THE OREGON- DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1916. BICAH )! IIILIU EXASPERATED BY NEV ; AUSTRALIAN RULING Can Discharge No Aliens In Antipodean Ports Without Passports. TWO COUNTRIES CONFLICT American X.awa say r Off" latest " Bleetrlctton Wont Venal Soon Action. ' The American and Auetralian ma' Hne lswa clash in a peculiar way, according- to masters of sailing- vessels who have recently returned from the antipodes. Under the American law, the master of a vessel must, at any port where tha vassal-mav touch, pay any mem- per of the crew who may demand it. I . . . i ..... t A i tr . one nan o aim wain aw" the voyage. Under the Australian law, any mas ter who discharges alien sailors, on their shores is liable to a stiff fine To receive discharge a sailor must have passports from the United Btates, and very few If any of them are ao quipped. Bo there it is. Live up to the Amer ican law and the master is fined un der the Australian. Live up to the Australian and the union agents have grounds for a case under the Ameri can. Trade between this coast and Aua - trail by American ships has been more frequent since the war started than for many years, and practically 0 per- cent of the sailing ships leav ing North Paclflo ports are for porta In those Islands. Hence the question of law Is of more than ordinary in terest on this coast. Launching Postponed. Owing to the snappy weather having again stopped the expected ris in the Willamette river the launching of the motorshtp Alpha at the Peninsula Shlp- MASTERS INVESTOR, MANUFACTURER AND P1LOPIX URG1LD TO . """ ' MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTORY (Continued) Matalllo Hip Bbtagle Co., Improved ridge metal ahingle. Miniature dumber Co- ready rat 1 amber. kit. Uood Soda works. oft drlnka. Mllaa Biga Co., advertising bangers. Ba assts. nrweeas show cards, algna, ate. Montgomery, Bamual, improved milk strala- ara. Mcolal Door klfg. Co., doors, aaah, panels. v I) Il b hlrfra Mart-west Lead k Kaeklaery Ca lead pipe, larf wool muchlnerv. Northwest Steel Co.. ateal buildings, stsel ah I pa. N.,riti-.Mt Rn, Co.. raa rnss. National Pipe A Taok Co.. wood pipe, alios. in. mi Mirror and liavellnc works, mirrors. Oregon Braaa Works, everything ia brass. sopper, aluminum. Oregon Auto fainting Co.. atrto painting. Oregon Chair Co., all kinds of chairs, tires on Box snd Mfg. Co., wooden boxes. nr.vo Artificial Limb Co.. artificial limbs, Oregon Iron A- 8tel Co., steel water pipes. Oregon uonr io., uoors. i hotograpale Card Co., paotograpaU adver. tlalng tarda and novelties. Iaudletas Wool KiUa. pure fleece woo blaukau, Indian robes, ateamar ruga, bath and aalu robes. Pacific Coast Safe A Vault Co., ssfes. ' Faoifie atoaeware Co., pottery products. Paoifiqk Hardtack It Toaat Go., hardtack. Portland Linseed Oil Works, llneeed oil meal stock food. faciflo Coast Cone Co.. lea cream cooes. . Psoitis Iron Works, atructufal eteal end Iron: foundry. PaoUis Teat sad Awatag Co., tents, awalngs, ship sails. 1'aclflc Coast Biscuit Co., crackers, table Paolfls .adder Co., Udders, sdjustabls scat(uld, bteakfast tables. Faainaula Iron Works, machinery, foundry. PeUlt Feather Bad Oe., mattresses, pil ls -a. bedsprlnge. Phoenix Iron Works, machinery, foundry. Varellua Mfg. Co., Interior flnlahlog. caskets. Portland Curled Hair Factory, curled hair Bjattrteaee. Portland Wire Iron Works, bank railings, the escapes, wlrs work. Portlaaa Bolt A) Mfg. Co., bolts, apaet rods, dies, forglngs. Portland Cigar ktox Factory, cigar boiea. Portland Eiavator Co.. elevators, hoists. Partlsad Oayrgaa as Hydregaa Co., oxygen, - hydrogen. Portlsud Shipbuilding Ca., rivet bosU. Portisud Woolen Mills, wooisa cloth. Portlsud Mfg. Co., veueering. Purtlaud iron Works. Iron ssd stsel mans fat'turas. Portland Wood Pip Co., wood pipe, stloe. Portland Rubber kills, anything ia rubber. Portland Knitting Co., knit clothing, gloves. FsrUaad Itova Works, stoves, raagaa. . Portland Cordage Co., bamp ropes, twines. Purs in. Irad A,, air tight heaters, camp stovsa. . Puritan Kfg. 0,, soft drlaks. Pioneer Soda Worka, soft drlaks. Hess Csudy Co., csadlaa. confectloss. Haeaausaea h Ca., paints, varnlaha. Sana. Kra. I ft.. as mantles. Raliaaes Wire a Iron Works, wire