The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 23, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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F inance Commerce-Industry
Lumber Shipment From Coo Bay to San Francisco Increase
South Also Reports Better Demand Utilization of Fish Waste
Is Problem Along Columbia River.
tnmbu Shipments Increasing.
Lumber shipments to California are
Increasing but the greatest increase is
shown from the Coos Bay section.
During the first half of August, "Coos
Bay made a remarkable record, ship
ping- more lumber to San Francisco
than all of the other Pacific coast
ports combined. Th record shows in
rir sad Spruce.
Handon ."
Columbia river ,
too, Bay
Port Angeles
Pert Gamble
Beattle . . . , .
"Willapa .....
' Total
. 1.787.00i)
. 1,40,000
90S. 000
. I,i71,000
. 309,000
Caspar ....
l''ort Hraartr .
Crescent City
Total 6.978,000
Waste Paper Zs Valuable. The Ore
gon Merchants Magazine is after the
state, to save all their wast paper be
cause of the acute shortage of stock
and the handsome profits resulting
flom its sale. The weekly issue of the
magazine says: "Gather up that waste
paper. Save those cardboard packing
cases, the wrapping paper, and all
other clean books and papers. Then
buy up all tho clean magazines and
newspapers. For the latter you can
get u cenia ine nunurea ui your siuie.
Pay what you like pay In goods sell
for cash. That way you make two
profits. The price you pay is your
own affair. "We suggest 20 cents the
hundred. If you don't like long profits
pay 25 cents. But anyway, gather up
the waste paper. It beats selling su
gar." Another Steel Record. Practically
A..... ....... V.Ni nct.A
vv:iy ua i v;t-cii ti jr , new uifti, iim
records have been established for
United States Steel common shares on
the New York stock exchange. Yes
terday the common shares moved up
to 95 3.-8 shortly after the opening,
this being a fractional gain over the
.previous high point. Not only is the
steel Industry prosperous but there
Sre rumors current that some sort of
m mnlnn will La rnt within the imme
diate future.
. Fish Offal Going to Waste. Every
season many tons of fish waste is
dumped by lower Columbia river can
series and no steps have been taken
to utilise this as a by-product. A report
of United States Vice Consul Wood
ward at Vancouver, B. C, deals with
this problem. -It says:
"Mr. Jamea White, vice chairman of
the Dominion Conservation commis
sion. Is at present in Hrltish Columbia
securing data in connection with the
proposed utilization of fish offal.
While at the present time a portion' of
this waste fish in used in the manu
facture of fertilizer, but a small per
centage Is disposed of In this manner,
most of it being thrown overboard. It
Is estimated that 25 per Cent of hali-ai
ut and from 20 to 30 per cent of sal
mon is included in the entrails, head,
tall, etc."
Southern Lumber Trade. Tho lum
ber men of the southeast are now be
ginning to take a much niore optimis
tic view of the market than that which
has prevailed for the last several
months. This prospect of an Im
provement is based upon the Increased
inquiry and demand and the low stocks
now being carried.
Owing to the drrlinlng market. 'mills
We ire tctviely buying throughout Oregon, Washington,
California, Idaho and other western states. Make use of our
organization In effecting your investments.
Lumbermens Trust Company, Fifth and Stark Streets
Railway Exchange
n n
M Wa
Jn 215
u u
Ry. Exchange Bldg., Portland.
New York San Francisco
Lewis Bldg.
Phone Mar. 655
Amounts as small as $100 may be invested through us, and such
orders receive as careful consideration as those for larger sums.
Municipal bonds of cities, counties and school districts.
Our offerings meet the requirements of the most careful investors.
u u u u
. We will collect and remit interest nd
principal and guarantee the payment of
both. Send for list.
Market Your Stock Through
Seattle Union StockYards
Best Market in Northwest
Price 15c to 25c higher than any other market on
the Pacific Coast, because it is the only yard in lh ,
United States not controlled by the trust. It is clearly
to your interest to patronize true competition.
have let theif stocks go down very con
siderably, waiting for signs of im
provement. It appears now, however,
that the bottom has been nit and that
there is to be a marked Improvement
Reports for the official week by the
Southern Pine association show that
165 mills had orders of 116.169,355 feet.
shipments of 106,233,543 feet and out
put of 89,659.299 feet. The normal
production of these mills is 101.059,
174 feet.
Grain Embargo at Baltimore. On
account of accumulation, an embargo,
effective August 16, has been placed
by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad on
all grain shipments for export from
here. Tue notice says that shipments
billed up to and including August 15
will be accepted.
At the offices of the company it was
said ther6 are 3100 carloads of grain
at the Locust Point terminals and In
transit and l.BOO.Oflo bushels stored in
the elevators.
Western Man Elected. The National
Association of Mercantile Agencies, at
the final session of the annual conven
tion, selected Chicago as the meeting
place next year.
Tho officers elected were: Presi
dent, Samuel Rosenfeld, St. Louis;
first vice president. Zellner rowlins,
Detroit; second vice president, William
P. Thompson. New York; third vice
president. A. G. Reibs, Milwaukee, and
secretary-treasurer, O. It. Parker, Min
neapolis. Advisory board George
Koelle, Chicago; William II. Burr,
Rochester; J. Jf. Holloway, Mont
gomery; It. It. Doman, Pniladelphla;
William 8. Radway, Boston; William
It. Stone, Washington, D. C; K. A.
