The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 23, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Fourth Presbyterian Church
to Conduct Exercises Indi
cating Growth,
Graduation Trom Primary to Junior
Grade Will .also Be Conducted;
Instructors Axe Enumerated.
Sunday, September 24, is specially
aet aside for the rallying of the forcea
of the Sunday school of the Fourth
Presbyterian churcli. The school hi
an enrollment of between two and
three hundred, well organised and
graded. The beginners' department has
an enrollment of about 65, of which
at least 12 will receive dlplomaa and
graduate Into the primary department.
Mrs. G. II. Bestow U superintendent
and has ifour assistants, Mra. Kelzer.
Mrs. Rlgdqn, Mra. Boone and Mlaa
liulda Storieburg.
Graduation from the primary into tha
Junior department will also take place.
There are IS graduates. Miss J. Qay
Bodbey has been the superintendent !
this department for many years. There
are five primary teachers. Miss Nannie
K. Taylor. Miss Jessie Francis, Mrs.
.Martin, Mrs. Espey and Mrs. Irving.
Mrs. Helen Workman is secretary and
Mr. Ogden director of music. The en
rollment this last year in the primary
department has been about 83.
G. H. Bestow has been the superin
tendent of the general school for a
number of years, and has back of him
an efficient corns of helpers. The
teachers In the upper departments dur
School to Speak
People who attend the White Temple
next Sunday will have the privilege of
hearing; Professor E. C. Knapp, a noted
Sunday school expert, who will be pres
ent at the Sunday school beginning at
9:60 a, m.. and who will preach at 11
o'clock in the Auditorium, taking for
his theme "The Challenge." All who
have heard Mr. Knapp' s clear, forceful
presentation of facts will enjoy hear
ing him again.
The choir will render the anthem,
"Christian, the Morn Breaks O'er Thee,"
In the evening- Mr. Knapp will preach
from the topic "Dynamic," and the
choir will sing, "There is Rest For
You" (Havens), and "Rock of Ages''
The White Temple church i&Ul have
an every member canvass put on Sun
day afternoon, completing the canvass
of the entire membership of 2000 at
one time, following this up by a series
of conferences and making this a great
home coming week.
mi nnrnmrrrniiiin
UV UIIAUV ll-ltMAl A banquet was held in honor of Dr
U IVLUU LlVlnnU extension secretary of
j World s Christian Endeavor Union and
editor of field for Christian Endeavor
World, and riven by Multnomah
Home Coming of All Hiffpmnt cy chrl8tlan E"d"""r Unlon
Organizations Has Been
Watched During Past Week
i - - - . - i i muni ri II I i .. . k
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the First Presbyterian church Friday
night, September 15.
An outline of the plan for the big
Christian Endeavor expert drive was
riven by Miss Helen Orr. Dr. Ira
D. Landrith followed with a short but J
Inspiring address. Dr. Boyd, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church,
closed the meeting with a few words
of thanks and gratitude to Dr. Land
rith. David M. Jack, president of the
Multnomah county C. E. Union, pre
Bided and introduced the speakers.
After the meeting the Christian En
deavorers proceeded " to the Ice Hip
podrome to ; attend the prohibition
mass meeting.
Tomorrow will be Initial day of j
Church Rally week at the First Pres
byterian church. The rast week has
different organizations i" a series of
opening receptions and social hours.
Beginning today a committee of 150
lng the paat year were Miss Mena Frey, men and women will go out through
Mrs. Ixjroy, Mrs. Flinn, Mrs. Baker, the city and make a pastoral visitation
Mrs. SU-pherison, Miss Mary Bodman, of the entire membership of. the
Miss Iluth Crocker. Mrs. Brown, W. church, carrying a greeting and a pas-
A plana p, R. Kelzer, P. U. McGulre, toral letter to every home.
Miss Burgoyne and llev. and Mrs. II. The week's visitation will culminate
O. Hanson. C. V. Jones is secretary, in a great rally and home-coming: Sun-
Tt. II. O'Neill treasurer and Miss Esther day In the services of next Sabbath
Bodman enrollment secretary. morning, when Dr. Boyd will preach a
Several pupils from the teachers' special sermon, "A Heart Talk From
training class will receive diplomas the Pastor to His People.'' This great
next Sunday, one of them. Miss Fran- movement among the members of the
els. receiving the excellent average of church is designed to open the way for
S8V4 per cent for the year's work. a year of unparalleled activity in the
The Hunday school has also a home First Presbyterian church,
department of 18 members conducted Following the custom of former
by Mrs Isberg and a cradle roll of 17 ytarsthe Women's Association of the
in the hands of Mra. O. H. Bestow. First Presbyterian church will hold
Next Hundav morning at 10:30 the monthly all-day meetings In the church
Highland Congregational Sun
day School Will Inaugurate
a Novel Program,
pastor, Rev. Henry ii. Hanson, will
preach a sermon on "Family Religion."
Entire families are asked to come to
church that morning.
he use. The mornings will be spent in
Sowing for the poor. At noon a home
luncheon for men and women will be
given in the banquet rooms of the
church, served by a committee of 15 ,
women. The afternoon will be glvn
over to business and program. Tuesday
of this week opens the year's work I
with the first all-i
doors are open a
women are urged to be present If in
terested In local charities.
