' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1916. OR, DYOTT TO GIVE SECOND SERIES OF SPECIALLECTURES t i - Theme Will Be Devoted to the Interests of the Public Schools of the City. PARENTS ARE INVITED First Congregational church organi sations are resuming their activities following the vacation. The second In a series Of special lectures giveii by lr. Luther R. Dyott in the First Congregational church on Sunday evenings, will be given In that church next Sunday at7:4&. Dr. Dyott' s theme being, "An Evening- In the In terests of our Schools." A special Invitation Is given to par ents and teachers to attend this ser vice. At 11 a. m., Ur. Dyott will Z'Z". " ,"w.,l c "f,"a'", x T - - - T7l , llrhlnr. ...HI MnHAf i.i i K.h mnrninv ami vn;nir ", . .1 Tilt various organizations connec;?a . "J . with the Klrst Congregational church j sermon to be delivered by the Rev. are resuming their work. The Ladle' Oeorge Edward Lewis, pastor of the Aid society held Its first meeting of . Highland Congregational church, the new church year on Wedpesduyj Kev. Mr. Lewis will let the audi afternoon. Luncheon was served at 1 ence decide after the completion of o'clock which was followed by a busi-1 ness session of the society. This society Is making plans for a large reception to be given In the par lors of the church on Friday evening, September 22. The presidents of all the church organizations will receive with the reception committee of the Ladies' Aid society, and an unusually attractive musical program fwui tie program rendered. Plans are also under way for the annual dinner and bazaar giv en under the auspices of this society : during October. Mesdarnes Sorasrtfe. McLauzhlln an Jeffries were hostesses at the first' meeting of the guild, which was held In the church parlors on Thursday at 10:80 a. m. This society gives one .Iji y a month to sewing for the local char itable Institutions, and under the lead ership of Mrs. O. B. Itlddle, president, similar work will be done during the coming- winter. The Silver Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. M. F. Henderson. 1025 Raleigh street, on Thursday af- 1 ternoon, with Mrs. A. K. Clarke and Mrs. Little acting as hostesses. A! octal hour followed the business meet ing. Coming to Portland Tabernacle Church Is making most rapid growth as is H. G. Thurston, formerly ot New 1 shown by the following list of candl Tork and more recently president of dates to be taken into membership at the Southern Oregon Conference Sev enth Day Adventists, has been se lected by the conference committee to take charge of the Portland Tab 1,11 oLtoUrfo; WlhJMw: Vnc George An,' Elizabeth Alt, Henry A t .PStr; .t J1-,:",0 f:,eorge Alt. Jr., Imanuel Alt. Rail Alt, u.m. v uuu.. w ru . , All"uun mr- n'uixiuii -"""" ""-o ; enure cnarge unui iau, no win preacu una cvouing ni a u tiutu iw tun- aucting tne Bible study at i at me usual meeting place at Knignts or Pythias hall, corner of Eleventh and Alder streets. The regular morning service is held every Saturday morn- ing at this place at 11 o clock pre- ; ceded hy Sabbath school at 10. About 11 months ago this church was started on the west side on ac- - count of the over-crowded condition i of the Central church at East Elev- j enth and Everett strets, although a ! year before that the seating capacity had been increased about a third by building a balcony. Seventy mem bers left to start the west side con gregation and although several mem bers hava alnce left Portland, the membership has Increased to 124. To Deliver Farewell Sermon on Sept. 24 Rev. L. K. Richardson will deliver his farewell sermon at the Kenil-1 worth Presbyterian church Sunday, ; September 34, leaving soon after for Philadelphia where nc will become the pastor of the Hebron Memorial Presbyterian church of that city. Rev. .Mr. lucnarason win assume cnarg of his new duties about the lrst of ucioDer. Rev. Mr. Richardson has been pas tor of the local church for the past four years, coming- here from Seattle In 1912. He was Issued the last call while attending- the general assembly in Philadelphia, as a- delegate. In his new charge he will have over 150 members. The church was bu,ilt at a cost of $60,000. Fall Work Is Begun By Sunday School The East Side Baptist Sunday school has again started in for the fall work. Mr. McMicheal. acting superintendent, had different members of the Sunday school tell of their summer's exper ience; which was very interesting for the opening exercises. IT. K. Hall, who has been connected with this church and Sunday school tor 23 years, and was superintendent S for 10 years continuously, has been i called to a higher position, and, will make his home In Omaha. September 17 will jae rally day, and the Sunday school will have a pro gram during the church hour service. Special music and the drill. "Arch of Victory," will be given by the chil dren. Centenary to Hold Quarterly Meeting The last quarterly conference of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal church will be held on Monday evening, Sep tember 18, at the churcu. Reports will be heard from the dif ferent departments of the church for the conference year which closes Oc tober 1st. Dr. Lane will preach the morning and evening services. PAINLESS PREACHING THEME OF MINISTER I f 1 V Rev. Edward Lewis. Painless Preaching. Till. nnirol .nhUi. nf I h the sermon whether or not the topic has been fully sustained To the ordinary member this unique topic, it Is pointed out, suggests that "Brimstone and dragon tails" nre things of the past: that while the sermon was in itself lnt'-restlng, there is liitle likelihood of the hear- er being put to sleep by any pulpit sopoflfic. RAPID MEMBERSHIP ZION CHURCH NOTED bUndaV a I Otal 0T 40 NeW , , . , . , , iviemDers win ce formally Admitted at Service, The German Zion Congregational church at Ninth and Freemont streets. the regular Sunday morning commun ion service, September 17. Jacob Fink, Sr., Christina Fink, Ja- - J' , Henry Knippel. Marjraret KniDDel. 