Caten, Pittsburgh; E. T. Chester, Kan
sas City, Mo.; William S. Rauch, New
ark, N. J.; Oeorge'Fairlay, Duluth; E.
A. Howell, Denver; C. W. Hurler, Hous
ton, Tex.; Louis Martin, Spokane,
Wash.; Volney James, Nashville; J. R.
Truesdale, Youngstown, Ohio, and H.
C. Cravens, Chattanooga.
Columbia Fish Pack
About 404,000 Cases
Salmon Output for Spring Season
About 30 Per Cent Short of last
Tear More Pickled Pish.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 23. That the
canned salmon pack for the spring
season on the Columbia river will be
30 per cent short of last year's pack
is the opinion of those who are i"
close touch with the situation here.
The pickled output will, however,
exceed that of last year by at least
20 per cent.
It is estlnsated by reliable parties
that the pack of canned fish will
be in the neighborhood of 404,000
cases and the pickled fish about
The season will close at noon Fri
day. Wheat Brings $1.14' Bushel.
Bend, Or., Aug. 23. Eight thousand
bushels of Jefferson county wheat
were sold on Saturday to the Northern
Grain Warehouse company of Port
land for $1.14 per bushel. This is
the highest price paid In central Ore
gon this yeai
New York Sugar and Coffee.
New York, Aug. 23 (V. V. ) Coftee Nw
York No. 7 Rio apot, c; No. 4 8antoa,
Sugar Centrifugal, $5.77.
issued by the most sub
stantial communities of
the Pacific Northwest
Investment Bonds
Preferred Stocks
Local Securities
Capital $500.000..
Portland. Or.
)' Irl&liu Wl&iKI u IKll&ll rajarmfrrrefs? Mynmrovfljiifiic
Industrial Shares
" Again Leaders of
New York Market
New York, Aug. 23. (I. N. 8.) With the
industrials agalD leading, another strong and
active flmt bour market developed on the
sty4 exebang today.
The trad waa again strong for the stand
ard issues, despite reported attempt of the
big financial Intercuts to stop trading in this
division. Daring the first ssles, American
Zinc, opening at 34. sold np to 85H, Ameri
can Can, opening at 61 i. sold up to 62.
Others in the clan oyened a point over the
close, but later declined fractionally. The
industrial specialties were duller than nsual.
Induatrlal Alcohol, an exception, waa very
aetlTe and after opening fractionally orer tbe
cloae at IK",, sold up to 117.
Hteel common, aftar opening at 984, a
point over yesterday's clone, sold no to 90,
establishing1 a new high during the Initial
The rail leadera opened from i to a full
poiut over the close, but sold back, kiug
the over night gain in the primary trans
actions, leaterdaj'a advance in th ralla waa
considered unwarranted. It U predicted that
with pnhllc participation In the market,
prices will go higher. Iiulllah demonstration
are expected.
Range of New York prices furnlahed by
Overbeck Cooke Co., 218-217 Board of Trade
Otn. Cloae-
Alaska Gold
Allta Chalmers, c
American Beet Sugar
American Can, c
American Can. pfd
An erlcau Or Fily. c. ...
American O'ttou Oil. c. ..
American Loco., c
American Smelter, c
American hniclter, pfd...
Amarlcau Sugar, c
American Tel. Tel
American Woolen, c
Anaenmla Mining Co
Alcliisou, c
Atrlilswi, pfd
61 U
77 W
l'.iO V
1 '
52 Vi,
138 4
15 V,
. . S9
. . 01
'.'. 63i
'.'. 7!
. . 47Vj
.. &
.. sa
. . GMS'-s
.. 84'
.. I'JVa
. !i?9
. . 08
03 i
'. . :i"
.. hi
Baldwin, Loco., c
Baltimore t Ohio, c
Isethlchem Steel, c
liutie at Superior
Brooklyn Rapid Transit..
Calif. Petroleum, c
Calif. Petroleum, pfd. ...
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather, c
Central Leather, pfd.....
Cheaapealer A- Ohio
Chicago. M. & St. P
Chicago & N. W., c
Chino Copper
Oolodaro V. A I., c
Coua. Gas
Corn Products, c 15:)
Corn Products, pfd
Crucible Steel, co
I). It. G., c
I. R. U ., pfd
trie, c
Erie, lit pfd
General Electric
General Motors
Goodrich Rubber
Great Northern, ore lauds..
Hide & Leather c
Ice Securities
Illinois Central
Industrial Alcohol
International Harvester. . .
64 V,
171 Va
. 17 i
'. in "
. i
.. 8
Interhoro, c
Kuutag City Southern, c
ickawanna yu-el
Lehigh Valley ,
Louisville & Nashville. . . .
Mexican Petroleum
Miami Copper
hnnecxtt tvp
Missouri Paclilc
National Iliscult
N.Uuual Lead
Nevada Consolidated
New Haven
New York Air Brake
New York Central
N. Y., Ontario & Western
Norfolk & Western, c...
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mail
Pennsylvania Railway ..
I eoplea Gas
Pittsburg Coal, c
101 1
6H ;
1(12 1
64 14
1 ' H,
40 U.
. 4S
'. 'w
. 1
56 Vk
Pittsburg Coal, pfd
Prea'ed Steel Car, c. ...
Pressed Steel Car, pfd. ..
