THE OREGON DAILYiJGURNAL .14 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25. . 1916. PORTLAND, x OREGON. ICO DI AM I1MMI UIIUIVUIILO TLMI1 UNION SERVICES ON x THANKSGIVING DAY MAHV PUIIDPL I . White Temple Will: Have Big : . Gathering on West Side, . f'C v Centenary oh : East Side, SOME MEET SEPARATELY Tint , PwabTtsrlan Arranging Own rrogTam, as Are Bemu and Anglican Catholic. J -'.f "Thanksgiving day" 'Will be otr served by practically every church In Portland on Thursday niornlrfa. No ' vembfr 30. Bevernl union service. which will be interdenominational, will be held In the principal Protestant churches of East and West Port land, although the First Fresbyte . rlan and both the Roman and Anglican Catholic t-hurches will have Individ ual services, as wl'I many of the out ' Ivtng churches. In a few Instances Thanksgiving services will be held to- morrow. Tnlcn Thanksgiving services will be held at the White Temple, with the First Congregational, Rev. Luther R. ' Dyott, minister; First Methodist Kpls- copal. Rev. Joshua Stansfleld. minis ter: First Christian. Rev. Marold H. " Orlffls, minister, and the I'irst Bap tist psrtlclpatlng. Rev. Joshua Stans fleld will officiate, preaching the ser mon. Special music will be rendered by tho choir of the First nnptlat - church. The service will bo hold at - 10:n0 o'clock, and the offering will go to the needy. TJnloa Meeting- oa Salt Elde. - ' At the Centenary Methodist Episco v pal, church another union Thanksplv ' ing aervlce will be held In which five Kant side churches will Join, the Cenv ' tral Presbyterian, Dr. Arthur F. Bishop, minister; the East Side Bap .ttst church. Rev. W. O. Shank, min ister; the First United Brethren church, Rev. P. O. Bonebrake. minis ter; East Side Christian church. Rev. K. H. Sawyer, minister, and tho Cen lenary Methodist Episcopal church, : Dr. T. W. Lane, minister. The ser mon will be preached by Rev. Arthur ' Bishop, of the Central Presbyterian ?' church, and Rev. V. O. Shank will " fllrect the program. Rev. R. II. Saw yer. of the East Side Christian church will read the Scripture. Rev. P.' O. Bonebrake will lead in prayer. The choir of the Central Methodiet Episcopal will render special Thanks " giving music. At Krst Freetoyterlan. ' Patriotic Thanksgiving ervlc?s will be held In the First Presbyterian church on Thursday morning at 10:30 O'clock.. The Sunday school orchestra will be present and will render a num ':. her of patriotic selections. Other ap propriate and special musical numbers . will be upon the program, and the pastor, Rev. John II. Boyd, D. IX. wi'.l ; deliver a stirring patriotic sermon upon the subject, "Tho Meaning of . America's Greatness." A call to par ticipate In this annual Thanksgiving f aervlce has been Issued to every fam ily -In the church, and a general Invl : tation Is extended to all strangers In : ;1h city, or members of other chinches ' who find no service arranged-for this day In their own community. A spe , rial offering will bo taken nt the , Thanksgiving service which will be .turned over to the Men's Resort for the relief of homeless men during the winter season. ' J Mass Will Be Said. There will be solemn high mjss and sermon at the St. Mary's Cathedral on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at which Rev. Father O'Hara will offl ' elate. Regular religious services will be held at 9 o'clock at the St. Francis Church. Rev. Father Black will offl , elate at high mass and deliver the i, sermon. Religious Thanksgiving ser vices will be held In all other Catholic churches In the city. Thanksgiving entertainments will :: be held In schools and other institu tions of this denomination. Special services will be ljeld at Trinity Episcopal church at 8 and 11 o'clock. Rev. A. A. Morrison will de " liver a sermon at the 11 o'clock sex ', vices, at which special music will be rendered. . The Church of -Our Father (Unltar ian) will be the scene of another union Thanksgiving service. The churches , taking part will be Temple Beth Is rael, Church of Good Tidings, Church of Our Father and the New Church Society. Rev. Samuel Worcester, of the New Church Society, will opn the service with prayer. The sermon will , - be by Frank T. Scott, of the Univer aliat Church of Good Tidings. Dr. '. T. I Eliot, pastor emeritus of the , , Church of Our Father, will close the , services with prayer and benediction. . Special music will be rendered by the choir of the Church, of Our Father. Union Berrlc at Lauxelwooa. f The " union Thanksgiving day ser- vices for the Mt. Scott district will be held at 10 a. m. at the Laurelwood Methodist church on Sixty-third street, Rev. C R. Carlos, pastor. Rev. "W. T. S. SprlggSt of the Arleta Bap tist t church, will preach the sermon. - The" pastors of the different churches in the di&trlct will have part in the services. There will be special music. -I A Thanksgiving union service will be bald on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the Rodney Avenue German Methodist Episcopal church, F. A. Schumann. pastor. The pastors of the First and Sec ond German Congregational churches and of St. Paul's Evangelical church, , with' their congregations, will par- :: i tlclpate In the services. A special program has-been arranged in which the Rev. F, A. Wlllmann, Rev. J Her- 1 gert and Rev. H. Hagelgans will take part and the choir will render the - musical program for the evening. All r the Germans and their friends are cor dlally Invited. , . Brief Services will be held at 10:SO ocIOCK at the pro-cathedral. 