The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Mi c til i Cll a : I
UnieT MUStermg UTTICer VVII -
I!. I C r, f
1 1 CXI 1 10 IddUob OlCUCIIIGlil. ui
Vacancies to Be Filled,
Many Additional Kecnilts Will be
4 aired to Replace Those Xelleved
From Duty for Various Causes.
Camp Withycombe, Or., Aug. 18.
Captain Kenneth P. Williams, chief
mustering officer for the state of Ore
gon, made the following announcement
here today:
"The following vacancies now exist
In the Oregon mtlltla, now In the fed
eral service with stations on the bor
der: "Third Oregon Infantry. 727 men;
sanitary troops attached to Third Ore
gon Infantry at Imperial City. Cal.,
three men; battery A. Field artillery,
Oregon militia, utatloned at Calexlco,
Cal., 26 men, troop A, cavalry, Oregon
militia, at San Diego, Cal., two men.
Enlistment Stations Olven.
"Men desiring to enlist to fill the
existing vacancies may apply to the
following places for enlistment:
"Camp Withycombe, Clackamas. Or .
chief mustering officer.
"The Armory, Portland, Captain
John ii. Hibbard, recruiting officer.
"La Grande. Captain Lee M. Clark,
recruiting olflcer.
"The Dalles, Major Hiram U. Welch,
recruiting officer.
"Eugene. Captain Curtis B. Winn,
recruiting officer.
"Recruits will be sent to the border
In detachments of 60 men to Join
their organizations."
frm Be More Vacancies.
Captain Williams also
announced i
that all men now members of the Ore
gon militia serving at border stations
with the infantry, cavalry, artillery
and sanitary troops, who are to be dis
charged from the federal service on ac
count of dependent relatives requiring
their presence at home, or1 for any rea-
on, will be sent to the moolllration
camp at Clackamas, for muster-out of
the federal service and discharge. It
Is believed that this number will be
great and therefore many additional re
cruits will be required from the state
of Oregon to fill vacancies created l'n
this manner.
Contributions Bent Pres.
Captain Williams has also arranged
to send to various companies on the
border such contributions as may be
made by friends, without cost. Friends
wishing to send delicacies, tobacco or
other articles to the border may ar
range for their transportation by com
municating with Captain Williams.
These articles must be well packed
and not of a perishable nature, ami
must be addressed to. and Intended for
entire companies or other units, and
not individuals.
The following recruits have been en
listed here since the last contingent
of recruits departed, last week:
Fred P. Trine, Portland; Ira Craw
ford, Bay City; Oeorge W. Ryel. Port
land; Roy Hendricksen, St. Maries,
Idaho; Hardy W, Jackson. Salem; Wil
liam S. Brown, McMinnville; William
C. Logue, La Grande; Wales M. Slg
nor, Minerva; George O. Demke, Van
couver, Wash.; Lester E. Worrell, Cald
well. Farmers of Central
Oregon Signing UpijSt
Flan Is to Oet Deeds for Btranorn
Right of Way Cleared Up Before the
Promoter Bettirns to Bend.
nnd Or An 19 Ths work of s:t-1
VZ" : . .V. Vn i
lined up on signing up the right of 1
t " - "
way deeds between Bend and Rliey will j
begin at once. The committee in cnarge
of advancing Mr. Strahorn's prelimi
nary work in this particular will cover
the territory in person and got the
deeds closed up as soon as possible.
It will be the effort of the men In
charge to have all these details as
nearly as possible closed by the time
that Mr. Etrahorn Is in Bend again.
Farmers throughout the section are
lgnlfylng their approval of signing
the deeds, and no difficulty is expect
ed In this regard.
Whisnant Buys Press.
Bend, Or., Aug. 19. A. Whisnant.
formerly of The Timberman, of Port-
land, has purchased the Bend Press,
' of which C. B. Short, also formerly
of Portland, was publisher. Mr. Whls-
' nant will take possession of the paper
wun us issue oi next week. lie
plans to make extensive improvements
on the plant and will publish an eight
page paper. Mr. Short has been pub
lishing the Bend Press for a little
more than a year. 1
Wilson's Progressive
Friends to Organize
Bainbrldge Colby Will Bs Chairman
of Bull Moose Branch of the Wilson
Cam2paig"n Committee.
New York. Aug. 19. (I. N. S.)
Bainbridge Colby is to be chairman
of the Progrepsive branch of the Wil
son campaign committee. This an
nouncement was made by Democratic
National Chairman McCormlck on his
return from Washington yesterday.
Henry M. Wallace of Michigan is to be
vies chairman. 4
The 1'roKienslve branch will organ
ise all Bull Moosers who favor the re
election of the president.
Francis J. Heney and Ole Hanson
will look after Pacific coast Progres
sives. Albert Nortonl of St. Louis will
have charge of Chicago headquarters.
To Teachers and Sun
day School Workers
Provide yourself now with
Peloubet's Notes
for 1016
Price SI post paid
Tarbell's Teachers
Guide 'or
Price U post paid
Gist of the Lesson
for 191
Price 25c post paid
Deck Hand Whom Hunger Tempted
Goes to Court, According to Promise,
and Collection Is Taken Up.
Walter Spruance,- on of ths bet
I deck hands on the steamer John
Clark, moored permanently at Second
! and Oak streets. Is triad he appeared
at ro11 c1! bfora Municipal Judge
.LangguthyWrday momlnsr.
! . Walter now has 60 cents to pay
for his bed and lunch, whereas, before
he appeared at roll call, his pockets
were empty. Walter told the judge
that he was hungry yesterday.
1 and when he saw an old boiler on
First street thought It could be
converted into money. A motorcycle
i patrolman saw Walter busy with the
' boiler and told him to see Judge '
1 Langguth about it today. Walter was '
1 not arrested, but he cam to court
this morning as he had promised
to do.
