballbut, 14UlUc; tHrg7n uti U 1 8c. 7 CUABS Largs, $1.T5: medium. $1.25 dosen trreosries. EUGAU Cube,; powdered, $S20; fruit or berry, $7.70; Honolulu, 7.05; beet. $7 67,: dry grsnulated. $T.70; 1 yellow. $7.10 (Abova uuotatuios are HO days net cash.) HO.NKY New, $3.003JU per case stlCK Japan style, No 2, 44c; Sew lesus, bead. 6titfte; blue rose, 6 He Coarse, ntl ground, loo,, tn ton; 00s, $11. 7o: table dairy, 60a, $18 0u $10iU; bales, 2.-; fsmy uble and 'd fc2: tuuiu lock. $2o ton. MEANS Small white, Uc; large white red. UV0" Heps, Wool and Bides. U0PS -Nominal, buyiug price. lola eron Wdluary. Tloc selected, lieilHe lb, WOOLlWltt cUp: YYlllameu. siUey cosrss Couwold, 83c; medium haropsuire, 84c: rinT $2e; eastern Oregon taple. 2iiio per lb -coarse and medium. 28j32c lb. " lilDKstSalled bides. 20 lbs. and up -tailed stags. 60 lbs. and np, 16c; green ami silted emit '", op to 15 lb., 'mc; Bree hides. 85 lbs. and up, , 17c; green ataga. $u iba and up. 13c; dry ,hiae,j. 81c; dry ssit hide! IBc; dry horse Bide. 1.0oy2.5o; Mit tnl bides. M.OOtaa.OO; aonehalr. 2Sc; dry long wool pelts 2lc; dry short wool peltg. ifC; or? sheep shearlings, each, 10Joe; salted sheen ahearUnga, each. 1525e; aalted long wool ier 1M1S ud dairy, Stocks, BoaOSi Cotton, Orsln. Etc 816-217 Board of Trad BolldlBir. Overbeck & Cooke Co DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES , ; MsmlMrs CUcsro Bcsrd of Trsds, -Comspondsats of Xarsa si Brrsrn, CMcgt, Jtvn Toxk. - Wheat Eises Early With Belief That Peace Is Far Off Chicago. Dec. 1(1. (t. N. A rush to bur In the belief that pee re in Knrope la far off sent wheat up by leaps sml bounds St the opeslng today. Hie opening q not st Ions were 8i to 8,ic hlghex with July leading the ad vance and May close behind. Within a few minutes, however. May had taken lb lead with an advince of 10c. tin thla bule there was scattered selling by con-mission bouses. Com advanced slrnost three cents snd oats core than two ceuta for tbe same reason. In provisions the effect wss opposite, and they were quoted lower. Iteport that the Russian dtuna had rejected Germany's peace overtures sent tbe market aky ward. MORE CAUTION BEING SHOWN Chicago range of prlcea furnished by Over beck & Cooke Co., 812 14. Board of Trade building: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Cine. Per Mil 152 148 14 MH4 Way lltl KI4H 1M ia:t July I'M HO 130V4 lBTVi CORN. D'c oo'j, i4 01 Vi Sin inn, DoVj ' July UO 8li po 81 OAT8. Dec 48 4914 4, 43U May 03 U 53 fii 53 PORK. July aoi ai 4!h roi Jan 27Ki 27012 2uo 2fitJ0 Way 2CJO 2(MJ7 2605 2003 L.4RD. Dec 1B7.-I 1675 lfiSO 15 Jan Itl2) 1K20 lfMWI 3600 May 1020 1020 1500 1003 RIBS. Jan 1380 1HS2 1S70 1870 May 1413 1422 1405 1407 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago, Dec. 10 (I. N. S.) Nobody want ed choice cattle at the week end. and medium gradea were not popular, but anything under $8.fi0 aold like hot cakes. Domestic markets are full of holiday beef, but war orders are untakable. Common cattle have advanced $1 per cwt. !n two weeks, while medium and cbolce gradea bave lost 50c and 75c. I logs were Irregularly blgber. early Belling being; fully 5c above" Friday 'a average, and some aalea 15c to 20c above tbe close Monday. Owing to the storm, train dellverlea were turdy today and tbe supply uncertain. - A weakening tendency after a week of pyro technics, waa detected In the sheep house. Holiday demand ha been satisfied, and light receipts ere needed next week to prevent de preciation. Kansas City Hogs, $10.20. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 16. (L N. 8.) Cat tle: Receipt. SOU; no trade. Hogs Receipts. 10o0; steady. Top, $10.20; bulk. $0.50(1(10. on; heavy, $0.8010.20; me diums, $9.8010.06; lights', $9.5010.00. Steep Receipts, 2000; no quotatlous. Denver Hogs. $10.05. Denver, Dec. 10. (Li. P. ) Cattle Receipts 600, eteady. No quotations. Hogs Receipts 1000, 5 cents higher. Top. $10.05; bulk, $0.8310.00. Sheep Receipts 80O, steady. Ewes, $7.3062 8 25; lambs, $12.00Q12.S5. St. Louia Hogs $10.85. Bt. Lmils, Dec. 10. (I. N. 8. ) Cattle Re ceipts 1500, Including 400 southerns, steady. Native beef steers. $7.50ai2.75: Tearllnir att-tra and heifers, $8.50211.30; cows. $5.50 djn.ov; siocaer and iceilera, $3.307. 75: celvea, $6.00(312X0; Texas steers, $5. 50(28. 