V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTJLAND, TUESDAY, s OCTOBER 24, 1916. 17 EUROPE CAR-SHORTAGE IS ONE BIG REASON FOR HIGH PRICE FOR POTATOES California Famished Becaase Its Parchases ' of Supplies Cannot : , B Moved on Account of Lack of Transportation Facilities. TBEXD OT THE TRADE. Buttsr market x?eotd to advaac. tin reach sew high record. Chese firm t advance. Etrn apple trad batten Potato price cllmblnf . Eaat la burins on Ion a. , Unusually heavy toying of potatoes la I own in tb country tributary to Portland. a well aa In Can tail Oregon. Moat of the pnrciiaiee of No. 1 shipping kck are reported In the country at 1.23 p - rental f. o. b. car where tb freight rat t outride point 1 tb aim a from Port land. V'or selected lot aa high aa 1 .S3 pr rental t.ta been paid In tb country, but thla prlie if not yt general. The fart of tb matter l that the preant trad 1 entirely specu lative affair. If tb trad her could get Ui ahlpmenta tl rough and take adntage of tb extreme price now In effect In tb California market, they would bo able K id in nee their preaenl bid. Thla la not pcwsibl because car car i,o b obtained for shipment and tbla causes the famln la California and tb extreme price tber. Far .tho greats bttlk of the recent pur chase of potatoea In thla section by ahlpper bar been ruined Into warehoueea awaiting c.r for ahlpnient. It may b that later price will b higher than at preaent and tb dealer secure atlll greater profit, but they ar, taking cbancei on tb futur and may . poaalbly kiae. CABBAGE MARKET TO ADVANCE Advance In the price of cabbage la likely her within tb Immediate future becan of . tho ahortened supplies snr1 the more liberal dirrand. While eoine of the trade baTe ed varced their quotation t (1.75 per cental, OU.er art atlll aellln.- at $1.00. GOAT MEAT IS HIT HARD With vary liberal receipt of dreaaed goata In tbe local market recentl tbe price baa dipped abarply from 6 to SQlc a pound in the trade, with poor quality sold aa low aa 1c a pound.- GOOD CALVES ARE STEADY Market for beat quality country killed calves li ateady alonxthe htreet with aalea at lie pound. I'oor atuff U selling at the former low ffgurr. Country killed boga are ateady at 12c generally tor U'pa. HEAVY HENS ARK WANTED There la an excellent demand for heavy bene In th Front atreet trade and price are held firm. Knr light bona the market ia wiak and the big retailers are try lug to fore aluea dowu again. At the moment they ar unchanged. DRIED PRUNES ARE FIRMER Pomewhat firmer ton la (bowing Q the dried prune market and in eeveral Instance an advance of 4e a pound ba been paid producera. Prune dryer are buay In getting out th leaaon'a production.. Quality 1 far ahor tbe normal. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Onion market la' rcry firm. t'beeae firm at recent advance; butter firm. Carload of Malaga and C'ornlchon grape In from Jhe south; car Tokaya rolling and la quoted at $1.1K per crate. Ilwaco criiherrliH Hre being booetrd In ale by a exUiuilvo ciutih oi the trade. torn starch price are up1 30c per huodred poumla. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advises: Protect ahlpmenta during th next 48 hour an far north aa Ar an 1 agaluat minimum temperatnrea of about 1! degree; oortbeaat to Kpokane, 28 degrees; utheast to Hols, S!2 degrees; aouth to Ash li nd. M) degreea. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight about 83 degreea. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These price ar tb)e at whh-h wholeaalare 11 to retailer, except aa otherwise stated: ' Dairy Produce. Pl'TTEtl dreamery prints, extras. prime firata, 87c: flreta, aoc; cubes, le lea; dairy, ouying price, -ic. irr, ouying price, z.c. BUTTKUKAT Portlnnd delivery No. fksour earn. 37c; No. 2, Joe. HUTTEUKAT cream. 37c: Ni - KGQ8 Selling price: Seleeted fresh. 43c caae eount, Oregon ranch, 2c doseu; ordinary candled. 44c; April aiorage, BofcJAV. IJVia ltl.'LTKY .lieu, hravy Plymouth Rocks, 4ii$15c; ordinary rhtckcus, l.itil:'. V,c; tg, 11c; broiler, I-; turkey. 13c; dressed fancy, 27lc; pigeons. $l.oOat.6S; aquab. t doten; geeae. lire, lltfllV4r: I eklu ducka, Uffiir.c lb.; Indian Ktiuuera. ISQIBc. CUEESli Selling prlcr"Vreb Oregon fancy full cream twine and trlplef. 2of20i4c lh f Young America. 2trtf22c. Prlc to jt'thher: KUt, Jfc; Young America, 20c f. o. h. ; cream brick. 27 ft 2c ; IJmburger. 22i(ji3c: block Swiaa. 80e82c. FrulU end Tegrtablea. FRl&H FRUITS Orange. Valencia, I4.R0 per box; bananaa. 4Ue lb.; lemons, t4.Mi3S.00; California grapefruit, (..tVuSi4: plum, 667.V box; cintaloupea, 754JI.2a crate; ice cream watermelon. $1.75 per rental; peach, Oregon, eOtuSUe; Baxtlett pear, $1.2S (gl.fto. BESRIEA HncklbrriM, fie lh. ; cranber ries, local (3 box; eastern, tl.50S lO.Oo. APPtKtJ Local, b0$2.0u box, according to quality. ONION 8 Oregon, f2.BO32.75 per rental: a-' x latlun sjelling prlc at country point. ii.'JA per rental. POTATOK8 Selling price: New local, fl.SS CI SO; buying price, ordinary shipping, it. 15 l.ao; fancy. IjJJl.86; aweeU No. 1. ho. 2. 2.0o. ' VJUKTABtES Turuip. 1.23 sack; carrot. SI.2S; paranlpa, $1.2n; On gon cabbage, 1.50 per cat.; green ouloos, 2fte doa.'i hunches: peppers, 4H(10e lb.; bead lettuce, .'.. 23 crate: cilery. 60frrr5c doxen; artichokea. IXtc; cucum bera ( )T tomatoes, Oreiton, nor-Oc; rKS lsnt, 2c Ib.f atrlng bri na, 11c lb - rhu Sl'tKittllio S! ,b'; caullflowvr, ' HU, riah aad ProrUion. DRESSEU MEATS Selling price: Country killed bell bara 12c; poor, lOdllci best Tea la, lie; ordinary, Sgfluc; heavy, TVjc poor, 7tjTV,e; goat, 4c; lambs, 11; mut ion, aicjiuc. HMOKEU MRAT Uam. 2iSr23Hc breakfaet bacon, SOlUSlc; picnics, 14Vc; cot tag roll, 19c; abort clears, smoked, 16ft( 18c; Oregon exports, smoked, 20c lb. l.AKD Kettle rendered, tierce. 17 (4e; lard, IDHc: lard toiiipoundf 14c. OYaTKRa Olympia. gallon, 12.75; canned eaalern. 66: can, 1.60. doaen; eastern In shell, il.fcj per 100; raaiir clama ( ) doaen; eastern yaters, per gallon solid pack, ga.00. i'lSH Dressed flounder 7c; Chinook aal moD. 10c ir lb.) telbead, 10c; perch, 8c: loUtera, 8oc: slWor smelt, 8c; salmon trout, 16c lb. ; halibut llftKIc; atnrgeon, 12H13e. CEAB8 Large, $1.7.1; medium. 