THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER 2, .1916. 15 ILL HONOR BREMEN Funeral Services Will Be Held in Mid-Atlantic for Lost Diver's Seamen, SUGGESTION IS REJECTED - AX Wledersehn" Zs Considered Too Muoh, Tomptlao; rate Will . v Xo Inscribed on Wwtt. New London, Conn.. Nor. 2. AmMit the tossing billows of the mid-Atlantic funeral services will be held for the DEAD! ETON1P i crow or mo iosi uerman niercnani 'submarine Bremen when the Deutsch- land toes on 'her voyage home. Now that they are certain that the Bremen went to tho bottom, the crew of tht Deutschland decided today that . the moitt appropriate way they could m v. fm r-Jt r 11 hnnAra trt thu aAmn on their ill-fated slater ahlp would bo to hold a memorial service at sea. (Consequently It was decided that a laurel wreath, bound with the German naval ensign, would be cast upon the waters while prayers were said. It was 'first suggested that the 1 words. y AO f Wledersebji." ("until we meet again"), be Inscribed on the em blem but some objected to It. 'Conference Held Over Cargo. 1t la too much Ilk tempting fate," said- the objectors. "We may meet ' those poor Yellows at the bottom of the sea soon enough." The expenses are being borne jointly ' 'by all the members of the Deuuch- land's crew. Simllinf Captain Paul Koenlg, ",- skipper of the Deutschland, confident ly thought today he'd be able to unload bis $10,090,000 cargo without Interfer ence from the United States. " -He claimed there was no hitch about ' this, but Collector of the Port McOovern. of Connecticut, evidently thought dif ferent, for he hastened to Hartford t yesterday" to Confer with Secretary of ' the Treasury McAdoo, presumably about till known jewels and the stocks - and bond said to be aboard. The out come of this session had not been made public early today. :, . "Beer," got Tow, was Wanted. Soporoflc New London Is wider ', awake now than it has been since the days when the British sneaked up the channel, captured the: fort atop the Groton hills and slew the brave Amer ican commander. t Captain Koenlg and his ' crew are ) cheered every time they appear on the street. A 16-year-old member of the ' .. crew, with several sturdy fellow mem bers, narrowly escaped embrace from a "-crowd of handsome women when they J appeared on Main street today. They only edged out after they'd signed au '" tOgraph photographs of their boat. The . crew has shore leave and they are enjoying It. . . The story goes that when the Scotl ; tug greeted the Deutschland and in v quired if It wanted a tow, a voice from v aboard the submarine answered: "No, W want beer." Captain Koenlg's talk with news paper men left the lrnpreaalon that ; anti-American feeling- still is rather .strong in Germany, though he hesl ylated .and said it "wasn't very bad." Vi. Tin' scoffs at the British hlnrknrl. "it only a spy system, a chain of . commercial agents," he said, "and If , the British navy comes out, why, we'll bo ready for them, though, frankly, we can't catch up to England's naval Strength during the war. ' "Germany think the war will last v, at least another year, and It la con ' fldent of the outcome. "The submarine la the vessel of the future. Battleships are no good any more and anybody who doesn't see that . ' must wear blinders. I think tho Unit ed States-is beginning to realise it." Diver Will Be Examined. Washington, Nov. 2. (I. N. S.) Admiral W. S. Benson, acting secretary ' of the navy, today announced that a board of naval officers would be named Immediately to examine the German submarine Deutschland at New Jf London and determine officially wheth- .ervthe submarine la still of the mer chantman class, as was the case when ha was at Baltimore. ' Diver May Become Museum. New London, Conn., Nov. 2. (U. P. ! ."We'll probably turn the Deutsch land into a museum after the war and charge 10 cents admission," said Cap tain Koenlg. her commander, today, j "Just now, though, we are planning to have no visitors aboard except the .mayor of New London." v' British to Use Destroyers. ' New London, Conn., Nov. 2. (I. N. SO Swift destroyers from-the British naval base at Halifax will try to run down the German merchant submarine . Deutschland when she starts on her re- Get Rid of Pilos at Homo Thousand Beport Belief and Caret ' Through the TJie of Pyramid Pile Treatment Within Their Own Homes. .If you suffer from piles, yon are doing yourself a grave Injustice every Cay you put off testing the famous Pyramid Pile Treatment. TotiF mi ts net worse than m th cases of many who did try this remarkable treatment and 'Who have I nee written us letters babbling over with Joy-end thankfulness. Test It at our expense by mailing the below coupon, or get 60o box from yotfr druggist row. ' - FREE SAMPLE COUPON fPTR AMIiy DRUG COMPANT. r M4 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. Mloh. Kindly snd mo a Free sample ef Pyrmaud fiUTratmnt, In plain wrapper. Nam "X .......................... Street City... ' Stata ;vA;..y..r.