The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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Bayers Paying $1 Generally for
Top Quality Where) Freight Is
' : Same as From Portland Talk
of Higher Prices Not Conflrmel
Tb baring of potatoe eootinne brisk In tbe
souatry tribatary to Pwtland. Pries are
bowing m chance, 1 per mtil being gtm
eranr paid for top quality wtoi tb freight
ret te ootsld point la th not aa frost
Tbert baa beo mora or le talk that Slight
ly blfbar prices war being ffsred and peld.
bat tbls cannot bo confirmed In any quarter.
Noaa of tbe leading buyers ara paying or of
fering thora 11 a cental.
Nun if then ar willing to even gueaa what
tba market la going to do later la tba season.
For tba early season $1 la conalderad a very
high plica.
Mucb trouble la bebtg experienced In secur
. tng rara for ahlnment. One fins reports or
ders for car a made 10 days ago. which bsv
not yet seen filled. Evsu bos cara would be
accepted. The altuattoa la very dapgaroua,
for the reason that most of the potatoea ara
held In the flehla, and If it should rala mucli
damage would result,
Market for butter In very firm In all Pa
cific coast market, and at practically all
pointa prices are belner sustained. The local
Untie, la cleaning un all offering, from day
to day.
Sluggish toue continue Ju the cblcken trade
along the atreet. Kecetpta thua far tbla week
bare ben .mall but quite liberal anppliea were
cirrled over from Jaat week. i'rleea ua-
For freestone peaches the market la showing
a g'nd steady tons locally with receipt amall
In late frawforde and only fair In Sslwavs.
For clings the market baa liberal supplies
with a quiet tons.
Carload of Yakima Concord grapea waa dua
In tbe local market during the day and a fair
a nil waa shown. Local Concords are In
small supply snd Uio season Is expected to be
unususlly short.
Waiting sttltuda is still showing In tbe
bop trade here snd elsewhere a Ion 2 tbe count.
Ilia former excitement has entirely ll.up
peured. Dealer, report sampling- general but
few have aa yet reached the east.
Kgg market Is ruling firm.
Dairy butter In K"ol dem&ud.
Oountry killed calve, very quiet.
Iireesed hogs ore about .teaily.
Pear trade la quoted Heady at former
Unions remain steady with prlcea un
Weather bureau advises: Protect .hlpmeita
during the next 48 hours ss far north ss Se
attle against minimum temperatures of aUmt
43 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 32 degrees'
sctthrit.t to Boise, to degreea; aouth to Ah
lsnd. 40 nVgreea. Minimum temperature at
1'ortlsnd tonight sbout 46 degrees.
The a prices ara those st which wholeealers
sell to retsilars. except, ss otborwlse ststed:
Dairy Produce.
BOTTEB' Creamery prints, extras, 37Vjc;
prim firsts, 35ic; firsts, 85c; cubes, lc leas;
ill lr j, buying price, 26c.
UCTTKHr AT Portland delivery No. 1 sour
cream, 85c; No. 2, 83c.
SOUS Selling prUe: Selected fresh, 40c:
case count, Oregon ranch, BO dosen; ordinary
candled, HHc; April storage, HZU'Mc.
UVK POOI-TH liens, heavy Plymooth
Bocks, 14il44c; ordinary chickens. iaa
l.T.t; stags. 10e; broilers 1617e; Uirkeyn,
12c: dreesej fancy, 20u2ic; pigeons. $lJMi(n)
168; siiiiahs, $2.00 dosen; geese, live, lldt
II He: Pekln ducka, 14dfl5c lb.; Indian lluu
aers, 124jl3c.
CuEKtTE Celling .price: reala Oregon fancy
full cream twins and trlph-ts, liXUlOc lb.;
Voting America, 2t)f21- Price to Jobbers:
Fists, 18c; Young America, Ida f. o. b.; cream
brick, 2742Z4e; Limburger, 22iU23c; block
wlss, 80(O32c.
Fruits and Vegetables.
J'BKSH FUU1TS Orange, Valenela, $1 .VX
4TB liar box; banana, 4Hc lb.: lomons. $4.50
tj5.60; California grupefrult $.1..V)(il4 ; pluiuu,
4k $4 7oc Ntx; cantaloupes, Tofo.1.25 crate; wa
ter melons, $1 per rental; peaches, Oregon,
fcOft75c; Bartlett pears, $1.0oai.W.
s.'KRIE Huckleberrlea. Sc lb.; cranber
ries, local, $3.23 box; eastern, $10 hsrrel.
APPLtS Local, 604(1.75 box, according to
ONIONS Oregon, $1.76 per cental.
POTATOES Selling price: New local. OOciiJ
fl.2i; buying price, ordinary shipping, Wl
6c: fuVcy, $1.00; sweets. No. 1, $2.25; No.
t. $2.00.
' VEOKTABUCS Turnip. $1.25 aack; carrots,
$1.26; psrsnlp., $1.25; Orogon cabbage, $1.60
per cwt. ; green onlona, 25c dosen hunches;
peppers, 4Q10o lb. 1 head lettuce, local, 80c;
celery, 604 7 5c doaen; artichokes, $1; cucum
ber. $1.00 per sack; tomatoes, Oregon, 60i)
5c: rgg plant, 24c lb.; string besns Be lb.;
rhubarb, i2e lb.; peas, 60 lb.) cauliflower.
Meats, risk and Provision 4.
DRESStD MKAT3 Selling price: Country
killed be l hogs, 12 Vic lb.; poor, lOigllo lb.;
bast vests, 12c; ordinary, lOSjfllc; P"r. 7Q0c;
aoRt. 5atic; lambs, HViC; mutton, 8S10c.
RMOKKD MEATS llama, aovTU23Hc;
breakfast bacon, 20ti,331c; picnics. 14',c;
cttage roll, 16e; abort clears, smoked,
2lMc; Oregon exports, smoked, 19c lb.
URD Kettle rendered, tierces, IT Vie; lsrd,
lQVvc; lsrd. compound, 13c.
0YOTKK8 Olymnla.' gallon, $2.73; canned
eastern, 5& ran, $6.6)1 doaen; eastern In abell,
$1.86 per 100; raaur clama. 15c dosen; eastera
oysters, per gallon, olld pack. $3.00.
k'lSII Dreseed flounders, 7e: Chinook sal
mnn, 0c per lb. : ateelhead, 10c; perch, SVe;
lobsters. 4r; silver smelt, Oc; salmon trout,
ln lb.; b.llbot, lOAiinVic; sturgeou. KVsif
CRABS Large, $1.75: medium, $1.25 doaen,
SUGAR Cube, $8.50; powdered, $8.25; fruit
or berry, $7.75; Honolulu. $7.70: beet, $7.53;
dry grvnulated, $7.76; D yellow, $7.18. (Above
qii(tiitton are &0 daya net eaah.)
