17 THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1816. NUTS AND CANDIES TO MAKE CHRISTMAS KANSAS-NEBRASKA IN MARKET: BUY SPUDS Actual Business Vith East Mate rializes Aftei Several Weeks of Negotiations Country's Crop Is Short, With Oregon's Best. -There promises to be an acuta famine to potatoes throughout tha tnlted State this srston a result of the shortened crop in tba east aod la fact, moat of tb western St tea. Oregon alone of tha weeters state, bag a bigger crop of potatoes this season than a jest ago. California aod Idaho went very exteualvely Into bean culture tbla season aod moat of tbla acreage Van planted on around " that formerly -waa used la potato growing. Owing to -XriuHi conditloua, Wahlngto atats likewise 'baa a ahortrr potato crop thaa notmaL Iu Oregon the acreage la not ouly far greater tbau expected and aouiewbat nbove that of a rear ago, but tha ipialltj la by far tba beet average ever produced here. lor several weeke tha tait baa been nib Ming at tba potato market here and tbla baa been told In these reporte from day to day. Now aotttal ale of Oregon potatoes aro ehown to hssnsaa and Nebraska with other portion of the cant serklng supplies. Owing to tbv fact that California's crop la niurb ' smaller tban normal, practically all tit leading buyers of that state now bare represents lives In tbla state and art pnr rhmllug all the supplies they can secure with out forcing values luinifdlately higher. Idnbo U shlppiHg ixtatoea to the east and prlie obtained there are In line with tboe eteured here, thj freight rate from the Gem state being 10c. Slower, tban from tba cuasi. LINSEED OIL IS CLIMBING ' t Owing to a failure of the flax crop in Argentina and the small K ... 4 planting in this country, tht " price of llnsed oil 1 going 4 to make painters, take notice is within the immediate future If -X ijt retain advances indicate any- if-. thing. Within a period of about Vi hours the price of llrmeed 4jt oil .haa advanced 8c a gallon. 4M The latest price lor boiled In 4 cases la (1.01 per gallon. CANXK1) MILK IS FIRMER Market for canned milk 1" firmer and all eondensury Interests are a'ktiig full prices. One braud. the Ksgle.. was advan-d !i.c a rase during the duy, but others showed no cLtnge. fJlGAll ADVANCE IV KFFKC1' Kurther advance of i(V per hundred pound tnok effect In th. siikst maiket during 1 li day, as announced Tuesday? '1 h mm ki t Ii seemingly very firm, but It looks m If ma- nlpulatlng lntluencea were at work. AMLES IN BUSftEL HAMPERS HrxYl RlTr la making shipments of apples In bushel baskets or hampers lo the local market. Home tirlince Dolden ste reported 'In with sales at $l.2.V Quality is Just fall. Uanertl apple trade la ateatdy. ''VEAL MARKET VERY I'OOR Market for oonutry killed calves is In a very oor position nlong the wholesale way, tine of the lending handlers bad a bouse fill' of veal during thd moraine;. The es teems top prk l laVic. but-the bulk of the aales ar shown ut 1-c for ios. j 1 1 1 CHICKEN TRADE IS SLOW Very slow trade U shown In ttie chicken market along the street. Kecetpts sr again piling np. Lsst week when tbe demand wai bet, the country ruuld not be Induced to ship. This week when the rail la lightest, tbe receipts arts heavy. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE On fori market Is firmer with rales to the out "Me liberal. Cheese nnd butter mnrketa firmer. V.ggn are firmly held with general talcs of candled at 40c. 1'otato prices aktng tbe street are Sinner at 11.1. for best. Teach trade la tleady, but lesa active. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments duing the next 48 hours sa far north ss Ho stile against minimum temperatures of about M degrees; nnrthesst to Bpoksne. 30 degrees; soot has st to Boise, 2H degrres; south to Ash land, 32 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight about 3d degrees. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers til to retailors, etcept as otherwise stated: Dairy Produce. P.UTTKR Cream-ry prints, extras, 85c ; Sim tlrata, 83c; firsts. !24c; cubes, lc less: try, buying price, 21(i22c. BUTTKKFAT Portland delivery No. 1 soar i.OiJ8 Helling price: Selected fresh, 40e; ease count, Oregon ranch, una do sen; ordinary candled, 38c; April storage. 82S33e. UVB . POULTRY Heua, heavy flymooth Bocks. 14Vic; ordlnsry chlekekns, 14c; stags, 10c: broilers, 15)le; turkeys, 22c; dreaaed. fency, 232Gc; pigeona, $1.50(Jl.a5; aquabs. 12A0 dnaen; geese, live. Utilise; Pekln ditcka, 14 'a 10c lb.; Indian Runners, 12fttl.1c. . CHKKak Belling price: Freaa Oregon fancy full cream twins and triplets. lutfluHc lb.; Young America, 20fti21c. Prh-e to jobbers: Flsln. Isc; Young America 10c f. o. b. ; cream brick, 24c; Uuiuergtr, 22(il23c; block Swiss. g7fe2ac. frnita and Vegetables. rBKSn rKtllTS oransea. Valencia. tl.OOs 4 13 par box; bananaa. 4tc lb.; lemons, $7.00 ni.ou: liumraii graperruii, ft; plums, 004J TOe box: cantaloupes. 7ic4i$1.25 crate: water. melons, tl.oo per cental; peaches, Oregon. M UIOc: Ftartlett peara, 7Jc4.1.50. bvKOII'K It 11 r b l.Kn., MmT. iw A PPLKtf Local, o0cft$1.7A box, according to qoullty. ONlONJt Oregon, $1.75 per cental. POTATOES Soiling prlc. New local, 90c tl.15: burlnc nrlca. ordinary sblnoimr iuih POo; fancy, BOcQll.OO; sweeU, No. 1, 2Uc; No. 2. 