The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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(2SQTB DAT Or 1919)
Coming . Events.
PidQt coast trap- rbootlcc tournament, 9p-
tenber 10-14, at KTerdlni I'ars Uapa. Jenne
Iilltratloa open 4. at registration enb
bootas Sept. 11 to Oct. ft.
Multaoaum County sat. Cresbam, Bptav
fcar 12-1 d,
Oregoa State Medical aseoclatlon annual
aaeetlnc. German Uoume, September 14-16.
i address by J. frank llanly, ITolilbltloo nom
inee (or preeldeat. loa falnee, nigbt of Sep
tember 16.
Washington county (air. Forest GroTt. Sep
triober 2u-23.
' Tba Round-Cp, Pendleton. Or.. September 31.
S2. 2
Lectors of BU Bablndrinath Tafore, Lin
coln bleb school, September 26.
rorest Industry uuteriiva. October 24. 28.
: National Urwatoek esposHion. December 4-9.
- Today's Forecast.
Portland and Tlcinltr Tonight and Wednes
day (air; northerly winds.
Oregon and Washington Tonight and Wed
aeaday (air; northerly winds.
! Idaho Tonight and Wedneaday (air.
Weather Condition.
Thar ar alight depression oterlytng cen
tral Canada aud adjoining portlou of tba
northern states, and the Interior southwest, re
apectlTfly; high pressura obtains oyer the re
mainder of the country. Rains have fallen in
ortbern Alberta, the southern Rocky Mountain
and I'lulua states, Mississippi Talley and aaat
Calf states, and thunderstorms wera reported
(row RoNwell, Oklahoma City, Kansaa City and
Dee Hollies. Tl:e weather la cooler In western
Canada, central Montana, on San Francisco
bay, In Arizona, New Mexico, from tba aonth'
em Plains states eastward to tba Atlantic
ocean and on tba nortb Atlantic coast; In gen
eral It la correspondingly warmer la otter
action a.
The conditions are farorable for continued
(air weatber In this district during tba next
6 to 48 hour, with alight temperature cbangee
and generally northerly winds.
Assistant Forecaster.
smarten; Wllbolt Sprints, a Willamette
Valley Hoot hern; Wlllamatta Faila and Oregon
City. 16 mile sooth.
via Oregon Electric Willamette alley. .
lens and Eugene.
Via O-W. &. Jb N. BonnerlTw. flab eaten-
erlrs, pintle eroands, Hood Hler. Csscsde
Locks, paralleling Colombia river highway.
Via Son t bar a Paclflo Tualatin asd YamtlU
Tellers, loop.
Via rlyer steamer tip Willamette to Oresca
City and Salem; op Oolembla to Tbe Dell;
down Colombia to Astoria sod mouth of Co
lumbia lirer. terminus Astor expeditlcn. t
mon canneries, salmon flfl.lng. Jettlen, forts.
Via Nortb Bunk Astoria, uearuart. Va-
aide, beach bathing.
Lares oi josepbiue. via aos I Bern Pacific
and stage.
Cratvr Lake, rls Soathern rsclflr. afmUord
rand anto stage, or via Oregon Trunk or O-W.
at. St.. Bend and auto atnge.
oath lids Automobile atao de'l from
Portland to Gorernmrnt Camp. Khododendroa.
Vetches. Arrab Wanna. Or lake aubnrbaa
electrlo trains to Boring and atage.
uceaa aeaorts seaside, uearhsrt, Newport,
Tillamook. Marsbflcld.
Ueecbutes canyon, us Central Omod. via
O-W. R. W,. or B. P. A 8.
Wallowa Taller. Lake Joseuh and Eaeis
Cap. Tla O-W. B. a tit
Pendleton Roand-Uu. Hot 'Snrlos-s. Eastern
Oregon, ela O-W. B. at N.
Miscellaneous Fishing, bunting, outln trips.
Resorts Ocean: Uarh.n Seaside. I.on
Beach. Newrort. Crmnnon beacb. Baroceaa.
Tillamook county beaches. Mountain:' Gov
ernment Camp, Mount Hood lodge, Khododen-
aron xrrern, Welches. ArraU Wanna, Tbe
Kyrla, Jewett Farm. Springs: WUholt, h1p
taerde. Hot Lake.