ItOXKY Now, $3 . 25 3.50 per ease.
RICXJapan atyle. No. J, 4 He: New Or.
leans, bead, 5(6V4e; bine rose, BVbc.
HALT Coarse, half grounds, 100s, $10.60 per
ton; 60s: $11 JO; tsble dairy, 60a, $16.00!
loos, $18.50; bales, $2.25; lump rock, $20 too.
BBAN8 elmall white, Oe; large white, 8Vc;
pink, 7Vc; llmaa, 7c; bayou. 6c; red, 7 We.
Bops, Wool aad Hldea.
no PS Nominal, buying price, 181$ crop,
10V4C lb. "
WOOL 1016 clip: WUIametU valley, coarse
Cotawold, 8288c: medium Sbropahlre, 33c;
fine, 814282c; eaatern Oregon stsple. S0Q25c
per lb.: coarse and medium. 2SS2c lb.
HIDES Halted hides, 25 lbs. and op, lTVfce;
sited stsgs. SO lbs. and up, 13Vic; salted kip,
16 lbs. to 23 lbs., 18c; salted calf, up to 13
lbs.. 29e; green bides, 2s lbs. and op. 1V4;
frees stags, 50 lbs. and "P. ltvie: greea kip,
lbe. to gsc lbs. 18c: salted calf, on to IS
lbs., 25e; dry flint, 30c; dry flint calf, up to
T lba., 81c; dry aalt hldea, 2425c: dry horse
blues, each, 75c to $2.00; salt h orsaalclea. each,
$$.00 to $4.00; horsehair. 2Bc; dry long wool
Kits, 21c; dry sbort wool pelts. 16o; dry
sep shearings, each. 1026cj salted sheep
Shearing., each, 1625c
TALLOW Ko. 1. 7c, Me. . e; grease, c
Overbeck & Cooke Co;
, sTtoeka, BemOa, Ovttext, OtJua. Stav ;
tie-ei.7 Board of Tfadealldli5
,i Jsfombortr Chicago Boara of Trade.
CMTMpondenU of Logan 4k bryaa
:rJ -v CWCM Now Xorfe
Apple Market Has
A Very Good Tone
In American Trade
Everywhere the Situation If Favor.
able ReceipU of Good Staff
Are Moderate.
Tb market for apples costume vary good
at all points. la th east tba demand Is nnus
uatly good. Becelpt ana moderate at most
pointa and ateeks are being generally absorbed
without forcing much change In prlcea.
Locally there are limited receipts of xtr
fancy Bpltsenberga In half boxea. " but the
vtlnm of basinet la too email to ahow tbe
market condition accurately.
Cooking apples are In liberal supply. Much
windfalls art arriving and tbeaa ara forcing
value, down for the lower quality stock.
Ka.tern apple market, by wire:
Bo. ton Market fair, demand moderate.
Boxea, New England, Wolf Elver, 1.25a
1.7S; Mcintosh, $1-6032.00.
De Uolnea Demand modsrsta. Boxes, Col
orado and Iowa Jonathana and Grimes, $1.23
Dallas Demand good. Boxes, Colorado Jon
athans, extra fancy, 11.00; fancy. $1.65; good
quality and condition, $1.43; Arkansaa and
Misaourl stock. 81.T6 per 100 pounds.
Chics go Market firm, demand good. Auc
tion, Colorado Orlmes, Jonathans, extra fancy,
a v. rase 11.78. fancy. $1.73 per box.
Fort Worth Market ateady. Boxea, Colorado
Grimes, Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.05, fancy
$1.70; choice $1.45; Arkansaa, Jonathans, 11 .0,
seconds $1.40.
Houston Oool. Coloradea, demand snd qual
ity good. Boxes, Jonathans, extra fancy, $2.00
2.10, fancy, $161.00.
Minneapolis Demand moderate. Boxea, Colo
rado Jonathana, extra fancy, fine coqdltlou,
$2.25: fancy. $1 73.
New York Market dull, 'no demand. Boxea,
Wanblngton,' Jonathans, extra fancy, large
$2.2.f2.50; small, 91.7082-00. Auctioned yes
terday, unlosded 1 Oregon, 1 Idaho, Oregon,
Winter Bananas, deslrabU alzes, $ 1.00412. 00;
small, $l.04tl TO; average $2.02; Idaho, Jon
athans, desirable elaes, $l.eO$X&0; small,
$1.2SStl.6A; average, $1.67; Dellcioua, average,
$2.28; Mcintosh, $l.B031.a5; average, $150.
New Orleana Market alow. Boiea. Wash
ington, Winter Bananas, good quality and con
dition, $2.60; Jonathana, $2; Mcintosh, $1.80;
Colorado Jonathan, good quality and condi
tion. $1.00.
Omaha Demand good, quality fair. Boxes,
Colorado, Jonathans arid Grimes, $2.00.
Omaha City Supply limited. Boxea, extra
fancy, $1.5.; fany, $1.30 Arkansas.
1'ltt.burg Market very dull, demand light.
One box Winter liananaa and 1 King David,
$2 00.
Skux City Boxea, Washington. Jonathans,
San' Antonio Receipts moderate, demand im
proving. Boxea, Washington and Colorado car
lota -extra fancy, Jonathana, $1 .05; fancy,
$1.40; choice, $1. 2531. S5.
SI. Paul Market ateady, demand good.
Iioxee, Jonathans, extra fancy, fine condition,
mostly $2.00, fancy, $1.75.
St. Iouls Market weaker, dreggy demand
slow for poor stock and ateady for good stock.
Hexes, Wsaulngtoii, extra fancy Jonathana,
$2.00; fancy, $1.78; selling small way.
American Demand
In Wheat Market
May Hold Price Up
Chicago. Oct. 10. (I. N. 8) Tbe belief
that the demand la America for wheat la so
strong that a blockade along the Atlantic coast
n.ttlug off shipping to the alHea would not
lower prices inclined the market toward bull
ishness in tbe esrly hones today. Wheat
prices opened from to lV4r np. and after a
slight decline went higher than tbe opening
Itecember wheat opened lUc up at 158V4,
old down to 15TV&. and back to 1504 In the
first hour. May opened at 167, np, and
sold back M point, and then advanced to 158 "4.
The government report waa another factor In
the trading today. It waa bearish, but protec
tion failed to follow it to any great extent.
The Argentine situation continue, unchanged.
Corn prlcea were slightly higher to steady.
For tbe third time the government has reported
tbe corn crop as being poor. These bullish
reports tend to keep corn prices st their pres
ent blgh mark. Ost prices were firm. Pro
Visions were higher.
