FLOUR SITUATION IS BEING AFFECTED BY WHEAT DECLINE Edited by Hyman H. Cohtm TURKEY ARRIVAL OF ABOUT SAME VOLUME AS DURING YEAR AGO Receipts Along Front Street Sur prise Trade Bales Made Gener U at 28 to 20c for Fancy Stuff - "Home Expect a Break. Toe volume of turkey irrlvals tn the wbole UU trade was tomcntut better tbin bJ bn expected, cod la spite of bl t1ui to date bars held wmsrksbly well, altbonfh ta lotnt qurtr fears sro xpreed for the la-iESdlsta future. Receipts of dresd turkeys alone the wtolesslo vray wore (practically tbe aam as town year aso. The future of prices de 1 uds upon the anvu:it of stuff tost comes late IB the rty aud Tufeday. : snipping orders took tbe bulk of the ear lier1 ablpuienia. Kale were made generally around 28a2Dc a pound for fancy birds, while a few rnnll lots were sold a fraction higher tbob this top. llowver, these sales were of such limited Tolume as to be scarcely cop. sMered a a market factor. Kr of tha bis local retailers hid pur. rbaeed thrlr requirements Id tbe hope of tbe n-arket breaking la l-r. uuality or me ar rivals was only fjlr and generally below that of previous seasons. Cull birds have to ds te (vlil remarkably high at 2Zifac a pound. There has been a fair supply of II tu birds, but drniand for these hss thus far been low. DRESSED GEESE ARE FIRM Market for d reused geese la rather firm alone tho street. Kecolpte were quite folr. Arer- )7lMc a pound. Little demand abown for iite geese at 11c. CHICKEN MARKET IS STEADY ' Chickens are quoted about steady for lire blids with values substantially the aame as have ruled during the last two werka. Re ceipts are quite fair, but there la no espe cial bun-y to purchase. POTATO TRADE VERY QUIET Qtil't touo Is-allowing tn the potato trade. I'ractlcally no buy lug for outside account Is . at present reported on account of the In ability of shippers to securs cars. Unions are stesdy. I BEANS ARE HOLDING STRONG lu the bran trade a very firm tone In allowing all over the country. More efforts are being made to avcure northwest stock than usual this season, beer use of the higher prices quoted In tbe south and east. Butter Market Very Strong With a Rise Probable Very Soon Foreign Demand for Storage So Keen in East That It Is Affect ing Entire Trade. Batter market situation It extremely firm. Tbe strength permeates all offerings, stor age as well aa fresh stuff. The huge foreign demand abown for tbe atorage stock In the eaat Is naturally having Its effect upon the local trade, although so fsr ss known no la to transactions have been elosed here for foreign shipment. Nevertheless, the situation In the storage butter market le o firm that flrat etass ice hens stock Is selling around 80c a pound from jobber to wholesaler, with naturally an advance over this to the retailer. This therefore bring the price of storage butter within a mere fraction of tbe quotation on best grade fresh creamery, a condition out of line nnder normal condltlona, but Justified fully under the present stsndlng of the trade. Owing to the recent eharp advance paid for butter fat by local creamery lnteresta, due to tbe higher prlcea offered by condensery and cheese men, there Is practically no doubt at tbe moment tnat a aharp advance In cream ery butter, will be forced within the Imme diate future. F LOUR IS WEAKENING WITH CUT IN PRICE OF WHEAT IN COUNTRY Former Will Follow Price Changes in the Latter- Chicago Sharply Lower Country Business at a Standstill in Northwest. Scramble for Wool Supplies Is Keen; . Extreme Price Paid Local Warehouse Companies Not Inclined to Make Public Sales Hides Also Strong. rOHEION WHEAT MARKETS Liverpool Cash wheat nncnanged higher. . London Cargoes on pasaage unchanged. Buenos Aires Wheat market very weak. Roiario Wheat trade weak. NORTH WEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. to Id HOP MARKET RULES WEAK Extreme wrakuokH in nhowlng In the bop trade with v?r limited trrusactlon at Tdt 10c a pound. Tbe Utter Is tbe extreme toy ml aVstllabU oulj for a few Relented q'lalltj BRIEF NOTES OF THE TKADE Kgga are firm with prlrck miruuneed. Country killed ineata continue steady at fotmer prices. Cheese market holds firm with demand good. Canned milk showing more strength gen erally. Markets are well supplied with fruits and roduce. BUIPPEKS' WEATHER NOTICE Weaher barest! ntlvlsf : I'rotcct shipment during the nrxt 4H hours aa far north as Se attle agsUist minimum temperatures of about 40 degrees; northuast to Mpokane, 3-t degrees; eontheaHt to Holae, : degrees; south to Ash land. 4'J degrees. Minimum temperature st Portland lonlgbt about 42 degrees. sheep shearlings, each. 10 25c; salted stieep shearlings, each. i3'323c; salted long wool pelts, each, l.oor 1.75; salted short wool pelt. each. 50cll.00. TALLOW No. 1, lie; No. 2, 8c; grease, 6c per lb. C1UTTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, per car lots. 6 He; leaa than car lota, BHc. MOHAIR 1916, i54Se. 8I&AL Dark. 13c lb., white, ISHe lb. Paints and Oils. COAL OIL Wiur white, in drams and Iron barrel, 10c. LISSBKD OIL Raw. bbla., 11.08 gal.; ket tle, boiled, barrels $1.10; raw, com-s, $1.1R; boiled, cases, $1.15 gal.; lota of iUH) gallons, lc lees, TCRPENTIND Tanks, 84c; cases, 69c gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 100 lb.; 600 lb. lots, 104 c; less lota, lie per lb. OA SO LI MS Baaia price, 20fce gaL OIL MKAL Carload lots. $34; lees than csr iota, $33. M). Seed, Buying Price. CLOVER Red, T4c: alalke. 