The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 26, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Banquet Will Be Held Satur
day Evening, and Congress
May Be Formed,
Bonfire and Maxshmallow Toast Will
Close Day's Festivities; Commit
tals for Occasion Are Warned.
The second annual lnatltuta of th
Christian Endeavor union will begin
at Oak Grove next Friday and last
over Monday. The session on Friday
will be In the evening:, but on the re
maining three days they will last all
Entertainment has been provided for
women attending in neighboring j
homes, but It will be necessary for the ;
men to bring their own blankets.
Through the kindness of the local
board it has- beei made possible to
serve meals in the Oak Grove school.
bSSrS w?u P UuB
beach at the close of the evening es-
eaturaay evening a Danquei vm ot ,
held at which time it is planned to
form a congress consisting of union
officers and Christian Endeavor presi
dents. Miss Estella Ford, who has i
Just returned from an eastern trip in
the Interest of Christian Endeavor
work, and Miss Opal Whitley, who re
cently returned from Junior Endeavor
work In the eastern part of the state,
are expected to address the Saturday
evening session.
Monday will be given to "one grand
picnic" of all Endeavorers and friend.
Basket lunches will be in order thla
day and In the afternoon Earl Felk?
will direct a program of games and
The Institute will close In the eve
ning with a bonfire and marshmallow
toast and the final evening watch. As
Monday is Lalxr day it is hoped that
a large number will he able to attend.
Special transportation facilities havu
been assured.
The committees of Oak Grove young
people who have been appointed are:
Banquet committee. Miss Margaret
Huddlestone. chairman; Miss Elva
Lardisty and Miss Nancy Kouky; deco
rating. Rev. Dow Deling, chairman;
Miss Elva Ulshoffer, Charles Wagner
and Miss Florence Bullard; entertain- .
ment. Miss Nellie Pfennlnger, chair-
man; Miss Minnie Pfennlnger, Ml3 1
Kathryn Kuks, Mrs. Dow DeLong and j
Miss Mabel Stromer; advertising, C. )
D. Smith. j
Church Advertising
Gains New Recruits
naday School Increases lumbers Ml '
. . . ,
la Po&r Weeks; Wew Books Kecelved
at PabUo Ubraxy Oorer Wild Field.
"Even a church in Joplin, Mo., re- The conference program is: Pacific
cently advertised for Sunday school German at Rosalia, Wafch., Auju-.t 31;
attendants in the local daily and Columbia River conference at Lcwls
withln four weeks Increased its mem- ton, Idaho, September 6; Puget Sound
bershlp 121 scholars." says Q. H. E. ' conference at Everett, Wash., Setem
Hawkins in a chapter on "Why Advor-; ber 13; Pacific Swedish conference at
tlslng Pays," in his work on "News- Tacoma, September 21; Western Dan
psj)er Advertising," to be found at the ish conference at Tacoma, September
Central library. ! 23; and the Oregon conference at Leb-
"Comparative Advertising Rates." anon, September 27.
"Does Advertising Increase the Cost." 1
are other titles of Interest as chapter
Did you know that codling moth
causes the fruit growers of the United
States a yearly loss of over $12,000,
000? Are. you aware that it costs 110,000,-
.000 to screen out the house fly? To Side Christian church will enjoy a spe
whieh sum must be added the addl- cial program as the closing number
tional cost of typhoid fever annually of the "Vacation Hours."
dessemlnated to a great degree by ; In addition to a splendid selection of
that pest. ; views, local and otherwise, the fol-
Ambnt? the "undesirable" which our , lowing program will be rendered:
Immigration laws do not keep out, are, , Prelude, "Melody in A." by Parkery;
the San Jose stale, Rtpsy moth, the solo, "Saviour Breatho an Evening
Mexican cotton boll weevil, and the Blessing," Creswell, Mrs. Maude Wat
Hessian wheat fly the last named an kins; reading, "The Legend of the Hap
lmported luxury which in one year py Prince." by Hazel Hoopengarner,
cost the wheat growers $100,000,000. accompanied (by Enola Wells; offer-
In fact, 37 out of 73 of our worst
pests have been imported from for-
eign lands. (
The above- facts are taken from a 1
work entitled "Insects of Economic
Importance" by Glenn V. Herrick, a ,
proressor at Cornell university ln
economic entomology - the compara
tively new science of insect study,
which has as Its aim the prevention
of ravages by Insects.
The work has recently been added to
the Central library in the circulating
room, and should prove valuable to
anyone interested in the culture of
fruit trees, cereals, shade trees, vege
tables and farm animals.
Dr. Beers to Occupy
His Pulpit Sunday
Kev. Alexander Beers, pastor of thtjers) and "The Lord is My Shepherd"
First free Methodist church, will bo
Jn his pulpit tomorrow morning and
win preacn a special sermon, taxing
aa nia suDject ine christian Home
xne unit oi society. im sermon will
Schoor Cradle Ron of thd SuDdayi
Special music will be furnished for i
the occasion. Mrs. Beers win conduct
a special young people's meeting at .7
o'clock ln the evening. Dr. Burbank.
s special friend of Rev. Alexander
Beers, is ln the city from California,
and will preach at night. Dr. Burbank
Is a very forceful speaker, and his dis
course will be of interest to th
Eev. J. Allen Leas to
Return Next Week
' Rev. J. Allen Leas, who has been af
Toledo, Ohio, attending the national
Luther league convention, will return
to Portland the last of the month and
will resume full charge of the serv
ices at St James Lutheran church on
the first Sunday in September, at
wlcb time services will t held both
morning and evening. Rev. Walter X.
Eck, of The Dalles, will conduot the
morning service tomorrow. There will
he no evening service.
-All Day Services Tomorrow.
, Special services will be conducted
at Salvation Army headquarters.
