-J 1 -V" v.- THE: OREGON ' SUNDAY I JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING.il OCTOBER 29, 1916. 10 V f. ; : ' f, if .-inf. 7 7 r. " . -' . T. NEW TODAY omtlt nrmnTxnuB. muoa. btc ' SXTABUnCED 1892. '- 1T HIT! XECZTTZD TM VEST ; T1LOK TWO VBITATH EOHES , v with nrrrmucTXOirs nox TBI OwnU TO aEZ.T. THE -M. Uni AT ATXOTIOST AT OVS SAXOJSBOOKS XW V&Fhe Maonic Temple Bldg. On Tuesday Next "to Comprising upright piano In Mahog ";ny case. Ceclllan player and records, music cabinet, parlor desks In mahog- 'any and old oaic, oversturrea javen vport, mahogany settee, several costly - rockers In genuine leather uphoister- U-1nr, costly Davenport In real Spanish '...leather No. 1., two quarter-sawed oak ;llfcrary tables, Circassian parlor table '. and rockers, two high grade dining i Topm suites In quarter sawed oak, one ' table is a 64-lneh top Hastings: 'leather seated chairs and buffets, white "3 and gold dinncrware, glassware sll-- vorware, gas table lanlps, fire screen, .Wilton and Body Brussels rugs, 9x12 i.tfand 6x9 sizes; very massive mahogany -it bedstead with dresser to match, cost -'$200; Vernls Martin and white enameled ,, imbeds, best steel springs, silk floss, felt ;icnd hair mattresses, pillows, woolen ! blankets, spreads and bed linen, dress- itro In mahogany, Blrdseye maple and -..oak, silk drapes, several good pictures, .mantle clocks, electric vacuum cleaner. ; j onc-a-orac, nan mirror, nam nuiua i ; ':'isnd mirrors, malleable steel range, re i Lfrlgerator, heaters, aluminum utensils, i . and many other useful lots. Auctioneers' Note Ve have enlarged out salesrooms, "' our ever growing business demanded It. ' If you call tomorrow and ilook over this i v -fine lot of goods, we think you will say ,-fwith us that you never, saw a better ,- t t arranged auction house anywhere. The .furniture you will find properly dls I '.t played that you may Inspect it at your i '.' leisure whether you intend buying or - not. Vou are always welcome- here "i :i and we are always ready to receive f i ; .any suggestions that you may make to "" us In bettering our new home. It TEE MASONIC TEMPLE BTXTX.S- nra at yamhtlx. aid west FAXK STBEXTB 3 !. . AtJOTioir oir tttesdat next at V'i 10 a. at On Thursday Next W shall sell the furnishings from ,-an eight room residence. Don't over look our Thursday's sales; we always .have good things that must be sold. ..AUCTION OBT TEUB8SAT HXXT AT 10 FOR PRIVATE SALE Some rare old bronzes, massive brass .and onyx stands, gold leaf pedestal, gold leaf stand hand carved with hand painted china top. Also upright piano, etc. WS FAT CASK FOB HOUSEHOLD . OOOS8 OK WXXA BBX.X. THE SAME FOX TOT7. CONSULT 17 B IF TOO WAST TO BEX.Ii OUT. 1 W. O. BAKES W. H. BEAK. Turulture Dealers and Auctioneers. Tam bill and Wast Park streets. . MASOWIC TEMVX.B BTTHiDXNQ. PHOHB MAHjf 3332. PREPARE For Next Winter Standard Brick & Tile Co, 81 4th Street Henry Bldg. Main 1109 and A 110 Owl-Creek Coal -The Best" NO SLATS NO CLINKERS NO BUN Hi ASH - - u.f -I ' . n . ' " P." "South Wellington" COAL UlMd fmm heat ve'.n on VinconTer Iilaad. , Thu mai I. ha laader In other coaat cttlea; -alo aed by V. 8. and Canadian governments ' and large oriental ateamablp liners. Why becauae of ita beat nnlta; amaU amount sab tnd coking qualities. . rieaae Note whoiiKsaub rranc njn 'rr Broadway 168 It ETA I L 353 Stark KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL TKTO CLEANEST AND BEST BURN- ilNO COALS. PRICES REASONABLE. . rrr i : EAST 244 B-1J44. MENDOTA FUEL -ri, i Jk5 100 I'll t.60 CO. 8TOVB FURNACE Jt ' Beat eoal for tha moner. No soot '.ijijLota of teat. Our customers lika It. . Ask Bob Adama, Mine Agent, East 145 Phones B-ltSl "BURHTHEFAI THE - OT "UTAH'S BEST COAL" CaJtSlt! B-3J4. , II GRAND AVE. ! ' rtyjHz&i $7. no per ton In 3-ton lots, f i " Vvl ' !?I IT. 50 per ton under S tons. J '.v : :.- irSiar 8,V'J on your fusl ;,' i bill. Clean, odorless, easy ' ' E()y to handle. Most heat for 1 v kYaiv least money. p;; mm mn co. i J ' vi J4 Washington 8L I , Mgln tt9. A-2293 i - . ' . :YfM. v Order froritCs LIBERTY m CAST i CAS NEW TODAY AuctionSales AT Wilson's Auction House 169-171-173 Second Street (Near Yamhill) HO OOHHEOTXOH WTTXC AHT STOHH OH nui BT. REGULAR SALES DAYS Monday, Wednesday and Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. FOE MONDAY'S BAItE. we have a very good . assortment. Including COSTLY MAHOGANY PAHXOH BET, MAHOOANY PEDEBTAXB, TABUS, XOHAH BEATS; also good leather seat oak rockers, arm chairs, center tables, couches, bed lounges, round and square extension tables, chairs, buffets, side boards, dish cupboards, kitchen cabi nets, leaf tables, gas range, dishes, utensils, etc. Also good Axminster rugs, sizes 9x12 and 11-3x12; good Ingrain carpets, small rugs, kitchen linoleum, etc. IT WTIili PAT TOU TO ATTXHD orrx saxes. We sell again on WEDNESDAY and 7BXSAT at 10 a. in. Private Sale Department OTTB STOCK XHCX.TTSE8 SOME OP THE PXHEST GOODS MADE. We cannot begin to Itemize, but mention a few of the choice pieces, such as rULL X.EATXBH SAVEBTPOHTS of the highest grade, Spanish leath er EAST C HATES. Leather seat rockers and Morris chairs, coBt ly library or living room tables, desks and bookcases. SXHXHO SUITES in PVMED and WAXED OAK, vari ous designs; one TDXT HAHDSOKX BUTTE in EABX.T EHQUBK (cost $250); viz., massive buffekv 60 inch round pedestal extension table (10 ft. long), six dining chairs and two arm chairs with green Spanish leather seats and backs. This suite must be seen to be appreciated. Odd China closets, side tables. MAHOOAHT and CIHOABSXAH WAX.BTUT BEDHOOM SUITES, MAHOOAXT. CTKCASSXABr WALNUT, BnU8ETB BCAPI.E and QVAJtTEBED OAK SXE88EB8 and OHirrOHIEBS. Very costly OEHTS WAJtDHOBE in golden oak. about 100 GOOD BRASS BEDS to select from; 'ernis Martin and enameled beds of artous styles; all