) THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER - 21, 1916. 17 ALLIES FLOOD MARKET WITH ORDERS FOR CANNED SALMON Edited by Hyman H. Cohen EXTREME STRENGTH A FEATURE OF TRADE IN THE EGG MARKET Sales of Extra Generally Reported at 85c Dozen, With Case Count at 81 W to 82c Receipt of Fresh Stock Are Scant. , Extreme areagtb eoptlnuss ta the market Car ggs her with receipts kng tb teet till on nominal basis. Safe of cat coont ar reported along the wholesale way at tlV,Qttc a Aatm. with candled stock firm at 343oc, tn latter for itra select. There la qtiHa a liberal aala of abort tor- egg at this tima around 32c fur beat quality. 'I be shortage of freab offerings la stimulating tb Icehous stock, especially a la moat Uutaocaa tb latter la of rather good aaallty. , Oulald ere Biarket continue to show atreugtb. wltb price in inoat Instance uot ed ut an advance. California and Washing ton market are attQ materially blgber than those here, bat tbt la due to the fact that tbe muiwumiu are mucta aeavtec le proportion to the output than in t Portland UttKotv. .WALNUT PRICES ARE HIGH Oplng prices named by the California Wslnot Growers' aaeociattnu ar 2c a pound higher for Mo. 1 soft abell than a year ago. No. 2a ar e higher and bedded toea Vif lower than a, jea mo. Tbia mean a sailius price f Vic a pound to retailer here tor 1 stock. GRAPES HIGHER IN SOUTH Grape prlcea are showing adtamsi In tLe south, scc-ccillng to private messages recelvu hart. LwhI trade la holding mmewlut steadier at HV.c a ixund for Ladr Fingers Sl.SS rtrr crate tor 'loasvs and $1.15 fur Malaga.. SWEET FAMIXE IS RELIEVED Tha famine of aweet notatoea noted her during tbe laat 24 hours baa been somewhat relieved by tbo arrival at another ear during the dav. The market lj steady at 214c tor lo. 1 stock wita off grade veiling proportion ately Jesa. HOP MARKET IS REVIVING Sale of hopa In tbe Eugene section at 10c ponnd marks a revival of interest In the trade ben. A handred bale were aold at tb prue. For selections aa high aa lie has Been reported paid. California prlcea continue far above the local market, 12V4(ai3V4c having been paid In the Sonoma section, white la tba Sacramento dUtrlct bales are t-tiown at 11c. 1t.es prices are being freely offered to grow ers Is live south. Peach Market Has A Firmer Feeling And Higher Price Bale Are Being Made at Frac tional Advance Apple Prices Higher for Size. The peach market 1 showing considerable strength locally and at hipping point, galea along tb wholesale way ar reported around 70c for favorable sixes of sUbertas and Craw- fords. There ar lew Craw fords offering at tbls time asd what stock Is available renolsu almost sstlrely of extremely large trait or Tory small alsee. Medium sis are scare. nevertbelesi some galea of tb ordinary aiiea ar reported stroer at 66c with limited butt- Ms 2HC shove this. Market for Orareatteia apples la firmer with extra fancy showing quite fair sales around Si. 7 and fancy stock at 91 40. White some other varieties are offering, there Is little demand for them sslde from cooking purposes. Bates of off grade Grsvensteln are reported down to SOc a box. Pears are snowing a tteady tos generally, although tbe movement U lesa pronounced than when stamping vsraes were shown. General sales of quality Bartletta around 1.25 s box with a few sale higher. EUROPE IS BEGGING SUPPLY OF SAM; ORDERS ARE HEAVY Practical! Every Broker Has a Handful of Orders Allied Gov ernments Principal Purchasers All Grades Are Taken. TOMATO SUPPLIES ARE SCANT Tomato supplies continue ecaut In the locai market and sales of flrat-clu mk are re ported generally at OOc a box. while ordinary quality 1 moving around bv'Holc. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Pickling onions are tcarce and high at 78c a pound. Country killed meats are firmer. Ccae Bitttatton firm at recent advances. Sugar advance of 10c took affect during tb ota toss and onions continue firm. SHIPPERS WEATHER NOTICE Weather - bureau advises: Trotect ship meats durlpg tbe next 44 hours as fsr north Seattle agilnat maximum temperatures of about To degreee: northeast to Spokane, 90 degrees; aoutbeait to Itolse, 80 degrees; south to Aahland, 83 degree. Maximum tem pera tors at Fortlaud tomorrow about 74 de grees. ., JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These prices: ar those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except aa otberwls at ted: Dairy Produoe, BUTTER Creamery prluta, extras, 84o; prim firsts, 82c; firsts, ;UVjC; cubes, lc lesa; dairy, buying price, 214,22c. BuTTEBIrAT Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 81c. No. 2. 29c. EGGS Selling price: Selected, fresh. 85c; rase count, Oregon tsnc-h. 31 H 32c doasn; ordtnarv, acndled. 84c; April storage, 81 32c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, heavy Plymouth Rocks, lGc; ordinary chickens, 14c; stags. 10c: broilers. 18 17c; turkeys ( ); dressed, fancy, 2820c; plgeona, $1.50411.85; squabs. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (With out Chang Ea Routs) The Big Clssa, Comfortshls. Elegantly Appoint4 BEAVER Sails from Alns worth Seek 8 P. SC. BATITKSAT, SfiYT, S3 100 Gold XUs M Columbia Elver. All Rates laelods Bertha amd Meals. Table and Sersio Vaesoallsd. The : Ban Fraaelsc a Portlsnd S. 8 Co., thltsl and Washington fi treats (with 0-W. Iw si. Oe.) xi. Broadway 4600, A-CU1. $2.00 dm.; geese, Uve, HQllVie; Pekln duck, old. 12(jxl3c lb.; young end heavy, lc lb.; Indian Huuaers, 1112e per lb. CHEESE Selling price: Krrsb Oregon fancy fnll eresm twins snd triplets, ltrQISttc lt.; Yossg America. 