00; prime southern beef steers. $8.003;9 .00 ; beef cows ana netrers.; prime yearlings anil heifers. $7.5O9.00. Hogs Receipts 7300. steady. Mixed. $0.70 ?10.a0: good. $10110.35: rough. $0.4042 9 00; light. $9.3(il0.15; pigs. $8.00&9.25 bulk. $0.80(310.20. Sheep Receipts none, steady. Ewes. $3.00 $185 JwuaB' "-i'll--3; lamb, $8.004J Seattle Hogs $10.15. Seattle. Wash., Dec. 10. (p. N. S.) Hogs Receipts 200. steady. Prime lights, $10.00'uJ It. 16; medium to choice, $9.75&9.09; amoo'h bekvles. $9.25(39.00: rough beavlea, $8.73ii 0.13; pigs, $S.23(i(V.13. Cattle Recelpta 15, strong. Beat steers, $7.50 7.73; medium to iholee, $7.00(97.23; com n.or to medium, $5.50((r0.75; best cows. $3.54J&i 6.70; common to medium cows, $4.&0&S. fa bulls. $3.90i4.75; cslves. $7.00(38.50 Sheep Receipts none, stesdy. Lamb $8.50 S 30; yearllnge, $7 0"(7J10; ewea, te oOSt UW; wethers, $6.50(37.00. Omaha Hogs $9.15. Omaha. Dec. 16. (I. N. 8.) Cattle Re ceipts 4O0, unchanged. Hogs Receipts 10,000, 6c to 10c higher. Good and choice heavy: $9.85310.00; rough heavy, $9.639.80; light, W.259.80; pigs, $7.00e9.10; bulk. $9.00(1,9.80. Sheep Receipts none. Chicago Hog $10.25. CUicBgo. Dec. 16. (1. N. .) Hogs Re ceipts 16,000, steadjr to 5c higher. Mixed and butchers. $9.75(9! 10.15; good hesvv, $u.65t 10.25; rough heavy. $9.85(39.80: light, $0,200$ 10.00; pigs. $7..V8.15; bulk. $9.70(10.10. Cattle Recelpta 500, unchanged. Beeves, $7.0010.75; cons and heifers, $8.85fttl0.10; Blockers and feeders, $5.73i3$.25; lexana, $7.oi.7.V calves. $8.5012.00. bheep Receipts 3000, stesdy. Native and weatern, $8,83410.00; lambs, $S-O0tf 13.33. New York Metal Market. New York, Dec. 16. I. N. S.) Spleter dnll snd lower, prime western spot 10c. utter Dec. 9Q10c. first quarter il9Hc, second quar Ur 89c. Copper quiet, quotations nominal. First qnarter 33H334e, second quarter 33 330, aird 32fa33o. final 31H732c. Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, Dec. 16. (I. N. 8.) Spot wheat was neglected today with prices unchanged. Quotations were: New Zealsnd, 16s lid; No. 1 Chicago old, 17s Id; No. 2 hard winter, 10a tia. and No. 3 northern Manitoba, 17s. Seattle Wheat Market. Seattle, Waah.. Dec. 16. (P. N. S.) Wheat Ulnestem, $1.42; Turkey red, $1.42; forty f Id. $1.SW; club. $1.38; fife, $1.38; BusaUo. $i.3d. Barley $36. Yesterday car receipts Wlieat 18. eats 0, barley 2, corn 8, hay 33. flour 7. pelts, each, $1.00Q1.75; salted snort wool pelts, escb, 60cj$1.0U. TALLOW No. I. c; No a. 8c; grease. e Qt lb. CHITTIM OB CA8CARA BARK Buying orlce. per car loU, 6 He; leas thasi ear tor. MOHAIR 1916. 83t45e. SISAL Dark, 14e lb.; wblta, 14 Ut Ik. ralnU and Oil. COAL OIL 'Water white, in dmrna and Ira barrels, 10c. L1NSEKD OIL Raw, barrels, $l.0 gsUaa; kettle boiled, barrels. $1.10; rsw. ease; $1.13; boiled, cases. $1.15 gallon; lot ot v&i gsllons. le lees. TCRPENTINB Tstks, 67 e; eases. T2r gil. WHITS LEAD Ton lots, lie lb.; 600 lb lots. 1144c; leas lots. HV4c per lb. UASOUNC Baals price, 21" csHosl Seed. Bartna- Pris. " CT.OVKR Red, 14c; alalke, 15c per lb. ' TlM0THr-4;e4V4ei donleaUc ry. uwwi vewa, ttirc; ocion. g. IN TRADE AT AMERICAN CENTERS Bradstreets Reports That German Peace Overtures Has Had Little Effect in Industries but Has Af fected Current Values. New York, Dec. 16. (I. N. S.) Bradatreefs says: Germany's peace proposal thus fsr has not exerted any particular effect upon either trade or Industry, though It haa superinduced sharp breaka In stock market, aa well aa In cereal and floor prl-es and brought greater cautlou among financial Interests. Incidentally, a more conservative undertone setma to be developing In otber directions as regsrds future trsde. and naturally there la nsldrrable dixcusalun as to readjustments If negotiations looking to peace actually come to pas, although at tbe moment It Is .doubtful that a feaalhle basis for a speedy settlement wiu readily be found. Nevertbeleea. the hlgn Eltltudes to which commodity prlcea bav risen dictate prudence In tbe Hcht of possi ble developments. Hut whatever sentiment may be In tbe making, actual trade trends of tbe week, taken by and large, manifest noth ing by activity, tenoered. however. In tbe larger llnea by the fact that sessonsble quiet li about due. - On the other band, dlrtrlbutlon by final purveyors Is drlvlne. st full speed to ward a record turnover, and smart activity n holiday goods hus been supplemented by brisk df mand for heavy goods at retsll. for tblcb lower fmperstures nr.' responsible. It U noted that the funds of Christmas sav ings Hubs this year have reached a largi-r aggregate thsn ever before, snd tbee sums hi major part will ro to purchase Chrlstmss gifts. Therefore, a remarkable volume of buy ing is going on In articles to wear, Jewelrv, confectionary sad musloal devices. Cotton Mart Falls With Easier Tone New York. Dec. 16. (I. N. P.) Tbe rejec tion by the Russian dums of a premature peace and other war news published this morn Ins rauw.d cautions policy lu cotton at the opening tmlay, when the tone was espy with prices down 3 to 0 points. Trading waa nar rower than In many mouth. A prominent commission house was tbe leading seller, but other commission houses bought moderately The supply came from Wall street. Liverpool sold March and May, but bought July and Oc tober. Room traders purchased moderately. Open. Hicb. Low. Clo". 