The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1916, Page 28, Image 28

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(Coutlau4) '
iS 11 .m iiw
... . I
Open All Day Sunday
Hanley Employment Agency
28 North 2d St.
1 ' ' Broadway 727. A-2290.
, Flledrlvermen $3.60
Bridgemen 13.50
Windfall Buckers $3.25
: Wood Buck $2.'! 5
4 Buckers 21 cents per M
- 1 Whlitlt Boya $2.6;
i 4 Chasers $3.25
6 Flunkeys . $40 Month and Board
I Farm Hands . .$40 Month and Board
10 Tunnel MuCkers", free fare $3.00
19 Peavey Men, free faro $3.0u
JO B. K. Labor ere $2.75 and $3.o0
( Concrete Iaborers $3.00
- 4 Laborers, 36 cents nr., street work
10 Laborers, 8 hours $2.60
, 20 Logging Road Laborers $2.75
; 19 Laborers In city $2.50
1 Piledriver Foreman $4.00
. 10 Quarry Laborers $3.00
111 orders given personal and prompt
Broadway 727 Phones
STEADY men wanted to lake exclu-
Klamath, and other good fields. Money j
advanced weekly; outfit and special i
tiaining free; experience unnecessary.
Our active men are making god
money. You can do the same. Clean,
hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Val
ley Nursery Co.. Tuppenlwh. Wash.
lou kiiiiw tnat everyone
is talking loKtred-off land; people are
buying more and more freely; we car.
' . use a few salesmen of principle, on
the road, who can sell honest land In
' honest lashlon; big money"ln It for
workers; previous land experience not
.'' necessary: commission only. Brong
liWynn Wilson Co., 408 Chamber of
f Commerce.
S SALESMEN We desire a forceful and
. aggressive salesman to sell our 1918
line of high class calendars, leather
i a . 7.1 7 v. .1 , ;
foods and novelties In Portland and ,
adjacent territory. Will consider ap-1
plications only from men of reliable
l DM tllH
28 MM 20 ST.
. cnaracter ana real selling apuity.
Thos. J. Bockman Co., 310 N. 11th St.,
i ' ';. Philadelphia, Pa.
,. WANTED Good, honest boy over 16
years to solicit and deliver and gen-
eral work around grocery. One with
, tome preferred. Perina
". nent positfbn for right kind of boy:
. V prefer one staying at home; wages $8
. per week. Phone Marshall 939.
WANTED lu house to house or spe-
' clalty salesmen to Introduce our
:? product and plan of operation to the
housewife. We have a live-wire propo
, ltlon and can give you permanent ein
Ploy men t; investigate. Ideal Tea Co.,
, 711 Union an. N.
'STARTING mill Monday after shut
down. Men wanted for yard work at
$2.26 day. Good opportunity for
gtrong boys over 16 years old. Those
7 :f. applying Monday will be given posl
,.' ; tlons vVest Ore. Lumber Co., Llnn
; ton.Or.
." COMPETENT Instructors In physlol
' ogy, histology, gynecology, bactorl-
iolo&y, dietetics, obstetrics. Lnlverslty
: text. Two or three hours a week In
.- each branch. Must be competent. Give
, v yiill particulars. G-132. Journal.
v bA L,i:eM r.A wanted 10 ht li Hie Vroo
man strain Kranguette English wi-
. Out, together with a completw linn of
rursery stock; cash weekly; outfit
free. Address Capital City Nursery
; CO., Salem, or.
"jfOUNG man to take charge of rental
aept. on commission. one au to
finance self and deliver the (.oiis
Give age, experience and phone. G-
: , journal.
: V'Q STRIKE; honest, sober men every
where for firemen, brakemen. bag-
' gagemen; $120 monthly; promotion:
experience- unnecessary. 72tf Railway
Bureau, East St. Louis. 111.
SCXPERIKNCJ CD greenhouse man, mar
ried preferred. If willing to rom
and 'board with his wife at nursery
' home and his wife help the lady, doing
little housework. G-173, Journal.
WANTED, man to sell gasoline saving
. device. Man with car preferable.
- Good thing for right party. Address
answer to Diablo Gasaver Co., '289
Beech st., Portland, Or.
I '. ' ! ., EXPERIENCED farmer to work 40
acre general farm for wages, must
ill O. K. In every respect. Phone
" y; Woodlawn 8306. Monday, 7 to 12 a. m.
BOY wanted by corporation to learn
' trade. Must have mechanical abil-
te p
Qood advancement.
K-126. journal.
wanted, about 16 years, with
some knowledge of printing busl-
' nass. Apply Modern Printing Co., ar
. cade Plttuck bldg., Monday morning.
BRIGHT young man for beginner's
,' clerical position: state age and edu
cation; answer in own handwriting.
.i Q-120. Journal. t
' ; WANTED Painter with hooks, blocks
. and tools for few days' work or coh
tract. Phone East 2965.
' V WANT live salesman with late model
it. Ford car. 101 6th at
' "' AT once, 10 ladles to travel, demon
' ' strata and sell well established line
to our dealers. Previous experience not
'' necessary. Good pay. Railroad fare
'. fcald. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 510,
Omaha, Nebr.
i i . SALESMAN Capable specialty man
-'v w tor Oregon. Staple line on new and
exceptional terms. Vacancy now. At
tractive commission contract. $35
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler
Co., 227-37 Carlln bldg., Cleveland. O.
V TRAVELING salesmen wanted. Best
sideline on earth. Something new.
- V Entirely different. $6 commission on
each order and repeats. Pan Mfg. Co.,
S668 Cottage Grove, Chicago.
'. . WOMEN wanted. Full time salary
, 16, selling Ouaranteed Hosiery to
; wearer; 25c an hour spare time- per-
i manent; experienco unnecessary. Wear
" Prot Hosiery. Norrlstown. Pa.
. . WANTED 3 hustlers to act as repre--''
-' sentatlves for Nu Bone corsets; best
'' city territory open. Also some nearby
towns. Apply at pnee, 207 Central bldg.
' WANTED- Persons to color art pic-
. tures at home, easy work; no ex
perience; good Pay: sample free.
wheeler Co., 337 Madison. ChtcagOi
, ' ASSISTANT to write mOvie plays; ex-
perience unnecessary; work at home
If desired; all or part time; pays well
. Address Box 3071. Ban Francisco, Call
hand and Typewriting; $5 a month.
$69 14th st. Phone Main 3893. Regls-
' ter ror'taii wrm.
paid $120 monthly; no strike serv
ice. Railway-, Care of GX-116, Jour-
EARN $20 weekly writing names and
addresses, no canvassing particulars
for stamp. G. C. Smith. Little Rock,
Ark. .
JuARN f 25 weekly, spare time, writing
for newspapers, magazines. Exp.
unnec; detail free. Press Snydlcate,
j4. St Louis, MQ.
WRITB motion picture plays; $50
each. Experience unnecessary. De
tails free to beginners. Producer a
Leaguo.- 206 Walnwrlght, St Louis.
Get Well
TT. . . ... . m
and evenings on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 7 to 9 p. m.