work, tailing, jftneee, park seats. Kesdy Built Bouse Co.. ready built bouses, Khyaer-Ulcke Co., nigh claaa cement work. Royal Nut Mfg. Co., peanut butter. Smith At Wataoa Iron Worka, machine shop and foundry. - supple Shipyard, ship builder. HtetUer Paper Vox faetery, paper boxes. Shauraagr. f. So a, bora eoUars. Shae Brloat Ca., Improved palest esment bricks, tar DrOllsg aUcalse Os, wiU drilling achinery. Speelaity Utf. Co.. aoUaparbl soul try erstsa. Simmons Glove Co- men'a work gloves. ghavar-Oullay Machine Oe- sate track builders and resiodelers. Standard Brooa factory, brooms. su Jobas Shipbuilding Co., shipbuilders. Storey Mfg. Co., orchard ladders, fruit bock ts. pruning books. - NeWet Oarl, piano gsasafaetorer. - ' Saeaagrsen Bos Mfg. OeH wooden boxes. Tre.Bla Biscuit Co.. crackers, hlacslta, cake, cookies, confectionery TrtpaUa Os polishes, hand, toilet and faav- t .Toerck", I. K- wtr and Ire work. Tennr, H. O., agricultural Implement aakef, wsgea maker. Utility Oarmeot Co., women's house dreesss. ' Psltaa Mattress Pad Co., mattresses, 1 tleamng woraa Voa Dee Wo Worth Bros., pleasure boats. Vangbw Motor Worka. machine a hep nsbft Motor worse, mschlne shao. Willamette Iron Works, machine shop, shls- 4 1U, .. Willeworaft rural tore Oa., wicker furnltnr. " Old raihisaod Health Oareai Oe., health WehVer Taaalag Os., tannera. Weatera rixtare snow Case CO., ebeweeseo, fliturev '" - Westers 9adTUs.TJe C., saddle trees. Williams BroawBflrtaMe houses. - Western Teoi ft, Pie Works tool and die. . V- Wespara Soda Werfcs, esft drinks. . Weetera Fluff. Bug Co- rag raga. SewiniT Baskets .. esssW for Xmas Gifts ; 3 88 Morrison St : OrVoalta Olds, wortxaaa XXafK TheVicIier Shop building company plant will likely delayed until some time next week. The work on the vessel's Interior fin ish In Is going ahead aa though she were in the water, and aside from the exasperation attendant upon the fail ure of the vessel to take to the water little loss is being- felt. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivali, December . W. P. Herrle. American stesnishls. Captain Engalla, oil, from San ktanclaco; AociteJ Oil Co. La Primers, American steaenehtp. Captain - smun, asphalt, rrora Ban iran-iaco, siuouii 1 vit to. Sayartene, Dee. . Horthern Pacific. Amerlesa ateamshlp. Cap Uln Hunter, passenger and freight, for 8a b rraaclace; (rest Northers Pad tic Steam ship Co. Ilf a ntr. American stesmshle. CaDtala I nanus, paaaangars ana ir.i.m, iot mb t ran. elaco and Loa Aagelaa; San Fxanciaco At port-! land Steamahlp Co. ) Blerra. American steamship, Captala Ar- on, luuiw-i, ir p... -v. vm. m -mu-cu. Daily Hirer Readings. E Sg e s a -a as STATIONS c EC Learlaton Umatilla Eugene Albany Salem Oregon City... 2.7 1.8 o l 05 000 5 I ?- 6.6 0. 7.3 1.0 7.4 6 7.1 0.5 -rOl " '. Portland -r ttlalng. ( ) Falling. River1 Forecast. Tha Willamette river at Portland win re- , main ntvrl atatlenaiy Bnnday and Monday, Marine Almanac Weather at Hlver's Xoatk. North Head, Dee. -Condition of the modtli ' of the river at noon, moderate: wind, weat, 20 miles: weather, cloudy. Baa and Tides Daoambar 10. Sun rtsee 7:42 a. m. Bun aeta 4:28 p. m. Tidaa at Astoria. Low Water. High Water. 1-42 a. m., 7 feet 7:38 . in., 8.6 feat 0:M p. m., 8. feet m., 0.8 foot The time ball on the lit S. hydr6grapblc office was dropped at noon.' , Steamers Due to Arrive. PASSENQEUS AND FREIGHT Name. rrooc. Date. Korlhern Pacific.... S. T Dec. 13 leaver R. F A L A Dec 13 Roae City S. F. L. A Dec 20 Steamers Dae to Depart. Mime. For. Date. Northern Pacific... 8. F. A I A Dee. 14 Etaver ,..L, A. A S. F Dec. 16 KoaeClty S. F. L. A Dec. 23 Steamers leaving Portland for Ma Francises only connect with ike steamers Tsla sod Har vard, lesvlng Ban Francisco Monday. Wednes- fmv'iV-l aw- dplo v.f asi 5illlllHlllllHIHIIHIIlllllltlHIHHnUllllllllllllHHHIIIIIIlillllllUIH Xak Tour Piano, Anto and Purulture Sew Again. BTOsTB BXTTZ0B. A Post Card er Phone BeOlwood 65, win bring1 a liberal sample. ADRIAN NECKWEAR CO. XCaanf aeturera of HIGH-GRADE NECKWEAR, -SUSPENDERS . CvoOdMug-b Bttdf- Isala 0708. p. S. W-eoler. z. a. w-selex. GRANDMA COOKIE CO. Largest Cookie Bakery in America. 384 xuurt Stark Bt- Cor. TJnlon Av. Absolutely Banitary uest Aia- i terials Used Ship Anywhere. 