THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916. 10 LUMBER MILLS TURN DOWN ORDERS BECAUSE CAR SHORTAGE Edited by Hyasaa H. Cohn QUALITY HOPS FIRM BUT ORDINARY STUFF S RULING D PRESSED Only ar Few Jxta of Real flood Stuff Held Bj Growers and These Cannot lie Purchased Under llttci Embargo May Be Lifted. While the present market for bops is rather dull affair, there sre Indications ( better feeling In toe trade after tbe tan f tbe jeer. Practically everything depend upon tbe attitude of growere aud tba forelgo eliuatlon. If growers dump their supplies on tbs mar ker, sorbins ran atop tt from going to ple-es. latest sdvlces to 'ha local trade from Eng lnuil Indlcata that about five sixths of the Kugllab crdp'tfaa already paaaed. out of the huiKla of produeeis, and Ibat tba otbar elalb hare la being hold vera firm. Home of tbe trade here baa tba lmpreaalon that the em bargo against hop ablpmenls to Kngland and tbe continent will be ralaed after tbt first of the ear. If England enters this market, tbs prtoa will show a very fair Improvement. Juet at tba moment there la conaldersbls weakness In poor grnda bops, with prices off fully a rent from prevkroe purchases. On the other band there is only a nominal supply of strictly prime bops available la tbs state only three or four lots being known. Holders of theee srs asking 11 He a pound for them, or full former prices, and they cannot ba ob tained it the moment for even a fraction le. Ob theolber band, remaining lota are of In different ijuultty. with Taluca weak at 7c to 10c a pouml, according to quality. A lat New York mall advice aays of tbe antral trend of the trade: Bales. llerelnte for week 204 Kcrelpla alms Heutenibt-r 1.... KecelpU same time laat year Kxporta for wsek Ki porta for September 1 Kxnnrts urn time laat year Imports for week Imports from (tptember 1 ' Imorts same tlma hut year 10J No change In tba Interior New York atate markets, only a few lta remain In firt bands, and they are held atTe imvera' vlewa. A generally easy fvi-llug prcvalla on our local market, due mainly to tbs lower rates ruling on the coaat, though lark of demand here la baring anraa effect on dealera' views. It I quits certain tbst the flnet elate hops wool. I not bring over on open aalea, and at the nmut it Is doubtful that a place could be found for them at that. Paclflra hare weak ened to about l.v- fnr the holrit, and ib bulk of the atok orferlnic la not saleable nt over 12U'-, with Inferior grades to bo bid for leas. Nevr York hop prices, per Kwind: Btate, 11. rbnl-e 4Sr(5c "late, J81H. medium t prime i'Miic Mtate. Ittln. common to prime li'iiMc I'aclflo coast, lltlU, fholl-e Hfttl.V I'aclflc coax. 1HKI. medium to prime. . IS'a Pacific roast. Hint, mmamn 104 lie Pactflt; iat, 11)1.1. UKdiniu to prime.. K(jj Hie Stat and I'aclflc roan!, old olds I'd Sc ... 12,241 ... 20. IK ti.rrh ... 8.12 EGGS AUK DULL HUT STEADY Wblle th egg markat along the wholesale way Is dull, prlcea are holding stesdy around 42c docen generally for candled freh atock, and case count moving at 40c. Receipts con tinue to abow a alight Increase. rOUITRY MARKET IS QUIET Quiet tone N allowing In tbe poultry trade .along the afreet, with no apparent cbange In quotations for any fowls during tbe day. Tur keys are moving very slowly at 23 23c a pound for good dressed atock. 'ORAXGK MARKET NOW LOWER Generally lower prices are being named for orana-ee bore, with receipts from tbe south somewhat more liberal. Quality la showing Im provement wltb each shipment. Demand la )ust fair. BEANS ARB FIRM BUT BLOW W,.lle tbe market for beans is very firm In California, aud prices bars are well bell, tbs movement has been greatly restricted sine nlg-b valnee atarted. Dealera assert that the demand for be ana la just about a quarter of tbe normal. DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE STEADY In tl,e dairy produce market conditions srs fewrally steady. With California butter prices holding rsther well during tbe last few days, the trsde here Is maintaining values. Cbeeae Is steady to firm at unchanged prices. " BRIEF NOTES OP TUB TRADE Conn try killed hogs and Teal are firm. ' Onions are moving better at country points t S2.S0 tor best. Apples are weaker, wttb extra fancy 8pt Caen bergs offering at 11.50. Local cauliflower la practically oat f tbe market;.. California atock In fair supply. Wool market shows Increased strength In tbe east. Potato Shipments Are Heavier Here But Trade Nominal Dealer Report a Few More Cars Available; East Expect Break in Prices In Near Future. TV bile heavier shipments of potatoes are re ported from Willamette valley points during the lat week. Ibare baa been almost an en tire absence of new burin ess. Potato ship pers report a slight Increase In tbe number of csra available, and these are quickly dispatched to tbs esst snd tbs south. At tbe moment the potato market here Is not only very dull, but there Is A slight showing of weakneaa. Some purchases of small lots hsve been reported ss low as 11.3B per cental f. o. b. country points for fancy shipping stock. Wltb the greater receipts of potatoes at eastern centers, the trsde is somewhat estlec there. Tbe following mall advice from liar llsbnrg. Fa., Indicates tbe treud: "Sharp reduction In the price of potatoes is forecast by men