THg OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1916. 11 V . BILLY SUNDAY HANDS DEMON RUM SERES OF STIFF UPPERCUTS Evangelist Makes Opening Talk of Campaign Against Proposed Beer Amendment VAST CROWD HEARS HIM f Ice Hippodrome Crowded and Xany Ttirnad. Away; Invective Tallow Infective Against I.iqnor Traa. "Snow 'em under no deep they won't be able to hear the Ahgl Gabriel toot the resurrection," wm Billy , Sunday' message to the people of Portland and Oregon a( the Ice Hip podrome Jast night, where he deliv ered the opening speech In the cam paign aj?nlnst the beer amendment. That Billy Sunday la a drawing card was evident, for the great build- in, which e oat a 6800 people, waa packed to the limit, with aisles filled to overflowing and hundreds turned away, Hla worda followed each other In torrents, sometimes so swiftly that the tall end of one would be cut off altogether or merged with the one following. XilqaOr Trafflo Denounoed. From his opening words Invective followed Invective hurled at the li quor trafflo and tho men engaged In It Part of the time he was marching about the sfap his hands, feet, body a1! face working overtime to emphasize his words. Once Jie fell face forward on the platform to carry home forcibly his words about the fall of the drunkard Into hell. Women caught their breath, xpert Ing to ace him Injure himself, but With the ease of a trained athlete he caught his weight on his hands. At othr times he Jumped on a chair and even put his foot on the stand, drnport In national colors, on which he had his notes and and, his watch. Dramatlo Appeal Made. The most dramatic appeal was made lust nt the close of his talk when he called half a dozen hoys to the front of the stape end exhorted th people to vote down the brewery amendment and save the boys of the tat a. Grasping an American flag he jie!d It over the hoys while he continued his exliortnt inn, closing with a prayer with which ho dismissed the firreat audience. Many ' times the audlnn'-e cheered and clapped but Ibc greatest outburst came when he cried: "I want to live to rpp the white Buyers Week 7th S Visiting Merchants Welcome.! Visiting Merchants DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE L. & T. CREAM CO. MAKERS OP FROZNPURE (SUPERIOR TO ICE CREAM) The New Frozen Food Delicacy COME "HAVE A DISH ON US" 281 First St, Corner Jefferson Phone Main 698 Visiting Buyers! You will find a hearty welcome awaiting you at our store. You will also find a very complete stock of AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, AUTOMOBILE TIRES, MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES and SUPPLIES. It will give us much pleasure to have you pay us a visit. Let us pay your railroad fare. Ballou k Wright Broadway at Oak In the Heart of the City MILLER, CALHOUN CO. The Boom tt Personal Barrio. " p Notion, Hosiery, Knit Goods IUTH AKO OOTXCH. Archer & Wiggins Co. Antomoblle Ace rte DIAMOND TIRES MICHELIN TIRES Wjtt and Osjr. Bts- ronumd. Ok W. P. Fuller & Co. 12th and Davis Sts. Paints, Oils, Class, Sash, Doors dove of prohibition nesting; In the capltol In Washington with her pro tecting wings spread over the whole country." Only Underworld rarora "SOose." Of the Interests opposing tile liquor trafflo ha named a doien or more ending with tha statement: "Every world-wide Interest except tha under world Is against it." Data collected in states which are wet and states which are dry were paraded to show the effects of "wet" and "dry" regimes. When about half through he be came so warmed up that he shed his coat. Drops of perspiration stood out on his faca and hung from the tip of his nose the greater part of the eve ning. Among the trite sayings he yoloed were: Saloonmen Vehemently Assailed. "You will always find the devil and the