1 Whaa kriylas; Voodlsa, alwaysj ask for Mrs. SCHIELS (Qrarnuuk Btyls) Egg Noodles Decidedly tha Best and a Stoma Product. nay ICak T&lags, Toe." American Jobbing House 89th and Vleolal Sta, Portland. And buy all kinds of aecond band ma terials. Junk of all kinds a specialty. Telephone Main 4864 and. our auto will calL PACIFIC HARDTACK & TOAST CO. Bye asUrdtaok--Oatmeal Braa and Voast. SXXXOATXSSHH BTB A BTBCIAIiTT. Prompt Shipment and Delivery. -ntOBTB BSUWOOS 1818. reast 17tfc and rrederlek Btreeta. Davis-Scott Belting Co. Oregon Made Pur Oak Tanned Leather Belting 240-260 Hawthorne Ave. Tel.. Eaat 308. Portland, Or. XOX.IjT XSI TBuTt INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. - Manufacturers and Dealers In - Cracker, Cake$, Italian Paste 428-430 Zest Davis Bt- Portland. Or. , Fhoneet East 1846V Js.1342. - ; dir. Friday and Batsrday for Los Angeles sad sea Piego, -- .- - -.--. ' Vessel In Port. Hame." Berth, skats. Are, m. ...... .............. ....Uobls ferlla. As. sh. ...Qobie Carrier Dove, Asa. eej Orydork Geneva. Am. brla ....Knapptoa Oee. E. Billing, Am. eck ..Astorts i James Taft, Aa. bat Weatport La Prliwra, Am. as.... Montgomery ' Lrrl O. Burgee. Am. sh Gobi ' Altw A a. a- - - - - Ilia vr aj an ftu, -n " DAY e... anus vsrvsaaatii vua K.oce. Am. sh A'orla St. Nicholas, Am. sh. ............... ...Astoria "fV. T. Herrln. Am. - Unnton At Neighboring Ports. Astoria. Dw. . Arrived down at midnight. Klamath Arrived at 8:06 and lert tip at La Prlmera. from Kan Francisco. 9:40 a. m Sailed at 1:80 a. m.. Klamath, tor San Die go, la porta. Aatorla, Dm. 8. Arrived at 12:40 p. m. Northern Pacific, from San Krandsco. Sailed at 8:40 p. m., Jobaa Poulsen, tor baa Fran- ni rw a s.ihwi at to a. n. Rmt. water, from gas Francisco, lor Coos Bar and Portland. g.n Francisco, Dee. t. Arrived: Mandalay, Crescent City, 11:30 a. m.j Moltnomah, Grave Harbor, 1 a. m.; Paaedene, Albion, 8 a. tu.: Carlos, Urajs Harbor, S a. m.; Caspar, Caa par, B a. m.; Collls, towing bergs Simla, Port San Luta, 7 a. m.; Kllsabeth, Bandon, 7 a. m.; Crown of Leon. Liverpool, via Balboa. T a. m.: fvea. Orare Harbor, 8 a. m.: Speedwell, Loa Atigelea, 8 a. m.; Yale, Los Angeles, a. n.; Japanese steamer Sbinkoka Mam. Yokohama and Honolulu. 0 a. m. ; Nortbferk. Enreka, 10 a. m. ; Alcatras, Greenwood. 11 a. m.; Kew hnr. rvina Hir. 12 noon. Balled: Mandalay. Los Angeles. 1 a. m.; Curacao, Seattle, 10 a. m.; Multnomah. Loa Angele.. 10:30 a. m.; D. O. Scofleld, Seattle, 10:SO a. m.: Acme, ttoaakl. 10 30 a. m. Ban Francisco. Dec. 8. Arrived: Wlndber, T 1 K-20 n m - harm Kraklao U IMiclpa, In tow tug Defiance. Port San Lola. S:40 r. av: schooner Watsos A. Weat. Port I Anselwa. 6:30 B. m.: Adeline Bmlfb. Cooa Bar. 6:."i0 p. m.: President. Los Angeles. 8:10 p. m. jcteballa. Grays Harbor, 10:20 p. m.; barge His tfonansa, m tow ing uercuiea, r on ab gelea. 10:60 p. m. Balled: Santa Monica, Los Angeles. 11:C0 s. Nor6 ru Br,g'g i2M p. m.;' Grays Harbor'. porta, via Los Angelea. 2:40 p. m.; Admiral Schley, Los Angeles, 4:20 p. m.; Shlnyo Mara, orient, 4:20 p. m.; Davenport, Taconia, & p. m.; City of Topeka, Eureka, 6:20 p. m.; motor ablp n. P. Rithet. Hilo. 5:90 p. m. Bnlboa. Dec. 8. Arrived: Norwegian steam er Wellington, from Seattle. Cristobal. Dae. 8. -Sailed: Steamer 0. it. Clark, for New Orleans. Crlatobal, Dec. 6. Arrived: Oeo. W. Elder, from Norfolk. Balled: Colon, for Nw York. Seattle, Dec. 0. Bailed: Dolphin, for south eastern Alaska, 9 a. m.; Ixioa. Manila, via Yokohama. 2:10 a. a.; Umatilla, Baa Fran cisco, 11 a. m. Seattle, Dec. 8. Arrived: Redondo. eonfa eaatern Alaska, 2:16 p.- m.: Kamaknra Mara. Tacama, 8 p- m. ; V a Ides. T acorn a, midnight. Valdes, Dec. 8. Sailed: Admiral Evans, southbound, 2 p. m. ; Mariposa, southbound, 1 a. m. Juneau. Dec. 8. Belled: North weat era, south bound. 