Kay Cons, tapper
Railway Steel Springs . . .
Ktadlng, c
Reading, first pfd
Reading, secoud pfd
U ..1. i l 1 . . . Q,A..I m
.. 65
'' iv
. .12
Republic In. a & Steel,
pfd . . .
Kork Island
Sears Roebuck at Co
Studeliaker, c
Studebaker, pfd
Sloss Sheffield . . .
Southern Pacific
South rn Railway, e. ..
Southern Railway, pfd.
Tenn. Copper
... IVi
'. '. '. 20 "
Texas Oil
Texas Pacific USb
Third Avenee
Toledo. St. L. W., c
Toledo. St. L. ft W. pfd
Union Pacific, c 143',
United Statea Rubber, c 67 Vi
United States Rubber, pfd
United States Bteei Co., c 98
United States Steel Co., pfd
Utah Copper S-t
Virginia Chemical, c 4it!)s
W'eatern Union Telegraph fe."'7
WesUushouse Electric tVli
Wisconsin Central
Twter, Or.. Aug. 23. Pruna picking- snl
Decking- tH'Kaa brre torfar and the Ysrlons
ppckiDj honses and prune orchards are crowd
ed with pickers and packers.
On tne William ttarst place, pronamy tee
largest orchard in tbe yailey. 40 pickers and
73 packers are employed. Mr. Hurst eapects
20 acres of the V) acres he has in a prune
orchard to net him In the neighborhood of
Recent rains put t fmlt in (Ins shape
for shipment and it is estimated that be
tween 8&0 and 460 carloads of prunes will be
shipped from here during the neit month.
The prunes sre mostly all contracted for at
prices ranging from $60 to $100. William
Hurst bas contracted with the Earle Fruit
company for the salo of Ma prunea and has
received a 'guarantee vf 46c a crate and they
to give him the market price should the go
higher, less the commission.
Butter waa down c for eitraa, nnchanged
for prime first, and He off fur first. Eggs
were steady, others unchanged.
Quotations between dealers:
Extras 28
Prime first
Current receipts 28
Oregon triplets 15
Tillamook triplets
No 1 soar 81
No. 2 sour 28
Bens 1$
Seattle Market.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 23. (U. P Butter
Native Washington creamery, brick, 84c; do
solid paca, aac.
Cheese Oregon triplets, lTe; Wisconsin trip
lets, 19c; do twins, 19c; Young America, 22c.
tggs select ranch, a&c.
Saa Francisoo Market.
San Francisco, Aug. 23. (U. P.) Butter
Extras, 27c ; prime firsts, ZSttc; Hrsta, 26c
Eggs Extras, 83Hc; pallets. 80c.
Cheese California fancy, 14c; firsts, 18c.
Los Annie Marks.
horn Angeles, Cel. Aug. StS. (P. K. S.)
tggs, case count, arc.
Butter Fresh extra. 28c.
Seattle Market.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 23. (0. P.) On Iocs
Yellow California. 2c.
Potato White sew California, 2 He; White
nTi, sax; xakima gema, .-ixtfo.
Saa Iranotso Market.
Kan Francisco, Aug. 23. (U. P.) Pota
toes, per cental Delta, In sacks, $1.7001.75;
do extra fancy. $1.80 1.90; do la boxes, $1.66;
No. stock, 75cX$l per sack; Salinas, $3 40
per aanarea.
Onions Yellow, 90c Q $1-10 per uek.
Oregon Beets Highest.
Medford. Or.. Aug. 23. Tbe price of. $5. SO
Mr tan for sugar beets offered by (La Utah
Idafea Sugar aompanr la this rslley Is slightir
abr taa afvraga frioe ia ui uaiira vtatas,
The Oxnard company, California, offers $4.50,
with a bonus of 80 cents for escb additional
per cent above 15, same as th Cblao, Cali
fornia company. Th Great Western Sugar
company. Colorado, pay a (5.73. while the
Owasso company, Michigan, pays $6 per too.
Sugar beet la this valley, where Irrigation
was properly employed, have don well this
year. Beets on onirrUted land are a failure.
Frosts of Week Do
No Damage Here
Following la a aamtnary of the crop condi
tions in Oregon for the week ending Aua-ust 22,
as reported4the local office of the Weather
Bureau by special correspondents throughout
the state:
There were frequent showera on two days
during the middle of the week and at the
"uTlly ISwa low factthaTnB "d
In a number of the higher farming sections of J
tho stste. The frost did no ereat damaee he-
efiuse vegetation was too far advanced to be
badly hurt. The showera delayed harvesting
operations to some extent and they alo oaaeht
some hay down and it became more or lea
discolored while being cured. The rsins were
very beneficial to pastures, potatoes and sugar
beets, which are all in excellent condition at
tbe present time.
The wheat harvest Is well advanced and
some farmer are htrough with thi work.
Threshing la now jreneral and the yields are
everywhere meeting expectatlona both as to
quality and quantity. The harvesting of flax
baa begun and the crop, while not quite np
to the average, is a -'airly good one.
Stock eontlnuea in excellent condition, al
though in some of the drier sections of the
state the ranges are falling, but they sre much
better than usual at this season of the year.
Red clover la filling nicely, but alslke clover
(a not so thrifty as expected it would be
earlier in the season.
Hop picking will begin in some of the ear
lier yards next week. This crop has mad a
good growth and while some yarda are in
fected with vermin this pest ha not been ery
troublesome as yet.