-...yf' tt . , , . . . : - turn, voyage to Germany, Information, was recelveJhere today that the British will not rely wholly upon their patrol ling fleet of cruisers when the Deutsch land starts for bom. GERMANS QUIT VAUX, LAST OF VERDUN FORTS (Continued From Page One.) of Plerra Vaast wood the enemy at tacks were generally repulsed with eanguinary losses. Our troops, in spite of tenacious French resistance, made an advance in the north part of Sallly. "In the eastern war theatre. Prince lipoid's front, In the army group of General von Lineengep, Westfallen and East Frisian troops under Major Gen eral von Dltf urth's command stormed Russian advanced positions near and south of Vltoniez, on tho left bank of the Stochod. Germans Beport Successes. "Besides suffering heavy losses, the enemy left 22 officers and 1508 men in our hands. We captured ten ma chine guns and three mine throwers. Our losses were itnalL "Further south, near Alexandrovka, we brought back 60 prisoners from a successful reconnoiterlng raid. On the Archduke Carl's front, in the Car pathians, there were successful enter prises against Russian advanced posi tions north of porna Vatra." LONDON REPORTS GUNS WERE ACTIVE FOR 48 HOURS BEFORE FALL London, Nov. 2. (I. N. 8.) Verdun swung into the war's limelight today with a striking reverse for the. Ger mans. After the French had bombarded Fort Vaux, on the ast side of the Meuse, for two days and two nights, with a devastating fire from hundreds of massed pieces of artillery, the Ger mans unexpectedly evacuated the work in the night. The Germans blew up the most im portant parts of the fort that had been left standing before they abandoned it. The evacuation of Fort Vaux placed the German llneshorthcast of Verdun the same as they were on February 25. 1 An extraordinary feature of this brilliant success for the French was. that the French war, office made no mention of the evacuation of Fort Vaux in the communique issued at noon. It was the German war office which admitted the abandonment of the fort. Many thousands of men were lost and countless tons of steel projectiles were fired to gain what the German i have lost in the .last two weeks of fighting on the Verdun front. Mackenscn Halts His Advance. Petrograd, Nov. 2 (IT. P.) Field Marshal Mackensen has halted his ad vance in Dobrudja, apparently because of a hortage of men, to protect his long line along the River Danube. Dispatches from Bucharest declare that Mackensen has be-in forced to send several regiments to the Tran- sylvanlan front to aid Falkenhayn. I ..uj , . . i j i Alio whiiuihwilj ui lurnc iiuuo la saiu to have checked hLs offensive opera tions. Practically everywhere along the Transylvanlan front excepting south of Red Tower pass .the Roumanians are holding their own, the Austro-Ger-mans have been checked in their ad vance on Campolung, but are continu ing their heavy attacks in the Alt valley, where the loes of two villages by the Roumanians was- officially con ceded yesterday. French Take 536 Prisoners. Paris. Nov. 2. (I. N. S.) Fighting their way forward through fog and battle smoke, the French won fresh ground last night on the Somme front and the Lea Boeufs-Sallly Salllleel lino K, In announcing this success today. the French war office reported also the capture of 638 German prisoners during the past 24 hours. Bulgarians Are Repulsed. Paris. Nov! 2. (I. N. S) The re pulse of Bulgarian attacks and re newed progress for the Serbians on the Tcherna river in Macedonia is re ported by the war office today in a communique on Balkan operations. The text follows: "From the Struma to the Vardar only artillery activity has taken place. in tne sector of Lane Dolran and on the Tcherna river the Serbians re pulsed attacks 'by the Bulgarians and scored fresh progress in spite of strong resistance by the enemy. Heavy losses were inflicted by the Serbians and some Bulgarian prison ers were taken. Only artillery duel ing was reported elsewhere." w Ccmgtanza Is Bombarded. Berlin. Via Wireless to Sayvilla, Nov. 2. (U. P.) Enemy warships hav shelled the Roumanian Black Sea port of Constanza, recently cap tured by the Germans and Bulgars, without success, it was officially an nounced today. "Roumanian attacks against the Austro-German troops that had ad vanced Ijeyond Altschanz and Predeal pass failed under losses," the war of fice stated. "We captured eight officers and 200 men. South of Red Tower pass engagements which are favorable to us continue. "On the Macedonian front Serbian advances in the Cerna bend and north of Nldze Planina were repulsed. "On the Struma front there tfave been active foreground engagements." Paris Makes Eea'dy For German Air Raid Paris, Nov. I. (I. N. 9.) That the military authorities fear a German air raid over Paris such as the Ger mans have been making over London, ts Indicated by special precaution that are being- taken. Instructions were issued today to the residents of the city snd all were warned to abide strictly by these regulations when an alarm Is given. Gabriel d'Annunzio Praised for Pluck Rome, Nov. I. Gabriel d'Aanunzio, the famous poet, is again In the spot light for bravery 'in action. It was stated yesterday that General Count Cadorna, commander-in-chief of the Italian armies, has proposed the name of the. poet r a second medal for bravery rAnnunxio has been In the ' Italian air corps. , Railway Purchase Proposed. San Francisco, Nov. 1. (U. P.) Purchase of the United Railways sys tem by San Francisco without a bond issue, the acquired roads to pay for themselves out of their earnings, was proposed today by City, Engineer M. M. O Shaughnessy, who- Is working on , plans.. ,' ' ' . ' . - REALTORS ILL HEAR DEBATE ON PROPOSED TAX LIMITATION BILL Ex-Governor West Will Up hold Amendment While R. H, Strong Will fight It, AIMS TO CURB INCREASES By Provisions off Xeasrore Increments Are Limited to Per Cent Per Tear Unless Feopls Authorise. A pre-election debate on the merits and demerits of the state-wide tax and indebtedness limitation amendment will be the main attraction of the weekly luncheon to be given by the Portland Realty board Friday noon at the Benson hotel. - Ex-Governor Oswald West will .de fend the proposed measure, which will be voted on by the people of the state at the coming election, while Robert H. Strong, manager of. the Corbett es tate, will take the negative side. The purpose of the amendment ts to limit the increase In taxation to an an nual Increase not to exceed per cent a year unless