1.20 doaen. I Qroeerta. ' BUOAB Cube, gu.OO; powdered, S.T; fruit or bertt. .25; Honolulu, M.is; veet. $8.04: dry granulated, $8.23; 1) yellow, (7.63. (A dot quotation ar 8t day net caab.) HONEY New. i.&m0' per eaa. HICB--Japn atyle. No. 2, 4ei Nw Or lean, bead. Attsc; blue rose, 5Uc. BALT Coarse, half ground. lOim, tlO.IW Kr tool 160. Ill.ao; table dairy. 60. fid 00; 0. 1.0: bale. $2.25; lamp rock. 2t ton BEAM Small whit. 9c; lurg whit. 8c; pink, 7H! Hmaa, 7c; bayou. ue; red, Tc Hop, Wool end Hid, r HOPi--NonJul, buylna; price, 191S crop, -0$LrJl8ie iip: WUlamette relley, coarse Cotawold. aoc; medium Shropshire, a2c; fin Oc; eaatern Oregon staple. 2041200 per lb.; COr and medium, 28&32o lb. , HIDES Salted bldea, ihc; salted tgi, 14; Teja and altd kip. 18c; green nd exited calf skin. 23e; green, hide. 18c; green etsgs. i 12CJ dry hide. ,80c; dry clf akin. 82c; dry alt hide. 2oc; dry horae hide, 75cu$1.60; alt frooie hide, 3.OQ4.O0; bortebalT, 2Sc , dry lot wool pelt. 21c; dry short wool . pflU. 17c; dry aheen ahearllnga, each, 10Q25e: aalted abeep ahtaillnga, each, 15j2Sc: aaltad leug-wool pelt, each. 7&cfi.23; aalted abort 1 . wool plt, ch, :nffi$l.(ni; dry goat. lng hair, lot - dry goats, short hair. 14c; dry fo(g, rfcing, eech, 10sj2tj. 'IaLU)W 1 ; Kv X Te: greeM. W IS PURCHASING FLOUR IN THE American Markets Active for Apples At Liberal Brices Local Receipts Are Increasing, But Prices Are Stationary Good ' ' Tone in East. trorTg market for applea throughout the United Statea. An Incomplete report laaatd by tbe United State department of markets l ow 448 carload snipped during tbe preced ing 24 hour. Local market continues eteaeVr. wtth re celpta slightly increaeed. No change Indicated In price. , j Total (hlpuent to date tbl aeaaoo, 621S cars. Total shipments same date last seaon. S74 cara. Total ahlpmenta for on Mm dat last year, 4804 cars. Eastern Market. Atlanta Cold, clear. Receipt light. Qual ity, condition and demand good. Barrel, car lot prices: Virginia Urlmea, 1. $5; Wlne aapa. la, 4: 2a. f.'1.50. lllrmingham Cool.- clear; 11 car err Wed; demand moderate. Barrel a, Virginia Wlneeap, $4.23; 2. $3.2!V; No boxed applea reported. Boaton Cold, cloudy. Receipt 31 ear, alao 400 packagea by freight and 100 by expreae. Market ateadf, demand good. Barrel, No. 1 Baldwins, $2.o0: 2a, .'. Boxes, demand good; extra fancy Jonathans, $2. 202. W). Cleveland rTosty; 11 car arrlyed, market active. Barrela, No. 1 Baldwlna, $3.25(83.75. Chicago Cold, cloudy. Reveipte 120 car and 2100 barrel by boat. Unreported Satur day. 20 cara. Market firm, demand good. Barrela, New York and Michigan Baldwlna, 13 62.73; Missouri and Illinois Jonathan. Wit 6.50; few $3.500; Urlme. $3.50Q4.50. Boxca. Weatem Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.75 p2: fsncy, $1.B0J1.75; extra fanry Orlmea, $1.73J2; fancy, $160(81.75; eitra fancy Ilicloua, $2.202.5o; fancy Rome, mostly Cincinnati Clear; 8 cara unloaded; market fair, demand moderate. Boxes, Washington. iH'llcloua, extra fancy, $2.009J2.73; fancy, $2.252.50; extra fancy Jonathans, $1.7648 2; fancy; tl.80ai.7S; Wagnera, $1.751.90; fancy, tl-OOfal.75; Crimea. $1.7331.80. Denver Cold, a no wing. Saturday aad Sun day arrivals 10, unloaded 7. diverted 3, 12 held over, notes, jonatliana. extra runcy. $1.75: fancy, $1.50; choice, $1.25; Crimea extra fancy. $1.83; fancy, $1.00; Rome. Waahing ton, extra fine, $1.S5; fancy, $1.60. Pea Molnea Cold, clMid ; 5 car arrived: demand moderate Barrels, Jonathan and Orlmea, $4.54)5. Boies, Jonatbaua and OrlUK's, $1.73(32. 1 Detroit Ckar; 4 cars arrived, market e tire, quality and condition good. Baldwins, $3 (13.30 per barrel. Dallas Cool, deer. Receipts beaey, quality, condition and demand good. Boxes, car lot ? rices; Colorado Jonathans, extra fancy, $l.(r0; ancy, $1.03; Washington Jonathana and Urlme. extra fancy, $1.06; fancy, $1.50. Kort Worth Cool, cloudy; 5 cara 'held; market atsady, demand good. Boxes, car lot prices: Colorado and Washington Jonathana and Orlmee. extra fancy, $1.5; fancy, $1.5). Houston Cool, clear. Supply adequate, qual ity and demand good. Boxea. Washington and Colorado Jonathana, extra fancy. $2(2.10; fancy, $1 .7.V1 1.83 ; Klnga, 0. R.. $1.50. Indianapolis Cool, clear; la cara arrived; demand good. Barrels, beat Jonathana, $5g0; Orlmea, g4.5035; 2a. $1 leaa. Jacksonville Cool, clear. Recelpta liberal, market neudy. Barrels. Virginia Wlneaapa, fancy. KH4.50; Is, $3.73(24.23. Kansas City Cool, chHidy: 10 car and 000 bushels home grown unloaded. 21 cars beld. 7 to storagp; market firm, demand moderate. Barrels, No. 1 Jonathana. $4.504f4.75; 2. $4 (4.80.. Boxea. Waahlugtoii Jonathana, extra fancy, $l.75ti2: fancy, $1.03(ttl.7S; Jumble pack, motitly $1.03; fancy Grimes. $1. 75(41. 1H'. Milwaukee Cloudy; lift cars arrtved: de mand good. Barrela. fancy Jonathans, $4.50 5.30; Urlme. $;t.5Ot-4.50; llaldwlna, $2.73f.i 8. Boxes, Jonathana, extra fancy, $1.73((t2.23; fancy, $1.50(ffl .73. Me in p Ills Cool, clear. I'eeelpta heavy, de mand moderate, condition good. Barrela, Vir ginia Wtneeapa. oVtnand grMxl, $3ji'3.25. Mlnneapolla (old. cloudy; 41 cars arrived. 62 beld over; market firm, demand good for good atock, all prlcea small way. Barrels, Baldwlna. $4.50. Boxes, Washington Jona thans, extra fancy, $2itj2.25, mostly $2; fancy, $1.7502, moatly $1.731 ..; extra fancy Spltxeuberga, $2.23; fancy, $2. New York Cool, clear. Receipts 88 eastern, 17 western; quality and condition good. Mar ket strengthening; demand good. Barrela, Baldwins, aak. $2.75B3.25: bid. $1.73(a2.50. Boxes, market uteadv. Waohlngton Uraven steins, $1.3301.00; Kings. $1.23(jl.73; extra fancy Jonathana, $1.75(d2.5(; small, $1.13ij 1.23; Winter Bananaa, $1.73622.50; Oritoea. 1 .fiO(2: Koines, $1,006(2.25: Delicious. $2.30 4l.'t; Spltxeuberga, $2.232.75; Oregon Winter Uauanaa. extra faucy, gl. 50(2.50; favy $1.03(82.23; Kings. Sl.25ttl.75. New Orleans Cool, clear. Recelpta heavy, demand moderate, quality and condition fair. Bariels. Virginia Wlheaaoa. $5. Boxes. WaNh litgton Winter Bananaa, $2.0o; Jouatbana, $2; Stay mens. $1.00. Nnahvllle No boxed applea quoted. Omaha Cold: e cara arrived: market ac tive; quality and condition good. Barrela, Wisconsin J.onatbaua and Grimes. $4.50; Wlne aapa, $3.75. Boxes. Waahtngton and Oregon Jonathans and Orlmea, $l.A0C(t2. Oklahoma City No boxed apples quoted. Philadelphia Cool. Receipts 53 cars, 31 un toedrd. 