16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23. 1916. f. - t V. 1 , CAMPAIGN TOUR OF JUDGE HUGHES HAS BEEN DISAPPOINTING Effect Made by Him Posi tively Depressing," Says the New York Herald, ; V iPRflRRFSSIVFfs RFSTI FSS Tblladalphia Americas. Xclars B publican Candidate Si racing a Watloa-Wld BtoU. New York, Aug. 23. Both In its news columns and editorially tne Philadelphia North American, leading Progressive newspaper In the east, a recognized Roosevelt organ and up to trie present a supporter of Mr. Hughes, makes the unqualified statement that the Republican candidate Is facing a natlon-wlde progressive revolt. Its special dispatch from San Fran cisco declares that Chester Rowell, Progressive leader and member of the Republican national campaign com mittee, has denounced the Republican candidate for "abandoning the Pro gressive of California for the old guard wolves." Effect la Doubtful States. The North American, commenting upon Mr. Rowell's denunciation, says: "It points to an impending Progres sive war on the candidate which may easily react on the situation in every state in the Union, especially in tho doubtful states." ' The article emphasizes the declara tion of Mr. HugheB In his San Fran clsco speech that he came to Cali fornia as spokesman of the nation! Republican party. "Mr. Hughes might better have said nothing at all,"' continues the dis patch, "which would have been the wiser course than thus to Ignore the plans of the Progressives. "Xe Has BpUled the Beans." "He has spilled the beans," the editorial In the North American upon the Progressive situation is headeS "The votes that will decide." It says In part "Mr. Hughes' letter of acceptance left much to be desired, as in the nel Roosevelt out of that convention president making cam-paign not evnlldr. Rusk followed him Into the Pro- hls most ardent admirers will assert that up to this time he has convinced the waiting public that he possesses exceptional strength." After reviewing the outlook the edi torial adds significantly: "Ono condition, however, is definite and obvious the Progressive strength has not swung entirely to Hughes, de spite the confident prediction that Col onel Roosevelt's whole-headied lndorae dorsement would have that result. Neither has the decision of the Pro gressives to abandon the party organi sation for this year produced that ef fect." Ken of Note Protest. Continuing, the editorial said: "It would be absurd to believe tho defection of such men as John .M. I Parker of Louisiana, Judge Llndsey of Colorado, Francis J. Heney of Califor nia, Matthew Hale of Massachusetts Edwin N. Lee of Indluna, G. A. H. Hopkins of New Jersey, Judge Morton of Missouri. Bainbridee Colbv of New York and Henry M. Wallace will pass I unnoticed. The editorial points that hpr.!hnl:,re tohtv ,!;: nt merely opposition I gressive s vote w win not represe to Hughes. "There are a large nutn Der or Progressives. it says. who stro.,gly believe In President Wlls n. We know this experience through the protests which have reached us from readers who are virtually always in accord with us, but who do not fol low us In condemning the record of the Wilson administration." Strong Wilson Sentiment. Referring to President Wilson the editorial continues: "Whenever' one dips Into the Progressive vote a strong Wilson sentiment Is found. Another serious tact Is that Mr. Wilson Is able to do tilings while Mr. Hughes can only criticize and promise " The editorial characterizes the Re publican party in the following strong language: "The Republican organization and all Its works are hateful to the Pro gressives." In the concluding paragraph of the editorial It Is stated "Mr. Hughes' progress thus far is not inspiring to his supporters In California, the effect maae by nlm Is positively depress Republican Managers Melancholy. It Is Interesting to note that the New York Herald, which Js supporting Hughes, in a two-column review of the political situation Just published, refers to the Republican national cam paign managers as suffering from "political melancholia." "No secret is betrayed by statin? that Republicans as a rule are disap pointed, thus far In the campaign trip of Mr. Hughes. "In all quarters, In fact." says the Herald, "the word has been passed that Mr. Hughes has not made the profound impression upon the electors Which hla historic Youngstown speech et. 1808 foreshadowed." Man Aided Girls; May Face Charge lbWaBTlllt Olrla Visit Portland oa os Borrowed Tunit ; Police Hold ' Taem and Aoonae tender1 When Ella Ingalls, age 15, and Mabel Robbing, 18. ran away ffrom their homes ln McMlnnvllie tof come to Portland, a business man of that place Is accused of contributing $15 toward the escapade. Ella and Mabel were picked up ln a Japanese rooming- house ln Portland Monday night and were returned to their hemes. The police are preparing . ft complaint against the McMlnnvllie man on a charge of contributing to the , delinquency of a minor, Ella Ingalls. who Is but IB years old. Tho girls came to Portland to seek .. employment ?Rickreall Farmer -A f- . : , . i y, t. Can't Be Located Dallas, Or., Aug. 23. A posse of cttiiens, headed by Sheriff John Orr. has been' searching since Monday night tor John Loe. a farmer, resid ing near Rlckreall, who has been miss ing sinco noon Monday. Loe got up from tho dinner table- Monday ano went to. tho barn, presumably to feed hla ljorsee. It im believed that ho be came ' suddenly : demented and wan jAare-d away, u ..... THIS MAN DOUBTS HUGHES' PROMISES i , , I I J 1 1 John P. (Jerrj') Rusk. . PROGRESSIVE LEADER TAKES UP CUDGEL IN WILSON'S BEHALF (Continued From Page One.) him "hitched up with Fairbanks and herding with Barnes, Penrose, Cannon ( and their political kind." "The Ions continued rule ofspecial privilege," Mr. Rusk says, has pro- ; duced in America far too many calls j rapidly and will probably be com in the human herd." and he, and many pleted by October 1. It Is located at other Progressives