Aiirw-rirMo rrx r roo tuam' i i . , i i ' i tfaS I m I v W " Borne -Dealer Are Trying to Put Not Dlspoted to Oft fer No. . 1 , Stock Freely at Moment. fh market tor onion indicates higher trie within tbe immediate future. Offerings et $1.00. tbe prevailing price for i carload iota si country powis mmi uj .... -Vfrdente Onloa Growers' association, ara very ecsat. . la faet, Uttia etoca m i able- here and tn- treod of no wooim trsfl la firm. While most oi ue uaawrv areatlll oirering onions av retailers, sow ara advancing tneir prjee grau- sirv to ma mn. Tv withdrawal of tba Sherwood district from tha Conflkte sssoclatlon was no tor rite, to tba trade "Drc, tbere baa bean ora or leas friction petwsen tba two organ ise tteoa heretofore, i Indications DOlnt to not obit a llDerai per- abaaa of- Oracoa onions for tba California snarkete soon, but there ar alao inaicaiiotie af ome eastern business to eoma at a later ditev ,Wm that reason growers ar seemingly mot keen to tell their Mo. l iioca at me ewraeat ' , rOQ MAJtKKET VERY FIRM Market for eggs la very firm along tha street ,a.t S7HWS8C a dozen lor extra, Keceipis arc nil 11. roc selected atock la eartona aeuera are Alng an additional 2 a doaen to pay far tha coat of tba package. COUNTBY. MEATS ARE HIGH galea of country killed tneata are ehown at a, farther advance along the street, sales or veals are confirmed at 14c lor top quality, while -bogs are generally quoted at lac lor best block Offering. Other qualities Id pro portion! GRAPES ARE COSTING MORE Wltfca advance In tba price of Tokar Ifapea in. California, Indication point to a rise of 2Se a! crate In tba local market on tbe next hlMueoc. from tbe aoutb. Prevailing price nere l X.2331-33. .1 ' TOMATO PRICES ARE FIRM Price of tomatoea In tbe local trade la being held vary firm. Receipt are light. Heit atrootk atock ia aalllng freely at flOtfiftoc a box Vith; rough atock eeltlng generally 10 to 13c alow tbia. CRANBERRIES ON CONSIGNMENT "nBIWl.lF. " ------- growert ovtalda of tba aseoclatton are freely offering atock on consignment, tha market Is bowing a I farorable tone, altitougb pncea axe at tue moment uncnangoa, BRIEF -NOTES OF THE TRADE Chickens remain firm. Batter market firm far all offerings. Tillamook holding price of cheese firm. Potatoes ara firm at fall prices. , Hon trade shows leaa activity In sooth. Hweet potatoes ara steady at 2c pound for era tea. PHlPrERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weatbaa-burean sdvlaea: Protect shipments during the next 4& boura as far north aa 8e attlv agalaat maximum teperatnyes of about U degree; northeast to Bpokane, 70 degrees; southeast to Ikl4, 70 degree; aouth to Asb land. H4 degreo. Maximum temperature at I'ortlmid tomorrow, about 73 degrees,- jOUniNG PRICES OF PORTLAND 1 t Tbeaa ortcea are tboae at which wboleaalen 11 to rafauera, except a otoarwiaa stated; Dairy rrocue. BL'TTKft Creamery orlnta. extraa. Bftc .time firsts, Kir; firsts, R'iHc; cubes, le leaa dslrv. Uutliia Ul-lca. 21(3!2Ic. BlITTKlil AT Portland delivery No. 1 aoor (ream. A2e; No. 8, BO. tUC-illing price Helected, fresh, 7HO K; oase.connt. Oregon rancb. 80c doaen; or- dinery -caftdled, 87Hc: AprU storage, S2iijS3c. I.IVB POILTKY Aena heavy Plymouth Bocks, lHc ordinary eblekena. liQloc tag, 10c; broilers, 16QI7c, turkey. 22c dresaed, faacy, , 23a&9c: pigeons, ll.Roai Mb - Q rut uauuta II I 1 Mil T, . pekln ducks. 14JUV lb.; Indlaa stunners, (JHKESK -Beuing price: rren uregon -rancy i TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (WlUeat Change a atr) 1 .Si-af OosafarUUe, Kiegaatly Appotatad ROSE CITY r.Baile from Alaawerth Seek . T. WL, ATimDAT. SXPT. so 100 Oolaea KUaa as Oolumkia Blvea. AU Beta laolado . Bertha aad Meals, . fable aad Berriee VBtsoaUad. Tks Baa rruelaae a Portland . a. Oaw. Third aad Weahiagtoe, Btreeta (with O-W. ft. UCe.) Xei. araadway 4S00, A-dltl. STV7IN PALACES - rABTEBT KOTJTlVcTO CALIFORNIA Portland $20.00 1 WITH KEALS -U emd V San Francisco $17.50) AMD BZaiH tamrlat, lt and lt.M j li oUse, $(. $0-Day Bound-Trip ISt, from Portland or any Willam ette Valley Point oa OBEOOB EiTCTBIO BAJXWAY Calif oraia BUamar Xxpraaa Leaves :0 a, It, , TUESDAY. THURSDAY, SATURDAY. T 1 North Bank, tth and Btarh. TtCXXT J BtaUon. 10th aad Hoyt ' OniCUVd and Morr., V. P. By. u . lata Wash.. O. X. By. ALASKA , Ketchikan. Wraageli Peterabttrg, J una a, Poaglan, Haines, Bkarwar, lams a4 Bt. icJobaeL CALIFORNIA Tia BeatUa o taa rrsaclso ta Zes Aareles aad Baa Mac, targeet ahlpa, aaaqualed aaailga. low rataa, ta asndmc aseais and berth. Poe partlcuians, a plp or tolaphoas Vtokwt Office. 949 Waahlsrtoa Btran. PaeUle Mala SSS. Horn ASSa. Dalies - Columbia Liiie Opsrstlar. Strs. J.N.Teal and Twin Citet Portland to Upper Columbia and Snake tlvar points. Lear Portland about - i ererr t oar days, Ton nrtOKMATzoif CAJur, xatx.o lilaUIJBX. POCIf Min SlaV aV-T71V :flNI(lN MfiRKfT NnW uiuyii iiuiiuu.1 nun LOOKING UPVFH A. :Tfr action ai- rams, IS i . - i g . i r1 u i -' I UUVU I Europe Is Taking All Canned Salmon Now Being Offered Demand From Allied Cknrernmenta Is Heavy Can Are Lacquered to Prevent Bust. Enrona eootlnnes to absorb practically all good xradee of Columbia river and other Pa cific coast canned salmon (t evening price. Orders from the allied governments eootione heavy aad all packing lute rests ara holding tbelr prices iirm. Practically all tha canned salmon being aold and shipped to Knrop from this coast la without labels. Tba can ara gold lacquered In order to prevent rust daring the oca trsneportaUon and out of door handling. - TUe ran of salmon. In tbe Columbia river at this time lg comparatively light, brnt prae- tlcally all canneries are operating. There1 la a rather fair run oa Oraye Harbor aad tbe cannery at Hoqniam la now being operated. Beamingly the big ran which was formerly .ehown in tba Colombia ana then disappeared, baa gone northward. BUTTER MARKET ADVANCE Ht Thera was an advance of lo 9 a pound in the price- of cream- 4r ery butter here during the day in which placed prints of beat ik . known brands at X5o a pound. r Butter tat shows an equal rise. The Seattle market also ad- vanced le during; the day. t full cream twins snd triplets, 1919Hc Dj.; Young America, 20C21c. Price to Jobbers: VlcU, 18c; i'ouna America, lUc f. o. b. ; ervam brick, 24c; Umberaer, 22(tt'i3:: block Swiss, 27j2tic. tnitta and vegetahie. FRESH PKU1T8 Oranxea. ValencU. 