A a new method of enthusing the
American youth in the study of Scrip
tures, the' Highland Congregational
Sunday school will inaugurate a pro
Eram, beginning tomorrow that will
be known as "The Religious Prepared
ness Program." The following slogan
has been adopted. "Our God, Our Coun
try and Our Children." j
The pastor. Rev. Mr. Lewis, and wife
and members of the official board will
meet at the church, tomorrow and or
ganize In military fashion. The for
mer superintendent will be captain, the
teachers are to be corporals and the
classes, squads. The church lias a
larger streamer running across the
facade which has attracted much at
tention, advertising the church as
"Camp Hyland No. 1." A bugler, a
drummer and other military offices
will be supplied. The bugler will blow
an assembly call at 10 a. m. The
American flag will be hoisted and a
Standard Bible school will begin. A
street parade will follow the flag
raising. Each student will march to
the music of the bugle and the army
drum, carrying flags and Bibles. After
the parade an hour will be spent in
Bible study. A call has been issued
for 500 raw recruits. All ages will be
Baptist Ministers' Meeting,
The Portland Baptist Ministers' con
ference will meet in the White Tem
ple Monday, at 2:30 o'clock. II. W.
Stone, or Ivan B. Rhodes, of the T. M.
C. A., will speak on "The Work of the
T M. C. A. in Connection With the
War in Europe."
Program Will Be Rendered at
First Christian Ghurch To
morrow Morning; Music,
Special graduation exercises of the
various classes of the Sunday school
will be held at the First Christian
church. Park and Columbia streets, to
morrow morning. They will begin with
the regular Sunday school hour, 9:45
a. m.. and continue until 11:30. At
this time the pastor. Rev. Harold H.
Griffls, w$U give a short discourse on
"My Father's Business.'' There will
be special music by the Sunday school
orchestra, tinder the direction of Mi3s
Vivianne DeLorey. The regular church
quartet, Mrs. G. F. Alexander, director,
will etng, "The King of Love My Shep
herd Is" (Shelley).
In the evening the quartet will give
a musical program, assisted by Miss
Ruth Crittenden, pianist, and MioS
Vivianne DeLorey. violinist. This will
be followed by a hrief address by llev.
Griffis. The subject he lias chosen is
"The Gospel in Song."
Bishop V. T. Sumner.
Rishnn Walter T. Sumner will hold
services at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral
Thirteenth and Clay streets. Sunday
at 7:45 a. m.. Holy Communion, and
again at 11 o'Hock. The bishop leaves
Portland Sunday evening to attend the
Episcopal general convention at St.
Will Preach Final
Sermon of Series
Tomorrow. Rev. Thomas Jenkint.
pastor of the St. David s Episcopal
church, will preach the last sermon in
the series on "Issues Before the
Church." In the evening; the last one
on "Interpretation of an Old Prophet."
will be preaohed.
Some time next week the rector win
leave for Cleveland to attend the na
tional convention of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew, going as a representative
of the local brotherhood assemoiy.
From ther he will go to St. Louis as
a deputy to the general convention of
the national church. On his return me
first of November he will beg-in a
series of sermons on "Messages rom
the General Convention."
During the month of October the
Reverend B. C. Runnals of Corvallis.
who is soon leaving for the east, will
have charge of the parish. He will be
at the church, occupying the rector's
study, where he may be found eacn
morning. The parish considers itself
favored in securing this priest during
the rector's absence.
.' -
New Lesson Courses Begin
With the First Day in Oc
tober; New Interest Added,
QraduatliLff ExeroUes to Be One of .tha
Teftturee of tae Say; Clui
Xe-wrranfement. t
Tomorrow la "Rally day." Although
icme Sunday schools may have ob.
served the day last Sunday and aome
will not be ready for a few weeka .
more, tomorrow is the day set aside
regularly. The last Sunday in BtP-
temoer is more and more coming to De
th day observed because the new tea:
son courses start with the first Bun
day In October and this enables the
schools to get their classes assembled
and in working order and their pto
gram arranged ready to begin with the
regular work at the right time. r ' k
Rally day is one of the peculiar days
in the Sunday school which cannot .be
traced to the genius of any one per
son. It originated because it was a
necessity and it has grown In a few
years until It now has a regular place
on the fall program of nearly every
Sunday school. It is the day on which
the scholars who were absent during
the summer months are reminded of
their former place of worship and. the.
Rev. L. K. Richardson, pastor of the day on which they, are given a special
Kenilworth Presbyterian church, for the invitation to reiurn. - ,
last four years, will deliver his fare- Votlees Seat Out.
well sermon before his congregation During the month of September the
tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Special music superintendents of the schools send
has been arranged, which will be ren- OUt notices specially printed by the
dered at the services under the dlrec-1 church publishing houses in the form
tion of Prof. Roy M. Wheeler, rror- cf letters, telegrams, cablegrams, post-
Wheeler and Mrs. U. C. Hutchins will j ers or tags. These are printed so a
sing solos and the Kennwortn cnoirito be attractive and act as an lnvlta
will render pecial numbers. tion to attend the special exercises.
During Rev. Mr. Richardson's pastor- Not only . this the day on which
ate, a large number of new members the efforts of the superintendent ' to
have been added and the mem Dersh.p build up his school comes to a climax
has. been more than tripled. but it is tAso graduation day. Classes
At 10 o clock a. m. Rev. Mr. Richard- are rearranged and new teachers an
The uid Jesta
Rev, L, K. Richardson of the
Kenilworth Presbyterian Is
to Move to Philadelphia,
Louis. The newly elected dean, the son win lecture on me via. i esia-1 pointed.
l ev. E. A. McCalllster. will conduct the ment Tabernacle" to the Sabbath Many of the auperlntendenta at0
services at me t 'ro-caineurai aner ima i-"uui "u wm iv . v u.a.Ui.,.-i nnBrU un inis uay 10 ina siu
Hally Day Tomorrow.