saloonkeeper pulling the same rope." "The liquor men are the biggest gang of liars this side of hell.1' "I could take the money working men dump Into the liquor trafflo In a year and build 100 macadam highways across the country." "I believe the man engaged In the making or selling of liquor Is a worse oltlzen then the murderer or the thief." "I stand for civil liberty but not the personal liberty they cry for and If you don't like the way we do In Amer ica there are ships leaving New York. Take them and go." Saloon Called Murder soil. "The saloon Is a murder mill and a poison factory and all the plots hatched in the United States were started In them." "If some men would drink more water their families would eat more." "The man who sneers at religion can be found as champion of the saloon." "I'm a champion of woman suffrage because the liquor interests oppose It." Governor Wlthycombe Introduced Sunday. California Growers To Net $18,600,000 EMjlpment of 17,000 Cars of Fruit to East Will Bring Profit of $1000 a Oar at leaet, Xs Estimate of Experts. Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 9. (P. N. S.) At least $11,600,000 will be the net return to California deciduous fruit growers for the fruit shipped east this year, according to the estimate of ex perts here today. A shipment of 17, 000 cars, netting at least SI 000 a car. Is looked for, whle grapes will net $1200 a car. Since July 20, prices for Cali fornia fruits have been 20 per cent above normal. Arrested for Larceny. Eva Kenner, of Orohaj-ds, Wash., was arrested at the Meier & Frank store yesterday by Detectives Hellyer and Tackaberry on a charge of lar ceny, her alleged method of opera tion' being; to purchase goods and charge them to people who have ac counts at the store. Tha specific charge Is that she charged a hat and a couple of palrs--of shoes to the Freeland Furniture company. a Treat for You Knight Packing Co. Pickles, Vinegar, Etc, East Sth and Xast Alder St. Vfeoneat east ea, a-isee. Portland Curled Hair Factory Curled Hair and Mattresses B. SOtb and Sandy Bonlrrard. rortla&a. Or. TlpnoaMi lui 7890, B-U74. KanXattiran--Ooast Xttstrttoutori WXOZtfesAXJB AJTD SXTTAX& SCHVAN PIANO CO. Vluof sad Player Pianos 111 ronrtn St. at Washington. Must Ask Council for Alcohol Permit Condon, Or., Aug. 9. Hera- after if a person wants to pur- chase alcohol in the city of 4t t Condon, he will have to get a permit from the city council to do so. Moreover, said permit, to be ralid. will have to be signed by the mayor of the city & and the city recorder, and be fr sealed with the official seal of the city. $ This was the decision reached by the city council at the weekly meeting, in an effort to curb the sales of alcohol, which has been the cause of no little trouble of late In this $ community. Armenians Reported Eating Human Flesh Forced to Cannibal Diet by Danger of Starvation, Says Dispatch From American Committee for Belief. Boston, Aug. 9. (U. P.) Rather than starve to death, Armenians are eating human flesh, according to a cable dispatch received here by the American oommittee for Armenian and Syrian relief. The dispatch is from a "high diplo matic authority in Turkey." Armenians who have been driven out upon the deserts have frequently pounced upon the bodies of exhausted comrades and have feasted upon them, says the dispatch. Iack of food has driven the people practically to animal life. Men and women have been seen crawling upon the ground in a des perate hunt for grasses and herbs. British Blacklist Is Affecting Holland Dutch newspaper Declares Wheat and Corn Held Up From Firms In IT. 8. That Are Sent Companies under Ban. Berlin, (via wireless to Bayvllle, L. L( auk. 9. CD. P.) The Dutch news paper Nluewe Rotterdamsohe Courant charges that the British are