Wasblna-ton Vanconrer and mllltarr it:
Mt. Adsms, ML St. Helena, tee care; Lung
Beach resorts.
For further .nformstton. rates and mntet.
see Doraey B. Smith, Travel Burean. 116 Third,
corner w asnington, .ournei Mummer uesorr
column. publlaheeV eTery Sunday, Wednesday
and Friday, or Jokaal '-Tarei Uureau. Broad
way and Yamhill.
Temperature a C
. i . S
- i Sa
STATIONS -B . i - oj
a Zy E-S tj"
S3 Si SS
, r a la s s
fiaker. Or 4 k 110 74 44 0
Boise, Idaho 64 12 72 B2 0
Boston, Mans... 34 6 64 44 0
Buffalo, N. Y... 64 0 80 62 16 0
Calgary, Alberta 44 12 70 44 0
Chicago. Ill 748 66 72 14 0
Denver, Colo 44 0 D2 42 20
Pes Moines. Ia.. 8) 0 63 60 83
Dodge, Kan...., 44 10 M 44 08
Dilluth, Minn... 50 4 70 R6 02
Durango, Colo.. 4 70 84 .... 0
Edmonton, Alts 40 10 64 40 .01
Eureka. Cal 54 2 74 62 0
Fresno, Cal. 61 , 2 92 64 0
OsWeaton, Texas 82 0 RH 82 0
Helena, Mont... 464 64 46 0
Huron. S. I) 62 2 72 62 10 .08
Jacksonville. Kla 688 80 66 18 .18
Xanaaa City. Mo 60 4 2 AO 10 1.78
Knoirllle, Tenn. 60 8 82 68 0
Lewlston, Idaho. 60 6 .... 60 0
Los Angeles, Cal 68 0 74 66 0
Marahfteld, Or.. 64 8 76 62 0
Medford, Or 86 1Q S8 118 0
Memphis, Tenn.. 72 2 82 72 10 .01
Montreal, Que... 68 8 70 ft4 12 0
lew Orleans. La 78 2 84 74 1.04
Sew York, N.Y. 62 2 70 M 0
Noma, Alaska.. 46 0 84 0
N. Head. Wn... 64 0 60 64 0
N. Platte, Nab.. 44 8 66 42 20
N. Yakima, Wn. 62 12 78 62 0
OHehmna, Okla. 68 14 04 68 16 .88
1-boenU, Aria.. 60 lO 82 68 0
Plttaburg. Pa... 60 4 78 68 0
Pocatello, Idaho. 43 14 04 48 12 0
Pt. Angeles, W 64 8 64 0
Portland. Or 68 8 78 60 0
P. Rupert. B.C. 44 4 64 44 0
hapld City. 8.U. 42 0 60 42 0
Roseburg, Or... 48 4 S2 43 0
Boawell, N. M. . 66 6 80 64 12 .80
Iscrsmento. Cal. 022 02 02 0
ft. Louie, Mo... 72 0 8tl TO 12 .01
t. Paul. Minn.. 64 O 72 64 12 .14
Salt Lake, Utah. 406 tl'J 40 0
San iJlego, Cal.. 62 2 68 til .... 0
San Kranclsco. . . 60 4 78 62 0
Seattle. Wash.. 60 4 70 60 .... 0
Sheridan, Wo.. 40 0 66 38 . . 4 . 0
Spokane, Wah.. 48 2 76 48 .... 0
B. Current, Sask. 38 10 74 88 0
Tampa, Fla 72 6 88 70 10- 0
Tatoosh I., Wn. 64 0 68 60 12 0
Touopah, Nar... 60 14 68 66 0
Vancouver. B.C. 60 4 66 '60 0
Walla Walla. VT 00 8 84 68 0
Washington. D.C 00 0 72 62 0
Wllllstou, N.D.. 48 O OH 40 o
Yellowstone P'k. a2 2 62 112 0
. ... I
Oak park, oa, Willamette: aneonvat an4 1 trolman Bchum, Linden sold , him a
vancooTTT parrscaa, nonnwesr nuurary seen i oua-t of whiskey for 12.50 on SePtem-
WUMlt . sprtnga. Lom Willamette i - - . . n
sWi Wf SUV tjta a an. a a, e w
other tiuart. for which S3 was P&id.