famlllsr wltb the crop situa tion who have atudled the crop report of tho atate department of agriculture. A drop of perbape 40 per cent is expected. Potstoes now sre selling-ee nigh ss $2 per bushel. The more optimistic foes of tbe blgb coat of living are talking aboot potatoea at $1.25 per bushel be fore Christmas, probably quite a while before. "Flgurea gathered by the atate agricultural agenta abow that tbe potato crop la not ua wontedly ahort. It la far below tbe recorl crop of 1914, bat lese than 1,000,000 bushels short of 1916. "Retail dealers In snd shout nsrrlsburg ssy tbe answer la found in the cellars of farmers and the warehousee of speculators. Potatoea of first grade are retailing here for 50c a peck. Purchase of a bushel may abade the price lightly. But bushel purchsacrs are scare. Dealers have beea telling customers for weeks not to lay In a winter's supply of potatoea. 'We have bean predicting a drop,' aaid one of tbe city big retailors today. 'Ifa couilni. Maybe tbe commission man could afford to hold on to potatoea. bat bow many farmers can? Tbe drop will come wben a farmer pinched for ready money, cuts the price and unloads. Then every farmer In tbe township will follow suit, so ss "to get In out of tba wet." "Tbe estimated potato cmp In thla atate, from revlaed figures, is ltt.7tn.46a bushels. Tbls la far better than the estimates made three mouths ago. Last year's crop waa 20, OO2.000 bushels; the 1914 crop ran to 2N.403, ir bushels. Reports during tho late summer Indicated that thla year crop would not reach ) per cant of the 10-year average, hut the re nted reports abow that It la np to 83 per cent. The average par acre la 70 bushela thla year, compared wltb 73 U lOli, and lix) in 1914." SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE ' Weatber bureau advlaea: Protect shipments daring tbe next 48 boars as far north aa Seattle againat minimum temperatures of about 86 de grees; northeast to Spokane, 20 degrees; south east to Boise, 18 degreeat south to Ashland, M degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonlfbt a beat 84 degrees. PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE Batter was s tea Ay and sggs stesdy ea tbe eicbsnge dnrlug the day. Prlcea between dealera i BUTT a. Bid. Ask. Rxtrna sold JH Dairy -- sold 80 BQoa. Oajveat leciatf ta aol4 eo CRKE8A Tillamook triplets ... tju Oreejoa. triplets n flan. Francisco Grain Market. - San s'ranciaeo, Dea. T. Barley calls; v Deo. 7 Dec. 8 Open. Close. cioee. Peeembee . . . .12.20 B $2 24 A 1X28 ia.y ............ ii:i:8,M 2 81 2-30 B Barley aalea; ZOO tens May. Boot quota tJona: Wheat Walla Walts, 1ToJST7H ret! Bosnian. $2. 724132. T6; Turkey red. a .0: bloes tim. 12 S W 3. 90. Barley Kewl, 2. 221, 02.23. Osts White, t2.0242.06. Millatnffs Bran. f30.O03O.(lr; mlddHocs M7. 00 if 58.00; ahorta, 3200(a33.6o. New York Sugar and Coffee. Nw Tork Dec. 7 -(C P.)-No T Rio cof fee. snot. No. 4 Santos cor fee. io- centrliugsl sugar. 3.64. m" Wheat Sells Lower With- Early Report Of Foreign Supply Ry Joseph F. Prltchard. f'hlraso. Iec. 7. il. N. S ) I.(iildutkn oo larcei ecale waa In order on the hoard of trad", snd net loaeea were ahown of Kjric In wheat, 'HSUse lu corn ami &r in oats. Pro vision were off aharply in price. In ajmpnthy with the break la the various gralnx. There waa a lack of rash bualneas at Chicago, tbe aalca aggregating only 5000 bushels wheat. 13,000 bushels corn and 43,000 bushels osts. Tbe snsrkeU were all unsettled and Irreg ular, wltb tbe trend quite uncertain during tbe entire day. There waa a complete reversal of renditions late as compared with those early In sll the markets, aa cloaings were weak and prices low wltb sentiment bearish. Chicago. Pec. 7. (U. P Wheat wss lower on general selling today, following reports that foreign markets were supplied to meet ImmeMi nte needs. December was down Vic below to day 'a opening at $1.80; May down l4c at $l.o; Jnlr down lc at $1.5H. Corn was lower on liberal aclllng. December was down ,t 34e; May down lV4c at 84He; July IVic at B4e. Oats were aleo lower. December waa down ic at 63c; May down e at 68Vac; July down e at 56 He. FroTlslona were generally lower. Ohlcaare ranee of nrlc rumtih h. ri Press: WHEAT. Oricn ITIvh T n Peeember 17014 is ' i8 !ay 181(4 182 17Sl 17HVi yu'X 151 V4 152 148S 148 CORN. IHkCeTnhap oj 1 hk n, ., ...... - - j .... ni-t HVk I.1' 85'4 S3. S.t v-ym is;i 83 OATS. PmbeT ms, mh, 514 'ulr 60 4 66 64'.! 64 POBK. J"0" 2742 2742 2675 2875 U 28S5 2655 2805 2003 LARD. .December 1085 , 18ff7 1632 leao January, 1827 13. 1807 1807 Jfnu"rr 127 lfm i,y,T n,IT Uar i luao iio lino mibs. January 14m U1H 1390 MX 1437 1437 1417 Varsity Steer Takes $1960 in Chicago fJff; J. T. (TJ. P.) Talk about the eoet ef high Uringl Beef today an the hoot sold at $1.78 a poand. It was the grand champion steer of tba International Stock how, California Favorite. Raised or the Tlnlreraltr of f!sltfnrnta it , it. .riKuru IJU AtinAa At 131 mmtha . nH uij m, ,,r. ... Robinson a 0o. the owners, aold It to tbe Sul- uvan racKuig company, or Detroit. They will carve It Into Chrlatnua beef. A repreaentatlve of the buyers said Henry Ford would get soma of the beef. Thoee to whom be confided this said they gneased be could afford It they couldn't. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST settle Xarket. Seattle. Waah.. Dec. 7 (U. P.) Onions: Tellear, $Hc; Oregon. Si?34e; Taklma, 8t.e .Potstoes White river, $35; Yakima Gems. $445; sweets, 2&3c San Franciaoe atarket. Ban rranclaco, Cal., Dec. 7. (U. P.) Pota toea, per cental: Delta. In Backs, old lsnd $2.0O2 15; ditto, near lsnd, $2:15J2.80; Rl Unas, 2.8082.a0; Oregon Barbanks. $Z0Ofi 2.40; ditto gurneu. 12.50; Wsshington netted gems, $i002.33: Idaho netted fema, $2.00iQ 2.40; Nevada, $2.00192.26; Sonoma, $2.00 8.2A. Onion Brown, $.1.00: Orrernu. $3.00QS3. Los Angeles KuM. Los Angelea, Cal., Dee. 7. (P, N. S.) Pota toes. noetheTn. $2.8502.75. Idaho rn seats. $2.5Q3.70: lompoe 3. local $2,8642.40; Ore gon Bnrbsnks, $2.652.70; sweets, $2.25 cwt.. 7iC lug. FACTS Without a Blemish , East D&tU street from B. 6eTnteentA to H Twanty fourth waa hard surf axed la lfll nd praaanUs m arfoa after f It years of year, tear and trafflo that la .without fault and la a Uatiar tributs to th wearlBS Quaiitlaai of that ata.ndjurd pavament. BITULITHIC TTT H . . A, . "airen .Bros.. . Uftv c Journal, Bd".; Portland, ' Or. ; 13.92 1422 BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Clearings kfeadsy .. Tnexlsy W edneeday Tbnrsday fearfnga Balances Cleartegsj Balances hearings fertland Banks. This week. $ 2.SS4.S47.73 2.314.S07.M 2.080.7BS.73 2, 407.(717.98 8ea!ttIeBaaks. Test ago. 8.002. 24. .84 l .10.2S 64 1.T84. 855.48 1.702.882X1 Taooma Baaka. las Traaeiaoe .$3,430,001.00 . $21,210.00 .$ 843,40540 61. 582 XX) .14.452,7i;00 MILLS REFUSE GOOD Q LIB ORDERS AND CURTAIL PRODUCTION Inability to 8ecure Transportation Caase; T ranscon tinental Order Are Short Alone 700 Cars; Total Shortage Is Much Greater. Pacific northwest sawmills are turning away ordera and curtailing arodactioo on account of ear shortage. This condition, threatening for acteral week, Is evidenced In tbe weekly report of produc tion, orders, shipments and stocks, compiled by the West Coatt Lumbermen's sfnociation. Tbe report shows production cut tailed 21.53 per cent. Tbe fact that trnncontinental orders sre 70rt carloads abort aa compared with tbe pre vioua week, la attributed not to lack of de mand, but rather to a disinclination on the part of the mills to take 01 naKlnma In excess of shipping possibilities. Tbls polity held the Dii5blpped balance to -llphllj more than 11.400 rarloada to the "rail trade," notwithstanding tbe fact that rail kblpmecta were 200 cars abort compared with tbe prevloua week. Reports to tho aaaocUtion from mills throughout tbe fir district Indicate that. In th'.- matter of car supply, lumbermen are aver aging Juat about SO per ren of their Immedi ate requirements. A number of mllle are clcelng down for the balance of tbe year. Cargo shipments to. k a audden spurt last week. This applied 1 both coastwise and off business, und nMtil materially In hold ing down lumber atocka at tide water mills. Tbe weekly barometer shows production to have been 87,503, 340 feet st 134 mills, as sgulnst 74.303,788 feet at 12S mills tba pre vious wefk. Orders amounted to 63,317,792 feet, of which 48,150.000 feet came from tranaoon tlnental I. H. markets, 9.131. 73! feet frori Callfornls buyers, and but 2.719.000 feet from export buyers. Local orders secepted s mount ed to 5.2P7.053 feet. Shipments by rail amounted to $5,925,000 feet, as compared wltb 42,100,000 feet tbe pre vious week. Cargo shipments totsled 20.880, 248 feet, of which 10.803.021 feel, went to coastwise snd 10.988.225 feet wtnt export. Tocsl deliveries e mourned to 6.5K3.152 feet. Tho total of all sblpnu-nts wss 82.2S8.02S fret. Shipments, according; to tbe Vet Coast Lumbermen'a association, were 27.04 per cent below normal and 1.83 per cent leas than or dera. Lumber sold, bat not shipped, amounts f 40l.008.261 feet a slight decrease aa com pared wltb tbe prevloua wrek. Of thla im mense nnshlpped balance ordera for future transcontinental rail delivery account for ap proximately 2H5, 400,000 feet; coast wine cargo, $7,083,340 feet, aud export &6.240.358 feet. Show Stuff Gets a Lot of Attention in No, Portland Yards All Lines of Livestock Showing 'Strength; Prices Being k Main tained la All Departments. H0M TURN WZAJCZa. Ten bogs available at VartA rertlana daring the morning sold at $$,60, P0BTLAND LIVESTOCK Rl'H. flogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. . . 443 119 3 123 . . 7H6 48 .. 82 .. f5 83 29 38 ..: 16.M 64.1 .. 187 205 3 ..1240 . 201 41 291 holiday 673 129 8 103 Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Mot day Saturday Friday Week ago Year ago ' 'i'..-.- Three years ago. . .1448 . 723 75 7 124 There was so much Interest In the fat atock atuff offering nt tbe show during tbe day that only fair attention was paid to other offerings st North Portland. Nevertheless there is a very strong tone la tbe cat Us situation, and prices sre well msln tsinrd around the rcret.t averages. General cattle market ranee: Prime heavy ateera Prime light ateera G"od steers Medium steers Ordinary steers Common steers Prims tnmm j Prime heifers .' Good cows Ordinary cows Common cows Prime besvv bulla Good bulla Ordtnsry bulla Best light cslves Ordinary calves Poor calves . AMERICAN LIVESTOCK TRICES Chicago, Dec. 7. (I. N. 8.) Advsnoes of SOc to $1 per bundredwelsbt In hoaa during the paat week had tbe usual effect of atart tng a run, all western markets being glutted. Ixcally there were over 80.000 head on sale. The lecllne wna lOc to 15c, tbe buik selling at $9.5010.10. Cattle trade waa In better shape than early In tbe day. Dearer Hogs $9.88. Denver. Dec. 7. (U. P.) Cettle Receipts. 