8t. St pnen a. on Thursday morning. Dean McColllster will preach the sermon on . the Holy Eucharist - A Thanksgiving service will be held at . St, John's Episcopal church on Thursday morning at 10:45 o'clock. The Millard Avenue Presbyterian Sunday school plans to hold a patrt . otic service at 11 o'clock at the close of the regular Sunday .school ho-ir to morrow morning. The program will be In the nature of an introductory .service,, preceding the. Thanksgiving sermon by the pastor. -r Special Scotch Baptist ' Thanksgiv ing service will be held on Sunday . morning at 1 1 o'clock, in the llolgate Tabernacle. Eaat' Forty-second street. A Thanksgiving conference will be held aH day In Jhe reading room and , mission hall. ,- -Real Mlslon Work" win be the subject of the conference . which will be held for the deepening Women , to Hold -2 Annual Bazaar, On December On December 1 the ladles of & the First Christian church, cor- a ftV ner Park and Columbia streets, will hold their annual bazaar all day at. the church. All kinds 4 of useful and suitable articles , for Christmas gifts will be of- 7 I ered for sale. ' Some strong .committees are - giving their. -M 4t time and energy ao the enter- prise. The Endeavorers will have if- charge of, the candy and re- freshment booth, and they alo fi ift have charge of a short and In- ' J it, terestlng program to be glveu in the evening. ii Campaign Closes; Attendance Gains During the last week of Octotw Rev. A. S. Hutchinson, pastor ft the Piedmont Presbyterian church, issued a call for a "Go-to-Church" campaign for the month of November, with a "self-denial" accompaniment. The campaign . closes tomorrow. In the morning the pastor will deliver a specinl Thanksgiving sermon, and the self-denial fund will be received. At 7:30 the Hunday bchool will fur nish a Harvest Home concert in the auditorium, in which nearly all of the classes will be represented. The month has developed an increased at tendance and a general good feeling prevails. The unfinished gymnasium of the new church is now bejng com pleted and with the new Boys' club room will hereafter be used for all social and club purposes of the church. The new mission study In the C. E. society is growing in interest and proving quite a success. Social Ideals Will Be Minister's Theme "Finding Reat Amid the Desert Places of Life'' Is the subject of Dr. Boyd's sermon for tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock at the First Presby terian church,- corner Twelfth and Alder streets. The quartet will sing Shelley's "The King of Love My Shep herd Is." and Mrs. Leah Slusser Hathaway will sing "The Promise of Life." At 7:30 p. m. Dr. Boyd will deliver the third of his series of addresses on "The Religion of the Nobler Self. " The subject for Sunday evening is "Social Ideals and the Individual Self." The subject of Sunday evening will include a study of prevailing ideals and aims In the actual world of men and their relation to the ful fillment of the nobler nature of the individual. Will Discuss the . "Apology of Sneak" Sunday morning at the First Chris tian church the pastor. Rev. Harold If. Grlffis, will epeak on the subject. "The Apology of the Sneak." In the evening the service will be devoted mainly to a tnuslc program bv the quartet choir, which will include the following: Anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord" (Splcker), tenor obligato; con tralto solo by Miss Smith: soprano and tenor duet, "Calm as the Night" (Goetze); anthem, "Crotslng the Bar" (Morse); baritone solo by Mr. Hard wlck; anthem, "Turn Ye to Me" (Mar ker). These music numbers will be followed by a short address by the pastor on "'Renown Through Belf-Ke-nunclatlon.'' Dr. M. W. Haynes to Occupy Local Pulpit Dr. Myron W. Haynes, who so suc cessfully conducted the campaign for the McMlnnviUe college endowment fund,, will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist church (White Temple) at both services tomorrow. Dr. Haynes Is an Interesting and forceful speaker and when he has been In the city before has delivered most excellent sermons. The Temple quartet will sing, "O Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works." by Clare, and ''Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem, ' by Maunder. In the even ing they will render the anthem, "Fairest Lord Jesus," by Batiste, and as an offertory, "Lo, It Is I," by Faure. Pastor Will Preach At Friends Church The pastor. H. L. Cox, will occupy his pulpit both morning and evening tomorrow at East Thirty-fifth and Main streets. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the Friends' churches of this city will have special exercises in recognition of "Young Friends' Day." November 26 Is set apart by the church as a day especially for the in terest of the young people of the church. Rev. Mr. Hadley, pastor of the Piedmont Friends' church, will give the address of the occasion. The public is invited. Rev. Mr. Cox will be gin a special series of revival meet ings at Springbrook December 3. and In his absence the pulpit will be supplied by various ministers both from among Friends .and others. Revivals Will Begin In Nazarene Church Rev. F. W. Cox, Ashtabula. Ohio, will begin a aerles of revival meetings in the First Pentecostal Nazarene church about January 10. Also a four aays holiness convention Is being planned for December 10 at which a number of ministers from the city and surroudlng cities will take nurt Sermons and addresses on the subject will be given. Sunday Pastor Davis win give at botn morning and night services sermons bearing on revival work. - Bible and Public Schools. The Sunday Evening Open Forum at the Unitarian chapel will discuss "The sioiv ana me t-uoiic School" tomor row evening at 7:45 o'clock. Hon 3 A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction, will open the dis cussion. ' of spiritual life. Meetings will begin at 10 o'clock at which Rev. T. Broom field, Ed Cooper, Miss A. M Nelson. II. Hallgren. Alex Bain, H. Propple, S. McMinnls and