The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Junior Members Expect to Set
an Example Among the
Grown Up Workers,
All Churches of United Evan
gelical to Participate in
Joint Event.
American Sunday School
Union Missionaries -Ouen
Meeting Todaf .
&aa County Surrey Snows Small
Wnmbtr la County Beached by
Church Work.
Special Music to Be Tarnished by Sun.
nyslde Friend Junior, One of the
ewtit Junior Societies.
Principal Speakers Xajaffed Will Be
Kev. H. Sehnknecht. W.
Bcliapit and WLmr. 3. Bowersox.
I rv M 1
Ktm t l -
m ''- '
wf ' rH i
if r J rl
It In but a few months less than 100
year since the reeognUed need for
cooperation anions: tho denominations
for the rare of the rural districts
brought representatives of the Jead
tng churches together In a conference,
'which resulted In the organization of
the American Sunday Sehool union,
for the celebration of whose centenary
at Philadelphia early next year plans
are now under way.
During these 99 years the agents or
missionaries of -this society have or
ganized in needy districts more than
1S0.000 Sunday schools, with 6.000,000
members. If these Sunday schools
were housed In it) foot lots, placed
Bide by side, there would be a contlnu
oua line of Sunday schools reaching
from Portland to San Francisco, and
the enrolloment of 6.O00, 000 would
equal nine times the present popula
tion of the state of Oregon.
The need for home missions In Ore
Ron wan strikingly shown in a recent
aiurvey of I.ane county, made jointly
Vy the state university and the county
hurch work department of the Pres
byterian church. In which is shown
that only 13 I -10 per cent of the pop
ulation of the county outside of Eu
gene is reached by church work. That
this Is not exceptional Is Indicated by
the fact that an average of three out
Of four rural school districts In the
aeveral counties of the Pacific north
Went are without Sunday school or
other regular gospel service.
.. Reports of the past years' rural
work In the northwest, experience of
the men who have been on the field,
discussion of ways and means and
helpful addresses by Albany pastors
and national rural experts will consti
tute the program of the conference of
the missionaries of the American Sun
day School union In the First Baptist
church at Albany, which began today.
All pulpits of tho city will he occupied
by prominent rural religious experts
tomorrow. The conference will con
tinue until next Thursday.
Dean McCollister
Is Reception Guest
At St. Stephen's parish church house
a reception was given Monday night :n
honor of the new dean of the Pro
cathedral, Rev. E. R. McCollister.
Members of the congregation and lo
cal clergymen of the Episcopal church
Joined 'with the guild, the auxiliary
and ' chapter In extending Rev. and
: Mrs. McCollister a hearty welcome.
. Mrs. John Whalley, Mrs. E. T. C.
Stevens, Mrs. Herbert Hoi man and
Mrs. N. A. Colman were also in the
receiving line. Among the clergymen
atttanrilnsr were: Archdeacon Henry
15. Chambers, of the Church of Our
Jlavlor; Rev. J. E. II. Simpson, rector
"f 8t. Marks; Rev. F. K. Howard, rec
tor of Bishop Morris Memorial chapel;
Rev. John I). Rice, of St. John's par
Ish, at SellwoovT and Mllwaukle, and
Rev, F. T. Bowen, rector of St. Mich
ael's and All Angels'.
Dean McCollister and P. G. Newell
parish halT to the Episcopal Sunday
school teachers.
Minister Leaves to
Assume New Charge
Rev. Ij. K. Richardson, after serving
four years s pastor of the Kenil-
worth Presbyterian qliurch, left the
.' first of the week forht new charge.
the Hebron MemorMtl church, at
lilanerch. Penn, whKher he was re
cently called. His -resignation took ef
fect here October 1.
Rev. Richardson closes a most suc
cessful pastorate at this church, the
organization showing distinct progress
In all, departments.
The temporary vacancy in the pas
torate will In no way Interfere with
the regular meetings and work of the
church, .arrangements being made
from time to time for pulpit supplies
vnui sucn time as me pulpit commit
tee secures a new pastor. Rev. Mr.
Crymes having charge of the services
f Sunday, October 15.
"True Greatness" to
Be Pastor's Theme
"True Greatness" will be the theme
. Of Rev. Wilhelm Pcttersen who will
officiate at the morning services In
the Weat Side Norwegian Lutheran
": church tomorrow morning The serv
ices will be In Knglish.
Monday evening the Men's club will
. entertain the women of the church. A
.-. good program will be rendered. B. Q.
Bkulason will be the principal speaker.
,Tuesday evening the Young People's
odety will have a special festival
program to which all young people are
i Invited.
Eeed College Team
To Discuss Measures
' i -.- On Wednesday evening of this week
-aa.m vawm T5 ..A .nl.. Ml a i
: iwm xctvjvi uvucgo will QlBCUeB
; at the First Friends church. Eat
. Thirty-fifth and Main streets, the va
, rlous measures to be voted on at the
coming election.
. This meeting is held under the di
rection of the Penn Brotherhood Bible
class of this church, and has as Its
" purpose the general welfare of the
This1 Is a meeting for the public
and the public la cordially invited to
be present and better prepare itself
to vote intelligently on the questions
to come before us.
Methodist Deaconesses to Meet.
- The Oregon Conference Deaconess
Aid society will hold Its annual meet
ing; Tuesday at Central M. E. church,
Vancouver avenue and Fargo streets.
The morning will be given to annual
report and election of officers, and
In the atfernoon an interesting pro -
rarram will be given with special music.
Left to right Kev. George J. Peacock, of Black foot, Idaho; John E. Crymes, of La Grande, Or.; O. E. Scott,
and Charles Unlet, Seattle, Wash.
