The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 27, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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-Seventy of Judge's Own Par-
ly ivioimucio vuit-u iv i mm
Eight Hour Law,
...... ,. , , .. . -I
nlan, is surrounded la ths selection of ' 0
his official surf with men from toe
far west, who ' know . Intimately the
problems of the public lands states,
and are In position to approach these
matters understanding;!?.
FIrat Assistant Secretary Jones, who
recently resigned to run for United
Statea senator, came from New Mexico,
and ha been succeeded by E. F. Vocel-
sang- of California. Voelan pre
viously was solicitor, and the choice of i
Mahlffle awards this office to Oregon.
Bo Sweeney of Seattle is assistant
secretary. Clay Tallman of Nevada is
commissioner of the general land of
fice, and Stephen T. Mather of Cali
fornia stands in a particularly confi
dential relation as assistant to the
secretary, with the national parks as
his particular charge.
tTaolo Joe Cannon On of latter But
Bach Change of Heart Zs
Characteristic of Kim.
Washington, Oct. 17 (WASHING
In his speeches arraigning the passage
of the eight-hour law as a "shameless
surrender to force." Charles E. Hughes
Is by implication indicting- a majority
of the Republican members of the
house or representatives.
The record of the vote on that meas
ure shows 70 Republicans voted for It,
and only B voted against It. The 70
who voted for it came from 25 states,
In all sections of the union. Included
In the number were most of the recog
nised ' progressive Republicans, and
considerable support from the old
guard as well.
Most Seek SeelecUon.
The most of these 70 Republicans
who "shamelessly surrendered," if the
Hughes version be accepted, are candl
dates for reelection on the ticket wjth
Hughes, receiving their nominations, in
trios t cases, by the direct primary. One
f them, Sutherland of West Virginia,
Is the candidate of his party for the
Few of them find it necessary to
apologise for the votes they cast. A
conspicuous exception Is Uncle Joe
Cannon, who is now volubly sorry that
he voted to pass the law. That, how
ever, is characteristic of Uncle Joe,
Who rarely strays from the reservation,
and always hastens to cover if he finds
he thing is not standpatedly orthodox.
Debate Tells Unbiased Story.
Whatever is said now as to the ,cfr
cumstances under which th bill was
passed, the debate in congress tells an
unbiased story. It was passed, if
what was said at the time be true, be
cause it was believed the bill would
avert a strike and because It tended
also toward recognition of an eight
hour day.
Seventy Republicans In the house
supported it because they believed It
best for -the country to enact It. and
Old not believe they could Justify them
selves before the country If a strike
resulted from their refusal to act.
The names of those Republicans who
voted for the bill and now.jire berated
by the Kpubllran candidate are re
printed, here, with the states they rep
resent; '
Republican Supporters.
New York Chandler, Haskell, Hicks,
Husted, Slegel, Swift.
Pennsylvania Beales, Costello, Karr,
- Focht, Garland. Heaton, Hopwood
Kelster, Morln, North, Porter, Scott.
Massachusetts Tlnkham.
Delaware Miller.
AlaryJand Aludd.
Virginia Slemn (chairman Reuubll
ca : congressional committee.). . ? -
.West 'Virginia Bowers. "Cooper,
North Carolina Britt.
, Kentucky Powers.
Ohio Cooper. Holllngsworth. Mc
Odliough. Mooney, Rickctts, Russell,
Indiana Wood.
" Two Oregonians Included.
.Wisconsin Cooper, Lenroot, Kelson,
'Illinois Cannon, Denlson, King, Ro
denberg. Wheeler.
Minnesota Davix. Lindbergh, Smith,
'Steencrson, Volstead.
Iowa Green, Dowel!, Haugen, Hull,
Kennedy, Ramseyer, Towner.
Kansas Campbell.
Nebraska Kinkald, Reavls.
North Dakota Helgcsen.
Oklahoma Morgan.
Colorado Tlmberlake.
Wyoming Mondell.
Idaho McCracken. Smith.