3.1 on track. Soft amies, market strong, demand hhh); hard stock slow. Unal- Ity anil condition generally good. Barrela. New York and Virginia Jonatbaua. few extrn fancy. 85.50. Boxea, Jonathans, nualltv ami condition good, wide ranee, accordlug to alxe. $1.50((1.7.". Di.'licinia. fXGt". Auctioned to day. quality fair, condition g.iod: 1 rar Winter Bananaa, extra rancy. averaged $2.87; fancy. $2.15; 1 car Jonathans, extra fancy, $I.!M; fancy. $1.00; 1 car Jonathana. extra fancy. $l.7. ' l"1ttabnrg--('ool; 21 cars arrived. M held: early market unsettled; demand light. Bar rets. pew jork. quality fair, condition ren erally good, opening price. Crimes. A., 2K Inch, nusitly $3.40. Boxes, Waahbiglon Win ter Runanas. extra fancy, moetlv $3; fsncy, $2.3il; chnkvg, $2t2.50. small Way. St. Louis Cold, clear; lg arrived. Incom plete; 16 unloaded, 88 on track; alao 8200 barrel by boat Satnrday and today. Levee sules Saturday, market strong, demand good Barrels, Win eaa pa. $2,7344: 2a, $1.75a:2.26. Boxes, Colorado Jonathana (also Waabingtoo). extrn fancy, moatly $2. Anctioned today, 1 Warhlngton Jonatliana, 2C6 boxes, extra fancy, $l.03il.OO, average, $1.73; 177 boxe fanry, Jl.35ffil.T5, average $1.82; 257 boxes rholce. t..15itl.V, average $1.47; 1 cr Washington Urlme. $1.45ti2.lu. average $1.53. Slonx City I lotuly ; 5 cara Waahtngton Jon athan, tl.TO per box. San Antonio Cool. Demand good. Boxes, rar lot prlcea: Washington Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.85; fancy. $1.40; Ben Davis, extra fancy, $1.43: Colorado Jonathana, extra fancy. $1.80; fancy, $1.40. PORTLAND DAIRY : KXCHAXGE Butter market firm on the exchange rturtng the day. with dairy np c a pound. Eggs rnled firmer, with case count snk! at 42c, while cheese was up another tc a pound. . Prices between dealer: BUTTER. Bid. 31 28 H Ask. 34 4 8.1 Vi 82 29 42 81 14 84 1S4 19 19 13H Extras Prime flrat . . . First Dairy Caae count sold EGGS. April storage Petaluma storage , CliElSSB. Oregon trlpleta aold Tillamook triplets Oregon Young America POULTRY. Hens, 4 pound up 12 New York-London Metal Markets. New York. Oct. 23. (I. N. 8.) Copper jirm; eieciroiyiic iirst quarter, I27.5CXffi2S.00; Iron firm: No. 1 northern i rt;'n 1 u . . Si !a-5:ol-B0i, No' 1 ' out'hern. $20268 21.2; No. 2. $20.20a;20.50. The Metal Ex change quotee tin tirm: spot, $410S41.uO: lead. $T.O0C7.H; spelter strong; mot Esst St. LouU delivery. 10lc. At London Spot copper. il24; future. Ji 120; electrolytic. PS3 i?!A B,,t tln.,18"j, future, at 181 10; lead. JUDO 10; spelter, 54. price, per car lots. 5e; les than ear lots. 4fc. MOHAIR 1916, 40c. SISAL Dark, 13e lb.; white, lHe lb. Paints and Oils COAL; OIL Water white, 1a drams and h-oa barrels, loe. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbl 8Se gsl.f kettle tolled, bbls.. II; raw, case. M; boiled, case. $1.03 gl.; lot of 230 gal lone, le lea. TCRPKNTXB T.nk. 68c; esses. 4e fit WHITE LEAD Ton lots, lOHe lb.: 600 lb. sot. 10 V". le lot. 11c per lb. U.VSOIJNE Bui price. soue per raL OIL MEAL Carload tola. 24; ls thB tr Mi- aaa.50,.- i W, Buying rric. K4I!hr1'rf; J:f ta'k r n,. VJc 'tea, tiSet oahm,. . TWO SHIPLOADS OF N.0IJR REPORTED SOLD TO GO TO EUROPEANS Sales Were Said to Have Been Closed Recently, Bat Millers Unwilling to Confirm News Record Sales of Wheat Made. Earop Afte Oats. Following th enormous pur chaao of oat In th central west ana east during the last few days by Europeon Inter ets, inquiries are being- made for oats in the Pacific north west by the 'same parties. This forced a further record price in the local market during the day. CEKXAX TRADE IV BH.IXT. Local wheat bids 45o higher. Interior gets $1.6$ bull for bluestem. Easterners buy heavy supplies. Oat bid ge t new reoorttHtere. Chicago wheat 1U to 4 higher. Liverpool cash wheat 1 to Id high. London wheat eereoe ad higher. Buono Aire wheat 'iaViO lower. Soaario wheat I unchanged. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Cars Wheat. Barley. Fur. Oata. Hay. 19 8 3 2 8 68 7 18 1 18 2115 - 61 659 T81 B79 8003 750 800 495 778 45 1 ... 1 7 54 8 ... 2 18 2C33 60 ... 163 741 3727 178 ... 176 977 31 3 1 18 29 61 20 10 6 3 2132 129 648 870 1343 4023 683 810 430 1703 Portland. Tnees Year ago Season to date. Year ago Tacozna, Mon. . Year ago Season to date. Year ago Heat tie. Mon.. Y ear ago Season to date. Year ago The two advances of 20c per barrel each nomed Monday to take effect In the flour market during the next day. have left the trade here In very firm poeition. Heavy eales of iiuur are reported made by Pacific northwest miller to British interests, although millers here ar unwilling to cou llrm tbe announcement. It Is staled that at least two steamer load of flour have been aold to Great Britain during the laat 60 hours, and that additional business would be available if the mills could take care of tbe business and transportation available. Wheat market continues to soar .at country points. Very liberal buslnesa waa done la the interior of the Pacific nortfiwest during the last 24 hours at $1.25 per bushel basis tidewater delivery fur bluestem. Record sales to the eaatern territory are re ported, one Chicago firm alone being credited with the purchase of le to 1 1,000, boo bushels recently. It ia the extensive bidding of the eastern bujera that Is setting tbe pace In the Interior. Wheat prlcea were firmer and generally higher abroad f'T the day, Buenos Aires alone being lower. Tbe reduction -ere waa due to tbe fact that tbe advance of tbe previous day waa considered too severe. KLOL'K Selling price: Patent. $7.80; Wil lamette valley, $7.40; local stral- 7.IKi(u3 7.20; bakers' local. $7.00&7.80: Montana earing, lux); exporta $7.20; whole uat. $8.00; graham, $7.80; rye flour, $8.7B pet barrel. II VY Buying price, new crop: Willamette vcDey timothy, fancy. $lfl.00(fj 1.0; eastern Orcgon-ldabo fancy timothy. $ll.00m21.00; al falfa, $16.75; valley vetch, $13,004(14.00, cheat. $14.00; clover, $15.00 ton. GRAIN SACKS 191(1 nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. 