1825 1S33 1796 1793 January , March May July ... October December 1H4 18C8 1M54 17SO 1813 ISM 1809 1808 iio 1M 1837 1850 1798 1SH 1817 1K.-18 1757 1783 Hogs Holding Firm At North Portland; Run Moderate One Situation In General Is Unchanged; Top Lambs Firm bat None Are Offering on Isocal Market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RTJN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday . . Krloay Thursday Wednesday Tucaday Monday Week ago Year ago Two years sgo. . Three years ago. .1133 . 504 . 203 . 793 .4032 . b2 . 513 . 443 . 672 37 231 63 7 16 57.-. 3 4 94 11 1 2 1 49 121 1283 82 6-1 H 208 1 78 $9.609.73 e.6039.63 9.56g9.&) 8. 00 9.50 There wss a fair supply of bogs reported In the North Portland yards overnight, bnt gen eral trade conditions sre showing no change. The situation la substantially the ssme a during the last few days. General bog market price ransre: Prime heavy, 226-250 lba Prime light. 2U0-225 lba Good bogs Ordinary mixed lota Cattla Bituation Good. Rltnntlon In the cattle trade continues favor able from a demand standpoint. Receipts sre still 11111II, ar.d consist entirely of odds snd tnds as regards quality. General cattle market range: Best beef steer $7.5017.55 Good beef steers 6.50'i7.t)0 Best beef cows 5.754J8.23 Ordinary to good 5.2515.30 Rest belters 6.00&6.23 Bolls 8.2.-.ft?5.00 halves B.(Hcr7.on Stocker-feeder steers 4.004.riO Blocker feeder cows 8.00(3. io 8heo Run is Nominal. Only a nominal showing of sheep supplies wss shown lu tbu North portlsnd yards over ulKbt. General market remains firm at full prices. jenersl mutton and lamb market: Best east of mountain lambs $9.73gl0.0O Hest valley lamb p.SOfcj a.75 Ewes 6.23Q 7.23 Goats 5.25 one offered. Saturday Livestock Shippers, Hog J. 0. Davl. Sbedd. 1 load; W. B. Win. Lugene. 1 load; J. M. Barry, Ander son, Cat., 1 load. Cattle C. E. Ford, McCormack, 1 load. Mixed stuff W. A. Avers. Eugene, 1 l.vad cattle and hoga; J. E. Parrlsh, Jeffersou, 1 lead hogs art1 sheep. Friday Afternoon Bala. STEERS. No Ave. lbs. Price 1 steer 7.W $4.5') 1 teer 900 0.7o 2 steers 1230 7.00 COWS 1 cow 2 cows BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Monday . . Tcesday . . Wednesdsy Thursday . Friday . . . Saturday . Clearings . Clearings . Clearings Balancea Clearings . Balances . Portland Banka. This week. $ 3.O06.623.38 2.783.470.24 2,573,905.67 2.408.598.31 2.3O9.04.79 2.247.1W7 73 Los Angeles Banks. $ 4.800,738.00 Saa Francisco Banks. $13,152,094.00 Seattls Banks. $ 8,001, 66.-..0O 402,410.00 Tear ago. $ 2.656.608.tt3 1.872,871.92 1. 872,663.00 1.714.046.59 1,016,148.51 Tacorna Banks. 432,833.00 139,464.00 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST crass. Seattla Markst. Seattle, Dec. 10. r. p.) Onions Oregon, Sea'-ic; Yakkra. 3Vic. Potatoes White River. $35; Yakima Gems, $43; sweets, 3ic. San Francisco Market. Ban Francisco, Doc. 18. (U. P.) Potatoes (Per Cental) Delta in sacks, old land, $1.85 (g'i: do. new land. $2.1(2.25; Salina. X2.50 2.60; Oregon Burbanks. fancy, $2a.25; do. choice, $l.hcil2; Garnets. $2.30; Washington Netted Geuii, $2.252.50; Sonoma, $1.7541 2.00 Onion Brown, $3; Oregon, $338.10. Lo Angeles Markst. Los Angeles. Dec. 16. (P. N. B. ) Pots toes northern. $2.55i2.65; lompoc, $3.00; local, C2.852.40; Oregon Burbanks, $2.50; sweeU, $2.85 cwt; 80c lug. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Market. Sesttle, Dec. 16. (U. P.) Butter Nstlve Washington creamery cube, 80c; do, brick, 40c; storage cubes, 36c; storage, brick, 36c. Cheese Oregon trlpltes, 25o; Wisconsin trip lets, 23c; do. twlna. 23c; Young America, 2fc. Egg Select ranch, 88c; fresh eastern, 85c; April storage. 82c. San Francisco Market. Kan Franclaco, Dec. 16. (U. P.) Butter Eitras, 334; prime firsts. 38c; firsts, 324c. Ek Extras, 39e; pullets, 35c. Cheese California fancy. 15Vie; firsts, 15e; Oregou triplets, fancy, 21 He. Los Angeles Market, Los Angeles. cl., Dec. 16. (P. Jf. S.) Ei'gs. case count, RSc. Butter Freth extra, 33c. San Francisco Grain Market. Ban Francisco, Doe. 16. (U. P.) Wheat (per cental) California club, $2.60(82.70; So nora. $2.70?2.W; northern club, $2.7243 2.77V4; do, blnestem, $2.832.b7 ; do, Tur key red. $2.87 ft (it 2.92 H; do, red Russian, $2.72H&2.77- Barley (per cental) Feed, $2.18(82.23 for fair to choice; shipping and brewing, nominal. Oats (per cental) Red feed, $2.052.10 for ordlnsry; do, seed. $2.50(82.73; do, black, $3 63.26; No. 1 northern to arslve, $2.02lsfts 2.05. Money and Exchange. New York. Dec. 10. (V. P. -Bar silver. London. 