Linden will bo tried before- Municipal
Judge Lanffguth tomorrow. v ,
- Kay AppoaJ Bar CasoAttorflcrs
for Carl Have, twice defendant in the
municipal court on charges of circu
lating obscene literature in connection
with the distribution of Margaret
Sanger literature on birth control, were
toldhy Judge Langguth yesterday that
a sufficiently high penalty will prob
ably be imposed, when judgment is
delivered tomorrow,, that an appeal
may be taken. Rave, arrested Friday,
was tried yesterday, and offered the
defense that objectionable features of
the first pamphlet had! been stride in
from the tract he was selling.
Was Pre eat at Kotificatton. Dr.
Esther Pohl-Lovejoy Will return to
Portland at 7:45 p. m., Thursday, over
the North Bank road, according to
a telegram received by her husband,
George A. Lovejoy, this morning. Dr.
Pohl-Lovejoy was present at Shadow
Lawn, N. J., when President Wilson
was notified of his nomlnaticn for
reelection. During her visit in toe
east she invited the National Suffrage
association to meet in Portland l:i
Babbl Wis to Sposlu Rabbi . Jonah
B. Wise will address the Portland
Salesman's club at its first autumn
meeting Friday night at the orange
room of the Hotel Oregon. Dinner will
be aerved at 6:15 and everything will
be over by 8, according to announce
ment. 'William B. Heusner will act as
chairman. Rabbi Wise's subject will
be "Character as a Salesman." Musio
will be supplied by the club's ladles'
quartet, composed of Mrs. Dudley
Clarke, Mlsa Blanche Hellyes, Miss
Beatrice Palmer and Mrs. Burt Hol
comb, with Mrs. Frederick B. Newton
as accompanist, and by Charles McNeill.
Wind velocities of less than 10 miles sn hour
and amounta. of precipitation of leas tbau .01 of
an Inch are nof published hereon.
'Afternoon report of preceding day.
The Journal Iravel Guide of Tort
land and Oregon.
Columbia Hlver Highway America's met
wonderful scenic road for vehlclea. No fade
exceeding 6 per cent. Hardp.irface roadway
bast waterfalla aud mountains through the
heart of tba Cascade range, bee the Gorge of
the Columbia, Sbeppard'a Dell, Crown Point,
Lrtourelle. Bridal VH1. Mlat. Wahkeeca, Mult,
nomah. Horsetail and other waterfalla. Bouue
lll flsb hstcberles. Oueouts (Jorge. Benson
Park and Wlnemab Pinnacles. East from Port
land Tla Baae Line, Sandy or Section Line
roads. Individuals do well to make arrange
ments through a responsible agency.
Council Craat Overlooking city, 1100 feet
high. View uuequaled ot Colombia and Wil
lamette rlvera, Tualatin and Willamette vl
leya. Cascsde and Coast ranges; snow peak
colony of Cascades (nortb to east on clear
fays), Including Mt. Bslnler, 14.408 feet; Mt.
t. Helens. S6VT teat; Mt. Adama. 12.807 feet;
Mt. Hood. 11.223 feet; Mt. Jefferson, 10.622
g arks Wssblngton, at bead or Washington
street. Flowers, abrube and trees; children's
rlaygroonds; aoo. Noteworthy pieces of sculp
ora, 'Coming of tbe White Man," by Herman
Atkins McNeil: "Sacajawea," Indian woman
who guided Law aud Clark, by Alice Cooper.
Ten mlnutea walk. Peninsula, aunken rose
gardens, containing mora than 700 varieties;
playgrounda and model community boose. Al
bion assl Ainswortb avenues, l.aurelbuat. Eaat
Oak and Thirty-ninth. Alt. Tabor, bead of
Hawthorns avenue. Macleay. Cornell road, na
ture left untouched; primeval forett, wild
loreatry Building Lcwta and Clark ipot
tlon grounda; contalne 1.OO0.0O0 feet of lum
ber, muaenm ot forest products. Visitors wel
come from 8 a. ui. t 0 p. ui. "W" car ou
Morrison street.
Boulevard! Columbia and Willamette, n
circling peninsula; excellent vlewe of harbor.