'Philip Knippel. Katie Knippel, George Hlnkel. Anna Marie Hlnkel. Marie Hin KeJ Jacob Hlnkel, George Hlnkel, Jr., - uonrad Hlnkle, Wilhelm Hlnkle, Henry Lanman. John Gerlach. Peter Kehn. Anna K. Rehn. Jacob Rehn. Carl Rehn, Mollle Rehn, Jennie Rehn, David tilanz, Catherine Glanz, Fredia Glanz Oduard Glanz, John Ross. Catherine noss, Carrie Iloss. i"'s list shows a net gain of 40 members. Friends are cordially invit- ea to attend this service which is al wys impressive. One of the strong matures or tne same being the univer sal congregational singing. Schedule at Rose City Park to Begin The Rose City Park Methodist Epls copal church will begin its new fall and winter schedule tomorrow. There will be no evening serve, the vespjr services being held from 4:30 to 6:30 o clock. Dr. J. W. McDoug-all will speak. Three years ago last February he held the first service of this so ciety In the club house. This will be his last meeting with his church as district superintendent. ne cnurcn win be opened everv i evening, except Saturday, including next week, for any one desiring to see "The Man of Sorrows," the great painting by Mrs. Francis of ML Tabor All are welcome. To Occupy Pulpit At White Temple Rev. W. E. Henry of the First Bap tist church, of Everett, Wash., will preach both morning and evening in the White Temple, Sunday, September 17. The Bible school begins at 9:46 m. with classes adapted to ell a ares , rct:sesr.r i3g0TZ The "Drop mission room at the usual study period. The Temple quartet Is on duty again ana win be heard in the morning in tne antnem. "L'omes at Times a Still ness,- by Galbraith. In the evening they will sing. "The jiy oi iuve, by llavehs, and also, Arise, enine, by Maker. Norwegian Minister To Speak in City Rev. F. A. Scarvia of San Francisco Cal., one of the leading Norwegian ministers on tne coast, will be in th city over sunaay and lecture at tno Norweygian-Danish Methodist Episcopal cnurcn on Vancouver avenue and Skid more street, this evening at 8 o'clock and preach In the same church Sun day morning. Miss Astrld RoaJd will sing at tne morning service and O, Jiaug win sing at the lecture Satur day night. The entertainment Satur aay evening Is free and under th auspices or Lyng" society. Program of Calvary Presbyterian Is Out At Calvary Presbyterian clhurch the pastor. Rev. Oliver S. Baum, will preach, taking for his theme In the morning, "Better Farther On." and In the evening, '"Entering Into Rest." The musical director George Hotchklss Street, has returned from his vacation and has Inaugurated a quartet which will render music of a hfgh ' ordor. Strangers will be welcomed at the ser vices and will . Xlnd help and insplra- P,4A :2&:ml II f u- I II GROWTH OF GERMAN REV. IE. OF IS A Large Audiences Are Turning Out to Sunday Morning and Evening Services, C. E. SOCIETY IS FORMED C. C. Tripp, Sunday School Superin tendent, and Wife, Choir Director, Have Gone on Vacation Trip. Large audiences greeted Rev. X. E. Nelson, the new pastor of the Anabel Presbyterian church, again last Sunday at both morning and evening services. An intermediate Christian Endeavor society has been organized among the boys and girls of the church between the ages of 12 to 16 years. The church has now three organized Christian En deavor societies. AThe Benior society meets at 6:45 p. m. each Sunday and a welcome is extended .to me young people of the community. The offi- ers are: Gertrude Homuth, presl- ent; Alma Burdick, vice president; Olive Morrow, secretary. The intermediate Christian Endeavor meets at 5 p. m. The officers are: Marie Auble, president; Clarence Tum uli, vice president, and Mildred Smith, eoretary. The Junior Christian En- eavor meets at 4 p. m. and itheir of- Icers are: Dorothy Smith, president; vian Coney, vice president, and J race Johnston, secretary. C. C. Tripp, superintendent of the nabel Sunday school and husband of Mrs. Ella Hoberg-Tripp, choir direc tor of the church, have gone on a six eeks' trip to the east. They expect to visit a number of the large cities the east, including New York, to acquaint themselves with later ideas n Sunday school and choir work and In the musical field generally so that both will have a larger vision and be better qualified to boost the work of he Anabel church for the great mas ter and teacher, Jesus Christ. During their absence Ernest P. Town, assistant superintendent, will ave c.iarge of the Sunday school and holr. Temple of Truth. The Temple of Truth society In the uture will hold services both morn- ng and evening at tne women or Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. NELSON ANABEL CHURCH PROVING MAGNET CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 13th Sunday After Trinity Sunday School Lessons Tomorrow. Lesson Topic A PRISONER IN THE CASTLE: Acts . (Act 22: 7-29 i printed.) Memoruv" reres 27-29. Golden Text He la my refuge and my for- tre: My Ood, In whom I trut. P. 91:2. Home &edlnca M. Paul's experience, jvri 22: 1-16. T. Prisoner in the Castle, Actp 22: 7-29. W. A cowardly denial. Matt, zo: e-iD. Th. A bold confession. Acts 4: 6-1Z. t. 1 1 delltr and darner. Dan. 6: 4-10. S. Reward of fidelity. Dan. 6: 18-23. 