The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 02, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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ANCINO li. the ordar ot ths i a abort tlm tw THr. aM k.
day. Ths Bcout Younjf ux. many friend In the city, v Mlu stauf-
inarr. united Soaniah war
Veterans' - dance . at Cotillion
ball will call forth the host of friends
of the veterans ana those interested
In the O. it. O. Jt is a bit charity ball
to raise money for the whiter pmian
throplee which the wires and mothers
: and sisters of the veterans do -for all
: of their poor.
The Kenton club will' hold their
dancing: and card party jala this eve-
nin. -v . - . . .
Tomorrow society will -be la attend
ance at the University club's dinner
dance.' ".. . "'-'"!'. '
To' Hear election Betorns. - -Tuesday
eveninc, November : 1, the
members of the University club will
bold an Informal ladles night to hear
election-returns. There will be a beef
. steak dinner, served and leturns will
come 1ft over a private wire from 6
i o'clock on. Pinner will he served from
:0 until 1:80. - , ?
Mis Ladd 111.
'Miss Helen tAdd Is recelrlng- tnes
4jpaes of sympathy ati her home in
West Park street, as she Is sufferlnc
from an attaetfof Brip.
Toesday Brtdgs Club.:
The Tuesday Bridge club was de
lightfully entertained this week by
Mrs. T. P. Baylies. Luncheon was
served at 1 o'clock, ray Halloween
decorations characterizing the - affair.
Honors for the fame fell to Mrs. Mc-
Waters and Mrs. Wheeler. Those pres
ent wsre: Mrs. H. T, Buntraser. Mrs.
. C. A. Coolldge, Mrs. 'J. C. McCue, Mrs.
. Walter . D. MoWaters, Mrs. Clyde
Raabe. Mrs. C. A. ferandes: Mrs. E. M.
Baker, Mrs. Clarence Wheeler and Mrs.
A Halloween Bridge Party.
. ' Charmlnr hospitality was dispensed
yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Nathaniel
- T. JPalmer and Miss Palmer at their
home In Kastmorel and, when they en
tertained 60 Women with a brldra
party, the Halloween motif being- clev
erly suggested In Innumerable ways.
First honors fell to Mrs. O. W. Simp
son, her 'prise being a hand decorated
nut bowl; second honors went to Mrs.
v B. K. Miller, who received a Halloween
- box filled with sweetmeats, end Mrs.
'. Bhrewy carried off the consolation, a
golden pumpkin tilled with confections.
. The table numbers, score cards and
delicious -refreshments were suggestive
of Halloween.- The rooms were made
attractive by, the use of a wealth of
'. autumn leaves, mahogany chrysanthe
mums and marigolds. Mrs. E. M. Bak
' .' er cut the Ice cream and Mrs. Robert
:, D. Schmidt poured coffee. Miss 'Eliza-''
beth Knight and Miss Ramona Eckern
assisted In serving.
Birthday Party.
i- . On Tuesday evening about SS friends
of William Lope, gathered at his home
upon the invitation of Mrs, Lope to
. celebrate Mr. Lope's birthday. It be
' lng Halloween night, the rooms were
" decorated with colored lights and
spook-like Images.. The ghost ap-
peered at the given signal and fur-
. ' nlshed amusement by telling the for
tunes of tho guests. Games, contests
and music were enjoyed until a late
.'hour, when refreshments were served.
. takens of remembrance presented to
, Mr; Lope, and Mrs. Lbpe declared a
,-most hospitable hostess.
.r: Needlework Guild.
Society always turns out in large
y numbers ' for the annual tea of the
4 Ntedlawork guild, end this year will
b no exception. Mm. James Laldlaw
. ; , U-' taklng, charge of the .tea table ind
which occurs Wednesday, November 8,
V it the Unitarian church. i
Iotv Society Meets.
; : The Iowa State society met last
, , night at the Masonic temple, about tsa&
former Hawkeyes being present, i An
evening of dancing and cards was ar
ranged, with a musical program. Th
'Hext meeting will be held Deoember it
, at the Masonic lbdgerooms.
. Wedding at New Orleans.
: Portland friends of the couple will
be Interested. In the wedding invlta-
tlons received from New Orleans from
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roblnsonv 8tau&
, fer for the marriage of their daughter,
v Miss Marie Celeste Stauffer, to Harry
v Burnett second, of Oouthborough,
Mass., which will be an event of Bat
. urday, November 18, at 6:30 o'clock, at
.. . the residence of the bride's parents,
',1508 Jackson avenue.