15o per lb. TIMOTHY 4ii4J4c; domeattc rye grass, 3yfctt4c; TUh. 8Vjiii84c; onion, 8V4e. Poultry Exhibition Shows Rare Promise Seattle, Not. 27. Indications point to one of the most successful and Interesting poultry shows erer staged in the norhweat. when the necond annual exhibition of the Seattle Poul try ft Pet 8txk association open on De cember 1L ruunlng tbe full week. A reeora Is claimed by the Seattle organiza tion with the announcement of 15 exclusire atate club meets, which assures a large entry. Birds will be displayed from British Columbia and eight states. A unique feature will be the wild bird ex hibit of over ."0 bird; personally supervised by Henry Rlef, the owner. For the first time In tlie history of Seattle poultry showa, lectures will bo glren during the full week by George R. Shoup, poultryman st the Western Washington Eiperluii-ut sta tion, ruyallup, and two lectures by Helen Dow Whltaker, aslst.int professor of poultry husbandry at the Washington .State college, l'ullnijin. Judges of national reputation bare been en Cnj;eil. .1 nines A. Tucker, Royal Oak, Mich., and William Coats. Vancouver, II. C. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND These prices are thome at which wholesalers sell to retailers, eiurpt as otherwise stated; Dairy Produce, Bl.TTER Creamery, prints, extras. 40c; prime firsts, 8Xc; firsts, 37 'c; cubes, lc leu; cream, 8Tc; No. 2, Siio. BUTTKRk'AT Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 4.1c; No. 2, 41c. 1XJGS Helling price: Selected fresh, B2c; esse con 1. 1, liujlng price. Oregon ranch, 40 'a 4Hc dia-n, ordinary candled, 60c; April stor age, 8t,c. UViO POrLTRT nens, heavy Plymouth Rocks, HVntilic; ordinary cblckeua, 126ilHHe; stags, lie; broilers, 13ftlfle; turkeys. 21)ffl)23-; dieased fancy, 2.U(2&c: culls, 23(U25c; suuahs, 00 dozen; geese, live, ltc; Pekln ducks, young, 17c lb.: Indian Runners, yotwg, loc; olu tlurks, i;irt14c; plceous, tl.OO down. CHEK.SE Belling price: fresh Oregon fs4icy full cream trluleu. 23U23Vc; Young 'America, 24S24MiC Price to Jobbers: Flats. 22c; Young America, 23c f. o. b. ; cream brick, 2Tj2Sc; l.tiuburger. 20U20c; block Swiss, Mai Hoc. sruiia ana v ssjsisioivb. , FRESH Fill .'IT Orar.gea, navel, $4.0og 4.60 per box; banauas, 5c lb.; lemons, $1.50(2 (.50; Callfurula grapetrult. f3.00t3.oO; Florida $4 o0iii0.O; pears 1 1.201. 60. BKKtUKS Uuckleberrlea, 8Q100 lb.; eran . 1 1 . 1 j 1 v.. . . . . aicnio ka APPLKS -Local, TSc2XM box, acconTlng to quality. ONIONS Oregon, 12.601.75 per cental; association selling pries at country points, .111 IW Tier cental. PrvriTOK.H Selling nrlce. New local. II JM ampptng, 1. 1. 2.75 f 1.75. Buying price: Ordinary Cars Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. 2o 4 7 7 8 143 1H 4 10 2A 2 k: 11 Ki 7S2 HHK) 75 7431 1014 Cr.8 !!, 9'." 4 12 ' 2 7 8.') 83 ... 203 ei 62711 221 ... 229 12K0 37 7 7 IO 2H .'.5 2 7 5 3 2S40 9tt Tnn uno ism 6T31 1H3 10(J 64 2277 Portland. Mon.. Year ago fkaxon to dnte. Year ago Tacoma,. Rat . . . Yar ago , Season to date. Year ago Seat Hie. Sat... Year ago Heaaon to date. Year ago A very sharp loss was forced In the price of wheat st Chicago during the early day's trad ing, resulting in a general weakening of the situation throughout the country. Liverpool market was unchanged to i higher at the opening, while cargoes on passages were unchanged st London. Locslly, the trend of the market la ex tremely quiet, wltb little disposition among exporters to bid at Interior points. In fact, so fax as tbe country Is concerned, the mar ket seems to be waiting affair. Flour market la naturally feeling the ef fecta of the weakness and lower prlcea for wheat, although no changes In patent were announced during the morning. Business lu the flour market here is dull and there Is no doubt that any further decllue In grain will force the product to a lower price level. Coarae gralna continue firm In the coun try and tbe hay and millntuffa situation re mains good. Broomhall reported Liverpool weekly clear ances from North America: Wbeat 6.860.00)1 bushels; corn. 872,000 bushele; oats, 2,067,000 bushels. United Kingdom World's shipments to the United Kingdom are Inadequate. Stocks de creasing and the floating quantity moderate considering war times. Plattea, Indian, Aus tralian offers very moderate. World's ton nage Is llpbt. I uited Kingdom weather la wet and cold. Reeding Is delayed. Political news from tbe Balkan states is causing re newed firmness. Argentine All offers of grain are llRht. Threshing in the north la very unaatUfactory, both aa to yield and quality, aa hot dry weather forces maturity. PI-OCR Selling price: Patent, $H20; Wll lamette valley, $7.70; local etralgbt $7.40 47.8l; nakere local The greattat ecramble for wool and h!de eier shown In this country Is now V 00I market In tbe ecat has bee tlve of late and especially so wb aiders the extreme prices that axe being of fered and paid. Much business has resulted In this city. j local warehouse companies selling freely when me spurt tn sctiviiy started, aituuugn mere has been a general disposition among sellers tt refrain from making thee sales public Hides axe so eagerly sought by esstern In terests that almost every day recently slight ly higher prices hare been offered. Cases ra bark has found a much better de mand fnm abroad and this bas forced an ex tremely stronger tone in the general altuation here. "The entire wool and hldo trade Is very f'rin," says Julius Kahn of Kabn Bros., of thl city, "and at the hlgreat prices known here tbe call la better than offerings at prracnt." HOGS REACH 9.85 FOR 0NE10AD WITH EXTRA FINE QUALITY New York Stocks ' Strong in Opening But Recede Later Kew York. Vert. 17. (V. F.) Copper price were adranosd to aew levels, which are the highest in 40 years today, metal for January ad Fsbruary selling at S4e a pound, end April to September delivery at Ia the market were reports of spot copper sold at 36, Finance : : Timber : : Industry Great Gains in Bank Business Still Very Attractive All Cher tbe j Country Chinese Government Approves Loan Bottle 8applles t : Scarce With Prices Tending Materially Higher. ' J ' spring. $s.W; export W.0 Wheat Drops Early But Rallies With Light Chicago Tone By Joseph F. PritchartL "McHgo, Nov. 27. ( I. N. S I Price chaneea In wheat were most sensational today. The Pe-een-ber future sold from 177. K off, to 17H4, snd up to 173V4. May from 1S4T4 to 17S. up to 180, July from lMTj down to 14 snd up to 150. Net hisses for the day were S'iiAM- Corn closed l'-fe&je lower, and oats were off lM,C41"ic, while hos products were 2'ifg. ,10c holier. Hie cash sales of wheat at Chi cago were S0.OO0 busl els. corn 8.1.0V and ots 130.000. Tn the visible supply wheat de creased 802.000 bushels, while there were In creases of 328,000 bushels corn and 531 CKO buabela oats. New Y'ork bid Be over Chics go Msy price for No. 2 hard wheat at tbe gulf. The beat pre vious bid was 4c over, but this was some time ago, and prices were much higher than those now current. Chicago, Not. 27. ( I. N. S.) Whest dropped slightly at the start today, but rallied lc from the low point as a result of free buying of May on tlie break. Trade In the aggregate waa light, with no particular selling pressure. Genersl selling by local traders sent corn down to c at the opening, but moderate buying, combined with tlie rally In wheat, sent prices up c again. Trade was light. Heavy selling of May featured the early trading In oats. On tbe breaks commission houses bought on resting orders, holding prices about even wltb Saturday's closing. $S.00ia8.2O; Montana , ,., ,,v. Tw,.m., p. . i $7.60: whole wbeat. 1 rni" "1 "'1'. . 1 ih.W; ryo flour, 13.75 per r,u ",0 , "'J'"1- UB ""''o 'a was a factor. May wbeat dropped 8 rents and Jnly 9T Cents In a "ser.aational decline In the Chicago pM from tbe early top price today. Peace talk abroad and reporta that (ierman 1 -boats are en route to the Atlantic seaboard were aacribed as the depressing factors. July later showed a 0 cent rally from tbe low figure, bat liquidation continued In all deliveries. Chicago mnge of prices furnished by United Press: Financial StushlBtvDun's Re view say a that tha notabia expansion in By Charlea W. Storm. J bank Principal lndua- New York. Nov. 27.-U. N. 8.)-Tbere was trlal nd commercial center, continue, a moderately strong tone at the opening of the to be the prominent feature of the stock exchange today, with the majority of business situation. Trade failures the list makinc as ins ranalnc from fractions! in tha ITnito Hisiss for tha wo . ' "... JZa North Portland Market Considered to "r imt. but t some of the advances were totaled 813 compared with 2gs last " confirmed. not maintained, and before the end of the first mnA ... hl. nerlrvl a u rather ar. Dime Above Last Week Balk Of 15 minutes receulon. occurred, and aome Is-! nnd " tOT thl aln pW,T len one con- ..... th,n uhnw.H h,..h,.m i year VK0. Tops at $9.65 to $9.75 -Quality , v 8 g(ee, WM one of th. ltroo. Oaiaesu Approve X.oaxw The Chl- Cattle Absent, With Market Up. Mt Matures, advancing point to a new high nese senate has approved the loan of record of !24, and some of the specialties $5,000,000 eubscrlbed by leading Chi- !WM"e ' lrl-T sooi oemDd- wlth v,rlnl i cago and other American banker.. The HOGS AUD CATTLE HIGHEH. J anTATet EXV&Tlfn Hoglatheday-sfrudingat Kerth Portland ' fX" A olher on. 'win " soon 'oVoffered. & much strength developed. A load of extra good ; Br"e wnlctl r 3 folnte 183- j stuff shipped in by 0 C. Clark, well known ; vub Copper, after advancing H point to i Clews on Prices. Steel price, have Arlington butcher sold at $9 & to Barton ft I JroPPd to i. ioes-surneid openea ; again been advanced and Bleel rail Co. of Seattle, while the stuff sold around 9.69 than last week, Cattle One load of steers shipped in by As tbe first hour ended Steel com moo. nn- Mel Bigman of Defnr sold at $7.10. Thie j der moderate selling declined to 128. ' same class of atutf sold last week around j Ktw York Airbrake and sugar stocks were 6.7i6.6, therefore the market ia con. ,10n during tbe first hour. Klsewhere In the idbred easily a o"ter higher. One load of , 1 w 2 lmintUm Unlted 8tat(., yStftl dropped back to 128 14, down 1 from the opening YfJTJZ - orri riSbeUof IFVrZZ feeders went at $6.25. PORTLAND UVEJJTOCK ni'N Uogs. Cattle. Calves. Monday 2T.4U 1020 Saturday 0:3 4 4 iiiday i:i44 Ihu 2 Thursday 77 8 A ednt suy .... tKl.'i 24 201 Tuesday 1M74 14 s Week ago 257r, 111 S7 Year ao W12S oi2 S!t Two years ago.. 413:t 742 U Three years ago. lTlS 420 ward movement in steel share, re ceived a fresh Impetus. Copper Also advanced Into higher altitudes; cot ton followed In the same track, and ' i.' , V. I . 1 . In.... 1 , ..V. o llig (.1119 VVI111I1UCB 1 LB UllUIUftCli swing. Aa before satii, there In noth ing yet In sight to stop this Hue In commodities except exhausted buying .L t-,een Ik uiuld 'J0" commission bouses and selling ( power 0r increased 84rpplle. neither a. ssaeep. ; by room trsders caused moderate declines in ! -.vi.u ,,-k i . , T,the late forenoon. Steel common declined to I ?5 . "I"?, evtJ!-0 ffraham. barrel. HY Ituylng price, new crop: Willamette valley timothy, fancy. 17; eastern Oregon Idaho fancy timothy. l.OH(ft21.00: alfuifa. $17.00; Talley vetch. $15.00; cheat, $10.00; clover. $14.00(310.00. CHAIN SACKS 1018. nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. HVtQHc In car lota; less amounts are higher. MII-LSTITTS Selling price: Bran. $25.00; snorts. $29.00. KOI.LKI) OATS $7.2Si?t7.50 per barrel. UOLIJCD BAR LK Y $4 1 .00(fi 42 .00 ton. $1.85(21.40; fancy, $1.00; sweeis, N M 9 iVl VKtlKTABLBS Turnips. 11.23 eack: carrots. tl.SSi parsnip, $1.2."; Oregon cabbage, $2.00 4J2.2S cwt.; gteen onions. 23c dusen bunches; peppers, 7c lb.; besd lettuce, $2.2& crste; celery, $4.50 crste; artichokes, $1.00Q1.10; encumbers ( ); tomatoes. Cel., $1.50 lng; egg plant, Rc lb.; string beans, 18c lb.: rhu barb lHQ2c lb.; peas, 16(S20c; cauliflower. Meats, Fish and Provtslona DRESSHU MEATH SelUng price: Country killed best hogs, 12(j!l2Hc; poor lOQllc; beet veajs, A(aic; wuuiiry, AivjiJirzc, uc SttVc; puor, 7c; goat, 4c; in in lie, U'te; nut SMOKKD MEATS Hams, Xia24e per lb.; breakfast bacon. 