of the Bunch Grass East Forty-eighth and Powell Valley, country are going to support Woodrow Lack of space has resulted in the Wilson because they believe he "has erection of an additional portable to waged a worthy fight on such condi- i the Alameda school, making three in tlons." I all. The addition is situated on the Served as Speaker. property recently purchased at Twen- Mr. Rusk la one of the best known ty-fifth and Fremont streets, public men of Eastern Oregon. He was At Beaumont, a new portable has elected to the house of representatives been added to the two which were on the Republican ticket in the fall erected there two years ago. The of 1908 and again in 1910, and was school is located at East Fortieth and elected speaker and served In that ca- Fremont streets. pacity throughout the session of 1911. j A new school, consisting of two When the leaders of the Chicago portables, has been established at East convention of lau steam-rollered Colo- gressive party and during the cam- paign of 1912 was one of the leaders in the Progressive fight in the state. ' nnen me oatue was over ana peace was apparently in sight Mr. Rusk went back under the Republican banner along with other Progressive leaders of , the state, but he has refused to be de-, livered over to the Hughes cause by i (JenrEa W Parkin ueorge w . i erkins. Stand Made Public. i The stand taken by Mr. Rusk has bteii made publi- through a telegram sent by him to William Hanley on the occasion of the recent state-wide con- ference for the organization of Wood- row Wilson leagues. Air. Hanley, Who was the Progressive candidate for United States senator in 1914, had Just , . . , . . T, ... declared his support of President Wll - son. Upon the publication of the Han- ley announcement, Mr. Rusk tele graphed him at Portland, but the tele gram did not reach Mr. Hanley until after he had left Portland. Mr. Han- le nas authorized its publication. Clatsop Road Bill T 1 . , is to Joe Adjusted Contractors Claim S 37, 000 for Highway Work; County Say a But $33,000 Sue; $38,000 May Be Compromise Figure. Astoria, Or., Aug. 23. Announcement I has been made by the county court, that a meeting will be held here on i September 12 to adjust the Claim of Peterson & Johnson for the balance alleged to be due for work performed , op the construction of the Columbia , river highway bet ween here and West- port. The contractors' claim amounts , , rt -ST nn,. , , . y i to $87,000. State Engineer Lewis es- ; timated the amount due at about $38.- 000 and indications are that this is ' tre sum which will be compromised on. The court always supposed that it, vv.cu ic wiiuauuu in mo licignooj-j hood of $23,000, and that was the sum I reported hy the engineers. The asser- ' tion is now made, IlOWCVar, that the uisinci engineer, in preparing nis re- port, omitted several culverts and also made a wrong classification of some of the material excavated. Woman Candidate Busy Campaigning Mrs. Alexander Thompson of The Dalles Buns for Jcint Representative From Wasco and Hood River Counties Hood River, Or., Aug. 23. Mrs. Alexander Thompson of The Dalles, recording secretary of the State Fed eration of Woman's clubs, chairman of the Juvenile court committee of the Oregon Congress of Mothers and can didate at the Democratic ticket for Joint representative from Wasco and Hood River counties, was ln Hood River Monday laying her plans for an aggressive campaign in this district. Mrs. Thompson is making many po litical friends ln Hood River county. "I expect to make a thorough canvass ln Hood River county," she said, "and will deliver addresses at such points J as may De deemed Dest." Mrs. Thompson has had over 15 years' experience ln public life as a professional reader. Jumped to Save His Life. Hood River, Or., Aug. 23. Russell Scobee, 10-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Scobee, Jumped 50 feet from the Hood River railroad bridge Monday afternoon when about to be struck by an inbound freight train. The boy fell ln the edge of the water of Hood river and sustained several bruises about the head and face. He was crossing the railroad bridge, which can be seen for nearly one-half mile by Inbound trains, Yind the train was upon him before he could reach the end of the steel trestle and to save being run over, he leaped from the bridge. Judge Bright of Cincinnati was killed on this bridge about a year ago when struck by a train. Big Buck Bagged. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 23. Ths biggest buck of the season was brought down rfom the Blue mountains Tuesday by Hay Corby. Tho animal weighed S50 pounds. It was bagged within 10 miles of La Q rand a. BUILT: SOI TO BE READY OF TERM AT ; , . , , , .1 r- I I' ! FirSt Unit 0t the franklin High Will Be Ready by the First of October, PORTABLES PROVIDE ROOM Capitol Kill Building Will Be Open A Beginning' of Semester, But TerwlUig-er Hot Until Xater. With vacation days rapidly nearlng a close, considerable building activity Is going on to get the schools In shape by the opening of the fall term. Be sides three new schools which will be ready at the beginning or soon after the beginning of school, nearly all of the schools have been repaired to meet requirements of safety and sanitation. The Capitol Hill school, which is outside the city limits but within the school district, will be ready for oc cupancy at the beginning of school. It Is located at Capitol and Spring Garden streets. The Terwllliger school, situated at Macadam and Pendleton streets, will not be finished at the beginning of the school year, but will be ready soon after. Work on the new first unit of the I Franklin high school is progressing . . ... orty-thlrd and Laurelhurst streets. to be known as the Laurelhurst school. m Real Estate Transfers .,, Inrt, . wlthA .... t ' erine Buck. L 2. B. 1 Linda Vista 10 Albert L. Lyman and wf. to Minnie L. M"rcvj u 1- B- 22j Waverlelfrh Hts. MSrac'l LeurS lVel. H. P. O. Purlte and wf. to F. K. Coon et I. L- 27- 28. 