; Mr. Burnett resided In Portland for
fr has -a number of friends in the
younger set here, including Miss Helen
Ladd and Miss Claire Wilcox. . The
Stauffer family is prominent In New
Orleans and the attractive young bride
elect was chosen queen 'at one of the
recent Mardi Gras carnivals in New
Orleans, a signal social distinction in
her southern home.
Kappa- Kappa Gamma to Meet.
Portland Alumnae association of
Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold Its
regular meeting Friday, November t,
at the horn of Mrs. John Guy Wilson,
39 Tillamook street, at 2:30 p.' m.
Broadway ear.
Irvington Club. - ,
The --high 'school. , members of the
irvington club will entertain with a
dancing party in the club house to
morrow evening. The committee In
charge is: Arthur Mlchener. chairman;
Pcrsie Pet Us. Richard Martin, Arline
Cameron, .Francis -Jackson, Mil
dred McClung, Walter Cofoid, Elisa
beth Wiggins, Frank Mlchener.
The next dancing class qf the Irv
ington club will be held In the club
house Monday night, November IS, and
the Tuesday afternoon card party will
be on the afternoon of November 7.
The social committee of the Irving
ton club for November includes: Mrs.
Theodore Nicola!, chairman; Mrs. W.
J. Creath, Mrs. F. S. Fields, Mrs. Ar
thur Fish, Mrs. Robert Haney. Mrs.
William MeVay, lira. E. R. Root, Mrs.
F. A. Rosencrans, Mrs. May Varwig.
Society Notes.
Mrs. J. Chris O'Day has returned
fram sk. vs wssVs' 4 xt. v.i.
D. . p. Sweet. Mrs. McWaters will beion ber return Mrs. O'Day spent some
hostess to the club in two weeks. f time In Indiana, and while at Fort
Wayne sane at a musicals, riven In
honor of the wives of visiting physi
cians. Oar. Hits Hack and
Three Are Injured
Muncie, Ind., Nov. J. (U. P.)
Three young school girls were prob
ably fatally hurt, Peter Knoth, driver
or a school hack, badly Injured and 17
other school, children less seriously
hurt when a line ear on the Portland
division Of the Indiana Union Traction
line crashed into the school hack at
Como, near Portland, Ind., about 7 a.
in. today.
When wrttlnr or calling
plrax mention Th Journal.
-l',J Arrives From England.
George H. Tattersfleld of Bradford.
England, Is an overseas visitor at the
Multnomah. , ' . . '
Oregon ntnor Here. . v
' Anne Shannon Monroe, well known
Oregon writer and novelist, la at th
Multnomah. vv' ''--.,'-. .- i i.v-
George K. Vlnnlcum Is registered at
the Nortonia. from Seattle. ;. ' :; ;
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ie Grow ef
Athena are guests at th Portland.
N. J. Blagen, Jloqulam tlmberman,
U at th Multnomah. .
J. M. Martin of Seattle, stats man
ager tor Washington for the Fraternal
Brotherhood. Is. at the Perkins. '
Dr. L. P. Murphy, a Seattle physi
cian. Is at the Imperial.
P. S. Cyr. is a Newberg visitor at
the Gprnellus. s
F. J. Porter and E. L. Strang are
Corvallls arrivals at th Carlton.
M. H. Abbey, Newport hotel man,
la at th Oregon.
D. A. Paine, Eugene banker, m at
the Imperial.'
Charles H. Berrymaa of Boise Is at
the Portland. , ,
Dr. G. W. HUI of Lonr Beach Is at
the Cornelius.
XMr. and Mrs, Howard Tracy of Drala
re guests at the Perkins.
J. E, Lawrence Is registered at th
Oregon from La Grande.
B. O. Cole Is a Molalla visitor at the
Cornelius; 4
O. E. Smith Of Grants Pass is at th
P. Gallagher of Denver Is at the
Nortonia. .
R. W. Walker of Paso Robles, CaL,
Is at th Cornelius.
E. E. Miller la an lone visitor at the
Carl D. Gabriel son of. Salem 1 at
the Imperial.
R. & Eccles of Baker is at . the
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Owen of Clover
dale, B. C are at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bradley are San
Francisco visitors at th Portland.
Herman Ross is registered at 'the
Perkins from Astoria.
B. H. Bailey 1 a Ceatralla arrival
at th Carlton..
