The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1916, Page 42, Image 42

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    flowers. Those presiding at t!he table
were Mrs. Quy Rogers Porter, Mrs.
William Patterson, Mrs. Jacob Kamm
Ad Mr. Lloyd Bates. Assisting In
the dining room were Misses Clemen
tine Lambert, HMen Piatt, Martha
Hoyt, Margaret Peters and Beatrice
Locke. Assisting In the living rooms
Vere Mra. Medford Reed, Misses Har
riet Kern, Mary Kern and lone Lam
bert. Mrs, William C. Alvord was hostess
Ifonday at the Waverley Golf club
t a small, but none the less dellght
tul. luncheon glvn for Mra. Joseph
Alexander McCord, who will leave
goon for the east to join her husband.
The table was lovely In flowers of
delicate pastel tints veiled In feathery
fern. Covers were laid for Mrs. Wil
liam I. Wheelwright. Mrs. Robert W.
Iewla, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs.
Frederick W. Wheeler, Mrs. McCord
and the hostess.
v '
'Colonel and Mrs. Cornelius Gardener
entertained Monday afternoon al their
fctome on Sherwood ditve In honor of
Colonel Oarderier'a birthday. Pink sweet
peas centured the table, while al;out tt.e
tearoom were massed Loj'jue:n of pur
ple flowers. About-23 people enjoyed
in Gardeners' hospitality.
- -Miss
Charlotte Banfleld and Miss
Xileea Teres were hostess Wednesday
at a delightful card party! and tea
In compliment to three charming and
popular prospective brides. Mlsa Dag
Diar Korell and Mlns Carol McCollom,
Whose marriages will take place abovit
the middle of October, and Miss Wlnl
f red WiUun, whose marriage will be
solemnised early In October. Five
table were arranged for the game of
five hundred and pretty prizes wore
awarded. The gust prizes were silver
thlmblen. Following the game a dainty
collation was served. The rooms were
made fragrant and attractive by the
Vse of Caroline Testout roses and
vines. The gu- sts . Included: Mrs.
Leon Fabre Jr., Mrs. Warren Smith,
Mra Raymond. Mrs. Louise Recken,
Mrs. A. T. Bonney. Mrs. M. C. Ban
field. Misses Korell. Wilson, McCol-
ueriruae w uson..,. Laura Korell,
Mabel Korell, Myrtle Swearlngen,
Esther Maegley, Sibyl Brown. Beth
Ludlam, Louise Cecil. Stella Jones.
. Charlotte Patterson, Jean Brownlle,
Marjorle McCollom, Nollle Banfleld
. end Josephine Slater.
Mr. and Mrs. Uno . Mat tern enter
tained delightfully Wednesday evening
at meir nome in LAurelhuret In com
pilment to Miss Greata Butterfleld
and Dr. Allen Pendleton Noyea, whos
rmAAint im m nnr A V. 1 V. . ... ... .
.. - ...... . ovun iu uB turia. x ut
affair was In the nature of an ln-
lormai aanoe, with about 0 of the
younger let present. The rooms were
uua ireen ana iragrant ry the usu
ox great quantities of sword ferns,
aanuas and golden glow. Late In
the evening a, supper was served.
A far-away visitor waa entertained
Phone os"
AvitiMid.u in!) croaaway jtsunc
Baby's First Clothes
Up to two years
Garments Cut Ready to Make
"We save you time and expense.vno paper patterng necessary,
no waste materials.
Our method gives you an accurate knowledge of the cost.
FREE INSTRUCTIONS in Needlework of All Kinds
. " for Baby. .
Maternity Corsets
We guarantee absolute satisfaction
. and we fit you free of charge.
MISS K1RBT, associated with the
nauu cnimuci jr vm iiuii luiu uuiar appsvrei.