29. P. 2. Fisher's Sub. of L- 2- Glenwuod Pk John Karrell and wlfe IO Jobn j Gall3 phcr. S. u, I,. 24, I). 20, A'blna (to Gt w 7,, b. as. West Portland Park Clara Frltx and bus. to T. r.. Powell. 1.000 1,130 10 10 Ij- 3...B. 4 Lorrington Add (asiigned I to Ella M. Davis 1 1.550 J. C. Muebe to Frances Llnd'ey Muehe, pHrt tract 11. Palatine Hill.. J H. Smith and wf. to Euzenus L. Barnett, 1 13, 14 E "A." General ' tompsons Add. to St. Johns igtlfr to WUUam Borchert. L. 7. B. 2,000 21, Mt. Tabor Villa. 2a I 150 : 00 J I t The Rlrerrlew Cetn. Asan. to Effle Barentechr, I. j49. Sec. 16 ad. Cem Zara I. Gribble and hus. to Mary A. Hollli. L. 85, 86. B. 15. Gregory Hts. Adella M. Ouatafson and hus. to Gar field M. Billlngsley et al. L. 9. and S. Va L. 10. B. HO. Brentwood The Cooperative Inr. Co. to Frank Ku blk. L. 11. B. 39. Woodlawn Krnuk Kublk to Rattle Kuhlk. L. 11. B. 3D. Woodlawn V E. Bowman & Co., to Mary Monell Baird. L. 15. B. 47. Irrington Akin W. Baird and wf. to F E. Bow man & Co.. X. 67 ft. of L 1. 2, B. 3. Carter's Add. to East Portland K. E. Oatfleld and wf. to Thomas E -Olren et al, L. 5, 6. B. 6. Clock'a Add. 1 100 1 10 I I ) W. C. Nicholas and wf. to R. W. Nlrh- olas nnri 3-H nt R. .tO irrra Slec 9.1 t. 2 X.. R. 2 W .' M!!;.r o'GraBmere AM0 et a1' Pacific Land Co.' of Portland. Or., to vv. U. Wehrung, Li. 4, B. 31. Jones more Funny Ryan end hus. to Max Bloom. L. 10. 23. 20. 27. B. 17. Point View Tract Walter M. Bolze to Herbert W. Blood, I- 2. 4. B. 3, Lexington Hts Vetra DaJlllHf ei a to ITad? E"ute o'' L. 6, B. 10, Eastmoreland j. c. harp a'nd wf to Ij(ld Kstate Co-t I.. 19, b. 17, Westmoreland Emm Lovgren. guardian, to Emma Lot- fre.n, nd- 2"? ln h,i2: 13 B' 1 MLUet0C Add- Krdlan , deed.... T..fl! T:, XUAAVIIXJ A C1111113, C. W. Dofflemyer, repair one and one half tween P.tfnn and Concord tR - hnlMw. urn. story frame dwelling. 34 V . Preseott St.. be i 1100. V. W. DeTempIe, erect one story frame car es. 742 E. Min at., between E. 30th and E. 2.'!1 its.; builder, same; $125. V. V. Nash, erect one and one half story frame dwelling, 1378 Tabor Court, between E. 40th and IX 50th at.; builder, Bame; $3000. II. S. Amos, erect one story frame Morale ahed. 2209 E. Glisan at., between E. 90th and K. 01st at. ; builder. O. W. Potect; $.V). Mt. Tabor Fuel Co., erect one story frame fuel ahed, :'.00 E. 50th at., between Hawthorne ave. and E. Clay St.: builder, J. W. Morrin: ! $100. I. A. Crosby, erect one story frame garage, 1407 E. 40th t. N.. between Braiee and Thomp son sts.: builder. U. W. Mlddleton; 125. II. Gordon, erect two story frame apta.. 144 E. o9th St.. between Belmont and E. Morrison at. : bnllder. same; $30,000. Mra. John Ker, repair two story frame dwell- i Ing, 7.V5 Talbot Road, between Patton Road and Falrmount blvd.; builder, M. W. Lorenx; $5O0. John G. Clemson. repair two story frame dwelling. 818 l.ovejoy gt.. between E. 24th and E. 25th sta. : hullder. John Moore; $600. J. I. McKenna. erect one story frame sar f.fm. 140 E. 3'Jth ft., between Belmont and E. Morrison sts. ; builder, same; $35. Kxnll Dalenbach. repair one story frame dwelling. 1024 Kelly st., between Bancroft and i.ttnllton aves. : builder. B. Miller: $2oO. B. F. Pond, erect one story frame dwelling-, OKt B. 57th st. N.. between Klickitat and Sis kiyou sts.: builder, same; $2000. Anton ITuth. excaTate for store building, 14H-151 BrondwsT. between Alder and Morrl fin at. : excarator. C. J. Cook Co.; $1500. D. Gariffo. repair one and one half story frame barn. lOOO-Plvlaton at., between E. 77th and E. With sts.; builder, E. C. Kruger; $00. Ida Sucks, repair one story frame dwelling, 879 E. 9th st. N., between Sharer and Maaon ata.; bunder, E. F. Balgemann; $100. K. 9th at. S.. between Sharer and Maaon ata.; builder. E. V. Balgemann; $100. O. Olson, repair one story frame dwelling, into Mlsslwippi are., between Wlnchell and Terry at.; builder, day work; $50. Ella E. Bybee, erect one atory frame garage, 329 E. 11th st. N., between Weldler and Hal sey ats.; bnllder. B- M. Raybnrn: $180. Charles H. Thompson Co., repair two story inm uweniiig, x. im bi., trvn z, . Alder and E. Waibfnffton sts.; builder, Le Cheley; $650. FUNERALS Beantlfol adnlt plush or Broadcloth casket, em balming, outside box, hearse, two auto and serrlcea for. Funerals If desired for $20, $40. $60. Higher priced funer al la proportion. We manufacture caakeU. Lady assistant, Biautlfnl funeral efaapeL MILLER & TRACEY Independent funeral Director. Waaolarto at Ella St. (bet. SOta aai fist) West Bide. liala 28S1. A-7888. NEW SCHOOLS OPENING 10 6T0 10 $75 iMeatless Days for Tk ii l ' XT J Britons Are Urged W . Winston Spencer Churchill Tells House j T-rT Bliniild Wnt I of Commons England Snouia rxn All rood SatrDlies on War Basis. ; i . I I London, Aug. 23. (I. N. S.) Bread . .i j u i tickets ana meatless days each week for England were recommended by Winston' Spencer Churchill,' former flr8t lord of the admiralty, in the house of commons yesterday. This rec- ommendatlon was coupled with a pre- diction that the war would last for (many months, and a demand that the government recognize Its responsiblll i ties and put an end to the "scandalous price of food." , "The German army Is more numer I ous and better equipped than ever.' said Mr. Churchill. "England snould organize for a long war and Immedi ately to put food supplies on a war basis. "If It is desired to restrict consump tion to the proper need, what we want to do is to Issue bread and meat tick ets and designate certain meatless days each week." Trout Are Liberated In Southern Oregon firm TTtra Brook Varletv. 300.- m 1 KOBEK-In this city, August 22. Albert Hober. 