"I've got a Job tomorrow," said
"Better take up a collection for
Walter, that he may eat and sleep
and thus get ready for work tomor
row," suggested Judge Langguth to
court attaches. They turned 60 cents
over to Walter and he went his way
rejoicing that he had kept his prom- ;
Ise with the motorcycle patrolman.
Sum of $26,50 Is Secured!
Toward $75 Necessary
to Pay All Costs.
Hymnals are needed by Chaplain Gil- !
bert for the national guardsmen under
hla charge and a vigorous effort is
being made In this city to secure the
funds $75 with which they may be
'purchased and sent to the border. To (
mo pieaeuL, mra. r.una a. ieu, who is i
heading the movement, has secured
$26.50, but the money is not coming '
in as fast as is desirable and Mrs. Bell
asks that the ministers of the city call
attention to the matter from their nul
pits tomorrow and urge that the sum scting wttn the purchaser en lndepena
be speedily raised. . business.
Attention Is called by Mrs. Bell to; "Is from these young men that
the fact that the government, while it many of our prominent citizens have
supplies a ,chaplaln to such regiments ! grown in the past and from them the
as desire a spiritual adviser, provides I future w.ll see other prominent men
neither Bibles nor hymnals. ' An east- develop.
em organization has taken up and. it ) It Is therefore of highest importance
is understood, Is supplying all the i to the public at large thit these young
troops with Bibles but it rests with the ; mn should get only correct ideas of
home folks to provide the hymnals, i business, that dealings with them
Mrs. Bell may be reached by telephone i should be such as to encourage them
at East 3646. !
Those who have contributed so far i
to the hymnal fund are;
John M. Mann $15.00
June McMillan Ordway 1.00
E. C. Wiesendanger 1.00
Mrs. T. C. Kurtx 1.00
Mrs. John Talt
Mrs. W. W. Downard 25
Rose City Park Presbyterian
church 8.00
Auto Skids Into Big
Plate Glass Window
Car Drlren tj Kiss Dorothy Downard
Accompanied by Friend Skid Over I
. . . . . .
wet J-avement; occupants Uninjured
. . . , I
evciAi iiuhuicu jjciouiis aa?v a. itisa :
touring car oearing iwo young women
skid across the wet pavement, jump the
and break a 12x18 foot window in
ie Llpman-Wolfe store at Fifth and
Alder streets yesterday afternoon.
wMr Dror,hy l)ow,nard d,aughte f I
William W. Downard, secretary of the :
Union Meat company, was drivintr the !
! machine, and with her was a voune i
!. j .
wu,n"". 1,,B"U- .""f we,e KU1."5 eaBl
wuinau menu. iucj were KOlllK emi
'on rtiun oiicci, v iittii. in usiiiK iiie
brakes at the corner, the machine
gilded gldewlse.
It will cost $260 to replace the glass
Neither young woman was hurt. Miss.
Downard lives at 685 East Nineteenth
street, north.
Funston Denies He
Favored Withdrawal
Border Commander Bays There Zs Bo ;
Foundation for Bumor That He ,
1 Wants Pershing's Porce Back. j
San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 19. (I. N. 1
i S.) Major General Funston has i
characterized as without foundation a
j report that he had recommended the
I withdrawal of Brigadier General Per-
i ehing's punitive expedition from Mex-
ico. The
rumor emanated from El
"That does not deserve an answer,"
General Funston said.
That the war department does not
Intend calling Pershing out of Mexico
any time soon has been Indicated by
preparations made by the men of the
punitive expedition at isamiquipa, Co-
lonla Dublan and El Valle. They have
"dug themselves in." Adobe founda- j
tlons have been built for the "dog ;
tents" supplied the men. Pershing has .
asked and received permission to con
struct screened-in kitchens.
Mrs. Crawford Will
Give Two Lectures
Mrs. Florence Crawford will lecture
tomorrow morning at 11 and tomorrow
evening at 8. in "The Comforter" head
quarters. Center of Applied Christi
anity, 188 Fifth street. Women's Ex
change building. The subject of the
morning lecture will be "Make Friends
With the Mammon of Unrighteous
ness," and for the evening lecture,
"Treasure In Heaven." Classes to
which all are Invited will be held Tues
day and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock,
and Thursday afternoon at S o'clock.
Speakers to Change
Pulpits Tomorrow
Rev. J. W. McDougall. district su
perintendent of the Portland district,
will preach In the Sunnyside Methodist
church tomorrow morning and In Pat
ton Methodist church In the evening.
Evangelist B. H. Morse will alternate
with Rev. McDougall and will preach
at Patton In the morning and at Sun
nyside in the evening.
The first horse railroad was built
la II2WV
mm iu m un
Preacher to Discuss How
Young Men Who Distribute
Papers Should be Treated.
Rev. W. O. Sliank. pastor of the East
Side Baptist church, has invited The
Journal's carriers to attend a sermon
to be entitled. "How You Should Treat
Your Carrier." It will be delivered on
f.unday, September 17. and will be ad
dressed to the people who subscribe to
The Journal.
The young men who distribute The
Journal are composed of some of the
finest lads in the various communities
In he cltv- Although in a sense they
.represent The Journal, they are at the
sume time young Dusiness men. trans
( ftfj
III A MI 111
Rev. V. O.
Ninth Sunday After Trinity
Sunday School Lessons Tomorrow.
Lesson Topic.
The Riot at Ephesui Acts 19:23-41.
Memorise Tenet 29-30.
Golden Text. The lor of money la a root
of all klni of ertl. 1 Tim. 6-10.
Home Kesdingi. M. The Holy Spirit giren.
Acta 19. 1-7. T. Effectlre preaching. Acta
20. W. Riot at Epbesua. Acta 19:23-20.
uelllng the Hot. Acts 19:30-41. F. Gain
f codlineks. 1 Tim. 6:3-10. 8. Message to
Klieina. Kph. 1:1-14. S. Spiritual conflict,
i Eph. t:lO-20
i Youna People' Tonics.
"hritlan Enrtearor "Growth: Body. Hind.
Spirit." Luke 2.40-52.