Washington Hadley. La Follette.
Oregon Hawley. Slnnott.
California Curry.
Will It. King Coming to Vote.
Washington. Oct. 27. Will R. King.
chief counsel for the reclamation serv
ice, who has been attending the na
tional Irrigation congress at El Paso, will irlaft A nlimhA, tV) rmn a
matlon projects In the western states
before he returns to Washington, He
will confer with field officers of the
service on problems affecting the pro
jects and is expected to reach Oregon
in time to cast his ballot, coming back
to his office here after the election.
Mail Contract Awarded.
Washington. Oct. 27. Announcement
Is made of an award of contract for
tar route mall service from Voltage
to Berdugo, Or., via Catlow, Beckley
and Blltxen, to Leo Winn of Catlow,
running from November 1, 1916, to
June, 1918. The service is to be twice
a week, leaving Voltage Tuesdays and
Saturdays and leaving Berdugo Wed
nesdays and Sundays. The present star
route from Beckley to Narrows will be
discontinued. The total length of the
new route is about 63 miles.
Crane Commercial
ClubJs Organized
Crane. Or., Oct. 27. Tho Crane Com
mercial club was organized in this city
Monday evening. The club has a char
ter membership of 35. and the follow
ing officers were elected for the ensu
ing year:
Dr. L. H. Vincent, president; N. P.
Minster, vice president; George E.
Carter, secretary-treasurer.
The board of directors constitute the
three officers elected and J. L. D. Mor
rison, Dr. E. A. Wilkinson, Burbank
Clay and Ross Cain. J
Postmaster Is Named. 1
Crane, Or., Oct. 27. Last week Dr. E,
A. Wilkinson received his appointment
as postmaster of Crane from the as
sistant postmaster general at Wash
ington. It Is expected that the new
postmaster will reoelve his commission
the latter part of this week, when the
long looked for Crane postoffice will
be formerly opened.
General Mann Promoted.
. Washington, Oct. 27. (I. N. S.)
Secretary of War Baker has an
nounced the appointment of Brigadier
General William A, Mann, now com
mander of infantry at El Paso, Texas,
to succeed the late Major General
..-:11s, as chief of the division of
Jumps From Car; Killed.
San Jose, Oct. 27. (I. N. S.
Frightened by the report of a short
circuit of a controller on a street car
here yesterday, Mrs. Luke Ivancovlch
Jumped from ber seat and was struck
by a passing car lo the opposite di
rection. She was Instantly killed.
"You Pay
Mahaffie Is at Work.
. Washington, Oct. 27. The Washing
ton Star publishes a snort biographical
sketch and picture of Charles D. Ma
haffie, who came recently from Port
land, Or., to take up the duties of so
licitor of the interior department.
Mr. Mahaffie Is settling down to his
rew duties, which deal chiefly with
the preparation and presentation of
PUblfo land cases in the courts. He Is
living at the University club, this being
a favorite residence for many Wash
ington bachelors In official life.
Secretary Lane, himself a Callfor-
the price for
The Silk You Want
Why not be sure
You get just
what you Pay for?
When you buy
Pussy Willow
You know the genuine
dnly when You see
the mark on the selvage.
Look out
'You pay
accept no less.
J. 1 Silks de Luxe kJ
"IniittfueHbl Vt-Or-
'Will S tk4 Wiif''
"Tkm Nn SOu Fint"
Trait Umrk mwii froitcUi fry law
II ... .
Special Announcement!
Mrs. Margaret H. Widrig
Special representative from the
Pictorial Review
Company of New York will be at our
Pattern Department Saturlay and all
next week.
This Is an excellent opportunity to
learn more about these most popular
MRS. WIDRIG Will be pleased to ex
plain wby Pictorial Review patterns
are more chic, more graceful and
more economical than any ether pattern.
MRS. WIDRIG will explain bow you
can saw time, labor and material by
using; the cutting and construction
guides furnished with Pictorial Review
patterns and will be able to five sug
gestiona of extraordinary value to the
who snakes her own clothes.