a greater increase is au thorized by the people, and limiting the power of counties to incur in debtedness to not more than $5000. W. A. Barnes will act in the capacity of chairman of the day. TWO BUILDINGS PROPOSED Mrs. P. C. King Begins Construc tion on Apartments. Construction on a two story apart ment house to cost over $15,000 has been contracted for by Mra. Fred C King at Broadway and Grant streets. Excavation started this morning on " structure, which will be completed reoruary i; provided that bad weather causes no delays. The building wdl be of tile and stucco exterior, containing 10 apartments. The building will be 50 by 4 feet In dimensions with specifications neces sary for additions in the future. There will be eight three-room apartments, one two-room, and one four-room suite. The architects, Goodrich Goodrich, luive provided that each apartment shall be provided with a semi-outdoor sleeping porch. The building will be heated by gas. It is also announced by the same erchltects that plans have been com pleted for a one-story garage to be erected at Twelfth and Main streets by Robert P. Upton, an attorney in the Fenton building. The building will be EO by 100 feet in dimensions and will COSt abOUt S7000 Th .Tt.rln. will K. of tile and brick. Specifications provide , . opeciiications prov additional stories in the future. - , - . . "noma nave as yet Deen securea for the building, but Mr. Upton states mat ne has confidence in the good times that are coming to- get tenants for the garage building. Real Estate Transfers. Margtrrt Hoeber and wf. to Exile Bar- kltt. I,. 4, B, 2. Millory Add $ 10 ms inincan Martin et al to Mary E. Diinran. U 14. B. 8. IrTindnU 1 A. ior t0 a. L. Onwn. L. 13, B. 1, in Sub. of B. "M." M. Parton Tract. 820 lit. Scott Park Cemetery Corp. to Mr. Amanda Bishop, l. 2ti. In Bee. Maa nolla, of Mt. Scott Park Om ITS O. P. Ramarj and wf. to J. C. West n ai. u. 10. B. 2. Sub. of L. "M," in M. Patton Tract 860 R L. Taylor to John 8hrman Tartar L. 27, 28. B. 1. Oreenoe Ht Itolpb L. Taylor to John Sherman Tay lor. L. 8. . B. 2. Montonr Sheriff to J. H. Mldrlleton, L. 25, B. 100, Lanrelhurat Sheriff to Alible A. Strengr. L. 8,'b! 1 100 8,071 h J, Z. 3. 4. 5, 11. 12. 13, B. 2 Caplei Add. to St. Johna i Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to J. E. Rioprenatein al L. 6, B. 6, Creaton Sarah K. Anderson and bus. to S. O. DongtacTty et al, t,. 11, B. 13, Lores ..Add Morle J. Swanaon to E. I,. Ellison et al. part of B. "F." SI. patton Tract. William Arthur II ad den tind wf. to Ed ward Schnick, L. 8. B. 2, Florence Hts Edith A. Johnson et al to H. Alfred Johnson, L. 8. B. 2, I'ark Add. to Alblna Saul Silrerfleld to Belle SllTerfleld. wife. I.. 12. and N. 83 ft. of V 13. R. 2. gtroor'a Add Sberlff to Georga W. Batea A Co., L. 11. B. 19, Belle Crest. L. 1, 2, B. 2. Victoria Park, L. 5, B. i. L. 2, B. 1. Bock wood LnelU I). Kimball executrix to truatee of Kimball College of Theology, L. 13. B. 15, Belle Crest W. Y. Masters' and wf. to Otto J. Kxae land beg. in S. line of I 27, Mountain View Park Add. No. 1, 31S ft. W. of B. line aaid lot 10 800 T49 s 2,600 10 000 Building Permits. Ur. Gtr, Erect frame a-araa-e. &40 9rm, m .. imwm srim ana &.nott ata. : J S Jewell, 800 E. Ererett at., builder, $80. Mrs. E. Rice Repar 1V4 atory frame dwell ing. 616 Qulmbr at., between 19th and 20'h ta.: E. T. 1'eteraon. 874 E. 12th at. N.. bi'iMer t2TO. r ' W. J. Weldon Repitr 1 atory frame dwell ing. 1026 Princeton at., betrrren Macrum and Weatanna ata.; r. E. Bllnn. Woodlawn, bond er, (75. Lewla Investment Co. Erect 1 story frame ibed. 205 Da tIi at., between 4th and 5th its.' G K. Howltt. 2W Darta at., builder, 1100. 8. L. Brown Kepalr 1 torr machine abop Erat Water at., betTreen Madlaon and Hamil ton ata.; bnlldrr. ane, $230. r. SInnott Repair 2 atory frame restaur ant building, 2S0 Bnrnalde St., between 2d and 3d ata. : Becbe.- & Co., 262 Pine at . bulldera. $150. Independent Reslty Co. Repair 1 story brick ordinary atore bni!d!nf, 195 Front at. ecrner Taylor st.; D. Gurla, 231 Sheridan at.. ti1ldr. I20O. Wold & Steneraon Repair 1 atory frame dwelling. Ki$ E. 28th St.. between Gladstone and Cora ata.; Joe Steneraon, 840 B. 28th St.. bnllder 1100. Heath Shipbuilding Co. Erect B ahtpwaye an dock at harbor line, between Wooda and Glbba ata.; builder, same. S20.O0O. F. Kallender Repair 1 story fram dwell ing, 000 Erwin at., betwsaa IllandlDa, sod Go ing. bulldr fame. $230. L. I-7to Repair iMj story Crane dwell ing. 6V3 2d it, between Arthur and Meare tr.; J. C. Bayer CO.. 204 Market at. bolld era. $175. Mr. Stepbrtu RepaLr 1 atory frame dwell ing. 965 K. Market at., builder, num. $125 Mra. nralnard Repair 1 atory frame dwell ing, 736 F.llia at., between E. 20th and 22d ata.; Charles G. Slerena. builder, $lono. D. Kern Wreck 2 tary frame dwelling 0 Oand it N., between AnLeny aad Rurn't,le at.; O. K & Rom City Wrecking Co.. wreckera $250. Mra. . P. Connolly Repair' t atory frame shop-dwelling. 828 Conch at., between flth and Broadway: It. t. fate wart. t2 Coach St.. bollder. $00. C. Flelda Repair 1 atory frame dwelling. 1151 Mil wangle at., between Reedway snd Kills, builder same. StfflO. Otto Schwaraenhach Erect 1 story frame garage, 740 K. 27 tn at.; A. Castor, trailder, Poster Klelaer Co. Erect billboard, 832 Oregon st-, between V. 1st ana K. 2d ata.; builders, same $30. roster ft Klelaer Erect billboard. Sandy bird., between E. 22d aad B. 23d ata. builder same, $50. Seattle Gambling Den Raided. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 2. Sergeant V. R. Putnam and his dry squad fig ured in a Chinese gambling house raid yesteraay, matting a descent uporH a resort at 221 Washington street. conducted by John Sing, and from which they took 45 white men and five Chinese and a lot of gambling para phernalia, - - f - More Are Arrested For Legalists Plot ' . s Nogales, Aria,. Nov. l.