Junior Christian Endearor "God'a Gift of
Birds and Animals.'1 Pa., 104:18-24.
B Y P U "Carelesaness
versus. Thousrht
ftiinesa." Heb. 2:1-7. "The Youth of Jeaus,"
Matt. 1:21; Luke, 2:40.
Klrat White Temple 12th and Alder Mr.
DeLong. acting pastor. rt. Maurice P.
ffls A'iSM1"1"" 8- 0,117
gwedisn-Flnnlsb Mlaslon White Temple C.
East Side E. 20th and Ankeny ata Rer.
- Shank. Ptor. 11. by Ker. E. A. Woods,
U. 1.. 'The Imaee of God In Man."
i m.v,!.1p fi.h al rt t B. n...
I HlhUnd E. bth aud,
Meter, pastor. 11 a. m.
Arleta Rt. W. T. Spriggs.
UnWertity Park Her. C. L
II. 7:46.
Swedish ISth and Hojrt Ret. T. TJernland
I nastor. 10:45 and 7:30
i Grace MontaTllla Rey.
H. T. Caah. 11,
The Changing and the Abiding." 8, "Chris
tianity Triumphant."
Sfllwood KeT. F. H. Hayes. 11, 7:80.
St. Johns Re. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30.
Ca"ary E. 8th and Grant Rey. Thomas
' Ktephenaon. acting paator, 11 a. m. and 7:45.
Mt. Calvary East Pine and Grand are.
R-t. A. M. Machack 11. 8.
Thud Knott and VancnUTer ae. tier. W.
J. Heaven. 11 a. m.. True and False Suc
: ve." 7:30. "The Shepherding of Jesus."
Cliineise J. f. Malone. 7.
Lenta ReT. J. XI. NeUon. 11, 7:30.
i be:vmi German Morris und Rodney ye.
I 11. 1.60.
! Glencoe E. 43th and Main Re?. A. B.
Walti. 11. 'Spiritual t inisblng Touches." 8,
"Bed Too Short, CoTerlug Too Narrow."
Mount Olivet -ReT. v. A. Magrett, 11, 8.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella.
11. .
First German 1th and Hill Rev. J. Kratt.
li. 7:80.
Goodwill Miaaion 15th and Boise atlas A.
M. Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Mission &SO Nlcolal at..
Iridav. 8.
KuibCllvllle Mission Rev. Albert Laugb-
brlrigp. !. J:4o.
ter Duff, acting paator
labernacie b.. t.a ana noigate nev. al
11. 7:3U.
i gt- peter s Leata Key. K Beutgea. 8.
i lQ:3o, 7:u.
i Pro-Cathedral 18th and Davis Rev.
O'Hill. a. 7:18. 8:80. 8 46, 11. 7:40.
8t. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Uev. J,
Hughes. 8. 8:30, 10:30, 7:80.
fit. Patrick'! 19th and Savler Bev. E.
Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7:80.
8t. Francis' E. Uta and Oak Rev. J.
Black. B. 8. 9. 10:80. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Bev. W. A. Ualy. . a, , 10:30,
kUly Rosary E. 3d and ClscWamas Bev E.
S. Olson, o. 7, 8. 9, 11. 7:30.
lioae om ana Aiameas &ev. 1.
Farrell. 8. 10. 7:30.
8t. Andrew's E. 8th and Alberta Rev. T.
Kternaa. 8. lo:su. r.w.
The Madeleine E. 24ttx and Siskiyou Bev
Georare F. Thomnaon. 7:3o. 8, 10:30.
ascaosioo K. Yamhill and E. 70th FrancLs-
cau athora. 8. lo:tiu, i :w.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancoa
ver ave. He v. F. H. Miller. 6. 8. 10:30. 7 80.
BlesMd Sacrament Mary land are. and Blan-
dn Kev. B. v. aeiiy. s. W.iU. 7:80.
Holy Cross 77 iowaoin Bev. C Baymond.
8. 10:80. 7:30.
St. Ignatius' 8220 43d at. g. E Jeaalt
Fhthera. :30. 8. iv:su. .
8t. SUnheha" 2d end E. Taylor Rev.
Warren A. waltt. , s:o. io:w, 7:30.
8t. Phillip Nerl E. 16th and Hlckey Bev
W. J. Cartwrlgbt. 8, 10:30. 7UJO.
Sacred Heart E. lltb and Center Bev. G.
Rohl. 5. 10:30, 7:30.
8t. Agatha E. 13 tb and Miller Bev. J.
Cummlsky. 8, 10:30; 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Bev.
St Michael i
B Uurrer. 8, 10:30, 7:SO.
troiiso; anaryiana ave. and
Mathaw. 8. 10:30. 7:30
fat. Michael (Italian) U and Mill Bev.
M. Baleatra. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clements 8mim aad Newton Bev. C
Smith. 8, 1:30. 7:3a
St. Clares Capitol Hill Franciacaa ga
ther, 7:30. 9:13.
St. Charles 34th and KMllngeworth Bev.
G. Bnlderhoru. 8. .0:30, 7:30.
First Park and Columbia J. A. Lord. 11,
"Freedom of the Truth." 7:45. "The Heaven
ly Cltlsenahlp."
Kern Park Bev. G. K. (terry. 11. T:80.
Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J.
Ullllnger. 11. 7:30.
East Bide Christian X. 12th and M. Taylor
Bet. A. U CrUn, U and 8,
to be (honest, upright and manly men.
. How essential this Is. and to what
extent the public should be Interested
ia these embryo merchants. Dr. Shank
purposes to tell the members of his
congregation and all others who at
tend the church the night the sermon
1 delivered.
Church Will Meet
Away From Home
Because of repairs that are in pro
gress at the Portland Norwegian Luth
eran church, services of that society
will be held ' tomorrow in the audi
torium of the Kennedy school, East
Thirtieth and Jarrett streets, at the
end of the Alberta carllne. Mrs. K.
Roald will sing. The morning service
will begin at 11 d'clock. Following it
there will be lunch served and at the
conclusion of lunch afternoon services.