others will speak.: CHRISTIAN: ENDEAVOR SOCIETY ORGANIZES AT MULTNOMAH (f- x3 . apr; Iff. ' - ff , ! '"5 I " ill j Miss Wilms Weber The Multnomah Christian Endeavor society In a newly formed society at Multnomab station. It Is doing good work and its membership consists nf Rev. L. K. Grimes. To Occupy Pulpit At Westminster The session of Westminster t Presbyterian church has en- H ifr gaged for the interim from now ifr until January l, -when Dr. R. II. Pence arrives. Rev. I. K. Grimes to occupy the pulpit it id and take charge of the religious ife and pastoral work of the -Jfc it church. On next Sunday, No- vember 2, the subject of the morning service will be "Jesus' Inaugural Address." In the evening at 7:30, the subject "The Secret of Service." Both services will be conducted by Rev. L. K. Grimes. Great in- terest is manifest throughout if: Irvington over the coming ot it ifr Dr. Pence and the big "get- it together dinner" of last week was a great success, and has served to raise this Interest to a higher pitch. ' CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT Lauon Tope.. A LIVING SACRIFICE Kom. 12. (Rom. I 2. 1-S Ii printed). Memorize eres 6-S. Uolden Teit Present your bodies a llvln sacrifice, holy, areeptable to Ood, which is your unlrltnal serrice. Rom. 12. 1. Home Heading M. A. &Ttng- Sacrifice. Rom. 12.. 1-8. T. Christian Ideals. Rom. 12. -21. W. Better than sacrifice. Mic. . 1-S. Th. A dlTine standard, Isa. 1, 10-17. F. A new covenant, Jer. 31. 31-37. S. Essence of religion. Ho. 8. 1-6. 8. The Ideal Christian, Matt. 3. 1-12. Christian Endeavor "The Grace of Grati tude." Junior Christian Bndeavor "Come Before Him With TbankurlTlna-." H. Y. P. U. "The Grace of Gratitude." Kpworth League "CultlTating the Thanks giving Habit." Baptist. First White Temple 12th ahO Taylor sts. M . Preaching by Rev. Myroa W. Haynes, D. V. Swedish-Finnish Mission White Temple, 8. Eat Side B. 20th and Ankeny sts. Rev. O. Shank, pastor 11. 'Something America Should Be Thankful for." 7:30. "The Place of the Atonement In the Divine Economy of SaiTatlon." Highland E. 6th and Alberta Rev. Chu. Meier, pastor. 11. Arleta Rer. W. T. Splggs. II. "A Whole City Made Hapny." 7:30,"Th Problem That I'baroh Left for the Present Administration." University Park Rev. A. B. Walts. 11. "The Gain of Following Jesus." 7:30. "Let ters on the Page or uie. Sn-edtsu ldth and Hoyi 1MT. x. uiaeos Sjolander. pastor. 11:1S. 7:30. Urace Montarllla Kev. H. T. uasn. Preaching br Ret. Elwood P. Lyon. 11, "Wliat Baptists Believe. 7:30, "City of Refuge." Heliwood Rev. F. H. Hares. II, 7:30. St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:SO. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. 3. E. Thomas, pastor. 11. "Things That Help the Christian Lire." 7:90, "The Keugion or the Scribes and Pharisees." Mt. Cslvary East Pine and Grand are. Rev. A. M. Macback. 11,- 8. Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Rev. W J. Beaven. 11, Dr. O. E. Wright, secretary Oregon Baptist Convention. 7:30, "A Great Conversion. Chinese I. C. Makme. T. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, 7:30. Second German Morris sad Rodney ave. 11. 7:30. ulencoe E. 4Stb ana Main Rev. A. B. Walts. 11, Bev. 0. Lawrence Black. Theme. The Christian's Job." 7:30, Rev. A. Law rence Black, theme. "Turn on the Power." Mount unvet uev. w. A. Magrett. II. s. Italian Mission Bev. Francesco Sauoella. 11. 8. First German 1th and Mill Bev. J. Kratt. 11, 7:30. North Portland Mission 880 Klcolai at. Friday. 8. RnssellTllle Mission Bev. Albert Leugh biidge. 3:45. Tabernacle E. 42d and Holgate Bev. Wal ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30. Christian. First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H. Griffls.- pat.tor. 11, "The Apology of the 8neak." 7 A3, "Benown Through Self-Be- nunclation." Kern Park Rev. O. K- Berry. 11. 7:S0. Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. V. J. Millinger. 11, 7:30. East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor. Rev. R. H. Sawyer, pastor. Sermons 11. "Daniel Webster's Opinion of the Bible." 7:30, "Gaining Lite's Goal." Kodney Avenue, at Knott st. Rev. J. r. Guormley. 11 and 8- 8ellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. B. Johnson. 11 and 8. Nt. Johns Rev. Herbert T. Jones. 11, 8. Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy gant. 11." 7:80. Bethel K. 82d and Thompson Bevj Aubrey W. Wilson. Montarllla E. 76th and Hoyt Bev. Eugene Burr, u, 7:4o. Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Duna. 11, 8. Catholic. St. Peter's Lent Bev. P. Beatgea. 8 10:3O. 7:30. Pro-Cahedral 15th and Davis Rev. B. V. O'Hara. &, 7:13. 8:30. :45. 11, 7:45. 8t. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C Hughes. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. -St. Patrick's 19th and Bavier Bev. E. P Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7:30, St. Francis' E. llth and Oak Bev. J. H Black. & 8. 0. 10-30. 7:3. Immaculate Heart of Msry Williams ave. and Btantuo Bev. W. A. Dab. , 8, a, 11. 7:ao. Holy Rosary K. 3d and Clackamas Bev. & a. uison. s, 7, S, 9. XI, St. Bose E. S3d and Alameda Rev. X O'Farrell. 8. 10. 7:80. St. Andrew's E. 0th and Alberta Bar. 3. Klernan. 8. 10:80, T:&0. - The Madeleine B. 24th end Siskiyou Bev, George F. Thompson. 7:30. . 10:30. Ascension E. Yamhill and B. 78th Francis- ran Fathers a- 10:30. 7:80. Blessed 8a era meat Maryland ave. and Blaa dena Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross T7A Bowdoln Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 1:30. 7:30. . . St. Ignatius' '8220 43d st. B. E. Jeault Fathers. :. 8, 10:30. 4. St. Stephens' 42d and K. Taylor Bev. War ren A. Watlt. . 8:80. 10:30, 7:30. - St. rnilll? NerV B. 16th and Hickory Rev. W. 1. i"artrriEbt. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Clements Smith and Newton -Kev Jo seph Chanoton, nev.,aaomas aeawa, assistant. 8, 10:90.7:30. Sacred Heart E. llth and Center Bev. O. RobL. 8, 1O.30, 7.30. , Miss Mildred McBrtde live, wide awake young peopl-e. The formal organization and Installation service will be held December 10 by the Multnomah County Christian En-, deavor union. The officers are: Prcel- Membership Quest Won by Donkeys At Sunny side S. S. The attendance membership 4t and best meetings' contest at the Sunnyside Sunday school has closed. Of the three sides $ taking part, the Donkeys won, $ with a total of 1900 points. The t Camels finished with a total of 1300, and the Elephants 1350. jjt The contest was not only fun In Itself, but It has raised the lit attendance and active work In in j the meetings considerably. The attendance has increased about jjt 30 per cent, on an average of 4t approximately '' 80 members to 116. j 3 Jjjfc 3 3 3j Jf 3 To Hold Annual Bazaar. The Guild of St. John's Episcopal church. Sellwood. will hold their an nual bazaar Thursday, December 7, In the parish house. East Fifteenth street and Harney avenue. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou ver are. Rev. F. H. Miller. 6, 8. 10:30. 7:30. tit. Agatha E. l-'.th and Miller lit. J. Cumminaky. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Coach Bet'. B. Durrer. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish Maryland ave. and Failing Kev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Michael (Italian I 4th and Mill Rev. U. Baleatra. S, 10:30, 7:30. St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Father. 7:30. 0:13. Kt. Cuarlea 83rd and Alberta Rev. O. SniderUoru. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Christian Science. Sermon topic. "Ancient and Modern Ne- crrmancy alia Mesmerism arid Hypnotism, De-' uuunceu." I'lrat church Everett, between 18th and 18th sts. 11, 8. econd E. th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 121b and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, t. Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11. Christian Science society Holbrook block, St. Johna. 11. Congregation aL First Park and Madison Rev. Lather R. Dyott. minister. 11 a. m., "The Hand of trod In the History of America." 7:45 p. m., Wcber'a "Harvest Cantata" rendered by the quertet. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. E. O. Willman. Atkinson Community church E. 20th and Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 1 1. University Park Haven St., near Lombard Bev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 11. 7:30. Highland E. Oth and Prescott Rev. Geo. Edw. Lewis, pastor. 11, "Thanksgiving to Whom?" '7:30, ."A Jitney or a Streetcar?" Pllerlm Missouri ae. and Shaver at. Rev W. C. Kantner. 11, "The, Everlasting Tea." 7:30. "Losing One's Greatest Treasure." Waverly Heights E. 33d aud Woodward- Rev. A. C. Moses. 9:45. 11. 7:30. Sunnyside E. 321 and Taylor Rev. J. J Staub. 11, "The Christian Stewardship." 7:45, "For the Sake of Others." Zion (German) E. mil and Tremont Bar. J. H. Hopp. 10:30. Norweciun Danish Congregational Church E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Morton Olson. 11, 7:80. St. Johns Rev. J. H. Barnett. pastor. 11. S. Finnish Mission 1D7 Skidmore st. Bev. Samuel Nevala. p. m. and 7:3U. Laurelwood Corner 45th ave. and 65tb St. S. E. 10. 11. 8:45 p. m. : 5 D. m.. vesper services. Episcopal. Trinity lth and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor rison. 8, 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral or St Stephens the Martyr 13th and Clay Very Bev. K. H. McColllster. deso. Rt. Rev. 7. 1. Sumner, blthop. 7:16, 11. 7:45. St. David s E. 32th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 11, "Modern Epistles." 7:30, "A Word in Searon." St. Mark's zist an-j Marshall Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. Kev. J. G. Hatton. as sistant rector. 8:30, 11. St. Jobn'c Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice. 11. The Heaviest Losers In the War." Evening, "The Kingdom of Self." St. Auurews Hereford at., portamoota Archdeacon Chambers lu ccarge. II. St. Mattnews. coroett sua Bancroft Sts. Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vlcsr. 11 a. m. Grace Memorial. Weldler and K. 17th N. Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. K, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham- Rev. John Dawson. II. 7:30. St. Michael's snd All Angela' E. 43d and Cioadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 11. 7:30 o a.. Church or our savior autn ave. and 4l-t t. S. E. Archdeacon Chamlers In charge. 11 St. John's Sellwood Kev. John I. Klce. 11. St. Paul's wood mtra iter, oxwald. Yt Taylor. 4. Bianop Morris Memorial CDspei. uooa sa n.axltan hospital Uer. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 7:15. ah Minis' inurcn zotn ana eavier uav. Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:30. Evangelical Association. Carson Heights Kev. N. Shupp, pastor. 11:30. 7:ao. First Kngusn K. cth and Market Rev. E. D Hornschuch. 11. 8. First German Evtujrelical iota and Clay Bev. G. V. Llening. 10:45 8. Portland Mission Church Carson Heights Rev. I, ttnupp. pastor. i:jo, our, 7:30. Evangelical Synod. German Evangeucal Friends' Church Ta- ccma av. and U. Jatb Rev. Eliaa M. Her eert. 10:45. 7:30. St. Paul Evangelical church 147 Falling Be v. J. Hergert. II. 7:3". Blthanla. Danish, Evangelical L. P. EjoUer. Free Methodist. Central 65th kud a.. Flanders Bev. W. N. Coffee. 11. 7:45. First E. tb and Mill Bev. A. Beers, pas tor. 11, a. ft. Johns 81st and BTta ave. 11. Third Bev. K. H. Clark. 11, 7:80. Friends' Church. Sunny aide E. 35ta and Main Bev. Homer Coy- TUMI. Lenta South Mala at Bev. John Riley, West Piedmont - friends -church - Corner Borthwick and Jeeep tt. Chester A. Hadley. pastor. A, sxr-juex . 