8:30 p. m. Wrangell. Dec. 8. Sailed: Alkl. northbound, 7 p. m.: Despatch, southbound, 8 p. m. Peroxide Cream Made in Portland. Guaranteed by a Portland Firm. Sold at all Port land Drug Stores. Have you tried it? JONES' Loganberry Juice With twenty-five years experi ence in th FRUIT JUICE BUSI NESS, it has made It possible for us to manufacture A PERFECT BEVERAGE. IN ordering Loganberry Juice, aslc for JONES BRAND and b convinced. Jones Bros. & Co. roMTXJLtm, omsaoxr. Brxwszrso. oatzaoir. wATsosrrrx.x.z, cax. A CLEAR HEAD CAMTHOL, FOR CATARRH AND BETTER BREATHINQ A CLEAR THROAT Coughs, Colds and Inflammations of the Throat, A CLEAR SKIN Cuts, Burns, Sores and 6 kin Dis eases. Sola by Drag-gists 250 SO H. ABELB F. A. BARNICOTT PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO. Makers and Spinners of Jardiniere, Nat Bowls, Cuspidors, Ash Trays and all articles in brass, copper and other metals. Chan ielier Spinning; a specialty. Re pairing of lantpe,. radiators and windshields. rHOjTB C2jf T2S3. 810 Alder Btreet, Portland. Or. The Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co. Manufacturers of 98.80 Pore Oxygen and 99.S Pare Hydrogen, for all indnartrlal, Tnodiclaai and technical purposes, XL p, PUtt, Pres. Paome Bellwood 8403. BAST 1TTK AJrO CTS3TXXM BTB. HANSEN MFG. CO. . 6511 Towel! Valley Bead, makes XtXQTJIX) SXilTZBTO ABT9 AAf-atOBTZA for Jabbers ealy. Have year ereees erser it foe yen. Every bottle wartsates. Snodgrass Williams takers ef 8. ft WY XTTAlXXO EXP 8SXV. GLES ealy watertight hie ehiBglee ssadei riauus, ex. so jaewu-raw jars. Bydney, Dee. Arrived: Barken tine Mary Wtakeuass, Taconia. these Oeteeer ' fSyaney. Dec 8. Arrived : Schooner Mtnole A. Cataw, from Mufclltoo. theses October 10. Yokohama. Dee. 3. Arrlvad: Mlsala Mars, from .Sea Francisco. Vlsdlroatok, Dee. 5-Arrived: Unkal Mars, Ne. S. from VancoBver. Isdlvostok. Dec. 1. Arrlvad: Bosks Mara, from San Francisco. Honolulu. Dee. 8. Arrived: Niagara, from Sdner, and sailed tor Vancouver. Kilbnrn Damag) Greater. San Francisco, Dec. 9. Tha steamer F. A. Kilburn. of the North Pacific Steamship company, which bumped the Humboldt bar two weeks ago. has been eight days on the ways at Moore and Scott's yard in Oakland. The dam age to the vessel was greater than ex pected. Army-Navy Orders Waahlngton, Dec. .(!. If. S.) Captala John B. II. Warrin. medical corps, is re lleved from the Hawaiian department and wlH go t' Chicago, III., for further erdera. Paragraph S8, Augnit 28. to Captain Clar ence Linger, cavalry, la revoked. First Lieutenant Clauds K. Kblnehardt 17th cavalry, is attached to tha aviation section algnal corps, ss aa aviation atudest, San iirgo, , aviaiion scdooi. Captala William H. Too I a, quartermaster1 corn, will go to the depot quartermaster. New York cily. for assignment to temporary duty as qusrtrrmaster of the army transport Buford, which leave New York city for Chlls on December 7, The following officers are detailed to fill vacancies la the signal corps: First Lieutenant Rufsell A. Osmund and Leigh . J. Uerbe, C. A. C. Captain Henry W. Eglen, C. A. C, when re lieved from his present duties will report to the coast defenses of Baltlmors, for assign ment to duty. Paragraph 63. leaned' to First Lieutenant Berkley T. Merchant. 18th cavalry, la re voked. Leaves: First Lieutenant Richard B. Clark, dental surgeon, until February 6; Captain William C. Tremalne, retired, recruiting offi cer, 10 days, a beat December 21; Captain ti'ru D. Diller, infantry one month; First Lieu tenant Tram by 0. Martin, 1st field artillery, thre months on surgeon's certificate of dis ability. First Lieutenant Herbert C. Lieeer. medical reserve corps, one month; Captain Frank S. Clark, coast artillery, detached of ficers' list, 15 days: First Lieutenant la H. Stewart, Infantry, detached officers' list, an extension of seven days. Savy Orders. Commander R. W. McNeely. detached from bureau of navigation, navy department Dec. 15, to naval war college, Newport, R. 1 Jib. 1; Lieutenant Commander D. E Thelen. to command Glacier; Lieutenant 0 E. Wood, to naval aeronautic station at Penaacola, Fla.. January 4; Lieutenant B. Bruce, detached from Nevada to Jupiter. Lieutenants (Junior grade) Q. H. Fort, de tached from Fanning to McDougal; L P. Warren, detached from Downey, to Rhode Ialand; J. F. Crowe 11. detached from McDou- 5al, to command of Downey; K. E. Paunack, etarhed from naval aeronautic station at Penaacola, Fla., to Nevada. Enalrsa T. Shine, detached from Montaas. SOME PLANTS LANGUISH OF BUSINESS METHODS OF INVESTOR AND NEDS People Are Urged to Lend Every Encouragement to Local Factory Which Keeps Money at Home and Is an