Woman Will Drill. To insure exer
cise of a healthful sort, poise, bearing
and dignity, the young women who will
this year attend St. Helens hall will
be given military drill under the lea
dership of a competent master. It
will not be a preparedness training in
any sense of the word, but a good
htalth training which the sister su
perior considers -will have many ad
vantages over gymnasium work in
which competition often forces the
girls to do foolish things. The hall has
opened with an enrollment of 110.
Bridge Gates Prevent Plunge. Well
fortified gates on the east side of the
Hawthorne bridge draw yevented an
automobile driven by C. F. Turney, 365
East Forty-Sixth street, from plung
ing into the Willamette river last
night. The automobile was going at
a considerable rate of speed when It
encountered the closed barriers. The
automobile was badly smashed, but the
gates held. The draw of the bridge
was Just lifting to allow the passage
of a steamer. The accident blocked
the bridge road for a -while.
Ziectoro on Orient Tonight. Jul ean
H Arnold, United States commercial
attache to China and Japan will give
an Illustrated lecture at 8 o'clock to
night in the auditorium of Lin
coln high school on commercial
conditions In the orient. The leo-1
ture has been arranged by of
ficials of the public schools and the
Chamber of Commerce and a special
invitation is extended to the public
and high school pupils to attend.
Club Will Hold . Picnic. The last
picnic of the year given by the Social
Service club Of Oak CJrove-Milwaukle
will take place Thursday of this week
at the home of Mrs. Frank Dayton on
the River road, Courtney. Lunch will
be served at 1 o'clock, after which an
important business mooting will be
held. A full attendance Is desired.
Lecture Date Changed. The lecture
of Sir Rabindrinath Tagore, scheduled
for September 28 at the Lincoln high
school under the auspices of the Drama
loague, has been put ahead and will
be given Tuesday night, September 26,
in the hlrrh school auditorium, begin
ning at 8:20 o'clock.
Bible Etndj Class to Meet. The
Bible study class of the Council of
Jewish Women will hold its first ses
sion of the season thia evening at S
o'clock at the Temple Beth Israel.
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will conduct the
class. All men and women interested
are Invited.
Wilson Leag-ne to Meet. The regu
lar meeting of the Woodrow Wilson
league of Portland will be held at
Central Library hall Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock. An Interesting program
of addresses and musio has been pre
pared for the evening.
Accused of Bootlegging. Max Lin
den, a longshoreman, was arrested at
the Hotel Llnd, Third and Pino streets,
by Patrolmen Schum and F.ubanks at
10 o'clock, and charged with violating
the prohibition law. According to Pa-
Tederal Jurors Excused. All federal
court Jurors were excused except the
panel engaged in the retrial of Lee
Lung, alias Ling, who is charged with
smuggling opium. A federal grand
Jury will begin work September 18,
among the chief of its inquiries being
the Investigation of the alleged cement
trust, in which 14 cement manufac
turing organizations are charged with
Fall Opening Dance, Wednesday,
t'ept. 13, "Swan" pavilion. Stepping
liartie every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings. Admission 25c. The
boat being equipped for winter danc
ing, will dance at the dock If the
weather is not favorable to go out.
Boat can be rented for winter dancing
and private parties. Main 4748, foot
of Jefferson st. R, J. Belland. Man
ager. (Adv.)
Wilson Buttons Bocoived. Tbe
Democratlo state central committee,
1018 Board of Trade building, has re
ceived a large sripment of Wilson but
tons4 badges, lithographs and litera
ture. This has been sent for free dis
tribution to those who are interested
in the reelection of President WUson,
and can be had by calling at the head
quarters. Will Address British era Francis R.
Jones of London, England, will ad
dress the British Benevolent society
next Friday night in tha Tyrolean
room of the Hotel Bnson, and will
tell of conditions abroad. An invita
tion is extended to all Britishers to at
tend. Xlks to Attend Stats Pair. Elks day
at the State fair will be on September
28. Portland and Oregon City Elks
will go to Salem that day in a spe
cial train, accompanied by the Port
land Elks band. Albany, Eugene and
other cities will send large delegations.
Park Boulevard Hearly Beady.