1 x-uiicv swrvcr 10 speaa, Congregation Btth rael 12th and Mala Htbet Jonaa mse. rnuay, s p. m. Luthstan. Bt. James. Engltoft -W e I'ark and Jeffer- apt. Rev. Busaaro, nor. 11 and 8. lmmanuel ittth an-t Irving 11. ji. West Side Norweri Loti-rao 45 S. 14th Rev. Wlihelnt Petiersna. 11. a. Bethany Danish I'ntoa ave. N. and Mortis He. M. C Jessea, Engneim. ; 11. . lmmanuel . Germau beUwood Hv. H. C LbeHos. 10:3V. irlnuy; German (atlssoorl . tyaod) WU- Mlss Essie Burke dent. Miss Essie Burke; vice president, Miss Denley: recording secretary. Miss Longnecker; treasurer. Miss Wil"a Weber, Corresponding secretary, 111 33 Mildred McBride. Chicken Pie to Be Piece de Resistance On Thanksgiving $ A chicken pie Thanksgiving 4 luncheon will be served in the banquet rooms of the First f Presbyterian church house on $ Tuesday of this week at 11:15 4t noon, to which business- men 4 jfc and women are especially In- $ vlted. A charge of 35 cents a plate will be made, the' entire proceeds to be distributed 4 among the needy of the church 4 $ and neighborhood. Baskets of $ 4 fruit also are sent out to the $ t ahut-lns and invalids of the congregation and boxes of pro- $. visions and Thanksgiving dainr Ht- ties are delivered to the door of $. families who otherwise might have no special Thanksgiving treat. OF CHURCH llams ave. and Graham Bev. J. A. Blnibasb. 10:15. 7:30. Grace English (Missouri Sytwd) Alblna ave and Mason at. Kev. E. PrubsL 30, 10:3X :30. German Evangelical Lutheran Klon (Mls (.(.. 1 Synod) Salmon and Chapman Bev. H. H. Koppelmann. 10:13, 7:45. Bethel Norwegian i uthtran Free Cha-ch Wjgant and Rodney aves. Rev. J. A. Star uey. 1 1. 8. St. Paul's Gernan I. 12th and Clinton Bev. A Krauee. 10:30. 7:30. 8t. John's PeniiOTlsr sod Klrkpatrlck Lev. K. (. Salzmsnu. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustan Rev. 11. B. Sasstedt j 10:45. 7:45. i United Norwegian Portsmonth Bev. Blgw A. ftenaelh. 11 and a. S. S., lo. Prayer reeling. 'Ibursday. Genua n KTangellul Rcfotmed Lents Bev. W. G. Lleckaempei. 11. Our Savior East 10th and Grant Rev. George Uenriksen. English 10:15, Norwegian. I1:J5. Lattsr Day Saints. Church, of Jesus ChfUt ot Latter Dsy Saints (Mormoul E. 2tb and Madison. 11:43, 7, Moutavllla (not Mors-on) II, 7:30. Hethadiat. District Sunerlnteoacut Uev. William Wal lace Youngeou. D. D. tUl K. 62d St. N. Tabor 2.90. First 12th and Tavlor Dr. Joshua staas- flild. uilnister. Rev. Walter L. Alrheart, aa aistant minister. 10:30, 7:3U p. m. Centenary E. Oth nd E. Ploe T. W. Lane. 11. "Gud'a Gifts Our Joy." 7:30, "jesua as a Friend." Xtji.,r Street Church U all at 120 fourth . 10:30 a. in. Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Bev. I. N. Sfaidifur. 11, 8. Sedieh Bonbwlck and Beech Rev. John A. Wellman. 11. 7:45. Euwortb 26th and Savler Bev. C. O. Me- Cuiioch. 11. 7:45. Flnt Norwegian Danish 18th aad Hoyt Rev. Ellas Gjerdlng, pattor. 11. 8. Woodlawn . JOth an-1 U lit bland Kev. W. k.. Kloaler. Sellwoou Kev. Alexander V. Maclean. 11. 7:30. Sunnyslder-E. 85th and Yamhill Rev. K. Elmer Smith, pastor. C T. McPbersuo, as sistant pastor. 11. Mt. li.iMTfc. stark and 61st. E. Olln Rld- rldge, minister. 11, "The Key That Unlocks." 7:30, "Ot Heroic Mould." Cntrai aucuuver ave. and Fargo Bev. C. C. Rarick. 11, 7:30. St. Johns Ha yea and Leavltt Bev. J. H. Irvine. 11. 7:30. Montevllla Rev. O. L. Hamilton 11 "A Heart of flood Tide." 7:30, Dr. Pratt will apeak. iiureiwond wi t. 0. k. and Foster roan Rev. C. A. Carlos. II, "Tbs Divinity of the Gosel." 7:30, "The Reasonableness of the Gospel. Ciiuioo Keny Memorial k, eoto and lfweli Bev. A. B. Calder. 8:48, 11, 7:30.' Japanese Mission uev. KUsea SUbara, 9:30. e:w. Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and B. 68tb N A. A. HeNt. 11. v r'eepera. 4:30. Geruiau Rodney ave. and SUab Bev, A. tM-huuiann. 10. 8. Afriean Z loo 23 Williams ave. Bev. W. W. Howard. 11, 8. Vancouver Avenue Norweglan-Dsnleb Cor ner Skidmore Kev. A Us ban, Vereide. 10.4(1, S. Uuivirslty Park i;ulard and flake Kev. 3. '1. Abbett. 11. 7:4.V Lent liew. r . M. jasper. II, 8. Bethel Larratiee and McMlllen Rev. W. H. Ftince. 11:13, 8. H 1 stmorelsnd Milw-tnkle are., near Ksmo na Rev. R. W. Mauiden. 11, 7:30. Lincoln E. 1 2d aud Lincoln Kev. B. H Morse. 10:30. 7:30. Patton Michigan jd Alberta Bev. Georgs H Ieee. 11, 7:45. Woodstock E. 44tb snd 60th ave. 8. E. Kev. I. Poor. 11, 6:30. First Uermis Kev. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8. Brentwood Kev. Paul Green. 11. Chinese Mission 11 snd T:30. Carson Heights Kev. L. C. Douglas, Ken dall station. Clark scaoolbouse Rv. A. B. Wilson. 7:30 Irvington East 10th and Weldler Rev. S. A. Dauford. 11. I lnnton Rev. S. II. Dewert. Bethel A. M. E. church Rev. W. H. Prince 11:15, 8. Osk Grove, M. E. Community church. 11:15. First M. E. church South, corner Union ave and Multnomah st. Kev. W. 1. Fenton, pas tor. 11, "The Voices We Have Heard." Eve ning service, Bev. C. H. Reiroad will speak. H. E. Church Boat. Union ave. aad Mul nomah St. Uev. W. J Fenton, 11. afisaieni. - Swedish Mission Kev. B J. Tboren. 11, a. Elim chapel Kev. B. 3. Tboren. 100. Bethel Free Church Ivy st. aad Williams Bev. J. A. Btaavney. 11. a. Baiareae. First Pentecostal a-. 7ti and E. Coach its, Rev. C. Howard De'ls. II. 7::. Sellwood E. th an" 8Okan Rev. H. C. Psker. 11. 7:30. - - . Brentwood K. 67th ft. snd E. gDth ave S E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, h. Scandinavian IMS G-rfield. II. 7:80. UigtaUud aPrk 1I-W E. 14th K Kev. g. L. Meuuel. 10. 11 ":3o. f -Prssk rtarisB. First 12th and Alder at. Rev. John H. Boyd, services at 10:30 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Central K. 13th and Pin- ata. Uev. Aribnr F, Biabop. D. D. :0:30. "Jesus' Pisa for Se curing Large Congregatlona. ' 70 p. m.. pe dal semsaa to men, "Quit Tso Like Men.' Westminster E. J7ib so Sesmyler ate. Bev. O. 8. Bauxn. 