11 'i(tll-c lu car lots; less amount are higher. MILl.S'I LFKS Selling price: Bran, $23.50; shorts, (20 per ton. ROLLED OATS $7.0ftT.25 per barrel. Wheat bide on the Portland Merchant ex change were advanced 4f3c a bushel over Monday with a new high record established for bluestem at $1.54 per bushel. Actual business for eastern cccount is reported from the interior of the basis of $1.58 per bushel, i.uewaier ueuvery, lor mcestem. Oat bids on tbe exchange ware lifted 50c a ton to a new high record at $32 a ton. while barley was unchanged at $27. sale of loo tons of bran was made on the exchange at i'-2 a ton. Men rants exchange October bid prices: WHEAT Tuesday. Monda 1916 1913 1K1U Bluestem 154 91 150 Kortyfold 151 90 1 5 Cliit 14S 89 144 Ked fife 100 85 114 Led Russian 146 86 141 OATS Peed : 3200 2430 3130 BARLEY Peed 3700 2600 8700 Futures .-.were quoted: WHEAT N vemlierf bluestem le-emlK"r ' bluestem November fortyfold December fortyfold November club Iecem!er club Nt.Tenilier red fife December red fife November Russian December Kusaian KEKD OATS November. Dot-ember Bid. . . I .)". .. 136 .. 151 .. 131 . . 140 . . 100 . . KeO .. 150 .. 146 .. 146 ..3250 . .3250 ..87S0 ..3800 PEED BARLEY November December Bearish SentimeLt Stops Rising. Trend Of Chicago Wheat Chlcairo. Oct. 24. (C. P.) The upward liend of wbat wa decked rodv by a heir iit. pit sentiment. I'iblts Indlcstcd that re ports of Argentine crop damage bad been ex af.rerated. and that weather there was tin fettled and showery. December was 1111 cbrnged over today's opening at $1.75 and Alr.y was up 4,c at Jl.74 Corn was weak todiiy on ceneral selling. De ecmlier was down IV&c at 87c and May down Se at KSic. Oats bad a good opening, bnt a reaction sent May down almost to the point of yesfer dty'a cloae. December was np e at 53s and May down ; at b6c. Proviaiona were hlaber. Chicago range by I nited Press: IjOW. 17.1 173H 87 88 68 2900 2606 2620 1623 1575 1480 WHEAT High. 17914 1 78 CORN 90 90 OATS Open. . 175 . 174 Close. 179 178 co 90 . 54 57--! f!23 775 2700 1625 1393 1332 Pec. Mcy Dec. May T!. May CcL Dee. Jan. Oct. IVc. Jan. .. 63 8 .. 67 PORK 2i)23 2773 2743 LARD 1C15 10-iO io;:2 RIBS 1402 1440 ..2900 . .25 . .2820 . .1633 ..1575 ..1487 ..1460 . .1400 Oct. Jan. 143 1400 1452 14oO New York Cotton Market. Pnrnlabed by Orerbeek Cooke. 206-7 Board of Trade building: Open. High. Low. Cloxe. January :. 1940 1960 1011 1933 February 1503 March 1947 1 971 1023 llMil May 1907 1980 1937 If"" Kehrairy 1933 July 195S 1986 1040 lWHii September . 1990 Octotwr 191T 1933 19oO 191 November 1032 Decinb 1944 ltC4 1911 JWO Oregon Apples In - South. Saa rraoclaco, Oct. 23. (I. H. 8.) Appleai California, Gloria Mnady, o5o per box; BelUlower, eoJ76; I'lng. S5ftT5; Vail Pip pins, 6tlS6.V: Rhode Island Greenings 50f T5c; Jonathan, S5ej8Se; Wagner, 60Tn Hoover. 6XU;73o. Oresna: Jonatkan, $1 J3f ifi9 tot fancy sad satra Caacr. .. . v. ;.:;. ' .' . , j ;.': PACIFIC NORTHWEST Cattle Market Is Eeally Weaker and Lower in the Yards Few Lots Sold on Monday at Higher Prices Did Not Reflect tbe General Sentiment. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calvee. Sineen. Tuesday ....... Monday Satnrday ,..... Friday Thursday Wednesday ..... Week ego. . Year ago. Two years ago. Three years ago . 520 .355T . 22 . 804 .1071 . 529 . 671 . 8X7 . 343 . 49V 28 8 32 1168 832 5904 33 1 12 814 1 . 250 32 8 50 82 5 1150 118 ,. 71 2 1O0 .280 . . . 51 51 .. 1873 Instead of ahowlng the strength Indicated at one time on Monday, tbe market for cattle la really weaker and lower at North Portland. Tbe sale of a few bead of steer at a frac tional advance really mean nothing to the general market, because the bulk of the actual bnalness In the steer market was around $6.00 e6.50 for top quality. It took exceptional quality In tbe steer division to bring $6.60, and thla was only for a special order. Tbe cow market In general, despite tbe flrat reported advance, la really 25c lower than a week ago. with tops generally ruling at $3. 0015.25. al tt.ongh a handful of atuff was sold at frac tion more. The market for feed cattle la rather firm, with one lot of extra good tnff of the Short horn order oat of the Klamath Falls country at $6.00. ' General cattle market range: Prime light steers $.256.50 Prime heavy steers 6.66 Oood light steers 6.00CT6.25 Stocker and feeders 6.00(35.50 Prime dehorned cows and heifer1.. . 6.50 Common cows 4.0005.00 Bull S.50(fi4.50 Prime light veal calvea T.OO0T.3O Prime heavy veal calves 4.0026.00 Hog Karket la Steady. Market for boga Is considered steady at North Portland- Oter night there was a fair run, with a rather liberal demand around form er, price. Tbe bnlk of tbe real good stuff is not going above su.2o, aales beyond that price being for limited lota, and scarcely a real market Indication. General bog market: Choice light weights $0.2539.35 Good light weights 6.OOf(i9.20 Medium weight 8.73ftf8.fK) Rough heavy 8.00S8.50 Strong Market for Mutton. There Continue itrong market for mutton and lambs at North Portland, with very email run continued In tbe yards. No change Is Indicated In prices, but the demand la aeveral times as liberal aa offering. General ic Jtton and lamb market: fcViect apring lambs $ 8 75 Ordinary lambs 8.00ig8.23 Beat yearlings 7.25ftt7.30 Good to common wethers 5.75tg6.00 Beat ewes 5.75fct6.0o Heavy to common ewea 4.0O4 5O Tueaday Livestock Shippers. liogs L. H. Ilinea. Wasco, 1 load; Tim Derr. McMInnvlIle, 9 load; Jacob Crocker, Cen terTllle. Wash., 1 load, August Yackel, 1 load; Robert McCrow, Uoldendale, Wash., 1 load. Mixed stuff J. W. Davla, Ridgefleld, Wash., 7 cattle, 3 calvea and 21 bogs by boat; C. W. Edward, Corvallls, 1 load bogs and ghecp. Monday Afternoon Bale. STEERS. No. 26 1 3 2 29 3 17 4 1 3 3 20 22 9 8 10 9 15 12 7 3 6 8 1 1 1 1 7 7 5 7 3 7 7 8 4 n 8 4 Av. M. Price $3 .20 6.00 C.50 6.50 6.50 ti.23 6.60 8.0" 4,73 6.75 6.75 4 30 6.30 6.00 4.75 6.00 6.85 6.40 5.35 6.50 6.30 6.50 4.50 6.75 6 25 6 50 8.75 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 4.75 6.5 4.0AI 5.80 6 00 6.00 6.25 6.00 6 00 5.25 6.73 $3.50 4.50 4.50 4.73 4 OO 4.23 6.00 4.UO 4.73 4.00 8.00 6.00 4.73 3.50 3.511 0.25 4.00 5.25 6 25 4.KJ ateera ateer steer steers steers ateera steers steers steer steers steers steers steers steers strer steer steers steers steers steers steers steers steers steer steer steer steer steers steers steer teer steer teer steers steers strer steers steers steers steers steers steers steers ...1103 11M) 102.'1 12") 1057 1030 1174 1169 .... 