Chicago range by Overbeck A Cooke Co.,
zio-217 noara 01 xraae ouuatng
Open. High. Uiw. Clote.
Dec 15SV4 160 157'-, 159SA
May lS7Vi 150 l.'-84 15
July 134 1.14 132.. 134
Dee 76A 7TVt T'Ie 77 A
Mt:y 78Vi 79 7S 78
Pee iK 49U 4H4 W4A
May 611 5l4 61
Oct 27S6 2785 2773 2775 A
Dec 2'.I47 2355 2337 2340 A
Jan 2315 2330 2312 2330 li
Oct 1487 1495 1477 14S0 A
Dec 1400 14V7 1300 1385 A
Jan 1840 1347 1332 1837
Oct 1887 iaS7 1887 138T A
Jau 1227 1242 1223 1212 A
County Grows Clover Seed.
Foreat Frove, Or., Oct. 10. One of the
moat profitable cropi In Washington county
this year le clover seed. Nearly 10,000 acres
of seed have been harvester this year, Nesrly
every fanner in the county who baa a field
of clover haa kept hia second crop for aeed
and tbe yield baa been exceptionally fine.
The demand for clover seed sppeart to ex
cted tbe supply, as 13 cents baa been the rat
ing price paid tola year In thia county for well
cleaned seed. Thia county Is Ideally located
for tbe raising of this crop, as tbe tlrst crop
of clover mature, ruff Icleotly early to aNow
the second crop to reach full growth and ripe-
urns before tbe fail raiD.
Potato Crop Is Bumper.
Ridgefield. Wirt., Oct 10. The potato
crop this year In the western section of Clarke
county la a bumper one and the yield la un
frecedented. The price It good snd increas
ng, according to local growers. Not only Is
the crop large, but the sixe of the tuber. Is
unusually large. Buyers are eagerly taking
all of the crop. The prevailing price la $1
a huadred. A scarcity of men to dig the crop
Is reported. Tbe potft'to grower, ara realising
from $80 to $130 an gcre which Is considered
to be good returns. Ideal weather condition,
are prevailing tor the harvesting of the potato
White Salmon Sells Apples.
White Salmon, Wash., Oct 10. The Hunters
Hill orchsrda are tbla year ahlpplng their lm
n crop of apples Independently. A Urge
number of carloads were disposed of the past
week to English buyers, the demand being for
smsU spples. This particular shipment was op almost entirely of Grimes Golden
variety. The apple harvest la on In full
awing la all parts of the White Salmon val
ley. Great Joeda are being hauled dally to
the several community apple houses.
Children Pick Cove Prunes.
Ova, Oet 10. Help la harvesting the
prune crop In Ova haa been so scarce and so
difficult to obtain that the high school eked
today for tba remainder of the week. Tbe
stcdente have gone to work In. tbe prune, tbe
girls to peek and the boys te pick. I The as
usually aold weather at this season of the -fear
makes tlx grower fearful of losing the crop
and work is being pushed forward aa rapidly
as possible. From three to five cara are being
shipped dally.
price, per ear tots, 4V4e; lea than ear lota, 4e.
MOUAIE 1916. 8540e. - . -
SISiAL Dark, 13c lb.; white, lStfe Jtv. .
PalnU and OUa.
COAL OIL Water whit, la drama and troa.
barrel, 10c.
L1NBBKD OIL Raw, bbls.. 4e gal.t kettle
boiled, bbl, 96c; raw caaes, 8c; boiled,
esse. $1.01 gal.; lota nox" 250 gaTMoe, le tew.
TURPENTINE Tanks, 60c; ease, 64c gal.
WHITS LEAD Too Iota, lOVio lb.; 600 lb.
lot. 10We; lea lots, lie per lb.
GASOLINE- Baai price, aOHe per gat v
- OIL MEAL Carlosd lots. $34; leas Uan car
lota, $350.
Seed. Sayfaf Priee.
CLOVER Red, 14c; alsike. 13 pee Ik.
TIMOTHY 4 i4 4 He; domestic rye grass,
QUl retch, firel mtiam. $54.
E-rportert Are Inclined to Wait
Awhile Before) Taking Hold
Liverpool Is Higher in Fear of
Sliortened Supplies Abroad.
BHITISH TO OKAB VTHXAT. reports the British ge-reraxaeat te
a bent to take ever the satire purchasing of
wheat, with right to commandeer freights.
This la very bullish aa wheat prioes.
Chicago wheat market started firmer with
a Bfgner price range for the day. Abroad tbe
market was generally showing strength, al
though Liverpool was Vd lower to Id higher
than Monday.
Market In the Pacific northwest la not shew
ing much activity, owing to various reasons.
Farmers are offering less freely. Tbe ear
atortaae la acute and anaek stock bss al
ready been purchased which haa not been
moved by buyers. On tin other hand, the
eubmarlne warfare of Germany is causing ap
prehension and export Interests sre luclined
to wait a while before making purchases.
Kor the same reason that Chicago was week
and lower on Monday, Liverpool and London
bevs been inclined to shew strength. Europe la
afraid of a shortage of wheat snd American
shippers are afraid of the snbmsrtns warfare.
gLOUB Selling price: Patent, $7.00; Wil
lamette valley. $8.00; local straight. $6,609
C.80; bakers' local, $6 80&T.00; Montana
aorliiK wheat. $8.40: exports. S6.80: whole
wbest. $7.20; graham, $7.00; rye flour. $6.76
per barrel.
HAY Buying price, new croo: Willamette
valley timothy, fancy, $16017; eaatern Oregon-
Idaho fancy timothy, glBiJIB; airalfa, io0
16; valley vetch, $13 14; cheat, $13414;
clover, uraio ton.
GRAIN SACKS 1016 nominal: No. 1 Cal
eotta, 11431140 In carlota, lesa s mounts are
UILUSTCrrS Selling price: Braa, $23;
aborts. S2. per ton.
ROLLED OATS 7a7.25 Der barrel
Wheat prices recovered the loss of le of
Monday with bluestem bids for October fls
Hi ery at $1.89 per bushel on the Merchanta
exchange. Bids In general were 1 to 8c ad
October oats advanced 75c a ton, while bat
ley was steady at unchanged figures.
Merchants exchange October bid prices!
Tuesday. Monday.
1016 1015 1910
Bluestem . , . .
Frtyfold ....
Bed fife
Bed Russian
......... 135
07 -
07 V4
05 V4
03 v
Futures were quoted:
November bluestem
November fortyf old
November club
November red Fife
November Russian
November ,t
. 138
. 135
. 131
. 131
. 128
Seattle Market.