Rev, Mr. Airheart Will Preach
Sermon in Evening on the
"Task That Confronts Us."
The morning service at the First
Methodist Episcopal church will be
one of unusual interest, because of the
fact that Bishop Matthew Simpson
Hughes will he present and address
the congregation. Bishop Hughes not
only has a reputation throughout all
Methodism for eloquence and power as
a preacher, but for many years preced
ing; his election as a bi.-hop was the
" .1- I . !,,,., V,,a I
nasior or one 01 nie Kiemcoi luuiwua.
oi me uenomiiiaiiuu, mm win
less bring a most timely and inspiring
message to this congregation.
At the evening service Ilev.
. let
Lee Airheart will preach, having fur
his theme, "The Task That Conlronts
Us Now."
The music, will be under the leader
ship of the director, Hartridge G.
Whipp, and special numbers will be
rendered by the quartet and vested
choir. At the morning service the
rhorus will sing "He Shall Come Down
Like Rain," by Dudley Buck, and the
quartet will sing "The Lord la My
Light." In the evening the chorus
will sing "Let Not Your Heart Be
Troubled.'1 by Foster, and a duet will
be rendered by Miss Peteison and Mr.
Whipp, "Come, Jesus Remember."
Dr. F. Loveland and
His Daughter Guests
Pr. and Mrs. Frank I.. Loveland and
their daughter, Miss Lo Desca, were
the guests of a reception in their hon
or, which was given on Tuesday eve
ning by the congregation of the First
Methodist, church. Prominent mem
bers of the church were In the receiv
ing line. Speeches were made by Dr.
A. N. Fisher anil T. S. Mac-Daniel, both
epeaktng highly of their former pas
tor, who leTt for Indianapolis Wednes
day, after three years' service in the
Dr. Loveland will become pastor of
the Meridian church, of which ex-Vice
President Charles W. Fairbanks and
'several governors of Indiana have
been members.
J. K. Gill was chairman of the eve
ning. Miss Lo Desca rendered three
musical selections.
Rev. Elias Gjerding
in Former Pastorate
Rev. Elias OJerdlng who for the last
two years has been in Oakland, Cal.,
and who came back to Portland on ac
count of Mrs. GJerdlng's health, has
accepted the call of the district super
intendent and the quarterly conference
of the First Norwegian Danish M. E.
church to become the pastor of the
The field of work Is not a new one
to Rev. Mr. Gjerding, It being only
two years ago that he left this church
as its pastor. The congregation is not
strong numerically, but they own a
valuable church property In one of the
finest parts of the city, and it Is hoped
that the friends- of tha church will
rally around their new pastor and help
him build up a etrong church In this
community. Rev. Mr. Gjerding preaches
his first sermon as pastor tomorrow
at It a. m. and 8 p. m.
To Occupy Pulpit in
The White Temnle
Rev. J. F. Winbigler, of Los Ange
les, will preach at the White Temple
at both services Sunday, and will re
turn to speak again Sunday October
29. Dr. Franklin, of missionary fame,
will occupy the pulpit Sunday, Octo
ber 22, and both men will have great
The Termile quartet will sing at the
morning service "The Lord Is My
Rock." by Woodman, and for the of
fertory "Glory to Thee." by Gounod.
In the evening the quartet will render
the anthems "O Worship the King," by
Hanscom. and "Savior, When Night
Involves the Skies." by Shelley.
Missionary Institute
Being Planned Here
Under the direction of the Mission
ary Educational Movement, a mission
ary tnstltuteor Christian workers- of
all denominations will be held October
22 to 26 at the First Presbyterian
church house. It Is the outgrowth of
the Laymen's Missionary convention
held in the city last February.
The purpose of the Institute is to
discover, develop and train missionary
leaders for work in their own churches.
The Institute la being organised upon
, an interdenominational basis and will
I be open to the workers in all the
1 churches and religious organizations
I of the city.
Former Pastor to
Appear in P(ulpit
Westminster Presbyterian church.
East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets,
will have the pleasure of having In
the pulpit on both morning and eve
ning of October 15, a former pastor,
the Hev. Pt. g. Templeton, now of Van
couver, Wash. Ho had a large part in
the success of Westminster church In
former years, and ha many friends
there who will welcome liim heartily.
His subject at 10:30 a. m., "God's
Column in Who's Who." In the eve
ning at 7:30 on "The Tiagedy of a
Single Word."
On the following two Sundays, Octo
ber and 29, tho pulpit will be In
charge of the Hev. Lewis E. Le, D. D..
of the Evanston Fresbvterian church
of Cincinnati, o. a brother of Dr. Lee
was the first pastor of Calvrav Pres.
byterlan church of this city. Another
brother. Rev. Wallace H. Lee. Is now
acting president of Albany college
Expert Kndeavor Classes.
" "-""CO . Jl V lOBBT-a 1 IN LUC
.Mount s.nit u, -m v.- uu
tne Millard
Avenue Presbyterian
beginning Tuesday evenlnu.
1 'Ml . . ....
ducted under the auspices oT the City
I'nioii with Mrs. Haley as teacher.
Every one interested in better young
peoples' societies Invited to Join the
17th Sunday After Trinity
Minuay hcliool lessons Tomorrow.
Lesson Topic.
(Acts 25: 1-12 la printed.)
Memorize Torses 10, 11.
Golden Text. It Is pnongh for the disciple
Hat be be as bis tes'her and the serrant as
hi lord. Matt. 10, a.
Horn Eoadinrs. M. Anneal to Caesar. Acta
2T: 1-12. T. Atrrlppa interested, Acta 25: 13-22.