Seoond Floor
! ',
"Merchandise oToJ Merit Owl fl fl
Have Your Children
Join Our Art
Needlework Contest
6 Prizes Given Away Free
Costs Nothing to Join
For the best examples of
art needlework we will give
six different prizes. Every
Saturday and Wednesday is
devoted to special free
classes for children in alji
branches of art needlework."
Fifth Floor
Fashion Veils Her Face
And one sees laree hats, me-
dium hats and small hats.
all discreetly veiled, and wc
offer baturday
Veilings at 65c Yard
In all the latest meshes, fil
ets,, hexagon and hairlines,
with woven or dotted ' de
signs, and bordered effects.
In plain colors and tne new
two toned effects.
22 inches wide, of excellent
quality chiffon with satin
border. rmt rioor
Saturday We Shall Offer
A Special Assortment of
The Newest
Price which is less than the
can be made to order for. In
the large cape and sailor like
styles finished with lace,
hemstitched and fancy stitch-
ings of gold or silver threads.
All Pure Linen Initial
Are offered at a price that
is less than the manufac
turer's cost today.
2Kc Each
Because the assortment of
initials is broken are we of
fering these splendid hand
kerchiefs at this price, al
though most all initials are
here. In all white or with
colored embroidery.
nrst Floor
Irresistible Styles
In Dress and Tailored
Girls' Hats $2.95
Created for. the little lady 8 to
14 years. Shirred brims, soft
crowns and other girlish styles
in velvet, both plain colors and
newest combinations.
Third floor
These Ivory Case
Perfume- Bottles
Go On Sale Saturday
At 25c
-A useful and artistic
dressing table accessory con
sisting of clear crystal glass
bottle and stopper in an
ivory case as illustrated.
First Floor
Caramel Day
Our fine cream caramels
are famous. Either plain
cream or cream and nut car
amels. Most delicious vari
ety. In Paper Bags
One Day Only
29c lb.
Packed in Boxes 6c Extra
First Floor
Smart, Clean Gut Up-torDateness Sales
Quality, Style, Economy A Single tilance Tells the Story Come!
A Master Sale at
Worth Much More
And positively unnecessary for
any man to pay more for Neck
wear wnen he can get such
handsome scarfs as these at
this price. Large flowing end
scarfs in a wonderful variety of
exclusive patterns usually found
in ; specialty shops only. Made
with the easy slip bands. Styles
for the conservative man and th5
enthusiastic youth. Neckwear
that will make excellent Xmas
Flannelette Nightshirts
In military style, excellent
quality, all sizes
Flannelette Pajamas
V-neck style, neat pat
terns and colors
We have set a pace for men's underwear selling that
others have tried in vain to follow.
Saturday The Famous Jefferson Make
Sold Exclusively in This Store
!Of a fine quality soft wool
worsted and a medium heavv
weight. In all sizes. Ancldjl OQ
every garment built on excel-P JL eOeV
lent fitting lines. In natural
gray. ,
vs. ii
S 'V it
Buy Them Now
Guaranteed Fast Color' r
Made with soft French
cuffs of percales, madras
and fancy woven fabrics.
In all the new colorings
and patterns.
Ken's Store, Just Inside Washington St. Entrance.
Watch Repair Offer
We will clean any watch
for 75c and replace any main
spring with a guarantee for 1 year
For 75c First Floor
Merchandise of J Merit Only
Let Us Make Your Party a Success
Favors, Decorations and Novelties
Here for Your Choosing All New
All Purchases Made Saturday and Balance
Of the Month Will Be Charged
On December 1st Bills
Emphasizing an Event
Halloween Favors . . . ,gc to 35c
Seals and Cutouts 10c box
Complete Lunch Sets at . . . .50c
Place Cards ...5c to 60c dos.
Ice and Nut Cases . ,50c dos. up.
Paper Caps and Hats Sc to 10c
Snapping Mottoes 75c dos.
Festoons, Garlands . . . .$c to 25c
Invitations ......35 to 50C dox.