the beet kinds of prlngs; felt, flossi and other mat- resfes, pillows, WILTOH AXNUt. BTER. BODT BBXTSSEX.S and other HOOK SIZE HUGS, UHOXiETTM, MOHARCH MALLE11LZ. 1CAJESTXC and other BTZIL BAHGES. If you are looking for something good, come In and let us show you through. Everybody Knows Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store TH3B OLD HEXIABUS BABOAZH HOUSE I-OK TOul GHOOEBXBS, WBVEUikaEUUB BABOWASB, O0TLBET. ALtTMIKUie and GBwAHZTEWARE. PAZHTS, ETC. Store Fixtures Including- CASK HEGXSTEBJS, OOHFTTTlHO BCAX.ES, BCEAT BHATEBS, CHEESE CDTTIM, O O X" r E E JOXIiUS, " B O W 8 E B " OZZt TANKS, BUTOKEB8 SimUES, CBEDZT 8TSTEUS, SHOW CASES, ILZBEPBOOr SAFES, V COUHTEB8, STC. J. T. WTXSOH, Proprietor. AuctionSales Monday, 2 P. M. 191 Second St Full Equipment of a Bakery BT ORDER or TaTJS RJB7EXSX XH BAHKRVFTCT wi will sell the entire bakery qnipment, consisting of Porta ble tag oven (capacity 180 loares). seTsral hundrsd bakapa&g of rarions kinds, oandy or do ug aunt fnrnacs. some spices, soales and other bakary vuvib, aiso xo iv. iioor saowoaaa, 5 rt. floor cigar case, soda fountain with counter and rafrlgerator back bar, larga mirror 30x73, 3 small snow catea, 10., etc we will also gall a rood as sortment of medium boos fnmltura, iBcraaing seas, .Dressers, cnairs. Ta bles, Xnrg, Heaters, Rang-es, etc., to, We Sell Again on Wednesday and Friday At 2 P. M. Each Day At 191 Second St Ford Auction Co. GENUINE ACREAGE SACRIFICE 9.80 ACKBS lust outside of tha city limits of Portland, close to East 82nd st. and 460 feet from Powell Valley road. Bull Run wa ter about 400 feet from the tract; land all In cultivation, about an acre In bearing orchard, small house and barn; $550 per acre; $1923 cash, balance mortgage, gee K. M. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company 103 JTOU.RTH ST. Nimble Dollars to Loan $3000. $$500. $4000. $5000. $6000 $10,000. $11,000. You want to borrow? avo wish to lend on city, farm or acre age. GEO. H. THOMAS, 267 Oak at. Room X AinsworUi bldt. NEW TODAY J. A. JOHNSTON Xapturs Specialist 411-419 AUskr Bid. Kesalts Ghiarafctssa Fearey Brothers. Inc. . WE BUY NOTES 06 Dekun Sldf, PorUaad, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-3 Oregoa Investment Mortgag Co, Offices 203-4 170 3d St. FARM LOANS 7 TO Vz MOHTOAOES BOUGHT. Mortgage Oompaay (ox Amerlea, Boom 83 Ainswortfc Blag. Portland. Or. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PUATIVO. AlCOKiiOJi, KNU'Jfi AND BOX PLKAT1NU, HEMSTITCHING,- BRAIDING; BUTTON EOLE4J. BUTTONS COVERED. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 85 5TH. B'WAY 2000 K. STKPHAN Henistltublug. accordion, side Dd sunburst pleatlog; buttons coTered; goodk sponged. Sctlioplng. Flttock bit. B'wy 1099 AOATE CUTTERS Al. i74, Alfg. Jeweler. Kxpert Tatcbmaker. Miller's. HiA, Wab.. bet. B wy and Park. BtAITS BOOKMAKERS DAVIS As HOLM AN, luc, 1UU 2A at. Blank book manafactareri, agents for Jones Im profed Loose Leaf Ledgera. See tba new Eu reka Leaf. A-H193. Alain 183. BRASS A1TD MACHIVE WORKS UAUfKK'g Braaa Worka. Brana caalUiga autl B'dway 2342. machine worka. 108 N. 5th at. CARPET CLEANING 01 Iroui old carpets, S5j r a g rug, carpet til cleaning. North- v?wt Itug Co., 18S B. 81b. E. a5S0; B-12SO. JOVlU BROS., Electric Cleaning Worka Car- neta cleaned and laid: refutlnc our le- Halty. Eaat 440. B-19a. 2Q4 E. 19tb at. N. CHIBOPRACTORS SL'CCEbS'(JL wllU lingering diacaaea, caae taklna time: AX treatiuenta. 13; acuta caaea lew time, leas mooej : experienced; making good. Dr. McMinon, 2d tloor Macleay bldg. Haniiarium in TlawtUorLe. REMOVAL NOTICE W. 0. Powell. cnlroiraotor. remoTfd to 813 Panama bid;., 3d and Alder. Special offer to tlrat 10 entering bis office -clinic. Bring tbla notice. 10 to VI m. 2 to o p. m. COAL AND WOOD NATIONAL. FUEL CO. Kant -2041. Grean alab- wood. 4 ft., S3.60 cord. Blocawood. 4 tt.. .T3 cord; aawed. S5.00 load. Dry alabwood. wwed, S4 load. A-l fir. 4 ft., $5.75 cord. Dllared or aawed to order. I'lHST CLASS old growth Ilr cord wood, drj, SO .50 per cord dellrered. Lewea t uel uo., X4 Conch at. Phone Bdwy. 233. A-2161. AD P Euel Co. Small i Di J, ty. 409 Union i ordera odr aueclal- are. N. Bast 4S1. NKEK FAKK Iry fir. 4 ft.. J5.IMI to Ou. Blockwood. 303 Water at. Main 45Wi. A-4M7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CISKAB HL'liKU, Ueueral Couuaclur. XU Sber- lock bldg. CONTRACT IN (J. building and Job carpenter ing, uau a4 inn at. or pnone Main aoo DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL DH. O. H. HI'THM AN, VKTKHIN AR1AN. Hoa- pltal. 415 E. 7th at. East 1W7. tt-iwa. EDUCATIONAL COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS THE HINSDALK Commercial ScbooL gnick. 1 borou rb bualneaa tralnluK- Write for cata- logne. or call 602 Orpheum building. DANCING MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. SOVi Stb'at. net. Stark and Oak. Spec'al rates, 4 prlrate Icaaona, 2; morning, afternoon, erenlng; all la teat dancea guaranteed; class Tbaraday. Sat- ui day eTenlnga, 7-8:30. Broadway 2160. MR. aod Mrs. Ifeatb s School Leaaona dallj. Claaa Tue.. Fri. ere. 109 2d at., between Washington and 8tark. Lessona 2Sc. Main 3208 LAW SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough, practical coarse In law. KccltaUons eTenlnga. Mala 77. Aliskr b'1g- KU8I OOLB AND TXACHEHB SlX't'USSI'LL. experienced teacher. Mus. Bsc. Hojal Jons(-f Tstorr, Ielpslc. ttlKbeat cre dentials, will take pupils organ, piano, har mony, sight singing. Terma Terr moderate. Address H-186, Journal, or phone Marsh, 3312. EXPKRT trainer, male or mixed choira. church or oratorio, will Tolunteer aerTIcea; tcm organ eaaential. Addresa 640 Montgomery Drive. Marshall SMI 2. E. TH1KLHOKN Violin teache.. pupil SercU. 