W. Paul hrouKbt Ix fore Agrlppa, Acts 25 : 23
27 Th. The mighty Uod. Isa. 44: 1-8. F. The
aii.reme hi-lixr. Psa. 42. S. Faithfnl and
unfaithful soi-ranti". Matt. 24: 4-51. S. The
righteous Jude, 2 Cor. S: 1 10.
Young People's Topics.
Christian Endearor Publle Pplrlt and How
to Cultlrate It. Ps. 122: 1-9 (Cltlienshlp Sun
day). Ji'nlnr Christian EntVaTor Ruth the Faith
ful Daughter. Kuth 2: 11, 12.
T. P. S. C. E. Mlsnlona Among the Wom
en of India. Isa. 9: 2-4.
First White Temple 12tb and Taylor ata.
Dr. Maurice V. fc'IWes, pastor pro tern. 9:50.
11. preaching by Dr. J. F. Winbigler, theme.
' Perfect Peace." 7:45. preachlug by Dr. J.
F. Winbigler. 'Testimony of Experience."
Knedlsh-Klunish Mt-ku White Temple 6.
Kust Side E. 20th and Ankenr t. feer.
O. Shank, p.istor. 10. 11. "The Doctrine of
Scnshlp With God." 8:30. 7:30. "The Wick
pi'cst Woman In the Bible." Second of I N
riea. Highland E. Gtb and Alberta Bar. Ch-s.
Meier, pastor. 11 a. Ul.
Arleta Rev. W. T. Spricgs. 11. "Tha
Knights of the Armor of Light. ,T 8, 8:45 7:30.
"A Specimen of New Testament ETangelism.
I ulverslty Park 11. 7:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rer. T. Gideon
Sji.lander. pastor. 10:30, 11:43. :1B. 7:30.
Grace MoutuTtlla Kev. U. T. Cash, lo, 11.
'The Soul's Great A-fflrination." 7:30, "The
Heart of the Eternal."
Sellwuod Ke. F. ti. Hayes. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Kev. K. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30.
C'alTary E. Nth and Grant Rer. Thomas
Sleph?nnon, acting pator. 11. 7:45.
Mt. Calvary East Flue and Grand are.
Rev. A. M. Mac-hack. 11. S.
Third Knott aud Vancouver ave. Rev. W.
J. Heaven. 11, 7:30.
Chinese J. C. Ma lone, 7.
Lenta Kev. J. M. Nelson. II T:30.
Second German Morris and Rodney ae.
11. 7:.
Ol.-ncoe K. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Walts. 9:45. II, 'The From I he of the Holy
Spirit." 6:30 aud 7:30, "Encampment of the
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Uagrett 11. 8.
llahaa Miaelou Uev. Francesco Sannella.
11. 6.
First German ttb and Mill Rev. i. Kratt
11. 7:30.
North Portland Mission 880 Nlcolal at. Fri
day. 8.
Uussellvllle Mission Rev. Albert Laugh
Lriuge, A. 3:45.
Tabernacle--E. 42d and Uoignte Rev. Wal
ter uufl, acting pastor. 11. 1 30.
Flrtt Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H.
Griffia. pastor. 9:45, 11, "Why I Am a Dis
ciple of Christ." :30, 8. "Seeing Without
Ej es .
Kern Park Rev. O. K. Berry. 11, 7:30.
Woodlawn 7tn aud Liberty Rev. W. J.
Milliiiger. 11, 7:30.
East Side Christian E. 12th and B. Taylor
Rev. A. L. Crliu. 11, by Rev. Mnlkey. 8.
i Rodney Avenue, at Knoll U Kev. J. k.
f!l...riiil..v II .ml fi
VJ in., iu,rj . .a " ' w v..
Sellwood 13th aud Tenlno Rev. J. R
Jot usou. 11 aud 6.
St. Johu Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8.
Vernon Church or Christ E. 15th and Wy
eant. 11. 7 :30.
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Bev. Au
brey W. WlUon.
Montavilla E. "Cth and Hoyt Bev. Eugen
Burr, 11. 7:4j.
Gladstone Kev. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8.
St. Peter's Lenta Kev. P. Beutgen. 8,
10:30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V.
O llarm. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 9:45, 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Hughes. 6. 8:30, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Patrick a 19th and Savler Rev. E. P.
Murpby- . io:jo, 7 :au.
St. Francis' K. 11th and Oak Bev. J. H,
Black. 0. 8. 9. 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Uev. W. A. Daly. , 8. 9. 11,
Unl. Dmbit V ?.r1 and t a tv
is. OUon. . 7. 8. . U. 7:30.
St. Rose K. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'Karrell. S. 10. 7:30.
St. Andrew's E. th and Alberta Bev. J.
Kit-man. 8, 1:30. 7:30.
Tba Madelelue E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev.
Geora-if F. Thompson, 7:U0, e, 10:30.
Ascenaion Yamhill and E. 70th Francis
can Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament- Maryland ave. and Bias-
deua Kev. B. v. tveiiy. s. iu:30. 7:30.
Holy CroaM 774 Bowdoln Uev. C- Raymond.
8. IU;30. 7:30.
St- Ignatius' 3220 43d st. S. K. Jesuit
Fathers. e:3u. a. iv:ou. .
St. Stephens' -t'M end E. Taylor Bev. War.
ret, A. Wait t. 0. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Phillip Nerl E. ltlth and Hlckey Rev.
w. j. cmnwrigui. . iv:mi, i:wo..
Sacred Heart E. Uth and Center Bev. Q,
Robl. S. 10:30. 7:30. . .