170O, higher. Steers, $8.2S8.25: cows and heifers, $5.403'l.6; stackers and feeders, $j.50W8.00; calves, $7.7otfO.OO. Flogs Hecetit. 2oO, lolac lower. Top, $0..M; bulk. $0.5O&.70. Sheep Kecslpu, 40OO. strong. Ewes. $7.25 tj'-SS; lambs. $11.00(212.15. Omaha Hogs $9.90. Omaha, Net., lec. 7. (I. N. 8.) Cattle Receipte, 6'JOO. steady. Beeves, $.50'( 1 1.UO; rows aud heifers. $4. 507. 85; Blockers anil feeders, $5.78'48.2T; good westerna, $7.75f ft.tio; poor to medium, $3.757.75; calvea, 18.00 (filO.OO. Hogs beedpta. 17.0O0, roontly tOc lower. Good and choice heavy, $u. 750.90: rongh heavy, $9.55f9.75; light. $9.00((j9.75; pigs, $7.009.UO; bulk, $9.40(29.80. Sheep Receipts, 13,500. strong. Yearllage. rS.00Al9.25: wetbera. $7.504.9.10; Umbs, 11.0012.50. Xansas. City Hogs $10.10. Kansas City, Pec. 7. if. N. J Cattle Receipts. 30O0. strong. Stecra, $i.5010.50; rows and belters, $5.')Oigl0.0; atockera and feeders. $3.0'ii7.S3: calves. JC.OOU 11.00. flogs Receipts. 12.000. r-c to 10c lower. Top. $10.1o; l.ulk. $!.70iJllO.U5; besvy, $9.75 1O.10; medium. $0.75aIo.O3; light, $9.25 .5. fbeep Reedpta, 3000, steady. Lambs, Il2.0of 12.40; ewes, $8.0068.35: wetbera, $8.009.7S. Chicago Hogs $10.80. Chicago. Dec. 1. (1. N. S.) Hofi Re ceipts 40,000, 10 to 15c lower. Mixed snd butchers, $9.25(310.13; good besvy, $9.65(j 10.20; rough besvy, $9.659.90; llgbt, $H.90a 10.O0; piga, $7.258.75; bulk, $9.40010.05. Cattle Receipts S00O. steady. Beeves, $8.00 12.50; cows and heifers, $3.73Gi9.(0; stook ers snd feeders. $5.257.00; Texane, $7.25j 9.85; cnlves, $11.00(312.75. ' Hhep Receipts 14,000, steadv. Native and western, $4.25x 10.25; lambs. $.S0(ai2.S5. St. Louis Hoga $10.35. St. Louis. fVc. 7. (I. Jf. S.) Cattle Re ceipts 4O00, Including 700 southerns; steady. Native beef steers, $7.5njll.75; yearling ateera and heifers, $8 11. 50; cows, $5.50s 8.0O; etockers and feeders. $5.30i37.7B; csjvea. $8.0012.25; Texaa steers, .-..-3038.o0; prims southern beef ateera, $S.O09.O0; beef cows and heifers, $4.50t&7.5o; prime yearlings and heifers. $7.30.0O. Hogs Receipts 18.500, steady to 6c lower. Mixed, $9.&010.25; good. $10.20310.35; nmuh. $9.40&9.H5; light, $U.551u.lO; pigs, $7.5ucb 900; bulk, $9.70 10.20. Sheep Receipts 6oo, steady. Ewes, $3.75ffl 7.80; yearlings. $8.00(210.00; lambs, $7.50a 12.75. Seattle Hoes $10.19. Seattle. Wash., Dec. 7. IP. N. 8.) rfojrs Receipts, otf.. strong. Prima lights, $10.00 Alio. 15; medium to choice, $9.75(39.95, smootli beavic, $9.25(9.80; rough heavy, $8.759.15; pigs. $t).23&J9.15. Cattle Receipts, 60, strong. Best steers, $7.007.35; medium to choice steers, $6.50(i( C.75; cominon to medium, $5.25:8.25; beet cows, so. 7.rxa8..'; common to medium cows, 4 75-35.50; bulls, $3.25i4.50; calves, $7.00 U8.50. Sheep Receipts, none, stesdy. Lambs. $8.5o8.D0; yaarllnps. $7.0067.80; ewes, $5.00 tjS.SO; wethers, $6.60(a7.50. DALRT PRODUCE ON THE COAST ..$7.00(07.25 .. 8.607.0 .. 6.2608.40 .. 5.75Q8.26 .. b.OOCaS.&o .. 4.2SQ4.79 .. 5.75a6.00 .. 5.7508.15 . 6.0045.50 .. 4.00(24.25 .. 8.00ti4.5 .. 4JWI35.00 .. 4 0V4.25 .. 8.00,3.50 7.00 .. $.00Q.5O .. fi.O045.75 Hog Market la Steady. Only a email run of hogs made its appearance In the North Portland yards over night. Trend of the trade wss again steady, wltb firmness I In rjts. Tbe extreme prices psld for show stuff indlcsted tbe real strength of the general swine market aituatlcn. General bos market: Prime heavy weights..... rnme ugni weignts Good light weights Medium weights Rough heavy Xatton la Limited. With a very limited run In the nlgbt, market for both mutton and lambs oon tlnuea on a nominal basis, with prices very firm, full former prices are being realised. quality considered. General muttoa and lamb market: Select eprlng lamba $9.O039$0 Ordinary lambs 8.75aS.$5 Best yesrlings g.OOyi.50 Good to common wethers 7.25(37. $ Best ewes ft 7 00 Heavy to common ewes 4.0044.SO Thursday Livestock Skippers. Hogs J. K. Smith. Nswberg, 1 load) W. Given. Estacada, 1 load. Cattle Walah Bros., Republic, Wash.. 1 loi.d; Gerllnger Stock Farm, Washougsl, 1 load; 0. C. Hughes, 1 load; U. P. Wheelan, Woodland, Waah., 1 load. Cattle and calve Attains Dairy a Produce Co., Atallla. Waah., 1 load. Sheep Paul Gu Perferle, WootJlaBd, Waah., 1 load: Mixed staff C H. Farmer. McCoy boga and abeep. Wednesday Afternoon Sales, STEERS Buy Cattle for Indiana. Kbuaatb Falla, Or., Dee. T. To aid tba In. dlsna of th Klalriata reeervatloa ta raise a bettes grade of stock cattle,. 8vperintsdnt W. B. rraer sag ynat mads arrangameDta for the pure-base of ITS kead of yoang heifers from th W. 01 Daltoa raneb. which will ba deliv ered and distributed among th Indians this week. The young cattle, whkfe are the finest whick coo Id b secured In ta eounty, hsve been lnspveted by Dr. C. p. Bakler, of tba TJ. a. department af agrtcalture. Ta deal waa made tbroagb 3. U. Beckiey, a local atock Staler. Money and Exchange. Kew York, Dec T. (U. P.) Money on call. 4H; rtx moo tba, 4; mercaaUIe paper. , Bar silver, Londoa, mot quoted. Demand ster ling, 47.54 7-17. . .i w Saattls Xarket. Seattle. Dec. 7. tU. P.) Bnttr: Kstlve Washington creamery, cube. 3jc; ditto rirk-k, 40c; storage, cube, 88c; ditto, brick, 38c. Cheese Oregon trlpicta, 25c; Wisconsin trip lets, 25c; ditto twins, 25c; Young America. 