900 1034 983 1136 1108 . 962 993 1097 955 1131 1239 984 797 90S 827 1200 ......1270 1090 1150 886 1187 1272. 1121 1217 931 991 H'.iH 1070 1236 1073 . 400 1063 1310 723 112 1120 137" 120 lOOO 850 SM7 929 1O80 1146 930 1050 968 1107 1195 860 100O 1070 1570 1035 1005 900 11UO 1000 1075 10KO 107O 113a .10:0 10i5 1110 1247 1300 1220 104O 1006 COWS. 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 4 co s . . 3 cows . . 3 cow s . . 23 cows . . 2 cows . . 6 cows . . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 4 cow s . . 3 cows . . 2 cows . . 2 cows . . 1 cow 2 cows .. 1 cow .. 2 cows . . 2 cows . . 2 cow . . 1 cow . . 2 cows . . 2 cow . . 1 cow 1 cow 4 cow . . 1 cow . . 27 cow . . 25 cow .. 6 cow . . 2 cow . . 1 cow 1 cow 8 cow . . 16 heifer 1 heifer 3 heifers 1 heifer I heifer 1 bull .. 1 bnll .. 1 bull .. 5 stag .. 4.75 4.00 3.30 3.00 6.1 4) S.OU 4.59 4.60 5.:;o 3.05 3,25 4.50 ' 4.3n 4.00 4. 5 j $5.23 6.O0 .3.73 4.50 4.00 $5.O0 4 00 .4.0U $3.00 HEIFERS. . 913 .1090 . 817 . 720 . 960 . 470 .1670 .1400 .1217 BULLS. STAGS. CALVES. li calves T. 538 $8.25 24 is Ives 236 7.00 11 cslve 820 6.50 HOGS. 12 bog 191 99.23 8 hog ..: 324 8.25 42 bog 200 9.23 12 hog 139 8.25 13 bogs 182 9.25 9 bog 179 9.10 1 bog 170 9.10 1 hog 270 8.0)1 8 hogs 833 8.00 8 bog ,. 270 , 8.00 1 hog 140 .00 2 bog 130 .00 3 bog 137 8.00 21 hog : 66 e.5o 7 bog 81 50 1 hog 90 6.50 13 bogs 87 M LAMBS. 8 lamb 80 $8.51 139 am Lis 72 8.23 8 linbs 121 7.3 143 lamb 70 8.0(1 YEARLINGS IT yearling 1 yearling WETHERS. 4 wether 99 110 185 97 23 7.30 97. 14 Tueaday Morning Sale. STEERS. No. Ave. lb. Price. 1 teer 1090 8O.O0 - 1 teer 900 5.75 4 ateera 890 4.O0 8 ateer 767 6M steer 849 6.60 2 steer ,-s.... 1155 4.60 6 steers '. 1014 4.23 1 ster 1080 6.00 1 (teer . 840 4.00 2 steers 976 ' 6.23 8 steer 550 8.10 8 steer 784 3.35 4 ateers 754 - 3.53 COWS. ' . 1 row 1040 95.OO 1 roar ; : 5 OO , 1 MWJ;i ....v....... 720 4.50 X guar . ," 1166 4.54 Edited by ' Hyman H. Cohan FRESH EGGS REACH A RECORD HERE FOR E OF YEAR Sales of Ranch Stock Made Up to 45c Dozen, With Case Count a High as 42c Storage Stock Lifted to 3oc; Fresh Scarce. Price of eggs has advanced to the highest quotations ever known in tb Portland market at thla period of tbe season. In fact, the piesent price at 43c a doxen for freah candled offerings le within mere fraction of th extreme record obtained In other year. Receipts of eggs along the atreet are very small snd tbe outlet 1 exceedingly good. Sales of case., count egga, while generally re ported around 40c a. dozen by the country, are being made by jobber at 42c a dozen. At thla prce there 1 a far better demand than offerings. Sales of Ice bona stock ar naturally In creasing under such conditions. Most of the dealers are quoting April from S24 to 83c doxen, the balk of the Bales being made at the higher figures. So far as known, no fresh eastern eggs are being offered here, although some supplies have been marketed on Paget sound. Whether tb se are really fresh egg or (election of storage stock Is not known, but this trick has been reported turned on various occasions. BUTTER DOWN TOMORROW Dne to accumulations on the local market, and to the weak ness of the California situation, local creameries have decided to lower the price of butter lVxCper pound, to take effect Wednesday morning. .AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Hogs $10.40. Denver. Oct. 24. attle Recelpta 62O0, Btrciig. Beef steers, $0.4OG7.60; rows and heifers. $5.30((i0.0; atockera and feeder. Jo.r-OSj 7.30: calves, $7.50(0,9.50. Hogs Receipts 2400. 23c higher. Tops, $10.40: bulk. f!).'j 10.30. Sheep Recelpta 8700. ateady. Lambs, $9.50 Q10.0O; ewes, t6.40ry0.no. Seattle Bo?s $9.65. Beattte, Wash.. Oct! 24 (P. N. 8.) Hogs Receipts. 757: steady. Prime lights, $9.00frt 9.65. medium to choice. $9.2529. SO; smooth heavies, $8.75H9.13; rough beavles, $1.2544 8.05; pigs, $8.iH8.er. Cattle Receipts, none; steady. Best steers, 97.OOtJ7.S3; .n.edtum to choice, $6.2.V4j0.3); common to medium. $3.26ij3.75; bet cows. $.25(9 5.75. common to medium, $3.5o54.5ir; bulls. $3. 00 i 4. 30; calvea, $7.00H8.inV Sheep Receipts, none; steady. Lambs. $S.(Xi Jis.Oo; yearlings, $6.5044 7.00;' enw, $4.50(,i 5.30. Chicaro Hcga $10.50. Chlcapo, Oct. 24.--1 1. N. S. --Receipt. 26. 000; firm. I nchanged to 5c above yeaterday's average. Bulk. $9.934110.35; " light, $9.7i(g 10.40; mixed. $9.70ig 10.5O; heavy, $U.704f 10.45; rough. $9.70ftJ9.85: pigs, .$7.25(89.40. Cattle Receipts. 15.U10; weak. Native beef cattle, $8.7011.50; western steers, $6.20 9.50; stockers and feeders, $4.7547.75: cows and heifers, $3.40(29. 5o; calves, $7.0u4i 11.00. Sheep Receipts, 2r..ooo: ateady. Wethera, $7.00&S-25; lambs, $8. 253 10.55. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Francisco Karket. . 8n Pram-luce, Oct. 24. (P. P.! Pota toes, per cental Delta in aacka. old land, $1.751.90; do. new landj $2.00(32.10; Salinas, $2.26&2.36; Oregon Burbenka, $1.85(02.00; Id 11 bo netted gems, $1 .90(22. 01). Onions Brown, $2.60; Oregon, $2.60. Seattle Market. Seattle. Oct. 24. (C. P. ) Onion Yellow California, 3c: WaUa Walla, 3u. Potatoea White River, $36; Yakima Gems, $4H sweets. 2,ic. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST San Franciaco Market. San Francisco, Oct. 24. (C. P.) Butter Extras. 82c; prixne firsts, 31 c; firsts, 81c. F.ggs Extrss. 48c; pullets. 41c. Cheese California fancy, 10c; firsts, 15r; Oregon triplet, fancy, 17c. Seattle Karket. Seattle. Oct. 24 (U. P. I Bntter Native Washington creamery, cube, 37c; do. brick, 38c; storage, cube, 84c; Co. brick, 34c. Cbeeae Orejron triplets. 2'; Wisconaln trlplota, 20c; do twin. 30c; Young America, 22c. - Eggs Select ranch, 50c; fresh eastern, 42c; April storage, 34c. Los Angeles Karket. Los Angeles. Oct. 24. (P. N. S.) Eggs Case count, 44c. Butter Frcsb. extra. 83c. BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Bank. This week. Tear ago. $ 3.506,698.6 $ 2.244.787 27 .. 8,090,474.04 2,027,343.44 Los Angel Bank. 9 8.973,681.00 Baa Franciaco Bank. $18,268,349.00 Clearing Monday Tuesday . . Clearings . Clearings . Clearings Balance ... Clearings . Balaucea . . T acorn Banks. 9 600,500 00 142.284.00 Seattle Banks. .9 3.899.111.00 321.209.OO Minneapolis Cash Wheat. MluncapnH, Oct. -4 Ctfh wheat. No. 1 hard gl.9-unl.97; No. 1 northern, sl.ori 1.03; northern, $1.84rl.P2; No. 3 northern. No $1.7541. 