20Uti31c: picnics. 14V.C: -cottage roll, 16c; abort clears. liQlOc; Ore- LAHt Kettle rendered. tlercee. 19Hc; standard, IttVse; lard compound, 10c. OYSTERS Olympla, gallon, $3. 5; canoed eastern, (Ac can, $6.00 dosen: eastern la shell, $1.85 per Ks.1; rasor clams, ( ); eastern oysters per eallon, solid pack. $3.00. FISU ftresaed flounders, 7c: sllverslde sslmon, lH312c per lb.; tenlhesd. 13c: perch, 8Vic; lobsters, 30c; silver BDeit 9c; aaimoa irouc, 10c per iu.; nauoat, isqjiac; Sturgeon, 12 13c. linAM wu5, i. lu. nruium, Bl.o UUHD, Groceries. SUGAR Cube, $a.oo; powdered, $8.78; fruit berry. $8.23; Honolnlu, $8.15; beet, $8.5; dry granulated. $8.25; D yellow, $7.. (Above ' Quotations are 30 days net cash.) HONEY New. $.1.25 per esse. RICE Japan style. No. 2. 4?Jc! New Or leans', head, o'V.fmo'c; blue rose 6Hc. SALT Coarse, half grounds. 100s. $10.60 per ton; 60s, $11. 30; table dairy 60s, $16.00; 100s, , $18 60; bales, $2.26; lump rock, $20 ton. D V A VU mBU with. 1 0 V . - 1 .. . Vt.. VAUM- ntnlr Rcr llmss Re hivrai TUa! - -. 4upa, w not n Aiaea, . " HOPS Nominal, buying price. 1918 crop, TtolOc, ,-nAr IA1A .11.. TT 111 n n 1 iotu cup. iiiiwciiv tuivt dssrso . IX'UWOia, ooc; mooium enmpanire, hc; nne ' - B9t aaatern - fh-nn atanlA. 204ft2nA nas lh ' euarse and medium, 2Wffl32c lb. HIDES Salted hides, 25 lbs. and up, lftc; at. 1 ted slags. 50 lbs. end np, 16c; green and , salted kip. IS lbe. to 26 11-e 20c; green snd 'sited calf skins, up to 15 lbs.. 82c; green bides, 25 lbe. and up. 17c; green stags, 60 lbs. 7 end up, 13c; dry hides. Sic; dry salt hides, 25c; dry bone hides, $1.00(32.50; aalt boras hides, $3.00(33.00: norsehali, 28c; dry long wool pelts, 2lc; dry abort wool pelts, 17ci dry Chicago, Nov. 27. (I. N. R ) Livestock re ceipts were 733 ears less than last Monday, creating a healthy .set of trading conditions. Hois advanced 10c, most cattle were louioc higher, abeep holding last week's gain. Cat- tie qnsnty wsa poor ana nogs ran 10 iigni weights. Chicago declared a quarantine SKslust Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas, ow ing to a report that foot and mouth dis ease had been discovered In the Kansas City yards. Entries for the fat stock show next week closed wltb 06 carloads of cattle. St. Louis Hjg, $10.16. St. Loots, Mo., Nov. 27 (I. N. 8.) Cattle Hecetpta 9000. Including 1500 southerns, strong. Native beef steers. $7.0011.50; year ln steers snd belferr $S.5011 .50; cows, $0.6O'(i7.T6; stockers snd feeders. $5.3O7.50; calves, $8.0O12.O0; Texas steers. $5.00(38; prime No. 1 beef steers, $7.00(9.00; beef cows end heifers, $1.50(37.60, prime yesxllngs $7.50(39.00. Hogs Receipts 20.000. steady to higher; mixed, $9.20(310.10; good, $9.9Cgl0.13; rough. '.) 154fO 40; light. $U. 25(39.00; pigs, $7.00(3 U.(M; bulk, $9.J3 10.00. Sheep Reielpts 2000. stesdy. Ewes, $3.7j S7.0O; yearling!!, $.00(ftlo.oO; lamba, $7.50. Omaha Hoge $9.96. Omaha. Nev., Nov. 27. (I. N. S.l Cattle Receipts 17,800, steadv snd Btrong. Ileeves, $0.50(311.00; cons and heifers. $1. 20(37. 60; stockers snd feeders, $0.0(38.0u; western steers, $7.60S.60; calvea, S.00C3 10.00. Hogs Receipts 12.300. stronger. Good and choice beavy, $.70'j9.10; rough heaw (not quoted); pigs, $7.7(X39.25; bulk, $9.7509 95. Sheep Receipts 22.000, slow snd lower. Yesrllngs. $7.76(39.00; wethers, $7.00(39.75; lambs. $11.404212.16. Kansas City Hogs $9.90. Kanaaa City, Me., Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Cat tleReceipts 9000, market entirely In banda of local killers, because of quarantine agalnat outgoing ahipmenta awaiting the outcome of cattle held under suspicion of the foot snd mouth dsscase. Killers are buying freely at ateady prlcea. Hogs Receipts 10.000, stesdy to strong. Tcp, gu.uo; duik, .33t.t3: neavy, a.oOM 9:90; medium. $9.30g9.85; lights, $9.00g9.79. Hheep Receipts 4000, steady, active. Lambs, $10.00(312.05; yearlings, $S.50r3tt.6O; weth era, $7.50(38.25: ewea, $G.50r(t7.&o. Denver Hose $10. Denver. Nov. 27. (U. r.) Cattle Receipts 8300. stesdy. Steers, $6.20(38-25; cows snd belrers. g3.60B7.U; Blocker snd feeders, $0.40(37.76: calvea, $7.60(38.60. Hogs Receipts 12,000, 63 10c higher. Top, $10.00; bulk. $9.65(39.95. Sheep Receipts 9000, steady. Ewes, $6. 75 7. do; iambs, sio.idii.ou. Seattle Hogs $10.16. Seattle, Nov. 27. (!'. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 488, strong. I'rlme lights, $10.00(310.16, medium to choice, $0.7319.93; smooth heavies, $9.26ig9.60; rough beavles, $8.75(30.15; pigs. $8.25(39.15. Cattle Receipts 341, strong. Best steers, $7 37.23; medium to choice, $0.50(3(1.75; com mon to medium. $3.25(38.23; best cows, $3.73 (16.25; common to medium cons, $4.75(33.50; bulls, $3.00X34.50; calvea, $7.O0t3S.60. 8heep Receipts none, ateady. Lambs, $8.60 iJti.OO; yearlings. $7.00(37.50; ewes, $5X0(3 e.S0; wethers, $6.5037.00. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Wheat bids on the Portland Merchants Ex change were 3c lower to lc higher than Sat urday. Osts bids were up 25c a ton. A snle of 2X tons January waa made at $37. Barley bids for November were unchanged at $40 a ton. llercbanta Exchange November bid prices: WHEAT Monday. Sat day. Blueatem - Kortyfold . - -Club Red Russian Feed Feed 1910 150 ir3 153 148 OATS 3170 BARLEY . .4t 0O 1915 95 94 14 62 89 2400 2600 Futures were quoted: WHEAT December blueatem January blueatem December forty fold January., foetyfold December club January club December Russian January Butslan " OATS December January barley: December January 191(1 108 154 164 14 &030 4OO0 , . 151 . . 1.VJ . 151 .. 154 .. 154 .. 154 .. 150 . . 