THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;. PORTLAND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1916. J 11 Js . f JL 1 X Bepar t nvejvt y OREGONS AGAIN LEAD Three Eggs Ahead of Leading Competitor Take Third Prize for August. . The report of the 43th Week Ofc the laying- contest at Storrs, m Conn shows the pen of "Ore- goiifT again leading the 100 pens In the contest. 'Their score -Jfr Hfr was f2 pkks and nearest torn- petltor 49. The average of all pens was 30.2. The O. A. C. pen gained one place during the week and are now fifth for full period and gaining on first four. A sister pen from the O. A. C. at the Missouri con- tft test la In third place and gain- ing on leaders. Storrs. Conn., Sept. 23. In the forty fith week f the laying? contest at Storrs the hens yielded 3025 eggs. The Agricultural college pen of "Oregons" from Corvallis, Or., were first for the week with, a production of 62 egfc-s. Rock Rose farms Barred Hocks from Katonah,, N. Y.. and A. W. Rumery's pen of Rhode Island Reds from Dan ville, N. 11., tried for second place with 4j) eggs each. W. E. Atkinson's pen of White Leghorns from Wallingford, Conn., won third place with 44 and I'. 0. Piatt's pen of the name breed from Wallingford, Fa., followed these with a production of 42 eggs. One White Uock. one White Leghorn, three Barred Rocks, and six Rhode Island Reds, a total of 11 birds or an average of one hen out of each 91 In the contest were all that were able to make perfect in dividual scored for the week. The monthly awards for August are announced as follows: Blue ribbon or first prize went to W. E. Atkinson, Wallingford, Conn., whose White Leg horns laid 235 eggs during the month. Francis F. Lincoln, Mt. Carmel, Conn., won second prize ribbon for August with Leghorns that laid 226 eggs. The Agricultural college at Corvallis. Or., got the third prize ribbon with their birds with a yield of 222 eggs. There is every Indication of a new h'gh Individual record for the laying competitions at Storrs. Four years ago an English Leghorn laid 282 eggs. The nearest approach to this was the per formance of a Cbnnecticut White Wyandotte two years ago that fln- 1. shed with 205. eggs. At this writing White Leghorn No. 728 owned by A. P. Robinson. Calverton, N. Y., has a more of 281 eggs with seven weeks to gc. thus she has only to lay an average of three eggs a week to equal the best record that has been made from more than 4000 hens that have been trap nested during the past five years. The three best pens in each of the principal breeds are as follows: Plymouth Rocks. Rock Rose Farm. Katonah, N. Y. (Barred). 1X06; Albert T. Lenzen. North, Mass. (White). 1.31; Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallis, Or. (Barred), 1670. Wyandotte. Obed :. Knight, Brldgeton. R. I. (White) l!fi&; Tom Barron, Catforth. England" (White), 1918; Abel Latham. Brlerfleld. England (White), 177t. Khode Island Beds. rinecrest Orchards, Oroton, 1733; A. W. Rumery. Danville 1658; Jacob E. Janseti, North Conn.. 1604. Mass., N. H., Haven, White Liaorni. win Ttarron. Bartle, near Treston, Fngland, 1826; Francis F. Lincoln. Mt. Carmel. Conn.. 1822; F. M. Peascly. Cheshire, Conn., 1707. Miscellaneous. Oregon Agricultural college, Corval lis, Or.. (Oregons). 1808; J. Collinson. RarnHcre. Oarstang, England (Black Leghorns). 1616; A. Schwarz, Bur lingame. Cal.. (Black Rhlnelanders), 13. Poultry Text Book Is Interesting Vofume Book by Prof. James Dryden Em bodies RosulU of Twelve Years f Research Work. "Poultry BreedlnB and Management." la, the title of a new 400 page book by Professor James Dryden, head of the department of poultry husbandry at Oregon Agricultural college. Tne book is printed on heavy plate paper, and Is richly illustrated by half-tone engravings and contains 17 chapters' on the evolution of the modern fowl, modern development of the Industry, classification of breeds, principles of poultry breeding, problem of higher fecundity, housing, feeding, brooding, marketing, etc. In Ills preface. Professor Dryden says: "To remarkable development of poultry culture during the past two decade Is one of the outstanding fea tures of American agriculture. The Idea of 'fus and feathers' long associated with the keeping of fowls, has gradually given way to the Idea of a poultry Industry whose first and only business, as an Industry, Is the production of eggs and meat." The book Is, without doubt, one of the notable contributions to poultry literature; during the 12 years that the experimental and research work now embodied In this' book was under way. Professor Dryden has exercised a dynamic influence on the poultry in terests of the world. In this volume he has collected for the first time all the essential findings of his investiga tions, and enunciated the principlesof poultry management that these find ings' have established. Rocky Point Bridge. The Palmer-Ellison Construction company was low bidder on the con tract for tb construction of a bridge on the .Rodky Point road, the bids be ing opened by the county cemmlMiou ers yesterday. Low bid was 15613.20. The contract will be awarded Monday, It is expected. Officers Are Duly Elected. At the meeting of the Lincoln Re publican club, held Thursday at Ll . brary hall, L. L. Krause waa elected Mrmtirv Mra rhlk Mar - -.,.....