The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 15, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Amazing Confessions as to
Inside Workings of White
Slave Ring in New York,
Xxpenee Out of Thlm $37, Proprietress'
Share 9151 Whole Amount of
Income Wm $302.
New York, Aiik. 15. (IT. P.) n
dollar a pound Is the price actually
paid In several instances for Immature
younK girls auctioned off by white
slavers to proprietors of disorderly
resorts In New York, Awslstant Dis
trict Attorney Smith, proseoutlnij the
csmpalfrn ;i gainst the vice trust, de
clared today.
From men and women now under
srrest and awaitlni? trial Smith has
obtained the most amazing confessions
of the workings of the white slave
gratis;. Not only did they systematic
ally set out to obtain srhoolKirls for
resorts, but on Kast Twenty-second
street they maintained h house where
younff Iflrls, sometimes paitly and
.nonietimes completely disrobed, were
' sold to the highest bidder.
Price $1 Per Pound.
"We learned today that in one In
stance a(??nts for two disorderly
houses1 got Into a dispute over Ihe,
value of a Rlri who had b-pn put up
for sale," laid the assistant diswii-t
"They finally agreed upon a pi ice of
II a pound. After that It bourne a
common practice to wclKh all tfirU and
announce their weight to bidders."
Information re(?ardJns the white
lave auction was obtained after the
arrest of Dubltz 7.ubier, alias lavid
Parih, and his wife, Kate Parish, in
the Twenty-second street houte. The
district-attorney's office Is Investigat
ing reports that other similar pluses
were malntaind. It was rcn'lfd to
day that enly a few months aso a
minister's dauphtor was kidnaped and
.auctioned off nude before a Kanj; in an
Italian dance hall.
Made $3O0 In Week.
The vice trust, now under fire, did
not by any means confine Its artivi-
ties to New York. Smith said. Most
or the girls were obtained from poor
families here. Some of them were
kept In New York resorts, but others
.Were shipped to Chicago and. western
cities. The trust maintained repre
sentatives in several eastern towns.
In one instance, Smith learned, the
earnings of a young girl in one resort
totalled 3')2 for a week. She received
$122 of this amount, but was forced
to pay $12.20 to the white slave auc
tioneer or "geschetor," and $25 for
board. The proprietress of the resort
received $151 in addition to the $23
for board.
Trained Nurse Missing.
Chicago, Aug. 15. (V. j.)-a one
piece bathing suit is the only clew
police have in their search for Mabel
Weyl, a trained nurse, who disap
peared Sunday. She told relatives she
was going to the heao.i to meet a man.
Peter Godfrey of
The Dalles Killed
Automobile Buns Off Grade and Over
turns, Pinning Driver Beneath;
Farm Hand Investigates.
The Dalles. Or.. Aug. 15. Peter
Godfrey, well known rancher residing
five miles Jiouth of here, was fatally
Injured this morning when his auto
mobile ran off the grade and over
turned. The accident happened on the
road two miles from his home. God
frey was pinned under the car. Ira
Watterman, a rancher, working in a
field near by, heard the motor of the
cur running, and thinking something
wrong, ran down the road. He found
the car in the ditch 30 feet from the
road, with Godfrey underneath.
Godfiey was unconscious when re
leased. He died from internal inju
ries 20 minutes after arriving at The
Lallts hospital.
Military Bobbies
Jug Oregon Boys
Soldiery Prom This State Find Oat
That "M. P.s" Are Hot Harmless
Ornaments They Looked.
Headquarters Oregon National
Guard. Caltxico, Gal.. Aug. 15. (IT. P.)
Oregon soldiers who have been re
garding ci . iilan police a.s harmless
ornaments since their mustering into
the United States service, met their
Waterloo here on the activities
of camp "M. P s." A number were
arrested by soldier police.
"M. P." is the camp slang expres
sion for "military police."
Armed with club and pistol, with a
blue band n their rlsht sleeve, the
"huskies." as they are soitu,ims
called, have incarcerated more than a
dozen northwestern troopers in the pro
ofit marshal s "jug."
Aged Man's Eyesight
Is Cured by Science
Young: Oculists Who Performed Oper
ation Today Are Same Who Cared
Blindness of 61 Tears Standing.