000 Strong, Are Planted in streams i .age1 M Jears. Beloved husband of F.van From Worth TJmpau Hatchery. gellne Rober. Funeral services will be held at xrom aona wuiw.ua v J I 2:30 p. m. Thursday at parlors of Miller & Roseburg, Or., Aug. 23. The first i Tracey Washington it Ella street. InUrment eastern brook trout to be liberated funeral services of the i.te from the North Lmpqua hatchery, east i jorjn A. Mortenson will be held Thursday, of Roseburg. were planted Tuesday in ' Aiytust 24. at 1 o'clock p m at the residence .'establishment of J. P. Unley 4 xn. Mont- the South Umpqua. There were about , gf,mery at Mfth. Friends iuvited. Interment 800,000 In this first consignment. A ; at Rose City Cemetery. number of Improvements are planned ' uinkle The funeral services .t the late for the North Umpqua hatchery by the ! Frank Pierce Hlnkle will he hld Thursday fish and game commission and it is ! ab f. PP. "rinfeV Son? the intention to enlarge the present ; Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Inter plant to enable it to furnish the east- mtnt at Rose City Cemetery em brook trout for all of southern Or-j l egon. BTEW TODAY 6 Loans of $10,000 tod TJp On Improved Business Property (or lor Improvement purposes). J. P. LI7SCOHE, 242 Stark Street. RUPTURE Johnston & Umbarger RUPTURE SPECIALISTS 411-412 Aliiky Bldg. Results Guaranteed. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Deknm Bldg. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment ft Mortgage Co. Offices 903-4 170 3d Et. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America &oorn 32, Ainsworth Bldg. Fhone Main 6841. Portland, Or. AICTION SALES TOMORROW hAKhK Auction company. lob-ib-! Park Bt., will sell syrup fruit ex tracts, chocolates and candles, usual furniture sale. CLASSIFIED AD RATES CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dailv or Bundtv ! 1U renta ner vt-ird for nil dftsfltftrattnna at eeptlng "For Rent ln Prirate Family." "Roora i anc1. Board ln Private Family," "Situation; Wanted" and "Wanted to Reut" ads, which : are l cents per word. Three insertions for the price of two. I Seven insertions tor the price of fire. . I No ad taken for leas than IS centB. I CASH MUST accompany copy to obtain above I rates. , CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS, 1 cents per word per Insertion, i vwi ' This charge is for all classifications exeept-l-vm nJ '-par Rent ln private Family." "Room and , Board ln Private Family," "Situation Wanted" i and "Wanted to Rent" ads, which are 1!4 I I cents per word per insertion. i o aa charged for .ess thim 15 cents. ; MEETING NOTICES 41 Axj KAllER TEMPLE, A. ; A. O. N. M. S. Stated j session Saturday, August 26 at 8 p. m. Masonic j Temple, West Park and Yamhill Sts. Visiting i nobles cordially invited. By order of tlie Potentate. HUGH J. KOY1V Iteooriler REGULAR MKKTINOj rff'VUiio& this (Wednesday) eve- : WS ning, East Sixth and A 1- I ', der streets. Visitors cordi- ally invited. becond ue gree. ROBT. C. CHRISTM AN, N. G. W. W. TERRY, Secretary. SL'NNYSIDE LODGE, NO. 163, A. F. & A. M. Special communication. Work E. A. degree. Thur. night. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. M. LANCE. Sec. f iit&l Statistics marriages. Births. Deaths MARRIAGE LICENSES Ellis Elmer Mltcball, Oakland. Cal.. legal, and Myrtle Mayner Hall, 538 Mall at., legal. Carnllo Peres, Olney, Or., legal, and Fer nanda. Gonl, 231 6th at., legal. Alrln Earl Veatch. Fossil. Or., legal, and Hulda Mae Miller, 167 King at., legal. C. C. Oldfield, Aurora, Or., legal, and Ida L. McOanlel, S74 Laura are., legal. William Sehreiber. 894 Hawthorne are le- gal. and Jean Uuclle tunertaon, same aaaresa. eixul Mermelstein. 1275 Kelly it., legal, and Sadie Mermeiatein. same address, legal. Harold W. (Juigley. 32U Orand are., legal, and Katherlne Nortlirop. same address, legal. L. A. Wood. 23 K. 76th at., legal, and B. Vogel same addreea, legal. Thomas B. Smith. Princess hotel, legal, and Eralena Reptlon. 420 Paris St.. legal. W. G. Smith & Co. and cards. Third floor. Morgan bldg. IiKKsiB suits lor rent, an sizes. Unique Tafiortn Co.. 30 Stark at BIRTHS I KERAXEN To Mr. and Mra. J. A. Keranen, I .OK, .'"1 C V Inlv 't, I u.n I M,vciiiiT Mr. and Mra. Klwood s Mtn. chin. uttK E. 03 t, Aug. 6, a danghter. FOOTK To Mr. and Mrs. George W. Foote, 722 E. Jtb rt.. Aug. li. a dangbter. lxT William T FT.e. ua" 6 a aauahter John c Raw HARRISON To Mr ana airs, rlson. 1226 Hasalo st., Aug. TM Northrun at.. August 2. a danahter. NELSON To Mr. and Mr. N. M. Nelson. 1382 Maryland are., Aug. 9, a ion. DAHNE To Mr. and Mr. Paul C Danne, 224 Pettrgrore. Aug. . a daughter. MCRPHY To Mr. and Mra. Ben Murphy, 16SO Fremont at.. Aug. 8, a son. VENES3 To Mr. and Mr. Alfred Venesa, "lis 67th st.. Aug. , a son. KELSON To Mr. and Mr. Arthur William Nelson, B&a William arc, Aug. 8. a daugh ter. ERTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brts, 386 1st N., Aag. 8, a daughter. FENN1NG To Mr. and Mra. Hendrich Fen- I I nlng. 86D 14th St. rs'., Aug. 7. a sob. BUXTON To Mr. and Mrs. George Burton, 870 Cook are, Aug. S, a daughter. HE RK NEB To Mr. and Mra. Theodore B. ilerkner. MS Vancoorer are., Angnst i, a daughtar. . ' BIRTHS (. tin. .on I GKUSS To Mr. aDd Mrs. Clair iro, 711 GU- GKOSS To Mr ssl- K. 42d N.. A twin sous. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Norton. 725 d N-. Aue. .'. a daughter. FEVER To Mr. and Mrs. iieyer Fever, 973 E. 2Sth x., Aug. , gun. GKRF1X To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerfln. 312 K oliTe Aue a ,,augrter. FEHRIN; Tt. Mv. and Mr. Clarence E. Feta- Hug. IS E. 30th t., Aug s. a daughter. TL'TTT.K To Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordou Tuttle, "'45 I.ovejoy m.. Auk. 20, a son. fokce xo Mr. and Mrs. on E. Force. 610 K. 12tli st., Aug. 11. a daughter. ZIERM To Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Zlerm. 8003 45th a"?-, Aug. S. a son. MILLS To Mr. and Mrs Fred L. Mills, 44J Miliar ave., Aug 13. a daughter. HA KRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Flojd W. Barri. U Hie'L st.. Aug. 11. a son. JAMISON To Mr. and Mrs. Curry D. Jamison, 4128 J'Vtli ave., Aug. l.'i, a daughter. . Or') EDAHL To Mr. and Mrs. Alf OftedshL 407 K. .Vii! st., Aug. 17. u daughter. SPEITK. To Mr. an Mrs. Guy Bpoelstra, i9 E. Hunibi'lilt. Aug. 10, a daughter. 