Bartlett pears are being picked and the
crop ia an excellent one. Applea and prunes
continue doing nicely and altogether the week
was a favorable oue for the ataple crops in
Portland Banks.
This week.
. ... 2,079.664.74
Seattle Banks,
Tuesday . . .
Ciearlngs ..
Balances . . .
Clearings . .
Tear sgo.
$ 1,728.688.20
... 244,631
Tacoma Banks.
San Francisoo Banks.
Los Anreles Banks.
Clearings $4,313,129
San Francisco Grain Market.
San Kraucisco, Aua. 23. Itarley calls:
Aug. 23. Aug. 22.
Open. Close. Close.
December $1.75i $175 $1.74V4B
May 1.77 B 1.70 A 1.S1 A
fw,t quotations:
Wheat Walla Walla, $2.00fi'2.06; red Rus
sian. $2.0nV(2.i5: Tia-key red. 2.152.o;
bin-stem, 2. lr.'ua.Sn.
Barley Feed. ( 1 . 67 1 .TO.
Oafs White. $1.70f 1.721.
MlllstnfN Bran. $i,.Ooit25.50; middlings.
$3.uoa.33.00; shorts. jaS.Wi'jj'iS.OO. "
San Francisco Wool Market,
San Francisco, An. 2". (P. N. S.)
Wool, per ponnd. Humboldt and Mendocino.
8 months. 22!g2W-; 12 months, 2"'!?30c; Middle
o.untles, S months, good. 17(U20c; di. 0
months. 14(SlSc: B.-d Bluff and vicinity, 2.1
25c: do. 12 months, -I9h27c; Nevada stovk,
staple, l!2(U24c; extra light cross-bred, 262Sc
according to quality; North coast statea clip,
1916. 25ft28c: lambs' wool, 15tjl6c; do. Cal
ifornia. 12(3 15c.
St. Louis, Aug. 22. (I. N. 8.) Wool un
changed. New York Cotton Market.
Open. High. Low. Close.
January 1474 HAXi 1470 1501
March 346 1M7 14S5 1515
May 1.02 15SO 1501 1529
July 1505 1537 1505 16S5
September .... .... 148
October 1470 1495 1481 1490
December . 1475 1603 1407 149J
Oregon Apples in South.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 22. (P. N. B.) Apples
new crop, in good order, tiravenateln. $1.25
1.50 for 4 tier; Gloria Mundy, 75e3$l fur
3 '4 and 4 tier; Belleflenr 4 tier. i)cg$l.
Other varieties. 7585c per box.
Liverpool Cash Wheat.
Liverpool. Aug. 23. (L N. S.) Wbeat
pot. n. I Manitoba. 14s lid; ?o. 2. 14c lOd: I
No. 3. 14s Sd; .No. 2 red western winter, 14s
Site Is Wanted for
Armorplate Plant
Oovernmsnt Will Bacalva Offers Till
September 1 Project Is to Coat
Washington, Aug. 23. (U. P.)
Secretary Daniels today advised per
sona desiring to offer cites and to bid
on the construction of tho $11,000,000
government armorplate plant to sub
mit their propositions before Septem
ber 1.
The secretary also -wrote various
steel concerns calling to their atten
tion th provision under which the
government may buy an existing plant.
Nelson R. Jacobson to Speak.
Nelson R, Jacobson, candidate for
congress in 1914 and for ten years
clerk of the census committee of the
national house of representatives, will
speak at Lents tonight on the politi
cal issues. The meeting was arranged
by the. Republican state central com
mittee. The work of organizing local
branches of the Hughes alliance In
Oregon is said to be progressing fa
vorably. Mrs. Harriet L. Buford, who
has had many years of experience in
Insurance work, has been engaged by
the state alliance to organize local
branches In and about Portland. A.
A. Courtney has gone to eastern Ore
gon to take up the same line of work.
Walter L. Tooze Sr., reports local
branches completed at Salem, Jeffer
son, Hubbard and Woodburn in Marion
county, and Oregon City, Canby and
Milkaukie In Clackamas county. He
is now at work in Linn county.
An electrically operated washing
machine has been invented that also
dries clothes by centrifugal orce
without removing them.
Upper Washington street;
Adams street"- rom Holla
day avenue to. Hasaalo
street; Jeffersdh stroet
from Front to Chapman,
and Chapman to King's
addition; Madison street
from St, Clair to Kins;,
and from 8tout to Chap
man are smooth -as-glass
examples of tha best
Warren Bros. Co
Journal Bids.
Portland. Or.
Plants Along Columbia River
Are Busy Turning Out Ves
sels These Days,
Senuuid, for 'Wooden Ships Be mains m
Strong aa It Wat Two Monthi
M-go, Say tha Bulldera.
Skilled labor Is In great demand In
the many shipyards now building
wooden or ateel vessels along tho Co
lumbia river.
The Peninsula Shipbuilding company
Is looking for 60 men to put to work
at their plant, making 150 men receiv
ing salary from that recently started
Crose to 500 men will be needed for
the Columbia Engineering Works.
Standifer-Clarkson and Heath plants.
which are expected to be in operation
within 30 days.
The Northwest Steel company ia now
using 300 men, and expect to have SOO
on the payroll within six weeks.