36 13-16. Bar sliver. New York, 70 Vic. Demand sterling. $4.75 0-10. Elgin Butter Higher. Elgin. 111., Dec. 16. (C. P. ) Butter All aale 38Vic. lucreaao of c over last week' price. New York Coffee Market. New York Dec. 16. (U. P. ) Coffee No. 7 Bio pot. 9c; No. 4 Santos, 10c. Britain to Fight To Victorious End "Once In a while a voice is heard, saying;, Oh, what's the user but that one is always drowned out by the great majority, who . say.' 'We will go on to the end,' " said "Walter J. Burns, resident partner of Balfour, Guthrie & Co., speaking or the altitude of the British people1 toward the war, before the Progressive Business Men's club. "They will go on to the end a vic torious end, added Mr. Burns, who described for the clubmen a recent visit he madeto England. Mr. Burns' description of the triads of travel was hlghlr humorous. He was Introduced by John M. Scott, general passenrer agent of tha Southern Pacific in Ore gon, who made a special trip from Seattle In order to keep the engage ment. Colder Mornings Coming la the excitement ef your Chrlstmss shop ping do sot forget to keep the fuel Mb full. Thsv mornings are frosty now colder one are coming; you'll Med - fuel and tots of it do not ret caught short. The Journal's "Pre pare for Winter" column Is a directory f reliable fuel dealers. - . ., 1 cow . . . 1 cow . . . 1 cow . . . 4 cows . . . 2 heifers 1 hog 10 boss . . . 8 hogs . . . 4 hotfs . . . 4 hogs . . . 4 hogs . . . 5 hogs . . . 6 hogs ... b bs ... 8 hojfs . . . 2 hogs . . . 2 bops . . . 8 bog . . . 7 hog . . . 1 1 hogs . . . 1 hog ... 3 hogs . . . 1 hug 1 hog .... lu hogs . . . 21 bu.s . . . HEIFERS. 110GS . 830 . Hir. . 870 . U4 SHiO .1120 . 740 . 340 . 22 . 222 . . 277 .' r4 . 21s . 160 . 153 . 250 . 2H0 . 270 . 170 . 134 . 2W . 203 . 220 . 4 SO . 223 288 Saturday Morning Sales. UOtiS No. Ave. lbs. 7U hog 379 2 hogs 420 1 hog 200 1 hog J00 1 bog 140 LAMBS 14 lambs 83 YEARLINGS S3 yesrllngs Ill $4 50 4.50 2.75 4.63 4.85 4.65 $1.50 $9.35 8. CO 0.63 8.60 8.65 8 60 9. t.0 8. HO 8.60 8. 00 8.65 8.5 8.7i) 8.40 8.60 8.65 8.00 8.60 tt.00 e.tio 8 25 Price. $0.00 8.60 8.00 8.00 8.00 $9.65 $6.23 Zimmerman Case Is Thrown Out Oregon City-, Dec. 16. Mllo C. Kinr. attorney of Gresham, waji accused ;: terday in the circuit court by his client. Fritg Zimmerman, with having brdMght an action against the latter son, Carl, his daughter-in-law, Har riet, and C. Schuebel, as trustee, with out his consent, and Immediately fol lowing the statement from the witness stand. Judge Campbell ordered the case dismissed. The elder Mr. Zimmerman, who is aged and feeble and an Inmate ot the Patton home in Portland, several weeks ago, through his attorney. King, brought a suit against the persons named, charging his relatives with having secured his property through misrepresentation, when he had agreed to deed his farm to the son with the understanding that the !atter was to take care of the father until his death, and was to give the older son, Julius, a share of the estate. Advertising Expert To Visit Portland Wilbur D. Nesblt of Chicago, poet, humorist and advertising expert, passed through Portland yesterday afternoon on the Shasta Limited, bound from San Francisco to Seattle. Mr. Nesbit is copy director of the Mahin Advertising company, and ia visiting the coast on business connect ed with advertising campaigns being handled by the Mahin company for 1917. He is the author of a number of books of verse, and wrote the book for "The Girl cT My Dreams," which was a successful vehicle for Mclntyre and Hyams for several seasons. Mr. Nesbit will spend a day or two in Portland next week. Hotel Employe Is Wholly Exonerated Raymond Venen, who was accused In the municipal court of the theft of some phonograph records from the Hotel Conradine. where he was em ployed, was completely exonerated to day by a statement from Mrs. EL Thoren, proprietor. Venen had merely borrowed the rec ords temporarily to piay them for his friends In his room, It is ? asserted: and as he had access to money and valuables and had always proved hon est, there had been no reason to sus pect his motive, it is further declared. Woman Sues for Divorce. Oregon City, Or Dec. l.