2v,c. ',v VF.Q1ST ABLES Turnips, $1.23 aack; carrots $1.25; parsnlpa, $1.26; Oregon cabbage. $1.50 per est.; green oumidb, sou suuu bunches; peppers, 4 too lb.; head lettuce, local. 80e; celery, 5075c doaen; artichokes, $1; cucum bers, $1.00 per aack; tomatoea, Oregon, 40(2 Me; egg plant, tfte lb.; string beans, 6c lb.; rhubarb. lVit-o lb.; peak, be lb.; eaallflower, S0ett$15. Meets, rise and rrsTialona. DRCSSUO MEATS SaUIng price Connrrv killed best hoga, 12H91S lb.; poor, lOttlles beet veals, 12c; ordinary, lOdjllic; goat, lade; lambs. 11 He; mutton, Saioc. BMOKFD MEATS llama, 20023; breakfast bacon, kOtQSlc; picnics, 14 Vie; cottage roll, 15c; short clears, smoked, ldft ajl8c: Oregon exports, smoked, 19c lb. LARD Kettle rendered, tierces 1714c ard. lttVie; Urd, compound, 13c. OYSThRS Olympia gallon, $ZT5; canned .eastern, 55c can, $4.50 doaen; eastern la shell. JERSEY CATTLESALE Ta PoU Oouaty Jersey Cattle Clnb will hold Its Mcond annual consign ment aale at Independence. Or., on Tueaday, October 10. Klchty-fiva head of registered' Jeraeys have been con almei Send for catalogue. W. O. Morrow' sales managsr. Independence, Oregon., v . '.. , - Overbeck & Cooke Co. gnoek. Soads, Cotton. Orsvlm, Bte. - gl-Sl7 Board . of Trade . BaUsU&g DIRECT; PRIVATE WIRES ' TO eUL EXCHANGES Me rubers Chicago Board of Trade, . lrrMpoBdents of Log as 4 Bryaa , ' , .Chicago. Mow Xork , mm on Foreign Wheat Has Firmer Tone With Advance in Prices Liverpool and London Are Both Higher Argentina Situation Is the Factor. AEOENTnrA Gaanr report Bnanot Aires, Argentina, Oct, 4. Outlock for wheat In the north hits become serious, with severe loss due to drouth and locusts. Elsewhere prospects are fairly favorable, atoltture is Beaded la the central aane. Linseed crap la damaged it par oant and wheat is fast approaching a critical stage in the center. NoarmvEST ubain receipts. Carl V'beat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Bay. l'J 3 1 3 2 10 1 1 8 1812 44 653 604 448 3745 410 237 403 S7H 30 & U 10U 4 ... 3 21 21 : 45 ... 113 6i 27! lfll ... 148 730 it ... 2 u a Of 14 ti . 25 1714 7 664 643 11 lu 205 800 06 833 1415 Portland. Wed.. tear ago Season to date. . Yuar ago Tacorau, Tues. . . Year, ago Heason to date. . Year ago Seattle. Tues... YesP ago Heason to date. . Year ago There was a aomewnat weaker fone In the Chicago wbeat trade in the early day's session and price reactions were moderate. There v. aa considerable strength abroad, following the advances in tbla country of tha pre vious day. Liverpool reported spots unchanged to Id higher, while on the London market cargoes oh passage were quoted 0(7 d high er tban Tuesday. The Argentina situation continues tha dom inating factor In (he worlds wbeat trade, ltruouihali of Liverpool bad a cable from Ajgeutlua last night aa follows: "there has been no rain here. Drought com piuints are becoming tcrious and the area af-ic-ted is extruding." Hrooiuhall also cabled that hopes are enter tatued In Liverpool that there will be a change in the Argentine weather, but op to this time much damage baa been lrreparaDiy done and wlrb the continuation of dryness this will enlarge, as early barveat com mences In November. LUCK Helling pi Ice: Patent. $0.80; Wll Lirrelte valley, fd.o; loal straight, 40.4OJI O.tAI; Liu kern' locu'. $u.U0UU.Bo: Montana l ring wheat, IM.20; exports, (o.SOtd.TO; wliolu wbeat, $6.80; grabaui, (U.dO; rye tiour, I'j.tio per barrel. HAs Kuylng price, new crop: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, tlU(.17; eastern Oregon Idaho fancy timothy, $lt.l)0jlt.OU; alfalfa, floiult); vailcy vetch, $13uI4; cheat, S13&14; tlover, fa.Ot)410.00 ton. UHA1.N SACKM 181U nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. ll'itHlc In car lots; lesa amounts are higher. MILLSTUKFS Selling price: linn, $23.00; shorts, $25.00 per ton. KOLLbb oA'l'h $7.00(37.25 per barrel. I'orllund wbeat prices touched a new blajh record fur the season, with blueatem at $l..'lVi bid on the Mercliants Kxcbalige, but actual deals reported In the country ou the basis of $1.41. (lata market loxt 75c a ton on the exchange, while barley gained 50c. Men-bants Exchange October prices: WHEAT. Wed Tuoe." Moo. 1010 11M3 101v , Klretm l.'iNVi 136 133 Forty fold Ml "-'-i 130 12 Ciub Ml 1- 127 Hed Fife l.f- I-1" l-"" Ued Itusi:iu. . . IS t5 127 125 OATS. Feed o 23.-K) 2S00 2900 BAKLKY. Feed :3."0 2550 S300 8300 Futures uero quoted: WHEAT. Bid. .. 138V4 . . 134 . . 131 . . 132 .. lWi . .2800 ..3350 November blueatem Noveuilter forfyfld November club November red Fife November Russian FKKD OATS. November FEKll BARLEY. November PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE Butter was lc higher, eggs ruled higher and cheese firmer. Prices between deslers: ' BUTTER. Bid. Ask 30 fO . 25 2 . 30 87 S . 38 .40 "14 I'rlme firsts sold . . I'xtras '.. Dairy ,.. K;;s.: Current receipts . . . Country cuixiled ....f CI IK EMU. Oregon triplets Poultry No trading. $1.85 per 100; raaor clsms, 15c do sen; eastern oysters, per gallon, soild pack ). F1SII Dresed flounders. 