To get relief In anv way are Invited ;
to attend these cfflnlcs In our big '
dlnin hull
Will examine and diagnose your case
and direct your treatment.
i CHIROPRACTIC 1 the safe. sane.
I mire and modern science -of curing;
, and preventing diseases.
CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause,
health returns. v
I 433 Hassalo St., at 7th. East Side.
Phone Easit 6636.
Dr. Elliott, Director of Clinics.
A most lucrative and dignified pro
fession. The Pacific Chiropractic Col
lege is now registering students for
both day and night courses. For full
particulars Inquire
423 Hassalo st. at Seventh. East Side.
Prion East 6536.
Dr. Elliott, Managing Director.
Day and night classes; training In
repairing, driving and machine work,
including forge, lathe, shaper, drill
press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure
pass at educational office Y. M. C. A.
bldg., to inspect our shops and meth
tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN.
Y. M. C. A. and Its EMPLOYMENT
DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swim
ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium,
etc. .
GOVERNMENT positions pay $800 to
$1800 a year, with tshort hourB, va
cations, steady work, no strikes or lay
offs Let our civil service expert,
! former government examiner, prepare
y u Li 1UI uuaiuilil.r, lanna man, vwo-
toms ana other posittons. Write to
day for lree booklet B-87 with list of
positions. Patterson Civil Service
School, Rochester. N. Y.
THOUSANDS of men and women
wanted for U. S. government life
ohs. $75 month. Steady work. Short
rs. Pleasant work. Rapid ad
vancement. "Pull unnecessary. Com-
mon education sufficient. Write im
mediately for free list of positions
now easily obtainable Franklin ln
stltnte. Dept. 350 S. Rochester, N. Y.
unnecessary, earn while you learn.
Write for large list of openings and
testimonials from hundreds of our
students who earn $100 to $500 a
month. Address nearest office. Dept.
812, National Salesmens Training As
sociation. Chicago, New York, San
SALESMAN Experienced any line sell
general trade in Pacific territory;
unexcelled new specialty proposition;
commission contract, $35 weekly for
expenses; vacancy lRin. 1 oniinentjt
Je.elry Co , 3037 continental bklg.
Cleveland. Ohio.
expenses; vacancy ixth. continental
LADIES Little Wizard Labor Saver,
does your washing in 10 min. Will
deliver 2 or more packages. A pre
mium with an order of 6, 16c. A pack
age enough for 5 washing. 11 Vi
Union ave. Phone E. 35413.
YOU LEARN to be an optometrist and
optician; It is profitable; day or eve
ning classes. The De Keyser Insti
tute of Optometry, Inc. Send or call
forcatalogue at 202 Columbia bldg.
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $8.00
up. Taylor, the Tailor. 2S9 H Burnside.
WANTED Two-hour range helper.
Apply Monday between 9 and 10 a.
m. Miss Allen, nlntty floor, Meier
Frank atoie.
WANTED Experienced short hour
waitresses; references. Apply Mon
day between 9 and 10 a. m. Miss Allen,
ninth floor, Meier & Frank store.
INTELLIGENT and ambitious young
lady to assist in laboratory and
X-ray work, college trained preferred.
Write, stating qualifications, K-120,
''ANTED Ladles
o sell In all towr.i
lr. Oregon and Wash.. Persian ivory
Jewelry, lovely pina, ear drops, bra e
lets and rings, big profits, send 2oc
for sample fiOl Ahfngt'iri bldg.
WANTED, girl 12 or 14 going to day
school to help with work mornings
and evenings, in family of 3 for board
and room. Phone E. 4618, 9 a. m. to 4
P. m., Sundays -
WANTED Elderly woman, wanting
home and wages, used to country
life, to do light housework. Phone
31F4 or address Mrs. G. W. Louden,
Route 2, Vancouv e r, Wash.
WANTED tor a small louniry heme,
young or middle aged lady for house
keeping, steady position if satisfac
tory, tnose looking for big pay and no
work don't apply. RX-8S. Journal.
YOUNG lady of lti or over, do House
work for board and room- lawyer's
home. Two adults In family. Easy
work and fine chance. Phone Main
824, 10 to 6. or Tabor 4056, Sunday.
MIDDLE aged lady, or young widow
with baby less than a year old, to
arslst with housework, good home, more
than wages. Estacada. Or., Rt. 3, Box 11.
WANTED, at Ores ham cannery, 60
women workers for canning pears,
one-half railroad fare paid. For in-
formatlon call Tabor 180 8
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for gentle
man and 3 children, who prefers
nome instead of wages, no objections
to one cnua. B-iza, journal.
EXPERIENCED typewriter blller tor
Remington machine with Wahl aid
ing attachment. Answer A-1.8, Jour
nal. Hi' ad hi Her for Remington typewriter
with Wahl adding attachment. Must
bp thoroughly experienced. Answer F-
145, Journal,
SALESWOMEN for toilet goods and
drugs Must be thoroughly expert
enced' and furnish best of references.
Answer. U-72, Journal.
r CHOCOLATE dippers wanted. Must
have experience. Henry Ross &
Sons, 93 Union ave.
FIRST-CLASS makers and salesladies
wanted immediately. Apply Muller
& Raas Co., Morgan bldg.
NEAT girl wanted lor plain cooking
and housework; no washing. Phona
Marshall 940.
COOK, thoroughly experienced for pri
vate family; English, Scotch or Nor
weglan preferred. Tel. Sellwood 1072
WANTED, competent girl for cooking
and down stairs work; no laundry.
Phone Tabor 1167.
housework. 558 Montgomery drive,
Portland Heights Main 94 9.
WANTED Girl for general house
work; Swedish, Finnish or Norwegian
preferred. Phone East 1052.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Inquire mornings.
334 K 16th N , corner Weldler.
HOUSEKEEPER for invalid lady and
son. Apply 80 E. 16th N. Wages,
zo per montn.
WANTED Experienced millinery mak-
ers. ino otners neea apply. Low
en gart & Co.
WANTED First class tailores-whoU.wr?ln.
thorouBhly understand pressing; no
other need apply. 205 Columbia bldg.
MAGICIAN wants partner or assistant.
M'vs age, neignt. T-1Z9. Journal.
WANTED, competent housekeeper.
small family. Call East 7780.
EXPERIENCED telephone order gtrla
for groceries. Answer U-78, Journal.
NEAT, capable housekeeper for email
family. East 8069.
LADY to take care of confectionery
store. W-99, Journal.
WANTED Girl for housework, 53
washing. 1885 Mississippi ave.
WOMAN for housework: come today
Main M6. iflUHb. "oJr.
" FEMALE '"':"' 29 '
lXr ant.H An UnMt r.nCh lATCeSt DOD
ranch In Oregon, to replace registered
pickers who failed to come on account
threatened railroad strike. We have
667 acres ' to pick and will start on
the 6th, and pick about 21 days. Our
crop Is good and clean and on nigh
rfii. an w fnrnlih free baskets.
wood, tents, apples and plenty of pure
water; camp grounds under marshal;
clean and sanitary and provided with
large camp stoves. For further Infor
mation, phone RObt. Langley. 626 Im
perial hotel.
to qualify
' he made
WANTED Men and women
for government positions.
next"5 few Sth. Fuu'nfonSfion
about openings, tow to prepare, etc.!