--Charging her husband with being a habitual drunkard, a habit which he Contracted since his maxriage to ber In Oregon City on Noverriber It. 1897. Grace Ely today brought suit in the circuit court for divorce from Charles F. Ely. De Witt Asks Divorce. Oregon City, Dec, 16. George VT. De Witt filed suit yesterday for di verce from his wife. Luella M. Da Witt, alleging desertion. The couple have been married XO years and bare two grown daughters. SHARP RECOVERY IS 1EAT; FORCED Stocks Leap Up on Early Mart Due to Obscurity of Peace FOREIGNERS HOLDING New York, Pec- 19. O. P.) Tbs stock snarket rebounded today from the four day break reused by the Germia peace proposals, Initial gains ranging a high a B points la some instances. United State steel opened ea sale ef Jo, 000 shares at 114 to 114V&. International Paper Jumped B points to 47, Lackawanna Steel was up 8 polnta. and gains ef S polnta or more Both Liverpool and London Are ' were mad by many of the teadera. I Wha,wH . r.. ri.- 11.. trom Petrograd that the Duma had ' gone on record against acceptance of Ger- Big Upward Swing; Eastern Bnsi- many' peace proposals put new heart la the ... . . sagging confidence of "war bride" speculators, ness Is Being Offered. ! The result wss that trading was aa active oa ! tbe upward trend of tbe market aa it was oa : t ; the downward atoTemsnt during the Pt con-1 Chicago wheat olosed with a rery sharp ad- l1?-"I.mJ , . .k. k.m." i vance and there was a firmer tone locally. On ,,fil"to.' I the Portland Merchants .xchang. bids for De- 5!" lnF l'bem Steel wacbd uch eember wheat were 4 5c higher than Friday. Si"r t1elb','1 opened at 69, np 1 points from , DeoambJw ita Idyaaoed s T TwhUa ba TtV close nd up polnta from its tow1 Uy w.V uTcnVed ?f yesterday. Lsckswsnns Steel, which baa ' large Russian orders, opened st St. a substsn- , tlal adrsnce, kilning shares, oil and other issues joined In the general recoTcry. Finance :: Timber :: Industry Federal Reserve Board Says No Reflection Upon Poreip Nations Intended in Short Term Note Decree; Special Thrift Program at Corrallis; Few Changes to Be Made by Banks This Year. ' NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Pcrtland. Sat Year ago Total thla week. Year ago Season to date. Year ago Turoma Friday. Year ago ftetaon to date. . Year ago Peat tie. Friday. Year ago . . . Be j son to date. . Year ago Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. W Range of New York prices furnished by 13 43 107 800 SOM 15 42 8JUS 5S07 13 13 820.S 24 101 1101 "4 101 2MS o T 21 a 1113 3 IS 24 60 ft 46 7l6 7 n 80 1239 11 BT 81 1153 710 J OTerbeck A Ctiok C.n 21A-217 Rinril at Trsd 14 building: I 77 PESCSTPTION Open Hlgh Low ICios ; 079 Alaska Gold 1155 AID Chaiuier, com.. is ao piu 1 A Amer. Meet Sugar.... 210 11 SI Amer. Can. com 23S 1362 Amer. Car Fndry. e... 5 ill Amer. Cotton CHI, com., 1 11 Amer. Linseed, com BOO 21J2 Amer. LocomotlTe, c. 604 2Cv) Amer. Sine It ex. c wK.. . .,!.. - .i 1 , ... A irer. Hmelter, pfd. Chicago during the early trading on the report ?,' 7 V Amer. Tel. & Tel... c. . allT Increased ' Dsolldsted Gas snd the pro- p Products, c. fllU i. The trade naturally began to corer Its Anll0od, Miui'tic ' Co. ! ! short tales, snd the average trader was again Atchison, s bumped i do pfd ...'.'!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Indicating again quite clearly that there wss Baldwin Ldconi., pfd. .. really no occasion for this recent decline Is the do pfd fact that European markets continue to show Jlaltlmore V Ohio, c.. steadlnes and even strength. Poth LUeriwol IUthlehcm Stel, c... and London were unchanged in price for the l!roklyn Rajld Tran.. Butte & Superior Much eastern business U sgaln offered st Cf eam, c... Pacific northweat polnU, but the price stsU- Cnna(iTi,n pciVic ' able 1 unsatisfactory to boldera at country t'utral Leather c!.'!! Plut"- - (hepeke & Ohio!!!! MUlstuffs sre Tery firm at full prlcea with Chi. & Gt. "Western, c. demand better than current supplies. do pfd Proomhall cabled from Liverpool that the Chi., Milw. a St. Paul, market waa neslected with or Ices nominal. Car- Chi no Copper goes unchanged. Millers are holding good "ol- .Fuel & Iron, c stocks, snd traders sre genera with large American supplies snd the p iiuuiiixu wenmna iucic. as a icu 11. a r'fii.ilKl- .hlnmnt. m-111 1 l.r. fl.l. V-TUllDie Btefl, C. week- Dm. & U!o Grande United Kingdom Weather cold; conaomp- do pfd Hon Increased; foreign arrivals moderate; oata IitMtllcrs strong; London spot one shilling higher; sup- Lrle, c pile moderate, other feeding grains scarce do 1st pfd.. and dear. Argentine Port arrivals of all grain are light. Freights firm and stocks moderate. fXCK Selling price: l'atent. tl.bO: Wil lamette valiey, $7.J); local tralght, 7.siia 7.4o; bakers' local, 7 tK)Q7.8i; Montana spring, $0.00; export, 17.20- whole wheat, ).20: graham, $3.00; rye flour, JS.75 pet h rrpi HAY Baying price, new