25c. "g Select rancb. 45c; fresh eastern, eOe; April storage, 86. 1 Baa rrsncUce Xarket. San rrsneisce, Cal., Iec. 7. U. P.) But ter: Bxtraa, 35 c; prime firsta. 85e; f brats, S4Hc. Eggs Extras, 40c; pnllete. 31e. Cheese California fancy, 13c; fjrati. 17e; Oregon triplets, fancy, 21 He. Bain Welcomed at Klamath. Klamath Tails. Or., Dec. 7. A welcome rain and snow storm has been In progreas her for tbe laat 24 hours. Tbe recent freeze of tbe bar ground made the prospects of the wlnte moisture soaking Into toe ground very du bious; bat, fortunately. It thawed out Just be fore the storm broke, with tbe result that tt will all aoak Into tba ground. Owing to lack of the usual rains this summer and fall, the ground waa Tory dry, and all the molstsrs pos sible wiU bo needed y tba dry fanners for next year'a crops. ' Liverpool Cash Wheat Liverpool, Dec. 7. (I. N. 8.) Spot whest unchanged. Ha 2 bard winter and bartL Ms Sd. unchanged. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD VTodxiOwday. 5:57 p. m. 718 Johnson street, rror heated flue, slight da mag. :17 p. m. 14 East Twenty-eighth street, burning; flue, no damage 10:01 p. m. 430 Broadway, burnlns flue, slight damage. Tan rs day. 1:5S a. m. "W. M. Proctor, 705 Sher ratt atraet, apootaaeotif eomtrastlon. 1150 4ainar .$.B8.eo . 8 40ig9 JW . 9.25we.a5 . .O0(gU.25 . S-00i8.M yards over 1 load Ho. Ave. lbs. Price. 2 steer 70H $5.50 6 steers tag 4.00 COWS. 2 cow 805 $4.00 1 cow 83 3.50 1 COW 820 4. 50 1 cow IMU 8.60 C cows 7 4.00 1 cow 610 2JW 1 cow 1(sw) 5.00 1 cow . . .,, 1140 5.00 BULLS. ! 1 bull 1280 $3.23 1 bull 1000 3.60 - HEIFEItS. 2 heifers 875 $3.35 HOGS. 8 hogs 214 $9 $0 1 hog 410 i.00 1 bog 880 8.80, 8 bogs 184 6.60 4 bogs 204 W 60 2 bogs 280 $.60 5 hoga 240 9.00 3 hogs 2Z0 8.60 I 4 hoga 181 .80 0 boga , 203 8 80 4 hog 213 8.60 5 hogs 237 8.80 6 bvga 6 0 ) 1 hog atto 8. BO 2 hoga 216 9 oO 8 bogs 148 9 25 1 hog 230 9.60 1 hog :.lo 9.60 2 hogs 2SO 8.8o 3 hogs 230 9.00 2 hogs Iy.r 9.00 2 bogs 215 9.80 1 hog ISO 9.80 1 hog 120 8.25 4 bogs 540 8.2., 83 hogs 333 9.60 2 hogs 230 8.6o 71 hogs 202 9 60 5 bogs 377 8. (XI 1 hog 2.K 8.00 1 bog 2UO 9.00 55 hoga 191 9 60 8 bogs 337 9.7u 3 hoga 137 8.25 11 bogs 127 9.80 4 hogs 140 8.25 1 bog 180 8.80 67 hogs 200 9.80 8 hog 837 $.80 8 bogs 127 8 25 1 bog 180 8.00 Livestock Show Bales. STEERS. I No. Are. lbs. Price. ! 16 steers 1198 $ 9.23 16 steers 1038 12.00 18 steers 1241 10.25 1 steer 1520 18.00 16 steers 1146 10.45 steer 1500 25.00 1 steer 1330 22.00 1 tteer 108O 45.00 20 steers 793 7.60 20 steers 1076 7.75 19 steers 1104 8.30 16 uteers 1420 13.00 16 steers lOirT 8.30 10 steers 938 9.00 1 steer 000 16.00 1 steer 1300 25.50 1 steer 1520 14.50 HEIFERS 1 heifer 1470 $10.50 1 heifer 1580 10.76 HOGS. 60 hogs 1!U $18.00 60 boga 197 1Z00 50 boxa 271 11.60 50 hoga 194 11.60 3 hog 2S3 15.00 5 bogs 283 13.50 bogs a0 11 JO LAMBS. 60 lamb 90 $11.00 Do Umbs 17$ 10.80 YEARLINGS. I yearling 170 $5140 B yearllnga 170 13.50 Thursday Morning Saba. STEERS. No. Are. Tba. Price. 25 steers 824 $5.00 COWS. 1 cow 1100 $4 00 FLOUR WILL FOLLOW PRICE OF 1EAT AT VERY CLOSE DISTANCE Local Millers Eagerly WaUhlng Chicago; Foreign Markets Pinner and Europe Likely to Resume Liberal Purchases in America. Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. 15 1 4 7 13 HS A 9 3 5 2043 93 817 1082 883 7970 1075 718 676 1004 14 2 5 21 1 8 8789 98 ... 208 1058 5506 241 ... 233 1331 19 ... 7 4 9 83 3 11 1 12 8153 211 83g A44 197 6176 1123 1161 591 2339 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Care- Portland, Thur.. Year isn Messon to data. , Year ago Tacoma. Wed . . . Year a so Season to date. , Year ago fkattle. Wed.... 1 ear aero Seaeon to date. . Year ago With an excellent foreign situation In the wheat trade and a demand from abroad indi cated again at Pacific northwest points, n firmer tone Is showing for flour and an ad vance of 20c a barrel here in patent to $S.20 would not be at all aurprislng. Aa atated In tbese reports during; recent daya, nortbwext millers are eagerly watching tbe price of wheat at Chicago, and price movements In the cereal there will be closely followed by tbe floor trsde here. While Llverpol apot wheat waa unchanged during the day, there waa a atlff advance of 6 to 9d in cargoes on passage In the London mar ket. Indications point strongly to tba re newal of liberal buying by Kngland and tbe Continent in the American markets within tbe near future. Chicago market opened with a liberal advance on acattered buying. Some small trading Is reported In tbe Interior Of tbe l'ac;flc northwest, but tbe buying la scarcely of sufficient volume to firmly estab lish quotations. Intense strength continues In tbs bay trade, according to Harry Sparlock. buyer for Bree ding A Farrell. The car shortage seems to be a leading factor in tbls line. Some California alfalfa ia being offered here, but It la of In ferior quality, and tbe trade does not csre for It, although tbe stock is being offered st $1 under wbst northwest stock can be purchased for. Not only Is the California alfalfa of poor