8. Encouragement n persecution. Matt, iu: z-aj. Youngspeople's Topics. Christian DndeaTor "Little Chances to Help," Eind. 17: 8-13. Junior cnrisuan tnaeaTor ninmo Faithful Mother." I Sam. 1: 11, 21 28. B. 1. P. U. Young People s kiuj l'T. Baptist. First tVbtt Temple 12th and Alder Dr. Maurice P. Kikes, pastor pro tern. 9:50, 11; 6:30. 7:45. Swedleb-Flnnlsh Mission While lempie o. Esat Side E. 20th and Ankenj ts. Re. O. Shank, pastor. 10. 11. 6:30. 7:30. Highland K. Oth and Aluerta ne. v.Tfs- Meier, pastor. 11 a. m. Arleta KY. w . i. opriggi, u, a, v.to, .a UniTersitT Psrk RT. C. L. Heskett. 11, 7:30. Swedish 15th and Hoyt RtT. x. ijerniara. poetor. 10:45 and 7:30. Grace Jlontaiua tier. a. 1. t.asu. iv, u, Triumphant Goodness"; 7; 8, "Triumphant Certainty." sellwood tve. r . a. myn. 11. St Johns Bev. E. P. Borden, pastor 7:30. LaWan E. 8th and Grant Rey. Thomas Stephenson, acting paator. 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. tn., preaching by ReT. D. L. Dutton. ail. ijaiYary cast riuc iuu uiiuu " Re. A. M. Mac-hack. 11, 8. Third Knott and Vancouyer aye. Key. w. J. Beayen. 11, "Leasona From Affliction." :30, "Misjudging God, and Its cure." o:so. Chinese J. C. Malone. 7. UdU Re. J. M. Nelson. 11. 7:30. Second German Morris and Koduey aye. 11, 7:30. . Gleneoe E. 45th and Mim iter. a. . Walts. 11. "The Spirit Deyeloped by Giving. " 9:45. 7; 8. "Companionship. Mount Ollyet Key. W. A. Magrett. u. s. Italian Mission Key. Francesco Sannella. 11- 8. . First Carman 4th and Mill Key. J. aratt. 11. 7:80. Goodwill Misaion loin ana jtwuse ii?a a. U Nelson, superintendent. North Portland Mission 880 Mcolal at. Frl Abv. 8. : Kussellyme Mission ney. Aioen nujn- Lr!dge. 3. 3:45. Tsbernacle E. 42d and Holgate Rey. Wal ter Duft, acting paator. 11. 7:30. Catholic 8t. Peter's Lents Rey. P. Beutgen. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and Dayls Key. E. V. O'Hara, 6. 7:15, 8.30, 9:45. 11. 7:45. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rey. J. C. Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10:3o. 7:30. St. Patrick's win and ssyier Key. B. p. Murphy. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Frsncls- K. llth snd oak Key. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams aye. and Stanton Rey. W. A. Daly. ti. 8, 9, 10:30, 7:30. Holy Rosary B. 3d, and ciackamaa Rey. K. S. Olson. 6, 7. 8, 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Key. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10, 7:30. St Andrew s K. th and Alberta Key. J. Klernan. 8, 10:30, 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rey. Georee i . Thompson, 7:30. 9. 10:30. Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 70th Francis can Fathers. U. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blyd. and Vancou yer aye. Rey. F. H. Miller. 6. 8. 1U:30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland aye. and Blan dena Key. B. V. Kelly. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rey. C. Raymond. a 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius' 5220 43d at. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. o. u:ou. St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylor Rey. War ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. St. Phillip Nerl E. 16th and Hlckey Rey W. J. Cartwriirut. 8. 10:80. 7:30. Sacred Heart K. llth and Center Bey. 0. Robl. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and Killer Rey. J Cnmrnlnnkr. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Rey R Dnrrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland aye. and Falling Rey. r. Mattnew. e. 10:30. ?:!. St. Michael (Italian) 4tb and Mill Rev. M. Baleatra. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Clements Smith and Newton Rey. C. Smith. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Father 7:30, 9:15. St. Charles ."4th snd KlUlngsworth Rey G. Snlderhorn. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Christian. First Park and Columbia Rey. Harold H. Grlffls. pastor. 11, "The Reality of the Spiritual Life." 8 p. m., "Thou and Thy House." 9:43, 6:30. Kern Park Rey. G. K. Berry. 11, T:90. Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rer. W. J. Mlllluger, 11, 7:30. Eaat Side Christian E. 12th and H. Taylor Ke. A.. 1 trim, n, . Rodney Avecae. .at Knott at. Rey. J. F. Ghormley. 11 and t. Sellwood 13th and Ttulno By. J, B. Jot-nson. 11 and 8. St. Johns RT. Herbert F. Jonea. ' ir g. Vernon Church or Christ Utk Ul Wr gut 11, .,-.-,,..: ,:,-r -.j., - . V-.-S- ":(-,V7'- V'C'' t. .- .