Holy Bedceuer Portland bird, and Turn.
Rev. Mr. Boozer Presides and
Rev, Mr. Hall of Philadel
phia Leads in Discussions.
The Portland Presbvtery meeting,
which has been In session at the
First Presbyterian church for three
days, concluded on Thursday eve
ning with a conference of Christian
Endeavor Methods. Rev. L. M. Boozer
of Grants Pass presided over the con
ference and Rev. William Hall of
Philadelphia led In the discussions.
Changes were made In some of the
pulpits', and ministers from other de
nominations were received and given
Oregon Presbytery pulpits. Rev. S. W.
Seemann of Hope Presbyterian church
was elected moderator. Rev. William
MacLeod of Mill City, Or., was ap
pointed pastor of the Forbes Presby
terian church. Rev. W. II. Boddy, for
merly of the Free Methodist church,
F. H Miller. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:30. i
E. 15th and Miller Kev. J.
Cummlnrky. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15tn and Couch Rev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:3t. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Msrvland ave. and
Failing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:S0.
St. Michael (Italian i tth and Mill Rev. U.
Balestra.'8, 10:3O. 7 :M.
St, Clements Smith and Newton Rev. Jo
stph Chapoton, ll-v. Thomas Nealon, asslt-
ant. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Father.
7:30, 9:15.
St. Charles 34th snd Kill lnrrworth Rev.
0. Eniderhoni. 8. 10:30. 7W0.
Christian Sctenoe.
Subject of sermons, "Doctrine of Atonement."
rlrst church Everett, between lSib and
19th st. II, 8.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. I2th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. a.
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holhrook block.
St. Johns. 11.
Flrat Park and M:idtson Rev. T.other It.
Dyott. minister. 11. 'The Flaw In the Rock."
9:45, 7:45 p. m.. "Our City at lis Best: Are
our Assets sorriclent I
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. E.
O Wlllman.
Atkinson Community church E. 2!th and
Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11.
University Park Haven st.. near Lombard
R?v. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 10, 11. 6:S0 p.
m.. 7:30 p. m.
Highland E. th und Prescott Rev. Geo.
Bdw. Lewis, pastor. 11, 8 p. m.
i.indernurst Kev. n. u. Gray. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver st. Rev.
W. C. Kantner. 9:45 a. m., 11, "He Knew."
3, 6:30, 7:30, "Why Smlta Does Not Go to
Waverly Heights E. 83d and Woodward-
Rev. A. C. Moses. 9:45, 11, 7:45. i
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J J.
Strub. 10, 11, "The Declaration of the Gos
pels on the Coming of Christ. 6:J0, 7:4a.
Th Great Alternative.
ZIon (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
. 11. Hopp. 10:30.
Norweanan Danish ongregatlonal Church
Sajuuel Nevala. 7:30, 6 p. m.
St. Johns Bev. J. U. Barnett, pastor, II
and 8.
Finnish M1sslon-107 Skldmore sr. Kev.
Samuel Nevala. S p. m. and 7:30.
St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. It.
H Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton, as
sistant rector. 7:30, 8:30, 10:13, 11.
Trinity 19th and Everett Kev. A. A. Mor-
slon. 8, 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Rev. E. H. McCollister, Dean. 7:45, 11, 3.
St. David E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7. 9:30, 11, 7:30.
St. John's Mllwaukle Bev. John O. KIce.
8. 4.
St. Andrew's riererora si., i-ortsmoutn
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
St. Matthews. Corbett and Bancroft sts.
Bev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. 11 a. m.
Grace Memorial. Weidler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Kev. John Dawson. 9:45. 11, 7:30.
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Ro. T." F. Bowen. 11. 7:30 a. ui.
a. m.
Church of Our Saviour 60th ave. and 41st
at. S. E. Archdeacon Cbambera in charge. 11.
St. John's Sellwood Rev. Jobn D. Rice. 1!.
St. Paul's Wooduiere Ilev. Oawald W.
Tuylor. 4.
Blahop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan hospital Kev. Frederick K. Howard.
7, 7:15.
All Saints' Church 23th and Savler Bev.
Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights G. F. Lleulng Jr. 11:30. 7.
First EngUsli E. Cth aud Market. Rev. E.
D. Hornsciiuch. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical loth and Clay
Bev. G. V. Lleniug. 10:40. 8.
Evazjelicai Synod.
German Evangelical. Friends' Church Ti
couia ave. aud E. liti Bev. Elias N. Htr
gtrt. 10:45. 7:30.
St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling
Bev. J. Uergcrt. 11. 7:30.
Free Methodist.
Central 55tn aud E- Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee. 11. Rev. R. Vernon will preach. 7:45,
Bev. W. U. McLaren will preach.
Klrst E. 9tb and Mill Uev. A. Beers, pas
tor. 9:45. 11, 8. 7.
St. Johns 91at and 57tb ave. 11.
Third Kv. K. H. Clark. 11, 7:30.
Friends' Church.
Sunnyside E. 35tU and Main Rev. Homer
Coy. 11. 7:30.
Lents South Main at. Bev. Jobn Riley.
11. 7 .30.
West Piedmont Friends church Cortnr
Bortnwlek and Jeasup at. Chester A. Hadivy,
pastor, lo, 11, 7:45.
CoogTegatton Beth Israel I2th and Main
Rabbi Jouah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m.
Lethana. ,
St. Jamea. English West Park and Jeffer
son Bev. Busaard, paster. 11 aud 8, lo, 7.
lmuianucl llh aud Irving Kev. J. Rkb
ard Olaon. 11. 8.