(I, N. S.) Twelve additional arrests were made In Tucson last night and '.wo in Nogales in connection with the alleged Lega llsta plot to smuggle arms and Ammu nition Into 8onora, Mexico. ' Eighteen rifles and 6000 rounds of ammunition were discovered in a Tuc son cacbe and seized by federal of ficials. Special agents' of the department of Justice, before the United States com missioner swore to complaints against 30 persons. Druggists Against Handling Liquor Seattle. Nov. 2. (U. P.) By a ref erendum vote of 324 to 174 the drug gists of Washington state have voted in favor of a law that will prohibit them from selling- liquor. The. bal loting has Just been completed by the Washington State Pharmaceutical as sociation. The vote in Seattle was 93 to 65 against selling; liquor. Brug gists, under the dry law in effect here, are permitted to sell on prescription only. BOY SCOUT FINDS MISSING GIRL; WAS AFRAID OF SCOLDING (Continued From Page One.) once had been braids, over either shoulder. , Visited School Priend. Monday afternoon when her school, St. Francis Academy, East Thirteenth and Oak streets, closed for the day, she set out with snother little girl friend. Informing her that she- had permission to visit at her home until 4:30. For the first time in many months, she left the school books in her desk. Visiting at this home until 4:80, she stayed her leave' and started for the west side. "I walked and walked, and it got dark and I became pretty tired, so I began looking for a place to stay," Elizabeth narrated. "I was afraid to go home, because mamma would scold me. 'When I saw the big vacant house. I went around on the-back porch and found the open door and went in and laid down. I didn't sleep much, be cause it was too cold." Attended Children's Party. Tuesday morning she spent In walking- the streets, but went for awhile to the children's department of tho public library. That night, after at tending the party at the T. W. C. A. arid getting the first food In more then 2 4 hours, she slept again in the vacant house. The following morning she went first to th library, and remained until noon. Although she was the only child there much of the time, she said, the attendants did not notice her. In the afternoon she mingled un noticed with the hundred or more children In the playroom of the Meier & Frank Co. store. Early last evening, cold, tired and hungry, she sought the new hiding place, resolved to beg food this morn ing. She crept early to the security of the church steps and slept inter mittently until the boy aroused her 1 1n a rainy dawn. NEW TODAY Light Manufacturing or Warehouse Two -story brick building. Hood t., between . Barker and Arthur, South Portland. Track age, abundance of light, paved street. Will give long lease -reasonable rental Apply R. W. Ha- good, 311 Journal Bldg. 6 Loaas of $10,000 and TJp on Im proTed Business Property (or fox XmproTsmsnt Porpoiai.) J. r, ZXP8COMB, 842 Stark Street. RUPTURE J. A. JOHNSTON Bnptnre Spedallarl 411-413 AUsky Bid. Xesnlts Onara&txd Fearey Brothers. Inc. WE BUY NOTES GOO Seknm Bldg. Portland. O. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upward at 6-7-8 Orsffea InTsstneat S Mortrage Co. Offices 203-4 170 Sd St, FARM LOANS 7 TO 72 MOBTOAOIW BOXTOHT. Mortgage Company for AVmerlea, Kooro aa Aimswortn Bldg. Portland. Or. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT Wilson's Auction House, 1(-171 2d st. Kale at 10 a. m. ai a p. 2-1 t m. at ford A iction Co, ll Furniture, rarneta etc. CLASSIFIED Al) -RATES CASH nTT.BTISEatlatS. Daily mt Saaday. 1H easts per word (or all classtneatloiM s eptlDg "Tor Bent la PriTsts FamUjr," uBoora aad Board ta rrlrata- gaially." "Sltuatloa Wasted" and "Wasted t aUaC" ads, wfelrt are 1H ets per word. Tbrae lmcrtKma fur tae price ef twsw Btm tnaertkw. (or tn price ot fir. Me ad takca for eras this M casts. CASH MUST aecompsay copy ta ebtals akr cHAgcgp acvmnoimt 5H eriit. per wjrk per tsasi ttoa. -This charge la for all ekuairicatloas eserpt Ing "Vot Kent la PrWate raaaUy," 'Booaa aad Board In Prirste ranUy," "Sltuatloa Waatrd" aad -Wasted t Kent ads, slc are iii seats per ward per lummrtitm. He ad chargsd fas aaas taaa 15 eemtar- PROFESSIONAL AND1 luSINESS DIRECTORY - AOUOKPIOM rLEATlMw. AtCUKliHiN, KNlaSl AN U BOA aLKATlNU, HEMSTlTtHl.NG. BUAIDJNU; BUTTON EOLKS, BUTTONS COVtRED. BA8TERN KOVKLTV MFG. CO.. 65 H BTH. BW AY WK) hv. tjl'KfUAN UeiiMUtcbiDg. accord tua. aide and auotmrat pleating; botlona core red; goed sponged. Scalloping. Httock blk. B'wsy 10W AGATE CUTTEXB kl. !;, Mig. Jeweler., fctirtrt numutao. Miller'.. MASt Wma., bet. B'wsy and Park. BLANK BOOKMAKEHS UAVla s HVlMAtt, Inc.. XUU 2A at. Blank book ataauMctarets. sgents lor Jones Im proved Loom Leaf Ledgers. Bee tae new trtiUif. A-3ISS. Mala 1S3. BBASS AHD MACHIKE WOBKB UAbl-kii'd BiaM Wulu. lii.M cuciuga ami maetilne worka. ttXt N. Stn at. M'dway CABfET CLEAKJIfO ' ifluifif wei: eld earpeu. rag rugs wnwi ruga carpet tret uug Co., 188 K. sik. K. SixtO: B-ia JOltt; liuua., tlectnc Cleaning Works Car pel. cleaned and laid; refitting oar spe cialty. Kant 4-K). B-l3. 2Q4 B. 19th at. N. CHIB0PBACT0B8 StOCUiSrUL, Willi lingering tliaoaaea, cme taking time; al treatmenta. scat cam lea. time, leas aaooe; experienced: making good. Dr. McMaaon, 2d flour Alacieay bldg. banitartum 734 Uawtborae. . UfcUaOVAL NOT1CB tT. O. Powell, chiropractor, remored te S13 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. Special otter to flrat 10 entering bis oftlc clinic. Bring thla notice. 10 to 12 m. 8 to 6 p. m. COAL AVB WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. East 2041. Ureen al.O ikxxI, 4 ft., $3.23 cord. Blockwood, 4 ft., $4.75 cord; aawd. $5.