150 ..8075 . .s;oo ..4OO0 . .40cO Cold Weather Puts Wheat Growers in Sad Predicament Walla Walla. Waab.. Nov. 27. Continued cold, frosty weather during the past week has served but to lncreaae the anxiety of those wheat growers who planted their fall crop Immediately after October rains put the ground in condition. The seed bas been dormant tn the froren c round for mors than two weeks now, with indications for even colder weather during the coming week. Whether the wheat will spront when frost leaves the ground, even if this should Uke place immediately, is a question that Is uppermost In the minds of the wheat men. Those farmera who placed their seed In the dust snd took a chance on rain coming in time to arlve It a good growth before winter set In. beve been rewarded by witnessing their com ing crop emerge from the ground in good con dition. Thus far the young plants have suf fered no dsmage from the freese. which has not been severe enough to kill hardy vegeta tion. The growera, however, are hoping that anow will fall and form a protecting blanket over their ftelda before the aeason for be low -sero temperaturea arrives. 1'rartlcally nothing In the shine of farm work has been possible since the cold apell set In. The ground Is frozen solidly to a depth of several Inches, preventing plowing, seeding, harrowing or any other activity in tbe fields. Indications at this time are that there will be no break In tbe wintry conditions In time to enable the farmers to gather up tbe straggling ends of autumn farming operations. December May July December May .... July December May December Jnnuary May December Jnnuary . May May January . WHEAT. Open. High. 17i 1" lWi l.".4'B CORN'. , 02 03 V' 95 OATS. , c', .'. h 60 '-j 00-14 PORK. . 2s00 2R30 . 2760 27S7 . 2760 2775 LARD. , IfiTO 1003 . 10:17 1060 . lu.'S7 lo43 RIBS. . 1480 1482 1400 1470 Low. 17m 17SS, 140 TO '-i tr-'H 92 1, 64 H V 2713 27fl3 ;.70O 1003 1617 1477 1402 Close. 173H 180 V, 1411 ;4 90 93 93?a 55 69 28.0 2785 2770 109.'. 1U06 1640 1480 1465 Cotton Bounds to New High Records New York. Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) New hljrh records were made In cotton In tbe Initial trading today, first prices showing gains of 3 to 31 points, with the tone firm. Tlie nenr positions aeored the smallest advances. S;wt nouses were the leading buyers Southern in terests 'alo purchased, but on a moderate scale. Liverpool bought the nearby positions and aold the late months, while commission houses operated on both sides. Profit taking by last week's buyers was noted. Advances of ftom 43 to 46 points were made at Liverpool, Twenty point rally In cotton shortly sfter 2 o'clock, resulting from covering, based on an advance of 44 points In sot st New Orleans, but renewed liquidation and pressure from Wall street interests, caused fresh weakness at the close, which was IO to 16 points net lower. Open. Htth. Low. CI this time. Nevertheless, reactionary symptoms are not wholly absent. In creased costs are aJ ready having the double effect of emphasizing economy among; consumers and diminishing producers' returns. In all probability abnormal profits have about reached their zenith; the lnotessed costs of labor, materials, transportation, etc., being an offset of growing Importance Bottle Supplies Short Conditions at present existing In bottle snd flint glass factories have rarely. If ever, been equaled In the history of the glass Industry In this country. Now, instead of trying to sell their wares, flint and bottle men sre being solicited and begged to furnish goods by would-be buyers. , It has reached such a stage that dealers are advertising on a large scale for certain lines of goods in the hope that such advertisements will reach the eye of some manufacturer Ranee of New York prices furnished by vhn mo v h hl tn fill an nrrt.r At t'ooIt"?? ' bJudn,' " & Cooke C 216'217 of Tr"le; present such hopes are said to be e!50(U6.75 1 - r I ephemeral In the extreme. 9'i'ft?-ri t": z-? T . 1 Bottle men all report business arood ! to a degree almost unheard of, as far s oruers go, uui aimosi as oau 12SS, and Utah Copper to 123. Central , leather, after selling at 113, declined to 57 ... I The railway Issues, however, were In fslrly 1 Ivy 1 good demand, with Reading the most ctlve, ItVMi : sdvsnclng points to 100. Union Pacific, RO after selllpg down to 147 advanced to 14H- loiM KrLCtionnl ,l(niu, tier., tnarf In ti,inthp it . ; r . , 1 other railroad stooka. There was a fractional decrease la offer- demand for atocks In the a . ,.!. red with la.t Monday. . from 109 to 108. and American Locomotive ,.rrpHc'rwere ge" ry" "sh wn.' 'Dd H,. ' - f 3 po.nU ftee, com- c;.neral bog market: u.ou rallied from 127 to 12. A tew of the Prime heaTy w. -trills . . $0 75( S5 ' "IHClaltles showed strength. Alaaka Coal ad- Prhne light welebta. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. OT.OAioTsj i varcing 1 to 14, and Pittsburg Coal over 3 (iood ligbt weights 9.4O(U9.60 , points to 51 14. f Medium weights .26(9.36 I The slo.k market closed weak. Government Rough heavy 8.UU&S.50 ; bocds uuchanged. railway and other bonds lr- Cattle Maiket Favorable. 1 regular. Favorable trend waa shown in the cattle i Trading was Influenced by the advance In market at North Portland when (be market I call money to 5H per cent toward the close. otened for the week. Receipts were some- j Steel common was In supply. Sloss-Sheffield wbt less than on lsst Monday snd the 1 declined 3 .polnta, and losses of from 1 to 2 trade took hold better. For early sales prices poll.ts were recorded In many apeclalties. were a fraction higher. , General cattle market range Prime heavy steers I'rlme light steera Good steers , Medium steers Ordinary steers Common steers , Irime cows I'rlme hfifers (iood cows Ordinary cows CV'n'.mon cows Prime heavy bulls , Cid bulls Ordinary bulls . . ' . i V 1 American Tel. A Tel Y,,: T' ".1,.:. iVST? -i , Amtrlcan Woolen, c. . . Poor calves 6.005.. 