Mount Tabor park has two miles of
macadamized road nearly ready for
traffic The application of oil now
being made is the last work to be done
before opening it to scenic view trav
elers and lovers of nature.
Special Ordinance Required. Miss
Mary Berry had a vacation of two
weeks coming to her and took it out
working for the city in a different de
partment from that of the civil service
office. It will require a special ordi
nance to pay her for "overtime."
Park Plans Postponed. The pro-
She was the mother of E. F. and J.
M. Fay, Miss Cecilia Fay and Mrs.
K. J. Alstock. Services will be aeld
in St. Francis church. East Twelfth
and Pine, tomorrow morning ' at 9
o'clock. Interment will be in Kiver
view cemetery under charge of JdHler
at Tracey.
Stamping; Fartr Toairht. Cotillion
LfialL Famous Seaside Bungalow Or
chestra. (Adv.)
Dr. E. T. Morrow has opened offices
In Morgan bldg. (Adv.)
Kindergarten, Knott st and Vancou
ver ave... opens tomorrow. (Adv.)
Or. Keynes, Optician, Morgan bid. Ad.
Liquor Raid at
Baker Productive
Sixty Quarts of Intoxicants Taken in
'Wholesale Raid on Hotel, Booming
Houses and Private Boaidence.
Baker, Or., Sept, 12. Sheriff An
derson, assisted by Deputy Internal
Revenue Collector Smith of Portland,
and 15 deputies, last evening raided
simultaneously a hotel, two rooming
houses and a private residence, arrest
ing eight alleged bootleggers and se
curing about 60 quarts of beer,
wnisKey, etc.
rank Kuaanlshl, proprietor of the
Elks hotel; Frank Pierce. Frank Pierce
Jr., and wife, Heine Hoffman, "Bobby"
Rogers, Ina McConnell, Frank Martin
and a rooming house woman were ar
rested. More arrests may follow today
evidence of illegal shipping- of
Freshman Class Reported for
Year Is Largest in History
of the Institution,
Two Come Prom Ohio sad One Prom
ZCunslng, r-nrt , and Three From
California Class Beoord HI? a.
whiskey billed , as "beer." The liquor
was brought by automobile from Ne
vada. Hearings are set for this aft
ernoon. All are held in Jail without
Card of Thanks.
W'e wish to thank our friends and
relatives for their kindness and sym
pathy during our late bereavement. N.
L'olcomb and Daughters.
please mention
writing or calling
the Journal.
Two hundred and seventy-two stu
denta enrolled at Reed college yester
day when the Institution opened for
its sixth year. The college office has
made no attempt to classify these as
yet. but it is known that the freshman
class claims more than 90, and the
seniors number about 40. This makes
the largest enrollment the college has
had, as well as the largest freshman
class. The senior class at present
numbers less than those of the last
two years.
Reed has made a steady, conserva
tive gain each year since its opening.
The registration figures on the open
ing day of each year have Deen as
follows: September, 1911, 60; 1912.
132; 1913, 182; 1814, 2S0; 1915, 250;
and 1916, 272. During the first four
years, the gains were especially large,
on account of an entire class being
Besides having the largest enroll
ment, this year's student body in
cludes students from a greater area
than ever before. A number or u
dents from outside the state have
come west especially to Reed college.
Two come from Ohio, to enter the
freshman class; one from Munstng.
Ind., and three from California, A
large number of the old students' come
from Washington and nearby states.
It is the opinion of some of the
faculty members that besides 'being
the class with the highest numbers- so
far, this freshman class also claims
the distinction of having the highest
scholarship. What record the class
will make while in college has not :
been forecasted as yet.
. An examination of the selection of !
the major courses of the sophomores '
and upper class students shows that
every department open for major work i
is patronised. English is the most j
popular study, taking 36 majors. I
Chemistry comes next with 20, math j
ematics is third with 14. and nistory
and the classics are even with 10 each.
Dance Is Enjoyed.
The students broke what seemed to
be an established custom by not hav
ing a battle between freshmen and
sophomores 'last night. In Its place
the new Junior class entertained the
freshmen with a spread and dance,
both Informal. The event was well
managed by the .following: Misses
Louise Huntley and Carolyn Friendly
on . the - entertainment' committee:
Misses Harriet Forest and Helen All
eon Phillips n "the commissary de
partment"; and Misses Lois Richmond,
Erma Bennett and Pearl Konttas as
general overseers and asalrtanl.