(A) load. Dry alabwood, sawed, $4 load. A-l fir. 4 fU, $3.75 cotd. IHIirered or sawed to order. MUST CLAtid old growUi tir cordwuuO, tirjr, T0 per cord dellrered. Lewes Koc) Uo, 241 Couch st. I'uoue bdwy. 233U. A-2161 AD r Fuel Co. Small orders our apeclal- Di J, xy. 409 Union are. N. Eaat 4r)1. NKt)K r'AKK lr tir, 4 tt., $5.00 to IH.OO. Blockwood. 303 Water at. Main 4n6. A-4647. STANDARD Wood Co., lt claas fuel. Prompt delWery. Eaat 2315, B-160. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONCKETE walla, walk", floors, etc., concrete garages and waterproofing a tpecialty. a L. Crosby, 444 E. SMtb at. 8. Tabor 8012. OSKAK Ht'llKK, General Contractor. Sher lock bldg D00 AND CAT HOSPITAL DK. U. U HUTHMAN. VE"iEaiNAKlAN. Ho pltal. 415 K. 7th at. Eaat 1847. B-182. EDUCATIONAL DANCING MANCHtaftH Dancing Academy, 5Vi 5th at. bet. Stark and Oak. apec'nl rates. 4 priest leasona, i; morning, afternoon, ercning; all latest dances guaranteed; claw Thursday, Sat- niday CT'-ninny i-n:ao. Broaaway tiw, Allt. and Mra. Ueatb'a Scbuol Leuona dally. Clan Tue., Fri. ere. 10U 2d at., between Wahlngtun aiid Stark. Leawna 25c. Main D'AIQ LAW SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough, practical coium in law. Secltatlona cTeuinga. Mala 077. Allaky bldg. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS IVII ICir1 Hare CTerythlng at lowest price. IViUOlU N. HODGSON. 248 Ai-OEU 81'. K. T11IELHOUN Violin teacnei-. pupil bsrclk. 27 Fltedner bldg. Maraball 1628. I'KOK. T. E. LAWSON Piano leaaona at your home, 00c. Phone Tabor 2839. B4OTIMK piano playing In 10 to 20 leuona. tCb rlaten.en aystem." 412-13 Colombia bldg. VIOLIN, piano, undolin, guitar, ukulele, ; banjo. 75c. Main 4JW2. Inatmmenta for aale. yiBE IN8UEANCE PACIFIC STATES F1KB 1NSUUANCE CO only Oregon fire Insurance company. FLUFF RUGS AND BAG RUGS. Send Us Your Old Carpets . FLUFF mU Had from old Ingrain, Bruaaela Axmlnatar. Smyrna. Also- rag rugs, all alaea. Uall orders prompt. CarMt cleaning. Bend for booklet WESTERN FLL'ra KLU CO. 64 Union Are. N. Phones Kaat 8518. B-147o. FURNACES Bdynton Furnaces Economical, effectual. Front and Market. J. C. Bayer Oo KEY AND LOCKSKITH ALSO ELKCTRIO iron repairing, saw riling, etc. Carl Ptlefer, 274 Taylor .t. Main 76. MABICUEING AND HAIUDgESSIllG 407 Broadway bldg. Residential work by ap polntment. Phone Main 1222. MATTRESSES OLD mattreaies and featber beda mads Into sanitary folding forma; featbers renoTSted. Foldlnc M. Co.. W VVIlllama. E. 5874. MOM-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES WKlNHAKD'8 Qoldan snd Amber Nectar. llenry Weiahard plant, 13th aud Bumaltle Main 72, Phones A-l 103 PAINTING, TINTING. P APEKKAMQDCQ PA1NTINO. tinting, paperbanging. Sbop 640 Martball at. Main 4414. Tocbl Painting Co. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THE IVY Plifc&3 JOHN M. MANN. 32 Stark at. Broadway 4Qs, A-W ROOT REPAIRING STOP tbat leaky roof. We guarantee tt. Alae painting, tinting, paperbanglsg. Woodlawn S2. erenlnga. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALbO Steoclla, Trad Cbecka, brtx Signs, PACIFIC COAdT STAMP WOKKS 231 Waablngton at. Main 710, A-2710 SAFETY RAZORS HONED bAFETl rasora abirpejied, ail kinds, "ST aad Hoc per dozen. I4SV4 8a at., near Morrlaos. SHEET METAL WOKKS REPAIRING tin and grarel roofs. Jacob, 810 First at. Pbone Main 1424. UNION AVE. Sheet Metal Worka and furnace repairing. 411 Union sts. N. Eaat 4811. T0WEX SUPPLY PORTLAND Laundry Co.. for prompt, affl o.. for prompt, sffl B'way 410. A-4410. dent .erTlce. Phon TRAN8FER AND 8T0RAGX Oregon Transfer Co. Establl.bed 18TO. t Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage rree Trackage. Office snd Storage 474 Gliaaa st. 18tb and Gliaan. Main 60. A -440 ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEST HOCUEUOLD GOODS SPECIALISTS Storage. Packing, Shipping and Moving. Horse or Ant Taos. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Becond and Pine. Broadway 098. A-10O6. Plbl Bros. Tranafcr Co.. Moving and Stor. age. 91 Broadway. Office pboas Broadway 1784; res. pbone. East 8609. MANUFACTURERS ' 1JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! PAOrr. Qlj, ART) OLAB8 KAtfMUSSEN CO., "lilsa Suudard" paiot. N. E. corner 2d and Tavlor. M. 17T1. A-A81. PLUMB IMG SUPPLIES PLCMB1NO auppllo. wbawale prices. St.rk riavi. C.. JiJ Third t. Main 7BT. SANITARY WIPING RAGS L, SHANK CO, S12 KttO.NT ST. PHOXK MAIN l1n WOOD PIPE iOKTLAND WOiiD PIPE CO. Factory and office- sear 24th snd York at. Mats 848a mOXJCATZOV COTJPOX. If yon want the name of a reliable business hoyse deal Ins; In any line ef merchandise, or Information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc address Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau. Information desired: Nam.'.... ....... Address. .......... 41 WASHINOTON LODGE NO. 4. A, P. & A. M. Special communication t o m o r row Frlday) afternoon. 1:S o'clock. E. 8th and BurnslUe. to conduct th tuncral or onr lata brother. HaroM D. Puph A full attendance desired. All M. M. in rlted. The use of your auto will oe appreciated. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec'y. AL KADER TEMPLK A. A. O. N. M. S. will give a complimentary ball and card party to all Shriners and their ladies on Wednesday evening. November 1&. at the Multnomah hotel. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. WEEF00T CAMp No. 6. W. O. W, every Friday night In W. O. W. Temple, lit - 11th st Members requested to be present visitors welcome. M. T. Wood ward. C. C; A. L Bar bur. Clerk. B. P. O. Elks. No. HJ. Reg ular meeting this (Thurs day) evening. Elks Temple, 8 o'clock. Visiting Broth ers welcome. By order- of the K. R. M. R. SPAULDING, Secretary. SELL, WOOD LODGE. No. 181, A. F. & A. M. fepeclal c o m m u n ication tomorrow (Friday) evening, 8 o'clock, Sellwood Masonic hall. Work In V. A. unit V C rl.rrepa. Visitors welcome. By order of W. Nl. J. H. BUTLER. Secretary. SUNNYSIDE LODGE NO, 168, A. F. & A. M.. Will give a social and dance to their friends this (Thurs day) evening. E. 24th and Yamhill sts. E. M. LANCE. Secretary. MT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157, A P. A A. M. Special communication tomorrow (Friday) evening; at 7. Work in V. A. rlps-rea. VlBltnra welcome. Order W. M. . ED. C. DICK. Secretary. OREGON COMMANDER Y. K. T. Cards and social thla (Thursday) evening, at 7:30. You will enjoy it If you win and probably If you don't C T. WIEGAND, Recorder. PORTLAND Tent No. 1, The Macca bees, will have regular review and degree work, Thursday evening:. Nov. 2, at their hall. 409 Alder street. All members urged to be present. Come out and greet your old friends. GEORGE D. BAKER, R. K. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. & A, M. Stated com- . 4 . I iui. . 'ri.., 1 - riLM luujiitaiiuu mis viiiuisuaj fxrrnr evening, at 8 o'clock, Ma Jrsrs onlc temple. Visiting breth- ren always welcome. By or der W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. 162, A. F. & A. M Special communication this lrld;iy eve., Nov. 3, at 7 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order of W. M. E. R. IV1E, Sec'y. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pms. cnarma. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 6th. msrrlages.Bfrtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES I'go D. Accetta, Elton Court apts., and Eenada Oregolre. 1064 Williams are. Arnold 5. Kubnbauaen, Medfoid, Or., and Olga Allmen. rorreat Serrea, 6.18 VancooTer av... snd Lillian Kl Vera Jobnson, same address. Otto W. Wyss, 48 E, th st, N., and Ma rl M. Nelger, HUladals, Or. Charles William liiria N. Taklma. W, and Oladys E. gharer, 1200 B. Urant at. Oaaton Frederick Molleuhour, 102 B. IStb t. N., and Marie Andersen, 2V& Alnswortb a. W.G.Smh&Co. caand Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all slzea. Unlqu Tailoring Co., 80U Slark St. BIRTHS JENSEN To Mr. snd Mrs. -Anton Jensen, 125 E. 11th at., Oct. 28. a daugliter. ALLMAN To Mx. and Mra. William F. ATI man. 1240 Mlswmrl are., Oct. 2)1. a daughter. SCALES To Mr. and Mra. Alexander K. Scale., Wt Keaaenden at., Oct. 20, a daugliter. VINSON To Mr. and Mr.. Truman B. Vinson 1U24 Holgate t.. Oct. 26, a son. CXMMlNti.H To Mr. and Mrs. Dartd Cum- nilnga, 18 Lexington, Oct. 28, a sod. TOST To Mr. and Mrs. Lou la Yoat. 879 Mal- lory are., Oct. 2, a daughter. HALL To Mr. and Mra. George E. Hall, CSS E. 62d L N., beyt. 2U, a daughter. DEATHS AXI) FUNERALS 73 MOOMAW la this city, Norember 1. Mrs. Clnda Oneta Moomaw, aged 20 years, be lored wtfs of John W. Moomaw. late of 74 Falling street. Mother of Muriel Moomaw, daughter of Mrs. Locinda Renner Of Salem, Or.; sister of Mrs. Muriel Orrln. Mra. Wil low May Wabble, John A. Gibson, all of this city; half sister of Robert Renner of Bali m. Or. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday, November 4, at 2 p. m., from the cbarch of the Good Shepherd, corner of Gra ham and Vancouver arenue. friends Invited. Ii ferment Greenwood cemetery. Remains at Psanon's undertaking parlors. Union avenue at RuaMll stmt. GRAY At 4148 84th st. 8. IC, November 1, Reglna N. Gray, age 89 years. Funeral serv ices will b conducted Monday, November ft, at 9 a. m , at Saint Ignatius cburcb, Powell Valley road at 48th at. Interment Mount &cott Park cemetery. Remains ar at the funeral parlors ef A. D. Kenworthy At Co.. 6802-04 2d at. 8, B, in Lents. BALL Near Damascns, November 1, Joseph K. Ball, age Si yeora. Funeral service) will be conducted tomorrow (Friday) November 8, at 10 a. m., in the Damascus cnurrh. Friend. Invited to attend. Remalna are at the funeral parlora of A. D. Kenwortby Co., 6802-O4 U2d at. S. E., in Lents. PCGH At Oklahoma City, OUa., Harold D. Pcgfc. aged 29 years, formerly of this city. The funeral services will be held Friday, No vember 8. at 2:80 o'clock p. m., at the rat oencs establishment of J. P. Fluley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. In terment at Rose City cemetery. FOGEL Stsnley Baker Fogel, aged S months 24 days, November 2, at 63 Eaat Thirteenth street north, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel. Bemslns forwarded by the Holmaa Do Cut taking Co. to Forest Grove, Or., where fufceral services will be bald. BRINKHAUS Is this citj, November 1, at her lat realdence, 806 Park street, Anita Brlnkhaua. aged 53 years. - The remains sre at the residence establishment of 1. P. Flaicy A Son, Uonlgcanery at Fifth. BACK At Raat Independence. Or., November 1. Seld Back ot Portland, aged 64 yeara 10 the S days. Remalna are at Uoims's funeral parlura. Announcement of funeral later. LAKDERHOLM Mathilda Lenderbolm. 701 Vaughn at., Oct. 28, 67 years, lobar pneu monia. GLANK William Glass, 877 Mallory. Oct. 28, 13 years, scciaeatsi tan. HARVEY Orin M. Harvey, Portland SargtcaL i Oct. 80, 5T years, decompensation of heart. MURPHY Jnlia Msrphy. t. Vincents, Oct. 39. 48 yeara. obstruction or bowels. JACKSON Mahals A. Sackson, 221 Holladag sveM Oct. 2H, 83 yeara,- cerebral betMorrhage. t FLORISTS CLARKK BROS florists. 187 Morfisos sC Main or A-1808. Fine flower and fTvral delans. No branch s torus MARTIN KUKPKS CO.. florist. i Wash. Main 29. A-12, Flowers for alt orraalonii arrang hi A IN SI Is; wreaths, nillow. 88 up. Sprays tl tip" OhannyH' 47Mor1'n. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAE CO. ' i Oilman t. Mar, 47I. A-14R WAX M. SMITii. florist. 