ILLINOISISUSTEDAS w - 'S. -ti t DOUBTFUL BY PAPER SUPPORTING HUGHES 'Chicago Tribune's Chief Polit ical Writer Sizes Up Situa ; tion After Making Trio, . . . . - v . . , ... , . t CHANCES FAVOR WILSON raUure to 9rfals Womni aad Co. , easstoa of XAbor Tot by -UcaaaCaaajeirs Mala seasons. .- Chicago. Oct. a, The reat state Of Illinois la no longer safely Republican. It la now In the doubtrul column, so 'Juted by the highest Republican au thority in the- middle -weak, , Tha Chicago Ttibuna, tha moat .ar dent supporter of Hughes, through Ita chief political writer. E. O. Phillips, who haa Just returned from a weelc'a tour with the Re pa bl lean nomine for governor, la a column article Sunday '.morning sizes up the situation. '''"-"Illinois la a doubtful state. At thla moment the chances are even that Wll- son will carry It. These are facts, and J the Republican state leaders know them and they have been told to-the Repub- ' llcan national committee. uv tnoir- man Wlllcox and those with him re sponsible for the conduct of the cam paign have not been stirred to any no-' . tlceable degree. Two things stand out impressively: - , , v - Two Bsasoas frta&A, Out. ': The Republican' failure to; or-' ganlzlng the Republican women voters down state. "2. The apparent concession, with out any objection by the Hughea man agers, that the labor vote down state In Industrial centers la for Wilson. "When, to this pair of circum stances, Is added the determined bat tle made by the Sullivan organisation of Cook county. It Is realised by the - Initiated that there Is real basis tor - Republican worry over the . national ticket. "The women vote haa been ne glected. "Alio, In railroad ana industrial cen ters, railroad men and their affiliates are disposed to be for Wilson on ac oount of the Adam son bill." ' Worn em Are for Wilson. Republican down state and political writers recognize the drift. The Trib une admits that Republicans have failed utterly so far to block the Wil- MAM .... 1 V. I. 1 J 1 I ' - ' iuii RVBianviin auu in iienaiiiitBLiu over -the future. The Wilson sentiment I 'evidenced in the moving" picture houses. Thunderous applause greets : Wilson's oountenance and but little the ., portralta of Hughes. Yesterday was the first registration In Chicago. ' Of the 471.000 put on the books, 154,000 were women. If this ratio is-maintained throughout the state, more than -800,000 women will vote for the presi dent, and polls thus , far taken show . Wilson favored two to one by the . women ana by a majority of the men. The admission against Republican success by th Chicago Tribune is con sidered here of the greatest signifi cance. -..( ." y 1 .. ,' 11 J ' i , runiLMrau UBdtnvtS FIRE PREVENTION DAY I IN SPECTACULAR WAY . (Continued From Pb Oo.) PUPILS OF LADD SCHOOL RECEIVE TROPHY FOR. BEST. FIRE DRILL WP t ' ' TVri. -iMt imvp in imm tmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v I 1 ? - 'TU'ViV "m dustries and the public generally. At nine o'clock the school lessons n fire prevention begun. At the same hour Ladd school proud ly received the Jaeger trophy for hav ing made the best fire drill record among grammar schools. frincipai Klgglns received the beautiful cup on behalf of the school from Mayor .Albee as the representative of the city and of the public safety commission. Vaka Bemaxkable Record. Jefferson high school students at 10 O'clock clipped pne second from the re markable fire drill by which they won the publio safety commission cup for the second time ast week. The time required this morning to empty the big school of more than 1600 students was but 61 1-5 seconds. Principal Hopkln Jenkins presented H. P. Coffin, chairman of th publio safety commission, who in turn pre sented Ouy Talbot, a member of the commission, who Introduced the mayor. A storm of applause greeted the ap pearance of Fire Marshal Jay Stevens, who brought with him a gift for the school, an enlarged picture of Jeffer son's prize winning fire drills In ac tion, with the pictures of the principal, the fire squad and himself, all dedi cated to what he declared is "the greatest high school in the world." . Boats' Evolutlqns Spectacular, The exhibition given by the fireboats on the Willamette between Morrison and Burnslde bridges beginning at half past ten was equal in effectiveness to a Fourth of July fireworks display. The boats, transformed Into great fountains by the streams playing high about them, the water catching the glint of the sun and breaking the rays Into rainbows, were a beautiful sight, as well as a forceful demonstra tion of their power to handle water front fires. Members council noon meeting at the Chamber of Commera.ce was de voted to fire prevention and speakers announced were Governor Wlthycombc, Mayor Albee and Fire Marshal Stevens. The contests at Sixth and Pine streets, beginning at 1:30, included net Jumping, a water battle and aerial lad der climbing. 