5 Anaron1, wlninf c.. Mutton Run Is Nominal. Alblaon, c With a very small run lu the yards over I;ldwln Loco., c fviinday, market for Kheep and lambs held Haltlnore 4: Ohio, c. strong at -North Portland during the curly ' Brooklyn R. T day't, trading. Receipts cousUt principally . Butte 6c Suiterior of ordinary i,unllty. j Calif. Petroleum, c... General mutton and lamb market: i lo pfd Select spring lamba :.H"?f. 25 Canadian Pacific Itfst yearlings 7 .S6 "1 Central Leaiher, c Ordinarv lamna h.75'Hf,.l Chesapeake & Ohio.... Rest yearllr.gs 7.H5't .oo Cbloago Ot. W., c (iood to common wethers 6.70tt(l.OO dij pfd IlePt ewes 6 .VXilO.oo C'l.icsgo, M. A St. P... Heavy to common ewea 4.0O4i4.50 Chlno Copfier Monday's Livstock Shippers. Colorado K.ft I., c... Hogs E Grosscup, lUmsevelt. Wart).. 1 -'orn Produrts. c load; A. G Messenger. Fountain. Wash., 1 ! Crucible Steel, c load; F. E. Fish, I'arma. Idaho, 1 load:P; .R- u-. Pfd Charles Mitchell. 1 load: W. B. Hunter. Los-J l''"111" tine. 1 load; Kiddle Bros.. Union Junction, ,c,f 1 load; W. B. Hunter. Wallows. 1 losd ; I q.,"', fVlectric Dickerson H.lley. Welaer. Idaho 1 losd; El- ; bberC-1 1 gin Forwarding Co., Enterprise. 1 losd ; Kn- ( ol North or. Lands. terprl-e Forwarding Co., 1 load; C. C. Clark, .(jt North, pfd Gwendolen, 1 load; H. Zlggler, Grass Valley, 1 Greene-Can. 1 load; Dodd & Colee, Haines, 1 load; Grovei j Hide & Leather! pfd! ! Bros., Harper, 1 load; Elgin Forwarding Co.. j lllii.ols Central Joseph, 1 load; Pendleton Meat Co.. Pendle- j Industrial Alcohol ton, 1 load; J. K. McCulley, Shatilko, 1 j Inspiration lead: H. Waggoner, Sntherlln, 1 load; J. A. I Interboro. c Kurrester, Midland, 1 load; A. Luce. Ore- I Kelly Springfield lend, Cal., 1 load; Lesley & Co., Montague, I 1-ackawanna Steel Cel., 1 load 1 Ihlgb Valley Cattle J T. French. Hcppner, B loads; F ?IfX.we11 M'1"' E. Graham. Klein. 2 loads; II. Mitchell. Jo- Mexican Petroleum senh 1 load: It. H. Bvrun. Baker. 6 !oad: copper James Nelson, Condon. 1 load; W. W. Welch, Haines. 1 load; Tom Tolvln. Pilot Rock loads: M. !gman. The Pallet, 0 loads; F 0. OOraS. 50 , Alaska Gold 4.25(34.73 Allis-Chalmera, c 6.00(56.25; do pfd 5 S?'S2 I American beet JHigax... 1 American Can. o a i American Linseed, pfd. Joof i'S American Smelter, c. "Wte--60 American Siiuar. c 13 j 37 01 107 34 76Vs 66 I 121S 118 12H4 64 Vj 101 106 f5V4 S4 M, tw 25 MU, 1R9 115 07 14 43 V4 93 H 27 KS 44 41U, 37 H 52 1K1H 70 46 118 64 H 78 U, 105 US as 01 107 6314 76 66 3V4 121 118H 128 04 V4 102 106 854 864, 841 60 26 65 V4 171 115 67 14 4.1 93 6! 5!i 44 46 37 62 171H 70H 49 118 64 H 7S loo i:45; 134 H 13 85 00 13, oa 72 56 118 90 103S 63 73 56 OU 11 as." IICH 117(11814 1281 128 S oy This apparent paradox Is explained by the inability of bottle manufactur ers to secure material supplies, and by the almost unbearable manner In which shipments are held up bv a shortage of railroad cars. Flint factories are all reported very busy, but also confronted with the dlf 2- t I flcuUv ln securing material and In tlie Sav 1 "b'Pment of output by the congestion 84! 84 I of all traffic lines. 68 There Is also considerable dlfflcultv reported ln the securing of small help ln a number of factories, which tends to still further hold back the filling 25 I 25 64! 65 1C7167 112112 67l 67 1 14 42 I 4254 72 18 76 i 82 74 111 47 72 18 76 106 82 Tfl 93 68 56 2.". 85 44 43 3 52 180 69 44 118 62 77 105 1S4 IS of many large orders now on compa- Dies' books. After the War. In an address te fore the annual convention or the Ne braska Manufacturers' association al ' Omaha, Dr. Edward Ewlng Pratt, chief of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce of the department of commerce, admonishes the dele- ' gates to "recognise the fact 'hat peace in Europe will bring with It problems as great, if not greater, thua the problems that arose at the opei lng of the European war. "Altogether the most serious devel opnent ln Europe so far as we at concerned." said the speaker, "is lbs Increased centralisation of economic lesources and finances. Regulation of trade .md commerce has been a fea ture of past wars, ln no war how ever, has that regulation gone furthct than ln the present conflict. For amplo, Great Britain subsidizes a com mercial banking organisation ln Italy. Ureat Britain has arranged to buy the Australian sine output during the war and for ten years thereafter. Great Britain has lent Its support, to an Anglo-Russian Chamber ot Commerce for the purpose of promoting coai merce between Russia and Qr-1 Britain. And now Great Britain pro poses, more Important and far reach ing than the others, to support a new kind of British trading bank which will endeavor to build up In a proc tlcal way through financial support Great Britain's, foreign trade." Discuss rood Embargo. Trad re port rrom Tacoma. Wash., to Dun n Hevlew November 23, says: The In teresting problem in the local mar ket Is the increasing prices In mos; linrs of merchandising, and the fro, lng difficulty of making purchases ir respettive of price. All local business organizations are discussing the td visablllty of an embargo upon exports of food stuffs until domestio condi tions become normal. The car short age ia a serious factor locally, cur tailing shipments both in and out. While this section has experienced ln only a limited way the Industrial expansion, the volume of business lit both wholesale and retail lines Is well maintained. ltetallera are moving their stocks freely, but find It diffi cult to keep up assortments. Tral Is unusually good In agricultural sec tions, and on account of prices re ceived by farmers for their products, country collections are much Improved. Tho lumber market is fair. A ra sonable volume of business Is going through considering the shortage iu cars and bottoms Price Is not so much a factor as delivery. On November 17, local bnnks showed l2.r.,000.l00 in deposits, which Is tlu first time deposits have reached this amount. A large shipbuilding company has been organized and other industrial enterprises are under way. Building permits show a large in crease as compared with a year ago, and local money is socking investment along development lines. 