San Krancisco, Aug. 15. (P. N. S.)
Another octogenarian was made happy
with restored eyesight today through
the science of I Ms. Aaron S. Green and
1. P.. Green, the young oculists who
startletj iheir professional brothers by
giving sight to Mrs. Mary .Josephine
OKarrell after ' I years of blindness.
The latest patient, who sees again
today after two years of lost vision,
is Charles Warren, aged SO, a Wtlls
Kargo pensioner.
The operation was performed by the
young brothers at :;t. Francis hospi
tal and Warren's sight was restroed
through his right eye. An operation
on the other eye ill be performed
U. S. Guard Kills
Carranza Officer
Ashland May Have '
a Special Elections
Some Sentiment That the Park Board j
and Springs Commission Could Be
Done Away With to Advantage.
Ashland. Or.. Aug. 15. Petitions are
being signed in the city asking that
the council call a special election for
September 22 so thai the people may
vote upon a charter amendment which
would dispense wlth both the park
board and the springs water uy inrrila
sion. replacing these bodies with a
commission of three members to be
known as the Miner springs and park
board, fixing powers of office and
so forth and also providing for a
fund of $12,000 a year for five years
to be used for park upkeep, extension
and publicity work.
The petitions are being generally
signed, friction between the city coun
cil, park board and springs water com
mission having made the need of plac
ing the care of the parks and mineral
water system under one management.
Master of State Grange
Spence to Head Forces to
Start Out Monday,
Plrst Meeting of Tour Will Be Held
at Corvaiiis Other Cities on
Ziist Are Enumerated,
Boy Scout Uniforms
And All Accessories
In By Express
We Are Exclusive Repre
sentatives in Oregon
Our "Great Western"
Travel Bureau
Baggage checked to destination,
interesting trip planned.
Sight seeing tours arranged.
Maps, schedules, etc., supplied.
Accurate Information about
steamer and train service.
FSEX Wo Charge of Any Kind.
Sunday Is Medford Day.
Ashland, Or., Aug. 15. Next Sunday,
August 20. will be Medford day in Ash
land's l.ithia park. The largest crowd
or the year with the exception of the
celebration of the Fourth, is expected.
The Medford band will play a con
cert in the main bandstand in the park
and thousands of Mtdfordites are plan
ning to spend the day in the park. The
kindliest of feeling exists between
Ashland and Medford, in contrast to
the bitter rivalry of past years.
Postmaster General Says
Rank Nor Pay Is Lost Be
cause of Military Duty,
Charles E. Spence.
State Grange, will
squadron" which will
of the state Monday
master of the
head a "flying
start on a tour
next to preach
Wash Goods
Clean-Up 19c
Regular to 85c
. Second Floor
French Lingerie
Half Price
Women, Misses, Children
Fourth Floot
All Our Parasols
Half Price
None Reserved
Plrst Floor
Royal Society
Bucilla, Artamo, Pacific
Packages at Half
.Fifth Floot
the merits of the tax limitation amend
ment and of the state rural credits
bill, both of which measures are to
be on the ballot in November. Mr.
Spence will be accompanied by Walter
M. Pierce, president of the State Tax-
Pavers' league. Oswald West. Profes- I
sor Hector McPherson of the Oregon
Agricultural colleee, and Robert K.
Smith of Roseburg.
The State irrnnae is back of the
rural credits bill and Mr. Spence, as
chairman of the legislative commit
tee, that had much to do with drafting
the measure, will explain its provisions
to the people of the state.
, It is planned to hold the first meet
ing of the tour at Corvaiiis on Mon
day, from which place the party will
go to Kusrene, Alhany and Salem. Ash
land, Medford. Grants Pass and Rose
burg will be visited, after which the
party will return to Oregon City. The
smailer towns on the itinerary will
also be visited, and It is expected that
the trip will take the greater part of
two Weeks.
After the Orepon City meeting the
squadron will hold meetings in Port
land, Astoria and intervening t.wns
and close at The Dalles, after which
a tour of eastern Orecon will be made.
San Antonio, Tex.. Aug. 15. (I. N.