crop: Willamette "cusmai aicodoi valley timothy, fancy, 1T; etern Oregon- Inspiration Idaho fncy timothy. t21.0O; alflfa, 18.00 Ir.terboro. c 20 00; valley vetch, il4.004tH4.00; cheat, "o Rfd 1 4 00 14 .50; clover. $14.00. Kn. City Southern, c GRAIN SACKS 1910, nominal: So. 1 Cal. Kelly Rpringfleld cuttu, Hi4iails In cur lots; less amounts are I-erkawanna Steel higher. Li high Valley M1LLSTCFFS Selling prlcet Bran, $28.50; , Maxwell Molora, c. shorts, $30.50. Mexican Petroleum.. ROLLED OATS $7.B0(fJ8.00 per barrel. Miami Copper KOLLKD BARLEY $41.00(342.00 per toe. M. K. X., c Merchants Exchange price: Go pfd WHEAT Missonrl Pacific Safday. Frl. Thurs. Wed. Tnes.Mon. j Ji'-,loJual L'"d1: : 191ft 1915 Nevada Consolidated. F estem 1H 90 ITJ 143 148 148 151 Jew" H.aTon Y, - F tyfold 130 j 152 140 142 142 14 J'"' Xork Air Krske Clul. .. 13il ISO 140 14-2 142 14H -ew lori central R. Uu4 132 UO'-i 12S 13S 140 140 145 OATS Feed . .325 2400 3oOJ 3550 8550 8550 8575 BARLEY do Ctneral Electric :olrich Huliter lit.- Northern tire- Lands Great Northern, pfd Greene t':m Hide A Leather, c. do pfd Ire Securities Illinois Central 20 80 52i 60 2i"' S3 109 '4 115 lHVi 120 474 K7S I0o4 70 Mis 500 ci" 23 8 Mi W 15 40 H 92 59 474 132 24 110 08 116 19 44 30 50 182 07 40 117 4rt 13V4 70- 28 197 115. 59Vj T2'4 27H 91 80H 64 '4 HW 40 19 02 23 W, 64 V4 N Y.. O. ft W.. Norfolk ft Western, c Northern Psclflc Prciflc Mail 1 . ...... 1 .... I . D.ll..w Peed ..8600 2600 liOOO o700 8700 8700 8950 pressed steel Car, c'.' ruius were u.ui-u. . ll9v 0)Ug Copper WHEAT 1 lU'Uway Steel Springs. Sid. lsdlnt-, c January bluestem 14 ) j 2ii pfd February wuestem iw Republic 1. ft 6., c... -,lo6H .'13tl llo 22 H " 52! Jai.usry forty fold 1'i-brui.ry forty fold January club February club January Russian February Russian FEED OATS January icUruary FED BARLEY January February 'o do era . ly Rock If land . SU'dehaker, c . l-'O do pfd . 132 S'.ons Sheffield . 132 s- uthern l'aclflc... Southern Railways, .3550 do pfd .3550 Texas Oil Tuu Pacific R000 Third Avenue .3001) Union l'acific, c. do pfd U S. Rubber, e.. do pfd L' S. Si eel, c Family Quarrel Is Cause of Lawsuit 20 84 101H 62 S '21 " C2H 110 1174 111 12U 4XS 1 19 87 99 50 68 H 614 10KM, 115 V. UH4 125 47 H7 lO4j!04tfc it'!ixi, US' S5i 305 23 90 00 15 42 59 48 132 24 110 tV4 no 19 44 34 Mi 37 U., Bis IViVs U7 44) 117 40 13Mi 70 29 107 11"4 tyt 17H 72J, 27H 07 91 80 65 10 40" 10 62 Mt 26 63 M 558 53" 23 R4 14 40 li 2 U, 57 46 182 Z4 109 67 114 1S 44 3 50 ',4 ISM tkl 40 110 45 13 69 2$ 105 112 6S 1 67 HH 80 64 99 89 18 64 25 V4 64 1 ' 28 ' 7 I 100 I 61 ' no 60 . 21 81 I 108 nn 1 111 ! 125 , 48 1 87 1(M 10 i '.. ! 100 H5 500 83 55 23 54 I 100 I 94 ' 14i 42 03 58 47 132 24 109 68 114 18 44 I 34 I 37 51 1821.J , 6S 4 1164 43 13 70 28 105 115 59 17 72 27 67 8sVi 8J 61 09 892 12 Vo Knctlon mtBdU In ipeech at Boston, Governor Hardin of the Federal R serve bank declared there was no intention to reflect upon the credit of any nation when tbe board issued its warning; afitinat foreign short term loans. c Special Thrift Frofram, At the first annual thrift conference to be beld during; farmers' and horn mak ers' week at the O. A. fc., Corvallls, January 3, the following; program of Interest to finance will be given: Business meeting- of Group 2. State Bankers' association, room I02j Agronomy wing. Thrift program, room X40, Agricul tures building. Object and Plan of the Conference, J. A. Bexell, Oregon Agricultural col lege. Thrift in Relation to the School, C. T. Bonney, Wasco county. Thrift in Relation to Community and National Development, Wilfrid P. Jones, V. P.. Northwestern National bank. Portland, Or. The Psychology of Thrift, J. F. Brumbaugh, Oregon Agricultural col lege. Thrift In Relation to the Home. Miss Alice RavenhllL British Colum bia. The Boys Pig Clubs in Oregon, l. L. Allen, Oregon Agricultural col lege. The School Savings Bank, E. D. Ressler, Oregon Agricultural college. Conference dinner, Waldo hall, W. E. Kyler, toastmaster. Entertainment Women's gymna sium. Banker Joins Hamilton Institute. F. II. Hollenbeck, assistant secretary of the Lumbermen's Trust company, has resigned. He has Joined forces with the Hamilton Institute of New York and has left for Montana, where he will make his headquarters. lie goes first to attend a meeting In New York. Bank Elections la January. Port land banks will hold their annual elec tion early In January. A very few changes will be made In the staffs of some of the banks but most of the old officials will be retained for the com ing year. Potatoes HUp Lebanon.. S. C. Stew art, president of the Lebanon National bank, haa been & financial rliit6r la the city during the week. Mr. Stew-. art says- that the bis; potat) crop In the Lebanon count! and the extreme prices obtained for the product this season, havo done much to Croat pros perlty in that section. One man alone, he says, shipped 2 carloads to outside market .: -'-"?''"vf'- WashlBgtoa Conaty rroiparons- Another Washington county banker haa come to the front by saying there was ' nothing the matter with that section of the country. "Washington county," ays Ed Schulmericb. president ct the Hillsboro Commercial bank, "never', showed a more prosperous ' condition than at present, : .