Write Immediately for bpoklet !
CG. 368
D. C.
Earl Hopkins, Washington, 1
HOPPICKER8 wanted; largs yard, fine;
picking, long Job, good accommoda-
tlons; store, butcher shop and con-,
Washes clothes without rubbing.
Package 15c (5 washings); two or
more delivered. R. E. Edwards, 1824
Sandy Blvd. Tabor 4365.
50 HOP PICKERS wanted- will pay $1
per 100 lbs., large yard on Oregon
Electric. Will furnish tents for parties
of 3 or more. Call A-4913 or Main 6837. ,
612 Worcester bldg., Monday. 1
Wants men and women to learn the I
trade; paid while learning; tools free; '
for catalogue. Cor. 2d and Bu'rnside. 1
HOr'i'lCKEKS wanted, ramiiiea pre-I
ierred; large crop; long lob. Fine
accommodations; vegetables free. For
lull particulars see Conrad Krebs, 110
10th st. Broadway 2119.
OREGON Jarber College Men and wo
men to learn barber trade; can earn
from $16 to $26 a week. Tools free;
tuition reduced; paid while learning.
233 Madison st.
MOHLER Barber School Men and wo
men to learn barber trade in 8 weeks;
tuition reduced, paid while learning,
expert Instructors; scalp and face mas-
sage especially. 38 N. Second st.
WANTED Hopplckera; pay $1 per
hundred Inquire St. Charles Hotel
for Frank Felton or C. M. Hall,
PETITION clrcalator.
lawn 288, Sunday.
Call Wood-
WaNTKp To sefl all kinds of second
hand barbers' chairs and furniture
at sacrifice. Lewls-Stenger Barbers'
Supply Co., 10th and Morrison sts.
BARBER'S one-chair shop. Real bar
gain. Am going east soon and have
to s e 1L L-97, Journal.
town or suburb needs and will buy the
wonderful Aladdin kerosene (coal 011 ;
fi".-. I
as electric. Tested and recommended
by government and 34 leading univer
sities. Awarded gold meaai. one
! .
fr.rmer cleared over $500 in b weeks.
Hundreds with rigs or autos earning
100 to 300 per month. No capital ,
requirea; we lurnisn goous on nine iu
reliable men. Write quick for sample for free trial, distributor's propo
sition and secure appointment in ex
clusive territory. Mantle Lamp Co.,
733 Aladdin bldg., i-ortiana. or.
WE START you In business, furnish
ing everything; -men and women. $30
to $200 weekly operating our ''New
System Specialty Candy Factories"
home anywhere; no canvassing. Op
portunity lifetime. Booklet free. Rags
dale Co., Bos Z. East Orange. N. J.
resentatives to sell shirts, under
wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts,
direct to homes. Write for free sam
ples. Madison Mills, 688 Broadway,
New York. City.
LIGHTNING seller for live agents, j
hurry be first, unlimited field, big
profits, repeats sure, full particulars 1
rree. west 00.. ivzi vv. zoin St., us
Angeles, Cal.
AGENTS Here's a winner: fast sell
ing article; 100 profit; nearly
every phone subscriber needs one; par
ticulars free. Yuba Distributing Co.,
50 Main St., Camptonvllle, Cal.
AGENTS wanted; we want 3 salesman
to sell fast selling automobile tool;
100 per cent profit; every auto owner
buys one. The Hale Co.. San Diego.
KOALINE, marvelous coal saver, mil
lions will use this sure repeater;
no competition; responsible agenld
wanted: send stamp and reference.
Wedel Co., Stuart bldg., Seattle, Wash,
to date article,
good seller, good repeater, good ' A HOMELIKE place, centrally local
profit. Sample 10 cents. 610 Dekum j ed; clean and comfortable rooms,
bldg., Portland, Or. single or double, hot-water heat; board
AGENTS WANTED A good side line
accessory for salesmen covering Ore
gon by automobile. C. W. Jones Co..i2
309 Railway Exchange bldg.
WANTED Agents, men and women.
60 per cent, sure thing, new. Call
Marshall 3013.
WANTED By man of family, 8 years
experience in saw and other mills, 1
year in hardware, 6 months in grocery;
employment In any of the lines. Engi
neering, firing, planer work or clerk In
store. References. Address W. L.
Knight, 1221 E. Main St.. Portland, Or.
ENGINEER wants position as chief
engineer and superintendent of large
modern apt. building, equipped with
modern equipment. References the best.
Phone Sellwood 1149.
MARRIED man. age 23, had 2 years
garage and some machine experience.
Four years grocery clerking; will do
anything. K-115, Journal.
family; mill location preferred;
good reference. Write C, 1008 East
18th N.
WANTED By old, reliable man, ' any
kind light work or to care for small
place. Can give No. 1 reference. U-81,
YOUNG man 22, married, with Ford
auto, would like position with relia
ble firm; experience in collecting, de
livering, salesman. B-127, Journal.
WANTED Brickwork, boilers, chWi
neys. plastering and cement work,
day or contract, city or country. Bur
ley. 408 Washington. Marshall 29in.
MUST have work for men. Wall tint
lng, carpenter work, decorating;
cheap now. Manny, Sellwood 2421.
BOY going to school wishes to work
for room and board with small wage.
H-116. Journal.
WANTED Work In apartment house,
to pay for own apartments. F-153,
COMPETENT shop mechanics and
chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C A.
Auto school. Main 7065. A-6561.
WANTED Steady work with
3100 lbs,, any Kind 01 work,
wood 1
hauling preferred. H-B2. Journal.
HAVE a large truck ; want wool rtaul
lng by car or cord or contract. Phone
Sellwood 328. or Main 5783.
PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting. $2
i ,
j f"8-
per room up. c A. JBarnes, jviar.
COPYING I copy anything that cant
be done on typewriter for 10c page.
Phone Oetchell. Marshall 4558. ,
THE window cleaner houseman wants
work, hour or day. Phone mornings.
PAINTING and tinting done; satisfac
tlon guaranteed. Sellwood 2775.
WANTED Work with team la clty
870 Vancouver ave.
GUARANTEED papering and tinting
ehean. Tabor 5258. v
KAT.SMMTVf V44 ' roc-m up East $7.
LACE curtains laundered: 18 yars' ex-
perience. Mrs, scott. noor 01133.
TOUNG woman take care two rooms;
good housekeeper.; H-lOO, journal.
RELIABLE woman wants work, day
or hour. Main tz,
! A COMPETENT fitter, best references. ,
would take full charge of alteration ;
department. No objection to out of
city. Phone Main 3286. F-148. journal
wishes work in exchange tor a gooa
nome. Hell wood 319.
a PdsiTinu ,n..kir hv Nor-
wegian woman with little boy. TX- ft
122, Journal.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker: ail kinds i
of u'(nir h 4v or at home, ex-
. I :
perienced In Blip work. Main 8086.'