. lit 1"3 First street, all day Sunday by
- lieutenant-Colonel T. YL Scott
r , -j v.
11 f ! 1
. . . . ... .
w. reading from left to right Mrs. Dow Delong, Eliztbeth
i Wagner, Iargaxet Huddlestone, Katheryn Kuks, Florence Bol-
lard, Elva Ulshoeffer.
,eft to nht-ReV. Dow DeLong, Elva LardlSty, Nancy Kosky,
Mable Stromer, Hazel Wood, Charles Wagner.
(Front, left to right C. D. Smith, L. It. Carrick,, Ellenore Ewlng.
First Appearance Is to Com
mence the Last Day of Au
gust, It Is Announced,
Local members of the Methodist
church will undoubtedly be pleased
to learn that Bishop Hughes is to
begin his conference tour this next
week. Many have been disappointed
because it was impossible for the
bishop to make any public address.
but the trouble he was having with
nls throat has about disappeared and
n ,s now Possible for him to speak
ln public with safety.
The bishop stated that at no time
has his trouble been as serious as
many people thought it was. Tl was.
however, necessary that he do little
talking and that he take precautio'n
that the trouble did not grow serious.
The first conference will bexui the
win have
y weex ana iwo in
one week until the end of Set)te nber.
According to present plans the bishop
will not preach ln this city until after
the ck)se tf hls conference ,,IO(Sram.
No dates have been announced.
Christian Church to
Have Good Program
On next Sunday evening the East
tory, "Even Song," by Rockwell; post-
lude, "Fasaret." by Dubois; Mrs. L.
m. cieek, organist.
At the morning service, the pastor,
A. L. Crim. will peak on "Paul's
Mountain Top." Mrs. Maude W'atkiiia
will sing "My Soul Waiteth for the
Liord," Adams.
To Occupy Pulpit
for Rev. Dr. Dyott
Dr. Walter Henry Nugent whchas
been occupying the pulpit of the First
Congregational church during the ab
sence of Dr. Dyott, will speak next
Sunday at 11 a. m. on "Where to Place
the Emphasis." In the evening his
' theme will be "The Futility of Flight."
H. G. Whipp, precentor and soloist.
will sing "Out of th Depths' (Rog
fT.lddln. A special Droeram of inter
est to alj h8J t,een planned in place
of the regular class work. A special
i invitation Is extended to all atrangera
; )n the cUy t0 worship ln this church.
Westminster to Hear
Minneapolis Pastor
I Rev. John T. Bergen, D. D..
MlnneapoUs, Minn., will be ln Port
land over Sunday and will preach both
morning and evening at Westminster
Presbyterian Church, East Seventeenth
and Schuyler streets. In the morning
his subject will be "Tour Gospel
In the evening at 7:45 Dr. Bergen
will conduct a special service in the
nature of a memorial to the herolo
dead of the great war and a prayer for
the bereaved and for peace. A cordial
welcome is extended, especially to
Basket Dinner to Be
Provided by Church
Special services will be held at the
Church of Christ of Lents. Fifty-sixth
avenue and Eighty-fourth street to
morrow. Eldar R, P. Williams of Mo
lalla will occupy the pulpit at 11 a.
m. and 8 P. m. Elder D. W. Sum
mers of Salem will preach at 3 p. m.
A basket dinner will be provided for
all present. A large number ar ex
pected from other points. Everybody
will be welcomed.
t ' ' 4 3. I
Woman Missionary
Wins High Honors
Mrs. Lura Hefty of Cottage Grove,
Oregon who sailed Aug. 26, by steam
ship Peryo Maru from San Francisco
la called the "Pollyanna1 of China's
missionary teachers. Mrs. Hefty's vi
vacious spirit and cheerful handling
of difficulties in her hard field won
her this title from the officers of the
Methodist Woman's Board who sent
her to China. She goes to Ngucheng,
a field where the women and children
live ln dire poverty, Ignorance and su
perstition. This la her eighth year of
teaching in China.
Rev, Mr. Fenton to
Preach Tomorrow
Rev. W. J. Fenton, of the First M
E. church, south, returned this morn
ing from a hunting trip ln the south
ern part of the state. He will be In
his pulpit tomorrow morning and
night. Morning service at 11, even
ing service at 8. Sunday school at 10
o'clock. I
Tenth Sunday After Trinity !
Sunday School Lessons Tomorrow.
Lenon Totio.
Journeying to Jerusalem Act 0. 18-88.
(Acta 20. 18-87 U printed)
Mamortzn Yarifl 24.
Golden Text. I commeud you to God, tnd
t) the word of tail grace. Actn 20. H2.
Home RoadiDfi. M. Revisiting Macedonia.
Acts 2i. 1-6. T. Karewell berTlce at Troaa.
Acta 2o. 7-15. W. Journeying to Jerusalem.
Acta 2J. l-27. Th. Exhortation to OTeraeera,
Acta 20. 2-38. F. Prayer for Epheslana, Epb.
3. 14-21. S. Putting nn the new man, Eph. i.
17-32. 5. 1'aul a expectation, i iim. . o-s.
Young People'! Toplci.
Christian EndeaTor "CarelesaneM Versna
ThnughtfulnesB." Heb. 2:1-7.
JunU r Christian Endeavor 'China, the Mid
dle Flowery Kingdom." laa. 52:10.
B Y P. I . Jcsna ixunminii ana tne
Spirit of Jesua," Matt. 2S:ld. 20; 20 25-23.
nrt White Temple 12th and Alder
Dr. Maurice P. Flkes, pastor pro tern. 11.
Petrified ReUglon'; 8. "me reast ot
Swedlsa-Klnnlau MUslon wnne 'ifmpie
EaBt Side E. 20th and Ankeny sis Kev.