S ) According to a report received by
Major General Frederick Funston to
day from Hrigadler General Pershing,
a lieutenant in the Carranza army was
shot and killed three days ago by an
American provost guard at Colonla
Dublan. The dispatch mentioned no
names and carried no details.
PLAIN tablets of Aspirin would look like
any other plain white tablets. But the
Bayer-Tablets of Aspirin containing
only genuine Aspirin have "The
Bayer Cross " on every package and
on every tablet.
Pocket Boxes of 12
Bottle of 24 and
Bottles of 100
X.. trd-niark ,
U.S. Hat. Office) i. 1
I twmnta Uwt U 1
I BMooaMticMidaatai I
ef licrHeseidf
b Umm ttblttl M
it of th rlia- M
M Bmyrmn- M
e. nlactun
J 111 M ,Um ?
"The Bayer Cross
Your Guarantee
of Purity"
Washington, Aug. 15. ( U. P Po
sitions of men employed in the postal
service who went to the border with County Central Committee to Meet
the militia will he given them on' Tomorrow.
their return, according to announce-
ment at the postoffice department to- I
In denying a report that militiamen '
were being dropped permanently from
the rolls because of tHeir absence due
to service on the border. Postmaster
General Burleson referred to an order
of June 26 last. This order specified
that '"where it becomes necessary to ,
fill temporarily the position of any
officer or other employe who is ah- j
sent on such military or naval duty, ;
the officer or employe will if neces
sary be dropped from the rolls with- .
out prejudice, and will be reinstated !
to his former position and grade in j
accord with civil service rules and i
regulations." i
The Democratic county central com
mittee will meet tomorrow night at
the Central library hall at 8 o'clock.
The principal business of the evening
will be the election of a successor to
George II. Watson, who has been com
pelled by the demands of his private
business to resign the chairmanship.
A. F. Flegel Jr. has been prominent
ly mentioned as a candidate to fcucceed
Mr. Watson.
Crocker Won't Play
in RowelTs Yard
The postmaster general said every
employe so dropped would be imme
diately given back his former position
upon expiration of his military or
naval service, without loss of rank
or pay.
The order, it was emphasized, was
approved by congress.
Six Times as
Many Babies
Die in August
as in December
This the United ' States
Government has dis
covered. It is summer
complaint that kills more
babies in snrr.mpr anH
summer complaint almost always comes from raw cow's
To keep your baby serene and happy through the long hot
days and nights nurse him if you can. If you can't, give
him the nearest thing in the world to mother's milk
(A Complete Food Not a Milk Modifier)
Don t force your baby to struggle
through hit hardest time on raw cow'a
milk, which arbne does not give him th
right substances ,to build brsin and
bons. Don t try to force his little stom
ach to struggle with the indigestible
curd of cow s milk. Don't expose your
baby to diphtheria, scarlet fever, and
summer complaint. Cow's milk brings
11 these to babies.
Your baby will s;row big hsve
rrood digestion and be free of sickness
fyou give him Nestle s itcontsinssll
your baby's nesds-lt is digestible for
ths most dellcsts little stomach and is
free from all germs.
Cow's milk Is ths basis of Nsstlc's
but cow's milk, purified, from clesn
dairies with ths tough curd modified,
with the baby's needs sdded. It comes
to you in a powder packed In sn air
tight can. You sdd only fresh water
and boil. It doesn't sour. It is sate.
Send the coupon for a sample can
(enotifh for 13 feeding) and sea low
JVeatJe'a makea your baby happy.
Tim owl saua co.,
Wsstla's Food Sept. 8,
San Francisco, Cal.
Please send me FREE your book and
trial package.
City . .
Perfectly Good Plan to Get Warring
Republican. Pactions In California to
Make Up Pails.
San Francisco. Aug. 15. (P. N. S.)
The carefully laid plans of W. R.