holding up ships laden with wheat and corn from the United States to Holland because the shipments were made by firms en the British blacklist. The Courant declare that if Hol land accepts this action without pro test her independence after the war Is doomed. Bars Circus and Tobacco. New York, Aug. 9. fU. P.) To bacco and clreussee are black-eyed in the will of I. W. Long, Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, farmer, the document stipulating that no tobacco ever shall be grown on his estate nor any circus ever pastured thereon. Pianos, Organs, Victrolas, Etc. Sixth and Morrison St. Wholesale Manufacturers Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, Etc Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co. 83 B. Water St.. Cor. Zatt Stark, Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company 146-154 2TOX-TK TXZTTK ST. Manttfactvvn CBLAXBA, BvBBS PTfjVsUTUJLB, CARRIAGES. 0O0A&TS To th Trad Only. CHAS. 6. 68 TXPTH BT. Holiday Ooods, Soils, Children's Books, Season Cards. Post Cards and "Xmas" Accessories. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. WHOIE8AII Hardware and Iron Merchants Importers and Manufacturers, 16th ana Soyt Sts. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gasoline and Oil Engines Scale, Steam and Power Pumps Dynamos and Motors Second and Stark Sts. The George Lawrence Co. MannafsCtorers of Harness and Saddlery Shoe Findings, 8addlery Hardware, Blankets and Robes. Morse Goods. Shoe Store Supplies. 80 TO 80 mil ST. obe3. IKGUI Go. Booksellers, Stationers, Complete Office Outfitters. Office Desks and Chairs, Flllnf Da rices and Sectional Bookcases. Archi tects' and Engineers Supplies. Third and. Alder Sts, Portland, Or. m MUREAYMEAD IS SET BACK DAY BY FALLING OF RAIN Out-of-Town Players Will Come for Matches on Friday, On account of the inclement weath er, play In the second annual tennis tournament of the Murray mead Ten nis club has been set back one day The matches scheduled for yesterday Will be Dlaved todav and th nchorfnla arranged for today will hold good to morrow. A majority of the out of town play ers will come to Portland Tor their matches Friday, instead of tomorrow as was first arranged. The following matches were played Monday, but were not reported until yesterday: W. H. Lewis Jr. defeated E. A. Clark, 6-0, 6-0. George Stokes defeated Ed Har greaves, 6-0, 6-0. H. H. Doxey defeated Alex Matthew, 6-2, 6-1. R. F. Prescott defeated H. B. Garri son. 6-3. 6-4. James Hyde defeated R. Warren by default. H II. Wade defeated N. Good. 6-0. 6-0. K L. Williams defeated J. A. Martin by default. Charles Kane defeated F. H. Page. 6-0, 6-0. R. L. Oulss defeated C. Schmidt (Murraymead), by default J. E. Stanaberry defeated R. M. Cook, 6-2, 6-3. N. Q. Pease defeated J. Helnicke by default. H. Atkinson defeated J. Newmore. 6-0, 6-0. Tuesday's matches: L. M. Hausler defeated H. Atkinson, 6- 1, 6-0. x.w- ,H. Edwards defeated Nelson Isowell 6-2, 6-4. 6 1 ? Land defeaUd R- Swaggert, I)ougias Burrell defeated J. R. Lle wellyn, 4-8, 6-4, 11-9. A" Tillman defeated S. B. Cooke, 4-6, 97, 6-2. L. M. Hausler defeated William Mil ler 6-1, 6-1. F. H Young defeated S. S. Etter. 7-6. 7- 5 R. Sheen defeated L. J. Wersohkul 2-6, 6-1. 