'MJiailc. Pries to Jobbers: Plata, lSe; Young America, lwc f. o. b. ; cream brick. 2c; Llmbcrger, Xi2Zc; black owisa, 2T4l8c. rrnito aa4 TesreUUas. FRESH FRUITS Orsnges, Valencia, $4,000 4. 23 per box; bananas, 4ftc lb.: lemons, $T.0O 7.60; California grapefruit, $3; plana. 6 "5e hog; cantaloupes. ififcfe$1.25 crate-, water, melons, 00c per cental; ueacbes, Oregon, &0 1t; Bartlett pears. 75cral 23. BEUU1E8 Huckleberrtea. u8c lb. A1TLES -Local, aoc$1.7& box, acoordlog qutllty. OXIONS OreirOB. $1.7S per cental. I'OTATOES Belling price: Nw local. 00c Si..'i; tniying price, ordinary sbipptug, a i0c; fancy, )c(nl.uo; sweet, o. 1, 2c; o. 2, 2ty)t lb. VIBUISTaBLKM Turnips. $1.25 saek; carrots, $1.25-, paranlpa. $1.26; Uregou cabbage. $1.75 ttl.&O cwt. ; green lons, a.-c doz buncbes; fe.pera, 3ft4c lb.; bead lettuce, local, 30c; celery, W'aTSc doxen; artichokes, SOr; cucum bers, $!.( per rsck; tomatoes, Oregon, KmX (Xc; egg plant, 2c lb.; string besnai, 6c lb.: rliubarh, lH,(U2c lb.; peas, oc lb.; cauliflower, ca$, .00. Hosts, Flak sad Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Selling price: Countrv Wiled best hogs. lZTe lb.; poor. 89c b.-. best reals. 13c; ordisary. ltKitllc; goal. 85c; lambs, line; mutton. Saioc. sJMOKLD-MEAT3 Hams, r22c; break fast bacon. ISaadc; plcnic, 14c; cottage roll, lde; short clears, smoked. lSttlttie: Oregon extorU, smoked, 12c lb. LARD Kelt 1 rendered, tierces, 13c; stand ard, HVyc; lard compound, 12c. OYSTERS Olytanla, gallon, $2.75; canned eastern. We can; in .50 tlox.; eastern in shell. $1.(16 per 100; razor clams. 15c dox.; eastern oystera. per gal., solid park . FISli DresMil flosndera, 7c; cbloook sal mon, fitfoc per lh.; steelbead, 8c; perch. 7c; lobsters, 30c; silver Binelts, 8c; luion tiout, ltlc lb.; halibut, 9Wttllc; sluiL-uon, CRABS Large, $1.73; medium, $1.23 dox. Oroeeria. 81'GAtt Cube. $8.00; powdered, $7.75; fruit or berry, $7.25; Honolulu, $7.20; beet, $7.03; dry granalsted. $7.28; D yellow, $6.65. (Above Sisotatluns arc SO days net cash.) HONEY Now. $3.2383.50 per ease. UlCaWapan atyle. No. 8, 44c: New Or leans, head, 6416Hc; bloe roae, 6 a. MALT Coarse, half grounda, 100s, (VO 50 per too; 60a. $11.30; tahls dairy, SOs, $10.00; 100s. $1.0: bales. $2.23; lump rock, $20 ton. BEANS Quotations nominal; Small white, $.W; large white, $9.00; pink, $7.73; llmaa. $7.30; bayou, $7.50; red, $7.50. Hops, West and Hides. HOPS Nominal, buying price, 11 crop, 8 lt)c lb. WOOL 1010 clip: Wlllamett valley, coarse CoUwold, 82433c; vmedlom Shropshire. 33c; floe, 31 ac; eastern Oregon ataple. 20425c per lb.; coarse and medium, 28il3ac tt. HIDES Salted bldea, 23 lbs. and up, ITHc; aalted staga, 50 lbs. and up, 13 4c; salted kip, 13 lbs. to 23 lbs.. 16c; salted calf, np to 15 lbs., 23c; green hides. 25 Iba. and up, 15Hc; green stags 50 lbs. and up, 11H; green kip. 15 lbs. to 25 lb., ISc; green calf, up to 15 lbs.. 25; dry flint, 20c; dry flint caf, up to 7 lbs.. Sic; dry salt hides. 245c: drv horse- bides, each. 7c to $2.0o; alt borsehldes. each, $3 to $4; horsehair. bc: dry long wool pelts, iile; dry short wool pelts, 15c; dry abeep shearings, escb. lOtgJc; salted sbeep shear ings, each, 1 Gig 25c. TALLOW .No. 1,-; No. 2, Sc; lbL CHITTIM OR CASCARA BARK Baying price, per car lots, c; lesa than car lots. 4c. MOHAIR 1916, 8540c. SISAL Dsrk. 13c lb.; white, 13e lb. Patau aad Oils. COAL OIL Water white. In drum and Iron barrels, 10c. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls. Bis aal kttl- boiled, bbls., 86c; raw, case, 80c; boiled, case, 91c gal.; lota of 250 gals., lc lesa. TURPENTINE Tanks. 57c; cases, 64c gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 11c lb.; 500 lb lots. llic; less lots, llc per lb. GASOLINE Basis price. 2uVic per OIL MEAL Carload lot. $34; teas than car lots, $35.80. Seed, Buytn; Prlcea. Clover Red, 14c; aislke, 15c per lb. Timothy 44Hc; domestic rye grass, 8 4; retch. Vj34,C; onion, 3c. San Francisco Wool Market. Saa Francisco Sept 20. (I. N. 8.) Wool, per pound: Humboldt and Mendocino, months, 20826c; '12 months, 223o; mld- I?"11' . ?.tb' "18c; ysar-s stsple. 17919e; Red Bluff and vicinity, 12 months. 2028c; Nevada ftocR tuple, 2324c; rtia light, crosa-bred, 26828c, according to qual ity, north coast atates, clip, 1918, 25Q2S.. lamb s wool. 1S916c; do California, 12l5c; fsll wool. 8312e for southern and I0i5c for northern. M. .) Wool Far the greatest demand ever known from foreign eouutrl la at present showing in the canned salmon trade. Order ar well dis tributed and practically every salmon broker nlong the Pacific coast baa a handful of business, which be Is unable to confirm promptly. Tbe demand from abroad, which 1 stated on good authority to be confined almost en tirely to tbe needs of the European allies, is not confined to anyott variety or grade. The run of salmon In th Columbia du--lng th early part of the week wa come what smaller than during th previous week, but the catches srs still by no means un favorable. A letter -from Euzene J. Kan-ell of Evcrdlng ic Fxrrell, who is at th Pillar Kokc cannery owned by the company, says that the supply of flab comiaat In from the ocean Is materially Increased and that better ha nls are expected hit in th week. Th quality t the present catch la the Columbia continues favorable, although It is not as good as the spring run. Hogs Are Strong; Sales More Easily Made at the Top Extreme Quality Sells at $0.70 to (9.75 in Yards Other Lines Are Very Good. :tle. Calves. Sbeep. 