?JlIESS?;.P"i,;t1n""r80 nl2
work. Doctors
Tabor 3387.
!TALENTB Pianist desires work as an .
.i"1??.111"' 'S'LMm
i Abl ,ight reader. Sellwood 2039.
WllDWl - k as house- ,
keeper or chamber work, lsiotnst., ,
op 3
CHAMBERMAID needs work. Experi-
I enced, 3 years Portland noteis; win
I substitute. F-149. Journal.
POSITION as saleslady, chocolate t
packer, office work. Would accept
any position I can fill. Tabor 3387. i
"S, iouseVe1' 1
Eugene st.
WANTED-Dressmaking in family by
dressmaker of experience. Tabor
8361. .
EXPERIENCED nurse wants any kind
of nursing; willing to help with light
housework. Main 6179. ;
'COMPETENT, neat widow desires
housekeeping in refined widower's
home. References. W-167, Journal.
UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow
wishes housekeeping in the country.
1192 East Harrison.
WANTED, position in small family by
refined middle aged woman. K-113,
7CfnT ',iahoa in OCBlgt wlth hnn.wrli !
or care for children by day or hour.
Main 2866.
STENOGRAPHER wishes a few
clients; will call for and deliver
work. Rates reasonable. Main 8064.
liAYME H. KEOGH. teacher of piano.
Piano studio, 415 E. 37th cor. Grant.
COMPETENT housekeeper with five
year old girl wishes position in city;
references. East 7780.
WOMAN wants work by hour or day,
or care for children. Mars. 6064.
LIGHT work, good borne, no washing.
Mar. 3492.
MAN and wife want place to care for j
the winter for rent. fhone East
w r"fT -7r7":;rt"".wiVt" rrn"-' I
stress. Phone Wood. 2157 after j
8 P- m- 1
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants
sewing by day, good fitter, neat and
oulck. Woodlawn 2975.
CALL TAioR 1526 tor plain and fash
ionable dressmaking; prices reaeou
Me. p.,qA tttvp. at hr,m or br dav.
Prices reasonable. Woodlawn 1126.
NURSE with 2Vs years' training
WOuld take cases of any kind. Phone
Furnished rooms-, hot and cold water,
steam heat; rates $2.50 up. 443 Vt
Washington st,
A SUITE of furnished rooms, with
piano, for 2 or 3. 201 10th, cor.
(hilTEL (IM1M11E oakMod1.
ern. fireproof, respectable. $3 week up.
SAN MARCO Hotel, modern rooms $2
per week and up; transient. 50o up.
4 22 Washington st.
RYAN Hotel Annex, 2694 6th; new
brick, hot, cold water evry room.
steam neat, opp. my Hail. M. sJi5.
$1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern
fur, rms.. central. The King. 309 Jef.
FURNISHED steam heated rooms
31. SO per week. 3 81 Yamhill St.
Rooms ami apartments in modern
hotel. $1.76 week and up. 465 Alder.
2 FURNISHED rooms for gentleman;
furnace, bath, very close In. west
side, all modern: no other roomers,
reasonable. Main 3291. 322 Liroad
way W.
FOR RENT Four completely fur
nished rooms, $13 per month with
gas. wood, light and water included, in
private bom
on uawtnorna ave.. near
Phone Tabor 663.
If desired.
470 Columbia St. Mar.
FURNISHED rooms in private fam
Ily, near Lincoln high school. Just
I right lor t young men a 00 west
I Broadway. Showers, baths.
j IN WEST SIDE apartment, near 21st
and Washington streets- steam heat,
exceptionally well located, price rea
sonable. Marshall 3600.
NICE front room, reasonable: alro
large side room; light and well fur
nished. 471 Taylor near 14th. Mar
shall 2546.
REFINED young lady Catholic pre
ferred, to share modern apt. with
yoyng lady. West sidft, walking dis
tance; reasonable. K-128, Journal.
ONE week's rent free, good clean
rooms; also H. K. rooms, $1.50 week
up, fine location. 223 West Park pc.
FURNISHED basement room for
housekeeping; laundry, bath, phone;
$3 month. 147 13th. near Alder st.
6LEEPING porch and warm dressing
room for two, with breakfast, Mar
shall 3848. .
3 OR 4 rooms, 933 Division, 31st St.;
jitney line; at house Sunday, or Sell
wood 2554 after.
75c UP Rooms and apartments, fur
nished; gas, bath. Phone East 4834,
604 East Clay.
LARGE room, hot, cold water, f urrace
heat, walking distance, west side.
267 Chapman et.
FRONT room with piano; use of
kitchen; suitable for ladles. 351 Sac
ramento st.
NICELY' furnished rooma, modern con
veniences, central, very reasonable.
404 Clay, near 10th.
LARGE, airy rooms, single or ensuito.
modern privileges.
reasonable. 2 1 4
12th st
ONE or two pretty bedrooms, strictly
private home, clean, respectable,
looking privileges. Sellwood 2121.
ONE OR TWO furnished rooms, near
Lincoln high school. Marshall 1599.
MODERN room. Fordham Apts., 23d
and Wash. Marshall 1684.
$1.60 WEEK, nice front room, bath,
phone, close in. 420 H Jefferson.
2 OR 3 furnished H. K. robmt.
E. Stark j.t.
ROOM m private family. Ladles pre
ferred. 445 Weidler st.
i TWO nic laree unfurnished rooms. 171
isth st. Main 9451.
. .
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, wun
ore without board; steam heat- Run-
ir SDK 3rd
IN good home 2 or 3 girls under five;
no other children; references given.
Sellwood 2554.
A. C. S. FAMILY would like lady
roomer or 2 children to board. Ta
tor 879. ;
ROOM and board for lady and 2 small
children. Phone Wood. S459.
ANNA Lewis Hall. 610 Flanders, bust
fiess girls and students $4. $6.76 wit.
WANT to board i people; cheap. Sell.'
YOUNG widow with modern home
wants couple or single people to
board and room, nome privileges and
tJULO. one block from car line.
uuuu suDurDan nome on oreg. ciec
c, "r a child Between tne age oi
tFuTJSliwtth T?2u
board In family of three-adults In
! a desirable neighborhood, walking dis
tance, fnone Marshall oi.
HAVE excellent suburban home near
Vtrvjl 114 Uaat pbM -ao rvn
t aoie cnarge. xapor 3 baa.
BOARD and room wun home comtorts
Piedmont. 1178 Williams ave. Wood
awn 2585.
X OR 2 rooms with or without board
U8s of Kitchen and laundry; honu
; conveniences. 427 E. 47th N. R. C. cif.
COUPLE to room and board In private
home: use of
whole house. 961
Cleveland ave.
OXE or two cniidren given good care,
near school Main 6054
WANTED, good home for two chil
dren, boy 9 and girl 6 years old.
German Jews preferred. Call Wood
lawn 4349.
GENTLEMAN wants room an$ board
in private family, west side pre
ferred. Sellwood 2801. J. P. Criley, 869
E. 26th st.
ONE room with kitchenette, complete
ly furnished, steam heat, running
hot and cold water, phone in every
room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison
sts.. 12 up. 291 Columbia st.. cor ath.