During the period repairs to the
church are going on, the society will
not meet in their own church. The
meeting places will be announced later.
It is unlikely that any except the ones
tomorrow will be held in Kennedy
Superintendent Is
Portland Visitor
Rev. Andrew Warner, superintendent
of the Walla Walla district of the
Columbia river conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, spent several
days this week in Portland on business
connected with the coming conference
which will be held at Walla Walla the
first week in September.
Mr. Warner returned home on Fri
day. The conference will be presided over
by Bishop Hughes who will start out
on his annual conference holding trip
the last of this month.
Prominent Official
To Occupy Pulpit
K. R. Martin, superintendent of
American Sunday school union, will oc
cupy the pulpit of the Highland Congre
gational church both morning and eve
ning. The C. E. society will unite
with the regular church service in
the evening.
Dr, Fiske Proving
Popular Preacher
Crowded houses greet Or. Maurice
Fikes at the White Temple at all the
services and it is necessary to come
early to secure a good seat.
His topic Sunday morning at 11 a.
m. will be "Digging Ditches" and In the
evening he will tell about "The One
Only Thing That Jesus Christ Could
Not Do."
Rodney AveDue, at
Knot', at. Rer. J Y.
Gtormley. 11 and S.
Sellwood 13th and Teulri'
-Be. J. R. J.ihn-
son. 11. 8.
Bt. Johns Rrv. Herbert F. Jones. 11, S.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15ib and Wy
gant J. A. Melton. 11, 7:30.
Bethel E. 82d aad Thompson Rev. An-
taey w. Wilson.
Montsvilla E. 76tb and Hovt Rev. Eueene
Burr, 11, 8
Uladatone Rev. Aoj L. Hunn. 11, 8.
Christian bcience.
Leson sermon "Mlud."
First church tveteit. briween 18th snd
19th sta. 11, 8.
Second K. 6th i nrf Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver eve. ; nd Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block.
St. Johns. 11.
Firet Park and Mndiaon Rev. Luther R.
Dyott, minister, 11; 7:45, Uev. Walter Henry
Nugent, Newburyport, Mass.
tiret uerman c. ilu ana sianion ikt. r..
O. Wtllman.
Atkinson Community church E. 29th snd
Everett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11.
University park Haven St.. near Lombard
11, Rev. I. G. Jordoo.
Highland E. th and Trescott Rev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, pastor. 11. 7.45. E. R. Martin.
superintendent uf American Sunday School
Linderhurst Rev. 1). B. Uray. n. 7:.--.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver St. Rev.
W. C. Kaniner. 11, S p. m.
Waverly Heights E. 33d and WoodwarS
Bev. A. C. Motes. 11 a. m.. 7:45.
Sunnyside E. 32d and laylor Kev. j. j.
Staub. 11, "The Life and Power of Prayer";
7:46, "The cnriatian a -ew -ame.
Zlon (Germani b. BtU and Iremont uev.
J. 11. Hopp. 10:30.
Norwegian Danish uongregationai onnrcn
ftamner and E. 23d at. N. Rev. Morten Olsen.
Servlcea at 11 a. m., 7: p. m.
8t. Johns Bev. J. H. Barnett, paator, 11
and 8.
Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore t. Kev.
Samuel Nevala, 1, 3 p. m.
St. Mark's 21st aud Mai sball Rv. J. E.
B. SImpeon. rector; Lev. J G. Hattou,
alatant rector. 7:3(1, 10:15, 11.
TTiulty 19th aud r.veieit hev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Very Rev. H. M. Ramsey. 7:43. 11. 3. 7:4.1.
tft. David's E. Utta and Belmont Kpv.
TbcWs Jenkins, 7, lt:30. 11, "Men Who
Lead"; 7:30, "The Demauda of the King
dom. ' '
St. Jobn'a Mllwaukie Rev. John D. Rice.
3. 4.
St. Andrew's Hereford St., Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in chaige. 11.
Grace Memorial Weldler aud L 17tb N".
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. S. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, Kev. James E. Har
bour. St. MUhael'a and All Angela' E. 4:;d and
Bioadway Kev. T. F. Bowen. 11. 7:30.
Church of Our Saviour doth ave. and 41st
at S E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
St. John's Sellwood Kev. John D. itlce 11,
8t. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oswald w,
Taylor. 4. !
Blthop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
marl tan hospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard.
7 7:15.
All Salnta Church 25th and Savler Rev.
Fiedertc K. Howard. 11. 6:30.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Height G. F. Lieuing Jr. 11:30,7.
Flrat EugUh E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
D. Hornachuch. 11, 8.
First Germau Evangelical 10th and Clay
Bev. G. F. Liening. 10:45, 8.
Evangelical Synod.
German EvangeUcal. Friends' church Ta
eoma ave. and E. 12th Bev. Eliaa K. Her
gert. 10:45, I 30.
St Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling
Rev.' J- Hergert. 11. 7:80.
Free Jfethodiat.
Central 55th and It. Flanders Bev. W. N.
Coffee. 11. 7;45. Bev. N. B. Ghormley.
rlxst K- 9tb and MiU Bev. A. Blera.
St Johns Bev. J. A. Hopper.
Third Rev. K. II. Clark.
Friends' Church.
Sunaytide E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer
Coy- 11. 7 o-
Lenta ooum aiaiu ai. uev. onn uuey.
llVest Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
sold. -"i,wUh.
Congregation Beth Ureal 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday. 8 p. m. Sat
orday, 1:80 a. m.
Latter Day Saints.
Cbarch ot Jeeus Christ of Latter Dav SainU
IWBUrtUa toot Mormon) 11. 7:30.
Immanoel 19th and Irving Rev. J. Bich-
ard UUuu. i. .... .
Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Wll
llama ave. and Graham Uev. J. a. Klmbach.
,...! I'M.
iL-t side Norwegian Lutheran 15 u. 14th
Rev WUhelia Petteraon. 11. 8.