102 . . 34 203 . . B!7 M 80 877" 52 1X49 26 1 1174 77 133' 1SS 20 1719 82 62 223 10S . . 1034 DEPRESSION IS QUITE GENERAL IN WHEAT TRAOE OF THE WORLD Early Strength Is Shown by Kails in New York Trading POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Sept, 21. (U. ' P. ) Onions Tel low Californlsa, 2e; WaUa Wall, lQ2c. Potatoes White new California, $23 ft 25; White Riv.-r. $25; lsklma Gems, $2S!27; sweets, S2.30. San Francises Market. San rranclfco, Sept. tl. (0. P.) Potatoes Per cental. Deltas In aacka, $1.00 1.40; do Shlma Reds. $1.7031.75; No. 2 stock, 00&63C per sack; Salinas, $2.30 per hundred. Onions Per cental, brown, $1.75. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle KArkst. Seattle, Sept. Zl. (U. P. ) Butter Natlv Washington creamery, cube, 33c; do brick, 34:; atorage cube, 20SOc; storage, brick, 3031e. UieeM Oregon triplets, 17t; Wisconsin trip, lets, 19c; do twins, 19c; Young America, 22c. , Eggs Select ranch, i&c; April, 3031c. San Fraaelscs Market. San Francisco, Sept. 21. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 30c; prim flrsta, 29ftc; tftrsts, 2He. Eggs Bxtraa. 40c; pullets, 33c. theejse California fancy. lH4c; firsts, 13fc.c; Oregon triplets, fsncy, 16c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK R.CS. Hogs. Thursday 463 Wednesday 559 Tuesday 81 Mocday 1353 Saturday 382 Friday 300 Week ago 963 Year ego. 592 Two rears ag 230 Three' rears ago.... 468 There continues a firm tso In th bog mar ket at North Portland, with sales substantially st Wednesday's prices. For tops sales were shown at $.709.75. There waa only a small run of bogs la the yards tt th opening of th day' trade, and sale were mad more prompt than on recent daya. CJeoeral bog market: Choice light weight $9.7069.75 Good light weights. fi.256w.30 Medium weights 8.0u9.15 Rough besvy 8.5018.75 Sheep Sun a Handful, Just a handful of sheep cam In to North Portland over nlgbt. These were from a Wil lamette valley point. General strength Is shown In tbe market, with the sate of Wlllamett valley lambs at $8.50, the former top. This would Indicate a still higher price for selected stuff. General mutton and lamb market: Select spring lain be $ 8.50 Ordinary lambs 7.75J.0O Best yearlings 6.60fed.75 Good to common wethers 5.73oj6.l0 Beat ewes ," Heavy common ewes 3OQ4.00 Oattl Situation la Goes. Wall ther was nothing available to teat the extreme market price for cattle at North Portland during the day, sales of ordinary quality stuff Indicated a continuance of tbe former atronj position for rel tood quality. Total receipts over night were small. Gessrsl cattle market range: Prime light steers $6.eO(g6J3 Prime heavy steers 6.VOU7.00 Good light steers 6.o0'6.23 Blockers and feeders 5.U0&5.73 Prim ilsUorued cows aud heifers... 5.40 Ccmmon cows 4.005.00 Bulls 3.50(i'4.5O Prime light veal calves 7.0o7.50 Prim heavy veal calves 4-00iS.OO Thursday Livestock Shippers. Hogs William Block. Polk. 1 load; M. M. Hoetor, Klickitat, Wash., 1 load; L. F. Tar man, Coluua, Cel., 1 load; H. P. Turman, Los Angeles, .cai., l load. Cattle D. Ransey, Nex Perce, Idaho, 1 load. H. Canfleld 1 load; tl. D. Wheeler, Linn. 1 load. Mired "ttiff-J. W. Veatch, Lane, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep. Comparative statement of livestock run: Cttle. Calves. Hogs. Sbeep. Month to date... 4,067 1H4 13.7bo 16.S..4 New York, Sept. 21. (I. N. S.) Irregular ity dominated th morning session her today when over halt a million share changed hand at prices in almost every stock varying be tween 1 and 2 points. Following th early reaction and steady close of yesterdsy, tbe market opened atrong, and during tb tint boor prices advanced in a bullish movement. Tb rati showed tbe great eat etrenartfi itnrlna. th earl tranaactlona. and Liverpool and London Are Lower ! were accompanied by the copper stocks, th Finance -Commerce-Industry Industrial and Railroad Companies Show Heavy Increases to Bore plus Telegraph Compaaies Unable to Take Care of BwaiaiBss Portland Railway Report Is Fair. and Chicago Is Down During Early Session Local Stark et Be gins to Feel Some Effects. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Portland Year ago Seaboii to date. . Y'ear ago Tscoma. Wed . . Year ago Secsoti to date. . Year ago Seattle, Wed... Year ago St aoou to date. . Year ago Cars Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. 66 ... 6 24 40 1 3 2 1266 37 487 466 2148 876 204 838 25 1 ... 3 64 13 ... 2 158!) 27 ... 