The Kenton Sabbath school extends
to all a cordial invitation to attend
their rally and promotion day .exercises
to be held tomorrow morning at 10
model of this famous historical sane-1 dents who have come every Sunday
tuary. At .:4& p. m. nis last sermon during the summer months.
to the people of the community will be I Some of the programs announced for
preached. I tomorrow are: ,
Rev. Mr. Richardson win leave soon i i " "
with his family for Philadelphia, where A ' ''.." - ,
he will assume charge of a Presby- l l" r'rl cnuron.
terian church of between 300 and 400 corner iweuin ana Aiaer aireeis, in .
members. I nu n. noya, u. u., wia,
The. Portland Presbytery in a special recn morning ana evening -on ,
lonflnv In th Fimt i n sermon ai iu;u a. TO
meeting held last Monday
Presbyterian church, formally dissolved W'U .b ..Upn "Th6 lory of UnMlflnlij:
ockdWijlSth Sunday After Trinity
Sunday School Lessons Tomorrow.
ists to Conduct
Rally This Evening
C, E, Society to Plan Work
Tomorrow; Topics for Sun-
The second quarterly rally of the
Willamette Baptist Young People's as
sociation will be held In the White
Temple this evening. The rally was
I o A originally planned ror last evening
day bermons Announced. Uut owing to the fact that Dr. Mat-
tnews or seattie was scneauiea to
speak In the same church on the same
evening, the young people changed
their night.
The rally will be preceded by a
workers' banquet at the Y. W. C. A. at
6:15 o'clock. R. O. Lester will act as
toastmaster and four experts. K. Gud-
A. Q. Pearson. Miss Edna .,"'.
Tomorrow will Introduce "Busy
Week" in Piedmont: Presbyterian
church, Cleveland avenue and Jarre'.t
streets, lst Sunday Dr. A. L. Hutch
ison, pastor of the church, paved the
wav for the general rally season for
the entire forces of the church, with a nason
Lauon Topic
li-ad 2 tr. 4: 1 to 6, 4.
Qoldm Text. We look not at the things
wblch are Been, but at the thlori which re
not en: for the things which re seen re
but temporal; but the things which are not
en are pternal. 2 Cor. 4: 18.
Herat JLeodinca. M. Paul at Theaaalonlira
and Brraea. Arta 17: 1-15; The Theasnlonlo
Christiana, I The. 1: 4, ia-18. T. Paul at
Athens, Acts 1": 22-34; Paul t Corinth. Acts
18: 1-11. W. The Word of the ros, I Cor.
1: 18 to 2: 2. The Greatest Thin in th
World. 1 Cor. 13. Th. Tbe Grace of GiTlng, 2
Cor. 0: Th Riot at Ephesus, Act 19: 20-41.
V. Jnaroevlng to Jerusalem. Acta 20: l-27;
Poul u Sorrows and Comfort. 2 Cor. 11: 21-3S.
S. The Arrest of Paul, Acts 21: 27-40; A
Prisoner in tbe Castle, Acta 22: 17-2B. t.
The Things Which Aft Not Seen, 2 Cor. 4;
1 to 6. 4.
Young People's Topics.
Thrlstlan Endeator "Christianity Compared
With Other Religions." I Cor. 10: 1-21.
Jnnlor Christian Endearor "Teter
SKinarv " Acl- 10: bO-4X.
B. Y. r. U. The bunday school ana MJ-
tbe Mts-
Mrmon on the topic. "Waiting for a ewiney ana miss urace uavis. win
Job." Ills topic tomorrow morning will Siva five minute talks.
be a sequel to the other, on the topic The rally proper will begin at 7:55
"All ou the Job." Two preliminary 1 ana win De in cnarge oi nariey
conferences have been held, in tho "aiigren.
Bunday school council, and the Men's
club executive committee.
At 6:30 tomorrow evening the C.
society meets to reorganize for the
year's work. Monday evening the
"Young Men's club class-meets for con
ference and plans. Tuesday at 2:30
the Fidelia Chapter meets at the
manse for winter plans. Tuesday even
Church to Observe
30th Anniversary
The Thirtieth Anniversary Jubilee of
Fourth Pre.sbvterian church will
lng at 8 the Altar Guild will meet wvlth bo heM Tuesday evening. September 26.
Mrs. Dr. Oatrander, 459 Church street. Hundreds of former members are ex-
lor conierence. tended a special Invitation to be
Wednesday at 10:30 the combined prMent. Among the speakers will be
women's societies will open an all day Rev. D. A. MacKenzie, former minister
meeting for work, and for conference 0j tna church.
with the pastor, on plans. An elaborate progTam of rausio and
Thursday at :S0 p. m. tha Church .fldressna haa bn nrenared. Annual
cabinet will meet at dinner ror general meeting will be held Thursday evening.
survey or tne iieia. rTiaay at a p. m.
the pastor will confer with the Pied
mont chapter at the manse.
Saturday at 8 p. m. the session has
a full meeting in the pastor's office.
Sunday morning, October 1, the Sunday
school will have special rally aervlces.
full of interest. At 11 o clock there Th Calvarr Presbvterian church Sun
will be a full church rally at a com- day wm "have its rally day exer-
munion service. This will be followed cl8es at ciose or the morning serv
by a great church reception and enter- lce tom0rrow. An Interesting progTam
tainment, Tuesday evening.. uciODer a. nas been arranged In which every clasi
First White Temple 12th and Taylor st.
Dr. Maurice P. Kike
11. preaching by Prof
i . n . 'i . . . T i .-
Kikes, pastor pro tern. 9:5".
c. toapp or opo-
Calvary Church to
Conduct Eally Day
kene; 6:30, 7:45, "Dynamics."
Swedish-Finnish Mlslon Wblte Temple. .1.
East Side E. 20th sud Ankeny ts. Re.