- LAYERS IN BIG SHOW - tt the executive committee, and Robert ' , September 29, the club plans to moet ' ; V every Friday evening during the con V , tinuance of,, the campaign. ,v 0- t AT FAIR ARE ANNOUNCED Largest Entries Made by Langendorff Bros., Rose mere Poultry Farm. The poultry exhibit at the Mull nomah County fair consisted of a number of blooded birds. Langendorf. Bros., Rosemere Poultry Farm and the Oregon Carneo Co., were repre sented with the largest entries con sequently captured numerous ribbon. The result of the Judges were as :oilos; Columbia Rocks Mrs. W. H Cleve land, all awards. Buff Plymouth Rocks Mrs. W II. Cleveland, first and Langendorff Bros.. second. White Wyandotte H. Ringhouse. first and Langendorff Bros., second I- White Cock, hen , pen, Une endorff Bros., all awards. Cockerel and pullet, JMrs. C. M. Lake, all award R. I. Reds, Single Cock, cockerel, pullet and pen. Langendorff Bros, all awards. Hen, A. W. Parke, first Barred Rocks Cock. Langendorff Bros., first. Pullet, Langendorff Bro . first. Pullet, J. E. Metzzer, second. Cockerel, Oregon Carneo Co . first Butf Wyandotte Cock, Mrs c ' M Lake, first. Mrs. R. F. alter.'sec'oud' Hen. Mrs C. M. Lake first and Mis! R. F. Walters, second. Cockerel Mis It. F. Walters, first. Pen, Mrs. "c. M. Lake, first and Mrs. R. F. Walters, sec- OJ1U White Rock all awards. -Langendorff Broo, Wyandotte. S. P. Hen, Mrs. C. M. M. in st ana second. American Dominique Mrs. C? utme, an awards. Partridge Cochin Langendorff Bros., all awards. Light Rrahinu Langendorff Bros., all awards. Langshan Black Langendorff Bros, all awards. I-eghotn. S. C. Buff Mrs. C. E. Cleveland all awards. Black Minorca Cock, hen W Parks, first and Quinton Kunimor,' sec ond. Cockerel, Marguerite Wheeler first and A. W. Parks, second Pullet" Marguerite Wheeier. all awards. White Polish Rosemere Poultry Farm, all awards . Oolden Polish Rosemere Poultry Farm, nil . awards. Beaded Golden Polish Poultry Farm, all awards. -Rosemere Buff Polish R o b e m c r e Poultry Farm, all awards. Blue Polish Rosemere Farm, all awards. Poultry W. C. B. Polish Ro asemere Poultry Farm, all awards Beaded! White Polish Rosemero Poultry Farm, all awards; Silver Camplne Rosemere Poultry Farm, all awards. . f,. Bantam A. II. Rasmun. all awards. Black Cochin Pantam Oregon Car neo Co., all awards. Oolden S. Bantam Oregon Corneo Co., aU awards. Black Game Bantam Cock, Oregon Corneo Co.. first; and Albert Horn--er. second; hen. pen, Oregon Carneo Co.. first. Buff Cochin Bantam Cock, Oregon ( arneo Co.. first, and Melvtn Johnso.i second; cockerel, pullet and pen Ore gon Carneo Co.. first, and pen, A II Rosamin, second. R. P. Game Bantams Oregon Car neo Co., all awards Silver Spangled Hamburg Rose mere poultry Farm, all awards t .ver XencSIpd Hamburg Rosemere Poultry Farm, all awards Golden Penciled Hamburg Rose mere Poultry Farm, all awards Black Hamburg Cock. Langendorfr Bros., first, and Rnsemcre Poultry rarm. all other awards. Golden Spangled Hamburg Rose mere Poultry Farm, all awards White Hamburg Rosemere Poultry Farm, all awards. Bronse Turkeys Cock, Mrs D S Portland Realty POULTRY WINNERS Evidence of the Increasing Opportunity for Investment in Estate Is the Building and Buying Activities. It takes no theorist to see that things in the Portland realty world are taking a change for the better, but it does take a man of action to get a ringside seat in the Investors' gallery. Realtors report that the market for Inside, outside and farm properties Is strong these days, and is getting stronger. It Is a more than noticeable fact that farm properties are being sold throughout the state at fine prices. The week has seen at'least 10 trans actions in rural sections that mounted well into five figures. In Portland building permits are in creasing. The new postoffice. which will be erected at Broadway and Gli san streets, will have a momentous ef fect on north end realty values. The apartment house situation is changing for the better in Portland. Building Inspector Horace E. Plum Portland Realty Board IN VESTMENTS. Real Estate Loans and Insurance. 404-6 Northwest Bank bldg. FAMOUS RILGEFIELD SOIL Fertile tarms at fair prices. Fenced or unfenced land; small tracts; acreage. H. li. APPiUWON, KiUGEFlii.Lx. WASH T1E Bitu.O inc. KEAL ESTATE. 267 V Oaa st.. Lwi bldg. , Business and suburbau property trib utary to uu.un avenue specialty. Main 1743 UampOeiii Asiutn & Co. GUsKitXl. INSURANCE. REAL ba'l'Ai'U, 617 Corbett bidg. tiotb Pfcunea Cascaden & Headen 197 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. Farms tor sale ana eaunange in all western states. Oakota and Minnesota. Canadian lauds a specialty. CNXlarkfrC "KtAuTOitfi" NOW IN i.W yuARTKRS, CONCORl BUILDING, SECOND AND STARK. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 104 6TH STREET. General Real Estate, Excnanges. Kent, ale and Insurance. Main . A-1777. W 1. JUUUAN VAlXKK HSii. LaNU tu. jordaa V niter, iialUeor Cm., Or... Urw lSDds, atock rattebm. lrriatlo prcj:u Mw It, 1O.0UU acrcBl. ol-rrmul rua tauiM. Civr nlt. JOED AN VALLKY ENG. IjANO COMl-AMt. Shannon first, R. Burson Second; hen, Mrs. p. 8. Shannon first. D Burson second. Pekin Ducks Cock, Andrew Carrel, first. Gray Coel Ducks Cock, hen, Lan gendorff Bros., first: Mrs. W. II. Cleveland, second. White Coel Dncks Cock, hen, Lan gendorff Bros. firt. English Ducks Langendorff Bros., all awards Crested White Ducks Langendorff Bros., all awards. Pekin Ducks Langendorff Bro. first, Mrs. O. W. Tarr second. Mascon Ducks A. H. Raasman, all awards. 