"V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 2, .1918, 13 w i'J'CREDIEVltLNOT- MAKE MANY CHANGES IN HIS PORTLAND CLUB 'Billy Nixon "May Be Traded but Other Regulars Likely ' to Stay Awhile, WaIlA WALLA NOT LIKED Bm( Lm1 Taluks Climate Xs Too Cold Ktcliers Art Oreatsst Veed In. the Becoastroctloh Flaas. "Somebody ha been trying to run my ball club Again, I cues a," aald liana a-e Walter McCredle this morn- , flngi as ha atood at tn telephone and , fr to balance himself on a pair of ... woooiy aea legs, an me wnue xasing mental haymakers at old Cap Mai de Men the merry guy that allpa the dlzay stuff into your system out on ; the boundless ,blllows.' McCredie returned last night from San Francisco, ort the pretty Paclflc'a .palatial palace, the turblner Northern ..- Pacific. McCrdle waa , making hta i first long; trip on the ocean and It will be "hla last. Yes-somebody has been trying to run my ball club," reiterated the slck looklog manager, painfully bringing the words through an overworked epi glottis. .... "I nerer said. I was going to turn Bill Rodger loose, " BUI had the rheu matism and wasn't able to play uj to his standard this year, but that hunt ing trip into New Mexico ought to fix 'him up all right. X look for Bill to -bava a better rear than last, which .was the worst in his Ufa. Crying- Veed Zs Pitchers. "X have to go out and get some pitchers.' Just now I think I'll take ' the present bunch back to training camp. Rip Hagerman pitched pretty 'good ball toward the end of the sea V son, and In spite of his bad showing ., during the season, I can't believe he Is ' through. Houck and Kelly will be car ried over next year, and this young fellow Blgbee looks awfully good. Me was developing a spltball, had a. good Curve, and his control was getting bet ter. We used htm only to finish up, but he looked better than, anybody we had when he- went in theVe. lie ought to be a valuable man next year. "If Bill Btumpf comes back next year In good shape, I am golpg to witch Evans to short and let Ward play the utility role. Vaughn will not , be with ua next year, being the prop erty of the St. Louis Americans. How ard, of course, will be on first. I "X am figuring on making a trade for Nixon, although I may . decide to -give him another chance. .Williams. , Bouthworth and Wills will be with us again next year. ' " "Josh , Billings will replace Jack ? Roche aa catcher, and with Qua Fisher and Dink O'Brien, we ougljt to have a jfcretty good backstOpplng- department ; Roche belongs to the Be Louis Na tionals, and will report to them. . Will Z.oaf on Own Time. "Of course. I may be forced to -o but during the winter and do some (trading if I -see I have to strengthen flip; but when we had all our ball club , In the running last year we had nq trouble winning games. One thing, though, I am not going to be so easy I iu ucii year, ana wnn these fel lows have to go out of the game be- f t-.uee, vt Dreaamg training rules, they .Will not do it on 'the boss" time" l.,WJ1?? McCral was aeked how he 'jllkedvWalla Walla aa a training camp. ' f &ZTic)iet$ for the Oregon-Washington game on Sale at North Bank Ticket Office, Fifth and Stark Championship Footballit A I AND . E2X Oregon "U" Homecoming Festiyities---Eugene, Nov. 4 Seattle's Rooters Going tto Eugene On Oregon Electricv Special Leave Portland 8 A. M: Saturday on j or . Going r? Absolutely! t Oriegon Electric Ry. Ticket Offices: Fifth anil RtsrV Rtr..t Tenth and Stark Streets. Tenth and Morrison. - BOSTON BED SOX SOLD BY LANNIN TO SHOW PEOPLE! X f razee and Companions Want Bill Carrigan to Manage - v; ' Their Club. Boston, Nor. 2. (Z. N. S.) -The Red Sox, champion baseball club of the world, was gold last night by Joseph J, Lannin of Garden City, to a syndi cate composed of Barry H. Fraxee. George M. Anderson and Hugh Ward. The deal was closed here. The amount Involved wm not announced. The purchasers are theatrical men. Frazee and Anderson are partners and prominent in the world of drams. They own the -Long-acre theatre In New York and the Cort theatre in Chicago. Both are well known producers. Ward is the managing director of the J. C. Williamson Company Ltd. of - London, one of the most famous