The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 06, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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vellTl-X -
kORTffiND y Vomen'a oranixa
tlona are Neooperatlnr entbuat
j,. astlcaily with the Oregon Aaen
! elation fpr - tbe Prevention ot
Tubereulosla In it Chrlatmaa aale o
Red Croee aeala. one clob baa been
aaifned to "manage etch day'a aale,
and many mora oluba than there are
cays have already offered their aid.
City aalea both in the boothe and rby
malt are proving- mvet eueeeasf nL- The
state aale la developing in very en
couraging" - faahlon. Many ; wotnen'si
cluba, grangea and Individual , are
managing' aatee.- At Roaeburg the
Boy 'Scout are , engineering the aale
with' their customary vigor, and hava
already ordered a aecond aupply. Mll
. ton. aUo ? baa .'reordered. For next
Sunday evening the churchea. ot Al-
' buy hava arranged a union' aervlce,
fit- which Theodore Beckwlth,' bacteri
ologist ot the Oregon Agricultural col
lege ; will give ; an llluetrated : leoture
on Ore gone tuberculosis problem.
Ainong the atate women' a cluba auc
ceeefulljr cooperating in the work are
the Albany Shakespeare club, Burns'
;Ldlee Llbrarr club, Bandon W. C. T.
t Creawell Woman CI via Improve-
, tnent club, Dallas Woman'a club, Este
cada Civlo Improvement " club, Flor
ence "W. c. T. U Foreat Grove Wo-
, man' a club, Oranta Paaa Woman'a
Auxiiiirv of tha Commercial club,
Huber t-adlee Social Improvement
chib,i Junction City Woman'a Improve
ment club, Klamath ; Fall Woman'a
Uterary club, La Grande . Neighbor
hood club, Monmouth Woman'a Civlo
Improvement club; MetoUua - Wo
man's league, Madras Cgmpflr
Girls,- Milton Woman'a Improve
ment 'Club, Marahfleld . Progress
club, Greater Medford club. New
berg Civlo Improvement club, Ontario
Woman'a club, Oregon City Woman'a
club, Prinevllle Shumla club. Rogue
River Improvement club. Bhedde W. U.
ilrT,,U, Seaside Woman'a club, Sliver
1 Ntton Social Science club and Wlllard
.Woman'a club, Sherwood C. T. S.
Country club, Tillamook Woman'a
Civlo Improvement - club and, the
Waaco Bay View Study club. The
national association baa divided towna
and atatea of the country according to
lie and will wffer pennanta to those
dlatrlcta aelllng the most stamp a in
Sroportlon to their aire, A apeclal
onor certificate will be awarded to
any community aelllng five or more
aeala per Inhabitant It la hoped In
thle war to atlmulata the aale of weals
to 100,000,000, which will mean $1,000,
' 000 for the fight against tuberculosis
14 the United Statea.
To Bert Constitutional Amendment
Bay The National Woman'a Chris
tian Temperance union at Us recent
annual convention In Indianapolis" ar
ranged tor the observance of Decern
. fcer 10 aa a National Constitutional
Amendment day in every city and
town In our country.- In accordance
; With thla plan Central W. C. T. U. In
vile all those Interested in thla great
movement to attend mass, meeting
Which la to ba held in tha Central
library halt Sunday. December 10, at
'1:80 p.m., with the following speak
er a: Dr. William T. Foster, A. C
HewllI and J. P. Newell. '
Baker XaoDowett CluK- At the regu
lar meeting of the MacDowell club of
Baker today, "Ballads and Folk Bongs
; of All Nations" will be the program
given. Mrs. J. l. Soule and Mra. O.
M. Dodson have arranged an excellent
program to which the publlo la in
vited. Paper, "Ballafla and Folk
Eongs ot All Nations," Mra. J. I
Soule: (a) "We'd Better Bide a Wee."
Claribel; (b) "My Aln Countrie," Mary
Lee Demarest; (c) "Loch Lomond," a
Scotch folk song," Mrs. C. T. Godwin;
(a) "Rustic Dance,- N. yon Wilm; (b)
"Knight Rupert." German.