Hethan Ianlah Lnlou ave. n. and Morris
Rav M. U. tvumcu. mi""'" ii. 0.
ir.ct EngUah (Miaaoorl Synod) Alblna ave.
and Masea at. Rav. C Leecke. 10:30. 7:3a
Imasaaual Qenaan SeUwuoO Rev. H. C.
Church Is Preparing
For Semi-Centennial
The committee In charge of the
celebration of the fiftieth anniver
sary of Centenary M. E. church l)as
the program well in hand, but all
details have not yet been worked out.
It has, however, been decided to start
it on Wednesday evening, September
6 with a supper In the church, fol
lowed by music and a historical
sketch by J. D. Lee. Thursday night
will be Pioneer night, and Friday
night will be given over to the Et
worth Leagues. On Sunday mornins
Dr. Carl Doney, president of Willam
ette university at Salem, will deliver
the sermon. ' The Sunday school will
have special exercises on Sunday and
SurUay evening. September 9 the
women's societies of the church will
celebrate their organizations.
The committee is anxious to secure
a photograph of the old wooden
church that formerly stood on the
site of the present stone edifice. Any
one that can furnish the same is
asked to take it to the pastor. Rev.
T. W. Lane, at 644 East Ankeny.
Epworth Leaguers
Visitors at Hospital!
About 20 members of Sunnyside
Epworth Leagu visited the Good Sa
maritan hospital last Sunday and sang
religious songs for the sick people in
the different wards. They also dis
tributed flowers to those who had none
and gave away many religious papers.
The sick people and the nurses were
hospitable and encouraged a return
On August 27 the league will con
duct a praise service in Patton Home.
Visiting Pastor to
Preach on Sunday
The Westminster Presbyterian
church. Kast Seventeenth and Schuyler
streets, will have its pulpit very ably
filled by Rev. O. M. Jones of the First
Presbyterian church of North Yakima,
V ash., tomorrow. The morning serv
ice at 10:30, subject: "The Clear Spot."
Evening service at 7.45, subject; "Self
A cordial welcome in extended
strangers, particularly those who may
be visiting the city.
To Preach at Mann
Home on Sunday
At the Mann Home for the Aged.
Kat Thirty-third street and Sandy
boulevard, Rev. Dr James D. Corby
will conduct religious services Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. His topic for
the afternoon will be "The God arid
Father We All Need."
German Vangellcal Lutheran Zlon (Mla-
aoiiri Svnodi Salujon and Chapman Rev. H.
ivoiTwinjanu. 10:10, 7:45.
Our Savior's E. 10th and E.
Rev. George Henrlksen. 18:15,
flrmatlon aervioes.
Grant sta.
11:15. Con-
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free chorch
Wvgant and Rodney aves. Rev. J. A. Stav
ney. 11, 8.
sr. i'anl s German E. 12th and Clinton
Rev. A. Krauae, 10:30, 8.
St. John s Peninsular and Klrkpatrick
Bev. K. O. Salzman. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Augustaua Rev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10 4.'.. 7:4.1.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Bev. H. O.
HendrlcWsou. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Bev.
W. G. Lienkaenjier. 11.
St. Jarue. English West Psrk snd Jeffe--son
J. Allen Lens. 11, sermon by Rev.
Walter 1. Eck. The Dalles.
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank L. Lov
land, minister. Bev. Walter L. Alrheart, as
sistant minister. 10:30, by Mr. Alrheart,
"Radiant Life." 7:4o, by Mr. Alrheart.
Ceutenary E. 0th and E. Pine Rev. T. W.
Lcne. 11. 7:45. "In the University of the
laylor Street Church Hall at 129 Fourth
at. 10:30 a. m.
TrinltT E. loih and Sherman Rev. A. B
Calder. 11.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beech Bev. John
A. viiuaan. 11. 7:45.
Fpunrth 26th nud Savler Rev C. O M--Culloch.
11, "Character and Lifa at Their
Fountain"; 7:45, "The Measure of Man."
Firat Norwegian lianlsb lstb aud lloyt
Rev. o. 1. Field. 11, 8.
Woodlawn E. loth and Highland Rev
Iula Thomaf. 11, "With What Judgment
Xt Judge."
.Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11
Sunnyside E. 35tb and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith. 11. Rev. J. w. McLtougall;
7:45, Evangelist B. H. Morse.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Bev. C.
C. Rarick. 11, 7.
St. Johuf Hayes and Leavitt Rev. W. E.
Inga lis.
Muiitavilla W. II. Hampton. 11.
I.aur'-lwood Xii st. S L and Foster road
--Rev. C. A. rare-w. 11. Heart Beligion'
8 "The Ixeper Meaning."
Clinton Keliy M' inor'.il -E 4"'h and Powell
Rev. J. Wet Thcnipdon. il. "Chrifa Lat
ProLiise "; 7 bO. " The Young Mau and Hla
Eilile Difficulties."
Japanese Mission Rev. Ellsen KlbaFa.
J:M). b-.lio.
Rose City Tark Sandy blvd. and E. 58th
Rev. William Youngson. 11, "The .Ministry of
Silence "; 7 "The Promise of the Bible."
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Uev. F.
A. Schumann. 10, 8.
African Zion 2NS Williams ave. Rev. W.
W. Howard, 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Cor
ner Skldniore Rev. Abraham Verelde. 1:45.
i'niversitv Park Iuihard and Kike Rev.
C. L. Hamilton. II' a. m., 7:45 p. m.
I.entH Rev. V. Boyd 11. H.
Bethel Larratee and McMillen Rev. W. B.
PriLCe. 11:15; 8 p. m.. Bishop U. B. Parks.
estniorelano Milwankle ave. near Rumo
mo Rv. c. B. Harrison. 11. "The Ocean":
8. "The Ultimate Triumph of Christianity."
Lincoln iu. 524 and Lincoln Kev. u. G.
Haley. 8 n. m.
Patton Michigan an.1 Alberta Rev. Geor
H. Feese. 11. Bvangellat B. H. Morse; 7:45,
Rev. J. W. McDougall.