O. Sbank, pastor
T i r
ii. u, - ..03,
Highland E. etb ai.a A.Derta tev. lbm.
Meier, pastor, 11 a. m.
Arleta Kev. w. J. . npriggs. ii, i .u.
Ualveraity Park Rev. C. L. Heskett. 11,
Swedlsn loin ana tioyi nev. x. ljeruianu.
pastor, lo:45 and 7:30.
lirace aiouiuvm ivr. u. v....... n
.nil 8 Morning sermon by Dr. A. M. Petty.
St. J on 18 tteT. x.. r. iwiueu. pa-iut. ,
Calvary E Stti and lirant Rev. Tbomea
Stephenson, acting pastor, 11 a. m. and 7:45.
Mt Caivary ban hug auu ui uuu - '
Rev A. M Machack. 11. 8.
XhU-Q Knott and Vancouver ave. Hev. W.
J. Beaven. 11, me rasnion oi Heaven
7:30. "Lessons oi a noiy Lite.
Chinese J. C. Maloue. 7.
Lents Kev. J. M. NelJon. 11, 7:30.
Second German Morris und Koduey ave.
Glenwe E. 4jth and Mala Rev. A. B.
Waltz 11, "The End and Aim of Baptism"; 8.
Mount Olivel Kev. W. A. Magretl, 11, b.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella.
1 First German th and Mill Rev. J. Kratt.
11 7:30.
Goodwill Mission 15th and Bolae Mlaa A.
M Nelson, superintended.
North Portland MUsiou 880 Nlcolai it.,
iriday, 8.
Rutaellville Mission Rev. Albert Laugh
bridge, a, 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 42d and Holgate Rev. Wal
ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
St Peter's Lenia Kev. t. Beutcen. 8,
10:30, 7:30. .
Pro-Catbedral 13th and Davis Rev. E. V.
O Uars. B. 1:15, 8:30, tf:4B, 11, 7:45.
St Lawrence 3d and Sherman iter. J. C.
Hugbea. d.j.s.30, 10:3O, 7:30.
tit. Patrick's lKtb and Sjvler Rev. E. P.
Murphy. s. l0:3O, 7:30.
St. rrancia E. 1Kb and Oak Rev. t. H.
Black. . b. . I";. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
aud buntou R. W. A. tialy. , a. It, 10:30,
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamaa Rev. E.
8. Olson. 0. 7. 8. U. 11. 7:30.
gt. Rose K. 53d and Alameda Bev. J.
O'rarrell. 8. 10, 7:30.
Bt. Andrew's E. utn and Alberta Rev. T.
Kiernan. 8, 1:30. 7:30.
'Ihe Madeleine E. -sib and Siskiyou Rev.
George V. Thompson. 7:3o, V, 10:3o.
Ascension E. iauihlll and E. 7oth Franci
cai: athera. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Foi-tland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Kev. K. 11. Miller. 6 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave.. and Biaa
dena Kev. B. V. Kelly. 8. Io:30, 7:30.
Holy cross 774 owdoln Rev. C Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:30.
St Ignatius' 3220 43d at, 8. E Jesuit
Fathers. J:bO. 8, 10:30. 4.
St Stephen' ld tnd E. Taylor Bev.
Warren A. Waltt. tt. 8:So. 10:30. 7:3a
St VhllliB Nerl E. lih and Hlckey Hev.
W J. Cartwrijht. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Heart K. lltb and Center Bev. G.
Bobl. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
SU Agaba K. 15tb and Miller Bev. J.
Cnmmiaky. 8, 10:30. 7i30
St, Joseph (German) lota and Coach Bev.
B Durrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Bt. StanlaUu ( fellah) Maryland ave. and
Falling Kev. F. Matbew. 8. 10:30. T:80.
btTMicbael (Italian) 4tn and Mill Bev.
U Balestra. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Rev. C.
Smith. 8, Io:30, 7:30.
8t Clarea Capitol Hill rrandacaa r
thers 7:30. 9:15. s
at Charles 34th and KUIicgiivortb Btr.
G. Snldernora. 8. -0:80. 7:30.
Flrat Park and Columbia J. A. Lord. 11,
"Building the One Church on the One Founda
tion" ; 7:45, "The Theology of Grace."
Kern Park Her. ii. K. Berry. 11. 7:89.
Weodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J.
allllinger. u. t:su.
t- . ant rii.n m iwh -, .. .
Bev. A, U Crim. 11. "PatiP. Mountain
Top"; 8, special yacation progrim.
Faction Gathers as of Yore.XJ-s
at the Headquarters UovS''i
3 OOQ Tntirth Qtroo j Messrs. Boyer, Stansbery, Hanson and
w.1 t-c.) I (Jul III OlICCli j Idleman compose the men's quartette.
The voices of all of these have
Remembrance of Says When Old
Church was Belored Sanctuary
Touches Heart of Member.
By J. De V. Johnson.
Last Sunday the morning service of
the Taylor Street Methodist church
was conducted at the temporary meet
ing place In the hall at 229 Fourth
street by the preacher in charge, Di.
M. H. Marvin, assistant editor of the
Pacific Christian Advocate.
The sermon theme was "The Philos
ophy of Disappointment." That is. the
necessity of the discipline of hardship
and suffering to fit the Christian to
fieht the "good fight" with endurance
and courage and absolute obedience to
his divine leader. It was Intended to
comfort the hearts and confirm the
faith of the congregation.
The fellowship service following was
led by A. Thurlow, and brought out
many expressions of belief and hope
and loyalty.
Patience Is Weeded,
The leader recited how he had sorely
needed patience himself one day lately
while witnessing with his own eyes
what to him was a desecration of the
sanctuary at the corner of Third and
Taylor streets, while that was as yet
He had followed some hired work
men through the long-locked doo-s
that were opened to admit them, and
had stood once more upon the sacrtl
ground inside, and had mourned ovor
the wreckage like an ancient Jew at
the temple in Jerusalem. He griev ;d
to see the Irreverent handling of ob
jects so sacred to him and to hundreds
of worshipers.