89: No. 2 hard Montana. $1.7944 ' -83; No. 1 durum, $1.9si, choice barley, 7lc SI .03; rye. $1.30t t-31. THIS TIM 2 cow 1030 3.30 1 cow 690 2.00 1 cow 9O0 2.50 1 cow HBO . 4.f0 1 row 1M0 2.T5 1 cow 09O 1.50 1 cow 1(130 8.50 1 row 970 8.00 1 cow 1000 4.75 1 cow 1H30 4.00 7 cow 923 2.65 1 cow 650 3.65 2 cows 610 8.H6 1 sow 720 6.O0 1 cow 720 4.0 3 cow R:to 3.50 4 cow 672 4.23 2 cows 656 4.00 2 cow 690 3.00 CALVES. 1 calf 320 $7.50 SO calve 442 7.00 HEIr'ERS. 4 heifer 788 $4 90 4 beifere 520 3.G3 BCLL8. 1 bull 1330 4.00 HOGS. 25 bog 207 99.35 5 hog 188 9.;m 48 lion 208 tt.im 83 bog 199 .30 75 hog '. 206 9.30 7 hoc 170 9.23 T hog 168 9. 23 9 hog 170 9.25 21 hogs 187 03 10 bog 177 ffi.25 4 hog r... 332 8.30 6 bog 310 8.30 2 bog 403 8 23 1 hog 330 8.23 13 hog 149 8.23 i 1 hog 130 8.O1: 2 hogs 17 8.00 1 bog 143 . 7.90 7 bog 113 7.90 2 flog ion k.2j 16 bog ; 3on SJ 6 host 1H2 9.25 B boar 183 . 1 bog 210 9.30 1 hog 2r - .rl 5 bog l4 8.23 T2 Imnsw r 143 8.00 ... JO beg . 214 -9.S6 I - --ir-V...... .'.. .... .1 260 ' . 8.23 "'i "5 ' , - -'' . - ' ' Mexican News Has Bearish Effect on Wall Street Stock Hework, Oct. 94 (L H. S.)A-Braklng all previous high mark reoofd. Bethlehem Bteel was the feature, of the Sew Trk 1 change today when it'soared 46 points to 889, 44 point above ita high mark. Bullish actir- lty atartad is th stock on th report that Charles M. Schwab had predicted aa advance to 91OOO within the next rear. r.ew lork. Oct. 84. (I. N. S.) FOUowIng a strong opening tbe market slumped today and reacted on unfavorable Mexican -news, Word that General TrevlDu was leaving Chi huahua city with Villa at hi heel bad a bearish effect on Wall treet. Bethrehem Steel wa the feature of the H.r,i. .v.- VT. . V in , T. vl "the interior, and general employ during the first hour and celllug to 629. Th 1o. , . ., .. .... mark U 44 point, over Its former high record r ,in l,h cl,ty nd cuntry mar. Ir was tutr Inf l.nwl h th. rnanl ,or in the improvement. W slump. The market was in tbe tels. copper runner shown by the 26 per cent in and apecialty Industrials, while tbe rails and crease in bank clearings, standards showed little sign of life. "The only unsatisfactory feature of V. S. Steel common opened up at 120 j the situation is the interruption if an -!'lrfrt"w,v . 1 8. ' t-. . freight traffic, caused by the car Anaconda, Inspiration and Utah led the i iv.irt ,,, copper market and after gaining fractionally. fJ? rtl . hAC in 0mJ ctlfn lost one to two polnta li the general reac- .he northwest has become acute and tton. Tbe sugar storks continued tbelr kd- haJ made it necessary to turn down vance of the past week and American sngsr orders from the east and northwester, oared to new high mark, celling at 1211k, produce. 44 point gain, in the early b"wra. Beet "The rapid advance in wheat to the Sugar waa ateady around 102. The marine etocks were one to two point, lower. Rubber nd Industrial Alcohol were ateady. Geaeral Electric wa. slightly higher In tbe early trad- lug. Range of New York price furnished by Overbeck t Cooke Co., 216-217 Bord of Trade building: l)t:scRinio.N 1 open! Hlghl Ixiw jclose ALII Chalmers, c do pfd.... An. erica n Beet Sugar. Au.erican Can, c An.-iricau Car Fdy.. c. Auitrican Cot. Oil, c. . American Linseed, c. do pfd A.merlcan Loco., c... American Smelter, c. A nu ri' an Suuar. c... Am'. Tel. A Tel 26 26 I 23 I 25 81 102 l03 ' JOt 101 i- 62 H 084 f6 24 V 58 81 63 62 00 57 69 67" 67 56 23 V- 24, 21 5S! 68 &S 82 82 I 81 112li 112U KA't 110 jl21l124121V.,12;4 1 j-i 1 1 i 1 1 'iq .fin A.a IAOO-CA lOU- 10W7 53 53 62 o2 American nooleB. c. Anaconda Mining C0...1 95. 96 94 94. Atchlaon. c 10S!l08107;iO7 Baldwin Loco., c I 8V 87 I 84 84 rltlmore A Ohio, c 8Sj 88 88 88 Bethlehem Steel, c ;59'J 629 592 620 Putte & Superior 1 05' 3 04 04 Brixiklyn Rapid Transit! 84 84! 84 84 Calif. Petroleum, c... 24! 24 23 2Ji do pfd m ai 01! 01 173, 176 175175 Csnadian Pacific... ( tlltral Leather, c. Chrsaeake ft Ohio. Chi. & O. W., pfd. . C. M. a St. p.... til. ft N. W.. tj... ( hlno Copper Colorado r ft 1., c. Consolidated t Gas... Corn Ptxiducts, c Crucible Stel. c... Denver ft R. U.. c. do-pfd Dlttlller Erie, c do let r.fd Gei.eral Electric (fineral Motors Goodrich Rubber. . . 92 95 V 90 60 4, I 70 41 ar 70 41 83 129 59 40 94 129 58 129 129 58 53 18 68 56 VI 54 54 139 ,139 1311 18 18 lKi: 89 90 "1 88-4 19 47 47 19 19 40 43! 47 39 i S9 58 34 19 46 43 38 38 53 I 53 '182jl83;182:183 , . .'837 8;r7 ;835 83." 74 74 VI, a, I - .. m G. Nrthern Ore ljindi!'45 G. Northi rn, pfd 1119 43 43 I 43 llltfVi 119 119 Hide ft 1eatber, c... do prd IllinoU Central .". Industrial Alcohol. Iipirntlon Ir.lerloro, c Kai.Mia City South., c. Lackawanna Steel.... liilirh Valley Men lean Petroleum... Miami Copper Mlssonrl Pacific National !ud Nerada Cons New Haven New York Air Brake. New Yolk Central.... Norfolk i: W., c Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Ry Pressed Steel Car, c. Ray Cons.. Copper Railway gteel Spring Reading, c. 0 Republic I. ft S.. c. do pfd Rock IsUnd Stc.dchaker. c S'nithem Pacific Southern Ry., c do pMV Tenn. Copper Texas Oil ... Texas Pacific . . ... Third Avenne . . .'. 1 1 7S I t I - 1 87 84 87 86l 80 83 113 391.'. 8 70 84 84 ' 110 39 8 69 lloili:i ; 39 I 39 i 8t 8 011 0914 22 22 23 23 61! 01 Vi' 00 I 0(1 157 137 157 '157 100 100108)M 44i144ll42il42 113 113 1112 112 23 68 74 26 54 111 , 80 112 23 135 a. 57 72 26 53 100 58!sP7 74 I aV 25 R3 ion 20 64 111 80 112 27 135 77 78 n2ii2 23 I 24 133 (133 101 1101 28 I 28 08 I 68 22 I 23 228!230 11I 11 52 I 52 151 152 82 82 60 00 101 101 29 20 68 08 23 Zl 230 232 12 12 54 64 Union Pacific. do pfd P. S. Rubber, do nf d c. . . i 132: 133 82 I 82 I 02 62 illlllll 111111 C. 8. Steel Co., c. H2012O 11811( do pfd 4121 121'121121 Ctah Coper !102 102 il00 101 Virginia Ci,emicaL e.. 4(1 47 4tl 47 W. C Telegraph l03lO3!103108 F.x-dlr. 1. Ext.-Uiv. S. O. S. Sent by Broccoli Raisers. Oregon Agricultural College. Oorvallfa, Or., Oct. 24. A biirry-up call haa been sent to the experiment station at Corvallls for assistance In combatting thrlp. which are threatening to destroy t he broccoli crop in the vicinity of Roebnrjs. The value of the crop la estimated at about $23,000. a. L. I-ovett. acting ento mologist or tha Corvsllls station, bss left for Ro-burg. where be will confer with the grow eri and give practical demonstrations in tha control of this peat. San Francisco Grain Market. Sao Franciaco, Oct. 24. Barley call: Oct. 24 Oct. 23 Open. Close. Cloae. December 197 198 196 May 207 207 204 Spot quotations: Wheat Walla Walla. 