: 0m mi ts?w5v cM-'M
I iX, fpst & ;f -V, - t lafo I
Thursday afternoon when Miss Kather
lne SeaJy gave an Informal tea in honor
of Miss Grata Wolcott Wood of Christ
church, N. Z., who Is visiting In Port
land with her parents. The hostess
waa assisted by Mies Marcia Parker,
Miss Constance Piper and Miss Mar
garet Raeder. Lavehder and pink
sweet peas and asters adorned the
A charming event of Tuesday was
the luncheon at which Miss Clara Teal
was hostess for Mrs. George Teal, a
Seattle visitor In Portland. The af
fair took place at the University club
and covers were laid for, 10.
Colorado visitors were the Inspira
tion for a charming bridge tea Wed
nesday, when Mra. John M. Dunn
entertained In honor of Mrs. Frederick
Greydene-Smlth and Mrs. Vincent
ffmtth, prominent society and club
women of Denver and Canyon City.
Plvn table nf hrldre were arransed.
while a few additional guests called at
Baby's Boudoir, makes a specialty of
,rK0to sr Oreovsi)
the tea hour. Particularly artistic was
the arrangement of flowers, the living
room being massed with pink, and the
dining room with yellow blossoms. .
Tables of bridge and five hundred
were arranged at a pretty afternoon af
fair given Thursday by Mrs. J. M.
Dunn for the pleasure of her Colorado
guests, Mra Frederick Greydene
Smlth and Mrs. Vincent Smith. Flow
ers filled the Dunn home for the oc
casion, the living room and hall being
In lavender and pink, and the dining
room in yellow. Card . honors fell to
Mrs. Greydene-Smlth and Mrs. Harold
Addams at bridge, and to Mrs. J.
Hallinan at five hundred. Other guests
were Mrs. Joseph Cronan," Mrs. Ed
ward Johnson, Mrs. H. H. Tuthlll, Mrs.
Mra H. F. McKay,, Miss Edith Tut
hlll, Mrs. J. A. Ballln. Miss Luclle
Dudley, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Mrs. T.
H. Comerford, Mrs. Frederick W. Skiff.
Mrs. George Tuthlll. Mrs. F. H. John
son. Mrs. O. Wendler, Mrs. Edward
Dunn, Mrs. J. Coffey and Mrs. John
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Marcotte and
Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Richardson were
the honor guests at the delightful re
ception given Monday evening for the
Presbyterian ministers and their wives i
of Portland and of this presbytery at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. Boudlnot
Seeley on Portland Heights. Dr. and
Mrs. Marcotte- left today for Kansas
City, where he will assume the pastor
ate of the Second Presbyterian church,
and Mr. and Mra. Richardson will leave
early in October for Philadelphia,
where he will assume the pastorate of
Hebran Memorial Presbyterian church.
Between 60 and 60 persons enjoyed the
evening, a feature of which was the
presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Richard
son of a pair , of silver candlesticks,
Rev. J. M. Skinner of Rose City Park
church making the speech of presenta
tion, and on behalf of assembled com
pany Dr. A. J. Montgomery presented to
Dr. Marcotte a Sheffield water pitcher.
Farewell addresses were made by Rev.
W. Lee Gray of Unity church, Robert
Crosier, Orlando W. Davidson "and L.
E. Carter. The pleasure of the evening
was heightened by violin numbers
given by Mr. and Mrs. Aue of Spring
water. Or., and by piano numbers
given by Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall.
"he rooms were ade attractive by
the use of huckleberry, foliage with. Us
own fed berries and ' with scarlet
dahlias. The super, table was lighted
with red candles in silver sticks. Mrs.
A. -J. Montgomery cut the ices and
Mrs. H. M. Mount poured the coffee.
Mrs. Seeley was assisted in a general
way by Mrs. Walter Preston.
Miss Mary Blossom entertained
Tuesday -with a charmingly arranged
luncheon In honor -of Mias Greats, But-
terfleld, the popular bride-elect. Covers
were laid for eight at a table made
exquisitely dainty in pale pink asters,
CecU Bruner roses and ferns. ;Those
surrounding the table were: Miss
Butterfleld, Miss Doris Clark, Miss
Helen Piatt. Miss Martha Hoyt, Mrs.
Otto Mattern. Mrs. Thomas Emory,
Mra. George Herron and the hostess.