207 Flledner bldg. Mar-shall 1B! 1'ROK. T. K. LAWSON IMauo lessons at your home, 6c. Phone Tabor 2839. RAGTIME planu playing; in 10 to 20 lessons Cnrlstensen system. ' 41Z-13 (olnmrai tldg VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, ukulele. banjo. 7oe. Main 459. Instrnmenta fur sale. FIRE INSURANCE PACIFIC STATES KIKE INSURANCE CO., only Oregon fire Inaorance company. FLtTTT BUGS AND RAO RUGS. Send Us Your Old Carpets Made from old Ingrain. Brussels. Aiminiter. Smyrna. Also rag rugs, all slies. Mall orders prompt. Carpet cleaning. Send for booklet. 54 Union Are. N. Phones East 6516. B-1475. FURNACES Boynton Furnaces Economical, effectual. J. C. Bayer co Front and Market. key AND LOCKSMITH ALSO ELECTRIC iron repairing, sow filing. etc. lan merer, yts. layior st. Mam lin. MANICURING AND HAIRDRESSING 407 Broadway bldg. Realdential work by au polntment. Phone Main 1222. MATTRESSES OLD mattreea and feather beda made Into sanitary folding- forma: feathers renorated roldlns M. Co.. 506 Williams. K. 5874. NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES WE1NUAKUS Uolden and Amber Nectar. Henry Wclnhard plant. 13th and Burnslde-4 Main 7Z, ptionea A-lioz FAINTDtO. TINTING, FAPERHANGINO PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglDg. Shop 549 Marshall at. Main 4414. Tochle Painting Co. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THE 1VK PRESS JOHN M. MANN. 82 Stark at. Broadway 408. A-40M RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO Steuclla, Trade Checks, Braa Signs. PALIS 1U BlAMf WUKn.3 231 Washington at. Main 710, A-2710, BAXETT BAZUBt HDBfO SAFETY rasora sharpened, all kinds, 25c a 80c per dnien. 143 ild at., near Morrison. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING tin and gravel roofs. Jacob Lull SIO First (t. Phone Main 1424. TOWEL SUPPLY PORTLAND Laundry Co. for prompt. effl . elent aerrlee. Phone B'way 4 TO. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabllshed 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage Free Trackage. Office sod Storaga 474 Gllaaa at. !3tb and Gliaan. Main 6tt. A -440 ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALISTS Storage. Packing. Shipping and Mot log. Hone or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE . CO. Second and Pine. Broadway 68. A-1098, PUu Bros. Transfer Co.. Moving and Stor age. SI Broadway. Office phone Broadway 1184; res, phone. East 8509. OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. Furniture oot- ers, packers, storage: lire proof warehouse. 16th and- uoyt sts, Main 047. - A-Z247. "MANUFAdTUDPDs JOBBERS WHOLESALERS I PAINT, OIL AND GLASS I &&. UU A I RASMCSSEN CO., PXTTMBTNO gtrPTLTES PLCMBINU suppUea, wholesale price Darla Co., 212 Third at. Mais 77. Stark- BAWTTARY WTPINO RAGS L, SHANK CO, 12 KKONT ST. PHONE MAIN 169 WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory KLcPVa A DH officii near 24th and York it.. Mala JlZLJ W tLJ ZBTOaUSATIOV COVPOI, . If 70a want the name of a reliable business house dealing in any line of merchandise, or information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam ship lines, etc.. address Oregon Jour oal Information Bureau. Information desired: ,1 Name Address. CLASSIFIED AD RATES CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Daily a Sunday. Itt cents per word for all clasalflcattons at eeptlng "For Rant In Prlrate Family," "Room and Board lo Trlvete Family." "Mtaatioa Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ads, which are 1)4 cema per word. Three lnaertuma for the price of two. Sctcq lnaertlooa for the price of fire. No ad taken for leas taan 15 cents. CASH MUST accompany copy to obtain shore rates. CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS. m centa per work per Insertion. Tbla charge la for all classifications ezeept lag "For Rent in Private Family." "Room and Board in Prlrate Family." "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads. which ars 1 !i ccnta per word per lnaertkv. No ad charged for leaa than 15 centa MEETING NOTICES 41 MACCABEES TAKE NOTICE. Portland Tent No. 1 will give a card party and dance at their hall, 409 Al der St., Thursday evening, Nov. 9, at 8:30 o'clock. All Maccabees and theiT friends invited. Good music, good prizes, good time. Admission 15 cents. Committee. PORTLAND Star Home stead No. 42, B. A. V., will hold country carnival Thursday evening, Novem ber 2, 1916, Moose hall, four prizes best sustained character. Door prize, loo lbs. sugar. Admission 10c. WEBFOOT DRILL TEAM, No. 65, W. O. W.. will give a series of Saturday night dances In the W. O. W. temple. 128 11th st.. start ing Saturday evening. Oct. 7. Gents 25. ladles 23. Union music. ROSE CITY Camp No. 64 66, M. W. A., meets in Modern Woodmen hall. No. 10, 11th St., every Wednes day ave. Marshall 4831. F. J. DARLlNGTON.dk. HALLOWEEN Masquerade Ball by the' uwiiwi ai iieiiiia si uicucj a iia.ii, 80th and E. Stark sts., Tuesday eve, Oct. 31. Six prizes for best dressed, best impersonated, most comical char acter. Admission 60 and 25 cents. MODERN FORESTERS On November 3, invite vou to attend their card party and dance, Manchester hall, 85 5th st. Cards, 8:15 p. m. Admission, 15 c. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE 744, W. of W., will have a bargain and Jitney lunch 6 o'clock Friday afternoon and even ing. Nov. 3; program and dancing In . evening. Free. A good time is assured. ; $1900 THE ladles of Hive No. 24 of Macca- j ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. bees, will give a 600 party Tuesday) $150 cash, balance $20 monthly ln night, Oct. 31, In I. O. O. F. hall. East , eluding interest, buys modern 5 room 6th and Alder. Six prizes. Admission bungalow. FIRE INSURANCE 15c. Committee. J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDO. EMBUiM jewelry a specialty, buttons, i pins, charms. