The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 04, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Six Persons Are Being Shad
owed; Much Evidence Said
to Be Available,
Captain icattheeos of Bomb Innii -oUTM
X Will Be Able to knull
AUU of Israel Weinberg.
Ban Francisco, Auk. 4. (P. N. S.)
At leut lx mora arrests will be made
In the Investigation of the prepared
ness parade bomb outrage Sis per
ona have been located and are no
being shadowed, ' their . apprehension
being expected at almost any moment.
This was announced today by Assis
tant District Attorney James Brennan.
He further declared the case
against the five persons now charged
i with murder to be strong enough to
assure conviction, though circura
Captain Duncan Matheson, head of
the bomb bureau, said toda'jj. he would
be able to smash the alibi of Israel
Weinberg, who is alleged to have
waited . In front of 721 Market street
tha afternoon of tha explosion to take
the other conspirators to Steuart and
.Market streets where the bomb was
left. In his Jitney.
According to Matheson, a mass of
evidence sailed In the homes of the
accused la now being catalogued.
The announcement of more arrests
being imminent was taken aa es
pecially significant In view of the
declaration by District Attorney
Charles M. Plckert that Thomas J.
Mooney's letter file showed a request
to the Industrial Workers of the World
national headquarters for "16 or 20
direct-action reds good, vigorous
The direct actlonlsts are those who
, believe in sabotage and other physical
economic weapons, as distinguished
from those who would rely on the bal
lot to assert their power.
This request, and other statements
declared to be as Important, were
found, said Flckert, in letters to Wil-
. Ham D, Haywood, general secretary of
the I, W. W., to one of the national
X. W. W. executives. Acker, and others
These letters, say the authorities,
Indicate a plan to undermine trades
union leaders here In an attempt to
establish an industrial labor organlaa
' tlon. In which it is declared Mooney
hoped to become the leading figure.
Henry J. Claussen Dead.
4 San Francisco, Aug. 4. (P. N. S.)
The bomb explosion haa claimed Us
i itnlnth victim- An inquest will be held
today on Henry J. Claussen of Ala
emeda, who died following amputation
of his left leg yesterday. The sur
'(eons declare the actual cause of his
death was a wound In the back causeJI
by a piece of flying metal.
Miss Pearl Seeman, another of tha
bomb victims, who had one of her legs
amputated, is reported today as re
covering. John Brady of San Gruno.
,1s still In a critical condition,
r Contributions to the bomb relief
fund are moving rapidly toward the
110,000 mark. A boxing show at
Dreamland tonight Is expected, to net
a good sum for the benefit of the
Regatta at Astoria
September 1, 2, 3, 4
STew Venture of the Celebration This
Tear Will Be Homecoming Sand
Oonoert and Marine Parade Sunday.
Astoria, Or.. Auk. 4. The Astoria
twenty-flmt annual regatta will be
Jtaged thl year September l, 2, 3 and
4. Thla decision was made Inst night
.'by F. C. Harley, chairman of tne As
toria naval base committee, who has
accepted the chairmanship of tho re
gatta thla year. Mr. Harley'ft alisence
Jn Washington during the last few
months has prevented him from get
ting plana for the regatta under way
Isooner, but preparations will be rushed
from now on.
. A new departure will be featured
thla year In the way of a homecoming
week. Letters are to be sent to all
former Astorlans to come home for
the occasion. As September 3 will fall
on Sunday, arrangements are being
made for a band concert, fireworks and
marina parade on that day.
Highway Is Open,
; Astoria, Or., Aug. 4. The Colombia
highway between Astoria and Portland
la now open to traffic and may be
traveled by automobiles without in
convenience. The road is said to be in
fairly good condition throughout the
entire route. As a result of the Im
proved condition In the highway, a
large number of Portland people are
axpected to make the trip to Astoria
and the beaches for the week end.
Seventh Convict
Escapes From Pen
nU chard Thomason, Sarvlnjr Term fox
Xroeny, Took Advantage of Oppor
tunity When Working- Alone.
Salem. Or.. Auk. 4. Richard Thorn.
ason, serving a term for larceny In the
state prison, made his escape at
: O'clock Thursday afternoon and h
not been captured. Thomuon was
trusty and was working with a team
In a potato field. Ills escape was re
ported tq the prison officials by peo
ple who aaw the team tied to the
v Thomason was committed from
Jackson county and, according to pris
on official!, had but two month
more to serve before being eligible to
Thomason Is the seventh convlot to
, Mcupa within two days.
Beautiful edalt slash or
broadcletH easkft, em
balming, outside boa,
bears, two eetos and
. Bervlcss for. ...........
Fsaarala If dsalrsa far
vo, aso, see.
:. Signer priced raaer-
la is proportion,
tf e ssasaUctare caskets
- iV? B,.",t"llJ roaecsJ taps.
lafltptiiarat roaertl Directors,
' "a St, (bet. 80th aaa- 21 rt)
adds, asaaa seel, jraea.
Portland Schools
Will Open on Labor
Day as Scheduled
The public schools will open
September 4, Labor day, aa
scheduled, according to final
decision made by the school
board yesterday afternoon.
Objection was made by the
Central Labor Council to open
ing school on that day, while
8. Benson particularly insisted
that Labor Day should not be
recognized by a school holiday.
As the school calendar had al
ready been made up, scheduling
the opening of the school on
that day, the board decided not
to change it. It was pointed
out that the state law prescrlb
lngholldays does not list Labor
Day as a school holiday, but
lists It as a day to be observed
appropriate exercises.
Editors Will Be Feted and
Entertained in Connection
With Annual Session,
Medford, Or.. Aug. 4. Members of
the State Editorial association arrived
at Medford at 10:15 this morning In
buoyant spirit, ready for a few days
of royal frollo and annual business
The first meeting was held at Pub
llo library hall for registration of
members and payment of duea. After
luncheon, the visitors reassembled to
give an Important program of business
features of aesslon. The newspaper
men were welcomed by Mayor V. 3.
EJmerlck In a brief, but sincere expres
sion of Joy at the opportunity to en
tertain the state's scribes. A happy
response was made by President E. E
Brodle. Appointment of committees
will be made this afternoon.
At 8 o'clock thla afternoon there will
be an excursion by auto to the CalJ-
iornia line over the Paciria highway
over mountains and through vales of
scenic grandeur. Returning, the visit
ors will accept the Invitation of the
people of Ashland to dine with them
in Llthla park, and enjoy special fea
tures of entertainment.