HAVE nicely furnished rooms, also
iioueaeeping irum i.ov , wees up.
265 6th st. 4 blocks from
NICE clean furnished and unfurnished
suites, 2. 3, 4, 6. 6 room suites.
Cheap rent. 392 V4 E. Burnside, corner
Grand ave.
OUTSIDE rooms, electric lights, gas,
bed linen. Free phone and bath, $1.50
week up. 445 Columbia,
CLEAN desirable one and two room
suites, $2 and up. 333 Clay St.. cor.
TWO housekeeping rooms. $10 per mo.
545 V4 Washington, near 16th.
ROYCREST, 176 12th.
single rooms, piano.
-Suites anc
o- f!om A no Free bath, hot, cold water.
4,00111 ttpibi $1 week up. 401 1st st.
rxm wished aits mmrsiriSKEs
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
z, 6 or 4 rooms, man and wife or
bacheior rLr,8. no' chUdren or dogft
rent reasonable, free phone, light and
water, iso e. 7th st.. North, one block
east or N. p. coilegft,
TO RENT Furnished 2 room house
keeping suites. 12 minutes' walk to
shopping district, free phones, lights
and water. Clean, light, cozy. Call
East 4674.
FRONT and back parlor, running
water, gas range, phone, very pleas-
am, quiet neignoornooa; oniy xy montn.
42 N. 21st st.
TWO large partly furnished house
keeping rooms, separate entrance;
More like flat. Phone East 3989. 247
Halsey st.
ONE 3 room suite, 1 larger room an3
Kitchenette, desirable location, rea
sonable. Phone East 2991. 641 E.
Madison. 1 block from Hawthorno
306 14TH tT. Clean, pleasant 1. K.
rooms; free gas, bath, phone, lights;
line location, can Sunday and even
REDUCED to $10. clean, comfortably
furnished 2-room suite; electricity,
cooking gas, heat and bath furnished.
tx3 Heimcmi, near Z3d st.
1,- 2 or 3 front rooms. 1st floor; also
basement rooms: cheap to steady ten
ants; walking distance. 321 Broadway,
at -jay.
$12.60 3-room suite, quite large, eleo
trie lights, hot and cold water, also
two-room suite; $10; walking distance.
67 N. 20th.
3-ROOM apartment, sleeping porch, no
other roomers, walking distance;
$13.60. East 4981. 680 D. Oak 8t.
2 NICE clean, well furnished H. Iv
rooms, newly papered, bath and free
ngnt. id. 00 montn. 23 Hall st.
LARGE airy H. K, rooms, single or
en suite; cheap; single room $1.50
per week. 2U 13th st.
2 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms.
bath, gas, $10 a month, 686 Petty-
grove st.
FOR RENT 2 partly furnished rooma
lor housekeeping, in private family.
Taoor b34Z.
$9 2 furnished H. rooms, ground
floor, front, back, entrance, walking
aistance. n.ast iszb.
THREE furnished H. K. rooms, walk
ing distance; private bath, fuel
rlano. $16. East 3332. 166 East 12th
LARGE well furnished housekeeping
rooms, close in, reduced rates. 268
Jefferson, near Fourth.
LARGE front room, kitchen, cheap
nice suite, $2 week, large yard. 387
.hirst st.
NICELY furnished H. K, and single
roms, warning aistance. uooa loca
tion. Call Main 8539.
LARGE front H. K. rooms with piano
and fireplace, reasonable. 294 Jef
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms, an modern conveniences. 527
E. Burnside St.
2.25 VYiiaait, including light, gas.
pnone ana oatn. zoi ldtn, cor. 'lay
NICELY furnished rooms, 2 blocks Jef-
ferson high.
1016 Commercial St.
Woodlawn 2426.
CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms.
7 room house. S car south to Whlt
taker. 821 Kelly st Marshall 3266
TWO clean furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, range, sink, bath, phone.
East 606. 95 East 80th.
NICELY furnished suite 18.60.
Belmont. Tabor 632.
PART of pleasant home, two or thrco
adults. 656 Yamhill. Main 4416.
THREE unfurnished rooms for house
kfenlng. 470 Main st.
TWO or 3 room suites, fireplace, first
floor. 129 13th.
NICELY furnished rooms. $1.60 and $2
per week. 241 6th st.
CLEAN H. K. rooms $2.50 per week.
72 N. 14th. Marshall 2360.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, large rooms,
clean and light. Woodlawn 854.
TWO front furnished housekeeping
rooms, cheap. East 6941. Wdln 320.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or
sleeping rooma. 328 H N. 17tt st.
FIRST floor housekeeping, furnished,
steam heat, desirable. 433 Market.
2 AND 3 large modern H. K. rooms,
1st floor, private en trance. 429 Main.
ROOM Cottage, 3625 49th St., 1 block
Creston school, $11. Phone Owner,
Woodlawn 3330.
$15.00 GOOD 6-room house, nice dis
trict. 269 Halsey at. Phone Eait
6 ROOM modern house. 306 Crosby
Just-off Broadway brldre; rent $16,
Including water. Phone EL 6797.
IRVINGTON, 7 rooms, modern.
No. 626 E. 16th N. McGulre.
2 4-ROOM clean bungalows, $8 and $10.
Gas, bath, electric. Call 408 Fremont
st. A. B. or W. L. care.
687 FLANDERS ST., dwelling, 7 rooms
and bath, walking distance. House
In good repair.
6 ROOM bungalow and 8 lots, 75 W.
Prescott st. Tel. Woodlawn 476.
8 ROOMS, electricity, gas, fireplace,
near new Couch school. Main 618.
4 ROOM cottage. $7.60. In Hawthorne
Qlstrlct, near car. TaDor inn.
$5i-4 r. and bath. No. $1 E. 74th., M.
v. car. Main iocs.
COTTAGES, 89-91 North 15th. 1.
Drake. 21 North 2nd.
v-,-, -'f ;v;tvy re,:: X &."V
" fCesttanvOt
POWERS RienUU Bureau A ssnrlce
absolutely without cost to you; no'
charges of any kind; hundreds f de-
sirable locations In good localities:
l atory bungalow in Kose vnty rare,
all built-in conveniences, nice lawn;
$11. - J
room bungalow In Rossmere. mod-;
rn, hardwood floors, garden, gar-,
age; $18.
trtct, modern, nioe yard; 20 M, I
S room UUngaJOW, tiawmorno
trict, excellent . condition.
noor. rurnace; $24.
Third and Yamhill.
$10 to $40. 6, 6 and 7 room
houses in all parts of the city.
$10 7 rooms and gaTage;
brand new, never occupied.
$40 14 rooms, west 1de.
The Oregon Home Builders,
1330 Northwestern Bank BJdg.
Marshall 3718. A-6291.