92.o3t2.40; red Russian, $2.35i2.40; Turkey red. $2.5Of2.60; bluestem. $2.6032.65. Feed Barley. $1.87W1.90; white ot. $t 0711.70: brn. 24.orxa24.30: middlings, $32.00(333.00; aborts. $26.2.50. C, , - owliti SptHlg Heavy. Kelso. Wash.. Oct. 24. An unusually heavy crop of vatoes will be harvested ln Cowllt county this year In spite of the fact tbst late fkxxls. Parmer are rnsbtng tbelr digging So as to finish their work before tbe fall rains set in. 'i"be quality of tbe crop this yesr la exceptionally fine, and farmers are getting splendid price. San Francisco Wool Market. San Franciaco. Oct. 23. (I. N. 8.) Wool! per pound Humboldt and Mendocino 8 month, ( Z2(3-uc; mourn. i-.o"c, mioaie couiitie. 6 month. 17W20c; Ked Bluff and vicinity. 12 month. 23u2tic; NeTada stock staple, 22 4g24e-. extra light erossbred. 2328c, ac cording to quality; north coast states' clip, 19ir, 26(928c; lamb 'a wool, 151316c; do Cali fornia, liaise. LfTerr)ooI Cash Wheat, rjverpool. Oct. 24. (I. N. K.) Wheat mar ket for spot strong. No. 2 hard winter, 15 2d: No. 1 norther Duluth. l"i 3d; No. 1 Mani toba, 15 8d; No. 2. ion 7d: No. 3, 15 4d. San Francisco Hop Market. Sah Francisco. Cct. 23 (I. N. .) Hops, 1916 erop California, 121 13c per pound to grower; Oregon and Washington contracts, 10413c. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. Oct. 24. (V. P.) Coffee Spot No. 7 Rio. : No. 4 Santos. 10. Sugar Centrifugal. $0.52. - Cruisers Nants Washington. Oct. Acting Secretary of veit lo'iay cnangea me names 01 in j annurru ciuiacra it ttBuuisivn, west Virginia and Colorado to Seattle, Huntington and Pueblo. Aa the names of the stales are required for new bat tleships the existing cruisers are re- ceiving names of HUes in the atatea wnose names iney ionneriy ieid. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD sTaaday. :17 a- m. Hancock and Qantenbein Streets, brush fire, no damage. 2:35 p. m. Olia street and Willam ette boulevard, brush fire, no damage, S-' Monday. Tr ChAnzed. N- S.) theNavy Roose- Finance-Commerce-Industry Dans Portland and Seattle Offices Tell of Liberal Improvement la Trade Affairs Lumber Ha Strengthening Tendency Shipbuild ing Is a Big Influence in Northwest. jii yiaanoial funshlns. Duns HeVlew has the following liVde report from its Portland office: "With aaeh werftt an improvement in business can b vutea, tne gain embracing practically eviry mercantile line. fioi only line. Not only ia business sentiment netter than at any yt M, er, me durinc the past year, but the val ine of trade In all Important lines Is heavier than in the fall of last year. "High "prices for all agricultural "High prices for products. Increased Jobbing orders from ment of are fao- hlch is l .50 mark brought out liberal selling Ry farmers, and about 2.000,000 bush- rt ,.!,. ' !, , j ,r lJ " durl"f we1?V ma'a- j ly by exporters, with more than tne usual purchases for account of millers In the middle west. The coarse grains havo also advanced sharply, barley on orders from the east and Europe, and oats because of their cheapness in re lation to other cereals. Exporters are looking forward to a renewed foreign trade in oats. Flour prices have ad vanced to $7.40, the highest price since pioneer days, but local buying has not been checked. The eastetn and Euro pean demand is strong, though millers cannot take full advantage of it, ow ing to the scarcity of cars. This shortage is also hindering- the full eastbound movement of potatoes and onions, both of which are 'selling at prices highly remunerative to farm ers." Proa TJemand Broadened. Th do mestic demand for prunes has broad ened, indicating an early cleaning up of the northwestern pack, which amounted 10 luuy u,uuu,uuu pounas, the largest or record. 40 I Hops are steadily going Into con : sumDtton on the basis of 12 cents to the grower, but an export outlet is still lacking for the entire surplus. Lumbermen se an indication of a hardening of prices during the winter months. Several thousand workmen have lately found employment In the new shipyards established in this vicinity. A Portland firm has two steel steam ers of 880) tons under way, will start on another shortly-and has four more contracted for. Another local- firm 'has thla week uncurexl a. eantrsct from '.'! ! JJ Norway for a BOOOton steel steamer I09fiop;i08;i0! 1 end two other contracts are pendlnr I37:i.'v4ii;v i:t I Seven wooden shipyards on the Wll m 66 57i en lamette and Columbia rivers have a .'I.V' .,J) 14 ! total of 26 ships contracted for. HUGHES MANAGERS BEND EVERY ENERGY Money Being Poured Out to Send Speakers to Every Town and Hamlet. Woodrow Wilson Campaign road. Previously reported .... 93971.76 Cash, Portland 6.00 Mrs. Emily Cole. Pen dleton 2.60 M. F. Carrlgan and oth ers, McMlnnville 70.00 a Total $4049.26 The managers of the Hughes cam paign plainly regard Oregon as a doubtful state. This i evidenced by the extraordinary efforts which they are putting forth in these closing days of the campaign. With unlimited re sources at their command they are sending speakers to every town and village in the alate. These efforts roust ba offset by the utmost activity on th part of all who ' are interested in the reelection of Pres ident Wilson. Speakers must be sent I over the state and literature must be I distributed. Thla involves expense i which can be met only by the contri butions to the Wilson fund. . The total amount thus far rained is in excess of r.