14.000 4.2S per box; banana, 4VaC lb.; lemon . S7.UU Ti.60: California ararefrult. S3: uluius. D6M 76c box; cantaloupe, 75ctjll.2S crate; water melon i.uu pur ceulai: peacnes, uregou, 60d70c; Bartlett pears, T5cftl1.60. , iliCH.ttlfc uuckleDernes, o7c ID. APPLKB Local. AlK'Ual.7it box. accordlag U) quality. uaiva uregon, i.iot2uv par cental. 1-liATOKS belllna urkc. Nw local. 90c fill. 16; buying price, ordinary shipping, 8oJ Puc; fancy, PocUfl-OO; aweets, Mo. 1, 2c; to. 2, xvc lb. VKUETABLKbJ Turnips. Sl.25 sack; carrot. fl. 25; parsnip, $1.2; Uregoa cabbage. $1.76 Wl.wu cat.; green onions, joc aoaen Duncnes; peppers, eitfioc ID.; bead lettuce, local, auc; ceury, 6iiiu, i oC dozen; articbokt, Ooc; eucum Ixra. $1.00 per sack; tomatoea, Oregon, 40 ((i toe; egg plant, 2Vtc lb.; string beans, 6c lb.; iLi.haru, l(4i2c lb.; pvas, oo lb.; caululower. 00c(c$1.00. axeau, ruh and rrovlsiona. DltE.SSh.0 MEA'ib belling priue: Country killed beat nog, 12c lb.; pour. lOttUe lb.; beat veal. 14c; ordinary , 13c; goat, oc; lamba 11 Wc: multou, bUlOc. tudOkkl) ULAid llama, 13 Q 22c; brask fast bacon, lbi.ltK ; plcmcs, 14c; coltuge roll,' lbc; snort clears, siuoksd. l&UluWc; Oregou exports, smoked, 12c lb. LAUD avettle rcudvred, tleroes, lic; stand ard, 14Vnc; lard, uunipuuud, 12c. OY8Tb.K UiyupU, gallon, $2.75; canned eastern, o&e aaa, $o.0 dosan; eastern In sbsil, $l.i per 100; rasur clams, lie doxn; eastern ulsters, per gallon, solid puck ( ). rlSli Dressed flounders, 7c; cbinook aal auou, bQKBc per lb.; sieelbead, htoVc; perch, Tc; lobsters, 30c; silver sine it, oc; salmon trout, ltic lb.; halibut, ,fcfe&llc; sturgeon, hHHinc. CHAliti Large. 1 73; medium, $1.20 doaen. groceries, SUQABV Cube, $s.i, powdered, $8.00; fruit or berry, $7.bU; Honolulu, $7.46; beet, $7;0, dry grauuluted, 7.0u; I) yellow $00. t Above quotstiou are 'dm da net caaa.) UU.NBV-New, $..2auV4.60 per case. ItlCfi Jspau stria, iNo. 2, 4c; New Or- leaua, bead, bailt:: blue rose, 5c MALT Coarse, half grounds, lOus, $10.60 Kr ton; boa, $11. M); table dairy. &oa, $ltt.O0; Us, $1.&0; bates, $2.26; lump rock. $M ton. KUANS quotations nominal: Umall wolf, SJ bO; Urge white, $0.00; piuk, $1.76: lima. $7ao; bayou, $7.60; ted, 7.&o. Hope, Wool and Uulaa. BOPS NouuiuU, buying pxlue, ISIS crop, TaallWe lb. WOOL 1W16 clip: Willamette valley, eoaso Cotawoid, utitaoQi medium bbropablre, 36v: fine, VlJa2c; eaatara Uregon ataple, 20Q2&C per id. ; coarse ana meaiuui, auut id. U1UKS bailed bldfi. 2 Iba. aim ap, 17He; sslied stags 00 lbs, aud up, UHc; aaited kip. lj lba. to 26 lba., lac; salted calf, up to li lba., 2&c; green bidaa, 26 lb, aud up. 15V4e; Eiten atags, 00 ids. sua up, 11M1C; grn Kip 15 lba. to 26 lb., lsc; green uu, up to 15 lba., 25c: dry flint, 20c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lb., 4lc; dry salt aides, ury horse- bldaa, each, 7 Be to $2.00; salt borseuidea, eeb, $U to $4; horsehair. c; dry long wool pelu. 21c. dry abort wool pelts, lbc; dry sheep shearing, each, 10yi26c; aaited aheep abeax- inga, eacu, louae. TALLOW ro, 1, 7c; Ke. S, c; greaae, 0c lb. ClilTTIM OB CA8CABA BARK Buying price, per car its, -avic; leaa waa car lou. MOUA1K 191U, 30(U40C. bl SAL Dark, lie ib.; white, 18He lb. Paints and 011a. COAL 01L-v-V aier wbita lu drums and Iron barrels, loe. LlNaEKli OIL Raw, bbls.. gle cat: kettle Dolled, DDI. sec; raw csa., eUc; Dolled, case, Sic gal.; lots of 260 gallon, le less. TURPENTINE Tauks,. 67c; caaea, B4e gal. WHIT- LEAD Ton lota, lit. to.; 0O0 lb. leu. lijic; leaa tots, livtc per ib, OASOClNK Baala price 2tWe par gal. OIL URAL Carload lota, $S4; lass than cat lota, $o6-aO. Bud. Buying Frloaa. Cfc-e Bed, 14c; alsika, l&c per D. Timothy dS4Hc; domestic rye graxa, reicn, auwe; onion, sc Good Advance in Wheat Made Early In Chicago Trade Chicago, Sept. 28. (I. N. S.) Folio wlnr slightly lower opening In the wheat pit, prices made cent and two cent gains during tbe early trading here today. The reported action of Qreeoe In joining the allies caused the lower opening end a slirht decline before tbe prices advanced oo further unfavorable crop reports from Argentine. Tbe early range of price for December wheat (bowed an open ing at .o24, low $1.61 and blgh 1J3 The commission bouses were again heavy buy era in wheat. Corn and oat prices' were firm, with one ex ception. September corn made a 2 cent jump during the first hour, selling aa high aa 0Oe aner opening at bh, y under the eloae. it later dropped back to 89. Otherwlae oat and corn prices remained practically stationary, In tbe preliminary deals Tbe provlalon market was lower. Chicago range by Cnlted Preev: WHEAT Open. High, 188 13B Low. 1BJ 1514 152 88 731, 76 4 8 61 SR25 26115 2310 1460 1482 1327 Cfoe. 158 46 48U Sept. Deo. May Sept. Dae May Sept. Dec. May Beet. Oct. Jan. 156. 155 CORN W 73 OATS '- 48 'St PORK 2660 200 2322 LARD 14.2 1437 1X6 RIBS 1445 ibeo 1247 8830 2H60 2322 14TO 1482 1332 1440 1887 1245 Sept Oct Jan. .-.1462. 1486 1382 Sept Oct, Jan. ....1445 ....1885 ....1246 1443 1386 1246 San Francisco Wool Market. Baa Francisco. Sent 27. (P. m. 8.1 Wnoi per lb. j Humboldt and Mendocino, g months, etock ataple. 22324c; extra Ugbt croae-bred, 26(228o; Bad Bluff and vicinity, 11 months, 20226c: Nevada stock. sUnle. sietMet extra light croaabred. .262Sc,, according, to qual ity; aorta coast state clip, 1819, r20ci lambs' wool. lsaiBc: do.. CaUfornla. 12is.- fall weeL Sle f or eouthara and 10Q16 for aortaers. - St Loe la, Sapt T U K. Changad. - , . . B.) Wool va- New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. Sept: 2S. tj. p.) Coffee Knot No. 7 Bio, e; no, d Santos. 11 c Sugar Centrifugal, 6.a. . ; - : , . 16214 , 152 . SS . 78 Vt . 76ft . . 