quality, but the bales are of larger sis than tbe trade here carea to handle. United Kingdom weatber Is better, being generally clear aud mild. Foreign arrtvala are lncreaaing slightly. It Is expected tbst arrivals will abortly abow materially larger. France Weather Is not favorube. Seeding Is delayed on a reduced acreage. Italy Wheat yield 1 disappointing. Labor la scarce snd transportation inadequate. Tbe political altoatloa in tho Balkan statea la caus ing apprehension. KLOUR Selling price: Patent. $8.00: wn. lsmette valley. $7.50; local straight, $7.20fJ 7.00: bakers' local, $7.aOf8.00; Montana spring, $9.20; export, $7.40; whole wheat, $8.4o; graham, $8.20; rye flour, $8.73 per barrel. HAY Ruylng price, new eropi Willamette valley timothy, fancy. $17; eastern Oregoo Msho fancy timothy, $21.00; alfalfa. $18.00a 20.00: valley vetch, $14.00 14. BO; cheat $14.00(2 14. 50; ekrver, $14.00. UKAI.N HACKS 1916, nominal: NO. 1 Cal cutta. 1H4U11H in car lots; leas amounts axe higher. - MILL8TUFFS Selling price 1 Bran, $25.00; aborts, $29.00. ROI.LKD OATS $7.50(38.00 per barrel. ROLLED BARLEY $41.0042.00 per ton. Chicago wheat closed with a Ioas for Ufa day, the early advance being dropped. On tbe Port land Merchants Exchanfe blda for December wheat were lc lower to 2c higher, with blue- stem tbe bull factor. December oats advanced 25o a too. for bids, bat a sale of 100 tons wag made at $30.50, or 75c above previous bids. December barley olds wr firm and un changed. Merchants Exchange December bid prices! WHEAT. Tho Wed. Toe. Uon. J916 1915 1916 153 98 151 150 148 97 149 143 148 924 149 144 145 91 ft 148 140 OATS. 8600 242S $578 8550 8500 BARLEY. 89O0 2600 $900 8800 Bluest em .... rortyfold .... Club Red Russian.. reed 148 143 142 138 Feed ir'utures were qaoted: WHEAT. January bloestera January fortyfold , January club January Russian jonnary January FEED OATS. FEED BARLEY. 8750 Bid. .. JM . . 149 . . 149 . . 146 ,.8623 .8900 Cotton Opens Steady With Small Trading New York. Dec. 7. (L N. .) Trading la cotton was small at the opening today. The opening waa steady, wltb prlcea 4 to I points net lower. The buying was small, some local comniasioa bouses. Wan street and Liverpool Ouy lag moderately, southern commission house sold and declines of 2 to 4 points wore re corded at Liverpool. Ia th after aoun tbe market waa weak. Cov ering nrontoted a partial recovery after prices had dropped $1.00 a bale below tbe close of Wednesday. Last prices were 19 to 24 points net lower. Month. Open. nigh. Low. Close. January 2009 2018 1990 1000 February ... ... 20:2 March 2o34 2044 2016 2O10 April 2026 May 053 2006 2037 2037 Jane 2041 July 2068 2063 3040 HO Aagast 2004 2006 1094 198 September 1S5 October 1852 -160 137 1839 December 1999 2000 1983 1997 LAMBS. ltt tombs to $023 EWES. 18 ewes 128 $8.50 Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Orala, Tto. 21S-I17 Boar, of Trad Baildi&f. Overbeck & Cooke Co. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Xaaban Calcag-o Board ef Trad, Corraarpoadrata of Xroraa ai Bryan, Calero, Bsw York. 6 Interest on Your Savings is the unusually attractire rate at which we offer the 5-Year 5 Treasury Gold Bonds Imperial Russian Government Tbcs bonds ar tba direct a-carai credit obligation of tha Imperial Russian Government, wboss faith and credit are. pledged to the prompt payment of principal and interest wben due. V Full Particular on Request Lumbermens Trust Company Capital aaA ataxpsaa S800JM0 aiTambenaeas Bv&dJaa; Tilth aal Stark Vigorous Buying Is Feature of Opening With Brisk Advance By Charles W. Stonn. .r.w York, Dec. 7. (I. N. 8.) Tber was vtawoue buying all around the room at the opening of tbe stock exchange today, wltb botb tba low priced Issues and the higher class serunue joining In a brisk upward movrmrnt There ah was heavy trading In United State Steel common, which rose point to 1274 Tbe low priced railway Issues. Including sectrr. Hie of tbe reorganised eompsnles, were sgstn prcoaent. Tbe Wheeling 4t Uki( Krie abarea ctv uuiji iq ma excuange tuts morning, snd the common opened st 27 V4, against 2$4e, last night's closing on tbe curb. Missouri Pacific. Toledo, fit. Louis a West. era, the Wsbasb snd the Itock Island lasuea were also active and atrong. with- many of u.i"c iwoes aeiung at new bign records. Pittsburg coal advanced a point to 5ft. end gelna ranging around a point were mad in many of Uto steel Industrials. N ear J V all the nwinm mm A ,Ha,n,l1 gains, with th buymg on expected Increased uiainnucions ai tue directors' meeting to be held here today. Most of the speculative Interest In the late forenoon was concentrated in tbe low priced railway Issues. Secu.ittes of th reorganised railroads were most prominent, with these is sues In gord demand at anbatantlal advances. Wheeling A Lake Erie common advanced U 7. and tbe preferred roes 14 points to 58 V4. old Missouri Pacific rose V, point to 22V points. Uood gains were alto made in Mia eonrl, Kansas A Teia and Teaas Pacific Is sues. A namber of tbe specialties also were la good demand, wlin Atlantic Oulf West la dles, advancing. a point to a new high record of 133 points. In tbe late afternoon a weak ton developed. Copper shares were In free aupply at conces sions. Utah after telling at 128 H, dropped ta 124 and the other