O Shank, pastor. 10, 11, "Watchman, What
of the Hour?" 6:30. 7:30. "Is Christ's Heal
ing Power a Lost Art Among Christian's To
day?" Highland E. 6tb and Alberta Rev. Ch.
Meier, pastor. 11 a. m. -
Arleta Rt. W. T. Sprlggs. 11, "The
Preaence and Power of the Holy Spirit. ,
9:43 7:45. "The jlartlage Altar."
UulTerslty Park li. C. L. Heskett. 11,
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rct. T. TJernlsxa,
psitor, 10:45 and 7:30. .
Grace MontiTlIla Her. H. T. Cash. 10, 11,
"The Certainty of Reaping." 1:30, "The Re
demption of the Waste."
.. iu.wl R.i K H Haves. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Ker. E. P. BorJen, pastor. 7:30.
CalTiry E. 8th and Grant Rev. Thomas
Rtenhenaon aetlnff najtor. 11. 7 :4o
ut, valvar? r. am x i un iuu vi . i.vj - .
St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylor Rer. War
ren A. Waltt. 6, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Phillip Neri E. lBth and Hlckey Rt.
W. J. Cartwrigbt. 8. 10:SO. 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rer. O.
Robl. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15Ui and Miller Rct. J.
Cummlnsty. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Rer.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:a0. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish i Maryland are. and
Failing Rbt. f. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) ttb and Mill Rer. M.
Baleatra. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Rct. C.
Smith. 8. 10:80, 7:30.
St, Clares Capitol Hill Franeiscaa rather.
7:30, 9:15.
St. Charles 84th and Kllllnsswortb BeT.
Q. Snlderhorn. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Christian Scienos.
lesson sermon, "Reality."
First church Everett, between 18th and
19th sts. 11, 8.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, s.
Fifth Myrtle Psrk hsll. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block.
St. Johns. 11.
First Park and Madison Rev. Tnther It.
Tyott. minister, 11, "The Simplicity of Rest
religion. ' 9:45, 7:45 p. m. itereoptlcoa lec
ture on "With God in Alaska."
First German E. 7th and btanton Rev. E.
O WUlmaa.
Atkinson CommnnltT ebnrch E. 20th and
Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11.
University Park Htren st., near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 10. 11.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Kev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, pastor. 11. "Why the Rubber on
tbe Ijead Pencil?" 8 p. m., sermou lecture
on "Job's HHedge Fence."
l.lnderhurst Kev. u. u. Gray, ii, t:4S.
Pllerim Missouri ave. and Shaver st. Rev.
W. C Kantner, 9:45 a. m. 11, "In His Steps."
3, 7, 8.
WtTerly Helfati B. 83d and Woodward-
Rev. A. 0. Moses. 8:4B, 11. 7:45, "The Call
of th wild."
Sunnvslde K. 82d and Taylor Kev. J. J.
Btaub. 11. 7:45.
Zlon (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
J. H. Hood. 10:30.
Norwertan Danish Oonarrerational Church
Samuel NevaJa. 7:80, 6 p. ro.
St. Johns-Kev. J. H. Barnett, pastor, 11
and 8.
Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore tt. Rer,
Samuel Kerala. 0 p. m. and 7:30.
in the school will have a part. There
will be graduating exercises and special
"music, also an address by Mrs. Bou
dinot Seeley. Strangers are cordially
Invited to be present.
Revival Meetings
At Ockley Green
Rev. H. H. Paxnham, pastor of the
Ockley Green United Evangelical
church, "Willamette boulevard and Gay
streets, will start a series of revival
meetings, Beginning wun tne cunaay Inf n m 8 p m Subject Morn
evening service bept z . l ne topic un- n, "Christian Kfficlency": evening,
day evening- will be Belsbazzers "Accomplishing the Impossible."
Feast," and the Veteran male quartet Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
will sing several selections. The serv- Junior league. 3 p. m.
ices are to begin promptly at 7:U0 Epworth league. 7 p. m.
o'clock. The meetings will last 10 days. prayer and social service Thursday
Rev. J. A. Goode. pastor of the First
cvenine. 8 o'clock.
Vnited Evangelical churcn, win assist.
Mount Tabor M. E. Church.
ML Tabor Methodist Episcopal
church, corner of East Stark and Sixty
first streets, E. Olln Eldridge, pastor.
Services Sunday as follows: Preach
There will be good singing throughout
the services. Week night services are
to start at 8 o'clock.
Position-Is Resigned
By 0. 8. Whitcomb
At the district Epworth league cabi
net meeting held Monday evening, C.
S. Whitcomb, president of the district,
resigned his position. He stated that
he resigned on account of his personal
The first vice president, F. J.
Dr. IjAne Is Recalled.
At a recent meeting of the quarterly
conference of the Centenary Metho-
1st Episcopal church, the church au
thorities were asked to return Dr. T.
W. Lane as pastor for another year.
The vote was unanimous, showing thi
appreciation of his services by the
Dr. Lane will occupy the pulpit to
morrow, which will be the last Sunday
of the conference year, which ends
October 1.
Day at Mount Tabor.
Tha Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church
Schnell, is temporarily acting as pres-lwill observe Rally day In all depart
ment. He appointed a nominating I hients of the work Sunday, September
committee of Miss Mildred Bartholo- 21. Special features will be carried
mew of Sunnysidevhurch, C. D. Chll- out In the Sunday school, morning
son of Lincoln church and W. D. Vlnr worship and young people's services,
on of St. Johns to suggrest a person All members of the church are being
for the presidency at the next meet- urged to attend the morning service
lr.(r. - .to answer In person to roll call. New
. The cabinet meeting on Monday was members and workers are to be en
one of the largest held, over 30 being relied for active service for the fall
present. and winter work.
P 1 M Marhark. 11. &
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Rev. W.
