The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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a number of excellent vocal aelectlons
by Mlsa Marion Benaett and K. Maid
wyn Evans. - They, were-' accompanied
by Mlea Evelyn Ewart, ptanlst.'
Dr. Blahop addreseed tha assem
blage. Hia words of appreciation of
tha manner In which hi pastorate has
received him wer markedly heartfelt.
' Th work of arranging tb evenlnga
entertainment waa , conducted by M.
M. Blnford, one of th prominent man
here of th church.
Teacher Suffers Loss
In Residence Blaze
her clothing and theV property TIT a
fir that partially destroyed her home
at 440 Tenth atreet yesterday after
noon. The rire atarted from hot aha
burning through the Wooden bottom of
an aah can. The fire burned up the
walla, then Into- the woodllft'ahd- shot
to the roof of th house, i The lose waa
eatimated at between $800 nad 1000.
Tha building la owned by 3. F. Booth.
1114 Board of Trade building, and the
loaa 1 partially covered by inau ranee.
Dr. Arthur P. Bishop, the new pastor
of Central Presby teHan church, at
banquet at the Eaat Side Masonic Hall
last night. Almost double th sum
ber of people expected, wer -present
at the affair which was given by the
Men'a club of tba church.
After the more than 260 baaejuataaC
composed of both men and wetoea
member of the ofaurol), their frleada
and prominent buainesa men, tiad tarn
eluded th ' repaat, a number of after
dinner ddresse wer made, th most
notabl being a short talk by United
State Senator H. L. Myers of Mon
tana. - Brother paatora oa th aat
aid f tb river wer represented by
Re. W. O. Shank f tba Oaat Bid
Baptlat and Rev, T. V. JJan of Ca
teaary. Th JPreabytary araa repre
aetrted by Dr. A. J. Montgomery, a
college mat of Dr. Biabop, L. U.
tapper, aecretary of tha Eaat - Sid
Buslneas MenT club, extended ' cor
dial greetlnga of tba people of East
Portland. Wlllard Rocker, represent
ing th young people, and Mra. C. F.
Clark th women of th church, heart
lly welcomed the new minister. Sup
pert cf th men at Central church was
guaranteed th new paator by John M.
Lawia. v '--
r Tha apeaklng waa . interspersed hy
Mlsa Elisabeth Bain, a, teacher in the
Waahlngton high achooL loat much of
Mrs, Jane Burns Albert Will
' Be One of Vocal Attrac-
'lions at Affair Saturday.
jj . M ip ,,u in mill 1 1 1 1 I 1
' : , '"Mm.,; :' . i i
tt4 bif rtbrth fiiirf in th Cefttral
library will earcl h14 t arawd If
u th lit eotresponaehe atudy and
clteitkloA tu4nli la Portland of
' the University of Ortgoil oM iMr
- lnvltittoh t th alrltr at-liome.
which Hi t 1:15 o'clock next Sat
urday avenin. . .
i. Urf JiOl Bufrt Albert haa been e
rortd ee onevf the muatcal attractions,
t.' (Bh WU1 atn tlie lyrloa written by Mrs
Mabel Holme Parsons, professor of
English at the university, who has be
tween tOO and 000 students in Portland
classee this fall. The music for the
lyrlca waa written by A. W. Denlaon
of Boston. Two faculty membere from
the university aohool of music will alao
play Thomas Annett, inetruetor In
- piano, and Mlsa Winifred Forbea, pro-
feasor f violin,
In Portland elasses In architecture
the university rata about 150 students,
and n exhibit Of aome of their work
and ot the work of their instructors
will be made Saturday night, the first
exhibit of the work of this school In
Portland. in the display, Roswell
Dosch, Inetruetor in modeling and
. drawing, will have a number of atuJ-
- lea: A. H. Behroff, professor of normal
' training In drawing, who came to the
faculty thia year from Boston, will
have numerous art apeclmena, and L.
C Siaeenberg, instructor In are hi lec
ture 1 deairn. will have a Hat of 12
sketches and a aet of illustrations for
. the Book of Meb."
' t Mrs. , Persons' class in modern drama,
which is aet for 8 o'clock next Satur
day night, will be adjourned for the
'iRiver Entrance No
: Bar to Naval Base
'OalamaU Deepened Sufficiently to
; ' A (salt amipe, Bays Lieutenant Black-
Von Stotary Club Bolda Meeting-.
t ' Th ColwmbVa river is exceptionally
' wall qualified aa the site of a naval
base and the bar that might once have
been an argument against the entrance
-' at the mouth of the river has been
deepened o that it offers no diffi
culties, said Lieutenant J. H. Black
.., (barn of th United States navy in an
' address before the Rotary club at noon
. yesterday.