A serious Injury to the knee of
Charles Cohn of last year's sophomore
class, occurring during the opening
clash of 1915, was responsible for the
, Classes are In full swing at the col
lege today, with full-elsed periods at
regular hours.
Sheriff Asked Arrest, I
Dallas, Or Sept. It. O. 1L Miller,
an employe of the Wlgrtch hop rtrd,
was arrested yesterday afternoon by
Deputy Sheriff Rae Craven, at the re
quest of the sheriff of Sherman coun
ty. He Is in Jail here awaiting the
arrival of sn officer from Morrow, ';
An Unfailing Way
to Banish Hairs
(Beauty Notes)
Ugly hairy growths can be removed j
in the privacy of your own home lx
vou set a small original package of
delatone and mix into a paste enough i
of the powder and water to cover the ;
nairy sunace. a ma suuuiu ve icii wu
the skin about 2 minutes, then re
moved and the skin washed and every
trace of hair will pave vanished. No
harm or inconvenience can result from
this treatment, but be sure you buy
real delatone. (Adv.)
hipping and Industries: Verwilllger. sou lb on
tilth: Valruiouut east of. and Bkjllne wet of
Council Crest. Columbia river highway. Sea
posed park on Johnson . creek, near
bell wood, lias to remain a proposeu
park for some time, owing to lack of
funds, as was explained recently to the
Johnson Creek Improvement club by
Commissioner Baker.
Troop A Auxiliary to Meat. The
auxiliary of troop A, Oregon cavalry,
will meet tonight In room A, Central
library. Returned members of the
troop will speak on needs of the troop-
; era at the front.
Association to Meet. The Hudson
j Parent-Teacher association will h jia
l its first meeting of the season to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A fuil
attendance is desired.
Soar Pastor Buaeell of New York
City Temple, famous author and
turer, Friday, 8 p. m., at Lincoln high
school. Subject, "The World un
Fire." (Adv.)
Steamer Jessie HarHns, for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally
except Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
northwestern College of Law begins
class work September 18, For catalogue
address Carlton E. Spencer, 714 Court
house, city. (Adv.)
Poneral of Mrs. Pay. Mrs. Cecilia
Fav whn dlerl At Vi.r hnme fl fc'nt
nuiui aucei, jxsieruav, was u years
of age, a native of Ireland, and had
lived in Oregon for the past 51 years.
suit jIp
ftfefJ r
ii p
lfL n
A Gash Discount
is the humble trading stamp, and it goes with your humblest purchase of 10c
and up goes with your charge account when paid on tenth of each month.
f 1.00 Bliss Native Herb Tea 7Sc
50c California Syrup of Fifs 37c
25c Bronchial Troches 15c or 2 for 25c
50c Cooper's Elixir Cascara 40c
5oc Pape's Diapepsin Tablets 37c
50c Pinex ..38c
1.00 Hay's Hair Hearth ;....74c
Full pint Lilly's Milk Magnesia 39c
1 lb. Camphor Gum, reg 51.00, sp'l. 90c
l lb. Senna Leaves, reg. 65c, special 55c
1 lb. Agar Agar, cut or uncut, best qual
ity, regular 1.25, special $1-10
35c Bird Seed 29c
5 lbs. Sulphur ' 45c
25c Castor Oil 18c
1 lb. Sugar Milk (Merk's) 29c
15c Lime Water 11c
Creme Tokalon (Roseated) 60c
Japanese Ice Pencil and Wrinkle Films on
special sale at $1.50
50c Hareline Snow 29c
5oc Sempre Giovine 39c
50c Dr. Charles' Flesh food 39c
50c Pond's Vanishing Cream 40c
50c Stillmin Freckle Cream 39c
1.00 Othine Double Strength, 85c
1.00 Miolena Freckle Crearri$ 85c
Special Tomorrow and Thursday
Soap at Moving Prices
ars Lurline Soap 25c
6 bars Colgate's Turkish
Bath 25c
10c Glycerine Olive Oil Castile
Soap, 3 for. 19c
10c Kirk's Toilet Soap, assorted
odors, 3 for 17c
10c Laya Soap, 3 for 19c
No Phone Orders No Deliveries Except with Other Goods.