'the-big tare prevention paraae De gan at 3:30. A mass meeting will be held in the Chamber of Commerce to night and illustrated addresses will be delivered by Ben H. Williams of the University of Oregon and Fire Marshal Stevens. 4: V '.) f .... A . Li K id GREAT SHIPPING HOLDS SHIPS FLYING BRITISH FUG IN PORT international Merchant Ma rine Official Acts; Other Lines Make No Changes. , Mayor Albee presenting cup to children. It was the opening feature Of Fire Prevention day. Fire Prevention day l being observed throughout tha fcoun- try. . '.'''.-. It Is occupying here the chief in terest of publloi officials, schools, ln- Liner Frederick VIII Reports. . JJew York, Oct. 9. (U. P.) The Scandinavian-American liner Frederick VIII, bearing American Ambassador Gerard of Berlin, will dock here at 8 a. m. tomorrow, according to a wire less from her captain today. Scientific Eye Glass Fitting With this lnstrameat we arc masters of .the situation. Vo cuaaa work, ae mistake th eye Dm been fitted with tia right glasses, q Anyone can give you his best. But you would rather havo the work of the trained expert than the best work of the novice. J AND, when you get your glasses at Thompson's you have the benefit of the best-trained experts plus the . determination of a firm to give their customers the benefit of all the new scientific advancements made in the optical field. J We have the equipment that enables us to do high , , class work the most modem lens grinding machin ery; skillful, painstaking workmen and a sound and , varied experience of twenty-six years. J These are worthy of jour thought and should com mand your consideration in determining the source from whence your procure your glasses. Thompson Optical Institute 209-10-11 Corbett BIdg., Fifth and Morrison ' Manufacturer iot tAe ' Genuine Kryptoh Lenses Federation Special Leaves for Seaside The Federation special, the train which is carrying" the Portland women to Seaside for the annual meeting of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, left the North Bank depot this afternoon at 1 o'clock. There were about 17 5 women on the train,, and delegates frodi otner parts of tha Btate will bring the attendance up to over 200. The delegates were given a happy surprise on entering tne train this afternoon, each car having, been profusely decorated with" flags and bunting and -presenting a gala appear ance. On the rear of the last coach was attached a shield bearing the words, "Oregon Federation of Wom en's Clubs." The sixteenth annual session of the Federation will open this evening with a reception, for which the;. Seaside club women have made "iextensive plans. A convention of interest and Instruction Is promised. British Take Three Macedonian Villages CaTdarmah, Onnanll and Kaznatar Ar Oocnpied, zt Is Announced Cavalry Pursues Bnlgars. London, Oct. . (U. P.) Pressing their advance on the allied right wing in Macedonia, the British have occu pied the villages of Cavdarmah, Orm anll and Haznatar, It Vas officially announced today. V British cavalry has Joined In the pursuit of the Bulgarians and has reached the line of Kararaska-Salman-Homondos. Greek College Head To Frame Ministry SL Andxeadis, President of Anglo-Xel lenle league. Will Probably Be Stem, tor of Latest Greek Cabinst. Athens, Oct. 9. (I. N. S. Spyridion P. LvnbroB, professor of history of the University of Athens, has consented to form a new Greek .cabinet. It 4s understood it will include M. Andreadln president of the Anglo-Hellenlo league. SIGNIFICANCE IS SEEN IN BERNSTORFF VISIT .WITH THE PRESIDENT Peace Rumors and Latest Submarine Raids Lend Color in Opinion of Some. Killed Wife, Is Dying, Result of Jealousy Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct. 9. (I. N. S.) Enraged by Jealousy, William Howell Ellis, member of a well known Phila delphia family; early this morning shot and killed Ma wife and then fired a bullet into bis own brain. Ha is in a dying condition at Chestnut hospital. The