Vernon Association If sets. Not-
, withstanding; the Stormy afternoon,
there was a large attendance at the
' meeting of the Vernon Parent-Teacher
association yesterday afternoon at
tha' Vernon branch library. The wom
en gathered at 1;20 and brought their
Chrlatmaa . sewing, and during the
aoclal hour tea Waa served. At the
bnalneaa meeting the committees gave
good reports, showing- much valuable
work accomplished. Tha playground
- question "" was dlseussed, as this dis
trict greatly deaires to own its own
playground, the one now uaed being
a rented one. The reporta from the
state convention of the Congreaa of
Mothers held at The Dalles " were
given. Miaa Nellie Fox, Vernon libra
rian, gave a helpful talk on "Pure
Literature, Books aa Coxnpanlona for
Children and Books aa Christmas
Gifts." The association expressed "a
lively Interest in helping solve the
; problems of the high cost ot Urine
and many volunteered to attend tha
mass .meeting at Central library, Sat
urday night. The aaaociatlon mem-
'- bers will meet Friday at tha com
munity house to tor needy chll-
; 1 dren.
ATbiaa Homestead to aCeet The
Alblna Homestead Parent-Teacher a
aoclation will meet In the assembly
: hall. Friday ' :1B. An Interesting
program will be given by the pupils
- of Miss Young's room, a short talk
will be given try Miss MclntyrV ba
' "Good Books for II and Lesa" Cora-
mittea reporta will be beard. Mem
bers kre urged to come and bring a
"friend."". '1' " ' "
' Woman's .Political Stody Xagnv
Tha Woman Political study league
class In ' sociology met at 1 o'clock
. Tuesday In the pill book room, preced-
' lng - tha regular club session at 1:10.
Tha Informal. talk on sociology 'ahd
. what It really means was given by Pro-
, feasor .' Ogburn rn a most interesting
fray, and men ne set zorth a plan tor
a course of atudy under the following
header "Tha Breakdown of the Fam-
lly," , ; VCrlme rFeebie-Mmdedneaa
"Causes of poverty," -eaitn and In
suranca," "Eugenlca.' "Initiative and
'., Referendum rFemlnlsm; The Modern
Waman,' :."Capltai ' and Labor,v "The
Closed Shop," The Church of the Com
m unity.! TOW Ago; Pensions " . "Taxai
tlon,M "Eight-Hour Law,- and "Soclal
' ism.; Tha olaaa decided to give imme
diate attention to the following bills
. which are to come before tha legiala
ture: Th 4?-hour law for women:, to
' . repeal tha law giving the right of only
property-owners to vote at acnool aleei
- 'Ion, professor vgourn impressed
v Don the class the necessity of hard
- work- and a- regular attendance at the
class,' with' a considerable amount of
reading and research work, if they
would accomplish the best resuite.
Mias Clara eilot of Reed college will
lead tha class nexf Tuesday. Please
be prompt and .bring your notebook,
Too regular meeting of the league was
presided oyer by Mrs. E. H. Fraielle,
In the absence - of Mrs. George M,
Nolan, who , la ont of the city. The J
subject before tne club was "Uhjia-LK-lalaUon."
. Tha speaker 'of tha after
noon was Rav. Oswald Taylor, and his
subject was "Moving Pictures and th
Influence They - Hava Upon Children."
"There are very few children's pic
tures," said tha Rev. Mr. Taylor.' 'The
Child wants amusement and doea not
care much for lnstructv and educa
tional pictures.- This most wonder
ful invention, the moving picture, wg
considered from all anglee. It was de
scribed ' aa ona men's ' living and the
commercialisation of pleasure and en
tertainment. The aerioua aide present
ed waa tha failure of suitable plcturee
for children, and how' to- obtain, them
minus the ' subtle and . suggestive
thought and act that is tha eterpal
auestlon of "men and women. The
speaker said that moving picturea was
tha fifth big business in tha United
States, and that 6,000,030 children at
tended tha shows every day. Mrs.
Thomas Greene called attentionto the
Children's theatre, on Union avenue,
between Knott and' Russell streets,
where good pictures for children may
be seen every Saturday.
Christmas' Party Data Changed-
Tha old English Christmas party which
la being planned by the Portland
branch of the Association of Collegiate
Alumnae will be held Friday evening,
December IS. at the Hotel Multnomah.
Plans are gotnc ahead rapidly for this
quaint, old-time frolic. The Reed CoV-
lege Drama ciuo is preparing an ota
English play, and there will ba many
novel features.