6 bars Fairy Soap 25c 6 bars Jergen's Glycerine Soap 25c
6 bars Grandpa's Tar Soap 25c 6 bars Wool Soap 25c
bars Fontane Castile
10c Woodlark's Oatmeal, three
cakes for 18c
10c Maxine Elliott Buttermilk
Soap, 3 for 17c
10c Jerg'en's EJder Flower Soap,
3 for 19c
25c bar Floating Castile Soap 17c
100 bars Fontane Castile Soap
for 75c
2 5c Packer's Tar Soap l8c
25c Cuticura Soap 18c
10c Valiant's Antiseptic Soap, 3
for ,....18c
toe Flash, 3 for 19c
Yes! Certainly! Stamps With
Any or All of These.
It has come to our notice that certain un
scrupulous dealers have made statements to
the effect that the
Sonora Phonograph
has been made for a few months only, and .
would be made for a few months only, and'
that no assurance could be had of either
guarantee or repair parts.
We probably should not take notice of ,
some certain whimpering competitors, who
may not have the class of goods or if they
have the class of goods have lost the con
fidence of the buying public through their
mud slinging and dishonesty and thereby
lost sales to us, but for the guidance of
honest 'purchasers who may inquire deeply,
into these matters, we state emphatically
that the present types of i
Sonora Phonographs
have been sold by Bush & Lane Piano Co.
for over sixteen months.
The Sonora Phonograph 1
who are financially sound, issue a written
guarantee with every instrument, guaran-..
teeing every part of the phonograph. They
are well able to, and will make good through
their dealers their guarantee in every detail.
Bush & Lane Piano Co.
Portland Store
Your Medicines FREE
Publlo Inatitatloaa City ball and htatnrlcal
iruKeum. Mftb and Maduon; county coart
kounr. Fourth and Salmon; Centra) library.
Tenth and Ynmlilll; Art mimeum, Fifth. ner
Yamhill; cuatoma bouM, l'ark and Bt-oa'dwij;
Central poatofflce, rifth anil Uorrlaon; Y. M.
C A.. Sixth and Taylor; X. VV. C. .. Broad
Way and Taylor.
Exhibits Oreajoo resoorcaa. flan and amc,
Oregon building. FUtb and Oak; biatorlcaU
OrrgoQ lilatorlcal aoclty, 207 Second tret;
UDum, city ball; lumbar Industry. Forestry
Harbor Taaturaa Weat and at aid nnMlc
docka. motor boat landing, toot ot Stark;
boathousa tot rirer tonra; abiuplng uivdera
bridge. Broadway, Railroad and Uawthorna.
Panoramic TieW of city from Willamette.
King'a and lortiantl llcitfbta, Couucli Craat,
ali'Uiit labor.
Views ot down-towa districts. Journal build
ing, Yeon building. North Tvstera National
Bank building Meier & Frank's.
Morthwaat ltaat Packing ud Stock Center
Cuion alrat eonipany, Union Stockyard con
Luy, North Portland. Uniformed guide. Ken
to u car cbange to Stockyards ear.
Worthy of Notios Skldnwre fountain, rirst
and Ankeny. by ulin H. Warner, presented by
Stephen fckiduiore; Thompson" fountain, pre
sented by UTld P. Thompson; Plates block,
Fourth and Salmon; Soldiers' monument,
Lowusdale square. Fourth and Taylor.
Chinatown, oa North fourth and Second
Modem blRh and grade schools; aebool car
dens; rose bedgea.
Seeing Portland." vntomobMee.
"Seeing Portland." trolley car.
Trip through lumber mills.
Typical Home Sections Portland Heights,
tiob Hill. Irlmttoa.
Suburban Trips Via p. R.. L. P. Co.;
Bull bun Para., SO miles; Estacada park. M
miles; fishing and mountain' tralla; Canemab
Eark 16 mil, everluoking Willamette; Omn
ia beach, end Vancouver line, bathing; "The
Room with bath priTTleg-e),
Blngrle, 78 Cant Up;
Doable, $1.00 VP.
Boom With Private) Bath. Blutf 91.50
P3 DoTvbl $2.00.
Aatobos Mt Train.