141 Vh ata St. iBWIfiS FLORAL, CO 23d and Gllsaa. MEETING NOTICES 0 FUXERAIi DIRECTORS EDWARD HOL.MAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507, A-lSlt P. L mm Undertaker. Ktutt 11 lb .nd Uawtbora. Phones E. 781, B-188H. Lady assU'-rt. A, U, Kenworthy Co. aiVr'.V.V5 ,H"JW mt- -ta. Tabor Haft; 66th st. and Foster road. Arista. F. S, Dunning, Inc. Bast Side Funeral Directors, 41i B. iiwf s- x-oune ruast oi, bio, n 1 1 n n I n rv Jf. KArE r4n Undertakers. Luiiiiiiig uo IVIWL.IIICO Modern la every detail. Broadway and Plna sts. Broadway 480. A-46S8. Lady assistant. MILLER dc TRACK Y. Independent Fu? viiwiun, rriKvu low as a 4 u, 140, Q. Waah. at Ella. M. Uil, A-78 AR 7pll5tr Pn Williams ave. i Hi .Clldl L0i ast 1088. C-10a. .uejiunni. uay ana night service. J P ITINI.K-V tlDM Progressive Funeral Directors. R'. i?',fles new fealdence estate!' t. mwi rYiiimmw sve. worn 70. C-1S41, Hamiltnn Ka"1. 80th n uusan. fu- liaillllLUII neral -ervlces. Tabor 4111. QlrtArc Undertaking Co. Main 4141 OIM- VV LP a-2321. Cor. 8d and Clay. BREEZE & SNOOK. H-ltbi, East Hit. 1024 Bcimont. at 84th. Lady attendant. VAULTS THE NATIONAL" VAULT COMPANT. Ft. Montgomery st Tabor roll. Stei reinforced concrete burial aulta. Air tlaht, waterproof, everlasting. MONUaiENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 24-tt 4th at. opp City Hall. Main 8644. Philip Neu & Sons, for memorials. BL AESI NG GRANITE: (9 J 267-3RD. ST. AT MAHI SON FOR SALE HOUSES 01 '$1660 NEW BUNGALOW $1660 Just completing. Cost me 92100. S large rooms, complete and modem, close in. 60x100 lot. Went 1n debt more than calculated. Can't keep it. Assume debt and take It, Completed this week. ONLY SMALL AMOUNT CASH, 1288 East 7th St North, CARS TO A INS WORTH AVE., 2 BLOCKS EAST ' 50 CASH and $20 per month , includ lng Interest, buys a beautiful mod- ?rn, 4 room cottage, near Williams av.j ireplace. cement basement, gas, elec tric lights, plumbing, wash trays, etc Price today $1760. See agent Sunday at office 1 block north of Woodlawn school, on Union ave. THE BUONQ CO. 261V, uak ht. DO TOU want it for $5007 100x118 feet; nice shade trees, 3 room house; All kinds berries; location, Newberg, Or. Address or call 1599. Olin st.. Portsmouth. Or r. A. KtrkpetHrk $860 BUYS 6 room home: grand view lot. West Side; gas and city water; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE LOTS JO $10 DOWN and $10 per month buys a business corner on Union ave. If you want a bargain, pee this property. THE BRONG CO., Main lUt. 26 7 H OaV st. acreage: 87 Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close In ear line, easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1 586 or 8U wood 47a w Oth-nn. owner. 15 ACRES in Marlon county, 8. E. of Salem, all In cultivation; new small houee. good chicken houBes, etc, across the road from It. R. depot; $l!so0, half cash, balance 6. See owner, 269 Stark st., near 4tn, 10 ACRES; 7 In crop, S room bunga- low, barn, arming implements, wag on, cow, 160 chickens, granary. Near Crawford, Wash, Wlthrovr. 411 Henry bldg, CHICKEN. KRU IT. GARDEN ran n.a near Portland. 2, (, 10 acr tracts, best soli, good roads, near electric. Hi to $200 per acre easy tet-na. McFar lsnd. 608 eon bldg.. Portland WHEAT at $1.60 a bushel. For wheat land write M. Fltrmaurics, Con don. Or. tX)K SALE FA. IMS 17 SELECT 45 ACRE FARM On macadam road, 1 V4 miles to fine town, 14 miles Portland; free shot soil, no stone; 85 a. cultivated, 6 a. clear pasture, 6 a, timber, living water. 626 full bearing prunes, family orchard, good house, good barn, prune dryer, sheds, etc., 6 cows, belter, team pigs; chickens, plenty hay, corn, potatoes, kale, full farming equipment. CASH price $7600. Can use good $2000 resi dence. OTIS C. BECK. 426 Henry bldg. FUR is ALE, good xwheat land, 160 acres, all tented, 26 acres been plowed, small house, plenty bunch grass; lots of outside range, all good land, only 12 miles from station on Co. road. $15 per acre. Terms on part Call at hotel or write Boa 64. Terre bonne. Or. 26 ACRES In Marlon county. 8. E. of Salem; about 16 acres in bearing prunes, balance clear; prune dryer and strictly modern bungalow, $(660. tart cash, balance 6. Within stone's throw of R. R. depot. Bee owner. f269 Qt.rk n Mt r 4fh 5( ACRES in Marion county, 8. E. of Salem: new. large house, pood barn; about 6 acres in apples, about 20 acres clear, fine soil; $4500. part cash, bal ance 6. About V, mile from R. R. depot. See owner, 269 Stark at., near 4tn. FOft SALE, .640 acres of Eastern Washington wheat land whlh is one of the best bargains offered at the present time. Call on or address Oeo. B. Simpson, United States National Bank bid g.. va ncotiver. wags. $82 -ACRK8 well improved, crops snd machinery go with farm; grain, dairy, fruit, water piped to buildings, good house, t barns. Write owner for particulars. R. 2. ho US. Albany. Or. FOR nEXT FAIOZS 14 RENT 20 acres, 5 room bouse, well, creek, good soli, dairy bars, orchard, sheds. 113) list st., Lents.: ML Scott csr. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUy 88 AN OLD couple want a small place to rent or trade or buy. Box L Cherry Grove. Or. TIMBER 28 WANTED TIMBER LANDS. t . BALK 0 ICXt'UaNQE,. C C SHAY. I Cham, of Com. Bldg, KXC1IAXGK REAL ESTATE! 84 FOR TRADE SCO acres Of Ko4 farm land in Idaho, S lots., small house, lots of fruit. In rortland. for eastern Oregon wheat and stcok ranch, or will trade for first rtni equipment . wltn long- loss on land. 46, JoornaL - CORNKR lot on Hswtliorne ave. with 4 flat bulldlna;, practically new and tnA-l condition,' rood terms; would consider a house and lot or small acreage unincumbered. 