1 White Muscova Ducks Langen dorrf Bros., all awards. Mallard Ducks Langendorff Bros., all awards. Ronen Ducks Langendorff Bros., all awards. Touloose Geese Cock, Mrs. J. F. Burns first. Ijangendorff Bro. second. Wild Geese Langendorff Broa.. first. Turtets H. Treber, flrt. Blue Bar Homers Melvln Johnson, first. Swallow Pigeon -Tl. Treber. first. Homer Crow Melvin Johnson, first. Dark Cornish Pigeons MelvinUohn son, first. White Cornish Pigeons Langen dorff, first. Carrier Pigeons H. Treber, first. H omens H. Treber, first. Red Homer Melvln Johnson, first. Blue Check Homer Melvln Johnson first. Best exhibits not less than 10 pairs of fowls Cock. H. Treber first, xl. Itinphouse second. Peacocks A. J. Krueger. first. Hood River Asks For Government Aid Assistance Xl Desired to Help Con struction of Trunk Soads Through County From City to Upper Valley. Hood River, Oi., Sept. 23. Hood River county, through the efforts of County Judge E. E. Stanton, Ciinty Attorney A. J. Derby, County Surveyor C. M. Hurlburt, Ti. E. Scott, secretary of the Commercial club, has filed an application with the United States de partment of good roads asking for fi nancial aid In the construction of trunk roads through Hood River county from the city to the upper val ley. James T. Schuyler, engineer of the United States department of good roads, who was secured by Hood River county to look over the local situation with a view of making recommenda tions relative to the construction of a permanent road system for the valley, has recommended that a water grade road be surveyed and constructed from the city of Hood River to Tuckers Bridge along Hood river a distance of about eight miles and that branch roads be built up Neal creek to tap the east side and up Indian creek to tap the west side sections, while the main road running into the upper valley pass through Odell and the middle val ley sections. Gilliam Fair Opens With Crowd on Hand Condon. Or.. Sept. 23. The 1916 Gilliam County fair opened Friday with nice weather and a big crowd. The exhibits of grain, produce and stock surpass those at most fairs of the kind. The exercises were quite a feature with A. B. Robertson pre siding, and an address delivered by M. Fitzmaurice in behalf of the city of Condon. After that there were sports of all kinds. The fair will close Saturday and will be the largest In the history of the county. Relative's Death Kills Him. Pomona, Cal., Sept. 23. (P. N. S.) Reading a message telling of the death of his son-in-law Mark Thompson dropped dead at his home In Oklahoma, according to word received here today Chnrles T. Diggs, the son-in-law, was killed here when a train struck his Jit ney bus. Market Is Strong Real per has just received a letter from John Loop, of San Diego, asking that the building requirements be sent as he is contemplating an apartment bouse in Portland within the next few months. Permits granted for apart ment houses this week went high in the five digits. T.'iere are five residences going up on the Westover Terraces, and this district is only one of mnnv sections of the city that are responding to great building activity. Many leases and sales of insido Proper! ies are now pending. All in all. there is evidence for the oft-heard comment Portland is on the eve of an era of great buiidinc and real estate activity. At such a time, when the market Is just showing signs of recoverv. there is opportunity in any reasonable in vestment in Portland real estate with quick returns or steady Income ' J DOHB K. KSASKY A CO u 0rS?"n-W,1""ut'n t.ilfornu lj,ol. S k M.iiSr K-Tu i KK KKKKXKKKKK kVkK ,n 520 ACI'.E RANCH !000. terms to suft ' ouUlde rjtns. cllAsv. ,A- ea L'FER, Asbtln. Wash The Oregon Horr.e Builders Northwest Bank bldg UJ a Dlrir ,. , : vo vu . 404 inland, or. a THE "HAW-rKAR CO. Beaverton-ReedvllU .roae FARM AND CITX PHOrTrv Phone Main 35. A-aioi. BICBARD SBBPABO SEAL ESTATE Special lain.; in Home Site, on Weal 8!W Mort. Mala sea. Qtftee. Wlllbrld. Whl.wood c" TITLE GUARANTEE AND AB- a . Abstracts, real estate, lwuranca. taoklx after, uwwskiiu end taxes a au-ia!t Mar.hfleW -t nd C-quille City Or STATE'S EVIDENCE IN HYDE-BENSON CASES NOW ALL ASSEMBLED Suits Involve 46,000 Acres in , Seven Different Counties' of Oregon, Salem, Or., Sept. 23. Evidence has been gathered at last for the trial of the suits of the state of bregon to re cover 46.000 acres of land Involved in the Hyde-Benson frauds. The first of the cases brought in seven counties of the state will be tried in Marion county. Circuit Judge Galloway will fix a date for the trial upon his re turn from the east. Much of the testimony "for the trials has been taken in the form of deposi tions, so that it can be used in each of the seven trials without undue ex pense. Testimony used in the criminal prosecution of those Implicated In the frauds has also been transcribed from the government records at Washing ton, D. C. Joseph O. Bailey, an assistant in the office