In direct Benefit to All Classes of People Residing Here. By H. S. Ilarcourt. It will not be necessary to spend much time among th factory men of Portland in order to ascertain that there are many worthy enterprises languishing for lack of capital neces sary to properly swing them over into the arena of activity, .which would enabl them to distribute generous dividends to their stockholders. Nor will It take long to discover th rea son why a portion of these are In their present condition. In certain instances there is griev ous lack of business ability behind tbe enterprise, added to which will be found a discernible measure of stubbornness on the part of th management. Thld stubbornness refuses advice and will not yield to reason, thereby barring the way to investment by those who have money looking for an avenue of profit In other Instances there is a suspi cion that the investor Is anxious to tak advantage of the manufacturer, acquiring from him valuable interests for less than actual value, or is de sirous of, in plain language, swindling him out of control of his property. Koonciliatlon Is Difficult On th part of th lnvester there is a reasonable conjecture that he ought to have a say as to how his money should ba used. His cash ts his prop erty as much as the manufacturers equipment or proposition belongs to him. It is sometimes difficult to recon cile these opinions, and create a unlsos of thought between tbe parties, and a harmony of action if they finally coma together. And these sre essen tials to tha success of any industry. "A house divided against itself must fall. It cannot endure. Monef invested in manufacturing will not of itself create anything. It must have wise heads and willing hands to guide and nourish It. But most Important is the fact that the entire community must feel a personal interest in the factory. It must be understood that Its success will benefit not its stockholders slone. It will profit not Its employes alone. It will benefit and it will profit ill persons who have us for money, be cause it is a creator of something which is exchanged for money, and this is again exchanged for other man ufactures snd products necessary to the welfare and comfort of all in the neighborhood of the producer. Tha factory is therefore a public benefac- COIN MACHINE JV.ANU FACTURING CO. I 984 EAST Designer and Builders of Dies, Tools and Special Machines General Manufacturers The Finest Equipped Machine Shop I on the Coast. 500 ENLARGED PHOTOS FREE In order that tbe reader may become more familiar with the splendid work we sre dolner we will give, with ETEBT. mattress renovated by our new process, AP.BOXTJTEZY PBXTB, enlarged photo of yourself, else lx.O inches, neatly framed. VAXTJEX) AT 87 .60. Our work is OTJA&aJITZUCS. Prices reasonable, and we will call and deliver. Tbe photo Is a splendid Christ mas present. Union-made shop. Phones East 870. C-lt4i. TJB TXTZUD ICATTSZtBS ft PAD CO., Wholesale sCfgaw 487 Stancock St. Per a Pint-Class OrMTom-lCade HEARSE beautiful tn design, and splendid in quality, com to us. We guarantee Our work. - . . - ouoobt KMMXsm ft ovt froscs, 800 3d St Cor. Taylor. Phon -tain 6837 E BY IEAL0US WOMAN r Conservative Press Uses the Scandal Editorially in Anti Advanced Thought Fight. Toklo, Dec. 9. 'I. N. S.) Sakaye Osugl, a Socialist author and novelist, is in the hospital with a dagger wound in his breaet and Miss Isehlko Kami chlka, a champion agitator of woman suffrage, Is in jail, charged with at tempted murder. The incident has also involved Mrs. Inyo Noyes Ito. conductor of a wom an's magazine, in a blaze of notoriety and has given the conservative press opportunity to launch a campaign against the perils of "Socialism, ad vanced thought and free love. Also the persons are highly educat ed. Oaugi went to the seaside for his health. Mrs. Ito accompanied him. Miss Kamlchika followed them and spent aeveral days as their guest at an inn. It is said they all occupied the same room. On Thursday morn ing Miss Kamlchika stabbed Osugl with a dagger and then went quietly to the police station and surrendered. She did not harm Mrs. Ito, of whom it is said she was extremely jealous. Osugi may recover. All the papers have made the mat ter subject