The party will return to Medford
for the evening entertainment ,and
preparations for a strenuous day of
business and sight seeing Saturday.
Medford is much pleased with the
representative character of the news
paper people here, and the newspaper
people are apparently pleased with
Democrats Gain in
Tennessee Elections
Scattering Set am s Indicate That Prop
osition to Call Constitutional Conven
tion Has Probably Me Defeat.
Knoxville, Tenn.. Aug. 4. (I. N. S.)
Scattering returns from east Tennes
see counties and meager returns from
other sections of Tennessee tonight In
dicate that the proposition to call a
constitutional convention has probably
been defeated. In many precincts no
ote was had on this question. Coun
try districts generally return majori
ties against the proposition while it
appears to have carried In a majority
of the city precincts.
County elections to select sheriffs.
trustees, tax assessors, constables, and
school boards, were held In the 98 coun
ties of Tennessee. Democrats gained
heavily In many counties, notably In
this county where a Democratic sheriff
and trustees have been elected by
nearly 1500 majority, reversing normal
Republican majorities.
(Oontlntied From Pi One.)
and abstracted the funds from the
cash box, and, still covering Palo
backed out or tne notei ana tied up
Park street. Balo told the police that
he chased the highwayman several
blocks Into the park blocks, and then
lost track of him.
In a few minutes a equal of offi
cers, with Captain Circle in charge,
wasat the scene.
Here Halo's story besran to fall to
plecas. The Janitor of the hotel told
the police that he had been around at
the time the hotel was supposed to
have been robbed, and that nothing
unusual had occurred. It also de
veloped that Balo had been absent
from the hotel for an hour previous
to the time he returned with the po
Balo Orowe Balky.
Convinced that his story was false
the police took BaVo back to headquar
ters. He grew sulky and refused to
talk when he saw that his story was
not believed, but at 7 o'clock, after
constant grilling, he confessed that
his report was false, and that he had
taken the money.
By a coincidence, another clerk of
this same hotel several years ago
framed up a similar story and it was
proved false.
Balo took all the money from the
cash box and hurried to his home,
buried It, and thon rushed to bead
quarters, h admitted.
He at first said that his act was due
to intoxication, but the police say that
he showed no evidences of having been
Afterwards he said he had stolen the
money to provide hie mother with
funds to undergo an operation. His
mother, he said, resides on Morrison
street, a few doors eaet of his resi
dence on Sixteenth street.
He rod to town on a streetcar with
her yesterday, he said, and she told
of B.n illness necessitating an opera
tion. She had no money and the phy
sicians would not undertake the treat
ment, he said, unless they were as
sured of some cash. This prompted
him to raise the money In the way he
did, he stated.
Balo has been employed at the hoter
since July 11 as night clerk. He came
to Portland June 29 from the east. He
is 28 years old and baa a wife and 5-ycar-old
H. E. Fletcher, manager of tha hotel,
signed a complaint against Balo this
morning, charging grand larceny, and
Balo will probably be given a prelimi
nary hearing in tne municipal court to-
Next Train Will Take About
. 1 75 Men, Arms and Quar
termaster's Supplies,
Oregon Troops at Border Are Still
Short Over 800 Ken ecrtg to
Be Kept Up Indefinitely.
Camp Withyoomba, Or., Aug. 4. The
order has gone out for cars for trans
porting troops now at Camp Withy
combe to the border and any day may
see them on their way. All arrange
ments have been made for the trans
fer. The recruits will fill the vacan
cies in the rankg of Oregon companies
there. The exact time of departure
will not be announced, as this is for
bidden by the war department.
The next troop train to leave for the
front will carry about 175 recruits. It
will also carry arma and quartcrmas
ter supplies.
To date, there are 187 recruits en
listed here, and for the past few days
they have been coming In at the rate
of about 10 daily. A few will remain
behind to assist In the recruiting that
will be continued in an effort to fill
Oregon troops are still short about
800 men. The exact figures are as
follows: -!
Shortages at time of departure for
border Company K, McMlnnvlle, 62;
company B, Portland, 69; company C,
Portland, 70; company D, Portland, 64;
company E. Portland, 70; company F,
Portland, B6; company O, Oregon City,
71; company H, Portland, 71; company
I, Woodburn, 85; company K, Corvallls,
75; company L, Dallas, 85; company
M, Salem, 8; headquarters company,
Portland. 7; supply company, Portland,
7; sanitary troops, Portland. 1. Total,
Sixty-five Are Dlschaxgod.
Discharges since reaching border to
date Battery A, 11; Infantry, First
and Second battalions, 63; troop A.
cavalry, 1. Total, 65.
It will be the task of recruiting of
ficers, who will be maintained in four
different places throughout the state,
to fill these vacancies. It Is the in
tention of the government to continue
a vigorous recruiting campaign In the
state until the Third Oregon has been
recruited to full war etrCTigth.
Sergeant Instructor William J. Pe-
trick, who has had charge of b;ittery
A. field artfilery. of the atate militia,
since March 16, 1915, left ye3terday
for duty In Colorado, where he will be
fctatloned at Golden, In connection with
the summer camp of field artillery
companies of Colorado, now open there.
It Is probable that he will not again
be returned to Oregon.
Sergeant Petrick has been In charge
of the recruiting camp since It has
been opened here. All recruits here
marched in a body to the train upon
his departure, and gave three rousing
cheers when the train pulled out.
Ifew Kecrults Enlisted.
Recruits enlisted here within the
last few dcys are as follows;
John E. Edwards, Norton; Hallec H.
Mapes, Samuel V. Stanley, Reuben N.
Glad, Arthur F. Wallace, Walter A,
Rowan, Tillamook; Eugene G. Smith,
Newport; Richard B. Hlnton. Robert
H. Campbell. Marshall E. Ramswell,
Portland; Ivan D. Baker, Baker, Ed
ward T. Long, Welser, Idaho; Fred
erick Wilson, Dallas; Floyd L. Dickey,
Loren R. Harris, Vivian L. Nye, Sheri
dan; Brldgman Smith, Seattle, Wen-
dell Matlock. Eugene; Claude P. Green.
HUlsboro; Loyd J. McKay, Springfield;
Clarence (,. Campbell, Junction City;
John B. Taylor, Halsey; John C. Golle
hon, Spokane; Leo I. Sturdevant, Glen
P. Wallace. Glenn W. Richards, Daniel
E. Lawrence. Henry L. Williams and
Frank W. Groves, Lebanon.