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fryor of Boston
are guest at th Multnomah. ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dose are WooO
burn visitors at the Oregon. .
Mrs. M. Reed of Roseburg Is a guest
at the Nortonia.
Thomas H. J. Browne of Santiago
de Chile is a guest at the Imperial.
Family Quarrel Death.
Ellensburg, Wash., Nov. ' I. (P. N.
8.) Family troubles and a quarrel led
tcf the death here today of Rolla Evans,
21 years old, unmarried, who was shot
and instantly killed by Walter Hansen,
married. The shooting took plaas. at
the- gate of Hansen's home.
, Sllppj , White-Moose Takes ;
" - Journey. -f
N THE far side of 9 hadow Wood, a
Ulong way off from th laughing
, ripples of Crooked Creek, was the
cornfield. - Now the cornfield didn't
belong o th WIffgleisksken country
In fact it had nothing to do 'with the
Wlgglelsksken : country It only hap
pened to Uv next door. Th Wlg
glelsksken folk paid no attention to
the cornfield.-There was nothing In it
to interest them; what do beavers and
raccoons. Or even woodpeckers and
bats, car about -cornfields nothing
at all! .
.But the good little people In the
cornfield thought a great dealt about
the Wlgglelsksken country, for they
bad heard tales that war paaaed down
from on generation to another about
the wonders and strange adventures
of Shadow Wood and the Dark Forest,
Moreover, every mother among all the
cornfield people took great pains to
tell her children that they should nev
er, never, never venture under th
cornfield fence and Into the. shadows
of Shadow Wood. And as yoa very
well . know yourself, that's the best
way to make children want to do
something to tell them they cannot
do It I i
Finally, one bright autumn day, the
littlest member of th White-mouse
family rebelled.
Mother White-mouse had jifst fin
ished telling her family, as sti did
every morning. "Now run along and
play, little folks, but don't go into
Shadow Wood." when Slippy asked
the dreadful-question. "Why notf
"Why notf demanded Mother
White-mouse in amtftement, "because
I tell you not to, that's "why not'!"
Of course, that should have been
reason enough for Slippy, but it
wasn't. She knew well enough that her
mother was probably right and that
, J . : I
Bed TimeTaleJu
ly read and. they will continue to be
popular."' i'iir - - v (;-,,
Ha was president of th ' People's
Pulpit association "of New Tork, and
th International Bible Students as
sociation of London,, and of th Watch
Tower Bibl and Tract society-
Pennsylvania. ' Brooklyn ' Tabernacle,
Brooklyn, was his headquarters and he
was bound for there from Los Angeles
when deaths- from heart failur over
took him. :; ,. - -' : : v
As an author he was known by his
"Studies In the Scriptures." His fol
lowers in Portland number themselves
by th thousands and hold meetings
each Sunday in Chrlstensen's hall and
Bible study classes throughout - the
week In .different parts of the city.'
Th deceased, who is survived by his
widow, wielded a strong Influence in
many, parts of ' th country. -. Among
other points of his doctrine, he taught
eternal death instead . of . torture . as
punishment for sins. . :.y
- - 'Fulton 'at Medford, ' .
- Medf ord. Or" Nov. I. Ex-Senator
Charles W. Fulton drew a crowd Tues
day night. The crowd was mixed but
decorous. That Wilson' sentiment - was
present in volume was indicated by ap
plause at ' mention of th president's
mam In connection with the Mexican
and International policies, . . -
"Don't Co Into Shadow Wood,"
trouble might overtake her If she dis
obeyed. Bat she was Just that curious
he didn't care, - , .
"I'm not afraid," sh whispered to
herself as sh slipped out from her
home, "and I guess whatever happens
won't be so very bad.- Anyway itt can't
be any worse than wondering and' won
dering-all the time what that 8hadow
Wood is like," ' Poor little Slippy, how
little she did know! " ;
So without telling' her mother good
bye '(she knew that sh wouldn't be
allowed to go if aha told) she left her
good, safe home and ran from corn
shuck to corn shuck- till she reached
the fence. "There 1" she said as she
crawled under It, "I'm started, and
nothln's happened I
Tomsrrow He. Who Laughs Fright
ens Trouble Away. .
Memorial to Pastor
Russell Is Planned
Tltting services to Be Oondaotaft ta
Christensen's Sail Sunday ZTlgfrt la
Hons of Xsllgloas Leader.