international theatrical organizations. Ward is an Australian, but' when in this country makes Philadelphia his home. The new owners have been dickering for the Boston cliib since the last game of the world series, when Lannin made the announcement that he - was to re tire from baseball. Frazee has long been anxious to purchase a major league franchise, having been an ar dent fan for "years. With Sam Harris and Oeorge M. Cohan, Frazee made several ineffectual attempts to pur chase the Giants. Poesat Include Park. . The sale Includes the franchise and players but not Fenway park. Frazee declared that the new owners would make no change in the policy of the club. - Although Bill Carrlgan, the manager of the team, has announced that ha is through with baseball, JTxaxee Intends to make Carrlgan such an offer to re main at the helm of the champions that Bill will probably dhange his mind about retiring to bis farm in Lewis ton, Ms. Frazee will be president of the club. Ward secretary and treasurer, and An derson a member of the board of di rectors. They have assumed all con tracts of the players. Frazee first became prominent in the sporting world when, associated with Weber, he financially backed the pro moters of th Willard-Johnson heavy weight championship battle in Havana, which Was staged on April 7, 1915. Wanted White Man to Win. Although the battle did not add any money to the bankroll of Frazee, he has often said he was more than satis fied with the outcome. He did not ex pect to make any money but was so anxious to see Willard win the title that he did not care about the receipts. "I have long wanted to own a base ball team," said Frazee. "We have bought the Boston club for the sport we will derive from it .If Carrlgan sticks as manager we' will back him to any amount, he demands. If he still Insists on retiring then we will get the best man possible for the man agerial Job. The Red Sox club was by far the best team in either the Amer ican or National leagues last season and I don't see how they can be stopped from winning the world's title again next season." the old overworked epiglottis throbbed like a piston rod, as he hastened to remark that Walla Walla would be a fine place to train, provided enough exhibition games could be scheduled with teams in the Yukon league. . . . 7 Football Tickets! For Oregbn-Washingtort game Bj&tur day at North Bank ticket office. Fifth and Stark streets. Samuel M. Michael an ahimnna nf r tt I. t v -A I Portland ticket sale. fAdVl Prologue of the Bat tle of Kincaid Field Will B e Great Campus Celebration on Friday Evening by U. of O. Students. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES from all Ore gon Electric Ry. sta tions Nov. 2, 3 and 4. Return Unfit Nov. 6. SPECIAL TRAINS TO EUGENE SATURDAY. NOV. 4 Leave PortlanL North Bank Station, 8:00 A. M., Jef-ferson-st. Station 8:15 A.'M.j arrive Eugena 11 noon: no stops. Returning:, leave Eufene 6:30 P. M., arrive Portland 0:30 P. M., making stops at Albany and Salem and connection for Corvallls. REGULAR TRAINS TO EUCENK Leave Portland 6:30 A. M. (Jefferson-street Station 6:45 A, M.), arriving tujene 10:55 A. .M. k!i"t!odTLt,Ie Mrt,an5 A-'M- (Jefferson-street Station 8:45 A. M-), arriving Eugene tl:2S noon. eDPMrtindi;0Se- M. (JeWr$on.treet Station 2:20 P. M.), arrive Eujene 6:35 P. M. i!i"t!nn47Vt,le Lat,ani,40J'- (Jef'eon-street Station 4:55 P. M.), arriving Eugene 8:50 P. M. Owl-Uave PortIandV 1 1 .45 P. . M. (Jefferson-street Station 12:0S A, MOarriving Eujena 6:50 A. WL UndUl10 00 P 'm. De S:?5 P trriyin port' $4.80 ROUND TRIP ; North Bank Station," Tenth and Hoyt ' : . . Jefferson-Street Station 8eward Hotel. Tenth and Alder Streets. Tbe feUowlna rsmea wttw roll.! last siznt oa the rortla-od alleys: . Pristine Treats lessee. - JOUBKAXr COMPOSITORS . .V - 1st - 2d Sd Tot. Ave- Wluard ............ 193 lttf 184 : 627 1T King 182. 11 lttl 442 147 O'Kuurke - 114 : ITS '. Ill ' 403 134 HUbop .............. la ,183 141452 11 Busaa lttl 1U. 1W 41 lea Totals 734 81ft 703 2313 ' JOCKXAL PBESSUKM . tkr ............... ITS 145 201"S24 ITS Madarle' 159 140 143 43 148 Cbaator 134 100 143 877 Utt Hing 149 143 Ua oa 135 Cbslmsa ............ 14 184 113 43 143 Totals ............ TO 703 T23 SIS Journal Compos! tars wok two ginwi. . LindqnUt Winters . katxtat . fcvauuks . 1 Wert 163 177 201 643 133 127 10S 4-tt 181 142 16T 112 176 lttl U U4 471 134 SO 111 M 170 17 107 624 Totals .. 783 737 778 2299 SCHJalO L1KOTYPK CO. 1. Schmld 132 189 Haulej 124 157 liinkley m 164 lclclch 147 liO W. J. ScluBld 1U2 170 134 453 16S 43 liS 4J4 US 49 101 4o 162 146 146 166 164 Totals , . 719 S40 OUT 2263' Aiegram won two sauce. MOUKKK fttlNTINQ CO.' OaHup ..ISO 176 ICS 601 Uruiusra 136 141 1M 404 pre -v 140 132 Iblt 40 '.imtrttmmjx ......... 141 142 145 42S S'Musrmcysr ....... lot 187 148 603 17 166 167 143 loo ToUls 733 777 830 23M ' OUKUOMIAM PBS8Mi Carlaoa ITS 12 lee 404 155 Allaus 137 Vat 177 442 147 brooks HT 1X7 140 M Vaq HUtslih-e ........... 12s IV 234 628 lis TiiunifMoa 161 127 2U2 4JM ltM Totals , . 705 074 026 2304 klutlera Itlot won two games. The follow Id f tames were bowled on 'the Ori;on sllsjrs last night la the Commercial leDSbe: BNION HKAT CO. v . 1st 2d 8d Tot. AV. .... 104 143 170 488 163 .... 145 145 120 llt -140 .... 17o ITS lit 611 170 .... 204 10S 233 0O5 202 .... 213 1U3 ISO Otto 1U5 Use Huefcrt bleke? klorgaa kltrilck ..... Totals Sbolln ... MorlU . llc-U Inula Washer . Cbsyln .. ......... 04. 828 877 2000 . WKByOOT CiMP. ......... 17S 180 200 670 10 ......... 2u3 1W1 131 625 176 168 141 150 440" 160 168 104 159 47 10 11 136 200 620 176 Totals 684 &20 845 2640 Union .Meat woo three gsaies. TELKUUAM. Showers ... . . Uniery ...... Irabaen ..... Wllaoa ArbucKle . . Totals .... 172 100 186 lo7 103 192 167 631 15 1T7 4U0 loO 100. 624 132 174 473 180 210 "63U 177 165 175 168 180 848 817 807 2602 BAU.OU A WBIQBT NO. 1. Abrams Witt fluuuiicr .... Long . . . . . . . ruatsge .... 170 173 144 171 171 168 147 183 186 154 161 480 173 4U3 211 638 lUtt 692 177 604 163 164 17U 184 108 Totals &S) 827 830 2078 Ualivu A- Wright No. 1 woo two games. MULTNOMAH CAMP, Brace ....... Ua ......... Uelcbert Austin Katemeler Totals . . . . Uhy Smith, Ferd . Bchroyer . . . . Bmlttu Ferry .... 187 .... 187 .... 2U3 .... 148 .... 157 192 100 1S4 233 178 1U3 648 181 U04 201 676 lt2 172 1SU 178 4H8 100 144 4G0 163 884 886 DOOLY A CO. 156 140 917 2086 160 466 166 601 167 831 110 46S 156 431 144 178 130 193 136 U8 ISO 143 148 153 20 20 145 180. 20 nsx'. Uaadlcap ..... Totals v. 724 763 747 2234 Multnomah won tores games. The Standings. t Won. Multnomah Camp 16 Teiesraat .U 0 Union Meat Co. Wcbtaor Camp 8 Ballou Wright 8 Dooly a Co. ' 4 Lost. 2 9 10 10 14 Pet. .889 .600 .600 .444 .444 .222 Radical Changes in Athletic Union Law Nawyrork. Nov. N. 8.) Sev eral radical changea hav boon made In the by-lawa and constltutloa of the Athletic Union of the United staiea by the revialonal and leaialatlve tommlt tea. They will be ottered for approval at the annual meetins to be held at the .Waldorf -Aatorla on November 20. In moat eases only the phraseolory of the rules was changed to make their lanruare clearer. The definition of sui amateur, as Interpreted by the world sport conaress last December, was also Incorporated. The rule covering the ellKfbillty of delegates to tna national organisation waa drastically changed to provide un equivocally that delegates must be am ateurs. Another radical measure Is the pro posal to expunge tha clause permit ting the registration of women in swimming events. Tor almost five years the women who competed In swimming races fought for recognition by the A. A. 17 and only won it last year.. Another proposal would protect the right of a college student to represent an educational Institution in case the college closes prior to June 1, and In cases where cotlegre attendance la not required In consecutive semesters. Edwards Will Box Toughey Winger eSSBSaSBSBSSSSSBSSBBSSSBBSSa f Following the receipt of a number of complaints, tha permit to allow Alex. Trambltas to box tonight at the Rose City Athletic club has been cancelled. Danny Edwards has been substituted for the crack little newa-i boy in the bout with ToueLey Winger. Edwards holds a decision over Able Gordon, while Winger also beat the Uttla Hebrew boxer, who Is now en route to Philadelphia, And a, great bout can be expected. Jack Hartford, the Tacoma llaht weight, who