8-1 ' B. Rossitter defeated E. Keller, 6-2, 6-8. Alvin Murray defeated Cromwell en, 0-3. William Hazeltin defeated R. F Pearson, by default Cord Sengstake Jr. defeated H E. Mulhnllnnri 0.7 9- TK C. W. Henderson 'defeated A. Knouff uj aciauii. Following are the remits nt. women's singles, scores of which in most cases were not obtainable: Miss Madeline Elotboom beat Miss Louise Burrell, 6-1, Mrs. W. H. Lewis defeated Miss Helena Floss; O-SO-EZY Best Body Polish Try It Nobby' Trwul Titer W Plain Tmd VV Miss Jennie Noren defeated Miss Ger trude Floss; Miss Elizabeth Richard son beat Miss Florence Fisher; Miss '. Ethel Malpaa beat Mies Edna Agler; Miss Alene Noren. beat Miss Lena Os- tervold; Miss Catherine Beok beat Mrs. R. F. Person; Miss Nancy Holt beat Mrs. F. K. Burgess; Mrs. L. J. Wersch kul beat Mrs. W. E. Carlon; Miss Mary Richmond beat Miss Agler; Mrs. Con stance Meyer defeated Miss Ella Ralp. Stallings May Have to Explain Charges New Tork. Aug. 9. (U. P.) Moguls of the National league met with President Tener today ta listen to charges, chiefly from the Boston club. that the umpires of the Tener circuit are incapable and partial. Incidential- ly, the meeting Is certain to develop counter charges against the Braves. President Tener is tired of hearing hla arbiters roasted by every losing team and has called for a "showdown." Boston will probably have to prove some of the things Stallings and Evers have been saying for the past few months. A moniter petition, which has been in circulation at Braves' field for a few days will be presented at tho meeting. It charges unfairness by the National league umpires against the Boston club. Several other club owners, peeved at the recent statements of the Bos ton management, are reported to be anxious to get a chance to force Stall ings either to prove his statements or keep quiet for the rest of the sea son. Jap Wonder Is Exposed. New York, Aug. 9. (U. P.) Her alded as the Japanese wonder, Jalean Cartuska of Tokyo entered the ring with Teddy Hayes, negro middleweight, here last night. He lasted less than 10 seoonds. Kahler Is Now Bushing It. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 9. (U. P.) George Kahler, discarded Angel pitch er, has accepted terms with the Oro vill club of the Trilby league and will report there this week. Gone to San Diego. Los Angeles, Aug. 9. (P. N. S. Otto Fritech, W. E. Day anti Lute Wler have gone to Ban Diego to remain until after the far western field championships August 19. A BARBER'S BARGAIN A combination consisting of a Carbo-Electric Strop and an Extra Fine Hone A Real $2 Value Only 98c Insured Mail Orders 7c Extra. THE STROP is made of fine double leather ; excellently fin ished ; ready for use, and finished with nickel swivel. THE HONE is made of the finest imported swarthy abrasia and is a keen edge producer. An ideal com bination for a particular shaver. Portland Cutlery and Barber Supply Cb. 86 Sixth St., Bet Stark and Oak. Opp. Wells Fargo Bldg. Sales Up Adjustments Down Because our sales are going up almost to a manufacturing limit, and our adjustments are going down almost to a vanishing point, ; we positively know that the five United States Tires are giving unusual in fact sensational tire service. awe ffr United States 'Balanced Tires very motoring condition of price and ose. Ask the nearest United States Tire Dealer for year eopr of the booklet, "Judging Tires," which tells how to care the exact tira ta euit your -Hi Nebby' 'Chain Use', 'ReymlCord' Plain INDIVIDUALIZED TERES Mads by the Larfett Rahbmr ' Company in thm World st Splinted Arm No Bar to Playing of Tennis Despite the rain yesterday, a ma jority of tha matches scheduled In the intra-club tournament of the Lau relhurst club were played. The match es scheduled for t o'clock and 6 o'clock were postponed until today. Although he was practically unable to handle a racquet, Edward Flora, a 16-year-old youngster, played his match yesterday with Ms right arm in splints and lost to Leon Tamiesie, S 1. 6-0. Flora started to play with his left arm but was not successful and then changed to his right. Yesterday's results: Mpb'r ulnrlra Dr TT Ives beat S. rWeias. 6-8, 1-6, -8. Mixed doubles Miss Ruth Zanello and Clifford C. Harrison beat Miss Rita Snook and Fred Barber. 8-10. 