- . S ankers Are Tlmltor--AraonsT tha banker visitors In Portland during tha week were: J. W. Hyett, vie president of the Peoples' bank of Sllverton; M. 8, Woodcock, president of tha First Na tional of Corvallls r Leslie Butler, of the Butler Banking company of Hood River, and P. E. Snodgrass, vio presi dent of the First National bank ot Eu gene. J':-5.7:- Winter Wheat Xllledv In a aU la ment in tha Milton Eagle, Umatilla County Commissioner II. M. Cockburn says that he will havs to reseed 1(0 acres which was killed by tha Novem ber freete. A number of other big . growers did not complete their aeedlnc operations and will be compelled . ov keed in the spring, which rarely brings 1.1 gooa results as lau sowing, "-;.. ; Aberdeen Lumber Outputs Althoufh tt is rather early to secure an actual estimate of the amount of lumber manufactured by the Aberdeen mill and the amount of shingle turned, out by the shingle mills of tha city la lylf. an abDroxlmate estimate made by a. local manufacturer flxea tha total lum ber output of the mill of the city.' which includes the West mill at luna tion City and the Gray Harbor Com mercial con.pany's mill at Cosmopolls, at about 3SJ.000.d00 feet The amount. Includes about 20,000.000 by the former Federal mill, nor- known aa tha Amer- . lean No. 2, II.60B.000 feet by tha Waat mill and 60,000,000 feet by tha Cos mopolls plant, rnis alio inciuae ma lumber which has gone into lath. Tha total outout c - shlnsMes Is estimated at' O.AA.IA . II t I An wKlnh I.aIii i R All A . OOo' turned out by the Cosmopoll plant MARKETING OF YAKIMA VALLEY WINTER APPLE CROP BADLY HAMPERED 106 32 137'136 11014,110 23 I 22 o0"s'; 661 23 18 61 W 25 65 149 103 106 Sl! 32-4i 187 76 28 63 107 V, 1 43 81 30 110 . 67 I 7 34 .1 71 .jl!)0 j SO .1140 75 27 62 HO 23 f'6 73 28 63 Southern Pacific Refuses to Accept Shipments of Per ishables at Its Own Risk, 107-Wi 43 81 107 43 ! 43 81! 79 17 1107 39 30 llrt 1114 10H4lll)M jlt 67 I H W 98 I 97" 9 North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 18. The marketing of Yakima valley's winter apple crop is seriously impaired by the embargo laid Friday by the North ern Pacific. That road refuses to accept shipments of apples or other perishable products under option No. 2 of the tariff. The only outlet left for ahlppera over this Una 1 under option No. 1, where the shipper shall assume all risks as to overheating and f reeling1. , . t The embargo ia in affect for all shipments east of Spokane, but allow shippers to use Canadian line through the Spokane gateway. The O-W. R. A N. is acocptlng fruit under the old regulations and there la a rush to that line to get rpplea sold in the east for the holiday trad into the hands of th buyers. In - some Instances the local shippers have had to use the Northern Paelflo and ao cept the regulations ot option No. , assuming all risks. v j, Local representatives of tha com pany say that the embargo Is only temporary and due entirely to tha coid ' wave that haa come in the mountain divisions. There Is enough fruit an route to take all available space in company round houses and th com pany can give it no other protao tlon and refuses to accept it front tha shippers. Ml li 113V, 72 71 2HI l9 21 19 146 49 145 6 72 199 21 40 i4iy4 do pfu Plah Copir Virginia Chemical, e. W U. TclefcTuph V'estlnfrhnuse Klectrlc WWeonsIn Central.... K3V, C5 05 63 65 tllVi ,114 1HIU 114 !llS!l!! 11S1118 !li 1)0 107iai 43 45 I 45 43 JiniM, 1014 55 63 101: 101 54 I r.3 ! 