1 .Recruiting offices are 'to b estab
rTTshed for indefinite perloda In Port
land.- The Dalles. Eugene and La
Grande. Captain J.133. Hibbard, Major
Hiram U. Welch, Captain Curtis E.
Winn and Captain Lee M. Clark, re
spectively, will be established at these
places. Eastern Oregon, which hereto
fore has contrlbtued very sparingly to
the Oregon troops, is expected to send
more as soon as the harvest Is over.
Women Wonder as
Burglar Operates ;
Apartments of S. S. Bemartt Ars
Bobbed While TJnsuspectlag Rel
atives Below Usten to ZToises.
While two women relatives were
going to bed and sleepily wondering
at the cause for so much moving
about in the apartment above, a
, , . . . . , ,
burglar was ransacking the home of
H. S. Bennett, superintendent of th
Yale laundry, at 550 Ea,st Taylor
street, about 9 o'clock last night.
The Bennetts live in a second-floor
apartment. while Mrs. Bennett's
mother, Mrs. Dudrow, and Miss Grace
Pudrow live on the first floor. The
Bennetts had gone out for the even
lng. The thief gained entrance to the
hous bv means of a stedadder
placed against a bedroom window.
Jewelry valued at over 8200 was re-
ported to the police as raisslngr. The
list includes a diamond ring, sun-
bursts and a watch, a necklace set
with amethysts and pearls, a wedding
ring and $3.10 In cash. Police de
tectives are investigating.
To Answer Hughes'
Attack on Policies
Washington. Aug. 4. (L N. S.)
Senator J. Hamilton Lewis of Illinois.
Democratic "whip" of tho senate, will
make an extended speech in the sen
ate Saturday replying to the criticism
of the administration's Mexican pol
icy by Mr. Hughes In his speech of
acceptance of the Republican nomina
tion. Mr. Lewis had a long conference
with President Wilson and shortly
after the senate convened made formal
announcement of his contemplated ad
dress. The Illinois senator will speak for
the president and his speech will be
circulated by the millions as campaign
Husband Gets Son.
Maud M. Anderson has been granted
a divorce from Gilbert Anderson by
Judge Oatens. Under the terms of the
decree Mrs. Anderson takes title to
two Portland lots and the husband is'
J permitted to keep their 7-year-old boy.
! Ex-School Head of -
La Grande Divorced
John Olrdler Secures Separation and I
Oets CMtofty of Children Three
Months of Tear, Wile Remainder.
La Grande. Or., Aug. 4. Circuit
Judge Knowles has granted a dl
i vorce to John Olrdler from his wife,
i Nellie Glrdler. In the decree it was
' provided that the mother have the
baby, Lewis, and the custody of the
6-year-old boy, nine months In tne
year, and the other three months to
the father. The rather Is required
to pay $60 a month maintenance for
the nine months in the year and $25
a month for three months and he was
! also required to pay the transports-
'tlon charges to and from the mother's
j home when the father had the cus-
: tody t the boy.
Mr. Glrdler has been superintendent
of La Grande schools for the past
two years. He resigned here to tako
a similar position in the Ogden, Utah,
schools, but the board there recon
sidered the matter after learning of
the divorce troubles In the family,
and Mr. Glrdler resigned that post.
80 TO 100 LOST
(Continued From Pice One.l
of passengers and crew are reported
to have been killed and wounded by
shell fire.
The Letlmbro Is the first large pas
senger liner sunk hv a submarine In
several months. She was attacked by 1 a oirtnaay party to gouu u.a uruu ei
one of the fleet of Austro-German i Lattlmer ; and a big attendance is ue
submereibles which has displayed I redv, v is,tors weoomemfc Secy
B all L 11 J iUCUiCCl a CLUCLll
within the past few days.
Lloyds today received reports of the
sinking by an enemy submarine of the
Italian steamship Citta Dl Messina.
Vessel Tried to Escape.
Washington, Aug. 4. (U. P.) Judg
ing from the reports of tha survivors,
the United States has no immediate
interest in the shelling and sinking of
me Italian man steamer Letlmbro by
a submarine, stats department officials
eald today. There were no Americans
reported aboard and the vessel is said
to have been attempting to escape.
American consuls near the scene of
the disaster will make inquiries, how
ever, to determine whether any Ameri
cans were among the crew or passen
gers. Adopts Children as Heirs.
Chicago, Aug. 4. In an effort to de
feat a will which says he must leave
a fortune to build a school If he dies
without Issue. Edward Morrison, 82.
millionaire, has adopted Margaret and
Alice Burnstein, 16 and 10, respect
ively. Real Estate Transfers.
Arthur Needbam and wf. to Mary M.
McConnell. beginning in N. line of B.
14. Simon's Add., 2124 ft. westerly
from N. J3. corner B. 14 S 3,000
Ferdinand Andersen and wf. to William
Schmidt, L. 12, B. 8. Walden Park
Ella M. Stepheson and baa. to A. M.
Lull. L. 10. Mayfleld
Frances Ann Laver to Row Ida Dal ton,
L. 1, B. "D," Alblua Homestead
Realty & Mtg. Co. to A. J. Walters, L.
1. 2. 3 and N. H L. 4, B. "A," Hlb
bard'a Add
William Ormond and wf to C. S. Na
tional Bank of Newberg, L. 15, B. 14,
Overlook 1,000
Welleslsy Land Co. to Fbeter W. Hen
derson, L. 17, IS, B. 11, Argyle Park.
uus haunond and wr. to Hanry Blckner,
8. H of W. of W. H of
of Sec. 28. T 2 N.. R. 1 W.
18. W. 14
Davis Wilcox and wf. to Henry Waller,
L. 9, 7, 8, b. 7, Peninsular Add
Bankers' Inv. Co. to May Fsrnum St al,
L. 19, 20, B. 18. Hyde Park
F. O. McUrew and wf. to Giovanni Dl
marko et al. L. 6, B. 120, Portland..
F. X. Fletcher and wf. to A. C. Rhodes,
N. 35 ft. L. 3. B. 8. Newport
Louis T. Barln to Ida E. Harding, L. S.
B. 12, Park Add to Alblna
Rnhama Velt and has. to Brscher Tim
ber Co.. L. 8. B. T. MeMillens Add....