for editorial comment. The Toklo Mainichl calls It "a Judgment of heaven on the holders of improper views." to Rhode Ialand; B. H. Major, detached from c ti - n .A n...i Washington. D. C; M. O. Dabble Jr.. detached froimJ Utah, to two montha' aick leave; r. c. Bum pus, detached from Rhode Island to Fulton; K R. Claghorn. detached from Connecticut, to one month's aick leave; 8. B. Quarles, to receiving ship at Norfolk. Why Punish Yourself? Do your Xmas shopping at once do not de lay it until the day before Xmaa. You 11 now find the beat assortment of preeenta, and the clerka can give you proper attention. Xmaa roggestions r offered In todav'sjour na'. under tha beading of "Xmaa Gift Tips. BECAUSE OF LACK TO SUIT DEMANDS OF tor. Its beneficence is felt in the home, In the office. In the stores in all channels where money is a factor and employed to the advantage of the existence of humanity. The Interests of the manufacturer are, therefore, of paramount import ance. It would be the salvation of Portland If this fact could be im pressed upon the minds and hearts of th people of this city and state. It cly their conception of their own wel fare could be so focused upon th Importance of supporting their nelg bornood industries that they would make sacrifices to procure and supply their wants with their products, the problems of Portland's abounding pros perity would be solved. And it never will otherwise be solved. This thoughtless purchasing of household supplies of distant man ufacture; this robbing ourselves in gar ments fabricated perhaps thousand OI miles J rum me raciuc ocean, auu i una ecllcIa Li uuii i-g i . w tvu iiueu .r. spirit for anybody but myself, never has built up a substantial community, and never will. BTourish tha Factories. Portland must nourish her indus tries, and in this she will nourish herself as well. The money which comes into the hand of the manufac turer Is by him passed along to his employes, and by them sowed, so to speak. Into every nook and corner of trade and traffic in the region round about Sixty-five per cent, for example, of one of our enterprise's large gross income is paid out to its employes, and there is not a ward in Portland in which there Is not some tradesman who receives a portion of this money. It Is scattered about in all directions, and is doing good wherever It goes. I-et the factories prosper, therefore, and their thrift will permeate every nook and every avenue of the town. And this condition will prevail when the people, collectively and individual ly, once realise that their own and the manufacturer's prosperity are in separably united. MEW QUARTERS TAKEN The 'Western Tool & Die Works. Andy Frits, proprietor, iaa removed to the new brick building at Third and Gllaan streets. e shop is now delightfully situated in a structure erected specially for the purpose for which it is used. 17TH STREET ASK TOXTBi BJEAXZUB POS BRAND WAISTS Ball They're Kade in Portlaad. PROMINENT JAPANES SOCIALIST IS STABBED PURCHASERS Youth and Girl Wife Die in Friend's Auto Bui aid Pact ot IS order and frsidds Xaded Secret Sosaaaos; Oar Bor rowed to "Attend Kevlval BameM." Milwaukee, 'Wis.. Dee. (L N. S.) Borrowing a friend's automobile, David Bersansky, 22, drove pretty Elva Leup, 18, to whom he was secretly married in September, to an unfre quented road near tha Milwaukee Coun try club early today. Several hours later their bodies were found In the car and on the auto floor a revolver with four unexploded cartridgea. The girl was about to become a mother. The police s-uspect either a suicide pact or that Bersansky killed her and then shot himself. Bersansky borrowed the car on the pretext that he wanted to attend revival services Gold Thieves Eaid Offices of Dentist i Gold thieves, who have operated In the dental offices of the city inter mittently for almost a year, made an other raid Wednesday night, and se cured metal and other valuables worth about $54 at the offices of Dr. O. E. Humberstone, a dentist at 'Williams avenue and Russell street. Dr. Hum berstone made a report to the police yesterday. Two bottles containing gold fillings, on round gold nugget, a quantity of scrap gold And solder, one gold crown and a revolver and foun tain pen were stolen