65 2178 U ... Ill 15 2 4 2 60 11 12 4 14C1 67 4iii 884 207" 224 5S5 80S 7 5 404 460 7 20 steela and industrial opening slightly- up. failed to Join and soon bad th strong stock In the irregular trend. Crucible sold down to S9 during the Initial deals, after opening at 82 H, 4 abov tbe close. Steel common was steady around 108. In the copper list Anaconda advanced to 96, after a close osVMV). and many of tb trader believe it will hit th lOu mark. Tb Indus trials were the most irregular of the list. , Baldwin Locomotive sold down to 84 "4 during , tb first transsctlons, sfter opening st 88, 4 ! up. The marine stocks made further declines, j The market closed strong. Ranee of New York orlce furnished by BOO , Over beck & Cook Co.. 218-217 Board of Trade 606 ' building: all 1117 Description Open I High Allls Chalmers, e. Alaska Gold Am. Beet Sugar .. Am. Can, c Am. Can, pfd Am. Car Fdy., c. . Am, Cotton Oil, C. Am. Linseed, c. . . Am. Linseed, pfd. Depression was again general In the world"s wheat trade for the day. Recent trading baa been very erratic, being firm and higher one moment and weak and lower the next. This feeding Is naturally shared to en me extent by j Am. Loco. the local trade, although It must be said to the credit of Pacific northwest wheat buyers, the have been far less stampeded by the recent downward fluctuations elsewhere thsn bs beea the case In other sections. To some exieut perhaps this ta dne to th fsct that tbe moment that prices go off s frac tion here, selling iu the country la efssirely sos-pemled. f hat haa happened to the barley market Is Am. 8melter. c Am. Smelter, pfd. . . Ass. Sugar, c Am, Tel. k Tel Am. Woolen, c Anaconda M. Co. ... Atchison, c Atchison, pfd Baldwin Loco., c. .. Bulduln Loco., pfd.. B. A O.. c Bethlehem Steel, c. 24 94 63 66" 02 78 !"1 2.'.S 64 87 Low I CI cs IT IS 24 13 93 H 65H 94 V, 68 Vi ,112 23 Vs 23 OX? uov 111 67 53 23 6114 107 110 j" 111 uitt 52 774 13314 133&U32 V 133 "Hi VSI OT4 96 10514 'so" 1131 04ts i as, a f jv Avvm iivn 89 PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE Prices between dealers: BUTTER. Extra EGGS. Cas count CHEESE. No. 1 Oregon triplets Tillamook triplet Oregon Young America . . . Oregon cream brick Los Aagwles Market. Los Angeles, Sept. 21. (P. N. Case const, 29c. Butter Fresh, extra, 80c. Bid. 29 Vj 81 Vs 18 18 Ak. 30 17 19 19 27 S.) Eggs AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES FASTEST XOTJTX TO CALIFORNIA Portland $20.00) to and Y WITH San Francisco $17.50) B"K Tourist, $18 snd $18.80) 8d elaSs, $8. SO-Day ilouad-Trip tsa, (ram PerUaad or any Willam ette Valley point oa OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAT California Steamer Express Leaves 9:80 A. at. TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY. , i Vorth Bank, Sth and Stark. TICKET ) Statloa. 10th and Hoyt. OFFICES 3d andforrT. M P? Ay. ' $48xWash O. . Ky. ALASKA Jatchlksjs, Wring" all tart-burg-, J as saa, Douglas, Haimos. Skagway, Moxoo eaa St. MlebacL COJFORNIA Yla jtUattls sr taa rraaolsM $ &j ' AMgmlmm aad Saa Dl;o. Largest ships, gssaoaM aer.lce. low rates. fs elsdisg iseal and berth. For particulars. aa pi or Ulsphoa TlolMt Oftleo, M9 Waahlartoa sTtr. raetflv Mala 82S, Homo V829S, Dalies - Columbia Line Ovoratlaf Str. J.N. Teal and Twin Cite. j . . - . PortJand5 U tlppr Columbia ana Soak riVM point. . Loav Portland about j - avsry ir day. rot rrroKMATjoar caxa tatx.0 grease. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 20. (I. unchanged. New York Cotton Market. Onen. HI eh. January 160A 1632 March 1617 1646 May 1630 1664 July 164 1673 Septimber 1575 150J October 1584 1605 December 1600 1825 Low. 1601 1615 1635 1645 1575 1577 1592 Close. 1623 1638 157 1067 1594 1597 1C14 Eastern Cash Wheat. Omaha Cash wheat No. 1 hard. $1.49; No 2 hard, $1.401.50; No. S hard, $1.46 St. Louis Whit west wheat dL but iaL,cy Dine seuing reauny at fl.SOQl.67; NO. $ white blue sold $111; No. 2 olub. $1.52. Chicago :h wheat No. 2 red. $1150 1.65; No. 2 hard, $1.65; No. 3 hard. $1.50 San Francisco flop Market. Ssn Francisco. Sept. 20. (I. If. S. Hops, 1918 crop. Callfornls, gQioe pr pound for growers; Oregon contracts. 7a8c; do Jugcl. 12c per pound. Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, Sept. 21. (I. N. S. Wheat: Spot No. 2 hard winter, 13a 8d; No. 1 Mani toba, 14 2d; No. 2. 14a; No. 3. nominal. . .New York Sugar and Coffee. Nsw York, Sept. 21. (V. P.) Coffee New York No. 7 Rio spots, e; No. 4 Santo. 10H. Sagar Centrifugal, $s7T. HEAVY LIVESTOCK SALES Ashland, or, Sept. 21. 9 Stock: sales which total over ) $$0,000 were made and stock 4 shipped from Ashland the last tiro days. John Hunt of Port- 4ft- land, bought 2020 lambs, and 4ft 4ft ahtppod last night. O. 8. Maris- 4ft 4ft flsld ships today 70 head mules, sir 5 head borsas, mostly from tft Klamath county, to Mansfield 4t Bros.' wheat ranch at La Crosse, Wash. J. H. Carlton, for Miller ft Lux of San Francisco, 4 4ft bought 560 head of cattle 4 pooled by cattle raisers of vi- ft 4ft Clnlty. lie shipa today to San (ft 4ft Francisco. He paid 6c for beef . tutn, for feeders and a 4ft little less far cows. 4ft i 1 ' - ; Chicago Hog $11.80. Chicago. Sept. 21. (1. M. S.) Hogs: Re ceipts, 18.0OU; dull, 13c under yesterday's ierage. Bulk, $10.20(211; light. $10(311.15; BYlxed, $.so(J11.2u; heavy, S3.804jll.15; rough, rJ S0zl0; pigs, 86.75&9.70. Cattle Uecelpts. auoo; tteaay. native beef steers, $6.5011.80; western steers. $ti(a9.25: stockers and feeders, il.60Q7.65, cow 8 and heifers, $3. JO 9. 20; ealves, $8.U Q13. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; steady. Wethers, $d.5(U80; lambs, $e.85t)ll. Kaaaa City Hog flO.K. Kansas City, Sept. 21. (I. N. S.) Hogs: RecelpU, Tom); lower. Bulk, $10.3821O.'), hiavv. I10.3U&L 10.75: Meters snd buubers $10.4010.90; light, $iS.3i4J 10.83; pigs. $7 HtlO. Cattle Receipts 6000; steady. Prime fed steers, $9.75 10.90; dressed beef steers. $7.25 9.30; western steers, $6.409.50; cows $4.bu((l'7.25; heifers, $64J10; stocker and feeders, $5.5088; bulls, $54?.50; calves, $6(311. Sbeep Receipts, 20,000; stesdy. Lambs. 