Old People ' Are Entertained
Through the courtesy and kindness of
the members of the visiting commit
tee of the Patton home and local
artlsta, the lnmatee of the home were
given a delightful Christmas entertain
ment Tueedaf afternoon, 'the feature
being the reading of ' Henry Van
Dyke's, "Ttie inner wise Man,-: oy
Mrs. O. J,.FrankeL with suitable vocal
numbers given by tha sweet singer,
Mra. 3. B. Ettlnger. The combination
ot the mueio and tha reading. waa a
beautifully -' Impressive one, and
brought tears to' tha eye of all pres
ent. Tha entertainment will be re
peated Saturday afternoon at tha
Mann' noma. - , . : c - . rTv
. Te at Parents JEdncatlonal Bnraan.
Tha monthly tea gtvB by the Ore
gon Congress of Mothers and Parent
Teacher associations will be htld to
morrow afternoon at S o'clock In the
Parent Educational Bureau rooms, SSI
courthouse. This tea Is open to all
officers and members of the Parent-
Teacher associations of the county.
Tha women who are here with their
husbands attending tha North Pacifls
Fair association, will be honor guests.
Experts to Inquire
Into. Oar Shortage
San Francisco, Deo. t-CP. N. 8.)
Tha" atata railroad commission this aft
ernoon directed Its experts to Inquire
into the ebortage of fuel cars with a
view to taking possible stepa to avert
a threatened coal famine in San Fran
ciaco and other cities of northern Cal
ifornia. Thia action waa taken ater
the commission was Informed of Gov
ernor Johnson's announcement that an
appeal for redresa from the California
Fuel Dealers' Protective aaaociatlon
had been referred to tha commission.
California Steers
Win Championships
Chicago. Dec (I. N. 8.) "Cali
fornia Favorite," entered by the Uni
versity of California, waa named
champion grand steer at tha Interna
tional' Livestock show here yesterday.
"University of California Jock" was
awarded second honors. The Judge
was Don Carloa Duggan of Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Prominent Woman Passes Ont.
Pendleton, Or, Dec, 8. Mrs- Sam
Walker, prominent resident of McKay
Creek, died In this city after an illness
of several weeks' duration. She la
survived by her huaband, three chil
dren, two brothers," Zoeth otutr o(
Stanfleld ' and Ethan Houaer of thla
city, and a sister, Mrs. Charles Black
Of this city.
Jury in Bopp Case
; Is Secured Quickly
' .;. f - '
Eleven Man Who WH1' Try (rannan
i Jonsnl General Are Amarloan-Bozmi
Ona, VaUye of gn gland.
H San FrUnpiaco, Pec. 6. (XT. PJ Com
pletion of the jury which will try Con
sul General Frahs 'Bopp and attaches
of bis consulate charged with conspir
acy to violate American neutrality
was marked by unexpected speed.
Of the 13 men who will try the case
all are native Americans except : one.
He la J. B. Cambern of San Jose, who
carne from England when ho was six
yeara old. He aays he la atrictly
neutral. He has a German wife. '
Both sides expect tha trial to last at
least a month.
Belgians Ordered to
uemousn nunamgs
Paris, Deo. 6. (L N. 8.) Germany
haa 'ordered the Belgians to demolish
all buildings Injured in the war which
cannot be, used for the purpose' for
which they were originally built, ac
cording to a Havre dispatch received
hero today.
George Soammon
Of Westport Is Dead
Aberdeen, Wash Deo. I. Goorge N.
Scammon, former postmaster of West
port, died at that place Saturday night.
He waa born in Maine in 1S4S and set
tled on Graye Harbor 46 years ago.
He was one ot the incorporators of
Westport. Ha la survived hy his
widow, who was the first school
teacher In Chehalis county.
Resignation Reasons Cited. -
Berne, Dec. 6, tL N. S.) Maximil
ian Hardin, the famoua German Jour
nalist, declared in Die Zukunf t that
Foreign Minister von Jagow resigned
recently becauae he waa opposed to
a submarine policy which would of
fend the United Statea and to the de
portation of Belgians and French from
territory occupied by the kaiser's
Municipal Paving .