J Beaven. 11, "The Best L'se of Sundsy."
7:30. Baptism 11.
Chinese J. C. Malone. 7.
lj.i,t Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11. 7:S0.
Second German Morris and Rodney e.
Glencoe E. 43th and Main Rev. A. 8.
Waltx, 0:45, 11. sermon by Rev. A. M. Petty.
i. D. 6:30 and 7:30.
Monnt Olivet Kev. W. A. Ma fret t. 11, 8.
Italian Miatlon Rev. Francesco Sannella.
11, 8.
First German 4th and Mill Rt. J. Kratt,
11 1 ao
Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise Miss A.
M. Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Mission su jmcoisi si.
dav, 8.
Rnssellvllle Mission Rev. Albert Laugh.
tridge, 3, 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 42d and Holgate Rev. Wal
tw Dult, acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
First Park and Columbia Rer. Harold H.
Gritfis, pastor. 9:45, 11. 6:30. 8.
Kem f 'ark Rev. G. K. Berry. 11. 7:30.
Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J.
MfUinner 11. 7:30.
East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Rev. A Ij. Crim. 11. 8.
Rodney Avenue, at Knott St. Rer. J. T.
tlhormlev. 11 and 8.
Sellwood 13th and Teuino Rev. J. R.
Jot usoii. 11 and 8.
St Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy
cant. 11. 7:30.
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. An
hrer W. Wllfon.
Montavilla E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. Eugene
Burr. 11. 8.
Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8.
St. Peter's Lents Kev. P. Beurgen. 8,
10:30. 7:30.
Pro-Cthearai urn ana uau iwt. a. v.
O'Uara, 6, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11. 7:48.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Hnhe. 8. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. ratrlck's 19th and Savler Rer. B. P.
Mnrphy. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Francis' E. 11th and Oak Re. J. H.
Black. 6. S. 9. 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Wllllama ave.
and Stautou Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, , 10:80.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E.
S. Olaon. . 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30.
St. Kose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'Karrell. S, 10, 7:30.
St Andrew's E. 9th and Alberta Rev. 3.
Kleriian. 8. 10:30. 7:20;
Tbe Madeleine E. 24th and 8Iskt?os Rer.
George . Thompson, 7:30, 9. 10:30.
Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 76th Francis
can Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:90.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Rev. r. H. Miller, , 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Bieaaed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan
dena Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
Holy cross 774 Bowdoln Eev. c. Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:90.
St. 1 gnat hie' 3220 43d at. 8, K. Jesuit
Fathers. :30, , 10:30. 4.
St. Mark'a 21st and Marshall Rev. J. B.
H. Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton, as
sistant rector. 7:30. 8:80, 10:13, 11.
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mar
slon. 8. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner. 7:45, 11, 3,
8t. Pavld's E. 12th snd Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins. 7, 9:30, 11.
St. John's Mllwaukle Kev. John D. Rice
8. 4.
St. Andrew's Hereford St.. Portsmouth
Archdescon Chambers In charge. 11.
St. Matthews, Corbett and Bancroft st.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. 11 a. m.
Grace Memorial. Weldler and E. 17th N
Rev. Oswald W. Tsyior. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham-
Rev. John Dawson. 11.
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. X. F. Bowen. 11, 7:30 a. m
a. m.
Church of Our Saviour 60th ave. and 41st
at. S. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11
St. John's Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice. 11
St. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oswald W
Tsyior. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:15.
All Saints' Church 25th and Savler Rev
Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights U. F. Llening Jr. 11:30. 7.
First English E. 6th and Market. Rev. E
D. Hornscuuch. 11. 8.
First German Erangelical 10th and Clay-
Rev. G. F. Llening. 10:4d, 8.
Evangelical Synod.
German Evangelical. Friends Church Ta
coma ave. and E. loth Rev. Eliaa N. Her
Krt. 10:45. 7:30.
Bt. Paul Evangelical church 147 Failing-
Rev. J. uergijri. ii, i :w.
Free Methodist.
Central 55th and E. Flanders Rev. W. N
Coffee. 11, 7:45. Kev. ti. B. G bonnier.
First E. 9tb ana Mill uev. A. Beer, pas
tor. 9:43, 11, 8. 7.
St. Johns Rer. J. A. Hopper.
Third Uev. R. H. Clark.
Friends' Church.
Sunnyaide E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer
Coy. 11, 7:30.
Lents South Mala st. Rev. John Riley
11. 7:30.
West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
nold. 11. 7:30 d. m.
Piedmont Friends Church Corner Borthwick
and Jessup street. Chester A. Hadley, pastor
10, 11. 7:45.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. wise, t riuay, s p. m.
St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
son J. Allen Leas. 11 and 8. 10. 7.
Immanuel mil and Irving Rev. J. Rich
ard Olson. 11. 8.
Trial ty German (Missouri Synod) Wil-
, Kama ave. ana Graham Kev. l. A. Rlmbaek
M05, TJ. -
West Side Norwegian Lutheran 15 N. 14th
Rev. Wllhelm Petterson. 11. 8.
Bethany Danish Cnlon ae. N. and Morris
Rev. M. C. Jensen, Engbeiin. 11. 8.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblna ave.
and Mason St. Rev. C. Lnecke. 10:30. 7:3.
Immanuel German Sellwood Rev. H. C.
Ebeling. 10:30.
German Evangelical Lutheran Zlon (Mis
souri Synod) Salmon and Cbapman Rev. H.
H. Koppelmann. 10:15, 7:45.
Our Savior's E. 10th and E. Grant sts.
Rev. George Heorlkaen. 10:15, 11:15. Con
firmation services. 1
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free Cborch
Wygant and Rodney ares. Rev. J. A. Blar
ney. 11. 8.
bt. Panl'a German K. 12th snd Clinton
Rev. A. Krmuse. 10:30, 8.