- f : Clinton Kelly fChnrch To Lose Its Pastor Rev. J. West Thompson, pastor of the Clinton Kelly Methodist church, announced .to his congregation last Sunday that he will leave Portland September 18 to attend Harvard uni versity. He has secured a scholarship in this Institution. Rev. Mr. Thompson was appointed to the pastorate of the Clinton Kelly church last September after the Ore gon conference and during his pas torate has done much toward building up the church. The first undertaking was to build up the Sunday school from a mere handful to 300. The 300 mark was not reached but a wonderful permanent growth was obtained. During the winter months special revival services were cond' trd, which resulted in many older persons being brought into the church. During the summer months the pas tor arranged a series of sermon lec tures for his congregation and thus Kept his Sunday evening attendance up to normal. Mr. Thompson preaches his farewell sermon tomorrow. New Year Meetings Presbyterians' Plan The First Presbyterian church. Twelfth and Alder streets, will celf brate the opening of a new year with a series of special meetings which will be held throughout the week. Invita tions are being sent out to strangers and those who feel even remotely re lated to any branch of the church. At noon on Sunday will be enroll ment time. On Wednesday from 3 to 6 will be women's organization time. This meeting will be the occasion for meeting the active women of the dif ferent organizations, the Missionary society, the Women's association. Fi delity guild and Youn Women's c lub. A meeting of the young people's or ganization will be held. Big Audiences Are Hearing Dr. Nicholas Large audiences are attending; the lectures being delivered by rr. Nich olas in the tabernacle at Forty-second and Holgate streets. At 3 o'clock on Sunday there will be a meeting for men only, at which he will relate his 22 years medical ex perience. "Prayer, the Lost Art Found." will be the subject of his address at 11 o'clock. The evening dance subject will be demonstrated by David's step. All the churches are helping in the services which is resulting in a great good work being accom plished. Bethel E. 81'd and Thompson Key. Au brey W. Wilton. Montavllla E. "6th and Hoyt Rey. Eugene Burr. 11, 8. Gladstone Rey. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8. Christian Scienos. Lesson sermon, "Matter." First church Everett, between 19th and 19th sts. 11, 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th aud Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. aud Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth Myrtle Park bull. 11. Christian Science society Hoibrook block, St. Johns. 11. 1 Congregational. j Fh-st Park snd Maulson riev. Luther R. ryort. minister. 11, 9:50 a. m., 8:30. Morning. "How to Be Certain." Evening. "An Eyeiilas lu the Interests of Our Schools." First German E. 7tli and Mantoa Fey. E. O Wlllman. Atkinson Community church E. 20th and Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11. University Park Haven St., near Lombard Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 10 a. m., 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rey. Geo. Edw. Levis, pastor. 11, "P.y Products of Re ligion." 7:45. "Painless PTeachiug." I.inderharst Rev. I). B. Gr.iT. 11. 7:4". Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver t Key. W. C. Kantner. 9:45 a. m. 11. "For Souls Per plexed." 8 p. m.. 7 p. m., 8 p. m. "The Aris tocracy of Character." Waverly Heights E. 83d and Woodward Rey. A. C. Moses. 9:45, 11 a. m., "The Great est Love of All." 7:4.', "Conservation off the Human Assets of the Nation. Sunnyslde E. 32d and Taylor Roy. J J. Staub. 11. "The Faith One- Ie!lTered t'rto the Saints." 7:45. The Half Baked takt - Zion (German) b. 9th and Tremont Key. J. H. Hopp. 10:30. Norwegian Danish Congregational Ccarth Samuel Neyala. 7:30, 6 p. in. St. Johns Rev. J. 11. Bariiett, pastor, 11 and 8. Finnish Mission 107 Skldtnore St. Rev. Samuel Neyala. 7:30. preaching by Rev. E. aavanen. 6 p. m. M. E. Church, South. TJnton ave. and Multnomah st, Rev. W. J. Fcnton, 11 and 8. Episcopal. St Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E. H Simpson, rector. Rev. J. U. Hatton, as sistant rector. 7:30, 8:30, 10:15. 11. Trinity 19th and Everett uev. A. A. Mor- alon. 8. 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner. 7:4.r., 11, 3, 7:45. St. David s E. 12tb and Belmont Key. Thomas Jenkins. 7, 9:30. 11, "Some Great Issues Before the Church." Kvenliig, An In terpretation of sn Old Prophet." St. John s Mtiwauale Kev. Jonn V. Kice. 3, 4. St. Andrew s nererord si., rortsmonw Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11. St. Matthews, Corbett and Bancroft ats. Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. S. S. 10 a. m. Service and sermon at 11 a. m. Grace Memorial, Weidler and E. 17th N. Rey. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, Uev. James E. Bar bour. St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and Broadway lit v. T. F. Bowtu. 11, 7:30 a. Hi. a. tu.'- - Church of Our Saviour With ave. and 41t st. S. E. Archdeacon C.ianjoers in charge. 11. St. John's Sellwood Key. John D. Kice. 11. St. Pauls Wooduiere Uev. Oswald W. Tuylor. 4. Bisbop Morris Memorial cliapel. Good Sa marltau hospital Kev. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 7:15. All Saints' Church 2",th and Savler Rey. Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:30. Evangelical Association. Carson Heights G. F. Llening Jr. 11:r,0, 7. First English E. 6tb aud Market. Rev. E. D. llornschucb. 11, 8. First German Evangelicsl 10th and Clay Eev. G. F. Ltenlng. 10:45, 8. Evangelical Synod. ' German Evangelical. Friends' Church Ts coma ave. aud E. loth Uev. Elias N. Her girt. 10:45, 730. St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Failing Bev. J. Uergort. 11. 7:30. Free Methodist. Central 5Ktb and E. Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffee. 11. 