a-,- in i wi iswissssswsssssssssswnsssss ttiitts4w11JIuiiw &-m;M 5&&&iMe 8 THE SUNDAY FICTION MAGAZINE, SEPTEMBER 10, 1916 Secret Vic 1 i (Cotttinvtd from Page 5) ? She went home, consulted the Red Book, and in a firm and resolute voiee asked central for a certain number found therein. Within thirty minutes her maid ush ered in a short, fat man tn a brown suit and straw hat, with enormous hands and feet and twinkling eyes. Mrs. Stannard received him in the library. "Ton are " she began In a timid - voice, as the man stood tn the doorway . 1 with the straw hat in his hand. "Mr. Pearson of Doane," Doane A. Doane," he replied amiably. "Tou tele " phoned for a man, I believe. This is Mrs. Stannard?" "Tea. You are" her voice faltered "yon are a detective V "I tan." Mrs. Stannard looked at him much as .she might have looked at a strange and ferocious animal from the too. Then, "partially recovering herself, she asked him to be seated. He did so, jerking up his trousers and balancing the straw hat on his knee. ( ' ' "You follow" people?" she asked abruptly. Mr. Pearson smiled. , . "I sure do," he admitted proudly. ' "Well" she hesitated "of course, I know there's nothing really wrong, but I am a little worried about it, and I thought if you could- " "Pardon me," the detective interrupt "Sv ed, "but areyou speaking of your hus band?" i "Certainly!" said Mrs. Stannard In dignantly. "Just so. You want to know where he goes. Natural curiosity. Day or night?" "Why both." "Ah!" Mr. Pearson elevated his brows. "That's bad. Now, if you will permit me to ask a few questions. What Is his full name?" "Jonathan Stannard." Mr, Pearson wrote It down m a littlo leather bound book. "Business?" "Why the writer." "Writer?" "Yes. He writes." "V-m. Does he drink?" v "No." "Gamble?" t "No!" - "Er fend of er women?" V "Well! Well " But seeing the foolishness tof it, she swallowed her indignation and replied cabjaly: : "NO." "I see." Mr. Pearson was frowning ns he wrote. '"Evidently he's a bad an. Always been a good husband?" ..r "Yes," "U-m. The worst kind. Like Wooley. .1 handled that case. I suppose now you've got some particular woman" in mind?" ; "I 'have told you my husband does not run after women," said 'Mrs. Stannard with dignity. "No?" Mr. Pearson winked at a chair. "Now, madam, please give me the par- ticulars of his absence." ' She did so; the hours, the dates, the duration. He filled two pages of the boyk with them. , " "You say he's a writer. StorlesT "No. Mr. Stannard writes essays and criticisms. He is a man of high morals and serious purpose. I can't imagine ! why !h Is deceiving me " "tiff, doubt. You aren't expected to. We And out and let you know. We al ways find out. Fd like to go through his deakj - She demurred, but he insisted. She sat trembling:, with an eye on the hall ' door, while Mr. Pearson opened drawer ' after1 drawer of her husband's desk and ' - examined the contents. . But be found nothing bwt typewritten sheets with heading like "Chiaroscuro; the Lest Art,"' or "The Deleterious Effect of the ' Motion Picture on the Literary Sense." "I take it," said Mr. Pearson, closing the bottom drawer and standing up, "I take it that Mr. Stannard Is one of them serious guys. Moody and a kicker. I see here where he says he has about as much respect for the modern school of illus trators as he has for a paper hanger. Also be seems to have grudge against the movies." "He stands for the noble in art," said Mrs. Stannard. - "He has conducted a campaign against the cinema because it appeals only to the lowest function of our mentality." "Just so," Mr. Pearson agreed. "I re member him now. I've heard my daugh ter speak of him. He hates things that other people like. Take this, for in stance." He picked up a sheet from the desk and read: "The real danger of the poison for the motion picture Is a poison lies In the ease and frequency with which it is administered. One dose would be harm less, but repeated day after day it is slowly corroding the intellect of the na tion. "We hear much criticism nowadays of the modern craze for wealth, of material ism in art, of the undermining of Chris tianity by science; but more pernicious than any of these, or of all of them put together, is the subtle and Insidious virus of the cinema," "I see," muttered Mr. Pearson, replac ing the paper on the desk. "Probably a shifty