So far, men havo been readily se
cured, the fchortage falling onto plantg
in Coos Bay, Grays Harbor and other
small cities, which cannot furnish the
environment coming to the laborer in
a large city such as Portland. Several
firms have agents on Puget sound and
in California, and the wants of the
Pacific coast have even been made
known on the Atlantic coast, In an ef
fort to fill the plants here.
The demand for wooden vesseis ia as
strong today, say shipping men, as
two months ago; and numerous con
tracts are awaiting final details before
being elgned.
Stevedore Complains of Injuries
Sustained at Work.
A suit for $20,382 damages was filed
by John Peterson, a stevedore, against
the San Francisco and Portland Steam
ship company 'this morning. Peterson
was injured April 7, when, he says,
15 Backs of flour fell on him while
helping to load the steamer Beaver.
He was In the hospital for three
weeks and Is permanently injured,
according to the complaint.
Sailings every five days from Port
land for Coos Bay, Eureka and San
Francisco are being put on now by
the North Pacific Steamship com
pany since the San Francisco-San
Diego territory has been abandoned.
The steamer Beaver, with 130 pas
sengers and 1100 tons of freight, ar
rived from San Francisco this after
noon. The steamer No Wonder has been
laid np by the Shaver Transportation
company and the bigger steamer Cas
cades put out In her place, the Cas
cades having undergone a thorough
overhauling of her engine room.
Repairs to the North Head cable
have been authorized by the weather
bureau and Forecaster Beals will
leave to superintend the work next
week. The cable has been out of
commission since June 9.
I The locks at Oregon City will be
! rlrv Sundkv while the second coffer-
! dam la nlaced. Launches or steam
ers wishing to pass through must re
port to the lock keeper before ? a, m.
The steamer Eurana, one of the
first vessels turned out by the Union
Iron Works, is to receive 25 shillings
a quarter for a trip from the Atlantic
coast to Amsterdam with grain. This
is one: of the highest prices of the
war and should almost pay the orig
inal cost of the vessel. She waj
bought by Savannah parties.
Vessels Endangered by Fire.
Seattle, Aug. 23. Thirty-five or 40
Puget sound and Alaska fishing ves
sels, large and small, narrowly es
caped destruction late Tuesday, and
one, the Salamo, was burned to
the water's edge by a fire which con
sumed a transit shed and a portion of
the fishermen's dock owned by the
Seattle Port commission and Shilshole
Bay. The damage Is estimated at
The fire started when a tar pot be
ing used to heat tar for the roof of
the new structure boiled over. Ten
of the boats of the fishing fleet were
tied to the wharf Immediately adja
cent to the fire. They were towed to
safety by J. H. McNlchol, agent in
charge of the dock. A 60-gallon tank
of gasoline aboard the Salamo did not
explode because of the fact that the
tank, being entirely filled with gaso
line, left no room for gases necessary
to an explosion. The transit sbed was
of frame construction, 80 feet long.
Arrivals, Angnst 23.
Northern Pacific. American steamer. Cap
tain Hnnter, passengers sod freight for San
Frtncisco; Greet Northern Pacific Steamship
Hearer, American steamer. Captain Manon.
We Issue
Money Orders
and drafts payable in all foreign countries.
Our money orders are paid direct to the re
cipient at the nearest foreign postoffice, elim
inating all risk of sending drafts through the
Call for explanation of our system.
- - - Kit"-
3d and Oak St.
passengers and freight from Los Anceiea aad
San Francisco; San Francisco Portland
Steamship rotcpanj.
Breakwater, American steamer. Captain
Mfcgenn, passengera and freight from San
Francisco and way; Nortneru Pacific Steam
ship eompany.
. B Stetson, American steamer, 3aptaln
Bendickson, cement from San Francisco; Parr
McCormlck Steamahip company.
Departures, August S3.
F. A. Kllburn. American steamer, Captain
Sears, passengers and freight for Sao Fran
cisco and war; Northern Pacific Steamship
W apart. American steamer. Captain FtJdat.
passeoeerf and lumber for San Uleso ana;
way Mccormick Lumber company.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at liver's Mouth.
Nxrth Head, Aug. 23. Condition of
nn.uth of the river at uoon, smooth
uortbeast 1 mile; weather, clear.
Suns and Tides, Auruat 84.
Sun rises, 5:22 a. ia. Sun seta, 7:03 p. m.
Tide at Astoria,.
High water: Low water:
in:48 a. tn. 0.4 feet. 4:32 a. m. 0.5 font.
3U:u7 ;. ru. 7.C9 feet. 4:30 V. m. 3.8 feet.
The time ball on the U. 8. hrdrugraphic
office was dropped at noon.
Daily lUver Headings.
8 A. M.. 12oth Meridian Time.
CD 3
i a
IS W t- si
eg e 6 53
Lewlston I 24 1.0 0.2 0T0O
L4natllia 25 9.1 0.2 O.OO
Albany 20 1.8 0.1 O.OO
Salem 20 0.1 O 0 OO
Oregon City 12 1.8 1-2 0.00
Bortlsnd 15 0 1 0 "0
-) t ailing.
River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will fall
lowly Thursday and remain nearly stationary
Friday and Saturday.
Steamers Due to Arrive.
Name. From. rit.
Great Northern ... S. F. A L. A Aua. 25
S.irtbprn Pacific... S. V Aug. 27
Rose City S. F. U A Aug. 30
Ueaver S. P. Sept.