J. 6. Gent and wf. to S. L. Parker, L.
11. 12, 18, 14, IB, B. 3, Fortune Plai-s
Carrie M. Boschke and hus. to John
ShulL L. 11, 12. 13. B. 9. Irvinirton..
10 i
, To (it, Park.":
HoDert L. M acker and wr. to H.
Harry L. Arnold to j. v. Arnett. L. 1,
B. 1, Oorvallls Add
Wslter Reed and wf. to I E. Hubbart,
L. 8, 7, B. 157. Couch Add
J. L. Mullen and wf. to A. G. Ellis. L.
2. ,B. 'J. ureenoe 11 ts
G. (i. Tooker and wf. to Blva M. Mai
tin, L. 28, B. , Reservoir Park
Charles M. Osborne and wf. to Walter
8. Bshson. L. 10, B. 1, Lenox
M. J. Bradford to J. H Nelson. L. 83.
as per "corrected plat of N'ewburat
R. L. Wechner and wf. to Mollis Kop-
L. 8, B. 1, Alblna Hts
J. F. Yates, executor to J. D. Arnett,
L. 1, B. 1, Corvtllla Add
Slerlff to George L. Barton. L. 7, 8,
B. 45, Caruthers' Add
C. V. Bergen to A. L. Hopper et al, L.
17, 18, B. 13, Braluard
J. N. Knlgbt and wf. to Robert 0. Ho-
fer, L. 8. 9. B. 19. Willamette Add..
T C. Hepperly and wf. to L. t". Hpper-
ly. B. 0 ft. L. 4, B 2. Bernhardt
, 990
Adella Vail and baa. to Daisy A. Bar
on. L. 10. B. 8. Cloverdate txt
clla Vail and hus. to Daisy A. Rarton,
8. 40 ft of W. 82 ft, L. 5, B. 237,
HuildLng permits.
F. J. C'obbs Const met retaining wall, 58
Montgomery drlvo. near Vlita ave.; builder,
Muler McClelland Const. Co.. $9000.
t Pliw Kmwti lf..M.t 9 atrip mm, riirelltn
TS9 E. 27th at. N., between Fremont and
Ridgewood ave.; builder, M. W. Lorena. wooo.
, I,Ioth-w'ck avt t9tV fr,Dlf Im"1:
. 151 Broadway between Morrison and Alder
. wrecker. O. K. A Kos City Wrecking
Co.. S5O0
Perrle L. Dolph Brect 1 story frame garage,
1240 Hasalo St., between E. 41st and K.
43i1 sts. ; builder. Goo. E. Msngss. 8150.
Frank Klernan Wreck 1 atory frame store,
100-115 N. 8d St., between Flanders and
aiisaa at.; wrecker, B. F. Butler. 2no.
Dr. H. F. Ong Repair 2 story ordinary
spsrtment, 845 Columbia at., between Broad
way Park sis.; bander, i. c. tssyer, izj.
f . H. Powell Repair 1 story frame dwell.
; inc. 2S07 62d at. 8. E.. betwsea Division and
Powell Valley road. fi0.
Peter Y. Jail Repair 2 ato- frame dwell
ing. 8S5 Brazes at., between K. 27th and E
"gfh tts.: builder. Peter Ell. 875.
j W. E. Edwards Repair 1 story frame
I dwelling. 27 E. 61st at-v between E. Burn-
Flue IUU a La. , nuuuci , a.,
Frank Collins Erect 1 stonr
433 K. 39th st. Jf ., between Hancock and Tills
mock sts.; builder. U. A. Thomson, I'JOOO.
H. O. Trlplett A A. A. Ansplund Repair
4 atory ordinary apartment, 778 Gltsan at.,
between 23d and 24th sts.; builder, Otis Ele
vator Co., $2000.
J. T. A. Lock Repair 1 story frame dwell
ing. 681 Emerson at., between E. 13th and
Vernon ave.; builder, same, $30.
J. Franklin Repair 1 atory frame dwelling.
284 Watts at., between Peninsular and Bur
rage ta.; builder. FH. Wright. $50.
Fresh milk Is shipped long distances
In Brasll in perfect condition in sealed
cans with Insulated walls, blocks of
frozen milk being placed ln-jt to keep
Its temperature down.
Fearey Brothers, Inc.
it a Detain Bl
liag.. OTtlaiBd. Of.
Mortgage Company for America
Boom 82. Alnsworta Bid?,
rhon Malts 6841. Portlaad. Or.
$300 Upwards at 6-7-8
Orataoa Xavaatmeas as aCox-tarsw Oet
Offices Soa-. 170 Sat .
O f T t
JohtlStOIl G Umbargei"
411-412 Alisky Bid.
Results Guaranteed
Xroans of 110,000 and 0
On improved Business Property
4 or for Improvement Purposes).
a 42 stack airerl.
Daily or Sunday:
1H cents per word tor all classifications ex
cepting 'Tor Bent In Private Family," "Boom
and Board la Private Family." "Situation
Wanted" and "Wanted te Bent" eda. mbich
re 14 rents per word.
Three lnaertlona fof the price of two.
Seven Insertion for the price of five.
No ad taken for leas tban 13 centa.
CASH MUST accompany copy to obtain above
1 cnts per word per Insertion.
Thi charge is for all clasalflcations except
ing "For Rent tn Private Family," "Boom and
Board In Private Family." "Situation Wanted"
and "Wanted to Bent'' ads, widen are Ihi
cents per word per Insertion.
No ad charged for lena Ihsn IB cents.
162, A. F. and A. M. Spe
cial communication this Fri
day evening, August 4. at
7 5(1 o'clock.. M. M. degree.
This will be the occasion of
. . i i 1 1 . i . .
EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, bj'.ions,
pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. lSl-S th.
yitAl $ia1istics
marriages, Birtbs. Dzatfis
Charles B. Lcvar, Nsw York city, and Marie
L. Brown, Congress hotel.
Lewis R. Banks, 20rt5 Tillamook St.. and
Ethel L. Kline, same address.
Frank C. P foots. 288 lOtn St., and Glsdys
M. Cook. 1535 R8th at. 8. B.
Victor C. Cnden, 7T2 Qtjlmby. ind Irmt
Louise Lowman, 430 E. 47th N.
Herman Olson. Falrvlew, Or., and Teckla B.
Erickoon. KM E. 62d N.