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 6th. VIM Stages marriages, Birtbs. Dzatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES north. learaL and Alma K. Plckard. same ad dress, legal. Oscar D. Chareet,. 101 Sixth street, legal, and Mary Lindblom, 6103 Sixty-fourth atreet S. E., legal. Ole Newgard, 8S16 Sixty-eighth street 8. legal, and Pjejxa Walberg, aame address, legal. Ha rold E. Shlpard, MarTarille. California. legal, and Harriett M. Minton, 1277 Omaha avenue, legaL Robert II. Hume. 97 Washington atreet. lrgal, and Elizabeth Metxler. same addresa. leS'- .. . . A imane w neeier. Clifford hotel, legal, and Olive Tussle, 8820 Foster roHd, legal. W. G. Smilh &,C0. Wedding and visiting card. Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unlqua ranorinir to., ao is t ark st. BIRTHS CRONIN To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cronln. Oarden Home, Or.. Oct. 13. a son. DEBURGH To Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. De- Burgh, Portnomab. Apts., October 15. a aon. CARNESE To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caraese, 49 E. 43d street. October 25. a aon. HALLOCK To Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hal- lock, 96 E. 72d street north, October 21. a aon. GEARHART To Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Gear- hart. 104214 E. 15th street north. October 12. a son. FOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Foster. 1515 Lancaster street. October 16. a daughter SNEDIGAR To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Snedlgar. 6316 70th atreet southeast. Oc tober 21, a son. 13EATH8 AND FUyERALS 75 MO X LEY At the family residence, corner Co lumbia bird, and Richmond atreet. Friday morning, Mrs. Minnie Moxley. ags 58 years 4 tnontba 13 days; a native of Ohio. She Is sur vived by her husband. BenJ. F. Moxley and two sons, Charlea and Russell Moxley; 2 grandchildren. Mrs. Minnie Marchant and Al- giandchlldren, Mrs. Minnie Marchant and Alva ALderaon; 1 great grandchild. Alvln Marchgnt: 2 aisters and 2 brothera In Ohio. Funeral Sun day 2:30 p. m .. at Chambers Co. 'a chapel, cor ner Klllingswortb axe. andKerby street. In terment ioiumomn cemetery. LANDERHOLM In thia city, Oct. 28, at the family residence. 701 Vaughn St., Mathilda Landerhoun, aged 07 rears. Tba remains sre at tne residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MARTIN Jack W. Martin, 685 Tillamook atreet. October 24. 1 year, acute c-aatro enteritis. y LONG Annie C. Long, Good Samaritan hos pital, October 20. 68 years, carcinoma. SMITH Hart K. Smith, 485 E. 42d street north. October 26, 41 years, tuberculosis. HOUTS John Houts. 412 Darts street. Octo ber 25. 81 yesrs, chronic myocardial de generation. COLE William H. Cole. 697 4th street, Octo ber 26, 72 years, gangrene of foot. FLORISTS CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-180S. Fine flowers and flora) designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, tat Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artlstlcsllT arranged MAIN 611t; wreaths. Dillowa, $3 uu. Sprays $1 up. Chappell's S47Moris'n. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO, .si Gliaan st. Mar. 437!. A-1464. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 th at. SWISS FLORAL CO.., 2$d and Gliaan. Funeral Directors. MILLER A TRACE Y, Independent Fn- neral Dlrertnn PrlM. Iaw a - ,,n $40. $60 Wash. a Ella. M. tl. A-78 8 5 A. R. Zeilar Co. Ui-iVA j-uy amenua.nL uay ana nignt service. J. P FINLEV Jt- ROM . Progressive Funeral Director MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH Hamiltnn Et, 80tn and OUsan. Fu n ail II HUM neral services Tabor 4J11. QKTWFQ Undertaking Co, Main 4161 OrCVYC.O A-23i81. Cor, Id and Clay. BREEZE & SNOCX. B-1ISS1. Kast 1M. 1026 Belmont, at 84th. Lady attendant. B. T, , T. Byrnes, new residence estaal t, 901 WiUiamj ave. Wdln, 220. Oil 4$, FTJNERAIi DIRECTORS (Continued) HOLM AN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lad' Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507. A-15U p. l mm Undertaker, feast Uih and Hawthorn. Phones E. 781. B-1888. Lady assl--"t- . A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267: 6802 92d sU Lenta. Tabor 6896; 66th st. and Foster road. Arletav F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 B. Alder st. Phone Cast 62, B-2526. Dunning & McEntee iiW.'S every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-568. Lady assistant. VAULTS THE NATIONAL VAULT COMPANY. Ft. Montgomery st. Tabor 2621. Steal re into reed concrete burial vaults. Air tlnht, waterproof, everlasting. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 2S4-266 4th St.. opp City Hall. Main 8664. Philip Neu Ac Pons, for memorials. !rBLAESING GRANITE (9 U 267-3RD. ST. AT MADISON FOR SALE HOUSES 61 HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. TaKe late model, 6 passenger auto mobile, if in good condition, as first payment, balance $1300 mortgage, 3 years, 7 per cent ajid monthly pay ments of 115 without interest, for two story residence in good condition; 6 j rooms, bath, basement, electric lights, I 60x100 lot. several fruit trees, about' 25 minutes out on east side. Price of property $2600. P-106. Journal. j MIGHTY GOOD BUYS. "J Small payment down, balance like 3 rooms, bath, barn, fruit, $850. 4 rooms, two good lots, corner. $850. 5 room house, lawn, flowers. $1150. 6 room house, close in, modern, $2000. 6 room bungalow, great bargain! $1350. BADLEY. 621 Yeon bldg. Main 481. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. Neat 3 room bungalow completely furnished with first-class goods. This property is easily worth $1000: can be bought for $750. $100 down, bal. $10 montniy. t red w. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $a0 DOWN and $8 per month will buy I you a nice 3 room nouse, lot boxioo. j beautiful view and shade trees, 1 blk. from electric station, close in. Well worth $1200. Will take $800. K-24S, I Journal. NEW 6 room bungalow, Hawthorne district, beautiful lot, fruit trees; I east front; will sell cheap and give terms like rent to responsible people. Call Sunday. 