BUNGALOW, up to date. 6 rooms, neat
and clean, hardwood floors, built
in buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, fire
place, furnace, attic, basement, fine
lawn ana xiowers, ior biii&u j..miijr 4v
per month, at 11$ E. 43d st.
v-room modern bungalow
6-roorm modern house $17.00
1 4-room modern house $ 8.00
1 4-room modern house $ 6.00
Paul Waidt, 1267 Belmont st. Tabor
Phone Mar. 4600 A-6101.
We have at all times a reliable list
of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. In
all parts of the city. Avail yourself
01 this IfHKB service. mionnwwu
cheerfully furnished.
With bath, hot and cold water, self-
liehttna- aas ranees, water heaters.
coolers, linoleum in bath and kitchon.
built in beds and bookcases, hardwoou
floors, full basement, fine attic, gas
and electricity, clotheslines, lawns end
each oni fenced by Itself, on Webster
and n;. 13th sts., 1 block norm 01
Alberta car. Owners. Blanchard &
Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg.
$35 7 rooms. 670 Broadway; garage.
$30 7 rooms, sleeping porch, 711
$268 rooms, 1305 Mallorv ave,
$25 10 rooms, 144 N. 18th st.
$206 rooms, 79 E. 19th st. N.
404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699.
1S-ROOM house, first-class repair.
ideal arrangement for boaratng
he use or subletting, Just the .place
for a wMeawnkn husiness person: cen
tral, east side, walking distance; $30.
R unrtl tft !in MONTHLY.
Cottage, nothing fancy, but nice yard
with fruit, berries and dowers and on
naved street: bath and toilet. 29 W.
Alberta st. Fred W. uerman -o,
Cham, of Com.
BUNGALOW on Mt. Tabor, 4 rooms,
$9; chicken house, vegetable garden,
lawn, fruit, excellent view. Mt. Tabor
car to 68th, 2 blocks north, 1 west. s3
E. 67th. inquire next floor.
8.60 4 room house, bath and toilet;
across street from Clinton-Kelly
school, on Woodstock carllne. See own
er at 665 E, 26th, or pnone beuwooo.
Modern 7 and 10 room houses n
Patton Road; day call Broadway 405;
evenings. Main 8643.
TWO 6-room cottages, 886 Broadway
and Union. Rent reduced to io.
Sanitary arrangements perfect; walk-
lng distance. C-2910.
MODERN 6 room house, electric fix
tures, gas and furnace. Cheap to
good tenants. 1026 Woodward ave.
East 1828.
A NICE 5 room cottage on oarline, 7
minutes from 3rd and Morrison, east.
$8 per month. Call at 318 Common
wealth bldg.. Mr. Wask.
6 ROOM bungalow. $8.50, 2 blocks car.
926 E. 30th. Newly painted and
tinted. Tabor 6414.
$14 CLEAN five-room house, gas.
bath, yard; walking distance. 691
6th st.
FOR RENT New five-room modern
bungalow, two blocks east Clinton
Kellv school. Phone East 666.
6-ROOM bungalow and barn for rent
cheap. Call Tabor 3802 after 9 P- m.
week days.
4 ROOM L-ungalow, $10. neat and attrac
tive, 1606 E. Ankeny st. Fred W. Ger
man Co.. 7 23 Chamber of Commerce.
SEVEN room nouse. East aih and
Market, electric light, gas. $12. Phone
B. 6757 morning or evening.
FOR RENT 3 houses. 851,, 849, 17
First St., South Portland. Phone
Tabor 2085.
$10 5 ROOM cottage, strictly modern,
like new, white Dutch kitchen, lawn,
nice neighborhood. Tabor 4934.
4 ROOM modern house, 1 block from
car, rent S montn. water paia.
Call at 6606 40th ave. or 5616 39th ave.
S. E.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage, fur
nished or unfurnished, very reason
able. 212 E. 84th St.
NEARLY new 5 room bungalow: fire
place, with 100x100; large chicken
house, barn, fruit, etc. Tabor 4929.
FOR RENT Bungalow, 5 rooms
kitchenette, sleeping porcn, wasn-
trays, etc. 46 tsiaweu ave.
7 ROOM house, with 4 lots and out
buildings; some furniture. Phone Ta
bor 210.
MODERN 11 room house, large yard.
Garage. Richmond canine. i
Woodward ave. Sellwood 1551.
FOR RENT, 6 room modern house,
cheap. Close Jefferson high. 957
Williams ave.
$10 5 room house on Russell near
E. 7th, electric lights, gas, batli,
wood range. 619 Rodney ave.
BUNGALOW, new, modern, $18, in
cluding water. 1080 Arnold at., near
E. 36th. Hawthorne district.
LAURELHURST 7 roms. modorn. $22
month; furnace, fireplace, etc. Main
8123. Tabor 2952.
NINE room house. $25. 308 10th st.,
near Columbia, west side.
EIGHT room modern, garage. $.
at 397 Eugene St. East 1933.
$10 MODERN 6 room cottage.
Monroe, pnone n;. ism.
RENT FREE 2 room house,
at 818 East 61st St., N.
$8 MODERN 6 room cottage, Wood
stock. Sellwood 1335.
RENT modern home, Ladd
Add. Ea3t
FIVE room house for rent. 630 E.
Salmon. Kant 04
FIVE room cottage. 68 E nth N. Easi
$8, $10, $12. close in, east side. East
2911. Owner.
$9 MODERN 6-room house. 1234
Corbet t; all conveniences,
463 Rodney ave., 7 rooms, rirepia-jc,
furnace: close in. Eait 8635.
7-ROOM house, cheap. West Side. 369
Chapman st
NEW 6 room house and garage.
Morrison st. Adults
806 !
EIGHT room modern house; inquire
42 E. 16th st. Phone East 2001.
$20 MODERN 8 room house.
Couch st. Phone East 7441.
611 E.
7 ROOM house. 432 Broadway,
bath. $12. Phone Woodlawn 2779
Modern 6 room house, corner
Clereland ave. and Falling et.
NICK 6 room bouse and garage, cor
ner. $25. Phone E. 4480
$12 MONTH 5 room cottage, 672 th
st., near orant.
8 ROOM house newly tinted, walking-
distance. 447 5th st-
FIVE room modern bungalow.
7th st.. N.
799 E.
FIVE room modern house, rent $10.
72 Division st, near E. 21st st
SIX room house, large yard. 230 Hal
sey near Broadway bridge. .
6 ROOMS, bath, pantry, double floors,
gas, electricity, range, convenient to
Jefferson high school; rent very cheap,
V 1 Sunday or evenings after 6:4c.
w eosier si.
3 LARGE rooms, lower floor, pantry,
bath, gas, basement, elec. lights.
stationary tubs, nice lawn and golden,
rear 3 carllnes; close In, $8. 177
Fargo. Woodlawn 984.
8 i'LUDlNQ water. 6 room cottage,
410 San Rafael st.. thoroughly ren-
a'W-.OVated thrnuirhnnl llorman Mn.ll.r
Wilcox bldg.
MODERN house, 6 rooms and sleep
ing porch; hardwood floors, hot
water heat, every modern convenience.
Garage. 560 E. 40th N
MODERN 7 room house, hard surface
street, g blocks from new Franklin
nigh school. $16. Including water.
Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg.
Dt.hlRABl.10 bungalow, b rooms, one
block from Hawthorne car. 965 Est
Market Call 10 to 1 Sunday. Phone
Main 389 week days.
$10 PER month, new b-rooni modern
bungalow restricted district, shade
.e,s'.rone ushes, on Mt. Scott carllne.
4507 70th, 8. K
J. C. COR BIN CO., Lewis Hid g
REASONABLE rent, corner house. S
rooms, close to business. Call Jami
son, Main 1940.
FOR RENT, 7 room modern house. 7M
E. Ankeny, cor. 24th. Key next door.
East S353.
ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow
thoroughly modern, references. Alar
shall 784, roomlOS.
SIX room cottage, walking distance.
630 E. Madison, reasonable rent.
Phone East 6713.
6 ROOM, modern, carpets and cur
tains down stairs. 1220 Union ave.,
N. 17. Phone East 3513.
6 ROOM modern cottage. 291 Han
cock; easy walking distance; $12,
lyluding water. Phone E. 7f7
TWO small houses, 3 rooms with stable
if wanted, suitable for express man
or man with tennis. 846 E. Stsrk.
A MoDtiRN house of lx rooms, sleep
ing porch. 246 N. 17th, near Broad
way. 5-ROOM modern house, east, 1278 0tn
St., Woodlawn district. Call week
days, Columbia 2fi,:.
CLEAN 6 room house, 32d and Bel
mont, $15. Tabor 1811. W. H. Saw
tell. $6 6-ROOM house, not modern. 2 lots,
near Woodlawn car. 660 Leland ave..
corner 18th.
ONE modern 5-room bungalow at 841
E. 10th S. 'Call todav, between 10
a. m. nnd 4 p. tn. Phono Sellwood 2117.
MODERN 5 room cottage In good con
dition. 440 Rosh pt.. near Broadway
bridge; $11. Including water. E. 3612.
6 ROOM modern house. No. 1 E. 72d
St.; water vmld; $11. Suite 202. 170
3d St. Marshall 205.
6 ROOMS, completely furnished, $125;
walking distance. Main 4613. 306
Couch bldg.
WE have lor lease a beautiful furnish-.
ed house containing living, dining,
breakfast rooms, 2 tiled baths, 4 largo
bedrooms and Bleeping por'-h; old Ivory,
mahogany 'and oak finish, irientul
ruga, Chlfkerlng piano; other furnish
ings to correspond; references requir
ed. No phone information.
J. C. CORBIN T).. Lewis Bldg
FOR RENT A modern 6 room house.
2 blocks from carllne, in Groveland
park, unfurnished. $18 per month, wa
ter included. Furnished. $25. water
included;. Call Tabor 6205 after 7
o'clock p. m.
4 room California, bungalow, very
neat and attractive both Inside and
out; nioe lawn, berries and flowers;
near Firland. Fred W. German Co.,
732 Cham, of Com.
Portland Heights
6 rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
on car line, near school. Marshall
f.91. Main 6456.
R. R. men:
4, 6. 6 room modern cottage, gas
and coal rani?e, close to 8. P. shops,
$15 to $18. See Mr. Kltrhin. MS E
2Rth Kt.. or phone Knst 3225
WILL lease to responsible party a
modern 6 room furnished home, fur
nace, fireplace, hard floors. French
doors, all built In effects. Call Tabor
6 ROOM modern, completely furnished,
walking distance, good Surrounding,
2 lots, fruit, garden. Chicken park.
References required. 741 E. Irving,
cor. 2 2d st.
NEW modern well furnished 6-room
bungalow, porch boxes, flowers, to
responsible adults only, or owner
board and pay difference. Inquire
743 7Sth N.
CONVENIENT small furnished house
for rent, attractive nnd clean. Mount
Scott rar to (Jravs Crossing, i clock
south. 6416 Slt st. S. E. between
64th and 66th aves.
(ROSE CITY PARK & room bungalow.
thorousrhlv modem, well furnished.
$25. References. Marshall 784. Room
FOR RENT Partly furnished or un
furnished 5-room modern house at
343 Holladay ave. Call between 10
a. m. and f p. m. Phone East 1704
R ROOM furnished, modern bungalow,
is, 1 bcautlfi:! yard, fruit trees and flow-h-
1 ers. 96S Vancouver ave. Phone Wood
lawn 3624.
MODERN 3 room cottage furnished,
nice yard and fine location. $16 per
month. See Sunday 261 E. 28th St..
1 cor. E. Madison. Take Hawthorne car.
, 5 LARGE rooms, entire lower floor;
house completely furnished; large
yard. Phone Tabor 623.
TO RENT Furnished 6 room house, 1
block from school, 1 block from car.
Call East 4574.
BEAUTIFUL modern home, fine loca
tion. 52d, near Hawthorne.
6948. Garage.
8-ROOM house, furnished complete. In
walking distance, rent $27. Phone
Main 2044.
FURNISHED modern 6-room cottage,
eafct Hide, no children, phone Mar
shall 3086.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cot
tage, walking distance. 91 E. 10th
rt. E-342.
4 ROOM furnished house, lights.
close to car and school; $10 month.
1 Capitol Hill. Phone Marshall 1874
7 ROOM house; hardwood floors, Turk
ish rugs, player piano: reasonable.
Phone Marshall 3916, Main 2235.
FURNISHED 6 room hous for rent;
6647 82d at., S. E., near good school,
$10 per month. Phone Tabor 794.
FURNISHED 4 room modern cottage;
2 blocks to car; near high, school.
Phone Tabor 2538.
NICELY furnished 6 room modern cot
tage, 2 blocks to Woodlawn car.
Phone Tabor 3 420.
BEST, district Dutch colonial, white
enamel and hardwood floors; $56;
references. East 6382.
A MODERN furnished house, 7 rooms.
I , piano. ' s blocks from car. inquire
I ""03 batn ave. pnone raoor 46B6.
ti ROOM furnished house and 6 room
modern unfurnished flat, cheap, fine
location. 840 E. Ankeny. E. 6787.
j partly furnished. 7-room cottage!
j large yard. Telephone Sellwood 2762.
Hi FL'RXISHED bouu. Monti-
villa car. Main 1910.
FURNISHED house for rent 104 Stan-
ton st.
MODERN furnished cottage, 5 roorai;
also small flat. 514 E. 21st. R. M. car.
$16 MONTH, modern, furnished house,
6 rooms. 2003 E. Flanders.
FURNISHED 7 room house, 692 Hoyt
St.; reasonaoie; rererences. Mar. ZH4Z.
MODERN 6 room house, furnished;
reasonable, 6816 44th ave., S. E.
FURNISHED 6 room bungalow in
Rose City Parle Fhons Tabor" 47t6.
.7 AND 4 room , house, walking dls-
tance. .inquire gee iiuamooa.
. . Ooattanedl ;; '
$26-6 rooms7 mode'rnconsi4ly
furnished, at 186 E. Taylor iL near
E. 29th. li
$66 S large rooms, besides Bleeping
porch and servant's room; handsomely
furnished; garage; large grounds. 100
100 ft., in one. of the beat residence
districts on east side.