Weat Side Norwegian Lutheran 45 N. utb
Rev-. Wllbelna Petteraon. 11. 8.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Wil
liams eve. and Graham Bev. J. A. Bimbeck.
W:li, 7UJ0.
of Xorth Yakima, Wash.;
was appointed pastor of the Troutdale
Presbyterian church. Rev. Frances
Zicka, a German Evangelical preacher,
was made pastor of the Bethany Ger
man Presbyterian church In Washing
ton county.
Rev. Robert McTean, former pafctor
Of the Anabel Presbyterian church,
was demitted from the Presbytery to
teach In the Dubuque Theological sem
inary. Rev. A. L. Taxis, who suc
ceeded Rev. Mr. McLean as pastor of
the Anabel church, was demitted to
take up duties of a church in the
Carlyle Presbytery, Pennsylvania.
A large and enhusiastic rally of the
Christian Endeavor was held on Wed
nesday A cup which Is
awarded to the society which has the
largest representation at the rally
was awarded to the Mtzpah society,
which was represented with 81 per
cent of its membership. Staple's or
chestra rendered the musical program.
Dr. W. O. Forbes of Seattle and Rev.
Mr. Hall delivered addresses at the
young people's rally.
Dr. Luther Dyott
Announces Themes
'The Flaw in the Rock" will be Dr.
Luther R. Dyott's theme at 1 1 a. m. In
the First Congregational church to
morrow, and in the evening Dr. Dyott
v.ili discuss ' Our City at Its Best; Are
Our Assets Sufficient?" Special mu
sic will be rendered by the quartet.
Bethany Danish Union ave. N. and Morris
-H". M. C. Jensen, Engbelm. 11. 8.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblna ave.
and Mason st. Rev. C. Luecke. 10:30. 7:30.
Imnianuel (.ermao Sellwood Rev. H. C.
Fueling. 10:30.
German Evangelical Lutheran Zion (Mis
souri Synod) Salmon and Chapman Bev. H.
U. Koppelmann. 10:15. 7:45.
Our Savior's E. 10th and E. Grant ata.
Rev. George Henriksen. 10:15, 11:15. Con
firmation services.
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free Church
Wygant and Rodney aves. Hev. J. A. Stav
uey. 11, 8.
St. Paul'a German E. 12th and Clinton
Rev. A. Krause. 9:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. John's Peninsular and Klrkpstxlck
Kev. K. O. Salzmann. 10;45, 7:30.
Swediseh Auguatana Rev. H. E Sanatedt.
10:4r, 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. Slgw
A. Stenseth. 11 and 8. S. .. 10. Prayer meet
lng, Thursday.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. U. Llenkaemper. 11.
Latter Say Balnta.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnta
(Mormon) E. 23th and Madison. 11:45, 7.
Montavilla (not Mormon) 11. 7:30.
Method ist.
First 12th and Taylor- Dr. Joshua Stans
field, minister. Kiev. Waiter L. Airheart. as
aiataut minister. 10:30. addresa by Bishop
Hughes. 1 -M preaching by Walter Lee Alr
hourt, "Tha Task That Now Coafrouu I's."
Centenary E. 9tb and E. Pine Kev. T. W.
Leue. 11, 7:45.
Taylor Street Church Hall at 120 Fourth
at. Hi.:0 a. ui.
Trinity E. Uth aud Sherman Rev. F. N
Saudlfur. 11, 8.
Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev
A. Wellman. 11. 7:45.
Epworth 2flth and Savler Rev. C. O. Mc
Culloch. 11 and 7:45, 0:45.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Kev. Ellas Gjerding, pastor. 11, h.
Woodlawn li. 10th and Highland Rev
W. K. Kloeter.
Sellwood Kev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11
Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. tt
Elmer Smith and C. T. McPherson, 11, 7:43.
Mt. Tabor E. Stark and 61st E. Olln Eld
rldge, minister. 9:45. 11. "Heavenly Over
ture." 3. :30, 7:30, "True Health."
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev C
C. Karick. 11, 6:30 p. m., 9:46.
St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Kev. J. H
Montavilla Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 9:45 11
7, 7:45. ' '
Laurelwood (i.'id st. S. E. and Foster road
Kev. C. A. Carlos, 11, 8.
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40tb and Powell
11, 7:45, Kev. A. B. Calder.
. Japanese Mission Kev. Elisen Klbara.
f:aO. 8:30.
Ttose City Park Sandy blvd. and E 58th
Rev. W. K. Jeffrey Jr., 9:45, 11. Dr. Lynn
Harold Haugh will preach. 4:30, vesper hour.
Dr. Youngton will administer tb Sacrament
of Baptism.
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Rev. F.
A. Schumaun. 10. 8.
African Zion 2S8 Williams ave. Bev
W. Howard. 11. 8.
Vancouver Aveuue Norwegian-Danish Cor
ner Skidmore itev. Abraham Verclde. 10:45, 8.
University Park Lombard and Fiske Kev
J. T. Abbett, 11, 7:45.
Lents Kev. F. M. Jasper. 11, 8.
Bethel Larrabee aud McMiiieu Bev. W H
Priuce, 11:15, 8.
Westmoreland Mllwaukle ave.. near Ra mo
na Kev. K, W. Maulden. 10 11, 6:30, 7:30.
Lincoln K. 52d and Llucoln Kev B U
Morse. 10:30, 7:30.
Patton Michigan and Alberta Bev. Georas
H. Feee. 11. 7:45. '
Woodstock-E. 44th and 60th ava. 8 e
Kev. L. C Poor. 11. 7:45.
First German Rev. A. F. Cramer,
Breutwoud Kev. Paul Green, 11.