110 10.60; yearlings, $7.508.50; wethers, $7ji.78; ewes, $6.757.33. Omaha Rog $10.90. Omshs, Sept. 21. U. N. S.) Hog: Re ceipts, 5600; lower. Heavy, $1010.3,V, light. $10.30(310.90; pigs, $9.;gio.i; Lu.k of sales, 10.1U(S10.30. Cattle Receipts. 6600; steady. Native steers, $710.8u; cows snd heifers. $6&7 50 western steers, $6.759.25; Texas atecrs, $9.50 T15; stockers and feeders, $6.25(3S.40. Sheep Receipts, 26,000: lower. Wethers, $6.5047.50; yearlings. $7.254iS.50; lambs, $10.20 t 10.40. SeatU Hogs $10.25. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 21. (P. N. S.) Hogs: Kecelpta, 79; strong. Prime lights, $10.10310.25; medium to choice, $9.9010; heavy packing, $9.1069.75; pigs, $S.739.25. Cattle Receipts, none; stesdy. Beet steers, $7 fa. T. 25; medium to choice, $0.236.50; common to medium. $3.235.73; best cows, $5,251(15.75; common to medium cows, $3,504 4.50; bulls, $3tt4.50; calvs, $79. . .i ri .!.. . -. . I V J7.754j8.25; yearlings. $6.257; ewes, $4.50 a:a.ao. Derver Eogs $11. Denver, Sept. 21. Cattle Receipt 4900, ateadr. Beef steers. $6.00Q7.50: cow and heifers, $3.0037.25; stockers and feeders. $3.00 U7.UO. Hogs Receipts 100, steady. Tops, $11.00; bulk. X 10.33d 10. 90. Kfieep Receipts 16.000, strong. Lambs, $9.50 Q10.40; ewea, $6.50(7.00. BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Banks. This week. Year age. $2,746,294.55 $2,051,905.03 2,118.849.19 1.361.225.43 2.458,135.29 8.007 .003. 96 2,284.017.25 1,778,560. San Franc lao Beak. $12,400,002.00 Tsooma Bank. $ 424,465.00 78,624.00 Seattle Banks. Clearing $ 3,686,977.00 Balancea v- 265.865.00 Los Angeles Bank. Clearing $ 4.321,700.00 Clearings: Monday Tuesday Wednesdsy Thursday . . Ctearlngs . . Clearing . . Balances . . . at present a mystery In the trade here. There i ...'?.," D?" 1 has been practically no trading In bartey at Cal Petroleum, c .'. Pacific northwest poiuta of late, although j Canadian Pacific stocks are short. Relatively speaking, oata are i Cent. Leather, c. really cheaper thau barley, and this may be Cent. Leather) pfd. . one of the solutions of the mystery. With . Chesapeake A 0. ... plenty of oata offering at tbe lower prices, C- A tt. W., c there is naturally much lees inclination to take j tfat; w fd- bold of barley at the higher llgures. 1 J;-. . -Sr P FLOUR Sellinj price: Patent, $0.60; WI1- Jrl, looof C Umette valley. $6.20; local straight. $6.20i 11 pff IV"" 6.40; baktra' local, i.404 rf; Montsaa spring , I ' ,h. v .if.. ,. I Consolidated Gas ... -h.: ,.-,r,Th ,r.-rr:. ir.iforn product. per ooriel. HAX Buying price, new crop: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $14.O0: eastern Ore- SSij e 300 j5O0 44 e"4 85 86 22 V,, 2.iVi 84 V, 540 94 74 105H looa r M1 l'IO-4 ..I $4 Crucible Steel c. Crucible Steel, pfd. . D. A R. G., c var it vx XT i rv m ra rt . s a E-ou-ldaho fancr tlmothv. 118.0041 19.00: ,. t". Tf..- clover, $.0O10.00 ton. GRAIN 6ACKS 1916 nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta , HViiJUHc in ca'lols; less amounts are blgber. . MILU.STLFFS Selling price: Bran, $23.00. shorts, $25.00 per ton. ROLLK1J OATS $7.0007.25 per barret. Cticsgo wheat closed fractionally higher to lewer. On the local market qnotations for Sep tember where unchanged, with the except ion of club, which was lc lower. A sale of 500O Erie, e Erie 1st, pfd Gen. Blectrlc General Motors Goodrich Rubber Gt. Nor., ore lands Gt. Nor., pfd. (Jreene-Csn Hid A Leather, c. ... Hide A Leather, pfd.. Je Hecurttlea 178t4il78 95 Si I STs 64 54 1364 15ii 02 'ii 46 4 8x'A 54 174 700 72 42 83 127;i26 54 52 137H!136 15; I5is 119;120i 49T 46 88 54 174 ta 173 700 6S0 72X4 72 44 42 Same 1915 5,943 134 11.291 15,721 Osin 1916 47 2,494 1.133 Loss 1016 1.8S6 Year to date 44,625 234S 202,491 109.902 Sam 1915 46.718 1339 143.357 138,875 Gala 1919 1009 59,134 Los 1918 2,093 23,973 Wednesday Afternoon Sates. STKXR3. 50. Ar. lbs. Price. 0 steer 782 $o rJ 4 steers 1042 5.( 6 leers 022 5 5 17 steers , 975 6.65 8 steers 90S 4.73 9 steers S61 4.'io 11 steers 1029 5.25 17 steers loul 4.15 3 steers 1143 4.2j 1 steer 790 4.00 1 ter KOO 5.0U 1 steer 990 4.50 6 steers 872 4.50 1 steer lim) 4. 50 2 steers 905 4.5C COWS. 1 cow S20 $3 50 8 cows lOifj 5.0o 9 cows MO 4.23 2 cows 870 S.30 2 cow 103O , 4.5u 6 cows l'XO 4.53 8 cows 606 3.00 t cows 820 4.50 1 COW 950 2.'jU STAGS. 1 stag 1210 $4.00 1 Stag 1250 4.00 HEIFERS. 1 heifer 780 $4.60 6 heifer 593 4.75 BULLS. I 2 bulla 955 $3.23 , H0G3. $4 bog - 207 $9 70 2 bogs 190 fj.03 lO hogs 211 9.7i 1 hog - 370 8.75 92 hogs 195 9.75 87 bogs 198 9.71 14 hogs 267 8.70 7 hogs 136 8.00 Illinois Central .. busLela October bluestem was made by a local 1 1, dust rial Alcohol No. 15 bogs 104 hogs 2 hogs 3 bogs Price. $9.75 9.70 9.50 9.00 8.70 8.50 $8.50 6.50 $8.75 Oregon Apples in South. San Francisco, Sept. 20. (1. N. S.) Ap pie, new crop, tn good order: Grave nsteiu, $1.10(31.25 for 4 tier and 65 (S 75c far 4V.L; Gloria Mundy, 634j75c for 3 and 4 tter; Belief leur, 4 tier, 65 685a and 507Sc tx 4H tier; Kings, 75s5c for 4 and 60(3 73c for 3V tier; Fall Pippins, do75c; Rhode I. land Greening, 6575e for 4 tier, snd 3"e for H tier; Common Beds. 30375c:, Jonathan, 94C$1.15 for 4 tier and 70f9S for 4', tter; Wagner, 75S5c for 4 tier and 50Q5t for m tier; Hoover, 73&SSc for 4 tier and 5CJ60c for 4 tier. . San Francisco Grain Market. Baa Francisco, Sept. 21. Barley calls: Sept. 21. Sept. 20. Oped. Close cie. December 175A 173 A 178fcB May 175B 177HA 175B Spot qtmtarlons Wheat Walla Walla $2 15 02.20; red RawUm, $2,112.20: Turkey red, $2.202J2&; bitietem. $2.20(0.2.25. Feed barterH'-'ViaJ.TO. Whit nets 411 .62 1.65. Bran $24.ta3 24.60: middlings, $32.00633; shorts, $25 J0 626.00. Says Wilson Is Gaining. T. H. Monroe, president of the Henry George Lecture association of Chicago, 111., was in Portland yester day for a few hours, ei -routs from Seattle to- San Francisco. He saya the sentiment for Wilson throughout the United States is increasing and the Democrats are everywhere confi dent f tb result in November. Thursday Morning Sales. HOGS. Ave. lbs. 153 , 194 175 27 4 hogs 802 8 hogs 153 LAMBS. 