IA CI Okv!U 8. Pa WeddiDg
VV i VJi OIIHUI ofc jvt
visiting cards.
Third floor.
Morgan bldg
LRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Unique
Tailoring Co., 80 Stark st
DAVBNPORT In this city, Augunt 8. Mra.
Lucy DavenDort. ace 30 years, late of Dee,
Or., beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iy.
Chevron, wife of Vernon R. Davenport, mother
of Ruth Marie Davenport, slater or Mrs. J.
Caldwell of Portland; Mrs. L Stephen of
Portland; Mrs. W. B. Delaslimutt of Spokane;
j Mrs. A. G. Dole of Jenny Und. Cal.; Mrs. T.
A . rrwmr oi lucem. ui.; neui j v u.- i 'ju
of Hood River, Or.; Louis Chevron of Buxton.
Or.; George, Frank and Lawrence of Washou
gal. Wash. Funeral will leave the parlors of
Miller & Tracer. P:30 a. m.. Saturday, August
5. Services will be hld at 10 a. m., at the
Holy Redeemer church. Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue. I&termtnt Boss City ceme
tery. COWIN'c; At the family residence. 874 Kant
Madison t.. Ausu.t 3. Thomas F. Oowlna.
' afsed 7.") years, balovtd husband of Abhle Cow
ing, rather or E. n. l-owlng, l"m r. cowing
and Mrs. Fred F-. De Pansi, all of this city.
1 The funeral services will ba conducted t the
! above residence tomorrow (Saturday), Anc-ust
15, .at 2:80 p. ffi. Friends invited to attend.
I interment Greenwood cemetery. The funersl
j W11J De Uireciea UJ A . If. neunuuu; ok v v, .
FLA NT At the residence. 705 East Gllsan
street. Aunmt 3. Mrs. Marr R.
Plant, ags
B3 veam. beloved wife of William A. Plant.
mother of Josephine, Bertha and Frances Plant.
Remains will be at the above address until 12
o'clock Saturday. Services will be held at the
Portland crematorium at 2 p. m. Arraiif ementa
In care of Miller A Tracay.
STUCK At the residence. 2V) Broadway,
Ana-ust 3. Jesse LeRoy Stuck, ace 39 years.
8,250 ' belOTed husband of Mrs. Dot Stork, and brother
j of Forest Stuck. Funersl services will he held
10 I at 2 o'clock. Saturday. August 5. -at ths pnr
1 lors of Miller A Tracey. Washington at Ella
10 i street. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery.
I HOLLAND Mra. Jannle Holland, August 1.
! aged 04 years, at 15 Handera St., widow
I o the late Willlnm Holland. Remains are fit
25,000 I Holman a funeral psrlors, and will be for
1 warded to KHlama. Wash.. Saturdav morning,
10 where funeral services will be held at 1:30
j p. ni. Interment at Ki lama.
' I KNaPP At the residence of her niece. Mrs.
j Otto Benneke. 1283 Denver sve., August 3.
1 1016. Mra. LonUe C. Knapp, age 88 years, s
; native of Germany. Ihe funeral will lie held
10 , s. fn.rt.T . 2 n. m.. at h'e Chambers Co.'s
chapel, 'corner Kllltngsworth sve. and Kerhv st.
PAGE At the family residence, Mllwaukle.
Or.. August 4. Alonio N. Page, aged M
years. Remains are at Holman's funersl par
lors. Announcement of funeral later.
BONTTV In this city, August 3, Ralph Boot
ty, late of 910 First street. The remslns re
at U residence establlshmsBt oX J. P. Flnler
Snn. Montcfiu'rv st Fifth.
CHARD Alice Chard. August 4. beloved wife
of E. F. Chard. 135 East 22d st. N. Remains
arc- st Holman's funeral parlors. Announce
ment of funersl later
MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. SR4
Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers
for all occasions artistically arranged.
main. S-.16- wreaths, pillows. S3 up,
Sprays $1 up. Chappell's. 347 Mor
rison. ,
CLAKKK BKOd.. tloriala. 28 7 Monlsun
et. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers
and floral designs. No btanch stores.
bet. 4th and nth Main 5102. A-1I02
Oscar johnson floral co.,
Ollssn m. Mar 4372. A-1484.
MAX M SMITH florist. M1H 6th st
Lady Assistant
MAIN 507. A-1511
F, S. Dunning, Inc.
East Side Funeral directors, 414 E.
Alder et. Phone Bast 52. B-25S&.
A. R. Zellar Co East lOfts. C-1081.
Lady attenuant U&y and night service.
Walter C, Kenworthy
1532-US4 E. 13th. Pel i wood 71, B-llSi
' r 9 ir Lnuervaaers,
UUnnillK Oi rVIUCI IICO Modern in
eery aetatl. uroaaway ana iriom sie.
ttrosawty sau. A-4ass ijiov iwiihiu.
CI CVA CO Undertaking Co. Mam 4152
OrLULO A-2321. Cor. 3d and
tnlUOUIN M. 6122. A-2235. 44 MoFr
UomiUnn East Kh and Gli-iii
nailllllUII neral services
Tabor 4S11
102 seiment. mx 14Ux. xmaar rtnwit
Progressive Funeral Directors
Montgomery at Fifth
New residence establlsnment.
Wmi-. ave. Wdln. 220. C-164J.
Undertaker, East 11th and Haw
thorne. E. 781, B-18M. Iidy assistant.
MILLER ac TRACE i. independent fu
neral directors. Prices low as 120.
S4D. JnO. Wash, at Ella. M. Z6U1. A-78S5.
4th St., opp. city hall. Main 54
Phllln Neu Sons, for memorials.
1U 2fe7-tSTcc.woi;
WILL sacrifice on new, modern 5 room
bunara ow. all built Ins. ete. isico
home or good renting proposition. 2
blocks car. Aiaxe oner, uive easy
terms. Will consider city lot in. Al
berta car to 80th and Killlngswortn.
east to Slid St.. house 1186 E. 3ild K.
CHOICE Rose City Park bungalow, on
corner of 39th ana i iuamoon, witn
6 large rooms, finished with every
modem- and latest convenience. If
you are looking for a well built home
be fiure to see this one. T. B. Wln
8 hi p. Tabor 2124
Read This
Have You $550 Cash?