11. 8.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Kev. L. C. Douglass. Ken
dal station.
Clark schoolhouse Rev. A. B. Wilson. 7-30
Iivhygton East ltlth and Weidler Rev.
A. Danford. 11.
I. Inn ton Kev. S. 11. Dew art.
Bethel A. M. E. church Bev. W. H. Prince
putor. 9:30. 11:15. S.
Jt. E. Church. Booth.
Union ave. ami Multnomah at. Bev. W, J.
Scutum 11 and 8.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Tboren.
Ellin Chapel Kev. B. J. Thorru. 10.
11, 8.
Bethel Free cnurch Ivy st. and Williams
Uev. -J. A. Stavney. 11. 8.
Flrat Pentecostal E. 7th aud E. Courb ata
Kev. C. Howard Da via. II.
Sellwood E. vin and Spokane Rev. H C
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Breutwood E. 67tb t. and E. 65th ava
S E. K-v. Steila Crooks. 11, 8.
Scandinavian V4H Garfield. 11, 7:30
Highland Park UJU E. Mlb N. Itcv. S L.
Mtuiiel. JO. 11. 7:30.
First 12t aad Aider st Bev. John H
Boyd. Service at 10:3O a m. and 7:43 n. ml
Fourth rirat anu i.iotm sts. Kev. Ue
G- Hanson. 10:40 a. in.. 12. :JO. 7:30,
Calvary 11th aud t-lay sta. Bev. O
Baum. W:30, "The Law of Cost." ft:43, 7 30
"The Lotus Eater." '
Arbor Lodg
eorge B. Crumley, n.
Keull worth E. 84th and Gladstone 0-45
UiOO.-7 '.o, B- K. Grime will preach'
Oatral K. 1.1th and Plus SLa itv u. . 1
lace H. Lee. 10.30, 7:45.
A rally of the Junior C. E. societies
of the Multnomah county C. E. union
will be held at 3 p. m. Saturday after
noon, October ::T, at the Sunnyside
Congregational emirch. It will be a
missionary rally, and the Juniors ex
pect to set a good example for the
"grown-ups,"' and show them how to
make missions a vital part of the
work of the society.
The program will begin with a roll-
call of all societies. - Each societv will
respond by tejling about some activity
or their missionery committee. After
the rollcall, the program will further
consist of a stercopticon lecture on
"Children In Far-Awav- Lands." This
lecture Is very complete and will
prove exceptionally interesting to the
The Sunnyside Friends Junior, one
of the newest Junior societies, will
furnish special music. Another fea
ture will be a little pageant entitled
"Everyland." A missionary pageant
in which various pretty costumes will
be displayed will also be given. There
will be an exhibition of pictures and
curios, suitable to bp used for mis
sionary meetings. These can easily
be procured by the Juniors and will
prove of Interest In their meetings on
the missionary Sundays.
The afternoon will close with a so
cial hour in which foreign games will
be played. Juniors are urged to at
tend, as a good, worth-while time Is
morning and evening, Mr. Joseph be
ing the soloist at the morning service.
Preceding the morning service the
regular session of the Bible school
will be held in the Bible school rooms.
There are classes for all ages in the
school, and of particular interest to
adults will be the presentation of the
drama "Antigone," by Sophocles,
which will be given by Mrs. W. K.
Royal In her classroom on Sunday
morning. All members and their
friends are Invited to attend.
Forbes (iraliam and Gantenbetn ave. Rev.
William MacLeod. 11 and 7:30.
Mlzpah E. 19th and Division sts. 10. 11,
Rev. Levi Johnson, assistant pastor of Ftnit
I'resbyterlan church, will conduct services
6:45, 7:46.
Vernon 19h and Wygant sts. Rev. H. V
Mount. 11, 8 p. m. 8. 3., 9:45 a. m." C. E.,
6 . to p. in.
Hope Montsvltla, 78th and E. Everett
Bev. S. W. iSeaman. 11. S.
Millard Avenue 7241 50th are. 8. E. Rev.
W. H. Amos. 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and Belmont sts. Rev.
William Graham Moore.
Unity Kev. W. Lee Gray, 71st and Sandy
blvd. 9:15. 11. 3. 7.
Westminster E. 17th and Rchnvler st
Rev. Boudlnot Seeley. 10:30, "God's Column In
Who's Who." 7:30, "Tragedy of a Single
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev.
A. L. Hutchinson. 11. 8 p. m. Bible school
Boa City Tark E. 45th and Hancock at.
Kev. J. M. Skinner.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane
Rev. W. S. Mc-Cullngh. 11, 7:30.
Marshall Street and Marshall sts.
Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11, 7:30.
Trinity Comer Virginia and Nebraska sta.
Dr. A. J. Montgomery. 11. 7:30. 8. S.. 10.
Chinese 145Va First it. 7:45.
Anabel 56th st. aud 37th ave. S. K.
Rev. I. E. Nelson, pastor. 9.45, 11 a. m.,
4, 5, 6:45, 7:45 p. Ul.
Reformed sbyterian.
First church Minnesota aud Alnsworth
Ilev. F. D. Fraaer. il, 7:30.
Flrat German lUiu aud Clay Rev. O Haf
ner. 10:45, 8.
Second Columbia .ilvd. and 83d at. Bev
E. A. Wyss.. 11.
Third Fifth ave.. Lent Rov. W. O. Uen
kemper. 11.
Salvation Army.
Corp No. 1243 Ash. Aujutant and Mr
Frank Genge. 11. "Gray Hair." 8;I5 and 8.
Corp No. 4 1284 First t. Enaign Pogue
and Captain Brown.
Swedish Corps 430 Buruside.