7c; Chinook sal mon! 5JSc per lb.; steelbead, 8UUc; perch. 7c; lobsters, 30c: nilver smelt, be; salmon tront, irtc lb.; halibut, h'j(u,llc; sturgeon, 12:13e. CttABS l-ergc, $1.75; medium, $1.23 dozen. Groceries. SUGAR Cube, $8..V, iiowdered, $8.25; fruit or berry, $7.75; Honolulu. $7.70; beet, $7.5f.. dry granulated, $7.75; L yellow, $7.15. (Above quota lions are 30 days net cash.) HONEY New, $.20fti3.50 per case. RICK Japan style. No. 2. 4-l.c; New Or lesns. bead, 6(JVc; blue rose, fHo. KALT Coarse, balf grounds, loos, $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11.30; table dairy, 60s, $ 1(5.0X1; 100a, $18.50; bagea, $2.45; lump rock, $2u ton. BEANS Quotations nominal: Small white, '$9.60; Urge white. $0.00; pink, $7.76; lima. $7.60; bayou, $7.60; red, $7.60. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS Nominal, buying price, 1916 crop, SiillMe lb. WOOL 1910 clip: Willamette valley, coarse Cots wo kl, 82433c; medium Bhropsblre, 35c; tine, 8132c; eaatern Oregon staple. 20Q25c .m. lh Msrss anil m 1 1 n rr . 9SfViUl tk HIDES Batted bldee. 25 lbs. and up.'l7Hcj Hltul ( Rl 1 Ka anrf nn I 11..- . . bin 15 lbs. to 25 lbs 18c; salted 'cal'f, up to li ids., jx; green niuea, loa. ana up, loc; II. ., A .. .. 1,1. .. K.t 5 lbs. to 25 lbs., lie: green call, on to 15 lbs., 25c; dry flint, 20c; dry flint calf, np to 7 lts 31c; dry salt bidea, 24ft25c; dry borae- nioea, escn,.jc 10 s.'-i; sail norseniues, eacn, $3 to $4: horsehair, 29c; dry long wool pelts. lie: dry short wool Delta 15c: drv sheen shearings, each, 10Qg25c; salted abscp shear ings, escn. 10V20C TALLOW No. 1, To; No. 2. 6c; grease, 6c lb. CHITTIM OR CAbCARA BARK Baying price, ier car lots, 4Vic; less than car lota, 4c. MUMAitt lvio. iwejaoc. SISAL Dark. 13c lb.; white. 13e lb. Paints and Oils. COAL OIL Water white lu drums and iron barrels. 10c. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls.. 94c gal.: kettle nouea, ddis., hoc; raw, cases, uvc; ooiiea. esses, $1.01 gal.; lots of 2A0 gallons, lc less. xuitr tcNxiNK Tanks, ouc; caes, 4c gal. W1HTK LEAD Ton lots. 10 He lb.; 600 lb. lots, iijc; teas tots, lie per id. GASOLINE Bssla t,rlce. 20V,e nee s-sl OIL MEAL Carload lots, $34; less than car iota. ; sjo.ov. Seed, Baying Prices. CLOVER Ked. 14c: alalka. 15e ner lb. TIMOTHY 44 4 Vtjc; domesUC rye grass. stic; mm, aiafcc; onion. HC EDISON the World's Greatest Asset! The wizard of Electricity at ter whom Edison street was named would be doubly pleased to find ats sur- ace in such perfect condi tion because it was paved in 1912 with that peerless pavement BITULITHIC Warren Bros. Co., Journal ' Bldg., Portland. Or . . FACTS f CHRISTMAS TO COST MORE TO CELEBRATE Tl Candies and Xuts, Which Form Principal Items, Are Selling at Extreme ValuesGrowers' Com bine Affecting Raisin Values. The cost of Christats it soaring. It will coat more to celebrate the holiday tbla sea son for tbe average la mil y tban ever before known. . Practically everything that gees into tbe Christmas celebration costs more money tban during previous seasons. Candles and nuts form tbe major portion of the Chrlstmae celebration of the average Ajr-erican. family. Walnuts are the principal Item la this list and not only will tbo cost be 6 cents a pound higher than during other seasons, tnt there la a very strong possibility that f.ny will be compelled to go without the nutty part of the program. Wholesalers are already refnalng orders to dc liver walnute for tha. holidays. Moat of tL em have already soid what walnuts thev have purchased and they are unable to find a place where they can aeenre additional supplies. Almond nnta arc almost as scarce and are likewise higher than normal. California aup pllea the bulk of this stock and tbe growers there have ijult selling altogether. - Then the extreme coat of augar baa sent the price of all candles to the highest price ever known. The cheaper grades are princi pally sffected because they contain more sugar than other materia la. Cranberries are quoted high, fruits sre again soaring In price and even tbe price of Cbrlstmaa trees has been elevated at most centers. Kalslua will cost more than before. Tbla Is due to tbe fact that no eubatltutee can be secured from Orteee end the California glowers have entered a combine. Chicago Wheat Is Down in the Early Trading; Open Up Chicago, Oct. 4. (I. N. S.) Wheat prices were fractionally up at the opening today, but during the early transactions declined t'i ctnta on reports that rain bad fallen In Ar gentine. Later with practically Uo confirma tion of the report, prices climbed to near th corning figure, where th bulls predict they will stand until aomrthlag happens In Ar gei tine. There the crop situation la very critical, according to tbe latest (ables, and ralr. la absolutely ner-esaary. Without mois ture the crops will be damaged, decreasing the world's supply and making tbe demand o' the foreigners here stronger. I.ooul weather news wat slightly bearish and belped lu tbe flret hour decline. Ko far as an emturgo on wbeat la con cerned, tbe bull traders believe that by tha time congress has the embargo placed the surplus lu this country will be sold and do lutstlc requirements will make higher price. Corn followed wheat, opening strong, and octa were atesdy, while the provision prices wire slightly higher. Chicago prices by United Press: WHEAT High. m 1.1." H COItN Open. , 1574 15794 Itw. 157 150 74 01 2H50 2 10 2205 137 1350 1307 1380 1212 Close. 