If you have I will sell you a nice Ut-
tle home Call 818 Corbett bldg
FOUR lots, half acre, and good & room
houae, 7714 Division St., near new
Franklin high and Hawthorne car, fin0
land, large fruit trees, house modem
except basement, price $2000. term.
Owner there 2 to f. Tabor 5061.
FIVE room bungalow, Lutch kitchen,
sleeping porch, full basement, neariy
new, lot 60x100, near car and school,
1750, $300 cash, bargain. Alberta.
Wdln. 4621. .
JUST completed. ? reom bungalow,
modern, hardwood floor in living and
dining rooms, full cement basement,
all built In conveniences-; 858 Castel
MUST leave town; will sell for half
Its value 6 room house, partly fin
ished, 4 lots. $800 cash, and you as
sume $600 mortgage. G-B8, Journal.
BEAUTIFUL. horned just f Inishtd.
must be sold , this week, no reason
able offer refused, am going east
Phone Main 6.f.33.
RARE opportunity. On paved E. 21st,
nr. Powell, business property 78x100
(3 ots), $1600, terms or monthly pay
ments. Lot on Kllllngsworth. E. itth
and Brown ave. 204 ft. front, 1 1 40 J,
terms or monthly payments. Sell-
wood 771.
SICKNESS compels sacrifice of
my I
clear lot in Jonesmore, near uusan.
Cost $900. Sell for $500 If taken at
once. Z-850. Journal.
WEST side attractive buy. 100x100
with 7 room house, S. w. cor. l-th
and Hall sts. Terms. Owner 'la. 3482.
50 DOWN, $1200 FOR ALL.
Parkrose full acre, 2 separate 1
room anacas, l cnicKen nouse wmi
fenced-in yard," good ized root cellar
and small shed-barn, ground all clear
ed and only 2 blks. to car. uai. ii
per mo., which Includes 6 Int. (Wa
ter piped to shack). See Mr. Wilson.
Tabor 6868. C-2121. Cor. 4am ana
Sandy, branch ortice. nartman
FOR SALE yarter section or ex
cellent farm land, one ana one na.r
milH from railroad station, live town
and high school; 160 acres cultivated;
no buildings: win oe soia at a sacii
fice; price $2.50; half cash, balance
easy terms. Address Box 84, Heppner,
$6 ACRE 620 acres good land
r biock; plenty wna p,
feet good fire kUled timber,
east fork Lewis river runs through
this land; Portland 30 miles. l nis
place Is on county road, 2 Vi miles to
station; terms. P-!3j. Journal.
20 ACRKS, $600.
Easy terms, only 25 miles from Port
land, running water, good soil, close
to school and stores, 1 mile to R. R.
station and towv.
605 Stock Exchange Rldg.
tS down. SI week. 400 buys you a
home and In bearing fruit; Alberta car,
directly east 8 blocks of Kennedy's
new school; on tract an aay Sunday.
1003 Cham, of t om. Mag.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close 10 'car-
line, easy term., will build to sun pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Bell-
wood 47B. John H. Olbwon. onr.
near Portland, i. 5. 10 acre tiacta.
best soil, good roads, near electric, $63
at $200 per acre, easy terms. Aicrar-
lanrl. 30 Tenn Ding., foruanq
20 ACRES of unimproved land, 1 4
miles from town ann railroad sta
tion, for $500. terms, from owner. I-.
1C64 Minnesota ave. Kenton
EITHER 8 or 20 seres, places near Ti-
card; to raise some cash will sacri
fice. Phone Mar. 1S02.
Our exDerts. heHded by Earl H. Fry.
know the value of every farm in thi.
section this iniormallon 4s free
they can put you in touch with the
plate you want to buy or trade for.
You can't afford not to see them.
1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
84 acres.', 25 in cultivation. I acres
grain. 9 hay, 1 acre potatoes. 1 acre
garden, rest in pasture, pood on hard,
house, new barn 60x40. running jfeam,
good well, all for $3300. 1 mile south
of Damascus. Write Mary Pier. Clack
amas, OiRmitsl.
480 acres, 460 in cultivation, best
wheat land in the county, houat.
barn, plenty of water- owner wants h
good $5000 house in Portland aa first
payment; price $36 an acre. M. Fiia
maurlce. Condon, Or.
TEN acres at Beaverton. all in crop,
family orchard, good' buildings,!
Stock, chickens, etc.. only $4500; terms.
E. A. Hendricks. Beaverton, Or.
fio iirrps To ,miles from
Vancou vei
Wash Paid over $175 an 'acre a year
ago, will sell at a big; bargain. 82 E.
Ainsworth ave. .
KINK, acres, all tn cultivation. I n
-prunes, good crop, sell equity of
$2200 for $4f.O cash. 288 K. 4Jth st
ch for sale. rlce i
ISO ACRE fctock ran
$1200. W C. Pkasrgs. Denser Or.
FOR SALE 8 acre chicken . ranch.
near 5c oarline, good school and
roads, 3 year lease. Crops, grain,
spuds, cabbage and kale; 900 chickens,
incubators, brooders. Bull Run water,
fas. This Is a snap; going east. N-60.
ouraal. .
WANTED To rent well equipped
dairy ranch; may buy stock and n.a
chinery; prefer Mult. Co.; aive location
arjd particulars. N-963, Joornal.
RELIABLE party would rent 5 to 16
acres with buildings, cloate in. H-
WANT to buy a farm; not mora than
100 miles from Portland, from 20 to
BO acres Improved for farm use. Pries
must be right for cash. Give full de
scription In first letter. PX-M8.
WANTED-r-To rent well Improved i
acres, wore or less, from party who
buys my t room home In Portland
worth J000, nothing down. In
terest; miht trade. E. 17th at.
W ILL furnish from 10 to 100 acres,
all under plow, or part or not
cleared, and with or without house,
beBt of land, close to eleotrto Una, 15
miles to Portland; will grow anything;
location Wash. Co., N. W, from Port
land. Price reasonable, H clear prop
erty, balance terms. Box 101. Forest
Prove. Or.
EIGHT acres, 4 A. in bearing orchard,
7 room house small barn. In city
limits, close to big mill, where you can
fet all the work you want. eSOoO, will
rade for equity in house, vacant lots
or auto u
Henry bl
STRICTLY modern room house,
white enamel bath room and kitch
en; mortgage 145u; 120 per month.
Want good dental worit, wood, furni
ture or carpets. Main 6972 or U-24.