9 Mtt .ssso .2635 .2312 dapiimp puadpco Cro A . i ma . r j i . k Vr I 1 wl WB l INATCE APPLES SEVERELY DAMAGED Some Estimates Place Loss at 1000 Can, But This Is Beliered to Be Too HighAuction Me Get Very Low prices-for Fruit. By Hyman H. Cohen. The greatest damage eves Inflicted to an apple district In the northwest in a short pe riod a reported from tha Wenatche section. Estimates of tha damage to the apple eiwp from the severe wind storase range from 15 to 29 per cent. In some quarters the ioea in carload la placed at 1000 care. One shipper exchange received tbe report from the wenatehee section that the damage In that particular section will run from 2 to 6 per cent. Parabaatla wired damage to 8UT mane. Delicious. Spitaenberg and Pear maina oo per cent; total crop uamage w per eent. Ia Cashmere they estimate the damage to the entire crop at 10 per cent, opacifying that Delickxr. Borne Beauties, gpltaenbergs and 8termana are hardest hit. Brewster, Omak and Okanogan, In, fact, tha entire Co lumbia river district, report total damage or about 6 per cent, excepting Delicloue, which tney estimate at irom u to a per cent. Shipper of the Northwestern Fruit exchange have notified the organisation to withdraw Quotations on Delicious. In the Perahaatln district the Northwestern Prult exchange says. that It will sot be in a position to accept any orders for any varieties mentioned above until further Investigation ol the damage has been completed. Great India-nation la Shown m leading ap ple shipping circle of tbe Pacific northwest over the daughter of auppllea on tne auc tion markets of the east Stelnhardt a Kelly, tbe well known new York apple firm, wire that the first straight car of Yakima Grime tioklen sold tbere on the auctlone yeaterday. The prlcea realised were from 76c to $1.15 per box, an average of V8c. The ear will net growers leas than pecking and carrying charges. Tbere la absolutely no excuse why applea of high grade from tbe Pacific northwest should be alauzhtered in the eastern auc tion . markets at this time, especially aa pri vate dealer are getting more money, and are in fact paying extremely good prlcea f. o. t northweet growers. Eastern soole markets: Columbus Market steady. Demand good for good atock. Barrel, Jonathan $4.50(3(0.00. Dea Moines Boxea, Colorado, Jonathaae and Crimea. $1.6001.75. Detroit Market active. Good quality and condition. Duchess $2.76; Maiden Blush $3.25; Alexanders. S3.T5: ill barrel. DALLAS ReoeiDta llabt. Uooa quality ana condition. Boxea, Belle Flowers, $1.28; Colo rado, Jonathana extraa $z.oo. rancy. Mlssonri .Jonathana. barrel, rancy ao.uu: diui stock from Texaa, $1.40Q1.6 per 106 lba.; Arkansas B1.U6 per 100 lba. Houston KecelDts sufficient to supply de mand. Boxea, Colorado, Jonathans, gooa qaai itv sTtrss. i2.1Stfi2.2S: fancy $l.lKNai2.00. Indianapolis Uecelpts. e Missouri; urmauu good. Barrels, Maiden Blush, $3.&0s;i.oo iirlmes 14.OOM4.50: Jonathans. $4.&06.00. Kansas City -Receipts, Missouri s. turn over 4 Missouri. 1 uolorsao. eaarnet snesay. Demand good for good atock. Fancy Oraven stelns, barrel, good condition In ear lota for torage, mostly $4.00. Milwaukee RecelDta B cars. Demand good. Bnrrela, Jonathans $3.005.00; lirlmee, 3.60 624.00. w v Wl - M nnesnnll KeceinrS. a a.anaa. i auur sots, 8 Missouri, 3 Washington; M ears neio over. Demand moderate. Boxea, Colorado Jonathana, extraa $2.25; fancy $2.00.' New Orleana Receipt heavy, uemana gooa. Boxes. Washington Winter Banaaaa, good condition. 12.25412.60: Jonathana. $2.00. Oklahoma Cltr a-ippiy nnutao, uemana llcht. Pair quality aad condition. California, Brll nowera. BL20. Omshs Receipts. 1 Doloraao. uemana moa sratei Fair aualltr aaa cooaiaoo. imorsuo lAnithinl. boxes PlttabursT No fresh arrival; a care neio. Market dulL Demaai slow. Philadelphia Becelpta, 8 West Virginia, 10 Kw York. 15 Pennaylvanla. Unloaded, West Virginia, 7 New York, 20 Pennaylvanla 1 weatern. Held over, o rw lorx, s renn sylvanla. Market active. Uemana gooa ror good stock, new xorx unmea cto. im, Q3.50; No. as, xiiA(ffio; jonawans, . Is 13 5061)5.00. Bloux City Recelpta, l Missouri, uooa quai ity and condition. Fancy Jonathans, barrels, s-l 2.1614 so St. Louis xeeteraay approximately uu peckacea arrived by boat. Heavy receipts due today. Yesterday's market declining TVdav's salea. buhels, Illinois, Jonathans 1.25: Orlmes. $1.10: Ben Da via. moatly 63c. W aahlngton ro zresn car 101 arrivals, a u ears Virginia unloaded. Market fair, demand llaht. Variable quality, condition generally mod. Grimes. No. la. $3.uole.w; no. ia, $2.203.00 per barrel. Qrlmea, $1.00(31.25 per Ikiishel. 8an Antonio Receipts moderate, wasning- tcn demand limited. Boxes, extraa $1.76; tan cv IlJiO: choice. $1.36; Colorado boxea, de mand improving; extraa; tancy, i..ow choice, $1.35. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Baa Traneiaoo Xarkat. Baa Francisco. Sept 28. (C. P.) Butter Extra, 81c; prime nrsta, 30c; nrata, 2&c r.gga cixixaa, ovici piuiaia, k. Cheese California fancy, 16c; firata. l4e: Oregon trlpleu, rancy, itmc Seattle Market. Beattle. Sept. 28. (U. P. ) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube.' 84c: do brick. SSc: atoraae. cube. 82c: do brick. 82c. Cheese ore iron triplets, xuc: wuconsia Trip. lets, 2oc; do twins, 20c; Young America, 22c Kggs Select rancu, 4oe; April, ac. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle. Sept. 28. (U. P.) Onion Yellow California. 2V.e: walla Walla, i4izc. Potatoes White new California. $28(925 White River. $25; Yakima Gems, $25827 aweets, $2.60. Baa FraaeiMO Market. San Francisco. Sept. 28. (U. P.) Potatoea Per cental. Delta, In aacks, $1.10gl.OO; do Shlma red bags. $1.85; No. 2 stock, 60 60c per sack; Salinas, $2.25; uregon Burbauks, $1.75; Washington Netted Gema, $2. Onions Brown, $1.85 per bag. Loa Angela Market. Loe Angelea. Cel., Sept. 28. (P. N. S.) Eggu Case count, ie. Butter Fresh extra, 83c, BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Banks. This week ,..".$ 2.835.799.38 2,423,037.48 .... 2.442.100.41 .... 2.146.8201 Tacoroa Bank. Clearings: Monday ... Tuesday .. Wednesday Year a; aao. $ 2,O54.03a.O9 1.824.707.R8 1.784.803.67 l.T08,2S.L2 $ BSO.439,00 Thursday .. Clearings . Balances Clearings . Balances . . i 0T, 511.00 Seattle Banks. ...