St. John's Peninsular and Kirknatrlck
Rev. K. O. Salzmacn. 10:45. 7:30.
Swediseb Aucustana Rev. H. E. EanstedL.
10:45, 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. Slgw
. Stenseth. 11 and 8. S. 8.. 10. Prayer meet
ing. Thursday.
German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Kev.
W. G. Llenkaeu-per. 11.
Latter Day Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sslnta
(Mormon) E. l!5th and Madlsnn. 11:45, 7.
Montavilla (not Mormon) 11, 7:30.
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank I Love-
land, minister. Rev. Walter L. Airheart, aa
aistant minister. 10:30, 12:15.
Centenary E. 9th and K. Pine Rev. T. W:
Lene. 11, 7:40.
Taylor Street Church Hall at 120 Fourth
at. 10:30 a. in.
Trinity K. 10th and Sherman Rev. A. B.
Calder. 11, 8.
Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellinan. 11, 7:45.
Enworth ZOtb and Savier Rev. C. O. Mc-
CulJocb. 11 and 7:45. S. S. 9:45, Epworth
league 6:45.
First Norwegian Danish isth and Hoyt
Re. 0. T. Held. 11. 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
Lonis TIjouius. 11.
Sellwood Kev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11,
Sunnyslde E. 85th and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith. 11. Rev. J. W. UcDougtU.
:45, Evangelist B. H. Morse.
Mt. Tabor E. Stark and 61st. R. Olln Eld
ridge, minister. 11, 8. 9:45, 7.
0. Rarlck. 11. "This Is Not Your ReaL" 6:80
p. m., '-The Wrong Life Made Right." 9:43
St. John Hayea and Leavltt Kev. -w. K.
Montavilla w. 11. Hampton, n.
Laurel wood y.Ui st. t. E. and Foster road
Uev. C. A. Carlos. 11. "Loyal Curiatian.
8. "Gettlna Acquainted With Gud."
Clinton Jelly Memorial E. 40tb and Powell
Kev. J. West Thompson. 11. 7:45.
Japanese Mission Rev. Eli sen El bar a.
9:30. 8:30.
Rose city Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th
Eev. William Youngson. 10 a. in.. Rally Dav
exercises. 4 p. m., "When the Almond Tree
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Rev. F
A. Schumann. 10, 8.
African Zlon 288 Williams ave. Rev. W.
W. Howard. 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Cor
ner Hkkiniore Kev. Abraham Verclde. 10:45, 8.
University Park Lombard anu Fike Kev
C. L. Hamilton. 11, 7:45.
Lents Kev. W. Boyd Moore. 11. 8.
Bethel Larrabee and McMillen Rev. W. H.
Prince, 11:15, 8.
Westmoreland Milwaukie ave., near Ramo-
na Rev. C. B. Harrison, 11. 10 a. m., Kaliy
Day Exercises, p. m-
Llncom ti. bzua ana Lincoln aec. G. G
Halev. 8 D. m.
Patton Michigan ana Alberta Kev. George
U. Feese. li, :o.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. S. E.
Rev. Frank Jmea, pastor. 11, 7:46.
First German Kev. A. t. Cramer. 11. 8
Brentwood Kev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heigbts Rev. L. C. Douglass. Ken
dal station.
Clark schoolhouse Kev. A. B. Wilson. 7:30.
lrvinirton East 10th and Weidler Kev. K
A. Danfurd. 11.
M. E. Church, Sooth.
Cnlon ave. and Multnomah su Rev. W. J
i'euiuu, 11 and 8. n
"The Holy Spirit: Hts Person and Funetlooe."
Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Uev.
Let. Hp Kirk Richardson. 11, 8.
Forbes Rev. Harry L. Prstt. 11, 8.
Mlxpab E. 10th and Dlvixlon sts.
Vernon l&tb and Wygaut sts. Rev. H. N.
Mount. 11, 8 p. m. S S.. 9:45 a. m. C. E ,
6:30 p. m.
Hope Montavilla. 7th and E. Everett
Rev. S. W. Seaman. 11. S.
Millard Avenue 7241 50th ave. S. E Rev.
W. li. Amos, 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 5th and Belmont sts. Rev.
W llllam Graham Moore.
Cnlty Kev. W. Le Gray, 71st and Sandy
blvd. :15, 11. 3, 7.
Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler sts.
Rev. Botidlnot Seeley. 10:30, Rev. O. S.
aum, "The Law of tbe Manna." 7:43. Rev.
. S. Baum. Seeking a (Jomforter
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev.
L. Hutchinson. 11. 8 p. ro
TLurndsy eTenlne. Bible school. 9:45
Itooe ntr park is. 43th and Hancock sts,
Uev. J. M. Skinner.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th snd Spokane
uev. w. o. Mcouiagn. li, 7:;.
Marshall Street l"ti aud Marshall t.
Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11 and 7:30. Rev. C. W.
the pastor's relations of Dr. Richard
son and the Kenilworth church. Many
regrets was expressed over his leaving
th city.
No successor has as yet been called,
but several candidates are being con
First Free Methodist church. East
Ninth and Mill, preaches the last ser
mon of his special series tomorrow
Prayer service, morning, taking as his subject, "Our
Blessed Home." This subject will deal prise: violin solo, "Flowers and Ferns,1
nd will ba, of neeuliar interest to Station ' Your . Mission,'' Adel la
i n uiic, uBbiinvr lakins, no J3iiiiurai i
many. I Xi.--on t i n
The soloist, Mr. Donald L. MacPhee, eoroi choir: talk- on tha work of tha :
layes. former pastor, preaches both morning will sing: a solo antiueo. mi uetier Searchers class, Mrs. url Seeley; son
n.i evening. Land." I No.; 402 hymnal, first and third j
irinity (.orner lrginia inn isenrssaa su. t . xu. - ..tinr A v. I secretary a Diana. Allen J. Thurmitl
Dr. A. J. Montgomery. 11.7:30. s. S . 10. I '.". " a business meeting. Hustlers, men'a
,,. rlnh' nl ft ent Ml Frail V Ho mu!