7:45. Rev. N. B. Ghormley. First E. 9th and Mill Rev. A. Beer. tor. t:45 a. ni. 11 a. m. and 8 p. id. 7 p. m. St. Johns Kev. J. A. Hopper. Third Bev. II. 11. Clark. Friends' Church. Sunnysidi v vith . 1 k,.i u L. 3oth and Main-Rev. Homer Coy. 11. 7:30. Leuts South Main 11. 7:30. st. Rev. John Riley. West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar nold. 11. 7:3" p. m. Piedmont Frlenda Church Corner Borthwlct and Jeesup street. Chester A. Hadley, pastor. 10, 11. 7:45. Jewish. Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m. Sat urday. 10:30 a. tn. Latter Day Saints. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) E. 2Mb and Madlfou. 11:45. 7.. Montavllla (not Mormon) 11, 7:30. Lutheran. St. James. English West Park and Jeffer son -J. Allen Leas. 11 aud 8 p. m., S. S. i a- m.. T p. m. : lmmanael 19tb and Irving Rey. J. Bleb art Olsoa. 11, 8.. .-. Trinity Germaar (MlasooH Synod) 'yTTl- NOB NEW YORK PASTOR TO OCCUPY UNITARIAN PULPIT Rev, William L. Sullivan Ranks as One of Most Pro found Preachers of Day, MINISTER CONSTRUCTIVE Kev. Mr. Sullivan la on Coast on Z,eave of Absence, and Z rilling Num ber of Engagements. The outstanding event In the Church of Our Father (Unitarian) this week will be the eagerly expected vis't of Rev. William X. Sullivan from All Souls' church, New York City. He is perhaps the greatest of American Uni tarian preachers, and ranks very high among all American preachers as a man of Rreat learning and of profound impressiveness. He will preach at the Unitarian church Monday evening, September 18, at 8 o'clock, and on the next day, Tuesday evening-, September 19, at 8 o'clock. His subject sn the first eve ning will be "A Religion for Modern Men," and on the second evening; "The Meaning of Jesus for This Auto and for All Apes." An informal reception for Mr, and Mrs. Sullivan will follow the service on Monday evening, to which all :irc cordially invited. Mr. Sullian is on the coast by leave of abtfer.ee for a month from hit; New York City pastorate, and Is preaching In all the principal Unitarian churches on the ca; t. He Is' man vnose personal history has hef?n most Interesting and whose personality is impressive. His appeal is to the religious nature of man. and it without sensationalism or sectarian narrowness. He deals with affirma tives and i positive and constructive. He is accompanied by the fieid tccr'e tary for the Unitarian chinches. Charles A. Murdock. of San Francisco. The party will probably be taken for a trip on the Columbia highway Tues day afternoon. New Pastor in Pulpit. Rev. V. C Scott, who was recently elected to fill the pulpit of the Univer salis! church will preach his first ser mon tomorrow at 10:45 a, m. Dr. J. D. Corby, who rc-sipned, is interested in the junior agricultural school move ment. OF CHURCH linuis ave. and Graham -Rev. J. A. Rlmbach. 10:15, 7:30. West Side Norwegian Luthersn 45 N 14th Kev. Wlllielra Petterson. 11. 8. Bethany Danish Colon ave. N. and Morris Key. M. I . Jensen. Engheim. 11. 8. :rawe English (Missouri Srnod) Alblna sve. and Mason st Kev. C. Luecke. 10:30, 7:30. Immsnuel German Sellwood Rev. H. C. Ebeiing. 10:30. German Evangelical Lutheran Zion (Mis souri Synod) f-alulou and Chapman Rev. H. 11. Koppelmann. lo:15, 7:45. Our Savior's E. 10th and E. Grant sts. Rev. George Henrikseu. 10:15, 11:15. Con tinuation servu-es. Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free Church Wygant and Rodney aves. Kev. J. A. Stay ney. 11, 8. St. Paul a German E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. Krausc. 10:30, 8. St. Johu's Peninsular and Kirkpatrick Eev. K. U. Saliuiann. 10:45, 7:30. s-wediseli Augustana Kev. H. E. Sanstedt. 10:45. 7:45. I'tilted Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. Slsw A. Stenseth. 11 and 8. S. 10. Prayer meet lug. Thursday. German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Rey. W. G. Lienkaemper. 11. Methodist. First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank L. Love land, minister. Rev. Walter L. Alrheart, as sistant minister. 10:30. "Christ's Promise of Consolation." "My Old Fashioned Father," 1:15 a. m. ( catenary E. Oth and E. Pine Rey. T. W. Li i.e. 11, 7:45. Taylor Street Church Hall at 120 Fourth st. 10.30 a. m. Triuiy E. loth and Sherman Rev. A. B. Calder. 11, b. fcwodish Borthwlck and Beech Rev. John A. Wellman. 11, 7:45. Epworth 'Xlh and Savier Ber. C. 0. Mc Cillocu. 11 and 7:45. S. S. 8:45, Epworth league 0:45. 1 irat Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. O. T. Fieid. 11, 8. Woodlawn E. 10th end Highland Rey. Louis Thomas. 11. SWlnood Kev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11, 7:3. nnnyside E. 85th and Yamhill Rey. R. Elmer Smith. 11. Rev. J. W. McDougaU. 7:4.i, Evangelist B. H. Morse. Mt. TatHjr E. Stark and Gist. E. Olln Eld ridge, minister. 11 a. m., "The Joy That Abides." H p. m., "Christ and Workingmen. S- S.. 9:45 a. m. 7 p. m. Central Vancouver are. and Fargo Ber. C. C. Rarlek. 11. by J. W. MeDougall. "How God Transforms tne Life." S. S., 0:45 a. m. St. Julius liuyt'b and Leavltt Kev. W. E. Ingalls. MoutaTilla W. II. Hampton. 11. LturelwoiKl 03d st. S. E. and Foster road Ley. c. A. Carlos. 11. "The Lplif ted Christ." S, "Contending tor the Fin In ts. the Dangers of IluiisellisUl. ' Ciiuton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and Powell RejrJ. West Ihouipsou. 11, 7:45. Jiipai;i.e Misaiou Rey. EaUen Klbara. 9:30, 8:3o. Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th Rtv. William Yourigson. 11, "The Sacrament of the Lord's Supier." 