will battle with Peter Mltchle, Is said to be a top liner. He recently graduated from the feather weight ranks. Kransle Snlllvan will exchange punches with Walter Knowl- ton. . - Eddie Gorman will box Earl Zimmer man, while Tad Derbyshire will meet Jack Sylvester in the curtain raiser. ' Jimmy Caasell will probably referee tha main event. The first bout will start promptly at (:!0 o'clock, Hoppe Defends Title. TAiila. Ma- Nn t T i at Willie Hoppe of New York still stands va j .m. wi UV world. He ran-tOO billiards last sight In tha third block of their 1600-polat 1S-1 balkllna billiard match. The play was compieiea in n innings. Tho complete score for th match waa, Hoppe 1500, ffutton 508. Hoppa bad a high run last night of 187, with another of 108. button's best run "waa r WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN??? U. OF W. NOT TO v -PIAY THEEE OLD " "STABS -IN "SAME T t Seattle Faculty Sends 5 Word '-There Will Be - No Fur . " ther Protest, The University of Oregon, which has declared Parsons eligible to play, re gardless of the protest of the Wash ington faculty, will not have to com? pets . asalnat UUler, Shlel and Kant, threat men who have . already played four years and whom Doblo threatened to put la the game nexf Saturday at Eugena. - -x When Oreg-on's gauntlet was shied Into the ring with a statement that the three men could play if Washing ton's faculty Insisted and an Inference that Dobie might go l-ack and get a whole- flock of Mucklestones and Grimms and Eaklns and bring them to Eugene for Saturday, the Seattle pro fessors4 realized that a bluff bad been called and concluded to adhere to the orftTlnal' coast conference agreement. Therefore, Miller, 8hlel and Hunt, who have played their allotted four years, won't play Saturday but Parsons, who is eligible under the conference agree ment, will be In the battle. Bobla X Walling Again, "Coble, coach of the University of Washington team, is weighted down with gloom. Loud slgha can be heard when mention Is made of his crip pled football aggregation and loudsr walls can ha heard when mention la made of Saturday's conflict with the University of Oregon team at Eugfene. Since 1908 Doble has been walling about the weakness of his teams, yel he has gone through air theae seasons without suffering a defeat, but still ha walls. This year, his groans seen to be londer than ever. First he wails about'his own team and then he avails about Johnny Parsons playing with the Lemon-Yellow team. If Oregon gets away with the breaks la tha early part of Saturday's battle, Doble will have the . biggest wall of sui canning. Portland-, SDortamer thinv-. tha n... gon has an even chance to win from the Washington warriors Satn-rdav an a number of ven money bets have been piaceo. The Waahlnaton team win .rriv. n Portland tomorrow night ahd early Saturday mornins- thev win r, Eugene on a special train. WASHINGTON ADMITS TRYING TO BLUFF ITS WAY AGAINST OREGON Berkeley, Cal.. Nov. 2. fU P Miller. Shiel and Hunt, the" three Washington university football players who are declared to have been m. eligible for play this year by a deci sion ui ine aimetic authorities of the northwest, will not appear In the com ing Washington-California game. Thlg announcement was made by J. Arthur Younger, graduate manager of Washington's athletics, in a telegram received today by Graduate Manager Stroud, of California. "There Is no intention of playins tnese three players in any game," Younger wired. "We desire to show Oregon the fallacy of her intentions by illustrating that anybody can be elig ible. If what they hold were true. You Join the Great Army of men and young men in all walks of life who have flockec! to the support of my UPSTAIRS policies. . For mere than SEVEN YEARS I have been in business in Portland THANKS to YOU, GENTLEMEN 1 My campaign has not been one of cheap clothes at a cheap price, but GOOD CLOTHES at UPSTAIRS low prices, and I have won out. The issues of iny UPSTAIRS administration have been, and will continue to be: No big street-level rent Jfo expensive, glittering fixtures or display windows. No sacrifice or clearance sales with their questionable prices. Buying for cash and selling for cash. . Keeping