Willcox, chairman of the Republican
national committee, to bring about
peace and harmony between California
Republicans and former Progressives
who are now Republicans have gone
If Chester H. Rowell of Fresno. Pro
gressive leader and strong supporter
of Governor Hiram Johnson for United
i States senator, and William H. Crock
I er. regular Republican and backer of
j Willis H. Booth for Senator, both of
; whom are members of the Republican
national committee, could be brought
together, the thing would be done,
pence would be established and' all
. wound be lovely.
j Undoubtedly Willcox had this in
mind when he sent a telegram invit
1 ing Rowell and Crocker to go to Port
i land. Or., to meet Charles E. Hughes,
: Republican nominee for president, and
' accompany him on the special train
' to San Francisco. The atmosphere of
peace on the special train, with the
i two men meeting on the common
ground of support of Hughes, would
go far, Willcox believed, toward soft
. ening their feelings.
But now the scheme is all off. Na
tional Committeeman Crocker isn't
I going to Portland to meet Hughes. He
I has politely but firmly declined Will
' cox's invitation. Rowell can accept,
j If he wants to, but Crocker won't.
! Hughes, while in Oregon, will be in
the hands of an Oregon committee,
i and why should a California delega
I tion try to take possession of him
Traction Men Believe They Could Pour ! when he is in the hands of his Ore
gon friends? This is tne attitude
Hughes Accused of
Waving Bloody Shirt
Senator Hardwick of Georgia, Shows
What One Besult of Republican Vic
tory This Fail Would Be.
Washington, Aug. 15. (U. P.) Can
didate Hughes today was charged by
Senator Hardwlck of Georgia with
"waving the bloody shirt" because of
his statement that the legislation of
congress is controlled by southerners.
"Should the Republicans win this
fall," said Hardwlck, "Wyoming so
small in population and wealth, as to
suggest a pocket borough would have
in Senators Warren and Clark, the
chairmen of the senate appropriation
and judiciary committees.
"The Republican candidate knows
this seniority rule, but he believes
that in certain sections of the country
he can stir up passion and prejudice
by waving the bloody, shirt and crying:
1 he south is in the saddle. "
Clean-Up of Our
Best Quality
Regular $4
41 . i
t r
Newest w i d e,
y flaring skirts of
fine wale golfine,
it made with two Set-On
r pockets, novelty belt
aeross back and fastened
in front.
Third Floor
Another Silk Day
Black Duchess Satin
36 Inches Wide
Fall Fabrics for New Satin
Suits and Coats
$1.50 Quality $1.19
$1.75 Quality $1.33
Third Floor
Tub Silk Waists
This Clean-Up of
Children's Wash Dresses
Dresses Selling to $2.75
'izes 2 to 14 years. In ginghams,
poplins, chambrays and imported
materials, in the newest styles, at
tractively trimmed.
Fourth Floor
Sold Regularly at $3.00
Clean-up of over 100 extremely
striped tub silk waists, in a variety of
the most desirable stripes, in neat ef
fects, all-the-year-around waists that
every woman fancies. Third noor
Who Needs Linoleum?
Here Is Your Opportunity
Clean-Up Odd Lengths
Regular $1.75 and $2.00 Qualities
98c Yard -ass
Will Welcome These Savings
Athletic Union Suits
Regular $1.50 to $2.00
In fine sheer materials, ba
tistes, nainsook and fine '7Qr
mercerized cottons IZC
50c Wash Neckwear
3 for $1.00
Clean-up of our entire stock of 50c
four-in-hands, made of Manhattan
shirtings the best styles and colors of
the season, in stripes, figures and nov
elties. AUBathingSuitsGo
Men's $1.00 Bathing Suits 79c
Men's $1.50 Bathing Suits $1.18
Men's $3.50 Bathing Suits $2.65
Men's $4.00 Bathing Suits $2.95
Men's $4.50 Bathing Suits $3.35
All made in popular one-piece style,
low cut neck and narrow shoulder
straps. Knitted in blues, grays, reds,
greens and browns with fancy colored
strininrrs. ,
1 First Floor
50 Coffee
Finest Quality
Heretofore $6.50, $5
Sternau, and Manning-Bowman Com
pany, finest nickel plated percolators.
Latest model alcohol burner. Posi
tively only one to a customer. None to
dealers. sixth Floor
A Limited Quantity of Seamless
90c Sheets 70c
Full Size 2x3 Yards
Limit 4 Sheets to a Customer
A 20c reduction on every sheet.