7, "Great Paintings as Life Teacher." with an exhibition of "The .Man of Sorrow ." Gern.an Koduey ae. and Stanton Rey. F. A. Schumann. 10, S-. African Zion 2v9 Williams ave. Rev. W. W. Howard. 11. 8. Vuueouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Cor ner StiUmore Kev. Abraham Verelde. 10:45. Key. F. A. Scurvlr of San Francisco will lieach, sad Kev. M. NTlsen will preach at 8 p. ui. Luivcrsity Park Lombard and Flske Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 11. "Tiie Power of Example." 7:4."!, - Truth Seen." Irf-uti Kev. W. Boyd Moore. 11, 8. Bethel I.arrabeo and McMillen Itey. W. H. Prince. iri". "Standing Alone With God 8. - Safety First." Westmoreland MUwaukie ave.. near Ramo na Uev. . B. Harrison, 11. 10 a. m., Rally Day txerclses, s p. m. Lincoln i;. 5Uud and Lincoln Rec. G. G Haley. 8 p. m. I'attou Michigan and Alberta Rev. George H. Keeie. 11, 7:45. Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. S. E. K v. Frank James, pastor. 11, 7:45. First German Kev. A. F. Cramer. 11. 8. Brentwood Kev. YV . L.. Wilson.. 11. Chinese Mission It aud 7:30. Carwou Heights Rev. L. c. Douglass,' Ken dal station. Clark schoolhoase Key. A. B. Wilson. 7:30. lrvinston Last luth and neldler Rev. A. A. Dan ford. 11. Missions Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Tboren. 11, 8, I I.lim t Dapel Kev. a. j. jnoren. 10. M.lhe, I ree .-hurch Ivy st. and William. Kev. J. A. Stavue.v. 11. 8. Nazarene. l irst Peutecoutal E. 7th aud E. Coucb ti Uev. C Howard Davis. 11. Sellwood E. ath aud-Spokane Rey. H. C. Buter. 11. 7 Brentwood E. 67th st. and E. 65th ave S E. lUv. Stella Crooks. 11, H. Scandinavian 048 Garfield. 11. 7:30. Highland Park HJU E. 14th S. Be. S. L. Menoel. 11 and S. Presbyterian. First 12th and Alder sts. Re. John II Bovd. Services at lo:o) a. in. and 7:45 n. m Kiurth First and tilbb sta. Re. Henry G Uan. IO: JO a. m.. "ITie Power of Con wlou Ejection." 12, 0.3O. 7:W, "Aiwsar. Mislnary to tle Scaudlnaviana." Clvar llth and Clay sts. Re. (. 8. Baum, 10:30 a. m.. "Better Farther On." I p. aa, "Enteiina Into best." . - Arbor Lodge Ber. Georg B. Oomlev. : 1L rt5. - - .- t;., - , Young People, Will Hold a Kally Day At the regular business meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. of V Millard Avenue Presbyterian church, held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Zehrung, 7105 Forty-eighth avenue S. E. Friday evening it was decided to hold a Rally Day service on Sunday evening, Octo ber 22, and a committee was named to have charge of arrangements. The following officers were electod for the coming six months: President, Charles E. Tronson; vice-president, I Beulau Miller; recording secretary, Mildred Mcintosh: corresponding sec retary. Essie Strang; treasurer, "Nell Robertson. Chairmen of committees were elected as follows: Look out. Claire Burch; prayer meeting. Ele Strang; missionary, Grace Spauldlng; social, Olive Reed; music, Bernice Pals ley. Following the business session pumes and music were enjoyed until a late hour when refreshments were served by the hostess. Railroad Employes' Side to Be Given The members of the Forutn of the First Methodist Episcopal church and the general public will hear the em ployes' side of the railroad controversy presented by R. A. Bennett, local chair man of the Joint protective board cf the Mount Hood lodge of the Brother hood of Locomotive Englnemen and Firemen. Mr. Bennett is declared to be fully qualified to give the employes' side of the present controversy, having been in recent conferences in the east with the heads of the brotherhoods and is fully cognizant of all phases of the situation. The general public is invited to this meetlng which will be held in the hunday school temple of the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, at 12:15 p. m., Sun day, September 17. War Causes Prices In U.S. to Advance Statement by Bradstreets Shows That Commodities Have Gone TJp Aver age 6f 36 Per Cent Since It Started. iNew lore, epi. it. u. f.) com modity prices in the United States have increased 36 per cent since the start of the European war, according to figures issued by Bradstreets Friday. A new high record for Bradstreets Index figure formed by adding the totals of prices per pound of 96 articles was established in September. The record is $11.7853. The July, 1914, index was J8.6566. SERVICES Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Bev. Lesiie Kirk Richardson. 11, 8. Forbes Rey. Harry L. Pratt. 11, 8 central E. 13th and Pine sts. Kev. A. F. uiscop. ji:do 1:10. Mizpah E. 19th and Division sts ernon 19th and Wygant sts. Rey. H. JJ, .Mount. 11 "The Ca11 Ina f I TV to Meet Emergencies." 8 V m., "Whatsoever o " cuius iiA JUTuau. fir n nw a Man Soweth." S. S.. 9:45 a. m. c. E., I being polite and courteous, thus de 6:30 p. m. I mnnrllnir thu sains kind of tre&tmeint RnVTw ..' 78th and K. Everett- Millard Avenue 7241 6OU1' ave S E Rev W. H. Amos, 10:30. Mt. Tabor E. 55tb and Belmont sts. Rev. F.ii. ?o." tT- Moor'' .?!' J"r God Who fulls Not. 7:4o. D. m. '-A Fundamental Se. cret: The Influence of Lleht." y-ij T m - o p. in . , o;ij p. m. Lnity Rev. W Lt Graj, 7Ut and Sindj j blvd. 9:10, 11, 3, i,:3Sd7:s4ohu7l'r n estmins Rev. Boud Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev. a. i.. tiutcninson. 11. "Looklnff for a Joh 8 p. m., "The Greatest World Battle. Prayer service inuraaay evening. Bible school, 9:45 Rose City park E. 3th aud Hancock sts, uey. j. ai. oainner. Spokane Avenue E. lftth anil Srmk.n. Dev. W. S. MeCullagh. 