159 158 Va 7ec. Mai- IV C. May lc. May . 75 .. 77 V4 " i 6lt , .2030 ..2185 ..2217 ..1440 ..1360 ..1310 1S OATS 49 &2 PORK 2S30 22o 2U& LAUD 14tS2 13!2 1337 RIBS 1337 1237 40 5i:4 Oct. 2797 2252 2257 1402 lec. Jan. Oct. Dec. Jan. Oct. Jan. .1380 .1220 i397 1237 DAIIIV PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Oct. 4. tU. P.) Bntter Native Wrsblngton creamery, cube. S4c: do. brick. S.V; Wisconsin triplets, 20c; do twlua, 20c; orng America. 22c. rggs select ranoa, sac; jresa eastern, sue: April storjge, 34c. Baa Francisco Market. Han Francisco. Oct. 4 (Li. P.) Butter Extras, ilSVfcc; prime firsts, 81'. 4c; firsts, Kgirs Extra. 42Hc: pullets 38c. Cheese California fancy. lenc: firsts. 16c: Oicgou triplets, 17c. Los Asgsles Market. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 4. tP. N. 8.) Eggs Case count, 41c. Butter Fresh extras 83c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Oct. 4. (U. P.) Onlooa TeUow California. 2Uc: Walla Walla, 2c. Potatoes White new California, $23(326: White River, $25; Yakima Gerna, $2527; sweets, $2.50. Ban Francisco Market, ft,, W. rr 1 min t l.-t A ( 1 ' p I Pnfatnaa Per cental. Delis, In aacka, old land, $1.26 1.40; do. new land. $1.50; old fthlma, red bags, $1.66; No. 2 atock. 60e0c per seek; Salinas, $2.25; Oregon Burbanka, $1.76(31.90; Washington netted Uema, $1.90fcZ.OO. Onions Brown, $2 per bag. Klamath Ships 220 Cattle. Klamath Falls, Or., Oct. 4. Two hundred and twenty head of beef cattle wlU be shipped to Miller Lux of San Francisco Thursday by their Klsmatb representatives, J. L. Beck ley and A. T. Langell. Tbe stock was purchased from. Johnson Brothers, Sand Hollow; Boating A Smith, Drews Valley; Charles Horton, Yonna Valley; James EdsalL Bly. Following aales are reported: Applegate Brothers, Swan Lake, to L. Gerber, 110 bead; Shook Brothers' dairy to Walker A McLemore, 300 head. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. Oct. 4. (U. P.) New York coffee spot No. 7 Bio, : No. t Santos, Sugar Centrifugal, $8.02. 1UGH0UT NATION AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT City of Astoria, . Oregon 6 Municipal Gold Bonds $500 Bonds, Maturing in From 2 to 20 Years PRICES TO YIELD FROM 5 to Descriptive Circular ' Containing Detailed Information Fur nished Upon Request Morris Brothers, Inc. RAILWAY IRCHANCE'BIjILD COST MORE Weakness in Hog : Division Is Shown; Lower Price Forced Market Is Down Again Here JtVith Extreme Weakness Elsewhere Mutton Verj Firm. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RGN. Bogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Wednesday Tuesday . , Monday ... Saturday1 . Friday .... Thursday Week ago Year ago. 2K5 26S 3 14 1612 4 2537 62 8 711 41 41 1624 l.W 124 2utf L'7 23 27 78 ,....1641 235 633 87 304 1 S3 23 591 602 Two years ago Three years ago. 3o2 There was a rather liberal showing of mat ton and lamb supplies In the North Portland yards over night, bnt tbe bulk of tbe stock sgala eame direct to a local killer from a country buyer. Market for both mutton and lambs la bs tenaely firm, with prices well sustained. General mutton anl lama market: elect spring lambs f 8.75 Otdluary lambs 8.00618.25 Pest yearlings 7.25Q7.O0 Good to common wethers 6.7SQ6.O0 Beet ewes 5.75M6.O0 Heavy to common ewea 4.00(40 Hogs Are Dowa Again. Fbrther decline of a dime la shown In the local market for bogs. Tbe trade here Is hon est In sending our Its quotations. Other mar kets continue to quote former extreme vslues, but It bas been noted that tbey are not getting these prices. Genersl hog market: Choice light weights $t.73Q 9 85 Good light weights t.0Oa 9.70 iledlum weights 9.2&U U.50 Lough heavy , 8.50t 8 00 Cattle Situation Btrong. Cattle market coutlnued atrong at (forth Portland during the day, witb only a email run of odds ami ends reported In. Tbe general feeling is attout the same aa on Monday. General cattle market raqge: Prime light serera Prime heavy steers (iood light steers blockers and feeders Prime deburned cows and belfera (,' mmou cows Bulls Prime light veal calves Prime heavy veal calvea $6. 75.90 7.007.10 e.ooti.r;o . 5.0U5.7j 5.50U5.75 . 4. X.'4 "! , 3.5J44.5b , 7.U0M7.S0 , .OOtftf.OO Wsdnaadsy Livestock Shippers. Hogs I. N. Knight, Riddle, 1 load. Sheep I." W. Harrow, Lyle, Waah., 10 loada direct Union Meat Co.; George Kohlhagen, Hosebarg, 2 loads. Cattle W. M. Treadgold, Myrtle Point. 1 load. Mixed stuff S. L. Overton, BrowDsvllle. 2 loads cattle and hogs; J. S. Flint, Junction City, 1 load bogs and sheep. Tuesdiy Afternoon Sales. COWS. No. 1 cow Av. lbs. .. 870 .. .l . . t)50 . . MX) . . W70 ..1050 ..950 ...880 ... 350 ... 1W ... 70 Trice 4- $4.73 1 cow 6 cows 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 stag 1 calf 1 rslf 1 calf 3.7 4.2 2 60 2.60 4.25 j STAGS. CALVES. $4.00 $9.00 e.oo 8.00 $8.S0 $8.85 9.86 9.85 LAMBS. 