Steamers Due to Depart.
Name. For, Dat.
Northern Pacific... S. F Aug. 24
Great Northern S. F. Aug. 2(1
Beaver L. A. & S. F Aug. 2
Rose City fi. F. 4V L. A Sept. 2
ttteaniers leaving Portland for 8an Frsuilac
only connect with tbs steamers Yale and Har
vard, leaving San Franclaco Monday, Wednes
day, Friday u Saturday, for Los Atgalet
and Sun Lltgj.
Vessels in Port.
Beiiver, Am.
Breakwater. Am. as
I.aisy 1 reeman. Am. as
Unity Gadby, Am. as
Irmsard. Hr. sch
J. B. Stetson, Am. as
Kenkon Wnru. Jap. as
Northern Pacific, Am. as
NlpiK Maru, Jap. as
Monterey. Am. burge
Temple K. lorr. Am. as. ..
E. 11. Vance, Am.
. .AIngwortn
. . .Columbia
.. .West port
.. West port
Oak st
... .drydock
. . .Municipal
, .Wellbridge
..Oak st
. ..Astoria
At Neighboring Ports
for San Francisco
A ii.i O mrA las- nr. si
J it. Stetson, from Sun Francisco.
Arrived at 5 a. in.. Breakwater, from San;
rranclsco, via Lureka and Coos Bay. Arrived
at 0 and left up nt 8:15 a. m.. Beaver, t ram
San Pedro and San Francisco.
Astoria. Auc. 22. Sailed at 2:40 p. m..
fJreat Nrrthern: at-4:10 p. m., W. F. Herrln,
for San Francisco.
'. nay. auk. 22. Sailed at noon. Break-
water, from San Francisco and Eureka, for
i oiianu. a
.1 . AA 1,1 , c I . 1 , . r
! , m a, vi.hi..
uic. 22. Ship at. rlcholaa, from
or Astoria, waa off Port Moller at
Nusl:agak. for
8 Iaft nlcht.
San Fr.-mclsco,
Aug. 23. Arrived Anrelia,
Santa linrbara. 5 a. m.; Caspar, Caspar, 7 a.
m.; Whltesboro, Greenwood, 7 a. m.; Johan
i'oulson. Astoria, 6:40 a. m.; V. S. S. Clere
laml, Ouaymas. Tla .San llego, 7:80 a. m.;
Admiral Dewey, Seattle, 8:30 a. m.; Del
Norte. Crescent City, 8 a. m.; Harvard, Los
Angeles, 10 a. m. ; U. S. S. Glacier, San Diego,
ifl a. m.
Balled Norwegian steamer Maricopa, Shang
hai. 10 a. m.
San Francisco, Ang. 22. Arrired Queen,
Ijos Angeles. 1 p. m. ; Lyman Stewart, Port
San Luis, 2:20 p. m , Pssadena, Albion, 2:20
p. m. ; AlTarudo, Orient. 2 p. m.; Violet, Seat
tle. 10:20 p. ra,
Railed Klamath, Los Angeles. 10:20 t. m.j
Northern Pacific. Astoria, 10:B0 s. m.; City
of Topeka, Eureka. 12:15 p. m ; haras Krs
klne M. Phelpf, In tow of tug Defiance, Port
Son Luis. 12:40 p. m.; Ascuuclon. VanocUTei,
1:40 p. in.; barge Simla, Port San Lnis. in tow
of tug Dauntless, 2:15 p. m; Japanese sa.
Ktyo Mum. 3 p. m. ; Carmel. Aberdeen. 8:40
p. m. : Elizabeth, Han don. t) 10 p. m.: trrnral
Hubhnrd. Antorla, tl:3o p. m. ; Westport. Union
Lending, 7:20 p. m. ; Ho)ulam. Grays Harbor,
' :'M p. m.; Katharine, Kureka. 7:80 p m. ;
Davenport. Puj:et sound, 1010 p. m.; Wblt
tier, 1'ort San Luis, 9:0 p. m.
North Head. Aug. 22. Paased in at noon.
Northern Pacific, from San Pranclseo; Alcs
trss. at 11 a. m.. from Ban Francisco. Paased
out at 11:50 a. m.. Tillamook, for Coos Bay.
Seattle. Aug. 23. Arrived D. O. Schofle'd.
fmm Sin Francisco, 10 a. m.; George W. Psn
wlck, Uurroran, via Vancouver, B. C, 4:30
a. m.
Palled Princs Rupert, for Anyox, B. C, via
ports. 0:30 i. m.
Seattle, Aug. 22. Arrived TJmatllla. Ta
coma, 12:10 p. m.; Eureka, Nanalmo, B. C,
10 p. m. ; barge General Fslrchlld, Anjox,
11. -'.. via porta. In tow tug Kingfisher. 8 a. m.
Port Moller, Aug. 21. Sailed Wlndber, for
Anchorage, Aug. 21. Arrived U. S, collier
Nanahan, from Seattle.
Valdez, Aug. 23. Sailed Mariposa, west
bound, st 4:30 s. ni.; Admiral Farragut, south
bound, via outside passage, at 1 a. m.
Juneau. Aug. 22. Sailed Humboldt, south
bound. 3:10 s. m.
Wrangell. Aug. 22. Sailed Prlneest Alice,
northlHMind. 6 a. m.