prices down, even in the face of rising cost of materials, dyestuffs, labor, etc Fair and square dealing. My administration has made possible 9 A Saving of SIO on Every Suit and Overcoat I Sell, for I Offer Actual $25 Vals. dj In Men's Suits P and Overcoats Look Prosperous -Come Upstairs arid Slip Into One of MY VALUE SUITS and OVERCOATS. .fBHHisswm can rest assured that- there will be nothing done bT us -which will not de serve tbe respect of the conference. This la the only way we -could wake Oregon up." . vvVi-v.? Tho Pacific northwest eligibility committee ruled that Parsons, erack Oregon player, was eligible to play In Saturday's Washington game. . even though. - he has been In school five years. Washington protests this rul ing. ' "'.-;'.". r , v The California squad will leave here this afternoon for Los Angeles, where the University of Southern California will be met Saturday. . i Oregon Players in Good Shape for Game University "of Oregon, Eugene, Or Nor. 2. Oregon will go Into SaturMy'g game with every man in good physical condition. Under ' Trainer Haywartl Injuries have been few this season and the two weeks' rest following tbe Cal ifornia victory has healed the bruises or that encounter. - - , - In spite of . the drubbing Doble ad ministered to Whitman, Oregon fans are not altogether downcast. Most of the Washington gains were on off tackle and end plays, which will be met next Saturday by Beckett and Bartlett, Mitchell and Tegart. These men, under the defensive training that Bezdek has been drilling, are counted on to stop 'even the famous Cy Noble. Washington was uncertain In her tackling of the Whitman backs and this Saturday she will be called on to stop Parsons and Hunting-ton. . In weight the two teams are re ported as about a stand-off. In speed the Oregon backs probably have a slight advantage, and Oregon again leads. In the number of experienced players. Both coaches are using a formation which gets two linemen In tbe Inter ference and a general , style of play that Is reported much the same. Eickard to Replace Promoter Johnston New York, Nov. I (U. P.) Jimmy Johnstonwho has had so much to do with boxing bouts at Madison Square Garden that his name has come to be a synonym' for the big enclosure, is just about ready to take his seat on the greased styds. . Some time ' today Edward E. McCall, who is receiver for the garden, expects to come-to termsi with Tex Rlckard and -Samuel McCracken, promoters extraordinary, and these two will come Into active- charge of all bouts . at the garden. McCall has announced he Is going to depose Johnston as matchemaker' for the show corporation, lessees of the Garden Athletic club, and it is all be cause Jimmy did not want to make an accounting, to the liking of McCall. Also McCall Is displeased because Johnston didn't go through , with the Moha-Welnert bout, which caused .the boxing commission to order a suspen sion of the garden shows and to fine ti. Garden Athletic club $1000. Smith and Herrick to Meet. Milwaukee. Wis Nov.' 2. (I. N. S.) Joe Herrick, " of Kewanee, IH., has been matched to meet Jeff Smith, New York middleweight, in a 10 round bat tle here, November 10. Herrick re cently scored six knockouts In as many fights.,. Plana are being made to re match htm Jwlth Tommy Gibbons .at Winnipeg, November 16. Actual $30 Vals. ( In Men's Suits RS -1 Open Saturday' Evenings Until 10 o'clock ELEVATOR OR STAIRS TO SECOND FLOOR B. B. COMMISSION im ITT T3 T D 11 r A TTVTl - lYlXii ii Fi ill lb lYlrLLX IX Ban Johnson Says: Shakeup Coming Soonr Herrmann -. Says Nothing. Chicago. Nov.