6 lambs 1 hog 3 ilOllH H003. r.M) 183 ISO Wednesday Morning Sales. 7 hogs BOGb. No. 8 hoga .. It bogs . . 7 bogs . . 4 bogs .. 3 hoga . . 7 bogs 4 li'HtM .. 2 hogs . . 1 hog 4 bogs 4 bogs . - 15 steers . 2 ateera . " steers . 1 steer . . 1 steer . 2 steers . 2 steers - 8 steers . 1 steer 12 steers . 4 steers . 2 steers . 5 cows 2 cows . . 3 cows . . 1 cow . . . 2 sows . . 1 belfer . 2 heifers 1 stag . -. Av. lbs. . 243 , . 25 .. 150 .. 118 . 243 . 144 ,. 1 IH , . 2H5 . . 430 . . lli.'i . . 2.W . . 95 . . 94 5 . . MM) . . 8W , . 110 . . 73.-, . . 700 .. 1110 .. (n0 . . Sei7 . . Ml .. 945 . . 104.. . . wr .. 10T7 HMO . . B50 .'. S70 .. 70 . . 1050 Trice $9.73 9.75 8.73 8 25 9.75 8.75 8.25 9.75 8.15 9.5ii 9.85 $5.15 6.50 6 .(10 5. 5.0(1 4.35 4.15 ft. 50 6 .50 5.05 4.50 6.25 $3 50 5.23 5.00 3.25 3.75 $3.25 4.0O $4.50 STEERS. COWS. HEIFERS. STAGS. Frost Hit Hood River. Hood River. Oct. 4. Lsst night's frost laid low tbe tomato, pumpkin snd melon vines In tbe Hood River valley. The potato crop Is rapidly being dog. Moat of tbe growers in the valley permitted tbe potatoes to rt main In the ground lsst year, and as a result several thousand sacks were frosen. Tbe early frosts are rapidly giving color to the apples preparatory to picking and packing. Growers are busy hauling supplies to their orchards and getting ready to gather their crops. New York Cotton Jiarket, 216- Trade building: Oper;. High. Lew. Close. ... 17 1718 1C84 1718 .. 1710 1738 17IU 1734 , .. 1723 1750 1717 1748 . .. 1729 17.19 1723 1758 ... 1650 1888 1H54 18S2 ... 1086 1714 1880 1710 Janoary . lurch .. May July October . December Oregon Apples in South. Ban Tranclico, Oct. 8. (P. N. S.) Apples, new crop, in good condition: Oravenateln, $1.10 j$1.25 for 4 tier and 63 (07 5c for 44 tier; Gloria Moody. 65375c for 3H and 4 tier; Btlleflenr. 4 tier, 05 85c and 60(8 7Bc for 4V4 tier; Kings, 75 a 85c for 4 and 60t75e for , tier; Fall Pippins, 85J75c; Rhode Island Greenings, 65 75c for 4 tier and 5c for 4V4 tier; common reds, 603 75c; Jonathan. 90c4t $1.15 for 4 tier and T0(gS5c for 4V, tier; Wag ner. 754j85c for 4 tier and 50 & 83c for 4Vs tier; Hoover, 7585c for 4 tier and OOQCOc for 4V4 tier. MONEY HOP BUI ESS IS NOW 11 CIS. GENERALLY THE TOP Extra Select Stuff Finds Offers of 11 H, but Buyers Await Samples Before Taking Hold Washing ton Growers Ask Advances. Considerable buainesa la passing la the bop tri.de of tbe Willamette valley despite the efforts of some buyers to refrain from mak ing their purchases public. It la known positively that practically all tbe leading buyers are now operating in the Willamette valley, with beat growth avail able bringing around 10VUc, with" some thing extra select being sought at 11 Vic. Business at the former two prices has been confirmed, but no llc aales bare been shown recently for the reason that buyers srs Inclined to swstt ssmples before taking caances oa this quality. There Is s firmer tone In the Washington state hop sttnatlon. with growers tnt re bold bag out for 13jg,13Vc. but no sales sre re ported. Simllsr dullness Is shown In Csll furiila, where the price ldeaa of the growers have been recently' elevated. A late New York mall advice lays of tba general situation: Balea. Receipts for week 005 Receipts tlnce September 1 2.119 Exports to Knrope for week 702 tl ports from September 1 1.1 HO After the onuaual activity and excitement that characterized tbe trading last week, the market has quieted down, and If anything the tone is slightly easier at tbe close. Most of the hops In tbe interior of this etate bavs already passed out of first bauds; probably less than 500 bales are still unsold and these are held at extreme figures. Last aalea reported were at 5 3(3 55c. On our local market there waa quite heavy bnalness with brewers at the advanced rates and full quotations sre still asked, though with less inquiry for the past few daya. New xork hop prices per pound: State, 191, choice State, 1910, medium to prime State, 1913, common to prime Pacific coast, lulti, choice ,. Pacific coast, 191U, tned. to prime. Pacific coast. 1915. choice .63355 .47(052 . 917 .17(u IS .144410 .134114 Pacific coast, 1915, medium to prime.. 10 State and Pacific coast, old olds 6 12 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Hogs $9.10, THnver, Colo., Oct. 4. Cattle Receipts 1300, strong. Beef steers, $0.tJt7.4O: cows and belfer, t5.00G.35: stinkers and feeders. S6.Z3tT.40; calves, $8.0OC.oo. hogs Receipts 7oo. loul5c lower Tops, 89. lo: bulk. $8,754(8.00. 8heep Receipts strong. Lambs, $9.00 QV.05; ewes. $4.4037.00. Seattle Hogs $10. Seattle, Oct. 4. IP. N. S.) Hogs Ft eelpts none, lower. I'rlme lights, $9.10(10.00; nitdiuin to choice, $9.75a9.80: smooth beavles. $9.40J9.60; rough heavies, fS.9o9.0o; pigs, $8.50fe9.00. tattle Receipts none, steady. Beat steers. $7.O0fe7.25; medium to choice, $0.Z3e.5O; common to medium. $5.25t5.75; best cows, $5.25&5.75; common to medium cows, $3.5od) 4.50; bulla. K.tiOiuM.oO; calves, $7.0008.00 Sbeep Receipts none, steady. Lambs, $7.75 98.25; yearlings, $8.25(37.00; ewes, $1.50tJ 5.60. Omaha Hogs $9.10. Omaha, Oct. 4. (I. N. 8. Hogs Receipts 6200. lower. Heavy, $8.508.90; light, $8.85 feU.10; pigs, 8.0O.0U: bulk, B8.0OQS.9O. Cattle Receipts 5000, higher. Nstlve steers. $6.75fcCl0.5O; cows snd belfers, $.V757.50; western steers. $6.509.75; Texas steers, $0.00 7.00; Blockers and feeders, $8.00(9 183.1. Sheep Receipts 39,000. atesdy. Yearlings, $7.0&7.75; wethers, $a.6O7.