3 ROOM house and lot, cement base
ment, sanitary barn, 8 fruit trees,
plumbing, for $500 or trade for acre
age. Take Kenton car to Mississippi
ave., one block north, half block east.
110 E. RuBsett St.
125 acres, Clackamas. 45 acres im
proved, good buildings, 10 head
cattle, good team, hogs, all imple
ments, to trade for city or suburban
property. EX-2t, Journal.
EQUITY in farm land 25 miles from
Portland to trade for something In
the east. Kansas preferred. What
have you? Cieorge C. Carroll, 200
McMlllen st.
house, ground 100x200. Taxes and A
years' Insurance paid. S miles from
Long Beach, Waush. V-57, Journal.
GROCERY Invoice $2600. Bales 150
per day. Old. established. Will take
part cash and first mortgage or city
property. No agents. N-4 4, .Journal.
WE are looking for city property to
match our farms and ranches.
R1CHANRACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bid.
TROUT Lake, Wash., farms for clear
property or
r late model &
em, Guler, Wash.
pass, auto. Dr. Heisni
$109 CASH and equity in 160 acres in
eastern Oregon for house equity
East 762S.
13 H. K. rooms, also clear acreage, for
clear house, lots or auto. D-7Z, Jour
nal. STORE house and barn. 60x150 lot
for unimproved land. 404 Couch
BUNGALOW for unimprevod acreage,
close in. Owner. W'oodln. 2329
EWEN Realty Co. has moved from
Panama bldg. to 404 ( oucn bids,.
$4000, 8, mortgages to exchange for
acreage. Mastersen, 202 Wilcox bid.
A VKRY fine bargain, 18 room room
ing house, all rooms lateen; win sen
cheap; no agent. Owner. 312 Colum-
bia St.. near W. Park. Fhone A-60.6.
Feed and sale stable with auto serv
ice, gas filling station, 1000 below
Invoice, 30 miles from Portland, sU
un acct. sickness. Bee Ross lnyajrt.
Hotel Venable, 8d and Main sts., Iftt
1 and 5 p. m.
BUSINESS men, attention. Party
wants to exchange wheat ranch
under crop for stock of goods and pay
cash difference on invoice; quick ac
tlon desired. 32i Morgan bldg.
Small sawmill with plenty of pine
timber. Good proposition. For further
particulars write to E. L. Root, Mosier1,
AUTO repair shop and service car,
central location; energetic man can
easily clear 1125 monthly on small ln-
I vestment. 3 Ji Morgan bldg.
IFOR SALE Cigars, tobacco, soft
I drinks and plain groceries. Leon
than cost price. Must leave town at
, onca
Call 284 N. l.Ul.
CONFECTIONERY, cigars and light
grocery; rent of store and apart
ments for light Janitor work. N-J4,
ui '
FOR SALE or rent, furnished room
ing house centrally located on main
business street. Astoria. i. 11. Welch,
Astoria. Or.
LIGHT manufacturing; active partner
wanted; light, easy work; patent;
$1250 required; consider Ford or cletr
r ealty part payment . L-42, Journal.
PAYING cash grocery, market loos
tlon; dally sales $35: w
y sales 135: win trade for
May trade for lots if clear
with a little cash
829 Morgan bldg.
WEEKLY newspaper and well
equipped Job plant for sale In Ore
gon town of 2000; paper established
over 14 years. SX-5S, Journal.
OLD,' established grocery doing a rood
business, located in a good residence
district. Stock and fixtures aboal
$1800. JX-21, Journal.
PROFITABLE lunch room at sacrifice
If taken quick. Desirable location.
Borne cash. Main 1651.
EQUIPPED lunch wagon or can be
used for any small business or gar
rage. $40. Coot $200. 498 Ollssn.
RESTAURANT for sale cheap, one of
the best propositions In Portland;
aroori biiwlnews, low rent. Hi Qrsnd ave.
MILLINERY store; bargain If taken
at once; fine location. Phone East
3440. .
A SNAP, will teach and sell my busi
ness. Owen. The Hatter. 4,5 Court
Pt., Palem, Or.
RESTAURANT Will sell outright or
consider partner. Have good loca-
tlon. Phone Main 4789.
STRICTLY bargain, picture ' show;
rent paid yr. in advance. Swank, 601
Northwest bldy.
CLEANING and dyeing business, well
established, 1 wagon, no rent. Tabor
ICE cream stand at Peninsula park for
sale cheap. Call 1260 Alblna ave.
PRACTICE for sale, good location.
Box 189. White Salmon, Wash.
FOR SALE or trade
restaurant. Wdln.
689, C-1Z5Z.
LrUOli grocery Duwnens lor sale,
splendid location. C-56. Journal.
WANT to trade suburban lots, clear
I of all Incumbrance, for grocery
or otherlsmall business. U-28. Journal.
BU1LDINC loans on city and suburban
property; money advanced as work
progresses. W. d. Beck. Sit Falling
sblle Mslf S4P".
FOR immediate loans at 7 $2000,
$2269, $3000. J. c. coroin Co., Lewis
llvu.uou ON mortgages, city or Urm
property, fire insurance. McKensle
A Co. (Berllnger bldg.. ltd end Allr
CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con
tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable
rt" F H l.wls. Lobby 4. Lewis blrtg
kONt-V to loan on improved city, larnj
property F. C. King. .i4 Spalding.
100. $. 0w. 00, l.oo. $1b00.
Fred W Oerinwn Co.. 782 Cham. Com
so 4th St. Board of Trade Bids:.
bK us Small loans. Installment loans.
Cellar-Murton Co.. 625 Yeon bldg.
iluOO, tloou and upward; no Mmmii
ston. reshon A Hawk. Main lis..
MORTGAGE. LOANS, 6 and 1 Louis
Salomon & Co.. SOO Oak st. near 6th
UOMKX so least, to gfr. W. SWI
CoSlO Spalding bade
OL'K inatalimant pian is ue best an4
surest metnod or pajrlnar a loan. per month for lit month, or
til. 24 for 0 months, or
115. IT for months bay a a
loan and Interest. f- '
utner amounts in proportion.
We loan on improved city property ,
Or for building purposes. .
No commission chamed. ' S
Z4Z MtaR st.. portisnd, Oregon, ?
MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $lwa '
to Jouwo on city property. .