of Attorney General Brown, has been engaged in gathering the evi dence, following his appointment soon I after Brown took office in January, 1 1915. The suits were started by order of Governor West during his term, the I complaints being drawn by Attorney ; General Brown. A great mass of testimony has been i secured ana no difficulty is antici i pated in showing that the state is en . titled to recover title to the lands. Schools to Have Pamphlets. Salem, Or., Sept. 23. Because unde livered constitutional amendment pamphlets sent the registered voters can be returned only at considerable cost. Secretary of State Olcott is ad dressing a letter to the principals of schools of the towns from which ad vices of non-delivery are received sug gesting that they take the pamphlets for use of the students. By studying the various measures the pupils can acquaint themselves with one of the methods by which legislation is en acted in Oregon, as well as the char acter of laws proposed by the people. By reason of change of postoffice ad dress, borne of the pamphlets are not delivered. -mjy une f atanty. , p balem. Or.. Sept. 23. Jac5t Fisher of Portland, killed while engaged in log ging, was the only victim of a fatality reported to the state industrial acci dent commission during the week end ing Thursday evening. There were re ported a total of 294 accidents, of wiiich 234 were subject to the compen sation act. Sawmills led in the num ber of accidents, 63 being reported; logging was second with 54; construc tion third with 36 and railroad oper ation fourth with 16. Other accidents were as follows: Light and power 13, paper mill 15. i Iron and steel 15, mLning 9, meat pack- ! ing 6, shipbuilding 4, cannery 8, quarry I 5. stevedoring 3. transportation 6, J machine shop 6, painting 4. threshing '; 3. fuel company 4, warehouse 3, tele- I phone and telegraph company 2. tin shop 2. and for the following one each: bottling works, laundry, taxi company, creamery, flour mill, ice plant, fruit products, bakery, rock crusher, sand and gravel, woodsaw, wolen mill, coop erage, department store, tank and pipe, 1 meat market, passenger. Mercantile Company Formed. Salem, Or., Sept. 23. Brady Mer cantile company. Oregon City, $5000, James E. and Blanche E. Brady and J. A. Staggs, filed articles of incor poration here Friday. xfe W TODAY MANAGERS and OWNERS of apartment houses. Is your house full? Are you making a success at keeping your tenants? Are your ex penses high? Are you saving on your fuel bills? If not. call Main 1320, ask for Mr. London. He makes It his busi ness to make your business pay. RUPTURE J. A. JOHNSTON Buptura Specialist 411-413 Alisky Bid. Basalts Guaranteed Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 Sektun Bldg. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment a Mortgags Co, Offices 802-4 170 3d fit. FARM LOANS 7 TO Vz MUKTUAULS BOUtJHT. I Mortgage Company for America, Boom aa Ainswortb Bldg-, Portland. Or. ! . , CLASSIFIED A I) RATES CASH AOTKXISl(I(T8. or buaday H eenw per woid tor u viMUlflcttloB ei eepuxic "rur Heiit la I'rlvate 1-amiij." "Bourn bi 14o. d to 1'rivate k'aa.iiy, "S!louon VS udifU ' Had "Hanlert to uui" d., muica re i ceuu per wurd. Ibrmt lukertiua fur u.e price of two. bctvii uw:rtiuu tor ilb prlc at tit. Nu nd In nc lor ie tbaii 10 cenia. yASl Vtcl nttoiupauf cu lu uutun bu ru. CHAEOED ADTESTISEXSBTB. lfe tenia pr word prr luaerilan. TDia cLrga la fur il clMst(K.-teiiuoa excevt ll. "tor kusal io Private temmi.y. " "Uofim aad kvvrd lu 1'rivate 1 jiuiL," "&i4ualloa vtautad' mil "Wauled tj Ueiit ' uil-, wliitu. i, wrU er uord per insertion. No ad cliarKd lur t-a luuu 15 ernta. MEETING NOTICES 41 AL KADER TEMPLE, A. A. o. N. M. S.-i-ritated session Saturday, Sept. -3. at 8 t. m., Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill sts. Visiting no bles cordially invited. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. NOTICE All Kleptrician. Wiremen Arma ture Winders and Shopmen come to 1 Filers hall, second floor. Broadfcav anri i ' Alder streets, to learn something of j vital interest iree, ueptemoer 27. 8 p. m. sharp. I CORRECTLY deeigneo emblem cards for all lodges, Kllham Stat'y St Ptg. Co. 8th and Oak. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charrrj Jaeger Bros. 3l-g. 8th BUSINESS CARDS W. fi. Smilhft; P.n. Wedding and w " vlsiUng cards, Third floor. Momn bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailorlnjt Co, SOS Stark t 2 PREPARE For Next Winter $7.00 per ton In 3-ton lots. $7.50 per ton under 3 tons. Savu 25 on your fU3l bill. Clean, odorless, easy to handle. Most hat for least money. 24 Washington St. Main 529. A-2293 Si''1'1 ' 1 Special price for de llTeriea prior to Oct. 1. Per tou. " 1 ton 2 -A tons SK.75 tons $5.50 I'bones Mn in 6S00 A 6274 GAS & E Standard Brick & Tile Co, 81 4th Street Henry Bidg. Main 1103 and A ll'JJ Owl-Creek Coal "The Best" NO SLATE NO CLINKERS NO BONE 39V ASH MENDOTA FUEL $6.00 f.f) $6.50 CO, STOVE VVI FURNACE Best coal for the money. No soot. Lots of heat. Our customers like it. I Ask Bob Adams, Mine Agent, j East 345 Phones B-1232. iKEMMERER and ! ROCK SPRINGS COAL THE CLEANEST AND BEST BURN i ING COALS. PRICES REASONABLE. I S TL G(SE & STCBACE i EAST 44 B-U14; I : mm tie Kin reA 'UTAH'S BEST COAL" ales Agents East 214; B-23 43. !1 GRAND AVE, 7 Portland and Suburban Coal & Ice Co, G. C. von Egloffstein. manager. CLEAN COAL CLEAN Delivery. Honest Prices. Broadway 358 Phones A-3358. "South Wellington" Coal BEST IN THE WEST. By V. S. Gov't Test. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRANK HO if N TON, Agent, 33.1 Stark.- St., Portland. Phone Broadway 169. mm wmm i The black coal with the white heal. Hard Hot Clean Mi&ik mil m. lfx F.ast 182. -Phones- C-1117. VM Statistics marrteges.Birtbs. Dzaibs. lUKTi s OMANKN To Mr. and Mrs. August W. Ok aaiieii. SiOO Mimtuna ave.. St-iiteuiber 11, duut;btr. SVAN4M)X To Mr. anil Mr. iTer S. SwanaoD. 413 X. 2.".th at., bt-ptemhor Si, a win. r.MCE To Mr. aud Mrs. Juines B. Rime. 133 E. !Hth at. X.. Sept em tier 19, a daughter. ALBK1HHT To Mr. and Mm. J.jhn I. Al- t.riht. 304 E. 47th bt.. September i7, a daughter. EATON To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Katun, Walls Walla. Wash.. St-ptetnber IS, a iu. (R'ATKIXS To 'Mr. juid Mra. Guy E. Watklna, I H4'o N. Jeraey St.. 'sptenihj;r 19, n danghtpr. KEI.LINO To Mr. aud Mrs. A. KellliiR. 24 E. 12tb at. 8.. Seotetnher 18, a daughter. SOKVAAU To Mr. nnd Mra. Mat Siaag, 1475 Kerby st.. September 20. a aon. IL1.E To -Mr. and Mra. Martin Kile, 13-'!2 Missouri ave., September 13. a aon. HANSON To Mr. and Mm. Herman Hanson, 721 E. 78th at. ti., September 15, a daugh ter. DEATH S A N I) FUX ER.LS 75 MrlNTJUtill Suddenly lrt thla city. September 22, Georte Swtutou Mcintosh, age 73 yean. lM-loed brother of William Alexander Mc lutosb of 4H2 I'nion are. sorth, and late if the above addrtaa. Keraaina at 1'earaon'a undertaking parlors. Rnasell at. at tTnlon are. PHILLIPS In this city, at 4T4 Columbia at.. September 23. Addle Phillip, aged 20 year 6 msoths 1" daya; daughter of Mr. and Mr. i W. Phillip of Grangeville, Idaho. K mafcis are at Holman'a funeral parlors. FIXCK Wlllam Henry rinck. Good Samari tan September 19, 62 years; chronic nephri tis. IKKLAXH Max Ion Ireland. 4Vd Samaritan, Sopteoiber 20, 15 years: peritonitis. LOBEN& WUhelmlna Loreaa, St. Vlncenfa. Order from cs I LIBERTY S&CO. mm ! DEATHS AND FUNERALS T5 I September SO, 69 yean; abscew of lung, oto iccldtnt IHVINcJ Mary Irving. 549 Johtwoa t.. Sep tember 2o 83 year; cardiac asthenia. 8CHW EKING Henry fVhwerlog. Uood Samart . tan. September g3. S jeam; nepbrltU. FLORISTS CLAKKK BROS., riorist. 2 87 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers ana floral deigns. No branch stores. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists, S4 i Wash. Main 289, A129. Flowers j for all occasions artlt'eaHy arranged. OSCAR JOHNSON FLOtA CO, Jb4 I M J 9 M A 1 4 C 1 t MAIN 611; wreaths, pillows, up. ! Sprays $1 up. Chappell'.34T Morris' n. MAX M. SMITH -florist. 141H ith st. F FUNERAL DIRECTORS EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL ' DIRECTORS Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN So7, A-tSlt P. L SIM Undertaker. East 11th and Hawthorne. Phones K 7S1. B-1 888 Lady assistant. HI. o u a New residence establishment. K01 Wil liams ave. Woodiawn 220, C-1943. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral directors, 414 BJ, Alder st. Phone East 62. B-2526. v A. D. Kenworthy Co, Tabor 5267; 5802 92d st.. Lents, fabor 6895; 6fith st. and Foster road. Arleta, Dunning & McEntee v,nd,ertakera- Modern i n every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-4j,i8. Lady assistant. J. P. FIN LEY & SOnT Progressive Funeral Lirectors. MUNT'lOMKHY AT K 1 FT H A. R. Zellar Co, . t.ou v mi I'm in., j v ami nignr, service. MILLER & TRACE!', independent tu- nerai airectors. .trices low as $20 B.t-.EEZE Ac SNOOK. B-1262. K l v6a ivli n i pun, i.auy attenqant- Hamiltnn Ea,!t. 80tn,and Gllsan. Fu liailllUUII neral services. Tabor 4313. "skTWr Undertaking Co. Alain 4161 OrLVV CO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARKLE WKS.. 264-268 I 4th St.. opp city hall. Main 8564 Philip Neu A Pons. for memorlnla. S f BC AET5I in ti OR A NITtCQ FOR SALE HOUSES Ol OWXER M l 'ST sii'Rirrrp Modern, warm, 5 room bungalow, all built-in .conveniences, cost $2a4. Will sell iy equity of $986 for $190 cash. Balance easy terms. Restricted dis trict, near carline. Best buy In the city. Key at 306 oak st. Phone Broad- v o i uiio $15 MONTHLY, including Interest, buys modern 5 room cottage, doub4 constructed, large ettic. 3 lots, lawn, .chicken houses, from owner. 8005 Clay ton st., cor. hOth S. E., near Wood-m-ie school. Ml ST sell, 7 room, modern, new home; Alameda Park; all built-in effects, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; cost $5250; no reasonable offer refused. I'nne owner, Woodiawn 489. i LA U R I : LHURST New modern H-room bungalow, Int est Improvements. Shower bath. drers in? room. Extra well built, near cars 11H9 E. Couch st. Phone Tabor 5675. AV ..tiini.liin., !. r. ....... 1 1 I . 1. . " - anwiiiuiiifi uaiain. jariKiii, new homci 4 rooms, hardwood flooit. fireplace; $500 (terms) buvs llOOi! equity; balance long time, mortgage 1 block Alberta car. 1010 E. 23th st N BY OWNER 7 room nouse, very cheap, with or without furniture Overlooking river. Call 613 E. Cth t. or phone Sellwood 7iT2. SPLENDID 8 room bungalow wltu garage, very cheap, Irvington. Cheer up; good times coming. East 27S. H. H Herrlman. RO.SE CITY PARK Owner leaving town. Beautiful, nearly new bunga low, $3500; might take good lot part payment. Od"ll. Tabor 4912 $2'.00 7 room house, lot iioxioo. 