Ketchikan, Aug. 21. Sailed Alaska, south-
Douna, w:4& p. na.
Newport News, Aug. 22. Arrived Bsrtse,
trcm Seattle, for Liverpool.
Norfolk, Aug. 22. Sailed Teucer, from Se
attle, for LlvsIrpoeL
Wellington. Aug. 20. Arrived Cacique,
from San Francisco.
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 23. Arrived Grace
Dollar, from Vancouver; bark l'h tills, from
Efcgla Harbor, towing, yesterday.
Shanghai, Aug. 21. Arrived Tokonama
Maru, from Seattle via Yokohama. Sailed
Aug. 10 Shiujo Mara, tor San Franclaco.
Yokohama, Aug. It). Arrived Manila Mara,
from Seattle.
Honolulu, Aug. 22. Arrived Mskura, Troni
Vancouver for Auckland.
Santa Rosalia. Ang. 22. Sailed Crown of
Seville, from Glasgow, fur Seattle.
Victoria. B 0., Aug. 23. Arrived Hawaii
Maru. from Hongkong via porta at 7 a. ra.
Vancouver, Aug. 23. Arrived President,
from Seattle; J. A. Chanslor, from Port San
Luis, yesterday. Sailed Qrjce Dollar for Ta
coma, yesterday. Arrived, Aug. 23, Elian
Thompson, from Nome.
Anacortes, Aug. 23. Arrived Schooner Wi
wona, from Bering Sea.
Panlabo, Aug. 23. Arrived Schooner Chaa.
ft. Wilson, from Bering Sea, In tow ot tug
Port Townsend. Ang. 23. Passed out Ad
miral Evans at 9:30 a. m.; Richmond, towing
barke No. 95 for San F"ranelseo at 10 a. tn.
Pertland, Oregon
Coffee House Man
Held to Grand Jury
Jacob Salli, -who runs a coffeehouse
at Fifth and Couch streets, was bound'
over to the federal grand Jury after a
hearing before Frederick H. Drake,
United Statea commissioner, this
Th ehare. la tht of iiell-
I Inar liquor without a government 11
cense. John J. Beckman. assistant
United States attorney, says Salli sold
liquor in coffee cups.
Divorce Is Sought.
Eloise Long filed suit for divorce
yesterday against Jesse H. Long, alleging-
that he Invited a strange wom
an to their home and caressed her in
her presence. She says that the hus
band claimed .that he had a right to
two wives. They were married in
Idaho in 1913.
Adair Estate $2500.
Lieutenant Henry R. Adair, the hero
of Carrlzal. left property to the value
of $2500, according to thepetltlon for
an administrator filed yesterday by
his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Adair. The
petition asked that V. M. Adair, a
brother, be appointed administrator.
Divorce Is Asked.
Eloise Long filed suit for divorce
against Jesse IL Long on the grounds
of cruel and Inhuman treatment. They
were married In Nampa, Idaho in
May, 1913.
County Sells Scrap Iron.
From 160 to 200 tons of scrap iron
was soia xor oui.86 by tne county
commissioners this morning. J. Love
was the successful bidder. Its value
increased during the war. The Junk
! is located at Kelly Butte. Linton
quarry, Skyline road and Council
New-burg Left $7000 Estate.
Peter J. Newburg, who died on July
31, left property to the value of
$7600. according to the petition for
probate of the will, filed this morning.
He is survived by a wife and three
Fewer Babies Die.
New York, Aug. 2S. (I. N. S.) One
hundred and thirty-one new cases of
Infantile paralysis and 42 deaths were
reported to the health authorities here
Fewer babies have died In New Tork
this year than In preceding years, de-
spite the Infantile paralysis epidemic
which claimed more than 1900 babies.
I Health authorities said today that
; lno IBCt mat momers tooa Detter care
of their children and kept their homes
cleaner, fearing peiralysls attacks,
i m
Dald UeaUls In Ltick.
v. . .,, ,T. N
NeVir York. Aug. 28. (U. P.) The
; baldheaded man came Into his own
j here today. He gave his brothers
rw'tb heavily thatched roofs the laugh.
, T . , . ... .... .
! Just as wigmakers setUed their trou-
Dies witn tne numan nair workers.
j -who charged Inhuman treatment, thus
assuring a continued supply of wigs
and toupes, six thousand barbers
walked out.
Co-Respondent Is Xarned.
wawrsynieo Chybki filed suit for
divorce against Palerla Chybki, nam
ing Father Valery Kraska, a Polish
priest of Posen, Germany, as co
respondent. The wife Is still In
Osteopath Lecture Tonight.
A stereoptlcon lecture will be
Riven tonight at the Morgan building
auditorium, under the auspices of the
Portland Osteopath association, and
will begin at 7:30.
Saves Time and Money
Portland $20.00)
to land- V."
San Francisco $17.50) EXIRAS
Tourist, git sad 11.60 1 Sd class, St. So.
Say stoand Trip asg, from Portland aad su Valley Foist
ttMmtr Ejrasa Lamv.s t tO A. M.
ticket ornczs
Berts Baas, TUU aad Stark,
Third aad Morrls.a, S. p. St.
tS Waaiinrtra. O. V. Sr.
American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.
All sailings between
U. S. Atlantic and
U. S. Pacific ports
are canceled until
further notice.
C D. Kennedy, Aft., 1 Stark St, Portland.