Woodatock E. 44lb and Wth ave. S. E.
Rev. Frank James, pastor. II, 7:45.
Mt. Tabor East 61st and Stark sta. Rev.
E. Olin Eldrldge. 11. 8.
Klrst G--inaM Rev. A. F. Cramer. 11. 8.
Brentwood R-v. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Cartton Heights Rev. L. C. Douglass. Ken
dal ritation.
Clark schoolhouse Rev. A. B. Wllaon. 7:30.
Irvlngton East 10th and Weldler Bev. g.
A. Danford. 11.
M. E. Church. South.
Union ave. and Multnomah st. Bev. W. J.
Fen ton, 11 and 8.
Swedish Mlaslon Rev. B. J. Tboren. 11, t,
Elim Chapel Rev. B J. Thoren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy at. and Williams
Rev. J. A. Stavuey. 11. 8.
First Peptecosul E. 7th and Coach sta.
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11.
JM-Uwood t. uth and Spokane Bev. H. C
E titer. 11. 7. 30.
Brentwood E. 07 tb st. and E. 65th ave.
S. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11. 8.
Scaudluavlaa 848 Garfield. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park Rev. b. L. Flowers. 8 p. m.
First 12th and Alder ata. Bev. John H
Boyd. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
i oorth First and Gibba su. Bv. Henry
G. Hanson, 10:30 a. m.
Calvary 11th and Clay at. Rev. O. S.
Baum. 10:30 a. m.
Arbor Lodge Uev. George R. Cromley. 11.
Kenllworth E. 34th and Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kirk Richardson. 11, "Searching, Try
li. Turning." , The Judgments."
rorbes un. Hurr L I rati. 11. s.
Central E. 13tn and Pine ata. Rev. Waj.
Lie II. Lee, acting paator, 10:30 a. m.
Uixpan E. lUth and Division ata.
Vernon lth and Wjgant au Bev. H. N.
Mount. 11. 8 p. m.
iiopei MontavUle, 78th aneK. Everett sta
r- , . c it ; I
rOrmUlatlOn Ot UniOn WOrK
. ... yi , r ,i
s Mam Obiect ot the
The second annual Institute of the
Christian Endeavor will be held at
Oak1Grove. September 1 to 4. This in
stitute will be somewhat similar to
the one held last September at Orenco,
which met with such success that it
was made an annual affair.
This institute at Oak Grove was
made possible through Rev. Dow De
Long and the members of the O&k
Grove Methodist Community church.
Rev. S. W. Seaman. 11. "The Ood W Wor
ship." 7:45. "Two Types of Womanhood."
Millard Avenue 741 60th ave. s. E. Rev
W. H. Anioa. 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. Bftb and Belmont ata Rev.
William Graham Moore. II a.m., 7:45 n m
L'nlty Rev. W. Lee Gray. "
Westminster E. 17th and Krhnvler eta
Rev. Henry Marrotte:30 and 7:45. Rev. O
M. James of North Yakima. "The Clear Snot "
"Self Conquest."
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sta. Rev
A. L. Hntchlnson. 11. 8 p. tn.
Roue rlry Park E. 43th and Hancock ata.
uev. J. M. Skinner.
pokane Avenue E. 16th and
Rev. W. 8. MeCullarh. 11 7:30.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall ata
Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11.
Trinity Corner Virginia snd Nebraska ata.
Rev. E. Benson. 11. 7:30
Chinese 145Vj First at. 7:45.
Anabel 56th at. and 37tb ave. 8. E
10:30, 7:45.
Reformed Presbyterian.
First church Minnesota and A ins worth
Rev. F. I. Fraier. 11. 7:30.
First German 12' h and Clay Rev. G Haf
ner. 10:45, 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and 33d st. Bev E
A. Wysa. 11.
Third Fifth ave.. Lents Rev. w n n...
kemper. 11.
Salvation Army. i
Corps No. 1243 Ash. Adjutant and Mre ;
Frank Genge. 11. "Character and Conduct " i
3:15. 8. "Twice Born Men." I
Corps No. 4 128 1st st. r.nslfn Florence
t uuue jiu mpiain aiaoei crown In cbarse
Services 11. 1:30, 3. 8.
Swedish Corps 130 Burnslde.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Rev. John Oral.
Seventh Day Adentiata.
Note Regular servlcea of thla denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P r
. ,' aii.. ii i i-n . ii.
West Side. K. of P. k.n
snd Aliler Elder E. W Catlio. 11
ll.n,..lll. L- ...! . . - I
""""""' . fiu aua r.. tverett Elder
Alblna (German ) s.ldmore .nd M.n
Elder A. C. Scnweltier.
Lents 94tb and Mth ave. Elder n i
tUltwood. 11.
8t. Johns Central avenue and Chri.
Llder E. D. Horlburt. 11.
Mount Tabor E. 00th and Belmoot Rev C
J. Cum ruin j. 11. '
Scandinavian church 62nd and 39th ave a
i.. ciuci w. . oanaues. ii.
Services for tne Deaf.
L'nited Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ave
Rev. S. Earl DuBots. 10:30.
Church of Our Fattier Brosdwav snd Yam
hill Rev. T. L. Eliot. I). D.. minister emer
itus. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.. paator. n ,r
raon by Rev. Howard A. MacDonald. "Patriot
ism." Evening services intermitted.
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Aloerta.
First li. 15th and Morrison Rev,
P. o.
BoneDraae. it a. m.
Fourth 60tb at. and 3 2d n v
Third e7th st. and 32d ave. s K. Hertrt
F. White, pastor. 11 a. m., 8 n. m.
Flrat 17th and Harney, Vancouver. Wash
Rev. John D. Msewouder. pastor. Presenter
11 a. m., 8 p. m.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11, 7:30
Radical Jessup at. Rev. A. a. Heodereoa.
Manor. Circuit. Servlcea Cherry Grove 8 n
m. tfruab Prairie. 7;30. '
Ockiej Green Willamette blvd. and G
Rev. H. H. Faruham. 11. 8.