"Oh," he said, "I would glady have
bought one of the chairs before which
I had so often knelt in prayer, and
have tal en it to my home to halljvv
The present occupation of the Fourth
street hall by tho Taylor street church
Is not in any way a relinquishment of
its former position. On the contrary,
it is a confirmation of that by using
this temporary convenience for the
promotion and demonstration of the
solidarity of its body of over 350 reg
istered members who are agreed to
"stay together," and who have been
allowed. a regular preacher in the per-
son of Dr. Marvin.
The hall provides seats for the time
Rodney Avenue, at Knot, at. Rev. J F.
Cil.ormle.v, 11 and 8.
Sellwood 13th and Teulno Rev. J. R. John
aon. 11, 8.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11, .
Vernou Church of Cbriat E. 13ib and Wy.
gint J. A. Melton. 11, 7:30.
Bethel E. 82d aod Thompson Rev. An
bia.v W. Wllaon.
ModU villa E. 76th and Hoy t Rev. Eugene
Burr. 11, 8
Gladstone Rev. 3ov L. luno. 11 H.
Church of -Cbriat 5)th ave. and Mth at., on
Mt. Scott car line. 11, 8 by Rev. E. P. Will.
lams, Molalla; 3 by D. W. Summers, Salem.
Christian bclenca.
Lesson armm "Cbriat Jeeoa."
First cburcb tveiett. Ix-tween lStb and
19tb ats. 11. 8.
Second E. 6lh i oi Holladay, 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. : nd Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Myrtle Park ball. 11.
Christian Science aoc.ety Bolbrook block,
St. Johua. 11.
First Park and Midlson Rev. Luther R.
Dyott, minister, 11; 7 :-,", Rev. Walter Henry
Nugent, Newburyport, Mass.
Klrst German E. Itn and Stanton Rev. E.
O Wlllman.
Atkinson Community church E. 28 th and
Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11.
L'nlveraity Park Haven St., near Lombard
n R. , G. Gordon.
Highland B. etb and Prescott Rev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, pastor. 11, 7:45.
LiDderhurst Rev. D. B. Gray. it. 7:45.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. und Shaver St. Rev.
W. C. Kanlner. 11, S p. m.
Waverly Heights E. 33d and Woodward
1 Rev. A. C. Motes. 11 a. m., 7:45.
Sunnyalde E. 32d and Taylor Rev. 3. J.
ct,h n
i .-... i'..,
Can tne Girt or Eternal Lire lie
7:45, "A Night Visitor of Re-
Zion (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30.
Norwegian Danish Congregational Church
Sumner and E. L'3d st. N. Rev. Morten Olsen.
Services at 'l a. m., 7:45 p. m. '
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Barnett. pastor, 11
' ' and 8.
Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore st. Be?.
Samuel Nevala, 7:30.
Bt. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.
H Simpson, rector; Kev. J. G. Hatton, aa
slstaot rector. 7:30, 8:30. 10:15, 11.
Trlulty 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Very Rev. H. M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11. 3, 7:45.
St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, 7, 9:30, 11, "The Man of One
Talent"; 7:30, "Work and Wages in the
St. John's Mllwaukie Bev. John D. Riee.
3. 4.
6t. Andrew's Hereford at., Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambera ln charge. 11.
Grace Memorial Weldler and E 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, Rev. James E. Bar
St. Mlchael'a and All Augels'E. 43d and
Bioadway Key. T. F. Bowen. 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Saviour 60th ave. and 41st
st S. E. Archdeacon Chambera In charge. 11.
St. John a seiiwooa rtev. jonn i. Kies. 1L
St. Paul's Woodowre Kev. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4.
BUbop Morris Memorial cnapei, uooa 8a
marltan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard,
7 7:15.
All Saints' Church 25th and Savler Rev.
Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6 30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights G. F. Llening Jr. 11:30,7.
Fh-st lCnglish E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
D. Hnrnsc truth. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Bev. G. F. Lienlng. 10:45. 8.
Evangelical Synod.
German Evangelical. Friends' church T
coma ave. and K. 15tn Bev. Ellas N. Her
bert. 10:45, .30.
gt, Psul Evangelical chnrch 447 Failing
Rev. J. Hergert. 11. 7:30.
Free Jtethist.
Central 55th and E. Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee. 11. 7:45, Rev. N. B. Gbormley.
Flrat E. 9th and Mill Rev. A. Biers.
St Johns Rev. J. A. Hopper. '
Third Rev- R- H. Clark.
Friandi' Church.
Sunnyslde E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer
Coy. 11. 7:30.
Lents South Mala St. Rev. John Blley.
11 7 -3ft
West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
nold. 11. i:ao p. m.
Con ere ration Beth I real 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday. 8 p. m. Sat-
orda. 10:3i a. c
Latter Day Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ of LatUr Dar Saints
(Mormon ) E. 25th and Madison. 11:45. 7.
MontavlU (not Mormon) 11. 7:80.
St. James, English West Psrk and Jeffe
ao,, J. Allen Leaa. 11, sermon by Bev.
Walter L Eck. The Dsiles.
Immanuel lth and Irving Eev. J. Rich
ard OIm'U. 11. h.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Wil
liams ave. an ursosjn ivaiv. 4. a. Kim bach.
I ....ik i an
West Sid Korweaistlwai--45 N. 14th
I Kev. WUhelm Petterson. u. a.
being; for certain members and for lit
tle children who could not easily stand
through the outdoor services that were
no trial to many others. And it pro
vides a musical Instrument, a pia.o,
as a substitute for awhile for tho
church's own pipe organ that has becu
u.nled to It and kept mute for the
last two years and that the workmen
had been tearing partially from its
Singers Wow Gather.