copper moved In a boat the same way. Steel common declined to 12514, a loss of 14 points from Its highest of the day. Reorganised railroads snstalued kjeeea of around a point from their high. Money loaning at 4V, per cent. Range if New York nrleee fnrnlahed h Overbeck A Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade Dtiliaing: inscription I Open High I Low I Close Alaska Cold Allla-Cbalmera, c American Ileet Sugar. .. American Can, c American Car Fdy., c. American Cottoa Oil, c. American Unseed, c... American Loco., e American Ninelter, c... American Kncar. c American Tel. a Tel... American Woolen, c.... Anaconda alining Co. . . . Arcnison. c . Baldwin Loco., c Baltimore & Ohio, c. . . Brooklyn It. Transit... Butte a Superior Calif. Petroleum, c Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Chesapeake Ohio Chicago Gt. W., c... Chicago, M. A St. P... Chicago a N. W., e Chi no Copper Colorado r. a I., e Cons. Gas Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, c n. a R. G-. c Distillers Erie, c Jenersl Eleotrl Goodrich Rubber Ut. North. Ore Lands.. Oreene-Can Hide It Leather, e Ice Securltlee Iillnola ('antral ....... Indaetrlal Aleobol Inspiration. Interboro, e Kans. city Sontb., e.. Lackawanna steel I-eblgh Valley Maxwell Motors, com.. Mexican Petrolenm Miami Copper Mldvale Steel M., K. A T., com Mirsourl Pacific National Iad Nevada Consolidated . . . New Haven N. X, Air Brsk N. f. Central N. Y., Ont. It West... V,e A. nrM jw. Northern Pacific ! " Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Railway. Pressed Steel Car, com. Ray Con. Copper Railway Steel Springe.. Reading, common Ivep. i. k.. com Rock Island Khatrnck Htudebaker, com Shies .Sheffield .Southern Pacific South. Railway, com.. Texaa Oil Tuts Pacific Third Avenue I Dion Pacific, common. I, '. S. Rubber, e II. S. Steel, c Utah Copper Virginia unenurai. c... W. U. Telegraph Electric. 13 V4 3.1 107 0-1 78 li 63 22 K)1 II 116 1274 67 V MM nsj 77' M W 72 '4 29 V4 1 108 tH 154 04 12.M4 o4 071 1.15H 87 30 38 1K0 ue 62 1 29 laevt 18 274 104H 752 47 t nl t f( iwi 33 24 &T4 84 4 S4V4 58 11054 8 33 121 1W 31 2"4 ao 51 140 0 12H 12H 108 I 2 131 13W S.'l 84 V4 10741105 12V4 22 en si OB 1714 108 V? 834 141(140 a4 ST ijz 69 4 404 33 121 83 10O lit St 2T 33 1104 324 119 BBS 31 20X!2'JM 2114 i 62 gl 1474:1454 84 Vi 1061 2H 774 22 00; 115H 1284 6H 8'a lOBVi 78H i" S5 12 8 H 17 70 134 s4 MJ4 a 8?4 181 eH 44 82 K.4 29H 107J4 60 18 TT U IO 92 U 0K 46 as 31i 107 1. 32 140 83 11W 21 B7U 170 1072 82 70H 127H 120V4 iS I 04 es4 125 1234 102 62 Finance : : Timber : : Industry Portland Bankers Assert That People Now Hare Balance is Barda ' Milch Will Be Invested at Favorable Turn; Valley Is ttOnptt oat; Disease Is Attacking American White Pine Forest. ; alley Xg Frogperotti Indlcatlna" the treat prosperity of the Willamette valley at this time la the great in crease In bank deposits. The Hank or Sherwood, with a capital ot $14,000. had on August 17. deposits agtcrccat ing I71.616.S0. while on bscembrr h, the total was 120,&0. This excellent showing; Is not made in s wheat coun try, either. Xzports sad Imports. Total Amer ican exports for October, liMrt, were 1413,813,918, compared with 8336.152. 009 for the same month s year ago, and 14, 43, 328,271 for the 10 months enilng with October, compared with 82.867,694.182 for the same period in 1915. Imports for October, 1916, were $178,658,730, compared with 1149.172. 729 In 1915, while for the 10 months ended October 1916, imports were $2, 009,833,398 compared with $1,451,287, 116 for the same period a year ago. Croods Demand Xeeser. John V. Farwell Co. of Chicago, say in their weekly review of, trade: This week active preparations are being made by aJI departments for the semi-annual pre-lnventory clearance. Owing to pre vailing market conditions a much lar ger number of buyers are expected in this market than in previous sea sons. The buying of Australian and New Zealand wool clip by the English gov ernment and the consequent advance In prices haa tended to increase the demand for cotton and cotton goods. Receipt of delayed shipments of French aerjjes from manufacturers has eased up the situation considerably on thla fabric. Persian and paisley effects in voiles, also silk "snd cotton goods, are well in the foreground In wash goods sales for spring. Season Is cloning with demand for blankets very strong. Cottons and domestics are very active on a very firm and advancing basis. Cretonnes are selling well both for immediate and spring delivery. Fancy table scarfs and 'mats are also very active. Kncli Boa Wealth. A preliminary survey of the crop statistics for Yak ima county, Wash., gives a total of over $16,000,000 worth produced the past year. For soma of the crops the figures are final but for others tliey are only approximated as It Is diffi cult to ssy just how much Is in the hands of grower. This in true of po tatoes, hay and apples, especially where a considerable portion of the crop Is still In the bands of growers. Yakima county haa produced this year approxi mately 26,000 cars of products. The orchards contributed 11,000 tars val ued In round numbers at $"00 a car. There have been 8000 cars of hay as tlmated St $1.260,O0O. There has been shipped out 2,000,000 pounds of wool and 1000 cars of mutton sheep bring