225 E. 47th et. or ohooe East 4601. WEST SIDE SNAP. Modern II rooms, corner lot, near Multnomah club, will sacrifice for $9000. Will take some trade. A great bargain. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 6th. TEN room modern house, paved street, 6 blocks from heart of business sec tion, Albany; $2000, at least half cash; no trades. Good, reliable investment. Linn Rlngneck Ranch, Albany, Or. FINE bungalow in Lents, cost $3200 6 rooms and bath, close to car; must leave at once, and will sell at a big sacrifice. R. P. Stewart, owner, 701 Broadway bldg. MODERN 5 room, double constructed bungalow, large attic, 3 lots, chicken houses; near Woodmere school; $20 cash, $10 monthly. 8005 Clayton St., corner 80th st. S. E. PORTLAND Heights home for sale, 7 rooms, one block from streetcar, paved street, worth $4500; will take $500: terms. 731 Montgomery Drive. WILL sacrifice my $960 equity in mod ern 5 room bungalow for $350. fine condition. In Rose City district, bal- ance long time. A-247, Journal. $1600 BUNGALOW COST $2500. Modern 5 room, large lot, near car; terms; lot or aula part pay. Chas. Rlngler & Co., 228 Henry bldg. 7 ROOM house for sale in Laurel- luirst; has garage built with the house; all conveniences. See owner, 966 E. Irving st. C t T TTTT "tm . - . Tabor car to 80th. Joe May. 1995 Haw thorne. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4 room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, 1 block from car. Must be sold today. Make offer, Layman, 527 Cha. of Com. BARGAIN. A dandy 4 room and bath bungalow, built 2 years; lot 60x100. Cost $1250. Price only $675. N-123, Journal. BARGAIN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6 room house. 60x100 lot; built for a home; must sell. Call own er. Tabor 2198, or 406 E. 37th gt. PORTLAND HEIGHTS: House for sale; 6 rooms, all modern: on carline; $3750: furniture at half price if wanted. Phone Marshall 160 2 FOR SALE 1y owner, dandy corner, 6 room house, full basement, hot air furnace; see owner, 15 N. 3d st. Broad way 130. IF YOU WANT A HOME, READ! Large lot, neat cottage, part modern, garden, outbuildings; $725. E. Z. terme. Tabor 2546. 8 ROOM house, clear of Incumbrance. 1 block to car; will take a lot as first payment; the rest same as rent. 107 E. 7th st. in. fnone labor 470. $1150 $100 CASH, balance $10 per month, buys 5 room modern house, west side; large corner lot. M E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE Two lots 80x125, 4 room box house,, water, gas, basement, barn: clear, $450; $200 cash. Owner, f-ii, journal. LOOK $65u buys 4 room shack, lot 60x100, easv terms: Kenton district; see R. B. Carey, 304 Lombard st; Woodlawn 2766. NEW 6-room bungalow, near Lents, for sale; terms as rent. Rent at your own price for winter. Inquire 539 E. 47th st N. LAURELHURST. Don't buy without seeing my warm, modern home. Ta bor 2793. $100 CASH buys nice 6 room cottage, full lot. fruit trees; 1180 E. 33d N. Owner, 386 Hawthorne; phone E. 365. BEAUTIFUL 6 room home, all con venlences and grand location. Call Sellwood 2022. ROSE CITY PARK; must sell new modern bungalow at a bargain; close W car. Phone Tabor 234. HOGSE 12x34 to be moved. $25. For eale, 7 room modern house, large let. 81600; terms; worth $2000. Ta. 3029. SIX room house. East 44th and b'ner man; sold new early this year- for $2100; nw $1600. Phone Mar. 1602. 5 RC6st furnished house, lot 40x120; terms. 11226, Tabor 302$, -. 01 (Oontlnasd) afcaaassasawaaas "as. Consider One aThese Four Bargains The Ladd Estate company' elling department list below four homes for sale in four dif ferent districts of the city. At the prices offered and with all the houses of such different types, you will surely be able to find exactly what you need. House in Richmond District East Harrison street home to bo offered for the exceptional and attractive price of $3250. On the first floor Is a very attract ive and comfortable living room, good sixe dining room. Kitchen and pantry. On second floor there are four bedrooms with six large closets. Basement is full cement and equipped with good furnace. Only thing needed to make this house practically new is a little ref tnishing. Corner lot 0x66 2-3. Three blocks from Hawthorne cst; good school vi cinity To responsible purchaser $500 in cash and only $40 a month. House on Westover Road The prominence into which this district has been brought by a recent and important tran saction Is one which will make this house appreciated as an ex ceptional value at $7500. Rough stucco exterior mission archi tecture View from this site Is unexcelled as you know. Lot 50x85. Features large cement tile front porch extending full width of house. Big fireplace In center of living room; mahog any finish down stairs; built in buffet in dining room with In laid mahogany and leaded glass; living room 15x24. dining room 14x14. kitchen and pantry good size, breakfast room 10x11. back hall and combination servants' stairs- extra bath and toilet: 4 large bedrooms upstairs finished in white enamel, attractive sleeping- porch: two servants' room and storeroom In atti Ameri can Ideal Hot Water heating equipment. Hardwood floors downstairs. Terms will be ac cepted from responsible pur chaser. East Davis Street House Seven rooms modern and very attractive. Contains 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, large living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry. Hot water heating sys tem. House finished in white enamel, hardwood floors down stairs; tile bath with shower. Popular colonial architecture. Built about 3 years ago. Has been completely reflnished throughout. Lot 