11, 7:30. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall at. Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11 Trinity Corner Viretnla and Nebraska at. ur. a. j. Montgomery. 11, 7:30. S. 8.. 10. ininese 14V. 1rst st. 7:45. Anabel 66th st. and 37th S E. Rev. I. E. Nelson, nastor. 10:30. "Cantlye. r vuiu.i. o. a., jo;o a. m.: c. t... 0:45 n m .to, needing nigui un. Reformed "resby-terfaa. First church Minnesota and Alnawnrth uey. r. u. r rarer. 11. 7 ;jo. Saltation Army Ceroi No. 1243 Ash at. All day services by Captain and Mr. Tumner of oenue. 11, 0:10 ana s. Reformed. First German 12th and Clsy Rey. o. Haf. liei . lu.tu, o. becond Columbia olvd. and 83d at. Re I TT II, . At. Third FlfU ave Lents Rev. W. Q. Tjn. kemper. 11. Corps No. 1243 Ash. Aulntant and Mrs rraua veiige. 11, a.lo ana S. Salvation Army. Corps r0. 4 128 1st St. Enilm ITl,r, twgue tuu auiaiu maoei isrown In iHiri Ali-jlay Biirvleaa hy 1.1utnn l'r. I n- P., . . ..wu.umM WiVUCi A. IV OCOII. Swedish Corps 430 Burnslde. hcandiuavlan 243 Ash Key. John Oval, Seventh Day Adentists. Note Regular services of this denomination axe ueia ou saiuraay. central fc llth and Everett Elder P. C Uayward, paator. 11. iabernacls West bide. K. of P hall, nih and Alder 11. Moutavilla E. 80th and E. Everett Elder F. Beatty. 11 and 7. Alblna (German) Skldmora and Willnr, L'l.I.. . I W ... 1 . - lnts 94th and 58th are. F.Mer n I Cbltwood. 11. St. Johns Central avenue and Oiar!B.. Eider t. Li. Hurl Dure 11. Mount Tabor E. 0th and Belmont R 1. j. tjummiDga. 11. scandluavlan church 62d and Snth ay, a r-iuer kj. r,. oauauea. 11. Berricea for the Deaf. -Ky. S. Earl ImbZiT, lTZ. Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tain hill Hey. T. U. Eliot, V. 1).. minister emtr- itus. Uev. W. ii. EUot Jr., pastor. 11, "Free uuristiauuy ana rriri-r. - United Brethren. Aluerta 27th and Alberta. rlrst r.. 10 tn and Morrison Key. P. O. Uoueurase. ii a. m. lour ih OOtU st. and 82d ave. 8. E. Ibird 67th st. aud 32d ave. 8. K. Herbert r. w one, pastor, 11 a. m., 10 a. m., 8 p. m., 7 d m.. 8 d. m. Vlrst 17th and Harney. Vancouver. Waab. Kt-v; Jonn u. Msewonaer, pastor. tTeacblm 1 1 a, in., o p. 111. United EySLnaeliosJ. Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11. 7:30 Uadlcal Jessup sU Key. A. S. Beuderson. 11. 1:30. Manor, Circuit Services Cherry Grove. I p m Brush Prairie. 7:30. Oca ley Green Willamette blvd. and Caj uev. 11 . li. r rum ui, 1 1 , . First b. lttth and Fopiar Rev. J. A. Uoode, 11, 8. fct. Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11, . United Fresbytariaa. First E. 87tn and Hawthorne Bev. Frank DeWltt Flwlley. 11, 7:o. Chureh of the Stranger Wasco street and Grand ave. lie v. r. Karl Duiiuia. lO.c a. ui.. "Cbriatun Compulsion. o p. m., "A Wonder ful Love. . Univertalist. Cburch of the Good Tiuinga Broadway and E. Mis. Y. M. C. A T. W, C. A. Y. M. C. A. ttih and 'Itaylor H. W. BUn, y. w. u. A. uroaaway ana layior ves per services, 4:su. uev. r. K. Uuward. Xisoellaaeea. Associated Bible Students !. B. 8. A.) Cliiistenseoa ball. .Hn and lambiu sta. & o. ra.. dtacourae oy Stuart MoKlssick. 8 n. m... public disconrse by A. A. Verex, csbjeet, a New Heaven." : ' ' Haw tbarcav society KUers b a 1L Br oaura sad Aloer eta. Bev. SsubumI Worcester, aa- CONFERENCE URGES PASTOR'S RETENTION Frank Loveland. !T OF PEOPLE TOWARD CARRIERS OF PAPERS TO BE SUBJECT n QUonlr tn 1 1 rap Imnnrt- i OllallK l(J UlgC IlllfJUIl- ance of Uprightness in Dealings With Young Men. Tomorrow evening Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor of the K&et Side Baptist church, will discuss how young men who carry and deliver papers in Port land should be treated. Kev. Mr. Shank takes a great inter est In young life and he believes that every one should do all in his power to leave the right impression on the youthful mind, and therefore his topic, "How You Should Treat Your Taper Carrier." This sermon will be addressed to the public of Portland and it is more than likely that some things will be said that will surprise some of the audience. Instances of dishonesty on the part of the customers and the after effect It Is likely to have on the life of the young business men of the fu ture will be pointed out. The paator will try and ehow how necessary It Is for the bigger business men to be especially careful how they treat their carriers, as it is often the case with a youth that if he gets the Impression that some man got his riches through dishonesty that It will pay him to adopt the same plan. Bev. Mr. Shank will not deal alone with the question of dishonesty, but ... ... . . t ... wul flwe" on otner Pnases' 8Ucn " rrorn tne carrier and in addition prob- ably SettinK better service. The Journal Carriers' association will attend the meeting In a body at the special request of Rev. Mr. Shank. . . . . . . j - t . lne puDllc is coroiauy invnea 10 oe present. 