tragady occurred at tha oountrv place of the couple between Fort Wash ington and Ambler. Two Are Killed in Raid by Mexicans Presidio, Texas, Oct. 9. (I. N. S.) A French ranchman named Flotte and a Mexican boy were killed on the Flotte ranch, IS miles from Lajitas, In trying to repel a band of Mexican cat tle thieves, who attempted to raid the ranch. The Mexicans crossed to tha Ameri can side near San Carlos, and later recrossed near the same point. Frederick Bertram Well Known. Dayton. Or., Oct. 9. About four months ago Frederick Bertram of this city suffered a paralytic stroke, and went to the Portland Surgical hospi tal a few days ago. The reports dally were encouraging, and when the news came that he had died Thursday it wu a shock to thts -entire community. He wts born in Monroe county, Ohio, January 19, 1865. . He was married October 28, 1876, to Miss Elizabeth Echrader. He settled on government land just outside the limits of this city, where h had ever since resided. The funeral was held from the Evangelical church Batmday. Rev. C P. Gates preached the sermon and the Masons, took charge at the grave. Ha was also a member of the German Lutheran church. He leaves an aged father, bis wife, two sisters, Mrs. Kate Schenck .of McMldhville and Mrs. Elizabeth Knoch of Cambridge. Ohio, and two brothers, Henry and Jake, of this plaoe. and three daughters. Mrs. L. A. Roaner and Mrs. E. E. McDonald of Dayton and Mrs. G. E. Nichols of romana, all or whom attended the fu neral aervlcea axcentlnr tha mtmtmr in I Ohio.' Asbury Park, N. J., Oct. 9. (U. P.) President Wilson was still without official word early today on the Ger man raids off New England, hence withheld any indication of his attitude. He was slated to talk with German Ambassador von, Bernstorf f at 2 p. m. for the. first time In many months. The conference was arranged some time ago for the purpose of discussing Polish relief. Bernstorf Ps .visit Is assumed to be, as stated reliably, for the purpose of dellveripg Kaiser Wilhelm's answer to the president's . personal appeal for co operation by ' European iulers to help starving Poland. : Nevertheless' "some' see In the visit an extra Significance) in view of ru mored peace- moves by Germany, as well as the tact, that German raiders so spectacularly saflk ships off the American coast. Officials hers attach little impor tance to the letters delivered by .the U-63, pointing out a special German messenger would have forwarded these naa tney Deen vital, instead of having them Intrusted to an ordinary Ameri ca& citUen. v As for a pew peace move, officials, including tha president, profess to have no information. t Peace Proposals Not Impossible. Cologne. Oct 7. (Delayed.) (U. P.l It is not impossible that Ambassa dor Gerard is conveying peace pro posals to America. Before departing from Berlin he held most important conferences with Chancellor von Beth-mann-Holweg, Foreign Secretary von Jagfow, Dr. Solff, secretary for tha colonies, and several leading members of the reichstag. . It is believed here that now is the time for Washington- to make peace. Only Washington can do this, because she possesses such great Influence with London and Paris. New la the -.psychological moment, for if peace is, not made now the war nuat last another year as the winter campaign Iflu now prepared. . An armistice. Is not mentioned, but It' is' belleveds thaj President Wilson can appeal id the powers, and ask them to send special Representatives to Washington to negotiate peace. In the meantime, the war can go on and these-negotiations -may form the basis of a durable peace.. New. York. Oct. 9 (I. N. S.) Tha International Mercantile Marine has held all Its ships, now at Baltimore. Boston, Philadelphia, Portland, Maine, and Montreal, flying the British flag, in ports until further notice. Most of the liners have announced that vessels armed to protect themselves will sail ( 0 as scheduled. The order, signed by P. A. 8. Frank lin, vice-president, stops all sailings of the White Star, Atlantic Transport. Leyland, Dominion and Red Star lines from American ports, and tha White Star and Dominion lines sailing from Montreal and Quebec. I This order will not interfere with j the sailings of the American line steamships or any of the company's vessels under the American flag. To Biseuss Insurance Kaises, Marine insurance agents said today It was probable that orders would be sent from Liverpool cancelling