$ 2,400,894.00 269,493.00 Loa Angalea Baaaa. Okrartngs Clearings $ a280.128.00 Baa rruoio Banlu. : $12,O42,B5.O0 PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE Batter was up lHc on' the exchange, egg were ap to bic, wiw a eaie at tnat price, prlcea between dealers: BUTTER. Bid. Aak. Extras .82 Seconds . 28 BGGS. Currest recelpta sold..... T ; CrTnTjHHK. - - Oregoa trlpletg ................. .... ;iTH v . Oregon Apples In Sonth Baa rrandsco. Bent. 27. fl. N. 8. Annies new crop la good order: Gratenatela. $i 4001.28 for 4 tier and '3f75c for tier: Gloria Mandy, ssorbe for and d tlerr BeHefleur, 4 tier. 5S6c and 6W?75e for 4V. tier: Klnaa. 75eS5e for 4 and 6076e for 444 tiers Fall Plpplna, e5Q75e; Bhode blend Greetunge, S6O 76c. for 4 tier and 60c for 414 tier: common rede, 6075c; Jonathan, vvi.i5 tor 4 tier I a vusjf avuewj aywiaMtausf aw T-wey r.aaj surr Utf I and 70&S5e for 4V4 tiers W saner. TSeiWe r I 4 tier and SOQOee for 4H tier; Howver. 76(285e f or d tie aad aOOe for die tier. . , - . BY VERY HIGH IDS - i i n i . i in swa II Vl f Packers Get Good .Supply of Mutton On Contract Herel ssBwaaaw-wa-waa-.aB-ai . Rather liberal Stocks Come For ward Orernight General Live stock Trade Is Good. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BTJHV ' Boga. cattle. Calveav Boeep. Thnrsday , , 870 80S 23 2527 . 2 260 164 230 208 34 1191 209 Wednesday , 804 183 1068 17$ ...1311 483 4H8 27 74 731 6 108 102 8 48 66 1 S Tueedsy .... MoDOay Saturday .., Friday Week ago.., Year ago. Two years ago..... Three years ago.... S5S 67 $1 IT There was onlte liberal supply of sheep re ported u the North Portland yards ever Bight, bat aside irom the contract staff and tha atock that came direct to a local killer, there waa practically only a nominal supply available. General trend of the mutton and lama traae Is naturally quite firm under these conditions. Genersl mntton and lamb market: Select sprlnr lamba $ 8. 75 Ordinary lamba S.00t8.25 Beat yearling i.wta'.-o Good to eotamon wethers 5.75a8.00 Beat ewes 6.75 Heavy common ewes 4.00434.50 Hog Market Is Steady. With a rather liberal run of hogs shown at North Portland over night tha market waa nevertheless of a steady nature. Early aalao of top staff were made at $9.90, which Is prac tically unchanged from recent daya so far aa tba bulk of the stock la concerned. General hear market: Choice llaht welarata $ 9.90 Good light weights a ety9 9 80 Medium weight xoa .oo Rough heavy.. .' , 8J50(Jt 9.00 Cattle Bltuatioa Strong. Strength continue In the cattle market sit uation at North Portland. Overnight there waa a fair supply reported in tbe yards. No change Is shown in prices. General cattle market ranee: Prima light steers Prime heavy steer , .$8.608.75 . e.&027.00 . 6.00ft8.25 . 6.UOx5 73 Good light steers Stocker and feeders....... Prime dehorned cows and heifers . 6.40&5.50 Common cows '. . 4.00it&.00 Bulls , Prime light veal calvea , . 8.60i4. . 7.OOQ7.B0 . 4.008.00 frime heavy veal calvea Thursday Livestock Shippers. Hogs J. 0. Cork, Heppner, 1 load; Dalles Dressed Meat Co.. Tbe Dalles. 1 load; M. M Hoctor. Goideadale. Wash- 1 load. Robert lie- Crow, 1 load; T. B. Howltt, Lebanon, 1 toad? O. W. Edward, 1 load; McMaban a From, Hal- sey, 1 load. Cattle J. U. Brlgga, Carlton, 1 toad; I. C Blvens, Mocllpa, Wash., 1 load. Cattle and Calvea J. V. Dlnsmore, Albany, 8 loads. Sheep Uaioa Meat Co., Lyle, Wash, 8 loads; Mlkel Bros, Government Camp. 086 head driven ia. Mixed stuff William Block. Monmouth, 1 load bogs and aheep; J. W. Da via, 13 cattle, I calf and 15 hogs by boat; J. S. Flint, Junc tion City, 1 load cattle, calves and boga Wednesday Aftemoa Bales, STEERS. No. 2 steer 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 7 cow . 1 cow .. 1 cow .. 8 cow . 1 cow .. 8 cows . 11 bulla . 1 bull . . 1 calf .. 6 calvea 1 calf .. 2 hoga . . 15 bogs 18 bogs . 2 hogs . 5 hogs . 48 bog . 12 bog . AY. lba 905 COWS. 1080 870 1017 iooo 1470 91'0 1470 920 BULLS. 1179 1380 CALVES. 180 424 180 HOGS. 90 212 124 185 152 194 183 Thursday Morning Bala. oTEEKS. Av. lbs. 1343 Ut 884 VM 787 840 025 1020 847 670 COWS. 1220 1340 980 1023 985 l)0 10U5 700 , 890 Price $5.26 $4.75 4.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 e.&o 4.25 $4.25 4.10 $5.25 6.25 7.60 $5.00 9.90 8.60 9.00 9.00 9.90 9.90 No. 6 afeera 1 steer 10 steers 1 steer 7 steers 1 steer " S steers S steers f steers 1 steer . 1 cow 1 cow . . 1 cow .. 8 cows . 2 cows . 2 cows . 4 cows . 2 cows . 1 cow .. Price $5.75 6.60 6.50 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.25 6.00 4.00 $5.50 6.00 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.00 8.50 1.50 1.75 HEIFERS. 2 heifers 1 heifer . 2 heifers 1 bull . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 calf ... 1 stag .. 6 hogs .. 2 bogs . . 15 bogs . 4 hogs .. 12 bogs . . 4 hogs . . T2 bogs .. 1 hog . 10 boas... 816 $6.25 : 1040 095 970 80O 1200 120 1820 178 220 178 248 148 270 183 480 2S3 185 157 287 190 805 650 190 130 130 170 103 103 209 . 102 237 201 , 198 .. 250 , '139 , 128 420 , 172 . 131 6.00 4.25 BCLLLS. $3.25 8.75 8.00 $7.00 $4-TB $9.90 9.90 9.90 CACVES. STAGS. HOGS, 9.90 9.00 8.90 9.90 B.00 BA0 ,9.90 B.75 9.25 9.90 78 bogs 16 hogs ... 0 nogs . 1 bog . 2 hogs . 2 hogs . 2 bogs . 1 hog 4 hogs . 1 nog . 13 boga . 12 hogs 10 bogs 80 nogs 10 bogs 81' hoga 70 hogs 2 hogs 14 hogs 18 hoga 1 hog . 88 boga 1J hoga 9.00 9.90 8.50 8.50 8JH) 7.50 7.50 9.90 10.00 9.00 9.90 10.00 9.00 8.75 8.75 8.90 9.90 8.60 New York Cotton Market. Furnished by Overbeck a Cook Oo.. 21K217 Board of Trade building: open. nigh. low. cioee. January 1611 1617 1808 , 1613 March 1629 1635 1824 ' 1831 May 1844 1855 1842 1650 July 1851 1659 1651 1859 October 1500 lose is8 ir2 December 1800 1610 1600 1606 Foreign Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat Id to 2d lower a London Cargoes on passage, 9d to la tower. Roearlo Wheat opened 1 to Hd higher. Wilson League to Meet. The regtilar meeting of the Woodrow Wilson league will be held this eve nine; at 8 o'clock in Central library hall. A rood program and addresses and mualc has been arranged and tha public is invited to attend. Gerard Sails for Home. '. s 's' Copenhagen, Sept 28. (I. N. S.) James W. Gerard, American' ambassa dor to Germany, and Mrs. Gerard aaHed on tha Uner Frederick VIII today for New York. Secretary Lansing; An nounced yesterday that permission had been given to Ambassador Gerard , go come home" "for a vacation," . V Another Submarine Cfeming. -London. Sept." 28. I, N. 8.) A third German commercial submarine will be ready within a month, according to re ports received there from. Bremen. Tbe sew diver-iinef, somewhat larger than the " Peutachland, will be called - the miser. c?u&:- "'."iZsti DDI cc Edited by Hymaa H. Cohort. i i - fc W WHEAT TRADE STILL IS INCLINED TO HOLD PRICES DOWN HE Situation Very Good for Cash Staff In Middle West and Further Ship ment East Are Expected Soon Foreign Markets Lower. " NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Care facet. Barley. Fir. Oats. 33 ... 