Seattle. Oct. 10. (U. P.) Butter Native
Washington creamery, cube, 37c; do hrlek,
3Sc; .forage, cube, 84c: do brick, 84c
Cheese Oregon triplets, 20c; Wisconsin trip
lets, 20c; do twins, 20c; Young America, 22c
Eggs Select rauch, 48c; fresh eastern, 42c;
April storage, 34c.
Saa Franolsoo Market.
San Francisco, Oct. 10. (V. P.) Butter
Extras, 84c; prime firsts. 32c; firsts, 82c,
Eggs Extras. &0c; pullets, 45c.
Cheese California fancy. 17c: firsts. l&Vie:
Oregon triplets, fancy, 17V4e.
ImO Angeles jaaraaca,
Los Angeles, Oct. 10. (U. P.) Bggs (Se
lected , 52c; candled, 50c; case count, 48c.
Butter Unchanged.
Vuultry Broilers. 21 C J2c ; fryers, lie;
roasters, 18c.
Seattle Market.
Seattle, Oct. 10. (U. P. ) Onloas Yellow
California, 2c; Walla Walla. 24c.
Potatoes White River. $23; Yakima Gems,
$25 27; sweets, 24c.
Saa Francises Market.
San FranelHoo, Oct. 10. tU. P.) Potatoes
Per pound, l4(2c.
Onions California, $2.00(82.2.'' per sack aa
atreet, and $1.90 2. 10 on wharf.
Butter and cheese were steady, while eggs
wtre lc higher.
83 Vi
Extra "
Current receipt sold
Oregon triplets
Oregon Young America
Light bens
Heavy hena unchanged.
New York-London Metal Market.
New York, Oct. B (L N. 8.) Copper firm.
Electrolytic nearly nominal; first quarter, IT
iron Steady. No. 1 northern, $20JSO(t21.00;
No. 8, $20.00(320.60: No. 1 southern. $1900
20.00; No. 2, 119.00(319.50. Th metal ex
rhenge quote tin unsettled. Spot offered at
At London Spot copper, px., 121; fq
tures. px., J117 10s; electrolytic, pi., 4J142;
pot tin, px., 178; futures, 178 10.
San Francisco Grain -Market.
San Francisco. Oct. 10. Barley call:
Oct, 10 Oct. 9.
Open. Close. Close.
December I86V4 186V4 1874B
iiay 1WUB 182A 182
Spot quotations: Wheat Wsll Walla,
$2.li54.80; red Russian, $2.232.2TH; Tur
key ri, 2.45(a2.50; bluestem, $2.46a2.60.
Feed Barley. $l.r2V4ai.75; white oats,
$1 .00(4 1.62V ; bran. $24.00(324.50; saiddlings,
$32.j0& 33.00; shorts, $23.5026j00.
Ssles December barley, 300 tone.
New York Cotton Market.
Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 218-217
Board of Trade building:
January 1710
March 1725
May 1737
July 1745
October 1690
December 1716
, 1743
Chicago Produce Market.
Chicago. Oct. 9. (I. K. S.) Butter and egg
demand good.
Butter receipts 7374 tubs: creamery extra,
34 Vi; extra firsts, 84e; first. $2H33V4c;
seconds, 31 32c; packing stock, 84j27e.
Egg receipts, 7323 esses; first. 804(9
SIVtc; ordlnsry firsts, 26 (d 30c; miscellaneous
lota 22429 Vie; extras, 86(s37c; first. SOQ
Oregon Apples" In Sohth.
Saa rraaclfeo, Oct. . (I. N. .) Apple!
California Gloria Mnndy, eOQfiSc per boil
Bcllflower, 6075e; King. 65S7Be Vail Pip
pins, 60R63c; Rhode Island Greenings, 604)
7&c; Jonstban. OSCutis&e; Wagner. 60-A76et
Hoover, 601375c. .
Oregon; Jonathan, 1.85(J1.0 for fancy
and extra fancy.
San Francisco Wool Market,
Saa Francisco, Oct. 9. I. H. B.) Wool.
Per pound: Humboldt and Mendocino, six
month. 24Q28c; do IS months. 28-QSOa; nrid
dle couatlea, 8 mbatha, good, 18(ir20e; Bed
Kturx ana vicinity, six moo tba, 18022c:
n-aau, aoqszici tsan joaraja. 16
Neraaa ateck, aupla, 22Q24c; Mohair,
Klamath Ships Sheep.
Klamath Falls, Or.. Oct. 10. Th first
sheep shipment of the year eonslstlag of 660
head, beaght by &. L. Sherley from A. A. Da.
via and Berly Ara at, were ahlpped laat week
te Chioe, Cat, tram this city.
Cheese Market Is
Much Firmer; Price
Likely to Advance
Rise In Values Here Said to Be
Sore in View of the Advance
in the Eastern Markets.
There li tery strong tone to the cktese
trade all over the country. On the basis of
what competitive markets are quoting Is tbe
east, this market ts safely 2H to Sc a pound
too low for triplets. It would not. therefore.
b4 surprising If there waa a sharp advance In
tbe price of local cheese within the immediate
future, although no immediate . advance la
spoken of.
New York market la quoting 23c for cheeee
f . a. b. there, which mesne Stic a pound laid
down at coast points.
Wisconsin triplets are quoted st a price at
present which means 22V4c landed here. For
that reason practically no eastern cheeee of
this quality la being sent to tbe coast. The
local product, therefor, haa the entire market
te Itself, which creates a much firmer toss la
the general situation.
Denver Here $9. Si
Denver, Oct. 10. tattle Receipts 8200,
strong. Beef steers, $8.00(87.60; cows snd
heifers, $5.2806.05; stockers and f seders,
$5.2537.40: calves, $8.0041(8.50.
Hogs Receipts 800, steady. Top, $0.25;
bulk. $9.00418.25.
Sheep Receipts 7200, strong. Lambs, $9.50
69.85; ewes, $G.506.90.
Omaha Hogg ft.80.
Omaha. Oct. 10. (L N. 8.) Hogs Re-
ctlpts 3600, steady. Heavy, $9.05(39.25; light.
$9.25(38.50; pigs, $8.00a.00; bulk, $9.1ck3
Cattle Receipts 11,000, active. Native
steers, $0.504110.50; cows and heifers, $5.76
-7.50; western steers, $6.50(38.75;' Texas
steers, $6.0o7.00; stockers and feeders, $6.00
Sbeep Receipts 85.000, strong. Yearlings,
$7.0O(p8.00; wethers. $6.757.75; lambs, $8.50
Chicago Hoga. $9.80.
Chicago, Oct. 10. (I. N. S.) Hog Re
ceipU 2O,0O0, active. Early decline to 6'jlOc
under yesterdsy's sversge recained. Balk of
sales $8,454(8.80; light. $8.00(39.80; mixed,
$9.0610.00; heavy, $9.0041,8.80; rough, $8.00
(0-9.26; pigs, $6.76428.80.