ing in 2,JO0,000 and better. The county haa ft tad and shipped ta mar ket 84 earn of hoga and to carl of cat tle and fed In transit 450 cars Of cat tie. It has produced $160,000 worth of breeders' stock and marketed 1103, 000 worth of horses. The hopyarUa of tho county hav turned Out 100 oars and the lumber mills of th county have shipped out 1300 of finished lum ber products, a large portion of whlcil has been box material. ..V; Slseae Attacking Americas White Pin. The white pine fend other five leaved pine forests of th United Btate and Canada are threatened with ex tinctlon by the white pine blister rust, a fungus disease. Imported from Eu rope, is the burden of a lengthy article on the disease Just Issued by th Amer ican Forestry association. "Already the dendly disease haa been found -lu all the New England atate. most of the eastern and northern xtates in the whit pine belt, and In Ontario and Cjuebeo provinces," -the statement continued. "It Is spread ing rapidly and unless checked Will wipe out our white pine In Its en tirety, as our chestnuts are being wiped but by the chestnut blight." The United States bureau of forest ry Is cooperating with the association in studying the disease. Th .White plner-forcsts now standing Jn the Unit ed Htutea represent lumber worth over $260,000, J00, officials say. Currant and gooseberry bushes, tt Is Said, furnish the only known vegeta tion on which the fungus propagates, and a movement is being launched td have all such bushes eradicated, espe cially in the area east of the Hudson river, which la generally Infected., t As yet only scattered areas between the Mississippi and Hudson rivers have been reported infected. Timely mea sures toward controlling the spread of the disease, the association and gov ernment forestry officials hope, will suppress the disease. The forests West of the Mississippi as far as la known have not been Infected. Governors or all the states In the white pine belt end the government of Canada have been asked to send repre sentatives to attend a conference at the annual meeting of the association to be held In Washington, January 18 and 19, to discuss measures snd formus late plana for fighting the disease. Walla Walla Bonds olL With - a bid of 4 pr cent per annum "payable semi-annually, the state of Washing ton yesterday waa awarded the II3S, 000 worth of water refunding bonds to be Issued by the city of Walla Walla to take the place of the present city water bonds which carry per cent Interest. I'ayrnent of the bonds Is left to the discretion of the city and it is probable that arrangements will be made for retiring ohe-twentUlh of them each year. The state pr chased the bonds st par. POULTRY EXH B TIS HIGHLY PRAISED BY A TACOMA EXPERT The biggest show of Its kind ever bald west of the Mississippi river," Is the characterisation of the Poultry show, asserted by M. F. Combs, of Ta coma, exhibitor of one of the most ex tensive llnea of White Wyandottea and perhaps of sny variety. "The treatment given me by the Portland people has been most cordial and has revealed to me a new aspect of what welcome and friendliness means," declares the famous poultry man. Combs has 'made sweeping; sale of his stock and eggs, besfaes having orders flooded his way for future de livery, "Beyond my greateat expecta tions," h commented. As high as $75 was obtained by him In several lit- ' stances, for single birds. Egga have brought ss much as $1 spleoe. Seven settings of IS each have bean aold by him at that price. Rapid cash sales sre common with all exhibitors and total e tol sum. Attendance Is CTUmbiavg, Crowds attending the ehew Inereaae in density daily. Thy congregate " around the prize winners. The lull, ,v soft white plumage Of th Wyandottea ' elicited admiration. From aa far south aa Ixa Angela. " of tropical climate, to as far north as the sub-sero cold of northern British Columbia, have specimens of winged notables arrived. . ;; A lone owl lends dignity to the aa- ' semblage, peering out of his great round eyes, Inscrutsble In the vest : wisdom which they supposedly 'slg- nlfy. Australian cockatoos, the talking 1 birds, arc there. They toi respond In . prevalence in that country to otir .. pigeons. They can be trained to talk ': ' as well as parrots. , ' - " .. . When writing or calling gVe adwrtlsefi, please mention Tbe Journal. (Adv.)- PROGRESSIVENESS 6 Gold Notes . r Standard Gas and Electric Company SERVICE in its widest and most practical meaning is the consistent ambition of the sixteen utility com panies comprising the Standard Gas and Electric organization. Adequate utility service has been brought to scores of communities and thousands of people by broadminded and progressive policies. The raising of large amounts of capital for invest ment in new machinery, extensions, additions and im provements has been performed well in advance of com munity requirements. From 1911 to 1915 the number of customers served increased from 236,738 to 325,153; the electrical output from 251,728,253 kilowatt hours to 421,201,049 kilo watt hours. Every investor will be interested in a new 64-page book showing upwards of 150 photographs of the prop erties in sixteen states. 1 Copies May Be Had at The United States National Bank Of Portland, Oregon H. M. Byllesby & Company 1