13 8 67 S 4 S 1431 40 521 643 8387 447 218 884 49 1 ... 5 86 1 ... 6 1888 83 ... 85 2421 135 ... 134 7 1 7 4 48 20 4 S 1619 77 531 458 2451 818 26 837 Portland, Thort. 2 .8 422 007 Year ago Season to date.. Year aco Tacoma, Wed... 12 13 Year ago Season to date.. 550 Year ago Seattle, Wed... 1 Year aico 21 1004 1209 Season to date . . Year ago Higher prices were shown la the early Chi cago wheat trading, bat lower price were In dicated abroad. 4 The local market Is still acting under ad verse influence, the leaders of the trade be ing bearish at tha moment Tbe cash altuatloo in the middle west and In the southwest remains favorable and If the local market continues to aag, it will not be long before tbe ootalde trade enters the north weet markets and takes out additional heavy (applies. The flour market situation la strong, bat price change are not mentioned. Broomball cabled from Liverpool that wheat waa weak aa affected by political outlook and easier American cable. The general demand is small wltharrlval fair. Argentine news caused some pressure on wheat. There appears to be a disposition in America far a further decline and traders are waiting. France Aa official report placea the yield of wheat at 10 to IS per cent leas than last year. Ararentlna estimated shipment this week: Wheat 800,000 bushels, corn 2,975,000 bushels. Weather la Europe unfavorable for harvest. FLOUR Selling price: Patent $8.00; Wil lamette valley, $8.20; local straight, $8.20i3 u.j;- naxera' local, fe.4UQao.eo; Montana spring wheat, $8.00; exports, $5.SO5.60; whole wheat. $0.80: araham. $4.60: rye flour. $6.00 per barreL 11 A 1 Buying price, aew crop: Willamette alley timothy, fancy, $1400; eastern Oregon- Idaho lancy timothy. si8.oofiXi.oo; alfalfa. $16.75: valley vetch. $12.00: cheat $12.00: clover, $9.003 10.00 ton. GRAIN BACKS 1918 nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta, lH44Dll$o in car lots; leas amounts are higher. MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Bran. B23.00: shorts, $25.00 per ton. KUL,UD OA IS I7.WKiI7.Z3 per barreL With a heavy sharp advance in tba Chicago closing prices for wheat, the market on tbe Portland Merchants exchange at last reflected au Improved condition. Word from Chicago came that the Belgium relief commission was seeking huge supplies of wheat On the ex change here valnee "Were lifted 8c for bluestem, and the general market was higher. Feed oats unchanged, but barley was up ooc a ton. Merchants Exchange September bids: WHEAT. Thur Wed. Tuee. Moo. 1916 1916 191 Bluestem .... Forryfold . . . 135 90 182 ISStt 134 . 130 88 . 127 85 . 129 82 . 125 80 OATS. .2760 2S2S BARLEY. .8400 2500 180 125 127 , 124 Club Red Fife ... Red Russian. 127 124 Feed 2750 2725 2750 8350 8500 8500 Feed Futures were quoted: WHEAT. Bid. . 136 . 135 . 130 . 130 October bluestem November bluestem October forty fold November fortyiold October club November club October red Fife . 127 . 127 . 130 1 . 130 I . 125 ! . 125 1 November red Fife October Russian November Russian FEED OATS. .2750 .2800 . 8450 'tiu October November FEED BARLEY. October .. November October. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Kansas City Hog $10.45. Kansas City. Mo.. Sept. 28. (I. N. S.) I Hogs Receipts 7000, lower. Bulk, $9.66910.85; packers ana butcher. $uJUsio.a; heavy, tguv.zo; iignt, av.ouu41u.90; pig, ao- loajw.ou. Cattle Recelpta 4000. ateady. Prime fed ! atcera, $9.50 10.75; dressed beef steer., $7.25 &K.25; western steers, $6.2539.00; stoekers and feeder. $5.0O7.75; bulls, $5.0008.25; cslvev $6.00(11.00. Sheep Receipts 5000, lower. Lamba, 89.60 t 10.00; yearlings, $7.608.25; wethers, $7.00 7.75; ewes, $8.507.25. Beaver Hogg $10.40, Denver, Sept. 28. Csttle Receipts 1200. ateady. Beef steers, $6.00&7.26; cows and heifera, $5.006.25; stoekers and feeders, $6.2007.25; calves, $8.00010.00. Hoga Receipts 1600, steady. 26c lower. Tope, $10.40; bulk, $9.9010.15. Sheep Recelpta 24,000, weak. Lamba, $9.40 Q9.7&; ewes, $856.75. Omaaa Hoga $10.85, Omaha. Sept 28. (L N. S.) Hogs Re celpta 6200. lower. Heavy. $6.7039.96; Mirht. $10.00Q10S; plga. $8.25(810.00; bulk. $9.75 Cattle Recelpta 6600, steady. Native steers, $8. 75 10.76; cows and heifers, $6.7507.60; western steers. $6-509.23; Texaa steers, $3.23 T OO; stoekers and feeders. $6.00(38.25. Sheep Receipts 33,000, lower. Yearlings, $7.0038.25; wethers, $.507.25; Iambs, $9X0 fc9.83. Chlcaara Hogs $10.75. Chieago, Sept. 28. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 20,000, weak, 13 and 20c under yester day's average. Bulk, $9.90010.00; Ugbt $9.60 C10.60; mixed, $9.60(-10.75; heavy, $9,500 10.85; rough. $9.5009.75; piga, $6.7509.70. Cattle Recelpta 8000, "firm. Native beef steers, $8.4011.25; western ateers. $6,150 9.40; stoekers and feedera, $4.6007.70; cow. and heifers, $3.4009.85; calvea, $8.60013.00. Sheep Recelpta' 17,000, weak. Wethers. $8.8008.40; lambs. $8.76010.60. Seattle Hoga $10.60. Seattle, Wash., Sept 28. (P. N. 8.) Hogs Receipts 258 exceedingly strong. Prime lights, $10.35010.50; medium to choice, $9.10 010.15, smooth heavies, $9.40010.00; rough heavies, $8.9009.50: pigs. $3.6009.60. Cattle ReoeiDta 149. ateady. Best steers. $7.0007.25; medium to choice " $6.2606.60; common to medium, $5.2505.75; beat eowa, $512605.75; common to medium cow, $3,500 4.60; bulla, $3.0004.60; calves, $7.0008.00. Sheep Recelpta