Cattle Receipts 10,000, easy. Native beef
cattle, $6.00(211.40; western steers, $6.1." M
0.40; stockers snd feeders, $4.75(0,7.79; cows
and heifers, $3.608.40; calves. $7.75(c12.00.
Sheep Receipts 26,000. strong. Wethers,
$.000,8.25; lambs, $7.5010.50.
Kansas City Hogs $9.70.
Kansas City Oct. 10. (I. N. B.) Hogs
Receipts 14,000, lower, Bulk of salea $8 .209
8.60; heavy, $9.40&8.65: packers and butch
ers, $9.20g9.70; Ugbt, $9.00(38.60; pigs, $8.00
Cattle Receipts 20,000, steady. Prime fed
steers, $9.&O&10.7&; drecsed beef steers, $7.00
9 25; westers steers, $6.25(39 00; cows. $4.60
(3,7.25; heifers. $a.0O9.50: stockers and feed
ers $5.508.00; bulls, $5.J046.25: calve-, $6
ta9.60; stockers and feeders. $3.6038.00; bulls.
$.).O04t6.25: calves, $8.00311.00.
Sheep Receipts 16,000, steady. Lambs,
f.60(10.l5; yearlings, $7.(KHjj5.75 ; wethers,
7.004inUIO; ewes, $6.507.25.
Seattle Hoga 99.80.
Seattle, Oct. 10. (t. N. S.) Hoes Re
ceipts 811, steady. Prime light. $0.80(g9.90;
medium to choice, $9.6549.70; smooth heaviea,
$!'.3HU8.40; rough, heavies, $8.!o(g8.90; pigs,
$8.46(0 S.M).
Cattle Kecelnta 197, ateady. Beot steers.
$7.00(g7.2;; medium to choice. C6.2SlS6.50;
common to medium, $5.253.75; best cows,
$5.25(5.75; common to medium cows. $8.50(jJ
4.50; bulla, $3.00(4.50; calvos, $7.0O(g8.5O.
Sheen Receipts none, steady. Lambs. (8.00
8.50; yearlings, $6.504j;7.00; ewes, $4.50
Portland Bank.
Tbia week.
.,...$ S. 557. 25 1.66
8, 58, 860.82
Year ago.
$ 2,504 14. 28
Monday ...
Tuesday ...
Clearing .
Le Angels Banks.
fUaVti Ba-akal
.$ 4,461.182.14
..$ 3,258,002.00
Balances , .
San Francisco Hop Market.
San Francisco Oct. 9 (P. N. 8.) Hope,
1916 crop, California. 1341 15c per pound to
f re were; Oregon and Washington contracts,
Says Presence of Soldiers on
border Makes rossioie a
Peaceful Solution.
Salem, Or.. Oct, 10. Thanks to tha
officers and men of the Oregon Na.
tlonal Guard fjM- "tha valuable -service
Just rendered lo the country by Its
presence on the border" ara expressed
In a letter received thla morning by
Governor Wlthycombo from Secretary
of War Baker. Th letter was ad
dressed to the commanding; officer of
the -guard, and will bo turned over to
Colonel McLaughlin.
vvnen tne .National Guard was
called Into tha service of th federal
government, th Uvea of men, women
and children along the southern fron
tier were In grave danger, owing to
formidable bandit raids from the Mex
ican aide of the boundary," says
Baker In bis letter. "It la not too
much to say that had these raid
continued there was danger of Inter
national war. From the time of the
arrival of the units of the National
Guard on the border the raids ceased
and the tension between the two
oountiies began to relax.
"It Is the hope and belief of the gov.
einment that the presence of the units
of the National Guard, together with
units of the regular army, on the bor
der and In Mexico, has made possible
a peaceful solution of a difficult and
threatening problem."
Benton Farmers to
Oppose Land Law
Corvallla, Or.. Oct. 10. After Satur
day's lime meeting In the courthouse
an after-meeting waa held in' the
county courtrooms to take steps and
raise funds to fight the land and loan
measure. IL U Mack of the County
Taxpayers league was chairman and
A. J. Johnson, president of the Benton
County Stat bank. M. s. Woodcock.
president of the First National bank,
aad others urged those present to con
tribute to a fund to fight the Initiative
measure. A subscription paper was
circulated to which $130 was sub
scribed as a starter and contributions
wiu De askea or tne people general! v.
The proposition Is to use newspaper
pace and send out speakers attack! ng
tae measure.
One of the speakers made a -.personal
attack en the motive of W. S. TTRerj
of Portland, charging that he was the
beneficiary of the Fels" fund aad that
it was this money that paid the soap
box speakers and agitators of Port
land, M. J. Brown. - editor of the
Courier, interrupted the speaker,
charged him with stating an untruth,
and challenged him to prove that Mr.
XTKen received on cent from the Fels
,EdIted by
Hymen H. Cohen
Very Small Ron of Hogs Shown,
Bat Trade Is Eicelleat Cattle
Offerings Are Fair and Demand
Good Few Sheep Arrive.
Hog. Cattle. Calvea. Sheep.
Wedueeday ....
Week ago
Year ago.
Two yeara ago. .
Three years ago.
. 35
. 1U9
. 851
. 320
. 25
. 265
. 331
. 306
121 6 87
1354 80 140S
184 S 1105
63 . . I486
1212 4 1354
116 47V4
885 133 ....
There waa only a handful of hoga In the
yarda at tbe opening of the day'a trading, and
no changes In prices were Indicated. In fact
there was not sufficient stuff available to test
tbti situation In any way.
Ideaa of tbe trade were for a ateady market.
General hog market:
Choice light weights $9.65(S.75
Good light weights 9.4009.50
Medium weights 9.2Sr9.33
Rough hesvy 8.5O(u9.O0
Cattle Trade Firm.
Rather fair run of eat tie waa show in the
North Portland ysrds over night. General alt
cation here contlnuea ateady to firm, with
prices for all offerings maintained. Good
stuff naturally takea preference with tbe
trade, and recelpta of that character are lim
ited. General cattle market rangei
Prime light steer.
Prime h.avy steers
Good light Mteers
blockers and feeders
Prime dehorned cow. and heifer.
ComittOB cow
.$fi. 75(36.86
. 7.007.16
. 6.00440.60
. 5.00(15.75
. 8.50-0-5.76
. 4.0045.00
. 8.5O(a4.60
. t.00'a7JHl
. 4.00(36.00
Prime light veal calvea
Prima heavy veal calves.
Sheep Continue Firm.