50x100. Can be bought for $5900, $500 down and balance to suit responsible purchaser. Excellent Lot With Small Cottage Located on Kast Salmon street. Lot 43.75x100. Small. cozy three-room cottage. Situated on extreme rear of lot, into which family can move and later build a permanent house without In convenience. Vacant lots in thl neighborhood sHl for 1500 and up. If sold at once this nron erty can be bought for $1100. Only $125 cash and balance $15 a month. Ladd's Addition Home One of best values wp have to offer. Six room ious? with sleep ing porch. Modern plumbing and excellent heating plant. Lot 60x125 to alley. Faces east. Located in higher part of Ladd's Addition. Most desirable street car service. A lot of this size, as vou know. Is worth at least $1800 in this district. When you see this house and realize that the propertv can be bought for $3950 with $500 down and $40 a month, we are sure you will consider it one of the best val ues now on the market. Ladd Estate Company Selling Department. Concord Building. 2d and Stark. IT IS A SAFE BET TOU WON'T GET PRICES LIKE THIS IN THE SPRING. $2150. Rose City car, half blk. to car, 5 rooms and large attic, east t! f7repllcrSookacaBsees;aJ,loIC- n2 . Terms, $300 down. $20 per mo. iront. gage straight contract. Sea Hickman or Wilson 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121. Branch of Hartman & Thomo- I son. $50 CASH and $20 per month, includ ing Interest, buys a beautiful, mod ern 4 room cottage, near Williams ave.; fireplace, cement basement, gas, elec tric lights, plumbing, wash trays, etc. Price today $1750. See agent Sunday at office, 1 block north of Woodlawn school, on sTSnion ave. THE BRONG CO.. 267', Oak st. HOUSE at 1183 Grant 1069 Ivon; 1160 Glenn; 999 E. 17th. N.: 112 E. 84th, N. : 94 E. 83d. N.: 1355 Delaware Nearly half purchase price paid and J forfeited. , We are satisfied with our security and no down payment re quired. Continue one of these con tracts at $15 per month without inter est the first year. Main 1242, 202 Mc Kay bldg. $200 CASH BUYS BUNGALOW. Rose City Park, 2 bed rooms,, living room, dining room, bath, kitchen and basement; modern conveniences; nice trees ana snruDDery. price only $1600, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 910 wnainoer oi commerce. $3250. $W00 below the market, strictlv modern bungalow, 41st et. N.: wlil lake late model light automobile as first payment, balance less than rent. FIRE INSURANCE. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDO. $1650 NEW BUNGALOW $1650. Just completing, cost me $2100, 5 large rooms, complete and niodorn. 50x100 lot. on E. 7th St., close-in; went in debt more than calculated; can't keep It; assume debt and ta it. ONLY SMALL AMOUNT CASH. Box A-251. Journal. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. 60x100, nice yard, bath, gas, electric ity, 3 blocks to car,- 20-minute ride, cut to $1700, $100 down, $15 per month, 6. See Seachrest at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4th and Stark Sts. A SACRIFICE. 5 room bungalow, new, modern, hardwood floors, full cement base ment, fireplace, an built in effects. ; 60x100 $1900- lot, restricted neighborhood. Owner, Tabor 423. LEAVING city; sacrifice neat 6 room 1 cottage, lot 50x116, all improve-, ments; completely furnished; lots; fruit chickens; value $3500; take! $2000; your own terms; owner, 346 E. 62d, near Hawthorne. $50 CASH, $18 monthly including interest buys modern 5 room house, 1 block fro.n Woodmere .station. FIRE INSUR ANCE. J C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. FOR SALE, or might take some trade. large house. Nob Hlil district; house at present has five housekeeping suites and two more can be added. Now is the time to buy. This is a bargain. Phone Main 1040. A BARGAIN. -7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, many built-in effects, full basement, on the corner, 50x100 lot, $3500; $1000 down, balance long time. 822 Henry bldg. $3500. ATTRACTIVE, MODERN-7 ROOMS, nice lot, good location, fruit, rosea block to carline. $1600 for quity, mortgage only $1100, longtime. owner, lapor zi. HOMESEEKERS I have 4 bargains In city residences in different de sirable localities. Csn give you time or accept trade as part payment. Hol- brook, zi 5 Panama biag. OSWEGO LAKE ACRE. FOR RALE HOUSES Only $10 Sewn and $10 per month. Water and lights, telephones: fc com mutation fare. Pries only $400. Call at Qs Concord, bldg., - . ; ; ,: , . . FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Don tinned) SACRIFICE SALE Furnished Cottage, Including Weber Piano There is a gable roof, porch over the front and half way across the front of the house. A long bevel plate glass door opens into the reception hall, 7x10; an arch opens from this room into tha living room. The living room is 14x14. wlth.a large triple window open ing on the front lawn. Above the center window Is an art glass window with metal bars. On the other side of the room is a piano window. These two rooms ara tinted In a shade of leather, while the ceilings are cream and the woodwork has four coats of varnish. The dining room, 14x14, has beamed ceiling, and is paneled with quarter sawed oak and plate rail abojbaThe triple win dow on the other side of the room has a built-in seat. Above the plate rail Is tinted pumpkin color, while the celling is of cream. There is a china buffet; a double acting door opens from this room into the pass pantry, another "opensrnto the hall be tween the bedrooms and bath. The kitchen and pantry Is tinted cream and woodwork white enamel. The pass pantry Is quite large and at either end are the bedrooms. 