Flrat K. ltu and Poplar Rev. J. Goo.
11. 8. w"'
St. John Rev. A. P. Layton. 11, 8.
United Presbyterian.
First K. 37th tod, Hswthorne Rr Frank
DeWitt rtndley. 11. 7:43. " 'Imum
Cbarch of the Strangers Wasco street and
Grand ave. Rev. 8. Earl DuBols. 10:30 a. m
8 p. m. "
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and
E. '4th Preaching Intermitted during Aucuat
MlnUter. Dr. Corby, 802 Broadway.
T. X. C. A. T. W. C. A.
T. U. C. A. tb and Taylor H. W. gtoo.
general secretary. o:'JO p. re.. Bible class'
V. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Vavuer
aivlcea, 4:iO. Kev. if. K. Howard.
Associated Bible WudenU (I. B. g. A.)
Ctrlstenaen's ball, lltb and Yamhill at,
a. 4:30. 8, R.'0. Hadley, "Satan's Empire
boon to Fall."
New Church society Ellere ball. Broadway
aad Alder at. 11 - a., bev. Samuel Wor
cester, pastor. "Three Hundred Men nirncn
for Battle."
Interdenominational "The Comforter."
Headquarters. Center of Applied Christian
ity. Women's Exchange bldg., 180 5th at.,
Florence Crawford, peaker. 11 . m.. "Make
Friends With the Mammon of I'srigbteoaa
cess." 8. "Treaaure In Heaven."
New Thought Temple of Truth Ellere
building. Broadway and Alder. 8 p. m., ajesk
er Charles 6. Upeocv. "The Lion of the Tribe
of JudVh."
Wbu writing or caning on advertiser a,
plaaM saeattos The Journal. (Adv.
rtj- A.
i.t M I
---"' Vc;
i&fst v. K 1 $ y-
- : ;
! 9 fSr--- I
B. Brownell.
j where the meals will be served and
; most of the meetings held.
The object of the institute is for the
I formulating plans for union work as
i well as rendering all assistance pos-1
' Bible tn local anrletv workers. !
In addition to other recreation a
bonfire will be enjoyed at the close I
of each day's activities.
Sleeping headquarters will be at the
home of G. Evert Baker. Men must
take their own blankets but straw will
be furnished free. Neighboring homes
have been opened for the accommoda-
tlon of the women who will be enter-
talned as far as possible, otherwise
the blanket rule will apply to them
registration snouia ds miat eauy
a possible for entertainment. Infor
mation concerning the institute can be
secured from Miss B. Brownell. secre
tary, or from any of the following of
ficers. President Levi T. Pennington, New
berg; Lloyd R: Carrlck. Portland; Dr.
George B. Pratt, Portland; Elbert C
Charman, Oregon City; David Jack,
Portland; Rev. Dow DeLong, Oak
Grove; E. Earl Felke. Portland; Opal
Whiteley. Cottage Grove; Rev. John H.
Matthews, Seattle; G. Evert Baker,
Portland; Estella Ford. Portland; Clar
ence II. Sprague. Portland; Emel Swan
son, Portland; Roy A. Prudden. Port
land. Program director, David Jack;
secretary, Miss B. Brownell; manager,
Emel Swanson; chaperones. Mr. and
Mrs. G. Evert Baker.
The program will be:
Theme "What He Would Like to
Have Me Do."
Friday Evening;.
6:16 Supper in the church.
7:16 Cabinet session. State Presi
dent L. R. Carrick presiding. Open
meeting for all Union workers inter
ested. Reports from special commis
sions on (1) Efficiency. 2) Missionary.
(3) Evangelism, (4) Prrs. (61 Exten
sion. Hound table discussions and
adoption of general policies.
9:15 Bonfire and evening watch.
Closed by Roy A. lJrudden.
Saturday Morning.
:00 Quiet hour. Led bv Miss Ford.
7:00 Breakfast In the church.
9:00 Personal consultation period
and meeting of special committees.
12.00 L-uncheon in the church.
Saturday Afternoon.
2:00 Three cabinet meetings (Simul
taneous). (a State union executive commit
tee. (b Multnomah union cabinet.
' Clackamas union cabinet.
4:00--Meeting for Oali Grove young
Saturday Evening
6:15 ripeclal delegates' banquet.
Multnomah county congress will be
formed. Plans discussed bv the Mult-
' nf.msth nn.t ('lai kumiiii iinlnn. In th
afternoon will be presented and voted
upon by those present. Every society
in both counties should be represented
at this important gathering."
8:16 AddresKes bv Miss Estella
! . , i . i . : . . . . . i ll'Cu .1 . ..
iii li i(i i, aim iviii..- i ipnj iiucicy
having arrived from special traveling
i.. eastern Oregon In the Interest or
.lunlor C. K.)
9:15 Bonfire and evening watch.
Ciosed by Mr. Sprague.
Sunday Morning.
7 no Quiet liour. Ied by Mr. Felke.
8:00 Breakfast In the church.
10.00 Sunday chool. Children's
talk by Roy A. Prudden.
11:00 Xlorning worship. Herman by
Rev. Iow DeLong, pastor Oak Grove
Methodist Community church.
Sunday Afternoon.
1?:30 Banquet luncheon.
2.00 Presidents' conferences. A
chance for Endeavor presidents and
other workers to talk iv r their Kn
tieavor problems. Society plans for
the fall will be presented.
3:30 Recreation.
4:00 Vesper service. Special song
service followed by an address by Dr.
George B. Pratt.
6:30 Luncheon and recreation.
Sunday Evening.
6:15 Pre-prayer service. Led by
Roy A. Prudden.
6:45 Christian Endeavor meeting.
(Consecration service.) Subject,
"Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for
Strength. I Will." Led by Messrs. Jack,
' bwanson and Charman.
i 8:00 Evening service. Sermon by
President Levi T. Pennington of New
berg. Monday Morning.
7:00 Quiet hour. Led by David
8:00 Breakfast in the church.