Market for mutton and lambs continues firm
at North Portland. Only a small run waa
shown, and these was practically nothing avail
able in the opea market. Killers continue to
brlug their own requirement from the coun
try. General mutton and lamb market:
Select spring lambs $ 8.78
Ordinary lambs H.00WH.25
Best yearlings 7 25 H 7.50
Good to common wethers
Beat ewe. 6.75d6.00
Hesvy to common ewee 4 00 u 4. 50
Tuesday Livestock Shippers.
Cattle II. W. Wood, Loseu, 2 loada.
Cattle and calves A. A. Yager, Tillamook, 2
Sheep I. W. Harrow. Lyle, 1 load:
J. M.
Reynolds, Yamhill, 1 load.
Monday Afterneoa Salea,
No. Av. lbs. Frlc.
2 steers Ii36 d.75
2 steers 1115 8.25
2 steers two 6.00
1 steer lliaj 5.50
21 steers hy.H 6.25
2 steer. Bi. S Oil
2 stetira 035 4.50
4 steers feJ5 6.U0
11 steers h."2 6.75
. 2 steers 806 4.60
1 steer OaO 4.00
2 steers 740 4 25
8 steers 070 4.00
1 steer 030 2.60
1 steer 1U-0 4.00
S3 steers UOU 6.60
1 steer lt&0 6.75
10 tteers b-il 6.60
2 steera OM 6 00
It) steera lllti 6 25
2 steers loot) 4.25
1 steer 149U ti.2.
1 steer 700 80
4 steers 628 3.00
8 steers 1108 tt.bO
2 st-rers 1115 6.50
8 steers libO 0.00 j
C cows 1012 4.60
1 cow 720 8.60
l cuw am 4 60
1 cow Z 1150 8.60
1 cow yju 2.N) I
1 cow 770 2.60
1 cow , 1030 4.00
1 cow 1000 4.M)
2 tows 1025 4.23
5 COWd 10& u.ito
4 com 028 4.00
1 cow 820 2 00
1 cow , 940 2.60
2 cows 1045 4.60
1 cow llso 6.6
1 cow OKO 4.T5
1 cow b'JJ 8.00
1 Cow 1200 4.60
15 cows , 1123 4.60
8 cows 1117 4 60
1 cow $00 4.75
1 cow 850 4.00
2 cows 1125 4.20
1 cow 1100 4 01
18 cows 11U) 4 iS
8 cows 8W0 4.75
1 cow 1U5U 6.23
1 cow a.! 4 25
1 COW POO 2. 60
1 COW U00 4.00
8 Cows - D20 6 25
1 cow 8:!0 4 M
2 cows felO 4.00
1 bull 1100 $3.00
1 bull 000 8.00
1 buli 1200 8.00
1 bull MO Tj B.OU
1 ball 7eo 8.00
1 bull I860 4.00
1 bull 1230 8.60
2 heifers 68 $3.60
1 heifer 650 8.60
belter D27 6.60
1 heifer 1160 6.73
1 calf 360 $6.23
191 yearling 103 $7.40
72 yearling 10i 7.40
61 yearling 00 7.40
1 yearling 100 7.40
ISO lambs 82 88.80
107 lambs BO 8 25
177 lambs VJ 7 25
81 hogs 196 $9.70
87 hogs 18tf 70
4 hogs 193 9.70
93 hogs 196 . 70
hog 214 9.70
6 bogs 207 8.70
20 bog 140 8.6)
83 hog , 160 8.23
8 hog - 814 8.60
18 bog 181 8.35
16 hog 231 8.70
67 hog 136 8.23
10 hogs 288 8.70
29 bog 191 8 05
1 bog 430 8.65
67 bogs 194 9.65
6 bog 812 8 0S
22 hogs 139 8.60
6 hogs 150 8-60
8 hogs 195 t.05
e bog 153 8.75
8 bogs 193 9.75
84 bogs 128 8.60
2.J bogs 164 9.00
8 bog 811 8.70
60 bog 240 0.70
4 bogs 166 8.70
4 bogs 802 8.70
it bogs .. 146 8.30
& bogs 164 8.70
16 bogs 147 8.S0
25 hogs 110 8.60
81 hug 110 7.50
4 hogs 138 6.S6
I S hogs - 836 8.19
18 hog 1S1 8.6
Tuesday learning Sale.
5. Are. lbe.
4 steera 80
2 steer 006
2 steers ' 833
2 steer 1020
2 calvea $10
1 wether ,... 120
28 lam be 74
11 lambs 07
. 6.00
6 bogs
4 hogs
LlTerpooJ Cash Wheat.
Liverpool. Oct. 10.(I. tf. 8.) Wheat-
Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 15 dd; Vo. 2 set
quoted; No. 8, 14 lid; No. hard winter,
14a 6d.
When writing r eaDiag
please saeatloa Th Joaraai.
advert Wes.
New York Market
Recovers Slightly
From Diver Scare
New York, Oct, 10. (t N. S.) Trading was
normal today and the Mock market atarted
tt recover after yesterday' big stamp. Dur
ing the early transactions two to three point
gaina were made by tbe majority of the
sitlve laraea, bnt later tbey slumped back
to tha opening Quotation. By nor price
again showed two to three point S19 'or the
Tbe arrival of Ambassador Gerard tht
(morning aad constant aubaaarln reporta caused
tbe market to fluctuate.
The street will go alow on til Genre's visit
le officially explained Further development
ew the submarine qaestioa are kt-o anxtooaly
All the rail received a goed deal ef at-
tuition la the early deals. Lutaa Pacific ad
vacoed freta 14d. the opening price, t 1W
la the first aaala. The gain mad by New
York Central, Reading aad Norfolk Weat
em were aim liar.
Ib the eteel class Republic Steel was slightly
nervous, while Steel common by aooa showed
a net gain of one point for tbe morning. In
tbe public utllitica, Peoplea Gas was a fea
ture, selling np to lis daring the first boar
after opening at 111. Tbe industrial were
a lightly higher. Marin stock were practically
tteady. The ugar atocka were active and
rot red higher, American Sugar making a aew
blgt at 117 V,.
Range of New York prlcea furnished by
Overbeck 4t Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board ef Trade
I Open High Low Clowe
Alaska Gold lXVa
Allls Chalmers, e 24
American Beet Sugar. . 92
America Caa, e 68
American Car Tdy., c.. 66
American Linseed, c. 23
do DM
American Loco., C....I 78
Amertcsa Smelter, e... 1084
1134, 1171
Am. Tel.' Tel
American Woolen, c.
Anaconda alining Co.
Atchison, e.
Baldwin Loco., ....
baltimure a Ohio, c. .
Hutte A Sun
I OK ft"
euA oi
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
"Bant, fetroieum, e....