. Tbare are four suitable places for
- t a naval base on the Pacific coast
and the Columbia river is one of them,
averred the navel officer.
; The elub'a Christmas fund has
.. s reached a total of $300. reported C.
; B. Watera. Thomas J. Swivel haa ac
cepted nomination aa oandldate for
"king repreaenting the Rotary club at
tb a "Punk In festival" of the Pro
rreeslve Bualneas Men'a club, next
Monday evening at the Armory, an
nounced Owen Bummers.
MRotartan" Morrow of Dublin, Ire
7 land, aald, "We have seven Rotary
, , eluba in aa many of our principal
'; dtlee and they are atrong factora in
, ear commercial life."
Mra, Sadie Orr Dunbar, aecretary of
the Oregon Association for the Pre--tventto
of Tuberculosis, asked co
(operation for the seal aale of the or
ffanlsallon wlta la repreaenting Ore
, gon In the fight against tuberculosis,
. la carrying on a tuberculosis survey
... at the entire state, furnishes class
. room material on the subject to the
schools of Oregon and paya for the full
, . time of a visiting nurae.
. A. R. Oephart, aecretary of Publio
7 Welfar bureau, told of the plana
', "! fr aervtce which have been formu-
lated by the auccessor to Associated
f' '"' ,1 - ' 1
U,., '' u ' f
.US,?' ?i jf- a
Mrs. Lloyd Snodgraas.
Mrs. Bnodgraaa, wife of IJoyd Snod
arraaa. 293 Tenth atreet, died last Fri
day at the age of Zt years. Besides
her husband, four brothers, three sla
ters and her father eunrlve her. Her
father Is W. R. Jeffcrlea of Neely,
Idaho. Funeral eervlces were held
Monday afternoon with Interment at
Rlvervlew cemetery.
Coal Oil Lamp Cause
Of Deaths of Three
Explosion Trap Woman and
Tonng- Boya While Parent Wat At
tending' Banc at nearby Town.
Santa Rosa, CaL, Nov. il ftj. F.)-
Two children, 2 and 1 year old, tha
aona of Clyde Lebaron, wealthy dairy
man, and a Mrs. Nash of Saxon, Idaho,
65 years old, who waa carina; for therfl,
were burned to death during the night
at Valley Ford. 18 mllea west of here,
when the Lebaron horneetead waa par
tially destroyed by fire.
Lebaion, hia wife, Mr. Hurley, who
is Mrs. Nash's daughter, and Mra. Al
bert McOowan, who had been staying
at the Lebaron home, want to a danoe
and charivari which welcomed home
Walter Moody, the Valley Ford atatlon
agent, and hit bride. Mrs, Nash put
the children to bed.
At midnight a coal oil lamp etenditfg
near her bed exploded and aet th bed
clothing aflame. Mra. Naah aelaed th
younger child and attempted to fl
down th atalrcaae, but the fire spread
too rapidly and aha fell exhauated at
the head of th atalra. 8h and th
child were both burned to death. Th
cider child waa burned to death in bad.
New Pastor Is Given
A Hearty Welcome
ITT. Arthur T. Blahop aires Moat Cor-
dial Orreetlng by Oomgrac attoa of the
Central Prtshytertaa Church.
welcome that waa aa open hearted
as it waa enthusiastic waa extended
Vancouver Barracks'
; Enlargement Sought
Vancouver and Portland chambers
f commerce will Join In effort to se
cure the enlargement of the Vancou-
vr military barracks to a brigade
" poat, according to the decision reached
j; by committees repreaenting the two
organisation In Joint eslon hero yea-
.- A special committee of three each
r tnm th Vancouver and Portland
i chambers of commerce to act together
In formulating argument in favor of
the brigade poet, tb secure assistance
. Of botir th Washington and Oregon
i delegations to congress and to aecure
I the. approval by resolution of aa many
; brganisatlorm In as wide an area aa
i possible.
; lt waa argued that Vancouver
: Should be made a brigade post because
' t la a focal point for transcontinental
r. ratlroada and hence valuable for mo-
butsatlon of troop jid for prompt de
', fens of adjacent points, because it
Would furnish support to coast defense
I both on Puget sound and at th mouth
of the Columbia river, and because the
occupation of the 250.000 equare-mil
Columbia baain would give an enemy
first rata opportunity to Invest Puget
aound and San Francisco. Coming
t from Vancouver yesterday were J. lT
, outherlaad, JV. J. Kinney, J. W. Bhaw,
J. Irkuhart and Captain Shaw.
I akaaaaWeaaaMl 1
Only Eight
before that ftmily reunion!
you hava bean looking for
ward to.