8TCKES - lo Mi . and Mrs. Harry C. Stokes, Evtarada. Or.. Aug. tl, a son. POWELL To Mr. and Mrs. John B. Powell, H E ll'ih Pt.. Aug. 17, a sti. RIVE1.L1 To Mr. anil Mis. Emlllo RlrelU, Reed Way anil E. 2Sth st., July ri, a son. DEATHS A Nil FLMiHALS 7o ADAMS In this, city. August 22. Frank Adams, iped 75 y-ars. The funeral aerrlce will be conducted Friday. August 25, at -p. m.. In the mortuary chayel of A. I. Keuw.rthy & Co., iVU-oi Ninety-second street N. E.. In Ints. Frk-nls Invited to attend. Interment Mount S-oU Park Cemetery. JUIIANISON August 3, at her late residence. Grand avenue and and East Second street S. E., Johanna Christina Julianion, ned 6T years. Beloved wile of Severln Jchanson, moth er of Mrs. Anna Andersen of this city, Jnllus Johnson of Mayger. Or. It-:inuln at Penrsm Undertaking Parlors, Russell street at LnloQ avenue. SPKNCEB At &T21 Foster Koad. August 23, J f1 wnannAP a (roil TPfl rm r it cri Charles C. SDencer- aged 54 years. Funeral notice later. Kemalits are at the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 6b02-O4 fc-d street S. E., In Lents. KRaHLER Milte Frahler, St. Vincent's hos pital, Aug. 13, 4 years, burus of body. SWAKB Jene Swabb, Multnomah hospital, Aug. 14, 24 years, endocarditis embolus. MLLHOlJANVJ Daniel W. Mulholland. 6329 85th St., Aug. 14. 48 years, tuberculosis. IMBODLN Ueco Imboden, 203 Richmond, Aug. 10. 19 vears, tuberculosis. MOCK John Mock. 571 Willamette blvd., Aug. IS. 77 venrs, arteric sclerosis- Hl'FFSCilMlDT Kobert A. Huf fschmtdt. Emanuel hospital, Aug. 18, 55 years, chronic nephritis. VAUGHN Gertrude Vaughn, 185 B. 9th St.. Aue. 19, b years, chronic nephritis. GRESBACH Herman Gresbach, 577 E. 7th t., Aug. 19. 37 rears, cancer. HAHN Richard Hahn. E. 68th and Halsey, Aug. 20. 5K years, chronic endocarditis. M'CoY-Iauies McCoy, M2 Strong St., Aug. 20, 60 vears. cerebral apoplexy. ( El CHANAN Susan Buchanan. Sill 63d St.. Aug. 1, B5 years, heart disease. FLORISTS CLARKK BROS., florists. 287 Morrison et. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs No branch s'ores jUAKTlN Ar tUKtir.a CO.. liOiisla. .t Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arrtteed TONSETH FLUKAL CO.. -a VV au., bet. 4th and 5th Main 5102. A-1I02 OSCAR JOtLNtiON FLOKAL CO '. iS Glisan s. Mar. 4372. A-1464. ! AlAlr- lit; wreatns. pillows. 13 up. ! Sprays $1 up. Chappell s. 347 Morrls'n. !1A M -MI IH tiorist. NIV bth st. FUXEIIAL. DIRECTORS EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507, A-1511 p. l im Undertaker, East 11th and Hawthorne. Phones E. 781, 13-1838. Lad assistant. us. t. mmm New residence establishment. 901 Wil liams ave. Woodlawn 220. C-1943. A, D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 6267; 5&02 32 St., Lents. Tabor 6895: 66th at. and Foster road. Arleta. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral directors, 414 E. Alder st Phone Fast 52 B-2S25. Dunning & McEnteeiiK laitera. 1 n e.-ery detail. Broadway and Pine ata. Broadway 430 A-4:5S Ladv assistant. J. y. FIN LEV &. SON, Progressive Funeral Lnrectora. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. A. R. Zeilar Co Kast 10S8. C-1088. Lady attendant. Lay and night service. MILLER v TRACE i, independent fu neral directors. Prices low aa $20. $4'". 0. Wash, at Ella- M 2S91. A-7X85. BREEZE & SNOOK. li-1262, T. 1258. 02y Relmor.t at :4lh l.arly attendant I . . i K. I :. O I h m Ii O I i I i . ,. 1 HamilTOH nrra I ervlce Ta..- 4 313. CI IT M Z V Under taKing Co. Main 41&1 OrL VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Tlay ERICS0N5 RESIDENCE UNO. !' KLS R125 44" Mofr MOMTWEXTS FORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-268 4th St., opp. city hall. Main 8564. PHlip Neu & sons, for lip Neu & Sons, for memorials. BT r- , , r s r. v ; . -f- T- 'd - LA LZA NGGR A N I T t Olj ..rm st cp MAPiSQhj J DC BUSINESS PROPERTY 60 BLOCK for lease or 6ale, 16tn and Taylor sts. East 2818. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 1 $13,04)0 home for $6500. west side, mo. I ern- 1000 casn or ood automobi r clear lot, balance 6 years. Own. moj- ie ner I journal LARGE lot, 80x110, 3 room bungalow; a great bargain at $575. $30 cash, $10 per mo. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bdg. 42x17 LOT, 2 room house, plastered"; furnished; near school. Trade for good automobile. F-83, Journal. IF you want a real bargain in new, modern Rose City Park bungalow, go to 592 E. 61st st. N. GUARANTEED snap; 4 room house, 2 full lota, block car, $50. including walks. 310 Yeon. Marshall 2132. fc FLAT, modern; nice location; furnished and piano. See owner. 781 Va Over look boulevard, near Falling. OWNER will build on large lot. Belle Crest. Terms. F-74, Jouxnax FOR SALE HOUSES 61 iCoauanMi' AUTO. GARAGE. HOl'SE. ONLY J2700. 6 room modern bungalow. Rose City Park car, 1 block, nice lot, street im provements paid. Good S pass. auto. $600 cash, balance t-a month. No trade. Owner. Tabor 3040. FORCED TO SELL, beautiful modern "-room bungalow, one block north Piedmont. All built-in conveniences. $800 less than cost two years ago. Mr. Umbdenstock, 306 Oak street, l'hone Bwdv 1658. A Good Buy Acre close to electric station on rock road; 30 minutes out; price only $200; terms $5 per month. Call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. $4ti5 will buy my 2-room plastered house; plumbing; 60x100 lot, good lawn; cement sidewalks In and paid. Easy terms Wonderful bargain. Own er left city. Agent. 306 Oak street. Phone Bwdy lBoS. J50 CASH. 15 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, St. Johns line. J1600. A real snap. Fred W. German Co,, 732 Cham, of Coitl SEVEN rooms. 80x105 lot. near Arleta school; mortgage $600. Take $900 for equity; trade considered. M-7", Journal. ONLY $1100. 