404 Wilcox bldg. Main
"ROOM furnished house on corner E.
16th and Ixlngton. 1 block to car
line; $18. Phone Sellwood 1496 or
TttE- iiMH.L
6th and Columbia Sts
Five minutes walk t-- Meier A
Frank's store; good surroundings;
strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished
apartments, fc'.l outside, with Kiench
doors and balconies.
THE GLENN APTS. We are going to
have a large 3 room unfurnished apt.
vacant soon. Also small 3 room apt.
All outside rooms, with extra large
latent plate glass windows. No bettir
ventilated apartments In the city.
Hardwood floors and large kitchen.
No children. P84 Hawthorne ave. Ta-
Dor til 00. B-2332.
McKinley Apartments
Modern 3 room apartments. $16 mt,
and up. one 4 room apartment, $26,
with private baths, phones, fireproof
building. Walking distance, A nice
place for nice people. East Seventh
snd Morrison. East 11100.
Lucretia Court
Lucretia St., bet. Wnsh. and Ever
ett sts. Most beautifully located high
class apts., 2-8-4-G rooms. All modern
conveniences, first class service. Prices
reasonable. References required. Man
ager Mar. 1513.
624 Marshall st.; 20th and Marshall sts.
Beautiful 3 room furnished apart
ments, all largo outside rooms, private
baths, heat, water, phone. Janitor serv
lce, etc.
Modern fireproof brick building; 3
and 3 room furnished upls.; altio single
rooms, heat, water, phone and Janitor
fceric Included. l"ilc tlk un
Main 543T.. 606 Jefferson st.
:;th and Taylor.
Modern, completely furnished apts.
Walking distance. References.
All large, ouutlde rooms. King Hill
Gist., phone, heal. adultM
Pi All lll-W AUDXKIt CO.,
Stock Ex'.
THREE big outside rooms, .grounl
floor. The most desliable vou ever
saw; homelike. Don't fall to see them
Reasonable. 816 Alblna, Mississippi
FLO REN cTTTapa' RT ME N T 8 3 a nd J
room completely lurniahed apart
ments sleeping porches, roof garden,
sand box for children, reasonable
rates, 388 lllh St.
and Grand ave.,
3 room furnished.
Walking distance.
N. VV. cor. Belmont
new, modern, 2 and
Service first class.
EEoANi' b 1 00111 apartment with
sieeplr.g porch h n, Hll modern con
venience. Main 4376 or after 6 pm.
1 HE H ANKLET New modern 3 room
unfurnished apartments, private bath
and phone; lare outmde rooms; $2o
$25. 368 13th st.
$22.603 Room APARTMENT,
turnlshcd, close hi, Wash, and 22d.
bain, phone, heat, water
fl I 1 II-W Alii I.VKK CO, Stork Fx.
ern brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished,
private phone In each apt.. $16 and up.
Marh;l' 41.17.
Park st. at Madison.
Modern 2. 3 and 4 room furnished
apartments, close in. bv week or month
COMPLETELY furnished 3 room
apartin.-nt. 12 month. Including heat
?r.1..rllBnl" BELKNAP APART
MLNTS. 187 17t h M n ear Yamhl 1 1 .
3&0V4 Morrison st.
Under new management.
Furnished and unf urnlshed rooms.
Large, modern 2 and 'J room fur and
unfur., brl. k bldg., bct kci v l.-o. walk
ind ills. , reasonably . 42! Hnr rton m.
208 16TJ1 ST. Marshall 2311.
Nice 6 room fur. and unfur. apta.,
lo 3 and 4 room fur niiis.
111E BHKrHiil.P. Z7U Druauwiiy ri.
3 and 4 room fur. and unfur apts.,
walking distance! at very reasonable
rent; best of gervlre. Miiln -'Sfihi.4
BL'ENA VISTA. 12th and)7arriaon. A -
1 house; all outside apts., stilcUy
- . ...... ....a, ..1 .1111 lJ 0 1 or
2V1H in J l.
FURNISH El ) 2-3-4 rooni hardwood
floors, fireplace, $12 up. Modern.
Acro"," J?roaJwar bridge. 344. Benton
St. M. 7013.
t room furnished, steam heated
apartment in new brick building of 9
apts. 927 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 896
PENINSULA APTS., C-1170; concrete
bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold
water, baths, phone, steam heat 112 un
furnished apt. In Lsdd Add. Heat.
light, cooking, ge, phone; evvry
thlng furnished; $20. E. 6002.
NEW apartments lu new orick build.
ing. Broadway and Clay. Price
reasonable. Main ECO I.
2 OR 3 room furnished pt., modern,
no chlff h for rooklnv rnm e .l.t.iM
light. Harrison Court. 6th-Harrton.
FURNISHED apartments and sleeping
rooms, very low rates.
413 ft Wash.
Ington st.
3 ROOM apartments, private - bath.
outside rooms, west side, onlv no
per montn. ai. j-,ee, oust .;orpett bldg.
ROSE FRIEND, 286 Uroadway B.; mod.
ern uniurnisnen apts.; large rooms,
bent service, walking dlst. Mar. 1410.
3 ROOM modern brick apts., private
phone, bath, $15; walking distance.
Westfal a pts, 410 6 1 h at.
ROSENFELD (brlca; 14th and East!
Stark; It rooms, 1 side room-, quiet,
THE CLARKETON apartments, 800 E.
Ankeny; 4 rooms furnished. Phone
Eat 6621.
4 ROOMS, walking distance, hardwood
floors, residential district reason
"hie. Portnomsh, 2oo E 13th.
NOKOMIS. 6t5 Marshall Modern 3
room furnished, private bath, dressi
Ing room and pho .. s l f, to no.
MAGNOLIA APTS.. K. 3d and Belmont
Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per
week up. Sleeping rooms. East 213.
WAS SELL AITS 665 E. Yamhill. 4
and 6-room unfurnished apartments;
veryreagonable rent,
THE LA U RETTK 3 room furnished
apartments; private bath and phone.
229 1 1th st.
BRIGHT, clean 2 room apartment,
large closet, very reasonable, walk-
Ing distance, 163 17th. cOr, Morrison.
CLARK Apts., 2 rm. fur., dis. beds)
phone, light, heat. $12 up. Mar. 6064.
AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4,
6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M-7616. A-267,
CAMAR. 704 Loveiov. 2 and 3 rm...
also basement
apt., lit m ,
3-koo.m apt., with pri1
rlvate bath, light' :
ed, $14. 882 E
Ash, Altaapts.
NEW, modern G room flats. 12 It -An".
keny. East 1 666. 1
$8 4 ROOM flat
608 E. Clay.
MODERN 6 room Hat, cheap.
cornett st. j
$10 AND UP. 3. 4 and 6-room flats at
68 Montgomery. Main 2079.
$10 Nice flat, walking distance; gas
range; water. East 2409.
MODERN 4 room flat, cheap. , 420 Gan-'
tenbein are.- " .
(Ooattaued on Vex 2ageF