Thankiflvini !i a day
whan you ara expected to
look your oest, ana we
with to Imprest the fact
that we are prepared to
make "a new man" of you.
-ir your tnoutht it of a I
new suit, we have a splen
did assortment.
If It is to be a newtver-
coat, we surely can plene
Hat and furnishings are
here in profusion and of
th most approved New
York styles.
The second floor of our
new building is devoted to I
men's clothing) the street
floor to hats and furnish-
If it's correct, It's here.
"Quality Tirst" our slogan
tor jj years.
Buffum &
Pendleton Co.
Clothiers, Hatters and
127 Sixth Street
30 Easy Steps from Wash
ington Street
F. N. Pendleton.
Wlnthrop Hammond.
For Particular Shavers
prto a t taJM
Pottagm Prepaid
For a few
days only at thu
IeaaI introduc
tory price .
$1.50 Self-Honing
Strop OOe
Postage Prepaid
-:iMttd Ordmr Given Prompt Attention
. These rasors are mad of th Xlneat
tel obtainable guaranteed to be fre
from any flawa and Imperfection In
workmanship and boned ready for use.. -and
If you are not eatlafled at any
time w will glv you free exchanje.
Portland Cutlery
otn act uet. stark
v Co.
arid Oak, Opp. Weill Fargo Bldg.
AO 4
mm mose oir slm oiceer srea'
aan Jar
ioclMdiinig - tienew' records of thewonderfi
Lazaro, who is achieving unprecedented success, are
on sale in both the Eilers Music Houses
Two Great Music House
Morrison at Fourth
Broadway at Alder
This Is Our Thanksgiving Combination Offer No. 1
A combination at a price not to be obtained!
elsewhere on a new easiest payment Plan. Deliv
ered free anywhere in or out of town. Includes
thirty-one selections and one free double-sided
demonstration record; also needles enough for a
thousand concerts; record album, record cleaning
brush, oil can, all with this latest model Grafonola.
Positively superior in tone quality, volume, design
and finish to our great $108.80 offer of last year.
How to Pay
How to pay? We have made no fixed terms
of payment; no restrictions; no binding condi
tions. This is a Thanksgiving Combination Offer
it is to bring joy and happiness- into your home
pay the old Reliable Eilers Music House as best
suits your convenience.
It pays to 'deal at headquarters. Agencies
having but one make and a few records to choosfi
from do not offer opportunity for adequate com
parison. Every model, ever& size, every finish
may be compared at Eilers Music Houses.
The Eilers Houses two stores Broadway at
Alder or Morrison, at Fourth are undisputed
phonograph headquarters Everything to be ob
tained anywhere Is here, and also much that is not
obtainable anywhere else.
The Eilers stores are unquestionably in better
position to take care of every phonograph or
other musical demand than any other institution.
Inquire, investigate and decide now.
The response to this announcement Will be
immense. A great quantity of specially selected
instruments, records and accessories have been
provided, but when the supply is exhausted this
special offer ends. We, therefore, urge you to see
us or to write us at once.
See the select list advertised in yesterday's paper, or send for complete cata
logues and choose your own equivalent. And remember, when the total cost is, only
'I c
1 w
This uperb combination now on sale is offered unhesitatingly as representing the most for the money.
Remember, it can be had only at Eilers Music Houses and at no other place.
The instrument will 'be supplied in fancy figured mahogany, or in golden oak, or fumed oak, or in splendid
figured walnut, or Circassian walnut.
See Alse All That Goes With It
Positively more musical value
for less money than obtainable
elsewhere. Eilers Music Houses!
are phonograph specialists
For the Many Who Desire a More Portable Type of Machine We Offer
Our Thanks
For XMily $1.00 a week we now supply a new model
grafonola, Including all of the above enumerated acces
sories, but only 17 of the "select list" titles and the one
free demonstration record.
Elegant, Big-Toned, Equal
Volume to Any at $50
$60 Heretofore Now.
Sale at Both Stores of
This Makes an Offer Irresistible, and
All for Only $1.00 a Week
Only a Limited Number on SaleSelect Yours Now
f . U J - ,1 I Tl. '-
PS'b on Sale at Both Stores of BaSr''
All for Only
Two Great Music Houses
Morrison at Fourth
Broadway at Alder
Two ,Perb Main Floor TaUunff
macmne salesrooms
And All for Only
Now Consolidated
us a postcard and we will send splendid Illustrated catalogues; will also ship Talking Machines and Records on Free Trial.
Il 1 1 i n
111 "I"
lull!' I
ill 'li'l 'i'l