sooe, steady. Lambs $7.75 08.25; yearlings, $8.2507.00; ewes, $4.5041 5.50. San Francisco Grain Market. May 178B 181 A 181 - sepi. ir sept. 27 Opea. Cloee. Close. December 175B 177A 178 May 178 181 A 181 Spot quotations: Wheat Walla Walla. $2 .20(32 -25; red Russian, $2.1602.20,: Turkey red, $2.3502.40; bluestem, $2.4002.60. reed-Barley. $1.70 01.72; white oata, $1.6001.62; bran. $24.00024.60: middlings, $32.000330; aborta. $25-60026.00. American Wheat Market. Omaha Cash wheat No. 1 . hard, $1.52 a l.W No. 2 hard, $1.61 1.53; No. S hard. ai.DUftXi-a- - t Louis Cash wheat No. 2 red, $1.09 Ijefl: No. 3 red, $1.5301.54: No. 2 hard, Bl.ii0168: No. 3 bard. $1.5601.56. - Kansas City Cash wheat No. 2 hard, $1.62 Sl.aot so. hard, i-ba; 10. a red, $1-66; - Salary Is Ko Object. ' Detroit. Sept. 2$ U. P.) James Cousens, former vice president and general - manager of the Ford Motor company, at a reported salary ox $100,' 000 a year, today accepted appointment by Mayor Marx as commissioner of police at a salary of $5000 a year. Be Is believed to be the only multimll- lionalra police oommisaioner la the ! country . - :f?-mK. " . " - - Trade Is .Erratic; Industrials Go Up And Rails Decline - New York. Sept 28. (I- W. S.V After opening strong today, the etock snarket dar ing the early tranaaetiaaa hit aa irregular j pace with rails and steel dropping back and cvpvw BBS WMUV SMI ly untwutav going gpwtrd. General Electric waa the feature er-eelaltr elaaa. eattiae a aew blab of the at 186U. The stock s.ld up to opening at 183 H. 1H above the etose. after The Tbe marine MSuea awpiayea greet activity. d referred atock calned 3 point above the close In the first hoar deala by Belling ap t ia. j Americas Sugar was Strang opening at 118. 1 ap, and gaining 4 of a point later, A mar. lean Beet Sugar wea weak, selling down to 98 after openilng at 98. The greatest lrregatarlty waa ta the tails Issues. Tbe majority dropped fractionally. Union Pacific sold no ta 16 2 la tbe early treding, making a 1H polat gala above the clore. New York Central advanced slightly. Republic Steel waa the exception la the eteei class and rained S points above tbe close, selling st is. In tbe Industrials tbe locomotive stocks were active and made point gains In tba first trading. The political attnation la the' dominating factor eat the snarket at preeent 1 Ranara of New York orteaa fnrnlahed bv ' Overbeck a Cooks Oo 818-217 Board af Trade 2 building: Doacrlptlon Open 1 High Low I Close Alaska T2 20 88 90 64 W a 111a inaimara, a..... do ptd Americas Beet Sugar.. American Can, c , American Can, pf d American Car Fdy., c. American Cot Oil. a American Unseed, e. do pfd American Loco,, c. . . American Smelter, c. 114 86 66 23 63 78 is 118 Anerlcan Smelter, pfd 118 112 Aueneaa caigar. e.... Am. TeL ic Tel... American Woolen, c . Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchison, e. do pfd Baldwin Loco., a. . . . do pfd... Baltimore A Ohio, d. Bethlehem Steel, e. . Butte & Superior.... Brooklyn K. T. Calif. Petroleum, c... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c. . . do pfd Chesapeake a Ohio... Chi. k G. W., c do pfd C, M. A St. P Chi. a N. W., e Chlno Copper Ctlo. F. 4 I., e Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c. . . . . do pfd Crucible Steel, e do pfd. Denver a R. G., c... do pfd Dlstlllera. Erie, c. (. do let bfdA 4814 97V4 108 100 100 87 88HI 86 Ve 86 107 500 63 85 179U 1794 177 78 73V4 72 18-J 97 07 97 68H 67 139 139 l 91 94 16 HI 93 121 121 84 44 40 64 83$. 76 43 V General fEledtric (183 General Motors.. Goodrich - sibber 74 43 G NortbTfn Ore Landa G. Northern, pfd..... Greene-Cananea Hide a Leather, e... do pfd. Ice Securities. IlUnola Central Industrial Alcohol. . . . In pi ration Icterboro, e do pfd..... Kansas City South., e. Leckawanna Steel Lebigh Valley Mldvale Steel Mexican Petroleum..., Miami Copper Kenneeott Copper , Missouri Pacific National Lead NevadaiCoo New Haven New York Air Brake. . New York Central..... 120 119 62 06 ii 61 28 29 103J104 103 26 84 62 i!2 111 eo 67 4 T0 23 81 B 67 4 0 229i 61 147 148 iu 109 N. Y., Ont, A W Norfolk a W., c Northern Pacific Pacific Mali Pennsylvania Ry People's Gas Pltubnrg Coal, c do pfd Pressed Steel Oar, e. . do pfd Ray Cons. Copper Railway Steel Spring Rending, c. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic I. a 8, C... do pfd 186 118 135 118Ul$ 27 28 68 68 100 32 103 80 103 28 62 eo 80 80 108 1U3 103 26 26 61 26 61 114 61 114 113 113 3 Bock Island Shattuck 1 Seara, Roebuck a Co. Stndebaker, c do pfd Slosa-Shef field 19 82 19 82 19 81 218 216 215 132 134 182 61 108 WQiuErn riuiic M(m Ry., c do pfd Tenn. Copper Texaa Oil Texas Pacific Third Avenue T., 8t. L. a W.. e.... 89 25 224 11 61 6 do pfd I Union Pacific, c. 152 , do pfd 83 61 U. :S. Rubber, e. do pfd 113 C. S. Steel Co., e do pfd Utah Copper lis 121 97 Virginia Chemical, c... W. U. Telegraph Weettnarhousa Bleetrle. Wisconsin Central Total aalea, 1,636,100 shares. San Francisco Hop Market. Ban Francisco, Sept 27. (L N. I.) Boos. 1916 crop: California, 12015c per pound to grvwera; Oregon contracts. 11015c. Car Service Bureau Head Is Appointed George A. irewen Vaxned Aearietaat go. perlntendent of Transportation of Souther Pacific Oo, Frank L. Burckhalter, superintendent ef the Southern Pacific's Portland di vision, today announced tbe appoint ment of George A. Newell as assistant superintendent of transportation, with headquarters at the Union station. His duty will be to administer tbe car sup ply and distribution in Oregon, and he Will be head of the car service bureau established some time ago by indirect order of President Sproule. Mr. Newell has been looking after car supply and distribution for some months, but the new order gives him far more authority, than he has hither to enjoyed, and, railway officials be lieve, will put bim in position to afford mora prompt and efficient handling of cars during periods of shortage like Oils. Assistant General Manager J. H. Dyer today said that shippers who need cars are invited to communicate direct with Mr. Newell personally, by mall, or through the Southern Pacific telephone exchanges. The appointment becomes effective October 1. Paris Borrows American Money. New Tork, Sept 2$A(U. P.) Pari is borrowing money for the'frst time outside of Franca A $60,000,000 loan is being arranged for the city here through Kuhn, Loeb & company,, it was announced today. Tbe loan, win v take tbe form of a five year, 6 percent Knd which will toe offered the publio by tbe banking firm next week The city of Paris will use the funds provided by the bond issue to Increase hospital facilities, build orphan asyl ums, care for widows of soldiers and to maintain the unemployed. y Denver Bread to Advance. . Denver. Sept. JS. (U. P.) After next Monday prices of alj bakery goods in . this city will be advanced approximately SO per cent- This was decided on at a meeting; of the Master Bakers of Denver; held irere last night, every bakar present voting for the in-ciease.