The latest church singers who have
I sung to the accompaniment of the
great organ now gather around the
reached from the Third and Taylor
street corner far out upon the streets
and over to the plaza upon many and (
many a-S'abbath morning, and hav-s
won many a "wanderinar hnv" m th !
old worshiping place where his moth
er's religion was taught.'
As to its plans for the future, the
Taylor street church has not yet per
fected them fully beyond the "staying
toge'-her" and resuming the work to
which their organization was dedicated
when Father Wilbur set up the first
standard of the cross in Portland damt
ly 70 years ago.
New Pastor Coming
To Christian Church ;
last pastorate was Dallas, Texas lie
"Building the One Church on the I was a classmate of Dr. W. A. Mont
One Foundation," Is the subject of ! ornery at Lane Theological seminary.
Rev. J. A, Lord's sermon tomorrow but. strange to say, since their giadu
mornlng at the First Christian church, 1 ation, the ministers have never mot.
Park and Columbia streets. In the I r. Montgomery describes Dr. Blsh
evening he will speak on, "The The- op as a preacher of strong personality
ology of Grace.
Mrs. G. F. Alexander will sing "The
Niney and Nine" (Edward Campion)
in the morning, and at the evening
service she will sing "Lead Me Oh
Lord'" (Leybach). Hiss Ruth Critten
den will be the accompanist. Miss Vi
vianne De Lorey, violinist, will ren-
der an offertory solo at the morning
The first Sunday ln September Is the
time for Rev. Harpld H. Griffis, for
merly of Missoula, Mont., to take up
the work at the First church.
Mr. Griffis has been successful at
Missoula, where he has been pastor
over six years.
Elder Cottrell Is to
Give Special Lecture
The secretary of the Religious Lib
erty association of Oregon, Elder H.
W. Cottrefl, will deliver a special lec
ture on "Can Sinners be Made Chris
tians by Civil Legislation?" at the
tent. Mason street and Albina avenue,
Monday evening.
Will Use New Auditorium.
The evening services at the Glen
coe Baptist Church, East Porty-f iftii
and Main streets. Rev. A. B. Waltz,
pastor, will be held in the new au
ditorium. OF CHURCH
Bethany Danish Union ave. N. and Morrla
Kev. M. C. Jensen. Engbolm. U. 8.
Lirace English (Missouri Synod) Albina ave
and Maaon st. Rev. C. Luecke. 10:3o 7-3o'
Immanuel German Sellwood Rev Ft ' r
Ebellug. 10:30.
Uernian Evangelical Lutheran Zlon (Mla
aourl Synod) Salmon and Chapman Rev. H
U. Koppelmaun. 10:15, 7:45.
Our Savior's E. 10th and E. Grant tta
Rev. George Heuriksen. 10:10, 11:15. Con
firmation services.
Betbel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wyganr and Rodney area. Kev. J. A. Stav
ney. 11, 8.
St. Paul's German E. 12th and Clinton
Rov. A. Krauae. 10:30, Children'a Mission
Festival- 8. preaching ln German.
St. John's Peninsular and Klrkpatrlck
Rev. K. O. Salzinau, 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Augusuua Rev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10:45, 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. H. O
Hendxlckson. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. U. Lienkaemper. 11.
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank L. Love
land, minister. Kev. alter L. Airbesrt, as
sistant mlnlater. 10:3O. "The Stability of
Christ.'" by Dr. Loveland. 8, "lu Travail
of SouL" by Mr. Airheart.
Ceutenary E. Uth and E. Pine Rev. T. W
Lone. 11. 7:45. "In the University of the
Taylor Street Church Hall at 129 Fourth
St. 10:30 a. in.
Trinity E. loth und Sherman Rev. A. B
Calder, 11. "A Mighty Fortress"; 8, "The
Desire of Men."
Swedish Bortbwiik and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellinau. 11. 7:40.
Epworth 2Cth und Savler Rev. C. O Mc
Culloch. 11 and 7:45.
KU-st Norwt-giau Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. O. T. Field. 11. 8.
Woodlawn E. lotn and Highland Rev.
Louis Thomas, 11.
Sellwood Kev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11
7:30. '
Sunnyslde E. 3otb snd Yamhill Rer R !
Elmer Smith. 11. Rev. J. VV. McDougall; 1
7:45, Evangelist B. U. Morse. I
central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Kev. C
C. Rarick. 11, Life's Problems and How to
Meet Them"; 7. "pleasins Jesua.'
St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Rev. W. E
Montavilla W. H. Hampton. 11.
Laurelwood 63d st. S. E. and Foster road
Rev. C. A. Carlos. 11 snd 8.
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and Powell
Rev. J. West Thompson. 11 and 7:45.
Japanese Mission Kev. Ellsen Kibara.
9:30, 8:30.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th
Rev. William Youngsoo. 11, "The Spiritual
Candle"; 7, "Home Life ln the Bible."
German Rodney ave. and Stautou Rev. F.
A. Schumann. 10, 8.
African Zlon 2SS Wllllama ave. Bev. W
W. Howard, 11, 8.
Vajcouver Avenue Norwegian -Danish Cor
ner Skldmore Rev. Abraham Verelde. 10:45.
L'nlveraity Park Lombard aud Fluke Rr.
C. L. Hamilton. 11, "The Gospel According
to Paul": 7:4. UTnwin hr Tlr T V17 t ,.
. , i . . - ,,. ... ait-
I DOUgall.
I .i. v.. tp u,.. ...