-1. O. N. a) The na tional baseball commission . Is to be given , a shake-up and August Herr mann, its president, la to be succeeded by a man having Ho connection with either of the major; leagues. This was the Information-given out yesterday by Ban B.' Johnson, presi dent of the American league. He de clined to name the disinterested man Who la slated to head the new body. "American league owners : are not satisfied with the present arrange ments and- feel that a national league club's president sitting as the chair man of the national commission gives our rivals too much Insight Into our business," said ' Johnson. "American league-owners will vote for revising the commission." Minors Hot Represented. . He added that neither the minor leagues nor the players will have rep resentation on the proposed new com mission. "We always have been In favor of letting the minora run their own af fairs and we wlVl continue to let them do so." he continued. - "For aeveral years the- commission has refused to overthrow decisions made by the board of arbitration of , the minors. , No formal demand ever has been made by the minors for representation on the commission." The commission always has coma In for a lot of discussion at tbe hands of the minors In annual convention. They have maintained that they did not have a look-in so far as the su preme court of baseball was concerned., The players will not be represented on the commission, because, Johnson hinted, they have shown a disposition to disregard rules of the commission during the off season, as for instance, the many cases of players who are with barnstorming teams in spite of the commission's edict about it. . Formal action toward reorganisa tion of the commission will be taken by the American league at Its Decem ber meeting, Johnson said. The nai tional is expected to follow suit when It meets. It Is expected that the presidents of the two leagues will con tinue to be on the commission. Hermann Hurt by Talk. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 2. (I. N. S.) Garry Herrmann persistently re fused all yesterday to make any def-; lnite statement as to Ban Johnson's announcement, but It is easy to see i that it has hurt him. "I'd rather not i talk," said Mr. Herrmann, ""Today I j will have something to aay. In all' probability." Tener Compliments Herrmann. Philaaelphla, N07. 1. (U. P.) Garry Herrman, president of tha Cin cinnati Reds, would resign as chair man of the national commission rather than precipitate a baseball war , if proof is brought that a change Is desired, John K. Tener, president of the National league, predicted today in a statement to the United Press. His statement waa in answer to Ban Johnson's declaration In Chicago yes 2 Overcoats UJUJ) BUILDING ahatAtoter V s terday that Herrmann nuat go. J ( "The same situation existed last Interested , In tha Cincinnati club tt i tho time chosen to bead that body and It Js ray opinion that no better man can be found, for the position today.- v , . Jack Neville to Mairr. i San Francisco, Nov. tv U. P.) ffha engagement . ef Jack Neville, noted California golf player,, to Miss Coren nah Depue, a society girl, was an nounced today. : v-., ' ' . -v ' . Oaks Owners to Confer.' San Francisco, Nov. I. (IT. P.) Del Howard, Jack Cook and Cal Ewlng. Joint owners of tbe ' Oakland baeebaUl4 club, went te Boyes Springs. Cal., to day to completa arrangements for training quarters for tha . Oaks next spring.-, v Henry Berry, owner of 'the 8an Fran- Friction and common lubricants are the grand little team fort ruining the finest cars made GRAPHITE NJ Automobilo LUBRICANTS The selected Jiake motor graphite forms over bearings and gears a velvety oily veneer tjiat lets graph- ite ride on graphite ' and prevents metal-to- metal contact T ZMsw Lmhrt tmting Chart gfees kilpfiA Mriemtimm iiiersnetie). Stmt free. JOSETH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. IISZT r CHy, N. 3. y 11 Cw No Baseball, Fishing, Hunting, or Trapshoot- irig- all amusements curtailed; picnics not permitted; automobiles cannot operate because gasoline stations cannot be open on. Sunday 'A' VOTH31I To Repeal the Lav ANTI-BLUE LAW LEAGUE Sib OREGON BLDG. PORTLAND, OR. (Ml AaterMeamsaU Cisco club, said today that ha was tin certain where the Seals) would ; train next year'- ' ft"t4ir ,,: s yJ- i - - The I - dothes- I RrA - ' . nasi nnaaaaa i 1 1" averythbag that ' StJJfv ! ' reeesnaeencla , . ' & gt&A J anthsntfe style, , - a t m ! aieaUanee I 1 . tTOgaA laterial skill - . of designing , U 8 jffiVi and! tailering. J' HOItTMWeTCItH SANK BLOfl. SCOl Danny EdWards ? (Substituted for Alex Trambltas.)? m m -aa . ' W W - ts. We! don Wing; e oood xotrrs e ,. TZOXXTS 3ttoh's, Sixth asd washing toni StUlar's, Stark and roadway. - (c"' Tonight .. :H Big iianinwwrmmwtiiimtBWHSBiuuimBnaroiti t" f i