"Remembrance of Charles Tase Rus
sell, who died Tuesday night on a
train at Tampa, Texas, will' be form
ally: observed in Chrlstensen's ball
Sunday night. He was well known in
Portland and prior to his last visit in
September he had made six visits
since 1905.
As "Pastor Russell" he was popu
larly known, and of him William A.
Baker an lntimat acqualntanoe, said:
"He will be greatly missed In re
ligious work. His writings were wide-
Garme nts cu t ready
to make. Free in
structions and use
of machines. s.
iKoom 203 Broadway BMg. Msr. 678
Don't Pay High Prices
.- for . '- '
Made to Order
I am making these low prices
in order to introduce my hierh-
grauo taiionng to tne women
of Portland. Have been in Se
attle for years, where ray main
store is still located and doing
the business of the town.
These Special Prices
For This Season Only
Blue and black serges, blue and
black velours, and all colors in
Ma de
1 4
j; FOREMAN, Mgr.
I Do My Own Cutting and
, Designing.
to Order
Made to Fit You Perfectly or You Need Not Pay Me a Cent
Coats to Order $20 and $25
ParisianDressmaking&Tailoring Co.
441 Washington, Corner 12th
Y Partisan activity in both parties Is
running in the high" In southern Ore
gon. Many rallies are on th program
tor th remaining fouf idaya of th
campaign. A Wilson-parade end rally
at th Page- theatre,-Friday, night
promises to cap -th climax of nthuel
asm.; '". -
Stell h ,
Framer; :
Spectacles , ; J
For Home
Reading ;
These Long
v. Evenings!
A great variety of
tho new rrames now
on display they ; are
light; convenient, dur-
able--tee them.
Torie and fCryptok
. Lruea f-Any Lent '.I
in Sixty Minutes.
Columbian i
Optical Co.
. 1B Sixth, Street, , ;
txiOtd saown, xn.
' t - - B I llll - -i l
mmmmmmm I 1 1 -
Maccabees Active in Social Gath
. erfnxs. Throughout Oregon.
Macoabee Folntsrs-A new tent is
being formed at Uutter Creek. Morrow
county, by district deputies.
In Albany an oyster supper and
booster meeting will be held next Sat
urday night.
V Astoria tent hes Invited J. W. Sher
wood, state commander, to be present
at a Mr review, and explain the new
: rates d methods. . ,
.Corvalli Maccabees have arranged
for an pen meeting on the .night vot
November 8r- and a special social dance
on November J. t ..
. . Dallaa and Fall City' tents will bold
a Joint celebration in December of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of theJr or-
- ganlxatton.
On Friday, October 27, the Newberg
Maccabees held .a well attended smok-
?er, with visitors from Portland, Includ
ing State Commander J. W. Sherwood,
Deputy Oeorge A. Graves, Ed Munger
' and others. -
.S tastt Baturday night Westport Mac
cabees ( held the .best smoker ever
known, lh its history? wltb Dr. Lott .
JaeoHstJi and Albert McLean In charge,
The pillow fight would have don
credit. Jo the British and German na
I1 WM 6uRday morning before
th sumptuous hospitality at th 'ta
bles was disposed of. " .;
.'Anchor Conaoii WeU Attended. An
chor council. Knights and Ladles of
Security, held an active and interest
ing session last night at 129 Fourth
street. A elas of candidates waa In-
Jated un4er the degree staff recently
. formed and drilled by Captain Q. Tay
lor.' It-"was resolved to accept the In
vitation of the food exhibit next week
and attend in a body. To help oat the
degree staff in its efforts to obtain a
set Of uniform's" and regalia,' the entire
proceeds ' ot '- the .-masque ball to be
given on October S9 will go to that
purpose. U M. Thomas, state .man
ager,' announced the - formation of a
new, council of the' order on the east
Side, to be .known as Rosebud council,
which will meet in the ball of the East
Sid Business Men's elub, ;. - -.. '
-" Bsjsaar'' and Jitney Xnch-MuHno-
man circie, women 01 wooacrart,-will
hold Its annual baxaar and jitney lunch
tomorrow afternoon and evening, in W.