Bethel Larrabee and MfMlllan R w tj
" ' . ... . " ' T u .1. 1 . '1 11. IL
1 I 1 111 TT , 11 .lil. O ,
W estmorelano Mllwaukle ave.. near Hmn-
na Rev. C. B. Harrison. 11, "Elijah, Worthy
a Chariot"'; 8. "A Review of Bunyan's Pil
grim's Progress."
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln Bev. G. G
Hsley. 8 p. m.
Pat ton Michigan and Alberta Rev. Oeoras
H. Feese. 11, 7:45.
Woodstook E. 44th and 60th ave. 8 E
Rev. Frank James, pastor. 11, 7:46. "
Mt. Tabor East 61st and Stark ats. Rev
E. Olin Eldrldge. 11, "The Secret of Hapoi-'
ness"; 8. "Deep Sea Fislng."
First German Rev. A. F. Cramer. IL a.
Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Bev. L. C. Donglaaa, Ken
dal station.
Clark schoolhoase Rev. A. B. Wilson. T-30.
Irvlngton East 10th and Weldler Kev ' L
A. Danford. 11.
at. . Church. South,
Union ave. and Multnomah st. Rev. W J
Fenton, 11 and 8.
Swedish Mission Ber. B. J. Thoren. n a,
Elim Chapel Bev. B. J. Thoren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy st. snd W Li 11a ma
Rev. J. A. Stavnej-. 11. 8.
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Couch ata.
Bev. C. Howard Davla. 11.
Sellwood B. Uth and Spokane Bev. H C.
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood E. 67th St. snd E. tv.fh ...
S. E. Rsv. Stella Crooks. 11. 8.
Scandinavian 48 Garfield. 11, 7:30
Highland Park 113 E. 14th N. Bev. 8. L
Mendel. 11 and 8.
First 12th and Alder su. Rev. John H.
Boyd. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Fourth First and Gibbs sta Rev. Henry
G. Hanson, 10:30 a. m.
Calvary 11th and Clay sts. Bev. O. ' 8.
Baum, 10:30 a. m.
Arbor Lodge Bev. George K. Cromlej. 1L
Kenllworth B. 84 th and Gladstone Rt.
LhIK Kirk Richardson. IL - "Mrs. Bob Slta
slinmons; 8, "Fighting the Lion."
Forbes Rev. harry LJTratu 11, a.
Rev, Dr, H, M. Bishop Arrives
From East on Visit; Class
mate of Dr, Montgomery,
General officials of Church Speak
Wall of the Talents of the
Southern Pastor.
Rev. Dr. H. M. Bishop arrived ln
Portland last night from Kansas City
and Colorado, and will occupy the pul
pit of the Central Presbyterian church
tomorrow morning. Dr. Bishop's theme
will be, "Things Worth Having." There
will be no evening service.
Dr. Bishop is a southern man, south
ern born and has spent most t his
professional life In the sout'.i. His
and a magnetic speaker. Among the
general officials of the Presbyterian
church. Dr. Bishop holds the same high
Dr. Bishop Is a man of aoout 50
years, and a native of Georgia. He is
married and Jias a family of five,
three of whom are married and live in
the south.
Canal Project Dam
Is Blown at Seattle
X,akes Will Be Brought to Same Level
This Fall But Narlgatlon of Canal
Wot Possible TJntil Spring.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26. (P. N. S.)
Lowering of the level of thu waters
of Lake Washington to those of Lake
Union and Pugct sound began Friday
afternoon with the dynamiting ot the
coffer-dam separating the canal water
way between the two lakes. Various
city and county officials and many
citizens were present.
i The flow into Lake Union Is expect
ed to lower the level of Lake Washing
ton at the rate of nearly three inches
a day and the completing of the even
ing of levels of the two lakes will be
completed this fall, according to Lieu
tenant Colorii'l Cavanaugh, but naviga
tion of the entire length of tho canal
will not be made possible until next
Central K. i:ith and Pine mtn. RT
lace H. Lee. acting pastor, 10:30 a m
MUpah E. 19th and Division st
Vernon 19th and V ygant ata. Rev
Mount, 11. 8 p. m.
H. N
Hope Montavllle, 78th snd E. Everett ats
rvev. a. w. seaman. 11. "The Spirit of Life
8. "Shall We Brlnar Rack th K-nrr'
Millard Avenu. 7241 50th ave. S. E. Rsv.
t - n. Amos. 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th tnd Behnnnt st Rev
William Graham Moore. 11 a. m.. 7 43 D m"
Unity Hev. W. Le Gray. '
Westminster K. nth and Rchnvler ats.
nenry .tisrrotTe. 10:30 and 7:45. Preach
ing ny or. John 1. Berren. Morning. "Your
Gospel." Evening, special service In nature of
u-uj..iji 10 inr nnan "r tne great war and a
yifjrr kt ine oereaveo ana ror peace
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett ats. Rev
A. L. Hutchinson. 11. 8 d. m.
Rose City Psrk E. 45th snd Hancock sts.
Rev. J. M. Skinner.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane
" - o. ancvuuagn. il, 7 :rtO.
Manhall Street 17th and Marshall sts.
Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11.
Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska sts.
nr.. .. dpdioq, 11.
Chinese M5V4 First st. 7:45.
Anabel 06tb St. snd 37th avs. g. sj.
iv:oo, i :vo.
Reformed Presbyterian.
First church Minnesota and Alssworth
wt. r . u . rruer. n, l :au.
First German 12th and Clay Bev. O Baf.
Der. 10:45, 8.
econo Loiumnia blvo. and 33d st. Rev E
A. Wyss. 11.
Third Fifth ave.. Lents Rev. W. Q. Llen-
1CUJU. 11.
I Salvation Army.
i Corps No. 124 Ash. AiUutant and Mrs.
Frank Genge. 11. 3:15 and 8. .