Seventh Day Adentiats.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held ou Saturday.
Central E. lltb and Everett Elder P C
Hcyward. pastor. 10. 11:15.
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P hall, lllh
and Aider, 10, 11.
Montavilla E. 80th and E. Everett Elder
5. F. Beatty, 10, 11. 4.
Alblna (German) nkldmore and Mallorv
Elder A. C. Schweitzer.
Lent 94th aud ostb ave. Elder D 1
Cbitwood, 10, 11.
St. Julius ceutral avenue aud Charleston
EIU.T E. D. Hurlburt, 10, 11.
Mount 'labor E. tHrtn aud Belmont Rev
I. M. WiHoughby. 10, 11.
Scandiuaviau church ti2d and 30th ave H
E. Eider O. E. Slueues, 10, 11. ' '
.Alblna (Geruiau) Skidmore and Mallory
Minister, H. J. Dirkaen; A.-4C. Schweitaer
local elder. 10. 11.
Service for the Deaf.
United Presbj uriau Wasco aud Grand ate
Kev. S. Earl Dubois. 103O.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
bill Kev. T. hi. Eliot, D. 1)., minister etmr
itua. Rev. W. G. Eilot Jr. p:jtor. 11, "Chris
tianity After the War." 7:45, open forum In
chupei, "The Pending Initiative Measures."
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta.
First E. 15tb aud Moivison Kev. 1' u
Bonebrake. 11 a. m.
Fourth OOtU at, and 32d ave. 8. E
Third 67th at. aud 32d ave. 8. K Uert-rt
V. White. pator. 11 a. m., "Walking in the
LighU" 10 a. m., it p. m., 7 p. m. s u m
irt litu and Harney, Vancouver a.n
Bev. John D. Ntsewuuder, pa.tur. i'reacLiiit
11 a. In.. 8 p. ui.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Rev. J. E. Couuei. 11, 7 30
Radical Jessup si. Kev. A, 8. Ueudersou
II. 1
Manor, Circuit Service Cherry Grove 3 u
m lirusb Prairie, 7:30. v'
Octley Green Willamette blvd. and Ga
Kev. 11. H. Faruhaui, 11, 8.
First t. lttth aud Poplar Rev. J a
Goode. 9:60. 11, 6:30, 7:30.
at. Johua Kev. A. P. Lay ton. n. S.
Unitad Presbytariaa.
Flrat E. 37th aud Haw Uiurus Bev M E
Dwuu. IL 7:45. .
Church of t" Stranger Wasco street and
Graud ave. Kev. S. fcurl DutJola. 1:3; .
"You Need the Churcl and the Church Needs
You." 7:30, "Tbe Iron Gate."
Kenton United Presbyterian church Lom
bard and Chatham ata. Kev. J. G. Uoie n
lor. lo, 11:15. 6:30, 7:30.
Church of tbe Good ll..iug Brosdwar and
E. 24th. Kv. Frank X. Scott. 11 a. m
"The Conqueror: Man." . '
1. at. C. A Y. W. C. A.
Y. M. C. A. ttlh and Taylor H. W. S'.tie
general aecretary. 3:SO p. ui.. Bible ! '
Y. W. C. A. Broadway aud 'laylor es
per service. 4:30, Mr. A. L. Veasie, "An
twryday Keligion for Girls."
Associated Bible bluiU-uta (I. B. S A I
Christeu's ball. .1th and Yamhill
3 p. si., aisceorte bra- A. Yerea. 8, iimstrat
ed lecture by A. A. Yerei, "Tbe Supreme
Architect and His plan."
New Church society Ellers ball. Broad y
and Alder at. Kev. Samuel Worcester. pu
tnr 11. "Elijah Under the Juniper Tree." or
"Tho Earthquake, the Fire aad the Still Small
Velce." ft. S.. 10:14 a. nu
V ' I
1 I'f-wni ?
I lit lie Mieeshu
"India's Need" by Mrs. K. O. Katon,
former missionnry In India, will to
the feature of the servl cs tomorrow
at the Highland Park NaE.trenc
Mrs. Katon will conduct an all day
missionary meeting assisted by tho
pastor, S. K Mendel. Little 8hfc8hi.
the youngest child widow, vlsltlnir the
states from India, Is at-companyitiv;
Mrs. Eaton. The entire day will favor
a missionary spirit.-
Minister to Give
A Series of Lectures
Hev. T. Hallem, of Kinjrsburg;, Colo.,
will arrive In Portland soon to con
duct a series of lerturea at the Swed
ish Kvanstolieal Free church. Sumner
and Missouri avenues.
The first lecture will he delivered on
Sunday inoiniiiK, at 1 1 o'clock. He
will speak a!?in at 7:30 o'clock. No
meetiiiRS will he held on Monday, but
one will be held on Tuesday Wrdnes
day, Thursday and Friday at 8 o'clock.
On Sunday, October 2':, two meetings
will be held at 11 o'clock and 7:30
o'clock, the last one concluding tho
Rev. M. HalWn Is a. noted upeflker of
the church, and haj conducted several
successful meetings. All Scandina
vians are Invited. Special music and
singing has been arranged for each
Splendid Speaker
Will Be Heard Here
Tr. Lynn Harold Hough, one of the
most fascinating of the younger
preachers of Methodlivm, will preach
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock In the
Hose City Park Methodist church. K.:v.
Mr. Hough Us a- graduate from fv-ls
college and Drew Theological semi
nary. He was pastor of the Summer
field church, Brooklyn, und Mt. Ver
non Place, Baltimore, before bring
.-Riled to a professorship In Ciarrett
i Biblical Institute. Kvanston. 111. Rev.