Mrs. William Heller Ehrman was a
luncheon hostess for Miss Clara and
Miss Merle Simon and Miss Ruth Ros
enfleld. Covers were laid for 10. The
Misses Simon and their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Simon, will leave
shortly for New York.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Stearns enter
tained Monday evening at their home
on Belmont street with a merry little
dancing party In honor of their son,
David Lloyd Stearns, who will this
year enter the University of Oregon at
Eugene. Games and dancing were en
Joyed and refreshments were served.
Those enjoying the evening were:
Misses Trade Moyer, Alma Sharp,
Helen Cattron, Huldah Faust, Alice
Felke, Lillian Anderson, Messrs. Ber
tram Woods, Hale Davis, Wayne
Felke, Frank Forrester, Dan Morse
and Lloyd Stearns.
Miss Jeanette Gilder West of
Irvlngton was yesterday hostess at i
a charmingly appointed tea given for
Miss Mildred Gordon, who Is the house
guest of Miss Dorothy Bliss, and for
Miss Constance Davis, to announce her
engagement to Jesse Warren Jr. of
Tacoma. Each guest received a tiny
old fashioned nosegay, in the heart of
which was secreted a tiny heart bear
ing the names of Miss Davis and Mr.
Warren. The announcement came as
a great surprise to Miss Davis' many
friends. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Davis and Is a clever
and accomplished girl. She . was grad
uated from Allen's preparatory school
and later attended LaSalle seminary,
where she majored In domestic science.
Mr. Warren is a business man of Ta
coma, and he will take his bride there
to live. The date for the wedding
has hot yet been announced, but it
is understood - that it ' will be ' soon.
Miss West's, home was beautifully
decorafed for- the . occasion. In- the
dining room pink- sweet peas and pink
and white tiger lilies-twere combined
with"' charming effect, and in the re
ception and living rooms golden glow
marigolds and other yellow blossoms
were combined with ferns.- There were
about SO guests present. Mrs. Leigh
.fresh every day.
Morrieop st. bat.
. . t i r.L t
FLOWERS Main or A - V!
-Am c Hir,ETjrrEjsr of
Martin and Mrs. W. H. Goodeve pre
sided at the tea table, and those as
sisting in the dining room were: Miss
Jeanette Wiggins. Verna Barker and
Beth Ludlam. The pleasure of the
afternoon was heightened by violin
numbers given by Miss Bliss and vocal
numbers by Mrs. Florence Foster Ham
m m
Mrs. Guy Robert Porter was Thursday
afternoon hostess at a small and in
formal bridge tea given at her home
on East Nineteenth street in compli
ment to Miss Greata Buttertield.
Tables were arranged for 16 players
and the afternoon was rounded out
with the serving of dainty refresh
ments. The rooms were decorated In
pink roses and ferns.
Miss Ruth Shull was hostess Wed
nesday at her home in Irvlngton at
a small and informal tea given in com
pliment to Miss Jane Norton, who is
the house guest of Miss Isabel Clark.
There were about 25 present. The tea
table, which was graced with dainty
flowers and ferns, was presided over
by Mrs. Guy Standifer and Mrs,
Walter Dickey.
The many Portland friends of Mrs.
A. W. De Long, assistant pastor of
the White Temple, will be Interested
to know of her engagement and forth
coming marriage to Clifford Huntley,
a banker- and capitalist of Sparta,
Wis. The first announcement of the
engagement was made last night at a
meeting and informal supper of the
finance committee of the White Tem
ple which was held at, the Hazelwood
and came as a great surprise to
everyone. Mrs. De Long came here
two years ago and at once assumed
the duties of assistant pastor of the
White Temple, where she has done
excellent work. She will be greatly
missed In religious and social' cir
cles. Mrs. Ie Long will go east the
end of next month and the wedding
Q Most people find
that once they meet
Vogan's, they quit
asking for merely
chocolates, Vogan's
are that good I
Bnld by dealers everywhere.
ntrs Confectionery Co.
will take place early in November,
either in Sparta or in Chicago. Mr.
Huntley and Mm. De Long have been
friends for a number of years.