10:30. "Jese Inaugural Address.' Evening service, J :30, "The secret Arbor Lodge Bet. George B. Crumley. 11, T:. ... - ' , ' Calvary UUt tad - Clay ata 10:30, - 'Bo- OLD-FASHIONED FAIR PARODY IS ARRANGED BY EPWORTH LEAGUE Affair Will Be Held in Sunday School Temple of the First Methodist Church, SIDESHOW ATTRACTIONS Many Chapters of rortland Are Heartily BebinA the Program and Success Seems How Assured. The district Epworth League will hold a parody on the old-fashioned county fair in the Sunday school tem ple of the First MethodUt church at Twelfth and Taylor streets cn Fri day evening, December 1. It Is planned to have every ex hibit, attraction and display incident to an old-style county fair. Among some of the attractions are the incu bator baby, a shooting gallery and a hot dog stand. The fair Is In charge of Dean Wells, fourth vice-president of the district, and Is being backed enthusi astically by many of the chapters of the city. The proceeds will be used toward reducing the district debt in curred by the presentations of the pageant. On the following night, December 2. the district is invited to attend the Salem district rally held at Ore Son City. Indications are that at least 50 Portland leaguers will attend. F. N. Haroun has been asked to take charge of the music that evening and also to furnish special talent from Portland. On Sunday afternoon a consecration servlca will be held, at which time J. R. Benton, president of the Port land district, Is scheduled to speak. This is the first time in several years that the Portland and Salem districts have had the opportunity to come together in a rally of this na ture. The leaders of each ..olstrict are therefore doing all they can to make the union meeting as cordial and helpful as possible. Will Render Cantata. The quartet at Rose City Park Presbyterian church will give the can tata, "Faith and Praise," by West, at their regular musical service Sunday evening. SERVICES generation Conversion Contact, bv Wallace ti liee. l. 11. 7:45, Wallace II. Lee, D. D ipe scarlet Line," by rinirib- flri ami ..lbtw ats. Kev G. Hanson 10:.tfl. Henrr Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone. 11. Eev A. J. Montgomerv will t - V. Noyea. miaslouary from Chlna' w'lll speak.' William Maclevd. jl. I:3o Kiacsii t. IHth na Hiviflovi ta. Re. p. ?AV 'sVTf DUcovery." ' veruou linn and vvrrsnt ata 11. 7:RO tlni Moutavllla. TMh an.i it it...... ?; Wr 8,mn- 11- "Gratitude for End urine Mercies " V "TV. ,-r. . , . .. .uc sw c .v.. rrH mum imam Avenue i.-ii oum ave W. II. Amos. 10.30. d. E. ltev Mt. Tabor E. (V,th and Belmont sts. Re?. V 111 lam Orahaui Moore. Lnltv Rev. W -i.i 1 c LUd. II. 7. " J-iedinmii Cleveland and Jarrett est. Kev. A I.. Hntcblnaon. 1. 6. Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock Rrt. J. M. nklnner. sts. Spokane Avenue S. 16th and Spokane Be. W. 8. McCullagb. 11, 7:30. "UB Manball Street I7tb and Marshall ats Rev. A. J. Hsnna. II. 7:3a Irinity Corner Virginia and Nebrafka sts. Dr. A. J. Montgoaiety. 11. 7 30 Chinese 145V4 irt st. 7:43. ' Anabel with t. end 37th ate. S. . Key. I. E. Nelson, pkstor. II. 5 p. in. Reformed Presbyterian, First Church Mluuew.ia and Alosworth Kev. F. D. iraier. II. 7:30. Kefarmed. FlrstGerman Inn auu Clay Rev. G. Hal- Second Columbia Mvd. and 83d at Key E. A. VVyss. II. Third rtrth ave.. Lent Ktv. W. G. Uen keuiper. 11. Salvation Army. Corps No. 143 A.ii at. adjutant and Mr Frank Uenge. II. 3.15. S. Corps No. 4 f4n First St. Ensign lVrue aud Captain Brown. Swedish cortMi l.K) Bornslde. Seventh Day Adventista. Mote Regular services of to a uenomlnatloa are beld ou a.HsrUay. Central at 1 lib and Everett Elder P C Hay ward, pastor. 11:15. 'laberuacle West Side. K. of P. hall llth snl Alder. It.. Montavilla E, 80th and I. Everett Elder S. F. Beatty. 11. Lents Hi 10 und 58th ave. Elder D. J. Cblt woud. 11. et. Johns Central avenue and Charleston Eider r.. 1). Ilurlburt. 11. Muuut Tabor E. ootb a:. 2 Belmont J. M. Wlllougbby. 11. -Rsv. Alblna German I skidmore and Mallory Minister. H. J. Blrkaen; A. C. Schweltser, lo cal eiuer. Ii.JO. Ogdeu Had, Mississippi and 8haver Bev. O. E. hauduea. II. Services lor ths Deaf. United Pr-liyierlau Wasco and Grand ave Bev. 8. Earl Du Pols. 10:30, "Victorious Men. 7:30, "Putting Christianity to the Unitarian. Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam biti uv. l". 1.. fciM.t. D. O.. mluirter eo,erl tos; Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.. pastor. 11, "Wtiat Did Jesus Say About Marriage?" 7:45, "The Bible and the Public School." by J. A. Cnurch 111, State 8ujH. Publie Inalructlon. United Bretllien. Alberta 27th aud Alberta. First E. 15th and Mo-TUon Bev. . P. O. Bonebrake. 11 a. u. Fourth OUtb and 'iZi ave. S. E. Third Oilh st. and I'M ate. g. E. Herbert F. White, paator, 11, 7:30. First llth and Harney, Vancouver, Wash Bev. John I. Mxewouder, pastor. Prescblna 11 a. m.t 8 p. m. United Evangelical. Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. II 7:30. Brdlcal Jessup st. Rev. A. '. Heuderson. 11, T .M). Manor. Circuit ServicesCLerry Grove. 8 n m. Brush Prslrle. 7:3C. " Ockley Green Willamette a!vd. aLd Gay Bev. U. H. Farnbatu. 11. S. First E. lotb aud l'opiur Rev. J A Goode. 11. 7:30. bt. Johns Kev. A. P. Layton. 11, 8 United Presbyterian. First E. 3;th aud ilawtuorue Rev. M." E Dunn. 11, 7:45. Church of lue Rtriinper Wawo street snd Grand ave. Bev. S. Earl Dn Bols. 10:30, T:.w. keutou I'ttitrd Prealiyteilan huri D I io bsrd and Chatham sta Kev. J. ti. c'ule. oaa tor. 11J3, Ii!0. V Universalist. Church of the (jou-I J l-iiiiii Broadway and E. 24th. Rev. Frank T. Hcott. 