1 Curps No. 4 12S lot H. Ensign Florence
j "S'"- auu aiiaiu jiiii Brown In charge
i All-day services by Lieutenant Colonel T. W'!
j own.
eoisn Corps 430 Burnslde.
Scundiuavlau 243 Ash Rev. John OvsL
Seventh Day Adentlsti.
Note Regulsr services of thla denomlnaHr.
re, h'1'1 on Ss'urday
Central E. lltb and Everett Eldar i r
Hayward. pastor. 11.
laoernacie vest Sine. K. or P. halL 11th
and Alder Elder E. W. Catlln. 11. '
Montavilla E. With and E. Everett Eld&r
S. F. Beatty. 11 and 7. w
Albina (German) Skldmore and Mallor-r
Lents-94th and 58 th svs. Elder D J
Chltwood. U.
St. Johns Central avenue and Charleaton
tiuer r. . v. nuriDurt. n.
Mount Tabor E. 00th and Belmont Ber. C
J. Cummlnga. 11.
Scandinavian church 62nd and 89th avs. a
a. jtiiuei j. c . ssanaues. I i .
Services for tbs Deaf.
United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand avs
Bev. S. Earl DuBols, 10:30.
Church of Our Father Broadwav mnA v.
bill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. L)., minister emer
' ltuL Kv. w. G. El ot Jr.. Daator 11 "r.
I ' ... I IUU1
All That Dwell Below the Skies." Even'n
. . ...
Ualtd sretnrsa.
Alberts 27th snd Alberta.
First E. 15th snd Morrison Ber. F
Bonebraks. 11 a. m.
Fourth 60th st, and 3 2d ave. S. B.
Third 07th at. and 32d ave. g. . Berbsxt
a. niUMi puuir. ii m., o y. ui. .
First 17th snd Harney. Vancouver Waal.
dev. rfouu i. .iiKwiutiw, waiur. f res cuing
11 Ul . . 0 y. Ml.
United Evangelical.
Fourtli Bev. J. E. Conner. 11, 7:30
Radical Jeasup st. Kev. A. h. Hendersoa.
11, 7:30.
Manor, Circuit Services Cherry Grove, t L
m. Brush Prairie, 7:30.
Ockley GreeD Willamette blvd. and Oar
Bev. 11. H. Kamham, 11, a. '
First E. IOUj and Poplar Ber. J. x. Goods.
St. Johns Itev. A. P. La-ton. 11. g
United Presbyterian. '
First K. 37tU and tiawtborne Frank
DeWitt Flndlej. 11. 7:45.
Church oX the Straus-era Waaco street anU
irrauu s.c o. &summ. iv:ju a. tu
ts j. m.
Cborcb of the Good Tidings Broadway said
E. iata rTescnDg luicruuiieo aunng AogusC
T. X. C. A. T. W. C. A.
Y. M. C. A. etb sot Tsylor H. W. 8t..
general secretary. 2:30 p. m., Bible class.
X. W. t. a.. diwu.i ana i jiar Tsuiaa'
services. 4;So. Be- . K. Howard.
sftsoelliseoni. .
Associated Bible Btudsnu (L B. g. A.)
CLrisUiasea's . ball, lltb snd TamhirJ sts.
8, by A. A. Ysrex, Tbe Peace of God"; 8, by
Stuart McKlsslck, "The Day of His Prepare.
New Chtrrcb society Eilers nail. Broader
and Alder sta. Rv. Samuel Worcester, pas
tor. 11, "Who Is tb bon of Man."
Interdenominational. "Th Cemforter."
Ileadoasrters, Ceotrr of Applied Cbristisu
lty. Womeu's Kxebsngs bldg.lttg otn ,t.,
Mew Tboaght Temple ot Troth Bilers
bulkltng. Broadway sad Aider. S p. m., spask
er Cbsrles S. Spencer, "Tbe Woetk of Jabovab
Hath Spoken It." .. ".-,-.v
--.:' "' -X.
Dr. Loveland Will
Preach on Sunday
The Rev. Frank L. Loveland. D. D.,
pastor of the First Methodist Episco
pal church has returned from his va
cation trip and will preach from his
pulpit Sunday morning. The subject
nf Vila rnmn will ha "TVlA KtuhllltV
of the Christ" Dr. Loveland ha
spent the last two weeks on a trip ln
southern Oregon where he visited Cra
ter Lake and did some hunting, and
fishing in the country near Klamath
Falls. Hereturns greatly rested and
refreshed and will take up his work
wfth his accustomed vigor. His con
gregation will welcome his return.
At the evening service Rev. Walter
Lee Atrheart, the assistant pastor,
will deliver the sermon, "In Travail of
Soul." the concluding number of the
series, "Crises ln the Life of Christ.'
The Incidents of the last days of Je
sus' earthly life will be told accom
panied by a number of very appropri
ate illustrations from the stereoptl
con. Miss LoDesca Loveland will sing at
both services: in the morning she will
Bing "How Lovely Are Thy Dwell
ings," by Liddle, and in the evening.
"Today. If Ye Will Hear His Voice,"
by Rogers.
Home Coming to Be 'Featured
Wednesday and Thursday
Night, Sept, 6 and 7.
The aproachinR fiftieth anniversary
of the Centenary M. E. church, s at
tractins: much interest. edpeially
among many of the old members wlw
have, moved awav to other cll'ts anu
churclies. and ail sucn are mm-, i-ui
diallv invited to the "home coming
on Wednesday and Thursday nlglitt..
September 6 and 7.
Rev J. Hobere will preside ft tne
Pioneer re-unlon on Thursday nigiit.
He Is 91 years old, and Is one of the
oldest livtnu Methodist preachers In
the conference. It la expected that
the old choflr leader and lonn of tho
slnjrers of ' Auld Iang Syne" will par
ticipate in this service. Also the U
A. R. veteran quartet and others.
On Sunday, August 27, Dr. L.j::e will
preach in the morning on "Jesua' iiev-
elatlon of Himself.'