23 lamb 79 lamb 62 YEARLINGS. 6 yearling 102 Foreign Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat 2d to 2d lower. Rosario Wheat opened Strong. IVic to 2c London Cargoes on paSsags, 9d to Is lower. Recovering Reason, Mait Admits Record Fike Fa-ge at Asylum Says He Has Term to Flnlsa at BlchmonO, Ta., Letter Confrim Confession- Salem, Or., Sept. 20. Recovering h!s reason under treatment at tha stalo hostital for the insane. Pike Page committed from Salem a few weeks ago, confessed that he was wanted. at Richmond, Va., state prison to finish a sentence of two years for larceny. He had escaped from the prison, ha said. Wednesday a letter and photo graph arrived from Virginia and con firmed Page's story. He had served in Virginia under the name of Joe Dodge. exporter to a California, milling interest at $1.33. September oeta bids were off 50c ton. while brriey was unchanged. Argentine - Uroutb continues snd dsaaage Inspiration Interboro, e Interboro. pfd Kansas City Sonth., Lacks waana Steel... reports coming to hand; locusts are menacing Y,11 In the north. France Rain general and threshing stepped. Nothing new in the Bslkan situation, there fore less attention being paid to the possi bility of reopening of the straits In time tor tils season a shipments. Argentine forecatt aalpment this week: Wheat, 1 .200,000 bushels; corn. 3,400,000 buabela. Broomhall a International wheat review la rather beariah. September bid on the Ex change: WHEAT. Thur Wed. Toes. Mon. 1916 1915 191 Bluestem 133 Club 124 Red Fife 126 Red Russian .... 123 Fortyfold t 129 86 OATS. Feed 2700 2300 BARLEY. Feed 3200 2325 Futures were quoted: WHEAT. 133 83 125 80 128 7S 123 80 129 132 126 127 124 12S 131 121 127 125 128 2750 2750 2750 $200 8300 1200 October bluestem Not ember bluestem October fortyfold November fortyfold October club November club October red Fife November red Kife October Russian November Russian FEED OATS. October November FEED BARLEY. October November Chicago Wheat Not Yet Settled; Tone Erratic for Session Midval Steel Mexican Petroleum.... Miami Copper Kecnocott Cooper..... Missouri Pacific Nttlonal Lead Nevada Cons New Haven New York Ah- Brake... New York Central N. Y.. Ont. A W Norfolk A W., c Northern Pacific Paclfie Mail Pennsylvania Ry People' Gas Pressed Steel Car, c... Preseed Steel Car, pfd. Ray Cons. COftper Rsiltta Steel Springs. Reading, c Reading, 1st pfd Reading, 2d pfd Republic I. A e Republic I. A S pfd.. Rock Island Shattuck f n . l i A i wars, nwuQi'i c vj. . 1 '-iH I LUVJV.-1'eX axsri . . esee.e. i'JT, ' gtudabaker. pfd ;"u Southern Pacific .TJl ; Southern Ry., c , Southern Ry., pfd zTi Tenr.. Copper HZ Texas Oil Vi Texaa Pacific T., St. L. A W., C T.. St. L. A W.. pfd... Union Pacific, c Union Pacific, pfd V. 8. Rubber, c U. S. Rubber, pfd U. S. Steel Co., c U. 8. Steel Co., pfd Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, c. . . W. L Telerranh westinghouse Electric .. 123 .. 123 ..rtoo ..2T00 ..3200 ..3200 119V, s 2S lOV. 107 204 131 112 27 5714 108 59 23 5X 111 84 28 2!ll2 88 so", 113 99H 54 14 23 60 141 107 27 131 112 27 57 109 01 '25 54 112l110 82 80 iii" T0 140H 107 26 130 Xxtoroaslag tb svarplas. Noticeable among the statements of tb leading lrdustrial and railroad securities of the country recently has been the fact that despite th usual and sometime Increased dividends paid, the com panics in general are showing a liber al Increase in their surplus funds. Th accumulation of surplus is Indicative of the general desires of the big cor porations to prepare for whatever lean business years that may follow. In few instances this surplus is not being Invested, but is being kept Intact In the banks. Telegraph Compaaies PMsrpwrouav---An unusual state of prosperity la shown in recent reports of the various telegraph companies. The fact of the matter is that the commercial mes sage business is now so extremely heavy that it is impossible to lease a wire in any section of th country. While this is specially shown in the eastern states, the business on the Pacific coast is already up to th full capacities of the leading companies. Portland Hallway August port. The report of earnings of the Port land Railway, Light & Power com pany for August, while reflecting a decrease In gross earnings and sur plus, is still considered favorable as a liberal surplus Is still shown. The report in detail follows: toot .jeinfflfs $447,501.55 OpwuAr expenses... 21 1.846 .08 Net earning $236,655.47 interest, taxes and ISIS $460. SCO K 216,068 18 $244,802.V) 228.081 .60 04 T2 21 141 107 26 130 lllilll 2fe 2 87 108 59 110" 110 18 80 2S 130 109 100 24 23 '4 217 ei 10 31 'A 20 131 109 101 24 68 25 U 217 215 fti' 44 64 110 18 80 207 128 109 100 63 23 61 Woolworth '13H 146 147 145 68 114 109)107V4 lZlHllt PON,! SS 43 43 !l 08 flfl 68 138 '13S otber fixed charge. 