4 rootn house, lot 50x100. Electric lights, gas. Terms. J. C. CORH1N CO.. bewig Ding. $750' ENTITY for $150; mtg. $bii'. T- 94, Journal. FOK SALE LOTS 1 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. Berkeley addition I 90.00 .Santa Kosa add $ 0.uD 72d and Stanton $195.00 Rose City Park $415.00 J. C. CORBIN' CO., Lewis bldg. LARGE, 'beautiful view homesites, 15 minutes out. west side, $350, $10 cash, $5 per mo. Al. E. Lee, 605 Cor bett bldg. BARGAINS. LOTS IN ALL DISTRICTS. TERMS. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. HAVE over $1200 equity in fine lot Ladd's addition. What will you give for it? L-67. Journal. $300 GOOD lot one block from vVood lawn car line. 1284 Cth et. N. E. ACREAGE CHEAP ACREAGE $20 per acre. $20 down and $10 per month buys 40 acres of good land free from rock or gravel, between Portland and Astoria, in Cowlitz county, 2 Vi miles from Columbia river: fine loca tion for dairy or poultry ranch; run ning water. 6 acres. $250: $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia on the main line of three railroads, 1 miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills. Some of this land is partly cleared; running streams, some bot tom and some bench; can give you ajiy kind of a piece you want. 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanle. Clatskanie lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanie has a population of 1000. A cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from town: from $35 to $50 per acre; $2 per acr down and $1 per acre per montn. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., iis Railway Exchange bldg. ' We Make a Specialty of Washington Lands If you want to buy or trade see us at once. If you want to sell, list now and ret results. A. V. Estes, 723 Chamber of Commerce. 9 ACRE BARGAIN. 4 mile from station, on county road, rich black bottom land, no rock or r ravel, fine spring; good 3 room nouse, urniture dishes, tools, etc. Ail for $900; terms, $400 cash, balance to uit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. .0 ACHES, $600. Easy terms, only 35 miles from Portland, running water, good soil. Close to school and stores, 1 mile to R. R. station and town. AKERSXJN. GOOCH & CO., 605 Stock Exchange Bid. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1S85 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. BRYANT ACRES, AT OSWEGO LAKE. $200 for an acre tract; Jies level, open second growth; close to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 6 ACRES, $1600, easy terms; acre partly cleared, good 5 room house, well, outhouses, chicken run, fine place for poultryman; 9 miles from Po tland; 2 car lines, 12c fare. Will taKe some trade. Phone Tabor 3502. Ask for Roberts. FOR SALE Equity ln 15 acres for sale, all clear land, about 5 acres ready for cultivation, one mile from Molalla, Or., half mile to railroad sta tion. Write F. W. Humphrys. 663 liv ing av.. Astoria. Oregon. $20 to $30 Per Acre In tracts of ten to twenty acres; f'ne soil, on road, running water, near school. Easy terma. 214 Lumber Ex change bldg CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric. 65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar lai.d. 309 Teon bldg.. Portland. 16 Vi ACRES of land at North P.aina. Or., all in cultivation, young orchard. For sale or trade. W. U Shaffer, t'amas. Wash. VOU SALE FARMS 17 20 ACRES. 15 under cultivation, 1 acre ln orchard, good house, barn, other outbuildings, running water on place: crop, stock and farm tools", 10 miles from Vancouver, on main street road, 1 miles West Manor. Price $3300, part cash, terms on balance. Owner J. J. Wilson. Vancouver. Wash., route 6, box 164-A. I HAVE good 240 acre larm for sale or trade ln Eastern Oregon, plenty of running water, 100 acres tillable, all fenced and improved; will give good terms and consider Portland residence as part payment. Price right. Call at 1032 Cham, of Com. bldg. bet. 9 and 12 a. m., bet. Aug. 24 and 31. Stockmen, Notice, 2100 acres rich alluvial praine mead ow land, $6 per acre. Will divide. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres wheat land 7 miles south of Echo. Or., all fenced and under plow. Small cabin and well on premises. Address Jobn Todhunter, Echo. Or. HAVE some of the best larms in Wil lamette valley for sale at prices tnat are right; on some of these I can take trade. Neal Brown, 203 Panama bldg. for wheat ranches, aale or trad. M. Kltimaurice, Condon. Or FOR RENT FARMS 14 60 acres, 35 milea from Portland, 20 cultivated, crop stock and tools for sale. Room 209 Panama bldg. HOMESTEADS 160 Acre Relinquishment 4 miles from town; river through the place; 75 acres river bottom; fine eoll, no rock; price $300. Two 160 acre homesteads that Join, 2 miles from town, lays fine, no rock, some timber, fine water; price $150 each. Bundy. 411 Henry bldg. rmnn HOMESTEADS If you are Interested in one call at 1032 Chamber of Comerce bldg. bet. 9 and 12 a. m.. bet. Aug. 24 and 31. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 21 GOOD timber claim, close to Portland, to trade for Portland or Seattle property. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR exchange' of all kinds, eee u w. uakiaA-kaj, ill etn au EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Continued) GET OUT OF CITY. Have choice acre, well improved. ' HH UUIlulllgs, III (UUU 1 11 K I i I ette valley town, with mils nd fac tories and tributary to prosperous farming section. Also logging camps near. Price only $.'000. clear. Will exchange for city residence of equal value. A. K. HI LI., 419 Henry bldg. A PRUNE FARM. 1 mile from Marion, 15 miles South Salem. 48 W acres, fine bldg, fully equipped. Price $30.ooo: Will take city property or wheat farm. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. CASH OR TRADE tor house and lot on Peninsula. 20 acres of land 20' miles from Portland. 1 mile Columbia river highway; fine view. St. Johns car to Jeasup 8t., 1-05 Wilbur st. 5 ACRES, 4 miles east of Portland, well improved, new 5 room bunga low; will trade for od home in city; must be clear. G. W. Priest, 309 Ab lngton bldg 40 ACRES. $1 fare from I'ortland. close to school, station cash price $1000; will take house and lot. Claude Cole. 300 Henry hldg. WE ARE Iookiiik for city property to match our farms and ranches. R1CHANHACH A- ' . 