Splendid heavy quality cotton, 3-inch
head hem, 1-inch foot hem. Remember,
for Wednesday only.
Famous Acme Pillow Cases
23c Cases 18c 25c Cases 20c
Sizes 42x36 and 45x36 respectively. Best
cases anywhere at thess prices. Extra durable,
fine quality, free from dressing.
Second Floor.
The Greatest of All
50c Kayser Union Suits
First Quality
Porch and
That Were
to $6.50
The daintiest,
prettiest dresses
ever put on sale
voiles, lawns, dimi
ties, in stripes, flowered
patterns, block designs
in most attractive col
ors. All sizes 34to 41.
Fourth Floor
Interurban Lines
are for Strike
Food Into Centars Sufficient to Feed
Chicago. Auk. 15. (U.
electric interurban lines
states are mobilizing- today to mee
any conditions that may result In a
nationwide railroad strike. Informa
t.on here from traction centers all
over the country are that the electric
lines, in case of a strike, are prepared
to double and triple their passenger
and freight capacity. Traction men
said today that the rapid growth of
traction lines connecting centers of
which Crocker takes.
of The unS : Chamber Eejects
Dday to meet
Kolph's Proposal
Flan to Arbitrate San Francisco's In
dustrial Disputes, Suggested by the
Mayor, Is Not Approved.
San Krancisco, Aug. 15. (U. P.)
TVio San Francisfn Chamber of Com-
population would produce a condition meice this afternoon rejected Mayor
mai naa never uerore tigured in rail- i Rolrh's proposal that a board of ar-
would en- ! bitration be appointed to consider and
road strike troubles and
able centers of population to be fed
in spite of any railroad tie-up,
San Francisco's industrial
ing of Pontoon
lUTPCJ l"P'tA7n APTI 'labor organizations and A
J U.X VO J. W U 1YJ.OU Hanna and four other c
settle all
The mayor had suggested that an
arbitration board be appointed, to con
sist of five members of the Chamber
of Commerce, five representatives
i named by him, to consider all dis-
"U'hen one of the pontoons of the i Putes of lab(i".
drydock gave way this afternoon I The directors of the Chamber of
George Smith and Bert Chlpman em- I Commerce considered this proposition
ployed In making repairs on the' Jap- for several hours, and then sent its
anese steamer Kenkon Maru No. 3. ! communication to the mayor, declin
were injured. Smith suffered' a 1 lnS nis Proposition.
wrenched left ankle and Chlpman w.i I
bruised about the hips and body, j
The men were taken to Dr. J. W. Gil-
strap . of St. Johns for trearmr. '
Smith was hurt by Jumping and Chip
man by falling iron. Smith resides
at the Burlington apartments, St.
Johns, and Chlpman , at the Wilcox
apartments, St. Johns.
Justice Fines Man
He Made a Benedict
Woodland, Cal , Aug. 15. (U. P )
Two minutes after Justice H. M. Ball
had married H. F. Flint and Miss Vir
ginia Brackett, he fined the bridegroom
$20 for speeding his automobile when
Sunday Schools Picnic
Clatskanle, Or., Aug. 15. Friday last ne was en route to get the license.
picnic or the Clatakanie
Women Await This Clean-Up
Regular to $1.65 . . vOC
Plain colored serpentine crepe in
pink, light blue, lavender and Copen.
Made in empire style with elastic at
waist, white lawn collar and cuffs.
Sizes 36 to 44. Fourth Floor
Union suits of fine ribbed cotton,
low neck, sleeveless with plain beaded
tops, reinforced for extra wear. All
regular sizes. rir.t rioor
Free Colgate's Soap
To the first 600 customers making
purchases at our Drug and Toilet Sec
tion Wednesday we will give one 10c
cake of Colgate's Natural soap free.