1 a. m "With L's They Should Not Be Made Per fect." T. M. C. A. Y. W. C. A. Y. U. C. A. Otb and Taylor H. V. Stone. general secreisry o:ov p. ni. Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor 4:30 M. H. Msrvta of the Psclfle Advocate will apesfc, subject, "P-ace or War." XiaosUaaoous. Associated Bible Htndents t. B--S. II CbrUtenren's hall, llth and Yamhill ats.. 2 p. m.. Eureks Oranla. S p. m. public diarourxe by W. A. Baker, subject -Hoi of the Chorea and Hope of the World." Regular Balis! meetings Keadsy, 8 n. m. Tburaday, 2 p. m. vnd S p m. (a room 814 Eiltvs building. The Church of God. 361 Falling St. Serrirtt 11. Evsagelfeal MaMer will s-ek; 2:30. 7:4... ChurHi of the Brefireo. 1124 Bxribwlck snd BrsiBsrd sts. Pranchlrg S p. m. Cbrlstedelpblans Zl R. Wssblngtoa at. 10:3V. ' When writing or calling oa advertisers, please sneaUoa The JooraaL :. tAdv.) Sunday . Schools - 1 Of Congregational Church to Rally A rally for all workers in the Congregational Sunday schools of the city and state is being arranged for Tuesday, Decern- $ ber 6. The rally will consist of s an afternoon and an evening session. The first session will be held from 6 until f o'clock W in the afternoon at room 208.- Y. M. C. A. building. At 6 o'clock a dinner will be 8erved In the banquet room of the T. M. C. A. for all who attend the rally. Tho second and final 4k session will be held at 7:10 s o'clock In the parlors of the First Congregational church. Park and Madison streeta Portland Leaguers Visit Carson Heights On Thursday evening about 15 of the Portland Leaguers visited the Car son Heights church at Capitol Hill and organized! as an Ep worth League chapter. The first part of the evening was devoted to entertainment and after a short talk by J. It. Benton the young people of the church decided that they would llko to organize a society. Walter Novak was elected presi dent; Mrs, Thomas, first vice-president; Mr. FTederickson, fourth vlce preaident, and MIes McGulre, secretary-treasurer. Evangelist Natural Teacher of Scripture At the Free Methodist church, cor ner of East Fifty-fifth and East Flan ders street, the revival services con tinue with interest. The evangelist, W. T. Klozbach, is a natural teacher of the scriptures. Services are held every evening and every afternoon ex cept Mondays and Saturdays. A igiost enjoyable praise service Is held every evening commencing at 7:30. Take the Montavilla car and get off at Fifty fifth street and go one block south. There will be a Thanksgiving day service commencing at 10:30 a. m. and closing with a public wedding at noon Bible Program Is of A Special Interest A program of special Interest will be heard in the Young Women's Bible class of the First Presbyterian Sunday school at 12:10 Sunday, when -lames K. Kwlng will speak on Sargent's Frieze, '"The Prophets," and Mrs. Hathaway will sing. This is a special class in Bible study for young women, and J. J. Ross is the regular teacher, but one Sunday In each month Is re served for a special lecture by some authority on the broader features of religious study. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The Christian Endeavor society of the First Christian church will give a skating party at the Oaks rink Friday evening, December 1. Everyone Is In vited to come and g-et some good ex ercise after their Thanksgiving feast. Those on the committee of arrange ments are the Misses I -eta Kennedy, Faye Beery, Wanda Daggett, Isabelle Kldd and the Messrs. Frank Forrester, Wayne Feike, Loren Wells and Don Mdrse. The patrons and patronesses ore Mr. and Mrs. Meserve, Mr. and Mrs. McFarllng. Mrs. Kennedy and Miss West. On TbanksglTlng morning, at 7 a. m.. the Sunnyside Congregational C. E. will hold a sunrise prayer meeting. Breakfast will be served later, at 15 cents per plate. Forty members are so far enrolled for this meeting. All ere invited to come and help celebrate the true spirit of Thanksgiving at this prayer service. rivai Baa Orael C. E. society of the First Presbyterian church will hold their monthly song erv;ce at the Open A!r santarium on Sunday, November Tit ah vniinnr neonle ara most cordial- 'y Invited to attend and help these vfinn? Kndeavorera cheer UD the 111 ones there. Meet at First and Alder streets at 3 p. m. and take the Oregon City car. The laert of a series of four meetings on "The Life of Paul" will be held next Sunday evening at the First Pres byterian church when Dr. John H. Boyd will lead the San Grael C. II meeting-which meets at 6:16 p. m. in the chapel of the church. Everyone Is lr-vlted to hear Dr. Boyd on this Inter esting topic, "Paul, His Ideals and, At tainments. The Christian Endeavor society of the First United Presbyterian church has taken UP a degree of social serv ice work in the immediate past. Their efforts have especially been directed toward the Waverly Baby Home, which Is supported to a largo extent by vol untary contributions. Clothing, bed ding, toys, etc., are needed. The young people aro at work collecting various articles and anyone desiring to help them may call Tabor 468 or Tabor 5521 for further Information. Owing to theabaence of the pastor, the evening service of Nov. 26. 