104 ' Shsf lock NOTICE. . If yoar property in tor exchange or ale. and has merit (no inflated values considered), send me particulars. ,Oea P. Henry, 119 Henry bldg. References, r-omana ttpaity Hoara. WHAT have you to trade for neat 4 room cottage at 50th and Haw. thorne? Lot 60x110. all Improvements. Value l2oo; mortgage J1208. Owner. laoor .6 90, SO ACRES. miles from Portland; all under cultivation: f 1000 worth of improvements. Trade for larger farm. -. Mortgage S2600; will assume. A.. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchangs.' ClTT property to trade for acreage, either 1 or S houses; would assume some; or, will rent not less than 40 acres. Doo Grant, 007 N. Chapel St., St. Johns. t WANTED Farm; have S room house and $1000 each; good location, close in. n-j.e, journal. IF YOUR EXCHANGE is a ttquare Deal see NORTHWEST REALTT CO.. lhrhi.(.fPnm hHt Mar. 1175. TRADES OF EVERY KIND. Brlnsr yours In. 608 Couch bldg. 1 VATK1 REAL KSTATE 81 WB WILL BELL OR LOAN MONET ON YOtJK LOTi J. C. CORBIN CO. j.KWI8 BLDO. ROOMING HOtTSES 03 1 8 Rooms, Rent $25 . Brick bldg., steam heat, good fumt. ture. Income, $100; terms to suit. L, A. nan, 613 ranama Ding. nnn MiNn nm-am smapr 45 rooms. $1260; 30 rooms, 7o0; II rooms, 1750; 20 rooms. 8500. Others of merit. 602 Couch bldg. 14 Rooms, $150; rent $25 L. A. Hall. 612 Panama bldg. 20 ROOMS, always lull, clearing 1UJ month. $750. Liberal terms. Mil lershlp, 481 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 Bargain for Someone. v Must sell old established business to close estate. Will sell st a bargain before Monday. Nov. (, fine grocery and tobacco business located on one of Portland's main thoroughfares. No grocery store within distance of oev ral blocks. Large stock of goods. Excellent opportunity for right parties to buy and make money. See administrator at store, 106 North Third street. WANTED A partner to take hal n' terest In an established Dhsjsksnt jfsrm that will pay $2000 a year; writs at once If Interested. JX-163, Journal,' RESTAURANT Owner wanta a rell able partner to help him; will par salary $25 week besides share of prof. its. Call room 329. Morgan bldg. TRANSFER and - storast; partner wanted to tend office, etc.; good par and only $600 required. Call room itS, ' Morgan oiag. GROCERY with living rooms and ga rage; rent $16; no fixtures to buy; will invoice. Cash sales $30. Durham ave. snd Holma n st, Woodlawn car. 2 GROCERY STORES FOR TRADr A little cash and balance In real as-' tate. Ooddard, 502 Couch bldg. MAKE" your candy. We teach candy maklug All branches, evenings. V-14D, journal. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing business; live suburban town; cheap. I'lione uroanway zaia, RKASONABLE Must be sold this 'week, pool, lunch and soft drink hall, near shipyards. 75 Front St. SEE our list of business properties. Mlllershlp, 421 Chamber of Com. BUSINESS OFl-OUTUNlTlES WANTED 8 HAVE you a short line of merchandise that you want to sell at a discount, either drygoods, notions or granite, ware; will pay cash. Cobb Bros., mer chan(1)wr hrokerw, 408 Bwetland bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 2T REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan "u the i bsst anS surest method of paving a loan. 182.26 per month for $1 months, eg 21.24 for 60 months, or 16.17 for 6 months pays s I1JM loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVG 8 At L( OAN AB8N. 242 Stark St. ponUnd, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. , On improved real estate or (ef - building purposes; very flexible Con- . tracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO, , 202 Btevens Biag. BUILDING loans on city a-ud suburban property: money aavaaued as wont progresses. W. G. Uses, 811 Trailing. pldg. Main 8407. " ' $8uo, $1X00, $ivu, a.soo, .vuv, $8600 $4600; all these amounts at 7. Fred W. Osrmaa C4. 788 Chata, or Conv - CASH paid lor mortgages, nuiss, ovo tracts, mortgage loans; reasonablg rstes. F. H. !wis. lohby 4. Lewis h!Sgt MClNKy 'iU LOAN u amuuuM vt to $6000 on city property. A. H. BKijj, it'M wernnger mag. LOWEsI rate loans on Willamette valley farms. 1L E. Morton, fialem or McMlnnviue. MONEY to Ivan. to . W. kL smmIS A Co., 810 ppalding bldg. MONEV to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. ipng, it Bpsfding, $200. $460. $600. U0. lliWU. 1S. Fred W. Qermsn .o . 7 Chsm. Com, $40,000 OR LtBh. ,'AltKlNUlUM. 0 4th St. Hoanl of Trade Bldg WANT $260 on 40 acres land. iC-273,' Journal. 6EE Uti; small loans, inaianmeni loaut.' ' Cellars-Murton Co . 82 Yeon bldg. t u $1200 TO loan, real estate, first mort gage security, riatneia, xn $louu to $60o to loan, no coiamiasioo. . Principal. 8-117. Journal, MORTOAUE LOANS, tuux 1fe. Lul . Salomon t'n . o.ic Kt.. wear ttb. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES Salary, Chattels IF TOU NEED MONBTSEI TJt, Loans made to persons oo sauary 4f fixed Income, on diamonds, bous.hola . furniture, pianos, automobiles, metor cycles, ana other personal property without unnecessary delay. Easy In stallments for repayment, If desired. Legal, rates of Interest without res ' ORTLAND LOAN COMPANT, ' Licensed. ' t .. : ii.;: 108 Dekum Bldg.. ' SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES.'. Also loans on household furnlturs, pianos, etc., at the lowest possible rates. REMEMBER. We do not remove furniture from yeur home, tfalary loans strictly confides. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, . LICENSED, : f 111 Falling Bld4- ' - PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOaM XhSiC Established by Portland business), men to protect borrower, f c. mters Hermann. Mgr. $i stark. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUbKHULII fVKMTUKK. MONEY loaned to salaried men, or a chattels, at legal rates, on easy in aUllroents. Home Inctallment Co. or ?an!sed exclusively by salaried men. or mutual protection. 203 McKay bldg. 'r