33 Sales, 836.7UO eharej. TRYING TO IDENTIFY OF BODY UNKNOWN FOUND SLOUGH Chehalls, Wash., Dec. 18. Suit has been filed in the clerk's office by John Keeper and wife against George Grohs and wife for $3100. The com plaint alleged . that Mrs. Grohs at tacked Mrs. Keeper, polled lier hair, pinched her, broke her leg, and other wise damaged her person on Septem ber 14. Today another suit of sim ilar nature was filed for the same amount by George C. Newcomb and wife against Klla N. Drotherson. These parties are also of Centralia. Complaint alleged that on August 16 defendant attacked Mrs. Newcomb in the latter'g home and knocked her down with an umbrella, rendering her unconscious and permanently Injured her back. Suit Is Filed Upon Note for $10,000 Oregon City, Dec. 16. C. K Fields and wife, Alice C. Fields, were made defendants in the circuit court today llamB- lu -nlon avenue, roniana, ur. In a suit brought by the UnitedStates ' no clue na! Deen Iouna 83 'el lne National bank of Portland, and War- I local authorities to entablish the ident ren E. Thomas, trustee, to collect on lty of th body found in Bachelor's a promissory note in the sum of ! slough near Itidgefield. yesterday. The 110,000 and Interest at 7 per cent, exe- 1 letter was postmarked at Patterson, cuted on January 18, 1915. and pay- ' J- November 8, 9:30 a. m. able on demand, and to foreclose on a The man was quite small of stature trust deed to all of section 18, town- . and was about50 years old. He was ship 3 south, range 7 east, given as Quite well dressed in a dark suit, security for the loan. An attorney's! Sheriff Blesecker and Coroner Lim- Letter Addressed to John Williams, 10 Union Ave,, Portland'' May Help, Christmas Presents Of money can be sent by you to your friends throughout the United States by use of bank drafts better than in any other way. Rates, 10 cents per $100.00 " Call regarding sssSaBBstsssaBBSssssssssBWssssasstV the matter NATIONAL BANK Capital and Snrplna 3,000,000. Third and Oak Street, Portland, orafon. Vancouver, Wash., Dec. IC. Other than a letter addressed to "John Wil liams, 10 Union avenue, Portland, Or.' fee of $500 is also asked. ber were notified ar.d went te the scene to conduct an investigation. The body was brought to Vancouver and 14 Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 15. Mar-, '"'"e " riage licenses were issued here today ' f llwr. . .Js-...' e Marriage License Issued. by the county auditor to the following persons: William li. Sickemyer, 36, to establish identity. The body was found by O. S. WII- of Astoria, Or., and Miss Mae F. Scott,' 1 !IaPs- a f lhrman. and had apparent. 18, of Portland; Otto Julius Zach, 29. been ln tb water for B0m8 Uul of Llnnton, Or., and Miss Mary Ellen Bitler, 19, of Clinton, Iowa; Isaac Taylor, 30, of Camas, and Miss Klva N. Slawson, 19, of Vancouver; Stephen P. Martin, 28, of Camas, and Miss Beda time. J Zetta Parrott Ask Divorce. Vancouver, Wash., Dec, 15. Suit for dlvorcn nas been riled In the au- rR. Sholund, 28, of Brush Prairie; Mace : perior court by Zetta M. Parrott a. tsmiui, anu auss mae iome, against J. C. Parrott, whom she mar 22, both of Portland; George Worley, rled in Latah county, IJaho. May 2, 62. of Seattle, and Lena M. Bigger a, ig92. Desertion and nonsupport are 43. of Portland; Levi Beard, 32, and alleged. Plaintiff ask custody of two THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Capital Paid in Gold Coin $8,500,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits. ..... .$8,316,419.66 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Commercial Letters of Credit cohering importation, of merchandise, as well as Letters of Credit for use of travelers throughout the United States and foreign coun tries. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits Head Office, San Francisco PORTLAND BRANCH, TtflRD and STARK STS. WM. A. McRAE, J. T. BURTCHAELX, Manager. Asst. Manager. Mis Myrtle Lesher, 28, both of Port land. - Breach of Contract Alleged. Oregon-City, Or., Deo. 15. The Av- erill Machine company of Portland filed suit against H. U. Deetz of Au rora with the county recorder Friday for $500.08. Soinetime ago the defend ant ordered a traction engine from the plaintiff to cost $1640. When the ma chine arrived from the east it 'was refused by the defendant without good reasons, it is alleged. It was sold about six weeks later to another person, and the interest during the time of stor age is added to the original amount of suit, which was $399.60 due on the freightage from the east- An addi tional freightage is also added piu the 1 rental 'of demonstrating machine that! th defendant used for li days, " - ) minor children. LUMBERMENS TRUST CO. Fifth and " Stark $100 BONDS j Make accepta ble Christ mas Gifts and establish the habit of thrift. SWe offer Bonds at are legal in vest m e n t s for Trustees and Sav ings Banks. . li CaT. for Detail, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COfiMRCE Head Office TORONTO, CANADA EatavMiske 1867 ' A General Banking Boats Traactsi laUrast Paid oa Tim Dcpoclu Commercial Lattrs I Cradit laawsWI , , , Eacbang oa London England, Bought and Sold y ' PORTLAND BRANCH T CORNER SECOND AND STARK STS f . C. MALPA3. M.,a ' . " .4