sailings of all British steamships from Ameri can ports until further notice, They said that Mr. Franklin was the pnly shipping official who had the power to act on his own responsibility with out waiting to consult the head offi cials abroad. The question of Increasing the rates on insurance will be considered today at a meeting of the New York Fire and Marina, underwriters. An official of the Cunard line said that no changes would be made In the sailing dates of the steamships of the company from this side until instruc tions were received from the head of fices in Lverpool. Many Tassels Are Armed. All the Cunard vessels were armed with 4-inch rapid fire guns similar to those on the Alaunia. which sailed on Saturday for London. Thus far the German submarines, he said, had avoided steamsmps carrying guns. One of the officials of the Frencn lines said the French vessels would sail as usual. The liners were all fit ted with three half Inch guns, he said, and the cargo boats carried S-lncif rapid fire guns. Orders to change sailing dates, he said, would have to come from the head office in Paris. Officials of the Italian lines ap peared to share the opinion of the Cu nard agents that, as their vessels were armed with three-Inch guns aft, they could take care of themselves in case of submarine attack. The Dante Alighieri, which sailed for Genoa, car ried many passengers. The captain will go south to Bermuda Instead of ttking the northerly course for Gibral tar by Nantucket. Sailing of User Postponed. The sailing of the Italian steamer San Gugllelmo. due to leave this morn ing, has been Indefinitely postponed. Keen anxiety is felt regarding sev eral ships. No news has been received regarding the Japanese steamer Tiarga Maru. chartered to the Anchor line, due here today from London, or the British steamer Belgier, chartered to the French government, also due today. Two Dutch ships should be nearing New York, these being the Veendyke, from Capetown, with a $2,000,000 cargo, and the Kijwljlt from Rotter dam. The Caledonia, chartered by the Anchor line. Is due tomorrow, and the Espagne late today. German-Americans Opposed to Attacks UQlwankea Banks la Interview Says Steal germ an. Americana So sTot Sympathise With Xypaemlsed Aota. New Tors, Oct. 9. That tha real German-Americans of this country do not sympathise with the hyphenlsed attacEs on President Wilson Is the declaration today of Oscar Kasten, vie president of tha First National bank of Milwaukee, in an interview in tha New York Herald. "If the Staats Zietung stands spon sor for the idea that tha contrary is true, though 1 cannot speak for New York, ft makes a grava mistake so far as concerns this part of the country," says Mr. Kasten. "Such utterances as that voiced by Jeremrah O'Leary in his message to the president aroused no sentiment here, so far as I am In formed, ether than one of disgust or contempt." . S. P. Mexican Line to Be Reconstructed six xears of Bavolntlon Xavl aged 800 MUh of Soad to tha Xxtant of ta,51Ctar, It Zs Assarted. Los Angeles, Oct. 9. (P.N. S.) Re construction of the 8outhern Pacific line between Nogales and Teplo, Mex ico, a distance of 800 miles, will put the road In shape for through passen gers and freight within a few months, according to announcement hare. In tha revolutions since 1910. the road has suffered property damage amount ing to $2,610,278, It was said. Stolen Car Wrecked. Ashland. Or., Oct. 9. An automo bile belonging to W. D. Hodgson, a prominent real estate man, stolen from" bis home here last night, was found this morning in a field near the Pa cific highway, below town. It had gone through a ditch and fence and ran Into a tree. The car was much damaged. There In no trace of the thieves, except a bo-' cap. Masons to Hold Convention. San Francisco, Oct. 9. (P. N. 8.)- Masons from evry section of the Mate are gathering In San Francisco today for the sixty-seventh annual rnnv.n. tion of tho grand lodge of Masons of California, which will onen tnnmrrnv at the Masonic temple. Tlio grand lodge will remain in session until Friday. Park Laborers Laid Off. Twenty-seven laborers of the munici pal park bureau were laid off by Park Superintendent Convlll this morning because of a decrease in park activities and shortage of funds for labor service. The men have been employed in the various parks in construotlon work. Whn writ Ins ur calling en p1M mention The Jonrnii. edwrttoeri, (Adv.) SAFETY FIRST!