1 'j 4 j Marylar.d ave.. near Ockley Green school; easy terms. Phone Wdln 3509. FOK SAL 1-3-3 - room house on" river bank opp. Oaks. Main 9181. FOR 8A LE IX)TS 1(1 '-4 Al'ltKS, ACRES AND ACRES. 15 niinutos from 3d end Stark; $400, $10 cash. $1 week, buys a beautiful home site; all in fruit. Will take you out in auto. R. W. Gary. Phone Alain 1 V 7 7 . A-4152. ACREAGE Gibson Half Acres Good soil, c'ty water, close to ear line, easy terms, will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Bell wood 47S. John H (ibon. owner CHICKEN. RU'ri. OAKDEN raucriM neur Portland, 2, 6. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, t to $200 per acre, easy terms. Ale Far lai.d -309 Yeon hldt.-.. Po-tland. 15 Ai'RES $525 No rock or gravel, part bottom, eay clearing, can ail be farmed. good spring, on road. Easy terms. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. $5 and $6 acre within 30 miles Port land, fruit land, garden. chicacn ranch and stock raising, good terms. P-X9 Journal. ; ICH SALE or trade. 2 V acres facing ' city llm.ts of Bandon. Ore. C E. i Dyer. S99 E. 2frth .st. FOK SALE FARMS FARM FOR SALE. 40-acre farm, 30 acres Improved, bal ance pasture, 22 miles from Rowland, on good road, two miles from R. R. station; 50 tons of hay in barn; also other crops; horses, cows, full line of larmine tools; fair house and barn. or price an and terms, apply to Embed Alexander. 615 Lumbermen's Bldg.. Portland. Phone Broadway ishz. A FINE dairy fa rm of 175 acres, stocked and fully equipped on cream route, for sale on easy terms. Pos session any time. U. S. Mathewson, lora. oo couniy, urecon VdH SALE SiVi acres on Cnlumliin river highway, some Improvements, alfalfa and timothy, $125 per acre. G. Hutches, Montavilla. Phone Tabor 4 l is LITTLE FARMS. $2fc down. $10 mo"; revel, cleared, fenced, nouse; suitable for loganberries, running water; near employ merit town. J.B.Sharp. 83 3d st. 40 ACRES for sale near Crown Point, 'good view: will sell cheat): creek- on the place. D. W. Rosa, Corbett. Ore.' FOR SALE FARMS HAVE 10 acres improved 14 miles Portland; the price is right; will give terms, or will accept part trade; ptiner. 1084 Belmont St. Tabor 257. FOR RENT FARMS 14 WANT man to live on small farm, lo cated H mile outside city limits, and 1 mile from carline: can have free rent, garden and privilege of keeping cow. ana norse. ix-iu, journal FOR SALKRent' paid till April. 1D17. 6 acres, 4 acres potatoes, 24 hens, 0 chickens, and furniture; reasonable. u-iton, journal. 10 ACRE suburban ranch for rent; plenty of fruit and vegetables. ti Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2272. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 8S WANTED To rent large ranch, plenty of water, for term of years; close to foothills, where I can handle sheep; must be hay and pasture land. Address Box 83, Richland. Or. WANT to lease 20 60 ucres conven ient to river or railroad, near hard surface road. Must have good house and plenty of water. R-97. Journal. KXCHA N C B RKAIj ESTATE 21 IDEAL STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. ISO acres. 55 under cultivation, 5 acres more easily cleared, balance good pasture and part easllv cleared Place fenced and cross fenced, good 6 room house, large barn and outbuilding. Fine spring water piped to house, fine trout stream. i mile from school, phone In house, all rural advantages, 9 head of cows, bull and 10 head of young stock, all farm machinery, hay in barn, etc., oats, etc. Home pigs, chickens, etc. Price $10,000; 60o0 cash, balance can stand on place, or will take good property for balance it clear. Located 3 miles from country town, 6 miles' from street car and 13 miles out on good road. Cream route pays $40 per month for few hours' .work a week 40 acres, 10 under cultivation, 7 acres more can be cleared In 10 days, and balance of land all easily cleared, all good soil and lies level, good 7 room house, new barn, chicken houses, ho houses, blacksmith shop with full equipment, young orchard, fine spring water: place all fenced and cross fenced; 1 mile from school, all rural advantages at door; 8 milch cows, team, new wagon, new hack, alfc farm machinery and all manner of tools: S dozen chickens, about 30 tons hay, carrot, kale, potatoes, etc., all for only $3500. No mortgage. Vyill take in an acre or so Improved and $1000 in cash. THOMPSON & SWAN, 6th and Main sts. , Vancouver. Wauli $1200 EQUITY in modern 6 room house, rented at $12.60 per month; mtg. $800. 3 years 6. Trade equity for automobile worth $600 or $600. Ad dress 5827 !2d Bt. S. E.. Lents. Phone Tsbor 145. TWO modern 5 room houses, nice clean stock of groceries. In a good location; doing fine business; trade all or any part for small farm or chicken ranch. Address. 5927 92d St. P F. Lents Phone Tabor 1458. HAVE 2 lots, full sire, half block from street car, in Vancouver, Wash., with 6 room house and extra good barn. Mortgage of $1100. Want to get team horses and milk cows for my equity. Ask for McBride at 310 Oak st. WANTED Grocery store, rooming house or clear house and lot for 160 acres unimproved, 5 miles from Grants Pass; lots of cord wood and readv sate Price $4000 mtg. $500. Box 764, Grants Pass, Or. , LAl'FtELUl'RST Will take good auto for my equity in new 6-room modern bungalow. llyD E. Couoh street. Tabor 6676. 