This should be tha moat Inspiring ..Tn. comlna Year." Dr. J. Earl Else.
and uDliftlnar of the entire series. It I superintendent: presentation of diD-
will b of special encouragement to l lomas and seals; song ino. 38 hymnal;
thnM w.ho have sassed through trials. Denecucuon
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11, 6
Elim t hupel Uev. B. J. Iboren. JO.
Bethel rree chupst) Ivy at. and William;
Rev. J. A. Stavney. 11. 8.
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Couch sts
Kev. C Howard Davis. 11.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. H. C
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood k. 67th st. and E. 65th ave
8 E. Kv. Stella Crooka. 11, 8.
Scandinavian 48 Garfield. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park 113a E. 14th M. Kt-v. 8. L
Meuael. 11 and 8.
First 12th and Alder su. Rev. Jona n
Boyd. Services at 10: do s. m. and 7:45 p. m
Fourth First and Gibba lU. Rev. Hi
G. Hanson. 10:30 a. m., 12, 6:30. 7:30.
Calvary 11th aud Clay au. Rev. O,
Baum. 10:30 Rev. Grlowa will speak at morn
lng and evening services. p. m. is. .
Arbor LoUce Rev. George R. Cromley. 11
7:45. ,
Central E. 13fj and Pine sts. Rev. A
Blebop. 10:80, Rev. Wallace H. Lee. president
Albany eouegw supply. "Giorirying ued." 7:15.
Service." The subject of the evening!
sermon at 7.45 o'clock Is "The Penalty
ot Hatred": a study of the Influences
Which, are leading; men to distrust and '.
hate each other. These are two vital
sermons prepared especially for this
Initial day of Church Rally week. ' -
At Rose City rark.
Rose City Tark M. K. Church Rally '
day program:
Processional, departments assemble.-
stng No. 388, hymnal, No. 312 Hal
lowed hymns, congregation standing: ! '
invocation. Rev. William Wallace.
Younason. D. L.. castor: Burlnturai
Rev. Alexander Beera, pastor of the memory exercise, graduating clas. ,
primary aepartment; presentation oi
Bible ror attendance, primary depart-
ment; memory songs. Junior depart
ment, girls of grauatlng class; presen-
lotion or summer attenaance contest
Pastor Announces
Last of the Series
and are looking forward to the time of
their departure from earth. I hope to
have many of the veterans of the Cross
One feature of the meeting will be
the singing of the old songs.
Mrs. Beers will conduct the Toung
People's meeting; at 7 o'clock In tha
evening, and a special evangellstlo
Chinese 145U First t. 7 :45
Aoabel 56th St. and 37tb ave. S. E.
ev. 1. E. Nelson, pastor. 10:30, "Supersti
tion." R. S.. 10:45 a. ro.; C. F... 6:45 p. m.
45. 'Whither Journey."
Reformed )reibyterian.
First chnrrb Minnesota Mid AInsworth
Rev. F. D. Frazer. jl, 7:.0.
Salvation Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st. All
lv services by Csptaln and Mrs. Tuinner of
eLttle. 11, 3:15 snd 8.
First German 12th and Clay Hev. G. Haf.
ner. 10:45, 8.
Second Columbia nl to. and 83d at. Rev.
E. A. Wyss. 11.
Third Fifth ate., Lents Eev. W. 0. Lien- service will be held at S t,
temper, xi.
Corns no. i Ann. Aoiuiam ana sirs.
trunk Genge. Jl, 3:10 ana
Salvation Army.
Swedish Corps 30 Burnslde.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Kev. John Oral.
Seventh Say Adentiats.
Note Reaalar services of this denomination
are held on baturoay.
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P. C.
Hey ward, pastor. 10. 11:15.
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. hall, 11th
and Alder, 10, 11.
Montavilla E. 8UU and K. Everett Elder
S. F. Beatty. 10, 11. 4.
Alblna (German skldmora and Mallorj
Llder A. C. SehwMtxer.
l.ents 94th and 58tb ave. Elder D. J.
Chltwuod. 10. 11.
M. Johns Central avenue and Charleston
Eld.-r E. D. Hurlburt. 10. 11.
Mount Tabor L. with aud Belmont Rev.
C. J. Cummings. lo, 11.
bcunoinaviuu cnurcn 02a ana autn ave. aw
-Elder O. E. banduea, 10. 11.
Albina (German 1 Skldmore and Malkrry
Minister, U. J. Dirksen; A. C. Schweitser
local elder. 10, 11.
Services for th Deaf,
United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ate.
Rev. S. Earl DuBois. 10:30, "Called to the
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill Kev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., minister emir
ltua. Kev. W. G. Eliot Jr., pastor. 11, "The
Spirit ot a rree Christian Church.
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta.
First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. 1". O.
Bouebrake. 11 a. m.
Fourth ttOtu st. ana Bi'd ave. I. E.
Pastor to Attend
Executive Meeting
Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Free Methodist church, at Eajt
Ninth and Mill streets, expects shortly
to attend the annual executive board
meeting of the national organization in
Chicago. He will also attend educa
tional board, of which he is first vice
Mrs. Beers
On his return the work of building
a new church to be a memorial to Rev.