Plant Is Proposed
City Control of . Materials to lessen
. Cost of treat Improvements Is Prop
' osltton tor Voters to Decide tn fane,
- Oorvallla, Or, Deo. I. The proposi
tion of establishing a municipal pav
log plant 'for, Corvallis no doubt will
ba put up to tha Voters at the city elec
tion in June, at which time two or
mora propositions may ba presented.
A paving plant can be purchased for
about- f 1000, but it is urged by some
members of tha city council that 1n
order to get tha lessened coat of ma
terial, 'gravel, crushed' rock," etc., the
city must equip to produce ita own ma
terial and that crushers." acreeaera,
rollers and wagons are necessary to
get -low prlcea.
The city haa ita own gravel beds. A
plant with all the necessary equipment
tor complete paving, it Is estimated.
Will, cost about S 20.000.
Youth Slays Bride,
Takes His Own Life
Chicago, Dec. t. (I. N. 8.) George
Lavelle. 19. shot and killed his girl
bride of only five weeks, Lucille Rog
ers Lavelle, this afternoon and then
killed himself. The ehootlng occurred
In the home of a friend, which the cou
ple had occupied aince they were mar
ried. Laveue lert a note saying he
planned the tragedy after the first
glamour of romance died away and
he found himself penniless.
Eugene Fanner Gets
First Prize for Corn
Eugene, Or., Deo, C J. Sluyter,
a farmer living on Clear Lake seven
miles northwest of Eugene, waa
awarded first prize In bio section for
the best exhibit of corn at the big ex
hibition held by the Exchange National
bank of Spokane November 10-25, ac
cording to information received from
there today.
A. A. Clark of thia city won third
prize in the aame section, which com
prises the counties of Oregon, west of
the Cascade mountains.
.. . By Telia Winner.
NEIGHBOR How terribly .xtray-
neighbor; aha gives so many parties I'
ThVis you may hear ona woman goa
slp; but If yon should Interview tbe
neighbor, you would most likelyhear
that aba thinks her critio la extrava
gant, too, for spending too ' ranch' on
clothes. She heraelf prefers entertain
ing to buying all tbe lateet fashions.
She Is a hospitable aoul and adores to
have heir friends about er continual
ly. She cheerfully wears last year's
frocks and laughingly remarks that
ahecan not see herself and cares more
for bow other people' dress than how
she looks. Her reasoning waa without
a flaw, though o-ten a little hard on
her friends. She reasons that it does
not matter how she dresses in her
home town, where everybody knowa
her. and with equal cogency ahe ar
gues that it does not matter how she
looks In a strange city, where nobody
knowa her.
The truth Is that ahe does not care
much about clothes, and so thinks
them extravagant. That Is usually
our measure of the economy ot things.
On man prefers a f me house, and
another an automobile. Those who
can't ' afford both will sacrifice one
to the other, perhaps not cheerfully,
but they will follow their likes in the
Most women will save on little
things and take seasons of stringent
economy, and then Will auddenly for
get all the little sacrifices that have
been made and dissipate tha amount
aaved on one raah purchase. A woman
will cheerfully walk a mile to save a
nickel car far and will later pay any
huge aum a milliner may ask for a
hat ahe fancies.
It lg only the truly economical who
save everywhere. Only thua can any
real profit result. It is of no avail to
pinch here and spend somewhere else.
But the admonition falls on deaf eara
if it is told to anyone naturally ex
travagant, for to such a one it Is In
One rounding cup ' chopped cooked
string beana and corn. (Com cooked
or raw ) I J small green pepper,
cup milk, 4 level tablespoonaful flour,
K teaspponf ul baking powder, 2 agg, 1
tablespoonful melted butter, salt, pep
per. .Bake J 5 minutes. Will serve 8
people.' ' - ' -1 .;
On eup butter. S cups sugar. 44 cups
flour, sifted 4 times (.whole eggs,
yolks and whltea beaten separately, 1 H
cupa milk (scant), i full teaapoonsful
baking powder, elfted with H cup of
the flour, 2 teapaoonaful vanilla, 1
quart brick ice cream. Cream butter
and sugar; add yolks or eggs, a little
milk, then a little flour, continue until
all of milk and flour have been added.
then fold in whites of eggs, then add
baking powder, with flour; laat va
nllla, pour Into a abeet pan well oiled
and lined with .paper. Bake la quick
oven. When cold cut Into oblongs I
Inch by U. and split tha cake and
put allcea of brick ice cream between.