160 acres In Morrow county. Or., for Portland property. 40 hay, balance timber and grazing land, Room 208 Washington bldg. uM-i iuie, wui in nuuui ,unu lor auto mobile, what have you, no Junk wante.1. LX-112. Journal. i!5 ACRES on Columbia; railroad, boat line and auto road to the place, for Portland residence; will pay some cash. J. II. Lelsr H90 Relmont. RANCH left a lady in a will, cannot use it, want to trade for Portland property; will assume. What have you? Prtone Tabor 1871. IF YOUR, EXCHANGE In a Squar- ueai, see isukthvvkht realty CO.. 822 Cham, of Com, bldg. Mar. 2272. I " you deBlre a trade for your property kindly communicate with us. Rlchanbach A Co.. 707 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE or trade for suitable home In city. 4 acres of garden land, near the city limits. Phone B-2299. EXCHANGE or sell, good substanlal fuel business; own trackage. O-'j-oi, Journal. CHEAP for part cash small Improved rarm. ciose to city, owner. 3 Willi, 20 acres, brush land, for house equity. iv -mi, journal. WE WILL ELlI OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CORBIN CO.. T 5WIS BLDG. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 A OARAGE and repair shop in resi dence district for sale for less than inventory; will have to be seen to b appreciated; part traqe. journal DENTAL office a-nd fixtures for aae; splendid opportunity for some young man; in one of the best suburbs of Portland; well located. J-107, Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant, fine for man and wife. Nice business. Will ac riflce. Reason, ill health. St. Helens Or. P. O. Box 337. ' FOR SALE Complete restaurant fix tures including steam table, raime; will sell single Hems. 393 Grand ave, East 4986. GENERAL mdse. stock and business for sale at a bargain; investigate this. Call Scllwood 1233. Will con sider auto in part. 5204 Woodstock av. $450 BUYS 5 pool tables, lunch counter, ncir beer outfit; doing good busi ness; account sickness. b931 92d et., Lents, r. - FOR .SALE Stock, fixtures, building, corner store near depot. For parti culars write owner, O. A. Gooden, Myrtio creek, or. SAWMILL and location for shipyard, plenty of logs available, will set part or all to experienced man on easy terms. ina-iii, journal. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, will sell interest to good ail sround man; selling on account or physical disabil ity. 1745 E. 17th t. BARGAIN Tobacco, confectionery; lumh goods, etc.; sold at once; snap. 254 3d st. CLE ANING, pressing shop, doing good business; no competition; fine neigh- Dornoou. rnuns or I'mi Ai m ississippi. DRUG business, extra-Inducements for druggist to secure money making store. -!:. journal. FOR HALfc Small well established, good paying general store in country No agents. G-198. Journal FOR SALE Auto woodsaw or ex change ibr light truck, car or motor cycle. 126 F. 61st St.. city. STOCK of hardware and paints at dis count. 5204 Woodstock ave. Sell wood 1233. RHO BUSINESS CARDS. flj 4 OUU THE BETTER KIND. $ I Rose City Printery, 3d and Taylor. CRETONS Sc. CO popcorn wagon for sale, easy terms. 181 6th C I L. Stansbury. MONEY MAKING window cleaning business for sale. Other business forces me to well. Call Main 8047. INVESTIGATE Light grocery, free rent, free apartments, private bath. nepr oiiy in rn,y. i-ias. journal OR SALE Stock groceries, tixtures. etc. lyin, journal. SHOE shop for sale, good paying bilsi ness. Price $400. 778 Union eve. N FOR SALE Pool and lunch room. 3 1 r fTont si SNAP Grocery with living rooms: terms. Withrow. 411 Henry bldg. DRUG store stock and fixtures; a bar gain. J DV Belt. Wlllsmina. Or. IHQ cash takes grocery and confeo- tlonery. living rooms. WdlD472, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 tCootinusa i CLEANING AND PHESSlNtJ SHOP The only establishment of It kind In logging town of 1500. Monthly pay' roll $35,000. It has made $1600 since last December. Completely equipped. Price $260. FRKn tt nrnvnv rrv Hi Chamber of Commerce lilrlg. NICE clean stock of K'ocerits. con tectlonery and fruit. Uood fixtures, rlne location; daung all cash business. , Will discount llxtures $200. Invoice goods and discount 10 per cent. Ask Klt-od at Lenta Station. Phone Tabor J 4 6 8. - , iOR SALE Confectionery and bar ber shop at invoice price; lease on y building tor 2 years; living room in back. Pluce will invoice about $20. ?.": Doing good business. Fred Strom, ' Banks, Or. ' - : FOR SALE My property with stosa; of groceries and confectionery; also borne, furnished, in same block aa) school of 600 pupils. Transfer corner mid union ave., w. : ONE 2500 lb. team ana 2 wagons, i and 6 tons each; also transfer busU ness that will average $50 per week,: Good reason for seillnn.fcApply 8 Belmont st. Phone Tabortiy. i: Mro union ave., N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNrriES WANTED 68 WANT 2 2nd hand bowling alleys. Must be in good condition and rea-, sonable. W. J. Quigley, 256 Market St. Phone Main 539. 