-.vuv U.I.. ...u I-1 vi C 1 V lias IIIIIV ln smaii suma from the plain peopla . Additional contribution are arreoflv needed. Ail Who wish to assist Will flnd dlracuons below: Woodrow Wllsoa Campalga road. To The Oregon Dally Journal: I enclose herewith 9 for the Woodrow Wilson cam paign fund, to ba spent la fur- therance of the (Oregon or National.) campaign for the reelection of President Wilson Name .. Address (Mall this coupon, together with your contribution en closed, to The Journal Wood row Wllsdn. campaign fund. Portland Oregon. Check should be made payable to Th Jour nal.) m m i Audience Approves -Tax Exemption Bill Keasnre Selatlag to Taxation, of Qr ron Bnilt Teasels SlscussaWf at Msm brr Council of Chamber. The bill exempting from taxation Oregon built ships when used for other than -t'tn rtienrtai w an noort li V, V I unanimous vote of the1 audience attend- . lng ln, members' council of tn Cham- ber of Commerce yesterday. Oeorge B. HcLod. manager of the Hammond Lumber company, and O. M. Clark, president of the Chamber of Commerce), told how th bill would encourage the building of ship la Oregon. W. O, MrPhtraon made tha motion th.t tha 'bill be Indorsed, and Mr. Clark second ed lt.. . . DrT Barclay Aeheson thrMUngly de picted thw sorrows and suffering of the Armenian and called upon tbe 10 WINNING OREGON Prosperity at tJeatUe. Duns' report , for the Seattle district: ,v f Seattle and Puget sdund country C which It is the business metropolis, is J in many ways now actually egperlencr. Ing more prosperity than has been felt' in this city and district in a long tlma. ; There Is abundant evidence oi this n ". all aides. Leading retail merchants . report business of larger volume, soma ' reporting 'an increase of as much at SO . per cent over the corresponding period -last year. '-fs-j'i On the other hand, there has been steady Increase in the cost of many food stuffs. For instance, flour !.'' common with the raw material has ;. . . advanced sharply, prices having goo a up 40 centg per barrel during tne past,, fortnight Suck an Important staple aa , potatoes are at a record price level ' for this time of year. There is an al most unprecedented demand for pota- ' toes and the Important 'phase of thla M demand Is that it cornea from the east. ; A Potatoes are elng shipped out Of tha state on a scale never before known. CMaaed Balmoa Active. Tne canned! : salmon output turns out to be larger than had been expected, the excep- .. tlonaJly active demand and favorabja prices having done much to etimulate a " large pack. The salmon's pack In North. :. Pacific Tanneries is estimated, by. thosa ' ; in a position to know, at approximately, s .f 7.600,000 rases. This -compares with A about 8,000.000 cases last year and tha year before, but is fully (00,000 casea s more than had been expected and that much more than had been prepared for' " . early In the season. The remarkable . future of the salmon market la that practically the entire pack haa already been sold, whereas a year ago there whs at least one-third of the pack tin- . sold. Car Shortage Affects Lumber. The i car shortage has stiffened the price of . lumber an advance of $1 per thousand- on all items, having; Just been made effective. Many manufacturers hava-;'-called in their traveling men, not car- ' ing to take on new business which A they might be unable to deliver. Tha -price of such an important item as No. 1 flooring is now approximately $4.10 . per thousand higher than a year ago, and common dimension limber,: an other Important item, is approximately $2 per thousand higher than a year ago, : ' On the other hantL however, coat of ; manufacture is very much higher than , ' a year ago. The car supply is now ap-. . . proximately CO percent of normal in the lumber Industry. Shingle mill -which have a limited storage capacity -have in many Instances been forced to suspend operations. - ' Another shipbuilding yard which will " employ some 1500 men has Just com menced actual operations in Seattle. , business men to Increase the fund tot' their relief, which Is being gathered by, a local committee headed by Ben Sell-., Ing. 1 , Arthur Moulton, attorney for th r -Jitney Drivers' union, charged up to "water" and tribute paid to allied:? organisations, rather than the Jitney a . the deficit or the company. He aald if the company did not have to pay s ; . much Interest It would not be record '; ing a deficit. He also announced In tention of forming an examination .to' " ee Just how great la the deficit caused by the operation of Jitneys in- Port-v land. r .,v His statement that a "gentleman's 'H agreement" existed to tha effect that ' -the referendum would not be Invoked fi( by the Jitney drivers against th fran -chise ordinance provided they be al,. lowed to operate on about the present basis, wu successfully challenged by ' Commissioner George U. Baker, Who', aald the only agreement reaohed waat that th Jitney men should recelva a ' ' fair deal. As authority for tbe asser tion, Mr. Moulton quoted A. A. Thlelk, head of the Jitneys, who aald It was 1 his understanding that no regulation , waa to be attempted that would fere " the Jitneys out of business. '.'..." Mexican Rebels on March to the Capital! El Paso. Texas. Oct. 24. (U. P.)' " General Jose Robles, In command of :' several thousand revolutionists, has ' ' -started a march cn Mexico City to '. drive out First Chief Carransa, accord. Tj ing to a statement mad her today bf Emlligno Cantu, secretary to Robles, who arrived from the national capital r after delivering b letter demanding that Carranxa abdicate and releas certain political prisoners. , ' Th revolutionists' columns baVaA i already entered the statevof Puebla, south of th capital, Cantu declared. ' , ; Washington state department off!- . dale here have reliable Information - that Robles commands 22,000 men and, - controls the entire state of Oesaca, Large numbers of this command wero formerly adherents of Fella Diaa, : Robles was sent by th Mexican- ' -facto government to campaign against i Dlas. Instead. Robles and IMas fUMd t their commands, the former takingth , 1 leadership. , .. " on advertisers, (Adv.) . Wben writing or tailing 1 lra mention The Journal. FACTS DURABILITY AND ECONOMY IN MAIN TENANCE Ankchy street, f rom , Park to Sevenih, paved in 1905, proved so satisfactory that in 1007 a repeating contract was given to pave Ankcny" street, from Front to Third, with the same materia!, trial standard of all pavements- Bitulithic Warren Bros. Co.,' Journal BuHding, Portland, Or. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Meek. jSea&a. Oeltoa. Orals, gls-tir Beard t ad aUlUajr ? V DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ; Uembera Cbleag Board f Trrt;- Corraspondeata of Iogaa A Bta ;, ' y v , Castsagav Nw Xortl .1