7(, I.ewix HM IK VOI.R EXCHANGE is a Square Deal see XullTHWKST REALTY CO.. H22 Cham of I'nui hide Mar L'272 AN ACRE in West Portland Park to trade for lot In Berkeley. Cal. l'hone East 19 4 4. 160 ACRES, I'matiHa Co., close school station, clear Will take housf and lot. Claude Cole. aiM) Henry bldg. L'NlNCL'Ml'.KKKIi land. bruoh. for house. T-!7. Journal. ROOMING HOISES Don't Look Any Farther Have several real bargains in room ing houses from $150 up; choice loca tions. SEE HALL, f. 12-1 3 PANAMA BI.DO WANT roonrng house, lu to 14 rooms, west side, furniture must be in good condition and price very reasonable, will deal with owners only. V-I4, Journal. CAPABLE woman to manage loom ing house of 1:0 rooms on percen' age. or rent out right. P-SB, Jo urn a! BISINKSS OPPOKTl'MTIKS 'J! WANTED Partner Hi Kood paying business, honesty and integrity are sufficient, no money required, Inn must furnish references. Call at tlu? Marshall St., or phone .Main bei. 5 and p. m. today. $ibou WARM mineral springs, im bathhouse. swunminK proved with pool, dwelling house, tents, on .viouni Hood auto road; part trade. H. E. Me serve. otviier, Howe, Or. Save Time and Money By seeing me first before buying a grocery store or rooming noutse. HALL. 51-13 Panama bldg. ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN I If you are looking for a business or wish quick sale, list with us. THE PACIFIC AGENCY, iZ9 Morgan bldg. WANTEIj Man with JlooO. to take 1-3 interest In legitimate and honorable business; a live proposition; returns uuick and large. Address in confi dence. W-30, Journal. HIGH class hair goods and toilet arli cles, all kinds of hair wotk, facial surgery; have high class trade; must sell Room 203, Panama bldg. BES T garage on west side wants part ner; good, legitimate, paying propo sition; $siO required, no brokers. L-71, Journal. HAVE some real bargains ln grocery and confectionery stores, both in the city and country towns. Neal Lrown, 209 Panama bldg. FOR SALE Light grocery and deli catessen, good down town location no agents. Call Sell wood 2587. CLEANING and pressing; business well established, 1 wagon. 12J3 Divi sion St., or Tabor fiS 4 4. GROCERY and popcorn wagon near Morrison: le&s than inventotv. ilce $600. Wlthrow. 411 Henry bid.;. ONE 10x13 Willamette Roading engine with liner, blocks and chockers; easy terms. X-83. Journal. business cakd;; Rose City Printing Co., Third st., cor Taylor FOR SALE Old established naraKo and repair business, for less than inventory. Y-9.r, Journal. GROCERY store for sale; fine locution. M-.X, Journal. A GOOD thint- jl) thins for parks Hnd fairs; sdl cheap. 1 , Jo ', rrial. will BUSINESS OI'I'OIM UNITIES WANTED OS WANTED, by family of musicians, to lease good dance ball on percenUiK1-' basis. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE OUR installment plaii is the best and surest method of i.aylng a loan. $32.26 per month lor 31 months, or $21.24 for Go months, or $15.17 for 8fi nionths lays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Unproved city property. Or for building purposse. No commission chargeo. EQUITABLE SV'G'S Ac LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. 5 Year Mortgage Loans Residence, farm or business prop erty. Will finance and build homo on your lot. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 212 Selling bldg $200 $&00 $700 $2000 And up for Immediate loans On cilv and farm properly. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LKW1H BLDG. BUILDING loans on city and subur ban property; money advanced an work progresses W. G. Beck, 315 Kailinx Mid?. Main 3407. MONEY In any amount up to $500,000 to loan on close in property and im proved farms, Or. or Wash. 32 9 M organ bid g. $100,001) ON mortgiiKes, city or larm property, fire Insurance. McKenzie & Co QcrlinKer bldg.. 2d and Alder CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans, reasonable rates. F H. I,cwm. iopny 4. iewia OLlg. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $luo to $0000 on city property. A. H BELL. 201 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city, farm property. V. C. King, 314 Spalding. $2coTVo''0, $':". 900, $1200, llvoo! y rr d O. rmn n Co.. 7 3 2 (.'ham. Cofo Tj4(.7uoo OK LESS. KAKRl.NfiTON. 80 4th st I'oanl of Trade Bids;, fc-EE us Small loans. Installment loans. Cellwr-M urton o.. w.'t 1 eon mog. $1000, $lf'o and upward; no commis sion. Deshon A Hawk. Main 1167. 6?i. money, no delay. Krebs Logus Co., 110 10th st. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Lou! Salomon Co., 300 Oak St.. near 6th. Jiowo to loan, H. real estate security. R-42. Journal. MONEY to loan. 5 to H. W. H. Seitz A Co. 3)0 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN' CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 Salaries Chattels Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. I'ORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, INC.. 308 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL CHATTEL LOANS LOANS AT LEGAL RATES We loan money on pianos, household roods, and also to WORKING PEOPLE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, LICENSED. 17 FalUn bids. 30 WANTED $ 1 OuO at 7 per cut from private party on good city iroperty. no commission. M-1 ;. Journal. - FINANCIAL FOR SALE Nolo f22U0. 7 'c on or ne fore u years first mortgage. nu dis count. -77, Journal. . lkl a ellers' interest in contacts. 1,1 n,4 Wah 1 .nmhct-m---;, bid. HELP .Mi.,- 1 HOPPICKERS WANTED. Cjjn place 600 families.; first ship ments out about September 1. Ymda having best camping accommodations and hops are on our lists Free ood water, straw, fruit, vegetables, cooking equipment, bleeping lents ;md apart ments at mmiy of the vards apodal railway rates. Yards at Brooks. Lues ley. Noconda. M.-Minnville, li.'vais. Independence. Slici wood. Amity. 