Halloween Crepe Paper 15c. 20c
First Floor
Buy Your Phonograph Now
By the Lipman-Wolfe Easy Payment System
You Will Be Well on the Road to Xmas
Victrolas are scarce even now ; don't wait and be disappoint
ed later on. If you begin to pay for your Victrola now, you
will have a good part of its price paid by December 25th.
New Emerson Records 10c Each
Pierrot and Pierette Waits, Ida Fox Trot, Ladder of Roses. My Own Ions.
Whistler and His Dog.
December Records Now on Sale
Mesxanlne Floor
The New Straight
And Moyen Age Styles
Are Introduced in These
Silk Dresses
At $32.50 and $35
In dull blues, sage green ana
burgundy, with fur trim
mings, v tinsel and velvet
For Missses and
Small Women
From the 4th Floor Shop
We Place on Sale Saturday
Glace Gloves
Made from specially selected
skins, overseam sewn and with
fancy embroidered backs. In white
and iyory shades.
Very exceptional (t-i sr
One day only . . lrO
First Floor
Hat in a Brilliant Galaxy of Models
in Lyons Velvets
in natters Plush
Models Emphasizing the Vogue in
Smartest Trimmed Hats
Patterns selected from our own stock, many hav
ing been especially designed for
Dress Up" Week
Saturday, regardless of their former selling price
very unusual
Third Floor
Is Your Boy Hard on His Clothes?
Buy Him "Armorclads"
The Suits So Hard to Wear Out
Including Extra
Pair of Pants.
- $5.00
And besides, they're the suits boys like
plenty of style and snappy patterns go
along with the amazing durability of
these suits.
A new shipment just arrived
in all sizes 6 to 18 years.
An immense new showing of other
suits in the nobbiest styles ever created
for boys 6 to 18. Prices $6.50 to $20.
Boys Clever New Overcoats
They're for boys 2 to 9 years. Mixtures, over
tplaids, plain blues, browns, greens. Some full
lined and others quarter lined.
New Plaid Mackinaws $5
Just what all the boys are wearing, and tese new
ones are unusually good new patterns new shawl
collars new patch pockets-new belted backs, and
all-around belts. Sizes 6 to 18 years.
All-Wool Trousers 98c
It's a fact, when we say that these pants are the
best anywhere for the money. Full cut, full lined,
every seam' taped and the materials are all-wool Sizes
7 to 18 years.
Boys' Raincoat Sets $3.95
New arrivals in hat, coat and leg-gins sets, of rub
berized cloth and the new leatherette, in blick and tan
shades. Every set rainproof. All sizes 4 to 16 years.
Blouses 50c Sweaters $1 .95 -Pajamas 98c
School Caps 50c Flannel Shirts fl .25
And of course everything else a boy
wears. Fourth floor
Serge Duplex Dresses
For Girls 6 to 14 Years
At $5.95
Of fine all-wool navy serge in
middy style, trimmed with white
braid and red lacing. As illus
trated. SergeMiddySkirts $2.75
For Girls 6 to 14 Years
Panel front and pleated styls
on muslin waist finished with
pearl buttons.
Flannel Middy Blouses
$3.50 and $3.95
In navy or scarlet, regulation
style, laced tn front, long
sleeves, braid trimmed.
Girls' Sweaters $2.95
Sizes 6 to 12 years. As illus
trated. In cardinal, tan, Copen
hagen and Oxford.
Girls' Sweaters $1.19
Sizes 1 to 5 years. As illus
trated. In cardinal, Copenhagen
and rose.
Tailored Goats $6,50
For Little Girls From 2 to 7
years. Of heavy coating in fancy
mixtures, double breasted and
Coats for $10.00
For Girls 8 to 14 Years. .
As Illustrated.
In fancy mixtures, strictly
tailored style and full lined.
' Fonrth Floor
Children's Rain Goat Sets
In navy blue and black and white
check. " In sizes 4 to 14 years. Consist
ing of slip-on coat and hat to match.