1916, of tho First United Presbyterian church, corner East Clay and Thirty seventh streets, at 7:45 p. m.. will be tu charge of tho members of the Chris tian Endeavor society. Pr. Geo. H. Pratt will address tho meeting, which will be led by Mies Ellanore Ewinu Tfrero will be special music. All are most cordially invited to attend the service. " Annual PraJs Service. The Ladlfs Missionery society of Kenilworth ll'resbyterlan church, Will hold Its annual praise service to morrow evening at 7:45 o'clock. Mrs. Henry V. Noyes will be the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Noyes has re cently returned to this country, after 4 3 yeans of missionary service in China. - Thanksgiving ' Praise Service. The annual Thanksgiving praise ser vice of the Missionary society will be held In the Vernon Presbyterian church Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. George Pratt will deliver a lecture on "Making Americans," 11 illustrated by lantern slides. There will be - ;u?c!al -muHic by Miss Luella Thompson and H. II. Buahnell. Will Speak on Mohammedism. Rev. G. K. Berry, of Kern Park Christian church, will speak this even ing n . "Mohammedism." This is the third lecture in a eriee & tbs rarl- ouat religions. y EXPERT' EFFICIENCY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CLASSES ARE ENDED " aawai 1 1 1 1 - , , : Six Weeks' Course Is Expect ed to Develop Desired Corps of 300 Sought. GRADUATES TO BANQUET Big roast to Be Held at Sunnyside Congregational Church In Honor of Those rtnlshlng Tea. The expert efficiency classca under the supervision of the Mulinoniah County C. K. Union were closed TucMilay evening, November 21, end ing the six weeks' course In the effl t Uncy work. This completes the teat book, "Kxpoi't lCndeavor," used In con- liictlon with the course. The course 1ms nmtilsted of a thor ough study of Christian Endeavor C, rrtetliofls and principles, Kach phase of I'hilstiun Kmleavor work was taken ' up in a manner which left clear In the ti'.lnds of thOKO attending the classes I lie importuned f such work in the fcndeavor field. Kach officer's duty to the society Una explained and gone Into most thoroughly. Spci-lal Klie.sH was laid rvn tho eoinmlttcM-K ami their work, which was cllscusned from every point of view. These ulseusslons proved very beneficial and intercxtlnn; In many v.'dys to the mcinheis uiul worveil lo rive vent to their views on thn differ ent subjects taken up. Nrer t-foie has Quite such a court- of Mudy lieen taken up and the benefit derived by the socict'ea in the t-fflicney nf Uielr irembers are even now loKliining to how up. The societies' allemlaiiee has Veen increased, ,t grculer Inlerest shown In the Clirlsllun Kmleavor work nnd. In fact, every Uepurt mont has shown an added improvement. At the first meeting (if tho classes In October soma "5 n. embers were, en relied. At the Blxth inecllnu llio hooks showed an Increase of more than 100 per cent. It is expecled that at leant 17f. or more will take the fiiinl exami nations. The caMipuign for millions' nroportionment for the Multnomah Union is 300 efficiency experts. Half of this number has been secured and It Is expected that the other 150 will rraduute this month and so fill this proportlonment. Last Sunday afternoon a review class was held at the Kant Side Chris tian church. A second review will be held tomorrow nt tho same church at 3.30 p. m. This clans 1h a splendjd opportunity for those who have not found It posaible to attend the reg ular classes and will enable them also to take the final examinations credibly. The flual examinations will be held Tuesday evening. November 28, at the regular class hour at the respective churches where the meetings have becu hld. Monday evening. December 4, at 6:15 P- m.. a large banquet w ill be held at the Sunnyside I'otih'reKalioiiAl church 'p honor of the expert efficiency grad uates and thOHe that have taken the ctuirre. All Kndcavorers and frtenda are most cordially Invited. Reserva tions should be made to Miss Beatrice Hrownell, phone Main 83 89. Plates L'S cents. Christian Endeavor Secretary Is Coming Rev. C. T. Decver, trcneral aecre tary of the Christian Endeavor o clety of the I,'nlted Rrethrp.n church, will visit the several United Hreth ren churches In the city next Sunday. Mr. Deever conies from Dayton, Ohio, and Is on a visit to the Pacific Coast district in the Interest of yr En deavor work. He will hold meetings in the city next Sunday at the following places: i ai 11 a. in , Alberta church. Twenty seventh and Sumner streets; at 8 , P. m. at the Tremont church, and at 1 :30 p. m. at the First church, corner of East Fifteenth and Morrison streets. Mr. Deever is a young man of un usual ability as a leader and Insplror of the young. His worlt everywhere Is attended with very fruitful results. It will be worth your time to hear him. Harvest Cantata to Be Choir Feature Tomorrow night the First Congre gational church rholr will render Weber's "Harvest Cantata" under the direction of Mrs. Leonora Fisher Whlpp, organlwt. This will be the third In a series of musical evenings now being given by the quartet on the last Sunday evening of each ' month. The church doora will be open at 7:30 and no seats will be reserved, ' At li a. in. Dr. Luther 11. Dyott, the puMor, will speak on "The Hand of God In the History of America." In thla sermon Dr. Dyott will be Just to all phases of our national life, not partaking of a pessimistic note, snd thus Justify a clearer outlook upon the things that we are facing -nation. Second Lecture on Revelation Sunday The second lecture or study on Rev elation will be given tomorrow, Sun day, evening by Evangelist Hayward, ' at Knights of Pythias hall, corner Eleventh and Alder streets, at 8 o'clock sharp. The subject will deal particularly with the reasons for the ; cnriaiian cnurcn arming towards tns, customs of paganism and coropromis Ing with heathen ceremonies In order - to become more popular, under the , diplomatic guidance of Emperor Con stantine. - Revival Series to Commence, Monday; Beginning Monday a series of evan gelistic services wilt be conducted at the JCast" fiUde Baptist church with K. P. Lyon of Lo Angeles, a converted Hebrew, In charge of the meetings. They will be held at 2:3s irvtbe after noon and also at 7 o'clock la the venlng. r The meetings will conclude VJIundajr evening. ' - -