Csaadlan Pacific
Central Leather, c
Chesapeake 4 Ohio
Chicago a G. W.. c...
do pfd .,
a. M. A 8t. P ,
Chi. A N. W., e
Chlno Copper
Colorado F. & I., c...
Consolidated Gas
Corn Products, e
Crucible Steel, c
Denver a tL Q., ...
do pfd
Erie, c
do 1st pfd
General Electric
Goodrich Rubber
G. Northern Ore Lands
do pfd
Hide 4k Leather, c...
do pfd
Illinois Central
178 17a
Industrial Alcohol....
Interboro, e
Kanaaa City South., c.
Lackawanna Steel ...
Lehigh Valley
Mblvale Steel
Mexican Petroleum ....107
Miami Copper i 87
M.. K. a T.. c 4
Kennecett Copper 62
Mlsoourl Pacific 5V
Natioual I!ad
Nevada Cona ltl
New Haven OOVs
New York Air Brake.,. 157
New York Central 108
N. Y.. Ont. W 28
Norfolk a W., c 180
Northern Pacific H3
Pacific Mall 23
Pennsylvania By 67
57 '68-S
118 116
Peonle'a Gas 11T
Preased Steel Car. c... 64
Ray Cons. Copper 24
Railway Steel Soring. 63
Beading, c. 10
RcDublie I. a S C....I 75
da pfd 112
Soek lxland 86
Shattuck 28 T-
Sears. Koebuck a Co... 212
Siadebaker, c 133
Southern Pacific 100
Koutbern Ul ., e 29
do pfd ow
Tenn. Copper 24
Texas Pacific 12
Third Avenue C8
Union raclfic, c 14B!4
iio nfd I M
C. 3. Bubber, c, 59
do Dfd li
U. 3. Steel Co., e 112
do pfd i'fk
ntah Conner 92
Virginia Chemical, c... 4.1
W. U. Telegraph 99
We-tlnghotine Electric!
Ex-dlv. 2.
Five Officials of District In
cluding Oregon End Terms
of Office December 31,
Washington, Oct. 10. (I. N. S.)
The terms of many directors of fed
eral reserve banks expire December 81
and th federal reserve board baa ar
ranged the details of elections to rill
the vacancy thus created, it was learned
todav. The polls will be opened NO
vember 2, and will close 15 days later.
In each federal reserve district, in
terms of one class A and one class B
director expire at tne time mentioned
In some districts officers other than
directors so out Of Offioe.
Federal reserve district No. It, em
bracins California, Oregon, Washing'
ton, Idaho, Utah and all of Arizona
except the extreme southeastern part
of that state, will elect five officers
to succeed the following:
C. K. Mcintosh, class A, director
Claude Qatch, class C. director
E. H. Cox, class B, commercial snd
Industrial director.
Archibald Kains, governor of federal
reserve board.
Herbert Flelshhaeker. member ad
vlsory council.
All tne members of tbe Is districts
will vote to fill tbe vacancies In thel
separate districts, in the most of Which
it is understood keen competition Is
developing among tha candidates.
The newly elected officers will serve
for terms of three years each.
Ma? Get New Plant.
Jforth eBnd. Or.. Oct. 10. It la pos
sible that North Bend will seeure
creosoting plant Frank D. BeaL for
merlr of St Helens, Or., who has been
hacking a location at Bay Point Cal
has been making inquiry regarding the
possibilities of North Bend as a loca
tion, and the people of the city have
furnished him with the necessary in
formation and will sake an effort to
get the industry xor the city.
Fire Danger Orereorae.
Fire fanned by th wind 'Saturday
for a time threatened the destruction
Of several buildings, about a half
mile south of Stanley station on the
Greshatn-Estacada carllne- A num
ber of property owners of the vlcin
tty battled with the Wild blase for
almost a day before the danger was
overcome. The firs started from
burning brash on acreage which was
being cleared.
Finance-: Commeree-lMiusfm
Dnn's Reports Thai Trade Defaults tn Paclflo OtMUft States Are Shoar- -4
ipg Decrease Steady Improvement In Dmsincss I Noted fn ;
Portland Cotton Goods Advanced. ,'-'',,,
"Financial Sanablhe. Dun' s ays that
each of the Paclflo coast states report
ed fewer defaults and two of them
smaller liabilities, total Insolvencies
numbering 1378 and involving $11,211,-
817. against 1719 In 1SU for $1.80
981. There were numerical reductions
Of ICS In California, 126 in Washing
ton and 47. in Oregon, while the
amounts la Washington and Cali
fornia fell off $3,00,000 and
$1,600,000, respectively. In Ore
gon, however, the indebtedness in
creased 1500,000. With a numerical
decrease of 307, trading failures made
he best exhibit In the Pacific section.
Number. Liabilities
lftlS. 1WI5. 114. 1W1.
.288 414 802 f
. 253 SO0 87 1 8.4.19, 72
. 837 1,008 Hsl 64.W.O
Wesh. ..
Oregon .
.1,374 1,718 1.614 $12,113,817
Basin Is Improving Dun' Re
view says of the Portland situation:
steady improvement, not only in
sentiment but in volume of business
as well, is apparent in many lines. The
trade gain is shown by September bank
clearings of $58,935,037, which were
$12,460,172 larger than those of the
same month last year, and the largest
for any September In the history of
the city.
The grain crops in this territory are
now all harvested and the results are
satisfactory in quantity and quality.
The wheat crop of Oregon is estimated
at 17,000,000 bushels, Washington at
33.000,000 bushels and northern Idaho
at 6,000,000 bushels. Wheat selling
was active during the reoent advance
in prices, but the car shortage in a
measure has checked operations. Water
shipments of wheat from Portland in
September were 128,780 bushels to Cal
ifornia Since the season opened,
hlpments have been 28$, 710 bushels,
all to California, as. against 8,216,761
bushels in the same period last year,
the grain going to Europe, South Af
rica and South America, as well as to
domestic porta California haa also
taken all the flour shipped from Port
land this season. 129,463 barrels, half
the quantity forwarded in the same
period last year. Flour prices have ad
vanced with wheat to thetf7asls, but
the high market has not checked buy-
ng for shipment by rail to the eastern
and southern states and to the Atlantic
seaboard for trans-shipment to Eu
rope. Z, umber Business Handicapped.
Rail lumber business is seriously ham
pered by the car shortage, but lumber
men expect to be partly compensated
by higher prices. Shipments by -water
in September were 6,410,00 feet to Cali
fornia, 62P.000 feet to Alaska and 692.