&0; lambs $9.304,9.70. Kansas CItr Hoes $9.80. Kansas City, Oct. 4. (I. N. S. ) Hogs Re- oelpts 13.000, lower. Bulk. $3.65(39.20; heavy, $8.054r9.10; packers and butchers, $8.804,9.23; light, $8 .85(59.30; pigs, $8.0&9.00. Cattle Receipts i,O0O, stesdy. Prime fed steers. $0.5010.75; dreaaed beef steers, $7.00 ft9.25; western ateera. $8.009.00; cows, $4.607.25; belfers, $0.0039.50; stockers and feeders. $5.0CS.OO; bulla, $5.006.SO; calvea, $C.0011.00. Sheep Receipts 1.1,000, stesdy to strong. Lambs. $9.5O10.0O; yearlings. $7.50(738.25; welbera, $i.75j 7.50; ewea, $.507.25. Chicago Hogs $9.M. Chicago, Oct. 4. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Receipts 30isi, slow, n to 10c under yesterday s sversge. Bulk, $8.70&t!.3O; light, S8.oo.4a; mixed, $8.504.5O: besvy, 8.45il9.4; rough, $8.43 feis oo: pigs. fti.ooign.Ta. Cattle Receipts i7,o. rirm. native Deer sUcrs, $0.4(n 11-25: western steers, $8.15(j 9.40; stockers snd feeders, $4.60gJ7.ft3; cows snd helferj. $3.40f.no; eaives. .Hi(ni.oo, Sheep Receipt ::l.as. firm. ethers, $0.50 88.35; lambs, $8.7510.25. BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Banks. This week. $ 2.8"9.42!.10 2,64.818.38 . .. 2.882.209.93 Tscoma Banks. Clearings: Yesr ago. $ 2.8-Ht.Otti.ri 2,231.081.52 2,168.432.90 $ 889.107.00 05,274.00 .$2,908,000.00 482,004.00 $ 6,270,263.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Clearings . . Balances . Seattle Banks. Clearings . . Balanoos . Los Angeles Banks. Clearings tan Francisco Banks. $12,107,322.00 Clearings Foreign Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat unchanged to Id higher. !ndon Cargoes! on passage Wheat OtJ 71,d higher. ...... Buenos Aires wnesi, 4Hii?s. ms":i. Frost Nips Cliehalis. Chehalls. Wssb.. Oct. 4 This section was visited by s heavy frost thia morning, nipping tbe vegetables and flowers. There have been one or two light frosts before, but no damage was done. San Francisco Hop Market. San Francisco, Oct. 3. (I. N. 6.) Hops. iftin rroo: California, liaisc per ponna to growers; Oregon snd Washington contracts, 11 Ulw. Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool. Oct. 4. "I. N. S.) Wheat Spot No 1, Manitoba, 14a lOd; No. z, 14s 1d No. 3. 14a 6d; No. 2 hard winter, ia SHOWN WITH You need our service We want your account WE ARE SURE THAT THIS BANC CAN BE HELP FUL TO YOU THRU THE FACILITIES IT HAS TO OFFER, COVERING: Letters of Credit Travelers' Checks Domestic and Foreign Drafts. Foreign" Money Orders Collections- Selling Pressure a Feature m Dull Trade in New York New York, Oct. 4. (P. N. S.) The mar ket eoatiaaed uneasy here in the early tranav tctlons today and la places developed a slight i (waiish tread. Tbe first boar, with a little i over 900,000 shares, was dull compared with the early trading of the past few weeks. Readjustment continued to be a market fee-, ture and flurries were numeroas. OtherwUe the m.rket was practically fee. tureless with trading fairly broad. With the exception of American Beet Sugar, the ape- c.slly Industrials were very dulL Beet Sugar opened st 9714. up, snd sold to 90K. la the primary trading. In tba standard lnaus- trials Centsi Leather took a spurt and made a new high, selling up to T3T4. after opening at 73H, above tbe close. Colorado fuel A Iron dipped slightly in the first hour sell- tog down to 694. below tbe dosing prices. Norfolk A Western ou new bull rumors sbout the plans of the company, wai strong, opening up, st 13, snd selling to 140 ln tbe first hour. New York Central, selling at 111, gained a point during the initial den is. With the exception of American Steel A Foundry, tbe steel dasa was slightly lower. Tbe atock sold up to 6&V4, after opening h up. at 62. Tbe copper list was lower te firm. Description Open I High I Low Alaska Gold 12 H 26 81 074 85 V 72 54H 25 S 67 W 84 13 4 28 vk 81 (4 06 7214 54 284 68S 84 114 , Allls-Cbalmera, c 20'A ttoI 97 "g 8514 7114 54H 23 R8V4 82 1H14 do Df d American Beet Sugar. . American Can, c American Car Fdy c. American Cotton Oil. c. An-erlcan Linseed, c... do ntd .'. American Loco., c American Smelter, c... 1134 do ofd 110 American 8ugar, c American Tel. A Tel... American Woolen, c. Anaconda Mining Co... Atchison, c 112H 113 133 Vk 48 97 1X1 4814 904 10714 100 Vk 1084 I do pfd 104H 90 108 fK)14 Baldwin Loco., c do pfd Baltimore A Ohio, c... Bethlehem Steel, c Butte A Superior Brooklyn Rapid Transit 558 8314 86 23 6014 181 75 115 0814 Calif. Petroleum, c... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c do pfd Chesapeake A Ohio.... Chicago a Ut. W., c. 13W do Did S7H 7 R7S Chicago, M. A St. P... Chicago A N. W., c. . . P7 Cblno Copper Colorado F. 1., c... Cons. Gas Corn Products, e 91 5 do bid Crucible Steel, c 95 122 13. do pfd D. A It. U., c do ofd 37 Distillers Erie, c do 1st nfd General Electric Goodrich Rubber Gt. North., ore lands.. do pfd Greone-Can Hide A Leather, c do pfd Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration International Harvester luterboro, c do pfd K. C. Southern, c l-trkawaniiM Steel.... Ublgb Valley Midvsle Vixtcan Petroleum... Miami Copper M. K. A T., c Kenneeott A... Missouri Pacific National ' Biscuit National Lead Nevada Consolidated. New Haves New York Air Brake. New York Central... N. Y., o. A W Norfolk A Western, c 38 , 2,V to u 22 el 1?3 Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Ptnnaylvanta Railway! 114'4 Peoples Gas Pittsburg Coal, c d pfd "i... P. Steel Car, c do nfd.. Rav Cone. Copper Railway Steel Springs. lletdlng, c Republic I. A S.. C... do pfd Rock Island I 89 6814 H4Vi 25 M, 544 112H 814 104 H 10414 65 Vi 1134411 8714f8 .Sl.attuck S ars. Roebuck A Cox . Studebaker, c ao pro Jov , sh! H !liHi,lfi2-')i , 8k sa Sheffield 884 lo2H 25S t; 234 2214, 69 . 84 103 Southern Pacific Southern Railway, c. . Southern Railway, pfd Tenn. OoDDer 28U 2r, 28'n 7 i m 24.. I 2314 Texas Oil Third Avenue T.. St. L. A W.. C... do pfd Union Psclflc, c do pfd U. 8. Rubber, c do pfd U. U. Steel Co., c d pfd Utsh Copper Viiginia Chemical, c. V. V. Telegraph Weatlnghouse F.loctrlc. WUconxln Central Cigar Mfg 09 V, 161V, 83 01 Va 150 83 1V4I 00i llT,'ll8'4!llT iiiKiiziim 94 Wk 84 44 10OH 64 Va 61 Vj 44 I 44 1K4 1O0 Total sales 813,480 shares. San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco. Oct. 4. Barley csUs: Oct. 4. Oct. 8. Open Close. Close, December 18114 181 183 Msy 185 A 18AA 186A Spot quotations Wneat Walla Walla $2.23 Q2.80: red Russian. $2.22Hi2.23; Turkey red $2.4620; blnestem, $2 464)2.60. Feed Sbarley $1.72 V, 491.75. White osta $l.0Jl.e2H, Bran $24 00x24.5; mldilUnga, $82.00333; tborts. $25.5028. Sales December bsrley 900 tons. Boxes Needed at Hood River. Hood River, Oct. 4. Loral box factories are running day and night crews making apple boxes to supply the orders on file. Most of the growers have Increased tbetr orders 26 per cent from the first estlmstes made of their needs. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Tuesday. 1:18 p. m. 8 Tenth street, fire, slight damage. Wednesday. No fires. roof re NATIONAL BANK Third aad Oak Streets, Vortlskad, Oregea. Checking Accounts Savings Accounts Telegraphic payments throughout the United States and Cable trans fers to all foreign countries. - Finance -- Commerce--Industry, Eastern Interests Pay Personal Visit to Oregon to Contract Winter j CaullfloweiRailroad Earnings Continue to Increase Harney ( County to Get New Bank. f riaaaelal BtuaaMaa. A few years ago California was consldra aoout m onjy i,le.r t 1 furn,.h tlf, jf-t 5Vl in the weat that could with excellent quality vegetaoiea, since snippera ot ibis jute hara) trlso tha .astern mrk.ts tha demand for Oregon products has been showing a liberal increase, Douglas county broccoli or Winter eau,iflowei. ha. tab on the east by ': ,., , " fctorm. Chicago wholesalers are paying personal vlslta to the Willamette val- lay to contract supplies. Each and Tery on 0f them assert that Oregon th- bMt wint.r cauliflower in f1" M1? . w'nter cauiuiower in " wono. ins emipmenia east uei aeaaon will depend only upon the vol- ume of production. The demand all last season waa greater than offerings, roreifn Belling- pnlxninatlag. If It may be accepted as conclusive that for eign selling la culminating, nn import, ant point in railroad finance has been reached. Our great transportation lines are severely in need of new cap ital for improvements, for extensions and adequate equipment in order to place themaelves in proper position to conduct their business as common car riers, writes IKnry Clews, New York banker. There haa been no serious at tempt by them to appeal to the capital market during the period of European liquidation. Any action of this kind would obviously have been unwise since it would have meant competition with the cream of railroad Invest ments, such as were so distinctly the feature of foreign , holdings. As mat ters low stand, however, if this com petition for the funds of Investors Is ending, railroad managers 'will find In ducement to take advantage of the phenomenally favorable revenue state ments that are being presented in the annual as well as tbe monthly traffic and financial statements. Recent an nual reports have sh"wn, for Instance, such magnificent results aa about 11 i per cent earned on the common stock oi tne eputnern i'aciric, trie Atchison and the Reading roads. These figures may be accepted as representative of the railroad buslneas of tha country. Hew Bank for Haraey. The con troller of the currency has received an application for a charter for a new national Dana at wrmne, xxamey , county, Or., to be called the First National bank of Crane, with a cap ital of $50,000. Goods Prloee Advanelag. The John V. Karwell company of Chicago says In the weekly' review of trade: v With this country's export business reaching astounding proportions and breaking world records, reports of Husband Says Man Took Wife, Name 'Y One Bllvas Travels from OtUlf