customer. Secret rice. Will you please sign this order, madam, for our protection. On the bottom line." Mrs. Stannard did so. "I take it," said the detective, pocket ing the slip, "that you want a complete report of your husband's movements out side this house. Including everything?" "Including everything," she agreed,' her lips tight. "All right." He picked up the straw hat. "You may depend on us, madam. You will hear developments. Good day." A bow from the door and he was gone. MRS. STANNARD lived a year in the wofek that followed. For the first day or two she reproached herself bittefly for what she had done. To have one's husband followed by a de tective! So vulgar! So mean, somehow! However he was wronging her, was it not better to remain in ignorance than to stoop to the role of spy, even by proxy? If It transpired that some creature had ensnared him with unlawful charms and she no longer had doubt of this what oould she do, anyhow? And if It wre something else? " What, then? She remembered the de tective's words, "secret vice." There was something sinister, something horrible about them. Yes, there were worse things even than a woman. Each day she gazed at her husband's back with alarm and dread as he left the house. To what dreadful place was he going? What revolting deed was he about to commit? "Secret vice!" Yes, It would be some thing truly, grandly horrible. There was nothing petty about Jonathan Stannard. Even in his vices he would not be as other men. On the third morning after the detec tive's visit, seized with insatiable curios ity, she telephoned the office of Doane, Doane & Doane. No, they bad nothing to communicate as yet. Mr. Pearson, one of their best men, was working on the case day and night. They would probably not report before the end of the . week, when all possible evidence would have been gathered. Really, Mrs. Stannard must have a little patience. So she waited, brooding, scarcely sleeping at all, tormented by her fears. When her husband told her at the break fast table that she was not looking wen, and advised! a trip to the mountains or seashore, she could hardly refrain from replying: "Yes, you want me out of the way." She was, in fact, working herself into a pretty state. Her husband was absent nearly every afternoon aud evening, and she would sit in her room, at the window, gazin? dully into the street for hours. Several times she saw a man start from some where in the block to follow her husband as he descended the stoop. It was Mr. Pearson. And then at 5 o'clock Friday after noon the detective called to make his re port. She received him, as before, in the li brary. He wore the same brown suit and straw hat the former, indeed, looked as if he had never taken it off and he wiped his brow with his handker chief as ho took a seat at her invitation. She saw something ominous in the de liberate manner with which he turned to face ber, drawing the leather bound book from his pocket with one hand and plac ing his hat on the floor with the other. She trembled. "You you " She could not go on. "Madam," said 'Mr. Pearson impres sively, "I am able to give you. a full and complete account of your husband's ac tions. I may say the thing has been done thoroughly. I did it myself. Are you prepared to listen?" She nodded, unable to speak. "In my Judgment," continued the de tective, opening: the leather bound book, "your husband is the finest example of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I have met in my professional career. Also he is a clever man. I would have lost him the first day but for my ability to hang onto the tail of a subway express. Evidently he has gone in fear of being followed. But he could not elude me." "Tell me! Tell me!" Mrs. Stannard implored. "Certainly. I am coming to it. I take it, madam, that you do not care to hear the details of the chase. What you want to know is what your husband has done and where he has gone. I have here a list of the dates and places, if you will be so good as to give me your attention." He pulled out his . handkerchief to mop his brow, cleared his throat and read as follows in a loud, rhetorical voice: "REPORT ON -JONATHAN STAN NARD, WRITER, 318 RIVER SIDE DRIVE. "Friday, July 8, 2:24 p. m.. entered Empire Moving Picture Theater, Third avenue and Thirty-ninth street; re mained three hours and eleven minutes. "Friday, July ,8:15 p. m., entered Royal Moving Picture Theater, Third avenue and Grand street; remained two hours and thirty-four minutes. "Saturday, July 10, only appearance in company with client, Mrs. Stannard. "Sunday, July 11, a. m., attended church with client "Sunday, July 11, 7:09 p. m., entered Circle Moving Picture Theater. Ninth avenue and Fifty-ninth street; remained three hours and fifteen minutes. "Monday, July 12, 3:03 p. m., entered Louvre Moving Picture Theater, Third avenue and One Hundred and Forty ninth street; remained two hours and one minute. "Tuesday, July 13, only appearance In company with client. "Wednesday, July 14, 1:43 p. m., en tered Columbia Moving Picture Theater, Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Seventeenth street; remained four hours and twenty-one minutes. "Wednesday, July 14, 8:06 p. m., en tered Harlem Moving Picture Theater, Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-third street; remained one hour and forty minutes. "Thursday, July 15, 9:10 a. m., went to Long: Beach with client. "Friday, July 15, 1:55 p. m., entered Mecca Moving Picture theater, Broad way and Ninety-elghlh street. (Evident ly getting bolder.) "Left him there to report to client." Mr. Pearson closed the book and looked at lils client with an air of tri umph. She sat motionless, gazing at him stupidly as though she had not compre hended. Then suddenly she was aware of a shadow on the threshold, and sht looked up- to see her husband standing in. the doorway, a puzzled expression on his grave, handsome face at the sight ol his wife seated talking to a man he bad never seen. He came toward them and saw the look on his wife's face. "What's the matter?" he demanded. "Jonathan," she said, "I know all. This is Mr. Pearson, a detective. He will tell you " A detective!" he repeated. "What for? What is it?" THEN Mr. Pearson spoke. "Mr. Stannard," he announced, rising to his feet, "I have Just informed your wife that during the past seven days . you have spent twenty hours and two minutes In moving picture theaters, with the dates and places." There was a silence. Stannard's face grew white as chalk, and it could be seen that he trembled from head to foot. The detective gazed at him sternly. His wife had cast her eyes on the floor, a though she could not bear to look at him in that moment. T am ruined!" groanedthe stricken man, sinking into a chair. "And I thought it was some kind nf a woman," whispered his wife. Profound regret was in her voice. The detective stooped to pick up his hat. "Well," he said as he started for the doo"I guess you're through with me." Mrs. Stannard nodded her head in si lence, then saW suddenly: "But I must pay you; how much is it?" "That's all right." replied the other genially from the threshold; "we'll mail our bill and you can send a check. I trust the Job has been satisfactory?" Again Mrs. Stannard nodded. ''Quite satisfactory." "Good. Good day. madam." He start ed to go, tli en turned again to add: "You'll have to excuse me for hurrying off like this, but I got a date to go to the movies." Alone with her husband, Mrs. Stan nard turned to look at him with an ex pression of mingled incredulity and'sor row. The unhappy man sat with his face buried in his hands, moaning pite ously; great beads of perspiration stood out on his brow. Thus do strong men, overtaken by their sins, bend under the awful burden of remorse. Suddenly he looked up and showed her his haggard countenance. "It is the end." he whispered miser ably. "The end of everything I cannot it is too much to expect Vera, tell me tell me can you ever forgive me?" And then it was that Vera Stannard shone forth in all the glory of her wom anliness. She gazed at her husband and saw the dumb pleading of his eyes fas tened on her; she heard the agonized despair in his voice and she felt some thing come op in her throat, while the hot tears came to her eyes. It is ever woman's part to forgive. She smiled at him. "We are one, Jonathan," she said In a sweet voice that trembled. "Who am I to Judge you. I will even" she hesi tated and faltered, then went bravery on "I will even share your sin.' Yes, I will share It and glory in it." She stepped forward and laid a hand on his arm. "Come, dear; let ns dress for dinner. Afterward we shall attend the cinema together." Copyright by The Praak A Maasey Oo.J