12x14 each, with large closets. The woodwork in these rooms is of natural wood lnlsh, with 3 coats of varnish, while the walls are tinted, one blue, the other pink. The bathroom Is modern. Tha bath tub has a heavy rolled rim and full size factory finished, inside and outside white enam eled. The lavatory is of the same grade. All faucets are quirk pressure. The walls of this room are blue and wood white enam eled. The basement is full size. There are two porcelain wash trays, a hot water heating plant with a radiator In each room. Kruit trees, berry bushes and shrubbery. Electric and gas fixtures. All hardware is cast brass This place is In ' "Waverly Heights, 3 blocks from 36th St., 8 blocks from Clinton street. Phone Broadway 3033. T-131, Journal. 1RV1NGTON. Two California bungalows of Indi vidual characteristics, built to please the most fastidious as to design, con venience and location; full lots (one a corner). 6 rooms, garages, ready to move into. Location 20th and Stanton sts. ALSO OLM STEAD PARK An unusual, ar tistic 1 room, high class residence, all conveniences and a superb location, full lot, garage. Drive by and note Us won derful architecture and surroundings. Location 920 Bryce ave., near E. 29th st. N. AND OLMSTEAD PARK A distinctive 7 room (three more rooms may be fin ished), southern colonial bungalow 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout and numerous other uncom mon arrd attractive features. 100x100 ground. Heavily wooded and shrub bery. Location 941 Dunckley ave., near Glenn ave. N. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Rank bldg. $2000 HOME FOR 11050 6 room modern bungalow, corner lot. near new Franklin high school, $250 cash: biggest snap In town. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK New 6 room bun, galow below cost; a snap for some cash. g3 E. t8th. Block north of blvd. t FQI S A LE -LOTS 10 Two Lots for $500 Right on Carline in St. Johns Not a vacant honss In St Johns Here are two lota for less than half Price. Located in Rt. Johns rie-ht on ! rttJ'? lots- P.rlc for the two only $500. nargrove neaity uo. Ml N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 4S81. $650 PARKROSE TRACT. $25 DOWN. $10 MONTH. 20.850 q. feet of ground, all cleared on macadam road, block and half to Sandy, pressure water. Value hunters see this. See Wlckman or Wilson, 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121. Branch of Hartman & Thompson. REED COLLEGE DISTRICT. 60x100 DOVER ADN. All cleared, near car, $195 cash; similar lots sold for $600 three years ago; chance to make big profit on this after election. Remember $195 gives you deed free and clear. See Mr. Teepe, 104 5th st. ADMINISTRATOR says: "Self lots soon as possible, heirs want estate closed." Make quick offer. Lots Union avenue, near Russell, Knott near Union. Garfield avenue near Holman, Holman near E. 19th. Joseph H. Jobn- ston, 659 N. Union. $10 DOWN and $10 per month buys a business corner on Union ave. If vou want a bargain ee this property. Main 1743. THE BRONO CO 267 Oak St. HAVING removed permanently from Portland will sacrifice 60x100 cor ner lot. Rose City Park, all improve ments in and taxes paid, for $530; on easy terms. R. G. Hubner, box 1872. Seattle, Wash HARD times bargain, 3 lots, 60x100 each, location Bouthwest corner Eat S3d and Long ave, $375 cash takes the lots. See engineer. Merchants Trust bldg. LARGE, beautiful view home eite, west ide, city water and gas, best value in Portland, at $250: $10 cash, balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 60s Corbet t bid in FOR THE MAN WHO WANTS PIEDMONT. 2 lots in center of district for les than half of normal price. 303 Stock Exchange bldg; laikklhirst $7oo, $300 down, balance $25 per month, buye a beau tiful corner lot in Laurelhurst. Fine shade trees, n'-ar Laurelhurst office. Mut sell at onre. Apply 850 Alder. " fWu BEAUTIFUL LOTS. One block to Hawthorne car; cement walks $215 earn, nair cash- com pari pon Invited 70S Dekum bldg. MAKE me nn offer on fine lot on southeast corner 53d and Sa.cra. mpfiio sts.fr Owner. G-34o. Journal. $400 (;ool location, 60x100 In Ala meda Park. Owner, East 7865. SIX lots, East 46th and Division, $1500, Phone Marshall 1602. acreage: 57 1 OR 2 acres, close In, on good road. Close to electric line. Terms. N- 134. Journal. FOR SALE, sacrifice, 20 acres and town lot at Lakeview, Or. Phone Woodlawn 1875 after 6 p. m. 5 ACRES, all cultivated, near Reed vllle, $550 cash, bal. $650. Morg. 7 per cent, uwner, Mar. 43B. FOR SALE Lpper Oswego lake cor ner acres and small rustic house, on Boons Ferry road. M-132, Journal. $850 FOR ISO acres, Portland 40 miles, boat landing; and on county road; best soil and a creek. R-143, journal. $5 PER ACRE within 30 miles Port- land. R-141. Journal. BARGAIN 40 acres, 26 miles out, on ly $300: part terms. T-1 59. Journal. $165 TAKES 60 acres near Mt. Hood stage line. Rihorn, 202 Wllcosbldg. $2250, 6 acres, Powell Valley Rd. Snap. Chas. Rlngler A Co.. 228 Henry bldg. IU acre for sals chean. 72d sL 0. E. , XU clear; call Horns phons C-1262. 51 (Oonuaaad) CHEAP ACREAOB. 120 per acre. fn ilnmn ,. tm month buys 40 acres of good land frea rrom rock or gravt between Portland and Astoria, in C Ilia count v i iZ miles from Columbia -iver; fine loca tion for dairy or poul- ranch;" run ning water. E acres. li'nO- tin Hr . - . r. ..... m.-n. buy" 6 acres of land -rtween Portland and Centralia on the main line or three railroads. 