000 feet t-i the canal zone, and exports
of 4,447,936 feet to South America and
Australia The total of 12,169,935 feet
compares with shipments of 18,208,436
feet in August and 13,878,032 feet inn
September, 1915. Mills are figuring on
two steamer cargoes of railroad ties
and stringers for England and a tie
Rev, A. Allen Heist In Charge
of Pulpit of Rose City Park
M. E, Church,
Rev. A. Allen Heist, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Shel
don, 111., has been appointed paster of
the Rose City Park Methodist church
to succeed Rev. W. W. Toungson, who
at the recent annual conference of the
church was appointed' by Bishop
Hughes as superintendent for the
Fortland district.
Rev. W. Riley Jeffrey Jr.. pastor of
the Methodist church at Roseburg, wllp
be sent to Sheldon to take the pulpit
being left by Mr. Heist.
Arrangement for this exchange was
completed yesterday by Bishop Hughes
and District Superintendent Youngson.
It is all the more pleasing to the
Methodist officials because Rev. Mr.
Heist Is an "Oregon, boy," and they
are glad to get him back Into his home
It so happened that Rev. Mr. Heist
was on his way to Portland for a visit
when his name was suggested as s
successor to Dr. Toungson. So the
telegrams that Bishop Hughes and Dr.
Toungson sent to Sheldon for him did
not reach him. The first he knew
that he was being sought for the Rose
City Park church was when he arrived
In the city yesterday.
lie is young, single, a graduate of
the Northwestern university at Bv
anston. 111., and a graduate of th
Garrett Biblical Institute at the same
Before going to TiUnoIs he waa pas
Leave PORTUaND I SiSS .-'ffifiS& I OWL
1 Union Station 1 8:30a.m. 2:10p.mlllrf)Qp.Ei.i
Six Royal Trains every day
between Portland and Puget Sound Each
equipped to meet the needs of patrons choosing
it Convenient Schedules- and
Union Pacific service
small wonder that O-W. R. R. & N, is popular
with regular travelers.
Tickets and reservations at 0-W. City Ticket
P Broadwsy 4500; A-6121
AJ1 Trains Usa tbe .
Scenic, Water Grsd, Point Deflanca Line
"fliXXf ! Irons saay eater berth st S:8S -., as assy
VJ W L. MTte Hi sleoner and f:S0 tolkrwlas morulas.
WM- McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent.
' li i " '!' an- mm-. i's s m n n dm,, i., ,mmmm
I ArriyeTAC0MA25f5S. : . . Il:35p.al6:40 p.m4 :40a.m.
1 Arrive SEATn5oy!3:15 p jl &10 pjj 6 : i 5 a.nt
cargo la being Decollated far Bombay
The maikeUag of Irveatoek shows s
steady gain. Receipts st the Portland
stockyards Is September wers S4.K1 .
head, an increase of $826 head ovei .
September last year, and for tha sin
months, 401,734 head, a gain of $9,081 "
head over the same period last year. -The
early flurry in hops has sub.
sided, but the gaarkat ramlaa firm at
12 cent for the beat growths. Th
Oregon onion harvest was completed
this week and the yield la stlrnated
at 147 cars, practically the sams aa
last year. The potato erop Is esti
mated at 7,012,06 bushels oompared
with 5.820.00 bushels In lli. Prune
drying is finished and the yield of this
section Is placed by packers at H,
000,000 pounda
Tbe glove import situation shows 4
Improvement No German or Austrian
goods are corning in; Italian foods are -not
up to standard and French goods
extremely high with deliveries very
Salea of women's neckwear are far
ahead of previous aeaaoma. Large sol-
lara, especially the big cape shapes, ar
being used en waists, suits, dresses
and coat. -
Farmers to sve Mosey. The Jour ,
nal correspondent at Condon advises
that a most important new. departure '
in the method of handling grain took
place in Condon on Wednesday- when
the first load was handled by tha aew
bulk elevator. This method will rev-;
oluttonise th grain business and wUl
save the farmer many dollars for
saoka Th jute bag had advaneed to c
tuich a high price that a few rich CHI
Ham county farmers got their heads
together and decided not to stand the ,
extortion longer. This elevator was
the outcome of their deliberations. The
structure cost about '$20,000-. and is
probably the forerunner of many more -In
eastern Oregon. The first load was
hauled in by Fred Welse, a Copdon V
farmer, and was quickly placed In th '
tins and the carload was shipped out
in bulk on Thursday morning. The el
evator has only a capacity of sbout
1 60.000.000 bushels but as fast ss it Is '
filled the grain goes from the bins to
the cars. In this manner s constant .
stream of wheat Is kept on the movs. -There
Is no doubt of the success Of the
undertaking and before many more t
seasons pass all th grain In this
country will go to the seaboard in bulk
with a saving of thousands of dollars '
to the wheat farmer. ;
Banker Successful Has Grower
Miles C. Moore, president of the Baker r
Boyer National bank, Walla Walla, has ,
100 acres at Qaston in flax. lie Is
gratified with results of this year's- '
harvest of fiber fla. a, '
When Mr. Moore, who served as g0f
amor of Wsshington several years ago,
talks with Portland bankers about flat
ha becomes enthused and no one fails
to be interested In what he haa to say
on that subject or a toplo of purs
tor of the Methodist churches at War
renton and St Helens, snd tor a year
was with the Anti-Saloon league in
Rev. Mr. Heist la expected to be St
Rose City Park October 22. Next Sun
day morning, Dr. Toungson has f an
nounced. Professor Lynn Harold
Hough of th Garrett Biblical Insti
tute will preach at Rose City Park
church. At nlgbt Professor Hough
will preach at Centenary Methodist
church. I
Potato Diggers Are ;
Needed in Yakima'
North Yakima, Wash., Oct. 10, ,
Scarcety of labor In Yakima valley Is
delaying the marketing of the potato ,
crop. Many shippers who have con
tracted spuds find the farmers are .
unabl to deliver them because they
are short of men to do the digging,
sorting and packing. Meanwhile the
price is Improving and the demand . .
Indicates good returns to the grower. -The
price range is from $11 to fit a
ton f. o. b. and the quality of tha
new crop the best known hers for tbs f
past few years.
Another factor in the situation 1
the demand east for .stock. It is es
timated that to cars of Puget sound .
potatoes have already been shipped
east and there sre orders for mors
2:10 p. m. 143 East Second st reel
north, sparks from chimney, no dam
age. 2:40 p. m. Washington street t.V
Macleay park, brush fire, no damage. "
4:16 p. m. 67$ Fourth street el-lra
ney fire, no damage.
(-.26 p. m. John J. Coffey. 471 SmU
street, chimney fire, no damage,
:1 p. m. 104 H Clay street, aparkg
from chimney, no damage. ..
7:06 p. m Head of Porter street,
brush fire, no damage.
No fires..
-i -