25c Diving Caps, all colors, 1 9c
50c Fancy Bath Caps . 39c
$1.25 BathroomGlass Shelves
Wednesday only, 69c
Clean-Up of Notions
25c White Silk Dress Shields, pair 15c
15c Mull Covered Dress Shields, pr. 8c
Colonial Garment Shields, special 25c
Sleeve-on Garment Shields, special 25c
15c White Sew-on Hose Supporters, 8c
25c Pad Hose Supporters, the pair 19c
15c Black. White Child's Supp'rt'rs 10c
25c Silk Pin-on Supporters, the pair 5c
40c White Nubo Shoulder Braces, 15c
25c Sanitary Aprons, neatly trim'd 27c
10c Sanitary Napkins, 3 rn package, 5c
First Floor
.'Uuror istrr cnriun "rutr r c a ct a .ir r wrnr nnwiw marten ts n tf
"mm m.m. juu jrcifi j mm Et AErxi?A nii is uci inc. m kjj t r Jt it
the annual
Sunday schools was held at Uuinn'a ,
landing on the Columbia river. TheJ
steamer tseaver was cnartered for the
occasion. The day was spent in vari
ous sports, as' bathing and diving ex
hibitions and a baseball game.
New Mayor at Clatskanie.
Clatskanle, Or., Aug:. 15. At the last
meeting of the city council. Mayor W.
A. Hall handed in his resignation and
Councilman G.'f. Puey wn appointed
to I1U the unexpired term. W. T. Sim
mons was elected as councilman to fill
the vacancy left by Councilman Puzey.
Mrs. Green Committed.
Albany, Or., Aug. 15. Mrs. Hattie
Green of this city was yesterday or
dered committed to the Oregon state
insane asylum, and last evening she
was taken to that institution by an at
tendant who came up from Salem.
To Relief for Sufferers.
Washington, Aug. 15. (U. P.)
Representative Shirley of Kentucky to
day objected to and prevented -rtion
on a 200,000 flood relief bill for West
Virginia sufferers Introduced by Rep
resentative Llttlepace.
Every New Striped Sports Skirt to $5 Wednesday t 1 .98
Wr -"- ' , - . - J w V nilWIICJ C J
r I ri u: !
7Un Jl7Utt 1UU7ttt vicvci cuiiiuiliauoilb,
irr; "urr.. irr;;: jn a reat yariety
Dainty Fresh Waists 50c
You Should See Them Remarkable
Striped Voiles and Piques
Made in most attractive tailored styles, with
neat turned down collars and edgings of fine em
broidery or plain styles. A sensation at 50c.
Four Entirely New Shapes in
White Felt Hats $1.69
The Latest Drooping Model for Fall.
$2.00 Would Be a Very Low Price for Them
--So becoming, so wearable, so piactical and so new
you must have one fashionable for all kinds of wear at
any time, and absolutely new.
in a great variety or
models iust the thin?
to finish out the sea
son and absolutely the
latest tiling in summer
apparel. Think of it pat
terns you can't buy any
where else, and always
sold to $5 here Wednes
day $1.98.
Every girl and woman
who wants to be dressed
up to the minute must
have one of these skirts,
indispensable for all kinds
of summer wear.
Work Shirts 50c
You'd Willingly Pay More
They're Worth It
Genuine Amoskeag chambray,
cut extra large and fall bodied,
soft turn-down collar, soft cuffs.
Famous President
Every man knows them no
more need cf description.
Attention SMALL MEN
And Boys Wearing
Sizes 13V2. 14. 14y
To $1.15 Shirts 50c
Fine woven shirtings in me
dium patterns, good for every
day and school wear. Plain bos
oms and soft French cuffs.
Wednesday Only
25c Genuine Imported Juvenile Cloth
1000 Yards 25c Shirting Madras
Twenty pattern in juvenile elotn. Thirty pattern in hirting madra.
inc. Chirorjodist. I l i i. r ' I
n - i anw r Atirheniniao irf r ir i mm
-M.anin.noor waaay , Sizes 2 to 8 years. 4th Ploor l
n "Uumr ijtrr coram tut? r it a ct a rrt rrnr -rur MAir rtn 1
Boys' Wash Suits ,98c
A Great Clean-Up
Of galatea, drilling, poplin
and twill in plain white or
fancy stripes. Billy Boy, Tom
my Tucker and middy styles.
Sizes 2 to 8 years. 4tb
aWNo Phorie Orders for Basement "Sales