5 PASS, auto to trade for "grocery tr ' confectionery gtore. L-118, Journsl.,,- MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan la the best and surest metnoa or paying loan. $$2.2 per month tor moot lis, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 6 months lays a tlOtt : loa.- and interest Otuei amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city trcpsrtr Or for building purpyass. No commission chargeu, . EQUITAULE SVG'S U LOAN A88N !ll Stark St.. Portland. Or. - : 5 Year Mortgage Loans Residence, farm or business prop erty. Will finance ajad build home oa your lot. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPACT. 212 Selling bldg. BUILDING loans on city and Suo-r ban property; money advanced aa work progresses. VV. O. Beak, tit Failing blug. Main $407. 1 1 91111 1 1 in tvniin tIKnn tinnrr $3500. $4500; all these amounts at 1. Fred W. German Co. Hi Cham. of Com. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, son tracts, mortgage loans: reasonable rates. K H. Lewis. lxbuy 4. Lewis bldg. stUNhi TO LOAN in amounts uf 6iu 10 $avuu on city property, A. H. BELL. 201 Oerllnger bids;. HUM.! to loan on Improved, city, Isrisi mH'O- "i-'5' ofimu i n g. $2V0, f0, $t.UU. $100, $120U, $le0aL Fred W. Otirnmn t o.. 7S2 Cham. Coi $4U.uou UH Lli.tb. KAKklNU'l'ON. B0 4i n st. noara or Trade .Bids?. SEE Ute biiiall loans, installment loaus,' Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bidg. $10U0, $lbou and upward; no coiunii slon. T'eslion & Hawk. Main llOii. MORTGAUE LOANS. t and 7, Loulfl balonion c Co.. 80(1 Onk st near Ith, MONbl to loan, ti to . W. ti. &HM ii Co. 310 .SpHlding bldg. 3IONEV TO LOAN 07 CHATTELS, SALARIES CilATl lL LOANS CIlATiltiu LOANS) AT LEGAL RATES We loan money on pianos, household, goods, and also to WORKING PEOPLE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, LICENCED. $17 Failing bldg. ! Salaries Chattels- Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc. et legal rstes. with easy terms of psy Diem; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COM PAN If, iNO. 106 Dekum bldg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ABd N. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. CARRIE MYERS MKKRM AN, ' Man ager, U!)4 fcitaik Bt. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRT, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY loaned; chattels or salary j legal rates; easy installments. Home Installment Co.. 202 McKnv bldg. LOANS WANTED 30 LOANS wanted from private party,-1 years, 7;i. on good improved city property. K-201, Journal. 1 WANT $2Joo at for 3 or 6 years; ample security, no commission. -A-138, Journal. ; WANTED. $22,000. No commission.; Aggress j.'-no, journal. r FINANCIAL 81 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers interest in contracts or. ana;, Wash. H. E. Noble. Lurnbermens bldg. . GUI) K Htuke v.iii ted. uood class A t placer mining prospect; good refer- ; ences. D-la8. Journal. , ; ; if HELP WANTED MALE CHAUFFEURS AND REPAIR MEM are in demand. We want eqher, 'e-K liable men whom we can recommend for positions to take our course in au tomoblle repairing and driving. Deyi; and evening classes. Hawthorne Auw! bcnooi, 445 Hawthorne ave ; --: WANTED Boys over 16; pay $31 to. .$85 per month; good chance for ad-? incement; steady and good, clean out T side work; vacation with full pay after 1 year's service. Apply W. U. Telg. ; Co.. 3d and Oak st.. or 126 Broadway. SALESMEN wanted to sen in vrw- man strain Franquette English wal nut, together with a complete line of nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Pal em Or. RELl ahle; young man tor account ant's otfice, one desirous of becoir- . Ing a C P. A. prelerred; opportunity given for sludy'and advancement. Re ply in own handwriting, giving four , references. L-ll'l, Jotirnsl. 4 KOOFKRU wanted In Seattle. Wages, 55c and 60c per hour to first class men. Apply to G. Thomas. 210 Seventh. ; ave. N.. or Labor Temple, Seattle, Wanh. WANTED A man to build a concretes foundation ror a scnootnouse sn ,. mnva ths house onto the foundation. Address J. A. G4bbons, clerk school idle- . trlct 25, Castle Rock. Or. .' , WaN'FeD A married man who thor-' ougniy unueraianuH larming, nors-js, cows, growing hay, etc.; late exper- .. lenca fullv and wages wanted. Ad- ' WANTED -Brfirht. vounir man lo Sell goods; noprevjous seiling experience rtcessary. 11-142, Journal. J Wis need two more experienced tire' repale men. Oregon Vulcanising Co., 335 nurnniae st. WANTED Good tinner at once. Apply 126 Belmont st. Phone Tabor 403. - DlSHWASHEtl wanted. HI Etlu , Moore's cafeteria. - ' l - CONSULT Y. . C. A. em, loyment s-eretary. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 ' V M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE rtCHOOL.-' Day and night classes: training In repairing, driving snd machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper, 4H11. prese. etc.; time unlimited. Secure ; pass st educationsl office T. M. C A. , bldg.. to inspect our shops snd rnetn f odsT COMPETENT cflAfFFEima . snd MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tul . tlon tee includes MEMBERSHIP IS ' T M C. A. snd Its EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, ue of o-ft, swim- , mlng poo. shower baths, gymnasium. , . etc , i. . :: (Coatlaned o& Meal fsge) . 4 ; ?