I Mr. Hough Is In great demand for Ep
j worth league Institutes and addresses.
Epworth Leaguers
To Meet on Monday
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the Portland district Epworth
league will be held Monday evening
In the Y. M. C. A. Thlfe is the first
meeting held under the new president,
J. R. Iienton. The new district super
intendent. Rev. W. W. Youngson, has
- ) In h. nmspnl All the
i officers on the local cabinets are re
1 .,cr.H ti Via nrpsent. Plan will be
laid for furthering young people's
work in the Methodist churchea lni
Pastor to Discuss
The Lotus Eaters
The Rev. Oliver S. Baum will preach
morning and evening at Calvary Pres
byterian church. He has chosen a
unique subject for his evening ser
mon, "The Lotus Eaters." which will
te both Interesting and Instructive,
The morning theme will be "The Law
r " Excellent music will be
j rendered, and strangers are cordially
invited to attend me services.
Initiative Measures
Will Be Discussed
Various Initiative bills will be dis
cussed at the open forum meetlnsr to
be held tomorrow evening at 7:45
I o'clock in the t'nitarlan chapel, Broad -1
way and Yamhill street. Prof. Hud
! son Hastings will preside. H. Mt
' Moore and H. M. Miller will lead the
1 discussion on the following proposed
1 constitutional amendments: The two
: liquor traffic bills, negro suffrage.
s, veto, tax limitation and
, rural credits. The remaining bills
! will be considered on October 22.
Harvest Iruncheon Held.
The past week has been one of more
than the usual activity in the First
Congregational church, the outstand
ing event being the annual harvest
luncheon. The Business Girls' club,
the Guild, the Silver Circle also held
their regular monthly meetings during
I the. past week. Tbe regular Thursday
! vi nin nrnver meeting was addressed
by Judge Arthur Langguth. Pr. Luther
R Lyott. pastor of the church, has
been attending the annual conference
of Congregational churches, held In
The Dalles on Tuesday. Wednesday
and Thursday cf thi weak.
In response to the call made by the
general superintendent of the Evan
gelical association denominations for
a church-wide observance of the cen
tennial celebration of the organiza
tion of the first general conference
and the erection of tho first church of
tho Evangelical association. all
churches of the association and of the
1'nited Evangelical In and about the
city of Portland have ananged joint
ly to participate in the Celebration,
which will be held at the Klrrt let
man church. Tenth and Clay atfeetr
tomorrow at 3 p. m.
All former member and friends of
the Evangelical churches are Invited
All services will be conducted In the
English language. Special music will
be rendered bv the following: Tho
First English choir of the assoclat ton.
th First 1'ntted EvanKellciil choir,
the l'irst German choir and a trio by
the Schmuikll sisters.
TJ'e principal speakers will be R v.
H. Hcluikneiht, Kev. V. Sehuppand
Rev. J. Bowersox.
The morning services will be In the
German language. Communion serv
ices will bo at 10:45 a. m., In churgu
of tho presiding elder. Rev. JI. S'huk
11 cch t.
Prayer Conference
Will Start Oct, 18
The annua) Prajer conference of th
Christian and Missionary Alliance
workers In Oregon and Washington
will bo held In tho Gospel tabernacle,
corner Eust Ninth and Clay aired,
from October 18 to "2 inclusive. There
will be no meeting Satutday.
The evening meetings at 7:30 on
Wednesday and Thursday, and at 10 a.
in., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m, Friday and
Sunday will bo open to the public, and
all who como will bo welcome.
On Friday morning the subject will
be "The le per le in Christ,'- end at
2:30 p. m. "What the Bible Teaches on
Divine Healing and Prayer for the
Rev. V.. J. RU haids, home secretary
of tho society, v. ill ptebhiu at the con
ference. S. P. Car Shortage
Hits Highest Mark
Snlem, Or., Oct. 14. The Southern
Pacific railroad car shortage estab
lished a new high record for lDIB.In
Friday's report to the atnte puhll
servlce commission, the total being
1811. Tlie highest previous nun k was
To Hold Missionary Meeting.
The regnlur monthly business meet
ing and social of the Y. P. H. C. E. of
the Millard Avenue Presbyterian
church was held at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. William I-op 7C20 Sixty
fourth avenue southeast. More than
50 persons were present. While re
ports from some committees of work
done during last month were lacking
because committee chairmen havpf been
out of the city, much Interest was
shown in the plans f"r work to be
accomplished the tcoming winter. The
society will hold a missionary meet
ing eacli month. A team from Uu
City C. K. union will be present to
assist In tho rally dsy services to h
held Sunday evening, October 15. Spe
cial music has been provided The
social committee, has arranged for a
Halloween party at the home of Mr.
snd Mrs. O. H. Gilbert. 492R Seventy
first street southeast, on Friday even
ing, October 27.
Following the business session th
time was devoted to music, games and
contests of various kinds until a late
hour, when refreshments were served
Membership Campaign Begin.
The HiinnyHldn Christian Endeavor
began last Sunday on a 14 weeks'
contest for membership, attendance
peting sides are the Elephants, the
Camels and the Donkeys. They are
expecting to have some lively times
during the next few weeks.
New Mexican Consul Arrive.
os Angeles. Oct. 14. (V,. P.) J.
J. Pesquera, ne.wly-appolnted Mexican
consul hern, assumed his official duty
today, following his arrival from
Mexico City. Pesquera declared he
is a close friend of War Minister Ob
regon. Homecoming 1ny at I'nlversity.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.,
Oct. 14. November 4 bus been set as
official homecoming day for the
alumni of the university.
L i
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