'Vood burn Talbot, Orvllle, Silvcrton. I'.. ker should reRlster at once to secure -hoice of yards at main ol'iuc. 1 ft h an. I John son, or women's department, room 0$ city hall or room 4:4. Railway Kx chiiiiKe bldg. City of Pol t la rid- -1 " S. Government PFRLIC EMPLoYMKNT lil li.CAU Alain 3;',;,;. Phones A-oi.'4. STEADY men wanted to take exclu sive control of Coos. Tillamook, Lake Klamath and other good llclds. Money advanced weekly; outfit and special tiaining free, experience unnecessary. Our active men are making good money. You con ! the same, ("lean, hitidv, truaiaiiteed stock. Yakima Val ley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. YvANTICD 5() BRIGHT ROYS ON THl'KSHAY M'lKNIXG KVICRY F.F.K MAGAZINIi. 5.9 PITT'OCK 11I.UI K. WANTED, fcood barber to ko In Clan Valley. Or., for two months; will make Jig per v . k , half (ate will bo be paid. For pH t t lc u lars amdv lo Lewls-Stenfcer Harbcis' Supply Co., 10th and .Morrison sis SALESMEN wanted lo ell the Vioo mau strain Ki ,i m i u -t I Engiifh nl nut. together wltli a completf Uiii'- of Iiurmry stuck. . ash w.ckly. o.iilit free. .IdnsM Cai'ital ' ; t NttiKeiy Co., Salem. H litJVH Willi wheels Min It'll, 16 etTrS or over Good pay. slcinly work all winter and chance for advancement. Weslern I'nlon TelcKiopb i"o . )k. WANT lo be holder for Hig booklet K i 1 l lo'k ins I' S. cm eiiinei nl olfice llf'e, at splendid siilary? 1- V-i'.iix explain lully. Wash i mi; i on. I '. WANT first iass, all hiiiiiii I laker, Homeoiie living mar Portland pre ferred: stale wages wanted. Aj'.riresH 1.. Grimm. 1 -a I a s rt I e. i ir MAN to bat' h on farm lor month or two and cure for place and slock; small wniies, llnht work. Neal liiown, 209 Panama bl.li;. ANTEI -- Yuiiiig lio n handv around machinerv. Portland "ur Mfg. Co.. 1 249 Macadam Kind. W A NTEi , "w ciiMlcliopper, fjii ( cirils. $1.50 per. ioc boat fare. C-.l, Journal. TEN teams and nuto trucks for haul ing wood in the city, good pay. 41 Couch st. U AN'Ti'.b A good mllki r nnd for gen eral farm wot k 927 Urookljn st. Take Kb'bmond car to :lst st M A TTH ESS maker wanted port .and Ftirn. Mfg Co., 124'.. Mnendain road. WANTED A glass bevel.r. Columbia Glass Works. 44s Flanders. 2& M EN lo split 11(13 SpaldiiiL' cirdwood. tiOc per cotj. bldK. CUNSl'l.T i M. f-ecreta rv A empoivineiit HELI U..Jl.i YilSl il Y. M. C. A. A I 'TOM' ' It I EE SCHOOL, bay and night c lass. n, traiiiine in c .iin.iic,..' i.,r, ., i:,n... .i,,.,... drillJ press. etc , time unlimited. S ( uio pas al ed iic al ionu ofli'. - l. M. A. bblK , to ii..-l'" t '"r m,oih Uriel meth ods. ' )M I'l.'I KXT H ACl-l- El'iCS and MECHANICS SI'ITLIED. Tui tion fee includes M I, .l I IE I IS 1 1 1 F' IN Y M. C A. and il EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, use of n-ft. whti niln( pool, kiiiih.t l. it ns. K rn mi m u hi, etc. HAI.KSMK'N iiik it M.u.ratit, I. "tel. cafe, rlKar. pool. . I r 1 1 -r . kimmiI ulcrtt tri.de, .'.ill do lilK li'iMlliv-s wit:. ll r li w lic ici kel side line. All mer chants in towns of Ioo.oihi und ni.ibr want it; $j coin in i ss mil each sale, no collecting; no exin n.e or rlok to inj-r-il.ant. We tako back all iinsobl K""ds. cCaiificlcl M (k- Co.. .IKel M.. Chl cr.no, I II . MEN. women wanted. Kovernincnt Joli-4 $75 mor.ili Write for list posit. oils. Franklin ter N Y I.sll'iile. Dept. 349R. Roches- LEARN tin- real Mate l-uIiiest See Educational Hook lUM.uay, '.ms hi. Ii at ore i i'NCAl7LED for tailor made unit?. $K mi up. Taylor, the Tailor. 2!t 'i BurnHlde. iieliwan n:i- (I EN ERA I . h(.,.se'.voi k plain cookiiiK, Kood laundieKs. Miildle-ugcrl colored woman in Irvinnton Wood. 47;n. $20 month. 77vNnrED. ii woman for housework for a family of two. &'.& Reynold si. Take Si-1 1 wood car. WOMAN -LiKht house oik, can: for child 'lurlnK school hours; $ j per Week. koo.I hoine. BBI Vntieouver a v f. GIRL or ' oman atiud lo assiM mm houscwoik. J'lioiie 'labor o... 2S' E. :i.'Jd st. A" VlilNH Kill to assist Willi li;ht housework, i;ood hk' .i, al on. Tal.o, :,'.l I GIRL or woman want, hous'-woik Tabor d lo assist wit h ''., E. 2nd. 1J.L1 UANTEU MALE A.Ml JKEMJLK 800"H(JPPICKEU.S WANTED. For the Llveslcy hop yard, the largest and best rlifr bottom yard In the state. Hops very heavy, all yards will soon be filled, so come early and K-t jour tickets, Holmes, $2.1R; Rush, $2.35; Murphy, $2.00, Geo. Lewis Yard, $2.40. round trip fares. Ieted at S.lein and Independence. Free tents, voud and straw. good camping grounds; water, etorc, butcher ihop, restaurant. 40c per box. Trains leave September 2. .1 and 4. No other place In Portland to net tickets for Llvesley yard Tickets are now on sale at Dorcas Bros., 221 Plttock blo.k. 1'nh ar,d Wash. sts. Call, phone or write Phone Broadway 221fi A-1717. to 4 P rn ciffice open Sunday 1 w HOP PICKER.: NOTICE. Steamers Pomona and Grahamona leave Taylor Kteet dock :45 a. m. for p.utteville, ChampoeK, Gearlns, Yhi Kets. Mixtion, Wheatland, Salem, and ai; way landing hop yards. liAgguno must be delivered tne day before sall iru; and tickets purchased. Box your ter.ts. Oregon ("lty Transportation Go., Taylor Street dock. " HOPPICKERS WANTED. Large yards, good picking, fine camping grounds, fire wood, straw and good water, grocery store on grounds. Apply between 10 a. m. and 5 y. m. at 202 Alder, or phone Main 760 ). MOLEP BARBER COLLEGE. Wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates; write for catalogue. Cor, 2d and Burnslde. HOP pickers wanted; round trip ticket $1.70; tl per hundred; will be at St. Charles hotel Wednesday and lhurs- day. Homer Oouley. HOPPICKERS WANTED. Why not go hoppicklng, thus to have an "outing" and earn some money, too? Please apply Beld Back Jr., 30 1st et. MOHLER Barber school wants meu end women to learn barber trade. free I Weeks. Positions secured. P whtle learning. 88 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Mel and women to learn barber trad free.. IJI Madison st. LOANS WAN.TE1) iCoatiaaed on, Sezt rf) - 1 .. ' '