'O. W.-tmplaf 'v.-i i?(:i:).'h-s:
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases of 10c or More S. & H. Green Stamps Given on Charge Accounts If Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month-
l icxa in iviuttui aim rucuciiu, su iNeeaieworK uepi., rioor, yi to 12 ana l to b L)aiiy ennaren s rree masses every Saturday From 9 A. M. to 12
Wortman & King
The Standard Store of the Nnrthwest
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Women's Coats,
More NewModels
- a
at$12.50to $19.75
Sale of Womens Nisckwear
25c to 35c Grades, Special 12c ' v
IMeckwear Worth to $1.50 at 98c ?1
Main Floor Odd lines Lace Col
lars, white' and ecru embroidered,
and hemstitched collars several
styles, suitable for: women of
children. 25c to 35c grades.
Priced for quick selling 1 OX
tomorrow at only, e Xa5C
Main 'Floor Special assortment
of Women's High-Class Neckwear
all pew, up-to-date styles In
large collars. Excellent quality
Georgette crepe material. Col
lars usually, selling at QQA
1.50, Friday special at aOC
$2.50 Corsets
At $1.39
Model Exactly Like Cut
Full Range of Sizes
Corset' Salons, 2d Floor Practically half
price for these High-Grade Corsets a
i bargain that will appeal to every econom
ical woman in these days of, soaring prices.
Made from splendid quality French coutil
with elastic .section in Skirt which gives
ample room for sitting and stooping 3
large skirt hooks below front clasp and
six good hose supporters attached. Cor
rect lines for prevailing modes. Corset
made to sell at J2.50. Our (J- QQ
Special Price for tomorrow is tpXeOe
75c Ribbons!
35c Yd
Main Floor Fancy Ribbons for
holiday work several . hundred
pieces left from recent Sales
including yards upon yards - mill
pieces. Fine quality and beautiful
patterns. Ribbons formerly Opr
priced to 75c Frida, ja. Out
Bags and Other Holiday Novelties.
65c Drape Veils
At 25c I
Main Floor Because an import
er could not restock these Veils,
he closed out what he had of
them to us at about V Price.
Some in white: and colors, cut
mostly la black. Very newest
.styles. ''Veils of S5c qual
ity, priced for Friday at 5eJC
nCfigpy Bread Toasters 25c
Kitchen Ware Dept., 3d Floor;
Fits all stoves and makes delicious. crispv":
toast "BETTER- than mother used to make".
Styled with-; grooved - edge, which catches the
crumbs. Will toast 5 Slices of bread In 2 minutes.
Price, each , i i .,.25c
Fashion Salons, Second Floor
Coats for street wear Coats for motoring and storm wear Coats for
dress occasions. We have in this collection the season's very newest mod
els with belted fronts, belted backs and loose effects, In H and full
length models. Never have we shown so many good Coats at these popular
prices. Materials Include cheviots, zlbelines, velours and mixtures In all
the wanted colors. New large collars. AH sites for women and misses.
The prices range -.....$12.50, $13.95, $15.00, $19.75
New Separate Skirts at $5.00
. Flannel Middies $2.49 to $4.75
Second Floor Women's and MiHser
New Dress Skirts of wool poplins,
serges and cheviots in black, navy
and the stylish new plaids. Dressy
and tailored effects with hip yoke
and full flare and plaited stylit.
Regular and stout sizes. flC fA
Priced for Friday at onlytpthvU
Second Floor New. shipment Flan
nel Middies Just received. Shown
in navy and red. Styled with deep
shoulder yoke, front and back and
large sailor . collars. Belted and
loose effects, trimmed with red or
white braid. Some with side-lacing.
Prices range from $2.49 to $4.75
Wool Sweaters, Special $498-
Second Floor Women's and Misses' All -Wool Sweaters at rery special
price. Plain weave, medium length. Styled with roll collar and patch
pockets. Shown In various colors and combinations. All dvl OQ
sizes. Priced special at only . . . . .' tpUuO
$5. Silk Umbrellas, at $3.95
Detachable Handles and Tips
Main Floor Buy Umbrellas now for personal use and for Gifts!
Friday we shall sell 200 Women's High-Grade Silk Umbrellas In suit
case stylet with P. W. or Club handles (tip and handles detachable,
which makes them handy for traveling) colors purple, light green,
dark green, nary. King's blue, red, gray also In black, Qty Ci"
Excellent 15.00 Umbrellas, priced Friday special at onlyPdee79
Dainty Waists
' At $1 -
Friday will be "Dollar Day at thi
Bargain Circle, jst Floor. 500 dain
ty new Lingerie Waists in assorted
styles fancy and tailored effects,
with latest collars lace and em
broidery trimmed. Your(Il ff
choice Friday at only tPXelU
Sateen Petticoats
Special $1
Bargain-fCir.d let Floor Extra
quality, soft-finisa sateen. Made up
in new full styles, with deep flounces
trimmed .w'ilh accordion plaiting.