from the office. The door lock was "jimmied" by the thief. British Pension List Estimate Immense London, Dec. 9. (I. N. 8.) If the British casuality list continues at its present rate it is estimated that the government will have to expend more than $100,000,000 annually in pensions after the war. Belief is exprwsed that Arthur Henderson, a Iaborlte, wHl be minister of pensions in the new gov ernment. FOR YOU -4S r-VlteMPl -or COURSE! Garments that reflect great ears snd Aeta 11 In their construction. MADE IM P0BTLAHS Fleischner, Mayer & Co. Hanufsctorers of Mt. Hood Brand Shirts, Fsnta, Overalls ssd University Brand Mackinaw Coats. VAN HOETER'S BLEACHING SOAP It te mad In Portland, gnaranteed set to Injur the flneat fabrics, tbe moat deli cate colors, or tbe bands. Has exceptional cleanalns qaalitiea. and produces a snowy wash. Goes farther than other aoaps. Order front yonr dealer. MT. HOOD SOAP CO. 108-110 POTTS' BT. BT. NON-SKID Rubber Heels Right and Left Heel Plates Meant 20 More Wear tfade in Portland. Ask for Portland Non-Skids REMOVAL NOTICE THE OfFICZ ABD TACT0&T OF THE AUTO TOP CO. has re mo-red from bti Alder street te 11TR AMD BUBHslDE BT8EETS. Aat Bodtea, Wheels, roredoors. Too Making and Trinv miaas. Auto Fatatinr. Eta, Mais SIS. XXII. J. XcLEAB, Xct. Xt will pay to investigate toR'S CONCRETE MIXER Only device of its kind on the market which can be successfully operated by hand. Price 75. write xor testf tnonlal" Xh X. CAJITTrat. Patentee, 1S6 22d fit, Portland. Pendleton Woolen Mills Pendleton, Or. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE FLEECE WOOL BLANKETS Zadiaa Btobes, Steamer Btaga, Bath SMbea ana Anto Jsoses. IVII1NCE MEAT Raisins, Currants, Citron Lemon snd Orange Peel. Spices. Suet and Beef in fact alt: ingredients of high grade Mince Meat are ex tremely high in cost this year, but tbe Knight Packing company is turning out its Mince Meet right tip to its usual fancy nuallty and at a moderat . price, considering pres ent cost of prodoctlon. KNIGHT PACKING CO. FIRE AT BAKER IN THE EARLY MORNING DOES" SOME $1 5.000 INJURY Blaze in Faul! Building Was Predicted, It Is Said, by a Fortune Teller. Baker, Or.. Dec. a. Loss of from $16,000 to $20,000 resulted early this morning from the destruction by fire of the Faull building at the corner of Main and Center streets, the heart of Baker's business district. The blase was probably the result Of a defective flue. Th fir destroyed the Ttbballn piano house, Rogers 4V Summers' book store, confectionery store of A, V. Brown, real estate office of S. S. Start t Co. and a shoe shining parlor. Sheet Iron walls and roof made fight ing difficult, and firemen were addi tionally handicapped by th bitter cold, but by a supreme effort they confined the blaze to one building, a fire wall on the south side aiding materially. The loss Is partly covered by insur ance, all except Brown carrying some, he having let his policy lapse a few days ago. 0 A. E. Dunham, an employ of Tib balls, a few days ago told the latter that a local clairvoyant had predicted the fire, when telling his fortune. Roosevelt May Hunt For Devil Fish Next New York. Dee. 9. (I. N. B.) The devil fish of Caribbean waters will next claim the attention of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, it waa reported here today. The colonel is said to have agreed to join th expedition of Professor Russell J., Coles, naturalist, for a search of southern waters which will Ftart next March. The colonel him self refused to discuss his plans. "They're personal matters," he said, "and aa such I don't care to discuss them." COMMON NEXB --------- i-a- a-aaa-s-aaaanawajaaaaaaaaassssB Crown Flour, Unbleached Manufactured by Crown Mills, PORTLAND 4 . Golden Rod Cereals and Golden Rod Poultry Feed, Manufactured by Golden Rod Milling Co., PORTLAND MASTER INCUBATORS New la design snd sosl tlvely eieal all others. Their special features are larveloua. Write far art1aslars. MASTER Incubator Co. Ready-Cut Houses MADE IN PORTLAND SHIPPED ANYWHERE. Sam' Connell Lumber Co. PlPTBt AJTS PlVABTSXltS BTB Portland. Oregon. Q'X RAOEB 0 and up. Portable bouses, chlok. en houses, woods beds, etc. Mill made Con structlon Co. Main 1187. B44 Hood st. Sunday and evenings, Woodlawn