Sincere regret U felt by the many
trtendB of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Fartington Jr. that they are leaving
Portland tQ make their home In .Se
attle. Mrs. Farrington left this week
for Minneapolis in .company with her
parents, who have been visiting here
for a few weeks. She will remain two
months and on her return will Join Mr
Farrington In Seattle, where he has
already gone. Mra. Farrington, who
Came to Portland a bride two years
ago. Is an unusually beautiful and
charming woman who has made many
friends in Portland.
Oregon Alpha chapter of PI Beta Phi
ontertained with a luncheon Tuesday
noon. The table was aecoratea witn
Ophelia rosebuds. Corsage bouquets
were at the guests' places. The
guests were Gene Gysler, Mary Mc
Donald, Anna Lee Miller, Marvel
Turnure, Mrs. Von Klein Smld, Mrs'
Fletcher Linn. Mrs. Knight, Mrs.
Agnes Turner. The luncheon was fol
lowed by a box party at the Peoplas'
IS - S8
Mexico border troubles made further
depredations at the Vanoouver post
yesterday when Mrs. Charles Cal
vert Benedict and her little son. Frits.
.- V"'"
'-.M ..- 'OJx
(. -
J ' I
Our Presentation of
(oatA, QadnA, fJalUcux Suitd and &(au&a&
for the present season
is incomparable in style and exceptionally
The charm of these models should be of unusual
interest and can be depended upon
as being exclusive.
16.50 to $90
$12.50 to 175
left to Join Lieutenant Benedict at San
Diego. Lieutenant Benedict was form
erly with the Twenty-first regiment at
Vanco iver barracks, but is now at
techee to the army aviation corps at
the southern station.
Miss Harriet Cummlngs, -who has
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Browne of Mdford for the past month,
returned to her home In Portland Mon
day. Miss Cummlngs has been quite
extensively entertained, during her
xtay in Medford and has made many
friends who look forward to a return
Henry Lundwall of Cathlamet,
Wash., and Miss Emma Kolvlsto of
Portland were united in marriage Fri
day of last week by Rev. J. Richard
Olson at Immanuel Lutheran parson
age, 150 North Nineteenth street. The
ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. li.
Roslln and Miss Ida Laaksa.
Mr. and Mrs. (5. M. Welster returned
on Tuesday from the Club house at
Manzanlta Beach, where Mrs. Welster
srent the summer. With thetn is Miss
Eleanor Carr, who made several stu
dies In water color of that part of
the Oregon coast which she will exhibit
af the State fair.
Mr. and Mrs. A." Fielding McClaine.
Jr., the latter formerly Miss Maude
Batcham, have motored down from
Spokane and are visiting friends here.
Miss Avis Lobdell, the woman pas
senger agent for the O-W. R. & N. rail
road, has returned frorn Tacoma, whore
she Joined her father, ' Judge Charles
22.50 to $125
$2.00 and Up.
E. Lobdell, a member of the new farm
loan board and other members of ton
board, on a delightful motor trip
through Rainier national park.
Mr. and Mrs. tolyer Johnson re
turned last week from a delightful
motor trip to Crater lake. Thursday
they left In company with Dr. and Mrs.
W. J. Klehl for Government camp and
ftom there they will tak . a number of
walking trips, expeotlng to be absent a
Mrs. John F.Logai, Mls Dorothy
Logan and Tom Dodson, in company
with friends from Chehalls, Wash.,
lef; Thursday for a motor trip to Ta
coma, Seattle and Rainier.
Mrs. S. Morley 'jackson and Miss
Marie Louise Jackson returned Moti-
(tVm tinned on Following Pice )
l " is x t i i
1 " ' ff
x roanajr.
Cutter aad Xaigar.
Special Offer
In order to introduce
ourselves to the Port
land public we make
these exceptional intro
ductory prices
Ladies' Suits
Blue serges, all fancy,
materials, tailor made -and
fancy-all made to
order for $25 and $30.
Parisian Dressmaking
& Tailoring Co. :
. Corner Twelfth
tea, V; .'JV. '.A
, "s - " " .