In the evening on "The Scapegoat
A great t'eal of Interest 'a being
taken by the membership of Centenary
in the pictured and written hi ;t-jry of
Centenary church which will be print
ed tomorrow ln The Sunday Jj.vnal In
honor of the semi-centennial celebra
tion of the organization of the church.
Fair Will Have Fine
Educational Exhibit
Annual Southwest Washing-ton Brent
Opens at Grounds Between Centralis
and Che hall ZText Monday.
Chehalls, Wash., Aug 26. One of
the blgrgest things of lta kind ever
shown In the northwest will be the
educational exhibit at the ' Southwest
Washington fair, opening at the
grounds between Chehalls and Cen
tralla next Monday. The Judging of
the gardens ln the rural school dis
tricts has been completed, the Judging
being based on 10 credits for the gar
den and 60 credits for the fair display.
All contests will begin at 10 o'clock
dally during fair week. Wednesday
the manual training contests will be
held. Thursday, carving and log saw
ing; Friday, arithmetic, cooking, sew
ing and stock Judging.
Towns that will have displays in
clude Centralla, Pe Ell, Dryad, Doty,
Toledo, Forest and Tone.
Seattle Foreign Commerce.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26. (P. N. S.)
According to figures made public
Friday, Seattle's foreign commerce dur
ing July amounted to $18.25,954. Col
lector of Customs Drumheller said Im
ports amounted to $9,768,520 and ex
ports JS, 437. 434. The total exports
and Imports for the district was $'7.-
728.088, of which $14,151,864 repre
sented exports.
Its Taste Never Disappoints
Bat ad by Fran, at the 0. S. Bakery, Cor. E. lltb and flanders ffte.
Every day until September 30th
PORTLAND TO CHICAGO ln 72 hours via Spokane. .
Travel through the Rockies in ease and comfort over the
newly-electrified mountain divisions of the Milwaukee
, A daily through service leaving Union Depot at 7 p. m.
Comfortable observation cars on both "Olympian" and
"Columbian" all-steel trains. - '
Information and Literature
Portland Office. Cor. Third and Stark Sts.
E. K. Garrison, Diet. Freight nnt Passenger Agent
Phones Main 8413 A-2601. " -
Committee Makes Arrange
ment Whereby Dr, Fikes
Will Remain Six Months,
Sermons Will Be Delivered Tomorrow
Morning; sad Evening;; Will Lecture
rriday at the White Temple.
The pulpit committee of Ihe White
Temple has arranged to have the pui: i
pit filled every Sunday during the
coming winter without scouring the i
country to find men who are coming
through Portland. Dr. Maurice Pen- .
field Kikes ha confuted to fill the
pulpit for six months beginning ln No f"
vember. -..K
Dr. Kikes lias been in Portland for
several Sundays and has occupied the
pulpit of the White Temple and his .j :
sermons haro attracted a large num ..
ber of people. He will be ln the rltv
for the first Sunday in September and
then will take a trip east, returning '
to Portland before November 1.
Subjects Are Announoed.
Tomorrow morning Ms subject will -be
"Petrified Religion," and he will J
base his remarks on his experiences in
the petrified forests of Arizona, In
tho evening he will take for his them
"The Feast of Iielhazzur." The doors ..,
of the church will be open one hour be
fore the sermons begin.
On Friday evenlnc. September 1. Tr, 4
Fikes will deliver his famous lecture, ,
"The Man for Tomorrow." This o
ture has received favorable comment w'
from the press wherever I has betrt
delivered. Tickets can ie secured front
the women of the church. '
A cordial Invitation is also extended. ...
the public to attend the U. Y. P. TJ.
service at 6:45 In tho lower templtt. ';
when Miss Manei nines win ten aiKiui
tho missionary educational conferenc
at Seabeck. ,
Press Ifotloee Cited.
The following uie come of the eaaU
em press comments on Dr. Kikes Jii'J
the lecture:
"Humorous 'as If Hill Nye stood In
the center of the platform, eloquent Jt
a Reecher, profound as a college pro'.'
"Dr. Kikes Is n manly man, who .
knows men. He Is eiulped mentally,
physically and tcniperuieiilully to niaks
any subject throb with life."
"He Is a live wire on t lie platioriu -and
"The vast crowd laughed and wept
by turns."
"His word paintings were master- .-
pieces and will live in our memory . .
"Dr. Flkes had his audience wltn
him from the start and held the poo
pie spellbound lor neatly two hours
by hla wonderful flights of oratory." -
"As the big crowd filed out we heard
on every side expressions like this, "It
was great. The best we ever heara,'
Married Teachers,
Barred in Oakland
Alameda County Superior Judges Up .
hold Action of Board ln Dismissing;
Teachers Who Married Recently.
Oakland. Cal.. Aug. 26. (P. N. 8.), ;
Married women cannot teach school
In Oakland, according to a decision
rendered hero by two Judges of tlw
Alameda county superior court.
Mrs. R. M. Nason and Mrs. Alice
Catania, both teachers for many years,
were dismissed when they married re- -cently.
They applied for writs of
mandamus compelling the "board of
education to reinstate them. The writs .
were denied.
Judge J. J. Trabucco, who decided
the Nason case, deplored the fact that
the law compelled him to render the .
decision against Mrs. Nason, and char
acterized It as "unjust and unfair."
Judge William H. Waste, who de
cided against Mrs. Catania, also ex
pressed his regret, but stated that he
had no choice In the matter.
French experiments have indicated
that sugar has a decidedly restraining
effect when added to photogTsphid
developing solutions.
Look for the label on
every loaf, and then you
know you're getting the