1 miles from a' town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills. Some of thin lunrl la ,..,!. cleared; running Mi earns. Borne j,t. torn and some bench. Snm rr ii,,. land is goon onion land. Can give you any kind of u piece ou want. 5 and 10 acre irai-ls at dai),,t Clatskanie lirs half way between i'ort- mnu ana Astoria. Clatskanlo bus a population of 1000. A cheeMe frtVtory ' t annery and creamery; lies 1 mile froin town: from J35 to $0 per uci; fi pr aero down and $1 per acre per hkhiUi. BELL REAL ESTATE CO, SIS liallway Exchange bldg. CHOKE COLOMBIA CO U NTT , . ACREAGE. Ulthin 20 miles of tlty limits of Port land. lose to county seat, with cream ery, tannery and big payroll; k"ooil roads and A-l transportation facul ties, both by rail and water; CnlumbU highway Is paved to within f;W miles or lands; soil la rich and deep red shot clay loam, very productive and especially adapted to hog raising :uui dairying; also small fruits and truck gardening, very profitable; tracts any size; some with fine view overlooking the Columbia river. Prices $26 lo $;, per acre, easy terms and every Induce ment to settlers. Can also handle so.ne trade. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO, 225 Henry Bhjg. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCHES. 11 acres, 2 miles to Amity, fine run ning water, some clear, woitle timber, all good land; $8;'j-$10o down, bal ance .", vials, f',. 10 acres, 2 mil.-s to Amllv. ! ncren cultivation, 1 acre in timber, a Hides fenced, spring, all Rood land, $1000 $100 down, balance I, years, ';r. 8 acics clone to Atnltj, running wri ter. Mtne dear, sopic timber, gooil "ll. $;:(o $100 down, balance 5 year's t',c- See Seachrest ut HARTMAN e.- THOMPSON 4lh and Stark Mm. 40 AcresT$600 U mile from R. It. station ami store. 3 inTf-s cleared, 2f. acres lies aood, on courMy road, small creek, l.mllc to school; $L';,o cash. Easy terms on bal ance. i acres onion land all In cultivation $150; f blocks from electric line. A snap. $:'0o cash, easy terms on bal ance. m'XDV, 411 HENRY BLDO. Splendid 37 Acres Of fine level land, on good gravel road miles from Vancouver, onlv $50 pi-r acre. 4 cash. This Is worth looking up. I also have bo aero snap at $ln per a., and 620 acres nt $r per m-ie You can t beat tills for price and qual ity; on eood terms. J. It. Wolff. 61 S Chamber of Commerce Bid g. 10 Acres, 5c Fare $2500, $500 Cash 8 acres in cultivation, some larjo trees, fenced 3 sides, fine soil; 10 acres joining this in timber, $1660. the biggest snap in close-in acreaic near Portland. J G. Ralney, 505 Yeon bldg Main 3672. 2 ACRES I DK ALLY IOCATED. Right at electric station Bane Line road; lays level; fine soil; fine grove of trees; highly developed district. Price $1050. Terms $2 down, $10.60 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber f Commerce. 2 Acre Snap ALL CULTIVATED. ONLY 30 minutes out, clone to electric station on county road, all fenced, flfle view, garden soil. It you want a fcur gain call at 600 Concord bldg. 20S Stark st. y, A.. 3 blocks from Wichita station, cent fam on Estacada line, new fsmall 3 room house, will sell to fe- ponsible party for $760, $60 down, $10 a month; fir groe on back of land, rest set out to 4 year old orchard. Call Mr. Mljler. Sell. 1714 for parti cular. Can't Beat This 6 1-3 acres, 1 block Greenburg sta tion, Oregon Electric; all In cultiva tion and fenced, large 4-year-old rT chard: $2K50 will lake It if sold quick. J O Rainev. 506 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. H ACRE Ideal garden tract, where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc., which lay tho ereater part of your living. Price only $700; $20 cash, balance $10 per month. Cltv water, gas, etc. M. E. Lee, 60.'! Corbet t bldg, Gibson Half Acres Good soli, city water, close In ear line, easy terms: will build to suit pur chsser. Phono Marshal 1(86 or Sail wool 47 .inbw n oibon, owner THREE acres at Garden Home, located - on electric road 7 miles from court, house; only 4 blocks from station: has sidewalks and buildings; a nice home started; $1000 below value. Ses owner at Karl Hotel, 206 Broadway, BRYANT ACRES" AT OSWEGO LAKE $200 for an acre tract, lies level, open second-growth; close to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO. 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. $15 Per Acre, Snap 80 acres, unimproved, good. land; taken' on mortgage; sell for $15. Qulg- lev. 2"2 Wilcox hldg. At'R EAGES at Metzger from $260, fine home site, also lots from $100 only; 9 cents fare on the ticket, 80 minutes from Portland; come and agent. Fl Dertol, Metxger, Or. 7 Vi ACRES, 2 blocks from Bellerose station on Estacada carline, 3 mile from Lents, 8 room bungalow, 3 room house, and cood barn. Fruit trees, gooseberries and strawberries. Kast 5366. IP ACRES: 7 in crop, 6 room bunga low, barn, farming Implements, wag on, cow, 150 chickens, granary. Near Crawford, Wash, Wlthrow. 411 Henry bldg. ' CHICKEN. KRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2. 6, 19 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric. $$ to $200 ner acre easy te-na. Mc Far land, 506 i eon bldg . Portlsnd. $3500 HALF VALUE $$500. 6 acres, big sacrifice; 72d St., ML' Scott car. Gas, electricity, city water, house, barn. FORTr acres, 25 miles out; terms"; wood enough to pay for land; rail road on land; 1204 E. Madison. L. Bcott. A CREW 2 miles due west W'ni- lock. Wash., for sale or trade for smaller improved. 1182 Gladstone ave, Portland, SUBURBAN ACREAGE 70 1 "it ACRE bargain. 7 blocks Tlgard, all cleared, good auto road, close to school, Ishtly location. cheap for cash. K-262, Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 ACREAGE COUNTRY HOME HALF PRICE One of the finest on Oregon City lrne; acre and 8 room modern house. All kinds of shrubbery, fruit and flow ers. Ideal home. BADLEY. 621 Yeon bldg. Main 481. OREGON City line 3 1-3 acres, new room house; hardwood floors, built- , In conveniences, city plumbing, barn,,-: poultry house; small fruits, berries; consider little trade, Abraham Nelson,, ui journal oiog. ? ROOM house, 1 acre, fruit trees, -Bull Run water, lights, tc-lS mln- ? nte cars from Portland. See owner ? today at place. 345 Harrison st- Phons f Bell. 644, Mllwsukle. ' ' ' , v J ' HALF acre, well improved, 4 room house, city water, $7. 14 minutes out, Oregon Electric liar. 1374, , '