TTaloaV Dpo Can JPat Our Boor. ,
From a Licensed
Of flea calla BOo
Hona calla $1.00
Includlnr madlclsas.
cases for $10
I am a graduated and
licensed p h y ician
and surgeon, and I
give first clasa
medical attention.
Harririf s-iTi
716 Dekum Bolldln.
Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sutidays, 12 to 2 P. M.
Office Phone, Main 8678.
Sestdenoe Phone Bellwood 188.
1 5t(
f -
Hotel Clifford
Bast Mornaon St.. Heai Or an Ir
T6c. ! vmr 4av: wiaa beia, ai.2
Methodist Day
at the
Home Chautauqua
and Domestic Science Exposition
At The Armory
Methodist churches have charge
of the Tea Garden. The profits
from Diamond "W" and Hazelwood
Booths to go to the Methodist
1:30 P. M Cooking and Sewing
3:00 P. M. "Parents and Their
Problems," by Mrs. Georsre W. Mc
Math. president Oregon Congress of
3:40 P. M. "Practical Education
for Girls." by William Pittle Wells,
editor Better Cooking Magazine.
8:00 P. M. Sewing and Cooking
9:00 P. M- Exhibition of Chil
dren Dancing, by pupils of Mrs.
Heath's Dancing School.
9:40 P. M. Musical program.
Doors open at I P. M. and 7 P. M
This ad and 10c will admit one to
any session Wednesday.
Family Washing Family StyL
25 Pieces
or More-
MM aaV
Mr 1
jr. rer r
Union Laundry Co.
! Main 39&-A-1 123
The More It Costs to Run a Store, the More You
Have to Ask for What You Sell
Therefore, if you have a high-rent place, with big expenses for light, show windows, etc.,
you must add that extra expense to the selling price of heaters, for example.
On the other hand, with a low-rent lecation here on the East Side and with little expense
of operation, we need add but a very little to the wholesale price to make the selling price.
You Save That Difference
Of course, all this doesn't mean anything to you
unless you really want to keep that extra money
and will trouble yourself to compare prices here
with what .they are in other places. Take the
time to prove this fact, and you will make money
every time you buy something for the home.
Right Now It's Heater Time
We are showing many new and attractive styles,
all of which are priced very low (in keeping with
our low-rent location). Our new Mission Style
Heater for wood or for wood and coal is the best
value ever shown. Come and see it. The sto've
shown here is a very popular low-priced heater,
with cast-iron top, bottom and end, cast linings,
full nickel sliding top, top band and foot rail,
Wellsville polished steel body. A very satisfac
tory heater for the price. Made in three sizes
$10.00, $12.00, $14.00 and $16.00, on easy terms;
10 per cent less for psh.
Oldest Bank in
the Northwest
Business Talk
Number 13
Service Safety
The great
est opportu
nities today
lie along; the
highway of
service. Those who live up
to the opportunity help
others and heap prosper
ity upon themselves.
This institution offers a
banking service that will
be helpful to all.
The Ladd & Tilton Bank
is the oldest in the North
west an important con
sideration in choosing a
banking connection.
A checking account with
this bank places your deal
ings on a business basis
and systematizes p a y
ments. 1
Moreover, it is our aim to
give individual service to
our depositors to give
helpful advice on business
matters when it is asked
to offer a progressive,
helpful banking service.
Please feel free to avail
yourself of this service at
any time.
Washington and Third
Before you decide on your
trip East consider
Mt. Shasta Excellent Diniar Cm
Lake Tahoe AH Steel Sleepers
San Francisco Dectric Lighted
Yosemite Rock Ballast f
Bi Trees Hearj Rails
Los Angeles Automatic Signals
Salton Sea Red Cap Porters
Apache Trail Information Men
El Paso WeD Anaujed Scbe Jalej
San Antonio Limited Trains
New Orleans Steel Coaches
The far I bat slight? bifW than other
rout. Liberal stopovers allowed.
Try The Shasta Route
Xnformatloa at City Woke Office, eorner eta aad Oak
ts Vales StatloB, or Hast Horrlaom St. atatloo.
Tom Broadway 8760 A -6704
' aToba SC. Stoott. Ooaaral Paeaearer Aea
Southern Pacific lines