225.196 98 Surplus $ 10.438.64 $ 10.T70.S3 Industrial Shares Attract. While some of the "war" babies have shown rather rapid prica declines recently, it Is generally appreciated that Indust rial stocks, ever sine the boom re sulting from war orders, have dis placed the rails in speculative favor. A glance at the character of atock market trading since the outbreak of war clearly illustrates this shift of Interest. Before the war, dealings In indus trial stocks ordinarily comprised slightly less than one half the total turnover in the New York stock mar ket. Soon after the resumption of trading, following the 4 V months' thutdown of the stock market, the ratio between these two groups of stocks was practically equal. Student Oot Xoans. All but $1$8.4 of the $6028.81 that has been donated by the friends of education and the Oregon Agricultural college student loan fund, has already been placed In loans according to a recent report of the college auditor. Almost $1500 was added to the fund during the last year, but notwith standing this fact there will be less money available for helping students than usual, thus rendering it impos sible to assist deserving students who may need comparatively small sums - to pay expenses. - At the beginning of last year, July 1, 1916, there were one hundred four, outstanding loans, averaging $14.12. During the year one hundred-nlneteen loans were made, averaging t$.7. LouTis paid during the fiscal yesrwen ' sixty, averaging $$.. The number , of oatatandlng loans, July 1, 181s Waa ore hundred-sixty three, averatlng . 36. $J. and totaling tnS4.S5. Since the college has no scholarship Its only resource for helping needy students is the stufent loan fund. The fund was established by gifts of"' friends of th Institution both within -and without the college. , Big Bank asoswuioea. Tha onsen dated resources of all national aad state banks and trust companies in ' San Francisco is In excess of $670,000 , 0o0. This is far beyond any previous combined total and ia believed to be tha greatest aggregation of assets for the banking lnstlutions of ay city west of Chicago and St. Lxuls. Th increase since June SO figures ut ia excess of $3S,f00,000. ' - Completion by tbe state banking de partment of tfc tabulation )f condl- -tion, as of August $1, of all Starts, banks ard trust companies In this city renders the grand tstal compilation herewith possible): State bank reaouroes, August tl, f..i,vtr,.Di, Trust resources, AsTtist II, f23a97 v 644. National bank resources, September -12. $814 f ft, 541. Resources of all banks In San Fran cisco. $s?o,7te,g?s. xu-i eajse, ower June bo, Ia,lW3,0Z3. KarxUag Auat ZnoveassV .Increases for tbe wettc ended tiepterrvbar 16 of $.6 millions in earning assets and of 7.8 mlllaone In tbe oomblned gold re serves, a Ueorease of 11.8 millions in aggregate cah reserves, and net with drawals of 4 millions of . government ; deposits, are Indicated by the regular weekly bank statement, made publlo -today by the iederal reserve boa I'd as at close of business on Friday, Sep tember 18, 1816. New York reports an. Increase of S.9 millions; In fts -gold resorve, and a -decrease of la.fi million In ttm tnral oash reserve. The induction in th banks' reserve results from net with drawals at government arwl member bank deposits, a reduction of the bal smc due to other federal bunks' liabil ity on federal reserve nores. Chicago sr.ow a substantial gali In reserve -together with a reduction of Its favor abVe agg-reesrte balance w ith other fed. eral reserva banks. Losses of gold In the weekly settlement account largely for tbe decreases In reserves shown ' for tbe Minneapolis said Kansas -City banks. Richmond's gnln In total re serve is dire mainly bo a change 'of a favorable to an advense balance tn its ' accounts with other federal Tessrr sanks. Italian forces at that time, was the father of th commander of the Italian forces In the present war. It had been planned to give a band concert celebrating the national day yesterday to raise additional funds, but lack of time to make arrangement prevented. The concert Will be given st a later dste. The funds turned over to Dr. Vlsettl I tho committee. were ooBlected by an, Italian Red Cvots Quick nellef committee, organlsrft u week (kgi with R. D. Fontana as ajret dnt. A tlampalgn for tha Italian "Hal Croes will bs csrrWl on In "Portland throusftiout tbe duration nt ti war Dr. Vlsettl is hotvorary president cf piiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiii ! SHORT JUNE TO Total sales, 1,364.000 shares. Must Face Assault Charge. Salem, Or.. Sept. 20. Thiordor Pap pas, under arrest at Astoria .for as sault with Intent to murder "iAndr.w Grtllo in Contra Costa county. Call.'