9:30 Cabinet and committee meet
ings. Personal conferences. Some
thing of Interest and benefit for every
one. Monday Afternoon.
Labor day picnic. Every member of
rvery society Invited. Leave all cares
at home.
12:30 Basket luncheon.
2:00 Program of games and sports.
Directed by Mr. Feike.
6:00 "Scrnps."
Monday Evening.
8.00 Closing bonfire, llarshmallow
toast. Closing greetings. Lvening
Acquaintance With
God to Be Subject
On Sunday. August 20. Rev. Wal
ter Henry Nugent of Newburyport,
1 Mik
will speak in the First Con-
I gregational church, Park and Madison
j streets. Ir. Nugent s theme in
morning will he "Personal Acquaint
ance With fiod." and In the evening,
"Forces Hidden In a Whisper." H.
G. Whipp will be precentor and so
loist at both services. Preceding the
morning service, at 9:60 o'clock, the
Bible school will hold Its regular
session. In place of class work J. D.
Neilan w-111 speak to the school on
"Christian Leaders." Strangers aro
Invited to all of the services held In
this church.
:Dr, Morgenstern to
Speak on Genesis
Dr. Julian Morgenstern of the He
brew Union college of Cincinnati, Ohio,
will deliver a series of three lectures
on "A. Jewish Interpretation of Gene
sis," st Central library, room A, Aug
uet, 22, 23 and 24 at 8 p. m. The
publio is cordially Invited.
Its Taste Never Disappoints
Baked by Frana, at the C. A. Bakery. Cor. K. nth and r lander Hts.
Arrangements Made So That
Children Attending School
May Make Trip.
The annual Iabor day excursion of
the Portland district Epworth League
will be held this year on Monday. Sap
tember 4, at Estacada park. The park
has been set astde for the leaguers on
this day.
On account of the large number of
leaguers attending school, the commlt
leo has arranged that all may attend
The picnic will be an all-day and even
ing affair.
The first train will leave First and
Alder streets at 9 o'clock and the sec
ond train will leave at 1 o'clock In the
afternoon. It is hopd that this ar
rangement will permit all the school
pupils to attend. As these special ar
rangements have been made with the
transportotlon company. It is necessary
that the trains leave at the time stated,
so those who are late will be left to
take the regular trains.
Games and sports that go to make up
a picnic will be staged. In the evening
an entertainment will be given in the
pavilion. The excursion Is In charge of
live recreation department of the dis
trict, of which Mies Pansy Full is
Illustrated Sunday
Sermons Popular
While Dr. Frank L. Loveland is
away on his vacation trip in southern
Oregon the pulpit of the First Meth
odist Episcopal church is being cared
for by the assistant pastor. Rev, Wal
ter Lee Alrheart. The morning servlcs
tomorrow will begin at 10:30 o'clock
as usual and the subject of the ser
mon will bo the "Radiant Life."
Incresslng Interest Is manifested In
the series of Illustrated Sunday eve
ning sermons on "Crises In the Life of
Jesus." The subject for Sunday eve
ning will be "In the University of ths
Wayside." and will be illustrated by a
number of the very best views ob
tainable picturing some of the great
hours in the lire, of Jesus. The ser
mon will show the development of a
new religious leadership from among
the common people when the great
Teacher had been rejected by the lead
ers of organized religion among ths
Miss LoDesca Loveland, the soloist
for the summer, will sing at the morn
ing service, "For Thee My Soul Ever
Longeth," by llahn. At the evening
service she will sing "Rock of Ages"
by Remlck.
Dr. Cline to Attend
Many Conferences
Rev. C. E. Cline, 709 East Salmon
street, left Friday morning for ths
Methodlst-EpiBcopal conferences to bs
held in cities of eight different states,
where he intends to inuke addresses
and will represent the General Board
of Temperance, Prohibition and He
form, with headquarters la Washing
ton. D. C.
The cities where the conferences will
bo held are: Springfield, Aurora,
Peoria, and Robertson, III.; Whits
Water, liaraboo, Wisconsin; Wadena,
Minneapolis, Lafayette, Minn.; James
town, N. D.; Watertown, H. D.; Beatrice.
Neb.; Klrksville. and Wurrensberg, Mo.;
Mount Pleasant, LaMars, Waterloo and
Spencer, Iowa-
Mr. Cline goes direct to LaMars,
"Freedom of Truth'
Is Sermon Subject
"Freedom of the Truth" is J. A.
Lord's sermon subject at the First
Christian church. Park and Columbia
streets, Sunday morning. In the eve
ning he will speak on "The Heavenly,
Citizenship "
W. Hardwick will be the soloist H
will sing "Babylon" (Watson), In ths
morning, and "My God snd Father
While 1 Stray" (Marston). In ths eve
ning. Mrs. G. F. Alexander will bs
the soloUt next Hunday. Beginning
with the first Hunday In September,
the quartet i-omposed of Mrs. O. F.
Alexander, soprano; Mrs. Mabel OrtOQ
Wilson, contralto; George Mallett, ten
or, and W. llardwlrk, bass. Will again
resume their work. Mrs. Frederick
H. Newton will continue as organise
J. C. Clark of Shanghai, Chins, It)
giving a very Interesting series of
talks on China at the close of ths
Sunday school hour. Ths school be
gins at 9:46 a. m.
Dr. Corby Hume Again.
Rev I jr. and Mrs. J. U. Corby ar
once more in their home in Irvlngton
at Broadway and Eh st Twenty-fourth,
Improved In health snd ready to talcs
up their share of the good work Of
helping humanity.
Will Return Soon.
Rev. Oliver R. Baum, pastor of Oil
vary Presbyterian church, will bs ab
sent from his pulpit but on mor
Sunday. He Intends to take tb rest
of his vacation late in the fall.
Look for the label on
every loaf, and then you
know you're getting the
When you slice these
clean, inviting loaves, you
find the texture inside
smooth and perfect a
creamy white, firm inner
t . ft,