6-1. C-4; Miss Ruth Renfer and S. B Cooke beat Miss E. Zanello and Wil liam Wright, 6-T, 6-4, 6-3. Junior girls' Blngles Miss Gladys Ellsworth beat Miss Hasel Core, 6-0. 6-0: Miss Marlon Weiss beat Miss i Edvth Klnra. 6-0. -S. ! Junior boys' singles Leon Tamiesie 'beat Ed Flora, 6-1. 6-0; Fred Kern beat Leon Tamiesie, 6-1, 6-2; Robert i Rarnes beat Chester Rich. 6-4, 6-3; l Robert Barnes Beat Paul Murphy Jr., ! 6-2. 6-1: eortr La Roche beat K. I Kcttenhoffen. 6-1. 6-1;, Jack Went- worth beat George La Roche, 7-S, 6-8 Gruman Stopped by West Side J. Duffy :ew lurn. auh. 9. ii. u. ip lightweight championship hopes of Ralph Gruman. the California ana Oregon lightweight, were a bit clouded last night at the Pioneer Sporting club, where Jimmy Duffy, the aggres f-lve west side lightweight battled the westerner so severely about the stom ach for nine rounds that Gruman was unable to answer the bell for the tenth and final session. From the first round on, it seemed to be merely a question of which boxer could assimilate the most pun ishment. in their previous fight. Gruman beat Duffy in every one of the 10 rounds and won easily. They may be re matched. Leyinsky to Meet Brown. Chicago, Aug. 9. (U. P.) Battling Levinsky of New York and Knockout Brown, Chlcagot were matched here Royal Cord' which today for a ten round boat at Indiana Harbor, Ind., on Labor Day afternoon. Joe Rivers, Los Ang-eles, leaves here tomorrow for Colorado Bpringra, where he is scheduled to trade wallops with Joe Flynn, a Coloradoan, In a 16 round bout. There nothing mysterious About FATIMA Fatima is simply the pick of world renowned tobaccos, skillfully blended: combin ing in proper proportions the different kinds of tobacco so that each variety is served at its best The plain reasons jfbr Fatima's popularity Are the high quality of its Tobaccos, the skill with which they are blended and the neat, convenient package SIM A THE TURKISH BLEND I 10, ZTLkM M j i Go East This Summer via Northern Pacific Low Round Trip Fares Enjoy every moment of the circle tours via I this line. Get additional scenery and service at no additional expense. Through daily trains to St. ' Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City-St. Louis with thd. t best dining car service in the world. Enrcute stop at Yellowstone National Park Enter through Oardiner Gateway original, scenic and only Northern en trance. Spend week or month In America's greatest wonderland. Sea the wild animals, geysers, colored terraces, paint pots, Orand Canyon of the Yellowstone, etc. Excellent hotel. Writi, eaR or phoru for tickets, information and travel liUraiwrt, Let arrmg your vo cation trip. Portland City Ticket Offices 2SS MORRISON ST- Cor. Third St Main 244, Phones A-1244. A. D. CHARLTON Asst. Geal Passes far Agemt rORTLAHD, OKC Round trip mtMtboand summtr tourist tickets on sal daily till your eastern friends. Attractive Homeseekers tickets to Mono tana points and return. l W-S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII urn iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii Excursions East j VIA THE "MILWAUKEE" Every day until September 30th T0?1?, Cf. Portland te Chios ares Union Depot 7 P. M. dally rJa Spokana. Butte, Aberdeen. H. IX. Minneapolis, ,Pa Milwaukee. Take lis all-steel "Olympian" or "Columbian" tralna ovar this newly electrified Mountain Route. No cinders, no flust, no smoke to obsuure the view. Electrifica tion and other literature gladly furnished upon request. Portland Office, Third and Stark Sts, Phone J&J41 X. X. OAJULX80Y. Starlet rrei-nt and rassearer Af eat. Sail Ivan Is In Town. Frankle Sullivan, the Los Analen featherweight. Is In town and may, meet the winner of the Bronaon-Ben-jamln match next Tuesday night. MC Would like to take on sonfe Of the best feathers in the northwest ' : c ti a sensible cigarette) . t v i.