Plain colors and plaids. I" AA
Friday Special at onlyVeUl
Remnant Sale
georgette 'Crepes, nets, sii
ver and gold lace remnants
in narrow edges; wide elges
AND- FLOUNCINGS, and various
other, imported laces an trimming
offered for Friday at Special Reduced
Prices ' " An opportunity to'- supply
your needs at GREAT "SAVINGS-'
Colonial Hams, 21c Lb.
Model Grocery, 4th Floor
Put op by Armour & Co. expressly for Q-f
this store.' Medium sizes. Special Friday, lb. 4C
80c OWK SPECIAL BUTTER 2 lbs. 75r
Oregon Extra Fancy New Dried Prunes, 8 lbs. $1
Oregon Extra Fancy New Dried Prunes, lb. 10c
New. Layer Raisins for Thanksgiving, 2 pks. 2Sc
cinths, Crocus, Daffodils and Jonquils. Now is the
time to plant if you would have early blooms. On
display 1st Floor and in the Grocery Department.
- .
Knit "Under wear
. Rediiped
Odd lines Women's vFall and ' Win
ter 'weight Underwear vests, pants
and union 'suits of famous - makes,
sharply, reduced in price for Friday's
selling. A splendid "opportunily to
replenish your needs andvsave money.
. Note ,Thes& Prices -
1.0O. Vests and Pant now at 75c
Ji.25 Vests and Pants now at 93c
1.50 Vests and Pants, at $1,13
1 1.7$. Vests and ; Pants at ' $1 .3 1
12.00 .Vests and Pant at $1.50
ILOO Union Salts, special $1.50
12.50 Union- Suits,, special $1.87
On SjaU Center Circle, ; First Floor
Special Showing of Boys' .
Ages 6 to 14 Years
Main Floor 200 Suits to go at tills price and no '
more to ne naa like tnemi A special lot picked up
at a bargain by our Clothing Buyer Just back from '
New York. New pinch-back Norfolks with 3-plecs
belts, patch pockets, full-lined pants. Fancy mix
tures in gray and other good colors. Splendid
suits for" school wear. Sizes for boys 6 flf
to 48 years of ire. Exceptional Suits at 3t)vU
-Boys', Vouths and Juvenile Overcoats $4.56-$2Q
Boys' Cravcnetted Macklnaws In overplays $5T0 '
Special showing School Shirts, Blouses SQc-Sl.50 '
Men's Union Suits, $1 to $10
. mm
Men's Winter Weight Bnion
Suits in 'Carter and Vassar makes.
Cotton, lisle, wool,-silk-and-wool,
and wool mixtures. Full range of
sizes. Priced at $1.00 to $10
Men's Neckwear
At 29c
.Bargain Circle, 1st Floor An
other big lot of Men'! Foar-in-
Hand" Ties underpriced for Fri
day's selling. Fashionable wide
end styles in good assortment of
patterns and colors. Your OQrt
choice now at, special JuuC
Barrain Cirda, 1 at Floor Men's
Half-Hdse in cotton and wool
mixtures. Black, natural and
broken lines Vf colors. P A
On. sals Friday, ,3 pairs OUC
; 2 for 25c
Barrain. Circle, 1st Floor Men's
Linen . Handkerchiefs in big as
sortment of plain Styles. OK
Friday special at, 2 for DC
'MEN'S PAJAMAS of food
heavy quality flannel- Jt OK
ette. ,AJ1. sizes. Priced
Men's Interwoven Hose in silks,
cotton and cashmere. Black,
white, colors, at 25c to $1 pair. ,
Men's Shirts in best makes.
Soft and stiff Styles, $1.50-$2
Shoe Sale ! :
WOMEN'S 5.30 .SHOES of
bright Eld, 8 inches high, with
craven-cue " topr, 'oowte4r tirless
tos, and . leather half-Loulsheels,
Closely trimmed sole, thk A Q
All, sizes, special- at pfl:0
WOMEN'S 5.00 SHOES ' of
enameled cdtskJn, medium
round toe, military heel, matt kid
tops.v Goodyear welt QQ Oft
soleslr Specifics pair tpOttZJ
I j