- Prepare AgaSnst Fire You Don't Need BXTTWOtrxSKES ZT TOU USB AH TOTTS FLASHLIGHT . Protect and Safeguard OUSXXOXO Think of tha hor ror of flra and of the maimed chil dren. Take no chances! --Do away with treacherous matches. An Kveready will safeguard your home and your children from the dangers that lurk in matches. Better get one. today. We have them in all styles and types. Prices 75c and Up Also a complete stock of Batteries. STUBBS Electric Co. Distributors Sixth at Pine SO Per Cent Of All Fires Are Due to Defective Flues Take No Chances Line Your Chimneys With CLAY FLUE LINING DENNY-RENTON CLAY & COAL CO. 176 BURNSIDE STREET SOMCTHING 66 HIP " A Chemical Chimney Sweep More residence fires are caused by dirty chimneys than anything else. "ZIPr' cleans the furnace, stove, chimney and flue by removing or destroying the soot. A household necessity. . At All Grocers and Hardware Stores 25c Package ORDER A PACKAGE TODAY. ONE PACKAGE PRODUCES RESULTS. iijiy Have THE M. J. WALSH CO. do your ELECTRICAL WIRING and LIGHTING FIXTURE WORK. Salesrooms 311 Stark Street n i Tiy?.-"-' us Dorne resigns as : Warden of Sing Sing " " . .. - Buffalo. Nl .'T, Oct, (U. P.) Thomas Mott Osborne, philanthropist, reformer and "Golden Rule" warden Of Sing Sinsr prison, has resigned as warden. Stats v : Superintendent of Prisons James M. Carter announced here today. The resignation will take effect October 16. Ths resignation waa voluntary, carter aaaed. Line Agents Are Uneasy. Boston, Oct. 9. (U. P.) Grave fears are felt here today for tha steamer Great City, which sailed from Boston late yesterday, before the agents of her line learned of the submarine activities off Nantucket shoals. The Great City is bound for St. Na salre, France, with a big cargo for the French government. She is carrying about 7000 tons of steel, 600 horses and several hundred tons of feed and grain. Stephano New Vessel. New York. Oct. 9. (I. N. 8.) The Red Cross liner Stephano sunk yester day by German submarine U-5J, was engaged in passenger service between this city, Halifax, N. 8., and 8L Johns, N. F. The Stephano was a new steamer, especially built to carrv passengers between this port and Newfoundland. She was commanded by Captain Clif ford Smith. She waa built In tha yard of C Connell & Co., at Glasgow, in 1911, and though employed on this side of the Atlantic is registered in Liverpool. She Is of 3449 tons net register. She is 326 leet long, 46 foot beam and 19 feet deep. , The vessel was equipped with wire lees and submarine signaling ap paratus. f , Roumanian Troops Withdrawn. Bucharest, Oct. 9. (L, N. S.) Rou manian troops have been withdrawn from Hermanstadt and Brasso to the Carpathian front, according to an offi cial communication issued by tha Rou manian general staff. This was to Insure better defense of the frontier passer, it is claimed. Protect Your Automobile With a Pyrene Chanslor & Lyon Company Broadway and Couch Street liliiiiiilliUiiiuil 4 The Economical Sauce because so concentrated a small quantity gives the full Savor desired ; Os ssallry sasca because ' made from only the best and nureat AMCE Tke ealveridsal Warcsstenaire Sasca Send portal for free kitchen hanger containing .... iw new recipes LEA Ii PERKINS. Hubert Street. New York City 1"W "inaniiKBLi.JI Teutons Retake Kronstandt. Berlin. Oct. w (I. N. 8.) Kron standt, the leading Industrial and com mercial center of Transylvania, haa teen retaken from the Roumanians' by the Austro-German force; according to an announcement from the war office. Pyrene Fire Extinguishers FURNISH ABSOLUTE FIRE PROTECTION FOR AUTOS DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR CAR BURNS Put on your ear $7 SO and $8J0 ARCHER AND WIGGINS - i Oak Street Corner Sixth EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE PAINT HJIP CLEANING HJIP to Prevent Fires and Decay A film of paint, when thoroughly, dried, acts as a very satisfac tory fire-retardent. Insurance companies make a reduction in rates on buildings which are painted both inside and out. You should paint now. First To help prevent fires. Seconcl To brighten up interiors for the dark Winter months. i ThirdTo prevent decay. . Fourth Because wood is thoroughly dried out after" Summer heat. , Fifth Because buildings painted now are equipped to stand the rigors of Winter. , . PHONE OR CALL ON Northeast Corner Second and Taylor Sts., Portland. Or. Manufacturers of Vaints and Varnishes for Every Purpose