orala to Albany U Hffort to Locate Xra. Mil. as and Their Babr. ! ' i jtioany, ur uci. . uus buvaa, a 1 ' Portuguese from California, was In the clty 'Mtr(1y. looking for his wife. wno, ne say a, ran away irora tneir home In California with another man after cashing over $200 worth of 811 va's checks, taking their child with them. SUvas thought that the couple was at Tollman, 10 miles east ohere, where the man, who Is a Greek arrd had saumed the name of SUvas, waa work ST0CKS-.B0NDS-MORTGAGES SECURITIES OFFERED BY PORTLAND HOUSES mm Railway Exchange GOVERNMENT and THE IMPORTANCE OF A MARKET Banks, Insurance Companies and Investors buy high err ad e bonds. tec'.ymri.".guU, and depend a bla' w "'P1 $100, $00 .U S Because when aecessary they can be eea. ,lfl0 amounts. If yoa demand those qualitleg verted into oaah more aulckly aad wltk leas sz that high grade bonds offer we will be glad te pease thaa anything else. talk with yea. , - r LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital sad larplaa 1000,000 Lumbermen, Bldg., $th aad tarli National City Company Municipal and Corporation Bonds - HARRY MARKOE JR., Northwest Representative , 215 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG., PORTLAND. New York Sen Francisco Ml I (SI. Lewis Bldg. , Phone Mar. 655 Amounts as small as $100 may be invested through us, and such orders receive as careful consideration as those for larger sums.. THE HIGHEST TYPE OF SECURITY AID THE SAFEST FORM OF INVESTMENT. aConiclpal bonds 01 cities, couatles and school dletriota. Our offerings meet the requlrsgnents of the most careful Investors. CLARK, KENDALL & CO., NORTHWSTKRN BANK BUILDtNli. REAL ESTATE MORTQAGES AND BONDS MIT MKil MITCME8 ysELDING 6 IPRGEHT BSET We will collect snd remit Interest sol principal snd cnarantee the payment ot both. Send for list Market Your Seattle Union Stock Yards - Best Market iii Northwest" ' . Prices 15c to 25c higher than any other market on tne Pacific Coast, because it is the only yard in the United States not controlled by the trust. It is clearly, to your, interest to patronise true competition advancing markets and scarcity 01 merchandise ars not at all surprising This week mlUs advanced several prominent lines of ginghams one hall cent per yard. All cot ton a are ad vancing ticks and fine bleached cot tons one half cent per yard. -v - Advance business Tor sptiBat 1$ breaking all records by a very largl percentage. Light weight fabrics such as Frenen . serges and also heavy cloaklnga are not very active owing to the new dress stytes. The early demand fot . plum, Burgandy and other ahadeS is . now giving way to navy blues, which are taking first place among the cn'ora in light wool dreas gocds sell ing. Advance bustneas for spring la dreaa goods Is very active and shows strong demand for fancy shades ad novelty fabrics. . ' Advance in market price of sheeting . since last year haa lnoreaeed finished , cost of table oilcloth 42c a piece C 12 yards without taking Into consid eration higher coat of labor, sine, colors and other ingredients. Tlis World's mioses Banks. The following table shows the relative strength of the six largest New York, and six largest London banks In mat- ' ter of deposits: New York banks: Deposits." $544,611,000 . .. 430, $12,000 .... 2,380.000 ... 266.77,000 ... z&o.en.oos ... 204.$i.000 701,SlS.tS 17.688.60 618.41S.03S , ... 887.th0.e5s a4S.OJ9.948 " .... 260.S41.895 Inoreeae. The National City Guaranty Trust Hankers' Trust Chase Commerce First JLondon banks: City tt Midland Lloyds County A West National Provincial Harclay l'uris Bailroed Earnings Chicago Great WeMtern yeHr ended : Juno 80, reports 4 per cent earned 'oa preferred against 1.98 per cent the Does Hot Recommend Any Tractor. There have come to the attention , of the United States department of agriculture items appearing III the nrena which are ao framed as to give . readers the lmpjeshlon that the de- f part meat in lta publications has praised or recommended a farm trao- t tor of a particular make. Aa the detiartment haa not done this and, in fact, systematically re fralns from recommending any par- ucuiar mane oi iiuciur or uiurr -chine, the public la warned to regard aa falao any statement aaaertlng uf i Implying such reoommeudatlou by the 1 department ing on the Southern Pacific section gnng. Sheriff I). H. Bodlne went lo . the place and found that the man snd' woman hud been there, but that they had left a month ago. T-.vo Dropped Feet. Albany, Or., Oct. 4. J. W. Mitchell, who lives near Horseshoe Lake, snd T. . li. Alexander, Sanderson's Bridge,' were dropped ii feet when a scaffold on which they were working gave way,: Three of Alexander's ribs were broken. Mitchell about hli suffered cuts and head and body. bruise . Glasgow provides Its poiloemen with warm food and tea when on duty at night by 'the use of electrically heated platea in signal boxes. TAX BONDS issued by the most fub ' stantial communltie ol , the Pacific Northwest Bldg. RAILROAD BONDS v IIITWdUliWtH AVIV4IjA9- Preferred Stocks Local Securities . asUtl CapltsU SCOOjOO. -V- fori iaavnm . aw . j Stock Through GOSPOBATIOflfl - 4