., must face trial for the offense. Gov ernor 'Withycombe honored a requisi tion for him Wednesday afternoon. The attack was made with a knife, it Is asserted. Gnardsmen in Hospital. Captain Daniel E. Bowman, who Is on sick leave, and thres privates in the hospitsl, one st San Diego and two in San Francisco. will not be mustered out with the Third Oregon nett Monday at Camp Withycombe. . It is also announced that livestock and field equipment will be sent to Van couver barracks. SUGAR TO ADVANCE AGAIN In addition to the 10c ad vance in the price of all grades of refined sugar her during the day. there will be a similar ad vance tn th price Friday morn ing. This will place the basis price- for granulated at $7. $5 per hundred pounds. I Chicago, Seit. 21. (I. N. 8.) Price va ried little In- the early trading In th grain pita today after an opening fractionally be low tha close. Ia some Instances tbey ad vanced above the close, but later fell back, and th market was practically steady with touche of bullishness in some apots. Wheat price opened ic to lc under and gained th loss during th first hour's deals. December wheat opened at $1.99. and sold up to $1.49. stesdy to th close, during the first deals. Th gra'n opinion favor the long aide cf wheat and seem to be confident of ultimate higher prices. In Liverpool the market was sutler as s result of pressure and tha lndis oosition here to advance American prices Primarv receipts are already beginning to coin pare unfavorably with last year's sod it Is believed that the visible will shortly show decreases. Pressure on corn Is exr-ected for some time r . .. - M.n!nt, nrtf nr. rnfwt. irAnn f i n - tba s fair new crop Is coming in and that i City Attorney Schuebel and City Re us old stock will be released. Both corn , corder Loder were unable to agree, and oats were steady at slightly lower prices. 1 - - Provision prices dropped during ta rirst deal. Chicago range furnished by Over beck A Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trad building: S WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. September ... 148 149U, 14 14A December J-ra "tij ""kb May 150 151 5 149 151B Wilis. September ... 87Vi 86 Detemher .... 72 73 72 7TB May 76 76 75 76 OATS. September ... 44 45 444 43 December "-t ' ' "1 May 50-4 51 50 BIB PORK. 2807 2S07 Would Have Council Repudiate Its Word Oregon City, Or., Sept. 21 Petitions were placed in circulation Wednesday afternoon tn this city asking the coun cil to name T. C. Burke, now acting chief of police, the permanent head of the police department. Captain Lowell Blanchard, of O company. Third Ore gon regiment, the regular chief, was granted a leave of absence when the call to the front came. An agreement was made with Captain Blanchard that upon his return, he would be given his position back. Mayflj Hackett ap pointed F. C. Burke acting chief at this time. The petitioners claim that Burke works more in harmony with the other city .officials, and that Blanchard and SPOKANE IS THE 0-W.R.R..&N. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM READ DOWN READ UP 7:00 P. M. Leave... PORTLAND,.. Arrive 8:00 A.M. 6:50 A. M. Arrive. v .SPOKANE Leave 9:10 P.M. Union Station Service in Both Citiet USE THIS NIGHT SERVICEIT SAVES A DAY UNION PACIFIC SERVICE TICKETS, RESERVXTI0NS ETC upon application to CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third Street Broadway 4800. A-61S1 THROUGH" SLEEPING-CARS TO AND FROM WALLA WALLA Kw Conrposlt Observation Tlplng Car Mow la Service to Spokane. Northwest Land Products Show Seattle. September . . . Octob December .... September . . October December .... Peptember October 2300 237$ LARD. 1470 1472 1455 140S 1395 1400 RIBS. 1443 1455 2900 23S0 145 1433 1392 1445 2S00B 2890 2376B 1472A 1443 A 1400A I 13 1415 Hotel Is Robbed. San Francisco, Sept. 21 (P. N. S.) Two armed robbers, unmasked, held up the Lankershrm hotel here at a o'clock this morning and forced the night clerk, Tom Marvin, to empty the cash drawer for them, taking Z0 In gold and $9 in small -change. They then rifled the pockets of S. Carey, Marvin's young assistant, securing $4 more, and mad their escape, PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Symphony Orchestra Coming. The Burns Symphony orchestra, composed of 30 students from the high schools of central Oregon, the leader of whleh Is a 12 year old girl, will give concerts In Portland Wednesday and Thursday nights at the old Baker theatre at Eleventh and Morrison streets. On their arrival In Portland th orchestra will be guests at a luncheon at the Ad club and the Pro gressive Business Men's club. They will also visit the assemblies of all the high schools. Italian Red Cross Funds Are Sent On As the first Installment of funds being raised among local Italians for the benefit of the Italian Red Cross, Dr. C. Visetti, Italian royal consular agent of Portlahd, forwarded yesterday $277.50 to Count Delia Somalia, presi dent of the Italian Red Cross at Rome. The day was particularly appropri ate, as it was the anniversary of uni fication of Italy. September 2, 1870. Count Cadorna, commander-in-chief of rfpf 1 . ', redasday. 9:31 p. m. Oregonian building, 323 Alder street, defective el c trio wiring, unestimated damage. Thursday. r-u firaa. . V . - t Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks, Bonds, Cot tea, a rata, St. . glSSl7 Board of Trad BaUaiag DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Member Chieagv Board of Trada terraspottdents of Logaa tt Bryan - v CaJsag . Maw s ", w . - iiiiiiiiiiiiii iniiimiiiiniiimiB California ,0- Chicago via Tti11 be fileased to furnish rates and information. BC BC Trancisco. Geni Agt - E. W. Eamxow, Trav. Pass. Agt 128 Third St Portlaaa. Or, and a good way to Eastern' points. One-way fares via California practically same as via direct routes. Four Fast Overland Trains on your way Yosemite Valley Grand Canyon Petrified Forest