-' i; " FinanceommeceIridust Klamath County Is Prosperous With Great Gains in Bank Deposits Saving of Life Insurrance Is Plan of Portland Baak---Fremch Credit Syndicate Hag JBeea Closed. , . ' v rinaadal Sroaahlna. That the peo ple 'of Klamath county are enjoying progperlty Is told la the assets and deposits in the Klamath county banks. It Is the Increase in tbe last three years, rather than the amount Of de- 1 posits, that shows the real trend of . affair tn Klamath In September of 115 the deposits of the First National bank of Klamath Falls, ' the First State and Savings bank of Klamath Falls and the First National bank of Merrill amounted to $$41,000. Last Monday the combined deposits of these banks reached a total of $1,510,017. or aa increase of two and one-half times. The Bank of Bo- nansa also shows a healthy increase in deposits,' although the exact figures! ... . -tl -Kl eu uui avv4uv, - Bavfcnf XdYe ZnaxmLnoe. Statistics prepared by eminent insurance author ltlea indicates the fact that few of the beneficiaries of life insurance real ise more than passing benefits from such funds. Lack of business train ing on tbe part of those who secure life insurance is said to be responsible for the loss of ' most of the legacy within a few short years. Some of the companies have tried the plan of giv ing monthly dividends to the benefic iaries but even this has not proven a success In most instances, although the insurance companies have done their best in tbe matter. Bank Would Save Xnsttraaeaw The Security Savings eV Trust company of this city haa Just issued a booklet deal ing with the life insurance problem, which Is very interesting.,'7 The bank states that after you have expended money and energy in providing the life insurance fund, why not go a step fur ther, safeguard tbe investment and as sure the Income for those C&e pendent upon you. Trench Credit Syndioate Closed William P. Bonbright & Co., syndicate managers, announce the closing of the American syndicate participating in the new $16,000,000 credit arranged for French banks. Like the two earlier credits of sim ilar amounts negotiated by Messrs. Bonbright & Co., Paris, In conjunction with Bankers Trust company and Wil liam P. Bonbright & Co., New Tork, this new credit differs entirely from such loans as the Anglo-French and the recent British loan. Those loans are represented in this country by the direct obligation of the contracting nations, while the new Bonbright credit is evi denced by drafts drawn by the prin cipal and most responsible of French banking houses on American banks of equal standing which accept and dis count tbe drafts at a prearranged rate. The drafts are then either held by the banks themselves or sold, or it de sired they may be redlscounted In the federal reserve banks. The proceeds then are available in American dollars In New Tork and are expended under supervision of Wil liam P. Bonbright Co, the American Syndioate Managers, only for Ameri can products exported to France. iCHOOL GIRL MAKES HER ESCAPE FROM E FLIRT Man Catches Maiden by Arm When She Attempts to. Brush By on Street, That the male flirt and the man who uses touring cars to entice young girls Is to be found in Portland is shown in the experience of a 17-year-old high school girl the other morning. "Hello, girlie; wouldn't you like s ride on the highway?" was the greet ing aha received at Seventeenth and Morrison streets while walking; quietly to school. She was accosted by a well dressed man standing near an expen sive touring ear with "bicycle spoke" wheels. Tbe girl attempted to brush past him, and the man caught bold of her arm. Warned that If ha didn't take hands off her she would aoraazn, the stranger called her "a little piker," Jumped in his machine ant drove away. In her excitement the girl forgot to look at the number of tbe oar and on returning home could only remember the general appearance of man and machine. The .parents are Indignant and con sider the incident a reflection on the good name of Portland, that protection should be neded for a girl going to and irom acboot CITY ASKED TO PAY MORE THAN SEVENTY TIMES TAXED VALUE (Continued faom Page One.) price brought a gasp from the council members and now County Assessor Reed is to be asked to Increase the as sessed valuation. No sooner was Lom bard's statement read than Commis sioner Bigelow said: "The assessed valuation of the property is only $1400. I move that s copy of the letter be sent to the county assessor." It took the council less tiisa a min ute to agree, and Bigelow's motion was unanimously adopted. - The city commissioners contended 'thai If Lom bard valued his property at $100,000 it should . be assessed for- more than $1400. The city engineer had fixed tbe damage to bis property at $600. Caroline 0. Lombard, .owner of a tract adjoining, wants $60,000 dam ages instead 01 $1476 tne city en gineer proposed should be given her. No figures were' given, as to-tbs as sessed value of this tract it was brought out during the hear tag that the West Oregon. , Lumber company leases the half-acre tract from Lombard, paying him $700 a year rental, la addition to paylng'taxaa and street assessments. Engineer Dater , had suggested $500 damages for this I company, but representatives ef the company said their damage