SS15. CALIFORNIA PLATING WORKS 818 8d at Salmon st. OOZJ9, SXXjYXS AJTO nCXEXs, PLATING Zee .Cream Caaa BVe-tinaed. Durable Roofing Kade lm Portland to suit loeal eem. dltlo-s by DURABLE ROOFING MFG. CO. Btenton Station, Portland, Or. "Acta any Bfade tm Oregen" & CO., Fiaso Fictcry 847 ST. OIXT PZABTO PAOTOBT XBT STATX. Awaraea ooia Keaat at sv. jr. Sxposlto . Pianos Repaired and Toned. All work guaranteed. Established Ufa. pnone Marsnau iix. DR. D. W. KOLL1E auxza most pnrzcz Eye Glass and Sccbcle E!c-.ti.s sa earth. Lsasss will set eetae lom, re vesta breakage, serews saa set seme est, a oaaaeat ae. raea tee sarueaiara lew WUoss JtiU. Leupold, Voelpel& Co. SCIiminC INSTRUMENTS 1 Sau-varybtg, HyclrogTspni, Nanatieei 107 EAST 70TH ST. NORTH . . pobtijuia. oaxooa Rains Are Predioted For Pacific States TJnsettled Weethe WitH Temperature Averagf -Tear Beasonal JTorm at X Premised; cold romata4 fot Xaafc Washington, Dec (t. K. 8.) The weather bureau today issued th fol lowing forecast for next week .-', Region of Great IkesrCold weath er wlU prevail durlnr tha first halt of th week, followed by a reaction ta normal temperatures after Wednesday. Overcast weather will prevail the greater part of tha week and there la a probability of snows Wednesday and Thursday, attending an eastward movement of a disturbance across the -Great Iakes on these days. ' - 1 Plains Btates and Upper and MiddH Mississippi Valleys. Cold weather wlU . prevail during tha f Irat half of tha . week, followed by a reaction of warm. er weather after Tuesday.' Except foe snow and rain Tuesday or Wednesdsy, the week will be one of generally fail ' weather. Rocky Mountain and Plateau . Re gions. The weather will be renerally fair during the week except that local snows are probable Tueaday and Wad nesday. Temperatures will remain be low normal during th week. Pacific States. Th weather during the week will be unsettled With a probability of general rains during tha first half of the week. Tempera tures will average near tha seasonal normal. Injunction Granted' Against Henry Ford Detroit. M4ch.. Dee. f. (TJ, P.) A temporary Injunction restraining Henry Ford and tha Ford Motor com- ; pany from the erection of a $10,0OJ,O0J blast furnace plant in River Rogue was granted today on behalf of Jons F. and Horace EC. x Dodge, by thi Wayne county circuit court. Tha tx ' tentions to the Ford plant now in pro cess of construction In Highland Fart are not affected by the decision. , Judges Wlest, Hart and Cheats! handed down th opinion. Thy reconv -mended that suit to make tha injunc -tion permanent ahould ba brought within 60 days. Overalls and Shirts RA1NTEST Water-Proof Clothing AQUAPELLE WsUr-Proof Clotnlnf RAINSHED Water-Proof Skirts Overalls, etc. Muinfictur4 In PortUnd. Oiev HIRSCH-WFJS MFG. CO Also Canvas Goods ol AH r; Descriptions - r Western Soda Works Makera of Soda Water, SarsaparlUa, OMsret Ale, Western Porter and Syrape. 804 1CEX.Z. ST. PBXOira aWAZBT 8811, A. J. JUCHEM1CH. Prop. " Wood and Laundry " BASK ETS 4sI te Asy Made em This Earth Are Bene ef the PrediwU ef Our Big f salary Portland Baket& H andla Co. Kskers sf Every Kind ef Bp! 1st Baskets Kaew www i. tasi-ss stsseaass St. WS XAXs SAIL S fee nips, iwsmrs. Tests sad flartt Aa. PACfflC TENT & AWNING CO. Vint sat Aakesy. rsesea Bdwy. ltlt, A4ML Q)ist Chemical Co. ATTzTi 0M 'tw saeassetere pesserlssia. Bialnfeetsata asd laaeettotaae. We else OUAs ABTEB U free yesr sremUe of Beaahea, Bleats, Abu sad Bedssga Osr resreteatatire U1 be eleased U giv. yes a ytXE demaastral ues. wo eany a rsn use ef Jserte ' ens. alee.rten. as. East 70s. $$l XA8Z X0A "Pet SUA. ef Clay sec Bast ea Earth. . . SHOPE BRICK CO. FACE AND MANTEL BRICK A SPECIALTY - " A dsllfet ta tha eye, ess are fare ar, ea but Uttle. rstaataA siaau far sal, 361 H East Morrison St., rarUaad. Phone) Eaat 183S We Make It Onrselvea FOR ALL PURPOSES ; Rasmussen& N. E. Cor. 24 aael Tsyler Streets Portland linseed Oil Wcrb,L:;. POXTLABTZ), OXXaOBT. . Tbe Only Msn'f era of ' Old Process linseed -(H.Csd en the Psoif la Ooaet. . ' laauiries BoUeitea, tf yea HIDES have K-MMM-Fr write at. J we taa oaB aura ess Z-sather. CoL, Ur. XMtigi aad awalde X-see WEBER TANNING Ca 1710 Macadam MU PonOaa CrT Blaee 1888. FAINT