Froat wlia wh.pped ream and decor
ate with strawberries, sliced peachea
are pretty. -If baked in tin lsxll
Inches, this amqunt win servo 17 per
sons. Get Ice cream In quart molds
and cut each mold into nine slices.
TTR THF RTVT.TC Velvet is very
Waist lines are both high and low.
Even handbags are trimmed with
Brown Is a ahada for shoes this
Bead bags hava come into fashion
There are still many baits tied
carelesaly in the front.
Dress trimmings are having a great
vogue this aeaaon.
The waistline of the fashionable
coasts la merely a seam.
Serge dresses are trimmed with silk
or wool embroidery.
.tiA t,Hfi rnrth the warm er-
looking floor coverings: alio1" tbe rlv.,
Upholstery of the big arm chair to dls-
ciose iieeu ana too a to " r
lights and tha table lamps are In read
lneaa for the longer evenings. ' ou
bring In a few plants from tha garden
and prepare to live mora In tha houee
than yon have dona tor many months.
And, after all, however,' much we may
enjoy tha glorloua summer sucn a
long, delightful summer as wa have
here, too home la Just a little mora
home In winter when wa gather around
tha reading lamp and toast our toes
before the pan tlf during Ps 9'
nlng. houra.
SEARCH CLUB. Luncheon at tha
Portland hotel. Tatas by presidents
of men's organisations of the city.
Music. Business meeting at 11
O'ClOCk. ; - , v'.-. ;".,'
I n. m. CHAPTER N of thia P. B.
O. SISTERHOOD, with Mra. George
Parka, 471 East Broadway, Sub
ject, Australia.' V ; , x
,ual training ball. Talk by pure lit
erature committee on books i f or
Christmas buying. ' Music by cbll
dren. Ufreehments.
I, p. m. CHAPTER E f tb P. E. '
6. SISTERHOOD, with Mrs. DV M.
Davles, SOI East Ankeny street.
Subject, "Oliver Wendell Holmea.
with Mra. Sheffield, III Belmont
etreet. ' ,'
CLUB, with Mra. E. M. Jamee, 1011
East Twenty-seventh street north. .
Study ot Oregon oountleg.
ENDAR CLUB, at Peninsula park -clubhouse.
Birthday celebration. -Installation
of new officers. :
AN ILL HABIT . t - "t
Ton should never play on words
to do so Is low, mlgar smelling of
the pothouse, the workhouse.-Dor- -row.
the ''house cosying" days as I like to
call them. They are the daya when
you begin to make things anus for win
ter. You put away all the summery
looking furniture coverings and light
For Infants and Chlldrea
In Uso For Over 30 Ycsra
Always bears
tha ,
Qgnaturt pf
- - - 1 ; 1 - 1 . . , i
Double S. & It Stamps Tomorrow All
Over t
he Store!
Do Your Christmas Shopping Here and Get a Cash Dividend on the Money You Spend!
4ia. j
of THE 11:
Only 15 Shopping
Days to Xmas
j HRISTMAS BUY1NO Is tacraeslng dally. With the
ATO experience of former yetri before tbem, many
people tre more thin ever desirous of setting the
shopping for Christmas over with before the last
few days, when the store is sure to be crowded.
Tbe vast assortments are In splendid condition, and In all
Hnes the stocks are as thoroughly ready for holiday shop
ping now as they will be later on. NOW is the very
best time for careful, leisure and enjoyable selection of
Christmas Gifts. Holiday purchases made now will be
stored free of charge and delivered later if desired.
. Shop in the Morning
Manicuring an4 Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d Floor Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Third Floor
Christmas Greeting Cards, Art Calendars, Stationery, Etc., 1st Floor Rest Rooms, 2d Floor
Special 25c
served from 11 to 2
daily in the Basement
store. Meet ' your
friends bers while
Xmas shopping.
jLMjfpi iwj i aati n"t ryrBt rsnvr mrn iweai spv i frfi nsrw im "11! I 111 1 . 1 ,'l
Wr z Sttcftxrdf Storr of z Ttavifycrzst d
L Olds-WoFtmM&I 1
Red Cross
Put Red Cross Seals
on your Christmas
package and help a
worthy cause. . On
sals at this store.