would be 110,000. landowner aPreaeat, Tbe bearing . was attended by about 25 property . owners, whose land will be affected by th change of grade along the O-w. r, 4 n. track and MMOBIl intersecting streets. AU protested against the amount ef damages Engi neer Dater bad suggested be paid them for their : property. The council . de cided to see all tha properties, themselves, and if necessary, cting Coal Shortage tn Sights Because of s ' the lack ef transportation, thare prom- ' ises to be aa acute shortage of coal this fall and winter. In the Coos bay -section it tar expected that the output of the Beaver Hills mine will increase ' the supply materially before another "? month and the Libby mine will be turning out more coal as soon as an ouisiae maraet is estanusnea. ine Henryvilie mine Is not digging touch fnarat than .11 f f I r( an t a snnnlv the. Emith-Powers locomotlvsa, which re quire practically 60 tons per day. Tbe Rlverton mine will operate con tiauously this fall and winter, but no . supply can be expected on Coos bay , from tbere fer the mine generally baa a market en tbe CoqulUs for all It Citrus 2rnlt Mem arrosperoas. Call- ' rornla growers of citrus fruits, and narllrulnrl w thnu whn shin thai. nrn. ducts- through the California Fruit . Growers' Exchange, have enjoyed on , of tha moat prosperous years la the history of the industry, according te tbe annual report Just issued from Los Angeles for the 1U-1$ seasoa by Q. Harold Powell, general manager of tba exchange. National advertising, whereby Po pie have been made familiar with the many valuable uses of oranaea and lemons, is credited with having much to do with the Increase la consump tion. During the season when Calif or nla navel oranges are on the market -the consumption of oranges ts two doaen per month per family of five -and during the summer when Cali fornia Valencies are sold, one-half " dozen per month per family. The av erage consumption of lemons Is one half dosen per family per month. O rowers' Organlaattaa OeJaav It is evident that the non-profit, 09-oper atlve system of marketing citrus fruits is steadily gaining In favor ia ' California, if one can take figures as a guide the proportion of tbs crop shipped through the exchange during the 1916-16 aeaaon being 4tt per cent larger than in the preceding year. This Increase,'' writes Mr. Powell, "represents the largest annual gala In membership in recent years, aad brings tbe proportion of the erop nan- ucu uv vim Auiisnss lu insi dikiibbk point in the history of the Industry. Since the close of the shipping season several associations of growers have Joined, while no association has with drawn from the exchange. At the pres ent time the exchange has $000 mem- ; berg." An indirect tribute is paid the greatly abused middleman when it is pointed out that on transactions with 2500 Jobbers the losses on this great volume of business from bad debts , and all other causes amounted to only io.v ine totai cost or marketing Including advertising was only a tri--fle mora than an average of eight cents per box on oranges and nine cents on lemons, which is the lowest' marketing cost for any agricultural crop in the. world. the amount fixed by City Engineer Dater. If the amounts fixed by tbe council are refused by- the property owners, then condemnation, proceedings will be Instituted. Fifty-two per cent of the cost of the big project, including dam. agea to property, is to be paid by the O-W. R. A N, Co., I per cent by' the Portland Railway, Light St Power Co, zo per cent by property owners bene fited and 20 per cent by tbe city. Tne protestants contended that tbs amounts proposed were Inadequate. The properties are abutting the O-W, R. ac N. tracks. Figures Are arabmltted. Following is a list of owners, the amounts fixed as damages by City Engineer Dater, and the wanted by the owners: damages Amt. j. wan tad.. , M00.09 MOO.Of, 40.000.00 1.000.00 too.oo 76.00 00.00' 1,740.00 1,000.06' . 2,000.00 2,400.00 1,000.00 M0O.0O 0.000.66 100.000.00 100.00 Amt. Name offered Twohy Bros. $1900 F. P. Mayes A. S. Haskell 100 Willamette Valley ' Stock & Land Co.. .... M. Scott lis H. p. Lock wood $00 H. C Moore .... 00 171 00 9 e ISO 1400 Mrs. S. fitrom George Fisher. ....... WM. Chase. ....... William Tyere. ...... . Mary Fuller xneo. A. (jodeil J. Li. rotter Caroline S, -Lombard 147$ a. ca.. LomDara too West Oregon Lbr. Co. 100 West Oregon Lbr. Co. 100 10.O0O.OO I. r-areons , too B.0 ,000.00 Plus. Aged Man Hurt. A man supposed to be Robert Brig- hen, about 70 years eld, a resident ef Lents, was knocked down by aa auto truck aJFront aad Madison streets yesterday, and Is still unconscious and In a serious condition at St Vincent' hosplflai- The man was taken to the Emergency hospital, where a bad bead lnjdW was dressed snd later removed to sL .Vincent's! It is thought that his skull was fractured. No on hae been et Ttrt -"p1tl identify him and the name was ot letter found in his clothing. The track was driven bv 3. HV Knox and belonged to the Oregon independent Paving company. " Women Are Tried. Mrs.1 E. McDousalL Nannie Sandberg and Hazel Thomas, defendants, arrest ed for violating the prohibition law ia , the Alder hotel raid last Saturday, were tried this afternoon In the munl cttjai court before a Jury. Attorney T-,- afalarlrav ronraaent a4 tha defend ant. The trial was set for yesterday. but the attorneys were usable to get a Jury ia time. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Wednesday. l;$7 P. mv 26$ V Everett street," started in rubbish, slight damage. - 4:3 n. m. Pacifio Coast Asbestos Co. plant, UU Macadam street, bias ing tar pot, no damage. 1:11 D.m. 180 Kast Twenty-fourta street,, back draft, no damage. 1:21 d. m. r Mrs. jsary uaiioy. Thursday, Carson Heights, ittteilrt flue. $1600 damage. t:2 p. m. Bixiy-aevenm sna nai sey streets, uieoiscn at jopnn as phalt plant, nnesumaiea damage. Overbeck & Cooke Co Stocks. Beads, Oottoa, Orala, Eta. . DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES . . nuMi a a mtsw-c 1 U ALU tAVIAfHUW Member Chicago. Board .Trsda ". Correspondents of Logan 4 Brya . Chicago, ISew Xorft .... for