John Glenn, for many years a pioneer
worker in the church in Washington
and Oregon, and well known In Port
land, will be commenced.
Rev. J, M. Skinner Outlines'
Department Work of Roso
City Park Church. ) .
Friday, September 15, & number 4t
CIA IIO IB in Bl J-B I . 0 . TJ..-. rH Ta.l 1a.aaV.v
He will be accompanied by rJ "... ' to'vi..:.
rails ior ins annual sei-up con-'
was made from the church ear
ly In the afternoon, and on reach- :
lng Wahkeena the conference waa
called to order by A. M. Orilley, chair -man
of the social service department,
who was in charge, and after tha as
signment of supper duties, Bev. J.'M.
Bklnner outlined the work of tha e
partments for the year with his ug
gestlons In regard to it. The eonrer;
ence then divided Into departments for
discussion, and reassembled around
the campfire at 8:80 for supper. After ,
Rally Day Program
Will Be Rendered
A unique Rally Day program will be
given at the Rose City Park Metho- luo c" . li i ,rV
2... --v. i o..j.. a..k.. lUDDer the departmental reports wata
" ' - - ' - I Jl - h .k V. . w m m a lAlllrnT.
24, at 10:30 a. m. The program Is ar
ranged to present th work of the Sun.
Third 7th at. aud U2d ae. 8. E. Herbert ,jay school In an interesting manner.
F. White, pastor, 11 a. ni., 10 a. ui., 3 ft. m..
i it. in.. B it. m.
t lrat li in ana tiarnev, Vancouver, waan.
Kev. John L. Niaevtunder, paolur. ITescbiug,
11 a. tu., S p. ut.
United Evanj-elioal.
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11. 7:30.
Radical Jeseup at. Rev. A. 8. Henderson
11. i :M.
Manwr. Circuit Servicea Cherry Grove. 3 V
m. lirubb I'rairie. i
Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Ca
Rev. 11. li. l-arnhaiu, 11, o.
First t. loth aud Fopiar Rev. J. A.
Gooae, 11. 8.
bt. Johua Kev. A. P. I-ayton. 11, 8.
United Fresbyterian.
First E. 37tb and Hawthorne Rev. Frank
DeWitt Flndlejr. 11, 7:43.
Church of tua Stranger Wasco street and
Grand ave. Ke. 8. Earl DuKoia. l:3u a. iu.,
Called ta the Colors." 8 p. n., "Jesus Weep
ing over a City. '
Church of tbe Good Tidings Broadway and
E. 24th. Rev. Frauk T. 8cott. 11 a. m.,
Life's Uueatlon."
Y. at. C. A T. W. C, A.
Y. M. C. A. ttln and Taylor H. W.
general secretarj. J:3 p. m., Bible class.
Y. W. C. A.
per services, 4:30. Kev. F. K. Howard.
Associated Bible Students (I. B. 8. A.)
Chriateusen's hall, .ltb and YarahlU sts.
3 p. io.. dUK-ours by Walter H. Bnndy. 8 p.
in., public discourse by Walter H. Bundj.
After tke War. What?"
New Cborch t-teijr F.llera hall. Broad ay
and Alder sts. Rev. Samnel Worcester, pas
tor. 11, - "The Barrel of Alcal and the Corse
of Oil."
one of the most interesting features
being a model business meeting con
ducted by th Hustlers, the men s
Bible class. Diplomas will be present
ed to the graduating class.
made, after which there was a delight
ful moonlight ride home, v
Tk. ilamrlmtiilil wnrli nf thai PhuPeh
I I. Ai,,tAA mm s11Wtt Vfrt ftAaalAfl!
IB U 1 . IU1.U Or9 ..v., www....
second, boys' work; third, religions
education; fourth, membership: flflli,,
missionary: sixth, social service; sev
enth, waya and means; eighth, trustees.
Those attending tne conference were
Ir. H. A. Basher. 8. C. Lancaster, 9.
W. Jorrls. A. M. Grllley, r . A. JUyon,
E. J. Cowllshaw. Dr. J. H. Styles. J ;
ta. tii. warier, r. v. iiciu, v-
f!. N. Wonacott. D. J. Russell. F. Jl.
Hart. A. 1. uaeu, n. r . eemsier,
Gporgo Fox Bible Class.
The George Fox Bible class of the
First Friends church. East Thirty-fifth
and Main streets, will have a special
service in the Interests of their work
fnmrrfiw .v.nlnff at thai ranilA.r I . . . . . rr.u a tr C , mmv mi
- - o j. ji. BKinnflr. I1DIU. uev. w-f
preaching service. The pastor, H. U c. m. Packer, Henry Wright, I V.
Cox, will preach a special sermon di-1 Ra ,,, v h. Bailey. W.'E. Btmoa
rected along lines appropriate, and tha j ton M H calef, C. J. Hogue, Master
choir will furnish special music. Theloj e'h.rfl rdell and Rev. W. Lee Grajfj
George Fox class Is composed largely I ot unity rresbyterlan church.
Ot younjr married people ana navo nu
a verv consDiauous Dlace in the devel-1 . , ...-i.iiu.
e ,hm tnt.r.Mt. nt tha ohur.h I. ul ""1
-r . " I into a new eiecinc m-rrw umti
Inatant nri.aia.lirA In armllad.
Minister to Bay Farewell.
Rev. J. Allen Leas will deliver hi
Broadway and Tailor Vea- farewell sermon tomorrow morning at
8t. James church. West Park and Jef
ferson streets. In the evening thera
will be a general farewell service pre
sided over by C. M. Bequette, presi
dent of the brotherhood. Among the
speakers will be Judge Derr of Van
couver, Wash., Rev. Hudolph and
George Uendricksen of this city and
several members of the local church.'