Great Half -Price Sale Women's Suits
$20 Suits $10-$1 10 Suits $55
Pfd FIratwf
Imps tbo complex-
(oa eke sad ettnetite eW
tm$ ilnmt ac duct at (be
Ueetoe. Teawtu aeeV
fit iZfmOZar Co.
Prjtoivtr Sett Yffk
i it box. Tbe Owl Drat Storr, and other drarclfi&,
tPate free to any ptrt of the U. . a. )
Why Not a Bath Set?
.Main FIoor--Those who prefer giving something useful for Christmas
will find a Bath Set appropriate and at the same, time inexpensive. The
Domestic Department has a splendid showing of these sets at very
reasonable oricex.
Infants' Bath Sets gl.25
In Xmas Boxes
Infants' Bath Set, consisting of
2 wash cloths, 2 .face towels, 1
bath cloth and 2 bath towels. En
tire set put up In at- CI OR
tractive Xmas box, forP-Le4U
Bath Sets for Grown-Ups
Price $3.00
Sets contain '4 bath towels, 2
guest towels and 2 wash cloths.
These have fancy borders of pink,
Mue, lavender and hs'IQ Afl
ange. Priced at, tet vuvw
lisW VVAf IV1 -r mmmm- saUge I IIWH Ski. a?.
Sale of Richardson's Linen Towels
Main Floor Richardson's fine duality linen towels odd lines which wffl
ery appropriate' to ChrtStraas "fiftt.
i.uu jowcis pritcu vaij 21,0
-H.2S Towels priced only $1.50
-12.50 Towjli pHced oiily $1.67
2.75 Tpweis pricea oniy
be 'Closed out at special price!" Hand hemstitched, scalloped and era
broiderea. These Towels are vti
" 85c Towels priced SDecfal K7e
ll.OO Tpweis priced special 67c I2.2S Towels priced only $1.50
i.z toweis pricea special 00
1 1.75 Towels priced only
Coffee Day in Model Grocery
; ' ' 4oc QWK Coffee 29c Pbun4
OWE Imperial oaft Coffee
quailty,' strength and flavor equal
tq many brands ffilHsfft OQp
40c lb. Thursday special V
OWK TEA, English Breakfast,
Ceylon- or U a colored OQ
Japan; Jjqc grades, pjqupd Q4 1
qwX cocpA put uporft
in one pound package at aQtli
APPLES $1 BOX Hood River
Spitzenberg Applet, size 138 to
200 t6" box nice size for the
children to take to school Or
der early. Priced for d-f f(
Thursday SpeciaL boxPJLeUV!
Santa Claus
Is Here!
Let the little ones come to
Toyland and have a chat with
Jolly Old Santa they will
enjoy it immensely and so
will you. Every day from H
to 12 and 2 tq 5 Santa will ap
pear in Toyland on 4th Floor.
Bleqtriq Irpn? for Gifts!
Special Showing
On Third Floor
An Electric Iron saves time, labor, worry
and expense. No home is complete with
out one. We baye the best makes here
for your choosing every Iron fully guar
anteed in eyery way. : 1 "
Hundredsof QtKer Electrical Articles
Coffee Percolators $7.BG-$35
-Tea Ball Pots $8.50 $21.50
Chafing ' Disbes $11
to 5!
r-Vegetabia Plshes$ 1 3 fo $2 1
- DEMONSTRATION 'Universal : ElectrtcaT 'Appliahcea
r-uuc aroves -4.u W'58.50
-l-Electric Grifls $6 to $12.50
rf-FooriWaVra'ert priceraf-$6l7
Electric - Ovens priced at SI
Electrical Motors
" gl.OO "to $2.S0
4th Floor Get your Electric Mo
tors here we have all sizes. Mod
erately price4 at Sl.pQ to $2.50
Electrical Trains in great as
sortment At $7.50 to $47.50
$2,50 Dolls $1.79
40 Inches Long
4tl Floor--24-lnch Jointed Dolls,
moving ' eyet parted sewed wig,
eyelashes, shoes and stockings
and chemise. Regular HQ
12.50 Dolls, special atpJ-ele7
Toy Locomotives
Special $1.19
Toyland, 4th Floor Toy Locomotive and Tender as illustrated above.