A. H. Bell. .01 Qerllnger bldg.1 -
We loan money on Dlanoa. house- -
hold goods, and also to -
VV OK K.1MU Vk.UVL,iL. J -
317 Failing Bldg.
tALAltib.o CHATTKLti,
Money to losn to salaried people and
others on furniture, pianos, motror '
cycles, automobllsa, diamonds, eto., at
legal rates, witn easy terms or pay
ment; no delay. Licensed by stats. v
10 Dekum Bldar.
WANTED From private party.
Of 12500; will give first
security on well Improved, olooe In
acreage worth IROOO. fx-18, journal.
1400 OR Jli'iOu at 7 per cent from;
pnvmo ytkiKjt 'iv uuiuiiiiaaivu, vii mm
acreB, WashinKton Co. Marshall 44K,
$500, 8.
160 acres timber. N-41
850 AT 7, improved property wortn
S50 AT 7, improved property wor
$2000; n o a K e n t s. T-73S, JournaL-
1st and id mortgage purchased; also
sellers' interest In contracts. 0 and'
Wash. H. K. Noble, f.iimbermens bldg. :
SALESMEN wanted to sell the Vroo-
man strain Fianquette fc-ngllsn WJ f
nut, together with a complete line of s..
nursery stocK; cash weeaiy, ouiin ,v
free. Address capital cay Nurssry r
Co.. Ralem, Or. "' ; i
WA NTETj -Experienced" window trim-
mer and card writer for Portland j
store. Must be fast, all around man. -Give
full experience and salary you.
can earn. J-86, Journal. - 4;
EXPERIENCED city solicitor lor old!
established house. One who under- J
stands drug or furniture trade pre
ferred Olve references. Bruary ib ;
per wepk to start.
Li-4 7 , J ournni.
O-W. R. & N. Co. free
office. 2 47 M Couch. , :
Wanted 100 men, fence, trac, la.
borers. etc.. railroad construction)
w,ryrR. Free faref good camps.
i Oortlaref! )
WANTED Young intn to work as :
news agents on R. R. train; caeh 4
bond required. Cole News Co., 141 ', ,
Nioth st; .C;:"
10 MEN wanted For sawmill out of
town, wages $2.60 per day to $4.60- K
T, .1. Reiifert, fiOl Title A Trust bldg.
BANDMEN wanted lor amateur band, S
Inquire Phillips & Thompson. Wood- , C-&
lawn .1 2 J' : i
WANTED man to make his home ?
with us In the country . small waiea, '(
Address CX-21 Journal. ' '
W X NT Kl -A .woodsawycr. Apply 411 $'
E. Clay. , -
smpiu nirl
Day and night classes; training tn
repairing, driving and machine work,
Including forge, lathe, nhaper, drill.
press, etc.: time unlimited.
pass at
t educational office Y M. C A,
bidg.. to Inspect our
o lnnpect our shops and meth-
tion lee includes MEMBERSHIP IN
Y. M. C. A. and Its EMPLOYMENT
DEPARTMENT, use of 0-ft. swim
ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium,
etc . ;
WANTED 10 high scnool graduates
to take short conrse In title work;
most valuable experience; send name
and address. J. S. Knuuss, abstract ,
room, court liouwe.
WANTED 100.) men to pay SOo to sea
Billy Mascot t and Joe Gorman bog
6 rounds at the Ituso City Athletlo
club Friday right, August 4.
WANTED, at once, two men to learn ..
automobile repairing and dtivinf. f
Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw- .
thorne ave.
MEN. women wanted, government lobs.
$76 month. Write for list portions. ' '
Trunklln institute. Dept. $4iR, Hooheaw '
ter. N Y.
WANTED Names of men, 11 or over,
wishing government jobs. $76 month.
EX-.4. Journal. - :
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $$.60
up. Taylor the Tailor. Mi.-nelde.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers
wiihUd. Apply Tru lilu Iliscuit CO,
K lh and HhvIs.
Woman to do kitchen work for her-
husband's room and board. 610 N.
?lnt nl j afternoons and evenings off.
KXPER1KNCED chambermaid with
illy references. ChI Hotel Arthur,
WOMAN tor 20 miles out; must be
aonrl fountrv cook for 6. Sell 04.
Marvelous power of washing clothes
snowy white in 10 minutes without
rubbing Is appreciated. Try It. Pack
age 15c (5 washings) two or more de
livered. N. Anderson pnone wooa
lawn 274S: Portland. Or
Wants men end women to lean ths
trade; paid while learning; tools free;
positions secured; summer rates; writ
for catalogue Cor Jfl end Bumslds.
aautii-r-H uaroer kciiooi warns luetl
and women to learp barber trade, .
free t weeks. Positions secured, Pag
while learning. $ N 2d St.
OHtlioN UAltbkh COi.Ln.UsW Ua
and women to eau
free 2a.t Msdlson st
bai uer Irawe
STATE right for sale. Ideal Miter too 1.
Call al E. SKth. '
BOY of 14 would like place to work
for board and small wages sufficient
for clothes, within mile or so of Mfh
school. Address Mrs. L. C. D., Bin:
gen. Wash, Box "2.
By married man, so, on a large farm
or ranch where mechanlo would ba
appreciated part of time. Tillamook
or Coos Co. preferred. B-27, Journal.
GARDENING hothoua), farming or
teaming wanted: married, no chil
dren; wife light housekeeping; state
wegew. T7-20, Journal.
WANTEJ Brickwork, boilers, cblni' '
neys, concrete work and plastering,
estimates given. Burley, 408 Washlng
ton. Marshall 2961.
YOUNG married rnan wants work. -Ci-pertenced
grocery clerk and carpen
ter. P-8. Journal.
COMPETENT shop mechanics and
chauffeurs furnished by Y. M, C. A.
An to school. Main 7066. A-6661.
v hea position driving
on horse delivery wagon,
East 6628.
NIGHT cook, short order. Can talcs
charge. Phone mornlnge, Wdln. 1026.
YOUNG man, 19. wants work of y
KHIU. -o 19, f sm a a
NIGHT oook. short order. Cin take !
Charge. Phone mornlnf s. Wdln. $026.
WOOD finishing, enameling and paint
Iner: for srood Work call Tabor J766. '
GUARANTEED panerlng and tlaUuaV,
cheap. Tabor 8258. . ";
PAlNTlNO and tlntlny: saliafUoB
ruaran'.esa. Bellwood 2776.
(OoaUi .aad cm Xaat 9f)