9.1 66 25 8il 444 43 37 62 ; 180 44 118 62 77 109 133 70 N1 STOCKS-BONDS - MORTGAGES SECURITIES OFFERED BY PORTLAND HOUSES 7V4 60 11 60 32 182 January . March . . May July October . December :ioo . .. 2114 . . 2150 . . 2ik .. 1'U . . 2100 2115 2131 2154 2149 1909 2102 2077 208.8 2114 21O0 1875 2063 2000 2102 2122 2120 1HS2 2070 DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST : Overbeck S.Cooke Co. ' Srieeks), Bead a, Cotton. Orala. Btsw - , tl-ai7 Board el Trade BaUtU&g DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ' TO sALL EXCHANGES 4 Members ChnVago Board of Trade. MMTaspondonta of Logan 4k Bryaa Chicago, New Jerk Seattle Market. Seattle. Nov. 27. (U. P.) Onions Yellow California, 8c; Oregon. 8Q34c; Yakima, 8. Potatoes White River, (SB; Yakima Qems 143(345; sweets, 24 Sc. Baa Francisco Market, Ban Francisco, Nov. 27. (0. P.) Potstoes Per cental. Delta, In sacks, old land, (2(32.15; do new land, (2.1S2.80; Salinas. (2.50g2.60; Oregon Uurbanks, (2.25(i?2.50; Idsho Netted Gems, (2.252.BO; Washington Netted Gems 2.40(j2.BO; Nevada, (2(32.25; Sonoma, (2Q Onions Brown. (2.753; Oregon, (&. PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE No creamery batter wss offered on the ex change during tbe session. Dairy was steady. Eggs ruled steady to a fraction easier. Cheese was firmer. Prices between dealers: BUTTE a Bid. Ask. Creamery not offered Dairy 80 82 &GGS Csse count 48 49 Bast storsge 39 CHEESE Oregon triplets 21 22 Tillamook triplets 22 22 P0ULTBY Turkeys 80 New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, Nov. 27, (U. P .) Coffee No. T Rio, spot. c; No. 4 Santos, 10e. stagatwCeatrUagal, SS.8S. , Railroad Aids Coos Livestock Shippers Marahfleld, Or.. Nov. 27. A large amount of fine beef cattle Is being shipped from Coos county since the completion of tbe railroad. L. P. Branstetter of Coqullle has herds feed ing on large tracts of botton lands, which be Is clearing near Coqnllle, and Is beginning to move the stock to market. 8everal thousand acres of this bottom land waa cleared and seeded ln grass, snd Is being need to fatten steers. Curry county ranchers are also driving herds from that locality to reach tbe railroad. On account of the passage of the new lew prohibiting livestock running at Urge and thus making It impossible to range on tbe hills and roc Kb land, the farmers will dispose of many head of cattle between now and January 15. when the new law goes Into effect. Some are already selling stork which Is not msrare for itarket. as they will have to go oat of the business under the new ruling. BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Nov. 27. (U. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube. 89c; do brick, 40c: atorage cube, 35c; bricks, f5e. Cheese Tjrefcon trlpleta, 25c; Wisconsin trip lots. 25c; do twins. 29c; Young America. 25c. ERgs Select ranch. 55c; fresh eastern, 48c; April storage. 40c. San Francisco Market. San Tranclscv, Nov. 27. (li. P.) Butter Extras, 86c; prime firsts, 35: firsts, 85c. Ejrgs Extras. 4Hc; pullets, 40c. Cheese California fancy, 18c; firsts. 17e; Oregon triplets, fancy, 21 c. Los Angeles Market. I-oe Angeles. Nov. 27. (.P. N. S.) Eggs Case count, 4Sc. Butter Fresh, extra, 8Sc. San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, Nov. 27. Barley calla: Nov. 27 Nov. 25. Open. Close. Close. December 24B 22SA 230 Msy 230B 232 A 233B 8pot quotations: Wheat Wsll Walla. J2.8og2.t5; red Bnsslan, 2.80'32.S5; Turkey red. a.OOjy3.10; blnestem. (24M)b32.&. Feed Barley, (2 30; white oats, (2.075 2.10: bran. (29 .00 30.00; midiTlings, (37.00J aS. 00; Bborts. (32.0OQ33.O0. Vldvale Stel 2 IV . GK x., C 1 MlHfcftiirl Par-lfl Wann. Mrant Angel, 1 load; George Melllst. National Lead.!!..!.'! Yacolt, Wah., 1 losd; Marsh A O'Rear, Che- Nevada Consolidated..', halls. Wash., 1 load; Centralla, 1 load; j New York Air Brake! Charles Adams, Clifton, 60 bead; M. McKee, Ntw York Central Government Island, 10 head. N. Y.. O. it W Sheep J. W. H rower, Souver. 1 load; J. E. j Norfolk 4t Western, e. . Smith. Broadacrea. 1 load: J. E. Warner. Red- Northern Pacific mond 1 load ! ' "': y Mixed stuff-J. W. Davis. Kelso. Waah.. 1 ! J,""1?1""' Railwa. 5i It. A ..! tiH nt,. V tl Allsms rr V"-'. I Island, 1 load cattle and calves; O. B. tlors lioe, Joseph. 3 loads cattle aud hugs; II. J. Stllllngs, Ilermlfton. 1 load cattle and hogs; B. E. Mrrs, Imbler. 1 load bofta and abeep: A. J. Milne. The Dalles. 1 load cattle and hoga; J. E. THdrak. Hheridan. 1 load cattle, ( il" . 7 60 32 182 75 75 102 1 103 SIM 81 4 74 74 10S1( Foreign Loans 45 "7 57 11 68 80 1 78 46 7vH 7 M 11 ftS 80 175 Ho. S 160 V; 107 106 4 , 1' H 30i 82 80 81 13:i4O;13il40 i i i ;iii no' M S4 26 57 1 85 34 26 56 low 83 82 50 Rj-llwsy Steel Spring.-! 61 i 01 Keadlny, c lr i1(H:kn Republic I. t S.. c , 02 02: 88 ao pi a Rock Ifland calves snd hogs: DInsmore ft Wade. West Sclo, 1 load cattle and hogs; J. W. Dsvls, Castlerock, No. 6 steers 8 steers 1 steer 20 cows . 6 cows 1 cow 1 bull . 55 pigs .. 66 ewes 91 lamba 1 losd est tie and hogs. j Monday Morning Sales. STESERS. Ave. lbs. Price. 10S7 (7.00 773 6.25 670 6.60 HEIFERS. 905 (4.26 COWS. 1118 (5.75 1122 5.00 800 8.W BULLS. 1570 (3.75 PIGS. 73 (6.00 EWES. 127 (5.73 LAMBS. 86 (9 00 WETHERS. 133 (7.75 ortland Banks. Clearings This week. Tear ego Monday ( t, 405.591.73 ( 1.882.882.01 Seattle Banks. Clearings $ 8.497.251.00 Balances 614,461.00 Tacosna JSTtk. Clearings $ 850.857.00 Balances , SO, 189.00 Los Angelas Banks. Clearings ..( g,llg,088.00 Baa Fraacisos Banks. Cleartngt ..,.. . .