Dalles - Columbia Line
Strs. J.N. Teal and Twin Cite
Portland to Upper Columbia and Snake
river points. Leave Portland about
every four days.
Ton nrroxHAnos ciu tatxob
sTMET DOCK UaUf 6X3. A-77 12.
'Victoria. Vancouver.
MONDAY I junau and Skafwaj, connecting at Skagway Friday
9:30 A.M. morning with the White Pass it Yukon Railway, and at
FOR I Princs Rupert Wsdnday morning with ths Grand
v. Trunk Pacific Railway.
WEDNESDAY i Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert snd Anyox,
930 A. M. connecting ai Prince Rupert Friday morning witn
FOR I the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
First and second class one-way rates to all eastern points Kpply Tl
Prinoe upert.
The Grand ruk Paclfio, tne Transoontinental, the T. Be jr. aaA
Oraad Trunk Railway now romlsh ttronirh service front Prince Sfcxpert
vis rrlici George, Edmonton and WiniUrar to Ohtoaro. Petrols, Buffale,
Toronto. Montreal, Qnebee, Boston. Hew York aad other eastara points.
rtnesi modern eleetrlo lighted, standard and iarist sleepexs, dining
sad observatloa ears.
See the Canadian Bookies sad the Katloaal Parks of Osaads,
Tor Information, Beserrstions and Tickets Apply to Olty Ttoket OffloS,
BOBSZT B. ncZTK O. T. T. Av ll Third trees
Griffith Elected as 3
Official of Chamber
President of T. B., & P. Oo
ceeds O. M. Clark, President,
Third Tic President of Xrfea.l Body.
Franklin T. Griffith, president of '
the Portland Railway, Light & Power -
company, was this afternoon elected
third vice president of the Chamber
of Commerce. He succeeds O. AL v t
Clark, who was reconily elevated to ; V
the post of president of the organiaa
tlon. The-Chamber of Commerce of th '.
United Statea Is to be asked by thc!
local Chamber of Commerce to devote
its enerKy towards securing arbitra '
tion of the impending railroad strike.
A resolution favoring government
control of the Alaska halibut fishing,
banks was adopted by the chamber. 4
Chicago Enjoying
Respite From Heat
radian Summer Weather With Tern-,
yi ssv ia wsj m v w - - s -
Prevail Prom Lakes to Texas. ' ;
Chicago. Aug. 23 (IT. P.) Indian -Vj'
Kiimmer urnilir xvllh llarht breeMS'' v ; '
and the temperature netween ea ana. , ,
o u was eujuyuu uy m iinuuis vtb.
today. (. i i
Coming in tho wane or a not spetij ; -
the cooler temnerature was welcomed: :
not only in Chicago and vicinity, bug '..',
as far south as Kl Paso. El Paso last .
night reported a temperature of 64' ,
At 2 a, in. today Chicago thermome- .- -
iers were uuwii iu oi. uiu nwvri v'
cbout the 70 mark throuch the morn-
ing. -II
The cool spell, hdwever, will bs
short lived, according to the weathef
man, who today declared that another
hot spell woald arrive tomorrow.
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Your Hair I
When you wash your hair, be cars"'-V
fill uliiif villi iihd KTriBt HrtmiM n si . .
prepared shampoos contain too rr :cn "
alkali, which Is very Injurious, as it '
brtttla :,
The oest inins; io use is just plain
muleified oocoanut oil, for this Is purs,
and entirely greaselets. It's very'
Ll U. .1111 wn.O . . 1 U ...vo
oaps or anytiiing else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store.
and a few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water. ?
and rub- It in, about a teaapoonful la '.
HI! LCSl im ICIfUllIU. AK ItJKRVJi Kit '
1 I U .. - thoroughly, and rinses out,
easily. The hair dries quickly indi .
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking.!
Lsiif&ui, ...... , H . j n.iv. m m j iw
handle. Besides, It loosens and take V
out every particle of dust, dirt and!
anflniff (Adv.l
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggist'
Sal-Ssno. without restricted diet, removes all jf
syrrptoms of tbe disease, produces gala IS :
weight, muscla snd narva power sod energy. ,
At all druggists. Writs for booklet. BAL
RANG CO.. M Wast Itroadwsr. New York.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
(Without Cbanf. En Beats)
Th Bi
Eleiantly Appointed
Sails from Alns worth Dock
100 Ooldan Milss oa
Columbia Elver.
All Rates lnoluds
Berths and Meals.
Table and Service
The San Francisco ss rortland B. S. Co.,
Third and Washincton Streets (with O-W.
id W
a. It.
Broadway aouv, Jk-lll.
11 k CI A'
M I. fA il IV L
Kstohikan, Wraarsu
Fetersburr. Jaei.
karway, Moms aad .w
t. KlchaeL tit
rAi icrtniaii a
srabii a.a vr
Via Seattle or San rranelsoo to itOW -Aag-eles
aad Baa XHeffo. "
ljrMt alilns ii ti I.M ii . arvlA lnw Pataa. ta
cludlnu meals snd berth. Tar particulars, as,n
nlv or tVnhfma
Ticket Offloe, 349 Washlngtoa StrsSV?
Vaolzto Main 23. Koae A-S3sa.
"Prince Rupert" and "Prince George v
Sailing from Seattle for
EAST Via Prince Rupert
Princa Ruocrt. Ketchikan. Wranratl.