128 Aliens Swear Fealty to the TJ. S. VatnraUaatlon Proceedings at Oentr.il Library Witnessed by Large Crowd of Spectators Citizens Carry riags. Uncle Sam acquired citizens by "wholesale last night. ne hundred and twenty-eight men renounced their al legiance to foreign kings and poten tates and with an American flag In their hands, each swore fealty to the government of the United States. The ceremony took place In the Cen tral library and was witnessed by a large crowd of people In addition to those who took part. The meeting was presided over by Judge Morrow, Governor Wlthycombe, Rev. John H. Boyd and Judge Davis, who adminis tered the oaths. As each stepped, up to take the oath. he was handed bis flag and swore with It In his hand. The nationalities and the number or each represented were as follows: Great Britain, 28; Russia, 42; Ger many, 21; Italy, 10; Austro-Hungary, 9: Sweden, 6; Switzerland, 2; Denmark, 3; Netherlands, 2, and one each from Belgium, Paraguay, France, Bulgaria and Turkey. , Governor 'WUhycombe after the oaths had been administered, addressed the new citizens, congratulating them. Sweet Will Resign To Run for Governor Assistant Secretary of Commrrct to Become Candidate In Ulchlgan; Suc cessor Is Hot Tet Selected. Washington, Kept. 16. (I. N. S.V Ic-fatant Hfirrstary of fflmmrwi Edwin C. Sweet will resign soon to be come a candidate ror governor or Michigan. Secretary Kedfleld has not recommended to the president a suc cessor and will take no action until after Sweet leaves. Some Things flA v C if Oil UTTI Better and Different The golden brown crust, perfect flavor and appetizing aroma tell their own story V, of baking perfection. Its Taste Never Disappoints Baked by Fran, at the D. S. Bskrry. Cor. K. llth and Flanders Sts. FIRST M. E. CHURCH PLEADS FO RETURN OF DR. LOVELAND Fourth Quarterly Conference Is Held and Expression fo'r Pastor Is Unanimous, ANNUAL REPORTS READ Sr. Xovlnd Will Preach Both Hon lag and Evenlag- Tomorrow t Sp olai xnslo to Be Glrta. On last Monday evening tha fourtfc ' quarterly conference of tha First Methodist Episcopal church met la th last session for this conference year and reports were read from the iastoi -t and all the heads of the various de partments, revealing very substantial progress during tha year and a very pleasing state of harmony and tooi will. Strong resolutions of respect and confidence in the pastor, ' Dr, . Krank U Ioveland, and requesting the , bishop to reappoint him to thlg thurch at the coming seasion of the Oregon" annual conference. Resolutions were unanimously : adopted which were drawn botti by representatives of the official ooard.v and also others coming from every organized group of young peoplo in t?l ; church. ' 1 n n.t .U1 .., ..1. sin RllVlAn IF both at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Ho Will ; have lor his morning topic "Christ's Promise of Consolation." At tri eve- nlng hour hl.s sermon topic will be "Mjf,. Old-Kashloned Father." Sunday Ye nlng will be the fifth annlvernaty the death of Dr. Loveland's fathor, and the sermon will doubtless be a tribute . to the memory of a man who lived most faithful Christian life and left to . the world a son who is laboring plen didly to advance the cause of tne Christ his father loved. Dr. Loveland desires to give a special invitation to all young people to come and being their fathers. The quartet and vested choir Will furnish music of the usual worth and beauty. At the morning service th chorus will sing "While the Earth R maineth." by Tours, and the quartet will sing "1 Cannot Find Theo," bf , Scott. In the evening the trio will sine; "My , God, My Father, While 1 Stray." by Wleggard, and the chorus will sing "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," ty Schnecker. With the last ti umbel there will be a violin oblige to by MIS Pierce. Russia and Roumania Charged With Cruelty Bulgaria Invites mepresentattTS of jreutral Countries to Inspect XalM of mares Left by Xnsmy. Berlin, via Say v lie, Sept. 18. (I. NV S.) The Bulgarian government, ad- cording to Sofia dispatches, has In vited the United States charge d'af faires st Sefla to Inspect the ruins of the villages destroyed by the Rou manians and to Investigate cruelties committed against peaceful inhabitants by Roumanian and Russian troops OB their retreat through Dobrudja. The Bulgarian government has is sued a protest to all neutral countries against the atrocities committed in the Dobrudja. , 1 All representatives In Sofia of neu tral countries have been Invited to taks part In an Investigation of the Rou manian atrocities. Reply to Blacklist Note Nearly Ready' Xrfrd Cecil Says British Answer Will Be Torwarded Boon; Bote on XaU ' Coming In Day or Two. London. Sept. 18. (I. N. 6.) Lord Robert Cecil, minister of war trade, ' stated today that the British reply to . the American note on the blacklist, would be ready shortly, while th reply on the note concerning interference) with the American mail would be pre- ' bqiivcu All m 1 u r ui . y . . i Lord Cecil reiterated that the legal position on the blacklist matter was unquestioned, that it "may be conald- -ered harsh In operation" but that ths British government would gladly con aider Individual cases where this feel lllg UiBLeu. , Hughes Will Close Campaign Nov., 4 Meeting- Will Be Held la Hew York Bay ' After Wilson Oa toe ring Aoeordlntf to Chairman WUloox. - New York. Sept. 16 (I. N. S.) Charles E. Hughes Is to deliver his final campaign speech at Madison Square Garden on the night of No vember i. National Chairman WlllCOX -made this announcement today. , The meeting will be held under ths auspices of the New York Republican -county committee. It Will follow ths wiison meeting arranged ror ins pre vious evening. Which Make A When you slice these clean, inviting loaves you find the texture inside smooth and perfect a creamy white, firm inner loaf.