Made of pressed'steel, beaUtffiflry'enaniered In WghtVed,' trimmed with
gold. Ten gold wheels, four drive wheels and piston rods. Stands tyi
Inches high, lYi inches wide, 30 inches lQng. Splendid Ji.SO C- 1Q
T7 priced special for Thursday at tJ4-eXp
1 .r.:;:l(ij: -i: .t
m.-.H-'v ;:::Rii( "-ri ! .
I ) r t aj ,
'?.: .
- hmmsm
V i
At M M
Mam Floor omen's , Novelty
Laced Boot la two smart new patterns-
full line of sizes and widths.
Sne style has pointed plain toe,
;xible sole, leather half-Louis; heels,
black. vie! ramps: with gray tops -other
model has brown kid vamps
with -field mouse brown tops, nar
row" toe without tip, half-Louis cov
ered fceeis- Also, pther styles, u Feg-r
ulaf ;7.op f o, L $9.00 &M QQ
Shoes, priced ipecfaJ, pair CUi7Q
Fashion Salons Second Floor
Here is an opportunity to choose from the season's best styles
in Women's and Misses' Suits and pay just half the regular
prices. Beautiful high-class Suits from our regular stock, in
broadcloths, gabardines, serges, poplins velours, cheviots, flan
nels, velveteens, etc. Tailored and fancy cuts. Leadine olain
colors, also checks. Good range of sizes for women and misses.
$20.00 Suits now at $10.00
$22.50 Suits now at $1.25
$25.00 Suits now at $12.50
$28.50 Suits now at $14.25
$32.50 Suits now at $16.25
$35.QO Suits now4t $17.50
$37.50 Suits now at $18.75
$42.50 Suits now at $21.25
$45.00 Suits now at $22.50
$47.50 Suits now at $23.75
$49.50 Suits now at $27.50
$65.00 Suits now at $32.50
$85.00 Suits now at $42.50
$110 Suits now at $55.00
Women?s Sweaters, Special $4.98
Other Lines at $6.95 and $7,50
Second Floor Wool Sweaters and
Sweater Coats in loose or belted
Styles. Sailor or roll collars, 2
models In medium weight Angora
others in plain weaves. Various
colors and corabipations.C qq
Priced Special now at tfrxeilCf
New Sweaters of Angora, Brush
Wool, Jersey, etc., in latest colors,
trimmed witji fancy border to
match. All sizes. Priced at $6.95
New Coat Sweaters with wide
Jelt and large roll collars, plain
colors or stripes. Priced at $7.50
Silk Petticoats
Kj $369
Bargain Circle, 1 et Floor Extra
special offering for' Thursday Silk
Petticoats In attractive new styles
with" deep flounces,' trimmed "with
ruffles and plaiting. Plain colors
and changeable. Sale (Q ?Q
Price for' Thursday only tpOeOtS
Hpliflay Waist
Special $3.79 .
Second Floor Special line of dainty
Waists', bought expressly for holiday
f'ifts'."" Scores pf styles. Made up In
aces, chiffons, nets, Georgette crepe,
taffeta, mejsaline and crepe de chine.
Shown in various ' colors. (gQ FJQ
Priced very special "now at iBa I af
Another line of flK'nn
Fancy Waists, prjeed attPtJeVM
Bath Robes
Second Floor Women's Bath Botes
la new styles," with ipr without collar s.
Large pocket and cord girdle. Light
apd dark colors- - Priced QQ JTA
speclaj 5?f ft only, cboice VH!i f
Beacon Blanket Bath Robes ' In
floral and onventionar "design. V
heck or round , collars. flA
Patch pocketsl' Priced at tptleUll
1 Mlinery Underprised
....... - ' ' i . . 1 a
$15.00 Hats $5.00
$10,00 Hats $3,50
. .Tha wbnt: .powef of'y ant Marvin
uiure man aoucie u you r.aae aavantage ot
: this offering In tbe Millinery Store Thursday.
-Twcf special lots of Women's ' and Misses'
Hats will ps ciofed out at ridicu-
lously loV prices. " In Teach of the
groups you will find a splendid as
sortment of mid-winter .styles
hudlurd'tnd large sailors, turbans,
tricornes nd yarious novelty shapes,
effectively trimmed with wings.
'' breasts, ribbon flowers, pows and
of P9yflt!??. - :V - -
Hate wortai te SIS. 00 at $5.QQ
-Hata Vortn to $10.00-et $3.gQ