$14,Slf,48.00 New York Metal Market. New York, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Lead nn chrnged. (7. 2527-35. 1 Tin Steady, 45'340ic. Spelter Strong. Prime western spot, 13 61dc; January and February, 13c; March, 12 ii 13c; second quarter, 12J12lc. Copper1 First quarter, 83c: second quarter, 82e: third quarter, 3131c; fourth quar ter. 80i31c. New York Money Market, New York. Nov. 2. U. P.) Money on call. 6 per cent; six months. 4 per cent; mercantile paper, 3&3 per cent; London bar silver. 35 5-10d; New York bar silver, 74c. Demand sterling, $4.75. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.)r-Cotton fu tures closed quiet. Eddie Miller to Meet KetcheL Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 27. (P. N. S.) Eddie Miller, San Francisco lightweight, and Young Ketchell, local battler, will box ln the main event at Vernon tomorrow evening. Both have held Chet Neff to draw de cisions, and tha winner of this bout will probably get another chance wltb the Seattle, fighter. Copper Miner Found Dead. Redding, Cal., Nov. 27. (U. P.) James McCourt, age 56, was found to day on the trail 300 yards from hfe cabin on Dog creek, four miles west of J)elta. There was a bullet hole in hiav head and a revolver, by hla side. It Is believed that death was acci dental. Ha had recently bonded his copper mine for a large sum. antici pating the most prosperous period of his life. Who Is This Modest Miss Moneybags at Oregon University Shi. truck Htudebsker. c Slow Sheffield Southern Psciflc Southern Railway, c. Tennessee Copper lexas Oil Union Psciflc, c U 8. Rubber, c. U. S.. Steel, c.. do bfii I'tah Copper trginia Chemical, c... W. U. Telegraph Wesitlnghouae Electric. Willys-Overland 116 84; 84j 123 80 100 27 25 235 148 66 ..1120 1X6 51 101 I 88 6 56 109 84 82 50 108 88 116 34 84 124 89l 85 1:100 27 25 236 148 66 129 121 126 51 102 64 JO 116 116 83 83 83 83 C 122!l23 86 100 27 24 231 147& 64 ia1k 24 232 147 04 i2e i2iim 48! 48 101 101 53 63 88 88 Germany Afraid of Campaign for Peace Ban Francisco. Nov. 27. (U. P.) The campaign for peace ln Europe, which started here last week, struck a snag today, when German citizens is sued a warning to their friends, urging them not to sign tho petitions. The Germans fear the movement "Is a British trick," and they assent that circulation of petitions now "may also delay a bona fide peace movement." A general meeting of promoters of the movement will be held here tomor row to discuss plans. Two Hundred Autos Burned. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 27. (U. P.) Two hundred automobiles were de stroyed in a (100,000 fire which swept warehouse No. 3 of the Cedar Street Warehouse company, Main and Cedar streets, today. Investment la foreign securities hss become popular of lete. gome are Blghly secured, payable ln V. 8. OoM, snd are non speculatlre. Home are highly secured, payable In V. S. gold or ln foreign funds at holders option offering possible sddltlonal profit through appreciation In exchange values. Some are unsecured, paysble In foreign funds snd are largely a speculation In foreign exchange. All offer abnormal Interest. Some are psysble ln D. B. gold, but sre simply based on the credit of the borrower snd subject te considerable fluctuation In market values We bare Invested a Urge amount of our own funds In the first two clsrses. We doo't specu late. We offer you our Investment services. ' Lumbermens Truit Company jftk THE HIGHEST TYPE OF SECURITY AND THE SAFEST FORM OF INVESTMENT. Municipal bonds ot cities. oouatUa and school districts. Our offerings meet the requirements of the most careful Investors, CLARK, KENDALL & CO., NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILMNU. M10M TAX BONDS issued by the most tub tantial communities of the Pacific Northwest GOVERNMENT and RAILROAD BONDS a 0J3CJ Railway Exchange Bldg. WHIM, 01W COMIPANV Municipal and Corporation Bonds HARRY MARKOE JR., Northwest Representative 215 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG., PORTLAND New York San Pranclsco Mir Lewis Bldg. ra Phone Mar. 653 University of Oregon, Eu gene, Or.. Nov. 27. "Who Is she?" Since the publican of a story crediting an unknown co-ed in attendance at the University of Oregon with $500,000 ln her own name, this question has pushed even football into the background as a source of campus speculation.- The only person who knows her identity is Professor John Straub and he Is sworn to se crecy. Hs vouches, however, for the tru.th of the following: She actually has between 1500, 000 and $1,000,000 ln her own name and . will probably Inherit more. She wants to be liked and won for herself alone and So is limiting her expenditures to $35 a month and keeping the existence ot her fortune a secret. I FACTS CONSTANCE'S CURRENT COMMENT In 1912 Constance St from Union Ave. to East Seventh St. was paved and tho condition of that fine thoroughfare is bet ter today than when first Improved, because, like wine, that grows better with age. there is no sur face equal to BITULITHIC "Warren Bros. Co., Journal Bldgj. Portland, Or. Investment Bonds Preferred Stocks Local Securities Amounts as small as $100 may be invested through us, and lucti orders receive as careful consideration as those for larger sums. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES AND BONOS FIRST FABM MOtfTGAGI YIELDWeiPERCEHTHET We will collect and remit interest an1 principal and guarantee tbe payment of both? Send lor list Capital tiOO.OOS. Portland. Or. Foreign Exchange Denartment ur correspondents abroad are banks au uaiuv&ia ui UlC lllWCM MdllUlIlJi;. At all times they are willing to further trade, relations between the Pacific Northwest and all portions of the world. Foreign exchange in all its branches. lumbermens 'National bank' Fifth and Stark Capital, and Surplus $1,200,000 i S k ..